Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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TUB Arracaeinont ol Vie Fair GrannJs
Annual Qonolavo of the Knighta
ofPjtbiaainThisOity ,
Tlio t'--olmblo flttonflftiioo nt Vnttous
Falru Iioual Notes * ntl Per
sonals ,
The Ute fnir niioclatlon his nmplo roaaon
to fed proud of its grounds , and there is n
preit doil ot doubt whether they could bo im-
prflvo.1 on for natural baiuty nod loca'.ion
unytvlioro ID the oiuntry.
Throuh the oourtory of 0. M Driue , Hi
n DEB reporter h % ] Iho ple auro of vioirlng
tha groumla. Tha location ii delightful , the
principal building ! being upon A high knoll of
cround which overlooki tli'i balance of the
rnclosuro. A. higb. subitntititl fenc3 encloses
110 ceres. Upon the ono tide run ) the Anto-
} nt , whiloupon tha oppogilo eldo the classic
Salt crcok creeps slowly along. The speed
ilnf | has been pus In ozco.lent
fbape , und this feature of the fair will com
mand tha oloim Attention of nil vlait ) , Thaio
Iui\o nlrcndy been aver tnnnty eutrios for the
upci-d department , nnd in my more are ex
pected. Afino nniplthoaU' ) has beonj built ,
wHsh will atlurd ample einfj ! caplcity for
ovtr3,0 OpiiBots. This itractnre is one of
the most &ubjtimti l In the country , the tim-
barn tupporting the BUI frstructma bsiug
lunvy and cloiely knit tog < h r.
To the east an t soul i of tin tr.Ic ouy
number of people cou'dv ' ! nc.-s n rcd upjn
the track , m the ground la high and com-
rntinds A full vtov of tao curB3 all the xray
tround. ' Coniin ? to tha buljdlngs
nil of which nro just receiving Iho liaiahlng ,
touches at the hands of thi workman , the urt
hall is most noticeable. Thin bulldltig ii now
and was put up at n cast of several thoimnj
doiHra , It is ons hundred and ol 'hlr font
lung each way and U about sixty feet wida , It
U linuly liirhud and ventilated and will Invo
n tuatcned board floor throughout Tlio at .te
full commlstloii has space in this bullJiog and
will make a splendid oxhiuit ,
Horticultural hall is n commodious nffilr ,
onohuadred aid fifty foot by tweuty-eiph :
feet , with a wing seventy-live feat long. It Is
freshly painted and repaired , bsing male aa
Kood us now. Floral hall is n pratty building
which with the wlnga hai u distance each war
of 130 feet. In the center cf thli building
will bo placed a correct copy uf the Lhrtholai
statue , tli ? same ono which wjfl exhibitoJ nt
Now Odjann. Ono of the most prominent
features of the grounds itro the ncjommo-
datloua for all kinds of stock.
There nro 1GO box stalls for Bttl lotu and
jacks. Thay are framed out o woll-nsasjned
lumber , too upright posts bsing red cedar ,
brought from TOUEOIECP , The stalls are well-
voutilatnd , nnd resemble more the onnplota
oi > ttbli hment of well-rcguUtod stuck farm
than a talr grounds Next to the box stalls
are 150 opni Ktulla for horssf , colts aud other
animals , The open stalls uru the satna t\M as
tha closed ernes , and are as good aa could ba
p.BSible. Ilunnmg along in front of these
bulldmRB will bi a water m iin , tapped every
twenty foot by a hydrant , which will bn for
the convenience of the hostlers aud olhva
having the stock in charge. Lylnz
to the north and eiut llmita uf
the grounds are 300 cUtlo sheds , notcty cia-
Btructad nod very convenient in v ty ro-
spoet. There will b.i aoven water tinkiwitl
wind mllis scattfrod o\vr the uroundj whora-
ever needed. Thorn will be 3JO sheep and
300 hog psn , all Iborud and ma-Jo In th'i
mostappovod manner ,
The speed stable * will ncsommodata ICO
horse' , nnd from pronent indications they
will be well filled with good fast animiU
Besides the balldingi already nnutlonod , the
managers are putting up a commodious poul
try house and ft power building which will fur-
ntsh mo the power for any uumb.'r uf ma
chines. A largo engine will ba put in and
plenty of spice allotted Jn tha power bulldin ?
tj any pardon deairouj tf exhibiting.
Several exhibitors will pu' up their own
building ] nnd there will ba allao _ of rafrosh-
ment biotha clotr around the uuin building.
la the largo room iv system of checking will
ba put In operation BD that any ono wUhing to
have bagenga or othtr parcels takin care of
can leave thorn In charge of an atloudaut with
perfect safety. Largo refrigerators will bj
euppllod BO that parties desiring to carry thsir
own lunch may keep it fresh and nice.
The ollicera building baa boon repaired and
newly painted so that it is as good'as now.Q
Tha approaches to the fair erounds are now
in an advancad Rtate of completion. Six
tetnUi strset will b3 the principal road leadIng -
Ing to the grounde , and that is in splended
condition , iiicoly graded and rolled , There
nro two other roads that will overcome any
jim tint mteht occur if there was bat ono
road to the fair The B & M , company will
run trains every twenty mmutoi , and the faro
will ba twenty-five cents for both wavt > , There
will bo plenty of all classes of convevancoi ,
which will make modorata charges. Krery-
thing points towards a moit euocejslul ex
hibition , and the managers are doing every
thing in their power to makj it such Cer
tainly the element ! towards such an end are
all hero , and thera Is no doubt that U will
reallr.3 the bast wishes of tin most en-
Tha IJ. & M. camp my la making an eati-
ma',0 on Iho pr.ib.iblo attandanca of poop'o
living ia towus oa its lines In tha stnt ? , mora
oipocihlly south of the Platta river , to the
state fair at Lincoln , tin G , A. R reunion at
Untried and tha reposition nt Omaru , The
towns already eatiraited nraGibaon , Bellevue ,
h LaPJatto , Oreaplis , Plattmouth , Concord ,
Cedar Creek , Lou'avillo , Son'h Bond , Anh-
Uud , Greenwood , Wavjrly , Nov/ton , Orote ,
Wilbur , DiWltr , Oaldwnll , Putnam. Wymoro ,
Denton , Baku , Dorchester , Friend , Kxeter ,
Fa'rmonl ' , Grafton , Sutton , Sarouvllle ,
Harvard Inland , Junlat ? , Kfnesrtw ,
Lowill , Newark , Aurora , IMaiquBtto.Duubnr ,
Turlington , Bvr cu o , Unadillu. Palmyra ,
Bonnet ! , AVaco. York , Hampton , Phillips and
Aurora. Tha list , of oourso , la not yet cjin-
pieto , and oven those town * hero given will
undoubtedly turn out more than U yet
pi yen The number now given is
that which In certain to attend Lincoln , Bo-
ntrloa and Oimha. Lincoln heads the liat
with G.OOOt Beatrice G , A. R reunion Is put
d iwn at00 , wli'lo Omaha cornea in for
1,300 froiuthoto South Platte towns herd
The Koifilita of Pythias of Lincoln are
busy ROttlrcr ready far tha grand state con
mr- clave which will ba held In thin city the
L second week In October. Tfn prospect ! are
M > ttjrin ? and tbo attendance of knighta will
in the largest ever In Nebraska or the states
uJ ] cent to it.
