Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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TnraMnlng 1UOS nllli VIM' VKflETAltl-E
TONICS , thickly iincl roniplcklr CLKAf SKS
anit KXRICIIE1 TUB 1IIXJOD. Quicken *
the action of the Mur anil KlilnrjH. Clears tire
complexion , mnK"i the Kiln tmftfltb. HdoMnct
Injnrolhe Ifolh , fume hfndjrlKvorproclncoMin.
1'bfAleitnfl Mid Druggists oveTwhwo recommend it.
In. N. B Utmotjii , of lltrinn , Jlnd . , r ! VI
recommend HroiTn'n Iron Dlttflnt av ln ble tonlo
foronrfchlnathn bliml , end romTini : nil djspoptic
Mroptoms. HilrxMi n < rt hnrt thotnclli. "
In H. M. Iri.7KU. , RrnoldInd. . MTB ; "I
h ro nroscrllmil Ilriwn'n Iron tlllr ( in eiwo of
nn [ Trail and M < < ! rtiOTi < . nlso when * tonlo WM
neoOcKl , and tt has ptnroil thoroughly Mtl f cloTjr "
MnWM KrnJB,2l58t Mary St. . New Orleans , I * . ,
( ujni ! "Hrovn'l Iron Illltcri mlefcd mo 1n a CMH
nf Mood poisoning , anil I h-irtily comircud It to
( time ncoilin a partner. "
Tin Oonnlno h Trada Mart and rronftW red llnoa
onwrappor , Tnltn no ntlirr. Madoonlyhy
itito\\\ cni3ic.\i : , en. ,
Ulnlnullatof prltps for rfntiK-i Information nlrout
coin5 , otn. , dlTun away ! iy nil dnalen In mcuicuiu , or
tnailod to any address on Tfteciptof 2c. taiiip.
' .tn-rcn m lit ,
Bo luii. tiluMn OLDRSTbi Amcrtcai iJirtrMl
and Iln4t lteiUppnatattroni.I > unhutnict-
n , 1U7 1 "UWMDU * ut Tnm tlnraccn InttmcOoa In
Tpciiuuilrutmnaitallliiiia.Tuna and Orrm Tnn-
nt Art * . Otntoty , Utentnn , FTcoca , Ocnnaa ,
. ,
to.v TulUt > n , 4 lo ffii bo 4 od room , SU to fU
per terra. FntlTana * in > B { > tanberU.I8SS. JTor
llljistratrd Cc2enaa % tlrlnf fulllaibniuiUon. adilmt. J
60 , . BOSXOX. iitoj
Fiiglilful Case of a Colored Man ,
I contacted a fearful cos > of Mood polaon In 18:3
wai trcatol liy Borne of the best phjslo'ans In At-
atita. They used the rid remodlea of mcrcurv and
pjt&sh , which brought on rhema'tSTi miJ impaired
inydljtestlvo organs. Epmy Joint in mo wfta HA-olleii
andtullof piln. VMicnlwaj gitcn up todle , my
phjelc'mis thought It would boa gooJ tires to tout
the virtual oS ! lH'rt 5 | ) < clIo ( VVhnn I commenced
taklrg 8. S. 8. , the phjsclan Fa'd I cjuldnct live
two v.coke urder th'i ordlnaiy treatment. Ho com
menced to give ma the medicine strictly according to
directions , which I continued for several mcnths. I
took nothing el89 , and commenced to Improve from
thuory fliet. Soon the rhtutr.n'.lHm ioltrne , my
appotlto h ( came all right , and the ulcers , whlos the
doctor eald woio tha most ftlRhtlu ! no had eor sotn
hcgan to heel , and by the 1st of October , 1831 , 1 was
a veil nr an aga'n. lorn rtronger now than 1 over
nag before , aiidwclglimcrc.
Lorn IfcClendon has been In the employ of the
Chcai Cailor Company for notuo joirn , ard I know
the above statomina * to lig true. At the limn ho be
gan taking bwift's Specific ho was In a boirlblo con
dition. I regard his cure as almout miraculous.
W. B , CEOSAY , Jlanager ,
Chcsi-CaibjCo. , AtI ntulivi.Un.
Atlanta , Qo , April 18 ,
c. r
1517 St. ( JJinrlos Sf. Sf. Lonh , Ho !
4 M K ' 1' z'&dur ttut tc vie llei Ctv'tefvi ' , bus I < pu I * rjn
t'titiittllu tbfl BpeciMlrfalmc t ' Cwnoiir , J , * t/nc * Ex'Jt
t j liu ui * DuEiiKi than tn < otbe1'tji'clu * 17 3v I/ ; * r
M "Up [ > . \ > et * lliovr n&J ail o'J rp.Itleali tt v
Wcivouv "icstrallc/i / , Doblilt ) Mppil ! ft. " >
I'liyslcal V.'ianncoi Mcic-irU ! , inj olhur AFn
innsol riuoat. Shin or Hones , O'Jod ' I'oliun'l ;
Id Sores and Ulccrj , i , i. nj nth raptrti.xrf
> if * , ou Uttnl. 'kntlfla prircir' . * * H > ly P'lT/ ! .
Dltnasoi IrlclmIrum Iv/iscrctlon , Enccva ,
fr poGU't nr Indulgcnco. ta a r tij i 'vni ot 4U
' iig liil nOtcu > irc bllltT , < Un ucift'J4 *
.Tllrr > cti < iinp.j . M tbe tvn. i-k.ii.-il dco' ;
vfilniiloil *'.j ofle-i'ei cou-a Jim uf H .i.cki.
tftidjrlnitMnrilajo i.iiropgr ot i.n : np.T. M >
fflDiunlfyur. I V nJh1fiJl | , pv > ) Ml Itc \ < rt , IIM
; kraVJ ft 7 ! cc , 'rfol \ijfi3SrfM CoQeuldl ( Kf e *
/trwoJiria unitlprlt * Wrltj lor uu49i > .
