THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY , AUGUST 27 , 1885. At thla twwoti nnnrlr r.rerj nun vprat to tire ! " > m < mrttjf tonic. I1IONcntpmItitonJrant-teveryphj' ' elclan'a prescription ( or those who need Luildlnujip BROWS THE BE5T.TONIC. irs . I.nnsllndr , l.nrlc cf r ' ' i. , It HAM M ) KQIIAIi , and ( iitne'o'nly in tncdldnettuttatint Injlirl " " ' It jrirfc1ic : "ilio" iifoml'r iiiVipoVntc Ilio Bynlcm , JlcntorcsApiicl Hti-Al.l Jl cBtlon It does not blacken nr Injure the teeth , etude head , ache or produce constipation alhiTlrofnnHeiniiaa On. G. H. TUNKIXT , a leading physician ot Bprlnfrfield , O. , fart : * "Brown's IronUlttorslsa thoroughly ( rood modi , cine. I nM It In my practice , find find Its action excels nil otl'er form * of Iron. In wenknem or a loir condition of Iho nntrm. Brrmn'n Iron Illtteri I ) tiroally A poeltlre nocesalty. It la all that la claimed for It. " o Genuine him trade mark and rromcd rod lines on crupper. Tnlio tin oilier. Made only by IIKOIVN CIIIMIOAL : en. . IIAI.TIMOIM MD. t-AMTB' IlANnIIOOK-nwnl und attractive , con. laramtr list nf imm for i-wlpe . lnform tlon about olna , oto. , Rln-n nw j by nil dcnli-rn In medicine , or balled to anr &ddrtM on recelot of Sc. etamp. . itten guarantee of euro given In every caao nndortakcn. B A11 consultations Free aau Nncrcd. Ur. Clarke's Celebrated Boot and WatlnKS ( In plain envelopes ) two ntamps. " * ! ) . CHILEE.H. DH180 So. CllUK 5T. CIllUiGO , Hi. E.CZEMA. For the benefit of f uttering humanity , I d-em It only my duty to glvathte unsolicited testimony In favoiil Swllt's Specific. My wife his been nflllctcd i with Eczomt from loanosr.Vo tiled e"ery known iI remedy , but to no avail. Hhowas alfoidllcted with I periodical nenous headache , eometlmte followed ] by onlnlormittnntfuviT , BO that her life became a burden to hor. finally I determined to try Swift's J Spoplfla She commenced seven weeks ago. After \ taking tbo first large bottle the disease scorned to Increase ; the burning , itching and Inflkmatlon bo- tf cnmo unbearable. She , however , pereeuored In theme tI f mo ot the medicine. Alter taking the second bottle tt I the Influmatlon bejan ia subside. Alter the third bottle the Inflamatlon disappeared , and sore spots t dried up and turned white and soaly , and finally she \ brushed thi mod In an impalpable white ponder resembling pure salt. She is novr taking the sixth C bottle ; oveiy appcaraeco of the disease 19 gone , and 0 her flesh Is soft and white as a child's. Uer head 0a aches have dleappeand and eha onjoya the only 0o peed health eho bai known In ta \ eirs. No wonder o iho dcenn every bottle cf S. S. S. la worth a thou fi sand times Its weight la gold. fiL fib Any further information concerning bor case will bo cheerfully given by heraelf at her residence , 185 b Mullctt Street , or by me. 1 JOHN F.BR4.DLKY , arl8woldSt. Detroit , Mich. , llay 16 , 28S5. 1t For sale by all drugnltts , t UUESWlFr SPECIFIC CO. P8WK Y , J57 St. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa , a OH. RBCE , lid / rrffMnnMCMrtRM M * * ! ' \i IIc IIe iII t IId M W . r-i T.n . . M 0e 0P li 1tt tt ttat at aEsasLTasxc p atP eft CluTer 01 m orrxtaaea 61 61It It Ca-o ctbi am using your Fluid Ertract E l Clorw biat at now. o are wrcome to lua tli tortt ot flouottt ot nutlerlna huminlty. llespt-ctJuUy , Mm L. A. JOENSOX ofut * "th Bomethlntr like A Mrof aloua dlfleiuo. aud found n. | ut fellet until the gave your Kxtrvt of lied ( Jk.v r trlaj. of Iff * , happy to ay nho ha * err rienc i pront rallei , fUt l buU llSht toftiropnlttl of iny apprectaUon a to yonr efforts In behalf of humanity , wluoh you an welcome to use for tuelrbenfflt of I am , very respoctf ully. n , AIUI1 ov of th * K.Ixx . * Oo..lIOKTo.o > ' - th USHTO-1 comraeiiced UUnir year Ext It J CIoTer , wo rmn sro , for tryslpVlas , nd hM * not boon ca trwibloa alnca. Ida hereditary wU me. TWnk yea tuinUM lust blood iDodluno known. lit Voow irHly. w. M. BEIDEUI , al alhi hi R. R Hynun , ot grand napldi , Hlch. . uyAfter that tno upctonadvliccl him louse Ix > oeo'BKit.Jwl Clover at jwr bad cats of Kciema , or > "ercr Bore on Iho lea only used two poundj of your Solid Extract Itod Clorea tl Am . tlII now well. * it SpringUedletaeTonloand ( renenil Illood l > nH II ier It liu no ntul. For sole by ail rrucgUtj. or J. K tr t.iiro .Mrh ! trat Maniiood Restored atol olgi gibi HEM EOT1'BEK. Avlctlm of youthful Imprudence bi causlnK Premature Dccar , Nervous Oebllitr , Ixwt bigi .DUiiliood , da.liatlnR tried Iu vsln eiory known girt " 'ns'ar.iiasolscovereilmiiraplemeamoj self-cure , rt which hewllUcniJ rilHIJ to 111. fullow-nuirerorn ; JUidrcss. J.U.UUUV1UJ.U CliathamBt-.New York. Ictl tl tlA tlPi 1'rcnininr' Tli'cKno fromorrorsorcxi'fssc , 81 .oatl'oHc ; jlteasesof the KlilnorB , lllail- , mid lroitalo ) Olitnd OUUK1) wlllinnt ot 8or loinanh Medicinn by thp Marstou llolua. V'a- Cl rleocolu cured without surgery. Treatise and tea- Clnt timonlul < rri < . All rorrndponilenrocnnlidpntlal. nt KAH3TOH REHKDY 00Tor DR. II. TRESKOW , cl t i t.- i - a * * a * uew > vrtau ta tb oo / FORMan P' ' Man and Beast. 