Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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It 1 a dangf-rons M wr-Il atMrfme cmui'inmi. II lends , \ > r Imputing nntritlnn , and do
rr nine Inn twin of the irstem , to prepare the wai
fur llapid Detllne.
anil complnHr ' ! nrr DynnopMn In all
Itn forme , llrnrtiiurii , llrlrnliiB. Tnstlnw the
I'ood. Ac. Itcnricbciiiand purltlm the Mood , fttlmn.
l t i the nppMlto , ami ! ( ! th assimilation of food ,
llrv. J. T. Ifosirrm. th honored m tor of the
lint Reformed Chnrch. Haltlmoro , Md.paj-t :
'llnTins need llrown'H Iron Hilton for ljppop l
nil ImllRpKtlon. I take great pleasure In n > com <
tixTHllti.R It hlulilr. AlsoconMdrr It A itplendid tonic
and lntl < for tor , and TITT rtrenjrthenlnir , "
Oennlna ha * nbove trade mark and crowd rod Hnei
rnwmmwr. Tnkr nn nllirr. Madnonljhr
IIKIIUJV rill , MIUAI. CO. . HAl.TIMOItr. , Mil ,
iMDiro' HAND HOOK nwfnl and attractlre.con-
talntna list of prlzen for rrclpe * . Inforrnatlmi aboul
coin * , eto. . eircn Away l > y all dealer * tn medicine. 01
onrpcelp * of ho. etarap.
cc. AvlctlmofyouthfnUmprudenco
inc 1'rcmaturo Decay , NorvomDebility , Lost
Alanhood , Ao.having tried In vain every known
romody.hasnieco\ered n fflmtilo means of eelf-cure ,
which ho will npnd Kill : ! : to hin ( llow-BUTi ( > ror .
Address. J.ll.Kl VKb. 13 Chathamat-.Now York.
Indigestion Cured ,
I Butlercd for more than flvo roars with Indiges
tion , scarcely nble lo retain the simplest foaa on
pyl Etonuch. Thobur nlng sensation wag almost
Jntolorablo , and my whole lyetem was deranged I
vaswakelul andoonld net tleep , and consequently
' nero or less norvois all the time. I decline In flesh
Jnd suffered all the usual depression attendant upon
, his terrible disease In a word , I was miserable. At
; ast , falling to find relict In anything else. I com-
anouced the uao of Swift's Specific. I began to Im
prove at once. The m'dlr.Iao toned up the elom-
ach , strengthened the dlfrrstlvo organs and goon all
that burning ceased , and I could rtt Iu food without
difficulty. Now my health Is good , and can oat any
thing In thoeharjo of food , end digest It without
the Bllghest difficulty. I most cheerfully bear tbla
testimony bocnuat there are hundreds suffering as I
was , and lam lure can be aa readily healed. Take
the prescribed dose after eating Instead of boforo.
JAMftS MANN , No. 14 Ivy street.
Atlanta , Oa. , May 13,1885.
oTreatlso on blood and skin diseases mailed froo. or
rThoSwIfttJpecMoCo. , Drawers , Atlanta , G
W 16T2SdS , N-
. _ . .
G17 St. Chiiflus tr. ? | SI. liit ; < 5 Srq ,
vj itreJlu tb9 > i > f iftitreatne4t of CHU.OHIC , JU tOv , r " " '
rol BU . JJiai s.Mthin inj ether i'bjilcitn Ja flt l
M * -Hypi'ri thowhtU A'.loU rrl < Jtati taow.
Nervous Oiostratlon , Dclililtri Menlsl - . .
Physical V'iaknoss , Mcrcurlol and other AIV
' lions ol Throat. Skin or nones.
Md Snrcb anJ Ulcers * ro Kr vi
.rj ie
or t9rmtri ,
d inia-v > or .
IK lid. PvtrUt-n. Illun. trl ! s < Iclb n3 jllttb
Kncivtr CfcU i iiru * . ) * > t.r eoveti , v e. Tell
. & i Uv curloui , douttrai or laCMtlvc v
A L il. ttinti ILU MI K > til ,
ur f ; U' > M
James Medical Institute
Chartered by thiStatcof Jill- i
noU forthcexpresapurpose i
of glvine Immediate rellctln
oil chronic , urinary and pri e
vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , c
Olect andSyphillsin all their
compllcateit forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and a
Blood promptly relieved and i :
pcrmancmlycured by reme-
. t > ] > ctlutl'rattlre. Seminal vli va
Weakness , fiRM Losses by Dreams , Pimples on' li
the Face.Lost Manhood , l > o ltivelyctireil.Tlirre lia
tttio cjriicrlitiriitliHl. The appropriate remedy a
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med lifi
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on o
package to Indicate contents or Bender. Address b
DR.JAMES.No. 204WashIngton St.Chcasolll. ! fi
fiK fie
Law department of Drake University , Dos ifoiner , n
Iowa. Bend for Catalogue. Addretu A. U. UoVev ,
Dean or J , S. Clark. Secretary , care Cole UcVey i ; a
Clark. Des&tolnes low * . m&e awk
o :
r !
A Clear Skin tlb ai
is only a part of beauty 0 !
but it is a part. Every lady Vi
may have it ; at least , what 01
looks like it. Magnolia to bt
Balm both freshens and btfii
beautifies. g *
Disastrous Efitct nf Hydraulic
on California Riyers ,
The FrofllB of the Custom HOMBC
Illnr * In ClilncBO Oortlflcntci The
Vintage- the Yo r The Ccm-
ctcry of Atlvonturcro.
SAN FKAKCISCO , August 0. The con-
dltion of the Sacramento river is oxeltlnf
mnoh attention. The navigation of the
stream la almost mined. Where n fen
years ago largo ships fonnd a cafe chan <
no ) , now a vessel of lightest draft ctnnol
go. Steamers drawing thrco or four feet
cannot take freight to Sacramento whore
ocean steamers uaed to go. This is the
unmistakable result of washing debris
from dydraullc mines Into the stream.
