THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1885 ; OMAHA JOBBER'S DIRECTOR1 COMMISSION , ETC. BRANCH & CO. , Wholes'e FruitsProtluce,0yster 11211'arntun St , Omalix Apple * Our own packing tlatt & Co lifer Brand Ojitcrs. Butter , EKJS , Uamo , Poultr PcUtocs. JOHN F , FLACK , I v < ? General Commission Mercliair f . xProduce , Proilslom , Fruits , Flour umlKccd. 105 1 Htli St. , Omaha , Neb. ttTCorulgnments solicited. llcturns made prompt' ; LOUIS HKLW.ll , Jobber & Commission Mo roll an Cheese , Sausage ? , Fruits , Butchers' Tools and Sttj plies 1115 Jones SU , Omaha , Neb. HORST & RIDDELL , General Commission Merchants SFKCIALTIFI Butter , I'KBS , Foreign and Hoincst Fmltg. 112 S.Htli St.CiinahaNeb. Telephone No. 39 13. MORONY , General Commission Merchan ButlcrCBg8 , Cliccso and Country Produce gcncrallj SCO H. 12th St. , Otimhi , Neb. McSHANE k SOUROEDER , Buyers of Butter and Eggs , nctrlgorator and Packing House,14th &tcn\en ort Bta. , on U. P. It. It. Track , Omaha , Neb. Established 1870. ROBERT PURVIS , General Commission , 211 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Specialties Buttei " . Poultry and uarae. PEYOKE BROS. " ' Commission Merchants , Fruits Produce and Provlilcns , Onuh > , Neb. A. 1' . SOHACK , Wholesale Commission Merchanl Fruit , Seeds and Produce. No. 213 S. lith Street Omaha , Nebraska. TROXELL & WILLIAMS , Storage and Commission Modi's ' , Fruits , Flour , Apples , Stoneware , Cider , Vinegar , Ot B3 Seeds , Butto' , Kggi. 813 and 315 douth 13th street , Orcaha , Nebraska , WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants Poultry , Butter , Game , Fruits , Etc. 2023 S. 14th St. Omaha , Nebraska , COAL , LIME , TC. T BEDFORD , Coal , Coke. Lime and Stone , Office , 218 a 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , Oth and Davenport , St. COUTANI & SQUIRES , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal Best \arietlc3. Office , 213 S. 13th St. Telephone No 1402 , Omaha , Neb. OKI. C. TOWLH , Pros. Q o.PATBRSONSeci.Tre&s NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Gosl and Coke , 2U S. 13th St. Omaha , Neb. J. II. HULBERT , F. A. BALCH , Proprietor. Manager. Nebraska Coal & Lime Company OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Office , 217 S. 13th St. Telephone 40. Q o. F. LAIUGII , Pros. C. T. GOODMAN , V-Pros. J. A. SUNDERLAND , Sec. & Trcas. , . Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Co , y Jobbers of hard and soft coal , 200 S. 13th St.,0maha , Nebraska. OMAHA COAL AND PRODUCE CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclusive dealers In Boulder , Colorado Coal , 217 South Htb Street. b\ WINdS and LIQUORS. ' ' FRANK DELLONElTcaT Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1202 and 1204 Dowlas St. , Omaha , Neb. Factories Nos. 4 and SOi , 3d Dial. N. T. GEO W. DUNCAN , SucccHiorto MatfAUAKA & UU.NCAV , Importers and wholesale Dealers In Wines , Liquors and Cigars 214 and 216 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. R. R. GROTTE , Wines an Liquors , Western Agent Jos. Sclilltz Growing Co. 710 S. Otl Street , Omaha. HENRY HORNBKRGER , Wholesale Wines , Liquors , Cigars 1321 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. ILER & Co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquors. Solo Manufacturers of Kennedy's Eos' ' India Bitters. 1112 Horiiey St. , Omaha , Neb. L. P. LARSON & CO. , Wholesale Dealer in Whiskies. And Cigars , and Gen'1 Agent * for the Philip Bests' ' Celebrated Mllnaukee Deer , Omaha , Neb. IRON PIPE , ETC. COWING & CO. Hydraulic FMechaVrEngineers. Jobbers In Iron Pipe , Iron Fittings , Iron &nd Bragg goods. Engineers supplies , 14th and Dodge Sts. Onulia , Neb. A. L. STRANS COMPANY , Pumus , Pipe , and Engines. Steam , Water , Hallway and Milling Supplies , et 020,022 , 024 Fnrnani St , ( Jmaha , nob. CHURCHILL Wholesale Pumps , Pine , Fittings , Steam uiJ Wntcr Suiipllcn. Headquarters . for Mast FoostCo'a. Good * , lll PamaniBt , , Omaha , Neb. HARDWARE. W. J. BUOATOII , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Springs , Wagon stock , Hardwood Lumlwr , etc , 1203 and 1211 Ilaruey tt. , Omalia , Neb. EDNEY k GIBBON Wholesale Iron , Steel. Wagon UIMEBAUGU & TAYLOR. Builders' Hardware , Mocbanlci Toolt , and Buffalo Scales. 14C5 Doug- Us bt Omabk , Neb. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tluwiro , Sheet Iron , Etc. Agrnits ( or Howe Scales iiJMUml Ponder Co. Omth , Ntb. MILTON ROGERS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , lltntlea , Ot tcj , llrwu Uoodi. 1321 iuj 1323 Far' mm btreet. REOIOR & WILHKLoIY CO , , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , CMOII Steel Nolls. Cor 10th and llartiejr gteet Ouuha , Neb Boots and Shoes. W , V , MORSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes' Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. JluiuJattory , 118 13U ) Bummer St , Bobton. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTOR1 NOTIONS , ETC. J. L. BRANDKIS & SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry GoodsNotion * , Dints' Frrntshlnft Oowls , Coo from N w York. Trade Salts Dally ; COO and 608 South Uth St. , Umaha. 0. S. GOODRICH & CO. , French and German Fancy Good Druggists' and Stationers' Sundries. 