Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    , , . "H
- . .9. >
W. * * i
,4 n dimrmnna'iwfllM dWrewinur cnmpHlnt. 11
urglwted. It trndj. \ * Impairing nutrition , and de-
tr'ftng inn tone of ia fjitcm. to prepare tba WIT
or Ilapid Drcm ]
crnnTT.t'lr Cnr ( " Dyonrpiln In (01 (
Mornm. rnrlinirii , llrlrlilnn. Tiutlltrn tlio
I'ond , Ao. ItrimchiM and purlHn tnn blood , ttlmn.
Mtn the Minntfte , find tld ilia civlmllttlnn cl food.
HFT. J. T lloemrcn , the hnnond pMtor of tba
Flint JloformKl Chtirch , rjalUmore. Md.ituti
"Marlnit Ufd 'Urown's ' Iron ItlM r ( or'r > / ricpcl
* tnd IndlKti-tinn. I t ke Kront rilxiuura In n-cnm-
nrlliiK It Utfilr. Aim connldrr itA cpl njldtonlo
( ionulno hvtuVjoTe trade mark itml rrmmrt rod Ilnei
fTnlio no nllirr. M < tn < mb lir
i a QJ ) itiy 2v-- .
Btiarontco of core clT n In every
cafe umUrtanen. Otf-AUconhultutlonsC'rvo ana
Nncrcd. lr. > Clarke's Celebrated llook tun !
U'nttoRi ( ta plain envelopes ) two iniiipa.
. _ " -iD.ajHili. ( B. 1 .180 So. CLAUK SIvCmtAOO , IU
Fiightful Case of a Colored Man ,
I contracted a foirful coai of blood poison In 18S3
wai tretttul by aomo nl the best phjs'olana In At-
nnto. They usud the eld ramodles of mcrcurv anil
pataah , wh'ch brought on rhcu x.atl8 11 * nd impaired
uyd'cstlvo ) ( oigjns. Evury Joint In ino was sivullon
onil full tfp-ln. When I win Riven up tocl'e ' , my
ph ] elc'anu ' thoueht It would bo geol tlmo to to > t
the vlrlU9iolS Ill's Speciflo When I cDmmencod
UlilDR 8. 8. P. , the ph. ) s clan ta'cl I cc.ii.ld mt l.vo
tire Vicefea u'der tha ordlnaty treatment. Ilo com
menced to glvo me the mcdicnoBtricllyacordlng to
directions , vhlob I cnntlnuoil for several month ? . I
took nothing else , and ojrcmeno-d to improve ( rcm
the very ( list. Boon the rlicurcatlaoi leltrne , my
: * ppotllo hicimoall right , and the ulcers , whloa the
di ctor us U woio the meet filghtlul nu tal over 83en
began to bed , and by the 1st of October , 1834 , 1 jn
v-oll re on a ? a' n. lam rtrongar uow _ than 1 ever
was before , and weigh more.
Ltm HoCIondon has been In the employ of the
Cbesi Cailev Cornpony for Bolne years , U'd I know
it he nbcvo Btatomtnls to In true. At the time he bo-
.gan taking Hnld'a Sptcille howts In n horrible co -
ultioD. 1 record his cure 09 almost miraculous.
W. B. CEOBAT , Manager ,
ChCBi-Ca-hv Co. , Atlanta UivUitn.
Atlanta , Go. , April IB , IbSS.
I7 St. CJiurlns S * . , St. 3-on1 ! ? , No.
trt'rfl f AfartoaUjoftvo sJIe lCotltfe s.lifci l > * tpl < v
V C" In "i' p " > 'tr" > "l ' in' 'f1 ' * ? " " ' * bf
nli.i'D iM l ' " ) < ll"r fliy > l l lc AUliMta
u city IMKTI tru.wHiid nilofj rfdUeDUkoow.
Nefvouv "icslralloii. Ucbhity , Mental an *
physical li'cauneas , Herc-irlrfl and oilier A o'
iionof riiroat. Skin or Rones , OiDod Polton'ng ,
fid Sores and Ulcers , r M-MV ) ith aoi-tniiicikt
vi rM < . < "il M lcn"ll P "eT ! > ' ' ' Sa" lyPrli t l/ .
Olscaseh Itltlnu ( rum Indiscretion ,
f\pocut orlniiuisonce , " < i-h ptmiura
hlo , ! la m Ul ci'ictiueii wljllitr , tin o
* cd dertftlte Memory , pliunlqi 4u tljc ffi . pfcytl
rfcndjrlnj ; IfurrjuffO tittproper ox timuppy. r'
ft Mftlv4 tRTfelaiw'frwoto nnjid'lrivi. Uoriulutlon Etf
CB9orliyiaollfoji idloTll l Wrlfo ror ucttlaa * .
A Positive Wriwen Guarantee
VnrephlBI . > : ulloJi ( or Ocrnmn , 04 DfSf' , < i
tcrlblnffaUotfodutafcaa lasualeor fcmaU VIi Jl
Illuit. . . U-l _ . . _ to flc.Ihm * K. < ltllttl.lKa '
Chartered by thiStatconill.
noi ( or tliccxprcsd purpose
cllc Hn
all clironic , urinary and pri
vate diseases. Donorrticco ,
QlcctaiidSypbiha in all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin und
lilood promptly relieved and
permancntlycurtil by reme-
bl'crliil 1'rattlc.e. Seminal
Weckfiess , rJlpht Lossea by Dreams , Plmplea on
.the I'acc.Lost Manhood , Jmnlttwlyearnl , " '
it * no fxyvr/inriif / Jui/ . The appropriate remedy
tn atonic used In each case. ConaultatUns , per-
, /ionai or < 4y letter , eacredly confidential , Med-
iclnea tci : by Mall end Enprccj. No marks on
facUat'0 U Indicate contents or sender , Addrcsv
OR.JAMES.No. 204WashnQlon ! GChIcagolll. !