00at sli FTi tb Mustang Liniment is older than 61 most men , and used more and 61b ( Tl more every year , CO ID at THE RUSSIAN DYNASTY , AM the Peculiar People Rnlel Jiy Ihc lie Czar , The Nihilists and the Peasantry Lo cal Government Board Super stitions. Moscow correipondenco SanFrancitco Chron icle. The Romanov dynattny owes Its origin to the Polish Invasion of Russia In 1010 , during which the line of Rnslk became extinguished. In 1G11 a general assem bly of Russian nobles was held at Nljnlf Novgorod to organize a revolt against the Invaders , and an army was called together and marched upon Moicow , which yield ed to the Rnaslans in 1012. In the fol lowing year an aisambly of the estates met to elect a czar , and after full discus sion Michael Romanov , a youth of six teen ( son of Fcdor Nikltlch Romanov , a noble of Prussian extraction , and Metro politan of Rostcf ) , was crowned czar on July II of that year. It is from this youth that the reigning omperora trace their descent In studying the institu tions , policy and customs of Ruaiia It la Impossible ( o lay too much stress upon ono composite character of her people , their diffusion over a vast tonitory , the influence of two centuries of Tartar rule and the continual growth of the omplro by moans of accoislons chiefly from Asiatic powers. These circumstance ! alone servo to explain the continuance cf autocratic government end the present attitude of tbo poople. It ia probable that no other form of government would have boon successful with them. The best proof of thla lies in the devotion of the people to the czar , which I can testify la of the most sacred character. THE KIHIUSTS. It Is ono of the gravest mistakes to suppose that Russia ia filled with nihilists , Nothing of tbo sott. The Russian peatantia n gocd-nntured , hard-working , hard-drinking and hard-hitting animal , who cats and steals nllho can , displace the prleat , venerates the czar , and ia always ready with a fight or a debauch. Nihil ism nor any other itm ever enters bis head , which la commonly too full of vodka to held anything else. Tbo dltcontent wo hear so much of in the English news papers Is partly imaginary , partly duo to the ambition of that very small middle class In Russia which hitherto has enjoyed - joyod BO few opportunities of advance ment. Bat Russia Is changing rapidly , and , under the workings of the emancipa tion act , the middle class in the courao of another generation or two will have lit tle cause to complain. The late emperor of Russia , intending to grant constitu tional government to his country , had a institution drawn up , which still Hos In mo of the ministerial offices In St. Petersburg ready to bo promulgated tvhen the proper occ talon occurs. By hla infortunato death this great reform ha > ) cen deferred , bat not for long. CONDITION OP THE PEASANTRY. I can see rmny signs of change and mprovoment since my previous visit to his country in 1872. For centurlea the Uiealan peasant had scarcely any idea of ersonal liberty. Ho was liable to be rorked to death , to bo unlawfully and xcesalvely taxed , to ba torn from his imlly and sent into the army or to Si- eri , and to BOO his children similarly reated. In 1707 a Russian soif owner , a roman , was convicted of having done to eath by inhuman torture during a course f ten years neil ksi than 100 of her serfs mong them several youcg girls of not rer 12 years cf ago. Another female end picked a boy to death with a pen- nlfe because ho had neglected to feed er rabbi ! s. All this is now changed. bo serfs hava become Independent of loir lords , whoee authority la replaced 1 communal self government. The rur- i communes have gradually acquired the inda formerly held by nobles and have latribnted thorn among the families hlch compose the commune with great npartiallty and due regard to their eev- ral claims and abilities. The nobles have ot failed to accommodate themselves to 10 change. Formerly they passed their vea in Idleneea , Rambling and aensuallly , esphlcg commerce and finding their jly careers in the army. Since the uanolpatlon many of them hava become ractlcal f armors and others have gene P ito business or Into the local profession BlG id helped swell the rising middle class. G lie peasant has of late years fallen heir la i now prlvil'goa ' and now duties. The 01h [ ministration of jastico has greatly Im- 01bi < : ovod and trial by jury haa usurped the bibi ace of the nobles' nat. The peasants bi ako very good jurymen. They are un- tl ucited , but do not lack in shrowdnota C9P3 d common sense. Sharp dealing in P3a ado , assaults and battery , and drunk- a nota they look upon as venial fsultr , th it burglary , a on , highway robbery ye d Iho gr ver crimes aio dealt with an irnly and upon the whole very fairly. atiW LOOAL OOVBIINMENT HOARD , W ( th Among the novr Institutions established the late emperor la the zemttoo , a sort oil local board of supervisors. It la not Alan foi common to find thceo competed partly nobles and partly of peasants , the lat- : largely In the majority. No traces an foi antagonism between these classes Inco themselves. The nobles do most tomi the talking , but the peasants oct for mi emselvos and do the voting. When ey rise lo epo k tbey are clear , praotl- CO l and to the point , and are Invariably S3' ' toned to with respectful attention by S3'wl present. None cf that bitter feeling wlEi Ei tweon