Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Qao of he Best and Largest Stocks in too United State !
To Select Fronu
Max Meyer & Bro.
Knabe and Behr Bros ,
Shoninger and Clough and Warren
Instruments Rented , Exchanged & Sold
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Before IHuvin Elsewhere Examine Our
Stock and Prices.
Corner IXtJi and Farnani Streets.
Manufacturer Ornamental
Dormer Windows , Window Caps , HotaHc Sky Lights , &o. Tin , Iron Slate roofers.
GIG S. 12lh St. , Omaha , Neb. Work done in nny part of the country.
C. F.
ItE ,
( Will pay cuatomors Dra. with Bill of Lading nttichod , for two-thirds value of stock. )
Merchants'fc Farmor's Bank David Oity.Neb.
Kearney National Bunk. Ksarney , Neb. .
Columbus State Bane , Columbus , Neb.1
McDonald's Banlc , North Platte , Neb.
Omaha National Bank , Omaha , Neb.
Largest Drug , Paint , Oil and Glass House
in the West.
Estimates Given on Plate Glass Furnished ,
1JLJLMarney Street , - - Omaha , Neb
A. J , TOLLLOCK , ing. & aupt. a. r. N. HADLEB , ASBU EDR H. w. DIAMOND , Asat. sac
Man'fe's and Bulldirs cf
Wrought Iron , Steel , Howe
Truss and Onmblnktlon
For Railroads and Highway *
Turn Table ] , Draw Spans , Roe
Tiuasei , I'lers
and Sab *
A. UcLautb , Agent.
omtuliilcaen. Ple o wrd us uotlco.ot all brIJga wo < k'tto let. Coircipocdtnco ( elicited Irom englaters and br dge
Hall's Safe and Lee !
Author of "Called SacWand "Dark Day * . '
They paw ho was In earnest , so celled thcij
coacbtnon to assist In the search for ft steed ,
The coachman , in his striped linen waistcoat ,
joined tbo group and waited his masters
"William , " said Horace , "Mr. Carnithcn
is thinking of buying a horse. Do you know
of anything for sale round about hero ? '
"Do ! know of a boss , sir , " said William ,
"Something quiet , " put in Herbert , whc
TYOS solicitous for Frank's safety.
"A hess something quiet " repeated "Wil
liam. "To drive or ride , sir ? " ho added , turn
ing to Frank.
"To ride. "
"A hess quiet to rido. There's Mr. Bul
ger's cob , sir. His man said ho wcro for sole. * '
Frank did not like the sound of Mr. Bul
ger's cob. Herbert and Horace thought it
was just the thing.
"Well up to your -weight , sir , after Mr.
Bulger , " said William. "Such ft shoulder ,
such quarters , such a barrel ho'vo got , ht
"Who-Mr. Bulger ? "
"No , sir the cob. "
"Ah , yes the cob. But there nro barrel !
and barrels. I-want ono with nu ordinary
capacity I shouldn't care for the great tur
of Heidelberg ; ' '
"Certainly not , sir , " eald William , touch
ing bis forelock.
"Cobs' backs are so broad , " continued
Frank , musingly , "it scorns contemptible tc
bostrldo them. The temptation to chalk ono'i
foot and ride standing would bo irresistible ,
Would you find it so , Horace ? "
"Wall no. I don't think I should , an
swered Horace , withthatpolitecravlty whicl
always amused his cousin.
"Mr. Bulger won't do , William , " mid.
Prank. "Try elsewhere. "
William scratched his nose , and for a mln-
nto was in earnest thought.
"There's Captain Taylor's mare , " ho said ,
with a timid glance nt his masters. "Sho as
ran oft with tha slanliopo and smashed it
But they say she goes quiet enough with a
saddle on her back leastw iso if a man knows
how to i iile.
"Wo won't deprive Captain Taylor of his
treasure , " said Frank. "Tliink again. "
"Will yon go to Barker's repository , sir ? "
asked William , who had couio to an end of
his oqulno researches.
"Whcro is it ? "
"In Blacklomi , " said Herbert. "Wo will
go with you. "
"No , thank you. I will make my own un
biassed chcico. No ono shall bo blamed if I
como to grief except my doctor. la Barkei
on honest man ? "
"Ho is supposed to bo so , " said Horace.
"He's as honest as boss-dealer. * is made , "
said William.
