p QJ&l * JLH/MUJ&K I ) , THE DAILYB'EE. . OMAHA Orncu No. 014 AN 010 "PATINAM ST. NMV YotiK OrncB , liooii CC TIIIBCNK Bean 1NO. Puhl'hM < * ery mnrnltifr , mctpt'Sundiy. The only Monday mernln ? U lly j-uhtlsneil In the tt&tc. TfRM * ItT MAItj One Year JIO.O-11 ThreeMontlu. . S2fO SlxMunth ? & 00 I Ono Month. . . . . . . 1.00 The Weekly 13ec , Publlnhwl o > cry Wodnteday TrR i , rosTp u. Ono Year , \vlthrrcmlum .J 2 CO One 'ear , without itrfinlum 1 S Six Jl 'tills , withoutprc-mum ; 5 Ono Mui.lli , en trli 10 All Cotrmnnleatlon * rehtlns to Ncwuand Rlltorhl tnatUri shuuM bo addrwsod to the llwron OF Tim UEK. rCStir.8 * tRTTRM , All nu lncsi letters nnd KemHlvieci ihould b dlte to Ho Titr. n tc I'linu'iiito OOMPANT , OMAHA. ) r fts.Chetk * Btd V.ikt olllco or.lcrs to ho made li y. hlo to the ord r of the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , Pfdl K UOSr.WATJJIl , KniTon. A. H. l-'ilch , Manager Daily Circulation , Jnulia , Nebraska. Titr. paoplo of Boston plaaa great confidence fidonco In tholr nowapaper men. Twenty of them hold tula nnd municipal offices Tin : appolntmoat of Jadgo Hlg tns , of Ojlambm , at register of the Grand Island land oflbo , provide ! nnothor dom oorat'c ' editor with n iood place. This la la accord with the Millar programmeo. THE transportation of between $10- 000,000 and $12,000,000 In allvor on the "Sffatara"and "Yuntlc , " from New Or- loam to Washington , ehotva that the ad- mlnlalratloa lui considerable csnfidonco in oar navy. TUB coming now ulato oloctlon ehow whether the mngwoiupa will return to the republican /old. They have boon cordially Invited to do no. A great cloal depends upon the kind of a ticket that trill bo put in the Gold by the republican utata convent ion. TUG paaplo of Wisaomln arj no well plouod with the syatom of Haaailng and taxing oalooaa , that they are agitating the r-ilalnc ; of tha llaamo from $200 to $500 When they ratio it t : > $1,000 , as It is in Nebraikn , they will bogla to ten the eiibitaiitlal banofit3 of n high Hc3ns : . TIIK 1.3 of Oolouul Champion S. Ohmi i a > vd Ihroag'iout tbo land. Ho IUB do'lv ' oi hli Bpocch baforo the north west nut. rjB canvontlon at St Paul. Tha is it > i lei whiih ho fired at the nsajtu . .Ino doubt nuclo a good 1m- prcjiloa in fvor of Nebraska , and demonstrated the naoejjlty of improving the Missouri and the part of Nebraska. EMOHY STOKKI , of Oh'ojgo , has baon engaged to defend the polygamous Mor- moQ5. Mr. Storra will have more bus'- ' no on his hands uo ir than ho has ovsr had bafnro , even if he h a oacoensful lawyer. Tha cam named In coanoclion with Mr. Storra' retention Is something ononmus , bat these who are acquainted wik.h him aay that they know of m law yer who la moro willing than ho to nc- copt a big retainer. IGNATIUS DONNELLY , in hli speosh bs- fore the northwest water pay a convention , made asmo vary forcible statomentd. What the country nooda Is cheap trans portation by oar water routes , and If wo don't got it , sild Mr. Donnelly , there will ba a revolution in this country. Rjllrouch hive takoa possession of the government , continued ho , and their omiiiarlca had boon Bant to the waterways convention. Wo know Mr. Djtmolly is cor rect as far M Nebraska is concerned , for among her delegates there were several railroad emissaries' . TUG Baatrioa canning factory expsotu to pat up 500,000 ons of goods , moitly tomatoes , CDrn , peas , boitn , pumpkin and eqanh. By the way , why would not suoh a factory piy in Oauha ? Other pla3B3 In NdbrisVa ara making propira- tlons to start auoh ostabliahmants , which have bton provoa to ba very profitable enterprises. The Beatrice fac tory give a employment to over oao hun dred parsing , and is n great benefit to that city and vicinity. Omaha needs inoro faotoHes , and among the very first wo would sn goat a ainalng ottablleh- niont. TUB fight between the prohibitionists and tbo siloon-koepors in lotra continues with unabated vigor. The fiot that forty Dubuqno ealoon-keopers , against whom aulls luvo been began , have had their cages romovoi to the federal court , not only shows that there's many a slip be tween the cap aud the lip , bat that prohi bition continues not to prohibit. The culls have boon tramforrdd on the ground ihtt under the prohibition Jaw , which the MI- premo court hai docluod lu fall force , the n lnon-koepor oj'n bo deprived of the rights gaarantoid to him by the civil rights oi of oinjrois aadb/tho consti tution and its a-nendinoats. This is an important decision , and camoj tha llqaor olomsnt to smile. Tun prleon-rofor u which hn bean in troduced In Oh'o it giving eaKsfaotlun , and Is wothy : of consllcratlon in other atatea. Tha prisoner are divided into throe section ) aootdlng : to gooi conduct and Industry , the highest grade wearing a blue uniform , the mUdlo a gray and tVu lowest the usual aUto-prlion strips ) The men are allowed a cartilu percent , ago of thslr wages , anil ai men In the upper grade get 80 cents a d y and those la the lorer baK 40 , good conduct la tuada to pay. A year ago last May out of 1403 prlsinerj 833 wnro In the first grade , and nov out of 155G prts > ni > r4 the proportion of blua ooa'.j is > > rjtto ? th n that. Taera is also a night s jV > ol which 700 of tin ciavlcti attend , aad cau of j iho revirdi for good oondmt it an hour ! " of lijht [ f jr reading ii tlu craning. I J CANADIAN INDEPENDENCE. The Toronto Morning Ifcws , ono of tha most independent and leading jour nals In the Dominion of Canada , IB cvl dontly an Independent paper. At the head of Its edltoilal columns it dally prlnla n platform of Its own , -which 1m ring of Inlependonco about Out Is corlamly rofrethlng , coming as It does from Canada. The News says that it is the only purely domocratio piper pub llihod ( u the Dominion , and that Its pol Icy Is founded on the principle of "gov ernmont of the people , for the people and by the pooplo. " That corlainly i good republican doctrine , and il Bound very maoh llko "United States. " Tb < News in its brief platform advocates : National Independence. Tbe election of i chief rnofiislrato for Canad * by and from amongst Canadians , An elective ecnato The abolition of all exemptions from taxallon The complete separation of church and ( tale Manhood suffrage In all parliamentary attY A revision ol the constitution , ei M to deGn moro strictly thu respective powers of the na ticnil aad provincial governments , Th abolition of the veto power now possoswd b ; Iho federal authorities over provincial leglsls lion : all questions as to the oanstitutionalit of national and provincial acts to ba decided by the snprom court. Alt paper money to bo issued by th national government instead of by tha banks The abolition of all official superannuation fund * . Such changes In the laws as will mat tbo oxlitcnco of a permanent omco.holdln claas Impossible. Tha reorganization of ou provincial system on a mora economical an democratic bnjia , The election of provlncla governors , etc. , by the pooplo. The election o ! ciunty ollicera , such ai shorlHg , registrars clerks of the court , division court clerks , in spoolers of schools , etc. , by tha people , The election by tin teachers of the province of a council and chief supeiialondenl of public in elruction , Saeh aontlmonta as thoao would indi cate that the News Is laboring for tbo 03 tabllshmont of the United Statea of Can add upon the model of our own Unitei Stales. This feeling in growing moro rapIdly - Idly thin the plan , which wo hear dlacntsEi from lima to tlmo , of annexation la thl country. That the complete indopcn denoo of Canada will eventually b brought rsbout wo have every reason to ballovo. The tendency la certainly In tint direction. The present reckless ad- mlnlatratim of alTilrs Is not at all sails factory to the pjoplo. The country ha baon plango.1 into debt , and her tax-pay' ' era are groaning nndor the bardon ol heavy taxes and hard tlmos. Slnca the con federation In 18G8 the population baa in- created 50 per cent , and tha wealth haa gained In no larger ratio. Bat in 186' ' the Domln'on ' oirod 870,000,000 not , while this year the net debt Is over $219- 000,000. The Intercolonial ra'lroad ' cost the public treasury § 12,500,000while there has been sunk In the Oin&dlan Pa clGc , inglndln aubildy , loans and land grant , $110,000,000. No wonder tint Iho Toronto Globe , a trustworthy jinr nal , says : "From Montreal to the aea ; here Is not a city , town or village in which real estate would bring ai good a price to-day as It would have brought in 1874-78. There is ssircaly ono in which building operations have not coma almost to a standstill. lu none of the provinces would a farm sell as well to day as It would have sold ten years ago. ' All this is charged up to the present method of government , and the Canadi ans , as a rale , can see no rollaf except in a radical c'hang ? , which will imko a "gov- ernmant of the people , f jr the pjoplo , and by the people. " THEN AND NOW. Abriliain Lincoln is continually npotheo sized os a patriot , yet ho was only elx weeks in cilice when every offica worth having was in the hands of the republicans. Graver Cleve land hru been president eix months to-day and lets than fifteen per cent of the office a are held by democrats , Omaha Herald. If cur Wfinory is not at fault , Abra ham Lincoln went into office at a tlmo when one-half the democrats hsd loft the oflhes vacant , and the nuj irlty of the other half of the democratic office holders wore in sympathy with thojo who had seceded. It was ueceesir/ that the places should ba filled with men who were not suspected of disloyalty , and hence the republicans wora rapidly put into oflice , although Mr. Lincoln was very alonr In removing democrats who were positively known to bo loyal to the union. At the breaking out of the war a largo number of the federal cilices la the north were filled by south ern democrats , who all resigned to join the confederacy , aud it was but natural that their vacant places should bo filled with loyal republicans. In Nebraska , for Instance , Da Londe , of Loulihnn , a brother-in-law of Judah P. Benjamin , wai register of the land office at Brown- ; villtj John A. Parker , of Virginia , was register ot iho hnd cfiioa at Omaha ; and W. IT. Moore , of Arkansav , was United Slates marshal. Those men , with other office-holders from the couth , re signed their positions In order to take part In the rebellion , That Abraham Lincoln did not have much confidence in democrats In those dark dtys