Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Netting renewe/1 trrnith , or who onflVr from
Inflrmltlei peculiar to their ( ex , nhonld Irr
This medicine combtnM Iron Kith porn TeieUb'e
Innlos. and Is InTaluable for Difleumq ecSll.r to
Women , fine ! all who lead sodrntarr lltrn. Jt ICn-
rlrlirit and I'nrlnrn tbo Illoml , Stimulate *
thfiAppctltr , MlrcnRtlirnn ths .Tlimclrn and
wrrTc Tin : ' " * ( t | > ° roa ldTlnvl orntCB.
OleAr the comploilon. and makes the ftkln Bmootb
H does not blacken th teeth , can e headache , ot
produce constipation all tiMr Iran mMftfnri da.
Mns. ruziBETn n inn. 7 < Fanrell Ate. . Mflwau-
kj , Wli. , M. nndor d t nf Dee. SGth.18841
"I have niwd Brown's Iron Bitten , and It baa boon
morn than a doctor to me. baring cnrml menf the
weaknonn ladle * hare In Hie. AUo cured mo cf Lit
er Oomplalnt , and now my completion U clear and
good , Ilaa been beneflclal to tnj children. "
Oennlne hat ho o trade mark and crofwd red line *
on wrapper. Tnltn nn nllirr. Madnonljby
LADirs1 HANI > DooK-UMfnl and attractlro , con-
taintag lltt of prltMt for fpclrxw. Informatlrm abont
cohm , i > hs. , ( [ Iron away by nil dealer * In mmllclno , or
mnilPKl toanT nnnrma on rivrlpt nf 2c. atamp.
Maiiliooii Restored
ItEMEDYFliEE. Avlctlmofyouthfnlimprudenco
cjuslriR Proraatnro Decay , Norrous Debility , Lost
JIanhood , dc.ha7lnK tried In vain every known
lernedy.hnsdlscoTBrednBliiiplemeansofBolf-caro ,
which ho will fce KRKU to his follow-sufferera.
Address. JMLKK VDS. 43 Ohathaui au.Now York.
Indigestion Cured ,
I suffered for more than flvo roars with Indiges
tion , scarcely able lo retain the simplest foad on
rnj ft stomach. Thebur nlng sensation was almost
Intolerable , and my whole lystcm was deranged I
was wakeful and could not tlecp , and consequently
more or less norvocs all the tlmo. I decline In esh
and Buffered all the usual depression attendant upon
this terrible dlccate In a word , I was miserable. At
last , lalllnr ; to find relief In anything else. I com
menced the use of Swift's Specific. I began to 1m-
provo at once. The rn'dlrJno toned up the
ftch , Etrengthencd tbo dlgrstlvo organs , and soon all
that burning ceaseal , and I could rttiln food without
difficulty. Now my health Is good , and can eat any
thing in the shape of food , end digest It without
the Blljhest difficulty. I most cheerfully bear this
tottlmcny bocauas there are hundreds suffering as I
was , and lam sure can bo as readily healed. Take
the prescribed dose after eating instead of before.
JAMK8 MANW , No. U Ivy street.
Atlinta , da. , May 13,18S5.
oTrcatlse on blood and skin diseases mailed free , err
r The Swift Speclflo Co. , Drawers , Atlanta , Ga
W 1672SdS , N-
5trcr5. = n. ? ? * $
-s = ;
il | 7 SI. Chnr/M / M Sf. Lnnis , Wo
Hlftxillll tb9lpcei > r tlne3tor C.noitc , } 'r iott , l'i
Mcrvout PioslrJtlcic , Dcbhlty , Menial * r4
Physical Wcoknsss , Mrrcurlal and alder flfio1
lions ol Thrnal Skin or Oonof , B'aoilPolcnnU-j ,
old Snrcs and Ulccri , > rg uu vith ( inJit i
Dlseasct Arlilny Irum Infiitcrcl'O'i ' , Cicfc'iS ,
L'iposure or Indulgence , ro'ia itit-ito'vat or tin
bt w.laof f
: MarririS n or Bni pj 7 , n
sjd-i C.e DU , , C
, . Ooiiiiil ! ton
A Positive Wriiren Guarantee
Urttla tllnir < ) il e > l'r.llclnnfcmiT r bir.
Jjuiptilots. it2lUli fir Oerraan , 4 p
* 'ribluc" > L.ovutl. ca o In ratio 01 fem
M0yi < r < , BnovUfl. lliuii.ul la cktb cil flit tijctl.
rfii.i3-a r r voiu ii , t < ir , } > i r ovtn , IV. Ti !
Ik v va txe .rcunul tj lu wi *
James lleiioal Instituls
h. Chartered by thcStatcof 1111-
Vnola for theexpresapurriose
yof givlnclmmedlate rellella
* all chronic , urinary and prl-
Svato diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
jGlcctandSyphillslnall their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
permanently cured by reme-
. dicatcstedtnaVortyYeart
tl > tclall'racttce , bemlnal
Weckncaj , NiFht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Ihe raceLost Manhood , iioiltlrtl\jc\trtl. \ \ There
is no fi > crl ir > itt > ut. The appropriate remedy
ta at once used In each case , ConaultatUms , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines nent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
Hw department of Drake University , Des Molnet ,
Iowa. Bund for Catalogue. Addrwu A. II. UoVey.
Dean or J. a Clark. Secretary , care Col * McVoy &
Olark , DuaMoluos lowr. rule iwk
A Clear Skin
is only a part of beauty
but it is a part. Every lady
may have it ; at least , what
looks like it. Magnolia
Balm both freshens and
Workonlho onndallon of the Grot on college -
logo ii In progress.
. The inmates of the Sioux Falls penlten-
iniy now number 81.
The D kota territorial fair will ba held at
Huron September 27-Octuber 2.
The sinters ot the order of St. Benedict will
build a convent at 'White Luke.
Mall service has been established over the
Northwestern loid via Chadron , to the Black
Pierre claims to have handled during the
throe years past o ver 100OCO,000 pounds of
freight. ,
Two Deadwood contractors have agreed to
furtlsh 125 000 ties to the railroad company
nt 8 cents apiece.
A young man named O'Neill was driven
insane at Fargo by being locked up on a
charpe of v gr ncy ,
Ilazard has become the fishlonable name of
the sports at Rapid City , Fokor holds its own
with "vulgar croud. "
The new Pierre water works have boon
tested and found to bo satisfactory , The ca
pacity of the pumps is 1,000,090 gallons per
day ,
The Maidens'drum corps , of Canton , and
wideiproad newspaper notoriety , Is composed
of ten of the handsomest youog ladles o ( the
town ,
The recently opened coal mines at Sims ,
on the Northern Pacific , are raid by the min
ers to bo n failure owing to faults , water and
weakness of the roof.
The Deadwood Pioneer notes that Inside of
four weeks nine suicides , two murders and
one lynching have taken place In the Hills ,
with all of the large towns yet to be heard
from ,
The small stock owners of the southern
Black Hills are to hold a convention at Gusto-
City September 29. to take measures to pro
tect themselves against the encroachments of
the CAttle kings of the country ,
The Deadwood Pioneer claims discoveries
hnvo been made in the Bald Mountain dis
trict of uranium , a metal far more valuable
than jrold , the commercial article selling at
trom700 to 5800 per pound.
