Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday Morning , August 26 ,
Office No. 12 Pofttl St.
Delivered by carrier to any part of Iho city
lor twenty esnts ft week ,
II. W. TILTON. Kilter and Leaaae.
Roller , merchant tailor , for fine goods
See Oocko & Morgan's COo , 76o and
$1.00 skirts.
The city council moots to-morrow after
noon at 2 o'clock.
The jurymen in the circuit court have
been excused until next Monday.
James McAnley and George Plfler
wore yeatorday fined as plain drunks.
The end of the fill on Sixth street has
been badly washed away by the late
Ono train of twenty-five oars of live
stock wont out over the Northwestern
yesterday morning.
PormUslon to marry was yesterday
given to M. 0. Parks and Minnie Davis ,
both of Oakland , Iowa.
Bon Long yesterday cjnludod to
change his plea to disturbing the
peace , and ho paid the usual fine.
Fifty dozan Ball's corsets juat received
at Cooke & Morgan's.
The evening prohibitory organ has at
last plucked up courage enough to gently
ohido the siloon men for their Sunday
Ono of the hoarder * at the Tremont
house had his room burglarizad Monday
night , and lost a suit of clothes and a
pair of ehoco.
The Institution for the deaf and dumb
will not open until the 23d of September ,
the delay being caused by the repairs
necessitated by the atorm this summer.
DIED At the residence of his non ,
fifteen miles east of Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
on the 23d of August , Peter LIddell , a
native of Ruthorglon , Lanarkshire , Scot
land , In hli eighty-sixth year.
The circuit court mot at last yesterday
morning , but little cf public Interest was
accomplished , the time being taken up
with the call of the calender , the filing
of motions and the entering of dofnulls.
Special drive in red twilled fhnnols ,
25 } worth 403 at Oocko & Morgan'n. '
The Episcopal social Is to bo hold this
evening In the Masonic hall Instead of at
the residence of MM. J. B. Atkins , ns
previously announced. There will bo
good muslo and other necessaries for a
happy social season. The a dmloslon will
bo twenty-fivo cents.
Eva Lament , who has caused the pallca
no little trouble by her boldness and
hllarlousness on the streets , was again
arrested yesterday , but released on hot
solemn promiseto leave the city last
night , a masculine- friend of hora promis
ing to take her with him.
Mayor Lovoll , of Noola , Booms to bo in
trouble. Ho has boon charged with dis
turbing the peace which It is supposed to
bo his duty to preserve- , and the ease ban
been continued for a few days , as ho pro
poses to fight It out. Lovoll Is a demo
crat and has aspirations to the office oi
ohoriff , and it seems that some of hie
political rivals want to have him put on
the record unfavorably.
It Is reported that the postoflico fight
Is being resumed In the Interest of Bow
man , Having shown that his faction is
stronger than Vaughan's he may start in
afresh , but ho hasn't got Wells Cook out
of the way yet. The republicans , and
many democrats are content to have
Armour hold the fort , as his administra
tion has certainly been on excellent ono
for the business men , without regard to
party , and those who delight in having
tbo service bettered hero , are satisfied to
let him stay , but the politicians will not
have it that way , and the strife- will go on.
Officer Kirk on Sunday night had his
attention attracted by a crowd standing
In front of the Colorado honae , evidently
drawn there by the fact of the presence
of the Gorman band , who are boarding at
the houio. Ho went imldo and called
on Mr. Cramer , the proprietor , to make
his Gorman friends and boarders clear
the sidewalk , but the proprietor hid no
Inclination to do so , and told the officer
that it Tras the business of the police to
clear the walks If ho wanted thorn cleared.
The two had a little talk of not the
friendliest aort , and yesterday Cramer
was brought into court on the charge of
disturbing the peace , but the judge con
cluded to discharge him.
