1 THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY ; SEPTEMBER 8 , 1885 ; OMAHA JOBBER'S DIRECTORY OOMMI3SI05 , ETC. BRANCH A ; CO. , YJholes'eFniits.Produce.Oysters . . 1121 F mim St. , Omftha. Apples-Onr own p Mng Plait & Con. Titter Ilrwid Ojsters. Butter , K/rgs / , dune , Poultry Ftatoea. JOHN F , FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , Provisions , frulti , Hour nnd Feed. 103 S. 14th HU , I m ha , Neb. I JHrCon lfrnment > llclted. Iteturns made promptly LOUIS TlELLElii Jobber & Commission Merchant Cheese , Sausages , Krulls , Butchers' Tools and Sup piles 1(15 Jones SU , umaha , Noli. IIOR3T & RIDDELL , General Commission Merchants , BrrcutTiM Cutter , r.pgi , Korrlfrn and Domestic Fruits. 1128.UthSt.UmaliaNcb. Telephone No. 305. E. MORONY , General Commission Merchant Buttcr.Kggs , Chccso ami Country Produce generally , 3i08. IZth SU , Unialu , > cb. L McSIIANE & SCIIROEDER , Buyers of Butter and Eggs , KefrlEorator mir cklnKlIouseUtli&Lea\ciiworth 8te..onU. P. It. 1C. Track , Omaha , t.tb. KaUbllshod 1870. KOBEHT PURVIS , General Commission , 211 S. 14th St. , Onmlia , Neb. Specialties Butter , KgS , Poultry and Game. PEYOK15 BROS. Commission Merchants , Fruits , Produce and FiovUlcni , Omaha , Neb. A. P. SOIIAOK , Wholesale Commission Merchant Fruit , Seeds and Produce. .No. 213 S. lith Street Omaha , Nebraska , TROXELL & WILLIAMS , Storage and Commission Mont's , Fruits , Flour , Applre , StonoMftro , Cider , Vinegar , Oruis Seeds , liiittoKpcp. . 813and 31D South IStb street , Omaha , Nebraska. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants Poultry , Uutter.aamo , Fruits , Etc. 1023 S. lith St. Omaha , Nebraska , COAL , LIME , TC. Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone , Oraee , 213 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , Otli and Da\cni > ort , SU COUTANr & SQUIRES , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal Best varieties. Office , 213 S 13th St. Telephone No 1402 , Omaha , Neb. flro. C. TOWLH , Prcs. aso.PATSRSON.SccATrcaa NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Gel and Coke , 211 S. 13th St. Omaha , Neb. J. II. IIULKRUT , F. A. ItAtClt , Proprietor. Manager. Nebraska Coal & Lime Company * OMAHA , vii nn loir i . Omce , 217 S. 13th St. Telepliono 40. Oso. P. LABAOH , Proi. C. F GOODMAN , V-Prcs. J. A. Su.snri'.MND , Sec. & Trcaa. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Co , Jobbers of hard and soft coil , 209 S. 13th St. ,0maha , Nebraska. OMAHA COAL AND PRODUCE CO. Hard and Soft Coal , Eiduslre doilora in Boulder , Colorado Coal , 217 South 14th Street. \7ItJcS and LIQUORS. Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1202 and 1204 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Factorics-Nos. 4 and 30J , Sd Dlit. N. Y. GEO W. DUNCAN , Successor to HcN'AUARA & DUNCAN , Importers and wholesale Dealers In Wines , Liquors and Cigars 214 and 210 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. R R. GROTTK , Wines an liquors , Western Agent Jos. Schlitr Grew lug Co. 710 S. Oth Street , Omaha. HENRY HORNBKRGER , WholesaleWines , Liquors , Cigars 1321 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. ILER & Co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Unuors. Sole ilanuLicturcrs of Kennedy's Hut India Bitters. 1112 Hartley St. , Omaha , Nob. L. P. LAR3ON & CO. , Wholesale Dealer in'Whiskies , And Clears , and Gcn'l Agents ( or tlie' I'M'Ip ' Ecsts' Celebrated Milwaukee beer , Omalia , Neb. CICAKS and TOBACCO , Jobbers of Cigars. Tobaccos , Ouuiand Ammunition , ii6 to 2$3 $ S. 11th St , 1020 to lOtl Faniaui St. , Omaha , Noli. SJT INTEIl-OOP-AN CldAU FACTOR ? I WUSf & FlUTdOUKU , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , L And wholesale doilera In Lca ( Tobicccm. No. 108 and 110 N. 1U& St. , Omaha , Ntb. IRONPIPB , ETC. COWING & CO. Hydraulic &Mechan'l ' Engineers , Jobbers I'l Iron Pipe , Iron Fitting , Iron and Brasa goods. HiKlnoers supplies , 14tl > and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. A , L STRAN3 COMPANY , Pumas , Pipe , and Engines , attain , Water , Kallnay and Hilling Supplies , eta. 920 , 9J2,0.'l Faniam St. , Omaha , rich , CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pine Fittings Pumps , , , Steam and Water Huppllc * . Headquarters ( or Mail PoottCo's. Ooods. illl Fanumbt.Omalia , NeK HARDWARE. W , J. BUOA'l'OH , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Spring * , Wajroii Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc. 1209 uid 1211 Harney ct. , Omaha , Neb. EDNEY & GIBBON Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Cuiligi Wood Stock , Heary Hardware , Kto. , 1817 and K18 Leaveowoitb lit. Oiniht , Neb. LEE , FRIED & CO , , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tluvruv , flhfct Iron , Etc. Agents ( or Ilowt Soilca nl Ulinil Powder Co. Omtha , Neb. MILTON ROGERS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , UintUs , QratM , lr M Ool l . 31 and 1323 KM. mm Struct. REOTOR & WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Jefferson HUfl Nall . Cor 10th uiil Harney Stcet Omaha , Neb A4- OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY HjTIOHS , ETC. J. L. URANDBIS fc SON. Wholesale Job Lots , Dry GoodsNotion ? , Dints' Frrnlihloe fjoxdi , Good from N w fork. Tiade Silts D tlf ; 009 and 60S Sauth 18th St. , Omaha. C. S. GOODRIcn & CO. , French and German Fancy Goods Druggists' and Stationers' Sundries. 