The agricultural college building nt Brook-
ings , to bo completed this fall , will bo 270 feet
long , 100 feet wide and four stories high. The
institution is to be Inaugurated this month , a
part of the building being ready for use.
Considerably excitement has been caused in
the vicinity of Devil's Lake by the recent
ruling of the commissioner of the general
land office , Requiring publication of notice of
final proof in the newspaper nearest the land.
It is feared the ruling will open up questions
of title in hundreds of cases where this law
was not followed.
Unknown parties attempted , to wreck the
passenger train between Canton and Lennox.
.They placed three oak ties on tun track , but it
happened that a freight preceded the patson-
jer , and the engineer having been warned , woa
in the lookout and stopped liii train before
my terious damage was done. The passenger
.ram 'camo along about half an hour later ,
md , although the vagabond tramps had
eplaced the ties on the track , the engineer
ivaded accident , The next train found a
oosoood rail , every spike having been ex-
ractod from the rails ,
Wyoming is cartainly looking up in a bust-
oss way , The oil region is attracting more
nd more attention and there is also c > nsld-
rable prepress in mining.
The Rawlins Improvement and Water corn-
any , capital $10.000 , has bsen incorporated.
The ranch of George Huttoneighteen miles
lUthwoat of Lirarale City , has been sold to
[ esirs. Oaldwell and Gardinler for $20,000.
he purchasers own the property adjoining
id have now about 3.COO acres of titled land
id 5,000 acres under fence.
L. G , Davis , an old prospector , has struck
rich lead in the Miner's Delight district.
One hundred thousand acres of land have
ten sold in Carbon county this year.
T. W. Poe , a prospector , had a warm Img-
np match with a she boar in Sabilo canon ,
u clothing was torn into ribbons and his
do clawed in huge strip. Ho feigned death
id escaped with bis life.
The officials of Laramle county have ro-
icsted Gov. Warren to offer a reward of
iOO for the capture of the lynchors of Si
utrldge , horsothief.
The Teton basin horsothieves are BO strong-
fortified in that region that it will require
nsiderablo nerve and lead to dislodge tnem ,
The Kvanston oil find is In charge of Ponn-
Ivania exports. The machinery , when In
nition , is capable of striking a blow of thirty
indred pounds upon the drill , and can strike
venty of such blows per minute. Ordinary
ck crumbles away rapidly under these pon-
irons strokes , and It will not take long to go
> wn a few hundred feet. 11
a ;
Georgetown has married off nearly all of
r former school ma'ams , and will import a
; sh lot from the east for the next term of u
tiool only ono of the former teachers re
The corner stone of thoCatholh church in T
ontroso was laid on Sunday , September fi.
It is claimed by its friends that Red Cliff is
9 prize poor man's camp in the stite , They
7 that in proportion to the population inoro
ners have madogood finds there than at any
ler point in Colorado.
lloutt county if now a claimant for honors
a petroleum field. ce
13. E. Myers , of Detroit , Michigan , ii the
: cessful candidate as architect of Oolora- w
'a million dollar capltol building. If built m
accordance with Mr. Myor'a plans the
lorado state capitol will bo 205 feet long , tl
cluitvo of porticos or steps , 102 feet deep at tli
iter of the building , and 320 feet high , It
[ mounted by a statue of Colorado. The Itor.
tiding will take 1,010 car loads of cut stone , or.P
O.O.OCO brick and -J.fXO.OOO pounds of Iron P
10 roof , gutter and valleys of the roof will in
of half-inch slate eecured by brass screws inkl
d bedded In concrete. Tbo IntO'Ior will bs
lebod in bard wood , and the windows will
be plato glass.
V (
Rich discoveries in the Red Cliff district are
occurrence ,
It is estimated that the wheat crop of ai
ontroso county will average thirty bushels aiA
r acre , and oils between fifty and sixty A
, ihels. A few ranches , where extra cire
s been given , will produce forty to forty , B. .
e bushels of wheat per acre. B.BO
Ibo receipts of the treasurer of Denver dur- BO
j August were 811,742.80 , and the expand- !
res 327,932.34 , In the same time Arapahoe
unty paid cut $11,717,73.
A. new street car brake , the invention of a
mver mechanic , WM successfully tested in
nt city last week. The novel features of
a brake consist cbielly in the fact Hut
ould an accident take place to a car the lat-
r will almost instantly stop from the simple
oct of its own weight , whereas , in the old-
ibioned chain-brake , should the chain part ,
ere is no means of chicking the momentum
the car until It comes in contact with some
ject. A fine feature of the new brake is In
u n viug of the car wheels from flattening ,
Kidnappers have made several unsuccessful
tempts to carry cif children in Denver.
Harry -Hamilton and Mrs. Getchell , two
Driver paupers , were married there recently
thont a mcklo In their pockets to buy grub
.ring the honeymoon ,
A Denver widow threw vitroll in the face
the man she loved because the latter loved
r 17-year-old daughter better than herself ,
10 man WM horribly burned ,
lha banks of Salt L ko Oily rrcalved n
tal of J85 282.49 in bullion and ore ftr the
cck ending September 2d.
The day set by Pieiident Adams for work to
ain on new df pot at Ogden went by without
y move on the part of the railroad company ,
coelneis ha sprung up between the nativca
, d promising Chanlty ,
Umgbam still maintains its portion as the
reliable camp of the territory ,
Flfteon car Icadi of salt from the great
iuy sea were shipped to liutto darirg
Two cowboys attempted to rob the Marys-
ville coach n r Helena , recently , and WOK
neatly bagged 1)7 the guards.
Buffalo B to bava a school house which wll
cost $13.600.
There is n greater demand for lumber 1
Cottonwoo'l than the local mills can supply ,
Stockmen building sheds for the shelter of
stock is the cause of the present scarcity.
It is estimated that not less than § 20,000-
000 were represented by members of the Mon <
tana Stocltgrowers Association , in session nt
Helena , recently ,
Travel In the national park this year is
enormous , the stages being scarcely equal to
the demands upan them for passengers.
The Bluebcard now ranks as the loading sil
ver mine of Montana. Though not develop
ed below the 350-foot level it shows more reserve -
servo ore than any other silver property in the
territory. The dump alone contains 10,000
tons of $10 ore , nnd Is worth four times more
than the mlnn cost a year ago. One drift on
the 200 foot level shows 8G feet of milling ore.
Fleece * from a band ot merino bucks In
llnmbolilt oonntjr , Nov. , weigh between thirty
and forty pounds oach.
Some of the hop-raisers are having consid
erable trouble In securing pickers , as the
Chinamen decline to work for the wages that
in some Instances are being ottered , Prices
being low the hop men feel tbat they must
harvest their ciopa as economically as pos
An eagle attacked an 8-yiar-old boy near
Bullon. Arizona , recently , while ho was
riding horseback , and lifted him clear from
the saddle , dropping him to the ground and
bruising him badly , besides tearing his shoul
ders with its claws.