Injunctions latnbd against the hydraulic
companies are not obeyed. Sentiment In
the mining regions is so strong In favoi
of contlnlng mining that it Is dangerous
for law officers to bo scon there. Mining
Is still Rolng on , nnd the streams and bay
are getting shallower. Even Sin Fran
cisco harbor la badly Injured. Some call
for help from the general government
and some for stringent action of the
courts , but no combined movement is
probable at present. Apparently it will
bo but a short tlmo before Sacramento Is
entirely cat off from water communica
Atlrnsted by the remarkable number
of Chinamen arriving with certificates of
former residence , who manifestly had
never been In the United States before ,
the Ohronlclo lisa made a thorough in
vestigation of the matter , and unearthed
a startling state of affair * , By compari
son of certificates issued hero to China
men claiming to bo absent en lo vo for
China with the actual number calling ] it
was fonnd that since the restriction act
wont Into force npward of 3,000 certifi
cates have been mued to dummy appli
cants. Those have boon sent to China
and sold to emigrants. The price at first
having boon $500 lor a woman and $300
for a man , but afterward falling to $150
and $00 , it Is calculated that at least
$300,000 has been realized , snd the ex
istence of a ring , Including present em
ployes of the custom house , Is directly
The vintage season has begun and good
authorities estimate that the output will
not exceed 11,000,000 gallons ogainst
15.000,000 last yosr. The falling off la
duo to the last frost In Nap a and Sonoma
countlcr , the great wine grape regions of
tbo northern part of the state. It Is not
expected that the quality of wines will bo
superior , ho never , as the business is
pasting from the domain cf ozporlment
to an exact science. Notwithstanding
the short crop , wlno makers have com
bined to lower the price paid to vine
yards , and from $9 to $18 a ton is of
fered , where last year with a far larger
crop , $20 to $35 was paid. As the cost
it production is much leas than $5 per
ton , there Is a good margin of profit.
Many largo grape and hop growers are
imploying white help in place of Ohi-
icse. The latter are very arrogant in
holr demands , and white people make
rood wines at rates loss than Chinese no-
iopt. In one Instance a large number
if Mongolians struck for $115 a day in-
tosd of $1 , and their places were 1m-
aedlately filled with whites at $1.
Bishop Clawson , a Mormon , has come
0 California to study the outlook for a
irgo settlement of saints. In early days
Srlgham Young established a settlement
t San Bernardino with the expectation
f colonizing all Southern California ,
ifterward the saints wore reo tiled to
1 tab , but many of them refuted to go.
lany Mormons yet remain In varlons
arts of the southern counties , though
boy are mostly Josephltos and do not
oliovo In polygamy or recognlza the
> alt Lake church. Olawaon says that
rlth a promise to bo dealt with fairly , a
ongregation of 15,000 Intelligent and
roll-behaved people In this state will bo
ssnred. The Mormon bishop will , how-
vor , find It difficult to secure foothold
Dr his followers.
The Colorado desert is again claiming
lotlms who rashly venture there. Hugo
Pleaman ana Paul Knoch , wealthy
; ranpora probably from the east , started
om Los Angeles with n team to cross
10 desert to Ytima In May last. They
mt their baggage and a largo sum of
toney by rail to their destination. The
ion have never been hoard from , and
loir property lies at the depot In Yama.
robably they were lost on the road
id died from thirst. Tire minors who
ft Ynma recently for a mine sixty
lies away , got out of water. Ono was
und cteud silicon miles from his des-
aatlon , and the other also ( load from
Irat 100 yards from a spring. Many
o lost every year , but no record ot
om is kopt. A correspondent kept an
count one summer of tbictaon.
EVER0 , leading J physicians recommend
suded by loading Physicians. Sold by Drug-
its and Grocers.
o Is Forced by Hoiponilbllity Into
Showing His True Colors.
stroll Free Press ,
Hero la a regiment with Ita right flank
sting on the woods Ita loft in an open
ild near a group of hey Blacks. Three
oooa of artillery In front have been
Hying into the plno thickets half a mlle
ray for the laat ton mluutea , bat wlth-
it provoking any reply.
Watch this man thli second llonton-
t of company F. He Is almost a giant
atzB. Ho baa a fierce eye , a roaring
Ice , and men have said ho was an bravo
a lion. When the regiment swung
Lo position and the battery opened , ho
Id to himself :
"How foolish In as to attack the en-
ly when ho was seeking to retreat ! This
mder will cott ns many lives. Oar
B will toDn be returned , and It will bo
od'by to ha'f onr regiment , I shall be
0 of the first to fall. If I was one of
3 rear-rank privates , I'd give all the
mey I hope to aver have. "
As throe five ten minutes pass away
d the fire Is not returned , the coward
jlna to pluck up heart. Ho bloaters at
j men , tries 10 joke with the officers
hi * right and lays to himself :
"Egidl bat this may tarn out all
ht. We are In no danger thus fir ,
1 If the enemy retreats wo shall share
i credit. I must try and make every-
ly bellevo that I am disappointed be-
iso wo have not been ordered to ad *
100. "
3oom shriek crash ! Now the enemy
n fire In reply. They have six guns
tnswer three. In two minutes they
i the range and a shell killi or wounds
i or six men. The coward's cheeks
w pale again , and he whltpeis ;
'Great ' heavens I but wo shall all be
ighlored ! Why doesn't the colonel
order ns to retire ? Why are men kop
hero to bo shot down In this way ? Wha
n fool I was t ot to tjo on the sick 11s
last night ? If it wisn't that so many an
looking at mo , I'd lay down to escape th' '
fire ! "
Another eholl a third fourth fifth
and thirty or forty men have beoi
killed. Men won't stand that long
They must cither retreat or advance.
"Wo shall advance , " whispers the
coward. "Tho order will como to dasl
forward and take thcso guns. Shot am
shell and grape will leave none of ni
allvo. What folly to advance 1 I hope i
m y bo slightly wounded , so that I shal
have an excuse * for seeking cover in semi
of those ditches. "
An aid rides up to the colonel and
gives an order , The colonel rides to thi
head of his line and orders the line ,
droisod for an advance. The men dron
under a hot fire , and the coward groani
"It Is awful to dlo this w yl Eon
Idiotic in mo to accept n commission tc
enter the service to put myself in fronl
of doathl Oh , dear ! If I conld only gel
some excuse for lagging behind ! "
Tbo lines dash forward into the smoke
the enemy's fira grows moro rapid
the dead and wounded strew the ground.
Where and what of tbo coward ? Throe
days later the colonel's report will road :
"I deslro to make special mention ol
the case of Lieut. . As the regi
ment advanced the captain and first lieu
tenant of company F were killed by the
same shell , leaving the second lieutenant
of company F In command. Ho was
equal to the emergency. Springing to
the head of the company , ho encouraged
the men for a moment and then led them
straight at tbo guns , two pieces of which
wore captured by the company. "
A moment later the coward wai a cap
Boiuo Foolish People
Allow n cough to run until it Rets beyond
the reach of modlcinq. They often say , Oh ,
it will wear away , but in mos cnses it weare
them away , Could they bo induced to try
the successful medicine , called Kemp's Bal
sam , which wo sell on n positive guarantee to
euro , they would immediately nee the excel
lent effect after taking the first dose. Price
60o nnd 51.00. Trial size fret. Vet sale by
Schroter & Conrad , No. 21115th street !
