[ /frlfflg r 6 THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , MONDAY , AUGUST 31. 1885. TH E DAILY BEE. Monday Morning , August 31 Office No. 12 Pearl St. Delivered by carder to .any part ot the clt ; or twenty cents a week , 1J. W. TILTOS. . r.iltor and L 8 * " M.INOH MENTION. Roller , merchant tailor , for fine good Justloo'Shurz has nude another Omah couple happy J. 8. Tleln and Mary 8 Cover. The Spirit Like season la about at ni end , and the running of a throual sleeper will bo dlicoatlnnod alter la-day liar. J. F. MuDo troll , has returnee from his eastern trip , and yesterday oa cnplod the pulpit of S&lnta' chapel a usual. A necktie social Is botng nrrangad b ; the young folks of Broadway Mothodls church , to take plaoo next Thundaj evening. Jerry McQarry is under arrest on th charge of breaking into a room In th Tromont house. Ho Is to have a hoarln ; to-morrow afternoon. A settlement haa'boon made on the los oh the Ooy house , the Commercial Unloi paying Mr. Knomoyerfor losn on furnl turo and fixtures $002. The arrangements are progressing wol for the union p'.cnlo of the Sundu ; schools of this city , to bo hold In Pal mor's grove Wednesday. Some of the < voterlnsry surgeons whi have boon examining the cattle whlol have boon sick and dying In this count ; declare It IB not Texas fever , but a fern of bloody mnraln. On Saturday night there was a happ ; gathering of friends at the homo of B. A Bonham In celebration of his birthday There was dancing , refreshments , and al needful arrangements carried out wit ! true hospitality. L. B. Gorham , who hai been con nected with the stock yards hero for i long time , and who is thoroughly postoi In that business , has been appolntei stock ogdnt fur the Rock Island read. 1 better choice conld not be made. D. A. Benedict , whoa3 skill and ttsti as a sign writer have made his name i familiar one , goes to Lincoln tc-da ; to reni lu there until after the fair , one will bo kept busy writing signs foi Moore , the principal house -Lincoln. - . Four charged with bnlng drunk wil have a hearing thii morning , J. Tester Hoiregodta , John Campbell , one R. P. Dawd. Ono woman , Mrs. Weber known aj "Langthy , " or "Swami Angel , " is alio In the bastllo , bub Inalati that she was not drunk , although admit ting that she had a terrible headache yesterday. Miss Nellie Hatcher , who has shown such elocutionary skill In previous enter tainments , has consented to give on en- tortalnmont for the benefit of the Young Men's Christian association to-morrow evening. The many friends of this tal ented young artist will gladly Improve this opportunity to hoar her again , and on enjuyablo evening Is assured. A pleasant entertainment Is promised at the Y. M. 0. A. hall to-morrow even ing , the prominent feature of the pro gramme being the readings by Mlsa Nolllo Hatcher. The male quartette , consisting of Messrs. Ferris , Westcotto , Fitch and Spoonor , will furnish music , and some readings are promised by Mrs. H M Soars. The general admission will be twenty-five cents , and children fifteen cents. "Sport" Miller haa had a great deal of trouble with his bays , one aged thirteen , and the other abouc ton , He hai re newed his request to have them sent to the reform school , aad Judge Aylesworth will give the matter a hearing to-day. It seems that the boys have lost all re spect for their father , largely , In all prob ability , on account of his drinking habits , and they not only refuse to obey him , but they abnso and mistreat the old man. A number of young men' from Farra * gut wora In the city yesterday Inquiring Into the workings of the Y , M. 0. A. , 'and learning what they conld of the methods and workings. They could hardly have chosen a bettor field of