During the year ending Juno SO , 1885 , thuro
were 83 suicides in Sau Francisco , 22 of the
unfortunates being natives of Germany , 7 of
England , 7 of China. The pistol was resorted
to in 32 cases of self destruction , poison in 19 ,
razor and knife in 0 , drowning 4 , hanging 12 ,
various other means being used by the ro
mnlniDg seven.
The assessment roll of Yuba county , Cal , ,
amounts to $5,700,150. , In Telmma county
tbo assessment roll amounts to $7,995,018.
It requires a great deal of labor to run a
largo vineyard. The proprietor of a rnlsin
yineyard ot four hundred acres atFesno , Cal , ,
smploys a force of 120 men to pick the grapes ,
> nd will require this large number for n period
if three months. His pay-roll for that tlmo
ivill average § 3,6CO psr month ,
It is thought that Custom House officials
a tian Francisco are implicated in the sale of
Jhinoso certificates.
Iron Mountain , in Shanta county , Cal. , has
> een sold to practical miners for $200,000 , and
ho erection of works will bo commenced as
eon as a wagon road can be built to Copley
tatlon , on the railroad ,
It is said that hundreds of tons of fruit
lave been left to rot la California orchards
his year , became it would not pay to ship at
irrsont rates by overland freight.
A nugget of gold weighing over $10(1 ( was
> icked up in the Miocene claim at Oroville ,
he other day ,
IHOTiERA , best and surest preventitivo
lendod by leading Physicia . Sold by Drug1
ists and jrocers . ,
To Avoid Golds.
[ all's Journal of Health.
The result of cloning the poroa of the
dn is various according to the direction
10 shock takes , and this la always to the
eakeat part. In the lltllo child it la to
10 throat , nud there la croup or dlph-
terla ; to the adult It IB to the head , giv-
; g catarrh in the head or running of the
DSC ; to the lange , giving a bad cold , or ,
Tory violent , causing pneumonia or in-
tmmatlon of the langa thomaolvoe ; or
eurlsy , Inflammation of the covering of
10 lungs ; to the bowels , causing profuse
id snddon diarrhea , or to the covering
1 the bowels , Inducing that rapid and
ten fatal malady known na peritoneal
datamation ; If the current IB determined
i the liver there is obatlnato constipa-
pn , or billiom fever , or sick headache.
'once , a "cold" la known by a cough ,
hen perspiration la driven Inward , and
directed to the lungs ; by pleurisy ,
ben to the lining of the lungs ; by a tl.k
ladacho or blllloua fever , nrhon to the
rer , etc. ; diarrhea or conatlpjktlcn when
the bowels and liver.
To avoid bad colds It IB only necessary
avoid olcslng the porea cf the akin ,
ther rapidly , by checking perspiration ,
1 elowly , by remaining still nntll the
idy la thoroughly chilled that la , until
o porea are nearly or entirely closed by
action in a cold atmosphere or room. In
o matter of health , these suggestions
o of Incalculable importance.
The only Complexion Power In the
arid that la without vulgarity , without
jury to the user , and without doubt a
la Pozzoni'a.
Trials of a Doctor.
xas Sittings.
A Now York doctor , who has a larga
Ivato practice , was talking with a doc-
: who is employed at ono of the largo
"I have iriad everything , " said the
: mor , "but without euocess. The can-
: is still there and Is growing. "
"Why don't you operate at onco. The
ir/st / that can happen is that the patient
> y die. "
"It's all very well for you to talk In
it way. When yon perform an opora-
n nt the hospital all ii said about
la that so-and-io la dead and that's the
i cf It , but it's different In private
lotlco. If any of my patients drop off
that nay somebody Is sure to ralsd a
sk about U. "
Pozzoni'a Complexion Powder is nnl-
r tally known and every where esteemed
the only Powder that will Improve
3 complexion , eradicate tan , freckles ,
d all tkln diseases. Use no other ,
Fljjht Bonvoou llornoto and BOOB.
Itlmoro Herald ,
The most remarkable and exciting
'no ' I ever wltnesiod was a fight 1
tffoen a swarm of bees and a colony of
rnets. Hornets , aj you may know ,
lid their nosta out of a material netlike
like paper , which Is moulded Into
acentric layers , The nests often attain
a alzo of a man's head , and are occn-
: d by about two hundred hornets. One
y a Bwann of bees took a flight from a
o-hlvo of my father and made its way
rough a peaoh orchard for a piece of
derbruth about 200 yards from there
ro , We pursued with tin pans and
ought the flying bees to a stop. They
ghted on an appirently deserted nest
hornets. It took about two seconds
: the 200 hornets to como oat of their
n and attack the Invaders. The battle
M hot and furious. The air was filled
th a prolonged buzz SB the combatants
w at each other and tried to use their
ngs. A great many on each a'de ' wore
lied , but the hornota carried the day ,
tor the queen h d been killed her army
hi pat to rou'
Itn Baby wa sick , vr * gave her Cutorl * ,
lien ilia WM a CUUd , she cried tor Cos tori * ,
lien she became Miia , the clang to 0" ttorU ,
tn slie lad. Chlldreo , shi gt > v UuwCutorU
Matter * About Mlnden , Town ,
Oorrospondenca of The litE.
MINDEN , la. , Sopt. 8. Our ichooh
began four months' term yoatord y
with a largo attendance , doiplto the b d
weather , with Miss Ooopor , of Mlndon ,
and Mrs. Sprsgue , of Ooancll Blaffi , In
Mr. George Butcher , ono of onr most
proaporoui farmers , hai returned
from a tour of Kama * , and his advice to
all Ii to stay array from that ] stile ,
regardless of what railway oompanica
and land speculator * may Bay.
As people of this community do not
use water ( except for medicinal purposes ) ,
wo cannot BOO the good of BO much rain
as wo are having at present.
Mr , G. 0 , Bloom , hardware and farni-
turo dealer , has put In a largo stock of
coffins of all grades and sizes , and now
wants all his ftlends to dlo , or at least
have occasion to patroulzo that branch of
hli business.
Mr. Henry Sohocnlng , living fonr
miles south of hero , was in town last
wctk , and while returning homo fell
from his wagon , receiving Injuries from
which ho cannot rocovor.
Wo do not hear anything abont politics
hero. As Cleveland said , wo are an
agricultural people and know nothing
about politics except what wo road in the
Council Bluffs Eaglo. NANCY.
"Tho Accident AV s JDuo to Oarolcsf-
ne s. "
So stid the Coroner's Jury , and ccn-
mired the switch-tender who was said to
have carelessly left the switch open.
Examination showed that the poor follow
was nervous from overwork , and that his
constitution was badly ran down by
under-feeding , the result of poor pay.
What ho needed was a bottle or two of
Brown's Iron Bitter's , which would have
toned up his nerves , and strengthened
him in mind and body. Mr. Thcs.
Jones , Newark , Ohio , takes pleasure in
saying , "Brown's IronBitlera completely
cured mo of weakness , debility and poor
a ppetltf. Itgavo in Ire tn * a DC bn.
