KEPTEMB H THE AILY BEE. Pridiy Morning , September 4 Office No. 12 Pearl St. Delivered by carrier to any part ol the clt ; or twenty cants a week. U , \V. TiLTOSi Miter and Le see . . . - nopulil.can Connty Oonvonilon. The republicans of PottawAttamt county , Iowa , will moot in delegate con vontlon at the cinrt rooms in Oounoi Bluffs on Thursday , Sept. 24th , 1885 , a 11 o'clock a. m. , for the pntnoje of pliclm in nDmmatlon , to bo voted for at thi Kcnoral olecUon , candidates for the fol lowing offices , and the transaction o such other business as may proper ) ] como before the convention : Ono oindldato for the office ol count ] BUOao candidate for the office of count ] treasurer. , . _ Oao candidate for the office of sheriff Ono candidate for the office of count ] superintendent of schools. Ono candidate for the office of count ] surveyor. , Oao candidate for the offic3 of count ] coroner. . . . Two cindldatca for members of tn < board of nuporvlsors. Two candidates for mombora of tn < legislature. , . , The basis of representation In tn ( county convention will bo ono dologati Irom o ch township or voting precinct and ono delegate for oaoh fifty votes or fraction of ovoc twonty-nvo cast for the Hon. Frank D. Jackson * secretary o ! Btato. at the lait general election. Till ; will entitle the several townships one products to the following roproaontn tlon : ' ' ' ' Total' . . . . . 117 The primaries In the several townships will bo held on Sitnrday evening , Sep tember 19 , 1885 , at 8 o'clock unices otherwise ordered. By order of the Republican County Central Ojtnmlttoo. JACOB SIMS , Chiirman. Dated at Council BluftVSapt. 2 , 1885. MINOR MENTION. I toiler , merchant tailor , for finogoodn Dr. A. J. Cook haa removed his rasl' donee to No. 34 North Main St. The city council Is to meet in special eoision this afternoon at 2 o'clock. llegular mooting of Fidelity Council No. 15G , K. A. , this ( Friday ) evening. All momberaaro requested to bo present. In the replevin casa of Flnkon against Plioklngor , as trustee , and Olattorbuck , Jndgo Connor has decided lu favor of the plaintiff , Mrs J. A. Lasello , of Now York city , Las taken rooms at No. 30 ? Broadway , and will shortly open a drosi-maklng es tablishment. In the circuit court yesterday the so- ductlon caao of Anna Briilm ogainat Max Alpon was still on trial. The parUea llvo near Mind on. Two men , ono named Carson , the other George Smith , strangers in the city , were taken in by the police yesterday ; afternoon - noon , bolng too fnll ot anti-prohibition. I j 1 Mr. Boskinan , the poll-tax CDlloctor , It I has baon giving the delinquents a llttlo | [ rest this week , but is preparing to start out with fresh vigor , and gather In the dnoata whlou are justly duo. 0. A. Bonoa & Co. are contemplating oomo marked improvements , among thorn bolng the adding of another story to their largo estallshmont , and preparing i\ to engage moro largely in wholesaling. Four crippled tramps have boon caus ing much annoyance In and about the Rock Island depot and yards , and the police bavo decided to run them in on night. Ono has an arm In a aling , an other baa lost a hand , and the two others aio each short ono leg. Fred Qorstonbon ; , who has gained a good deal of notoriety in the courts , is the only ono who has yet paid the saloon license for September. Ho has oatensl- bly bought the saloon lately run by BraasGold , against whom an Injunction was lately obtained by the prohibi tionists. The < lro committee yoitorday mada a I contract for 1,500 foot of now hose for the use of the department. The now hose la of the "Rod Maltose Cross" brand , and is warranted for four years , and to stand a pressure of 400 pounds. The price to bo paid la 05 cents a