THE DAILY BEE. 31QUXCIL BLUFFS Thursday MormngSoptombor , 10 , Office No. 12 Pearl St. Delivered by carrier to any part of the city or twenty cents a week. II. W. TiLTON. 1'Jltor and Lft B8. MINOR MENTION , Flower pots at Homer's , 23 Main. Reltor , morch&nt tailor , for fine goods The olty council Is to meet again to morrow evening. In the circuit court the case of Forch- mor vs. T. J. Stewart la now on Ir'ul. The Knights of LibDr are to glvo their fifth annnal ball in Masonic hall on the evening of the 23d. The Ancient Order of Hibernians are arranging ta glvo a grand ball In Masonlo hall on the first of October. Yoitcrday'aftornoon the county supervisors - visors went ont on a personal Inspection of a propoiod road In Lowls township. The canvaa coverings of the bcoks In the recorder's office are getting so badly worn , that the county board baa ordoiod now ones. Mr. Dave Friedman , who formerly was In the itoro of his uncle , U. Fried man , In this city , haa opened a dry goods store In Tabor. Ho has a partner , Max Brody. The firm name Is styled Max Brody & Oo. The lighting up of the street lights IB hailed with joy by the citizens , who have tired of flou adoring through the mud and dark , and the city at largo la relieved from much risk in the line of suits for personal Injuries. Word baa boon received from a former Council Bluff * man , now In California , that there mot Mr. Dorkson , who recently wont out of the barber and bath business hero , and loft ao mysteri ously for parts unknown. It may not bo much satisfaction to his creditors to know where ho is , but that seems about all the satisfaction they can got at pres ent. ent.A A number of the citizens of Oakland have joined In a remonstrance against the county board giving to P. P. Clayton , of that place , any permit to sell Intoxicating liquors for medical purposes , etc , , claim ing ho la not n fit person to be thus li censed. The document was proaonted to the board yesterday by Rev. Mr. Mer rill , of Oakland. A young fellow who was too drank to give any very Intelligent sccaant of him self or his experience , was brought Into the pollco headquarters yesterday , and claimed that ho had been beguiled into a box car In the railway yard by simo fol low who acted very friendly to him , and that ho had there been robbed of about eight dollars. Burnham , Tulloys & Oo. are prepar ing to occupy all of the building fn which their office Is now located , and are fitting up the Main street front. T. N. Bray , who has been occupying the Mala street store with his boot and shoo stock , Mr. Beach being the manager , has moved two doors south , Into the store occupied by Mr. Hazard , the sowing machine man , who will retain desk room there. The taxes In Council Bluffi will bo about sixty mills under the now levy , but It Is to bo remembered that the as sessed valuation Is very low. Oakland folks are In a worio boat than Council Bluffs , for the tax levy there trill roach nlnoty.sovon mlllr , or nearly ten per cent. Much of this is duo to the school tax , it being an Independent district , with big expenses for a small territory. It does not look now aa if any great amount of paving would Do done this year. It was Intended to let the sewer ing of most of tha streets go at present , aqd to got the paving done at once , bnt moro careful consideration haa led to the conclusion that the sewers on these streets L should bo laid firat. It will take some time to got the sewer In , and some time for the curbing , and this will throw the paving late Into the fall or wlntor too late to accgmpllsh much. Some of the ; paving material Is already on hand , but 1 there will bo no moro shipments , and no active work until the sewers and curbing can bo put In. A short time ago there wasn little ilutry of sensation hero ever the disap pearance of Jesse Baldwin , traveling man for WIrt & Daquotte , and the dltcovory that ho was a little short with hla ac