Tlio Uallrona.Organ Howl.
Fremont Tribune ,
The Hastings Gizatto Journal , follow
ing In the wako of the Lincoln Journal
and Omaha Republican , la engaged In the
enterprise of ennffing out old man Van
Wyck. It has just delivered Itself of a
labored editorial calling him a traitor , a
shyster and demagogue , epithets that
have been constantly hurled at his head
ever since ho was elected to the United
States senate. If those papers have any
3andidates of their own , rrny don't they
trot 'em out ? Don't nndertako to do-
itroy nntll yon can oil'r something bet
tor. The truth in , however , that theao
srgans with railroad collars on their
locks are becoming frlghtenod at the
{ rowing sentiment in favor of Van
( Vyck'a reelection and are making a vain
mdeavor to check It. The Intelligence
> f Nebraska voters will not endorse the
[ aerlla warfare these papers are making
ipon him. Epithets are not arguments.
Sickly coughing children will thrive
rhcn they got Rod Star Cough Cure.
Just Hla Hentlmcntg.
'lncago News ,
"Them's my sentiments , " he said ,
ointing at a banner in the labor proooa-
"What sentiments ? "
"Down with prison labor. "
"Ah , yen a workingmnn. nra you ? "
"Not jest now , bnt I'mraid I will bo.
'vo been Indicted , yon see. "
Iheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
: oruTlirniitNuollliii < .S | > riiliiN.ltruUca.
llllrii. i , Kcaiilii , t'ruat mien ,
AMI ALL oriint IIOIIILY rii.vs A\D .
) Id l > j DruUta tnd Pecleri e trjv , here. VUlf C uU A tottlo.
IJIrcctlona loll LnnsuaicFS.
(8uooeiK ( UA.VOUIUIlACO. ) lUltlmon. BdC. . 3. A.
[ mported Beer
langoi . Bavaria I Culmbacher . Bavaria
Isncr . Bohemian I Knlaer . . . . . .Bremen
iJwoIecr. . . . , St. Louis I Anhauser . 61. Louis
t's . Milwaukee Schlltr-lMener.illlwaukce
Tig's . Omaha i Ale , Porter , Domostloand
KhUe Wines.
D-MATTRER. 1213Farnam
1(1 ( ado ertiteintntl in ( At tptcial ealumni will
eliarjed at tht ratt of 10 cenU per line or tht
\tlraertion \ , and 7 eenti &tr line for eath uEiie-
tnt interticn : No advertlitintnt uiU tt intcrled
' leu titan ! 5 tcnti for lite fint lime.
TO LOAN.O. . F. Davis & Oo. Heal Estate
IONKT Loan agents , 1605 Fainam St. 621-t !
. TO LOAN Loans made on roil eitate land
contracts , chattels , collaterals or good eccurl-
s of any kind at the Omaba Flntnotal exohaoge ,
13 Farnam St. , up-atalri ; low rates ; cosy terns.
To loan on chattels , Woolley It UarrUon ,
IOI1KY SO , Omaha Nttlooal bank building
519 tf
fossil UOXIT ! ! MOKBTlll Money to Loan-On
I chattel becurlty by W. R Croft , room t , Wlth-
II bu'lllcy ' , M , K. corner llth and liarney. After
irs of experience and a circlul ttudyof the buai-
it tf loaning money on personal property , I have
last roificted a syitem wherrby the publicity
ul In such onars Is done away withand I am now
a position to rreettbe demands of all who become
nporarllv embarnssed and deilio to raise money
luoutdela ) ardln a quiet manner , Ilousekeep-
, profublonal gent lemcn , mechanics and others in
: at and Counol Bltiff * , can obtain advance *
rn 810 to tl.WXi ou lucb security as housenoli ca
nlture , pianos , Diablniry , bor e , wagoos , caNc
t houio reoelpts , secured notes ol hand , etc. ,
: bout removing aanie from owners mldeaoo or
, co of butlocss. Also on fine Watches and
imcndf , One of the adionUtM I oDor ts thai
y part ol any Join can be paid at any time
I'cb will reduce the Interett pro rata. and all
, ni renewed at the original rates of Interest
iav no b.-okers lo oooutctloa with my office ,
but personally superintend at my loans , I hart
private offices connected with tnr general
oflloe so thttcnstomertdo not come In contact with
each other , consequently making all transactions
Strictly private. W. It Croft , room 4 , Wlthnull
building , N. E. cor. 15th and Harnev , Omaha and 31
reatl St. , Council Bluffs. gO-tf
JtytecAom BKOTniK > , lnre tincnl Binkers , opposite
IY1 post ofllce , Umabk , negotiate mortgage loans on
flret-claM security at rulllng rates ot Interest , Par
ties desiring to borrow money on Improved city or
onntry real estate , for from one to flve years , c n be
commodatcd promptly. MoCagae Brothers , bank *
rs , opposite post office. B22-K
f ONKi"TO LOAN-On real ettato and chattels
11 D. U Thomaft. 6S3 tf ,
/ONKr Loaned on chattels , cut tats , R. R
lutlokets rxmgbt and sold. A. Formn,51B 8 , ISth St
llYoxiT to loan In sums ot $200 and upward * on
Ivlflrst-olass real ettatesecurity. Potter It Cobb ,
SUE Farnam st. M-tf
MONET LOANED at tt F. Rood A Go's. Loan office
on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal
property of all kinds and all othe rtrtlcles of value ,
without removal. Over 1st National Bank.cornei 18th
and Farnam. All bnslnees strictly confidential
WANTED A good servant g'rl In a , small family.
Applv next dcor north of Phtlps'drug storr ,
corner Cumlng and Saunders street. 780-tf
TyAUtr.D A good nutso girl cill at 1909 Fimim
TT/ANTurt Saleslady ; ono that cm gho satisfactory
T reference. Address ZOt N Iflth street. 701-Op
WAKTin-TwirilrliatSOUBurt stree ono for
gn cral housework , and another about four
teen years of igo lo atsltt In the care ot children.
WANTXD-Cook and socord , and laundry girl at
raclflo house , 10th and Ducnpoit. 751-Jp
TTITAKTiiD A gooil girl fornoncralhou < ewe > ktmatl ;
vv fan > lly. Itqtilroat oillco of A C. TrotiK , cast
side Hth itrcot , bet. fern ten acd Douglas. 70Mf
WANTKD-aood dlnlnor room gill and n hold laun
dress to go to Norfolk , Nth. Apply 127 foulli
2 4th street. 743-Sp
WAXTSD FIrst-cbts cook. MldJb rgod woman
preftrrolto gi to Fort Washakie , Wyoming
Territory. Beit if wagtp , permanent place. Call
813 north 2d between Cbtcago and Davenport ,
W n goorl girl f ) r general housa work. Ap-
I ly 2310 St. Mary's avc. 724 tf
W : ANTXD Aflnt-c'aiioookat Dr. Cotfmnn's , head
ol St Mary's avc. 733 lip
TT7'ANTrtD-.0)rm > otcnt girl for general house work ;
VI must ba gocd washer and Ircncr , 832 south 17th
street. 728-llp
WASTJD \ womin to do gene al house work ;
gocd cook desired. Inquire ISIS Wo bstor St.