ii a matter of surprise to no one , and it would seem that Orovor ; Cleveland has not much moro confi dence In the spolli-hanting element of the democracy of the present day. At lout that is the infereuca from tbo Tlernkl a complaint that although Cleve land h s been president for ilx months , leas than 1C par cant of the oflioes are held by demccrate. The fact Is Mr. CloveUnd has appointed quite a number of rasaa ! to office , owing to deceptions practiced upon him by designing polltl- ( cliuip , aud for that reason ho bacprobibly > concluded to go very slow hereafter. Udder thu circumstances he la to bo commended for his alow and cautious oiiree. Da , MILIEU Js at home , an Uio la in ( id , Flo mils the Fremont as Herald AS a "cheap and nasty ehtor , " Jio calls M jcr t uiei Dav"Wlcdy / Jim , " ha alma ' re How xt Morton , and has an. article on 'Powly Personal Poppycock , " in which ho rofots to "ono ot the blowpipes of the vailous and sundry blovlstors. " All thl in cno Inmo of the ITcrald. YOJ , Dr. Miller Is at home perfectly to. THE OUINKSE MUST GO. It will hardly do for the Union Paclfi to cay that It is in no way responsible for the deplorable condition of affairs a Rock Springs simply because the Ohlneoo ffcra worked by contractors. The em ploymcnt of contractors li simply a aub turfugo to run Ohlneio labor into th mines. While the action of the whit miners is not to bo commended , Inasmue ! ai it hno resulted in murder and the de struction of properly , yet it must bo ad milled that they have been giadonlly raplnecd by Chinese , imported from tlm to tlmo in small number * , one that labor has consequently been cheapened. It is said th ) Ohtncso had been employed for ten years This is probably true , but the Chlnot force WAS being steadily increased , am the white minors , irritated by the arrlva of n freah Installment , came to th conclusion that it was only i question of tlmo when they would bo entirely tirely supplanted by the celealUls. Th summary oonrao that they took to got ri ot them , however , was Inhuman and out ragoous. They seemed to forgot that th Ohinamon were the tools of the contrac tors , who were the Instruments of th allrond company. They should hav given iho Chinamen tlmo to leave , am served notice upon the contractors not t employ any moro of thorn. Had ths ; pursued such a courte , they womld hav had the support of the peopl However , as much na the bloody rosul of tholr onslaught may bo denounced the whlto miners have taught the Union Pacific a lea-en. They have shown thei determined fooling , and have demon atratcd the face that It will bo dangerous for the railroad company to any longe ; permit the employment of Chinese in it coal mines. Whether the company wil take warning from this leessn remains to bo seen. The tlmo has come , however for It to peacefully abandon the importa tion and employment of Chinese. I has a monopoly of the western coal busi ness , and can well affjrd to pay the fil prices demanded by whlto minors , mi < there are plenty of them to bo had There Is no ccirclty of whlto labor. Tha the employment of ObincEO Is ( imply dona for the purpose of cheapening whlto labor cinnot DO denied. Tbo whlta minors all along tbo west end will very likely demand that the Chines } shall go , THE doith of "Duke" Grin removes a famous Callfornlan. Ho was a native o ; Tonnoaooo and had a remarkable career. Although educated for the medical pro fession ho entered the field of politics a an early ogo. At the ago of twenty- eight ho became United States marshal of Mississippi , in which state ho had lo cated. Ho aarvod one term io. congress , from 1841 to 1843 , and in 184 ? bo super vised the construction of the Now Or leans cuitom honso. Gwln wont to Call- 'ornU lo 1818 , and at ones took a proml neat part In Its political affairs , Ho wa a member of the constitutional conven tion in 1810 , and was elected In 1850 to the United Slates senate , In which body ho served two terms. When the war broke out ho was charged with disloyalty and was imprisoned for two years. When the plan to selzo Sonora and colonize It with confederates was proposed , ho was ono of the moat enthusiastic participants n the scheme. THE qantleman from Texas who killed notad New York crook , who was at erupting to play the old sawdust game on him , deserves the thanks of the pub ic. Now , if the Now York authorities will see that the Texas crook for tuch ho was , Q3 he wan preparing , as ho sup posed , to circulate $10,000 in counterfeit money among his frtands of the Lone Str state is hanged for murder , they will only bo doing their duty. It is now suspected that the Tex < m was not quite ao green as WAS at first reported , but that ho well knew that the bundle of § 10,000 shown to him WAS goaulno money , and that ho Intondoi to rob the sawdust swindler of it. "OFFENSIVE partisanship" has gained a rootholdin England , along with other Yankee inventions. The officials and employes of the English postal service lave boon notified by Postmaster-General Manners that they mutt not take any aolivo part In the electoral campaign , and hat they musb not support any candidate jy public speech or writing. Lord Manners is a tory , while moat of tbe postal appointees are liberals , who were tut In oflica