1415 Fama SU , ( Jmaha , Neb. J , T. Robinson Notion Compan 403 and 403 S. 10th St. , Cm aim , Neb. Wholesale dealers In Notions and Gcnla' Furnlshlr Goods. FURNITURE. DEWEY & SIONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furnitur Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb , Wagons and Carriages , fST ESTABLISHED 1653. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory 1109 and 1411 Dodge SU , omalia , Neb. FISH , ETC. ICKEN , SIEMSSEN & CO. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers ol Foreign Fish , Nas , Oil anrt BIS Jonc street and U P. Track , Omaha , Neb. ALLEN BROS. Wholesale Grocers , 1110 and 1112 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. E. B , CHAPMAN & CO. Wholesale FancyGrocers , Cigars Tobicco and Smokers Aitljcs , 1217 Howard St. MEYER & RAAPKE , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Slices , Cljara and Tobicoos , 1817 and 1310 Douglai St. , Omaha , Nebrtska. MoCORD , BRADY & COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Bonier 10th and Farnam Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries & Provisions Jo . 705,707,709 and 711 S. 10th St , Omaha Nob. HARNESS , ETC , VvELTY' & LANDROOK , Manufacturers and Jobbers of toss Saddles , , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , Blankets and Hobcs. 1412 Fartiitn Street Ointna , Noi. Leather , Hides , Itc. L. O. HUNTINGION & SON. ) ealers in Hides , Wool , Tallow , 1114 Jackeon Street , Omalia , Neb. SLOJIAN BROS. , WHOLES u.s .eather , Saddlery * Hardware , addlery and Shoo Findings , Hides , Wool Furs , Pelts , Grease , Tallow , etc. Omalia , Neb. GOODS , J. J. BROWN & CO. , Vholesale Dry Goods & Notions 1323 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. L , GINSBERG & CO. Wholesilo Uotlers In Dry Goods. Hosiery , Notions , Inens , Laces , Embroiderand White goad ) , 1020 'ouglai ' St. , Omaha , Neb. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. LININGER & METOALF CO. 4 UIIOLISALB dealers in Agricul'l Implements OillcoCor. Oth niicU'aciac Sts. , Omaha , Neb. PARLIN , OREKDORFF & MARTIN. Wholesale Dealers In gricultural Implements , Wagons and Buggies , Omaha , Neb. FLOUR. ETC , 'm. Preston. Qeo. Ulchardson , WM. PRESTON & CO. Wholesale Flour , COS , CIO and 12 Pierce St. , Omaha , Neb. L. A. STEWART & CO , , Wholesale Flour Dealers , id manufacturers of Illuminating and Lubrlcatln , Oils BRUNO T2SCHUOK , Jr , Agent for J , C. Hotlmayr & Co. , lanf'rs Highest Grades of Flou r Ilollera and Hungarian Process. Warehouao 121 Jones Street , Omaha , Neb. LUMBER. ETC , " " LOUIS BRADFORD" , ealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , sli , Doors , etc. Yards Cor , 7th and Douglas , Cor 9th and Douglas. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , lanufacturers of Sash , Doors im3 ! , Mouldings , Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood Finish. Just opened. N. U Cor. 8th and Lea\cnworth Sin. , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber I B. 14th at , , Uniilia , AeTi. F. C'ulictger , , Man lager , 0. N. DIET/5 , Lumber , 13th and Collfdrrna Struct , Omaha. Acb. FRED W , GRAY , imber , lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc. Cor. 8th and DoUjflis St. , Omaha , Neb. GEO. A. 1IOAGLAND , Vholesale [ Dealer in Lumber. Omalia , Nebraska. G. F. LYMAN , 3aler in Sash , Doors. Blinds , uldlngs , Building Paper , Kto , South 13th Street , Omaha , Neb. Nebraska Lumber Co , , Sutb Ninth Street , Omah > , Nebraska. GERMAN D. WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , ! 0th tnd Iiard St. , Omalia , Nebraska. J. A. WAKBFIELD , iiolesaleLumbenLatli.Shineles .IJIiig Papers , Bash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , lickcts , Touts , Lime , Plaster , Hair , Cement. Ninth and Jones , Omalia , Nub. CIGARS and TOBACCO , MAX MEYER & bbers of Cigars. Tobaccos , as and Ammunltkw , JJPC to 2t3 B. llth SU 1020 to 1024 Farnam bt. , Ouiaha , Neb. jt2T INTEIt-OCEAN dGAH FAOTOltr WE3T & FiaTSOUEH , anufacturers of Fine Cigars. 1 Kholeeale dealers to Leaf Tobiccos. No. 108 and 110 N. litb SI. , Omaha , Nth. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORS ENGINES. BROWNELL & CO. Djilers la The Baker Automatic Engine ; Stationary and porUUa Krjgloo , Boilers and Bnc Iron wotk. Wagon * , Bognle' , Agrlcultuial Irnpl ment , Pumpt , Ktc. , U15-H15 Lsarenitorth S Omiha , Neb , W. 0. TxxrttTOX , Manager. Drugs Etc H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , J b era ot Paints , Oils , NlmUwtilaVs , ete.,1114 Ha ncjr St. , t malm , Neb. ' 0. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist , An Dealer In Paints , Oils and Window Gl'w Omaha , Nebraska. UtLLlNBIir , I. OBERFELDER , Importers and Jobbers vf Millinery and Notions , 113 aid 1215 Barney St. , Omaha , Neb , OARFETS , S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths Mattings , Curtain Goods , etc. , 1423 Farnam Strcc Omaha , Nob. LIVE . STOCK. 4 Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha , No Tardige Clur jed. Close to U. P. Bridge. Special accommodation an a good market for llogs. K. C. CoorKR , Manage ! Office 009 atuth 5th Bt. GREEN & BURKE , Live Stock Commission And Forwarding Agents , Union Stock Yards , Soutl Oinilia , Neb. Hcprcscntcd at Chicago by Kcenai & Hancock , and J. J , llunter & Co. Tckphoni 582. W , F. BROWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stocf Olllce Exchange Building , Union Stock Yards.SOutl Omaha , Neb. Orders for feeders > nd itock cattli promptly Oiled , at low cst market price. Tclei > lion ( No. 003. MALLORY , SON & CO. , Established , 1802. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. and Omaha , Neb. Kr nk Chlttcndcn , ManagerOmahi Branrlu Tele , phone No. 283. W , L. PATRICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merch'ts ' \Jdre3ioll communications to us at Union Stock Yards , South Omaha. Advance ! undo on Stock- . Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA , Limited. John F. Uoyd , Superintendent. SAFKS & LOCKS. P. BOYER & CO. , Igents for Halls Safe & lock Go's 'ho and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Vaults and Jail Work. 1030 Farnam St. , Omalia , Neb. Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDREEN , lanufacturcr ot Tire and Burglar Proof Sites , Vault leers , Jail Work , Shutters and Wire Work. Cor 14th lid Jackson SU. , Oimha , Neb. Opening and repair- ig safes and general Job \\orK promptly done. Pork Packing. MEnrBOY Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , Nebraska. HARRIS & FISHER. 'ackers ' and Provision Dealers. 'fllce ' Union Market , 1517 Doago 11. Packing U. P. B. . Ttock , Omah > , Neb. Telcph No. 157 Croclta'-v p W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers and Importer ] Crockery , Glassware ; amps , Cliimne8 , etc. Office 317 S. 13th St,0ma Nebraska. Coffee and spices , CLARKE BR03. & CO. , Imaha Coffee and Spice Mills nportcrs and Jobbers of Teas , Coffee and Spices. Manufacturers of Baking Powder , Flavoring Ex tracts , Liundry Blue , Ink , Etc. 1414-18 Hornoy St. , Omaha , Nebraska. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. OVEHALLS OANFIELD MF'G. ' CO. Manufacturers of Overalls , : ana Pants , Shirts , Etc. 1102 and 1104 Douglas SI Omalia , Neb. OILS , ETC CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , isollao ills * Axle Qieiso , etc , A. n. BthopVan ! ttet Omiha Neb IRON AND NA1U3. OMAHA NAIL M'F'G CO. , Cut Nails and Spikes , Fire Nails a Sieclilly , Omalu , Nebraska Omaha Iron Works Company , Manufacture and Dealers in Machinery and Castings , : am Engines , Boilers , Architectural Iron Work- Iron 'Bridges , Mining and Mill Machinery. OftiK inlrVorks , UnloiPaclfloH. It. 17th and 18th Sts WEARNE & BRO. Foundry Works Corner Fourteenth ana Jackion Sta.Omaha , Nob. spired to da all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings , ) rdcrs by mall reoelvo prompt attention. Also , 0 , Dinnlster's Uorliaf Oiate Bire , tnanufaoturod by ; arne & Bro. WHITE LEAD. HAHA WHITE LEAD COMPAFY , Corroders and Grinders of Perfectly Pure White Lead , iahaNcb. Lot I Carter , Pre t. ; O. W. Mead , Vice 'rtst ; HV , Yates , tec. andTreas. SOAP. P. , T , QUEALEY , Soap Manufacturer , Ice and factor ) , KcarPo ilor l.iga lue , Omahn , Ncbfaskj. BOOKBINDING , ETC. RJfES PRINTING CO. , Printers , Book Binders , 1 Blank Book llinuftcturers. Nos. 100 and 108 South Hlli Kt. , Onuhi , Neb , PAPER BOXES. J. L. WILKIE , Manufacturer of Paper Boxe ? , S. 14th St , , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall solicit ed and " 111 receiii ) prompt attention. WM. DEERING & CO. , CHICAGO , Manufacturer of the Deering Harvesting Goods , laden , lleej rs and llowcrs Write to Win. M. imer , Oen'I Agent , Omaha , for plica and term ) . ; l "eibr FDOUB. W. J.WELSHANS & CO. lolesale Flour , Feed and Grain , inafacturcrj ol W. J , Wtltbani & Co'a QUICK XH8 BVCKwtiuT itoi'R. ud proprietors Onutui City r , wraerSthandFarnwnSts. , Om b > , Ncb. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. MATTRESSES. E. M. HULSD. Mattress Company , Manufacturing Mattresses , Bedding- , Feather Pillow Cots , etc. ItOOand 1203 Douglas St , , I mahaNcb. CORNICES. Eagle Cornice Works , JOHN EPENETEK , Proprietor. Mamifacturcrof Oa1\ united Iron , Cornice , Wlmlo cap Mill Sk\lights. Wholesale Agents for Wcstct Iowa ami Ncbraski forthc I. > nun Vapor Sloe , ! > i Doilgo , anil 101 nml 103 North 10th St , Omaha , Mil FINANL AND COMMERCE. FINANOI.VU Niw YORK , Sept. 9 MONET On ca' ' easy at 1@1J per cent PniME PAIKII4@5 per cent. EXCHANGE BILLS Quiet at $ i.S2 | , de mand ? 4.84lo. GOVERNMENTS Dull nnd strong. STOCKS The feature in to-day's stock mark et baa been trading in Union Pacific , nc companled by a flood of rumors regarding th payment of tbe company's floating debt , th facts , about which , aa nearly as could b learned , being that the Union Pacific had dis poaed of some of the securities bold by It ti banking bouses in Boston and here , on whlcl It realized about $6,000,000. The stoct opened at 48 o and advanced 6Jo on hear ] covering of "shortf , " and buying for turn Later the stocks became feverish and finollj weak , selling down to GOo before 2 o'clock , In the last hour tt rallied to fJOJo , and closed finally at 50c , n not advance of Ifi per cont. It is understood that the money , which is to be roplaed by bonds sold , has been borrowed by the company at 3 par cent , per annum , while it sold bonds which bear G per cent. Fixed charges will bo Increased about 8200- DCO , The rest of the market responded slug gishly to the advance in Union Pacific , and with the exception of moderate business in Lackawana and St , Paul , saloa wore for small amounts , and in most COBOJ fluctuations vroro within a range c f 1 per cent. There was con - liderablo feverishness In the general lilt ftcr the opening , the end of the irst hour , the market became more steady ind firm , and so continued until after 1 ) 'clock. During the remainder of the day all iarlier advances were lost in a majority of ases , nnd for some stocks the lowest prices vere mada near the close. STOCKS OH WALL STBZHT. ; $ cent bonds 103 ChL t Norths estern 055 J. S. Jl's 1121 preferred * l4j iewi'8 153 Ken York Central. . . . 