counts , and a good deal short with his private bills. It Is said that ho has re- cantly been seen In Dtonvor , and that he hai gene to work there at the carpentry business , and earning three dollars a day , and that ho says he proposes to aivo all ho can , ana to remit to his creditors here us hat as poaiiblo , and that ha will yet provo to the people cf this olty tint ho Is not as big a rogue as eomo of them think ho Is. Is.Mr. Mr. Maloney , who is quite a dog fan cier , lost ono of his most valuable bird dogs the other day , and told one of the colored boys at the Pacific house , where ho Is boarding , that he would glvo him a couple of dollars to get back hia pet ca nine. The bay , who was posted , and know that Boeokaff , the cigar maker , bud a perfect match to Maloney's dog , wa keen enough to make a aneak on the lat ter' dog , and with a string about hi * neck led him to Maloney , who quickly pa'd ' over the tire dolliri. No sooner had Mr. Malouoy taken the string off , than the dog with a bonnd stittod back for his rightful owner , and the truth dawned open him that ho had boon the victim of a coon confidence trick , and had paid hie good money for the privilege of looking for a moment on a dog tint looked llki his. He hai now loat all faith In olored detectives and dog catohore. | THE NEW CAGE. Prisoners Will Now DO Kept in a Cyl inder Weighing Forty-Five Tons , A. New and Novel J ll. It was the Intention to move the pita < onora Into the new county jail yostoiday , bat there were BO many cltlzena who were anxious to look throngh the now building , that iho day was devoted to tholr accommodation , and Sheriff Gutttar and John W. Carter , the superintendent of construction , put In tholr time In showing visitors about , and courteously explained how easy it was to get into jtll , and how hard it was to got oul. The now jail la a novelty which la well woith visiting , The peculiar feature ol the jail , which marks It aa different from any other la that the cells are arranged In the form of a great iron cylinder , which revolves about to that only ono cell la at the opening at any ono time. This cylin der Is three atorios high , there being ton cells on each floor. Its weight la forty five tons , end this pondoroua weight la hang from above , Instead of turning on a track below. The strangest part of the arrangement la that the great cylinder cm bo turned by a nlmplo crank with very little force , a man with his loft hand moving It readily. When all la complete It la the intention to have a little water motor in the basement , and then by aim- ply moving a lover the cylinder will bo BO : to rotating. It is suggested that when there are prlaonera who It la feared may be tryln ? to cat oat , the cylinder can by a motor bo easily kept moving slowly all night , so tint the prisoners do not remain long enough in ono place to do any mis chief , or oven to crawl ont if they had mtdoa partial break. It Booms that prisoners havp little chance for oacapo from this new jail , A cage of Iron bars completely surrounds the cylinder in whlon the cells aro. The entrance on each floor la guarded by two doors. The officer standing outside does not have to unlock oven the first door , but can awing the cylinder around until the cell appears in which la the de sired prisoner , and then by a simple movement the Inner door Is opened , and the prisoner can stop oat of his cell. Then the officer can open the other door and lot the man ont , but the other prisoners are way beyond any possible roach of the officer , and It Is 1m- possible for them to make any break on him , while ho la taking a man ont , or put ting ono in. Ho can handle any number of men in the tame way , and thoycanuot get within roach of him antll ho chooses to let them. Each cell is provided with two iron bunks , and with a water closet , and the center of the cylinder la a great ventilat ing shaft , and chamber for water pipes , so that