foot , In gen eral fund warrants. The divorce case of Anna Gorstcnborg ngalnat Fred Gerstonbcrg was hoard bj Judge Connor yesterday. She claimed that her husband had often abused her , had thrown dishes at her , hit her , and othorwlso brutally used her , and that he WJB too big a drunkard for her to live longer with , Ho did not appear to die prove any of the charges. This couple seem to bo having a stormy matrimonial career , and ono would think that thoj would soon got BO used to being divorcee and married that they conld hardly tel | , , whether they were double or alnglo. Shi testified yesterday that they were firs mirtiod five yeara ajo , and then divorcee about three years ago , and then romar rled , and now a divorce Is wanted again ELEGANT WEDDING AND 8TYUSII IUIIT1 Stationery , the finest and moat cornploti line over brought to the city now e.t i-HYOii'a HUE JOB omor. II Invitation ) , Program ? , Regrets , Calling It Cards , etc. , I ; TUB LA.TKBT STYLES , aril In quanti iea to [ ; ' Also a buautifal line of KNOUAVKU FOLDE113 AKD UAHDH. Call and too tboin. All oiderj fillec promptly , and the work will bu guiran teed to iqual tbo stcci. EXPENSIVE LITIGATION , An Irate Italian Hops on His Attorney wlBlooiinHisEye , A. Dear Deal In Horse Flcsli. Jo Oalnne , an Italian , who has nnlj boon In thii country a year , and whc has been keeping a fruit stand here , hn jast been having some ozpaiionoa in law which does not glvo him a very high opln Ion of the juattco or economy of loga proceedings In America , Ho can tall very llttlo English , which adda to his dlf fuultlcB , and the story of his wrongs i rather mixed In the doUlla , but in sub stance la as follows : A short tlmo ago he purchased a horao of a professional trade named Oampboll , paying for the aniraa $75 in hard earned cash , and bolng as eared that ho wai getting i steed which was sound Ir every respect , but which ho soot found totb blind and balky. Ho wa naturally indignant at being thus 1m poaod upon , and hurried into court to so- euro roparatlon. Jnstlco Schurz hoan his caio , and advised him to have some attorney look after his interests , and J J. Stewart and W. H. Ware , two well known mombora of the bar , became in torostod. Papers were loaned , and Con stable Clattorbnok succeeded In gottln ; out of Oampboll the $75 originally paic for the horao. This amount was pale Into court , and the constable took out hit fees , and the justice took out his fees and the balance of the money was paid t ( the attorneys. When Calnnlo settled with his attorneys ho recolvod as the bal- § 10 , the rest of the $75 having been uaet In getting it back for him. Ho woe wrnthy , and claimed that Olattorbuok bad no business to cottlo with the horec trader for $75 , but that ho should have made the horao trader pay all the coata bealdop , thua leaving him the origi nal $75. Ho wanted the attorneys to DOglu suit against Olattorbuck for the lalanco of his money , and indignantly ; hrow down the $4G on the table of the attorneys , and said that ho would not lake it. The Italian grow hotter and latter an ho thought of how his money bad dwindled down , and ho had nothing , o ahow for it , and the attorneys , while not thinking that it would do any geode , o ano Clattoibnck , followed his instrnc- iIoDB aad commenced action. This action 10 soon after dismissed , having boon ad vising with some of his other friends. [ Jo concluded ho had batter take what ho conld got and quit the courts , but on np- ilylug to his attorneys for bis money he ound that they claimed it na fees , ao ; hat ho had nothing at all loft. Pho attorneys claimed that the Italian lad ordered thorn to BUD Olattorbuck , ind gave them tbo $4G for their oos , and that it was not their fault