TJBLE Tuesilay Morning , September 1 , LOOAL BEEVITIES , The examination of teachers In the city schools passed off successfully yesterday. M , J. Oreery , Union FaciGo passenger agent at the transfer , is a happy father. The llttlo one arrived Sunday , Mrs. II. M , Whltmoro is bmlding two handsome residences on Nineteenth street near Webster to coit $0,500. II. B Willis , mayor of Elgin , Ills , is in the city the guest of his old friend , Mr. Hugh Murphy , the well-known contractor. The bouloraid committee is to hold n meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock , at the office of Morse & Brunnor , in the Faxton block. Iluah 0. Ilonnlo , of North Flatte , and Mlsa Ella Brofoe , of Grand Island , wore mar ried on Sabbath afternoon , Aug. 30 , in this city by llsv. Charles W. Savldge. The Third congregational church and Sabbath school hold their picnio in irons- corn's park next Thursday afternoon , Septem ber 3d. All friends nro cordially invited , The clothing store of Peterson , Tenth and Lenvonirorth streets , was robbed early yes terday morning. The thieves effected an en trance by breaking in a roar window Aboul $40 worth of goods were taken. A great event in Jewish circles this week will be the marriage on Wednesday ovenlnp of Mr. Iko Now to Miss lUhol Newman. The ceremony takes place at the synagogue al 7 o'clock and will be followed by a reception at the houio. Grouch & Mead , a gensral merchandise firm of Harvard , Neb. , sold out Saturday , leaving numerous debts , It is believed , The Omaha trade which comprises the heaviest creditors sent legal representatives to the scene yesterday , An exciting runaway occurred on Tenth street near the crossing about 8 o'clock last evening , A horse attached to a buggy dashed up the street , scattering things in a lively manner. At Ilarney street the horse turned west , and was still tunning nt last accounts. The cricket match which was to have been played Saturday afternoon on the artil lery grounds at the fort , did not coma off , owing to the failure of the Omaha team to ap pear. The High school bays were promptly on tli9 grounds and when it bcc me evident that the others wore not coming , they played a scrub gima with an eleven mido up by th ) soldier ? . The following startling item wag commu nicated to tha BEE : "A young lady residing on Iserlh Saventoenth street , loss than a dozen blocka from California street , had a very nar row OECICO from breaking her neck last night. Sbo WAS at the top of a long steep flight of stain when the made a misstep and ruddenly she went down to the bottom , and stranxo to say she eacaped > without a ccratch , but mur mured to herself , 'I ' might have broken my neck. ' A. A , Welch , of Wayne , is in the city. Fred Flodman , of Wahoo , is at the Faxtan. G. If. Kinzol , of Creston , Iowa , is at the "Millard. John G. Nordgron , of Chapman , Neb , is a Faxton guest , Dr. N. D. Clark , of North Platte , spent yesterday in the city , A. J. Galloway , wife and daughter , of Nor folk , are at the Millard , Joseph Hollman , of Emerson , is in tbo city , stopping at the Faxton. 0. W. Thomas and A. D. Sears , o ! Grand Island , are at the Faxton. James Mountain and Robert Marsh re turned from a western trip last evening , Hon. John M. Thayer spent yesterday in the city , and left last evening for Grand Island. Miss Ida K. Greonlos , a teacher in the city schools of Indianapolis , Indiana , is visiting friends in Omaha , George M. Leathers and family , and M. S , Bullich and family , of Maploton , Iowa , are guests at the Millard , At the Metropolitan Charles McLaod , Wayne ; Miss Anna Young , Grand Island ; Robert Long , David Buik , James Doyle , Theodore Vance , Crete ; 0. F , Curtis and wife , Hustings ; 0 W Smith and family , Co- lumbuj ; I 0 Ellen , Blair ; Henry Clark , Plain- view ; John Armstrong , Lincoln ; H 0 Mo- Clellan , Seward ; Mar White , Lyon , Nob. ; W W Morgan , Sidney , Iowa ; H Cory , Hendor- son , Iowa ; B K Ohurohtll , Chicago ; M Patter , won , Plttsbnrg ; J D Dunear , James L Les , Chicago ; H D Palmer , Kansas City , Mo. ; G B Cole , Pacific Junction , Iowa ; Oacar Mor gan , Thompson , Ot. ; P M Golden , Laramla City , Wyo. Rail Notes. Train No. 17 ( freight ) on the Union Pacific , yofltordsy morning broke in two near Gllmoro. The rear part ran down the Incline , and "catching up" with the front section r&n into it. Flvo or elx cars had drawhoada broken. Nobody was hurt. General Manager Callaway of the Union Pacific baa returned from Colorado rado , A Union Paoiflo locomotlvo ran oil the track nt MOB delation Sunday , fortuuut- ly without damigo. t E. P. Rlploy , general freight agent cf ho O. , B. & Q , Is In the city. J. R. Uuotisusu , general passenger agent of the Slouc City & Pacifilo Is in tbo city. Win Daxtor , of Chicago , and party of gentlemen , pieaed through Omaha this morning in Hannibal & St. Joa special out "Lycomlug" on thtir way west on a hunting expedition , Col. H , B. Ssott of Burlington oimo in yesterday morning. PILES ! ! PILES ! ! PILES ! ! ! A sure euro for Blind. Bleeding , Itching and Ulcerated Piles has boon discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr. Williams' Indian File Ointment. A single box ha cured the worst cbronio cases of 25 or 80 jears standing. No one need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lutloua and instruments do inoro harm than good , Williams1 Indian Pile Ointment absorb ) thtt tumors , allays the inU'iwo itching , ( particularly at night alter gutting warm in bed ) , ucti a a poultice , gives iiutaut relief , and U prepared only for Piles , iuhlngof private piru , an ! for uothlog eUe , ; 1UN 1)1 SiASKS CUUKD Dr , Trailer's Mugio Ointment , Ourea as by magic , Pimpiul.Uluck Heads or LGrubj the lotciea and Kruptloiie on tbo face , leaving Su'.Ukm ' clear and beautiful , Aluocurea itch , old , Khuiuu , Sara Nipples , Bore Lips , and ObstiURta Ulcora , Hold by droughts , or mailed on receipt of CO cents. Ketallcd by Kuhn & Co , and Sehrootcr & Eccht , At wholesale by 0,1' . Goodman , THE PASTOR'S ' FAREWELL , The KxorcUoa ot JjOfcvc-TftklnR at the First Til. II , Cliurch Upon ROT , a vlrtgo'fl Itctlremont. The hrowell sorelcos attendant upon the retirement of Rev. 0. W. Savidgo from his three years pastorate of the First MethodUt church , occurred Sunday morning and ovonlog. A largo congre gation filled the churoh In the morning , and the pastor delivered his farewell ser mon , an eloquent and touching tddross , which in the roipcot and love of his auditors , was received most Imprccsively. The evening was devoted to the chill dren , and the church was filled to the doors beyond'atandlng'room. The exorcises ' cises , in the first part , 'consisted of reci tations and musical efforts. The pastor then made his farewell address - dross to the children , In words touched with much feeling. Ho said that both In Omaha and through * ont his experience as a minister the children's words and actions had boon of an much encouragement to him ns the kindly assistance of more mature people. At the conclusion of his remarks ho was presented with a bountiful floral harp In white and rod blossoms , from the hands of little Miss Weston , in behalf of the infant clues. The clats of little girls tendered Us tiibuto in the form of a beautiful poem , written by John F. Stnloy and read by bis llttla daughter Maud. The pastor acknowledged these briefly. Rav. Mr. Halnes , on behalf ; of the church , delivered the farewell remarks , in which ho called to mind the disadvan tages which the pastor had mot and over come , with what energy and success ho had performed the duties of the pastor ate , oven to the smallest detail , and presented sontod the complimentary facts thai whereas , upon his accasaion to the charge , the congregation had numbered bat ono hundred , ho loft It now wltn a member ship of more than throe hundred. Rev. Savidgo leaves Wednesday noxl for the north Nebraska conference , whither he has been transferred , and where Bishop Andrews will assign him his field of work. AGAIN WARNED , Marshal Oummlngs Receives a Second end MlBslvo from Hia Guar dian Angel , Marshal Oummlnga has roccivodanothor latter from the mysterious party who waste to have transferred him to the happy hunting grounds a vrook ago , but failed to do BO. The writer apologlzss for his failure to keep the agreement , as ho wai "unavoidably detained by some of the heavenly throng. " The writer