"Thou I'll trust my neck in Barker's bonds.
HI walk into Blucktowu nt once. "
Ho went indoors and put himself into town-
going trim. The biothcis sow him depart
with some misgivings , but as ho once inoro
declined the offer of their assistance , polite
ness i % otild not let them press it.
At the ledge gate ho found William wait
ing for him. "If I may inako so bold , sir ,
you say to Mr. Baikcr that I sent j'ou to him
William Giles , sir , Mr. Talbcrt's man.
Barker ain't so bad as some , sir ; and when
holcncms I shall have something to do with
the hess , may bo ho won't try and bast you. "
"Thank you , William , for your disinter
ested kludiicsj , " said Frank , gravely.
"Don't mention it , sir , " said William , with
politeness perhaps caught from his masters.
"William Giles , Mr. Talbcrt's man you'll
remember , sir ? "
"Certainly , William. Is there anything
else I ought to say to Mr. Barker ! "
'No ' , sir , not as I know of. "
"Shall I loll him you deserve flvo or ten
per cent , on the transaction ? "
William's face was a study. Ho looked at
Frank in a startled way , then glanced guiltily
round to sco that his masters were out of ear
shot. Then ho looked at Frank again , and ,
catching the humorous twinkle in his eye ,
chuckled convulsively.
"Oil , Mr. Cnrruthers , you know the inside
of the rop2S , you , do. If you ride as well as
you reckon up you might 'a bought Captain
Taylor's mare. Don't ' think Barker will toke
you in much , sir. "
"Perhaps not ; but I'd better make sure.
Fetch mo n nice clean straw , William. " Wil
liam obeyed without comment. His respect
for Mr. Carruthers had greatly increased.
Frank took the straw , and breaking off a
piece with the empty ear attached , stuck it
between his teeth. "Is that the rightlength ,
William ? " ho asked.
"Bit too long , sir ; but you'll havochowod
him down proper by the time you get to
Barker's. "
"All right. " Frank passed out through the
goto and left William opining that ho "was
the rummest gent as over came to the house ;
oao never know if ho was in earnest or choff-
ins-likc. "
Frank soon got rid of the straw which ho
had mounted for William's mystification ,
and reached the repository without any signs
of borsincES about liini. Ho had nu inter
view with the tight legged x > ropriotor , and
for the next hour stood matching horses
white , horses b'ack ' , horses piebald , horses
brown , bay and chestnut , trotted up and
down the long tan-covered way. Ho heaid
Mr. Barker culoglso each pai ticular animal.
JJe heard Mr. IJarkcr eulogise each partio-
itlar animal.
Ho listened Iwcauso ha Ikoil to rtudy char
acter human , not cquino and Mas fascin
ntotl by a dosho to know what Darker would
fliidloEaynlicnccch fresh screw appeared
on the scene. But his silence as to his own
opinion conceniltJg the merits or demerits of
each animal , and tlio calm contemplative
way in which , smoking lila cigarette the
\ > kilo , ho watched the hor&os pass nnd repass
drovollr. liorkor almost to dlsti action. That
worthy didn't know whether lie had to deal
with n flat or wllh a wiser man than himself.
All business won nro aware that this places
ono nt a t rriho ! disadvantage In n negotia
tion. It is annoying to flud you have treated
a clover mau llko a fool ; but doubly BO to
Und you have treated a fool Lion clover
man. That is ono of the risks of business.