Tna Lincoln lodgna will offer prize * for
ilrilllDp ; BRgreRatlDfr SJ.CO1 , while the grand
lodRO givra Die reguUr prlzot , Mnouutlug to
851) ) . ) , nuking S 'O ' ? , to bo compstad for ,
Invitations bavo boon sent out t ) various
lodges in Iowa , Ktutat , M'suuri ' and Col
orado , and several , among which are
ones front Atchlson aud Topcka ,
have already slgnlGoJ their Intention of coin
ing. Thorn will tu twenty uniformed bind *
in ftt'.acd nu which willfurnlihan abuudanco
of muilo for the conclave. It Ii not gen
erally known that the Ilajtinga lodge , K , of
1' , , hive A ten J of their own. It u In gi.od
timctlce and nuinlu > m several fcue mtmciaus.
The Lttco'n uniformed rank lodge is in acthe
drill uud the membiun expect to carry away a
lumber ol the honors nf the annual conclava ,
Twenty-two electric lights have been con-
Irjcted ; for by tlieclty to t ! > la the place ol
the present gas latnpi. Tno wires are belne
etiuog , &nd several of the larnpj have been
put Into poahiou. They are placed at the iu-
terteclioni of the streeU , hUh enough above
the ground to ( had their light on all objuati
around , It is expected that each light wil
bo sufUslent for four blocks , but if It U found
that Iho iminbir U to smill , tuora will hi
added , This electric llohtln Is a new departure
parturo la Nebraska , and there ure a number
of towns waltnm ( he result of the Liao In
experiment belora they trv it. The cost will
ba tin HAIIIO t > KS , and it ii thought bitter
Mtttfacttuii begivru ,
H11011T ITf UB ,
Gin , Mali tl la and A , J. Sawyer , Eiq , vril
laiva ta-dy for thn north west > rn water-way
cjareatloa at Si. P ul < Ia uJ dition to thei
two gentlemen Me' rs Geri > , Clatk and M o-
farland were appr .rated by the governor on tha
Nebraska delogr ton bnt thay were unable to
Attend ,
Banator V s ri Wjck wai in Lincoln ytster-
day for n ctw hmta on hi way Irom Nabraska
Oity to. Oraaho.
HfcouroewBtreot c\rs for tha Lincoln city
f i'T.t ' > Mt have arrived and it la probible that
tK y will bo started on regular trips to-mor-
ea * .
l'l Smith , the well-known rind handtomo
E ? & lit paiaergar engineer , has m do th run
Uom Omaha to Lincoln for ths past few daya.
i Wucob tlaberle , ft promijent German citl/-n
of Lincoln , is lying at his home dangerously
U with an ulcer ot tha stomach , Little hops
Kontortalncd of Mr. Haberla's recovery.
Mr. Uoagland , celebrated througb the
country as n friend of newsboya and boot
blacks , Is in the city. Ho will give a public
address in government iqu&ro this evening ,
The street commissioner is putting down
several substantial atone crots walks on n
number of the principal streets
Tha fourth ward gentlemen whs were eo
gn.minlonsly beaten nt the late republican
irimnrie ! are still hunting for proxle , which
th.'y have not yet obtained.
BTATi ABniVAta ,
, T. S. Coolfly , Omaha ; D. W. Oe ry , P. 8.
McGuire , Gulda Rock ; C. B. Litton , Ffllt-
mry ; 13 , M. Wileox and family , Omah * ; Low
lloberts and wife , Miss M , KnbsrU , Kietor ;
William Loose. Siwardj G. W , Davis , Mlsa
lizzie Davis , 0. K. Davis , Oolumbusj Walter
M , Scely Bennetj Charles White , Otceola :
D. P. Boilf , Ulysses ; Dr. F. J. Schu ? and
nice e , Columbus ; B" . A. Scavlllo , G. M. Oa-
lornc , Valparaisu ,
HoVI1I Uy Nothing.
A reporter ycatorday met Inspector
A. EcT. Robinson and asksd him whether
10 vras willing t > mike anything public
tvbont the roaalt of the inspaotlon of the
ncQonnta of PoitmnUar Morgan nt
"No " ho "I Invan't
, roplioil , nnythlng
o ay abnat the XL t'cIf ' M : . Mr m
Arcs In paao I'l print , lot him do so. So
ar aa I am cincornod , I cinuot futniah
ujthlng to the nowapaporo yet about the
matter. When I InvoUlgito the afTtlra
f n poatiniater and 11 ud him guilty
if tuoh dellnqaono/ that 1
uvo to canso his nrtoii , then tin tuat-
cr booomca pablio propdtty. Bat each
s not the case with Morgan. "
"Thru you decline to inako any atatc-
raont olthor wsy , with rotjsrd ts Mor-
; an'n inoflicloncy or noglcct ? "
"Yea sir , moat ompW/cilly no. " Butlur'a
The following resolution wai paisod at
ho butlnosi mooting of tha Cro depart-
tnontat the Grand Island tonrnamcnt :
"WhorenB , John H. Hutlpr , chief of
ho Omaha fire dpparttuent , in hla great
mind , us ( s peculiar to great men , forc-
aw that onions would bo ncirco during
ho ntsy of O ptaln Chariot FJtcher , who
by the way , wont back on his favorlto
nod commenced oaling garlic , therefore
BJ it resolved , that the tbanki of the
ozocniivo committee , acdmoro especially
the holol commiitos , nro dnc , and nro
icroby touderad , to the nbovo-iacatloned
ohu H. Bntlor , of Omaha , for hla oislat-
anco to the cnmtnlttoo in carrying aup-
> li'a ( ml n" ) with him , nnd thereby
-iklrig LMT. ) ot the wanta and wishoa of
0 insloo Fhoher.
HOTEL CoiiMirrEE. "
Court Notes.
lu tin United St.i'rn court yesterday ,
In the ciso of Joseph Richmond vs. Jo
seph B. Copley ot al , the defendants filed
a domnrror.
Joanna Mugtrot Cljbw filed a peti
tion In the dis'rict cnur : yaitordiy pray
ing fur a divorce from her huabind ,
Franz ( Jlob'a on the grouads of habitual
A po'.ltian wn : filnJ in the district
court yesterday b/ Frank Kaapur , ns
complainant , against Washington Amtuon
and John Eiwnids , asking that a mort-
g RO on ottila prjporty bo cancelled , as
it had already bson pa'd , bat no record
undo as lo its discharge.
Wreck on the Union Paclflo.
A tall-end cillialon occurred on the
Union PiclQc Saturday at Nllas Jnnotion ,
the first station ircat of Modlclne Bow ,
Wyo. , betTTQcn a freight train and the
Atlantic cxprosu. The freight was taking
ho switch to lot the paaiongor pas3 when
, ho oolllalon occurred. It was about 3
a. m , and very fcggy , and the engineer
of the passenger train did not 0eo the
height antll tco Into to avoid an accident.
Che onglno struck the caboose , com
pletely wrecking It , aa well as the two
idjalulog c ra. No llvoi , hoirevor , were
oar , but the datnigo to prop arty fs quite
An Ottnmwa man named Edward
Robinann wan married Sunday last to n
Mrs. Stilwtll , Robinson , it appears , had
a wlfd and five children , from whom ho
cUlmul to bavo a dlvotce children aud
ill but the abandoned wife followed
ilm through the streets the day folloninc
"Us nurriaga lo tbo S til well , bo f-lng
rfcrgnltlonuntil she foil exhauatod to the
Whtn it was found that St. J&cabs Oil
conqers pain the question might hnvo
) ecnatkud : What next ? Tbo answer
now ie , R d Star Ooagh Ouro which
conquers coughs.