I01VA ' < ) LLIGi ; OF L\\V. \
ti > w depaitiveot nf Drake Urilrrrilty , Dct Molnef ,
lowt. BaoJ for Ditilotiue. Adilrcti A. II. HcVey ,
Deinor J. 8. Cl ik , Scretary , cue Coo McVey A
vr > . rnte 4wk
A Clear Skin
is only a part of beauty ; a
but it is a part. Every lady
may have it ; at least , what
looks like it. Mag'nolia
Balm both freshens and
beautifies ,
At M a NeWa Man Clams iliat
He Can SIM it Scien.ifically ,
Ho Aosorfs that NftturcAt Secret HUB
Been Laid U ro and Tells
How U Vfna Done.
JhJeago Tribute Special.
LINCOLN , Neb. , August 25. A most
remarkable discovery has recently devel
oped la this city. It Is of euoh an as-
: onndlcg natnra that the correspondent
icstlrttoa to give the circumstances to the
public on account of bolug barred at
present from giving the names , although
iherois no Rood reason why itahonld not
bo dono. However , the gentleman who
Sina-mado the discovery requests It. This
disclosure oocolsU In proving beyond the
pOB&lblllty of a doubt bf ajlontlfiu means
the existence of the human aoOl , laying
bare the groaloal aocrot of nature , and
proving tbo doctrine of eternal faith ,
"thut the eon ! of men doth live , " the
dleclosuroi and proofs of which will
shortly atartlo and-attonlah the entire
For the aiko of convenience the gen
tleman aludod to will be called Mr. Holland
and , a > mau of small atature , a mild eye ,
and though ! fal countenance , a devout
Christian , possessing a peculiar belief
that the soul of a man la a countcrpary
of the body Itself ; and in this theory of
the dual mau ho sought tbo key of Ufa
and doith. Ha reasoned that within
the body of bono and ilnow waa yet an
other body existing in vapory form which
death alouo should free , and that by a
oluiplo'microscopic device the dull night
of human eyes might penetrate the min
utest particles nf the air wo brantho and
BCO the soul take form and flight to the
bonndarlos of another world.
His attention wai first attracted to this ,
ho says , by n man lying upon a sofa with
a pain in his foot , and yet there WAS no
foot there to snffor , the leg having been
amputated nearly to the hip. "For
years , says Mr. Holland , "this incident
ron through my mind , until at last I re
solved upon an experiment. I procured
the most powerful lenses I could find and
completed an Invention of my own , and
when I had might arranged perfectly , so
'I ' could ezamlnu the microbes of the air ,
I called upon a friend who had lost his
arm and explained that I wanted him to
put his imaginary hand where I directed.
Ho laughingly accompanied mo to my
rooms and did as I desired. The moment
I adjusted the ghsa a world of revelation
broke npon mo. The dual band lay bo-
ntnth my glass 1 I asked him to make
letters with his imaginary finger. Ho
did ao , and to hla wonder and astonish
ment I spelled ont the sentences ho
wrote. Teat was conclusive ovldonco to
me , " continued Mr. Holland , "and you
know the rest. "
The second experiment was one of the
greatest difficulty that of watching the
soul Itself take flight. The friends of
dying men would not allow experiments ,
and , indeed , it would have been a dolt-
cite matter to ask it. Hospitals afforded
opportunities , bat.physicians and attend
ants had no faith in the experiments of
he quits gentleman , whom tboy no
loubt alluded toaa "crank , " BO for nearly
a j oar ho was waiting and watching tor a
man ready to dlo.
The opportunity came at last ; a con-
umptlTo wanderer from the east sought
ellef In the western air Ho fell ponul-
uts , and was about to be taken by the
authorities to the county poor-honsa
when Mr. Holland interposed and had
ilm removed to his own homo , to nurse
nd watch him die. Through many
eng hours of the night Mr. Holland sit
> y iho bedside of hit charge , fanning the
park of lifo lest It should go out In the
light , when all efforts at the experiment
would bo lost , and leaving orders by day
with his wlf j to call him tbo moment the
itient seemed to be dying.
The fated moment came about 10
'clock yesterday morning. Stretched
pen a low bedstead , with tbo death-rat-
la sounding in his throat , lay a young
man of perhaps 23 years of age. Mr.
lolland quietly motioned the cjrrcspon-
ent to a seat and continued watching
he features of the dying man with silent
ntorest. Presently ho arose and adjust-
d iho curtains of the window a ) that a
oed of light fell ashnt the dying nun.
lo wheeled from a corner of lha room
what looked Ilka a photographer's camera
rranged the lenaea to a focus , and then
reduced a largo lean of some twelve
icQes in diameter and pltced it in
roovoa made to fib behind the aparatnu.
'ho bick part was then covered with u
lack cloth BO as to obicure the light , and
rom time to time us the breathing of the
mau graw heavier Mr. Holland made In-
ptctlona of the instrument.
At precisely 11:30 : o'clock a sudden
remor passed through the body and he
ad ceased to breathe , Mr. Holland
rosn from the bedside and said In a
hlsper :
"Now ia the tlmel"
Together Mr. Holland and the corre-
[ loudout passed their heads under the
lack cloth and bent tholr eyes Intently
pen tbo glass. Particles of dust in tha
Ir wore magnified several thousand
mes , and for a time their motion kept a
erf cot dizzlo upon Ifce glass.
Then as the vapor gathers into clouds ,
o en object appeared to bo forming u
oot above tha body upon the bed , Par.
clos seemed to seek particles , as by n\
orao molecular attraction , until on
bjct was clearly distinguishable. It
earned the vapory form of a man rapidly
assumed a more perfect shape , pure and
colorless as the mott dblicitto crystal. N
There was a moment of awful ati loess , ar
and a feelin ; ? came over me which I can bt
novar describe. We bent our eyes in
tently npon the glass until , particle by caTl
particle , the shapely form of a man had fo
formed and hy floating a foot above1 ,
moored to the body by a slender cord of than
its own formation. Tie fuse took the
elupo of the dead man , but was beautiful
in expression ; the eyes were closed and
the uatr formed being Btomed as if it
Presently the cord that held it to thu Iwr
clay parted , and a go at la tremor passed .so
through the beautiful form beautiful , nil [
Indeed , for every limb wai of thu moat icg ' ,
beautiful mold , such a earth has ijever '
beheld. Th eyes of the spirit opened , in
and r y of Intelligence and of unspeak
able joy passed over its face. It arose to 111 !
standing posture and cast ono sorrowful
look at thu ten.autlesi clay that lay BO I ,
alill. I-
I stepped from behind the darkened I ttf -
apparatus and liokud toward thu epo Sal
where I knew the fonn was old
standing , bat I behold nothing , Ob
Taoosrth rueled beneath uie , I orleu
iloud and fall /dating / to the floor 50 ]
Wbou I Bgilu became coiuclour , Mr ,
Holhnd WM bonding over mo ; hla fico
was of an ashen p&lonots.