Mr. Barker as thomoro uncertain bccaust
bo tried Frank both ways. On each of the
Urbt ilftocii horses ha showed him ho placed a
ridiculously lilgh prlco then resolving thai
his customer was a knowing one , ho vecrod
round and a&kod n N cry low figure for th
acztscoro of animals ] mrodtxL Yet Frank
mode no Bign , and Barker was quito puzzled ,
lie even grow suspicious und glanced at
Frank's legs , thinking it juit possible thai
their owner was a horbb-dcoler from anothei
town , who had como dressed llko ft swell , lo
try and take in the redoubtable Barker him-
self. But Mr. Carruthers' lower limbs vscre
as straight and wcll-f ormed as if ho liad nova
In his life-Umo crossed a horse Bo Barker
was beaten , and breathed his equivalent to
sigh as the last of his flvc-and-lhlrty scrowt
was led back without Laving drawn n word
of condemnation or commendation from his
" 'Well , you're tv hard ono to plcaso , sir , "
ho said grimly ,
"I wanted to sco some horses , " said Frank
listlessly flipping the ash from his cigar-
"Ohl" sold Barker , with n deep-drawn
breath. "Yon wanted to sec some Losses ,
did you1' ! It was only in uiomonU of great
excitement that Mr. Barker forgot himself
enough to call his wares "hosscs. " Ho was n
( vell-to-do man with daughters who played
the piano. Ho knew that the projxjr pronun-
: Iatlou of the word raised him above the level
of grooms and stable boys. Ho had acquired
It with great difficulty , so its retention was
"Yes I did " said Frank "
, , , pleasantly ; "but
never mind. Sorry to have given you so
much trouble. May I give your boy hah ? a
* rownj"
"Now , " eald Barker , cocking his head on
sno side and speaking in n confidential wills-
scr , "without saying n M ord about tliohorsos
t have shown you , tell mo what'a jrour idea of
i horse his value , I mean. "
"I'm not particular.7
"Oh , you're 1106 particular. Jim , bring
out the chestnut. "
"No , " said IVank , "novcr mind. I don't
wont to see him. I wont you to choose a
horse for ma"
No doubt horse dealers nro aa honest na
other dealers , but Mr. Barker's astonishment
wus indescribable. It might have been that
of ft , convicted forger given a blank check
and nskcd to tuko care of it , or that of n
wolf to whom n sheep brought its lamb
and begged that it might bo looke.1 after for
awhile , or that of n cat asked to stand ecn-
tlnel over the cream.
Yet ho w as equal to the occasion , "Want
motochooson horse ? Can't do better , sir.
Whenever the duke or the marquis \\antsn
horse in a hurry they write to mo to send
them ono. K'yoso if I can suit the duke I can
suit you. "
"I don't know. I'm fidgety. You can
try. "
Still Barker could not foci certain whether
ho was dealing with a sharp man or a
"There's the chestnut I spoke of. Ho'a the
Tory tiling for you. "
"How muchr1 said Frank laconically.
"Ono hundred nud twenty guineas"said
Mr. Barker with that emphasis on the Lost
word which says that the vendoris proof
against the sumo number of pounds ,
"Look here , " said Fiauk , sharply , "you
find mo n horse for six weeks. I don't care if
it's black , brown , or blue. Name the lowest
price you mean to take , and if the price suits
mo and I buy it and don't find any pai ticular
vices I'll give you twenty per cent , more , and
the horse to icsell for mo nt the end of that
timo. Now then , is it the chestnut. ? "
Barker madoalong pause ; then , with an
assumption of candor , said : "Ko , sir , after
that it isn't the chestnut. Youcoino hero ;
I'll show you what it is. "
Mr. Caiiulheis never told any ono the
exact price his horse cost him , EO wo will not
force ourselves into his secrets. Ho loft the
repository , having settled that if n , \ ctoricary
surgeon's certificate could accompany the
dark bay horse just shown him it might be
sent to Hnzlowood House that nttcrnoon.
Then ho bade Mr. Barker good-day nud
strolled back to Oakbury.
Just befoio ho reached Hazlo\vood House he
was ovei taken by Beatrice and her cavalier.
They reined up and spoke a few words.
Young Purton was in high good 1 umor , and
delightfully condescending.
"Pity you don't iideMr. Carruthers , " he
"It isn pity. Will you coach mo ? Ee-
Tengo is sweet , you know. "
"I'll bring my father's old horse round
some morning nud give you a lesson. I dare
say you w ould boon pick it up. "
"Yon wcro always a kind-hearted boyr
said Fiauk gratefully. "Miss Clausoa , do
you think I could learn to ride ? "
"You nro too lazy , I fear. "
"Yes ; I suspect I am. I won't trouble
you , Purton. Qood-by. "
The horses trotted on , and Frank sauntered
back to Hazlowood House smiling placidly.
In the afternoon , to Miss Clauson'j supreme
astouisluneut , the now purchase arrived. Sh <
and Frank wcro in the garden at the time ,
The bay w as placed iu Mr. Giles' charge , and
that personage , after inspecting it , rejoiced
for two reasons : the first , that Mr , Baikei
had not "bested" Frank ; the second , thai
oven if Frank had "bested" Mr. Barker , th <
horse must have cost n pot of money , and ai
whatever flguro his , William's , introductior
might bo assessed , the baclcshecsh must b *
worth having.
