Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE DA1L1 BEE ,
Wednesilav Morning. August 26
Pat Hagfterty , Central trader at O'Kei
( atlod , Monday , Ho was attached fay Omabi
Jobbers who hold him heavily in credit.
A crazy woman , now ia the Bind jail
insists upon It that she is the wife of DetectIve -
Ivo MoDcrmott of Ornah * . So far RS known
there Ii no inch Renthmnn in this city.
Nothing of importance was done In tbi
pllcecourtycjterdaymornln"r. [ Threo"drunks'
and three "vaga" were arraigned and dig
charged upon tiiali
The ovoiland train oa the U. P. came it
yesterday morning a few minutes Iftto , with i
largo cumbot of passengers , regular anc
emigrant , and the usual quota of Cnllfornii
fruit cars.
15 L. Patrick hoi sworn out a complaint
in Justice Andorsont court , against Fred W
Kyle , charging him with ctuolty and wanton
ly beating a horse 911 the 23i day ol August
There will bo a regimental reunion of thi
Fifth Iowa Volunteer infantry at Pipton
Cellar county , IOWA , the evening of the 17tl
of September , 1885. on the occasion of thi
Eastern Iowa Veteran association reunion.
The man who betrayed Thoo. Ltndo , thi
alleged deserter to the military authorities a
Fort Omaha was not Mr. Htm Thlolgaard
of tbo Atlantic hotel. That gentleman hni
no connection with the matter whatever.
At six o'clock yesterday morning there vra
born to May CUilr , Richard Wildo's ' Land
some mare , a bay mnro ealt. Mr. Wlldo , it
bis Joy , held a email rcceplion of frlonils , thl
morning , and christened tbo young trotto
Lizzie D. The now hope of the local tutf h.-v
everything on its side in the wny of pcdigra
and was elrod by Ed. Roed'a Oriental.
Mr. Hoary Vosa , the architect , hns boot
voted the following compliment by thi
OmahaiFairand.Exposltiou association : "Re
solved that the thanks of the association bi
tendered to Ilonry Vosa for his kind and Ren
orous Eorviceo in preparing plan ] and othei
work nnd that ha bo granted the full privileges
legos and freedom of the grounds. "
Mrs. Dr , Dinsmore is collecting' loca
statistics upon the tramp M ho abounds it
those parts. Tiie results of her investigation
will bo submitted , with similar reports fron
every city in the United States , to the Sociot ]
of Charities and Correction at Washingtor
The purpose of the inquiry is to csttxblial
upon exact figures , the amount of vagabond
ism which is imported from European coun
tries by the nation's opsn doors to miscellan
eous immigration. Mrs. Dinamorc
is assisted in her task by Judge Stenberg nd
Marshal Curamlnga , who are best eituatedfoi
obtaining such infonnitiou.
Tlio Now Justice I < aw and the Endf
Souglit to 1)0 Accoiupllahcii by It.
The no IT juitico law which was passed
by the state legislature last vrintov is jnul
now attracting considerable ) attention on
account of the action recently token by the
connty cammlinlonoiM in districting the
city In accDrdanca with its provisions. Ae
dlQoront opinions have baon ozproaaod aa
to the objects of the law and iti probable
olToot , a BEE report or' called on Hon. A.
0. Tronp , who dratted the lavr and
pnohod it through the lo Iabtnro , In
order to learn the Ciuaja whioh led to its
On the reporter stating hla errand , Mr.
Tronp stated the cans as follows :
"Under the old law the city of Oraaho
has twelve j notices of the peace , two for
each ward. Out of the number only
eight are Bating In their official capacity" ,
there not being enough business to keep
them all busy. In fact tboro is not
legitimate business for the eight , and
people who had been witching the con
duct of the justices' courts , oimo to mo
last winter to have a bill drafted to re
duce the number. Among thosa In favor
of the now law wcro sorno of the most
prominent people of the city , Including
largo numbers of attorneys. The rea
sons given for desiring the change were
that theio was not enough business for
so many justices unless they could manu
faoturo petty and disreputable caio .
That such business was carried on In a
good many instances there is no donbt.
A justice would act aa counsel for a
client who had n claim for two cr throe
dollars , and would induce said client to
have the case tried before him , for the
sake of receiving the octUs. Other means
wcro also adopted , to make the basinets a
paying one , which were far from legiti
"This state ot afhlrj waa well-known
to nearly all the lawyers In the city , and
the object of the lair waa to so reduio the
number of justices as to enable those
acting in that capacity to make a fair
salary in doing legitimate business. The
salary of n justice Is entirely derived
from the lees received , and by thus
putting the bneinoss of eight into the
hands of three the position will bo amore
moro lucrative ono. This will tend to
raise the standard of justices of the peace ,
and men of ability and character will bo
tecurod to fill the places. "
"Although complaint Is made that
three justices cannot do all the work , I
think that when the plan it tried It will
bs found that tiny can. If they cannot ,
it will 1)3 on easy matter to amend the
law and incroaaothe , number to four. I
will take the responsibility of the matter
on my own shoulders , and I think that
the results attained will prove conducive-
ly that the law is a just ono. I do not
Intend to cast any reflection on any one
of the present justices by what I bavo
fluid , However , It cannot bo denied that
some cf the work that has been done In
their courts hero Is bonoith the dignity
of a court of justice. "
Bportlnu Tips.
Manager Kay Is endeavoring to secure
the Leavenworth Bads to play a series of
games with the Union PaciQo'a hero Sat
urday and Sunday. Nothing definite baa
na yet been arranged , however. The
Beds will shortly pl y a series of games
with the Hastings team , it Is ( aid ,
An eastern sporting man in Boston
writes that Ilitchcoclc is now in the Hub
training vigorously for the Springfield
tournament. Ho eavs that Hitchcock
will bo in thape , when the loornoment
opens to do some urst-olats work.
Afcor n Counterfeiter.