TTT'ANTlin A glil tot'o general house w irk , ono
V > who If not afraid to work la a small family of
! . Apply 440 Convent Et. 030-tf
: AXTRD Girl In small family. Mrs. The > . F.
llall , 1E41 Sherman avc. , north ol Grace St.
WASTED 33 god girls for general housewoik
kitchen , laundry and hotels ; good pUors and
food wages. Call at 1120 F-irnarn St. , upstairs
W PAMTXD A girl at 1610 Sherman Avo. Mrs. J
M. : Counsnmn.
-QIrl 807 north20th.
583 tf
'ANTED TwoQrst dial UundreEses to go to
Santa \ Fee , Now Mexico. Apply at the Cczzens
nTANTiD Lidyagcnta for"Dalsy"kklrt andfitock-
vv Ing supporters , Shoulder braces , B leom forms ,
Ircss shield i , ttucber gingham. Bibs , Aprtns.Sleaics.
nfinta' Diapers , 4c. Our 1,000 agcnta are making
ione fist ; in can you. Address with stamp , K. II.
IA1IPDELL & CO. , 9 South May St. , Chicago.
4S5-6 3'p
nrrANTED Man lo run bind-Vkw , ' Jle-saw and
IT duping machine , also cno wood turner ,
'ono but a thorough mechanic need apply , TtAXixo
[ ILL , fifteenth and Maicy ttrcotF. 707-11
[ TTAXTKn Drug clerk for 2weeks In Western Iowa.
rV Apply to II. T. CUik Drug Co. 731-10
HfTAMiD Services of a bright , intcll'gent ' mm of
rV good address "J. n. " P. 0. box 333. 727-llp
for''Picturcsquo Washington "
-Agents ;
f T salary or commission. C. K. Cooper , Omaha.
TTANTKD A short hand Mritor ; must also be a
rV tjpo writer. Address gUioc references ana
Jury cxuoctid. Oeo. Iloclncll , llcCcok , Neb.
T'Asrr.D-Stonogrnpbcr. Box 025 , Omaba.
4CI-S. 23 al
TTANTKD 20 young men to leirn telegraphy nd
r T rail road Btilloa book keeping. Addresi "K l
, D. " Omaha Business toilege. 424-80p J
WANTED F r iho Dnftt little article to sell
at fairs ; big moroy , brand now. Sample 10 cts.
Idrtes Champion Novelty Co. , Omaha , Neb.
XTANTED-Agents. Address Electric Lamp and
V State Co. , St. Louis , Mo. , for circular , cut end
rms of 50 candle power Marsh Eloctrlo Lamp
ITANTKD \ position as saleMiiin In gcntH1 fur *
V nljhlnggoods store ; two years oxperlcntto- ; good
ercnccs. Address J. II. A. , thUotllce. 759-lOp
(7AXTRO A thoroughly rell ill ) young man wishes
V employment , any kind , In store or delivery
cii ; reference ? . Addreo , O. W. 603 , S. IStb , up-
itn . 770- lOp
7ANTKD A position at machinist. Address "O.
Bee office , 717-13
C (
D A position as coachman ; understand
T thoroughly handling hoisoj. Address "O. F.
'Bee office. 7)0-13 .
First-class tinner wants a steidy situation ,
L country pro.'orred. Address tloncr , caio this
Ice. C97-10p
I7ANTID & partner lua flrst-oUsspaying bu lii
V capital rtnultod. 8iOCUacd$2DCO Adlrohu
D , , Bee otlice. i70-tf
( TAMED To rent small hou 10 or 2 rooms about
V Sept SOth. V ! or a bloos from 1'axtoi bottl.
IdretsV. 7. , Beocfllco 7,2-llp
17AKTED One very largo rocm ir two or three
V noial rooms for edicts , cntr lly locttod ,
'E2-3 * AdtlrCBS A. U. U. , UiKOXce ,
.n.i lor 2children to hunrjor woull take
T cnirgoif Infant. Oocil hoao. Aildreim Km , cci
ft , Bcooffice. 7fO-10j >
{ 7ANTKD Tire or three furnUhed rooms for light ICII
Y house keeping , AddreM "J , C' " Bee OIHco. I
7 < 5-Op
tirtTKSK . . WAKTBD Wltn ? 350 , . capital in a profllable
budnets , J160 ptr loon'li , guainateed. Young
n piofcrred. Afldreis "L. II. " B o ofDco. 7f4-0p tL
CTANTKD To buy In lirniha , a nine to twelve
V roomed frame d willing. Modern Improve- S5J
nts ; good locathn. Address , glvlog etrfet , nura fro
, price and terms to It. I' . Officer , real eeute and Fai
uranceagcnt , S30 Broadway , Council Eluflt.
D To rent a 6 room cattage centrally Iwa ] 111
ted ; rent not to txoeed $25. Afply or address 111F
i. Elcr , 18Z4 Fornsm St. 7(9-9p F
unforu'shcd ' with private
CTAKTED Two rooms preen
v family , or a ( mall houre with conveniences ;
t rally located. Address with full ptrtlculan , 1 > , proF
box 304 , olry. CCBtt F
TAMBD Tolrade a good ceoond band piano for
a luree and baggy. Inquire at Edholm& Krlck. en :
* > o > in uwa o ouwiutf uj . Car
chine , to see the new Improved Anmlcan No , 8
V. Xlodman k no. wenti 1W N lAth. BSOtf
on nesr-llomo ot 4 room ) , 1412 Jackson htroct are
caaip and
oauisr Furnlibfd houiinf night r > rms wltli mli
ample , closet room , del'gbt'ully locitcd ; ccn\tu. 8
11 street oirs , Inferences requlnd. Address Th <
II. V. , Dcoofllco. 77Mft > mal
OK KENT-Good hound lifif atnlturo f'jrm e with' V
in four blocks of P. O , Address A. B. line oillco.
.r Houses room" , o'otaeeprms , cantiy
and ctliar , 1181 rbertraaa < u. 7t7-IOp
IOK HENT-UittigeBroonu. clout * and pantry , all tad
convenlecc'i. t'lie Ircitloi near itictt Far
i , $ iOw r mditb until May Ut next , E A. FarK
ithup.B kU. 'rflgrit AudKoM ofllce. 7(8-18p ( K
io NT-2hiotoi,4 rcoow , iltr wtlcr , W ptr
month at Hickory ndVlhurcet. 0 II at 0208. moiF
> l HI. , II. M , Land otJlce. 745-lDp F
KJF -suuucuumuou > Uiuiir Kt. Mary's
avenue , ' 6j'tr noutu , W < ncn 'jwiUlor ,
b St
TTtORM.vr Neat 81 , ear. 7 room him * , peed well
J ? cl.tirn , $18 per month Inqnlre of 0. K. Thomp
ton. S. W. corner lllh ajid Haraey Sf. I35-tf
T7VR RR T One wven room house and 0111 oul
J' room home. Inq ilr at Western torn I-o wotkr ,
lth street , neu Ho srd itrert. 704-9
F R nitNTtoomcottagi corner r ppl tea aid
. . . . S"11"1 8f81" . < i& Mayne , 8. W. cornel
IStli and Farnam. 7j .tf
OR isi Cottage 8 roonw , nou e 10 rooms J ,
Phlppl Roe. Seward and Campbell. BS7-tf
H' Two house * , new and utiliablo , Orace
? , * ' ° 'Crosstown ' car line ; $15 per month.