A Positive V/riittn ! Guarant &
> tiopliletn , rntlUh or Ufiniun ,
. ' -iblDK * lovorii caaCB '
James Heiio&l Institute '
ft Chartered by thStateofIUI.
xnois fbt-thcexpresdpjrpoBe
/of civingtomediatc rclielin
kail chronic , urinary and prl-
* vato dUeaiva. Oonorrhcea ,
iQleetandSyphillsin all their
compUcatcdJbrms , also all
dlscasca ofithe Skin nnd
I3lood promptly relieved nnd
riermanentlycurcd by reme-
i dies.testcdlnaJPtirfulVnt- * '
IMI II i " Jt7'--rfrTf yn'i-/fffi nrmlnnl
Weokness , Night Lo co by Dreanu Plmplea on
JhcKaccLostManhoaJt/ .Vf/j/ < - -.r/icre v
aJ 110 Ar/icr/Mirnfiiiij. The appropriate remedy
uat once uced in cachrasc. Cpnsuttttljns , per. b ;
eonal or by letter , saexcdly con dentlal. Med. fti >
4vines cent by Mall and Express. , No marks on ftiT
rackace io Indicate contents or sender. Address T
On.MMES.fJo. 204 Washington CI.Clicngolll. ! itto
tiw departmental Drake University , Dei de
Jowv Send for Uatilogue. At'draviA ' , U. MoVe > . cu
DetaorJ. 8. Cluk. BecroUry , care CX > o ifeVoy &
CUrk , OaaMoIuei Iowa. m&o pc >
A Clear Skin in
is only a part of beauty ; poi
but it is a Every i
part. lady bel
may have it ; at least , what his i
looks like it. Magnolia the (
Balm both freshens and hltj
beautifies. ho
nr cnntBTABEii nosr .
On the evening of the 20th of January ,
1705 , the city of Amsterdam WM thrown
Into unusual buitlo and confusion by the
entrance of the French array under
Pichcgrn. Whllo tbo troops with stacked
arms awaited tholr billets and rations ,
tbo citizens hastened to illuminate in
her or of tholr arrival , nnd In aplto of the
piorclng cold , thronged to welcome the
Amid the general rejoicings , ono house
alone remained with closed doors nnd
darkened windows. It was tbo dwelling
of the wealthy merchant , Wordon , who
wholly occupied in business , cared little
for politics , still loss for the arrival of the
French , and was far too careful of his
money to waato it In Illuminating like his
neighbors. Wrapped in hit far dressing
gown , a sealskin cap drawn closely over
the few gray hairs that tlmo had loft
upon his head , ho bad wheeled his easy
chair close to the ohtmnoynnd ho rubncd
his hand over the bright ooal fire Booming
lost in a rovorlo from which neither the
beer nor the long clay pipe on the table
had power to reuse him.
Alljit once the'sllenco was broken by a
violent ring at the doorbell. The old
man started , nnd turned to a stout , rod-
chtckcd eorvant , who , seated at a respect
ful distance , was occupying herself in
knitting a stocking.
"See who it Is , Jaquollno , " eatd he ,
"that comes to disturb us at this unseasonable
enable hour. "
Iu a few minutes n tall young man entered -
tored , and throwing off hlsclouu , saluted
the old man as father.
"Hal is it you , Wllhnlm ? I did not
expect you backs.scon. . "
'I have just returned from Broeck ? "
replied the ether , "and should have ar
rived long ago , had not the road boon so
encumbered with troops and other
idlers. "
"Havo you seen Van Elborg ? "
"Yes , " answered the young m n , tak
ing his seat by the fire , "and ho consents
to my union with his daughter , but re
fuses to glvo moro than iour thousand
ducats for her dowry. "
' 'Then ho may keep both ducata and
daughter , " eald the morcbant angrily.
"Rut consider , father "
"Consider what ! " Interrupted Wor-
den , "There Is nothing to consider. I
know that nt your ago love outweighs
gold , but time will teach yon that when
poverty comes in at the dear love files
through the window. "
"But. father , " argued the yonng man ,
"Vtn Elberg is one cf the richest mon
in the country , and sooner or liter his
daughter must have all his fortune. "
"Tut , tutl" said Wordon , "Van Elberg
knows well what he la about , but cunning
as ho is , he shall not put a bid bargain on
me. As for you , Wilhelm , i have prom
ised to glvo you up my business , and I
now recommend your taking a word of
advice with it : never glvo moro than you
receive , and always consider 'your tran
sactions. Rely on ir , that is the only
way to prosper in business as well as in
lovo. And now wo will drop tbo sub
ject. "
The yonng man know his father's hu
mor too well to press the matter further ,
at least at that moment. As ho sat
brooding over his disappointment the bell
rang and the tiead of a horse's feet waa
heard In the courtyard , while the witch-
dog commenced a furious barking.
' It Is certainly a stranger this time , "
Biid Mynhoor Worden. "There's no
mistake in the dog's bark. "
He was interrupted by the servant
bringing in a package.
"Commissariat department ! " said her
master , with no little surprise , as he
opined it ; but on expression of uneasi
ness , which had at first slightly contract
ed his features , changed into one of pleas
ure as ho read on : "An order to deliver
400,000 herring for the usn of the French
array , " ho continued ; "a very acceptable
commission. Wilholm , you shall marry
Van Elberg's daughter and ho shall glvo
her a handsome dowry In spite of him
self. "
"How eay you , my dear father ? " re
plied the eon , unable to believe his senaon
at this unexpected transition.