capital and labor manifest * Itself at is BO common in Germany , France S5 than d England. This Is partly duo to old S , partly to the clever management of an th o Rutslan financial tyetom , which dla- thbl ibulos the burden of taxation very fairly blne ne long the pooplojand partly to the system holding the lands In common , A fa eat part of the sell of Russia , which , fad it a few years ago , was hold by her bl oat nobles , la now the property of the tu ral commuuof , end more of it Is pasting to their hands every day. Of course acdc ore Is roim for improvement , and as an th uerlosn I can see many ways In which tb o condition of the people might ba im * ovod , but Russia Is doicg very well tbM 10 has bad historical conditions end cir < M instances to deal with which the traveller la unaware of and raory cant - t make duo allowance for. The eman- atac latlon of the serfs was a greater under- ac fie king than Is generally understood , and ns far it has stood the practical test un- ot mmonly well. PEASANT SUPBE3TITION , The Russian peasant was a difficult oblcm to deal with , It ia difficult to nvey an Idea of how much Ignoranca d tnperatilicn ii mingled with hit rewdness and common sense , The r.hlp cf rasrod picture } or "icons" la Tl a atrangest ( f ell. There is ono In TlW cry room and every shop , one in every d , behind every door , In every niche W itfie pictures are worshiped not on sc W ant of tbg holy personages they ate ppcsed to represent , but bocauto tbey ) believed to bo personally capable of confeirlnp ; temporal benefits , of outing lllnprs or wording off evils. They are usually found by priests bnrled in aome neglected spot. Their oxiatonco ia re vealed In a vision , a pilgrimage la termed to dlccovrr them , and when found they are carrlo 1 In triumph to the phcea thfy are Intended to adorn. Groups of pilgrims may be seen In all part a of Russia searching f or leona or ful filling some vow made to them. "When- over I riii3 for my Trailer , hla first act alter opening the door of my room la to bow to ( ho Iron over the window. When I open a shop door a boll rings and a lit tle Icon pops out , to whom the shop keeper fit'at does homigo before ho walta on TUP. In the atroats there are chimes with loons in thorn , the ohnrchos are full of them , and one hangs over the arch way tbat leads Into the Kremlin , to whom the emperor himsalt must doff hla hat. When the French entered Moscow a com pany of Napoleon'a grenadiers in vain endeavored to dislodge the icon. It Jo- sitted Uiolr utmost tfforts. Even cannon lud no < fleet npon it , and It hangs there still. Such is the mujlk's account of It Nervous Debilitated Men , You are allowed a tree trial Jor thirty dayt of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Volt&lo Bolt with Electric Suspensory Appliances , for the speedy relief and permanent euro of Nervous Debility , loss of Vitality and Manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also for many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health , vitfor and manhood. No rlek in Incurred , illustra ted pamphlet with full information , terms , etc. mailed frco by addressing Voltaic Belt Co , , Marshall , Mich. "Ed" iUolrcs. Salt Lake Tribune. An eastern journal prints a lonp ar- llclo on "Thu Remarkable Career" of "Ed" Stnko ? . It recounts iln foots np to the tltno ho completed his term of Ira- pthoumf nt for killing Flak , then says ho wont to California and wai looked upon aa lost by Iho few who had not quite forgotten him. "Bat , " says the article , "tho stuff which makes men rlto was In him. " After awhile they In Now York hoard of the wonderful bar In the Hoff man house. Men and women flocked to COB it and found that the half had net been told about it. Then Stokoo began to bo a familiar figure on Wall street The other day ho was elected president of the "United Lines Telegraph Company , " a formidable corporation , and now every ono in Now York calls him , "Mr. Stoker. " It Is an Interesting s'ory ' truly , and shows that there Is a great deal iu the man. Not many could rfsa from a despair oo low , and wo would not If wo could , dim In the losst the lustra of the achievement. Bat It take ] nothing from Stokes to have the truth told. Ho was very poor for a good while in the went. He made the acquaintance of a very gal lant and rich man. The rich man , mth- jut any noise , backed Stokes and he sought a silver mine , developed It and lold It , clearlcg it Is said $300,000. With ; hat he bonght the Hoffman house , and Sew York people , with an unfailing In- itlnot , rocognfzid that It was time 0 atop saying mean things about ilm and to begin to call him 'Mr. Stokes. " They merely recog- ilza that ho ia rich and that Is enough , ? ho things which ho really deserves redlt for they never think of. When all ho east was closed against him ho had ho energy to come wtst and to work , tend nd a mine , to command the capital to uy It , work it and soil it. It was a plondld achievement , but there wan ever 3 much luck about it. Had he not at- racted one man's attention and interest , lo one man of all the .millions of the nlon he would probably never have ecn anything more than the keeper of a icap saloon m California and the owner 1 a race horse cr two. But be did at- 'act the right man , and that was more edit to him than all the adulation that 'ow Ycrk City yields him now. \Vlij Is It hat the sale of Hood's Sarsaparllla con- nuoa at such a rapidly Increasing rate ? 