continues and ssyt : "I was in cloao communion with my poor frload , Oharles J. Gultoan , yester day for an hour , and ho told mo many things for your benefit which I will dis- closs at our meeting which will surely take placj Friday at 11:10 : p. m. Do not fail as so much Is at stake. I also heir you want a detective. If this is true , why not hlio me ? I am your friend. It's true I luvo but ono eye , in the cantor of my forehead , but that eye can take in more In one eocond than any human beluga in a year. My eye is crooked , Some fools say It looks like Satan's eye. Vila wretches ! They laugh , hut their laughing will soon bejcbanged Into weeping aud gnashing of teeth. Woo be unto them whoa I get after them , I hoar uneasy whisperings among an gels. They may bo offended with poor mo. I must go. Adieu. Youu GUARDIAN AKOEL. P. S I have a plan formed for carry ing Mayor Boyd to heaven aho. I will disoloao It to you when wo msot. " Owing to the iallnre of his "guardian angel's" former plan , Marshal Onmmlngs is not in the least alarmed about the pres ent ono. If it h carried out , however , ho intends to pray his heavenly visitor to HO- cure Mayor Boyd for company , in order that they may enter the heavenly gates together. TOUGHS IN TOWN , Tbo rolled Determined to Drive _ TIiem Out Before Fair Time. "We'll give you reporters something to write about In a day or two now , remarked Marshal Oammlngs to a BEE mm last evening. "It has been very quiet lately , but Us nearly fair time now , and already crooks and toughs have begun to swarm into the city. The police have spotted a good many of them. Among the number of are rogues of all dessrlp- tions pickpockets , sneak thieves , ojnli- denca men , gamblers and crooks. Almost ill of them are strangers in the city , this being their initial appearance , but oc casionally wo see the familiar faoo of some old offender who has returned after a protracted absence to work the fair. "They won't have euah on easy time of It , though , as they anticipate. We have got all the men on the force prepared - pared for thorn , and are keeping close watch of all suspicious characters. Bo- fora iho fair commences wo are going to have a grand roand-up , and expect to make a big haul. We'll make the city so hot for them that they'll be only to jlad to leave. You can depend on it that during fair week Omaha will ba as free from toughs ai it over has been. The rascali think they are keeping shady and that the polloo do not know them. If they stay in town , though , they will find out to their sorrow row how badly they are mistaken " That the marth il Is In earnest about tbo matter there can be no doubt. Not only Imported , but local criminal talent will have to leave the city of their own accord or else ba driven out. The authorltlni are bound to have good order and ample protection for properly during the fair , ind crooks and tongba will receive no me ray at their hands. The HU"k FJ i ; System. "Oar signal station Is now equipped to iuntah Omaha and the vicinity with full news abouttho cold waves , " sild Mr , Pol ook , chief observer , to a reportar yester day. "Wo hiva sioarei oar blao't flig ram Washington , and ara prepared to lolst U upon a moment's notice from the [ ovornmeut building. Wo hive orders .0 . dlspUy when Intelllgonoo Is reoalred rom Washington that the tarnparature Is going to fill to 45 ° or less. When the temperature falls 20 = but still does not reich 45 ° , wo are ordered to announoa i the of 'oiol i' in approach a wav < our weathir objervatlons. Yes , this black lig system will ba need throughout the entire state , there being fifty towns in- itna/r eluded on the line of the U. P. , B , & M. and Sioux City & Pacific. " This system , which is of course largely In vogue In the eastern state ; , Is tome- thing LOW la Nebraska. That It will' ' benefit the farmers and stockmen throughout thb state there can bo no doubt. Other classes of people not In iho buslncsi of stock raising or agricul ture , will also C3mo In for their share of advantages. EVIL FOE GOOD , A VOUPR M n KottmiB a Kindness byBtcixUnc from Ills Benefactor. Shottly before the Missouri Pacific train left the { Union Pacific depot last evening a man rushed wildly up