Catllo Disease la England.
National Stockman.
No people , perhaps , have over made
moro persistent , moro judicious , and hot
ter directed efforts to rid their country of
llvo stock contagoon than have the En
glish In the last few years. Those who
have watched the veterinary policy which
obtains in the United Kingdom , and its
close and constant application to the
work which it was designed to accom
plish , cannot do othornlso than admlro
its thoroughness and comparative cffi-
iloncy. Absolute froodomjfrom disease
ias never In that time been secured , but
here has been sufficient of an approxi
mation to it to vindicate the manage-
uont cf the government in seeking tno
iradlcatlon of fta worst forma. Even
low ontbroaks of ona kind and another
ire reported almost every week , but they
, ro becoming lees and less frequent , and
nvolvo fewer and fewer animals.
? hia gradual Improvement has been quite
loticeable for aomo time , and If the same
endency is kept up the English farmer
lay yet have the satisfaction of which he
as so long been robbed , of fooling moas-
rablo secnity respecting his flocks and
Wo confess that wo have felt all along
Dinowhat incredulous as to the outcome
f the English management of disease ,
3r it has been the case for so many years
tint gain in one direction has been at
nee counterbilanced by loss in another.
t has been only within a year past that
ermanent Improvement has been clearly
efined. Now , however , veterinary per-
atenco la receiving a distinct reward ,
1th fair prospects that it may at last
loot with still moro gratifying success.
We cannot think , though , that the
eculiar discrimination of English sanl-
iry regulations against American stock
i all these years has boon well grounded.
b has only boon within a year or two
iat there has been any special dovolup-
tent of llvo stock disease in this conn-
ry , and consequent ground for such dia-
rimlnation. It is palpably evident that
mch of the disease wo now have Is of
inellah origin , and that this country has
ill'ared much moro In a sanitary way
ian England has from the interchange
[ cattle between the two countries.
There is much In English veterinary
anogomont that the United States
ould do well to Imltato. Wo , as people
tow altogether too much of a dlsposl-
on to dispense wholly with veterinary
gnlators and to this carelessness is at-
ibutablo much of the tronblo With
lilch wo have boon visited. Wo need
copy English thoroughness and porsls-
nco as well as English willingness to
.brnlt to the Inconveniences consequent
ion the enforcement of udwolcomo
adloatlvo measures and quarantine
gnlitlons. The mother country is
any points ahead of us in all these
lugs. All this may as well bo ackuow-
3god , for we will never be In as good a
ndltlon to Improve BS when wo were
ady to oonfeas the need of Improve-
ant. Our veterinary provisions have
iver been commensurate with the In-
rests Involved and this lack is a con-
nt menace to the prosperity of the
sck-ralsing industry.
Small Watcbca.
Benson's watch , the size of a sixpence ,
Dates a sensation at the London "In-
n tor leu. " There Is another , the size of
thllllng , which shows the tlmo , the
ar , the month , the day of the month
d week , and the phasi of the moon ,
arranges llsalf to suit the exigencies of
ip year. It repeats , when required ,
a hours , the quarters , and minutes on
leop-toued gong. It Is priced at 500.
Death ot Boon Lord ,
ifoniusTOwN , Sept. 10. The Hon. Scott
rd , of New York , died at Morris Plains at
30 this morning.
Hie discovery of a new star la always
lied with delight by astronomers , The
covery of Bed Star Cough Cure is ,
trover , moro Important to all who
nt a pure cough medicine.
nc th Iron. Omncer In the Throat.
? insBuno , Sept. 10. Co ) . Wm. Shirwell ,
nmauder of the Seventy-eighth Penniylva-
regiment during the late war , died laat
; ht In Klttanninp , Pa. , from cancer in the
oat. The symptom * were an exact coun-
part of those of Gen , Grant.
rjisn Baby WM sick , wo garo her CutorU ,
'lien ' she wu a Child , she cried for Castorla ,
lien she became lIUs , she clour ; to V jtorit ,
Ita ill * had ClUldrea , ih gn U wCutorl *
HoVB Not Prepared ,
Ejety Other Saturday.
A few years : ago the people of n , oerlnl
township were about to colebtnto th
opening of a now bridge , and Invited
yonng lawyer to deliver the oration. H
had made no written preparation , sup
posing that a lawor ought to bo capabl
of speaking without note or notice an ;
number of hours , on any subject , In
atylo of thrilling eloquence.
Therefore , ho treated to tno occasion
Bo Blood out npon n platform orcctci
near the bridge Mid bcgnn amid the pro
fonnd and attentive tllenco of his and !
once :
"Follow-cltlzons : .Fivo and forty year
ago this bridge , ballt by your enterprise
was part and parcel of the howllnj
Ho pauEod R moment. "Yes , follow-
cUlzBUs , only five and forty yoata URI
this bridge , where no nor stand ) wai
n howling wilderness 1"
Again bo paused.
( Orleaof "Goodl" Goon ! " )
"I foci It hardly necotsary to ropon
that that this bridge , fellow-citizens
only five and forty years ago , was par
and parcel of the howling wlldernos0
and I will conclude by saying tlut I wist
I with it was part and parcel of II
now ! "
Two Felons Kxrr.ntod ,
VALrAiiAiso , Sept. 10. Two felons wort
ozooutod in the suburbs of Conccpcion yester
day , ID the presence of thousands of specta
tors. The ladiesof [ Concepclon petitioned the
president to commute the sentences , but he
free front Opliitcx , nineties anil 1'olsons ,
Fr Couclii Pore Thront , HonrncncKA , InHucncfit
Coldn. llronclilMn , Croup , AVIiooptnc Cougbij
Ji tLmiH 4)utnf > jt I'ulnnlit Client , aadother
flfecltoni of the Throat * u < t Lune < % .
Price n cents ft bottle Sold tiy DraeclBtn nnd Deal
er * . l\irtlfs unable to induct thtlr dealer to prompt/
yet it f or tfiemicilt receive ttcot > ottl(8i zprc8sc.1arai4
' ufcJ , by striding one dollar to
IIIE ( A.toartrn TOTIPANT ,
fc lt u rri anJ Manufacturer" .
baUlmor * . Uarjland ,
B ,
Plattsruouth , Neb.
Brood of thoroughbred and high grade
Eereio d and Jersey Cattle ,
And Pnroo and Jersey Red Bwino.
v w w K. iifr H w w H OH IBf II Ul U
I bavo n posltlro remedy ror tlio above dlieaio ; br Ii
me thoasandiof CRseiol the worst klniluiidof fonfr
tandlnc have been cured. I udepil , r-o strnni-H mvfAlth
Inltsetltcacy.thnt I wl I conillVO IKH'n.KS FRm
toBethcrv.UMu VAI.UAUI.KTIli\TISKon thlsdl.eui
fiuir rcr. UlvoexpreBBknd r o addr-ES.