each cell la supplied with water and drainage , and the best of ventilation. There are also on each floor two exer cise rooms , whore the prisoners can bo allowed to walk , oat , wash , etc. , at the discretion of the jailer. Theao are no loco secure from escape , and are Ingen iously arranged BO that the turnkey can liandle the men , ono at a time , or all to gether , without making it possible for them to make any break or to got near Mm. Mm.Besides Besides the cells in the cylinder , there are two departments , of five cells each , ono of which is to be used for the women and the other for juveniles. Each of these departments Is famished with a bath tab and other necosaarioi , and well arranged. Then there Is a hospital cell-room , for tha care of any prlaonera who may dunce to need special care. Aa each cell baa two bunks there can easily be accommodated in the cell a : otal of eighty-two prisoners , and n cane more room la needed ; here can easily bo arrangements made 'or accomodatlng almost twice that num- Dor , as the corridors and exorolso rooms could be fitted up with bunks , and made ; o hold many safely , and there are store rooms and other places , which can easily 30 fitted into cell rooms. It seema that ho jail will bo large enough for all the inrpases of the county for many years to iomo , and nnder all possible emergencies. The ventilation of the city jail la ample , for shafts rrm from every cell , and room , ind closet , into the main shaft , and all mpuro air is readily carried off. The mlldlng Is to be heated by steam , Ilghtud IT gas , and supplied with hot and cold rater. In fact it seems complete in all ts appointments. In the basement are rooms , two in number , where the boiler and other things c n bo kept. In tha front of the naln floor are two rooms , ono for a cltohon and the other for a dining room , and up stairs there are bedrooms for the accommodation of the jailor's family. there are two large store rooms up stairs also , which will prove convenient. The roof is of slate , and the building 3olng almost wholly of Iron , steel , brick md atone , It is practically fireproof. The jars used in the cells and cage are of iron and steel In alternate places , and are so strong and so peculiarly constructed that t aeeins Impossible to break them or to drill them. The building completed will cost Intldo of 630,000. The architects are Eckel & Mann , of St. Joe , who have had as their uperintendont , J. M. Carter. The mason work was done by Wlokham Brothers , of this city ; Haugh , Ketoham t Co. , of Indianapolis , famished the ron work ; John Epeneter , of this city , lid the cornlca work and roofing ; | B. Tor- wllllgor , of this city , did the painting , and G. S. Laweon the carpenter work. MINDEN AND THE BLUFFS , The Homo Nine Hlckon the Visitors In till Innings , The second game of base ball this ioa on between the Minden olab and the Athletics of thin city took place yostor lay afternoon at the driving park In thia Ity. Ity.The The ontOeld waa a litt'e muddy at the jepjlnning of the game bnt the ann dried t np nicely before the game was ovor. FIU8T IKNINO. The game opened with the Athletics to ho bat , and Barry , Oliver and Dougherty went out In one , two , three order. The MIndcu dab scored three runs , all they made during the game. Oraw , Lake and Ely being the ucororr , The Athletlo's tcber made a fine right-hand jumping i&tch from second base , bnt ro&do np for t by making a terr.blo bid throw t ? logera on third. SECOND INMNO. btrockhlt a grounderand reached first , when tbo fielder throw the bill over tbo ist buomin'a head , and by a block ball > trock gut home , aa did Stubbs , Bier- iroln and Lhton afterward , counting four for Council Bluffi , Rogers , Nobloi and Barry getting put ont. Tha Minden club ended the last half f the second inning by Parker and Wyland striking oat nnd Grow getting cut on fint by Strock's throw to Noblos. T11I1UJ INNING. Dougherty