97i 'aclfla O'a oJ ' 05. . . . 123 Oregon Tnuikcoati. . 10i Icntral 1'aciflc 37i Pacifle Mail 49 ; hlcao & Alton 130 , P. , D. & E 11 preferred 150 Pullman Palace Car. . ISO : hi.Bur. & Qulncy. 1281 Hock Island 118 ) cl , Lao. & W C8 93 | St. Louis & San F . . . 18i > enver& It. Grande. 11 I preferred 33J : rio lljJC. M &St Paul. . . 76 = preferred 32 ' preferred 111J llmols Central 131 | SU P. & Omaha 30 , 1SJI preferred 00 [ ansas& Texas. . . . . S3J Texas Pacific 17j iake Shore 70 , Unlon 1'aclllo. I9j iouls. &Nash M 41j Wabash , at. L , & ! ' . . 7 IIchlgan Central. . . . 02 I preferred 13i [ Usouri 1'aciHc U3i Western Union CD1 lorthern Paciflc. . . . SUJlO. 11.&N 70J preferred PKODUOE. CHICAGO. OHIOAQO , III. Sept. O , Flour Steady anl nchanged ; wheat flour , $4 60@5.25 ; aouth- ra , 5-1.5U@5.00 ; Wisconsin and Michigan , ) ( t spring wbeat , § 3.50@4.2G ; Minnesota akora' , S3.50@1.50 ; patents , § 3.75@4tO ; low rades , § 2.00Cg3.00. Wheat Very active and excited ; opened trong ; go higher , advanced fo more , declined tritle , rallied lc , sold oil c , advanced | c , losed lo over yesterday ; 7 ! > ic , cash and Sop- amber ; kSOJSb'Jgc , October ; 8 Jc , November ; Fo. 2 red , 83ic. Corn Activeandfirmoradvancod @lcclo3- ; 3 J@lo over yesterday ; 41tc.caih nd aeptem- ar ; 42 @ 42Jc , October ; 4bjjg40c ( , November. Data i'air demand ; | @jja better ; 25o , cash ; 51@25gc , September ; Val&2sc , October , Kje Steady at 6Uo. Barley Quiet at 681. Timothy-Brisk , 2a better ; prime. $1 71. Elaxseed Active , J@lc better ; No 1 , ? 119 'porK Moderately active , irregular , sUady ; Igher early , declined 6@7Jo later , closea ; eady ; § 8 75g8 ( 80 , cash ; 88 ? 5@8 77i , Sep- imberS8 ' 77i8 80 , October ; § 8 7G@8 774 , 'ovombsr. Lard Quiet and steady , ruled shade better ; i 22i@G 25 , cosh , September and October ; 317i November , Port Better- Shoulders S3 DOS4 00 ; short ear , 8G 1D@G 20 ; short ribs , 95 771@5 80. Wnisky-Nommally SI 10 ® ! 11. Butter Active and firmer ; good to fancy eamery , 16@23o ; good to line dairy , lliS ( io. io.Cheese Cheese Fairly active and firm ; choice full earn Cheddar * , 7i@8c ; flats , 8@8Jc ; young mericos , 9@10ic ; akims , l@5o. Eggs Fair demand at HJOlGc. Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted , lly cured , 8c ; light , 8Jc ; damaged , Co y raited , llfellic ; calf skins , 0@i2c , Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , 60. tteeeipta , Bhlpts. lonr , bbl „ . . . . „ . . 14,000 7UOO 'heat ' , bushels 76,000 5&.000 3rn , bushels 334,000 132,000 t , bushels IbO.OOO 109,000 re , bushels. . , 15,000 3,000 uley , bushels 49,000 3,000 ST. LOUIS. Si. Louis , Sept. 0. Wheat Very active , slier and unsettled ; closed lo above yeiter- .y . ; 87i@88o , cash ; 89 0 , October ; 02j , No- inber. Corn Higher but slow ; 42c , cash ; -lO ci Stember ; 39 o , October ; 37c , November , its Fraction hlgnor and tlow ; 24@21c , ihi 23jc , September ) 2JJo , October , Ryo-Dullat52@12ic. Whisky-Steady at $1.08. Butter Unchanged. Afternoon Board Wheat i@c higher , Corn Unchanged , Oats Uaclungod. new YOEK rsonooE , Niw YOBI , Sept. 9. Wheat Raelpts , 3,000 bn ; exports , 90 000 bu ; ungraded red , @ 89c ; No. 2 red , 90o ] in elevator ; afloat , i@92c ; November closing at 93 } ? , Jorn Spot J flic better , options closed ivy ; receipts , 100,003 bu ; exports , 31,0u0b u : graded. 4S4@614c ; No. 2 , 49492o } in ele- tor ; all at , 50jS51c ( ; Noveiubor closing at to.Jats Jats i@ljobettor ; receipts , 197.COO bu ; ex- rta , 27,100 bu ; mixed western , t > i@3c ; ilte western , 38@43Jc. ? etroleum-8teady at $1.00 } , S gs Very firm , demand fair ; receipts , 00 packages ; weatein , 18 ; , ? ork Steady and quiet. jard Weak ; western steam spot , gC.BO ® 15 ; November , $ G.48@f > .49. iutter Quiet , rather weak. Cheese Dull and heavy , LIVKErOOL. JIVEBPOOL , Sept. 9. Wheat Steady ) w No. 2 winter , Ga lid ; do sprlng.Ca lOid. Jorn Steady ) new mixed , 4a Old , October 1 November. TOLEDO. towtno , 0. , Sept. 9 , Wheat Firmer ; , 2 , cash and September , 8ijc. ( 'orn Shade lower and quiet ; cash and Sop- iber , 4ijc. > ta Firm ] cash and September , 2Cio , KANSAS cur. CANBAS Our , Sept . Wheat-Excited I higher ; cash , 70s bid , 73a asked ; October , ' i November , 'J5Jc ; May , 801@8CJc. 