Jndgo Aylosworth Is keeping his deci
sion of the fire chieftainship contest un
der advisement. In tbo meantime a now
move is reported. Borne of the citizens
want to have both the new chief and the
old ono dropped , and Harry Blrkinblnr ,
the engineer of the water works com
pany , chosen for chief. It Is said that
Borao of his friends have about persuaded
him to BOIVO , and without cost to the
city , his connection with the water works
and'hla ' dealro to have them show np as we 1
as possible in case u ( fire , being a graater
Incentive than a salary. If Blrklnbino
should go in it is safe to predict that
there would not be BO much foollahntsi
as Is Indulged In now. There Is need of
a stricter discipline , and a moro cflaotual
manning cf the department , and this
would doubtless be brought about at
Tbo mayor In his little organ has tot
on foot more extended Inquiries than ho
Intended. Ho Inlircatcs that it would
bo well for the ilHclals to examine the
account ] cf the late city chrk , and also
renioaauro the paving fir the benefit of
the city engineer's record. If ( hero is to' '
bo a thorough examination of all the
records and cflieUl dolngf , there may be
tome other revelations made not to
[ ) lo&tant to tboeo who atari the quorlta
nd throw out the anaplcloua hln'0. '
Such Boema the retnra threat.
The people are ready for any aott
of ft shotting. Let the Investigation
bo made , only lot them bo thorough and
Impartial. Honest men have nothing to
fear , and the fetllnga ot the dishonest
onoa should not bo contidered. Let the
mayor not bo content with hinting at
crookedness , but In his official capacity
ho should avail himself of what ho knows
or pretends to know s a newspaper man.
Stationery , the finoat and moat complete
line over brought to the elty now at
Invltallona , Program * , Rsgratu , Calling
Cards , etc. ,
and In quantities to salt.
Also a buanlifal line of
Call and BOO them. All oidora filled
promptly , and the work will bo gnaran <
toed to equal the alack.
\Vondorfal Art.
In accordance with the announcement
made , No. 34 Posrl ntroot ii proving a
most attractive place , oapeclally for
the ladies. The Now Homo sowing ma
chine company is there , making for a few
days an exhibition of embroidery , arras
ono , ohontllo and fancy needle xrork , and
the ahowlng without any exaggeration la
ono of the richest , and In some respects
the moat marvelous of anything ever saen
in this city. The lailos look , admtro and
wonder , and on all sides ii
heard the query , "How Is It
done ? " The BEE man don't know ,
but there ia In attendance a gentlemanly
young man named A. M. Hovdand , who
Is ready not only to explain , put to glvo
ocular evidence that any and all of this
rich embroidery can bo done quite easily
on this machine , of which R. M. Wilbur
Is the general agent. It Is sufficient for
the BEE to warn Its many readers thai
those who delight In the boautlfnl will
mles a great sight if they fall to attend
this exhibition , for never In this olty
has there boon Its llko.
Substantial abstract of tltlo and ron
estate loans. J. W. and E. L. Squire ,
102Poarl street.
The new Catholic chnrch at Kookuk
will bo dedicated next Sunday.
The state auditor will shortly transfer
the surplus school money to the needy
Two unknowns , n man and woman ,
were arrested near Dnbuqno last week ,
for forgeries committed In the east.
Peter Peterson , a young Dane ol
Avoca , through his careless handling ol
a revolver , gave himself a fatal wound
by Its accidental discharge on Thursday
Suit was entered at Dnbnquo , by An
drew Anderaon against L. D. Randall &
Co. , leather merchants , for $0,000 for
Injuries received by falling into a cellar
owned by the defendant.
The Davenport Gazette nays that be
yond doubt the real Rock Mountain
locust la vlaltlng Iowa , and has recently
been reported "flying in ouch millions
over Keokuk county as to appear like a
snow storm. "
M. Sorrpnson , a tenant farmer near
Walnut , in Pottawattamlo county ,
hanged himself in his barn at an early
hour on Friday morning. The suicide
was a man 50 yoara of ago , and loaves a
wlfo and several grown children.
On Thursday last John Shields was ar
rested in Des Alotnes charged with steal
ing seventeen head tf horses. John in
sisted that ho had stolen but twelve head ,
and seemed Injured that the extra five
should be charged against him.
The latest freak of postal lightning la
that of Richard Buskins , appointed by
the president to Lone Tree , Ho ii eighty
years old , and has lost his memory , his
eyesight , and generally debilitated from
senile decay , all of which is supposed to
constitute a sound democrat.