If ho dismissed the case , they retaining the money under the contract thua made. The Italian could aeo nothing to the whole affair except the fact that whereas 10 once had $75 , ho nsw had nothing , nd that it haa coat him all of the money iO get the money back from a man who lad swindled him out of It on a horse rndo. There was blood In hla eye , aud 10 yesterday made a demand on Ware or the money , and bolng rofoacd ho irooeodod to choke and ahako the attor- ley , and make direful threats. The Italian was arrested , on the charge of assault , and will have a boating this moraine ? , whloh will probably cost him ; en dollars moro. Ho bogina to ; hlnk that American modes of loallng out jnatlca are very complicated md costly , and the next tlmo ho Is of- 'ered any money ho will probably bo con- ent to take what ho can got , rather than jght for the whole. His temper aud his gnoranco have cost him BO far about $75 , md If ho cariiea into execution the .hreata ho.han been indulging In ho will probably find that the bill will run atlll ilgher. Hla attack on the attorney yoc- orday caused quite a llttlo etroet aenaa- ion , and no llttlo sympathy waaoxprojaed or the follow who had thus taken his irst lesson In the courts and in dealing prl h attornoya. After giving bonds for his appearance n the morning to answer to the charge of istault , the Italian was arreatod again on mother complaint , that of making threats , ilr. Ware being the complainant , and ustlco Frainoy issuing the papers. Workers with metals generating oleo- rlcity escaped the cholera of ' 49. Then iaa our electric belts. Jndd & Sm'th ' , Council Bluffs. Agenta wanted. Dr. Wiles , Eye , E r and Throat pcclaliat , Room D , Everett block. Read. To clojo out the old atcck wo make the allowing low offer on Pianos and Organs : \Vebtor \ upright piano , style 1 § 290 n . n . 2 345 it .1 n n 3 _ 375 Ohaso " " " B 225 F 250 " equaro grand" " 7 250 Weatorn Cottage organ , " 4 50 Call or addreaa Mueller Music Com- 3auy , 103 Main street , Council BlnfTs , [ owa. FLEET FEET , Council BlufTd to bo Well Represented on the OinaliK Tr oU. Council Bluffs not only has the mate rial Eiifliclcnt to stock several fairs , Btato fairs too , with showings of agricultural Implement * , but this olty lisa alao some excellent horao flesh , which will do credit to Iho city In tbo thowlnga of speed , Among the fleetest footed ones which will bo on the track nt the Omaha fair le the swift little mue , Mnttio Haile , ownec by Uol , D. B. Dally. She baa been en tered In the 2:35 : and In the froc-for-nl pacing races , and If sto Is in condition , the horoo that takes the 2:35 : race from her will have to do some pacing. She it a young mare , only five years old , auc very promising. She has been short ol work S3 far , and Omaha will ba her firjt entrance and race this season. Cbl , Dilly'a Brnttii , a line ohoitnut , fira years old , will alto be on the track. Ho is a green her o , but very promising. Ho U recovering from the Illness with which he has been suffering for four oi five weeks. Mr 0. ITaldtne , of this city , enter his Manhattan In the U:00 : clai * , and a'so lu the 2:48 : trottloc raco. Monhittnn is * One young stallion , and bids fair to trot well In bis claisei , The above horses will be under the management of M. E H rlo , of this oily , a driver and trainer of considerable merit. The BEE li also Informed th&t Dr. Wade Otrey and Ohirllo Wilson , of thi city , will bo In Omaha with their atablet which contain some very fast stoppers. Mr. Illght , of Glonwood , has n fin stallion , wbioh has boon on tbo track her for training , and which will also ahow hi ipeed find form At Omaha. Several other fine horses nro expoctoi from here and hereabouts. 