1st : Because of the positive curative ilno of Hood's Saraaparilla itself. 2d : Because of the conclusive evidence : remarkable euros effected by It , un- irpassed and seldom equalled by any ; her medicine. Send to 0. I. Hood & o. , Lowell , Mass , for book containing any ttaiements of cures. A Romance. Ono would hardly think of looking into lutarch for a tender romance. In his count of the campaign of Vespasian In anl occurs the fallowing : Epponla , a dy of rare beauty and accomplishments , id of noble blrtb , being informed that r husband Sabius , a Roman who had ttorly opposed tbo Emp ror , had been atou by the troopi of Vespasian , and at ho was lying concealed in a deep vo between Francho Oomto and Cham- gno , eought him out and made herself voluntary prisoner with him. And ere In that civo they lived for many ars. A ptlco was upon Sablub' head , d his discovery would have been In- int death. In that deep cave children re born to the devoted twain , and ( to a noble vrlfo perfoimed all the ices of a menial , never tiring of caring ' and protecting bor beloved husband , length , however , tha retreat of the jitivoa was discovered and both Sabius tt i hla wife were taken and convoyed bo- ttN ' 0 the Empercr Vespasian , who liatcned N the story of Eppoula with astonish- 1A nt. , A "How had yon , a weak woman , the v * irigo and fortitude necessary to such a ce iriQce ? " ho asked. la "Sire , " answered the noble matron and laI fe , standing erect and looking Into the aporor's face , "I have lived under- mud andin , darkness , much happier Bl , in yon have on tbo summit of power bedc d In the broad light of the sun. And dc ough yon should ordir us now to the CO > ok ot the executioner , yon cannot rob at cf these years of repose. " Wi Babius looked to BOO the Emperor's CO : o grow dark and to hoar tbo words of th om from his lips , but Instead the no- a wife was freely pardoned ; and then , rning to the husband , Vespasian ded that he would rather seek to ren- r the evening of his life comfortable an to add another pain. Ho would do at for bin wife's sake. If for no other , m Another Bubiurlxor Fays Up. a ) nneapolls Tribune , ah Once In a great while something comes th tallng acrota the vltion like a pasting at gel , Having with it the cdor of strange he wora , plucked by unieen hands , In fowl known countries far beyond the earth- wl teas. Wo do not understand it , oin- 01 t fathom It , yet we know tbat It must th a thing of joy and beauty. CO fo sti hi all b n Bftbjr ITM tick , wo gara tier CostorU , Ni ben the wu * Chill , she cried for Cattorb , Wjwl ion the became Ulti , the clone to V jtoria , wl \aa \ ilio hid ChlldrtB , ih * g Totiou. C * tori tb gl.wl wl he NEBBASKA. CITY , Tlio Went her unit Ita Effect In Otoo Politics nd I'crsonnlitlcs. Correspondence ol the BEE NEBRASKA Our , Aug. 23. About the most singular modern commodity wo know of is Nebraska , weather. Ono day the mercury figures tray up to the hun dreds , in conicquonco of which jou awoltor , and stoim , and sweat to such an extent that you are compelled to USD de odorizers in order that you do not out- smell everything in your Immediate neighborhood. The next wo know wo are wrapped in flannels and mufllors and imbibing Tom and Jerry's , hot whiskies , etc. , to keep our blood up and to enjoy a comfortable temperature. At present wo ate enjoying pleasant Manitoba weather with no indication of a return of the horrible rible tropical unpleasantness of July. I regret to state that Hon. H. F. Cody , manager of the Chicago Lumber yards at this place , ono of our insst prominent citizens and enterprising business men , Is making arrangements to move to Dmaha with his family soon , to engage In tbolamberbusincBs. NobraskaOityoan 111- afford to lose Mr. Oady , and wo begrudge four olty this valuable acquisition. Perhaps Nebraska City hss built moro roads on piper , moro marine hospitals in her mind , moro railroad bridges out of wind and moro palatial edifices in the atmosphere In the past dooado than any town of similar proportions in the world , and for that reason wo have heretofore mads no mention of our prospective new postoffico building , for which Congrats Tecantly appropriated $75,000 , but since the silo is selected and paid for end thing ! nearly reedy to begin operations , I btltevo It Is s fo to say wo will coon enjoy this valuable public Improvement. It will bo n lasting monument to tbo un tiring oBorts of Senator Van Wyck in behalf of his constituents , tor which this community Is duly grateful , The now building will bo erootod on Otoo and Eighth streets a very desirable situ and would bo a credit to any city. They do say there Is war in the demo cratic camp In Otoo county. Our demo cratic sheriff ia charged with publicly as sorting that if ho were defeated for that office ho now holds this fall that the de mocracy of Otoo would certainly go to shool. It is evident from this all is not lovely in the grand old bourbon party In this vicinity , and that the 'offensive partisan" may make things rather warm tor