141S Farnam St. , i/maha , Neb. J , T , Robinson Notion Company 403 and 405 S. 10th St. , Cmalia , Kcb. Wholesale dealers In Notions and Gents' Furnishing OooiK FUBKITUBE. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture Faniam St. , Omaha , Kcb , Wagons and Carriages , KO IlSTABLISIIID 1SD3. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , 1403 and Hn Dod o SU , Omaha , Nob. FI3II , ETC. ICKEN , SIEMSSEN & CO. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers ol Foreign Fish , N : . Oil an 1 013 Jones ulrecttml t ) P. Track , Omaha , Neb. QROOEKIE3 , ALLEN BROS. Wholesale Grocers , 1110 and 1112 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. E. B , CHAPMAN & CO. Wholesale FancyGrocers , Cigars , Tobicco and Smokers AitUlis , 1S17 IIward St. MEYER k RAAPKE , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Sjlccs , Cigars and Tibicco ? . 1317 and 1310 Douglas St. , Oniiha , Kcbriska. MoCORD , BUADY & COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd Faniftin Streets , Omaha , Keliraaka. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO , , Wholesale Groceries & Provisions Not. 705 , 707,703 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omalu Neb. HARNESS , ETC , WELTY & LANDROOK , Manufacturers and Jobbers of Harness Saddles , , Saddlery Hardware , Turl floods , Bhnkcts and llobcs. J4 i Farnam Street Ounii , No > . Leather , Hides , ttc. L. O. HUNTINGTO.V & SON. lealers in Hides , Wool , Tallow , 1114 Jackson Street , Omaha , Neb. SLOMAN BROS , , WllOLESALa .eatlier , Saddlery Hardware , addlory and Shoo Findings , llldos , Wool I'urs , Pelts , Grease , Tallow , etc. Omaha , Neb. GOODS , J. J. BROWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods & Notions 1373 Douglas Street , Omaha , Kcb. L. GINSBERG & CO. Wholtmle Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , Laces , Embroidery and White gojdj , 1020 Douglai St. , Omaha , Neb. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. LININGER & METOALF 00. Dealers in Agricul'l ' Implements Office Cor. 6th and faclQc Sts. , Omaha , Neb. PARLIN , ORENDORFF & MARTIN. Wholesale Dealer ] In Agricultural Implements , Wagons and DuKlc3 , Omaha , Neb. FLOUR , ETC , fm. I'rcbtori. I'rcbtori.WM. WM. PRESTON & CO. Wholesale Flour , 60S , CIO and 512 Pierce St. , Omaha , Neb. L. A. STEWART & CO , Wholesale Flour Dealers , And manufacturers ot Illuminating and Lubricating BRUNO TX30HUOK , Jr , Agent for J. C. IIofTmayr&Co. , Ylanfrs Highest Grades of Flour ! y Rollers and Hungarian Process. Warehouse 1213 Jones Street , Cmaha , Neb. LUMBER , ETC , LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , etc. Yards Cor. 7th and Douglas , Cor ' - - - Oth and BOIIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding * , Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood HiuUli. Just ojicnod , N. li Cor. Sth and Lcaiemtorth SU. , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY , UfiiiWholesale Lumber , Ufiii . bt. , uinllm , NiJL. F Coliiolzu'r , JIanaK'er. 0. N. DIETZ , Lumber , 13th and California Street , Omaha. Aeb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , lime , Cement , Etc , . Etc. Cor. 8th and Don.'lu St. , Omaha , Neb. GEO. A. HOAGLAND , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber. Omalia , Nebraska. G. F. LYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors. Blinds , MouldltiK , Building Paner , Etc. South 13th Street , Omaha , Neb. Nebraska Lumber Co , , fill Buth Ninth Street , Omaht , Nebraska. GERMAN D. WYATT , Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , SOtliuid IzardBt. , Omaha , Nebraska. J. A. WAKEFJELD. Wholesale Lumber.lath.Shlneles . BulldbiK Papers , Bali , Doors , Dlliids , Moulding , J'lcteta , Posts , IJme , Fluster. HairCcmciit. Ninth and Jones , Omaha , Net ) . CARPETS , S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , llattljigi , Curtaui Oood . ett , H3 ! Kamaru Street Omalia , Neb. Boots and Shots. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots end Shoes l319 * ' n" aStrect , Onulia , Neb. Manulnetorv. 113 i y Hummer St. , Boston. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY BROWNELL & CO. Dnlersln The Baker Automatic Engines Stationary and portabla Kotrlaei , Boilers ( . < ! Stee Iron wotk. Wagon * , lluRsIoARrleuhuial Itcplt tnent ) , Pumps , Kto. , 1 U-UI5 L vcn orth tit. Omtba , Neb , W. O , lEurUTO.i , Uaaigcr. Drugs Etc It T. CLARKE URUG COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , Job era of Paint ; , Oils , itindowuutu , etc.,1114 Har- ncy SU , tinnliA , .Neb. 0. K. GOODMAN. Wholesale Druggist , An Dealer In Paints , Oils ana iVlndow Olus Omata , Nebraska. MILLINKIIY , I. OBERFKLDER , Importeri and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1113 and 121'i Harney St. , Omaha , Nib , I.IVK STOCK , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha , No Tardigo Charged. Qoie ( o U. P. Ilrldio. Spocltl acrommodatton atn a good market lor llogi. E. C. loorsR , Manager. Offlco 908 aoith S'.h bt , GREEN & BURKE , Live Stock Commission And FonvardlngARents , Union Stock Yards , South Om ha , Neb. Represented at Chicago bv Keenan & Hancock , and J. J , lluntor & Co. Tclcphono 582. AV , r. BROWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock Jlllco IHchango lluilillnu' , Union Stock YardsSouth Omaha , Neb. trdcrsfor feeders mid dock catlo promptly Illlcd , at lowest market price , Telephone No. 003. MAIjLORY , SON & CO. , Established , 1801 Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Yards , Clilcaio , 111. and Omaha , Neb Frmik Cldttcndcn , Manager Omalu Branrli. Tele phone No. 283. W , L. PATRICK & CO. , .ive Stock Commission Merch'ts Addrcsi all communications to us at Union Stock Yards , South Omahi. Adtancoi muo on Stock. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMA1IA , Llmltcil. John F. Uoj-d , Superintendent. SAFia & LOCKS. P. BO YE R & CO. , Agents for Halls Sate & Lock Go's Ire end Iturglar Proof Safes , Times Locks , Vaults and Jail ork. 10 * ) Kariiam SU , Omaha , Neb. Omalia Safe Works , G. ANDRE EN , anufacturcr otTiro and Burplar Proof Sites , Vault oors , Jail Work , Sliuttcrs onJ Wire \Vork. Cur 14th mil Jackson Sta , Oin.lia , cl ) . OjionliiR anil rcnalr- ng safes and gcncr 1 job work promptly uonc. Porl : Pack'ng. ' JAMES , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , Kcbraakx HARRI3 & FISHER. 'ackers ' and Provision Dealers. No. 157 Crockery. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers and Importer , Crockery , Glassware ; amps , Chimneys , etc. Olllco 317 S. 13th St.,0ma Nebraska. Coffee and apices , CLARKE BR01. & CO. , Omalia Coffee and Spice Mills mportcrs and Jobbers of Teas , Coffee and Spices. Manufacturers of llaklnr I'owdcr , Hav-oring Ex tracts , ! , undry niuc , Ink , Lie. 14H-10 IlarnoT St. , Uinalia , Acbraska. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. OVKIIALLS , CANFIELD MF'G. CO. Manufacturers of Overalls , eons Flints , ShlrU , Etc. 1102 mid 1101 Douglas St. Omalia , Neb , OILS , ETO CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Uils , aaollno Mica Axle Greiso , etc. A. II. BIuhop.Man * aor ; Omiba Neh 1KOH AND NA1UD. OMAHA. NAIL M'F'G CO. , Cut Nails and Spikes , I'lro Naila a Si > ccl lly. Omalu , Ncbragki. Omaha Iron Works Company , Mitmlacmr.ri and Dealers in Machinery and Castings. team Engines , Boilers , Architectural Iron Work , Iron 'litiJ ca , lllnlnp un-1 - Mill Utchlnory. Offito and fforkg , Unlo i Paclllo It , U. 17tn nd 18th Sta. WEARNK & BRO. Foundry Works Corner Fourteen1 h ana Jaekfon Sts.Omtha , Nob. , repared to do til kicds of Iron an J lliasi Catlings. Orders by mall rooilvc piompt ttteutlon. Alsj , O. Jlinulator'8 Uodlog date Una , manufasturej by Vearne & Bro. WHITE LKAD. OMAHA WHITE LKAD COMPAFY , Corrodcrs and Urlndera of Perfectly Pure White Lead , m tiaKeb. Lovl Carter , i'rejt. ; 0. W. Jloid , Vice Frcst j II. W. Yatca , tec. and Treas , SOAP. P. J , QUEALEY , Soap Manufacturer , fflco an ! ( actor ) , Near 1'oador Maja Ine , Omaha , Nebragka. BOOKBINDING , ETO. RKES 1'IUNTING CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And Blank Bo-k Minuf icturara. Noa. ICfl and 108 Houtli Mth at , Omtlii , Neb , I'APEH BOXKa J. L. WILKIB , Manufacturer of Paper Boxe ? . 08B. Hth Bt , , OmaliaKcb. Orders \ > y mall solicit. ed tml will rcceho prompt attention. HAUVBdTKUU. WM. DEEUING & CO.CHICAGO. Manufacturer of the Deering Harvesting Goods , niuden , Iteejieri and Uoneri Write to Wm , U , le h'o flioAgtnt | ° 'nllh1 ' " " Plloo nil'e"o ' ' W. J.WKLSHANS & 00. Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , M nuficturmolW. J , wlshani t < V < juicninia. MaiiVHVHiiTrwvR. and propnetcM Oui ha Citv Illlf , coccer hth nd KarmmBti. , Omaha , Neb E M. nULSE. Mattress Company , FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FlNANOIA.Ii. Ntw YonK , Sept. 7 , MONBI On call oa r * 1@1J pet oent PRIMK PAren 4@5pcr cent. EXCHANGE Bats-Quiet nt $1.83 , de mand 31 Sfio. GovsBNMKOTS-Dull and etronfr. STOCKS-The developments of tbo pMt week , mclnJicg tbo heavy break In freight ratep , the bad aborning of the companies rrv- porting earnings for the patt month , the demoralized - moralized condition of the coM trade , and a threatened Tight between the Western Union and Baltimore ft , Ohio , all proved too much for the bull operators In the stock market to day. Final operations wcra accompanied by conilderablo feverishnces and an eltort to rally the market , but the market closed weak. The tionvicst declines were made by coa ! stocks. STOCKS OK WALL STREET. 3rcnUiomls. . H3 Oil k Northwestern Oil U. S. 4fs ll l preferred 1MJ r cn9 ' 113 | Kcw York Central. . . . 071 Paclllofl'sof ' 05. . . . 1SS Otciron Transcoatl. . I8J Central radflc 3ti I'aclfle Mail 48 ChlcaRoAAlton 131 P. , U. & K 13 preferred. . . _ 16 } Pullman I'alaco Cur. , l6l ! Clil.Ilur. & Qnlncy. 137 } llock Island I17 | Del. , Lao & He 03 St , Louis & San F . . . 184 UonvcrA 11. QranJc. 1CJ preferred .13 J Krio 1IJC. M &St 1'aul. . . 71J tircferrcd 35 I preferred Ill Illinois Central UO ) St. I' , & Omilm tf I.H. &W ISjl preferred 88 { an Mk Texas. . . . . 8J Texas Pacific 18J I.akoSlioro 83 .Union Pacific 472 I.ouls. & Nash 41 Wabasli , U L , & P. . Oj illtliluan Central. . . . fl'J ' preferred „ . . , . ISf Missouri Pacific 1)1 ) Western Union 68 ; Northern PaclBe. . . . 