2 TOO BUST TOADVJBBTISE , ICocllno & Volt Observing Tliolr An nlvcrsurj. The BEE man dropped into Koollno i' ' Felt's wholesale hardware house yctter day , and wai greeted with , "Haven't an ; llmo to glvo yon an advoitlsomont now can't stop to write up the copy too blj a rush. " The explanation of the rujl was found In part , in the goodi bolnj got together for shipment , the marking showing that the firm are tending iron stool , heivy hard waroand wood stock in al directlona. Part of thornah w&a explained od , however , by the fact that beside ; caring for the usual business , an ncaoun of atcck ia bolng taken , which la no amal undertaking , The firm haa been in busl < neta jntt ayoar nowand In twelve month : they have certainly got hold of a blf trade , having built up ao rapidly that one dropping Into the place and Booing fourteen - teen men on the jump can hardly realize that the house has only been established a year. The growth and success cf the buainoas , started In a time of gonoral'do- preselon , la something phenomenal , and ihowB thst Council Bio Us la a good point lot jobbing when the jobbing falls into the hands of each men as W. S. Koollno and 0. L. Foil , who lava both experience- and enterprise. Tholr building at NOJ. 117 and 119 Main street , it three stories and basement , and well adapted for a largo business , bat at .he present rate of growth oven this argo building will soon prove too small. The bright prospects with which their second year opens , and the success which ins attended the first year , are matters of : ongratulatlon not only for the firm , but or the citizens generally , vho cannot but > olnt to auch n houao with pride. GETTING HOT , \ \Vhiaporca Tliroat That if the St- loons Will Not Pny License They Shall Not moro than half of the saloon man lave paid the license required under the iop ordinance , and each seems waiting to eo what the others are going to do. 'hoao who paid for August do not fool ilepoicd to pay for another month until hey can BOO that the others are to bo nado to pay. The city authorities are rylng to hurry up the delinquents by rroatlng them for uooplng open after loura , and other clmrgus , bat not many lave boon forced into lino. The matter IBS reached a crlala now , for there will > o no licenec money paid lu until thojo ho are willing to pay shall aeo the de- : nquenta brought to tlmo. The city elena are puzzling their heads greatly ver the situation , and it hai gone out on tie quiet that If the saloon mun do not omo to the front promptly and freely , nd pay the required lloonso , without any ickorliiga or foolintr , the city in its official apaclty will return tbo money to those who lave pild , and will then proceed to shut 11 up tight. The license ordinaries was rringed at the instance of thoao who aid that if they conld run without being Isturbod by the city authorities they onld glndlv pay a license. Now that icy have the privilege , they rafuao to ay. It ia not Improbable that the de- iys and bickerings may reanlt in the xe- usal ta Ifltuo any licenses , and the oloe- ng of the saloons , PEUSONAL/ . W. 1' . Bump , of Missouri Valley , waa in ha city yesterday. Mayor A. It. Anderson , oE Sidney , waa in ho Bluffs yesterday. Mrs. Barnoll and Mrs. Ransom , ef Avoc * , UTO yoatarday in the Bluffs , II. N. McGrew , of Daniion , waa witti hla louncil Bluffa friends yesterday. Mrs. M. J , Alworth and daughter left ycs- orday for Ames , Iowa , to visit friends. Mr. Kd Cowling returned yesterday aorninff from the east , where ho haa boon nrcliasing his fall and winter supply of dry oods , Kov. T. J. Mackey ia being molt cordially welcomed back to Oonnsil BluUd , He great- y enjoyed bis visit ta the old country , and ntora ngaia upon his dutioa 3 rector of St. 