In quiry , as the aisociation hero has demon strated by Its nucceai , that under the management ot the secretary , Harry Cnttlo , excellent methods and a sound policy bavo been followed. Judge Loofbonroir is engaged t Audubon - dubon In hearing the Ryun murder case. The etato has just concluded its examina tion In chief , and the dofento opens to- .day. Audnbon county is pretty well atlrrod up over murder cases , and for two njghts of last week a rope wss hung In the band stand In the park , and found dangling there the next morning , with t significant noose lu ono end , The rope was/token away only to be ropliced will another the next night. Both local faction ) of the democratic camp are claiming that the official record ofibo oOier needs to bo ( nvoatlgatod , that the public may know how big steal ing has boon going on. It Is to bo hoped that the withes of these gentlemen , of ficials and cr-officlalfl , may bo fully satis fied , so that no guilty man may escape. Either both pmonn ate doing some Eli Perkins romances , or there Is rome hid den corruption which needs to bo run cfl by the aid of the lance. The contest over the fire chioftalnehlp etlll hangs , and the doclinn on the In junction cate will probably not be given until the wbola matter la hoard in the quo warranto proceeding ! , which otse comes np ono weoV from to-day. J ridge Aylesworth seems to be In no hurry to decide the matter. The matter ought to fcp settled tpaedily ai potelble , fur the fire department la tx > o Important ts a pro tootlon oE public Interests to bo 1 lowed to go aloug In such a detnoralittnj uucartalnty as has attended It for month ? The hearing of the cemetery case con llnuos to occupy the time of the clrcul court , and rooms to be no nearer the em than when It first begun. The public halest lost Interest In the details of the contest and only walla to hoar the final decision The question is ona on which there la a : endless variety of opinion among th witnesses anmmonod , and BO much of th testimony Is based on conjectures am theory that thora is llttlo practical trot to bo gleaned out of the accumulation o evidence. A deputy of the s'.a'.o veterinarian , tc gother with doctors of this city an Omaha , have boon examining some o the sick and dead cUtlo , and were has ; with their investigations yesterday , ba had not fully decided what to oil thi disoaao. From what they learned Sal urday , they thought that if It was Toxa fever , it was a different typo from no ; th&y had seen. Dr. Seamons was In cllnod to the belief that It was blood ; ranraln , but moro thorough cxatnlnatioi may show that It Is something else Whatever It Is , It Is cinslng much loss o * tock , and great alarm is felt among th farmers and owners of cattle. Dt. Wiles , Eye , E r and Throa specialist , Room 5 , Everett block. THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS , Tho.'ArranRemonta Announced For Grand Union Flcnlc , At a recent mooting of the roprosontn tlvcs of the fonr largest Sunday cchool In the city nn executive committee wa appointed to perfect arrangements for i nnlon basket plcnlo of all the Protestan Sunday achoola In the city , the commltte constating of Don. A. Judd , 0. Louckn , Frank Cook , 0. H. Judaon am Mr. Mclntyro. Tbo committee mot Friday evening nm decided to carry out the Intention of th > projectors of the scheme , and to make the following announcements In all thi schools on Sunday , the 30th : 'That nl Sunday schools In the city be cordlall ; Invited ta join and participate In th day's pleasure. That all meet at Bayllst park at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning September 2d , and from there proceed t < the grounds selected by the committee Palmer's grovo. That In order that al