J. K. Illler & Co. , 21S 8 ISth St.
Kor ntDt-Two new brick hnu rs. swell south
front , 1 | bl icis from oar line ! will In rented to de
sirable ptrttei very reasonable 215 S 18th St
For Kent-Two ten room house , ointfallv locatrd !
bath room , gas , sewerage , hit and cold w atei : ot cry
inoJern convenience.
We als > hava other desirable property for rent.
Collections attended ( o promptly. J. E , alley it Co. ,
8158 imhst- fjtitt
| 7 < OR BKNT A ooitagfl uf luur rooms nun city and
i1 clrtorn water , 818. Sjuth IPth St. , between
teavenwotth and Martha. 417-tf
f ORRiwr Choice brlok roildence , 10 room' , fur-
moo and all modern ImproTcmant * . Inquire at
United States National B ink. S35tf
FOR RR.XT The houss and bun on comer 29th and
Pierce St. Inquire at Boiton Dry ( load store , 8.
10th St. J2Mf
FOR KMT Two fine large rooms In new home , fur-
tilslied or unfurnished with Mil without board,710
Sonth 14th St. 70318p
TTIon RRsr-Nlccly fornlslud rooms 8 W corner
Jj 19th and St. Mary's avo. 747.
I ORRXXT A nrst clan ottlce room very cnean. A.
Saundirs &C . , 1401 Fainam it. , opp. Faxton ,
F IOR nxxr Futnlihud rooms llh board at 2S22
PR nt.ST T\\o liandaomoly funilsliod rooms ,
modem conveniences. 17 > Q Cjpllol two mi o.
240 Dp
FR RKxr Nice furnlihcd front room for two gen
tium. Apply to 1617 ITarncy St. 721-14
F Ioi RKNr-Furnldi'd rooms for light house keep. .
Ing 113 North 14tli St. 722-Pp
FOR Mtxt TwnpUatant rooms partly furnUhrd ,
suitable for llKht htuio keening , $10 , 3219 Cil >
ifornla bt , 723.Up
OR BUST Kurn'shld ' front room , biy window ,
brick house with or without board , 003 N. 17th.
7 < S-lp
on RK.NT furnished room 1010 mvcnport.
FORRKNT ricmint suite rooms for two gentlemen
In private family. f > mtnutia level walk from P.
) , Terms reasoniblu , 1810 California St. 720-Dp
lou KKXT FloiHint ream * atd board for teachers ,
Address found , at this office. 09 < MSp
RUNT Front boy wlndnwro3ms GUto ! or single
uowfurnlehcd ; all convergence , 1815 OJtltol avc. ,
_ _
FOR RRNT Handsomely furnished room ] , single or
double with bond , 1718 Didge. 6J5-tt
7'on. ' RENT Largo furnished front room with small-
[ J crroom ccnoccted,710northl9thi > t. 701-13p
FOR RBST 3 rooms at Callfo < nta aod ISth ; also big
roam 24iB2 for manuUctutlng or stor.ien In-
uli c at COS north 3 3th St. 083-Pp
[ pea RENT Flntly furniihed rooms In Ono new cot-
I ? ; 8 minutes walk from U. P. dooot , for 85 ,
! , (8 and f 10 per month , at 4C6 Walnut St. 051 tf
[ 7OR * BUNT Two unfurnished rooms , one furMshod ;
? IQIDF.rnnmSt. (42-tf
TOR RUNT Furnlsbol room with closet and stave ;
J 417 North 14th St. , between Chicago abd Caes.
013 tt
T'OR RUNT larto wtll furnlthed room with flro '
bith io. , Bultatle for 2 gentlemen , on St. Car ,
10 , near west Farnam. hcfcrencei given and ro
ilred. 0. E. llajno & Co. 605-tf
T'OR RRXT With board , flcgant south front room
1 with alcove and grate , suitable for gentleman and
fo. 2225 Dodge St. 407-tf
POR RENT Py Mrs. Packer. 621 North ISth St. , a
! number of furnished looms ; prices ranging from
to $16 per month. El4-9p
roR RUNT Three flue offices In Nebraska Na'lonal
Bank Building. Inquire at bank. 480-30
7 < OR BENT Handsome furnbhed rooms 1810 Do < Vi
' 403 8cpt2f
foa KKNT A pleasant front room with largo closet ;
modern Improvements , on 20th street near St.
wy'fl vo. Apply S. W. corner 16th and Dodiro sta.
roR RKNT Two rooms adjoining with board ; front
room eouth-east , 1014 Webster dt B58-U
POR RKXT 1 wtll furnished room for 2 gentlemen
1&0 Farnam street , oppotlto Qooj Holel. A '
room I , or at Waeserman & Barnott. 213 ISth St.
745 tf
[ < OR RKtT 2 pleasant south front rooms R. W.
1 corner 10th and Davenport. 70CU1
ilon RRM Handaorcrlf furnisbod rooms 1704 Cap.
Itolrtve. C82-tf
on RUNT Two nicely fnrnlsnod rooms , NW cor. C !
21st and St. Jlsry's Ave. 400tf
IOOHB With board , Joblr bloljr summer. Apply
bat Bt. Charles Hotel. flio-tf
OR RENT For manufaourlng purposes or hall ,
I argo room 44x76 , Bdfloor , No. 110 S. 14th Bt ,
} ulre at 1403 Dodge Bt. A , J. Simpson.
'OR RB.ST Laivo front room on tint floor with or
without board ; Inquire at 1801 JTarnam St.So7tf
( ORHILK-MBbirgatn , a bouse and 2 bis , oaty
termu. Ovnor leaving the city. O. F. Dav.s i
IOR BALI lot N , K. corner 16th and Jackson.
Applv 612 e. iOlhit. 057-Sp
) ,000 will buy two bouses and full lot In a good
ocitlcnj o BVtoitrstbl ; < l a i-1od lotcstment.
mlnjham &Brcnntnl&ll Dodge , 772 9
IORSALK Tjroncrcscf ground with hrgo home
and barn , m I eivunwortk atroot , 4 blooki west
: y limits ; 8 > , S00 , very tasy terms. C. K. Uayae. I
aaniiFirnam. 770-15
OR BALK Kosldcnce on California ttreet , 8 rooms
lot cjxl32-$8,000.
kuso and lot on ixtb strrot , (2lon.