hit one to the pitcher , who throw It to first. The baseman hunted all around for Dougherty , and on finding him laying en the ground with his hande on the bag , touched him , at which the umpire , Mr. Lake , of Panama , Iowa , ahoutod "out , " which rightly caused a big "kick , " bnt the ruling waa final , 10 the play wont on. The Oouncll Blnfla boys got hot and Oliver and Strook were put out on first. The Mindon'a now took tholr turn and G. Grlcat wont otitat first , 0. L ko ont on a fly to Blorwotn In left field , and D. Ely struck out. FOURTH INNING. Stnbbs led off with a right foul , which was a stunner , and broke his bat. Ho then sant a grounder to right short and gained his first. Blorwoln followed with a hot ono to second , which was the canio of putting ont Stubbs , and 6. Golat sent the ball to Wyland on Brat , which cauaed Biorwoln to retire. Rogers then made hla first by a hit to the pitcher and waa finally pat out by a throw to Wyland by E. Goiat , bnt the nmplro siid "hold , " which made up for Dougherty being "called" out , the Minden boya keeping quiet. Nobles then made a hit to right field. Liaton sent ono to left field , who hold it after the plok up so long before ho throw it that Llston got to firat , Rogers to third and loft three men on the bases. Barry looked dotermlned ai ho got up to the b t , bnt his third attempt to hit the ball was a failure. The catcher miasod It , bat , picked It up and jumped on the homo plate , the nmplro shouting "out on first , " camod a roar to go np from the spectatoro. Rogers getting ont at homo closed thla Inning for the Athletics. E. Gelat atartod In for Blln- den but was put ont at firat. C. Roily sent a grounder to Strock on second , who failed to pick It up In timo. Wyland sent ono to right short. By a passed ball Roily and Wyland each got a baao. Parker then took first on called balls. J. Crow sent a fly to Blorwoln who caught It and throw to Strook , bat Wy land waa there and Strock sent It homo to Listen , who put Rally ont. rirrn INNINO. Dougherty hit a long fly over the loft fielder's head and reached second. Oliver failed to roach first In timo. Strock also sent ono ever the left fielder and gained second and Dougherty counted. Strock got to third on a patsed ball , and alto got In on another. Stnbts got first on called balls , and stole hla second base. Bion- voln sent a fly to centre which Lake caught , Rogers got to first on ono to center also , Stabbs scored , and a wild throw cot Rogers homo. Nobles struck out. Oliver caught oat G. Golat In center on the Mindon'a again en tering. Lake and Ely struck out. SIXTH INNINO. Wyland came In as catcher while Roily went to third base , bat the change made no difference , as the Athletics "got onto" Mindon'a pitching. Lieton and Dough erty hitting "terrors" to center field , and the Athletics got In seven runs thia inning. Tbo Mluden club concluded as It waa then 5 o'clock , they had bettor quit , as they had to take the train for homo at 5:25. : THE RUNS were made ai follows : Woikera with metals generating eleo trlclty escaped the cholera of ' 49. Then nse onr electric belts. Jndd & Smith , Council Bluffs. Agonta wanted Dr. Wiles , Eye , E r and Throat peclalist , Room 5 , Everett block. ONLY ONE DOLLAK , A. Big Dainngo Snlt Ends -with n Wco Verdict. The jury In the case of 0. E , Stone against the city , reached a decision about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon , having been closeted since 5 o'clock the evening before. The mountain labored and broaght forth a mouse , for after a dreary trial and this long closeting , the jury decided In favor of the plaintiff , and fixed his damages at ono dollar. There were practically two cases Involved , Mr. Stone claiming damages on account of the water flooding his residence prop erty , and damages for personal Injuries caueed by slipping on a defective cross ing. The award of only one dollar is rather discouraging