things "be done decently and In order , ' the following named committees bo np pointed : Music E. S. Burnett , Z. T. Llndsoy. Transportation Frank Cook , L. Dale Tables J. Love , W. E. Morrltt , G M. "Washburn , 0. Bosen , 0. H. W , Brown. Strings and Hammocks J. M. Flag ler , George Rice , Harry Onrlis , W. S , Homer , Elmer Stacy , W. H. Stacy. Ice and Water L. W. Talleys , H. DeLong , 0. W. Munger , Hugh E. Smith. Lemonades A. B. Walker and Horace Evan g. To receive and take charge of nil bas kets end provisions at Bayliis * park and ; ake them to the ptcnio grounds 0. A. Loncks , W. S. Caldwcll , 0. H. Jndson. To take charge of the same at grounds and see that they are spread on tbe tables Mrs. L. W. Tnlleys , Mrs. Mo- Bride , Mrs. Orcutt , Mrs. J. N. Brown , Mrs. M. E. Gilbert , Miss Lou Tostovin , MUs H. Slead , Miss L Peterson , Miss Lula Fltob , Miss Ida Wallace , Miss Mln- nlo Crofts. Mrs. Gaylord , Mrs. Otis , yira. D. H. Witter. Miss Autenreitb , illes M. Palmer. Miss Carrlo Burgess , ilra. E. Irons , Mrs. J. M. Matthews , VIrs. A. Boone , Mrs. F. Oooly. Mrs M. soars , Miss A. Maxwell , Miss E. Bergo' , Mies M. Oole , Miis Julia Officer , Miss Damon , Miss Craig , Mrs. Phillips , Mrs. Dharlcs Officer , Mrs. Elam Olark and Mrs. Dr. Montgomery. The executive committee express a de sire that all Sunday schools and all Sun day school wotkers may take part in this union plcnlo to the end that they may jocomo better acquainted with oaoh other and that a moro thorough organ , zed system of Sunday school work nuy 30 carried on In tbo city. The committee have another meeting Monday night at Llndsey'a store , at which they ask all schools to report the irobnblo nnmbor their schools will Bond , ; hat proper accommodation may bo pro- vldod. It Is expected that all who can will bring a basket of such supplies ni jest they can , which will bo placed on ablss by the committee. A grand g < od time Is anticipated. Let all lay aside their cares for the day and make the children happy. MORE MYSTEET , Two FIreB Supposed to bo ttio Work ol IncendlnrUB , Two moro Diazes were added SalurJaj night to the list of apparently Incondlarj fires which teem to bo occurring here with alarming frequency of late. About i ) o'clock fire was discovered in the large Frame stable on North First street , wbicl : until lately has been occupied by Billj Smith , with his express and baggage wagonr , etc. The building was owned by Charles Banghan , and whllo no ) burned to the ground , yet it was so badly wrecked that the few' charred tlmbera still standing are almost worthless. The b'aza was a hot one , and it scorched badly a llttlo bouse next the stable , and owned also by Mr. Baughan.JtbolDg ono cf a row , all cf which were for a time threatened Kith the flames. Thlz little house which was thus damaged wan occupied by George Carter , who lost something on furniture , and had no Insurance. Mr. Banghan's property was llttewieo uninsured. The lisa will reach $500 , About midnight the alarn of fire was igaln founded , tt being caused this tlmo > y ihodlscovoiy of smoke pivurlng from a frame building on upper Bro.\d way , op- iseito the Western hoiue , it haricg been mown as tbo cli vinegar works , and moro recently occupied es B broom lac- ory by Grovenor & Gnnii , The bulld- nc was vacant at the tlmo of the b'azv , and the lire w s put out before any great damige was done , the interior being > adjy emoktd up , and in a few tpots barred. The cause of this fire , as the ( her , is unknown , and tha generally ac- : opted theoiy Is that It was the remit of ome Incendiary's work. The building * as owned by William Biodeutopf. A HIGH LICENSE TICKET , RcpnblloAna Claim They Can Con sistently Frnmo Ono For this Gounty , "Well how do