Dlt. T. A. BLUCUM.ln Tearl St. , Now To *
4SD KTiiuntn
p c . * ' ,
ww , Falling
mess. Con
vulsions , St. Vlt-
us Dance , Alco
holism , Opium Eatlnjr , Seminal Weakness ,
linpotency , SyrMliSi Scrofula , and all
Nervous and Blood Diseases.
Merchants , Hauliers , Ladles ontl all whoso
sedentary employment causesNcrvous Pros-
tratlofylrregularitlcsoftlicBlooi Stomacl ) ,
Bowels or Kidneys , or who require a ncrvo
tonic , appetizer or stimulant , Samaritan
Kervina is invaluable.
wonderful Invlgor-
nnt that ever BUSJl.,1 I | . , | . . | V ,
talnedaBlnklngsys- W F R U F |
" ;
tern. etBOatDrag-
gists. For tcstimc- .
nlala and circulartf
eentl stamp.
Corresponaenco freely answered by 1'byBlclans.
Per testimonials nnd circulars send stamp. '
For Sale by C. F. Goodman.
rlangei Bavaria I Culmbacher Bavaria
Isnor Bohemian Kaiser Bremen
idwclser St. Loula I Anhauser St.Loula
ts AflhvAukoo | Schlltz-l'ilsner.MUwaukee
ms s Omaha i Ale , Porter , Domostloand
Khlxs Wlnei.
MAUEEE , 1213 Farnam St ,
: iio "OANBKB" nmiiiEn Co. give a better Hub.
than cnn bo obtained clsowhcro for the eamo
nillB " Jv"h."lelr P"1 Improvement of the
THICK HAU ; . ThoeitratUlckiicssol
iberrlgUtundcrtUotreaa.givcfl . UOUI1LU IVKAU.
LB , * ° , MStno "CiNDEE" Double Thick Bait
bbers In Boots , Arctics , Overshoes , Alaskas , 4c.
i512 Douglas Street ,
IU ado crtuementi in tkt ipettal columni uill
charytA at the rate of 10 centi per lint or the
t insertion , lint for each ubie-
ntinstrtion : No advtrtltement tetll tt inicrtcd
Utt than 15 etnti for the firtt time.
fosBr to LOiM.0. . r. D Usi Co. IUal Estate
I and Loan agents , UOJ raanam St.
POKIT to LOAN Loans made on roil eitate land
contracts , chattel * , collattrals or Kood securl-
of any kind at the Omaha Financial exchange ,
I Farcam fit , up-ttalri ; low rates ; euy term.
ONKV To loan on chattel ! , Woollay fc Htrrloon ,
Honcn 29 , Omaha Nation * ) bank building
Moxirrl KOTMll Mosittlll Money to Loan C
chattel security by W. K Croft , room 4 , Will
nrll building , N , K. cornet Uth and Harney. Aft
jearsof eiperlenoe an J careful ttudy ol the bni
net ? ct loaning money on personal property , I ha'
at last perfected a tyttem whereby the puMlcl
nsual In such oases Is done wiy wlth.and t a > m no
n position to meet the demands of all who becon
temporarily embarras. ed and deslro to ralgo mont
without ( Itiaj and In A quiet manner. HouMkeej
eis , professional gent lerocn , mechanics and others I
Omivt-u and Connc',1 Blcff * . can obtain adrano
from ( to to H.OOO on inch security as houstnol
furniture , pianos , machinery , horio < , wagoc
warthouso receipts , secured nitca of hand , etc
without removing same from owners mldenco <
[ lace ol business. Also on fine Watches nti
Dlamcndi ! , One of the advantages letter Is thi
ny part ol any loan can ba paid at any tin
which will reduce the Intertft pro rat ml a
cans rcnoved at the original rates of Intercs
I hare no brokers In connection with my offlci
but personally superintend M my loans , I ba\
private offices connected with my gcneri
ofJIoo so that customers do not cocio In contact wll
each other , consequently making all tran actloti
strictly private. W. R. Croft , ro m 4 , Wlthne
building , X , K. cor. 16th and llarney , Omaha and 8
Pcail St. , Council Bluffs. SJO-tf
R CAOUE KROTnEniilmestincnt llinkers , opposlt
poet olllco , Umaha , negotiate mortgage leans o ;
flrst-clau tocurlty at lulling rates ot Interest. Pai
tics desiring to borrow money on Improtod city o
ountry real ojtale , for from one to tire jean , can b
cornmodatcd promptly. MoCaguo Brothers , bank
r , opposite post ofllco. 62J-H
ONKT TO LOAN-On teal Obtaio and chattels
D. L. Thomas. 653 tf.
M OHKT Loaned on nhattels , cut rate , R. 1
CM tlokets bought and sold. A. Form nS13 S , ISth 8
VToniTto loan In sums ot { 200 and upwards or
lTLflrst-cl\i ) real estate security. Fetter & Cobb ,
all6Fainamst f > 25-tf-
| M | OKKY IXANKD at C. T. Ueed AOo's. Loan offlo
LU. on furniture , nlanoo , horses , wagons , persona
property of all kinds ami all otho mtlolos of value
ulthont romC'Tal. Over lot National Bank.oorner Utl
tnd Farnam. All btulnoes Blrlclly conflitenllal620tt
WAMRD A competent girl In small family , 222
Websttr St. EOO-lOp
TX7ANTED Immediately , gocd dining room girls
Olrls for hotels and kitchens , private families
and boarding houses ; good wrgci. Call and Inqulri
about these places , at 112 ] Farnam street , up stairs ,
WANTED Immediately , first class cock lor tbc
west ; v , ages tCO Call 1120 Faroam St 80MC
JANTXD Dish washer at Kmmot house.
WANTED Rood sonant g'tl In a email family.
Applv next door north of Thelps' Jrtijt store ,
corner Curnlng and Saundcrs street. 780-tt
TXT'ANTKD A goof , nurse glil c ll at 1009 Fnrnim
VV St. 7GO-11
AXT'ANTitD A gooJ girl for ecncral homo wcrkjsmall
TV family. Iciiuiroat ollleo of A. C. Troun , east
lido 14th Itrcot , hoc. Farnam and Douotlns. 707-tf
YTTANTKD Flrst-clMs cook. Mlddb ( god woman
' pref-rrol to gi to Fort Washikle , Wyoming
Territory. Beet cf wages , permanent placo. Call
313 noith I2d between Chicago nnd Davenport.