'aul'a church with renewed A Complete Surprise. One of the old citizens was surprised jompletaly yesterday. Ho had noticed , hat Hatteubauer was offering aomo ro- inatkably low prises on carriage * and juggles , etc. , but had no idea of how low , jr how excellent was the make of the vc- ilclea thna offered until ho dropped in md looked for himself. There haa boon 10 much talk about special bargains that people are hard to convince , bat in this : as9 Hattonhaner will convince yon. IOWA IT&MS. The Dos Molnoa poatoffico has moved nto uew quartets , The Yiuton factory cans seventy-five ions of corn a week. The capital Invcated In factories in Davenport amounts to $1,707,500. The soldiers reunion lu Wayne ojunty latt week was attended by 5,000 people , A Fort Dodge man ahled a brlok at a largo rat and sraathod $125 worth of plate glass. The coopers of Davenport threaten to etrlko If the reduction of one cent a bar rel ia enforced. The city council of Davenport propose to light tbo city with electricity , aad will tdverttkB for proposals. The Fifth rtglmont of Iowa National guards was reviewed by Gov. Sherman at tbo Oreston oaoimpment. J. K , Daal , of Ourol county , Ins joen nominated for the senate by tlu republicans of the Forty-eighth die- trier. trier.Tho rains of ( ho put week raised the Grind river , in Decatnr county , out of ta banks , carrying away many of Itu Jtidgoj. The partisan political axe has knockeo off several heads In D a Molnea county , and the remnant of oitica-holdora art trembling In their boots , Conductor Soott , of the Rock Iiland road , fell from the retr platform of hit IrMn while uoar'Catey , MiisUinlng severe Injucles about his head. Burglara broke into the Chicago , Milwaukee waukeo and St. Paul depot at Lyons plundering number of trunks , securing booty to the amount of several hundrec dollars , Thomas Morrow , a rojpacted citizen o Manning , dropped dead in the rear of i saloon In that town one day last week The coronet's ju'y returned a vordioi o death from heart disease. Q. M. Wlleon and his son Fred livlnf near Ira , in Jasper county , were throwr from their carriage list Wednesday by tholr runaway team , the aon Fred receiv ing toiions if not fatal injuries about thi head. The father was unhurt. The Nlshnabotna river during the entire tire season ia aald to have been Indulging in a tuccoBtlon of overflows , heretofore unknown since the ( ottloment of the country , much damage roiultlng to crops and property along the bottom lands. A conatablo , a justice of the peace and on attorney at Angus , heretofore proml nont in the whisky cases in that town , have boon discovered In a blackmailing sohomo , compelling the saloon men ol the town to put up a certain aomo month ly in order to avoid prosecution. The following Iowa cities will have special delivery aorvlca : Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Oroalon , Council Bluffc , Davenport , Des Molnoi , Dnbu- quo , Fort Madlaon , Iowa City , Keokuk , Lyons , Marahalltown , Mount Pleaiant , Mnscatlne , Oekaloosa , Ottumwa , Sioux City and Waterloo. The largo three-story brlok flouring mill at Vlnton , belonging to the Vlnton Mill company , was burned to the ground on Friday night. The mill had a capaci ty of 100 barrels par day and was ono of .ho largest and most complete mills in .hat part of the state. Lots , $28.000 : Insurance , $10,000. The boiler at the Nlvers foundry , in Muscatlno , exploded Friday evening. The dome , weighing some 200 pound * , was blown through the root and carried s distance of 300 foot. The proprietor * , fllvora , Charles Batoman and Albert Dounell , were all standing near the boll- or at the tltnu of the explosion , aud all tvero moro or loss bruised and scalded , > ut