you like tbo platform ? ' asked a DEE mm of ono of the mos prominent of the returned delegates from the state convonllon. "At first I didn't Hko U , for I thoughl It was too strong on the prohlbltlot question , but the more I think It ovoi the moro It pleases mo. It Is all right. . It ploaios the prohibitionists , for It glvoi thorn all they can reasonably ask for , They have oald right along that all thoj wanted was a fair trial of prohibition. S < when the republican convnnllon Bays thai It Is In favor of giving the law a lair trial , that must satisfy thorn. Then there arc many who bellovo that the law Is a fall nro , and that a license or local option law should bo passed. The convention taya that when this law is given a fair trial , and proves not to moot the requirement ) ! , It Is In favor of trying some othei method , It docs not Bay how Ion ? the law shall bo tried , and docs not make prohibition a party teat. It says , In fact , that a republican can bo trno to the party , and can stand upon this platform , and hold any notions ho pleases on thli question , and work for the repeal of the IJSBBJRO of any law ho chooses In regard to It " "Do yon think that this county undoi tbo state platform conld rnn a high HCDCSO man. on a high Hcanao plank , If II wanted to1' ? "That Is just what I think. That la just the way to do It. I hold that the llconao men have no moro buslnets to force a llconso law on counties whore there Is a strong mi jorlty in favor of pro hibition , than tha prohibitionists have to force a prohibltDry law on communities where the sentiment la largely in favoi of llconeo. Now tupppso In this county there Is a strong sentiment In favor oi license , or local option , the convention of this district can with all consis tency , adopt , if Ib chooses , resolutions setting forth lhat sentiment , and nomlnato ita candidate ? , and pledge them to that sentiment. In another county or district , wboro there la a strong sentiment for prohibition , they can run o prohibitionist for the legislature if they want to. The st&to platform gives the greatest latitude on this question , and so permits a fair and open expression of the sentiments of republicans all over the state. Whoa these legislators como to gether , each republican cau honorably and fearleealy represent the sentiments pi the section he roproien'o ' , and they can in all consistency modify or change the law to meet the wishes ot the people. " "Do yon think that this Interpretation of the plank will be generally accepted 1" "I think It will. Of course If all the papers join In with the democratic cry that It Is a prohibition platform It will be very hard to convince the people any differently , Bat If you newspaper men present tbo matter fairly and squarely It will soon bo soon that whllo the prohibi tionists get all they can ask the license and option men have n chance to noml nato and support men to their liking and st'll ' bo trno republicans " "How about this county ? Do you think that the convention will nominate local option men ? " " 1 think so. Thora la no reason why the convention cannot say , if It wants to , that the prohibition law Is a failure , and that it favors some other law. It can nominate mon of that way of thinking , and who will work for the repeal of the present law. I bollovo the convention will do that very , thing , and that in other places , where the republicans find the law a auooess , they can so express them selves. 