E. M. Btcadm&n , deleotlro for the
treasury department , with hoadqimtert
at Cos Molnei , arrived yesterday mornIng -
Ing to tike MtrUn , the counterfeiter
urrosted last week at ( ha stooge yards , and
slnca hold at tbo county ja > l. Mr. Stead
man n yn that ho his ample evidence to
convict Martin. j
Hat , Patrick Files Complaint Again :
SflpcriBlcMent Smitb , of the
Horse Railway Companr ,
Because that Corporation Falls t
Comply With City Ordinances
An Interesting CASO ,
A ropottor for the BEE , In the ooun
of hia nulling around yo&tsrday , TVU
glron a qalot pointer that
warrant had been sworn ont Ut
evening . for the arrest of \V
A. Smith , superintendent of th
Omaha Street RiUtray Company , for din
obeying the terms of the ordinance re
oontly paaiod , ordering the street cara t
bo rnn every ten mlnuios over the llnoi
operating within the city limits. All th
parties concerned , Including the ofliolalo
nero very reticent nbont { Jtho matte
at first , but all the facts Tver
gained after aomo trouble. Yesterday al
tornoon Officer Cormlck took the warrar
out and fcommoncod looking for Mr
Smith , and ere thia time that gontlomni
Isdoubtloao in the "clutches of the lair.
The complaint was sworn on
by Mathoiraon T. Patrick. ]
may bo remembered that last week thl
gentleman applied for a writ of manda
mus from Judge Novlllo to compel th
street cir company to operate their cat
in the addition to the elty , known a
Patrick's addition , as , It was alleged , the
tad contracted with him to do. Bofor
J udgo Novlllo hid time to inquire Int
the matter very far the defendant coip :
ration filed an answer that they did main
tain and operate n street car line ii
Patrick's addition thus entering a fl
denial to the allegations of the plainttil
Nothing now developed in th
matter nntll Monday , when a
mentioned In these columns , Mt
Patrick commenced a salt in th
district court , claiming $10.000 danugo
frctn the street car company. It was al
Icgod In his petition that last spring hi
donated to the street car company § 0,001
worth of land in Patrick's addition , wit ]
the understanding that it was to operat
street cars on Lake street , from Elgli
tccnth to King , and north on King , a
extended to city limits. This the cam
pany had failed to do , and It was allcgoi
that the property in the addition bad depredated
predated In value about § 10,000 , makln :
tbo total loss to the defendant cno o
$10,000. This , in brief , la the genera
history of the case ,
Mr. Patrick , wishing to force the cnsi
to issue , swore ont the cam
plaint in the poliso court , whlcl
charges that the railway company dii
"willfully and unlawfully fall and neg
loot to run street cars in each directioi
at Intervals of at loaat ten minute
from nix o'clock ( n the morning untl
eight o'clock in the evening of said day
on the line ( f street railway nnder thi
control of him , said William A. Smith
extending west on Lake street , fron
Eighteenth street to King street , and cfr
King street as extended , north to inter
section frith Like street , in the city o :
Omaha. Said failure and neglect to rnr
said street cars on raid streets was no !
caused by accident or unavoldabli
casualty. "
Mr. Patrick was mot on thostreotyestcr
day by a reporter , but gave no Informs1
tlon additional to that contained in the
petitions filed in the district court. H (
eaitt that ho had given the land to th (
company with the understanding thai
they were to operate their line in his ad'
dition. They had failed to do it within the
given time , Juno SO , 1885 , and the people
plo in that part of the city were vorj
much inconvenienced by this neglect tc
rnn the street care. Ho proposed tc
bring the company to time if possible.
Mr. Smith , the superintendent , wai
also soon by a reporter yesterday and said
that ho did not care to express hlmscll
freely about tbo matter , It would bt
shown upon trial whether or not the com <
pany bad failed to operate the cars at
Mr. Patrick had charged. "I can caj
this much , " he remarked , "wo do oper
ate the car line on Lake to Sanndors and
from Saunders on to King. There Is c
little stretch of road on Kin ? street on
which wo only ran cars once in the
morning nnd once at night. "
Mr. Patrick and Mr. Smith mot joator-
day on the Wabash corner , and a percepti
ble smile flitted across the face of the
former as ho greeted the street car man.
" 3ce here , " sa'd ' Mr. Smith quizzically ,
"what kind of a job have yon put up on
mo ? "
"You'll find out before long , " chuckled
Mr. P. "I have gone to the police court
and sworn out a warrant for your arrest
for not running your cars ovcry ton
minutes. "
"I giioss I'll skip out , then , " said Mr.
S. meditatively.
Mr , nUoom'a Successor ,
Tlioro is a good deal of speculation as
to who is to bo Mr. Rheom's successor ,
IB manager of the Western Union. It is
understood that Chief Open tor Msyfield
[ till remain In his present position. The
itatement is made by knowing ones
.hat n cashier will be appointed to attend
to the down aUIra business , and that the
naneger will have charge of the oporat-
ng room only.
A Grand Island Thief.
The pollca here are on the lookout for
t thief who entered the E tes house nt
3rand Islam1 , last week , nnd stole a geld
irateh and valuable Masonic emblem.
"Its purity offers the best security
against the dangers which are common
to most of the ordinary drinking
wafers. "
London Medical Record.
P/altGrtctrt , Drv t\itlti ' Mi * . Wat. Dtaltrl ,
OVER 400,000 . . . IN USE.
: IlldluKehlcle iiiuile. Kidm u e !
Hhonopununutwa. '
burton according to thu wejg at tuejr cany
if'1 ' , ikdutiltd | u rnuuh I'uiintry rumtn an
liudrlvi , uiciUr < . illumif urliil i'U and nol.1 b
ill leiullua Uuirlase Uuii lvr uuU Ucalei *
TIBKE GeorRO , BOD of Dornthnnnd Mart ! :
Tibke , August 24tb , &god nil months am
two days.
Funeral will Uka place August 20th , at
p , m. , from Thirtieth and Gnmlng street
Friends re invited.