by the Gladatono admlnls. Ion. That Lord Manners has been studying the latest devices of American olltiolans Is pretty evident. GOVEKNOH DAWES appointed several railroad attorneys and henchmen as delu- ates to the north west waterworks con : vention simply because the rillrosds are watered ti sush an extant that they properly come under the head of waterways - ways , and are therefora entitled to rep- escalation. ThU ii u acceptable iplanatloa. THIS is not fair wnathtr at all. The Ignal service man must give us a better > quality during oar exposition othorwlso re shall auapaot ho has been influenced y emleaaries from Lincilo , FJFTEEN Ohinamon were killed at Rock Bprlugo. Some people rniy my this ( a a otallatlon for thu reported killing of tun Christians In China not loui ; Tun Iliggiu * family la coming to the front. John G , has been appointed register of the Grand Island laud cflice. OTHER LANDS THAN OURS. There la at proeont a lull in the affair of the old world , Perhaps the elector * campaign in Europe is being moro dla catsod , in a quiet way , than any otho event of the notr future , The liberal are looking around for a loader , and ar In hopes that Gladatono , whohaarolurnc from Norway , will bo able to resume hi old loadonhlp. Mr. Gladatona'a health or rather the condition of his throat , Is matter of much anxiety to the liberals Their one chance of sucooss in Novomba ia his taking put in the campaign. It I not merely the direct Influence ho ca exert by the persuasion of his spcooho that they want. It is his presence ns leader that Is needed to give the voter the atsaranco that the party is not golm into wild competition with Lord 11 m dolph Churchill and his friends for th support of the farm laborers. Indeed , Mr Gladatono ia the only point on whlcl Iho whola party can agroo. An a tor ; said recently , the liberals must all crow uadcr his b'g ' umbrella , and accept th unity famished by his leadership as substitute for unity in policy and in opinion , But whllu ho has somowba improved in health , the latest advices nr that hta volco has not boon restored by hla recent voyago. This is , indeed , dls conrsglug io the liberal * , for without hi voice ho cannot participate in the cam paign. A speechless leader would har.ll ; do. A few days ego ho was only able ti make n short address to the enthusiast ! Scots of Aberdeen , and at Wick , in Caith noes , M . Gladstone bad to return thank for her husband. His promise to ad drss the voters of Aberdeen some time in October ii , of courto , conditional. Hi doc'o ' : protests rgdnst his again entering public life. The prospects , therefore , M gloomy in the cxtromo for hi ) party Gladstone may formulate Ihn platform but who will elucidate il ? Not Hartlng ton , bociuso ho Is too indolent , and ho is not groitly traslod by the admirer * o" Gladstone. Not Chamberlain , becausi ho is too radical , and , bsilder , ho hai a platform of his own which it will take al' his time to explain. Mr. Chamberlain wno bad been talking aomowh.it wildly o : what now legislation might do for the poor , is now , however , inclined to moro moderate opinions , and protests tha' ho Is no communist. Tha' ' Is true , but ho ccrtalnlj has committed hlranalf to proposals that are socialistic in tholr character , Troveylan Is too feeble for leadership Bright too old , and John Morley too now to parliamentary life. While the llbarola seem to bo thus hopelessly divided , Iho lories ere unltoi and determined. Lou Randolph Churchill's ' indiscretions have been forgiven , and that young man ii wonting b rd among the tory democracy , Ois party has the ofh'ces , and recent legts lation w n nearly all In the lateral oi Hedge , * ho will possoaa the franchlto for the first tlmo and usa it nozi No vambec. The Parnoll pronuncl&mento continues to bo a topic of discussion. It is by no means a now declaration on Parnell's pail. Ho has uttered it before , bul at a time when he did not possess the power that ho has lately acquired. It is not the present ntloranca th t oxcltes any altrm , but Itishlapresontpower. His declaration , however , marks the ro-commencamnai of an agitation in Auglo-Irleh affairs that will not easily be put down. Ireland's 'uncrowned king , " as Pa-nsll his been called , U evidently determined to mcko a u 1 final effort to achieve self-govern ment in tbe shape of legislative independence donco for Ireland. His pronnnciament ? caused a verlteblo whirlivlnd of , excite mcnt in England , for it revealed not only the vast in fluence ho oxorta upon his own followers and on the Irish people , but gave an ox- pllolt warning to English politicians that ihe first soaalon of the new parliament wonld bo the last In which Irish members would deign to take part. The declara tion took England by surprise. Since Is cub Ication the London papers have distinguished themselves by denunciation of Mr. Parnoll and IrUh aspirations that > ro charac'erfzed by much ferocious ill iiimor and palpable and wilful rnlscom- ireliemlon of the questions at lain. Pa pers of all shudcs of politics joined in at tacking the nationalist loader , and have warned him that , although England Is willing to grant a certain amount of local eolf-govcromont to Ire'and , she will never content to a repeal