1 think It will result finally In this , that where communities want prohibition they shall have It , and where they want license they shall have that. " Other republbana are of the same oplnbn , and this may open up a local contest as to whether the republicans of this county shall nomlnato a prohibition ist ticket or a high license ono. In other counties there will bo a like straggle , If this Interpretation is to bo generally ac cepted. Another of the delegates ex pressed great satisfaction over the increased showing of strength of the local option advocates. Tha vote on the substitute for this doventh plank , showed 250 local option or lloanso delegates In the con vention , a great increase over the year before , and the prediction Is made by those men that by anotber year the pro hibitory law will have been BO clearly shown to ba a failure that the state con vention will have a majority In favor of local option. The following Is that plank , under which It is claimed that so much liberty la given the county conventions : 11 The republican paity In Iowa , while steady upholders of the right and duty of the state to regulate the traffic In liquor , by sno1 ! msthoJa as will suppress most of Its evil ) , have never made the support of prohibition a test of party fealty. It pledged Its honor to enact and afterwards did enact a law which tha people - plo of Iowa had ordered by an unques tioned majority , and that came alike from the votes of republicans and demo crats. Wo declare now for a fair acd thorough trial of tnat law , thai It may have time to demonstrate its efficiency or inefliclenoy , before It la repealed to give way to some other bonert and earupst method In the line of finding a true and successful system of dealing with the liquor traffic. Wo arraign and condemn the democratic party In Iowa for Its action In declaring for n $260 ll cense , compulsory In every community regardless of local option ; for legalizing g ln In Iowa the ado tf whisky and all other alcoholic liquors , and for removing all restrictions trom saloons , giving n freedom in the liquor traffic that has not existed in Iowa for thirty years. Workers with mutala generating elec tricity escaped the cholera of ' 40. Then nsa our elcctrlo bolts. Jndd & Smith , Council Bluff * . Agents wanted. A. Stolen Steed , W. P. Aylesworth went to the lira on Saturday night on honebark , but had to walk homo. The reason of this was that on arriving at the fire ho hitched his tnare at the corner of First and Broad way , and on getting ready to start for home , the mare hid myiterlonsly dis appeared. Tbo hitching strap had been cut clean , close to the brldlo , Indicating that the mare was stolen. The mare Is a dark bay , with rather heavy , black mane and ( all , stands about fifteen hands high , weighs 1,050 , and his no marks. The taddle is nearly now. A liberal reward , vlll bo paid for her recovery. Substantial abstract of tltlo and real istato leans. J. W. and E. L. Squire , 102 Pearl street. The Mines Chapman of Kanaaa City , who lava been guests of the Jlleaea Loakowiltl , eft Saturday evening for home. J. M. PHILLIPS , WHOLESALE DEALER IN Boots & Shoes Employ no traveling Bgents , Ihns tnvInR their Denies to cuttomcri. Agent for Tara Knbbor Company , Write ( or ptlcog. 413Broadway , Council Bin , a DYING AND CLEANING WORKS. Gentlemen's Clothing Gleaned , Dyed ft nil Repaired. Ladies' Dresses Cleaned nnd Dyed without rlppinp. Flumes Gleaned , or Colored any Shade , to Snmplo. Silln , Volveta , and Laces Cleaned , Dyed and ReBnished. Loco Curtains neatly cleaned ; 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , opposite Post office. office.F. . JB. JP4.5TT0.iV , Manager. N , J. SwANSON. 