"I thought you didn't care for riding , " said
"I don't much. "
"Then why buy such n torso ? "
"Because I should like to ride with you. "
Ho gave her ono of his quick glances ,
Beatrice turned away , ashamed to feel that
she was blushing. She was very cold and
icservcd during the evening , yet thonuda.
clous young man chose to take it for gi anted
that she would accept him for her cavalioi
vice Pin ( on superseded ,
Horoco having duly udmired the horse and
shaken his head at the palpable extrava
gance , made a senes of elaborate rulo-of.
thrco calculations , ami determined , if thrc
horses ate a certain quantity of certain
things in a certain time , how a fourth hors (
would airect the quantity , the things and tht
Young Purton was too shy to offer hi
escort 0:1 the next morning ho feared lesl
ho might wear out his welcome. 60 his ridi
was a solitary one. Jud o his utter disgust
when , quietly trotting nlstjg , ho encountered
Miss Cliiuson and Mr. Can-others , the lattci
mounted on n steed the like to which Mr ,
Purton had for j-eara lougod to own , and
moreover , riding as if ho know all about ib
Tills sight w as very bad for young Purton.
Had ho been i > oetical lie might have com'
pared himself to the caglo struck down by iU
own quill. As it i > as , ho muttered , "A jollj
sell , by Jovol" mid after the unavoidabU
greetings and Mr. Carruthors1 inovitabU
bit of badinage , rode homo in a dlscoiisolatt
There uero delicious rides together ,
The long vacation was running down fa
the lees. August had passed into September ,
and September had softly stolen nwny. Tha
scarlet geraniums , calceolarias , and other
bedding-out phinta w hick had all the summer
brightened the gardens of Uazlowood House ,
were beginning to show signs of senile decay.
The under gardener found it no light work
to keep the jiaths frco from fallen leaves.
Yet Frank Carruthers stU } lingered at Oak.
bury enjoying Us cousins * TiospItaBty. Ear
ing assumed the post of mental physician to
Mis ? Clausen , ho was no doubt reluctant to
resign it until ho had effected n radical cure.
Besides , the days slipped by happily enough.
There wcro drives through the green elm-
shaded Wcstshtro lanes , which lead tohllli
from the fummlta of which fine views of Lba
country and the distant too. nro obtainable ,
Aa Horace drove , and as Herbert invariably
occupied the box scat , Frank and Beatrice
liad the body of the largo w agonctto to them *
selve an arrangement which ono of the two
found far from unpleasant ,
There were Iho delicious rides together.
Young Puiton left tl % place in disgust , and
Joined on cloven of old Cragtonlnns who wen
wandering about England iilayingmatches
ft far better and moro healthy occupation for
a boy than hopeless lovcmnking. The bay
horse turned cm t fmch ft beauty that Frank
broke his word to Mr. Barker and did not resell -
sell it.
Then there was company , rieasantpeoplo
who visited Hazlowood House , and pleasant
people whom Hnzlowood House visited.
Frank was such n success vith thcso that'
Horace and Herbert were quito proud of
their cousin.
And there wcro walks wllh Miss Clauson ;
and above all those dcllghtftil dreamy hours
when they tat under the sycamore , and in the
cool shade talked of OTCTJ thing iu tlio world ,
the heavens above , or the waters under it.
Or it may bo Miss Clati&onwas silent , and
Frank , watching every line of her beautiful
face , know that the diswrai which ho himself
had taken was becoming chronic and in
Altogether , it will be understood tlint if Mr.
Carruthers failed in curing Miss Clatiiou'a
complaint it would bo from no w ant of oppor
tunity , or from being doborred making an
exhaustive stud } * of the patient.
In plain EuglUh , Frank had fallen in love
with Beatrice , in that good old-fashioned way ,
almost at first sight. Ho had gene down be
fore her gray eyes as surely as had the sus
ceptible Sylvanus. Wouldho faro any better ?
About this date ho often asked himself the
above question ; for ho had by now mailo the
curate's acquaintance , and learned that ho
was a rejected man.