"Leave that to tno , Wilhelm , " said t
Worden. "Order our horses to bo sadi
died at daybreak , and mind that I am
called in tlmo , for wo must bo at Broook
before 12 o'clock. And now , good
nlphr , "
The rielcg sun saw our travelers on the
road to that calobrated village , where t
lcanllness Is carried to euoh an extent
hat before entering the streets both :
ather and son , in compliance with an in
variable custom , were obliged to dls- >
nonnt and leave their horses in the care
f a servant. At the door of Van El-
lerg's hence they were required to do
That , a few yearq later , neither Napoleon
lor the En per or Aloxendor wore ox
rnipted from , and taking off their boots ,
oplaced them with sllppora before they
vero allowed to enter the room where heat
at with his daughter Olothildo ,
"Good mornlrg , Mynheer Worden , "
aid he , as ha shook hands warmly with
rlond. "Havo yon been frightened out
if your good city by the French that
'ou honor mo so early with a friendly
"Not at all , Von Elborg , " said the
ither. "I care nothing about the
French , and as I never meddle in poll-
ICB , It la quite Immaterial to mo who
ovorus our town. But I came to make
'ou a proposal , I have undertaken to
urnlsh the commissariat fonr hundred
houaand herring on this day month , and
wish to know if it wou'd bo convenient 0 ,
or you to procure thorn for mo In three
reeks ) "
At what price ) " asked his friend.
"Ten guilders per thousand. "
'Ten guilders , " repeated the other.
'You shall have them. "
"Draw out tha contract , then , " said
ot [
/orden , "and when it la signed 1 shall otw ,
3 hippy to partake of your hospitality ,
r my ride has given me aa appetite. "
hen turning to Olothildo , ho continued ,
I have coma to arrange another matter ,
W (
10 , which we can discuss after dinner. "
It was In rain that , during the eve-
Ing , Worden trloi every way to change ncWf >
Is fciend's resolution recnectlng bis
kughter'tf fortune. After a' long dls-
isilon ho was obliged to giro up the th
lnt , and the manhge was at length lai
ced to take the
place following week.
Next day , when Wilholm and his
ther returned home , the former could
it refrain from expressing some cur- hit
Aio concerning the cause of this change
hto prospects. pai
"What do you mean1 ' he csked his arc
.her. "Have ion not given up the
int about his daughter's fortune ) "
"I h ald havB thought you knew mo 3
tter , " replied Worden , looking elily at I
Boil. "But no matter ; It IB ruifllclontl
it jou niarr ) ' the girl you like. " | kue
Dcco more at home the merchant shut IMI !
usalf In hia ofllce until evening , when hflr
reappeared with a packet of letter * , rail nil ! , ,
loh wera luitncdlaibly posted.
} n the day sppolutoa let the marriage
Wllhelm and his father arrived nt
Broock , whcra they foond n large parly
of friends and relatives assemble to meet
them. Van Elbor/j / welcomed thorn cor
dially , but there was no expression of
cato and embarrassment un his face that
made the bridegroom fear new obstacles
to his happiness. The elder Warden ,
however , In no way shared his son's
anxiety , for ho conld glvo a tolerably
good guess at the cauio of his holt's un
"Mynheer Van Elbcrg , " ho exclaimed ,
"irhat can bo tbo mattetl Are yon un
well ? "
"No , no , my dear frlond , " replied the
ether , "not nnwell , but in the most un
pleasant dilemma possible. I wonld wish
to speak with yon immediately In ptl
vato. "
"Is It anything roapoatlng the mar-
rlogil" asked Wordon. "If yau wish to
bo off yonr word there is otllltlmc. "
"Not for the world. "
"In that case wo will proceed at once
to the church. You know that I like to
do things rfgnUrly , and as I came here
to see my son mariiod , wo will finish that
bnstnets first and the a I shall bo happy
to hoar what you have to any. "
There wan no remedy , and It was not
antll after the happy couple had been
made hnsband and nlfo that Van Elborp
conld succeed in catching his friend
"I am bound to deliver to you 400,000
botrlng In fourteen days , " sold ho , "and
not a alnglo fish can I got at any price. "
Wordeu could not restrain his laughter.
"I dare say not , " ho replied. I bjught
them up long ago. "
"In that case , of conrae , the contract
is at an end , " a ld Van Elborg , looking
doubtfully at his friend ,
"By no means or , at Joast , only on
certain condition * . Wo have this day
united our children , Van Elbcrg , nnd
shall leave them a fortune when wo dlo.
But as regards the present , matters are
less fairly arranged. My son received a
capital business , whllo you only gave
your daughter 4,000 duenti. Now'as I
did not like to make thorn unhappy by
refusing my consent to their marriage , I
thought you and I would settle tha mat
ter another way. You nro to deliver
400,000 herring at 10 guilders per thou
sand ; yon can gat thorn from no one but
mo , and I must have 50 guilders per
thousand or I do not part with a single
tail. The difference is 16,000 guilders ,
which I intend to pay my son as his wife's
just dowry. "
Van Elborg looked rnthor foolish dur
ing this explanation , but at the end re
gained his self-possession , and oven
smiled as ho said , clapping him on the
back :
"You'vo outwitted me , Mynheer Wor
den , and I must pay the penalty , so say
no moro about it. And now let us join
our friends. "
Eight days aftorwsrd Van Elborg went
to visit his daughter at Amsterdam , and
in his tutn found Worden In the greatest
"You are the very parson I wanted , "
said ho , sizing his hand. "Unless you
can assist ma 1 am a ruined man. The
herrings are all ready , but high or low
not a barrel la to bo found. "
Van Elbsrg's little gray eves twinkled
"Every man forhlmsolf , Wordon. You
bought the nth and I bought the barrels.
Bat as old friends , 1 won't take advan
tage of you , and yon shall have as many
as yon want for exactly 16,000 guilders
above the csat. "
Wordon looked rather blank , but did
bis best to conceal his vexation.
"Tho trick is not a b d ono , " said he
with a forced smile , "but you must con-
fees I taught it you. "
"Ay , ay , " returned the othor. "You
are clever fellows at Amsterdam , but we
are not all fools at Broeck. "
enables cno to defy Asthma , Norvons-
ness , and General Debility. $1.60 , at
"Every Epileptic sufferer ought to try
Samaritan Nervine at once , " says Rev.