10 } O. K&N 7 $ preferred 4 > | I'llODUCE , CHICAGO , CHICAGO , Sept. 7. Flour quiet and about unchanged , Wheat Unsettled ! opened strong and j ! [ o hlzhnr , advanced o more , declined g : , rallied 4 : , docliued Ic , niled quiet and steaay , idvancod Sc , tilled eanler and cloned 4o over yoitordoy ; 771@77io. cash ; 773o , September ; 78I070J , Octouerj 8 j2@81c , November ; No. 2 od 81Jc. Corn Active nnd ruled Bteaily ; opened trrng , declined 3 "Jo for dot erred futures and @ c fcr near ( uturoa , reacted slightly and losed J@io under Saturday ; lj@44c , ca < h ; 11 ? , Soptembsr ; 42S12ic | , OjtoborlOJe ; , 'iovember. ' Oatn-Qulot , dull and about J@io higher ; 242@25o cash , 25 0 Hoptembur , 25@25ic October. Kye-Quiet at 633. Barley- Dull at GDg70a. Timothy -Strong ; prime , SI C91 70. Flaxseed 1@23 lower ; No 1 , 81 lOit Pork -Quint ; closol stoidy and 5@7io hichcr ; So 85frf5 90 cath , 5585587ii ! Sep- flmbor , 85 871S5 90 October , S3 82J@5 So invembor. Lard Quiet and firm ; averaged 2o higher md cloiod utuady ; 50 I'l f&ft VJ cash , Scptem- > or and October , SO 20a ( ( i 22& November. Bulk MeatsShouldcrn , § 3 853 09 ; short lear , ? 6 1CSG 20 ; short ribs , $5 03@5 07i. Whisky- Weak at SI 10. Uuttor Steady nnd in coed demand ; geode o fancy creamery , 15@22o ; good to fine airy , 103) ) Co. Cheese -In fair demand and lower ; cholco ull cream choddarj , 7i < g8c ; young Americas , JffllOc ; skims , l@4o. .Eggs Slower at 14J@15o. Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted , ully cured , 8c ; light , 8Jc ; damaged , Gc iv polled , njolljo ; cilf sktac , 9@12s. TaUow Unchauged ; No. 1 , 5c. l-teoeipta , Bhtpts. Flonr , bbls..M . „ 8.000 15,000 Wheat , bcahels . C8.00S 01000 Oorn , bushels . 263,000 209,000 QotJ , bushels . . . . . 102,000 , 127.000 .1C , buohola . 0,000 2,000 Bulcr , buihels . 38,000 7,000 NEW YOBK PRODUCE. Nsw Yons. Sept. 7. Whnst Highpr ; o-elpts , 138,000 bu : arporta , 82,000 bu ; un- raded red , 70@903 | No. 2 red , fcOJoin elo- ator ; November closing at 92 c. Corn Steady nd active ; receipts , 191,000 n ; exports , OT.OjO bu ; ungraded , 49@50Jc ; To. 2 , 491@GOc in elevator , 503@DOio afloat ; foveiuber closing at GOJo. Oats Shade bettor ; rdceipts,233COO bn ; ex- orts,20OOObumUod ; W08tern,24@243c ; white vestern , 36@43c. Petroleum -Steady ; united , 51.01J ; crude , i@7jjc ; refined , S c. Kxgs Stronger and In Rood demand ; re- oiptB , 4,100 packages ; western , 17Jc. Pork-Steady. Irard Higher ; western steam spot , SG.D5@ 074 ; November , S0.48@G CO. 13utter Quiet and very firm. Cheese Steady but quiet. OIHOIMRAII. CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 7. Whcat-Essler ; No. 2 red , 88 % Corn -Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 4Gs. Oats Fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 2G@27c. Rye Steady ; No. 2 , B8o Barley Stronger : extra No. 3 fall , 87c. Pork-Quiet at S9.00@10.00. Iiard Him at SG.20 , Whlskj Nominal at 51.0G@1.07 , U1LWADKCB. MIIWAOKHI. Wls. , Sept. 7. Wheat- Weak ; cash , 78c ; October , 79o ; November , Ic. Corn-Kwler ; No 2 , 44c. Oats Steady at 21@25o. Rya-Ea y ; No. 1 , 5Gc. Barley- Tame ; No. 2 , GGo. Provisions Firmer ; mesa pork , cash and eptember , ? S80@8.85. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Sept. 7. Wheat firm and a ehido higher ; luts active ; No. 1 art ) , old , 81Jo for cash ; October , 701c ; No- embar , Sljc ; No. 1 northern , 74 j 3 for cash ; 4o for October and November ; No. 2 north- rn offered at 72c for October and November. Flour Firmer ; patents , 34.G7@4.G5 ; baker ? , Hoceipts Wheat , 02,000 bu ; flour , 12,000 bis. Shipments Wheat , 38,000 bu ; flour , 18,000 ble ; wheat , In store , 2J0.3CO bu TOLEDO. TOLSDO , O. , Sept. 7. Wheat Easy nd quiet ; No , 2 red , cash nnd September , Uo.Oorn Oorn Dull ; No. 2 , cash and September , 5e. ' Oats Steady ; No. 2 cash and September , 5q bid. LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL , Sept. 7. Wheat-Quiet ; stea- y ; demand poor. Supply large. Ked west- rn spring Gi 8d@Gs lid percental , Oorn Firm ; fair demand , KANSAS CUT. KANSAS Ciir , Sept. 7. Wheat-Steadier , ilshor ; caih. G5o bid , G5o asked ; September IJo bid G % asked ; October , 07lc ; Novem. er , 70@70Jo Corn Quiet ; cash , nominal ; Ssptembar , 53jjo bid , 3IJo asked ; year , 27c , Oats Nominal. September , 21o old , 22Jc iked , HT. LOUIS , Wheat-Quiet , unsettled , fair trading. Jlose i@8o over Saturdays KOJio cash , 85Jo epterabor ; 87go October ; 89Zj Novembor. Oorn-ShoduclI ; ilow ; 40J@4lio caih ; 40gc Id Septembe-r ; 39Jc October. Oils-Firmer ; 23jfo caihj 23Jo September. HyaQuiet at 61g5S ( ! . Whisky-Steady. Afternoon Board Wheat lower. Corn Staidy , Oats-Firm. WVJ3 Sl'OCK , OHIOAQO , CIHOAQO , Sept. 7. The Drovers' Journal aporti : Cattle -Receipts. 7,000 ; generally stronger ; hipping steers , $1 00@G 00 ; ute ken nnd eaderi , S260@400 ; covw. bulN and mixed , 2 C0@4 00 ; bulk , 83 00@3 CO ; western angers firmer : natives and halibroed * . 93 GO @ 5 00 ; Nebraska Texans , 83 50. Hogs Receipts , l,760j opened fltnog aud losed weaker ; rough and mixe-1 , 83 ! ) 4 20 ( . tklnB and thippinif. SI 2024 GO ; light weights , 81 (0@4 70 ; eklpa. 2 7C@3 76. BheepReceipts , 15,000 ; iteady ; natives , 2 Ofl@4 00 , The IJrovera' Journal's special cablegram loin Llvfrcool quotes bit American cattle luady at 14o par Ib dreited. KANSAS CUT Our , Sept. 7.OattIaReceipts ldOO , Bhipmenti l,0(0 ( ; hipplDg steers steady ; g ° "d butcher * ' stutf lOa higher ; expocteri , 95 2o@5 40 ; common to choice ihippimr , ? 4 63 @ 520 ; stoctors and feeders , ? 330@43C cows , $3 40@3 SO Bogs Receipts fi,030 , hpmen'g ! 8,000 ; gooi to choice 5o hieht-r Otbors abont steady good to cholco , 51 ! 