0. E , SWAN-SOS SwANSON.8WANSON MUSIC CO. , Dealers in PIANOS AND ORGANS And ill kinds ol mujlcM Inilrunacnts. rhnoBind owmigola on the Installment rlan. Muilcal netru. mentaof ooty deictlptlon tuned and repaired. llMlng over 14 3 cnra experience In the bustnofa wo fee confident o ( giving the best ot utttUotlon. Httnemtar the plaee. Sign o ( tht gilt orgin 329 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses nnd Mules constantly on hand which wo will Roll In retail or carload lota All Stock Warranted as Represented bolegaloandreUU dctlorilo Grain and Baled n r. Frtcoa re . Bonable Batltfactlon Guaranteed. .SGHLTJTER . A BOWLEY Oor. 5th Av. nnd 4th St. , Council Bluffs. PLATING WITH MATCHES , It Causes the Burning ol a Barn and Dentil of Two Nor cs , Yesterday afternoon a llttlo boy , a son of George W. Carter , In Streetvlllo , wa playing with matches In his father's barn and accidentally sot the hay on firo. Th blaze spread so quickly that tbo building and contents were stjon In ashes. Thor were in tbo barn two hones , be longing to Mr. Garter , valued a $450 , and both were burned to death the flames being so hot and spreading si rapidly as to render It impossible to ge the team out. The llttlo fellow who caused this rnln had a narrow escape him naif , ho barely getting from the barn In time to B VO bis lite , nls eyebrows am hair being scotched In his flight. There was no Insurance , and the loss is a heavj ono for Mr. Carter to boar. ELEGANT WEDDING AND STYLISH PAKTY Stationery , the finest and most complete line over brought ta the city now at PBYOR'S BEE JOB OFFICE. Invitations , Programs' , Ragrots , Calling Cards , etc. , THE LATEST STYLES , and In quantities to suit. Also a buautifal line of ENGRAVED FOLDERS AND pARDS. Call and see them. All eiders filled promptly , and the work will bo gaarnn toed to equal the stock. PERSONAL. J. J. Bliss is looking after his Kansa lands. Charles Ferguson has returned from hia trip to Boston. Sheriff Garrison oi Harrison county , was in the ctty Saturday. J. F. Kimbill and wife have returned from three weekt' trip east. M. F , Rohrer and family have concluded their stay at Spirit Lake. Mrs. J , W. Hooiier has returned from a month's vlait in Nebraska. Hon. Sam M. Chapman of Flattsmoutb , Neb. , brother of OoL John W. Chapman , was n the city yesterday. Hhs May Campbell of Missouri Valley , a ilece of John Tompleton is visiting her rela tives and friends here. Mrs , James Patterson returned yesterday rom a vieit to her mother in Boston , elio hav ng been gone two months. John L. Cohoon of this city , adjuster of he D willing Ilouao Inauranca compiuy , has ono on a business trip in Nebraska. J. J. Yanderveer loft last evening for Lln- : oln , Neb , , to make arrangements for the dis play of Van Brunt , Thompson & Co.'a goods tt the fair , | FOR HALS HI I ' S. A , PIERCE , ! 100 M in St. , Council BluQs Retail Iloot and Shoe etoro where biR bargtlng can Hwaya ba found. H. SOBTUEZ. 8bU OTT.n AWKUKUH BIFUSM HOTEL .In Council Itluffi having And all rootlern improvements , call bolls , Ore alarm bulle , etc , , in tbe CKESTON HOUSE Nou. 21D , 217 nnd 219. Main Street. MAX AnUN , - S PKOPRIKTOK LESSONS CUVJDN ON THE Piano and Orgiu , 3y Mlia Fannia Weetcott , Organist ; nt the ? reabyterlaa church. Hoaldcnca COO cRton Ave , JACOB SfJUS , flforney-a-Law ! ! CX3UNOIL.BLUTJ , 1 WA. I . . _ SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special a voitlaemen ana M Lot found , To Loan , For Sale , To Bet > Wants , Board tag , etc. , will b iniorted In this column at the lei rate ot TEH CENTS PER LINE tor the Orat Insortloi uid VIVE CENTS PER LINE for each rnbwquenl In scrtlon. Leavcadvertlaements at oaroOot , Mo. I1 1'oail street near Bioadwar _ WANTO _ FOR BALK Houses lota and lind. A J. Stephen ton , 6C3 First Avenue , Council B ulTa ANTED Good canvasser for city work : good paj to right m n. Enquire at 323 Broadway. J A. Powers , manager. Eoansvr A six' room house , ten mlnntoj wall . from business , city water , well and cistern. Foi rent cbcap. FORUBAT-NO. ISO Harrison afreet , three room ? . 