J. T. Etter , of Now Glarus , WIs. , "It's a
never falling remedy. " [
People Tossed About Llko Toys In a
Log Gnuin.
ST. Louis , August 29. For the past
two weeks the neighborhood known as
Poesum Bend , on tno Missouri rlvorsov-
3n mllcasouthof this city , has baen in a
favor of oxcltomont over the doings of a
; host.
The scene of his visitations is a solid
og house , two stories high , covered with
cloeo roof.
The ghost makes It exceedingly lively
or Henry Wlhon and family , who are at
ircssnt occupying the honso. The ghost '
r spirit , or what over It la , is quite mus
suhr. A few nlfrht'a since , after Mr. and
Urs , Wilson hjd retired and were gently
Iroppinc ; into the arms of Morpheus , a
lolto was hoard under the bed , and the
text moment the worthy couple were
brown out on the floor wllli the bedstead
ind bedding on top of them. The lamp
ras lighted and a search of the room was
nado , but nothing was discovered.
Righting up the bed and again retiring
hey were startled by an unearthly
cro m , blood-curdling and oar-splitting ,
11 the furniture in the room at tno same
Ime dancing a jig. A light was again
irocurod , bat as before nothing was dls-
The next night Mr. Wilson was awak-
noi by being struck In tbo face "by wet
nd heavy corncakoa. Becoming atcl
larmed at these nightly manifestations clat
f anger Mr. Wilson called in two mon atB
3 watch for tbo spook. But this only B <
semed to anger the uncanny visitor , and th
videncea of his displeasure were dle- BO
layed in many and strange freaks. re
Mr , of the v ]
Stlgall , one young men
ailed In , was given a resounding slap on he
10 fsoj , and which caused the tears to to i
ow and made a whole firmament of stars re
unco before his oyes. Mr. Gaston , the M
her yonng man , was struck In the face ha
1th wet clods and thrown across a table fa !
id given other evidence that the ghost lei
OB amply able to take care of himcolf. In
Maniacal screams were heard , doors all
ere slammed and furniture thrown th
ound the room in a moat reckless man- foi
r until a match was lighted , when all olr
is as silent ai the ( -rave. But no ha ,
oner was tbo light extinguished than peMi
e racket began again and continued Mi
rough the night , ceaa'ng only when a gOi
nip was lighted , and so it goes every
Everyone who sits up to watch la re- PI
irded with a a slap In the faa , and DC
iws are administered to all without uie
rtiallty. The whole neighborhood Is
Lined , and the liouao has been visited
hundreds of people. They all hear St.
d feel the same things. They olsj see
same things. '
Tlin I'mtlebt Luily In Omaha
marked to a friend the other dav that tb sin
iw Kemp'ii lU'iam for ( ha TAroat and tbo i
) ) > wit a superior remedy , at it itopned ffOl
caivh instantly when othen had no effect the
Bo to prove tliU Hchroter & Oun-
kti , No. 211 Fifteenth street , will trei
rni > tfei1 > to all. Trice. Q1 cents nod $ ! wbi
al i to fret , turj
A. Texas Tragedy And Its OonBeqnon-
oca A VounK K.inchcr's Death.
To the Editor of the BEE.
I will address you n few llnoi rcgird-
Ing n young man supposed to bo kil'odby '
Indians , which I hope you will find room
In your valuable paper to publish , as It
tony roach his relatives. His name la
Walter Harris. Ho came to this vicinity
nbout two momUis since , Bald ho was
looking oat a location for a horao ranch ,
stopped at my ranch moat of the tlmo ho
was In this country. Ho bought 250
head of mo and started north. Ho met
with an accident on the 10 sh of this
month , which I will glvo juil ns it was
stated to mo by a young man working for
Mr. Harris. Ho took n long drlvo on
the 10th to reach PaliJoso crook , near
the line of Texas and Indian territory. I
was on guard and hoard shooting' In the
camp. I thought at the time n boar had
corno In camp and the boys were shoot
ing at it , but when I rode around the
the horses near oirap I saw about twenty-
Dvo man on horseback. At the same
tlmo I saw Mr. Harris nnd ono of his
mon como through iho line ontaldo
Mr. Harris had a six-shooter in each
hand nnd was shooting at the mon vary
fast. The mon , or Indians , were keeping
up a deadly fire on the camp , Just as
Mr. Harris and his man ( Billy Wade ) got
through the line of Indians I oaw Billy
fall from his horao. Walter stopped and
cot oil his horsa and shot tovcril timoBs
I gncao ho now Billy was dead , for ho got
on his horse Immediately and rode off in
a gallop , shooting back every jump , Ho
came up to mo and said , "tura the hones
loose , Charley , and eave yourself. I will
try to got the rod devils to follow mo , "
and tint was the last tlmo ho was eoen or
heard of. 1 hoard him shooting for
sorao tlmo nftor ho left mo. I by out
till daylight and then went in camp and
found two mon killed ( Jim Snow and
Ben Halo ) I rode out to where Billy
fell and found him dead. That was all
of the boys but the cook , and ho was
gone. I found him five milon down the
creek. Ho said when the shooting com
menced ho l y ilat on the ground till th y
followed Walter cff ; then ho ran oil" . Wo
lumtod for Walter dx days and found his
horse killed , but could not find him. W
brought his horcoa back hero. I have
his homo here at my ranch. I do not
know where Mr , Harris oamn from , or
where hla folks livo. The young man
that came back also otatod that ho found
four Indiana killed in camp the next
morning after Walter's fight , also three
dead ones and two crippled on tne prario
wbllo hunting for Walter.
Mr. Harris was a young man about 24
years of ago , had black hair , dsirk eyes ,
rather tall , and qalto intelligent looking.