to those who are so ready to jump on to the city with other salts for damages. W3USONAU A. A. Parsons hai returned from his busi ness trip west , J. N , Brown , of Burnam , Tulleys & Oo. left yesterday for Sioux Falls. Iinao Johnson , of Randolph , was those at the O don yesterday. Mln Grace Ojborne hat gone to Dee Molnes to roiumo her college course there , T. A. Belt started out on the road yester day In the Interest of Gilbert k Utterb&ck , J , W. Chase , a prominent grain man of Red Oak , was at the Ogden house yesterday. Walter Stillman , son of Dr. Stillman , has gone to Davenport to enter uppn fail lophemoro rear in college there , Donald Macrae , son of Dr , Macrae , Itft rnesday night for Morgan Park , III. , where be will resume his studies In the military institute. Miss Celia Hughe * , daughter of the well known contractor , has returned from a pleas- mt visit tofrlenda and relatives In DesMolnes tnd in Ooliax , Dr , Seth II. Craig , formerly warden In the penitentiary in Fort Madison , and now a esident ol Wymore , Nebraska , was In the : Ity yesterday , greeting : friends here , of whom le has many , lloiuovfd , The T. N. Bray stock ot boots and ihoea will be removed to-day to 100 Main street , two dooia below the old itand. Tbo stock will be closed oat at ; roity ! reduced price * . T. N. BIUY , Proprietor. B , E. BEACH , Man user , | LICENSE LAW. flow it was Eofomd Yesterday Threats of Seizure , Tlio Money Oomoaln , It was a feverish and busy day among the saloon men and city official ! yesterday , the time being up at 10 o'clooi In which to pay up , or shut up , in ac cordance with the mayor's proclamation , The city clerk was kept busy making ont receipts and taking In money , and Jndgo Ayleaworth waa ao crowded will business thai ho did not have time to gel his dinner. Aa a result of the mornlng't work about $1,000 was put Into the cltyV treasury , and fifty-four saloons were given the needed permit of the oily to "sell dtinka not prohibited by lair , " Some of the soiled doves also ap peared In their brightest foathon aud dropped Into the strong box tholi fines. The only ono of the gambling houses which had not paid contributed $108. The record at last stood : Num. her of those who had paid $25 a month for August and September , 40 ; number of thoto not belonging to the association who had paid , 4 ; number of those who had closed , or gone out of business , or been stopped by injunction , G , A num ber , six or eight , had arranged to pay , the actual cash not having boon received but the license deemed secure. Then the mayor started out to make the few delinquents como to timo. In the morning Jndgo Ayiesworth had Issued a few wrlta for search and seizure , it bo- lug expected that the parties named therein would stand a fight , but they submitted gracefully , and would not stand out , so the writs were not served. In the afternoon it waa talked that Billy L cy would not pay hla license , and that Oliver Lower add a few others still hold ont. The mayor wanted the papers to arrest them and search their places , and aolzo their stock of liquors , but Jndgo Aylosworth waa not to bo found. Ho was hunted for all over the city , but his honor waa amcng the missing. The little mayor waa wroth , and doomed that the jndgo has shrunk from the responsibil ity of helping carry ont the license law. J nation Frainoy waa sent for , and , al though ho climbed up on the woolsack of the superior court and attended to tome of the collections of fines , ho refused to sign the writs for the seizure ot the stock of the delinquents. Ho said ho didn't want to mix up In the business , and that It was Jndgo Ayloaworth's duty , not his. Then Juatico Schnrz was sent for , but would not como. The miyor went after hln > and interviewed him , but the justice had known the mayor so long that ho was suspicions and flatly refuted to do any thing in the matter , on the ground that when Judge