Thin powder never varies. A marvel of puiltj
strength and whcloitmonces. More economical thai
thoordln ty klrdg , and cannot bo eold In competl
tlon with tncimuHltudo cl low test , tbott neigh
and cf phosphate po > dera Hold orlv In cans.
ROYAL BAKING BOWDEU CO. 108 Wall etacot , N1
4B adv crtiecmentl in the special column ! un'l
it charged at the rate of 10 centi per line or ( A ,
Int insertion , andjcenttj-er line for each ubse
juent insertion : A'o advertitement will te infcrtti
or If si han ! S eenti for the first tmc'
TO LOAN Tjoans made on real citato lam
contracts , chattels , collaterMs or good tccurl-
ties of any kind at the Orrabn , Flninolal exchange
1603 Farnam St. , up-ttairC low talcs ; easy Icrjij.
nyrONKT To loan on chattels , Woolloy & Harrison ,
VI Room 0 , Omaha National bank building
GM-tf _ _ _
\/c / CAOUS BROTnKRS.Invcstmcnt Binkers , opposite
IV ! post office. Omaha , negotiate mortK'KO Kans or
Urst-cliBS tocurlty at rulllng rates ot Interest. Par
ilca desiring to borrow money on lnpro\od city 01
country real estate , for from one to Dvo years , oanlx
commodatod promptly. MoCiguo BrothetB , uani
ere , opposite post offlco. Cfl2-tt
ONEYTOLOAN On real ostats nd chattels
L D. IX Thomas. " 52tf.
Loaned on chattels , mil rat , R. I ]
MONEY Don ht and sold. A. Fcrman13 S , 13th 81
In icmsct RaatBdnpwaid.
0. F. DivU and Co. , BttJ Estatii and Lcai
, 1605 Famun Bt. 651-tt
\/TO / ! TtoloaninBumj of 8200 and upwards or
LVlflrst-olaaa real estate security. Potter & Oobb ,
161SF rnamBt. BW-tl
\f ONEY LOANED at 0. F. Rood &Co'B. Loan olBci
iVJL on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal
; rorerty of all kinds tnd ell otho rartloles oi value ,
rilhout rompval. Over lot Nttlonal Eanh.oorner 18U
in J Fainam. All buslnws eirlotly oonfldontlal
l\/TOSBTl / MOXKT ! ! MOSETll ! Money to Loan-Oc
1V1 chattel security by W R Croft , room 4 , Wlth-
nell bu'Ulng ' , N. E. corner Uth and Harney. After
yearsolexperlencoaudacirolul study of the bust-
ness of loanlnc money on personal property , I bavo
at last poilcctod a system whereby the publicity
usun.1 In such ois s is done away wltli.ond I nm now
demands of all who become
n a po'lnon to meet the
tcmporarllv embarriBsed and dcslio to raise mency
without delay ar din a quiet manner. Boupekeep-
err , profccslonal gentlemen , mechanics and otrore in
this city c n obtain advances 810 to 41.000 en
euch eecurity as houstnold furniture , plance , mi-
chlnory , rorse' , wagODS. warthouso receipts , secnr-
ed notcsof hand , etc. , without removing s mo from
ownerd reMdenco or place of business. AJa- )
on flno Watchoi end DIamcnds , One of tbo
advantsgos I offer la that any pirtol nnyloin can
be paid ot any time which will reduce the Intcrett
rro rata and all loins ienoed at the original rates
of Interest. I have no brokers In connection with
my office , but personally superintend al my loans ,
I have private officei connected with my general
office to that custouersdo not come In con'aot with
each other , consequentrrnklng ! all transactions
strictly private. W. , Croft , room * , Wlthnell
building. N. E. cor. 16th and Barney. E < 8-tf
- In family of two ; must b3 gcod
conk and laundress ; references required ; good
wages. Inquire of lira. W. H. UcCcru , B. W. Cor.
Jglli and Djuslas.
good LUIS8 glilatotco at 103B Fainain
ANTED A rcBponslblo nurio girl 1903 Parnam.
W 82827
_ _ ' -A girl for general house work at 1610
rneyBt. 31127p
ANTBD S dining room gills at Maus' roitturant
W 1B14 : Dongla ? SI. S30-25p
IASTBD Good gi 1 for general house work ; pool
W Apply 623 Pleasant St. 321-25
Girl for general house work 710 South
WAMKD . , between Leavennorth acd
wages. 324-2Tp
TT7 AMKD A good girl fur general hi uio work , one
V V th tt can cook and la not atiild ol work. Call at
831 Soutli Twenty.fourth St. 218-U
ladles that can Vnlt.chioctct or do fan
cy work , to make goons for our trade at their
homes In oltof country ; $ J to $10 weeUa il
made at cur baslEois ; yords sent by irall. rend 10
silver or btampi for bain p.o ind tojtagp , IlU'l'on
ll'lg. Co.,285ethavc. , N.Y , 231-2Jp
> ANTED-Gond girl fior geneial hnuseworK la
W si'ttll limily. Apply 2113 Di djo Et. 311 25p
A good competent Qeimau girl. In.
WANTID . P. Helait h , No. OH uort2l t St.
between Oilltorcla and Webster St. 300-250
FNNTED Agoolglrl for general housework. la-
W quire at 1713 UuUglw. 214.25
A girl for general housework at 308 N
WANTED street , Must ho a good laundrcs and
plain cook , 265-28
TT71XBIDI3y 18 of the flret fimllh' , glrli for gen-
W oral fcouiuwork and gold ooki ; best o' wa { t.
Also slili for hotds and dli log rojin work ; di n't
forget tin number , 1120 Famim St. , up attlrs. Al-
wijs will Hod good places. Call and Inquire. 9it\t
A good hotel oiok and dining ro'in | tlrl
WAMilP the city ; best of wages paid. Inquire
at Omaha Emplorment bureau , 217 N lOthSt Mrs.
J , W. Morrison , Proprietor. 162-tf
IAKTED-A gncd o > ok where another gill Ii xcpt ,
W 12 i6 Dodge BL 110 tf
Lidles In want f good tloroes'.lo glrlf ,
WANTID supplied on application to tbo eld relUble
Omaha Bnploymout Bureau. Mrs. J , W. Morrison ,
m N. 16th St. , up stilts.