of the nnlon and the separation of Ireland from the omplro. There is no lack of the obstinacy with which the English press and people re- 'CBO to cvon try to understand Ireland's ' claims , for Parnell said no wcrJ nbcut a : otal separation of Ireland from tha cm- iho which Is the policy of the fenlans ind nol of the homo rule leader. What Jlr. Parnoll did say , in words that leave 10 room for misunderstanding , was that it , ha rationalists with to eouro legislative ndepnndene. ' , end thai they rbfuio to sntorl&in for a moment the projtci of ocal board or county government , which , apparently , conservatives and liberals alike seem to think ought to bo eminently sufficient to make Ireland contented and irosperotia , There la a world of difference ly jotwccu legislative independence or home nlo and a total ssparutlon of Ireland roru England. Psrnell simply demands 'or Ireland what Soothud virtually en- oya by courtesy the right to regulsto ler own inlernsi atftlr ; , without Infrlng- ug in the least on the dignity of itnperl of Mtem. hi thla connection Ihe letter of Clifford Lloyd to the London Times , containing a proposition to abolish the 'Ice-royalty hat attracted much attention , UV. Lloyd dealrea to abolish not merely iho vice-royalty but tbe eocretarysbip for ' 'raland , and to put Irish as well as Eag- Ish afhirs in tbo hinds of the home sec retary. Ho desires this upon the ground hat "the tendency of haIng a distinct secretary of state for Iro'and would bo o parpetuite the notion of divided Inter- ets. " No doubt doing away with the no- Ion of divided interests would bo an enoi nous gain for Eoghnd , bul so long as his notion Is firmly lodged In the minds of the Irlih people abollknj the eec- elirychlp would not to doing away with is t , but merely blinking It.About the iroprlety of abollthln , ; the vlceroyalty hero can bo lltlle dispute. But tti.h re gard to the secretaryship , what seems tea a most needed is that tno secretary shall o a man In whom the Irish have confi- ence , and that involves hla being an rlshnun. If an English prime minister were to ofl\r \ ) Mr Parnall tto secretary- hip , and to publish the offer , ho wculd be aklng a elep in the direct line of repre- entatlvo Inatilulicns , arid ho would ba mtilng upon Mr. Parnell a responsibility cr the government cf Ireland in eon ? ormly ! with Irish Idoxa which that agitator tater would find it difficult to escape. : < The recall of Sir Charles Warren from Bechuiiu Lind , In South Africa , la ind tinned bitterly by the Forstor fol * ewers in the liberal party on the ground ' tht.t tbo natives are thus handed over to the tender mercies of Capo Colony , which are really anything but tender. It dec ; nc'ced , teem as if the conscrvatlvos , ir thtlr anx'oly to discredit all things lib eral , had made n mistake. Sir Charles Warnsn , who was appointed by Mr Gladatono , had nndo as good a settle rnont of the troubles in Bechnana Lind e could bo effected. Of conrso it did not salt Iho Ctipe Colony official * , who , being ( n close proximity to the natives , do no feel kindly toward thorn. In rcmovln ; Sir Charles , however , Lord Salisbury ha violated the excellent principle of main tatninp continuity in government in half ctvllizul colonies. When Air. Glsdston came in in 1880 ho kept Sir Bartlo Fret In ofllco in South Africa although th radicals demanded his removal , and a sincere ellort was made to carry out th preceding conservative govornmoat' plans , Lard Salisbury's departure from this line of policy will hardly prove to b a happy ono. Emperors , and the people of that class should not permit themselves to boootn objects of contempt , Tnolr "prestige" ! all they hoto , and I hey should guard 1 carefully. For this roaion they shoult forego the plcasnra of snoh meeting with each olhor as that between the cz ind the emperor of Austria at Kremitor The meeting hai had n gloom cast over I by the manifold preoiuttons taken by th police to prevent the populace , in thoi nthutlasm , from blowing np Iho Czar The czir himself , 11 Is sold , has unggcstoc addltlonalQprccautions , and goes nbou with n big dog to "sick" on any cisua assault. Whoa royally has coma to tht wretched pats It hud bolter stay at homo Thuro Is said to bo qrcat anilely In French official circles lost Bismarck should take ollonco at the suggested alll- auco between Spain and Franco. If thl Is true , a llltlo lees blaster and oratory in iho French chamber of deputies nbou the "honor and glory of Franco" woulc bo becoming. Talk of that kind ongh to bo postponed at least until the French noTfDDftpcrj are able to dl cuta no hnrrn Icsi a topic as a Franco-Spanish alliance whether It pleases the German chancillrr or not. Until that day , too , the republic would do well not to woato its strength in each vainglorious expeditions as those of Tonquln and Madagascar. M. Clo mcncoau has token this ground and the elections will show what the electors think about it. It Is not very long alnro there was special effusion In tha relations of Spain and Germany. This was produced main ly by tha mobbing of King Alfonso as an 'Uhlan king" at tbo Instigation of cer tain politic Parisian journalists. Thn courts nppaar to bo as fond as over ol onch other , but the Germans have con ( rived