4 Pcatl strtet. A MAN ol eiperlcnco wants to purchase an Inter rut In apt ] Ing hard wore business. Addrcai A. B. , B R office , Council DlufTs. FOR SALtf , FOR UKNT OR EXCHANQE. NO , 63 For sala nr rent , on very liberal terms , The Couirll f.luds Paper Mill , complete , with the larpo boarding house nml three acres of nrrun J. No. 26 Abu | iQCBalpropertyin Cherokee , Cberoket ccuntv. town , will tiado ( or western Una p. Value about ei.CCO. NO. SO A bctutlfal homo In the town ol HasllngB Mills county , Iowa , ( or Nebrista land. Value , $3,600 , Mo , 41 A good business prrpoity and a'eo n sooj residence property In the tonu ol Chcnvo , JfoLoan county , III. , ! o r down Jrcisa or will exchange ( oi western lauds. lo. 179 A splendid ( arm , well ImpnHcd , 810 acres In Dickinson county , lena , joining tbo town ot Spirit Lake. Prlco. ( or a ehoi t tlmo ; $35 nor aero. No. 184 to 137 Are ( our Improved farms In Phillip * county , Kaaea , caci with a small incumbraoca. The cqultas will bo exchanged ( or unlncumbercd nlldlandln Nebraska. No. U3-480 acroc in Ilo't county , Nob. , partly Improved , at a big bargain. Plants to exchange tor mcrihindlse. No. E4A fine two ttory bilck r.ElJcnco , onool tto best locations In Council llliida , 11 trade ( or zood uulncumbercd Kacsu or Nebraska lands. Va'ue { 15100. No 65 aud 11 * ro two other beautiful bomeo In Council Bluffs , which cash payment will buy atn brrtraln. No. 61 A baautlful suburbvn location In Iowa CItv , lo i , will exchange ( or western lands. Value 85,003. 'flie above are only a ( ow ol our special bargains. It vcu'Aogrt anything to t ratio''or eell , or want to roil any roil estate or merchandise , write u < We hav ce\crilgcod stocks ol roods to trade ( or lands. SWAN & WALKER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . Eice M. B. ° r other tumors removed without the j knife or drawing of blood. CHRONIC 'DISEASES , Over thirty yeara prtctlca expeil nor. Cfflco 11 , Pearl stteet , Council bluffs /arCouBultatlon free. Office & Pucev. Council Bluffs , lo-wa. Established - 1865 TIOS OFFICER M.W. HPDfllf Genera ] Aftent at Largi | " SAFETY FOND SYSTEM , " Life and Annuity Ins , Co JRANCH WKSTEIJ.V DEPOT , 22 PEARL STIIEET OOUNOIL BLUFFS , J. L. DEBKVOISB. Ho. 607 DrosdwsT Oonnoll ElnflX OOUNOIL BLUFFS. TSi * followlrg ara tba tlroee of tbo arrival and da. , ttir of trains by osnttil etandard tlma , al the nraliUpoti. Tralni leave trauafer depot tin mln- itcf eirllcr and arrive Un mluutei later. 9:25 : A It Mall and Eipreaa . _ 11:10 : T u Accommodation 4rO'r : u 6:30 r u lExprcea B:05 A u OUItUM AKP KOCK ISLASP. > :25 : A ii Mall and Express 6:53 : r w FilS A H Accommodation 6:45 : v isa : r M Ktyrets [ SW A n OOJCA9O , K1LWACUIAHD IT. 1:20 : A > i Mall and Kxprcti e:60 : r H iUe r u Kxproai 0:05 A CHIOAOO , loauioran AHD qomor , i:4f : A u Mall and Einreaa 7:10 : r u > :30 : r u /rcomujodatlon 5:00 : r u > ; 15 r M Kinrcn * (1:60 ( : A M waiiiu , IT. LOUH AJTO rAoine. ! ; 16 r U Local Bt. Loult Express Local 8:00 : r II Transfer " < < Traosler 8:20 : ru EAKCAI arr , IT , ; oi AMD ootnon. itom. 0:10 : A 11 Mall and Kxpreu . 7fi : r K t:05 : r H Eipreea CZ6 A M noox cm AHD rAomo :20 : A u Mall ( or Sioux City B:60 : r M : tO r ii Express lor st Paul 0:26 A v CNio-t ricirir. 1:00 : A x Dner Kipieat i3S r M 1:05 r M Lincoln Fata Om i R V SS5 r H 7:65 r i < Overland xpres 8 : 0 A M DPH1IT TRilSJ TO OMilli , Leave Council Bloffa - 8.65-7:66-9 * ) ItM 1:49 : p , m. Leave Omaha 6.25 VU : 1:60 . 