Ayiesworth wanted him to sit in his place he always requested him personally to do BO. Then Justice Hen- drlcks waa called on. Ho signed the papers and laeued the writs , and the mayor called attention with glee to the fact that ho and Hendrloks were both Virginians and had moro pluck than the northern blood showed. The writs and warrants wore placed in the hands of officers with Instructions to servo them , or else to secure the money due for license. The plan laid out by the mayor was to first labor with the delin quents , and then if they would not pay , to servo the papers , and to bring thode fendants Intu court , and to search the places , and either cart off the liquors to some safe place , or to leave an officer In charge of the saloon , and keep It closed for business. Lacy and Lower held off for some time , and the officers wont so far as to take their stand in their places , and at last they concluded to pay , and have peace. Thus the cruel war is ever , and peace will probably reign for a month. The prohibitionists declare that thla business will not affect their plans. They do not intend to bring any moro Injunction casoj , until the thirty-nine now pending are decided. Fall and winter clothing to order. Norono & Landstrom. 205 Main street. A vagrant who was given a chance to leave the city , Instead of doing BO acted In such an unseemly manner on the streets-that he was rearrested on a charge of exposing his person. A VoIcanojGurlonsly [ Formed , Lancaster , Peon , , New Era , A miniature volcano has been added to the laboratory of the Keystone Normal sohool , where it will hereafter bo used for purposes of Instruction. It was formed spontaneously at tbo Macungio furnace , In Lchlgh county , on the top of a car of molted Iron cinders. As the extreme crust of the sltg cooled and con seqnontly contracted , the Interior gaseoa , cramped for want of room , burst out at the aUrfaco In jets and spurts , as in a natural volcanic eruption , and proportionately tionately qnlto as high , gradually forming the frustrum of an Irregular cone , with an opening In the center from bottom to top. Through this opening the molted matter was forced up from the mass be low , running ever at the top of the cone on all sides , and dripping downward , cooled Into beautiful stalaatlcal forms , After the gases had boooma exhausted an opening waa made near the biao of the cone , giving another outlet to the matter left in the crater , which left tha opening In the cone clear and comparatively smooth. The height of the cone is 20 Inches , outsldo diameter at bottom 15 Inches , and at the top G Inches. Its growth occupied half an hour. Its weight la 00 pounds. This Is a good Illustration ol the manner In which volcanic peaks are supposed to be naturally formed , confirming the theory that , as the crust of the earth contracts by cooling the in terior gases and melted matter requiring more room , mountain ranges are raised , and at the weaker points , openings are forced , from which the Imprisoned matter ascapes , and volcanic peaks and craters re formed , just as In the specimen above leacrlbsd. A Sensible Man Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs , It is curing more ca ea of Couebs , 3od8 ) , Asthma , Bronchitis , Croup , and all riiroat and Lung Trouble ) , than any other nediclno , Tlio proprietor bos authorized khroter & Conrad , druggists , No. 211 Fif- .eflntb street , to refund your money if , after .tricing three-fourth ) of a bottle , relief li not ibtained , Price CO cento and 81 , Trial tite 'rte E. Eice M. D , 1A VPUDtt or other tumota removed without the J llll U DUO , knllt or dra Ing ol blood. 