5@4 Si ; common to med ium , $40 © 420. Sheep No receipts nor shipments ; qulot common to choicr , $1 C0@3 00 , ST. LOUIS , ST. Lotus , Spt , 7. Otttle-ReoelpU 2000 , thlpmeots 7CO. Steady , with Rood local demand , Native fhlppinp steers , SI 408 75 ; rood butcher steers , $350@400 ; mixed butcher stock $2 25@8 GO , Sheep Receipts 1008 , shipments 2COO. Steady ; fair d m nd. Common tu choice muttonr , $2 20@3 GO ; lamb , 82 uU@4 00 , OMAU.V lilVK BTOOIC UNION STOCK YAHUS , S. OMAHA , 1 Monday Evening , September 7 , ) Desplto the abundance of rain and mud business was very Rood at the live stock mar ket. The cittlo market wa < firmer. The quotations for to-day were ! Common rough hops , $3.fe3.Gj ! ; good mixed hogs. 83 75 ® 3.83 ; choice light hogi , 83.80@3,90i butcher.'s stock , $2.60@3.CO ; dressed beaf , 83.75 1 GO. Cattle . 1,500 liogs . 3JO REPHE.SEKTATIVB SALIS , CATTLE RANGERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 . 1310 SJOO 308 . 1222 5425. PEIDER3 , No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. GO. . . .1053 S3 85 3(5 ( . 1121 § 400 30. . . .1103 400 30 . 11G1 4 Oil 10. . . .1110 400 37 . lllfi 400 1 ! ) . . . .10SO 400 18 . 1172 4 00 17. . . .1144 400 lUNQK COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 31 . 1199 § 3.00 9 . 1071 8310 IIOQ3. No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. G8 . 207 $3.GO 01 . 293 8380 02 . 273 377J 55 . 250 3SO DESTINATION OF HIIIPKJENT3 , Showing tha number of oars of cattle and bogs shipped from South Omaha during the past twenty-four hours , nnd their paints of destination : CATTLE , No. R't. Dest. 47 N. W. Chicago. 18 OBAQ ' 2 R. I. " RANGE OP PHICM FOR HOGS. The extreme ranpo of prtcca for common rough , good mixed and choice light hoga for seven days , Is shown below : Note All sales of stock in this market are made per cirt. live weight unless otherwise itatod. Dcnd IIORI soil at Ic per Ib for nil weights.'Skins , " or hoge weighing less than LOO Ibs no value. Pregnant atwa are docked 10 Ibs and stags 80Ibs. Thin grass hogs and rough , coarse tented 10wa are very objectionable hero to buyers. Stock Yard Items. The Carlisle Cattle company of Rock Crock , lad 507 cattle at the yards yesterday. Kolino & Son of Pine Bluffs , bad 290 cattle it the yards. The first lot of feeders of the season were lold on RIonday , logo to western Iowa. There s a very strong dem md for feeders and good itock will find ready sale , J M Corey & Co , Rock Crook , unloaded G07 : altle at the yards yesterday , Among others laving stock at the yaids were Anderson , OS logs ; T J Taylor , Shelton , 71 hogJ ; M ICeitb , 30 cattle ; T Poworj , Sultan , 02 hogs ; Fames DAnloy , Ashland , 55 hogs. The latest hotel arrivals are Thomis Dnrbin J BI Herd , Jno Graham , W T Vanpalt , E 3ersback and C O Parlthurst , Cheyenne ; .1 M iVood , Sterling , ( Jol ; T Powera , Sutton ; R A silver , Sutton. 3MA.HA. AVHOIiESALB MA.TUCETS. Monday Evening , Sept. 7. Uonoral Blnrtors. Prodnco marketa were very weak to-day iwing to the inclement weather and the fall- np oil in the demand. Eggs Sales were made to-day at 13c but .horo was a weaknes's in the market which , ended downward and sales were made aa low ia 12@12ic. CHEESKFull craam cheddan , So : full : ream Hits , two in hoop , 3j ; full cream Young Americas , four in hoop lie ; Swiss , 1510c ; jrick , ll@121c ; Llmburger , lOc. PflOVisiONa Lard , 40 Ib cans per Ib , 7Jc ; Iried beel hnma. 13c ; dried beef , regular , lie ; : orned beef , per bbl,86 00 ; mess pork , per bbl , $13 $ 00 , ham , Hl@lli ; breakfait bacon , lOc ; dear eido bacon , 8c ; dry salted sidoj , 7Jc ; ihoulders , Gc. BnrrEn Poor stock is accumulating and lees not find a ready market. To-day B quo. ; ationa ore : Choice , 15@lGc ; fair to good , 10 3)12c ) ; Inferior , U@8 : ; creamery , 20@22o , POULTRY Tha market was a little bare to- lay of spring chicken ) , which wont at 81 76@ 25. 25.POTATOES POTATOES Are quoted at 30@40c. ONIONS Plentiful at 30@40c. BEANBHandpicked navy , SI C0@l CO ; land-picked medium , Sl',25'21 40 ; good clean : ountrj. U0c@l 10 ; inferior , 50CO. GRAIN Corn , S3c ; now oats , 23c ; old oats , ! 0 ; wheat. No. 2 , 5a ; rye , 38@40c. GAME Prairie chickens are coming in plan- .Ifully and are beiog told for what they will jrlnp , U being impossible for commieeion men , o hold them fcr a price. GnAi'ES-lIome-ffown Concords are still In lent supply ; owinKto continued cool weather. \Iiaaoim arriving in good order and meet with 'air sale at 5@6o per pound. OALIFOHNIA Fnuii Pears Winter Nollis , Beurre Die ) , Lawrence , E. Ueurro , Vicar , md other varieties , per box , 52.75@3.00. Peaches Per box $2.00. Plums Per box , 5125@175. Prunoa Per box , Sl,25@1.75. 3rapes-Per crate , S1.75@2 00 Dncas AND CHKMIOALSAcid , carbolic , 44o | icid , tartarlc , 55c ; balsam copaiba , per Ib , > 0c ; bark , Baesafrfts , per Ib , 12c ; cilomol , per b , ! )0c ) : cinchonidia , per ( z , 59c ; chloro- nrm , par Ib , 93c ; Dovers powders , per Ib ? 125 ; epsom salts , per Ib , 3Joi glycerine ) ure , per Ib , 25c ; load acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil viator No. 1 , per gal , SI DO ; oil castor pure. ier gal , St GO ; oil , olive , per gal. SI ! " ; oil iriganum , EOc ; opium , $4 25 ; quinine , P. & tV. , und R. & S , per oz , 8Sc ; pota > tlum. odiia , per Ib , 5320 ; talicin , perez , 40a ; sul- ihato morphine , per oz , S3 f > 0 ; sulphur , per b 4ci strychnine , per oz , SI G3. SADHLKIIV HABDWAUK X U combination oop names S5.25. XXI. O. T. hames , 54.75 ; var I. O , T. hames , 83.50 ; perfec- ion pads , 31.75 ; 47 rlnp bits , 65c ; Harbours S'o. 10 thread , -76c ; jap broaat strap slide , lOo ; X 0 breast strap slide , 40c ; 1J S 0 ) loop champ T buckle ? , SI 05 ; 1 } jap 3 loop : hamp T buckles. 