Ho did not leant it from Beatrice , who ,
like overj-truo woman , wished to hide , and ,
if possible , forget the story of a mall's dis
comfiture. Ho did not learn it from Hornco
or Herbert. Although they wcro as fond of
gossip as men always nro , wild horses would
not have rent such a confidence from their
kindly hearts. Sylvanus himself was Frank's
The energetic , bustling curate liad returned
to Oakbury. During ills absence the Talberts
had requested Beatrice to decide as to Iho
terms of intimacy w hich should for the f uturo
exist between Hazlowood House and Mr.
Mordlo. Beatrice quietly told her uncles
that it was her particular wish that the Rev.
Sylvanus should bo icccived on exactly the
same footing as heretofore. This decision
gave the Talberts great satisfaction. They
were umiblo to seo' how parochial affairs
could go on unless they worked liaud in hand
with the curate. Bo when Sylvautisreturned
ho was informed that ho might trit-yclo him
self up to Hnzlowood House as often as ho
chose. AVhich , as ho was resolved to caseharden
harden his heart by accustoming himself to
seeing Miss Clausen in the light of nothing
moro than a friend , was very often.
So Mr. Carruthers and the curate met fre
quently. They recognized each other's ' good
points , and were soon on terms of friendship
such as fiction , nt least , seldom allows to ex
ist between rivals. Rivals is perhaps the
wrong word , for , if any stray fragment of
hope clung to Mr. Mbrdlo's portmanteau and
so returned with bun to England , it was
swept away for over and over as soon as the
owner saw Frank and Beatrice together. Ho
recognized destiny , and bowed to it as a well-
bred man should.
It was no doubt the desire to prove incon-
tcstablyto himself that ho was cured , that
made him , in a moment of brisk confidence ,
tell Frank how ho hod fared. The manner i n
which the communication was made showoj
Frank that his own secret w as no secret from
Mordlo. If ho did not meet confidence by
confidence ho made no attempt at deception.
Ho looked at Mordlo w ith n curious tmilo.
' You scarcely expect mo to say I nra
sony ? " ho asked.
'No. "Want no sympathy. Only want
vou to bo sure that when the time comes to
congratulate you I can do so with all my
henit. "
"Ahl" said Frank "
, smiling. "Noble
very noble , " \\nien \ the time comes , " ho added ,
softly. Thereupon ho fell into a train of
thought a train which ran upon a tingle
line and always took him .to ono particular
This , then , is how matters stood at the
beginning of October. Mr. Carruthers hav
ing completed lus diagnosis , not perhaps to
his entire satisfaction , felt that the moment
was drawing near when ho must make the
mprcmo effort to expel forever that morbid
ness which ho believed to have intrenched it-
Eclfin Miss Clausen's s/stem. Still liowas
bound to confess what many other practi
tioners ought to confess , that ho was w ork-
Ingiuthodaik. Ho was about to try a killer
or cure remedy , the desperate nature of
which would , strangely enough , act not
upon the patient but upon him who adminis
tered it. No wonder , with so little to guide
him , ho hesitated and postponed.
At this juncture the Talberts gave a din
ner-party a man's dinner party. The fol
lowing wcro the blessed recipients of invita
tions : LordKelstouwho was staying fora
few days at his place ; Sir John Williams , of
Almondsthorpo ; Colonel White , the officer
commanding the legiment at the neighbor
ing barracks ; Mr. Fallen , the polished Royal
Academician who was tojourning at the vil
lage inn , and malting outdoor sketches oi
autumnal foliage , nud Mr. Fletcher ; of the
Hollows , the largest landowner , tavo Lord
Kclstou , in Iho county. Those , with Frank
and the hosts , made a party of eight the
number which , according to an axiom of the
Talberts , should novcr bo exceeded.
From the above names and descriptions it
will bo rightly guessed that the party was
distinguished , well-selected and well-bal
anced. Selection and balance were matters
upon which the bi others prided themselves
as much If not moro than they did upon the
refinement of the dinner itself. In this par
ticular party , small as it was , culture ,
learning , art , arms ; , landed interest and
hereditary suay wcro pioperly personified.
It was , indeed , n representative gathering
after the Talberts' own hearts.
Buttwc days before it took place an event
happened which threatened it ill. Lord JCel-
stou wrote Horace ono of these pleasant ,
familiar letters which , coming from a lord ,
are always delightful. Ho said ho fchonld
toke the liberty of briugiug his friend Mr.