'orn Firm ; cash 35cj options nominal. )4ts ) Nominal ; 22c bid , 23Jo asked. , IltWAUi ( Wla , , Bept. 9. Wheat eeg ; cash , 70Jc ; October , 802e ; November , 3 , torn Easier ; No. 2 , 431o , i t Steady No. ? ; , 25io. I i lye-Steady j No. 1 , 6Gc. I arley Nominal ; No , 2 , CGo , I rovisioni Lowar ; mess pork , cash andjh twnber , 8 , JO ; October , f $75 , ' c < OUrOIXlfATT , OINOTNNATI , 0. , Sept. 9. Wheat Fi demand ) No. S rod , 87g880 , Corn-Firmer ! No. 2 mixed , 4Go. Oats Firm ; Xo. 2 mixed , 2G@27c. Ilyo-Steady ; No. 2 , 57i&68o. Barley Soarca and firm ; prime f ll , 87c. Pork Dull at $9 37 , L rd-Firm at $6.20. Whisky Weak ; high wines. (1 01 ; Gnlshc good sold on a basis of SI OG , , - MINNKArOUS. MtNKEArOLts , Minn. , Sept. 9. Wheat- Strong , generally higher ; No. 1 hard , 8S\ \ old ; 70c ; new cash ; BOo October ; 82o Nc vember ; No , 1 northern , 7Clo October ; 7 ( November. Kecoipta-Whoat49,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 8,000 bn ; Dour , 8,00 bbls , _ LIVE STOCK. OlttOAQO , CHICAGO , Sopt.'O. The Drovers' Joarnc reports ; Cattlo-Eoceipta , 8,000 ; best steady ; com mon , loner ; shipping steeni 00@G'lBe ; o.l ors and feoderi' , $2 203 70 ; cows , bull * an mixed , $1 7C@4 00 ; western rangers slow natives and hal -breodc , $3 COS t 90 ; cowi $2 C0@3 50 ; wintered Texans , $3 C0@3 GO. Iloga lUcelpts. 15,000 ; slow and steady rough and mixed , $380@4 05 ; packing am shipping , S4 C0@4 50 ; skipa. $2 75@3 76. Sheep Receipts , 2.21)0 ) ; unchangednatives ; SI 70@4 00 ; Teians , SI 60@3 CO. KAKBAH 01IT. KAKHAH Out , Mo , Sept. 9 , Cattlo- Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; stronger particularlyforgood | | butcher stuff ; exporters S6,23@5,40 ; common to choice shipping 84.50@5.20 ; stockera and feeders , $3.80g ( 4.25 ; cows , $2.40@3.SO. Hogs Uooolpts , 0.000) ) shipmontK , 3,000 good to choice steady at $4 23(34.30 ( ; otheri weak and slow ; common to medium , S3G5g ( 4.20. Sheep Receipts , GOO ; no shipments ; stoadyj common to good muttons , SL60@3.0J. ST. LOUIS , ST. Locis , Sept. 9. OUtlo Receipts 1,0JO , shipments 1,100 ; good grades steady but : ) oor dull ; native shipping stpcrp , $4.2Q@5,75 ; jood nntivo butcher steers , S3 50@4,00 ; mixed DUtcherinK stock. ? 2.25@3.60 ; stockers and 'eeders , S2.76@3.25. Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 100 ; joat , steady and firm ; othera dull ) common , o choice , muttons , 9S.2C@3.50 ; lambs , S2.63 94.00. M | OMAHA LIVE STOCK. UNION STOCK YAKDS , S. OMAHA , 1 Wednesday Evening , September 9 , ( The cattle market was steady to-day vbllo the hog market has declined B@10o Inco yesterday. The ruling quotations for o-day were : Common rough hogs. $3.40@ 1.50 ; good mixfld hoga , S3 GO@3.G5 ; choice Ifiht hogs , $3C5@3.75 | butcher's stock , § 2.50 53.00 ; dressed beef steers , very llttlo doing o-day ; prices nominal at $3 75 4.00 , RECEIPTS. Jattle 1,070 logs 253 ineep 1,03:1 Bl PnK3KNTATIVB BALIS , TBXANS. Jo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 209..1,107 3325 cowa. Jo , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 21 .895 ? 3.00 20. . . . 1)84 ) S3.00 HOGS. fo. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. G5 221 ISO ) 70 267 S3.B5 GO 242 S3.70 DESTINATION OF SHIPMENTS. Showing the number of cattle and oga shipped from South Omaha during ie past twenty-four hours , and their points f destination : CATTLE , ro. R't. Beat. 31G R. L Chicago. 35J ( Mil. 14 N. W. " PACKERS' ronciiASES. The following gives the number of hogs and beep bought by packers to-day : [ ammond & Oo 209 cattle larria & Fisher . . . - . . . ,1083 sheep BANOE OF PRICES FOR HOGS. The extreme range of prices for common 3ugh , good mixed and choice light hogs for jven days , is shown below : MOVEMENTS OF LIVE BTOOr. The following is a statement of the move- entofllvo stock for the period Indicated ith comparative figures. Note All sales of stock in this market or ado per cnt. live weight unless otherwisi ated. Dead hoga sell at lo per Ib for al. sights. ' 'Skins , " or hoge weighing less than 0 Ibj no value. Pregnant BOWS are docko" Ibs and stags 80 Ibs. B1A.HA. AV HOLES AL.E M/VHKET3 Wednesday Evening , Sept. 9. General Markoia. Ecrgs Ilecelpta to-day were light and prices Rhtly stronger. The ruling price was 13c , ONIONS In light receipt and fair demand a < DIIEKSEThe market is steadily advancing , > mand quits brisk , Full cream Cheddars , ; full cream flats , two in hoop,9Jc : full cream Dung Americas , four in hoop , lie ; Swiss , aiOc ; brick , ll@12Jc ; Llmburger , lOo. POULTRY Sales to-day of spring chickens ire low , owing to everybody having laid in arge stock in anticipation of the fair , The ling prices were 81,75@2.25. urAMK Receipts of praliie chickens are intiful , and piices are difficult to quote lag to the fact that the warm weather corn- Is commission men to sell for what they i get. UuTign To-day's quotations are : Oboico , § lGc ; fair to Rood , lU@12c ; Inferior , G@8s winery , 20(4220. SHAPES Home-wrawn Ooncords are still In ht supply ; owincrto continued cool weather. sBOuti arriving in good order and meet with r sale at D@5Jo per pound , SPIRITS Oologno Spirits A decline bos iln taken place , caused by tbe war among > distillers , and pricej will continue about i same or a little lower until some kind of ace co is agreed upon ; 188 proof , 110 ; i 101 prouf , 112 ; spirits , second quality , . proof , 111 : do , 188 proof , 109. sobal 188 proof alcohol , 2 10 per win * Ion. Whhkies Kedlitlllod wfchkles , 1 00 . 60 ; gin blended , 1 C02 OOr Ken- ky bourbons 200@BOO ; Kentucky and insylvaula ryes , 2 00@6 CO , Golden sheaf , urbon and Itye wbiikies from 91,50 ( 3,00 , tndlej Imported , G U0@8 DO ; domestic , ) (2,3 ( 00. Gina Imported. 