A number ol flrst-rlaai glrli who ate
WANTED ol ilolng good work , and roolro good
wag. i at the Qmilu emilotmmt oihce , 217 north
lOtti street , ofllcoup-tUlrs Mrs. J , W. Monlton. i > ro
pilttor. 801-tf
TTITANIRD * good boy about 15 or 16 years oil
W wbn cai bi on band at 6 o'clock In the moin-
ng Enquire ( t DEI mall ro m at 0 o'clock a. m.
\I7ANiKDCompiUnt 090k , good w gri > . Mri.
YY Morse , tf t ! , corner IPIh and Caplrrl eve.
IAHTEB A young nun at Klohter'd Hat store
W Good relmncej required. 30-26
- A young lain with good adJr'fa for
WAKTID- woik ; first cits ] referoacea icqulrrd.
lpjly at Kdbolm 4 ; Krlolsin. 236 25
D At tb Platt * Valley , houio Aibhnd
Ntb , a good caolc miu or woman , woman
lelerrid. 3r7-Jlp
/ ANTED A gucd ioi er b rt er at ono . Btealy Job
w at kCQii wagei. Wm. Sctoci , Bchujl-r. K-b ,
S23 2p
P ccnta for the beautifully Illustrated
book."Plcturesquo Washington , " IriooJSiO ,
S 00 and 110 00. It. S Puller , dmiha. 3t > 2-29-p
[ I7Aiit t > Immediately , young nun In dry goodi ,
boot * and ehoe 8'ore ; mu t be a good saleim n ,
ooJ stock Keeper > nd able to handle country trade.
ioodwac ; give references , Lea Orosoinin , Har-
rd.r > cb. 3823
rAniD Driutbtsmaa . , rojm24 , Crilentou block
' - - n
WANTSD Between now , RtptemUr JSlh , a n r.
tier one lalwmin , ono fl > > o ran como well t
doriod M to character and atllltr ai to a sileman ;
muilej man pnferred. Gocd iltuatlon for Ue rli
man. M. F. Martin , 316 south Ulh St. SOT-lt
WAXTID Sttedrcen , auctioneers and poildleti
Bill new notloin , Jswelry , etc , at fain at
coantry townsc.e ; > peit boust In tb U. S. ; catil > ei
free. Agents inpplyC * . , Chicago , III. 235-2J
WASTED Agents to sell our addlngmaoblntsma <
In braas and nickel ; no tov ; telli rapidly I
banters , mcrcbtnU. bookkeepers , etc. Addresi
once. F. F. Oakley & Oo , Sallna , Kan. ! B3-ti
TXTANTED Y tnr , active men , who can ta'
. ' . * , Ergllsh and Gfrman , to act as agents. App :
1610 Jackion U , bttirten 9 a. rn.and K rn.
A O ST WATISD For the flneit little article to so
tx at lairs ; bU money , brand new. Sample 10 cl
Addrtsa Champion Novelty Co. , Omaha , Neb.
WANtEi-A flrst class cljrar drummer foi Omal
ind surrounding * . Dost of references require
Addrrsa Cigar , Ceo cfllce. 267,16
TOASTED A white barber to taie charge and it
f ? abaiberihop , or nil ) Bell Bhcii. J , 0. Rain
Grand Iilind Neb. 221-26
W AKTID An experienced man to nil custom mtu
shlits on the road. Omaha Shirt jfictory.
D-An A 1 man who wants tamako bl
wages fair week. Call at once at 16C5 Farnat
216. !
WAITED Good cook fo work n roitaurant
sh ro' ; everything In running order. Apr
819 a llth St. 16-26p !
WANTED-Agents. Address Electric Lamp an
Sioto Co.,81. Louii , Ifo. , for circular , cut > ti
terma tf to candle power Marsh Electrla Lamp
WANTED House keopora sltuitlon , experience
and good references. Address Mrs. A , I ) . 0 yd
Poll office. 134.27p
WANTED By a young Pane , situation M n coach
man , Address S. P. Beoollloc. 289-25 p
WANl'HJ-Sltuatlon a > abttractnr of tlllea f
real ( state , by oxrorlonoid abstractor. S. .
A , , No 723 south Sixth street , Council Bluffs
WANTED Situation Ly experienced bookktepei
J. S. A. No. 103 Firit ato. , Council IJluffp.
WANTED blsmtlon as stenographer In an offlO' '
Kcfomicca furnished. Address "Storjoeraphei
Bee offlce. 106-23
WANTED To hlro n liorao and light lumcss b
the montli. Call on or address "J. D , H , " 10I :
Capitol k\o. S25-26
P17ANTBD To ergaalra group * for the Internationa
TT worklngmen a > socla1lon , Ulioriog mcnorolh
era tilcndlv to tbo caueo of Iilor , Please call on or od
ilroga J. Allen , 11D North 14th Bt 248-2C ]
WANTID Fora cnsiomo' , a rcflJonco | ropcrt' '
on Sherman A\o orlg'h ' H ; tUi on P rk A\o
or GforgU A\e. C. E. Mayno & Co. , 16th & Farnain
\17ASTED Tn lady ttacbera can gtt a homo
Tf squ ro Nrrth of St. M > r\'s Ave. , on Ccnven
St. , by 1st of Ecpt.AddriBS Mrs G. , Ceo ( lines 252 2
WANTED To I ride ago-d second hau l pl no fo :
a hone kcd buggy. Inquire at Edholm & Crick
son. gts-ti
Koora and board lor a l riO number o
students Inp Ivato families duilng the oomlni
allond \ > l.t > r. Ica\oeddrcs3 at Omaha Bus nesi
College , N. W. coiner Douglas nnl 13th Si. C94 tf
nfTAMTEI ) Kvery ndy In need ot a sowing ma
Y T chine , to eeo tbo not ? Improved American No
, H. Flodman St Co. aconta 220 N 16th. 830SI
roomsYl'tSCassStI 'in
qulro next do , r. 33-2p
FORRTNr Store and bi'cmcnt 503 south 13th SI
Inqulro at Ticltschkcs Sample ro.m , C01 soutl
lth ! etrcor. J43 27p
Ion RR.VT Ttocaa 21 bouso north tide Chlc\owce
of Uth Iniulro of John Sulft. 30-27p
FOR RENT The hcti93 nt ) ' ' him on corner 29th am
Pierce St. Inquire at Norton Dry Good store , S
10th St. S2Mt
FOR RKNT Near Sc. oar , 7 ranm buuqc. coo1 ! well
cUtirn , $18 per month Inqnlro uf O. E. Tromp
ton. S W. coiner llth nnd Harnoy St. S35-tf
RENT Sept 1st , two nowten room houses ni
FOR .trait , co tr.lly lei td , citr nnd ctetcn
watii ; hot and ooldw.tor In liou-o and btth r > om
gas throughout the house , and co'U'.out houses auc
everytblr g complete , cnn ens' front , ono cast anc
i out n front ; rent ilfO and f 55 psr month. J. Ii
Rllcy & Co. , 21I > south ISIh St.