Simmons with liim. Aa this would raise the
number to nine it necessitated asking another
man in order to equalize the tides of the
Then come consultation high and earnest.
Whom could they ask upon so short a notice
worthy of forming ono of such a distinguished
party ? Each of the Talbcrts would have felt
insulted had ho been asked by a friend to stop
a gap ; so , following the golden rule they
shrank from the task before them. Htill ,
they could not have four on ono tldo of the
table nutl three on the other.
Frank listened to their solemn deliberations
for some time , then tiled to help them out of
the difficulty. "Leave mo out , " ho said.
"Beatrico and I" ho tpoko of her bomttlmea
now as Beatrice "will dlno together in the
nursery or the housckcci > er's room. Whit-
taker con bring the dishes sti eight from your
tablo. It will bo delightful. "
"MvdearFraukl'1 ' This joint exclamation
showed the utter futility of his suggestion.
" \Vhy \ not ask the i ector ? I thought it was
the duty of a country clergyman to meet
emergencies llko this. "
"Ho talks about nothing but hiaflihing , "
said Horace mournfully.
"Fishing for wliatl For men ? "
"No ; fcaluion and trout , " ausw cred Horace ,
OB usual taking the matter prosaically
"Why not Mordlef He is capital com *
pnny , "
'Ha-hum , " said Horace , glancing at Her
bert. "This ij scarcely a curate's imrty , "
"No " cold Herbert all
, scarcely , , sbakipjj
At last they decided to ask ft Mr. Turner ,
but the dtclslou was arrived at with ml glv-
inRs ; for Mr. Turner was in trade. Ho was ,
however , n merchant prince even ft mer
chant emperor and , as Hornco expressed it ,
was n member of Iho aristocracy of wealth.
They felt that Mr. Turner might IK ) risked at
short notice , anil would not lw offended
when ho heard it was to meet Lord Kclston.
This is one of the many advantages of enter
taining lords.
Nevertheless they wcro conscience stricken
at having asked nny ono to stop a gap , so
made amends by arranging their guests to
that Mr. Turner should sit on Herbert's left
hand ; Hoiaeo's supiwrtcra being Loid Kcl-
ston and his friend , Mr. Simmons. The latter
was a mnu of middle ago , with dark eyed and
exquisitely chiseled nquilluo features , and
wearing nn air of refinement that at once
commended him to Horace.
Tlio dinner began propitiously , and pro-
grcs od faultlessly. The tnblo , over the dec
oration of w hlch the brothers had spent much
time mid moro thought , was a perfect picture.
When their guests wcro only men the Tal
berts wcro extra particular. Tlio lack of the
refining clement , the presence of woman , had
to bo compensated by an 'Ultra fastidiousness
of detail , Even Frank , who had becu behind
the scenes , marveled nt the effect of his hosts'
hospitable and artistic exertions. But , all the
same , ho pitied them as wo should all pity n
host who is certain to bo rendered wretched
bja tureen of burnt soup or ft bottle ol
corked wine.
Horace talked gravely and pleasantly to
the right and totho.lcft. Herbert was com
pelled to attend almost entirely to Mr. Tur
ner , who had n booming voice , Thich ho in
sisted upon making heard. Frank , who was
next to the artist , found the dinner not so dull
as ho had feared it would bo.
In the course o conversation Horacolcanit
that Lei d Kclstou's friend w as Mr. Simmons ,
the noted barrister , who had so suddenly
sprung into eminence. Mr. Simmons was a
Jew of gentle birth and education , nudlloracc
was vcryf end of high-class Jews. So the two
men got on admirably. Frank also know
who Mr. Simmons was. Herbert did not.
All went on as well ai the Talbcrts could
have wished until the clnrct was placed on
the table. Then nn awful thing occurred a
contretemps , which to this day is n sere sub
ject with Horace and Herbert. It all arose
from inviting the stor gap. Listen.
The Union Pacific Hallway Company will rcctho
tenders up to Aututt 31tt , 1835 , for 200,000 bird
uood cress ties and 0:0,000 toll \\ood cross lies , moro
orlcgjln lotass may Doigreid upon , at following
ICO 000 oak and 100,000 cedar crots tie ] at Kaccai
City , Mo. , orLcavcnwotth , King.