"I mistook your Btrength , " ho naldj
"perhaps I should not litvo called yon
hero. NV o have atucn natural OBUSCS and
effect * . Death la bat the beginning of
life. Bo careful , though , to whom you
toll the story of this d y ; the world la
Incredulous , and to that is mainly duo
its ignorance. "
enablca ono to defy An thins , Nervous-
neea , and General Debility. $1 50 , at
"Every Epileptic sufferer ought to try
Samaritan Nervlno at once,11 aayn UBV.
J. T , Kttor , of Now Glarus.'WIs. , "It's a
never falling remedy "
Govcrnmont Franchises Used tiv
Building Up a ToloRrAph Mo
Now York Herald , Annual 21.
In an Intotvlow lait evening President
Bates , of the Baltimore and Ohio Tele
graph company , gave the following In
formation concerning the monopoly which
has grown out of the telegraph franchises
Included In the railway concessions re
ceived bycortiau western roads from the
government :
"At this time , " began Mr. Bates ,
"when so much has baon said regarding
the control by ono corporation of the entire -
tire tologaaph business of the country , It
may bo interesting to-reoll the fact that
the Western Union company claims to
exorcise exclusive telegraph privileges
over the Union Pacific and other land
grant railroads west of the Missouri
river , notwithstanding the charter and
obligations rf those railroad companies
Judge John F. Dillon and Sidney Bart.
lett'counsel for the Union Pacific com
pany , nt the request of that company ,
rendered an ohburato opinion on Feb
ruary .22 , 1880 , clearly showing the duly
of the rail tray company in this respect to
bo the operation of its telegraph Hues
free to all ,
"Fivo years ago , when Mr. Gould was
in control of the American Union Tele
graph company and his Interests .were
Identical with the Union Pacific Railway
company , ho was apparently very anxious
that the Union Pacific should live up to
it ) government obligations and operate its
telegraph lines ' /reo to all,1 particularly
so the American Union Telegraph com
pany. President Sidney Dillon , who was
also a director of the American Union
company , sent tht following notice to his
telegraph superintendent :
NEW YOBK , March 1,1880.
J. J. JDlCKET , Ojnaha :
Have juat served formal notice npon the
Western Union Telegraph company ( referring
to the aforesaid letter of minn ot February 27 ,
1880 , to tha Western Union Telegraph compa
ny , sohedulo A of answer ) , stating that the
ralhran ccropany would itself operate and U'O
its own telegraph Hoes , placing all companies
nnd persons upon equal footing , giving equal
footing , Riving equal rights ID 11 and exclu
sive or fuvored privileges to none. You must
see that this is carried out In letter and in
4 The Western Union company , however -
over , obtained an Injunatlou from the
courts , and before decision was finally
rendered the American Union and the
Western Union companies wore consoli
dated. Since that time no demand has
been made npon the Union Pacific com
pany until about a year ago , when the
Baltimore and Ohio Teleprsph company
opened np correspondence with President
Charles Franols Adams , beginning in
August , 1884 , and ending In February ,
1685 , the Intervening tlmo apparently
having been occupied by Mr. Adams in
what might bo called skirmishing. In
February a resolution by the United
States senate was passed calling upon the
secretary of the interior to inform the
scnato whether the Union Pacific Railway
company and the other land grant rail
roads had constructed and were main
taining and operating their telegraph
lines without discrimination , as provided
in their charters. The then commis
sioner of railroads , W. H. Armstrong ,
notified the Baltimore and Ohio and
Western Union companies , that ho was
prepared to hear arguments upon the
questions involved , _ and at the n o
appointed time , February 27 , the IE
hearing took place. .Judgo Jero fr
Wilson appearing fur tha Union frP'
Pacific company and Gen. Wagner
Sirayno representing the Western Union
contract with that company. At this S.
hearing the true inwardness of the rela
tions between the Western Union Tele
graph company and the vorlons land grant
railroads w s disclosed , and the entire
correspondence , Including all the con
tracts in question , the arguments of the
several companies pro and con wai sub on
mitted to the sonata and printed as an
executive document ( see No. 2 Forty ,
ninth congress , epcctal sisslons ) nf
"A reference to this document by those
interested In the subject will throw a
great deal of light upon the questions In (
volved. The time was too short for fur
ther aotlon by congress during the session
then about closing , but It is understood
that the tubjeot it being revived , and
that when congress meets in December
ono of the oaallrst matters to receive at >
tcntlou will bo the relations of the government hove
ernment and the public to the telegraph
lines west of the Missouri river along the
linU grant railroads and constructed with
the money and the credit of the United
States government. " ba
Tlio Prettiest I/ady in Omaha
Remarked to a friend the other dav that eli
knew Kemp'H Ua'sam for the Tnront and
Lunga was u guperiur remedy , ai it stopped
her uourh matantly when others had no effect
whatever , So to prove this Hchrotor & , Coa-
rmi , druggist * , Nu. 211 Fifteenth street , will
KuaranUu It to all , Price 60 cants nnd 31 , oa
Trial \ i < free ,
A Trliilnn [ Hall Storm.
Section No. 93 of Union Paclfio train lay S.