The 13-year-old eon of A. 0. Scott
farm or living nasr Algous , was thrown
Tom a nnwer on Monday and both
trmacutolT by the murderous tickle.
The little follow wai alone at tha time ,
but walked to the house unaided , told
ila mother to send a-ina ono to look out
'or his team , then showed his torrlblo
wounds. The attending physicians say
; ho lad will recover.
Senator Allison writes homo that Lu
will return In the first week of Uoptom
jer from Europe.
fho Greatoat Medlca Triumjh of ths Ago >
' , o ofniipclltc , IloweUcoillvp , 1'alnln
mo hcnd , wl * " ! d"H en Btlon In ( he
AacU pnrt , I'nln under lUo ihoaldvi-
bluilo , Pitllnti * uftor vattuir , wltUndU-
Inclination to exertion ot bodr ormln-t
* , Jlz/luo , 1'IuUorlng at tbt
llcitrt. Dots toforotbo cyi , Ilcndacbe
uvcr ( lie rlttlit ere , Kesllemaon , wllb
Qlfuldrenmi , Illchly colored Urine , BUI *
TTITT'S 1'll.r.H are especially ndaptco
to cuch rased , ono doau cll'ccta sucli t
Jiang" of rcollnirastonstonl'tlittioBuirerer '
Ther luereaio tltn A iiucttto.a .d cau tin
Wdy 1 > T Uo cm 1'lc.U , tau tba y tem I
noiirUhcil.niid brmvlrTaiilo Acilou or
ttea lBe lvBOr j n , Ucimli\rOlo iI or
luf".l . Nt--V.t
r-ro < Prl ( < 4 Murray -
'rilTTl ' HAIR DVE.
Uiur lUtn or WlllHKi.r-3 chnugcd to
fiuosar llwcic l > y tx BliiBlu itplicallon | < i
tht lins. It Impurta H imtwrul Lolor.R'
instantaneously , bolil by Iim UU.
tent by exprest on receipt of 01.
(1100.44 Wurray St. . Now v jri <
Prmor Brown Tolls his WlIVs All
About the Grout Oain'aa Fair.
Farmer Brown it ono of the uhlning agricul
tural lights in S rpy county , o man of good
horse same , whose clean farm nnd fat store
house ! make him an authority on all rural
matter ? . While FAtmar Drown has passed
most of his life under his "own vina and fir-
tree , " ho is not slow at catching on to the ways
of the world. In fact he Is finite threwd in
his deals , and the city chaps who somotimis
rrnko o trade with him have hard work to got
out even , Not that Farmer Brown is d s
honest. lie is a deacon of the church In good
standing , and abhors anything like deceit or
falsehood , lie is Dimply a wideawake ,
fmart man , with ths Yankee procli ity
for getting the best end of n bargain ,
and n then ugh knowledge of the world and
its ways. Saturday FarmerBrown drove Into
Omaha aad did aomo trading , chatted with
some of his old cronies about tbo fair , and
started the aorrol mire homeward about six
o'clock. As ba drove into the dooryard short
ly after dark , his wife wai on hand to en
nui ro.
" ro.V ll Peter , did ye BOO them fair folks ? "
"Yo'as filolindu , I did , and conaarn this
tarnal crlttor , If aho'JI stand still a minute till
I pit out , I'll toll ye 'bout It. "
The mare was finally quieted , nnd aa the
hiro'l man led her away ifarmer Brown con
Untied !
"Yo ortor BOO that "now , Mollnda , Johoso-
fat , bat It grows. Seam like 'twii only yes
terday that they hadn't anything there
bu * mud , and now Its like
n fairy city. And the people
are nlivo too. Why , they're jmt making
that fair jump. They've torn the old grounds
to pieccp , and built now stalls and fences and
flifnV , till a follor would almost think ho had
loit his boarln'a. I dropped Into DA a
Whoelor'a offlco a minit to enter that caw ,
and ho thawed mo whore the society is offer
Insr nearly 523,0/U in pr ailvuas. Them fel
lers ain't stopping nt money. Hooma almost
wicked-like the way they put 520 hero and 510
therefor little thiigs that wouldn't sell fora
dollar. Da it to encourage g ioj cultivation ,
thsy tell me. Now , Mellnda , you know my
faihn' for a good hess racs. The pumpkins
nnd other truck ij all good enough until the
bell taps for the start ; then , cxcuso me , but I
want a seat in front Human natur , Melinda ,
human natur. The flesh can't fight agin
it. I know you caid you wasn't polug to no
fair this fall , but you must , Mellnda. Slch
races as they'll have in Omiha we'll never see
( luilu. Why darn It , I'd bo athtmed to let
ulu Gabriel know I missed that fair. They'll
have horses from all over tha country. Two
of the big ones , them htuh-ptlcad trottora wo
read about , are coming way from Providence ,
that'll your old home , Melinda , to trot for
83,503. Siy , wo must sae that raca suro.
Then there'll ba other racca , two _ or three
ovoiy day. And they du Bay a man ia goloc
up in a big balloon with only a little stick to
bang to ; that aamo crazy feller that rode
ninety miles through the air , in Montana
'tother day. And then they're to have fire
works in the daytime , and lots of other won
derful things. I wi'h I could toll you all I
heard , Mehndt , but I can't. Wa mint go to
that fair ouisalves and aee them. What d'ye
Bay. Mellnda ! '
U'Wall , Peter , ye know I alwaja was dead
set afjiu boss racing , but I gueas we can stand
it thi > time , and I don't mind tolling ye now
that I've just finished a crazy quilt , and if
tbejedgca think no much of it us I do we'll
ride homo in that new phaeton. "
And Farmer Brown is right. The "boss
racee , " as he calls them , will ho better than
any ever seen in the west before. Phallas
won the 2:1G class at Sprngfield , Friday ,
making n clean record all through the circuit.
Joe Davis is also doing well , and will ba a
great horao hero next week ,
Statement From Mr. John [ How
ard About the Matter "What
General Brock S yo ,
Most o ! Iho mcmban of the Howard
pleasure party cimo homo yesterd&y ,
including Mr. Jflmoa Howard , Mra. Ohaa.
Eoward and Mlaj Kato Ohase. Qonorsl
Eovrard and hla son John will arrive la a
day or two.
A reporter for the BEE met Mr. Jamas
Howard and questioned him nboui the
shooting of John Howard. Ai will ba
eoen by roferanco to the telegraphic col
umns of tbo BEE , the ciaa U daplctod aa
ono of attempted aulcldo , on acooant of
an unrequited affootion whloh youip ; Mr.
Howard is eald to hare entertained for
Miss Chaso. Mr. Howard , la npoaklog
of the matter , tald :
"The dispatch concorninpf the shoot ! ng nf
Gen. Howard's son is entirely erroneous lie
waa wounded ou Tuesday , 0:15 p. in , , by a
shot from hia rovolver. I waa in the oimp at
the time , The three ladles , the General and
I were standing about the camp fire. . Tha
doctor waa in Ills tent near by. John came
to mo and indicated that ho wanted to take a
walk Into the woods 200 feet away. He waa
absent a few momenta when the shot waa
hoard , I was at hla tide in n four seconds.