\A7AlTiiD A. eooil Rlrl tir Koncral house work. ApT -
> T ply 2318Stilary'aa > c. 7S1 tf
w ASTRO Afirct-c'asi cook at Ir. Codman'a , head
olSt Mar'sa\o. 730 Up
TI7"AMKDOjrnretcnt girl for general house work ;
T must bo gocd washer nnd Ironcr , 872 south 17th
street 723-llp
ANTBii A glil to So g-noral housework , one
who 1 % not afraid to work la a email family of
1. Apply 440 Convent St. OJO-tf
W ANTKD Girl In small family. Mrs. Thoi. F.
llall , 1641 Sherman a > c. , north ol Ornco St.
A frill at 1S10 Sherman Avo. Mrs. J ,
M. Counstnan.
w orth 20th.
505 tf
TnroUrit clisj laundresses to go to
\ \
Sinta Fee , SonMexico. . Applv at the Ccazcua
rTTANTUD Lady agents for "Daisy" klrt and Ptock-
i T Ing supporters , Shou'dcr braces , Bjeorn forms ,
Iress shleldi.Uubbcr gingham Bibs , Aprsna.Sleatca.
nfanta1 Diapers , tic. Our 1,000 agents are making
lonev fast : so can you. Address with stamp , E. II.
IAMPBELL & CO. , 0 South May St. , Chicago.
485-8 3'p
7"AMBD Sir good carpenters. Aprly at 15th ,
hetwcen Faraam & Harooy. 605-lip
isTjn Se\cral expo'lcnced eolo'uien to handle
on ot the best hr uschold articles ever Im ont -
id lu < t patented. Addrcsi John Wagner , Jr. , Grig.
old , I 810-10
7AMXD Atonce , man with 8 to IBtcams to hau' '
ties for 60 ralioa track. OillllSO Fainam St.
D In a retail dry goods store In Onuha.aa
FT experienced salesman v ho speaks the Scandl-
ivlan laneuig. A permanent position to the right
arty. Address with icferoncca , E. 3 , Bee olllce.
[ TJANTED Man lo run hind-jaw , jig-saw and
IT shaping machine , also cue wood turner ,
cno but a thorough mechanic need apply. I'/.AKIN
ILL , Fifteenth and Matey streets. 767-11
7ASTFD Drug clerk for 2 weeks In Wcs'ern Iowa.
Apply to II. T. CUlk DiugCo. 731-10
rxTAKTED Services of a bright , Intoll'gent ' mm of
rgocd address "J. U. " P. O. box 303. 727-llp
/ANTFU-Agentsfor / "Picturesque Waehlngtonj"
salary or commission. 0. F , Cooper , Omaha.
Stenographer. Box 025 , Omaba.
4G1-S. 28
" 7"ANT D-2o young men to la.rn telegraphy and
r V rail road station book keeping. Address * 'K
. D. " Omaha Iluslncea College. 424 SOp
I QEXTS WANTKD F r the finest little article to sell
V. at fairs ; big moDey , brand new. Kiniplo lo eta.
ddrtea Champion Novelty Co. , Omaha , Nob.
TTANTXD-Agents. Address Electric Lamp and
T Steve Co. , St. Louis , Mo. , for circular , cut and
rms of (0 candle power Uarsh Electric Lamp
Situation asetono. rapier and typo wri
ter in some bmlnces Inusu In Umnhi. uufor-
"es fujulihoJ. Address W. F. Cogihill , Frultport
cb. 811-lUp
tTAMKn A n Udlnegoil lady desires a homo-
V keepers eltu * tlon , relorenrcs gltoi. Umaha
uploj n eat olllce , 217 N. 16th St. Mis 0. W.
irrlion. 702-lSp
ITAMnii Situation & 3 book toipor or osblor br
T .vounlady. . Ileferoncca furnlilied , 1721 Doug-
slr ct. 705-12p
[ 7ANTKD A situation on a faric by a young man
Y and wife. Address U. A. , tbls olllco. fc03-12p
D A position aa second girl or In email
family by ? glil , Address 1317 10th St.
767 IZp
D A Bttuitlon In a reipcotablo buslners
T < ouso as clerk or salenlady. Vest of references
en If deilred. Address 1213 Lsavcnworth Bf.
7BM < P
[ 7"AM D Situation ai salesman In general [ tore
V or grocery , la Nebraska. Addreaa "Silesmin"
ootllce , JCO-llp
[ 7"AM u Iy ! a relUhle party.gcntltman and wife ;
V with to rent a neat cottigo or hcusa five to
joins with bath room , high location , tn the vkln
of Bt Mary's ava and 18th St. Kent not to 01-
d(15. Addree "A.L. JI.128 | Jlee ofllcs. 76'J-tt
I7AXTCD A jxisUloii tn fcalesiniii In gents' fur-
r niiliinggoo < l9 btorc ; two joara experience j good
; rences. Addrcsi J. U. A. , thU olllcu. 7W-10J )
[ TANTtD A thoroughly relUI 1 > young man wlihcs
T employment , any kind , In store or delivery
: eu ; roltrences. Addreis , 0 , W. (03 , S. 18tb , up-
Ira. 770-lOp
ritmo-A position as machinist. Address "C.
Dee office. 717-13
TAMKB A position as coachman ; understand
r thoroughly handling borbes. Address "C. F ,
Beoottlc ; . 7)0-13 )
First-class tinner wants a steady situation ,
. couatry preferred. Addrcsi tUner , care tltli
M. 687-1tf
/ AMID a putntr la a flrst-cliss paving builncss C
' capital required 8I.6CO acdJJ.CCO. AddrorsJ ,
) . , Ueo oOlce , 179-tl
TAMIKO To rent email houio or 2 rooms akout
' Sept 20th. 2 or B block a from I'atton hotel ,
lieiaY.Z , Bee olllco. 7(2-llp
7ANTKD One very latg rocra or two or three
email rooma fur ctllcta , centrally looted.
> J9 * Addrcei A. P. C. , B B OKce ,
ANTIU 1 or 2 children to boarJ , or uoull take
charge rf Infant. Geed homo Address 11 rfc
TT7'ASTro Two < " thrfe fnrnlihed rocnn for llgl
IT h8us keeping. Addrem "J. C" DM olTIc * .
\\7ANTKD To bay in Omaha , n nine to trlr
TT roomoil frame dwilllng. Modern Improve
ment ; Rocdlonthn. Aildrets , tlvlcg Mncl.nurr
ber , r'ho ami term ) toll I' , ottlccf , real cs'iw am
Insurance agent , 6.0 Broadway , Couucil LliiUf.