'lO - - - - - - - - - - - - -11:18 : a. m. A , J. Stephenson , Estate Dealei KO. BOJ ran AT * , uonnaU Tllnflk , low ; Ed. Wright 'STENOGRAPHS ' , Type-Write : Offle * No. SIS MyniUr G I EVERYBODY'S STORE. DIT Qoodi , Qroceilu , noni 1 reed , to. , AJ.WAT1 AT TOT Lowott Market Price Oor.if UalautHUthAn Commonly known u EVERYBODY'S STORE. Qrandy & Oo. , City Mi Store , , F/flfl Cigars , Toilet ' Articles , Eto. Pmcrlptioni Specialty ' No. II Main BU EC. WBSTOOTT. Manufacturer of Trunks , Satchels , Sample Cases , etc. Trunks Repaired. No. S3 Pearl St , corner of Flirt ATenuo. saiuaoouo ams so3 T3i mm E.G. SMITH , General Agent BT.Y , Life Ins , Oo Useta. - - 500,000,000 Jorplus , - | 10,00oo So. 600 Krradway , Up Stairs. lj. FORMA B B CLOTHING , | J Itnt't Furnishing flood , HATS , CAPS , 3oots , Shoos , oto. No. 164 Broadway , > ppoalte the Ogden Home H. 8. WEST , D ENTIST No,12rerlSt , Orer Bee ofita rirtlenlit Attiatlea Oln to tfci FrinmtlcB el tti JTitnul Xdth. C. L. NEUNAS. MEAT MARKET AllUndiof Fresh and Salt Meats No. 799 Main Street. LEFKOYITS No , 101 MAIN 61 Allklniiof Theeheipat itore tad the bat itock of FrulU. ODELL & DAY , Beai 2EitateInnmnoe and Loan Agenta. Hare 8100,000 to Loan oa Tpet enl Intcntl IB8TRACT8 OF TITLE Thtt you tn nly on , [ oner at Loweit Rales XeKABOH * CO. , No. 4 Pearl Et Mandemakers& Van , ECHIIECIS , C05TBACTOBS M BDILDEES , Ho. 101 Uppir Broidwir. TAYLOR & CALEF , fancy and Btapl * GROCERIES , lilt Ihi la thi City. o. Ot Broadway , louell Blaffi. nion Iron Worts , Brjuani & Co. , Prop * . U Undi cl Cutloga rutlnjci * Booflnf rail- ' ini a ipedaltr. : empt Attention dlreo lUpaln. iopa Cor.td it klltbAr. J. L/RATEKIN , ' ConniUsloa Slori , Otoiitlu ul Fmlileti. frnlti , Cosfidleiit ; , CU ! 'IB ! Totuce. A BrxciAtrr , 619 8. Main St. , tllghcit market prle pal for farm produce , J. J. BLISS , ALL THE lAteit StjlU Of ' Millinery $ Notions Alviri it lowill Jilcil. No. 388 Itrondirny. Or. W. L. Capcll , Special attention glrcn t < Blllllll ot Wenia and Cireilo tlieim , CONSULTATION FREE Office In Dohany'i Opera House. IHICAQO UEiT MARKET JOnit JWEBO , Prop. Fresh and Sail Meal SOLOOITA BAU3AOE , Lard , Dried Beef , etc No. C25 Main Street , it Sect D. of Dt. Jo. Demi lEUMAYER'S HOTEL , Hal. 108 , 819 BrsiiTiT. ales $1,00 to $1.25 $ jtriaj Jlrit Olau Sir in connection. Opposite Ogden ITotuB. . . P. Hanohett , M.D nOVlEOPATUIO hyeician & Surgeon , Council Blu ( ft. Bee No 12 I'carl Street onus : 10 to 12 a. m , am 2 to 4 p. ra. ESIDKM-I : : No. 120 4th street , hours , before B.m. nnd after 7 p.m. Telephone No. 10. JOfjN J. KURTZ , FHCENIX [ eat Market. lor. llila nl etorflti. . D , GOLDSTEIN , ? AWN & I/AN OfFIOE 228 Ilroadway. ORE AT BARGAINS n Unredeemed Goods , V7ATOEE3 , WE LET , CLOTIIINO , II u I oil Jiislriiiiioiito , CiTolren , Onu , ito. Si 500 He , Dr . WOODBURT * SOIU DENTISTS , Oor.r arlBt.AlitATft CnitU Dluffi , ten. U.KOBETICH , [ 108 Boot ail 103 Kittr , No 223'Main Gt , Council Blnftk , Iowa , Boots and Shoes AT LOW P MCH. LO3 T > < T 1r Btxvofi , Oiuttl BliCI , U. STORAGE Warehouse Dohany'i Old Hall I Leal Estate u ml bnruii Ajiaaj FOKRK8T SMITn , re Conpanlei RtpresEiiiiz j22oooooo or Assets. No 180 Main St. - Irrn P. 0. MULEE , ill Paper ajd wconlloii No. IS Pearl EL , > BLUFFS , U. I. GILINSKT , feir and Scconil Hani FURNITURE , res aDd nonselioli Gooiij At Lowoit Trice * itapeit Eton ID Tova. No. 631 Broadway , inicll DlnlTj , i'.lJelllnRer , M.D , rgeon ind Physician Broadway , Dp-aUln dine etT.Ctb Aieatu Oor. 1O > St. W. P. AYLSWORTH AND RAISER. Bilck buildlDKB of any kind ruined or moved and witlBfoetion guarantoaa. Frame hon * i\id on Little Giant trucks , the bwt la tbe world. W. P.AYLBWOHTn. 1010 Ninth Street , Council AND "THE " ENGLISH" KITCHEN , Itegulixr Dlntitr 11 : 0 to 1UO : , 2S cents. 605 Broad-way , Council Bluffs. The only all night house in the city. erythirpr rved in firat elm etylo ftnd on ihof notice , Hot tnd cold lunchoi alwayi ready ,