He lay on hla sldo and apoko to me. We
had the doctor attending him within five
minutes. The ball struct under the lower
loft lib passed across to the lower tight rio
and lay under the akin , It w.ii
soon extracted , John then rested
easily , Later In the night ho had severe
piina , but was not for a moment out of his
mind. Ho eald he waa sitting at tbo time and
that the revolver was Belf-cocklng and new to
hirat ho having orchingod hU Smith & Wei-
son for It bnt shortly before. Ho stooped to
the ground , and while la that posture , tha
weapon was accidentally discharged ,
"John said ho would K > on the next day
with the party , but the doctor ( aid it would
ba wiser to rest for a day or two. The Living
stone , Mont. , correspondent has sent a dam-
ageing story which may do the boy harm aa
well at others , UI pistol was not loaded
when ho retired. Ho loaded U in the dark
and not belrg acquainted with ita Belf-cock-
Incr action it went oft with the unfortunate re
sult. To-day's dispatches announce that ho
is batter and may ba expected home in throe
weeks ,
"General Howard'a camp at the time of the
accident was at Fire Hole basin , Yellowstone
National Park , fnrtv-tevon miles from termi
nus of N. P. U. R. Yellowstone branch. The
general has with him nine tenta , sixteen sol-
dierr , six packerj , thtity five pak and riding
mules , two spring wagons uud two baggage
wagons. This camp is the point where
travelling was changed from pack tram to
wagon transportation- "
General Brock , assistant adjutant general -
oral , aald , yesterday , that hn believed
the dispatch waa entirely erroneous. Ho
said that he had rcojlvedaometelcgr&phlo
correspondence about tbo matter , all of
which led him to bellovu that the oiae
was onaof accidental shooting. Ho laid
that ycuog Howard had been long ao-
quslnted with Mlto Obsso In fact hid
been raised with her. It WAS rumored
that the two wcro ongtged , ho esld , but
of this ho know nothing.
of the day ii undoubtedly JAMES
PYLE'S PEARLINE. It cleanses the
dirtiest and most elegant fabric without
Injury and with little labor. For sale by
grocers ,
JMjrllo LodK6'j First Iiosr ,
At 2:30 : o'clock Sunday morning Ghts
Sands died at hit lodgings on Eighteenth
and Hickory streets. His rarailm are
now lying la state at the armory cf
DTyrt'o division K , of P. , of which wa
an honored member and the funeral will
oour to-morrow fiomon , at 2:00 :
o'clock nnder the nuiplcrs of the oidcr ,
unlesi otherwise ordtnd by bis reUtlvet
lu'.Chlcago. The deceased was ono of the
most respected young men of the city
Seven yeura ago bo came to Omah ) aud
entered the employ of Mix Meyer
Co. , where In the jewelry nunrjfftcturlng
department ho steadily gtlncd advance
ment In skill until ho earned the r puU
tlon of n highly proficient gold worker.
Ho wai ill but two weeks , sniTorlng from
an appravatoJ attack of typhoid-pneumo
nia nnd although the best of care and trokt
mont was Riven him his llfo was beyond
saving. His ia the first death in Mjrilo
ledge and to his brethren In the order the
sorratr Is sincere and profound , A detail
of six members of the uniform decree has
been made to dltcbargo the funereal office ,
whloh is the custom of the fraternity , of
standing guard by his remains , The
funeral will bo attended with full Pythian
Davenport will sand a delegation of
ever ono hundred to the Si. Paul water
wnjs convention.
Vnnllln.I.cnion.Ornncc , tic. , )
-rcnni , l'iiillnc ! i'l'c.ii ilrllcnlelynndnntr
irnllym tiled nil ft omhtcli thcyiii rntixlc ,
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
RIllCCRO , 111. Ot. LOUlO , MO ,
Dr , Prico's Groam Baking Pov/dor
- HD
Dr. Prico's Lupuliii Yeast Genie ,
licit Dry I2op ITenct.
Tlio larsoat Medical institute ) West of
.Mississippi River.
ritty rooms for the nccomodatlon cC patient * . Tbt
1'hyslclan and Burgeon In clmrct'ot the Institute Ims
had Elxticn years' or successful practicenntl Is nldea
br assistants ot rare experience aa ipcclutou In
thrlr various department * ! .
WRITE roRCmcuLiiton Deformities and Braces. DIPCJB
zsofWovKV , riloi. Tumors , Cancers , Citarrb , Bronchi
tl , Inhalation , ElrctrlcltT. r ralj l. Epilepsy , ildntj
f-e. Kar Skin itnd Blood nlstiies. Write for
on PiuVirx , SrtciiL nnd MIKTOUS Dlioaics , bi'mlnn
Weakness , Bpermatorrhcra Synhllls. Gleet , RtrlctureVarl
cocelo and all diseases of the Urlnarr and Sexual organs
Cases treated by cor respondence.or Personally LnnudcntUl
Uodlclnes sent by malt or express without marks to Indl
cato contents or vender. dress all letters to
IStbStreet.CornerorCar'"ATenue , . OKAIll. ' ? >
Railway Time Table
All traina arrive nt and depart from Omaba
by Central Standard time.
Trains of the 0. , St. P. , U. & 0. , arrive at
and depart from their depot , corner of 14th
and Webster streets ; trains on the B , & MC.
B. & Q , and 1C. 0 , St , J. & C B. from the
B. & M. doot ; all othera from the Union Pa-
ciGo depot ,
a , dally ; b , except Saturday ; c , except Sun
day ; d , except Monday.
Duiixr Tfltlvg Leave Omaha at 0 56 , 7 25 , S 60 ,
10 CO , It 15 a m , 12 CD , 2 0) , S 00 , 4 04 U , 6 65 , and
11 lOp m. On Sundayi tbo 7 25 an ! 10 CO a m , nd
2 39 and 4 00 p m tralnt do not run ,
Leava Council jiludiBroidway ( ilpo' ) at 6 5\7 U ,
! ) SO , 10 8) , U 43 a m , ; 13) ) , 2 81 , 8 80,4 2' , 5 K , 0 2 }
and 1145pm. On tlundiy * th ) 7 65 and 10 SO a in ,
and 2 35 anl 4 23 p m trains will not run.
Tranif < r Trains-Lews Omaha at 8 IS , 8 63 a m. ;
12 85,2 20 , 4 20,9 03 , aud 7 00 p m dtlly ,
Arrltoat945and U15a m , 12) , 813,735 aad
8 05 p m ,
Vfo it TotOAi L-ians made on to l oitate land
111 oontracts , chuttelj , coIIatsrM ! or good ocurl-
tlMOfany kind at the Om h Financial exchange ,
160 } Farnnm St. , np-iUt ! i low rutci ; c y tern * .
\I ONKY To loan on chattel * , Woolloy & Harrison ,
Hoom SO , Omaha Nallcna ] bank building
MONKiI uoiiTll MOiKTllI Money to Loan On
chattel security by W. U Croft , room 4 , Wllh-
nell bntUIng , N. K. corner Hth and Uarney. After
years of experience and a careful itudyof the buji-
no s r > ( loaning money on personal proptrty , I ha > o
at last rioifectod a system whereby the publicity
nsuil In such casf s Is done away wlth.and I am now
ntpoiltiOQ to meet the demands of all wbe become
temporarily embarnssod and doriro to raise money
without dtlaj and In a qulot manner. Houstkccp-
err , professional gent lemcn , mechanics and others in
Omatn and Councl Elufli , ca.1 obtain advances
from $10 to 41,000 on luoh cecurlty as houscnoU
furclture , planoi , machinery , horec , wag'ni ,
warehouse receipt ? , secured notes of hand , etc. ,
without removing sumo from owners mlJonco or
place of business. Also on One Watchel and
Diamond * , One of the dtanl ges I otter It that
any pirt of any loan can bo paid at any tlmo
which will reduce the Interest pro rat\ and all
loans renamed at the original rates of Interest.