Two nnloi 'shfd roorea 4th prlv t <
family , or imall house with convenience *
Mil rally beat oil. Address with ( nil ptrllcularf , T
O. box 804 , city. 66811
TlfASTiiD Totradongorxl Moond hanrt piano feT
T I ft lijrce kad baggy. Inquire at Eilholm J ; Erlck
T'A.H I'KD tverj "ioy la "oeu TT a"evting nia"
chine , to BOO the new Improvf d Amirtcan No
. K. Flodman * On. aeontii S0 N 10th. 830lf
FOR RI-VT-Cottage , largo lot , batn for 4 her c . V\ \
H. Oreen , over 1st Nat I Uank. 809 tf
F OR. Burr Peat house at 2S20 Harncy St , J8. II ,
Malchtci , at N. T. Dry Osodj ftcro. BIS 11
Fore RUNT 6 room home on24thand Fierce St. Ap
ply to Boggs & Hill , opj. . mUn. VOS-lOp
FOB Ravr-Cottago of 0 rooma 2403 CMS St. Inquire
next doer. 78M2p
I port RRNi-Hoiiso of 4 roonn , 1412 Jackion street
700-lli >
FOR R NT Furntshtd housool olght rscms wllh
ample , closet room , dcl'ghltully ' locitcdconven ;
ient to street CUD. llcloicnccs required. Address
II. II. V. , Bee office. 774-ltp
FOR RrivT-Oood housB with furniture for tale with
In four blocks of I' . 0. Address A. I ) , lies offlce.
FOR RIOT House 3 rooms , o'othcsprtss , pantry
and cellar , 11311 hcrman n\ . 7 7-10p
FOR RR.\T-Cottsge 0 room * , clotcts and pantry , nil
comcnlences. Flno Ircatlon near ftroet
cars , 820 i < or tncnthmlll May 1st next. E A.
Northup , B. & M. freight Auditors office. 7C8-13p
TTIOR KRNT-2 IIOUEOJ , 1 roomt , tity water , JO per
A' month at Hickory and 9th slice : . Dill at 0208.
13th St. , I ) . M , Land office745lOp
l/'OR ' RUNT Near be. oar , 7 room hu\n < \ peed well ,
JL1 cutcrn , 816 per month Inqnlro of 0. K. Thomp-
ton. 8. W. corner lUh and llarnoy St. 235-tt
Fort nit\T-rJ room cottafro corner 1'oppleton and
. , Storldan St. S16. C. C. Maync , 8. W. corner
loth and Farnam. 714-tl
TT'OR BIWT Cottage 8 rooms , house 10 rooms. J ,
JP 1'hlppl Boo. Howard and Campbell.
F on REST A oottago of lour roams witn city and
ciitorn water , 818 , Sjuth 18th St. , between
Loavenwoith and Martin. 447-tf
Ipon REXT Choice bick ro-ldonoo , 10 room , fur-
1 naco and oil modern Improvomants. Inquire at
United States National Bmk. S35tf
T7VR RR.NT The house ami birn on corner 20th and
X1 riorco St , Inquire at Boiton Dry ( lee J store , S.
10th Et. 822-1 f *
FR REST Two floors. Inqulroat 1207 Farnam St ,
FR nKST-A handsomely furnished front room S
K. comer 17th street nnd at. .Mary's a\o. , up
stairs. 708-12p
FOR BENT An elegant room with board 19 0 Dodge
Et-cot , lower door 78U-12p
F IORRSM Hoom with toard , 1013 Capitol are.
RENT Suit o ! rooms with board , 1724 Douglas
FOR . 7BJ. ilps
FOR RENT One large unlurnhhcd froot room with
alcove , and ono slnjrlo roam. Modern Improve
ments on 20th , near St. Mary'n a\e.
FOR BUM Two Dnolatgoroom" In new house , fur
nished or unfurnished withoutboard,710
3onth 14th St. 703 lOp
TTIOR RUST Nicely furnished rooms S W corner
IJ 10th and St. Mwy'a a\e. 747-
FOR KKNT Furnlihed rooma wl'.h board ot 2222
DavcnportS ! , 783-14p
T70R RENT Nlco furnished front room for two gen-
JJ men. Apply tu 1617 BarneySt. 721-14
FOR RENT Two pluapant rooms partly furnished ,
suitable for light homo keeping , J10. 2210 C l-
fornla St. 72S-1CP
FOR BENT Furnlslild front room , biy window ,
brick house wither without board , 003 .V. 17tli.
fTlo ii BENT I'urnlehea room 1010 Davenport.
P . Tie-up
_ _
iiE.NT-l'loisiti * rc m3 and board for teachers ,
Ad Jreas found , a t this office. egfl-lSp
[ JOR RRTT Front bay wlndowioDms suite or single
D new furnltbed ; all convcniencts , 1016 Catltol n\o- >
Ij'OR ' BBST Handsomely furnished rooms , sin ? o or
D double with bond , 1718 Dodge. 635-tt
[ TtOR REXT Largo furnished front room with small-
L ? cr loom connected,710 north 10th St. 701-13p
[ 7'OR ' REM Two ucf urniahed rooms , one fur" Ished :
C1 1819 Fruam St. B42 tf
rj OR REKT Larfo well furnlihed room with fire
t ? bath isa , suitable for 2 gentlemen , on St. Car ,
nc , near west Farnam. References given * and ro-
ulred. C. E. Mayno&Co. 005-tl
[ TOR RENT Wltn board , elegant south front room
J with aloovo and giato , suitable for gentleman and
ifo. 2225 Dodge St , 407tf
y OR RENT Tbreo flno offices In Nebraska National
. 'Bank Building , Inquire at bank. 480-30
70R KKNT Handsome furntthod rooms 1818 Dodge.
. ? 403 sopt27
7 < OR REST Tivo rooms adjoining with board ; front
. room south-east , 1011 webster St KSQ-tf
7oR RUNT 1 well furnished room for 2 gentlemen
? 1609 Farnam street , opjwello Ooos Hotel. Apply
i room 1 , or at Wussermaa & Burnett. 218 18th St.
745 tf
TlOR RENT 2 pleasant south front rooms 8. W.
? corner 10th and Davenport. 700.11
7 < OR REST Handsomely furnished rooms 1704 Cap.
1 Itolave.
POR REvr Two nicely fnrmsried rooms , NW cor.