95o ; IS X 0 3 loop champ L'buckles , ? 130ljj " ' ' - - 51,20 ; copper livuta -i at 85,60,11 at $1. ' ' f at $3.60 ; German tnapt , 1J at 8J'.00 , 'li at > 2.r,0,1 , at 81.45 , g at SI 40.11 nt 51.40. SPiuiTfl Cologne iBpirits 188 proof , 114 ; lo , 101 proof , 116 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 114 ; do , 188 proof , 113. \Icohal-lK8 pioof alcohol , 125 pnr wind ration. Whiskies Rodlnillecl wtiikies , 1 00 160 ; gin blended , 160/S2 / 00 ; Keu- ; ucky boutbona 2 00@0 00 ; Knntuoky and Pennsylvania zyes , 2 00&6 t > 0. Golden elioaf , Boutbon nnd Rye whiskies from SI 60g3,00 ( , Urandloj Imported , 0 00@10 00 ; domeatio , L 60&B ( 00. Gins Imported. 4 6021B 00 | do- noatlo. 1 C03 00. Rumi Imported , 4 60 ® 1 00 ; New Kngland , U 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60 § 300. Cham page 01 Imported , per cue , 88 00@84 OOi American , per cose. 10CO@1G 00. DRV PAINTS Wblte toad 80 ; Frenoo.ino L2c ; I'Mli waiting , 2Jc | whiting ( filders , Ijjo't Uting com'l , Hcj Umpbiack , Germantown. I2c ; Umpblaclc , ordinary , lOoi PruasUn blue , 55e ; untramarlne , 18oj Vandyke , brown , 80 ; unber burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4o ; olonna , burnt | c ; ilonnft , r w , 4o : Pariigreeu , genuine , 3ot ; Pans groencommon,20o ; chrome green , N. Y JOe ; chrome green. K. , 12oj vermllllon , Kng- r6o | vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , rod , lOo ; rose pink , 14c ; VeneUan , rod , Oookion1 * JSoj Venetian , ed. Americau , Ifc ; red lead fjoj chrome yellow , genuine , ZOo ; chroma yel low , K. , 12o ; ochre rochelle. So ; ochre , French Sifo ; ochre , American. 3o ; Winter mineral. Mo ; Lpk h brown , 2lcj SpanUb brown , 2lci Prince's miner * ] , So. Oita-110 carbon , per callon , lie ; 160 head light , per gallon , ICs ; 1753 headlight , p r gallon , ICs : 150 ° w ter white , 15c ; linseed raw , per gallon , 44c ; llnicod boiled , per pal Ion , 47c : Urd , winter stt'd , jw-r pMlon , COo No. 1 , 65ci No. 2 , COe ; castor XXX , per nn\- \ Ion , $1 CO ; No. 3 , $1 40 ; sweet , p r gallon ? l 00 ; ( perm W. B. , per gallon , $1 C3j fi l W , B. , per gallon , C5c ; nnaUfoot extra , poi Rftllon , 7S ; No. 1 , 70 Inbnc.ttlng , z'ro , pei gallon , 30 ; tumrner , 16 : ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 33c ; No. 3 , 28c ; sperm , sig nal , par gallon , ! )0ci ) tuipontlne , per gallon , 47c ; nsplha 74o , per gallon , ICc. . VAnntsHia Barrels , per gnilonj rnrnlture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture. No. 1 , $1 ; coach , extra tra , $1 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 | JDamar , oxtr * , 81 76) ) Japan , 70ci Mlihaltum , oxtr , Boo , shcllno , S3 60 ; bard oil finish Cl CO. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omahn , P. P. o ; whlto lead , St. Louto , para , C 75 ; MnraaM 01 grcon , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20c ] French tlnci preen oal , 12c | French elnc , rod § c l , lie , \Pr \ nth tlno. In varnish Mst. , SOo ; French f.ins , In oil nsst , 15o | raw and burnt umber , 1 'b ban. , lOa ; raw and burnt Bicnn * 10c ; vandyke brown , 18o | refined Umpblack , 12ci coach blftck and ivory black , IGo ) drop bl&ok , IGct Prussian blue , 40oj ultramarine bine , 18o ; chroma green , L , M & D , , IGoi blind and shutfr irreen , L. M , & D. , IGoj Pflris grocn , 18ot ; ndlnnrod , IDo ; Venetian red , Do ; Tun. mn rod , 22c ; American vermillion. L. & U , 20c ; yellow ochre , Dcj L. M. , O. A ] > , 0. , 18c ; yoltow ochro. 9o ; golden ochre , Ific ; patent dryer , 80 ; graining colon , light oak , dark oak , walnut , ehontnnt and nsh. lee SUOKIXO TODAOCO O , S , , 22o | Moornchanm , 80oj Lonir Tom SOo. BlnckwoH'a Durham , 1C oz. , Glci 8 oi. . & 5c | 4 oz. , 67c | 3 oz. , COo , Seal of North Carolina , 16oz.wood , 42o ; R oz. , wood , 45c ; 4 oz. , cloth 48oj 3 oz. , 60o , Navy Clipping ) , 2Cc. Kllllkiulck , 4 oz , , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28o. 28o.FINE FINE CCT ITnrd to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the West. COc : Fountain , 703) ) Golden Thread , C7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 50c ; Rocky Moun tain , E0t Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40o. PLUO TOBACCO Olimas , 44o perlb , ; Horae- ihoo , 4Gc : Star , 4Gct Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our [ < opo , 60a ; Piper Hoidstck , GOc ; Punch , 40o. LrATUKB-No 1 Plttaburg J. U L. & Sons , J3c ; No. 1 Pittsburg 1C &S 35o ; No I Cincin nati , 33c ; No 1 luce leather , GOc ; prime slaughter sole leather , 7c ; prlmo oak tolo leather. 37o. Solo le.ithor , pnr pound : Hem * lock slaughter , 2S@32c ; Hemlock , D If , ? 4@25c ; oak elaughtorr , 3t@38c. Tipper leather , per foot , 2224c ; Ifcmlock , VIp , 75@8dc ; o V kip , S3@95c ; French kip , SI CO'dl 23 ; Hem. calf , SI 00@1 10 | oak calf , SI 00@1 20 ; French cilf , ? 