For rent 5 room bouso nearly now , Davcnporl
near 26th Si , Slfl rcrmonth. J. E. Uiley & Co. , 211
For rent 6room hoa'o on O'IKarnliSt. , between
93d and 21th ; rent $15 vcr mouth. J. E. HileyA : Co. ,
215 south lith Et
Forrent KowB room house , we'l ' , cistern , out
houses , wtlks , evoij thl g romp'eto. 22d and Oraco ,
$12 per Tontb. J. E. Uney & 0' . , 216 south 13thSt ,
For rent One new fix room house on Blunders Et ,
east f r 'Dt , clUsrn , well , bay window , a1kB. oveiv
thing complete , 818 pur month. J. E. B1LEV & CO. ,
215 south 13th 8U 213-tf
FOR BEIJT Ono store. Inquire at Edho'm i Erlek-
EOO. D9i-i
T7OBBEXT * Cottage 0 rooms , houae 10 rooms. J ,
JP Fhlppi Roe , Seward and Campbell. 831-tf
I OR R M Two handsomely furnished rooms ,
modern conveniences. 17 0 Capitol avenue.
f Atax furnlehe > ! front room tultablo fnr two 01
JL/thrce / gents , rent 81 ? ; No. 411 < - . 16th St 319-25f Uioms in building , N. E. earner 16th
17 and Davenpoit strict * Galib.tweun 0 n"d 12 a
323 tt
Rs > -Tw > nicely furnUhod rooma 84. fo $8.
FOR month , it 21 Uarney at. 318-27p
FOR RINT Nlcoly furnl'hsd room In pilvato family
for Inly or geiitloxan. broitU-.t If uece-xary ,
3 < 3S 19th. CH-20 ?
RK.M.Desirable loom V , 21 Cat ltd avo.
FOR avo.290tf
Jlr.sT An cleg nt largo room with board for
ono or two gentlemen Ini'iUn o family ; bo utf'ul '
location , pply 91 I od u street , loner door or
room 1 , 1302 liouglaa direct. 3IO 26-p
, \OR R NT Famished roont , south-west corner
J Thlrtotnth and Howard 6U 28J-23p
I0 ia itrxr Furnlshod moms ( or llf lit house keep
ing ; $15 a month. 2219 Call omit St. 281-.5p
nootra , furnished r uofmnlsh'.d and
FoRRKNT for light ncusekeo > cg. Inquire at S2 >
X. ICth Street SfS.SOp
ITIoii Rifr FurnWud rooms i Ith boirt for two or
I * three geullouicn. Acdraat W. M. , lleeofllre.
250-1 tp
pV > R RENT Largo lurn'fcbed ' front room Bultallo
I ? for tvo , or onj smaller roon , 710 Nnnh lOtb St.
IOB iiBM-FurnUtcd rooms 101'J Ilurl St.
. 175-26p
JV > R BENT Two nlMly fuinlshed front r"'ma 1711
1 C&llfcrnlaSt. JCZ5p
7oa KENT-New furalihed rooms suite r tingle ,
1 bath , gis , prlco reasonable ; 1615 Caplt I * to
fT'oa RENT A p'oisint ' f'ont room with b'inclostt ;
I1 modern Improvement' , on SOth gtretttar "i.
Ury'l ivc. Apply S. W , corner 16 .h and D d/e 8f.
rpoa Br Iloom nlthbatrd ,
! -Rocro Inquire Drugitore , in'h tnd
1 Dcujl.8. 04 wtf
rwRREHT Kooro with bjard , 1811 DoJge Br.
F1 oa RENT Two rocms adjoining with boar. ' ; front
room touth-oist , 1911 Wcbitor Bt bIJ-tf
[ TiOR REXT-1 w.lllurnlihed loom fur i gentlttnen
f 150) Farnam ttreet. o pu-lto do' Ho tl. 'pi'ly
t room I , or at \ \ asaemau & Uurnett. 518 lEth Bt.
745 tf
7V3S RKST 9 ploitant c-uth front rooms R. w
J corner 10th a&d Davenport 70Ctl
TOR RIM HincltoiLflf lurnuled rooms 1704 C p-
? Iti 1 are. (82-11
BEST Furolihid room 1621 Capitol > \e.
roRBitr Two nicely fnrnlgnctl rooms , NW cor ,
4 2Ut tnd St. Huy'i Ave. 48tt (
) OOMa Wl l > bcard.dtblr&bltfor eummti.
V > El. Cbulcj Hotel 610-tl
T\OB IKT For m nuM'urln ( ( purposes or ball ,
M rfo room 44x75 , Sd floor. No. 110 & Utb it ,
iqulie t UM Oodj * kt. A. J. BlmpvjUv
Will realize a clear saving of 75 per cent and se
cure thebest , at the Only
11(11 (
1119 Farnam Street , 1119
l.-iORERST-Centrally located furnished rooms a
L1 623 south 15th Ot. 60-tf
TTort RUNT Lirge front rocm on flretnoor with c
X1 without board ; inquire at 1901 fitrnam St.zartf
- room hoiiEo , In Ulllar
Place. Iotfllx'328ablchay ; ! ] ! > It , cmhgethoi.