100,00) cak acd 100.COU cedar cress ties at Co ell
Dlufls. 7a ; St Jcaoih , Vo. ; Omaha , I'Apllllon or
Grand I Iniid , Neb.
1CO.CCO broad Rtuge and KO.OOO narrow pauo ra-
tivj wood cress liesat Don\cr , or at etatlonson
line of Union Pacific Hallway , In vicinity tf Drnvcr
1CO.CO ) Eolt wood tltant lluctlCRton , Oregon nt
tUtlcna on Oregon Shoit Lice , or Utah and Neith
er n.
100,00 } native wood cros.i tic ? , at stations on
main line ol Union PaclQo llallviavbetncen Chojenuo
Wyo. , and 0tdou ( , Utah ,
To bodditorcd not later than Ap-il EOth , 1SEO.
Addrcts propoials and app y for epccinc tlcns and
olhcrpaitl ulars to J. J. Bum" , OrneralStorekeeper ,
Omaha , Neb. B. U. OALLA.WAY ,
General Manager.
Omaha , Nob. , Aug. 16tb , 1E85. nutr.l7-St
Erlangar Bavntla I Culmbachor Bavaria
Pllaner Bohemian Kaiser . . . . .Bremen
Bndwelsor 8t. Louis I Anhaueer . . . . . . St. Louis
Beit's UUwaukoo Schlitz-P Isnor.ltllwauket
Krug'g Onmha | Ale , Porter , Domestic and
Rhine Wines.
ED MAUEEE , 12) ) 3 Farnam St ,
Plattsmouth , Nob.
Bree o of thoroughbred and high grade
Hereto d and Jersey Cattle ,
And Dnroa and Jersey llerj Bwinc.
1 bare a posUlTo remedy for the aboro dlieaee | by lt §
Tiia thousands ofcaAOB of tba worst klndundof Ionic
tandtnR hare been cured. Inileed. lontrnnglH niTfaltn . r n < lTUO HorrLBS f REB ,
any lUfferor. UlPooxnrpBSunil ! O nddn Bfl.
fill. T. A. . ELOCUJ1. 191 rcorlSt. , Keir Tort
Tlckota Only $5. tihnres in Proportion
Louisiana State Lottery Company
"We do ktreby ttrt\fti that IM tuvtrritt the ar
ranftmtnttfor all the Monthly ana Semi-Annua
tDrateinyi of tht Uvitiana State Lutttry Company
ami in perton manaqe and control tht Drauingt
thtmitlvtt , and that the lamt are conducted tHf A
lonettyfairnetl and in gee < t faith toward all far-
tits , and if i authcrite the company to use Mfi eft-
liltate , trith fac-titnUu of cur tiynntwtt a AM
in itt advertittwntt.
inporporfttal la IS83 for 25 yf r by the legtctitari
Id Kluoatlonil nd Cfc&rlublo putpoel Uh ft
cupltAl of 11,000,000 10 which * remve randot OT f
S560 000 hM Blno been ftddcd.
By M overwhelming poputai vote Ilj Itinchli *
wMtntdo apart of the present eUte oomtllallOD
kdopted December SJ. A. 1) . 1878.
trho only lattery over voted on kuil en joncxl by
tbopoopleol tnyitate ,
It novcr BaMoa or poetronta.
It ) RTtnd tingle number drawing ! Uio plic *
Oth Gcnnd Drawing , Class I , in the Acndomr
of Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , Sopt. 8th
1885 , 184th Monthly Drawing ,
100,000 Tickets nt Five Dollars Erich. Frao-
tioUB , in Fifths In I'ropottiou.
MBT or ruiisi
1 CAPITAL FIUZK | 7l , t
1 do da ED.OOa
1 do do " " " " 10,000
s riuzKS OF . . . . . . . . . . cwo 1S.OWJ
6 do 2,000 10,000
10 do 1,000 10,000
20 do 600 10,000
100 i)0 ) 00 9,000
BOO do _ . . . 100 80,000
600 do 60 25,000
1000 do SI SS.OW
B Approximation 1'ilica of J760 8,7tO
0 do do fOO i . . . . 1,600
8 do do tM 2.2M
1997 Prices , amounting to . .1295,500
Application for ratca to clnba should bo madoonly
lo thoollloo of the Company In Now Orloansi
For further Information wrlto clearly Riving toll
address. POSTAL NOTKS , JCirroaa Money Order J , of
Now York Kxcbange In ordinary letter , Oarrcnoy
by Express ( all euma ol 85 and upward ) al our ex.
peneo ) nddroeeod ,
0 r U. A. DAUPQIN , New Orloano. La.