4 fXJ ® U0 | du- jtlo. 1600S3 00. Rums-Imported , 4 60 © ) ; New England , 3 OO&l 00 ; domestic , 1 60 00. Champagnes Imported , per case , MJ@S4 00 ] American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00. ( BANQEB A few IlodI oranges are now in aBlt from New York , As the market h s n bare for some time past , the same will Jently bring fancy prices , IKMONB Tbe market is still declining ; ice new Verdelli quotable at 97.60 per box , 'JU.CHXS ' Delaware per crate , 3 batketr , )0 ) Michigan , per basket , 00c31 10 ; th , per box , 81 50(32 ( 25. 'oovjmoNS-Lxrd ' , 40 Ib cans per Ib , 7ioj id beef bams , 13c ; dried beef , regular , lie ; led beef , per bbl , 36 00 ; mess pork , per bbl , 00 , ban ) , 11@U5 ; breakfast bacon , lOc ; , r side bacon , 8c ; dry salted aidej , 7ioi alders , Gc. OTATOXH Are quoted at 30@40o. * -Hand-picked navy , 8160@1 COj d-plcked medium , Sl'.25@l 40i eopcl I cle n Jtrr , 9Cc@i 10 ; inferior , 60 < gCO , QHAI.- Con , 83cs now oats , 23c ; old oal SO ; wheat , No , 2 , ( MO ; rye , 38@40c. CAUFOIJUA FnuiT Pears-Winter Nell Beurre IHol , Lawrence , K. Beurro , Vies nnd othot varieties , per box , § 2,76@3C Pe chos-I box , $2.00. Plums Per bo 8L26@1.75. Prunos-Per box , S1.2B@1.7I Grapoa-Per rate , S1,7B@2.00. D r PAIN re-White lend 8ot French Zln 12c ; Parts whil'ng , 2Jcj whiting gildon. 1J rbltlng oom'l , ljc ( lampblnck , Gormsntowi 12o ; lampblack , ordinary , 10c | Prussian bin 65e ; nntramarino , 18o ; vandyke , brown , 81 umber burnt , 4oj nmbor , raw , 4o ; sienna , bun 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c : Paris green , genuine , 25 Paris groonoommon,20o ; chroma green , N , Y 20o ; chrome green , K , , 12o ; vermllllon , Eng 76a | Tormilllon , American , 18o ; Indian , roc lOo ) rose pink , 14o ; Venetian , rod , Oookson'i 2o ; Venetian , ted , American , lc ; rod lead 7 Joj chrome yellow , goriuino , 20c ; chrome yo low , K. , 12o : ochre rochelle.Sc ; ochre , Fronc Sic ; ochre , Amorioan. 2c ; Winters mlnora 2cj Lahlgh brown , 2Jc | Spanish brown , 2J ( Prince's mineral , 80 , Dncas AND CHEMICALS -Acid , carbolic , 44c ncid , tartarlc , 65c ; balsam copaiba , per It GOc ; bark , sassatraf , per Ib , 12c ; calomel , pe Ib , OOci cinchonldia , per tz , 60c ; chloro form , per Ib , 93c ; Dovors powders , per 1L $125 ; epsom salts , per Ib , 3Joi glycerin pure , per Ib , 25c ; load acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oi castor No. 1 , per gal , 81 CO ; oil cantor pure per gal , 51 GO ; oil , olive , per gal. 51 41 ; ol origanum , 60o ; opium , § 1 00 ; quinlno , P. f W. , and K , St , a , per oz , 8Bc ; potn , slum iodt io , per Ib , $3 25 ; salicin , per oz , 40 : ; sulphate phato morphine , per oz , S3 23 ; sulphur , pe Ib , 4o | strychnine , per cz , $1 G ) . SADDLERY lUnDWAUK X U combinatioi loop hamns $5 25. XXI. O. T. hamc ; S4.75 ; var I. O. T. hames , , $3.50 ; petfoc tion pads , $1.75 ; 47 ring bits , C5c ; Barboun No. 10 thread , 70c ; jap breast strap slide 30c ; X O breast strap slidn , 40c ; li S C 3 loop clmmp T buckloc , $1.05 ; li jap 3 loot champ T buckles. 95o ; 12 X 0 3 loop chntni T buckles , $130 ; 1 j jap 3 loop champ buckles SI.20 ; copper rivets No. 9 , 20c ; Bristol snaps , li nt $5.50 , li at $4.50 , 1 at$3CO , g at $3 60 't at $3.60 ; German snaps , li at Si.09 , 11 al ? 2.60,1 at S1.45 , i at $1.40 , i at $1.40. PAINTS IN OIL Whits load , Omaha , P. P , o | white load , St. Louis , pure , 6 75 ; Marcel os green , 1 to 5 ID cans , 20oj French zinc ; rreen saal , 12o ; French tine , red seal , lie , French zino , In varnish osst , 20o ; French zinc , In oil east , 15o | raw and burnt umber , 1 It iaaj , lOo ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke ; rown , ISo ; refined lampblack , 12o ; coacb ilaok and Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , 16ci Prussian blue , 40ot ultramarine blue , 18oj ihroma green , L , M & D. , ICc : blind and hutt green , L. M. &D , , IGoj Poris green , .8c | [ nJJanrod , 15cj Venetian rod , Be ; TUB- > an red , 22c ; Amorioan vermillion , L , & D , ! 0o ) yellow ochre , 9c ; L , M. , O. Ac P. O. , 18o ; rellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent Iryer , 80 ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , ralnut , chestnut and ash. 16o SUOEINO TOBACCO O. 8.,22ai Moorsahanm , tOcj Long Tom 30o. Blaokwell'a Durham , 16 iz , , 61o ; 8 oz. , 55o ; 4 oz , , 67c ; 3 oz. , GOo. ionl of North Carolina , 16 oz.wood , 42a ; 8 oz. , rood , 45a ; 4 oz. . cloth 48a ; 2 oz , , 60o , Navy Hipping * , 36c. Kllllkinlck , 4 oz , , 27c ; 2 oz. , : Sa , CINE OUT Hard to Beat , 70c ; Oharm of the yost , GOc : Fount tin , 70o : Golden Thread , 7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 60c ; Rocky Moun- ain , 50ct Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c. Ptua TOBACCO Climax , 44o per Ib , ; Horse- hoe , 46c : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our lope , 60c ; Piper Heidsick , GOc ; Punch , 40o HBAVY HARDWAIU Iron , rates , 210 ; plow teel , special cast , ic ; crucible steel , Cc ; cast sols do , 12@18c ; wagon spokes , per eet 175@3 00 ; hub ? , per sot , $1 25 ; elloes sawed dry , $1 40 ; , each , 5c ; axles , each , 7Cc ; square nuts per 3,7@llc _ ; collchain , perlb , b@12c : malnblolo , c ; iron wodgee , Gc ; crowbars , Go ; harrow Both 4c ; spring steel , 7S8c ; Burden's horse hoes , $4 10 ; Burdens mule shoes , S5 10. tarbed