Ihljiaanoppoit-imty for any perron rrnuirlne
really line house. Curmlngnam & IKcnnau. 161
Dotlgo otrcot.
JOR BALE ( 'Imp , 5 room cottneo and lot. ca
tcroie ; sltuitcd ntNo , BIT N. 17th 8" . , bet. Cal
fornla and Wtbstor ; thoroughly repaired and Im
proved. Inquire of owner on ptemltcs 331tf
Foa 8.11M Afow teed lotsln Dojd'sadd. ? 200cach
crwilltraJo for Improrn.i clly property Cun
nlnghamasErennin ; 1611 Do-igo St. 841-25
on SALB-Two good Iota fast front on Virglnl
, ,
831 sjuthTwenty.fourthslroet , for particulars bo
twoon 0 and 7 p. m. 2 < 2 tf
TfOKSALE Choice bilck residence , 10 room- , fur
I * naco and all modern linprovemants. Inquire a
United Satoa National limk. sjiit
FOR BALK Or will trade for a smaller ho'ise. ago <
7 room bouse and lot (6x1(8 on north 17th street
Cunningham & Brennan , 1611 Dodge St. 31S-25
FINS Improved farms , will trade for itrmrtncil cltj
property. W. H. Qreen , over Ht National Bank
FOR BALS OR BINT In Wallout hi 1 add. Ono house
barn , well , 4 lots fenced , tultablo for military 81
per month. Inquire Christiansen. , ChtciRo I.umbc
Yard. '
Will buy a good 5 room bouto and lot 69
VltiWxlWi , norts side , purchaser taking u |
mortgage f or $150. Cunningham & Drcnnan , 161
Doige street 315-25
Fori BALK Spec'al barga'n In a lot In Klrkirood
must to sold eoon ; prlco $126 J62 tt
WlxTED-Frorn 20oto 600) acres cf cholco gnz
leg and farmtnir. Und , In rfcbriska , from J3 to
per acre for epot catli. 1C C , I'ittcrsoo , 13th
ITionsALK-Somobtau ifully tituitfdlots b'twefr
I" Fjrnanipnd Diage fits. 1'rlco $300 to $560. Cun
nlnghauia Drenuin , 1611 Dcdgo Bt. { 42-26
FoKBAUl-H3.Two ( ) aero lols froctlng on 13tl
utroetSllooka louthof H sc HV , $1300 , cacb
monthly payments. CO foot lota era celling a
81,000 each , l o hlccks ncrth ol this
( lor. ) I.ols In frinklla strict la Shlnu'd tild. $700
each , raouthly payments.
Loti In every part cf the city low prlcra nnd easy
to inn C. E. Mayiio & Ci > . , t3. W. corner 16th and
Punim. 167 2S
oa BALK Flvo Bn cottagoa witnln half MOOKO
btrect earn V300 cash , J-alanco In mantU ) pay-
iite. W. II. Qricii.over 1st National ban ! . .
233 tf
F OK BALE No 3 Cott3io 0 rooms , full lot , lUth
st. no r Leu cnnrlli. . $1,0 n.
01 Three lota , liousoG ruonid , Loncnuortli street.
8 ? , tOO. Kasy tcnns.
1S3 Colt ge (1 ( rooms , beautiful locitlon.flno-iiew ,
full lot , city water , IIOJT utrcct uir.s , blilnii's addition.
$ . ' ,60J Very rasy terms
' 1)5 Cottigo 6 rooms , corner lot , Charles Direct ,
no rS undcrscry tilcoand cheap $3,100.
107 Ilrlck house , 1 rooms , corner lot.tmo locatl n ,
near btrcet cara , Bhlnn's addition , monthly i y-
Iiicnts. 81.0CO
t04 1'ull 1 t , now two story house , 7 rooms , a very
nlcepluo. ! , < > 0. liasy terms.
ify-Full lot , not cottage 8 ro-ms , soutli 15th nt
near Center. $1,760. Monthly payments.
* 1B Mco 8 room house , full lot , near N. W , ui
Ilanscom Park. i3OuO. i : sy taring.
XI8 Full lot , 1 rick house ? rooms , Ilirn oy Mro
near 3d et. ? 500. Gaay terms.
V48 Half lot , corner ! ono block from Slumlord.
Cott go 6 rooms , new , goo J him. 8 A' 00. Monthly
V47 Full lot. new cott'go 4 rooms , north ISthst
92,610 , Monthly p''nts , 0. E. Mayno Ii Co , ti.
W. cor. 16th uridF.rnam SM-1C
OR8 Llc Cheip , | otBOxUOon loth street bet.
Ijlekorj and Center slreeli , Inqulro H. W , cor.
7lh and Uarcr. Also nicely furnished Irrnt room
for tent. 239 29
BALM No. S63 Ono aoo only Jt u.ll o from
IiViB 0 ; 2 liouioi , < nio now. 7 rooms ; fruit and
i hade trtcsnood ; neighborhood , JS.orO , or nt'l ' sill
lull are with ( mill touso for $1,357 , casv tcrmi.
O. S. uajne.t Co. 00-25
Fort Hiu-Cboip , goodhors , top
nets. AddrtBl 1 * . 0. box 4it , C.ty.