I hare no brokers In connection with my ofDc ,
but personally guperlntend al my leant , I hM
private offices connected with my pcnor l
office to that customers do not oimoln contact with
each other , consequently making all transactions
itrlctly private , to. 1C. Croit , room 4 , Wlthncll
bulldlnir , N. E. cor. 15th and Uarnoy , Cuiiha and ES
Pcail St. , Council D ufld. 640 tf
ONKY TO LOAH In snma ot TSOO and upwnrd.
L7JL O. 7. Davis and Cfl.m M KoJtto and Loin
, QM-H
V | o CAOBII BHoniiiiis.tmestirjcnt Binkcrs , opposite
ill post offlco , Omaha , negotiate mortgigo leans on
first class tocurlty at railing rates ot Interest , Par
ties desiring to borrow money on Improtcd city or
ountry reil estate , for from one to tire years , can bo
commodatod promptly. McCaguo Brothers , bank
er * , opposite post offlco. C92-tf
iffONEY TO LOAN On real oitatoand chattels
Ifl n. L. Thomas. 05tf.
V.tOItKY Loaned on chattels , cut rate , II. R
71 tloict ; oonght and sold. A. Fcrman.SIS 0 , ISth 84
C51 tf
Motnt to loan In sums of 1200 and upwards on
Drot class real estate security. Potter & Oobb ,
trUD Farnam et. C49-tf
< Hhont removal. Oicr Jpt NationalBwlt.corncr 18th
lad Fiinam. All baslcoce tlrlctly oonfidontlal
650 tl
WANT -Tnoflnt clisi liundrcseos to RO to
Santa Fco , Kowiloitco. Apply at tbo Cozzuns.
ASTBD Apood O'ltuMi girl ( or general housi
work , Inquire at thoetJro , 1322 Farnam street.
AMED-Glrl U fill rtcrco St
W ANTED-1 laundrr Klrl and 2 dlshwasharr , Maus
restaurant , 1514 Docglas. 491-Slp
W AMEt Nurse Girl , 170 } Doughs.
W AMID Nuiso girl a > 1000 rarnam ,
WAVTUD Lady agents for "Daisy" t Mrt and Stock-
InvBtippoitcrd , Shou'der hraces , Bisnm form ; ,
Drsesthlcldi.Kutlicr gingham Dibs , AproiiB.Sloa\c3
Infints' Diaper ? , 4c. Our l.COO agents are malilri ?
mtine fist ; BO can you. Address with stamp , E. II ,
CAMPBELL A. CO. , 9 South May St. , Chlcaeo.
JS5-S S p
TT7"ANTBO T o experienced sales ladles for hosiery
I and lice depirtmcnt" . No othera need ap
ply. Qoimani/rtf.'rroJ. Now YotkDry GooibSt = rc.
, AMBD A goo < I Rlrl In small famllv ; must wash
and Iron , rirst-cliss , OH Eouth ISthSt.
TXTAhTED A f Irl to wash napkins and bclpwtlt on
W table fordlnrcrandtuppcr. Apply ICth Et.
restiurant. 10 h and Chlcigo. Ch&s. It. Wtbstor ,
Proprietor. 4Si 2p
W FASTSD-GKo. 1 dining racm girls at 418 Seuth
13th St. , at onco. 490-2
WANTED A grod girl for general house wcrk , ai
OMParkam Mrs Ilaas. -TO e-1
WANTPD-Oocd dining room girls , good coaks and
kltclun Rlrla and geol girls for private fain-
Illca and general housa work , good \\agos Tcu can
always secure gjodplacojbcillmg al 1UO Fain an
St. up etalre. 428-tf
-First class cook aad chambermaid. Call
Vr Immediately nt 107 north 12th ttrcot , buomcnt
door. 437-31 p
ANTED Good woman cooks. W. corner 14th and
sen. ura Hill. 416Jlp
T\7ASTiD-Experlcnccd Boamstress'a atCanOelds
VI Overall Fictcry , corner llth and Couelos , up-
ttalrs. 891-31
WAKTBD-A good hotel oook and dining room girl
tolea\otho city ; heat of wages pild. Inquire
at Omaba Employment bureau , 217 N ICthSt. Jlrs.
J. W. Morrison , P/oprletor. 102-tf
WAVTED Ladles In want tl good domestic girls ,
wtlltosupphedon application to tbo old reliable
Omaha Emploj ment Bureau , lira. J. W. Morrison ,
217 S. leth St , up stairs. 83j tt
TTtT'Ai.TED Acunbcrof firBt-claai glrh who are
Y T captblo of uolng good work , and receive good
wageaatthe Omiha cmiloiment office , 217 north
16th street , offlco up-stalra Mrs J. W. Morrlacn , pro
prietor. 801-tf
W AJ.TBD A lively young man at lllch tor's llo
btoro. llcfercncts required. 6C8-31
W ANTED-A good bjy from 12 to 10 veara olJ at
a. E Lehman Fruit and Cigar Btoro , 5C8 S 10th
Bt. Geimin preferred. 48Mp
WAhTED A good A No 1 eliccmaker ; nouo but
goad ono need ajp'y Stcaly work and good
pay. Onus. Kohltccyer , 1412 Dodge. &ll > 2p
W 'ANTitD-10 Kood men at 1509 Uarney St. Good
; references rtqulred. 613-lp
r 7ANiED-Cooi &nd eoconJ cook at I'aclflo Hous ) ,
T V tlOth at d Du coport. ( ,03 3 Ip
WAMIO Vounmcnor agents , who cm ( peak
German nnd Kagllsb. Apply 1310 Jackson St. ,
between 10 and 12 o. m. D6Mp
W "ANTED-Two first dm coat rnkkera. W. R.
Gibson & Co , cor , Farnaa& Uth et. KO 2p
WANTED 16 teamsters fir It , II. work at Ohidron
Mob. I2S aQd board per mouth. Ca 1 at 7 .nd
8:30 : p m , 1314 Capitol are , 4f G-lp
rT7"ANTED Aientleverjwhero t ) sell Tl ( and
T > Snvlccsof Oeri. Orant. Jloit nalablo coition
publlihed. Hooka now ready ( or delivery , Agonta
oolnlnicmoney. Send7Gofor outfit. Ilorn Tub lah
Ing Co , , I' . 0 , llox 33j , Omaha , Neb.
W AtrxD-htcaograpber , Box 016 , Omar-a.
401 S. 23
WAKTBD Six good b Icklajcrsat Ilattlogs , Neb
W ( 'ea C4 to per day. Three months stead
worlr. JeU tills 471-lp
W ANTED A mia with A ono borpe lumber v nron ,
tjtoidy wcrk , B. W. corner 9th and Dcufrla * .
70 Sip
WArmn.-ARont to repregtut In NebrasVa one
ol tbo mint enterprising publlihlng houses In
the west. Only experienced vnd cipakl * moa dealt
with , James T. Connor , Ccziiui hole' ' , Au ; Slit.