Any information concerning him will bo
thankfully received. Address
TASCOSA , Oldham Co. , Texas , Auf . 24.
1OO Doses Ono Dollar
Is inseparably connected with Hood's
Sarsaparllla , and la true of no ether
medicine. It la an unanswerable argu
ment as to strength and economy , while
thousands testify to Its superior blood-
purifying and ntrongthonlng qualities. A
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla contains
100 doses and will last a month , while
others will average to last cot over a
week. Hence , for economy , buy Hood'a
Incidents in the Career of Martin
Hiving , of Dalton , Mo , , Who
la Probably 12O Years Ola.
Probably the oldest man In the Unltol
States la now living near Dalton , fonr
miles west of St. Louis , with his son. Ho
9 a cDlored man and was born In Prince
Edwards county , Virginia , about 1705.
Bis first owner was James Ewlng , grand
father of John J. and S. P. Ewlng , who
live In and near that place. He'hai been
n the Ewlng family since his birth , and [
jails himself Martin Effing- Inasmuch
ks the longevity of many of those colored
people is of a doubtful character , your
iorrespondont will montlon some facto to
sorroborate the statement last made :
Col. Janus Ewlng , whom all of the '
ild citizens hero know , and whoso family
ooord Is extant , died in 1859 at the ago .
if 84. Ho often mentioned to his family
hat this man , Martin Erring , waa his
Iry nurse , and that he was a good many
'ears older than himself. Martin claims
hat Ojl. Ewlng was brought to his mas-
er'fl house a very srasll boy , and his
Martin's ) business waa to nurao him. MarIn -
In says ha was old enough to plow corn
t that tlmo. Now , allowing the colonel
o have been two years old when he came
o Jauqes E Ewlng'a , Martin's master ,
nd Martin to bo twelve , which bo un-
onbtodly war , it makes tbii old colored
ian 120 yoara old , as CM , Evving would
0 110 if now living.
This man's memory li good and his
ilnd clear. But few wrinkles furrow his
heck. If ho wonld dye tils hair his gen-
ral appearance would indicate a man of
bent 70. Ho has loot but few teeth , hla
yeslght Is goad , except a cataract in ono tt
ye , from a bio v forty-five yeara ago. ttw
Its appotlto and digestion are as good lo
1 they were eight years sgo. Ho his to >
tiewcd and smoked tobacco for 110 years , 1
ad always drank whiskey when ha conld 1tb
at It , though ho bus not been drunk for tbTl
lirty-Qva yrara. Do waa not a body TlOi
irvant of Gen. Washington and has no 2 ,
icollectlon of ever seeing him , Ho says ati
hen the British omo to his master's ' bo >
DUSO all the colored people were taken 00 (
tbo woods and hidden. His
collections of camp-meetings and the
lethodists are very entertaining. He
is seen hundreds sboutlng at onoa and To )
lllng from benches in a helpless , life
BB state. When Lorenzo Dow preached CO
hla neighborhood all the negroes were COwl
lowed to go nights and Sundays. Ha frt
inks he was at the meeting when Dow
nnd tha stolen ax , and tells all the an
oumstances connected with it. He has
d sir wives , and his or her social ex- tit
riencoi are a good deal like Solomon' * , In
artin thinks religion don't do people
od like it did a hundred years ego , but tm
? es it most of his time now. bo
Isadiou' phyalclani racornman
im'a Pont HALT WHISKKY. Keoom
nded by leading 1'hyslciana , Bold by Drug
ts and Grocer ? ,
The Onrollo lalandr ,
James Gazette ,
rho Caroline islands are a remarkable
nip of coral formations in the Northern v
olfio. They are perhaps of no great
iteglo Importance , since they Ho on
road to nowhuro In putlcalar ; but
rn the point of view of thoarciiuologlst
y are Interesting lu the ex-
mo. Certain Dutch navlgatcrj ,
o visited them nearly a ceni >
Y go returned to Europe with J of i
wonderful stories concerning tbo glgantl
ruins that had been discovered ou some
cf the smaller lalols at the eastern end n
the archipelago ; bat It was not until 188 !
that anythiog approaching to a systcmatl
survey of the group wra undertaken. In
that year her majesty'a ship Espolgli
toushcd at many of the istauds , ant
these cfllcors who wont nshor
found that the magntficanco of ( hi
remains had not boon exaggerated
The most imposing ruins are at Motai
anltn harbor , In Ponape , and at Ohabro
harbor , in Knsalo ; and an idea of thol
granaour may ba formed from the f o
that some of the atonoi of the building
moosore as much as 35 feat long by 2
feet broad and 1C foot thick. They nr
ornamented with rndo sculptures , whlcl
baar a family resemblance to the wol
known sculptures of Ea tor Island , In th
southern Pacific ; yet Eistor Island am
the Carolines are fully 0,000 mlles apart
and 00 far ni discoverable , then
has never been any communication bo
twcon them. The object and origin o
the monumouts are nliko unknown. Thi
Caroline group , which was discovered b ;
Spain In 152(1 ( , bra hitherto , oven b ;
Germin geographers , boon regarded as i
Spanish possession ; although for JOSH
there Imo been no Spanish rceidonts on
any of the islands. The extent of the
land surface ot the croup Is rather moro
than ! tOO iquaro miles ; and the catlmatoi
population is 22,000 souls , all of whom
i of the Malay race.
The Shakers Shaking.
What makes a man feel as shaky as
chills and fevot ? It Is shako , shako ,
shako , until yon almost rattle your teeth
out and shako the buttons off of your
coat. What drives chills and fever oiu
Brown's Iron Bitters , If you have never
ttlod It get aoiuo at once , and don't ohako
any moro. Mr. Chas. M. Newell , o
Tettlnijton , Va. , says , " 1 used Brown's
Iron Bitters last fail for chills and fever ,
and derived great benefit. " It Is the boal
tonic known.