somebody. "Harmony , " that much boasted of ingredient of democracy , Is sertalnly not so provallent In the ranks in the of "Anld " as days Lang Syno. The Nebraska Cltvitcs who have boon rusticating at the lakes have returned iomo and are now at tholr several posts ) f duty. Query , If tbo item published last veek regarding the Gorman plcnlo was a 'slanderous lie , " why did certain polltl- itans make such a vigorous kick when no tames were mentioned } Perhaps the reta can give some light. MAX. a t Angostura Blttcra are endorsed by all B lie hading physicians and chimiats for their C urlty and wholoaomODOf a. Beware of coun- y arfeits and ask your grocer and druggist for li la genuine article , prepared by Dr. J. G. B lil lia legcrt & Sous. a n CRANKS AT THE STATION. h o bo Thousands of People , Mortly G Fool ? , \Vlio TrAvoI on the Railroads , . hiladelphla Times. ntl tlo "Creaks ? " said one of the bright and tlr oed looking guards at the Broad Street r < tatlon , "this is a very paradise for ranks. There must ba some attraction BtBl ) r them here amid the turmoil of this Bl jone. Perhaps they enjoy the gentle lorta of the Iccomotlvo as it puffs In or ut of the depot there. It la not the ranks that monopolize our time here , ithcr. There is a golden army of fools bich the Pennsylvania railroad corn- any has boon supplying with brains for iveral years pint. It ought to aond Its 111 Into the nation , like Grant's under- iker and shouldn't bo lots than $50.000 innally. Oatlyle used to say England id a population of 35COOOUO people , .ostly fools. My txperiouco hero leads e to think much the same of this land ' the free , the homo of the bravo and 10 Barium of the crank. I have saom me queer sights cinco my cervlco as r.1 ; mrdiman hero , Many years ago I at ; ivod at Charting OrcssStatlonLondon , it , oh my , | John Hull takes traveling cthodlcally and you can't throw him at fills base. Ho and his luggage , bath- fa and all , corno and go wltn as much th ipertuibabllity a * that Reynolds statue pi nr ther in front of tin public building anDl hlblts. But the American public whoa Dl out to travel scorns to lose their wits. yc "I see strange things in this depot do jui day to day , The handsome young nc rl who shot herself last week over there eoi the ladles' retiring room was ono of pa e episodes of this pleasant duty of ours ac furnlthing brains for the multitude , tilAt aw , ten minutes rgo I yelled out , At rain for Media , Wa-Wa Junction , du rpndaloand Oxfoid ! ' in my most cipti- ling manner , and the echo had hardly foimi atod up there In the colling until a mi ly came rushing up to mo and asked ; 'oos ' the train for Media atop at Wa heat al1 at "It takea a snrglml operation to get an ; nboard information into a woman's yo ad , and fcr time tables and schedules I pe n't believe there's B woman in Amerl- 81 1 , not oven Miss Cleveland , who over tempted to nndoratand ono , They m't take the trouble. A woman will tie mo In the greateat excitement up to B gateiuan nd ask him , 'Where do I to get on the German town train ) ' Hii light over the man's head is a sign th letters on It a half-font long saying : his train for Gormantoirn. ' Then frc who will intist on . ing through tbo wrong gate , tiho la c nerally young and pretty , and the gate- tel m hates to Intimate to her she's a fool $2 the same , but ho must finally toll her fa a is at tbo wrong gate. Then there's ' a dude In high collar , with tends racket apped to satchel , puffing a cigarette ; ° ' never has cia ticket out , bnt fumbles Wi , : a half-hour at the gate , delaying the 'hi tole crowd behind htm until you hoar a iciter county country girl more slangy n polite 11 the rear whUper to her jipanlon , 'Sombody oueht " to slug the s j > ! . ' foi "You see ovar there , lo the right of bo Men , Is tbo 'Eilt. ' I greatly facilitates thi [ idling the crowds here sometimes that Ui porters should pass out tbat way. be' ' tie-tenths won't do It , bnt puih their Br y through the walling room. The man aoi Ih th legion of bundles , the woman wr Ih the dog , the hey < that knows more eai mt mlroudlnp than his father , and the uai 1 in the ladles' waiting room that flirtu A * th the genlo in the waiting room aio "I : e every day , An Ametican plrl when tic traveling stems to think eho has a ban right to niii. * "What train takes out Iho largosl number ef people ? " "Oh ! that would bo hard to toll , ] suppcst the trains on the Central division run heaviest. The New York cxprox and the limited have the tonlest people on them. I can tell a New Yorker , male or female , as soon as they come up the atepi there to the waiting room. It's not that they dress BO much bolter , but there's a certain cosmopolitan air about them. "Thoro was a queer crank hero a few days sgo. Ho sat with a nola book and pencil studying , hour by hour , that big map on the wall , and when I finally ques tioned him I found ho was crazy on the subject of civil service examinations and was studying up to pass. Every day nearly there Is a dispute over at the package room with the man who insists on chocking five or six different satchels aid bundloi on ono check. The man- who-has-lost-hlt-tlukot la an every day occurrence , and oven the woman-who- has-lost her-baby ia common. Drunken