WANTSD-lmicdlatfl/ rmar CLASS broid and
cake baker , OooJ wages will be ptld to a
steady , tober man. Addics < , Oio. Eatltr , Fremont ,
Neb. 4(43
WANHD-A live enercetlo jonng man , a frriiiuitt
or tludoat of some college to sell a llr e
of thi flnon medical b xlis A rare chance for ono
hatlni ; meana and capatllltlni to take hold proierlr * Cozzens Hotel , Aug. Slit. Jaai-a T. Omnor.
TVTASTSD an export oinviiscr to handla the best
TT and rroitnleillo work o > er publlahed , a bn-
anzilor ttoilfibt man. None but men otexpeilen > e
and In'elligence Deed apply , Aug. 3lst. Jamet T ,
Connor , Ctzztnl Houti- , 3t2-3lp
WANTID Twofo-dOercan canraue > s by S p > .
Ut , W , A , Morrleon , to\3 \ Douglas t-t. , up-
stalrr , 418 tf
WANISD A tailor , T , lluiray ,
> At tte Plttto Villcy , hou < e AiMind
Neb. , a good cook minor woman , woman
leferrtd. 8J7-81p
A oiKTi WANIBO For the flnut little article to tall
Jx it ( alii , 1)U ) money , brand nsw. Biruplo 10 eta.
Addr Coiimflon Novelty Co. , Omahi , Neb.
gents. Address E'ectrlo ' Lamp nd
Tl bloveCa.Et Louli , Un. , ( or o'roular , tut Hid
terms tl (6 canl'o power i.'auti tlactrlo Lamp
WAKTiu-Fjaployrccnt by \ouag m n. light In-
; jeer ork ot sryllnd ; will ork cbrnu and
the teiuiliy forbone.iy. Mention tualoew. Ad >
I dei "Kraicci T. " Bc fclflca. 82-2p
\\7ATrtrv A s'tuatlon In a commljilrn , wholcul *
TT or retail grecerr houio eras teamtter ; KCKd
reference. Address K , W , , ! ! < ofQco 416-n-Sp
TV ANTED ly yourg Pcandlntrlan , K position In
TT , private family to t > euro r ( horsts ; ( focil
references given. Addrots "C. J. N. " lleo ofllco.
WA < rTiD-CUuitlrn M bsok ko'per or assUUnt by
anotcryourjg man who line * altalJ of work ;
good retrence ) . Addles "L. A , S. " Bio rdlce.
A I"1r t'CU tinner wants steady sltiutbn , noun >
Vlry tireferioi ) . Addrees tinner , ciro this o.TJco.
WAKTin Torent , S unfurnMiedtootni for Ufjlit
houickccplnt ; ( or a ( imUy cf 8. Addicts O U ,
Its. tffleo [ os s
V 7ANT r > n/srintlematiBntl lfo two pirtly fur-
T T nl hnt or uaftirnlihcd totmmljomlnr In fomo
tulvata family not over E minutes walk from Fax on
lioti 1 ; rr.uit bare RooJ tiblo board neat rfomt ; treed
reference given. AddrtsJ "a a J. " care U. r. Head
quarter ] , Kttlofc location and priof. 603 1
WAVTID Wculj like to buy n Interest In a po'il
pajlng bu > lno'ssomething that Is rciptctab'ej
caa give tha beat of retTetccca' . J. 0. A , Ore office.
450 B3p
WAXiF.D-t.0 tons scrap Iron , slo\o plate and mi *
chlnory at Umaha lion Works. U. P. II. It ,
Uth and 18th Sts , Onrvhs. 410-31
WAKTSDFrom 3000 to 6TOD acres cf cliolco grtz-
Ing and tarmlntr land , In Nebraska , ( rom 13 to ft
wracro for spot casli. 11. C. 1'AtteradD , 13th and
Farnatn , S03tf
"y"l7ANTI"To trade * good second band plino ( nr
T T a Inrso und buggy. Inquire at Edholm& Krlek-
ton. 053-11
tTTANTOD Every dy In need ot a eowlng ma.
, T V cblno , to see the new Improved Arjsrlcan No.
. r. Flodrnin It Go. atrents 220 N 10th. S30tf
Fort HUNT Two ( en room house ; , In peed locUlon
nd on reatonable terms ; a'l modern convcal-
ohota A. Saundin A , Co , 1401 Farnam ttr. , opp ,
1'aiton. 50S1
| ] 1onniiVT-0 rooai uootta 8 ( Jmtj completed ; cUy
IJ water , DotifilaHand 2Jdstreet. 0. i' . Thotnpst ,
8Y. . ojrner llth nud Harney. (07 tf
rmw-Flrst clas oottago nntl bain , ono block
Fort et.cet car. Inquire of Edholm A. Krlckson.
170R liKM-6 or 0 houses lu g. > od locilltlcB O. F.
1 ? Davl8 Co. , 1505 Fixrnun St. 481-81
RENT House , 8 room ? , ( table , null ( in-1 cis
FOR . U. U. mil , 2403 Uarney Bt. 472 sip
' REST Now B'X ' room ootttgo , all convcnlenc3S
E'OR St , ese block sou'.h I cavcnwortb , $20.
FrtSfM A cottage of fourroims with city and
cl.torn Hater , 818 Sjuth 10th St , bctwooti
Loa eiinoitbandUarthi. 417-tf
RE.ST Store , 311 N. 16th 8t.
FR 40S-e4p
REST Cottage with elx rooms , pantry and
clttct ; price $35 per ito-itb , N E. corner 19th
tnJ Toilgt strcctj. L. J. KenoarJ. 43S-i-lp
TI'OR RUST Cholca bilak ro'Hcnco , 10 room1 , fur-
Ij naco and til modern Inproromants. Inqui'o at
UnlteJSatea : National B ink. 335U
Ri\T-rrom Sapt lit , fl room oottaifovith
FOR , occllrnt loot foil on Falrvlew St. , bet. St.
JUrj'H o\c. aril Ilarnoy St. Ilcnt 3-5 per month , 1)
U QoodlUb , Water Works oflloo. 42T tf
REST 5 room house on Oth between
FOR Fierce. Inqalro 1512Di\cnpoit 4tl Sip
i'ORRENT-Smallhcucoonl7th St , near Capitol
a > e. S. Irfhnuu. 405 tf
F OR nRM-J. K. niloy JS Co , 215 South 18th St.
For rent T.TO now ton room boujcs , all modern
CDMoclcncc' . Central y loot ted.
For rrnt Now tlx room touso on Saunicrs , dojl-
rablo proi crty.
For rent Two ricwcotUgo houpo , S 2 per month.
Grace and : : d J. . IlILEV A , CO. , 215 south
13th St. Si3 tf
nE\T The heU33 an-1 birn on corner 20th and
Plorco SL Inquire at Boston Dry Ooo4 store , S
10th St. 322-'f
Fen IHM Near Sj. car , 7 room huuie. Rend well ,
cittern , $18 per month Inqntro of O. E. Triomp-
ton. ts. W. corner llth and narnoy St. 235-tt
FOR RENT Ooo store. Inqulroat Cdholm bEilck-
EOD. S9I-tf
ttaio 0 rooms , nouso JO rcoms. J.