- 8ALV Neir bt ad ol Ht. M rv davu. Largo l.t
htiuie 11oouw ; furnace , grites , hot and colj
bath ; ever ) thins complete , 15.000 ea y terms P. V ,
Uaynefe 10. , Hth an ) Farnam. IBJ-tl
8ALR-09X18 ! lett , hiuso 4 r ores , clo ct , r n
FOR , well , barn , hold 4 horses and ruggjIrult ;
lree andsbrubbeiy , ontrtdo J2.SOO on very easy
terms ; thli Isa bugtln. O.K. Uajno&Go. , 16ib
ind Faruaio. 127-tl
BALIfo. ( ! . S 2. ) Full lot roitcs iBB Blcoms
FOR barn , toutb avr. , f3tOO , voiy eaiy terms
0 , Elf yne4iCo , 16th and Ftrtwn. 2J8-J6
ITortSALK At a bain'n , lot vth ( 2 house * , 3 n17
1 roou s , well , cl.tctn , barn , 60. , SCth and Utruey ,
Unlmproied frojorty ttkon pay. Wiu. 1 > ,
ilouios , < Ja and Ioofl . 03'.tt
trr 2s6)framobu'Ulng ' sult-
I' abU era ttore o' ar 10th and Faroa-a street ,
\pply at thi * offio . D17-II
IT'oa SiLX-Ooe. lore , bulldlcgi , fruit , ard ibade ,
V Uavenirorlxi and Eleuut , bt. , ffoit Oouba ,
F on SILK Oft TRADE 9 roomed house , two lota an
barn Apply 319 S. llth St. IflS-sapt 1
Vr ANTBD-To buy barzalns In ie l estate for capl
' tilsts If TOU want ts sell for cash end wll
sell cheap we cui accommodat" you atanvtlme. I
you wait to sell sny kind of real citato cill end so
us or drop a oird , phlng d.Bcilptlon of property
number allot , etc. Ifyouw nt to etll for mor ,
than It is norih uo don't want It. C. LMovno i
CoStt Cor 16i h and Farnam. " 59.J5
JTIOR SALW OR RKTT-Good hoto In Urst-jasstown ! It
IJ South Western part of State. Apply to E I' . Da-
\ Ii , Novelty Ironworks , 14th St. 784-tf
JT > OR SALE-Forty Iota for Kilo on liurt and CumlriK !
i.1 between E8th and 81st cheap , Icsldo property
edford & touer. jll tf
" * - * * - > ' * * v * % - > . . -L--- _ _ - _ - _ - _
'TT'OR SALB A frame tent 21x30. Inqulro at 8. E
J.1 Lehtnann , fit It and candy Btorc , 618 R. JOtliSt
FOR BALB - Twenty head of milch cows for sale cheap
L. P. Frayn , 1574 north 18ch St. 301-JOp
TTlORSALB ORTKADB-A nrtt-clasa saddle horse nvo
-I1 yta soldpeifcctlysoand ; and gentle. Inqulro
12ZOlicno street. u
CATTI.S FOR BALB , at b3an owa
COO bead of 3 year old steers.
SOO bead 2 yeir old steers.
lOOheail 1 year old steers.
All cholco 01 tra heavy otttlo and wo nowqunte
feeders at $3.05 per cat. Chapm Bros. SU soptQ
N OR BALs FIne setter pun 7 mjntha old. Wm , '
\ } Slmenl , room 6 , Iledlok block. 7S3tf
FOR BALi-100 lots. Sprlnz Hill ; will sol on easy
terms ; tialo for Improved property ami pay dif
ference In values lu cash or assume mortgagor Par
ties can find cheap homes and advantageous trades.
\i. II. Green , over l t Natl. Bank. ole ant. 488tf
. . ORSALB Two lota In Pelham Flice , ono block
JC frcm street car tract. Inquire 218 S 13th St.
TTtaRSAH ! Ol would tralo or a good horse and
I ? bugyy ; 80 acres In Oesper county. Apply to 218
South 13th Sreet. 216tf
FOR BALK Boiler and engine , SO horsepower boiler
nd engine , In good running order ; want to sell
lor the rcaoon tl > at they are not largo < nougb for
the new machinery which o will put Into our now
building onHaruoySc. Clarka Brue. k 09 , , 1403
DougluSt. elOtt
A LwATB on band at a bargain. No 1 second hand
ii. oirrlago phaeton and Bide bar buggies ; alao urn-
brellao and sunshades , at 1403-1411 Dodge St.eirtf
FotBAlK THOsecltons of good lane It Howard
Cou ty thin state ; pirt Itvel , ba'anco rolllni ; ttbla
andrich eo 1 near good It. It , station * . For Invcit-
mcnt or general farmtDg an I stock rtlilng ru p'sei
oin nmVo this a batgalu. Address Oer. N. Illcks , P
0 101 (00 , Omaha. SO-SOp
HALB 1740 acres roIIlDg land lu South-eaftem
FOR G ecloy Co. , Neb , , at I6.CO per acre , good
oil , n eand
17CO acres land In western part of Uadlson County
t $11 peraore.
4'0aiojflne valley Und at $15 per acre. OooJ
Lota In Hangiom place ,
LilslnSblnn's First add. .
Lo'son rnnmh'y pavmtnts $176 to J250 , Hamlln
& Drawn , 811 south Hsu-nth Bt. 2162 }
BALI A gcod paving buslnesi cmiloyingbut
little ccplUl for ciPh. For particular * address
' . 0. I'Ji 867 , Omaha , Nob. 722-tf
[ Tioii LXAHH Best unoccupied ground In the ty for
L1arohoueo houao,87feoUronton Lenvenworth.
orth bet 10th and llth.wlll case Jor 03 years , Bed.
ord Si Souor- C20.ll
rpOR BALK-lKal ratal o.
L ? Twi bou < c n H2d street. l'cntfor$35.
Fu'l 1st 8Z.COO.
Full lot , house , bisomect. cistern , $1,050.
A ro 1 it , home u looms , birn. tie. , Kl.OCO.
Two houses , full lot , near Saunder Bt , monthly
aymenU , 81,600
'I wo ooruur Iot , mir 18th and Clirlr , cheap ,
? , & 00.
Full lot , nlo cottage , 10th coir Loutnucrth Et.
itiniti'ul rosldenoo wet of HI jh Echoil , (6,500.