the plat form gasping for breath , Aa ho came opposite ono of the car platforms ho sud denly made a dash for it. Another man , who had boon standing Idly on the cai steps , just as suddenly gave a bound and started on a run. "Stop hlml" yelled the first m n , but all was of no avail , for the factitive quickly disappeared in the darknots of tno yards. His pursuer was so badly blown by his run that .ho gave up the chnso and entered the car on the stops ofwhich th ( man had bcon standing. Ho examinee all the scats , and as his eye rested on two largo valises ho smiled in triumph , Ho quickly picked them up , and walking ont of the car deposited them or the depot platform. By this tlmo a crowd had gathered and an officer put in an appearance to find out the cause of the disturbance. The man with the valises , as soon as ho regained his breath , said that his name was Nols Anderson , and that one of the "grlpi1' belonged to him and had boon stolen from his room by a man who was rooming with him. Anderson Is i plasterer , and boards on the corner ol Sovcntcontii and Nicholas streets. L t week Frank Oastollo , u lather who had formerly been In Anderson's employ , airlved In Omaha frorr Kansjs City financially "busied.1 Anderson took him to his own room to sloop , and they have occupied It together slnco. List night , when Anderson re turned from work , ho found his room mate gene , and also his bjet suit o clothes , a lot oJ underclothing and his "grip" miising. He immediately inves tigated and found tbat they had baon taken by Oastollo. He at once gave ohast to hla recreant bod-follon , which resulted as above stated. Oastollo , In running away , lost his hat. which , together with the two valises , wera plaojd In charge of the depot master to await an owner. Army Notes. Battery D , Fourth art-llery - , slatted for Beatrice ycsteadoy to attend the veterans reunion. Lleuts. Hamilton and Coffin are In command. Reports from Fort Snolllng , Minn.sro to the etfict that the department of the Platlo team Is doing some fine shooting and is astonishing the boys of the de partment of Dakota. In the case of military convict Edward M. Moore ( formerly private comapny " 0 , " Fourth infantry ) , sentenced to bo dishonorably discharged from the sorvlca of the United States , and then to be con fined at hard hbor for six months , s : > much of the sentence of confinement ns rotmlns unexecuted September 5 ih , 1885 , is remitted , on the recommendation of his company and post commanders. In the OIBO of Private George Yatoj , Troop "F , " Ninth cavalry , sentenced to three months confinement and to fortel thirty dolUrs of his pay , so much of the sentence of confinement as remains nnex ecutod is remitted , on the reeommenda tlon of hla troop and post commanders. Fnmtly Fends , Judgo'.Selden was occupied yesterday in the trial of a peace warrant case which la ono of many interesting features. For a number of months nist there has been trouble botrroen the families of Fred T , Shlnrock and Willliam Mulhall resident on Tronty-firat and Nicholas streets This has croppad out in various waya , and If as alleged the family of Mr. Shin- rock has boon tbo aggrieved ono though this Mr. Mulhall denies. The case was on trial before Judge Sol den nearly all day , and will not bo fin ished in all probability for a day or two. Yostoraay the table of the lavryora was covered with email brickbats and other Implements of neighborly warfare , which it la said were thrown by the smaller members ot the Mulhall family at the children of the Shlnrock family. It Is also said that Mnlhall at ono time fired off a revolver for the purpose of frightening the Shinrcck's. Police Doclcot. The following caiea were disposed of by Judge Stenbsrg In the polloo court yesterday morning : D. W. Gatcsvillo , Charles Dorsoy , Henry Buroun , 0 , A , Nicholson , Oharles Bonell and James Davis , drunk and dis orderly. Dlcohargod. Bill Smith and John Todd , drunk and disorderly. $5 and costs. John Manns and John Kyle , drunk and disorderly , $1 and costs. John Flanuory , assault and bittory , ; wo complaints. § 5 and costs on each complaint. John Burnett and Thomas Burns , lar cony. Committed to the county jill for irlal. irlal.Minnie Minnie