Wire In cor lota , $4 00 per 100 Ibs. Jails Rates , lOto GO ; iron , $2 60 ; $2 G5. hot Shot , $1 60 ; buckshot , $1.85 ; orien- 1 ponder , kegs , $3 50@4 CO : do , half kegs , 2 00 ; do , cunrter kege , $1 EO ; blasting , eg , S3 35 ; fuae , per 100 foot , 50c. Lead- tar , SI 65 , DBY FBUITS No. 1 , quarter apples , Jo ; N O sliced , boxes , Gc ; evaporated , boxes , c ; blackberries , boxes , 9Jc ; peaches , boxes , one in the market ; peaches , evaporated , 1DJ@ Ic ; raspberries , new , 25@27c , OILS 110 carbon , per trallon , lie ; 150 head- ght , per gallon , IGo ; 175o headlight , per allen , IGs ; 150 ° water white , IBc ; linseed , w , par gallon , 43c ; linseed boiled , per pal- in , 4jc ; lard , winter str'd , per gallon , OCc ; To. 1 , 53c : No. 2 , 48c ; castor XXX , per gol- > n , $1 50 ; No. 3. $1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 100 ; sperm W. B. . per gallon. SI GO ; fish 7. B , , p ° r frnlloD , G5c ; neatafoot extra , per allen , ( i ; No 1 , 63c ; lubricating , zero , pur allou , 3Jc ; summer , 15 ; ; golden machine , lo. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , alg al , par gallon , 'JOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 7c ; naptha 74c , per gallon , 14 : . VABNISHEB Barrels , per gallon ] Furniture , rtrn , Cl 10 ; furniture. No , 1 , 81 ; coach , ez a , 91 40 ; coacb , No , 1 , 81 20 ] Damar , extra , 1 75 ; Japan , 70o ; oaphaltum , extra , 860 , idllac , $3 60 ; hard oil finish 31 60. LSATHEU No 1 Pittsburg J , O. L. & Sons , Ic ; No. 1 Pittsburg K & S 31c ; No 1 Cincin- ati , 33c ; No 1 lace leather , GOc ; prime augbtor sole leather , 27c ; prime oak sole ather. 37o. Sole leather , per pound : Hem- ck slaughter , 28@32c ; Hemlock , D H , l@2Sc ; oak slaughter , 34@38c. Upper ather , per foot , 22@24o ; Hemlock , In. 75@86c ; oak kip , 85@95c ; French Ip. $1 CO1251 Hem. calf , $1 00@110 ; oal iff , SI 00@1 29 ; French calf , $1 25@1 85 Lorocco boot leg , (0 32c | Morocco oil peb- o , 28@32c , Toppings and linings , $6 U0@ I 00 per doz. Br/itniNa MATEIUAL Hard brick , $900 in of kiln , $800 ; limo ( in bulk > r brl G5c ; lime ( in brls ) 90c auisvillo cement , $1,55 ; Utica , Akro id Milwaukee cement , $1.50 ; Portlani mont , Boglisb , $4.00 ; stucco , Michigan LOO ; hair in paper sacks per bu SOo. HIDES Steady ; green butchers' 7c ; greet 3red.8cdry ; flint , 12@lGc ; dry salt , 9@10c ; hides two-thirds price ; tallow , 4 @ ; grease , prime white , 3@-lJc ; sheep pelts @ 75c , Grocora' List. Sea -Powdered , 8Jc ; cnt loaf , 8c ; gran ited , 79c ; confectioners' A , 7ic ; Standau tra 0 , 6c ; extra 0 , 6 } ; medium yellow , G a rk yellow,0 go. COFFEES Odlnary grades , 9c ; fair , 10 , w : ; good , ll@12c ; prime , 12@13 ; choice , 1C © : ; fancy green and yellow , ! G@lGc } ; old vernmeut Java , 20@2Go ; Mocha , 22@26c ; buckle's roatted , ISJc ; McLaughlin's XXX , roasted , 13Je ; Jav , lGJi@l c ; Dll- rth'e. 131o ; Red Orosr , 13o. McLaueh- 'i , Arbucklo'a and McLaughlin's XXXX i eold 5Co per case off above prices in 3-c s s , 3ANNKD Gooog-Oysters ( Standard per IB , 3 00 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case. 2 GO ; ipborries , 2-lb , per case , 2 25 ; California irs , per case , 6 60 ; apricotB , per case , 4 20 ; idies , per case , 4 75 ; white cheirlea , per le , G 01 ; plums , per case , 4 00 ; whortleber- s , per case , 2 40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , ptr case , ! 0j green gages , 2-lb , per case , 2 90 ; pine pies , 2-lb , per case , 3 20(35 ( 50. DANDT-Mixed , 'JiOHi ; stick 9i@10ic , 1st stick , 9fo , 3oiA In Ib papers , 3 25 a case ; salsoda keg rib , 82 25 , 7lNHaAB , CiDKB-13@18c ; White Wine , 15 PICKLES Medium in barrels , 5 60 ; do In If barrels , 3 50 ; small in barrels , 0 60 ; do in if barrel ! , 3 75 ; pherklns in barrels , 7 53 ; do half barrels , 4 25. iiOK Louisiana , prime to choice , G.J7ic. SOAl'S Kirk's Savon Imperial , 800 ; Kirk's inet , 315 : Kirk'a standard , 360 ; Kirk'a ilte Russian , 4 GO , VOODKNWAKB Two hoop pails , 1 75 ; throe > p pails. 200. Tubj , No , 1 , 8 50j pioneer hboards , 1 6 ° ; well-buckets , 3 75. toPB-Siiol. J Inch and larger , 8 c ; inch , ; i inch , 'Jjo. IALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 65 ; Aohton , in ks.335 ; J sacks Aihton , ! ) U ; bbls dairy , lystera The cool weather has created a J demand lor this time of the year. Kxtra t selects , 50c ; plain selects , 45c , TABCii Nlagra Gloss , 1 Ib , Olc ; Ni- a Glojs , 3 Ib , 6c ; Niagra Glo B , o Ib , 7c ; kgra Corn , 1 Ib. 7c ; Kingsfords Corn , 1 Ib. ; Kinesfords Gloss , 1 Ib , 8c ; Klngtford's is , 0 Ib. ' SJc : Kingsford'd Pure , 3 Jb , Cc ; igsford's Bulk , 4c , VBUP--Standard 0 29c bbls , , ; Standard -gallon kegs , 1 40. riCEB-Wholo-Pepper , 18c ; aTspico , lOo ; res , 15@2Dc ; cas ia. lUc ; nutmegs , 6D G5o. riCM-Gwund Black pepper , boxes , 16 ® alspico , 15@2c ; cinnamon , 18@30c ; e , ! Sg2oc ( ; ginger , 15@26c ; mustard 15 Jc. i ANDiKS-Boxes , 40 lb , ICj , 12Joj St , 12jc ; u 49 Jbf , 1C or , C , , 12ic ; h f blr , 2g l'0V I ' I MATOTIBS Par caddie , S5o : round , tl. case , 45c ; square , cases , 170 ; Oihkosb , CASW gr.l 20. -Gunpowder , fair , 35@45 : good. . 