Phlppi Hoc , Howard and Campbell. It81-tf
OR QS-iT Mcely furnished ro > m for gentleman or
lidv , In private fanil > . Break.'ast 11 no ossacy ,
853 South 19th 481 tf
77011 EKST Room vtlthbaird , 1313 Cipltol ave.
E'CRREST UOOTI in building , N. K. corner 10th
and D& > ocpoit strict. 491-tf
FOR RENT Largo furnlshtd front lOJra with
toard , 1910 DoJgo Btrcit. 195-3p
RENT Largo furnished front room eultablo
for tfto. or one emaller room , 710 North 10th St.
RRNT Three flco offices la Nebraska NaHoml
Bank Building. Inquire at bink. 480-30
To Lr.T Nice furnished rooms for light house keep
inf , 807 N. 17th St. 425-31p
SUIT nicely furnlBhoi rooms 1011 California St.
443 B-4p
FORREST With board , elegant Bouth front loom
with alcove and grate , eultalle for gentleman and
nlfe. 2116 CoJge St. 407-tf
TTMa RBST-SrraM furaUhed roomStlocVs from I' .
JL1 0. , for genthmao , cheap. Apply ill N. 17th.
FOR H'.ST IVo hoiulsoincly furnished rooms ,
modem coincidences. 1720 Capitol menuc.
TT oii HI-NT Nicely fimiUho J lar < o ( rent ro-m with
.L1 biy window ; inodtrn Improvements ; 6 mlnu'ra
\v lt frjro r. O. tfoderito roit to two 10 uj ; gcu-
tleniCD ; rcfeieiico iciiulicj. Address look box SO' .
412 U
QUITS ol ( urnlihcilrcoirs ( or rent , 18C9 Chi : ( jo Ft ,
41'J-s Sp
f TOR RBSiT-2 furnished roomi rrady ( orhausrlcop-
i' In ? , chaip , Mo. 2o7 EOtb street , bot. Farnam and
Dcuglas. 423-31p
FOB nuNT-targo nlody ( urnlthod room- , also
roomt by cay or week during lair tlmo at 710 S
Hth street , betv.ecu Leavcnwortu and Jones , tloaid
t doilrod. 407 s-tp
77on BENT Handsome furnlihej rooms 1810 Pod
Foa BtNT-New furnhhed roomi pulta or Mnglo ,
bull , ( , ' , [ Jilcoicijonablo ; 1015 Oisltolaio
'on BEsr FurnleheJ ( rait room 1711 California.
Foa RUNT Mice y urnUhud ( rent room K12 How-
rd St. 3C1-1 Ip
RKfr Ttro veil furn'thcil roorcs to gentlemen ,
FOR S2J7 J-'CdgeSt. 851-eept-l
T Anas ( urnlsboKront room tultable tor two or
J-J three gents , rent II ! ; Ko. 411 8. Uth 8t 819 3p ] loom 1" i Car ltd avo.
Fit avo.290tt
FOB RENT A plemnt ( font room with large closst ;
modern Improverrentf , on toth street mar HU
Mir ; ' ave. Apply 8. W. corner 16h : and Doduo Bti.
079 tf
Fen HIST Two rooms adjoining with board ; front
room eouth-om , 1914 Webster Bt Wa tf
TI OB KBNT-I wll turultbed loom for 1 gentlemen
JL1 1W ) rarcnmttrect , ojpO'ltotJon Ho tl.pjly
at rjom 1 , or at Ht&srman & iljinett. S18 ISIh tit.
745 tf
'fpos. KBST 2 pleaisnt south Ironi rocms H. W ,
A1 onnicr 19th acd Davenport. (
FOE BEST IlaudaoiDtly ( urnlsbod rooms 1701 Cip-
ltd ave. tW-lt
TTViB EKNT Two nicely ( urnlsned rooms. NW cor ,
J1 Slut and St. Mar > 's Ave. 46Ctf
ir > OOM8Tllh boarddeblratlf01 gummcr. Apply
! \At Ui. Chirltj UotcL 010-tf
l/VJii BSST For rainufio'urlnjr pamosoi or hall ,
A } arge room 44 75 , lid floor , No. 110 8. Hth it. ,
enquire at 140J Dodge tt A. J. Bliapioa ,
rrijR usn CtnlriU b : to4 furnUhed roorai
JJ 0 3 south Ittti Si. OS-t
F o Bsxr Large front room on flrst floor with 01
without board ; Inquire at 1801 rarnum EL
? ou iu Oro'l oittiRo In tins losil bn. I'uvlni &
! Ctiurctilll , 1302 Dou.ulu at. < 6J-j ] p
TTon situ -The houio and lot nnd nnohalfon th *
JP touts west corner of Optlol are. and Seventeenth
tr * < t ; titlre r > om and all rtoiotn lmrovenentt ;
tilce tit tXO. Ilorto neil brggy also fcr stle.
1JOR8m 'h p,6 room rottneo nd lot , ear
1 term ; sltuttilatNo , 817 N. 17th 8' . , bet. Call.
fornlA and Weluter ; tboronghly repMred m > 1m-
proted. Icqaltoct owner on ptemltc * . B3ltf . ,7
FORRJKT Twonen-houto' , 8 andO ror , Itory
and h lf. corner ffnd and Iz rJ , f3' . a K
,15lh unJ K m .
s U Hornet nnrt lotl on tnonttly rayroenK
1) . 1 , IJajdcn , SaUdliM , bctncoti ] , . ! , < ! ni Wil
II * arcs. 351-tf
fix * lmr.roveilirrn , wlllti d ( or iirpro\c < l clloj
1 properly , W. 11 , Green , oicr lit National Hank
17'OR SAtn Srco'ttHMB.a'n In ilot In KlrkwooJ ;
Ju must le § 3lil loon ; julco { 45. 102 tt .
tro SALii-KIfit Una cottage ) ninln : half Moo * cf
A1 itrcot CAM MOD cash , laUneo In montlli pay.
monU. W II. Or enover 1st Ntllonil tank.
293 tf
FOR SAW Ne r bend of Si. Mm' * arc. L rgo lot
haute 9 roomt ; fjjnapo , gntcs , hot and cold
bath ; overt thlni cjimtbto , 15,000 easy terms P. H.
Ua ) no A Co. , Hth and Farnixm. 18i tl
Fort BALK BSj(132 ) lo't , IIBUSO 4 rtoms , closer , pin *
tty , well , barn , hold 4 hirsci and buggy ; fruit
trees and shrubbery , on [ r do ? 2TOO on very easy
terrta ; this Is a bargain. C.I' . lUjno&Oo. , 16m
and Fatnaro. 1S7-H
FOR BALK At abrvrKa'n.btnltli 2 houses , 3 and 7 s
rooas , well , clttorn , hart ) , & 0. , tOth ami lUrncy.
Unimproved property taken a ) part pay. Win. L.
Homos , Oth and Douglas. 09) tl
FOR BULK-A two stcrv 22i6) ( ramo bullJInff lult-
ttlib or a ctoro near 10th tni Farnam itroot.
oa BiLK-Ooo crp , htilldlDpc , fiult , nril elitulo ,
Lca\cnoith ouil Iloukntm. , Wet Omnba.