The AVIso Hotcl-Kcnpor.
Ho was , says the Cottage City Chron
( do , a long-walstod , elab-sldcr brother ,
with a clerical air , and ha walked into n
well known inn on the camp ground and
inquired how much it waa for table
"Six dollars a week , your reveranco. "
"And how much for dlnnei ? "
"Six dollars , "
"What ! The same for ono meal as for
three ? "
"Tho Identical. "
"But will you be kind enough to ex
plain the appnreut inconsistency ? "
"I will. My friend , you are doubtlcts
familiar with the doctrine of the
trlnily ? "
"I trust that I am. "
"Well sir I've had
, , thoboarding-honeo
trinity the three-meals-in-oae
, great - - -
racket , played ou mo too many times to
get taken In on that lug any moro. " And
then the jivlal tkipper turned to the by
standers and told how when he first
opened his hotel gaunt women and hol
low-legged men used to como there and
engage for dinner only , at half price ,
and got up at 9 In the morning and eat a
couple of crackora , and then como in at
cooii and fill up like dromedaries with
enough to last till the next day. Other
folks nuy continue to try It on if they
want to , but not for Joseph.
Both the English and Amer'can nrmios
have endorsed the efficacy of St. Jacobs
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
How PoBtal-Cards Are Made ,
Up to Friday last , Woolworth & Gra
ham , of Odstleton , N. Y. , who have the
contract for supplying the government ,
with postal-cards , haa only turned out
659,000 , while the demand averages
1,000,000 a day. The contractors eay
they will got up to tbat mark this week ,
however , and hope to supply all that are
wanted iu a very short time. The now
cards are composed of 25 per cent wood
pulp and 75 per cent One rags. The
paper from which the cards are made is
manufactured In a mill owned and oper
ated by the contractors , adjoining the
postal-card vtorks. The raw material
can be converted into postal-cards In
about twelve hourj. About ISO
persons , mostly women r > nd
jlrls , are employed in the mllli ,
and an average of between 1,000,000 and
1,000,000 postal rarJs are turned out
laily. These are bunched into packigos
sf twenty-five after bohvg cut by
machinery from the sheets containing
'orty cards each. The llttlo paper binds
hat are placed about the bunctoa of
.wcnty-fivo cards cost about $100 per
nontb. The oarda are packed in pastc-
> oard boxes , which are made by a patent
uachino in the mill , each box holding
wenty packages. The government n
gon'a have their offices iu another part si
it the works. They receive orders for sie :
lost-office throughout tbo country from tl
ho pont-ofllce dppirtinont at Weshlng- tltl
on. They received yesterday an order tlm tlP
or about 2,500,000 cards and another for m
bout aa many the day bsforo. They la
ivo their order to the contractors , and laat
t Is filled in from 20,000 to 25,000 atw
aces. A car load of pine lumbar Is used
initially in making tDoso cases , which tl
ro also constructed In the mill. The tlWi
ontractora own a locomotive , and a
pgular postal card cir is loft at Castle- WiM [
3ii every morning by the Montreal ex-
ress. This car In switched on & aide-
ack running about ono mile to the bo
orks. The older of the previous day is th
laded nnd the postal card car Is tout up cb
Albany on the train roichlng tbero at of
p. in , the same day , when the cases forte
to West , East and North are transferred , fai
hose for tbo Sonth.aro kft in the car. hi !
flicos ordering a supply of less than Kl
000 ere furnished with mail pouches than
id their supply is not packed in wooden
xer. The contract calls for about 2 , . an
(0,000,000 cards. fix
Mr , liorely Spenlca. iffmi
the IMI tor of theUEB. 14 ! '
I see that Mr. Furay stated In the jui
unctl meeting last night that cattle do
nch were being herded were taken *
jm the boys who hid them in charge tw
d driven of to the pound by rcy em- do :
ayes , They were herding thoio c ttlu ;
half patt nine o'clock at ni ht , and 1 exi
vo proof fur the aatnu , exme
If 1 were a councilman , and had as me
ich to say as Mr , Furay , there would ma
no city pound , DAN U. HEUKLV ,
Ponndmastur. P'i '
Oiuiu , Sept. 3 , 1835 , art
to i
rh n E by ir 4 lick , HO giro her CMtorUi wit
Then lie trM Child , > Le cried for Cwtorla , ,
riten slie becuna lll > i , elm clun j to W jtorl * . liv.
nuntuohdCU14r nBU c i UuiwCMt < > rU * ° '
'Milmouth IB walicfr up to the importance
lUibiog improvemeuta lu tha city , art !
Punishment * Indicted on the 8nb-
j utH nt the KliiR of
St. James' Gazotto.
The judicial punishment of Portia cer
tainly seems very craol , but the most enlightened -
lightened raters cf the country insUt that
they are not vindictive ; they sra simply
deterrent. The late lllsiam u-Sultanoh ,
undo of the king , was ono of the most
sevcro of provincial governors ; yet , as
ho himself triumphantly pointed out to
me , ho shod less blood , first ani lastthnn ,
his rlv l , whllo the provinces under his
government were remarkably free from
crimes of violence , "I , " ho remarked ,
take iho great criminal red-handed , ana
I pnnUh him In such a wy that his pun
ishment will not bo forgotten and that
his fate will bo n terror to evil-doors.
Uuliko you Europeans , I don't ' shut the
man up fur years ; I have no grndgo ; my
punishments are policy , I commanoad
my governorship by oovoro measures
toward criminal * , to lot them know whom
they have to dual with. It Is true I then
mercilessly execute some of them ; bat
there are no moro crimes of violence
daring my tennro of oflioo , no more un-
sifo roads , no burglaries. Murder *
mostly unpremeditated mutdors there
certainly are , as there will bo In all coun
tries ; 1 execute these mon lu a simple
way. So do Europeans. " These are
the Idcaa of a great Persian statesman.