No. 2 , known as the "Denver" onoount-
arod a hail storm Monday on the Jules- tlv
burg branch near Denver Junction and sld
amo ont much the worst from the fray ,
Fho hall full heavily nnd with furious pre
force , smashing oat the gl along tie ion
north side of the oin the fall length of rhi
train , i
PILESI ! PILES ! ! PILES ! ! ! '
A cure for Blind en
jure , Bleeding , Itching ena
Ulcerated Piles bus been discovered by a
. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr. ma
William * ' Indian Pile Ointment. A uuae Pill
has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or ion
yeara standing , No one need suffar five qui
iilnntes after applying thia wonderful aooth- par
medicine , potions nnd instrument ! do /
'ore harm than good. Williams' Indian era
L'tlo Ointment abaorbi the tumors , allays the wb
ulcme i Itching , ( particularly at night after aim
futtlcR warm In bed ) , act * an aponltlca , Riven thu
nstant relief , and id prepared only fur Piles , 11E
tchlug of privata parti , and for nothing cl o. 11EJ
Dr. FrazlBr'a ) Mugio _ 'Ointment. Carea M iait
-by mrvfrlo. PitnplefjBIack Heads or JGrnbs
lotchej and Rruptions on tha face , leaving JOU
Ultakin clear find beautiful. Also cured Itch. tioi
, Ulmme , Son ) Nipple. , Sore Lip * , and for
bitliute , A
fold by dnvgl < U , or mailed on receipt of rod
Ooent * . Lun
Itetailfd by ICnbn & , On , and Bohroeter & tma
kcbt. At vboleaale by 0. F , Goodman , / rici
OolnrabU will Inveit $3,500 In' A 1,000-foct
nrloiian well ,
Dakota conlami 8,883 union nnd 104 confederate -
federate soldiers.
Prftirla fires * ro doing considerable dumage
in the Elk : atid Box Elder gulches , Black
The fair of the Dakota Central AcrlcnltutM
society will be held nt Blunt Sept. 1C , 17 , 18
and 19.
A few field of wheat In Iho vicinity of
Forgo ate reported damaged by the recent
severe frost ,
The Altoano nrte Un well is said to show a
pressuto of 139 pounds to tba equaro inch ,
discharging 100 gallons per minute.
The tirst bullion shipment by the new Olmd
ron route Itft Deadwood constated ol the
semi-monthly ccan-u ! ? and amounted to
Mrs , Esther Swan , ngnd 83 , of Lyme , N.
IL , has emigrated to Dakotn , where she ex
pects to upsnU the remainder of her days and
let the country grow tip to her ,
Indiins nt Davil'a Lake atrency have raised
00,000 buthols of wheat thin year. The wheat
will bo mnmif ctur d Into flour at the agency
mill , and turned over to the government n1. $ J
per hundred ,
The eighty-fourth monthly dividend an
nounced by the Hoinestako min'ng ' company
in Increased to tbtrty-Qvo cents a olmro or
S43,7iO. Total dividends this ya r. 8281,230 ,
Total dividends to date , $2,876,000 ,
Engineer Blnnt is making arrangements to
extend the survey to the Northwestern road
through Yankton county immediately. The
company Intends to go on In the spring from
its now tlver point , and will do as much work
as possible this fall.
A youngman by the name'of Belts ban been
arrested nt Ipswich by the sheriff of Aurorn
county , charged with belonging to a gang of
borse thteues near PJonkington In the \Ves-
sington hills Seven others of the gang are
now in > iil at Plauklugton.
The directors of the Dakota university lo
cated at Mitchell , have resolved to tucour-
nata the establishment nnd endowment of a
Grant memorial , n monumental college of
scienoo and industrial art , including n school
of civil nnd military engineer teachers , min
ing and agriculture.
There are six ( i. A , K. posts In the terri
tory ,
Work has begun on the electric light plant
in Cheyenne.
The first experiment with a.ida f.t the Lar-
mle chemical works J st week was a success.
Thomas Stevens , tha Lirnmie bicyclist , has
reached Asiatic Turkey on his trip arouml thu
The Emoller nt the Silver Crown mining
district started up lost week , It will prove a
great baon to ono of the richest camps in the
The clean-up in the Lincoln gulch mining
district this seaion ia the largest in tha history
of ths camp. Five to twenty dollars pir day
'for ' each man is the product with primitive hy
draulic machinery.
Slnco July 22d the Union PaciGc received
orders for'Glil ' Block cars , distributed a fol
lows : Rock Creek , 421i Huntons , 113 ; Raw-
Una , C7 ; Laramie , 31. There were n few scat
tering orders not included in this ,
' .Iho innst important of tboreoent discoveries
U the finding of a purple mica mine near
Larnmie peak , which , though not in the im
mediate vicinity of the gold discoveries is ftlll
In the earao region of country. Samples of
this mica are eipected in Cheyenne and will
be eent east at once. Those who know any
tiling in regard to mica are well aware that
tha purple variety is the most valuable of any
that exists and that an ordinary sized purple
mica niine is in Itself a handsome fortune.
The -new chamber of commerce of Denver
will ba opened Sept , 22 ,
The wheat harvest in the vicinity of Forf. ,
Morgan averages sixty bushel to the acre. I
Boulder county U expected to produce this
year $300,000 worth of ore , nu increase of
twenty-five per cent.
The carbonate ore struck on South Cottonwood -
wood will average not less than thirty ounces
of silver and well in loud
Tba artesian well being put down by the
Burlington company at Otis , this state , line
reached thu depth of 2,250 feet , and no water
The ml'Iera ' of the otato have merged their
interests into one solid corporation with a
capital of § 1,000,000 , of which $8,000 is paid
Reward * amounting to § 1,030 have been
offered for the arrest of the fiends who blow
up the cabin of the Belgan Brothers , near
Meeker , In Garfield county , and Instantly
killed two of the brothers.
Wheat from abaut five and ono-half acres
of the Fort ColllnB College farm wnstbroehed wi
fiw duya ago. The yield was 175 bushels
of ) improved Fife and Blount'g Hybrid No. tn
15. Tha yield of the llatter from one ncre , da
from thirty pounds of seed , was forty-five
pounds. '
A suit has been entered in tha United ba
States circuit court of tha state , against Posoy ee.