3HRONIC 'DISEASES ' , Orrr thirty yean practice oipciUooe. Office 3T Citteot , ounolle. Clufla oulthoO'rv SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. SpceUl ft TtrlticDtn no M Lo l Found , To Loan , toi Bale , To R t > Wantci , Board- tnr.ita. , will b * InMrted In Ihli eolnmn it lh Ion rale ol TEN CENTS PER LINK lor tha nut Insertion and FIVE ( JiiMia PER LINK lot e ah rnbwqnenl In' sctllon. Learcidmitigmenli it out offiw , Ko. 1 ! Fcail itroct nt r Bro dw T7 < OR SALK Ths lento ami farnlluro ef the Arecrl- i ? can home. Apply a Amarlc&n house , Main troll and Ninth avenue. Fen BAUt-Homcs lote nd liriJ , A , J. Stephenson - son , EOS First Arcnut , Council Kutts , , FOR HUNT A six-room honso , ten tnlnntcj walk from business , city waUr , well and cittern. Kor tent cheap. FOR Rut No. ISO Uarrlson street , three room ) . MCMAIION fc CO , 4 Pcail stuck FOR SALS , FOR RENT OR EXCHANGE. NO. 63 Fcr tale or rent , on very liberal terms , The Coun-ll Bludi Paper trill , complete , with the lariro boarding homo nod Ihioo acres ot crcunO. No. 0 Allm-lntoRlproperty In Cherokee , Cherokee cf.imtv. Iowa , will ttade lor western landr. Vtluo about 8ICCO. Mo. 89 A liotutlfnl homo In the town ol Hasllnra. Mill ) county , loan , tor Nebraska laud. Value , $3,100. Ho. 41 a poccl ImsIncB ] property and also a gooj residence property In the town ol Chcnvo. MoLoan county , 111. , low down lor cish or will exchange lor western land ) . No. 179 A splendid Inrmell Improved , 010 acres In Dickinson county , Iowa , joining the town ol Spirit Lake. Price , for ft dhoit time ; ? 35 per aero. No. 184 to IS7 Are lour Improved farms In Phillips county , Kansas , caca with n email Incumbranca. The cqultas will bo exchanged lor unlncumbcrcd wild land In Nebraska. No. 193-480 acroo In Holt county , Nob. , partly Improved , at a big bargain. H ants to exchange tit merchandise. No. H-Afino two itory blck residence , moo ! tbo best locations In Council llluCfs , 11 trade for zood unlncumbercd Kansas or Nebraska lands. Value $15 100. No 66 aud 11 Are two other beautiful hcmos In Council Dluds , which cash payment will buy at n brrjuln. No. 69 A foauttful mbntbin location In Iowa City , Iowa , will exchange for western lands. Value { 6,000. The above are only n low ol our special barRalns. If you'AO got anythlngito trade for sell , orwanbto soil any real cstato or merchandise , write u Wo hatdto\c lgOoJ Blocks ol goods to trade lot lands. SWAN & WALKER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. J. L. UaBKVOIflB. Ho. 507 Broadway Council Blnfla. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following no the tlmee of the rrlv l md da < parluro of trulni by central standard time , al thi local depots. Ti&lna leave transfer depot tea mln ales earlier and arrlvo ton mlnntoa later. DKFAKT. AERIT1. em 0100 and KOBTBWMTIM , 0:25 : A M Mall and Ezpresi 0:50 r M 12:40 : p M Accommodation 1:10 : r u 6:30 : P II ( Express D:06 : A M OmOAOO AMD BOOS IBLANIJ. 0:25 A M Mall and Express 8:53 : p M 7:15 : A M Accommodation 6:45 : p u 5:30 P H Exprcea 18:00 : A u C3KU8O. HILWAUEH ASD SI. PAUl. 0:20 : A M Mall and Exprosa 8:50 F II C25 P M Express 9:05 : A u csicAao , BUBLisaroB AUD qumoT. 0:45 : A M Mall and Express 7:10 : p M 0:30 : P M Accommodation 2:03 : i * tt 6:45 : p ii Exprcua 8:60 : A u wnun , BT. LOUII AHD nemo. 2:15 : p M Local St. Loula Express Local 8:00 : PM Transfer " " Transfer 8:20 : P M KAH8AB CIIT , IT. JOI AM ) OODKCIIi ILU77B. 10:10 : A u Mall and Exprcsa 7:25 F M 8.05 F u Express 8:26 A M noux crrr AND piano , 7:20 : A U Mall for Sioux City 8:60 : F M 7:80 : r u Express for St Paul 8:26 : A 1 ! DMON PACIFIC , 11:00 A t ! Denver Express 4:85 P V 1:05PM Lincoln Pass Om & R V 2:85 : F II 7:55 p u Overland Exr-rcea 8:30 : A u DUMMY TBALSS TO OM1IU. Leave Council Bluffs 6:65 : 7:55 0:80 : 10:80 11:40 : X m. 1:30-2:30-8:80 : : : 4:28 : 5:26 : C:25 : 11:15 p. m. Leave Omaha 8:25 7:25 8:60 10 liis : a. re. 12:60-2:00 : : SOOOD : : 4:56-6:65. : : Office & Pusev. BACKERS Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established - 1865 H03 OFFICKB H.W. HPUflBT CarpetSjCarpets Our buyer writes from M York that he has purchased the Largest and Choicest Line of CARPETS , RUGS , CURTAINS -AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS Ever Shown in this city , These goods are now arriving daily and m respectfully invite everybody to call and see them. Oil Cloths , [ Linoleums , Mattings ? OF ALL KINDS. Window Shades , Cornice Poles , tc , Etc. AT POPULAR PRICES. Council Bluffs CarpetCo 405 Broadwav. MRS , A. B. JtOJiERTS , W-CLASS DRESSING , CUTTING and Fitting Eitabllibment Yo. 34 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. W. P. AYZSWORTH HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick bulldlnn of any kind raised or moved and BAtlsfftction guaranteed , frame bom cud on Little Giant trucks , the boat In the world. W.P.AYLSWOHTII. 1010 Ninth Street , Council BlnCb J. M. PHILLIPS , WHOLESALE DEALEU IN Boots & Shoes Employ no traveling agents , thus enving their expenses to customers. Agent for Para Rubber Company. Write for prices , 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS. Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned , Dyed and Repaired. Ladlos1 Drestoa Ulotmoil and Djod without ripping Plumes Cleaned , nr Colored any Shade , to Sample. Silks , Velvet * nd Lncoa Cleaned , Dyed and Uofinishod. Lace Curtains neatly cleaned ; 29 Main Btroet , Coun cil Ululfa , opposite postolfico. P. B. PATTON , Manager. M 342 and 314 Broadway , Council Bluffy Iowa. RETAIL DEPARTMENT Mens'Fall& ' Winter Wear CLOTHING Mens' and Boys' Business Suits Mens'and Boys' Dresa Suits. Childrens' every day & Dress Suit ? . Overcoats for Men , Boys and Chil dren. Merchant TaUor Suits. Merchant Tailor Overcoats , RWEAB Merchant Tailor Troweera. Equal to the test , to order , At half the pr ce Fat inens' Suits and Overcoats Lean , raens' Suits and Overcoats. Fat mens' Trowsers. Sftamless Shirts and Drawers in Scotch Trools , medicated Scarlets , extra heavy Balbriggans. fancy cpl- red vVools and mixed qualities from 25c each to 84.50. Dunlao and Stetson's Hats for fall of 1885. Furnishing Goods Gloves , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars and Cuffs , of first class qualities and reasona ble prices. Please call and look at our stock. Metcalf Brothers , Retail Department , 342 and 344 Broadway , Counci Bluffs. 80HUBZ. OYEB 1.MSUUUM IIMBM row A. ONLY HOTEL In Council Bluffs hating And all modern improvements , call bells , fin alarm bolls , cto. , ia the ORESTON HOUSE Noa. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. , - $ S PROPRIETOR REMEII & SEABIGIIT , No 34 N. Main St. , Council Bluffi Telephone No. 141. All work fint claas. HairGoods AT- Mrs. D. A. Benedict's ' , Ko. 337 rooduay ( Council Bluffs. [ IMIt GOODS Ill IK GOODS Of all li'mls Of every style mule to order. ready mule. ILIIU GOODS. HAIR GOODS. No 33/ / , 33Broadway , TA.COB SIMS , Attorney - Law OOUNOUi DLU/5 The New York PLUMBING CO'Y. 5 5 2 Broadwav ? Council Bluffs , Iowa SANITARY HYDRAULIC ENGINEERSPUB- LC an PRIVATE SYSTEMS of SEW ERAGE , WATER WORKS and YEN- TILATION design ed and constructed. PLUMBING work in all its branches. This comnanv have one of tliebest assort ed stocks ot plumb ing goods in the west. Estimates furnish" ed. ed.Harry Harry Birkinbine ? Manager NEW YORK , PLUMBING CO'Y 55 BROADWAY- COUNCIL BLUFFS Telephone No. 27. N , J. SwANSON. 0. E. SWANDOS SWANSON MUSIO GO , , 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Pianos & Organs Sold on Monthly Payments All kinds of repairing on Musical Instru ments n Specialty , Goods Waves , I Frixzss , Switches. Etc. HAIR Sit ampooiny , Jlair Dressing And Cutting , HAIR GOODS. Bangs Cut Pnmprdour , Langfcry or other styles. Hair Goods MRS. 0. L. GILLEITE , 20 Main St. Council Blulfj. MAil.i ( Kiel Sale Stables , lcr < B ucl Mulnconitaotl ) ' en band , ( create tt r . tall or la c rlu d 1 t All Stock Warranted as Kepretented. ind to till dtalcri . la ( train in J Bal < l Hay. I'ttcei rcauonallo. Batlifactlcn iruaragtc < L SOIILUTEJi * BOLEY 'or. ' Oth Av , and 4th St. , Council Bluff * ,