The grain buyera of central Iowa have
organized a protective association for
mutual benefit. Officers were elected as
follows : President , M. McDonald , of
Bayard ; vice president , E A. Abbott , ol
Marehalltown ; secretary , Oeorga Hoaton ,
of Periy ; treasurer. L , Mott , of Des
Lieut. Oharlor J , Olark , Tenth United
States Infantry , has been detailed to In
spect the various regiments of Iowa na
tional guards at their encampments , and
to make report of the drill , dicclpllnoand
profHoloncy of the Iowa mllltli tn the ad
jutant general of the Lnltod States
D. W. Honk , an American cxpros B
messenger , while unlocking his messen
ger box at Das Molnes Thursday , was
shot in the breast by his own revolver
filling fcom hla tcabbard and the ham
mer striking the Iron box or saf 9 on the
floor , exploding the weapon with the unfortunate -
fortunate roaults stated.
Tony Krlnglo , a Dubuque loafer and
thug , after partaking of the fcoapIUHty of
a farmer named Patrick Jndgo ia the
way of fifteen or twenty drinks , uttompt-
od on Thursday night under cover of
darkness to murder and rob hla daylight
friend , beating him in an unmerciful
manner over the head , with a club.
Inwbat Is known as thoStoclo neighbor
hood near Hontezuma , In Powoahiek
county , tha rattloanakos have alarmed
the people to the extent that ono field of
grain , If not moro haa been loft to w ste ,
aa the venomous reptiles were so numer-
Dua that no ono would venture In t ? help
harvest the ripened grain , A Mr. Steele
killed fifty-two rattlers OP hta place dur-
[ jg the aoaaon.
The great Alexander , adjutant general
of IOWA , invaded Davenport last work
ind permitted hinnolf to ba Interviewed ,
[ t was hla last and greatest effort , Ho
informed the anxloua people of the town
; hat for noble and sightly realdencoa and
jeautlfnl women It waa the banner town
of the state , When the town arose next
morning and read his opinion , nothing
was too good for him , inact ho took a
special train out of town.
Mlea Kittlo Williams , ngod 18 , daugh
ter of W. T. Williams , a prominent mer
chant of Cedar Falls , was fatally burned
> n the evening of the 10th , She was
ilndliag a fito in a gasoline steve when
lor clothing caught fire , and In an in.
stint she was enveloped In flames. She
ran into another room where her mother
was , and the latter extlngnlifd the
Itmoa , but not until her hands were fear *
fully burned. She died the next day.
Workers with metals generating oleo-
tr'clty escaped the cholera of ' 40 , Then
DS onr oleo rlo belts. Jndd & Smith ,
Council Bluffs. Agents wacted ,
The Goods Stolen t Gr nd Island
Found by tlio Foltoo in This City ,
Yeatotday'a BEE csnUlnod nn account
of the partuit of tire colored men by AH
oflieor in Omaha , the men being wanted
for stealing In Grand Island. Ono of the
fellows wis ahot through the arm , and
captured , whlla his comrade made good
hU CHcnpo. The follow who eacapod had
the plunder , and yesterday ho made an
attempt to ahlp it from hero. The plun
der WB In two grips , and thoao ho sent to
the United SUtoa expreaa office , by an
other colored man , who g vo hii name BE
0. Johnson , and ho wanted the gooda
ahipped to Oacir Jones at Dos Molnos.
Chief of Pollco Skinner took out the
nccomry pipers , and'captnrod the goods ,
which proved to bo the property stolen.
The colored man who brought the goods
to the ofllco claimed to knorr nothing
abont the man nho had acnt them by
him , and showed a willingness to help the
officers in hunting him. The grips con
tained clothing and barber toolo , nnt
eomo of the razora bore on their blades
the name of their owner , William Howell ,
eo that there could bo no question o :
their identity. Other of the gooda belonged -
longed to Thomas Goodohlld , and to Dr ,
Johnson. The officers have hope o
catching the other of the crooked pair
ncd wcro following a hot trail yesterday.
lllley Clark , of Nooln , was in the city yoi
terday ,
Mell Bellinger is etill confined to his horn
by illness.
County Recorder Chambers is confined tc
his home by illness.
J. P. Organ , of Noola , was in the city yes
terday attending court.
, T. M. Rankin , of Red Oak , was ntnonj
those at the Pacific yesterday.
H. II , Van Brunt loft last oteniog fo
Ilockford , Illinois , on business.