. Wilson , superintendent of tha Denver ee."J
mint , by A. Isabel Ilorton and Charlea B ,
Horton , of Nebraska , administrators of the
eatnte of Hosen B. Horton , The suit la for
95,702.70dauuges , The complainants allege bo
that on September 7 , 1S81 , the United States ba
circuit court of Nebraska rendered a judg dl
ment in favor of their eatate against M r. Wil
son for $6,152 GO , with $32.23 coats , nud that oil
December 8 , 1875 , executrix paid on said ta
judgment $450 ; tlmt on December 1'J , 18-1 , ;
Hnaea B , Ilorton died intestate In the county Hon
Otoo , Nebraska ; that on April U , 1885. tha
judgments nnd costs against defendant ubova on
mentioned were revived and a judgment of (
reviver entered against MrVileon for
(5,702.70 , , with interest at ten per cent per
annum from December 8 , 1875. Ott
go ;
UTAH. of
A nushlng Salt Laker was fined $37 last th.
week for alappioic n young lady , in-
Tba project of the cattle nuocmttoBB to liflM
hold a territorial fair in Hnlt Like during the M
coming fall ban been abandoned. kn
An electric Indicator that discovers mineral la :
veins and bodies Imi been introduced in Mor foi
gan county with , It is said , success ,
A finoleadof asbestos , four feat in width ,
recently been discovered and located In
mountains feast of the Spauiah fork by
Mr. Thomas Brown , The quality U pro aw
nounced lirnt-clasa by Mew York dealers , to ecc
rvliom samples were cent , tha fibre * being of
anmual length.
Butte citizens are talking of organizing n L
ble street railway.
Tha contract urlcs for Iloleua'd BOW couit
lonso is 8137C09.5D. !
There ore 8 churches , 300 raemberj , 12 Sun- iialJ
schools with 875 scholar/ , under tha M. J
Church South iu the territory. 1
The peacefuluees of Butte attonlibeathena- abe
. Common picayune drunki clone di < - Lei
rb the monotony of city life. This Is can-
Idered evidence of decay , Ken :
The firat annual moating of the Montana
ireia asrocUtlon , held in Butte recently , ad- ore
uurued to meet in MUsoulu on the .third 1
Thursday of next August , mil .
Manama de More * , wlfa of the noted cattle rare
, uliot four baar in tha Meeteetaa moun lugi
ting recently , She Ii an excellent shot , nnd tro :
t the record of Via Smith , the nottd liuut- Pot
aad so ut.
Tha bay crop tliij season ia aaid to ba ro- \y \
larlutblr fine , and the market fairly tup (
lied \mh both louno and baled hay , The
rmer ii worth from ? 10 to $ U , rxjoort'iDg ' t
uality ; Iho ltt r 815 by the carload and 91 h&v
hundred at retail. thoi ;
A faUl malady hat prevailed among Oov-
rnor Potts'her ' i of horses on tha raiuo , by ingl
hlch ! dozen or more liuro died , The dt - ptac
na appears to b < new to the country , nnd will
fur it has btfllpd thw skill of the reteiln U
lians uud lias yu'ldml ' to no remedies , ti
Mlle Collins , the ball-breed Indian who nine
laced 814,0 0 of tha fit ,
, in ono Bczeman bank * B
started In the bmlnom of ntvck proc
h two or throe he d of cUUa n fuw post
oarg ago. Yearly ha hat dhpo ed nf a pur- e rr
nf 111 * Increcaa , and recently told hli band plat
e 2,0i30.
At Ooobe two mlnerj p rtt
City played tire huu- to
Ramai of rribViite , the Rtake < i being one
tudred feet of ( ha BnowsHde lc > ] a agaiim < ach
bundrod feet of Iliu K'evator ' lode botb vrill
properties. The Ulerator insn won , * nd aboi
received Mo deeds immediately , for which he
I relnicd , S1WO.
One dny recently the IhermomoUr inildo n
circus tent nt Modesto , maiktd 1S5 degrers.
Much excitement hm bion CAU eil in tha
Interior ol the * Ute by thn ro pot ted dlfrovoty
of nn ftdivo voloauo uesr M intnotb , 1'rcjno
fVThero fnto Z C convicts in the Ojiklnnd
ptltoo , ot whom ISO MO engaged in msnu-
lACttuing itovpfl. They hnva already tnrntd
out 25,103 to 2.S.COO , which are s&ld to bo of
an inferior quality.
The Sacramento and tributary river ? , and
oven Sun Ftnncleco bay are threatennd with
extinction M nnviVablo w/vtern / by tha nctions
of the flllckens the refuse of hydiatillo mines
In the foothlllfl. The river beds have been
gradually raiting year by your until now
boat ) run Aground where .1 few years ngo
there was r. depth o ! ten to twenty foot of
E , 0. Marthall , nttorney-gennral of the
stnto , witli n bnnd of only $10 000 , hns f5CO.-
000 of Iho itatb1 , ) inonow on _ deposit In his
name , nnd wants to gat rid of it. The money
was paid to the attorney-general by _ thu Ceu-
tral and Southern Pacific railroads in accord
ance with the provisions of the compromise of
the euits brought by the "tftto to recover taxca
duo by corpnrationa. Comptroller Dunn
bftcVod by Hailrond Oomnilaslouor i'oott ) and
a promintnt demxcrntlc lawyer named Del-
mag , refuted to recognize the light of the nt-
torney-general to compromise the matter ,
though it wen dialiuctly specified thnt pay
ments would iu noway prejudice the claimt of
the state nnd counties tn actions to recover
the balance ttlll claimed to be duo from the
railroads ,
KxporlmontB in fii ? culture are mootiag with
eucsesa in the Hlo Graud valley.
Not ? Mexico hat thirteen ehertfTa , seven of
whom nrn American ? and six Mexicans ,
Tha plant of the Billing smelter company
nt Socorro cost S169109 nud employs 15 J men.
It runs day nnd ulght and has met with re
markable SUCCGC8.
Social item in the Sintu Fo Lender : Santa
Fo is g ttiug on nlcgly , Every man haa his
own wife , nud the season of olupemeuta is vir
tually over. Old stags are holding down thlr
end of the log , and the gy nod buxum are
nBoat , Picnic parties up the canon nro nil
therngp. The heated term is nearly over.
Garden Bags is plenty , nnd thousands bisk In
the sunlight of prosperity , We ouht to bo
ai happy as kittens , wo return thanks.
A. Skirmltti Amonft tlio Doctors ,
"When typhoid fever broke out at Port
Jorvia , tome doctors quarreled about hot ?
to cure It. Eich. oaia hfa way was the
bear , and several said all the othora were
entirely wrone ; nnd know nothing about
how to euro it. A llttlo knowledge of
modtcino Is a dangerous thing , but a very
valuable item of raedioal knowledge IB ,
thnt Browu'a Iron Bittora bulidi up
watted systems , and by enriching en
feebled blood ylvca health and atrurg'h.