to dlegnst and anger the Spariiil pooplo. Considering that Iho Span isrda are the most sontitivo pcoplo In Europe on points of national dignity , the graceful tact which distin guishes Garmau diplomacy might have baon expected to yield tome euah tesulU. Tha adoption by Germany , lu the pureull of her schemes of colonization , cf the bullying methods of Great Britain in the old days when Great Britain was MI r.g roeslvo power , will baaptlo have rcsulis that Gorman statesmen would contem plate with uncailnosi ) but for tholr just nnd tercne confidence la the German army. Currency Io given to a rumor that the czir , out of his imperial grace , is about , o grant Raesla a constitution. Tnla would ba an act of personalprndonco on the pert of the czir. An autocrat who gees about in dally fear of his life , in aplte of thn protection of a big dcg , fs In BO eorry a Mtuatlon that If a constitution " will seethe his pursuers ha will naturally glvo them a constitution. It is not likely that constitutional gov ernment will do itnaala any immediate goad. The country does not contain ma it terial for a representative assembly. An upper hoaao of the Russian nobles , us they have bean delineated by Russian writers , would bo a corrupt and unlntclli gent body , bat It wonld ba no moro cor rupt than the lower houao which wo might expect to sao chosen. Ultimately , of course , the chaago would bo for the oottor , and U would have the Immediate advantage to the czir of diverting Indig nation and dynamite from himself to the conservative party in the RusiUn parlia ment. Tbo bill to provide for the federation of the British Australian colonies was ono of the measures which the Into par liament completed. Of the eix colonies ; concerned , but one , New South Wales , refuses thus far to agree to the plan. It : it probable tint the recent war ilarras may txert a powerful inflnenci for con viction on the obstinate colony , however , end certainly events seern calculated to glvo an Impetus to the federative move ment. For there can bo Httlo or no doubt that the ultimate destiny of tbo Australian colonies is Independence , and ) Is to ba expected that tbo resnlta of war between tha mother country and Russia would ccnGrm and strengthen the tendency in that direction , Federation , moreover , naturally presents Itself as a manifest benefit in advance of Independ ence. Regarded solely from the commer cial point of view , tbo measure la urgent demanded. Without it much ot the productive energy of all the colonies mutt bo expended in the promo tion of mlaohlovouj and enfeebling > > rivalries. There must always bo a temp tation to adopt hoslilo fitcal rnoaanrcs against ono another. The petty politics ' small colonies inevitably tend to foetur a narrow buslncsi views and mean enmi < ties. Unconfedcrattd , the colonies will e remain vreak and exposed to external ag E gression. United , they are already capi- COIn bio of opposing a vigorous and even formidable roilatanco to a foreign enemy. Jfi There can ba no future for them apart thwl from ono another , as there could have wlSi been no future for the American colonies Si . without union. at id England has long bsen prepared to grant the request of her Australian col lu onists , and the question la only of the rlponetsof the time. It it not , however , neattsuy to colarelndopendcuco because federation Is accomplished. So long ai the connection with the mother country beDolich ! to bath , it Is prudent to maintain at. THAT "tha Chinese must go" has been ery forcibly demonstrated at Rock prlngs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - TUB Hennepia canal will not ba over- ooked In tha waterways convention. MAUD S. failed yesterday to bett her ecordot 2:08jf : Sbornado 2:13 : Tlin'icnltbt r.iulj iii Omnliit lemarkrd to f ilancl ths other dav thit ib new ] Ceiup' lU'sam fcr the T/iruut and unK4 wa a eu | > erior remedy , n < it etoput-d icr ciuf h m tuntly when otlitra h d nn tflict whatever. Ho to prove tMi Hcliroter k. Con- ad , diuKKiato , No. 211 Fifteenth ttreet , will uarantee It to all , P/icu 50 ceuti aud $1 , 'rial * i free. WIDOWS AND OEPHANS , Contra ] City Or ( vnlr.CH * IvotlRo ol , O. UV Olllccro Kleotca nnil Future lr On liai ovtnlcg a Icdgo of the Anclon Order , of United Worknun WAS orgmlze In ' our city by P. P. E Us , gr nd lecture for Missouri and Nebraska , with twenty names of petltlenora fora charter The following Hat of officerj wet oleoicd : U. U. Soeloy , P. M.V ; J. 0 Logan , M. W ; Dr. 0 , L Barton , fore rnooj Ai W. Pi-raln ; , ovoreoer } J. J Nowmlrc , racorrlor ; J. 11 Gordon , tinan clor ; S. II. Masun , receiver ; C II Schultz , Ratde ; J. F. .Toorull , I. W. William M. Graves , 0. W. ; L. Covertt J. Williamson , and J. J. Rasor , truatcos Dr. 0. L Barton nnd Dr. S. N. Bontlcy medical oxamlnors. This order is ono of the staunch on tried mutuil aid societies , making n extra or visionary promises , holding t the single idea of "protection" to th man and his family daring life , and who he passes away to carry out the idea o "protection" to his family , by scndln them $2,000 t3 live on and protect thoi homes , The order Is well managed , an benefits secured at the lowest poetibl o at. The membership now reaches 148 000 in the United States