W. J. Trotter and Fremont Benjamin , o
Avooa , are in attendance at court ,
Mrs. E. Tioutmrm and children have re
turned from a visit to friends in Atlantic.
Hisses Louisa and Molllo Chapman , o
Kansas City , are visiting the Misses Los-
kowski ,
Conductor Clapp , of the Northwestern , returned
turned from Wisconsin , and Is again handling
the punch ,
Jacob Harb , a late partner in the "Twc
Jakes' " barber shop , loft yesterday for Hoi
Spring ? , Arkansas ,
L. H. Josslyn , who has been visiting hit
daughter ? , Mrs. Tilton and Mrs. Pryor ,
started back yesterday for his homo In Wis
consin ,
Side Stock.
L. P. Judson has been losing a numbei
of cattle lately with a peculiar disaaoo ,
and a Ilka disease has appeared among
cattle in Hazel Dell and Boomer town
ships. The doctors have not decldoc
what its causes are , but an examination
of Bomo which have died shoira that the
organs are all In a healthy condition
except the stomach , and it is therefore
thought that the cattle have been eating
some harmful substance.
Trouble continues among the hogs in
Noola township Thodlseaeo has bifllid
the skill of the Shenandoah dcctora and
it la continuing to carry off largo num
bers , especially pigs. Henry Rlshton has
lost about a hundred , and is still losing
more. His brother , James hai lost about
the same number. T. Donovan has los
about eighty-five. Henry Butler , In the
aamo neighborhood , has lost a number ,
The hogs in some caaoa dlo in two oi
three days after being taken sick , while
others worry along a week or tire , bu
there are few cases of recovery.
Dr.Vlle , Eye , E r and Throal
specialists , Room 5 , Everett block.
How n Wife Boater Found "Mcroy1
in a Jofferaon Market Po
lice Court.
New York Telegram ,
"You vile wretch ! You villain. You
despicable oconndrolt Hanging Is too
good for you ; you ought to have a atone
tied around your nock and bo thrown
into the river ! "
It waa upon the head of James Hooli-
htiD , a long-bearded , sanctimonious-look
ing man , 50 years old , of No. 180
Seventh avenue , that Justice Murray
ponred the above stream of adjectives in
JtiTeraon Market police court. Hoollhau
waa arrested upon complaint of his neigh
bors for maltreating hla young , half
witted wife. Ho had looked her in her
room all day yesterday without food , and
when ho came homo at night began to
beat tbo poor creature. The neighbor's
say that Hoollhan'a ill-treatment of his
wlfo haa brought her mind to its praaent
The prisoner was terrified at the mag
istrate's violence , and ho hold np hta
hands iu supplication for mercy.
"Mercy , you coward I" almost hissed
his honor In the heat of hla indignation ;
ask mo for the kind of meroy you gave
; hat poor helpless woman and you'll ' got it.
Six months at hard i abor In tbo work-
aonae Is what I'll glvo you. "
"Ob , jua e , give me ono more "
: egsn the prisoner , sinking on hla knees
before the bench snd weeping.
"Got up there , yon sniveling hypocrite ,
or the officer will kick you into jail ! "
cried the maglstrato.
The man ceased weeping and oust a
inlator look out of hla greou gray eyes at
ho justice aa ho moved biok toward the
> rleon. ,
Rev. W. M. Loftffloh , D. D. , of Na h-
vlllo , Tonn. , pronounced Rad Star Cough
3uro a magical remedy for throat ani
ung troubles.
Conclusive Evidence ,
A couple of gentlemen atocd on Tine
street , says the Cincinnati Enquirer ,
alkiog about one thine ; or another , irheu
a begger made c. plea for elms , ahowlng
bat hla right hand was gone aa an In-
Incement to contribute. Ono of the gen-
leinou gave the follow a dims , but the
Mitt ref used to ante np.
"How did you lose your hand ] " the
> 02gar waa asked.
' I w&a coupling can and got my hand
ao badly mashed that I had to have It cut
off , Blr.r >
"Oh , no , yon didn't do anything of the
dad , " said the gentleman who declined
to give thobfgg r any money.
"How do jou knoji ? Waa'you there ? "
mpndently retorted the tramp.