Mitchell , keeper of a dieoiderly lonso. $10 and costs. Six female and ivo male Inmates , $5 and costs each , Mr. Snffdrn , principal of the Musical Art institute of New York City , will ; lvo a lecture on the volca at 3 o'clock ; o day , a lesson on light singing at 7. itid a rehearsal at 8 p , m , at the United Presbyterian church , North Eighteenth street. All are cordially iavlted. For A88ftulilu . Cripple. A warrant was issued yesterday after noon for the arrest cf Mrs , J , Taylor , a iroman of considerable notoriety , for as saulting Mrs , Tlsher , a neighbor , and jeatlng her in a most cruel manner. Mrs. Taylor was brought before Judge toaberdf , who sentenced her to pty & fine of § 10 and costi. Mrs. Tiiber ii D small woman and badly crippled , while jor assailant is of Urge proportions , Thu raois was the result of a neighborhood ecanda1. Dlf.LI. MEEITAN-In this city Auzust 30 , at 12.45 , Thorns ) F , Heehan , axed 18 years. Tbo funeral will take place Wednesday , September 3 , at 0.30 a , m. , from the resi dence of bis sister , at 509 South Sixteenth street. Lincoln and Weeping Water papers please copy , OOMMIQSIONEKS , The Meeting of. tlio Donftlai Connty Fnthora. Board mot pursuant to adjournment Present , Commissioners O'Koeffe , Corlls and Timmo. The following acoonnis were allowed : noAD FUND , John Anthems , blacksmithtog for co. . , S G 41 Hiram Avery , on acct. road work. . . . 40 01 Hobt , Thonuen. work on road. . ID 0 < Arthur Goodell , grading 10 01 D. P , Kidman , work on bridge 18 00 Henry Rnserr , " "road 6025 G. Sautter , " " " 4 BO F. Wennett , " " " 8700 Jno. Sandier , ' 1050 Jno. Lemk . co. witness and mileage. . 3 2 ( Jno. B , Hollenbook. damage on road 125 01 0. A. Jensen , grading contract , . , . $1,000 00 OENEIUL FUND , Ira Smith , wit. fee June , 1885 $1800 W. S. Folkor , defending pris 2500 W. 8. Folker , assisting Dist. Ally 10 00 M ! , Ueneel , butter for poor farm 1 25 W , Heneel , tea for city poor 10 5 W. U. Sanford , wit. fee 400 F. J. Quoaley , soap for county Jail 4 25 W , F. Clarke , excess tax 400 W. F. Clark , kalsomlnlng , glazing , etc. 04 05 The contract for constructing the storm water sewer at the conrt honso was given to Charles Penning nt $033. A resolution was Adopted asking the mayor and city council to appoint a committee mittoo of aldermen to meet and confer with the county commissioners with the object of building a now work honso for the city and county prisoners. A Pucrlln Policeman , Several ludicrous Incidents have htoly boon whispered in certain circles regard Ing recent eeoipadoa which a well-known police oillcor has experienced. The Incl dents are not only ludicrous , but Imprce the idea upon an outsider that the sale officer is not exactly In the business for which ho was intended. It is related o him that ono night , recently , during a rain storm , ho sought the sheltorof a certain tain house which contains a number ol "lady boarders. " Neb wishing to dampen the costly cnrpota which covered the floors ho removed his rubber coat and hung it up on the porch to drip. This act was observed by ooma of the occupants of the house ant irhllo the officer was enjoying a pleaean toto-s-toto with the "ladies" the coat was removed and secreted. The constquonco was that the officer had to spend the bsl ancs of the night In the rain , wlthou any protecting "alicker , " and did no' ' dare complain. His coat still rcmilns in hiding , and the parties who concealed 1' refuse to tell wluro It is. The same officar was the victim , laj night , of a practical joke , perpetrated by some wag. A colored man , in search o a warrant , secured an order which rest about as followe : "I hereby give Col Frank Simms authority to bring the body cf Mrs. 0 to the city jitl for safi keeping until morning , for disturbing the psaco " The "nrarrnnt" was signed "A. J. Simpson , master in chancery. ' Col. Simms presented the warrau to the officer , who Immediately pro oodod to execute- . He called r.t the lady's residence and told her that ho hat a warrant for her arrest , She , however refused to accompany him , and lockec the door In his f ca. The officer dec'.det ' to take counsel In the matter , and cillec upon two gentlemen to find out