an Canada , and In Missouri an Nebraska , which constitutes ou jurisdiction , nearly 15,000 members The oxecutlvo officers of tba gran loJgo are now putting forth an extr effort to secure to Nebraska n aoparil jurisdiction , aud this will bo accomplish ? by December 31 next by propsrly usln the word "c > operative" by the prcsou Ijdges now organizing WOHKMAK. CENTIUL Cirv , NOD. , Sept. 3 , 1885. MUSICAL ANl"OHAIUYTIO. . Mlle Almeo sailed irom Havre for No' York City last Saturday. Mrs. Emint Thuriby'd rccnnt concert wo rewarded with a S5DO bouso and imstmted ap plauio. Slgnor Salvln ! wi'l begin his American tou nt thu Metropolitan opera houao In "O.hello October 'JS. It Ia reported In London tint Mrs. Scot SIddona la to appear at Wallack'd tbeate October 12. Miuirico Ginu'd star , Mm p. Judic , and an . entire company of forty performers sail from llavre by the Canada on September 0. In 1830 them were 4,012 professional actor in America , Now there UIB about 9,000. I ia no woudcr that railroad o nipanles are ad vertiaing for uewtlea. An investigation of John McCullough' condition wan recently made nt Bellevua hai pital , with the sad conclusion that he ia a mental and phytlcal wreck. In Milan it ia maintained that Verdi wil poatlhcly finish bia opata of "logo" thi winter and that It will be produced In tba musical Italian city In 1SSG. Mme , Piutr was asked to npjmr In "I Bubii'ro" and "La Trnviata" at Munich wit ! King Louis of Bavarii constituting the en tire audience , but the flatly icfused. Mra. W. E. English , wife of tha Indiauau olia manager , ia dead. She was formerly known aa an actress under tbo name of Arm ! Fox , but left the stage on her mariiago abou about fit o years ago Edwin Arden'd ' 'EaRla Nost" compiny In eludes Mis.es Gertio Blanchard , Mollin Br nard , Emily Spsucer , G. S. Fleming , Alfrci lioyerly , diaries rieibert , Iloracu James , I. Leiden rtLd Mark llosuier. Max Maretz.ex liai written tha incidentan muaic to Maurice Barrymore's piny , "The Dou , " which will bo produced at the now Chicafso opera house on October 4. Ilarry Leo v.-illtalie the hero's part. A cable dispatch Bays that the oldest son ol thuory papular novelist known as Miss n Braddon ban made up his mind to become an nctnr , while his younger brother has written a book , A new comedy by Charles Ballard ia called "Tha Girl with the Tin Heart. " It will probably bo followed by "Ihe Woman with thB Glass Kye , " nnd 'The Man with the Coppsr-Lined Throat. " Barney McAuley. the comedian , haa made five year contract with Mr. Charles A. Mend urn , who successfully conducted Mrs. Langtry's tour in Ainorio * . Ho will devote lilinsalf to "Undo Dau'l" nnd tha "JerBey- man , " Sarah Bcruhardt haa contracted to give 225 performances in America bbtween May , 168(3 ( , nnd May , 18S7. Port of the time , bow- over will bo epjnt in South America , and the United States will probably bo expected to pay 815 ' , COO or $200,000 tribute to the soiled French actress. Marie Zee , who was the eucceaaor to Mad ame Celeste , as tbo French Spy of the Amen Sin stage , Ii now hopaleaely ItH&rio , Her shattered intellect knows nothing but the French Spy and the it nlmpst constantly going through with Its scone * , It is positively announcad that after the present eeasou Louis Jnuioi will star under the manaKement tf Frank Farrcll , "Vlr- imus will be hia principal play , but "Hum- Ist , " "Ilompo and Juliet1 end one or two oniede ! * will be bia principal repertory. Too celebrated violin which Ole Bull used luring and after bis American tour has juet been told to Herr Von Croyty , in Brussels. Lie Rftvo $1,000 for It. The violiu was made ry Gaepare di Sale In 1532 , and the end Was beau i fully ornamented and orved by Ben- rauuto CJelliai , the great Italien eculptor , Mr.lW. E. Sheridan , the tragedian , will pen his seaaou on September 17. Ilia com- wny will Include the follonlDg ; Loula Daven- mrt , F.cncld Field , Marian Hlxon , Lena iJradley , John T. Malooo. W. L. Llojd. Fred iiosB , Frank Keinble. J. P. lluunou , George JUDH. B , O. Shield' , Juo. Hall , Leon Krguier ind N Jmund Mortiinore. The fact U divulged that 1'auline Markham vill "dtnr" this eeaaon In a r > lay called "Dol- yt Luck , " written by II. Wayne Ellis. Mies Uarklmm will Impersonate in thla piece a vlr- uous flower girl , who overcomes tbo torapta- ion of city life. She will try Mr. Kills' work iret upon such of tha Inhabitant ) of Indlana- olia as may be induced to visit English1 ! ) pera houaa in that city September 7. Mr , Charles Andrews ia expending n large imount of money npoa tbe production of 'Michael Strokhuff. " which ia at pretentbe- og'prppuroJ In New Yorlr under the dlrec- lon of Mr , Max Freeman , New coatumet , tew scenery and other entirely fresh oppll- mcej have been already prepared , and tha lompany when U atarta out wi 1 ba exceed- ogly well rqulpped , 0 A. Ohizzola annouccsa that ha liai en raged Miaa I'inma Nevada who will return to IIH United atatea for a short season. Slia vlll be support ! ) 1 by S. nor Veigntt , tenor , Jignnr Bull , baritone ; Slgnor C'uuti , violln- , Sl nor Lcwlta , pliiitst ahd Signnr Cara- , flute eololst , Slgnor Uloraz will be the he inuiical director. The season will begin October 31 , lu I'hlladulphla. ANnino lu tlio Alona I walked the ocean Btrand , A pearly ulitll was in rny hand ; I stooped and wrote upon tbe land My UMIIR , tbo J ar , tba day , As onward from tlm ipot I pxesed , One lingering look behind I cast ; A wtue cunt ) rolling high aud fait , Aud wabhed rny name away. ? And fo , methcught. 