men are not frequent , bolng watched for below and forbidden to go through the gates. "Yes , It's a great place for people , and to see noted characters. George W. Ohllda , A. J. Urexol , Daclel M , Fox , ox-Governor Hartranft , Col. McOlnrr , James MoManoa , Field Marshal Cooper , B. K. Jamison , Wayne MaoYeagb , the Wauamakera , and many of our promi nent buslneis people , pass In and out hero almost dally. Hardly a day goes by that some national character ia not in the ttattou , Cleveland was out in the depot a few days ticca on route to the Grant obsequies. Yico President Hrndricks is hero frequently. I know and mot Odium hero when on his way to jump off the Brooklyn budge Col. Quay , Chiia Magee , and all the Harrhbnrg politicians , wo know by sight. "Tie largest crowd ? Why , that was during the bUcentcnnial , for a continuous stream , but for density at the time the night Jim Blaine left hero last year. The summer travel this year has been quite Treat , but didn't sot In till later than usual. But you must excuse mo , tnoro'a Detective Taggirt nodding to mo. I jueaa he's spotted some crank or rrook , md wauta my help to fira him out. " OHOI/EK-A , best and Bluest provtmtltive DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKRV , Itocom- nended by leading Physicians. Sold by Drug- jiat3 and Grocers. HI9 CONFIDENCES BEMl&YED. aowthc IJook A sent Lost His Faith in Human Natnro. tfow York Times. A young man engaged In traveling for \ publishing firm opened the front gate of , house near Orange , H. J. , and strode ilithely up the path to the front door. ? ho woids "traveling for a publishing irm" are used hero aa the young man eed tnem , but the dreadfully practical erring maid who answered tbo ring at tie door announced to the master of the ouso that "won ov tblm book oglnls" waited hia pleasure on the plazzi. When io master of the house came oat , all niks , and courteously Inquired how ho juld bo of service to his visitor , the onng man felt Btira that ho could sell at last one copy of "McCarthy's Record of 'nlvenal Information , " and perhaps gat note of introduction to ono of the olghbors. When tbo master of the ana a seated himself In a rustic chair and bserved in a particularly kind and iuter- itcd manner that he had no doubt that 10 work would prove of more linn uinal iluo to any purchaser , no matter what s position in life , the young man felt ady to wager a small sum that the gon- oman would take not only a copy for his fa mo , but two or throe as presents to lallvoo. "It Is , no doubt , a valuable work , " Id the gentleman , "but has It any atht'cs ' ? " "Pull of them , air full of them. A mdred pages of the most carefully pre- ired figures and " "Glad to hoar It. But how about uso- llnformatlot ? " 'Anything you want to know , sir. Ifty pages without a break. Why , r- ' Yeo , I have no doubt , but tell mo are ere historical facts enough to suit a act leal mati ? ' ' "Entire history of the world , sir , from o fall of Adam of the present time , and " are "And reminiscences' ! " . "Half of the bjok in reminiscences , ; every enecdota verified by affidavit d " "And illustration ! ? " "Tho best artiata * v/orkoneveiy p go , " d for an hour the young nma gave iwlng descriptions of the contents of a book , its usefulness to tbo general blic , and the danger likely to nccnio to y family keeping homo without it. nnor time came and wont , and ettll the ung man talkie ! ; poisplratlon rolled wn his f ice in rivulets , but his energy ver flagged. Ho went over tbo book lion by coctlon , chapter by chopper , ; o by page. Ho was hungry , hla jaw icd , but ho was determined to talk un- the gentleman's fortitude gave way , list , at the proper moment , ho pro- cid his order book. ' 'How many copies may I put you down ? ' ' he asked breathlessly , spreading the B b ; morandum bDok uron his knee ti ) < Phe gentleman hesitated , "Ob , " eald tiLi at length , "you needn't put ma down dr all , as I am u member of tbo firm. I sppe , pleated to BOO that ytu have learned Izi pe ir loison very thoroughly. With ID raeveranca you will make an excellent IDwl otmin , I astute yon , " [ his will explain , In patt , why iho rt me man Is now opening oysters in a nth street restauranthis hoposbllghted , 1 hi * confidence in human nature D ns'y betrayed. sti Baseball Tips , tfangger Kay has received a telegram m m the manager of the Danvar baseball dt b asking for dates hero. Mr. Kay Bgraphed hick offering a guarantee of lit )0 ) for two games Saturday and Sun- Pi r. Ho haa aa yet received no reply th epting his otter. The Denver club is plondld one , and the Union Pacifies CO aid have to work hard to inikc any- th ng like an oven showing with them , an th I Feel Better , low cheerful a man looks when ho Is these words. And what - ne ing a dollght- newl thing It IB to help to mike him feel lorl And what a privilege to know t ten thousand perplo all over the Hod Statin are to-day taylng , "I feel tor , " beciuco they have been taking ye iwn's Iron Bitters , Mn. J. A , Ed- un iof38Modford St. Ohelioa , Mats , , ri tea tbat BQO inffercd with kidney dia- in o end tlcod troubles and that thu d 3 bottles of Brown's Iron Blttere. the remit of this treatment the t.ayi , Wfp feel better than I have for a long