"Yes , I waa there , " replied tbo gentle
man. "Your hand waa blown off while
yon were trying to steal n watch from
my pocket , and 1 am the very ono that
did it. The only mlatake I made was in
shooting at your Land Inatoad of your
heart. "
The beggar didn't atop to parley , tut
aneaked off with celerity.
"Didn't W nt to Kotoh It. "
A gentleman who apent several yoara
teaching gives the following acsonnt of a
teacher a Interview with a boy of about
14 In a rural district. Other teachers
have probably had similar experiences :
"What la your name ? "
"Sam. "
"What la the real of H ? "
" . "
"What Is your anrnamol"
"Middle namo'a Hoz yer. "
"And the hat ? "
"Jackton. "
"Jackson , then , la the name of your
parents ? "
"Ho , mum , It ain't. Ono 'em Is named
Willy urn and t'other ono Mary Jano. "
"llow old arc yon ? '
"Dnnno. "
"Whatl A boy aa largo aa yon doesn't
know hla see ? '
"YoBBUm. "
"A boy of your size ought to know the
exact year of his birth. "
"I do know the year. "
"What year was It ? "
"Same year aa my slater Harriet. "
"Indeed 1"
"Yoasum ; wo'ro twina. "
"I want yon to aak your mother how
old you are , and toll mo to-morrow. "
"Sho dnnno : she dunne no thin' . "
"That is not D very nlco way to talk
about yonr mother. "
"Sho don't keen"
"Why don't she ? "
"She's dead. " .
"Whore do you live ? "
"To homo. "
"Where is your homo ? "
"Over yon. " This with a jerk of his
head over his loft shoulder.
"Havo you any booka ? "
"No , mom ; I don't need nono. ' ,
"Why not ? "
"I'm only in my a b ab's. "
"Then you have never had any educational
tional advantages ? "
Boy scratches his head and say a :
"No , mom ; not that I knows of. Bui
I've had alryslplai. If what yon said la
worse nor that I don't want tor ketch it.
, The New York
55S ISroadwav ;
Council Bluffs , Iowa
TIZiATION design
ed and constructed.
in all its branches.
This COULD anv have
one of thebest assort
ed stocks oi plumb
ing goodsinthe west.
Estimates furnish
. Birkinbine *
Telephone No ,
Hair Goods
Waves ,
S tvite It es , JEtc.
If air X > reusing
And Cuffing.
Bangs Cut Parapadour , Lang'ry ' or
other styles.
All kinds of Hair Qoo s mad to
order at > ho old stand of Mrs. J. J.
Jood , who is now
Mrs C. L. Giltette ,
29 Man St. Couno'l ' Blufla.
Magnolia Balm
is a seirct aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh
ness to it , who would rather
not tell and cw can't tell ,
NOTICE. Special rtrtlsemtn tea M Tx > st
round , To toan , For Sate , To Ren Wants , Board-
Dg , * la. , will b * Inserted In this column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS PKU LINK for th * Brst Insertion
and nVB ( TENTS PER LINE for * aoh nbeeqaenl In
sertion. Leareadverilsementi at oni ofl3o , Ho. 11
reail strott ntar BroadwaT
170R KAMI Homes , lots and land. A. 3 , Stephen-
J eon , t03 t'lrtt Avenue , Council IHnlt * .
WASun-Qltl far general houtowotkj apply at
CA. J. Crittenden s residence , telephone No. 5 ,
Council ElluBs
Avritn ( lood cwiTMjer for city work : Rood pay
to right mm. Enquire at 823 Broad way. J.
A. Towers , manager.
FORRK-JT- six room house , ten tnlnntoi waTlc
from builnois , city water , well and cittern. For
rent cbcap.
FOR Uitsr No. 180 Hanlson atreot , three rooms.
UcUAilov * Co.
4 POM ! stttet.
Foil 8ALK An clcffnat Wisconsin summer resort ,
SCO acres , KOtlllablo , rail way station andstotm-
boat anclltiR ; frame house fur hcmcitoid ; pavllllon ,
wine cellars , rcitauraut , Ice house , tenement house ,
four cottiRcs. barn , SCO Irult trees,3 actcs praties
oow , hotson , 13 boats , eto A One resort , SCO ( eel
Wirconelnrur , and 120 feet aboio B&raiico
Itwll pay (6,000 n year. Address W. & S. , Jin
office , Council Dluflj.