Dr. W J. JNowbill , Garter's Crook , Va ,
says : "Browa'a Iron Blttorais ono of the
beat tonics I over prcasribed. "
A. Texas Farmer Ploughs up ISnough
Ton-Dollar Gold Pieces to Fill
a Cotton IJacket ,
DALLAS , TOT. , Acgnft 29 ( Special. )
Tha following ototy from Troupe , Tex ,
sounds very much as though Joe Mtil-
liatton had been inthat vicinity :
On Ust Wednesday , whllo Mr. Husb-
ner , who lives five miles south of here in
Cherokee county , was breaking ground
for oat * ho noticed several pieces of yol-
low-looking stuff among tha clods of
dirt but at first took them for small flat
rocks and gave them no attention until
they came very regular. Ho fhon picked
up ono cf the piet'es and to his astonish
ment discovered a Ion-dollar gold piece.
He at once retraced his steps to nco if
the other supposed rocks were also gold
pieces and found lhat they wero. Ho
began picking them up untM noon hla
pockets were full. About the time tbey
were getting scarce about the ground he
started his plough giin , but made little
headway on account of stopping his
plough to gather the money. Ho con
tinued alorg putting the money In his
dinner basket until it was filled. He
then began filling
which ho succeeded In filling b afore he
quit work for tbo night. In the mean
time he had about all to bo found. After
lark ho battened tD toff n to deposit his
Immense and easily gotten fortune In the
bank her * . Next day ho continued hla
ioarcb . , but failed to find moro of the
"yellow boys. " Mr. Huebnor is In
Prcupa to-day tolling of his lacky streak ,
ud refers to the bank for proof. Every
body has been around to ECO the large
aank vault heaped up with the maty ,
ilrly : looking gold.
His strange find is explained by our
ldest cltfzens , who say that half a con-
ary : ego a very rich old bachelor , Joe
Seiningwy < , owned the place ; that he
70s a very queer genius and that evary
mo thoogh ; he bad an untold amount of
old burled on his pluca somewhere. Ho '
vent erazy alter a whllo and it Is said CCS tint
Bca remarked of hvlng sown a crop nf and
old but no ono not'oed ' the foolish glib Llo and >
the crazy man. Before another season f3j
ho . poor old bachelor died , leaving his IotJ '
mncy secret nntold , to the discovery Frc cod
ifty yoara lter by a mere accident by lite
Mr. : Huebnor. Joe Hemingway was Ilia
Lnown to have relations living at Brazil , Illu i
nd.but nothing baa been heard of thorn a\ta
several yeure. clatT
" 100 Doaos Ono Dtllar" lo true only of Ion Ti
Tood'd Saraaparllln , and it la an uuan- Sole
werablo argumunt oa to strength and pan
couomy , muA
HIDDEN TIM' ' , V9DUE , rnttj
Forinne In Gold Discovered in tlio tro i
tarrn No r 1'onil i o UIIlcf ) , Mo , atari
tallwln , Mo , Ann. 29 , Special to Kansas City
Pond poitofficr , a email hamlet , lying Ci
bout eight mile * west of Ball win , in St.
louls oaanly , has developed a roil Hvt
nt-a'flon ' , and tha poopla In and about 0.1 no
icsa place * cro ooncidentbly agitated odd
It , t Ft
The story of tha sentailon Las in U iba
.any of thu elements of the romantic ,
imliidlng ono of the eft repotted fiud-l
§ of the fatnom 0 pt. Kldd's buried j
oaiure on the shores of Like
enc urtrain , A gentleman who rccenv I5r
arrived from Pond poitoffioa tells thit "
ory : "About a week ago ffo
ivlng tbo d.ah and eavolr hire of c
orough young man of the world , r p- ffoU
itrdd In Manchester , lit was exceed-
Ucitnin and remslntd round tht
only a few kutiro , bitlna in couptuj
llhono of the re ldent of the town wlu U
raid to bs a bird working laboring
. The p&lr purchassd a cmpiug out
with picks , abort-It and pidei , u < ' At
ocooded without further dehy to Pond Hill
istcffije. They were seen together in
meat convrwitloa , cdtlcally scinnlng
or mp bufore them. After aj-
reutly tkorouzhly aitlsfylog tbcuieilve/ /
the exact liiualun t ey cleilred fct 1
, they left tbe ajMlemont an > >
illioj In a northwesterly dltectlor ioiii
oat thrte-quarters of a milo , and thoia
( hey pitched their cam p. They once
moro coniulted tholrplati ; ni then
They were untiring in tholr exertions
and dug for ne rly a wenk before they
met with any rnward for thnlr exertions.
At Itat , when digging about fourteen foot
beneath the turfncs of the cnrtb , their
picks struck eorno hard tubstaneo , which
iraa Boon dlsoororod by thorn to bo K
atone crook or jar , and a little further
digging discovered to the delighted men
another crock of oxitolly the a mo alzo ,
"This WAS what they were looking for ,
the Ion 3 bntiod tronsnro whloh the were
ccatchlug. They did not have the
patlouoo to opou theio rocoptacloa in the
ordinary way , bat broke thorn with tholr
spades and picks , when out rolled the
golden treasure. Llto Midas uf old ,
they had tcuohi d the atouo and
"Thoy did not linger In the neighbor
hood , but emulating the Arabs , qu'otly
folded their tents nnd departed the ono
living In Manchester returning to his
homo at tha place , and the other to icino
point In the East from whence ho came.
Mr. Frazlor , a rospootablo merchant near
Pond pontofliop , think * that there was no
U'Bs than $35,000 or 540,000 recovered.
Whlla the man were digging , the owner
of the Isnd appeared on the tcono and
atked thorn wbnt they vrnro digging for.