fortunately none of them were- fatally njurad. Tne executive comralltao of the Grant nomorlal demonstration at Dubuque find , hat after paying all expenses of that day hat they allll have an unexpended bal ance of $200 , which Ihoy have decided to urn over to thn trustees of the Veteran 3t > rps , to bo uaed for the oroctlon of a oldlen' monument on the aoldiora' lot in he cemolory , the plan of the monument md time of its erection to bo left to the Veteran corps. Aa Colvln Myorn and family were at- omptlnK to ford Crooked creek , near Mount Pleasant , the king bolt came out , md the wagon box swung down the tream , and the entire family were Towncd with the exception of Mr. Hyora , who clung to the rolna and came ut with the team. The drowned were ho wife Evalino , JImmlo r.fiod twelve , Uyrtlo aged BOVOD , and Henry aged our. The boy Jltumio wna found tn&t ay , the rcat of the fam ly the next fore- loon , The death of Mra. Fannie Crane An- eraon cf Davenport at El Dorado , Kan- aa , on the 27h , was instantancoaa and oartrendlng Mrs Anderson with her tepdaughter , Miss Sadie , and her cousin , 'arktr Burrows of Davenport , cccom- ) inled the lady lo the depot in the fam- y carriage , Packer driving. A caboose n which the lady waj to rtdo stotd nlonu oar the depot. The lady , Miss Sjdio nd Parker wew jaat inaldu of the ca- > oo30 , and MM. Andoracn stopped b- weon the ralla to talk with her frlond. IVhilo they were engaged fn convent ion , an engine backed a train of alxtoon arj down the track , and the last car truck the caboose with force that pros- rated all at the door , while Parker wai ) ltchcd out upon the platform and off it , ailing upon the ground at the side. The lumper of the ccboosj struck Mrr. An- ieraon in the brcaatjahoexslalmod "oh ! " a she foil. Her head dropped upon ono all and ono of her foot upon the other nd the wheels of five cara paaa over head nd ankle. Mra. Mary Pfoilier desires to return lor sincere thanks to those who BO klnd- ygavo her tholr sympathy and assistance .urlng the alckaosa and death of her laughter OUra , lcc yccl Porkers , CHICAGO , Sept , 3 , The statement is pun ished here that twenty-one cholera stricken logs were cut down and condemned at the tocliyards last night and Tuesday forty others ivero condemned ia the same way , making Ixty one in two care. The lioga have been hipped to the city m a droasod condition , SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special rortltemen cj.a tg Lost 'oand , To Loan , For Bala , To Ite-i Wants , CosiJ- Kg , aio. , will b Inaertod In thlo column at the low to ol TEN CKNT3 PKIC LINE ( or > ' ) flrit Insertion nd VIVE CENTS FCR LIKE lei CC' * > BUbwqnaDt In- ertlon. Leatciilterttietnenta at i-aj otiet , Ho 12 'oul street near JJicadwav WANTS I70R sn > r OnoUit'o unfurnlibcd room , flrtt floor , L' 623dlitli eve , secoml dun doni I'dail street. on BALK-Houses lots and linJ. \ . i t i F ( On , EOS First Atcnur , Oounci D ufta " R M A nix loom bouio , t > ralnntci walk Foil buslccEB , city water , well md cUtorn. 1'or ent cbo p. KOR KB.ST No. ISO Ilanlscm 6tmt ; , three room ; , M ( 'AMONiCo. ' 41'cailetnet. FOll SALY , FOR KENT OH LXCHANQE. . 63 Fr > r Bale or rent , oneiy liberal to ' " 9. NO. The Comi'll riuffj Paper Mill , complete , ilth ho larjo botrdlrrf house ami UIIB acres of B' Ind No. 6 Abu | lam.iiro | > eity lu Cherokee , Ct. ikeo DUintr , Iow > , vtll tiado tur wietora liaar. \ lue about 8 1 , CCO. NO. 80 A beiutllolliomoln the town ol IIa > MRS , Mllla oouuty , Io a , for N brtikalatid , Value , ( 00. Mo , 41 A KOfil bmlnesi | > t ( peitv ami a'so K ooj residence rropert ) In the tonuol Cheuvo , MB itu county , III. , low down lrcub or will eichany ( or western land * , No 179 A ejilenald ( arm , well ln > iiro > ed , 0(0 * ores n Dickinson count } , lo a , Joining the tern u olij.rlt . Lake. Price , ( or aihoit tiujc$3l > per acio No. 184 to 137 Aru ( our Imuiove-d larme la Fbl 1 1 > 3 Dounty Kanea > , cio'l lth a email lucumbra < n. fhoeiiuHaa will be eicban ed ( or unlncutnbt id HildlandloNebratka. No. H3-480 acres In Ho'.t oouDty , Nob. , par ly mprovid , ntatlg bargain. ttacU looxobatigo ( jr . No. CIA flne two ttorh'lck r flJence , rcc o ( ; bo belt locations In Council lllufle , l 1 trade lor mod unlncumbered Kacsn or Nebruka Undo. Vu "e No 66 aud 11 're two other btautllul hcme < In Jounoll UluKi , wblca cata iiajm nt Hill buy at a No. SA biautl'ul ' lubuilun locitlon la Iowa Cltv. Iowa , wiiloxthinyu ( or wtettro lauda. Value ita'tbofearoonly afcwot our epccial tarKtlni II vtu'jieg'taDjIhlnif to trade or ell , orwautto 'e'lanvretl ' estate cr mer-handlie , write m We havjs tcrtlKColetoclc9o ( cooiU to trade ( > r lands. BWANWALKEH , Council UltiOn , Iowa. .TA'COS 8iM8 , at- OOUMOIli E1DIB , I WA. The New York PLUMBING CO'Y 552 Broaclwav. Council Bluffs , low ; SANITARY HYDRAULIC ENGINEERSPUB X , C and PRIVATI SYSTEMS of SEW. . ERAGE , WATEI WORKS and YEN TELATION designed - ed and constructed. PLUMBING worl in all its branches This coniDauv have one of the best assort ed stocks oi plumb ing goodsinthewest , Estimates furnish- 3d. 3d.Marrv Marrv Birkinbine > PLUMBING CO'Y 55 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS No. 27. Our buyer writes from New ork that lie lies purchased the argest and Choicest Line of -AND- : ver Shown in this city , These ; oods are now arriving daily ami /e / i especially invite everybody o call and see them. Cloths , Linoleums , Mattings- , OF ALL KINDS. Window Sliades , Cornice Poles , Etc , , Etc. \T POPULAR PRICES. louncll Bluffs CaipetCo 405 Broadwav. S.A. PIERCE,1 1 00 Main at. , Council K UII Boot and Shoe itoio licio big' . l aj bo louml. ONLY HOTEL Ia Council UluOg bn-luf Lnd all modern Improvements , call belle , Cie alarm tiolU , etc , , U the DBESTON HOUSE No . 210 , 217 and 219 , M in Street. TAX LESSONS GIVE ® OK Till Piano and Organ , By Mi Fannit Weatcott , OrRan'.it ; at thi LVesbyterian church , lleiidenca COO W h' n/jton Ave , TIIJE Standard Typewriter At the Now Orleans Exposition ' ' ,11-1".e' ; ' " " ie'ttto"r > " > "rloua ntltlnic , . . ml diciM bj . thlrelavoto to glio the highest award to the Iiinrtnn > * . . Tbodeclilon tf Jury M Ignored bj the commllteo of award. , . .1 tther Jurors rjonititutln new nry. ' hlClrt , Mdtothon,1IOTovSU , UdTn. < .Wlter . , or Simplicity , de bility , ea o ol manipulation nd r * d. " ! ' i. Tjoiiportoflhl.JarywMmvlo.dcUmodtOMjdrccoipto.lforhythoooi mlttJool a arto0 AlAy SO. 6. The members of this Jnry nero n \ cr discharged. . No other fury examined the lliiMijieTOV Standard Tjiie-Wrltcr n Jew OiltaM. 7. 1 he eigncri of tb. award are honor ble and well known B , , llsmen. Thslr a Mrotsai * to Clu rg.nrBoUtl1Inm . . . . B.Bcrofn.0.nunn&Oo.NcWOilf 11 , i. . ! Kt-Oovernor t nk IUW U. a oomnlMtoneiof K.Mw.t pMldontoftno U. 8. bond of . commtalonoM , , K s ; deo. A. Beaten , Bq. , slcncer i'hernidstirtlarjol the board of U. S. comml.iionorf , Oolumhu. , Ohio. 8. The affidavits of tht o eentlomcn and the history of the contort , hlch wo are preparing pamphlet form , wo 111 bo picawd to furnUh on apiJIcatlCii. The following I3 the rcport- : The World'alnduitiUUndCotlcnC'ci.tcnnWnipcslllon.NewOileann. Jury report. Appllcatlo No. 816 ; group 6 ; class 814. Competition. The onderslgncd Juror , la the above entitled elau , haIng carefully examined the othlbli made rl' . lT * " I" " ' " 'I" ' ' N' * T'l' > ' "d " " roirr tlng exhlbltf , concur In recommtndlng the a. of.flist claimed the Standard