1 21st and St. Mary's Avo. 40Ctf
500KB With borddtbUcbof ! ; > i eumnnr. Arrly
t&t fit , Chailoa Hotel. 010-tf
roK BENT Urge front room on first floor with or
without beard ; Inquire t 1901 funam St867tf
roil BiLK-At a bargain , a bouse and 2 lots , easy 2C
terms. Owner leaving tbo city. O , F. Davis &
' . 742-14
foiisii-R-Twoacrcsof ground with largo homeTl
and barn , on \onworU street , 4 Llooki west
olty limits ; 8 J.SOO , very easy terms. 0. K. Uajnf.
Ib and Farnam. 770-15
IiOH SALE-llosldcnce on California- street , 8 rooms
1st goxl32-3,000.
( louse and lot on IHth strict , (2,100.
House and bam , vtlth lot 76tl6U , for J3.0.0.
otlnl'arioi'a add. 1,160.
M In Bhlnn's 1st add , $550.
Ml In eo\ersl additions to the city. fudK
Jinds on very easy turns In cittern Ncbroska.6 , 00 dK
os Kansas school lands at 81 CO an acre. tl.BOner an
o down and halanw on 20 yeaig tlmo at B per anAi
; holcol nds In eastern Nebraska at $10 to 81G per orph
o. Hamlln , V Bronu,311 B. llth St , 890 U
IOR 84LH-0 lots near Park Avejus ; prlcei $650 to phG
{ 050. Cunningham & Breunan , 1611 Dodge.
771-p G
( OR RENT Store 811 N 16th itretk
IOR BALE Large house 10 rooms , lot 182il8largo
b rn , boiutlful nlao $0,600 ; terrosttOOdowa and
p r mouth. This property U only four blocks
at Park ave. street oar Uao. U , K. Uayne , 15th
nam. 778-16
IOR SILB Houaci and oti on monthly paymenti. Cei
I ) . I , Uaden , Saund ri , between Lake and Wll tin
u . 864-tf ill
I OK SALE Cheap , 6 room cottage and lot , ea'y
teruissitu ; ttdatNo , 817 N. 17th S' . , bet. Calf.
3la and Webiter ; tborougldy repaired and 1m-
\ed , Inquire of owner on premises. 83111
OK BiLS-Dy J. K. Illley li Co. , 216 S. ISth at
r.COO HOUM ind lot , rxagnlflaent rteldenoe- prop * he a
r , corner , in
' , SCO Two ttorv house netrly neorbtautllul lawn to.
oruer , location among the flnett In Oinah * , on fit ,
liCO-U > gnlSent : rcs'denco lot on Farnam St. 0
I:00 Farnam street , south front , lightly loca- Ode
FfiO-Lota In J , R. Ditty's , Okahoma , will soil on Om
i'tcnni and bulM for dcslralth partler. There
among the finest residence lot ) south of the Ity , "
aie within a block of th * itreet car lino. When I"
10th Street VUduct Is bulU , tbeyulll be fifteen
ute walk liom Itth and Frntu Eti.
iOO to 11,030 Le's on Cuulrigs and Hurt ltreet > . I"N
rxtenilonof tte Btrctt cat line to those lt
ea them vrydesirable property.
'e bavo dcelrable-lot * In evsrv nuarterof the city , N
Cil-tf J. K. Alky CO. , ilt south 18tb Bt. cUC
f T7 < R At a lurgaln , a house of 0 rocml , evtrr
I P room heated bi f.urac * Hot nd rx ld witerr , lot 84H40 mar head St. Waty'd avenue. House
cost SI.OOOJ 'ot II worth $1,5(0. ( II Hold at onor , will
take 91,800 for the place C. E. Majne , 1f.Hi MU
rarparr. 777-tt
TfCR SAtn Near htail of St. Mar > vc t go lot
f houo 9 rooms ; furnnoe , gntc < , hot and cold
lath ; everything complete , 15,0001 my term * n. r.
Mayno li Co. , 16th and Farnam. 183-tf
Improved f rm , wll ! trade lor improved clt-o
" rreperly. W. II. Green , over l.t National Dank
' SALR-At a tiarga'n , lot with s tiousoii , 3 and 7
round , well , cittern , barn , to. , tOtli and Harncy.
Unimproved property taken M part pay. Wm. 1 > .
Monioe , 6th and Douglan.
TT < OR BALK-A two ( tcrv 22xflJ frame building sult-
J ? abb or a store nonr 10th and i'arnam street.
Apply nt thli omen. 947-lf
| ? OR B L OR nx-rr-Oood hole In flrst-jlasitoirn n
U South We tern put of State. Apply to K P. Da
vis , NoTclty Iron Works , 14th St 7BI-tf
n URMTURR for rale at sirrlflct , complete a ort-
.1' mcnt for small linum ; mint be sold Immediately.
Address Mrs. J , A , Warner , lee ! olflcj. 7B3-12p
g . Clatc'anil l i.v stallion , "Derby Boy , "
FOR < old , from the oMc t a d most noted pflio
ttintiiusr family in Canada. Took flret prlro ftt Toron
to exhibition , ) RSl. Can bo seen at State ( air Lincoln.
FUohoad Hereford * , Including 2 bull cal\e * br
Conqueror , n son of Lord Union ; Iinjurtcd ami
on lied by Ontario Experimental Farm.
25 head of high grade , Khort horn hellers , 0 to SO
month * old , bred to Hereford bull , The abe > o stock
Imvonll liom brought from Canada ulnco Dec last ,
and are ottered at low prices for cull , or tlmo will I > 0
pUcnuith good Bccurlt ) ; al < o carload 2and3 > car
old feeders , Corro'pondcneo solicItuiL Addrcis J. 0.
Hall , Olblion , Neb. 705-12
FORRttn-Chcap , full set American CyclopaodlfS
calf bound In gcol order. Inquire at 117 K , lOlb
St. 7(3-16p (
. Drl'lne or woik horse ; ca'li or lime
Riven. W. U. Crolt , room 4 , Wlthtoll building.
FGU BALE Boarding homo furniture cheap for
cub , In Fremont. A fl | ndld oipor unity lor
any person dcslilrg to go In Hit business already
cBtibllihed. Kent low. 11 us. S. B. HKYNCLDJ , Fre
mont , Nob. 760-14
FOR BALK Ono upright pUno , In use but 3 months.
A fine Instrument. Payment ? can b > nude to
suit the purchaser. Address K. F , Cook , S. K. Cor.
ZOth ant Chicago St. 031-10 ] )
Tpcm BALK Cheap , a Jersey cow , fresh milch In two
Jf months ; 1411 Douglai St. 672-11
Fit BALK-A ladles' driving horse nlll bo ecn at
Falo incr's store an ) ' torncon , Olorgo Wllcox
T70R8ALK Two lota In 1'olhira Place , ono block
J ? IrcmBtrtclear track. Inquire 218 S 13th St.