if ho hai a right to break In the door and take her prisoner by lore ? . After carefully in spooling the "warrjmV the gentlemen as gently as they onld , broke the Intel ligence to tbu ofli : ar that ho had been dnpsd. A Sick aian'd Preatf , Peter Thueoen , a victim of a severe case of typhoid-malarial favor , created a sensation early yesterday noon in SI1 Jozoph'a hospital such as the pBactfu precincts of that great eanltatium seldom witness. Ho was In a ward on the fire fbor and attended by ono of th ministering sisters of the night watch. I call from up staira took the watches away for a moment , wl on Thueson took it into his delirious brain to escape. Ho bound ed from bed , rushed from the ward am in the hallway sprang through a window busting out sash , Rises and oil , to the ground. Alighting safely ha sped ou' through the darkness , the white skirts o his night robes streaming behind him in the wind. This morninc ; a police man brought him back , much enfeoblee and suffering from an ugly gash acroes his shin which ho donbtlets received in breaking through the window. The man had gene directly to his homo In the south end , where bo had taken rofogo in a hay mow. This performance may cost him his Ufa , &u 119 was already a very sick man. A Counterfeiter Caught. Sunday afternoon Office Turnbull and Cormlck were summoned by telephone - phone to a saloon on the c ( rner of Tenth and Jones , whore It was fi und two fol lows trero trying to p is counterfeit money. Both fsllovro esc led , however , before the arrival of the of toors and ran down to the Slavenhomo whither they wera hotly pursued by the officers. Ono of them , John Heeny , ran out of the 3Iaven house and dodsott ider a plat form next to Paxton & Go ) iqhor's whole- silo establishment , whore ho remained until dlslcdgtd by Cormk.c who drove ilm Into Tnrnbuli'a arms. 3o is now In all awaiting trial. Funeral lUn " . The funeral of Martin T flor , sou of F. H. Taylor , of West Ooulja , took place Sunday afternoon and wts largely at- endea by the friends and relatives of the deceased. The deceased was boin and raff , d In Ooiaha , where ho was highly esteetj-d as a young man o ( great promhe. Horent out to Northwest Nebraska some \ nars ao and eftUblithod a homo for hiu ialf. le rant with his death , ns alraady nion- .loned . In thoiecolumns , by falling OB inst a aw In a mill , Ivlngut In to horri lo a manner that ho died In a short tlmo hereafter. _ _ _ _ The Injunction Suit. The injunction suit brought by TMr- eentli street property owners to nre\ont he paving of that thoroughfare with Uol orado sandstone , caino up for a hearing leforo Judge Neville yesterday. Noth- ng tras done , however , BB the city iled some papers , which the attorneys or the Injnnctloniita desired to exmilne. rho CAB comes up for a hearing Ills morning. boat Ilia laioro. Mag Johnson , a very dinky daughter of H m , peered disconsolately through the burs of the female cell in tbo city jail yatterday. "Won't tell younoihiog 'bout hai I'eo ' been doing , " sHe > s&U sullenly. "None yo'r blznesi U I Is arrested , " Rl g , it appear * , had robbed a Germui named Henry Stlnkmeyor of $20 Sunday night. She has the reputation of being clover thief. COMP IB said to ba the life of trade , and o\ery little helps along. Tf.fs mn ter Las heen fully demonsrated ! since the fusb oponiug o iho Only Misfit Clothing Pnrlora , for Uicy lm\o knocked the hottom out. of Ir'gh tariffs and com petitois feel As they find 10 way to compete for the lead in supplying the public Tvitli their c1olhi gnnd clearly realize that the Mi fit Parlors hove gained tbo load , aud looks as if they were holdu 5 tin ir own. JJo * reafon ' & for they have the goods , equal to any end surpEssed by none. People who visit the Parlors really substantiate thpso facts , and it is reasonable to fay that three-fifths of the clothing sold m Omaha to-day comes fr. m the Misfit Parlois , 1119 Farnam St. . whore the -p JL Is seen d&ily from morning until night , what business is doro in the clothing trade in Omaha , for the Par lors don't wony about That \ others ore doing. They have on tyo to business a'ld attend strictly to business a one. This The one great secret of success. No man c n soy