FOUBO and barn , wltli lot V5U5/ , for ? 3,0 0 ,
otln 1'artoi'fl add. SI,160.
ot in Sblnn's 1st add , ? 35l ) .
ots In BDvertl additions to the city ,
inds on very ea < ) tmnj In eastern Nebraska,5 , 00
39 Kansas tchoal lands at $4 CO an aero. jl.bUpor
> down and baling on 20 ytais tlmo at 0 per
holcolinds In eastern Nebraska at $10 to SIS per
9. llamlln < k Brown,311 a llth fit. 638-11
3R SALB0 lota nt at Park Aveau ; prlcoi ? 550 to i
3)60. ) Cunnlnjbim & Bionnan. 1511 Dodgn.771p
DK KE.xr StoreSll N 15th street.
DR BALE Lareo hou > 10 rooms , lot 182tl8largo Ad
b u , botutlful | > l ui 0,6jrterun8tWdGiraand ; or' '
nioulli , 'Ibis Is four blocke
per | rotrty only
11 Tarn ate , street cai line. 0. K. Mayno. ICiih phi
iam. 77B.16
3R SALH Hnueet and ots on monthly payments. phiG
D. 1. Ilayden , Saucdjr , between Lake and Wll
vcs. 354-tf G
m BALB Cheap , 6 room cotttsre and lot , ea > y
terms ; situated at No , ei7 K.Utbsr. , bet. Call-
la and Webiter ; thoroughly repaired and 1m- f
, ed. Inquire of owner on promises. 23111
) R BALK-By J. K. Itlley & Co , , 216 S , 13th Bk
, COO House snd lot , rragnlfloent rcildcnoe prop-
, corntr.
,610 Twostorv hotm9netrlynewbautllul lawn Out
ruer , location among the ilnett In Omaha , ou fct. Kar
line. "
,400-Uignlflcent rctildenne lot on Farnam St. "p
ftW l'traiLia blreel , south ( rent , tUbtlr loot- I
60 Lota in J. K. Blley' , Okahoma , will coil on tlu
termi and billl for rie 1ra le p > rtle > . Tbo'e ' vir ,
itnong theflnmt mtldenco lots uouth of the Ity.
arc within a block of tin ttreet tar lino. When
Ifith Street Viaduct U built , tbey vlll be a fifteen
uts walk IroniUthtnd Farnim fit * .
00 to $1,030 Lo'B on Cuia'nga ' and Ilirt Itreiti. Rode
fxtenilonof the Strott car I'm ' to tlieeo ht )
ca them vrirdetlrablt property ,
e bare dctlrable lot i In evurr q-niterof the city.
641 tt J. K. HUty It Co. , 215 south 13th tit. RO
iRB Li-At birgaliahouieif ( 0 rocmi , e\or >
roomfccatodby furnace Hot and cold wittr ,
i , | jt fllillOimr liltd Mt. Uar'sa > CDUe. Houie O
1 000 ; lot I * worth iAt > 0. If sold at oaoc , will ode ;
I,8M for the | il ce 0. K. lltjnf , 16th nan
aor. 777-tf Omi
IK BAL ytva rnu Minuet HHula bait block ol
treet car * WOO caib , balance In montUt pa > .
tt , W. II. Ortun , c\cr 1st National bank.
? RBAI. Ne r hiadcf St. Mtri'save. Large lot
lituae 0 rooms ; furrao * . irr'tcs , hot snd cold N
; even tnln/ complex , t5 OKI ta y ttrmi. a. y.
, HtbanJ Faring 143 tl : lrc
I TCixi Improved ( artpn , win trad * for improved otto
JL1 properly. W. II Orcen , oter 1U National Bank
'OR SALM At * tmrga'n ' , 191 < vllh I t > ou n , 3 and 7
roon. * , well , cittern , barn , Ao. , 10th anil Harnoft
nlmjirorisl rMiwitr t k n Mpirt par , Wm. U
Monioo , na : ar.d DouRla * . 0mt AlT
lT < Oit KALX-A two st > rr 22x83 frame ImlKllnff full-
E able or a toro nosr 10th and fartik-n itrott.
Apply * | thlj Offl0 . 047-U
TTIOR ait * n , RMT-CIood hota In flrm-olaMtown o
L' South We tern part of SUto. Apply to K P. Da-
TU , Novelty Iron Works , llth 8U 7N-tf
FciR ; u.t rieto'aml l iy Mnlllon , "Dcrliv Bor/4
2jenn oM , from the oldest and moil notcil prito
ulnnm ? family In Umailn , Took first prlro at Toron
to exhibition , RSI. Can l > o seen fit Mate fair Lincoln.
Five head Hereford * , Including 2 bull calves by
Conqueror , R ion ot Lord ttlllon ; Imported otiJ
owned by Ontario KxpcrlmcntAl Farm.
Sft hcail f high grade , short horn liclfcru , 20 totO !
month * old , bred to Hereford bull , The * Inn o flock
liMCdll l > o M brought from Canada since Doc lost ,
and are offered at low prices for caih , or tlmo will bo
gl cii with peed security ! al o car load 2and 3 > ear
old feeders. Correspondence solicited. Address J , O ,
llallljlilx | > ii , Nob. 703-12
FORfULR-Cheap , fu'lset ' American Cyclorotdlts
calf bound In gcoj order. Inquire at 117 N. 16th
BJ- 7f3-16p
FRSALR-niltlog or woik horse ; ca > h or tlmo
given. W. It , o/olt , room 4 , Wlthtoll building.
FOB BALE Boarding home furniture cheap for
cash , In Frcmoct A slendl | > l orpor unity for
any person desiring-to go In ths business already
cstibllthod , Kent low. Mis. S. D , IlKTuctnj , Fto-
mont , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ 'sfl'l *
TOR SAM One upright pttno , In use but S months.
JU A flno Instrument. Payments can In mule to
suit the purchaser. Address E. F. Cook , S. K. Oor.
20th am Chicago St. CSl-lCp
Fen SALR US head of steers and hollers , yearlings ;
al i tu'nlsh vounr brood marcs for rannh purpos
es. Oal at 0. W. Holmes stable )3th ttreet , bet.
lUrney and Howard. J. K. Terry. 703 Dp
TJ OR SAW-Chcap , a Jersey cow , fresh tnllch In two
Jc months ; 1411 bonsai St. ( > 7i-tf
FR IUI.B-A liJIoa' driving horse wlit bo "ccn at
Kflooner's store any torncon. UtorgoWllcox
64S.U V l
ftATTLR FOR SAM , at bloan * na
\J fOO head of 8 year old stwrj.
800 heed 2 you old steers.
100 bend 1 3 ear old steers.
All cholco oitra heavy cattle and wo now quot o
'coders ' at J3.05 per cut Chaplu Bros 811 suptJ
ALWAYS on hand at a bargain. No 1 second hand
carriage phaeton and side bar buggies ; also um
brellas aud nunshadcs , at 1409-1411 Dodge St.688tl
FOR BALs-100 lots , BprlnItlll ; will sol on easy
terms ; trnlo for Improved property and pay dlf-
'orenro ' In values In c H or sjums mortgage ) . 1'ar-
: lcs can find cheap homes an4 advantageous trades.
IV , II. Qroen. over lit Natl. Bank , solo art. b)3tf )
FOR SAM Two lots In Pelham Place , one block
frcm strict car track. Inquire SIS S 13th St.