C07 Hevcnth St. , Washington D. 0.
U&bo P. O. Jfoncv Ordcra payabla and iddr l
noirUtercd Letters to
Htw Orloanr , la.
New Orleans , Liu ,
Now Orleans , Lx ,
Now OrlcaiB , La.
0. T P-ojltcn , Viopiiotor. Gontlcmcns'Clothlne
caned , djod and rspa'red. Lidles' Drcssus clonnou
and dyed , and Plumes ilycrt and curled. All kind
ol Fancy Dying and Cleaning dona on short notlco
and satlefactloa guaranteed. 1212 Douglas street
Omaha , Neb.
PASEenget Elevator to all floors , 120(3,1208 ( and 1310 Farnam St.
Who have trilled nway tliclr jouthrul ilfjor and power , whosr *
prlnufrniii ti'rrlhlu 1IUA1N.S mid IvOa.Sl S , wtio aroucalt ,
IMl'OriZNTiuiil mult lor marriage.
MEN of all ages , who finc their POWER
and vitality , inno&iunl ! 'fiUXUAi bllffiNUTH weakened , ur
curly li.ibliH or iX'issr.S : ( : , c i , 'ccche n ixiHltlvo and InstltiR
OU Hie. .SOin.itlLT of hmv lo"1iwwllnir tlio tasomny be , ar viliu
lias Ulltu in ciiri'.liy n few wi'eks nr months me or tlio celebrated
Athnino wliliDiitcxpiisuro , lufji.SS tlinu. amltor l.iati moncr than
any . . olhcrinc . . > llio < l IntlicworM. Weak buck , headache , KillBblONS.
, sairsnlrlls ) and anililll mi , t'lnoiiy though U , d r o a cl I uL
Urcums , dtfvutUu iiit'inory. l ll'OTKN'OU. f" nil. Impediments to
linrrlace , uuil mall ) oilier E/niploius luadln to CONUUMfllON or <
INSANITY , nro promptly rcuio > cd bytUls treatment , and vlgoro
luanliooU ri'ftutcil.
MarriedMen , ortJioseivho intend to marnj ,
nnMRMIIGR , pcrfict Foxunl Blrongth inonns. liealili. TlRorous o < r.
i lonR llfo nndtlio lovoaml ntpctt of u f.ilihlin virc. Weak men should lie restored to vliror a
iimnhood ticfara tnarrlaKH 1'ioofH. to8tlnionliilH nrnlatimlilu truullw tt eluinps.
rJistab.l877.AUdress The Climax IVIodical Co , 5O4 , St. E-OUiS ,
Park Place , Omaha , Nebraska.
Boardltg School for young ladioa under the direction of the Ladlea of tbo Sacred Heart.
The course of studies embraces all the branches of D useful and refined education.
Hhi pcholastio year commences on the first Wednesday in September.
TMBM8 Payable In advance , including board , washing , tuition In. English and French ,
nttrumontal mm ic. use of books , per session of 5 months , $160.
EXTBAS-PointinK.Drawing , German. Vocal Made , Harp , Guitar , Violin. 2or lurther
Information apply to the fright Kov. Jas. O'Connor , or to the Lady Superior ,
Double and Single Acting Power ana hand
Ez > ela9 Ttlmmlnea. Mining BldobU c/ , Boiling , Hose , Brass and Iron SlttlcBi
6t vholeaila or retail , HALLA13AT WJKD-MILL3 , OBURUB
Oornor 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Hob ,
of Live Stock and Others ,
II la i ha boat and cheapest food ( or Block of any kind. One pound la oqnt.1 to
throe pounds o corn. Block fed wllh Ground Oil Gake In the foil and Wlntei
Inele&d of running down , will Increozo In weight and bo In good marketable condl.
tlon In the BprlnR. Dairymen , aa well IB othoru , who use U , can toatlfy to Its mor-
Ila. Try H and i odea for yourselves. IV oo 824.00 per ton. No ohargo for u ok0 ,
Addrew WOODMAN L1NBEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Neb ,