Not at all difconcortad. the bettor droaaud
mau of the two rapllod that ha WAS a
geologist nnd
"It la Bald that when the owner of the
land oa which the money was found
hoard of It , ho also cimccHnoed to nastier
the earth In the hope that sorna of tha
gold and nllvor mkat have been over.
looked. "
A good imny theorloa have boon ad
vanced as to how thu monny oimo there ,
and , although the whole affair Booms in
credible and enveloped in a cloud of
mystery , It la Grmly nud positively be
lieved by the p&oplo of that neighbor
hood that It was thn treasure of aomo
wealthy farmer buried for safe keeping
during the war.
DIAKHHCKi , wornt cases relinvocl nnd
cured by Durry'a ' Puns MALT WHISKEY.
Uecammppded by lenuiug I'Jiyalclana. Sold
by Druggists und Grocern.
Itcvonucs ,
Following la the total amount of inter
nal rovenno collection at this point for
the month :
Onliats . $ 14113
On beer stomps . 13,15163
Oa spirit * t mp3 . 78,010 20
Oa cigar and citfaretta stamps . 3,273 45
Oa tobacco stamps . . . 305 70
Un epccial tax uUmpi . 3,8S'J 60
Total . $08,813 92.
i'fiure are many synonyms in tbo En
glish langango. and echoUra have col
lected them. Tno term 'St. Jacobs Oil"
la aynonyujoni with the words "It Con-
quera Pain , " and millions of people ac
knowledge this.
iJSMlJJltu JL ° . t S ,
Spasms , Palling
[ Sickness , Con
vulsions , St. Vlt-
us Dance , Alco
holism , Opium Eating , Seminal Weakness ,
Jmpotency , Syphilis , Scrorula , and ail
Nervous and Blood Diseases.
B2To ? ClcrgymcnlLawycrsLlteraryJrcn ,
Merchants , Bankers , Ladles and all whoso
BCdentary employment causcsNcrvous Pros
tration , Irregularities ol thcBlood , Stomach ,
Bowels or Kidneys , or ivho require a nerve
tonic , appetizer or stimulant , Samaritan
Jfmnne is invaluable
Jt Thousands ,
proclaim itthornostl
wonderful Invlgor-
nnt that ever BUSj v ,
talnedasinUngsysf N P R M P J
" ' " '
\l"'lll"ll'llt'l/ >
tern. Sl-50at Drug- \ /
gists. For tcstlmo
Dials and clrcuiai
Bend stamp.
Correspondence freely answered by Physicians.
For testimonials nnd clrcnltrs send etamp , *
For Sale by C. F. Goodman.
A.Standanl Medical Work for Young and
Middle Aged Man , only SI by mau ,
postpaid ,
AGreitMGdlca Work on Manhood ,
Cxhnus'cil Vitality , Xcrioua and Plijslol Debility
'rcmaturo ecllne In Jljn , Jnora : o ( Youth , end the
mtuld miseries resulting ( rom Indiscretion snd ex <
csics. ! Al ) ol : for every man , jounff , mlddlo aged
old. It contains 1V6 iircsctipiioim ( or all acute
clironlodisoaecs , eacli ono of wlilth is Inralna-
. Su found liy the author wlioso orjicrluiioo for
Sjearslssudiasproliably na\ot tcfmu ( ell to tlio
utof anyihjfUlaii. | Seepages , bound in beautiful
'reiith iniullii , embossed corcra , full gilt , ( -uamn
to bo atlnur work In every sense mechanical ,
ltcrary nd ] m fessionai tnan any other ork in It
: e untry for # 2.60 , or tlio inonoy will bo refunded eowt
every liiHtanCD. 1'rlco only 31 by mall , postpil'l. wau
llustritcd B innlo OOe , facnd now , Uold medul iirai
Mardcd the author by tha National Medical /mo- Oreij
latlon , to the oIlirerH nf u liUb ho refers. adv
The Science of Mfo nhould bo roul by the youne Ar
Icistriitlun i and bv the aflliclcd for relief , it will Ity
onodt all , London Lancet. Oma
There la no member of Miletr to whom The COA
clonco of Mfo nlll not bo useful , whether youth , luge
aront , iruirdian , Instructor or clergyman. Art"-1 whlc
&ut. Wit
Addrenj the Tcaboily Jlodlcul Instltuto , or Dr. W , and
rnrler I , No. 4 f ullmieli street , B * ton , Man , who the
bo consulted on all dlsooaea roquirlnif skill and At
lyeilenc. Chrorilo unl ohstlnato ( lisa toathat Ry.
balilcd the aUII of til oth- pa a
phyBichni , * upocialty , Huch line
oiUdBuccisfully without an InrriIVCE < l f Ilnei
anco of ( allure. Mlntlon tliii pipvr , ' I ftrjl ; ! ' Vet
T. I'iul'rn , Prop-letoi. Oentlenjena1 Clothing
) , djeil > nd r ) ] > a'red. Ltdlen * Dresiel cl n d
Idjid , unU'luumdjeJ and curled. All kind
Fuicy B > rng and doming done on short notl a
IsifUfaotloa guuaUd. 1112 Douglm itic t
, > > ib.
S , H , AT WOOD ,
Plnttsmonth , Neb.
< 8 n of thcrtoughbrnd and high grade
"oro/o / d and Jersey Cattle , '
Acd Pnroo and Jorwr Htd Bwins.
BuooeuBons TO Jona G. JAOOBH. Chlci
si. r
[ In
tht old etnHill funita St. OniMif \ Mo- And
h oldUxl ! uid promptly uttuideU to. " " '
WI ) , a
Th > M
hn a po > ltlT tnttiw lot tht ibortilli < M | br lit to pi *
itinaiandiof cu f fltiv woiti kind miil ( > f louq a B. i
lUaaBClmf ! bfr > LU ed. lntl < l , ottrnnEUiiirralih 0 ,
< tnc > rTiK > ti wi t ixmirvro iiorr/.Ki I'HI-IS , U.UII
O Al
rree from Oilil , " , Kindles unit
Ter Conte't ' * , ere Thn > nt Hoar curpA * Influrhtf *
Cnli ) > . ItrnnolillK t'roupVlionplnz COIIE > I ,
Attlima , lluln * , 1'iilntitn elicit , nilotb
ITlliin i > f tn Throat " I Itinir .
l"rtcc fill cent fi bottle bold hy Drncelfts nd r K
er > AtrH'J warlMfM Inrl'iff Ifirtfrteater ftfrompt.'v
gt I itfor llt > itetlt rf' . n ftira boUlttKtpre cf < artii
i'.l , by x , ndinv pnetlollar M
HIE nuittis A.rncrirn ( nnrixr ,
8311 llo-rl n I > l > nuUlarrni. .
t Hlaot ( . . MiriUnA.C.1 * .