ho ever linew a successful man who neglfctod his business to attend to some ono elses. IE you wish to purchase a Coat , Vest , Pantaloons , Coat and Vest , Suit , or au Overcoat , purely merchant tailor made , cheaper than the cheapest , and equal to any , visit OMAHA'S PIUDK for ifc is sail that if man can be suited at all in style , quality and price , it is 1119 FAKSfAM STREET , 1119 , JL JL r A New Concern. The Churchill Pump Manufacturing company of Cjuncll Blufh will ahorilj rotnovo tothla city and engage a location on Ilarney street. The concern h well established and is rated high. Mr. B. V Lowls , the chief stockholder and mana ger , intends to move Lore with hh family. &bsoiutey ! Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol purity , trcnjitn and wticletcmcnees. More economical than he ordinary binds , and cannot ba fold In compctl- Ion with tbetmuUitudo cl low test , ebort weight tad cf phosDhttepovdcra Bold orlv In etna IOYAL BAKING BOWDER CO. 100 Wall etaoet , N Y Apollinaris NATURAL MINERAL WATER "Issues from a spring deeply tintcdded in a rock , and is therefort of ABSOLUTE ORGANIC PURITY. " Oscar Licbrelch , Kegitti Fro/esso } , U'lt'irsitv cf Berlin , " The only nwer safe for tJis traveller ( o drink is i NATURAL MINERAL WATtiR" Sir Henry Thompson , F.R.C.S. l.ond. England. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. OfallGrcctrt , Dntgfitltti > t Sftn , Wat , DC aim. OF IMITATIONS. ALL OOU. IKSPOND- SKT3 MUST JN 0 L 0 S E | iTAMP lEI'LY. Bevonteon years Experience , leader ol DUciaoi of lien ni Women. Ecleotilc , dagnotlo tud If erbillet I'hyeHMi Now located at 1210 DouuUe 8t Omaba , Neb. , up Btalra t correct dliitnosU Riven without any expU&atloo torn the patluil. Gongultatlon free at ollioe. r Treat the Following Diseases. Catarrh ol the Head. Dlifse of tbe Eye ud Car. llefut DU < > ae , Liver Complilrt , KUacy Com- lamt.Ncnou l DcblHtv , Mental Depromlon , I/wiof lanhood , Dlabetee , Ilrlght'a Ulatane , Ei Vitne lance , Itheumat'am , I'.rulyeh , White Bwtlllcgi icrofula , Feur Borea. Oanccru and Tumoii remove oJ without the knife , or tbo drawing of a drop ( I blooj , Woman , with her dellca'e wgan , Hectored tu ICAlth , Dropey Cured Without Tapplnjf , Spcclil Attention Uivtu to Citrate end. Venereal Dljoiaoiol til Kinds , Tape Worms Keuuxcd In two or thri ioun or No Hay , Ilemmorroolda or Files Cured. 01 o Charges' Hade. ThoMi hoare afflicta ! will tave ll'e and hua. -IrcJ - , BerbUuedlu UNIVEHSITY OF flOTRE DAME , DIBD'H EiK VIEW , The Eighty-Third Session will Open on TUESDAY SEP. 8. FULL COUHSKS IN C/ass/cs , Law , Sciences , Mathematics , Music , and a Thorough Com mercial Course. S3T Spo lal aihantoees are offers I lostudfntB of the LAW DurABTMRXT. bT. KOWAhDS IIAtid , for ho > s under 13 yo i > , la unique in dc'lgu anil In tbo completeness of It equipment * . Catalogues Khliig full particulars , edit on application. HEV. T , E. WAISII , C. S. 0. , President , Notre Dame , Indiacn , ESTABLISHED , 1865 - Sinportet'8 anil Wholesale Dealers in Just Received , a full line of Goods , prim © emalitv , wMoli were spe cially selected fov our Mr.Mas If ever in Europe for our own trade. A OKNKItAIi ASSORTMENT OP W < ioo Meyer & Con Ottiuha , Neb Notice ! Notion ! Notice THE MAGNETIC HEALER , To Ml wtui a'o dfcoipol or anUctecl nt > matter how Ion ; tbe bunding ; ojmo ircl lj hralJ Korailo Mt cucswlifjo muiiciutg liave lailuj to give relltf , airneolaUjjoomaonc , couw all mii to liealaj hy the Ua netlb&Ur , tba only BuroefCii'e fiooi aujrfMs cade. For < inlufttloa , i ur oba tfeiarojl. lor mob troUnv'ct , or vibiUtl-jtu 92 ; tertux strictly cusi , j n. PAQELA.R , Ktrtb S'ata 6U , ooo aJt wiutcl 1'air Urcncdt ItEMCDY 1'iiEE. Ai Ictlra of youtbf al iiniirudenco cauklni ; I'rcmlturo Iec y. Nervou l ) billtr , I/ut iliabood. 4c , ba > lne tried In tain erory known reniedyha dl xTi > reda.iilnpleianantof [ . ellur , wblcb be Hill > fnd HIKK toliln fi > llowuflferen. . tblu JL'J ® WHOLESALE Car o ( California late Perot , iluo Saturday , August 29 , Oar of Califi rnla 1'eara , tu , Orapta , ard I'lumi , due Monday , Au uit 31 , Ponlonler > oarlv as fruit ia closed upon nr/iviil , Ptu eltli < J n fill U. AJdrtu DR. WARD A CO.i LOUISIANA , HO.