The result In Persia Is undoubtedly what
the Hlsaam stated ; The pro\-lnoa is
quiet , criminals ore afraid , honest mon
are safe.
The ordinary punishments era the
bastinado , fines , Imprisonment ( simple
confinement ) imprisonment in irons ( the
chain-gang ) , maiming , death. The baa-
tinndo ia administered upon the bare solos
of the fcot. Save by the king's express
order it is never nowadays carried to a
fatal Issue , iu twenty years I never hoard
of a fatal biatlnc ; . Tno ordinary appli
cation of tlio bastinado means what wo
should term a "gaod hiding" nothing
more. In the eyes of a Persian lliero is
nothing degrading la having "oaten
stick. " Witnln the last ten yoara the
Mnachir-ul-Molk , the then wealthiest
man in Fsrs , ( the richest province iu
Persia ) , was severely bastinadoed ; ho
was over seventy years of ago , The bas
tinado ia usually administered to all small
delinquents who are not fined. It la tha
pnnlsnmoutof peccadilloes. The accom
plices of criminals are usually bastina
deed to obtain confession Criminals of
the minor class are generally bastlna-
deed and discharged. The stlckn used ,
ara not , aa in Turkey , heavy batons , but
sticks tapering to a pcint. The bsst
criterion of the real Vilua of bastinadoIng -
Ing may bo atrlved at from the reply of
a soldier who , when I asked him which ho
would prefer , an ordinary beating on his
eat such aa was being given to one of
his fullowe , or Iho loss of a month's pay ,
answered : "Why , the boating , of
couraa. " Criminals , whoa offered the
choke of a line or the bastinado , always
choose the latter. It must bo remem
bered that the lower classes lu Porsln
walk much barefoot nud that their feet
are hard. Of course , to a European a
bastinadoing would bo a terrible punish
ment. Mlrzk Abdul Wnbab Khan , late
physician to H. K. H. Zil-cs-Sultan , told
me that ho had seen 2,000 sticks fairly
broken over ihe feet of a criminal jay
(3,000 blown. This was done by tha shah'd
farrashes ; the man survived. Fines vary
according to the position cf the person
Quod or the rapacity of the finer. Simple
Imprisonment is dealt out to those wuo
ire guilty of robbery or misdemeanor or
the greater crime of not paying their
taxes. Imprisonment in a chain-gang , or
mprlsonment in iron ? , Is reserved for
; rimes of violence , burglary , coin-
ng , or theft from the person.
Maiming is resorted to for thieves
from shops , cat-purees and horao and
: attlo Btoalors. As a rule a single
olnt of tbo finger is cut off for the first
jll'ensu , tha hand for a second ; or the
irlmlnal is lamed by removing a portion
if the tondo Achlllis. Blinding of ono
r both oyoa Is now a rare punishment.
Sometimes the oars are cut oiF or the
lese slit , and the criminal is led through
hobaziar by the executioner. ( It may
> o mentioned that at every execution the
executioner levies , as a right , a foe of a
ow coppars from each merchant and
bopkeepor. ) ] Amputation of the tongue
ias not occurred within my knowledge
luring the last twenty years. S trance to
ay , in such oiaos the eulfdror gradually
acavoM the power of intelligible spaeoa.
? tie objection to surgical amputation in
bo oitst generally , and especially In
'ortia , arises , from the terrible loss of
jste to those who are maimed ju-
( daily.
Death painless and instantaneous Is
sually Inflicted by throat-cutting. The
Imply puulshmout of death la mostly
xecutod on murderers , robbers , and
iioeo guilty of crimes of vlobnao , aud ou
lie sectaries of the Baub ; it is oho the
cnaliy tot high treason. In eoma caeca
ten of high rank , condemned for the
ittar crime , are cither poisoned or
irangleU. In my time , Zohrab Khan ,
ho oould not p y his ravonuo to the
own and therefore revolted , had hla
iroat cut in Shlraz. Ho had sutrjn- '
erod upon a aworn promise that hla life
onld bo spared ; but the Mushlr-ul-
oik , h's personal enemy , woi actually
recent reading an order for hla death
hen Xjhrab Khau was executed at the !
ick of tha governor's pilaci. Within
io Irst throfTyears Hussein Kull Khan ,
ilo' of tbo B-ikhtlnrls , was oilerod a cup
pcisoned coifao when the guest of tbo
1 ea-Soltsn ; on his refusing it , two
rrnahca stepped forward and strangled
m. The only crime of Husioln Kuli
han , a noble and enlightened man , was
it bo was too powerful.
Tbo exceptional punishments in Persia
e blowing from guns or mortars , cruel-
ion , willing up or burying alive , burn- 3
g alive , and in Ihe few capital punish-
: nto of women ( who are usually utran- 3E
td , or wripped up In a carpet and E
mpedupin , ilang from a proolplo or
nn a well ) . All thoeo punlthmenta
ve Ineu Inflicted within tbo Dl
Iter's knowledge. Oao poor fellow
Ice experienced the bltternois of
alh. Ho wua ltd out to bo blown from
un. A fellow culprit hud just bron
ecnted In this way before blsujes , The the
cautioners prepared to hah him to the lloi on
izzla of the guu ; bat as ha was a little
in they had to got eoma bricks for him onMa
stand When all the Ma <
on. was ready lloi
micg wjs fir od , but In the hurry the IM
illerjinen had forgotten to lead the Otll
Though urgent representations
ra mid * to the governor , ho refused Cal
sparotho man , and the poor fellow was em
bound , the gun was loaded , and the
prlt blown away.
o first part of this tragedy I myself
nesied. Crucifixion In Persia Is done
inst a wall , the sufferers occaelona'ly
many hours. The crlmo of ono man
executed was I hit of h&vlnt ; stolen the
dun Mcklut of the prince govrrncr's
se ; this w , B looked ou as a sort of high
loi'i ' ) . Some highway robbers who ,
ang many other achievements h d
tea end catrltd off the writer of this
cle he foitunstdy etcaped from
them nd murdered a Syud or holy m n
were walled up allvo nuar the scone ot
tholr crimes in hollow brick pillows.