p < 10 and I bcllove I sm cared. " li I -WESTEIW DOGDEimY , Itcprcsontnllro r j nn , B fern 'fi'aulro of IVyom- Monday , August 17 , Judao Pay son n member of Congress from Illinois , nosom- D nled by his wife nndaou and two lady frlonds , camped out for the nlgU In the vicinity of the lower geyser of Flro Hole Basin , In the Yellowstone National Park. In the mornlug one of the assUUut luperlntondcnts of the patk , who is the acting In the oaptclly of constnblo for that vicinity , exercising his authority ns such under the lawa of Wyoming , visited the place where thn judge's family had oimpod and , In kicking over the ombew , dlaoovorod ono on which was a little fire smoldering. Ho Immediately reported his discovery to a party who cUlms to ba a iustlco of the poioa of Wyoming loni- tory for that neighborhood , by the n mo of Hall , whoso previous occupation before assuming the judicial robe was that of a wood-chopper. Hall Immediately Isjuod a warrant for the arrest ol Judge Payson , The testimony showed that Judge Payoon had ordered the Cro carefully extin guished , and th t water had been poured upon the brands and the earth heaped upon them. In addition , the camp was on bare ground , away from grass or combustible substance. The National Park , Judge Payaon claimed , was no part of Wyoming or any other territory , but was atrlctly under national jurisdiction. Hull said that ho wculdasiumo to at ho had jurisdiction and authority , end Judge Payson should pay a fmo of SCO for the ember that was found and 512 80 oosta. The Judge rofuaad to pay a oont denouncing the decision of the Justice as ridiculous. Jndgo Paynon Insisted upon appealing to the United States Dlstrlc : Court. Justice Hall at once required the bondemon to qnnllfy to property excead- log § 10OCO , which however , was prompt ly done. Subsequently the magistrate aont for Jndgo Paieon , and sild ho wanted to have a ta k with him In pri vate , Up < n examination Hall oald ho would make the costs $4 , and then ho added thn1 , considering Judge Payaon was a fcinnd to the patk , ho would accept 810 for the fine , In lcu ( of the SCO , and reduce the coats from § 12 80 to 54 Judge Pay son said : "Ob , no , Mr. Hall , I will pay no fine. I want a transcript of ths proceedings , Including a copy of the evidence , and I propcso to nand ono copy of It to Attorney General Garland for hla opinion aa to whether or not you have any jurisdiction in such things , as you claim to boamsgla- trato under the laws t f Wyoming , when the paikjis no pott of the territory of Wyoming ; acd the other copy I propose to carry up to the rljtrict court before the federal judge. " The justice then aald : "Jndgo Pavaon , not wanting to have any fuss about this , Dr have yourself put to the trouble of ipoaklng to the Secretary of the Interior , jou pay mo $1 for the fine , and whatever ion coneidor right for the cos ! a " Judge Payson replied : "Not ono cent 'or a fine , but I am willing to pay for the rouble that the alleged constable has > een put to , " and then , having received \ copy of the testimony In the case , he lopartcd for homo. The practice haa icon for the constable , acting as an Infer ior , to receive one-half the fine In ad- itlon to fhe coata that are made. This t the first time It has been successfully onteatcd. WliUlcr. icientifio American. For some years a decided Inclination aa been apparent all over the country to Ive up the use of whisky and other ( rang alcohols , using as a substitute beer nd other compounds. This is evidently madod on tno idea that beer is not armful , and contains a largo amount of ntrlmunt ; also that bitters may have 3me medicinal quality which will nen- rallzo the alcohol which It conceals , etc , 'hene ' theories are without confirmation i tbo observation of physicians. The use of beer Is found to produce a species of degeneration of all the or- ins , profound and deceptive fatty dopes- B , diminished circulation , conditions of jEgoation and pervertlon of functional itivltios , local Inflammations of both the vor and kidneys are constantly present , itellcctuully a stupor amounting almost i paralysis arrests the reason , caanglng 1 the higher faculties into a mere onl- allatD , sensual , eelfub , sluggish , varied ily with ! that tb paroxysms o anger are useless and brutal. In appearance the COOo ser drinker may bo the picture of health Oo it iu reality ho ismnst incapable of re tting disease. A alight Injury , a oo- > ro cold , or a shock to the bpdy or mind Bt 111 cammonly provoke aiutodhossaond- f > fatally. Compared with inebriates who use dif- rent Kinds of alcohol , ho Is moro Incur- > lo and more generally diseased. The mutant use of boer every day gives tha stem no recuperation , but steadily lows - n s the viral force ? . If Is our observation at boer drinking in this country prc- icca the lowest ufnd of hitblotyolcaely [ lied to criminal insanity. Tno moot iDgorona class of ruffians in our large ties are beer drlnkera. Hooourso to boer an a aubitltuto for her forma of alcohol merely Increases o danger and fatality. 