Tjpc.Wiltcr , for .Implicit * , ' .Our.bllltj , oaceot manipulation pood. at OKO.BKATOy , - ) cnAS. * A. MORQ4N ' , [ jurors ; W1KOP , S AMAN8 ft BENEDICT , 8S9 Broadway , New Yoik. Chicago OQlio , 88 Madison Bt , O. H. SHOLES , Agent , Council Bluffs Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved nud sMInfaction guaranteed , tfratno hotu cvcd on Little Giant trucks , the beat In the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council UIuQi AND " 2'JIE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. Kosular Dinner 11:30 : to 1:30 , 25 cents. 505 Broad-way , Council Bluffs. The only all night house in the city. Everything served in first c'.tai etylonnd on shot notice , Hot and cold lunchoa always ready. WHOLESALE DKALEU IN Employ no traveling ngents , thus paving their expenjes to cuslomera , Agent for Para Rubber Company. Wnto for prices , 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la DYING AND CLEANING WORKsT Gentlemen's Clothinft Cleaned , Dyed and Repaired. Ladies' Dresses Cleaned and Dyed without rlppinc. Plumes Cleaned , or Colored any Shade , to Sample Silks , Velvets , and Laces Clomed , Dyed and Keflnished. Lace Cuctalna neatly cleaned ; 29 Main St. , Council liluffs , oppofcito 1'oat ollico. F. U PA.TTON , Mmuig/er. Office Pusev- Gounoll Bluffs , Iowa. Established , 1865 H03 OFFICEn 11 W. HPO.SET Kiel Sale Stables , Hcrscsand MulcaoonitaDlly on hand , ( or tale at re. tall or In carload 1 te. AH Stock Warranted us Represented , Wtoleolo anil reta I dialers In eralnund DaleJ Ifay , Trice * rcaHjim It ) Hnu/actlon / juarantcud. SOIlLUTElt A liOLMY Oat. Gth Av. aud 4th St. , Council Bluffs. J. L. UnBKVOISE. No. 607 Broadwtj Council Blnff * . Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tha ( ollonlnj ; are thn tltneiol th arilril and rt .ntnroct tralng by oeutral atinilird tlcae , al tlic oal depot ] . 7rUaa leave trinaler dopok Ion ta'a atci etrller and arrive tea inlnutca Uti/ . JLUBlVf , tllOAOO and KOBTUWMTI * * , S:25 : i u Hill and Kiprci ) B O * r u l ! : < 0 r 11 Accommodation : tO p u 6. SO r u Expreia 8.05 A u CBIOtUO AflO KOOK ItLAID. 0:75 : A u Mall and Express 8:63 : r u 7:16 : A H Accommodation 6 : < 5 r M 6:30 : v U Expreti | B:00 : A u flmOiOO , UtliWADIKD AMD ST. TAOli 9:20 : A H JIVI and Kxpreu fM r u 6:26 r H Kxpreu 5 A M jtiioieo , aniLtiiuroy A I gniBOT , g 41 A M Mall and Exnrcii 7:10 : r M 0 30 r AicnmuioUatloa StM r u I6 r u tj(3 : A u < iiiu , si. LOOII A B rAcine. r M Lnc l St. l/oulj EtprcM Low ! TiaiKler " " Tunnlcl 8.231-u CAUAl CUT , BT , ; CI AUD OODBCIk ILCHI. 10:10 : > . M Mall and Expmi 75 r u B.05 r u Kxir | M 0.26 A u noux CUTT AKD rAoino 7 to A u Mill ( or Blom City tKO : r M j10 ; t M K > i > reii for Ht I' ul 9:26 : A u UMON i-Acirir. 11:00 : A M InTer Ki > re 4SS : r u 1 05 r M Lincoln 1'an Om & U T 2:25 : r M 766 ; r u Oveirlatid KxprcM 839 A u DUUVT TR1IM TO OK1IU , Leave Council lilufl * 8 15 7:65 : : tO jo f : iO . m. i ; o 8 0-8:80 : i8 ; 8S6 : e.l6 6 p , in. Leave Omaha 0:26 : 75 : ! ! HIM 10 -15 : a. re. jj5 ; . SOHUEZ. OTEB AUEJUOAS BIPflMS TOW\ WELLS COOK. . General .Agent tt Largo ] " SAFKTY FDND SYSTEM , " D Life and Annuitv Ins.Co BitANCii WiSTKUN DEPOT , 22 L'KAIIL OOUNOIL BLUFFS , N. J. SWAKSON. 0. E. SWANSON SWAWSONMUSIOCO , , 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Pianos & Organs Y Sold on Monthly Payments All bind * of repairing on Muslcul Instiu- raouta a Socially /'A AT- Mrs , D. A. Benedict's * fn. 837 UrnalwJCoiiniil HliilTd. IIAIU ii AMI coui ; > s Of ail kinds Of erery t > tijle made lo Ojinjil'A ( IIAIU < ; ooi > s. IIAIU fjo , 33Broadway. / . tfI I ! E , Eice M. D. ur other lumniu reinofeJ wlkhoul tb CHRONIC ' Lntfeur t . . Onrtlilily . , prictlw ei lUnM. Cfftxs U' U't ' Ojinjil