E'eten ' other highway robbers In ono
batch were thns burled alive tn Shlr z In H
1879 , whllo * priest ws burned to death
In the public tqnnro of Shirr ? just before
my arrival In Persia , he ms au excep
tionally atrocious criminal ,
The Sawdust Gaino ,
Chicago Times ,
"Tom Davfs was never n counterfeiter , "
Raid Capt. Hall , of the secret nurvlco ,
yesterday , cpoaklcg of the man who was
shot In Now York by James F. Holland ,
the Texan , "Ho belonged to tint rlasi
of criminals known cs sawdust twlndJcrt ,
who pretend to have countotfolt nrney
to sell and send out circulars advertising
if. They ate slmp'y swindler * , nothing
moro. The dispatches say that Davis had
a lot of counterfeit money , but that is
undoubtedly n mistake1. Men of his pro
fession would bo afraid to alt iu n room
whore there WRB a counterfeit notn for
fear of being compromised. This fo r IB
barn of the very fAot thtt they pr.Hond
to deal In such stud , which would bo
evidence enough in itso f to oonvlct them
If they should bo found with a bogus bill *
in their possession. Their business is to
rope In greenhorn ) , ( how thorn a packnga
of genuine bank or treasury uotco , which
they represent ai counterfeits of a very
fine quality , and Induoo their prospective
victims to buy a quantity ot thorn at so
much on a dollir. Tl.oy have a variety
of clover tricks bv which they hoodwink
tholr victims , and after obtaining their
money send thorn olT with a package of
blank pnpsror neoalod box filled with
sawdust. It is In no sense a counter
feiting case , and 1 have no authority to
arrest the swindler ? , although I am con
stantly in receipt of complaining loiter
from men who have been llerced.
know Tom Davis by reputation , but 1 am
not awara that ho over operated his
scheme in Chicago. But there nra two
or three ef his class in Chicago at tlio
present timo. and I am credibly Informed
thai they are ranking plenty of monoy. "
fnrrunt Ojittttca , Emiltft mill I'o
For C'niitli' , Sere Tlironf , Hanr'cnrnn , Innuvlf-Ii
ol l . Hroiuliltlft , CrunpVIitHtplni * CoucV
Affthnm , Ouliajt luInA In Clitit , an < lo'hft
rtliiiii i > f In , ) Tliroct onil Iunc .
Vrlco AO cents a bottle. Sold ! > v Drncclnts ni.d I3CA.
ere J'rti tltf unable 1 1 Imlhce their Center toirnr-ftie
3t.f0rtttni'rJlireiielit , < lir > tt'
i > .iti * by smiting one dollar ? ?
a ftnl SiMitifULlurer. ,
rilllm. rt3lArl nilC t ,
A.vmvuoTio dotro > 9 the gormj of a ! conta
gious dljca'iH ,
A.NTizriinic nllldo'troy a'l ol'r nnd Keep the
air of } our Uccpln < roonu carl and tccsh.
AMIZYMOTIC Li without color or odo- , aid 1)
harmless tj clothing or flcjh. It is InvaliuLlo In tbo
elck room.
If persons nil me AUzytnollo In the water In
whloh they Inthc , trloy will find ( jrcat relief Itioft-
crjstho viattr , an J docs not dry tbo flcBb UKu tm-
Does the nlr tn your hou o Binell musty or Im
pure ? Are you annnjcd wlih thofrforof ? Ho
yon wint tnetop It ? Antlzymotla pprlnkled aboulr
will Ircnho j aad purify It cv.ry tluir.
Wither' Antizmotic So'ution
IlCMEDYl'IlEE. A vlctlmof youthful iinnrudcnco
jausing I'romaturo Decay , Nonrous Uobility , I oet ,
ftlanliood , ilc.liavlnc tried In vain every known
remedy.tlAB discovered nfiluiplo means of eelf-curo ,
which ho will Ki'nil 1'KKi : to his falloir-Rufferera.
ftxUlrcsa. J.U.ltiiVia. : 4J Chatham tit..New York.
Epilepsy ,
SjMsms , Convul-
Blons , Falling
Dance , AlcoholIsm -
Ism , Opium Eat-
Scrofula , Kings
NERVE J.'rll , Ugly Blood
Diseases , Dyspep
sia , Nervousness ,
Stck Headache ,
' .Rheumatism , !
Venous Weakness , Brain Worry , Mood fiorcs , '
illlousncss , Gostlvencss , Nervous 1'rostrutlon ,
'fiJney Troubles and Irregularities.
AVIio cares for the doctors' sneers v lion Hill
ifalllblo u'lncdy IB lit liamlv Tlio nllllctcil
Illllml It to bo n constitutional specUlo , mid
founlaln of vitality and \ Igor , as refrcsliln
nil cxhlllrathiK as a cool , giisliiiiK spring oC
-iter lolho Piircliedand lalntlnc tnivclcr In
io desert. To dccllno takliiK u suru rcincily
lion Blck It to court sulfcrliiuaml In vitoiloatli.
orrcbioinlunro freely iuisivor.Ml.it3
io Pr. S. A. JiICniIO.\D ftERVI.NE . CO. , SI , Joseph , Mo.
Hold liy nil Iru ( ; tH.
Sl.M per bottle , or four bottles for $5. < X1
For ale liy C , F , Goo dman ,
. ,
Unary Rubber Boots
lays wear out first on
iball. TlioANIiiJ ! ;
otB are double thick
tbo ball , and glvo
tt economical Itubbcr
ot la tha market ,
ets longer than auy
icr boot and the
1512 Douglas Street ,