FOR BALK Or would t rale or a good horse and
bngp-y ; 80 acres la Conner county. Applr to 218
South ISth Street. "cSBtl
FOR 8ALH Bailer and engine , 20 horse power boiler
nd engine , In good running order ; want to sail
or the reason that they are not largo enough for
he new machinery whloh wo will put Into our new
ulldlogonllarneySt. Clarke ttrog. & Co. , 1403
B A.f plendld farm In Nemaha Coun-
11 tf , for house and lot n Omaha. 0. F. Davis &
o. 740-14
M.600 Two story hcuso of 7 ronrn , good b rn and
1 cellar , 1 block from street car line.
81,800 2 etorj house on Eghtcenth street , on car
a , good yard.
S3OCO 1 story house on 18th street , on car II ne
iBt front Choice.
$1,500 Meat muketon Itthitreot , 8 wao rs , J )
Dree and built osi ba'galn
tiot sold on monthly paymen's.
Lon't forgtlho place. M. F. fears , corner IStli
id L'odgo , Williams Block. 693 < 14
7IORSALS At Omaha Innd Agency , Ko. J618 Fa
? nom St. Paulson A Co.
A good paying ialcon , new fixture' , cheap rent ,
til boeoMlou' , owner dcslrlrg to change business.
a not f ll to Investigate , there Is money In U.
Lot OSxSCO , 3 th and California , well located with
room house , $1,350 on very easy terras , a very do-
rtble property
Lot S3xl4Q on Pleamnt street , 7 room ntw house ,
iin , wellcliten , cllar cto , ? 307. !
Lot 30x140 Lakes add. , 4 room hciuo cto. 81,500.
Choice lot In Uuwthornoatfd. , 6 room cottage :
. ,700 , at easy termr.
148x132. 13 b street outside ct'y limit * , 3
iiiso with bajerxenVa'nblc , well and cistern,82/7830
am bo divided Ictoflngla lot' . K
25 feet front on 13tb , near Flerop , 3 roomp , Jcew
usa and Kitchen , ce'lir , well , clstcrr , S2,610. f
rTorsaloor rant 1 aero with god houee. itor/enall
mty of stable room , near city 111 Us. Inquire for
rtlcul rs. I
For sale Lo * 60x200 on Jflth , oist front , neap SL
ity'sa > o. , with lu room now bcuie with modern
oroverronts $3C03.
Lots In all tbo principal additions nf Omaha , < and
largo aiBorttucnt of Improved farms und tl' ' M
res ef Improved lands In central and western , eb.
low figures. Faulien A Co C3t 11 !
"o rtxcilASOHChole firm Uirs In FurnasVo. ,
. Nrb. , to exchange fora c'oan ' slock of goiral
irchaarltse or hardware. Call on or adriroia Upry
ambo'lln , Arapahoe , Neb. 016-11 j
'OR BALI Flno stock and feeding farm of t63 errs
sixteen relloi from Omaha Stock yardsnell ;
ilpcedf or graz'nj and feeding catlle , well watrcd
1 plenty o' coot h\y land. For pil e and dosc'r '
n , address Q. JI llmlton , Sprlnjfleld , Neb
( OR BALI A good paving ouelneat employing but
IltUo capital for cub. For particular address
0. Box S67 , Omaha , Neb. MO-tf
B Hill InteriHt In the beet Krrry
boat on thoMlfmurl ihor for lituso and lot In
iaha. 0. F. David & Do. 741-14
( on HALS Onucdho li'tt paying ristaumntu In
Omaha. 80 toCOboirders pajln ; ? l per week In
racco'ordav board. Also good tranilrnt trade ;
3 location , ino-terito rent ; will Invoice fixtures and
nlturoatrouL Bust of loieona for selling. Ad-
si Stilpe & UroRn , room 4 , Hodlck DlooV. COl-Bp
Ion BALK A bakery cuoiwjtloniry , lo > croira and
orster par'or centrally 1 icatej , compltte with
nufacturlrg facilltlo' , doing a good buonojs ; sat-
, -tory raasoi for celling. IiqulroJ. J Muller , 117
ith 14tb. Will cell hall InUroit to right man.
OOM ami board fiper wefk ; very boft Ideation ,
i 1SU Davenport Bt. 173-topt 18p
A K UN ui' A rcJ cow wlta whi'o tpntn on her back
near tbo city Ilinlti ou south 7thstreet. Owner
have saint by oiling on promises and ptjlng ( or
10 , John Cliap. 770 Bp
OUKB A. pocket book with \aluillt papers and ,
money- Owner can have I y proving property , jt"K
iryuildoff , 613 north IBih. 7160 > ' t
.R. 1 . WARD , Wltbnell Block , Hth and Ilatney.
E.VTRAI , notrirAT , , open fjr theaoommodatlon o
tue mck. tiurglcal operitljns of all Undo skll-
rp rformed Distaeei of a specialty ; la
in confinement can I ere have abiolute privacy
thebeut of utteotlou Corrospcnden ofolloltod.
tain Dr. J If. Hvittnam : corner 16th aid Farnam
ir. J. H. halpli , corner 13ib and Farnim. Tele-
30630 , 434-tf
ATiLtty Ptoio repair work * , corner 10th arid
NVobtter tt i Wo repair , pol'ah ' and Mt up ttovei.
780 irp
_ _
IK w , o. MITZNIK Steve 1'cpilr ' Co. , Ill South
14tn Bt , between Dodge and Douglas.
: RHONAL An cistern Udy comreteritdremmtker
wouli cng > ge to no r lu four f iuiillea lu Omaha.
tanloes BaUila.tbn. Addrcui F , U. Ererttt ,
lat , box IS. 717 Dp
R30NAL nylnformaljii | tf Patrick Hopkins ,
, h ) f"ll < > Q the train at 1'olnt f Kockt , on thor
r l I'aiiil J rallrotd on the 20th nf June , u 111 ba
kfullyrectUvd by his brother , Jas Hopklnnt > o.
Tehama , Sin Franclaco , Cil. flS7-15p
: w HU will b < i r ld for lnformitln { Iradlnj to
tludloK'f whoraiboutii of nH yeir bay -bo
beaidcf last froiuiho tljinlty ol Uortlandaaio
Had on a whlta hit ami grav pants , rthcr
y set fo r h < ago , Ii ii Buppoiid that he gets un-
in munud uiin , iltber lltnry or Anton. Direct
) hn Itoilck ) , Oxuba , Kub. 710-I4p
uiu BtMTiBY Co. 1'rlvy vaulu , slaka aud oets.
po. Itclikiirdauy Hue ot Uay lu ui entirely
IUM nay with my Improved immp and pttten
; 1 tppuatut. A. KVAMd , oillco K08 Uodgs Btl
ha , N lirmka. OS8- i t-l < n . /
TKVcno * on banjo gtron by Q E Oollen
k , at 1 110 Oapltol ITO.
i nptrttluu , or uschss trusses D ( . M. U. Moore ,
21 J Wabuh a\e. , Chlcio , lead tamp for
uos IK me , Oouu > , vyery S3 days ,