ANTHD-Knergctlo patty with smill capital to
take char go of bjslncss In th's olty , for a
first-class eastern manufacturing ; company ; trade
already estibllihed ; buglncrs could bo manipod with
Bomo other line. Addron with ful pAttlculars ,
Qon'I Ant , OJRon houiocity. .
A MAN of eipcrlcnco wants to purchase an Inter
est In a paying hardware business. Addicts
A. B. , Bsx ofllce , Council Bluff ) .
NO. 53 For sale or rent , on very liberal terms.
The Coun-lt BluCfs Paper Mill , complett , with
the large boarding house and thrco acres of ground.
No. 20 Abu | laen'propeityln Cherokee , Cherokee
ocuntv. lows , will tiado for wcatorn lauap. Value
about 81,000.
No. 89 A bctuttful homo In the town of Hastings
Mills county , Iowa , for Nebraska laud. Value , 3BOO.
no. 41 A gocd business property and a'soagooj
residence property In the town of Chcnvo. MoLoau
county , III. , low down fr cash or will exchange for
wcitern lauds.
Vo 119 A splendid farm , \\ell Improved , OtOnctn"
In Dickinson county , Iowa , joining the town oteplrl
Lake. Prlte , for aehoit time , 83S per acre.
No. 184 to 187 Are lour Improved farms In Phillips
county , Kansas , cam with a small Incumbraoc *
The cqultas will bo exchanged for unlncumboici
wild land In Nebraska.
No. 1C3-4EO Rcroa In ItoH county , Nob. , parti )
Improwd , at a big birgaln. nants to exchange fj
No. 4 A Ono two etary brick risUcnco , ocoo
thobost locations In Council llluffs , M trade fci
rood unlncumbercd Kitsu or Nebraska lands. Va'uc
? 15I00.
No 66 tud 11 Are two other beautiful hcmoa In
Council Bluffs , which cash pajmont will buy at a
No. 61 A boautlful Eubuibin looitlon In lone
City , Iowa , will exchange for western lands. Value
$5,00) .
The above are only a few of our special targalns
If vcu'Aog't anything to trade ; or sell , or wanttc
tell any real estate or mcrchandiic , write u < We
havgo\cr lROod stocks of iroods to trade for lands
Council Bltide , Iowa.
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths ,
Mattings ,
Eugs ,
to , , Etc *
Office fc Store Shades
Sfatle to Order.
On short notice , Write for orices
and Samoles.
No. 607 Brcadvo ? Ooaaall Blafl * .
Jlie following are tbo tlmea of the arrival and de-
-niture of trains by oontril standard time , nl the
'ooiil ' depots. Trains leave transfer depot tin min
utes earlier and arrive too minutes later.
( ffiicioo and NOBTuwMior ,
0:25 : A u Hall and Express tW.r : M
12:10 : p M Accommodation 4CO : r U
6SO : r u Express 6.05 * M
a.5 A 11 Uall and Bxpresa B:63 : T II
:16 : A M Aocommodatlon 6.45 r M
6:30 : r 11 Kxpreia j B.OO A H
0:20 : A u Mall and Express MO r x
i26 ! P U Expreei D.05 A u
cmoAeo , iDttixaro * An > qainn.
45 A u Mall and Express 7:10 : r tt
80 r H Accommodation 2.00 r M
: I5 p u Kipreui B(0 : A M
ABiin , BT. Lours AMD fAcirro.
! :15 : r M tiocal St Louis Bxpreaa Local
8.00 r u Trauiler " " Transfer 8:20 : r M
BA > A carr , n , ; o AHD coonon BLorn.
0:10 : A M Mall and Express 7:25 : r u
tj.05 r U Express 6tt A M
nooi OITT Am rAcmo
:20 : A it Mall for Sioux City 8 CO r u
:8) : r u Express for St Paul 9.25 A u
CXION ricirio ,
1:00 : A x Denver Express 425 r x
1:05 : p u Lincoln Pus Om & B V S 85 r u
7:86 r u Overland Expreu 8:80 : A M
Leave 'Council Biufls 6 65 7:65 tM 10:50
1:40 : a. m. l o- ! o8.804:28J6fli6 : : -
1:45 : p. m. Leave Omaha 8.25-.7:28-eeO : 10
11:16 : a. m. li.60S008.CO4M5f6 ; : : :
Standard Typewriter
At the Now Orleans Exposition.