1 2if3l 85. IMorocco boot lep , ' 0 320) ) Morocco oil pub- bio , 23@32c. Toppings and lining ! , SG 10 © 10 00 per do/ , HKAVT HAimwAnB Iron , rates , 2 10 ; plow steel , epecial cast , > lc ; crucible nice ) , Gc ; cut tools do , 12@18c ; wngon spokes , per sot SI 75@3 00 ; hub ? , per sot , St 25 ; felloes sawed dry , SI10 ; tongue ? , each , " 5c ; axles , each , 7f c ; Bquaro nuts per lb,7llc ; collchuin , perlb , 0@12c : malablolc , 8c ; iron wodgcp , Gc ; crowbar * , Gc ; harrow tooth 4c ; spring steel , 7Sc ; Burden'a horse shoes , Si 10 ; Burdens mule ehocd , S5 10. Barbed Wire In car lots , SI 00 per 100 Iba. Nails Rates , lOto GO ; Iron , $2 CO ; S2 G5. Shot Shot , SI 00 ; buckshot , Sl.BC ; orien tal powder , kegs , S3 50@1 00 : do , half keg ? , S3 00 ; do , cuartorspgr \ , $1 0 : blasting , kegs , S3 35 ; fuse , per 100 foot , 50c. Lead- Bar , SI 65. BUILDING MATERIAL Sewer brick , SflOO ; medium britk , § 3,1)0 common brick , 57 f 0 ; lime ( in bulk ) per brl GJC : limn ( In brie ) OJc : Louisville cement , SI 55 ; TJtica , Akron and Milwaukee cement , § 1,50 ; Portland cetnont , English , $4.00 ; etucci , Michigan , 52.00 ; hair in paper sacks per bu SOc. DRT FRUITS No. 1 , quarter applet , IJc ; N 0 sliced , b.ixes , Gc ; evaporated , boxes , Sc ; blackberries , boxes , OJc ; pouches , boxes , none in the market ; peaches , evaporated , 15J@ 17c ; r.ispscrrlcs , new , 2i(227o. ( SDQARSPowdered , 8Jc ; cut loaf , 7Jc ; gran ulated. 74c ; confectioners' A , Gc ; titandard extra O. Oic ; oitra C , Oi ; medium yellow , 5Jo ; dark yellow , 5gc. Grocers' List , COWEHS Odinory grades , 9Vc ; fair , lOJ ® lie ; good , ll@12c ; prime , 12@13 ; cholco , 1G@ 17c ; fancy green and yellow , ! G@lGic ! : old governmaut Javo , 20@25c ; Mocha , 22 26c ; ArhuckU'a roattod , 13Je ; McLaughlm's XXXX , roasted , 13Jc ; Java. 1G1 jc ; Dil- worth'i" , 13c ; Rod Cro8 , 13o. Mal.nueh- linV , Arhucklo's aud McLaughlin's XXXX are sold COc par case off above prices la 3-cise CANNED Goons-Oysters ( Standard per cue , 3 90 ; strawberries. 2-lb. per cnsa 2 GO ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , 2 25 ; California pears , per case , 5 GO ; apricots , per case , 4 20 ; peaches , per case , 4 75 ; white cheirlex , per case , 0 80 ; plums , per case , 4 CO ; whortleber ries , per case , 2 40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , par case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2-lb , per case , 2 UO ; pine apples , 2-lb , per case , 3 20@5 50. CANDY Mixed , 9J@llj ; stick 91@10ic ; twist stick , 9Vo. SODA In Ib papers , 3 23 a case ; saleoda keg per Ib , 82 25. VINEOAB , CiDEB-13@18c ; White Wine , 15 20. 20.PICKLES PICKLES Medium in birrtls , 5 EO ; do in half barrels , 3 50 ; email in barrels , G 60 ; do in half barrels , 3 75 ; ( rherklns in barrels , 7 50 ; do in half barrels , 4 25. RICE Louisiana , prime to choice , Gl@71c. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 300 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 15 ; Kirk's standard , 3 50 ; Kirk's White Russian , 4 GO. WOODENWABE Two hoop palls , 1 75 ; three hoop pails , 200. Tubs , No 1 , 8 50 1 pioneer washboards , 1 50 ; well-buckets , 3 75. Roi'ESisal , i Inch and larger , 81o ; inch , 8Jo ; J inch , Oio. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 55 ; Athlon , in eacks , 3 35 ; i sacks Ashton , 9U ; bbls dairy , 2GO@275. Oysters The cool weather bag created a good demand lor this time of the year. Extra best selects , GOc ; plain selects , 45c. STABCH Nlagra Gloss , 1 Ib , GJc : Ni- agnt Gloss , 3 Ib , Gc ; Niagra GloBS , o Ib , 7c ; Nlagra Corn , 1 Ib , 7c ; Kingsfords Corn , 1 Ib. Sic ; Kinesforda Gloss , 1 Ib , 8c ; Klcgiford'a Gloss , G Ib , 8Jc ; Kingsford'a Pure , 3 Ib , GJo ; Klngsford'B Bulk , 4o. BYBUP-- Standard C , 29c , bbls ; Standard dolgallon kegg , 1 40. SriCKS-Wholo-Peppor , 18c ; nlspico , lOc ; cloves , 15@2Cc ; cassia , lUc ; nutmegs , 50iC.'c ( Sl'IOKS Ground Black pepper , boxes , 15@ 25o alspicn , 15e20c ( ; cinnamon , 18@3c ! ) ; cloves , 15@25c ; ginger , 15@25c ; mustard 10 @ 25c OANDIKH Boxen , 40 Itw , 1C ) , 12Jc | 8 ,12ic ; boxes 40 lb. , 10 oz , G > , 12 c ; half box , 20 Ibs , ; 12jfc.MATCHES MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , rl , stse , 45c ; equaro , cases , 170 ; Oahkosh , cages , jr. 1 20 , TEAS -Gunpowder , fair , 35@40 ; good , 45@ S5c ; choice , G070oj good Imperial , 40@)8c ; cholco , G3@70c ; Young Ilyson , good , 3fl@45c ; ahoice , 60@70c ; Oolong.good,35@IOc ; Oolong , choice , 4U@GOa ; Knglith Breakfast , good , 95 @ 40c ; choice , tOS G5c ; Souchong , good , lOo ; cholco , S5@15c ; Japans , fair , 25/S358 ; ; ? oed , 3 VK450 } cholco , 53@76o ; Tea Duit , 15c ; lea Siftiing. , 18o. CuAOKEiis-Gnrnenu'a soJa , butter and pic nic. 6c : cr ams , 8cj r.ingor maps , 80 ; City Eoda , 74c. POTABII Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans In case , 3 35 ; Babbltt'a ball , 2 doz In case , 1 90 ; An chor ball , 2 doz in case , 1EO , Dry Goods , BLEACHED CoTTONs-Farrcere' Choice , Cl ; daboe OJ ; Hope 7 ; Hill 4-4 , 7i ; Hill i , G ? ; Lonsdale , 7f ; Fruit 8 ; Wamsutto , 10J FINK BROWN ConoNS-Pepperell R , GJ , Pepporell 0 , 6J ( ; Atlas , 01 ; Statute of Liberty ; J ; Harurmo R , lii. PRINTH- Steel River , 6i ; American , CJ ; Arnold'tf , 6 ; Manchester , G ; Lyman , 6 ; Gloucester , 0 } ; DunnellJacquard , G ; Uunnell , 5J ; Ratnapo , 4 ; Windsor , C ; Pacific , G , Har- monyi 4 } ; Anchor Shirtings , 4 } ; Merrimack Bblrtlogo , 4i. DKNIMH Beaver Creek AA , 11 ; Beaver Creek BB , 10 ; Be vr Creek CO , 9 ; JuiTrey XX , Hi ; JflffrDy XXX , 12 ; Jaifrey D & T , 12i ; Columbian , 12J ; Vurk , 13 ; York , f noy 13 ; Kmett , 13 ; Haymaker'a blue and brown , 7J. DUCK ( Unbleached ) oz Magnolia. 10 ; 10 oz Magnolia , 11 ; 8 oz West Point , 104 ; 10 ozWett Point , 12& & . DUCKH ( OolorodBoston ) 0 oz brown nnd drab , 13i ; Boston O II brown and dr b. 