'twill quickly be , With every mirk ou earth nomine. A wave of dirk oblivion's eea Will nwuep ( .cton the place. Where I have trod the sandy there I Of time , aud batn , to b no moro Of me , my day , tha namt * I buie , To leave uu traclc or trat > . Audjct with Him vtho counts lha tandi , Anil holdB the watem ia His handa , I know a laatirg reorrd utindd Imcribed agaiutt rny namu , Of bll th'a ' miircul juit liai wnmjtit , ll all this thinking BJU ! hai thuuKht , a- - Anilfiom llioou ilcmtlrg moweuti caught , For glory oror diume. 1'renllca. < Bed qullta at Labnunn'd. THE BEST TniSiG OUT FOR Washing & Bleaching In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. Siviu TABOR , TIHK ml SOAP AMAHSOLT , nnJ glrra Ko ( amity rich or poor ihonU bo without It. SoM by all KToccrfl. r.xwAnii ot ImlUllons well d < - llgneJ toniltl a. rKAki.iin In thoostT sin lube l v Inc compound uid kin ) a Ixiara Iho above Ijm- brUoJ nimonl JAMES PYLU NEW YORK. I'ollco Docket. The following cases were cliaposod of by JudRo Stonborg Friday morning : John Barnett and Thomas Burns , petit larceny , ton dnyo in county jail on broad nnd ivatur. Sidle McUrklo , drank and disorderly , $5 and costs , committed in default. S. S. Norris , disorderly conduct , $10 and costs. Frank BIoKonzIo nd Will T to , VAgrAnts , dltchnrgcd. \ John Oisully , sufplclons cluraclor , $20 and costs , given two hours to leave town. Ncrvoim Dobllltntccl Hlon , You lire allowed a rrte trtaljor thirty tavi of thouiaof Dr. Dye's ' Ctlebrated Voltaic "Belt with Electric Surpeneory Appliauccji , for the Bpuocly relief aud porinnnout euro of Nervous lobllity , loss of Vitality uil Manhood , nnd nil kindred trouble ? . Also for many other ills- ennea. J Complete rentcirnticn to health , vi or aud manhood. No rick i ; Incurred , llluotra- ted pamphlet with full information , terui , otc. mailed free by addreaainR Voltaic Uelt Co. , Marshall , Mich Special Poll coin on. Twelve now pollcomou h&vo been ap pointed to do duty during f lir week. Friday morning four atalgnmontn wcro made , as follows : Mftrir\ ! Shields , on Sixteenth Btrjot ; N. O'Horii" , on South Thlrto nth ; A L. Wiggins. St. Mary's avenue ; Ed Welch , lower F.irn m and Harney , Ninth to Twelfth ; El LipoRO , Elavonth aliott , north of DtUjU . The other otBlgnmouto will bo undo very aoon. \ Blind , Bleeding , nnil Itclilrifr. 1'osl. lively cured by Outlcura , A warm b th with Cutlctira Soap and aelnplo ap plication cf Cutlcura wl'l ' Inslantlj allay the futcnse Ui hlLg ot the most nc'ra\nt ( > U CI.BO of Itchlni 1'lle ? . This ticatmcnt oouiblntd with t-mall doaca of Cntlcu- ra Hi Boh cut three tlmm per J.y , to rcgulato and BtrouKthon the bo < tcls , otcroorro constipation and remova tin cau c , \\lil euro Blind , Bli'oJIng , and Itcliin Piloi when a'l other rou-.iJicj aud ciaa tihjs- Iclanslall. ITCHING PILES. 1 was taken , for ths first tlmo In mv life , with Blind Tiles , co pc\erothatl oouM hatitly keep entry r'et. 1 u cd vailouB rcincdlcB for three wcjVn , wlicu .ho di case toik tha form of It hlng F lei , and row- OK worse By aditco ot an old pen'lcman I tried ho Cullcnra. Ono application relieved the Itching ; , acd I trasBoon cured. I wish to tell thovor'd ttiit n c c3of Itchlu ; I'l'ca the prlcoot tl'cOutlcuri Is of no account. From an unaollclt quarter. 0. fi. KIBBY. 02 West Street , Con , N'Joord ITOIIING PILKS. I began the use of juir Cutlcura Kcmcdlos when ou first out them on the maiktt , aidkntwof two ca'cauf Itching IMostbat have been cured liv the use t my BUL'ccbtion. of thcEornutdlea. F. N.MAU11N. Virdou , III rtUti THAT YOU OIiAISI. 11m e tried your Cutlcura Ilerncdlcs and flnd them nil that you c'atm. and tbo demand for themm tlila action IB great. AUU BSTUd W COLMNS. ntoetuu , Oat. CDTICUKA RESOUKNT , the now Wood jmrlfler , and CUTICURA mid CUTICURA SoAr , the preat skin cures nd beaiitlflcra. nroso'd c % crj whcro. 1'rlco , CUTICUBA XoSoAp ) ; KSojltiuoUENT , $1. I'rorarodby the POTIER DHUQ AND CHEMICAti CO. , BOSTON/ Bend for "How to Cure Skin Dlseanfla : " \S | M Blemlshot , I'lrauloi. Blaokhoads and 1I tJ Pv 11X Uj Humors , u o Culloura Soap , iVKRV MU3CK AGUES and dreadful pilni rob me of slic-pund lost and strength. " lo BUCQ the kCutlcurA Pla'-tir comes llko ftn angel ol lincrcy , biln < lDC ( relief and btrctiGth to j'hou-.anda upon wham illotho' ulutcrs rlu\u | been poucrles for fool Wirrtn * Ij'ol a ncwnnd poifecr tntlc'oio to ptla 'and ' IntUminitlon , and I ho baitpalnklll * 111 ; ) liatir In the noild of moJIclce. At druglet , 5c. ; n > o f jr ? 1.00 , milled frco. Potter Drug & Chemical Co. Boston. 719 South ( th St. , Cnuha , tlephono 002. Oorrctnoudcnco oollcltei ) , NEBRASKA CM AHA. NKBHA8ICA. All ) UP CAPITAL . . . . UllPLUU MAY1 , 1885 . . K orripras : IV , YATM , A. K , TOOZAUN , Vice Prctldeat , x , JNO a.CoitiNH , LKWJU H , IUsn W. U , S. Hughra , Ujjliinr. BANKING orncB : Bank , JOB , 12th AJID FA'llJNAM STS , 4 General Banking Busi ness Transacfea.