8 A Dreadful JJIneaop. [ toad , poudcr end profit thereby. Kemp's ileam for the Throat aud Luuga is conceded all who have used it to excel any prepara- n in the market as a complete Throat and ing Healer. All persona nrtllctod with the 3ndful dltease Consumption will find 3edy relief and in a majority of cases a rinanent euro. The proprietor has nuthor- d Scbroter & Conrad , Druggist ? , No. 211 th elroet , to refund the money t6 any party 10 bus taken throe-fourths of a bottle wlth- ; relief. Price CO cents and $1. Trial tizc t , Force ot Habit , ako'a Magazine , "Is this the last train north ? " aekod a tut little gentleman , inahlng Into a 8 ! Iwny station. "No , there is another in forty-five nntes. All aboard ! " oiled the oon- otor. "Almost an hour to w&U ! " flghed the tie man , dropping into a seat aud mop- jp his broir vith his handkerchief. "Bat you have plenty of tlmo to catch 111oc is tialn. " slid the conductor. tcr oc "This train ? Well , I'm blamed ; cf ate use I have. I'm so need to catching i last train that whoop ! hold on ! " and i the little gentleman bolted through and 3 doer for the cirs. Tr Iho roty freshness aud a velvety ioft < am A is of thu ekln la InvarUbly by those 76 ! 10 use Pczzanl's CompUxlon Powder. Xo' ' Hoard ot KUBlltlon. ) . rhe hoard of equtllzition convoroJ iterday morning , and will bo In ffsiion Feti til this afternoon , to he&r complaints Uai itlvfi to and gaiterlng Apr paving , curbing Muj certain dlttrloiB , MujK lie ( Vhftt powder will I nae thla warm atboi ? AYhy PCUOLI' * Complexlou mder lasts longer 1ben BRJ other , Aud I lot etlcly , ta. .tlnnliitrlj/ free from Optaten , jintttr.i nnl A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE r Tlirnnl , ItonnrnfM , In Void * . HroncMII * . t'ronp , U hooflnit Coojk , Altlimn. Qulrmy , lalnnln Chr t. AaiioUm ( Twlloni of ths Thront n1 I.IHIB * . Trice BO ccntl ft bottle. Bold bv Drncclnts and Dfal. cr . Pnrtttt unable lo Induct their tttater la pramfUV ff" < { Ser Mem ittll rtcelre tieo frol , A > pr < cAarffU fjaU , tifttnaing on dollar to TUB nuiars * . Toostrn ronnir , Hill o ntm tml M nurutimr > , r.lllraorf. JUriltnif , C. 4. A , 617 St. t'hnrlcs S , , Sf. PfosirMloii , Onbllltr. Mauc'L I Weakness : Mercurial AIM sin * . , t" , - funs nl Throat , Shin Of 3nrt , yiood Pni.u ' " 3l'l Svr s ind Ulcers. ran . . . -n _ _ , . .w , lcifrjrS .j ri. ni tlHK'f-rt V > , r ntr-a n.i IU.M.II t\ * . i.-J7 . ' * 4' ' .alivj t1 ! f > } ! U / - ' .V-- t ! ' ; . -.00 , ( . S > li # - 4 ' * l & * 5j nmri t ! „ . Chartered by thcStatcofllll- note top thcexpresa purpose ofcivlnclmmcdlatcrcliclln ail chronic , urinary and prl- vate diseases. Gonorrhea , GIcetandSyphillsin all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanently cured byrcme- ' * ' , - -JAjfir/nlZ'rnrtfrr. . Seminal „ Weakness , NiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Jne Face.Lost Manhood , Jioslttveli/citretl. Tlict-a Ifnoexperlmrntiwtf The appropriate remedy is nt once used In each case. Consultations , personal - sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address JR.JMVIES.No. 204WasMnflon ! SI.Chicagolli. SUCCESSORS TO JOHN G. JACOBS. UNDERTAKERS At the old standU1T Farnam SL Orders by tolo- raph solicited andjpromptly attended to. Telephone 0 * 22fi liMBMfi-AKRIGAU PACKET COMPANY ; Hrect Line for England , Fjrance and Germany. The aicamehlpa ot this well known Hun art lion , In water-tight compartments , mid are fur iihed with every requisite to mike the pussig > th eito and agreeable , They carry the Unlto latea and European malls , and leave New Tor trasdaye nd SatnidayB for Plymouth ( LONDON lerboue.lPAHIS andllAMBUHF ) Rates , First CabInfiO-31oO. Btccrago to and om Hamburc 310. Q. B niOQARUb 00. , Gon- al Pans. Agent , 01 Broadway , New York ai asblnctun and La Lcllo streets , Chicago or Ileurj 1 indt Mwk Hanson , F. E. Monrcf , Harry P. Deul th : ftfimwlp & Schoono-cr I Counlrr. Plattsmouth , Neb. Brce ( > of thoroughbred and high grade [ ereio d and Jersey Cattle , And Puree and Jorsov Red Bwina , t I bare a poslttvo remedy for the abora dlieano ; by Its nie thousands ofcasua of tlm worst kind undnf lone taadlnfrtiava been cured. Jiit1eel ( , > o trornfiirnTffttt5 InUiefQCAcy.tlmtl will Ben.lTWO ItOTfLKS HtliH. toRcthar with a VA IUA 111. Hi UKATISli on this dlicua tv&njBUflferer. ( jvaexprpnsuntl | 1 * O uddr. . JH. T.Jl. SLUOUM.UirearlSt. . KowTo * Tine Table , OMAHA DRIDQE TnAINB Ummv Trains I TI > Omahk at E 5,7 U , 10 W , 1115 , X 00 , B 00. 4 00 , i U , ftp Opm. Oa Sunday * the 7 60 and 10 CO a m and and 100 p m trains do not ran. Arrive at traai. lepot U loinutM laton Broadway dapol 19 ln- Uteri iare Oouicll Elani ( Dfoaiway depot ) at 156,7 68 , , 10 BO , U 13 a rn ; 1 0. M , to. i 3 , f 21 11 at p m. On Uondayi the 9 M anil 11 40 K m S 80 and 6 26 p m tialni will not roa. Aulrt ak ulerT minutes later , Omahk 20 mluotM lattf. ransforTralnB Ix > are Omab al a 11 , Bll , U 05 , S M , liO.OUO and J OOnm , il llf. rrlro it 0 80 and 1100 w , J 05. S Co , 7 to and P- > - . _ SUNDAY TRAINS ad If om Chicago vU th Tr.parllt * AllUaM tint ' 1T > . I il'i. | K.1 , I N.W I N-W | tt-11 Ut tuary , . I it 1-E3 HI 311 7-28 UtU tt- ch . . . . { 8-J ) 15 i- ! l 14) ) si rj $ - I I 4lt t t 19 ( .20 11 I t-i5 n rjto , . 110-81 17 E-Si I 10 J-Ji -to loday ercnlD aDil Ucoday laornlnj : tialoi anl'o Jtlti' cailtj oidir , 0. U. ft Q. IIMBI rno evtry STOCK YARDS TRAINO. tavi PDO | FaoUo depot ftl 0 tp m and