'J : Boston XX brown and drab , 10 ; Boston XXX brownauddrab.il ; Boston O P blue ' Hi ; Warren Tricot , 16. BBOWN COITONS Lawrence LL , 6 ; Shaw- mut LL , 6 ; Beaver Dam LL , D ; Atlantic LL , Bjlmjiun Head , 7 : Wnuchti'ett , GJ ; Crown XXX. GJ ; Clifton CCO , CJ ; Utici 0 , 41 ; At lantic P , 6) ) , TICKINGSAmokeag AO A , 12J ; Thorn. dike O O O. 7jf ; Thorndiko fancy , 9ii York A , lOJj York fancy ; 12J ) Mtllbury , 12i ; Pearl River , Hi ; Hamilton , 12 ; Swift River , & > \ BaetuuVet S , 84 ; Shetucket S 8 , 95 : MoDtVak , 12 ; Montauk B , lOJ ; Omega A 0 A , 13 . COBHKT H-KeoMargo 7 , ; Armory 7 ; 1A pperrll , 7Jj Indian Orchard , G : Naurn- cag , 7 , GmaiiAM8-R nrew , 9@10J ; Ataoikeag , Idreic , 0 ; Amoikosp. etaple , 7J | Ivanhexs WnmsuttA , 8i Nubian , 8J ; Warwick , D ; Whlttendon. I ) ; Bates , dre s , Hi Bates. sUplo , GJl Randolph , tnpc ! , Cj ; Lkntdown * , 7. CIHVIOT3 AmoskoAg , chocks , 0 } : Amo- koflg. stripes , 8J ; Sinter , stripes , 8 ; KJiabiirg , 9) , whlttondon , stripes , 8 ; ( } lenro > , OjOtlg , checks , 0 ; Oti , stripe ? , 0 , Riynl , Of ; Amos- ke g , nappod. inj , 1,11 ray , book fold , 12 ; Oberon , book fold , HiEndurance ; , book fold , 12. 12.CAnrrr WAnra-Blbb. white , 20i Bibb1 colorad. 22J : Poerlesn. white , 4iily , 18 ; Poor- leu , colored boAtdtr , 20\ \ . BLOOD BED OALU'OIINIA SALMON. lln. Ibs. llu. Ibn. Iba. kits. 208 100 99 00 40 § 1400 $7.EO SC.80 S3.83 S3.10 00 CODFISH Now Englltri summer cured whole cod , Go. SMOKKD irisit Ilnlibut , new , 12Jo ; now ecalcd honing * , 2uc. SUNDRIES Domestic Holla d heninus , keg ? , 45c ; ] lu oinn pnrdincs , herrinRS , 45o ; anchovies m glnsB , Ola Bull brand , per doz. , ? 3 00 ; anchovies iu i kegs , OIo Bull brand , per dcz. , SI 00 ; cpiced llamburfj herring ? , skins and hoaclo off , par pnll , $1.25. Steady ; preen butchers' 7c : Rroen cured , 8c ; dry flint , 1213c ( ; dry ealt , 0@10c ; huloB two-thirds iirice. Grease Vrline white , 3@4c. Sheep l > eUs-23@70c. Floor and BELLINQ FRIOES. Winter Whont-ririnjbost quality patent at 83.003.30. Second quality 83.7C@3. 00. Spring Wheat Beat quality patcut nt'$2.tO @ 3.00. Booond qnalily ? 2.40@3.00. Bran 5oo per owt. Chopped Koed Per 100 lb . , SOo. Chopped Corn Per cwt. , 70c. Corn Meal 8LOO@1.10 per owt. Boreonlng No. 1 , 75o per owtj No 2 , BOo , Hominy Sl.BO per orrt , Shorts C5a per cwt. Graham 93.00 per owt , Hnv 80.25 pi-r ton. Old hay 80.50 per ton. Coal. Anthracite egjr , S8.CO ; nnthracito nut , 88.20 ; anthracite rani e , S8.25j Iowa. S3 25 : Wal nut Bloclr , S3.25 ; Illinois , S4.00 ; Indiana blorlf , 35.76 ; Fort Scott , $1.25 ; Rich HU1 , S3i75 Dry Iinmlicr. DIMENSIONS AND TIUBEE3 , BOADDS. No. Ibonrda , 12 , 14 nnd 16 ft . 817 25 No. 2 boards , 12 , 14 ana 1C ft . 15 25 No , 8 boards , 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft . 13 30 No , 4 boards , 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft . 11 26 BiniKa , let Com. , 12 , 14 nnd 10 feet . fj22 00 2d Com. . 14 and 10 foot . 20 00 3d Com. , 14 and 10 feet . 15 00 Fence , 14 nnd 10 feet . U 00 VKNOINO , No , 1 , 4 & G inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough. . 81 8 00 No , 1 , 4 & 6 inch , 16 foot , rough . 18 00 No , 2 , 4 & .G Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. 16 00 No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 foot , rough . 1C OC SHIP LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch . $18 00 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch . 1C 00 JNo.l , O. a . 1850 OIIILINO. lot Com , 9 inch , Norway . 15 60 2d Oem , jj Inch , Norway . 14 BO lit , 2d nnd 3d Oloar , 1 J Inch , a , 2s . 860 60 1st. 2d , nnd 3d Clear , li nnd 2 inch , B. 2a CO 50 B Select , li , 14 and 2 inch , B. 2s . SO 50 1st. 2d nnd 3d , Clear , 1 inch , B. 2 . 45 60 A bolect , 1 inch , B. 2s . 40 50 B Select , 1 Inch , B. 2o . 30 room While Cedar , C inch , halves . 13 Whlto Cedar , 6 J Inch , halves . 11 o White Oodar , 8 inches , quarters . 11 o White Oedar , 4 Inch , round . 14 o FLOOBINO , 1st Com. 6 Inch , white pine . $38 09 Zd Com , C inch , whlto plno . 85 Off Bd Com. Cinch , white pine . , . , 29 OC 3ol. Fenca G Inch , white pine . 20 ( * 1st and 2d Oloar yellow pine , 4-G inch. 21 f STOCK BOABDS , IU.TTKH3 , WKLLlDIIINa , 'riOKBTS , O.G. Bats , 8 Inch . 8 p.G.Bat , , SUnch . 7C 1 inch Bats , B. 1 s . 40 Slnch well tubing , D , & M . 22 50 3 Inch well tubing , Bov . 22 60 Pickets : D , & II. JTlat , 22 00 ; D & II , Bquaro . 24 00 BHINdLKfl AMD tAIII. [ D ' " "h. Clear . Standard . 2 75 Smch , Clear . i 7/4 Lath ( V Notion Tlmt MurrUfjo Would Moon TnkoOut of Him , Saturday Goulp , "Say , raa , I'm going to bro&k of ! my engagement with Jim. I'm lutlefiod that wo never could bo happy toi-othor , " eald Flrat ; avenno girl ono day last \voek. "Ani ? vfhy nui ? JIm'a a nloo follorr , " rcp'ied her roa , much Burpjlocd. ' 'I ' have found ont that no is an Infidol. " "And vfbnt'a that ? " "Why , ho ha no religion don't be- llvo In hell. " "Oh , ho don't , eM Well , you just many him , anfl we'll take the notion ont of hla head , " md the old lady's jtwa oimo together with a Rnap _ W. , JOHN-BON , KO\V. HAMMBTI V , J , B91IDTLUI , W. P. Johnson & Co , , 'flommisBion Merchants 218 La Sallo Street , Chicago , Receivers of grain and seeds. Future * bought and sold , Special attention to ealoa. by ibinplei , Ilepretenled by EDWARD BAKTON , Lincoln , tbj