THViRBAin Or would trade or n good horse and
JD bugcy ; 80 aoroa In Gosper county. Apply to 218
South 13th Street. 63911
FORSALII Boiler and engine , 20 horse po 01 bolloi
tnd engine , In good running order ; want to tell
tor the reason that they are not largo enough for
: honow machinery will ich wo will put Into our now
: > ulldlng oullarnoy St. Clarke Bros. & Co. , 1403
Douglaa St. 63711
A LWATS on hand at a bargain. No 1 second hand
i\ carriage phaeton and Bide bar buggies ; at 1400
md 1411 Dodge St. 638-tl
I7 < oii > iciusaE Applendldfarm In Ncmiln Couu-
II ty , for house and lot n Omaha. O. P. Da\Ia it
: < . > . 740-14
r > 4,500 Two etorv homo of 7 rooms , good birn and-
P cellar , 1 block from street car lino.
$1,300 2 etorj house on Kghtcentli street , on car
be , good yard.
$3,000 1 story house on ISth street , on cir line
tst front. Choice.
$1,500 Meat mirkot on 10th itreet , 3 uago tg ,
oree and bush est ba'galn
i Lota eold on monthly pa } men's.
Lon't forget the placo. II. F. Scare , corner 15th >
nd Dodge , Williams Block. 003-14
FOR SALB At Omaha tand Agency , No. 1613 Fa
ii am St. I'auleen & Co.
A gold paying falcon , now fixture ; , cheap rent ,
III bo nol. ' . low , owner dcslrlrg to change business.
lo not fill to Investigate , there la money In It.
tot 05x300 , 3 th and California , well located with
room house , $1,350 on very easy terras , a very do-
rsUe property.
Lot 33x149 on Floasint street , 7 room now house ,
am , wellcliten , cellar eta , $3503.
Lot 30x140 Lakes add. , 4 room house etc. $1,500.
Choice lot In Hawthorn B add. , 5 room cottage ;
1,700 , at easy term ? .
148x132 , 13 , h street outside ci'j limits , 3 room
ouso with banetaent , B'ablo , well and cistern , $2,890
on bo divided lota ( Ingle lot' .
2S feet front on ] 3th , near Pierce , 3 rooms , new
ouso and kitchen , colltr , well , clstcrc , $2,6(0.
For sale or rent 1 aero with gosd house , itoro.hall'
lenty of stable rocm , near city 11 tits. Inquire for
For sale Lot 60x200 on 10th , otst front , near St.
ary'savo. , with lu room new homo with modern
iDrovomcnta 83,000.
Lots In all the principal additions of Omaha , and
largo assortment ot Improved farms und 60.000
: rca of Improved lands In central and western Neb ,
law figures. Taulien & Co _ CM 11
-Choice firm Ian a In FurnaaCo. ,
Nrb. , to exchange for a o'ean ' stock of general'
crchaodlso or hardware. Call on or address Henry
lambo'lln , Arapahoc , Nob. 016-14
port BAH Fine stock and feeding farm of f DO acres-
1 elxteen mUoi from Omaha Utock yards ; well
ulpped for graz'ng and feeding cattle , well watered
d plenty ot good hty land. For prlco and descrlp-
> n , address Q. 11. Iltrriion , Sprlngflcld , Neb
_ _ _
jlOR BALI A good paying buslneai employmg but
1 little capital for cash. For particulars address
O. Box 867. Omaha , Neb. 640-tf
ion .lUCUAMJu-Halt Intonst In the best feir
boat on the Mlfsourl rher for house and lot
iaha. 0. 1 * . Da\l9&Co. 741-14
OR HALX A bakery confectionary , lei cream and
oteter parlor centrally located , completn with
-nufacturlt'g facilities , doing a good huslncta ; mt-
i-tory reason for selling. Inquire J. J Mullcr , 117
ith 14th. Will tell hall Intcrcft to right man.
i OOM and hoard 85 per week ; very best location ,
j 1814 Davenport St. 173-ecpt 18p
1 00NO A. Urco dog with colaracd chain on , at
noith-wcetcor. IQtb anil Uason. ec7-llp
IOUKD A ladles Bou\unlrjiln Owtor can have
the same by proving property andpajlngfvr
9 notice. 808 12
OUT A four months old mouse colored tnulc.
1 Main an ! Finder please return to
ner 16th and Caatellar. Michael IHlancy. 788-lCp
oar A gold diamond crcsent iiost pin. Finder
will be suitably ruwardeil by leaving I tat room
Omaha Natlona Bank building. 8)4 23
08T-2 lady cloiks and alap rob buckel'd up In
a BU ! strap ( from Liberty a\o to Park nre. ) <
Under will bo suitable rewarded by cotllvliigthla
' 0. 7Sl-12n
n. WIED , Wlthnell Block , 16th uud Harncy.
iMBAL iiosriTAL. open for the accommodation a
tbo sick. Surgical operations of all kinds s-
r performed , Diseases of women ft , sp ; la *
In confinement can hero have absolute prltacy
th best of attention orrespondence rollclted ,
rcw Dr , J , U. S etnam ; corner ICth and F rn tn
r , J. B. Halpli , corner 13ih and Fanum. Tile
] 0 638 , 434-tf
ATI City Steve repair works , corner 10th anl'
W'ebitcr it ) We repair , polish and Bet up stovct ,
IB w. o. UKTZKKR Stove I'cpilr Co. , HI South
14th St , between Dodge and Douglas.
ny Information of 1'atrlck llopktnr ,
ho fell off the train at 1'olnt of Hocks , on the
ral I'aclflo rallroid on the 20th nf June , will b >
klully received by his brother , Jas HopkinsNo.
Tehama.Siu Francisco , Oil , 037-lSp
w.tat will ha paid for Inforuutlii ? lea-ling to
QudlriK f.f whereabautu of an 18 yetr liDf who
DCard ol last from the vicinity of Cortland , Qajo
Had on & whits hit and gray pauts , rather
) sot for hlsigc , Iv I ) supiKMi J that be goes un *
a aiiumed niine.tlther licnry or Anton. Direct
bn Koslcky , Ooiaba , Neb , 710-llp
mi BANITART CO. Privy vaults , tluVa and oeei-
time of day In uii entirely
eas way with my Improved pump an J p tl MI
1 apparatus A. KVANd , olfico 1208 Dodge tilt
a , Kobraska. 8)9iptli3
on banjo glysn by O K Oollen
k , at 1118 Uapltol .ve. 4M-II
op ratlon , or useless trusses Dr , M. M. Moore ,
24 > Wabaeb ave. , Chicago , tend ttamp for
it at CouetM liouie , Oicaht , u > ery 6) Uayt ,