160 aorca and firming ui ! 1 B. cov , cltlrkerm f to. ,
miles from North PUtte , 91,100. W. 0. SHIUYT.ll ,
f | K > ilte I'oet onioo 26S-25
70KBALBOR iPB-8pln''U ' firm of 160 acres In-
1 Admit O.uuty , Iwa , til ttco a , all under cultU
atloritgood tutriPi ; nrihard , lirje homo and all
h r luiprarrmcnti In pro'Plt on , cheap at Hi,140.
ddren9iirc.llonl4ai.kKet' , 910 north 1'tn Si. ,
maha , Neb. SlZ--ip
K ln th Barklnbu lueio
can loire cl a goo.1 oponlni ; In ojunt > . Cap-
Ul rrquli cil not lent than $10.iCO ( , Addro-i Cou.-
frclil Ktllonil Bulk , Oinaba. 837-7p
7ou KUK A restaurant and lunch counter doluc
1 a yood bui'nois. roil an for si 111 jrtwo other
ua'ncn , IcnuUint 601 Nvrth SUKtutb etreit.
bllOf KOK NALE-OOO Ot tbl ) Il9 t
BAUUlR | In llucltv tin auauttol Ihoowc tr'oiv. '
ngtowik I urca.oat alar ( ; U ) . Iiiiilro | 12 outb
8'b. 21I23
, _ . . . .n-Tatradei wutUm l > nd f./r ttsot ol g >
orcatilr. "IBos olflcoi
, for re l vtt > . t , It U
nortLrotHALiORiicuikOK tbaro and , locttlo
Oyeuilewe , AdJlcwS , UBO offco. 1SI-16P
li'OR BALB A barber thop and bath room. The.
-1 oldisto'tablijtcd trade In ; will sell for
c sh or real estate. Address "A. B. ' Bee offlce.
) OOM and board ? 5 per weEk ; very b ft location ,
l > i814 Davenport St. 173-scpt 18p
LOST Sunday , small block and tan dog with red
ribbnn touml hlsnccV , animrabyntmeof Tip.
Flrder * ill bj rewarded by leaving same at 1724
DougUsSt. 34I-2lp
\R. WARD , room C , WUhnoll Block , ICthamT IIr '
'nor. . fill-tf
VTiSB If. A.DEBBV , III rcodvo puptlj In piano
land vocoat24i2IIarneyS6. ! ! CIrculaH fcnton.
application. 247 ept4p
rpnit w. c. UET KR Stove J opilr Co. , Ill South
14tu St , between Dodge and Donglo ? ,
'UP. ' Great Cl Irvoyact can bo Been on the South
T oatt corner 12th and Davenport. 812-2Ci >
UTB&TKD \ year and oni-haK old Mick colt with
O whlioBpot m faorand fin die hind root , tlboi-
il reward for any Informitton loicllng to Ha rorovciy
H. Ucnirgjcn , 4th aril Chestnut. 315-20p
FOR HINT Two pianos. Inqulro Edholm & Erlck.
/ \UAIIA BANITART oo. Privy vaulU , sinks and cess-
\J po hclcamdany litno of day In an entirely
odorless way with my Improved pump anil pittcnl
hatrcl oppiratm. A. EVANS , olllco I f8 DoJgo St. ,
Omaha , Nebrtska. 050cpt14p
v ul'aauu ooi'iioola cleaned in an cilorlesa
Puivv by F. G Abef , P. 0. Box , 378. 626 aug-2Sp
M IDwira Mrs. C.F.Anapachcr , io3 Leavonwortlu
PABIUKI On Klkhcrn u I'laltc T , lluiray.
en birijo given by G E Gellou
IKBntuoriOH Capitol wo. 480-tf
" "
cpsritlon , or usileiu trusses Dr. M. If. Moore ,
No 243 V7aba h avr. , Chicago , Ills. , at Omaha.
Wedneeday anc1 Thursday , Aug 26thand 27th.
Seventeen years Kxporienco ,
i > dcr of Ulsoiuoi cf Men niii Women. Eclectck ,
Magnetlo tnd Kerbillnt 1'hjtl Un Now located at
1210 l > ou < ; lis St Omaha. Nvb. , up stairs.
A correct dltgnosU given wiihout any oiplan&Uon
torn the patient. Cunsuliatlou free at illico.
/ Treat the Following Diseases.
Catarrh ol the Ilca I. Dlsuuioi of the Ky.t and
Ear. Heart Dls-ato , Liter Conjplilnt KidneyCom -
plalnt , Nervous Debility. Mental Dep/esalon. LOBIO ! Jt ,
lanhood , Diabetes , Blight's Dlaenno , Hi Vltue V
I > anco. Hhciimat'sm , ? ralyil < ) , Whlto Bwelllngi
crolul . Fever Bores. Cancorn antVTumon remove
> d without the knife , cr tbo drawiBd of a drop ot
ilood. Woman , with her dellcato organ * , Restored to.
ilealth. Dropsy Cured Without Tapping , Upoclal
mention Given te Pilvalo anil Vinorco ) DUoases ot
II Klnda , Tape Wcrina Uem'ivridi In two or tni e
icurnor No Pay , Iijmmo rhfjldor Piles Onred ere
o Charges Mc.dc.
Thoao who are rUBIctod will rave lilt and iun-
Irids nt dollaroby olllog on ot mivc :
1)11. G. V > , PANOLE'8
Voticol NoticeNotice
To all who tie dUeooot ) or afflicted , no matter how
eng the standing ; orimaajulbn healed. FeamaUdU.
laseswhero medlclnca bave failed to glvo itllef ,
L tfpoolalty ; come one , come all and be healed by tha
Jagnetlomialer , the only sure escape from anydl * .
ia . Kor eiaa'.lnattou , our ch 'ge are 81. lor each
teaiment , 01 visitations 82 ; terms utrlctly cash ,
J H. PA GEL All ,
North State St. , ono mile west of Fair Grounds
Car ( .f California Monntain
llartlet Pearf , Peach OJ , 1'Jumi , .
1'runea rtrd Grapes , due Mod : - < / .
d yAn uit2i ,
ordora early as fruit ia closed
upou arrival.
I !