_ f41-31p
| JOR mi. OR TRACK 9 roomcil houio , two lots nd
JL1 bun Apply 310 & lllli St. ie3-sept Ip
ITIOR stM on nmr-Gooil hoto In llr t-ol\vitown u
I' South We torn turt ol SUto. Al > | ) lr to K P. t' -
vl < , Novclly Iron Works , Hth Si. 751-tt
tT'ORts ' Fortv lots for tvilo on Btut Rtnl
.1 ? bttwcca JSth tud Slit cliean , lajlJo pioniittf
odforil & L'ouor. Cll tf
T7\ou \ sALn-4 Btntdi mil mirrors from Ilirtier shop ,
JL1 Farnam St. , bailment. 497-p )
FOR BALR-At n biucMn , elo-k anil fixtures ot
rtorc , 507 S. 10th stra t , bilotv llonard. Dncll-
ItiRwIth store ; onner In other butlocs * .
FR HALK Taller shop. At pi ; at 305 south 10th 81.
< 6GBlp
170H SALS Lot of brick Tard rnetlnpast 2 ctmtj
I ? per pound , at Oraih * Iron Wcrl-B , U 1' 1' . R.
17th and )8th ) sts. 41131
| 7 < oa BALK Iho fiirnlturo ot a fl\orcom hau o ; fur-
JL nlturo In u oelnco May. Arrly712 soulh MX- ,
tccuth St SJO-u-Sp !
IT\OR8ALnoaT A flrjt-cliajeadclla hotso Are
JL' } ( a sold ; peif.e ly eojud and gentlo. Inqutrd
ISIOlrinoolicct. tf
/ AITLBFORBALB , tbl3 n 9WB ,
\J 00 head ols ) car old steers.
800 head 2 j osr old atccrg.
100 lien 11 3 car old etccrs.
ill cholca mtra heavy Oittlo und o now quote
feeders at 3 03 per c it. Clmpln llroa. 8U eopf )
100 lots , Spring Hill ; will BO ! on ony
FOBStLH ; tralo lor improved property and pay dif
ference In values lu casa or aiatimo martRao' . Par
ties can find cheap homes and ttihintveom trtdea.
W 0. Oroen , over lt Natl. Bunk , folo ojt. f8tt
TirolotJ In I'ollitm I'ltco , ono blook
FORBtLR track. Inquire 213 8 13th St.
Or would trala or a good horeo and
bucrj : SO acres lu Qoapor county. Apply to 218
South 13ih Street. 24BH
TJica 8AL71 Boiler and engine , CO horse power boiler
JP ml engine , In good running order ; want to sell
for the reason that they are not Inreo enough for
the now machinery which wo will put Into our row
building onIlarney St. Clarke Bros , tt Co. , 1403
DoufflosSt. 610tt
A LWATB on hand at a birualo , Vo 1 Bocond hand
2currlaKo phaeton and Bldo bar bupt-lcs ; also am-
brelias and cucshadfs , at 1103-1111 DOSRO St.
SALS A good paTlnS baolnoai cmfloylne bu
Fit capital ( or ci"r > . For pirtlculari twljrosj
1' . O. Box 867 , Omaha , Nob. 722-tf
fjUa LUIS * Host unoccupied ground In the ty ( or
JP warehouse house,87 ( cot ( rout on Lea von worth ,
north bet 10th and llth.wlll case lor 09 yoars. Deil-
( ord & Souor 020-tl *
FOR SALB Icaaa and fixtures ol a good hotel dolnp
n Die builaoei la a frcwlnz town rt a tbounand
I abltatjt4. at roil road totmlnua. An cx-ulloot bar-
ealn offered. Fur particular ; , r.d rc83 Noith Loup
o. , North Ixjup , Neb. S97 B-l
\T ( art BALB Tr o hardwara 8tok cf the oldest ostab-
> 1 llslitJ and beat locale ! Imuo In Omaha , ilcpirt-
uro lor California ; the recHDn ( or celling ; atoro rontoil
to purchaser ldetlred. F. A. S.tncldcr. 250 alp
IJIBLK board 1718 Dodgrc ,
* U tf
T ) OOM aud board Ii h a private ( amll Y , ( no cKlldrcn
J.V In nloasant pan ol 01:7. M. A. , lijo oillce.
Tjoou and board ? 5 per wotk ; very bctt location ,
JLISliDavoDportSt. , . 174-ccpt 18p
LOST \ phlngold ring marked A. K. Thj flatter
will nco'va $5 to return tbo aamo to f. Kocu ,
cue TODllo Uaul & Co. CCD 2i |
fniksN un Aredcow about 4 yoirsdJ. Letter
.L It. on rlirht hip. iHkO & Seldcu's add. west
Oinaba. D. S'e\ers. 403-311)
TAKFV ur Uy the undorslgneil , ono blight lny
niaro about IS Inadarl h with white lilndfcot ,
and Ininea ? marks ; about 12 yotn old. Henry
Wcgwonli.KortOmah * 477-5p
LOST Illick-clolmMi Bunday evening on Cbliueo
utrcolabovo 18th. Fladcr tlouo nollfy J. U.
Il ) nc8 , Oinaba , and got reward , 40 ! 1
oar A coat on re Hilary road. Lca\oatA , II.
J bande. u , grocery , 429p
open In the accjrnmo'fa'lon ' o
tbo B ck , Bufglcil operatljns of all kinds skil
fully pi r formed. Linnet : } ol n specialty ; la-
difa In conlnotncnt con tero luvo abtomto nrlvajy
and the biet of attention Corroiponden o follclloj ,
Aildrcca Dr. J If. Strctnam : corner loth aid K rn m
or Dr. J. B , Halpli , corner 13ih and Farimn. Ttlo-
phone [ 30. < 34-tl
* B. WAKD , room 5 , WlUmcll Bloolr , 16th and U r-
THE w. o. wnzNBB Stove Pepilr Co. , Ill Bouth
Hth St , between Dodge and Douglas.
QiUsuAitoinadd Al line , ima'l simples. Cain
O ootrml iton > . Chicago agent earned I2.4CO ; HI ,
Louis , 93,200 In 1831. I * . 0. box 1671 , New York !
474 Ip
( or ollgddat Edbclm & Erlckioi.
4SE 81
TK Wm Erz l' ' , formerly tt Barry , III , , wlHseod big
JL present addreai ro Thoi. II Kinn , Hannibal , llo , ,
ho will learn somotblog to hu odvauUge. 421-s 3p
\t n M. A. DEBBT , will rccdvo nuptli In plino
IT J and voice at 2442 Uarney Ut. Clruularj lent on
application. 2l7 ept4p
F I ; OK HINT-TWO i lanes. Inquire Etlbolm & Krlok.
son. (92 tl
/ \MAIU BisiTiBT co. Privy laults , links and c .e . 'Wi
\J pa licliarudatiy time of day In on entirely
odorless vi ay with my Improved pump anl ptt end
r.arrel appirat JJ. A. KVANS , olllco liCS Uodgo BL ,
Omaha , Nebraska. 050-iept-Uii
> ASTDRI Oil nthorn n 1'Ultu. T.
cTio.i on banjo given by a K Ccllou
J.l ) ik , at 1118 Cap'tol ' .ve ! <
N o operitlon , or uaslcsstriuies Dr , U.j If. Mooro.
_ 24J Wabith v . , Chicago , tend { tramp ( x
circular at Cozzenu Hciiiu , Oiuabo , oteiy OJ dajt.
ALL3T , 03 Itath ettee-t , be wt n Farcaaandll * 7
u y will , Htifl thcaM ot mnrdlir. fjlilli , oUalnlni
( or to ) one xluico la the part taapiucnt , uad on
Otrtalnoondltlaat la tbs falcr * . Eoolt and lh |
tud ) t3 order 7oifo' uUilicttoo srutranU'J