45 ® 65 ] ; choice , C0@76o ; good Imperial , 40@ 3cj. choice , G0@70rYoung ; Hyson , good , 30@45c ; . choice , 60@70c ; Oolong , good , 35@10c ; Oolong , choice , 40@GOo : Kngluh Breakfast , good.lSo @ 40c ; choice , 602G5c ; Souchong , peed , SO JO 0o ; choice , 85@45c ; J pMi , fair. 2o@85o ; ( rood , 35 < 345c ; choice , C5@7flc toDu t , 15o ; Tea Siftiingf , 18c , CnACKKns-Gsrnc.iu's soda , Imttor nnd pic nic , f > c : creams , So ; ginger snaps , So ; City soda , 7io. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans in CMP , 3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz In case , 1 90 ; An chor ball , 2 doz in case , 150. Dry Gooilp , BLEASHKD COTTONS Farmers' Choice , Oh Cabot GJ : Hope 7 ; Hill 4-4 , 71 ; Hill I , C | ; Lonsdalo , 7J ; Fruit 8 ; Wamsutta , 10 } , FINK BROWN COTTONS Pepporoll R , < U , Pepporell O , 6J | Atlas , GJ ; Statute of Liberty : G ; Saranac R , GJ , PniNTS- Stool River , 6J ; American , CJ ; Arnold's , G ; Manchester , G ; Lymnn , 6 ; Gloucester , 6 } ; Dunnoll Jacquard , G ; DunnolU 6J ; Ramnpo , 4 ; Windsor , G ; Pacific. G , Har mony , 4JJ Anchor Shirtings , 4J ; Morrimack Shirtingf , 4 } . DKNIJIS Beaver Creek AA , 11 ; Beaver Crook BB , 10 ; Bo vw Oreok CO , 9 J frrey brown , 71. DOCK ( Unbleached-S ) oz Magnolia. 10 ; 10 oz Magnolia , 11 ; 8 oz West Point , 10) ; 10 oz West Point , 12J. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston 9 oz brown nnd drab , 13J ; Boston O U brown nnd drab. U : Boston XX brown nnd drab , 10 ; Baa ton XXX brown nnd drab , 11 ; Boston O P blue , Hi ; Wnrreh Tricot , 15. BnowN COTTONS Lawrence LL , 5 ; Shnw- mut LL , 5 ; Beaver Dam LL , 5 ; Atlantic LL , 5 ; Indian Head , 7 ; Wnuchtuntt , GJ ; Crown XXX , GJ ; Clifton COO , 01 ; Utica 0 , 41 ; At lantic P , 6 } . TICKINGSAmoskong A O A , 12i ; Thorn- dike O O O. 7f ; Thorndiko fancy , 9Ji York A , 10J ; York fancy ; 12J ) Mlllbury , 12J ; Pearl River , llj ! Hamilton , 12 ; Swift River , GS ; Saetuckot B , 8) ; Shatncknt S S , 9) ) ; Montauk A , 12 ; Montauk B , 10i ; Omega A O A , 131. COE.SKT JIAVS Koornnrgo , 7 ; Armory 7 ; Popperell , 71 ; Indian Orchard , G : Naum- koag , 7 , GINGHAMS Renfrew , 9@10J ; Amoskoog , jross , 9 ; Amonkong , staple , 71 ; Ivanhoo , 9J ; Wamsuttn , 81i Nubian , 8J ; Warwick , U ; VVhlltendon , 9Batca ; , dreis , 8 ; Bates , staple , jl ! : Randolph , staple , GJ ; Lanadowna , 7. ihecks , 9 ; Otis , stripes , 9 , Royal , GJ ; Amos- neag , napped , 10i ; Lurny , book fold , 12 ; 3boron , book fold , lliEndurance ; , book fold , 12. 12.CAMST CAMST WAUPS Bibb , white , 20 ; Bibb solorod , 22J ; Peerless , white , 4-pIy , 18 ; Peer ess , colored boards , 20& . Fiih. LAKE FISH-(1885 ( Catch. ) MACKEREL-U8S5 Catch. ) HERRINGS. 203H'lfBblslQ . Bbls. or NEW FISH. 203 100 90 50 40 Kt'a 10 .lunn's . Split No 1 Lab 8 004 5' ' 4 102 | 30 1 90 GO Jpgliah do Largo 7 504 25 | 3 752 | 17 1180 67 3 50 3 00 1 80ll 50 60 ICKL.ED SALMON-IMP'D HERRING (1885 ( Catch. ) BLOOD BED CALIFORNIA SALMON. is. Ibs. Iba. IbB , Ibs. kite. 30 100 90 50 40 14.00 57.50 $6.80 $3.83 33,10 90 Dry Immljor. DIMENSIONS AND IIUDEBS , 12ft. Ult. 1 It. 18 . 20 tt. 22ft. 21ft 10.00 1000l900l7.00l8.00 | | | IB. oo saoo 16 MI6 ) | 60 IB 80 18.60ll7.60 20.00 SO.OO ia.oolia.oo 10 oc 17.00 I8oo : 19.00 2aOO 1600 16 00 16 00 | 17.00 I8.0021.0022.00 [ | lfl.00 ! fl CO 10 00 17.00 18.0020.00 21.00 1010 , 18.60 BOABDS. 'o. 1 boards , 12,14 and 16ft 817 25 0.2 boards , 13,14 and 16 ft 15 25 'o. 8 boards , 12,14 and 1C ft 13 35 o. 4 boards , 13,14 and 16 ft 1126 BIDING , it Com. , 12,14 and 16 feet 922 00 I Com. , 14 and 16 feet 20 00 I Com. , 14 and 16 feet 16 00 once , 14 and 16 feet 11 00 TKN01NO. o.l,4A:6 inch , 12and 14 feetrough..818 00 o. 1 , 4 & 6 inch , 1C feet , rough 18 00 o. 2 , 4 &G Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. 16 00 o. 3 , 4 & 6 inch , 16 feet , rough 16 OC BHIP LAP. 0. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch $18 00 o.2 , Plain , 10 inch IG 00 0.1 , 0 , Q 18 60 CEILING , t Com , 8 inch , Norway 16 60 Com , g Inch , Norway 14 CO FINISHING ) , 1 , 2d and 3d Clear , 1J Inch , a , 2a ? 50 50 t , 2d , and 3d Clear , 11 and 2 inch , B , 2s 60 50 Select , 1J , 11 and 2 inch , s. 2s SO 60 t , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , B , 3 46 50 Select , lincb , B. 2s 40 50 Select , 1 Inch , B , 2a SO rosis , bite Cedar , 6 inch , halvea 13 hlto Cedar , 51 Inch , halves 11 o hita Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 11 a hito Cedar , 4 Inch , round 14 a rLOOBINO , ; 0om. 6 Inch , white pine , 838 00 > Com. G inch , white plno 8507 Com. C inch , white pine . . 29 09 1. Fence 6 Inch , white pine 20 Of i and 3d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch , 34 BTOOK BOABD0 , BATTENS , WKLLTCDINO , [ flOKETS. Q. Bate , 8 Inch 9 G. Bat' , Silnch 75 nchBats , s. 1 B , .40 ichwell tubing , D. & M. , . , , 22 60 ach well tubing , Bov 22 60 jketsj D , & H. Plat , $22 OOi D & U , iquaro , . , 24 00- BHINOLKS AND LATH , Inch , Clear. . , . , . Standard 2 7 acb , Clear 1 76 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' th.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Goal , Uithracito egg , $8.00 ; anthracite nut. (8.26 ; hracita range. 8825 ; Iowa , 83.25 ; Wal- ; Block. $3.25i Illinois , $1,60 ; Indiana ck to. , 85.76 ; Fort Scott , 31.25 ; Rich Hill , W. P , Johnson & O0l > ommission Merchants- 218 La Sallo Street , Chicago , . fttteutlo tepres6nted by EDWARD BARTON,1