I Hi * * p " m * - ipLjg * rai n H n
I'romntnr' Trrlnn ) fromrrronorMrrwii ,
' , nitr moi .iUi ) esof tli < > Ulilnrrn , Itlnil-
In r. nnd ProMnlo ( ilnnil fUHHI * nlllmnt
UomnehMfdlclntsbythfl Jlnrnlnn Holm. Vn-
' " ' ( irniocorwIuithontRurcrrv , Treatise uric ! lo -
lonmiid'cr. All porrnspotiilciirornnnclontlM.
. .
[ I UBiMWillW M QUW H M M b J * H WH. * v
Thn Original ntiil Only Jciutliie.
ftf an/atwv" llrlUII . llowRreof irfirtlilr l > nltAttoni.
In ll-i > cn < l.lo In LADIES. A l. ) onr llrlircl | t M
"Clilclir tcrVlTn U li 'mil ( Me noclhcr , < > r Inilo-o 4 .
( ptKnii ) ) to tit for 1'irllculnrs 1n Itttfr by return litiilu
NAME PAPER. lhlJi.trrCli iilri l CW
UUlttMuJliiuii Huiiuro , I'hlUi ! . , ! .
Veterinary Specifics
Cure Diseases of
Horses , Cattle , Sheep
In use for over 20 years by Fanners ,
Stockbreeders , Horse It. It. , io.
Used by U. S. Government.
Mounted on Boilers & Cook Mailed Tree.
HompIircj.'UcJ. Co. , 109 Kullou Bt. , JV. Y.
Humphreys' Homeopathic
In nso 30 yi-aw. Tlio only cuccoiaful remedy for
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
Rnd Prostration , from over-work or other causnii.
Jfl perTl l.or4Tl ] siind larco vial powder , for J5.
SOLD MY Tia'nmsTs.or ont postpaid on receipt of
. AddrcMIIiniililirey < i > lloillouiiatlilo
IodlciiioCa..lU'jVultuiiht..AoivYuic. '
REMEDY FncE. A victim of youtlifuHmnrudcnco
causing 1'rcmnturo Uccny , Nonous Dobilil ) , Ixjet
Atnnhood , .to. , b&vinK tried in vain every Known
roinGdy.haBdiscovered npimploinennaof 8olf-curoa
uhlch ho will pnnd rHlIi ] to his fvllow-RulTprcrs.
Address , J.lUlliK VDb. 13 CUatlmm bU.Now York.
Boston , Mann. . OI.DK.ST tn Amtrte * ) LnrKeit
and UBitIkinlpu xllnUW\VOKl.I > lOOlratrucU
on. 1071 Stndtau uut rrar. Tborotuch Inttrnctlaa a\
Vocal and Initrnmenlal Jlnil * , rTAno and Organ Toita
IJU , rina AxU , Oratory , LIKnUnra , > nnch , Ocrmoa.
nd lUIUn Lanrn cri , Kngllib Urnoebri. arranutlgy
cte. Tuition , $4 to t'JOi board and room , O ta 7
per term. Fall Tarm brftat Bepumbcria , 18M.
Lii trat J Calendar , clrlnr fufl Information
i. tTOUKJK.B.DJt. . JTnmUla 6 < U BOS
Council Bluffs
and Chicago
Theou to tku for Dea Uolnoa. Ifurslull
, Oodir Itapldj , Clinton , Dixie , Chloniro , MU
mkc-e and all polaU eaut. To the people ol No
aska , Colorado , Wyomlcg , Utah , Idaho , Naiada
egon , WaahluKton and California It odors superior
vaotagci not poitlblo by any other line ,
Among a few of the nnmeroui points ol superior.
eojojed i by tha patron * o ( this road between
naha and Chicago , u * Iti two train ! a day of DAr
lAUHES which are the flues * tbit human art and
uenulty can create ; Ita PALACE SLKKPINQ OAKfl
ilch are models of comfort and elegance ; Ita PAU
DRAWING itOOil Cilia , un8ur | > B3 d by any
ill : widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAILfl
equal of which cannot be fouod ebowbere.
Couaoll Illutfi the trains of the Union Pacing
connect i In Union Depot with tboi * of tk * Ohlca
NorthwMtoru Ry IaOblnao ) tbe trami of thli
make i cloae oonnoctlo * with thcxw of all eaateru
Dttrolt , Oolnmbui , IndUnapoll * . OlDclnnalt.
'Kara Fadg , Ouffalo , PllUbunr , Toronto , Montreal
eton , New York , Philadelphia , Ballliaore , Wath.
ton and all poInU In the Katt. Mk the Uckel
for tlckeU ) via tht
wlun the b it acoommoditloDV. All Heir i
mts Bell tlckiti ri Hit lint.
lucrU Manager ,
ffK. BiBOOOK ,
Can UlirornamBL , Omiia , NB b.
& St
Icaflo. Mlnnoapolle. Milwaukee
Paul , Cedar Hapldf , Davenport
° J'1 ' , , Bnbuque , Jlookford ,
Islanil , Krcejxjrt , I UMvillo ,
, Mftdiaon , 14 Orone
, Wiuoua ,
all other Imiortat ) point * Kant , North'
cketoinooktHOl K.inun tttotk ( l I'utun Ha
and at Unlou Pactflo i * po .
ullnuntlee ii na Ihu fiou Wulwf Oir la
WmM art run on tooualn HUM of the Cuicieo
wiuui & at. l'/ct It'r aad erory attoutlen U nakj
iuonisvn bycotutoovu tiaployot of Oieoompuir.
HEUUILt , , A. V.Tl. 041tPKNTKlSrr
Oeaoral Itanaztr , Qto'l I' * . ui Autni.
HLLKll , QBO. r. HK4.TOUD ,
Aa.'l i Oen'l Uantger. ' '