J. The Jury of nwtrds crtlc ! llj examined the v rlous tvrlttnff tnnchlnM , and decided by A
thirds vote to give the highest tuird to Iho RRMINOIW.
. The dtclilon cf Jury WM Ignoicdbjthe committee of AW rd , knd other Jurors wete dda
contlltutln new my ,
8. Thli second Jmy ilio ctltlc Ily ei mnod ! the v rlo TIIBR | ( | rnwshlnen , nd made the w td of *
first dies Rold medal , the Mnhejt vi rd , to the "
Humorcx SUnd rdT/pe Wilier , for ! nu > llolty , dura
bility , cso of minlpuUtlon uid speed. " t $
4. Tfcouport of this Jury WM m do , delivered to nd receipted for by the eoinmlttse of iwwJi on
May 20.
E. The memboiscf this Jury wcro n < er discharged.
9. Noethcr Jury x mlned thonuii oiON8tand rdTpc.Wtlter Ncw Otle nn.
7. Ihe ( Igncrs of tb.s aw rd arc honorable § nd well known Rcntlemen. Their aldressoi are Ch
A. Mor ( fan , Fiq , lotithein manager of R. 0. Dunn & Co. , Now Oilcans , U. ; Kx-Qoromor Kr nk DMI
U. 8. commissioner of Ktnias , and prtsldontof the U. S. board of lommlsiloncrs , Chinute , KM ; Goo. A.
Beaten , Etq , Btcocgrti'her Knd secrtUrjot tboboatd of U. S. commlitionort , Columbm , Ohio.
& The affldavlls of theeo gentlemen and the history of the contest , which we are preparing
pamphlet f oim , wo lll bo plc scd to furnish on application.
The following Is the report.
The World's Induititil and Cotton Centennial Exposition , New Oilcans. Jury report. Appltoatla
No. 815 ; group 0 ; clats OK. Competition.
Tbo nndcrslRnod Jurors In the abo\o entitled class , ha\lng carefully examined the oihtbll made
K. Heroin ton & .SCIIR , lllcn.Ktv yctVand nil rcmrttlng cihlbltf , concur In recommending Iho a
of a first cUssmcJ the Standard Tjpc-Wrltcr , for simplicity , durability , oaieof muntprrtatlon a
at nil JOth < lpyofiI jlS85. OKO. BEATON ,
CHA& A. UOIKUN , [ Jurors ;
l"IKOF ,3 AItAKS ft BENEDICT , 839 Broadway , New York.
Chicago Off co , 88 Jlaillson St
O. H.SHOLES , Agent ,
Council Bluffs. Town
Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned , Dyed and Repaired. Indies' Dresses Cleaned and Dyed
without rlppinp. Plumes Cleaned , or Colored any Shade , to Sample. Silks , Vchots , and
Laces Cleaned , Dyed anil RoBniahcd. Lace Curtains neatly cleaned ; 29 Main St. , Council
Bluffs , opposite root ollico.
F. JB. JPA.TTON , Manager.
Regular Dinner 11:3O : to 1:30 : , " 5 cents ,
505 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
The only all night house in the city , Everything served in first clua style and on shot
notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready.
Employ no traveling agents , thus caving their ' "Ponies to customers ,
Agent for Para llnbber Company. Write for ptlceB.
13 Broadway , Council !
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. JB"wmo hocu
on Little Giant trucks , the best In the world.
lOlONinth'Stroet , Council Binds
Norene & Landstrom ,
Suits to order In latest styles at cheapest possible fpricos. , , „ , . „ . . .
No. 205 Main .Council f
. ot the
confident ot giving
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will cell in retail or carload lots
/ < ll Stock Warranted as Reuresented
boltiale andretail dealers In Drain and Baled Hay ,
enable eatUUctlon Outranteed.
Cor. 6th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs.
Office & SPusev.
Council Bluffs ,
Established , - 1865
Piano and Organ ,
By Mi s ITonnle Wcstcotr , Organist ; at the
Presbyterian church. Residence COO Wah-
ngton Ave.
. Eice M , D.
orothortumoJB removoi without the
knlfoor draw Ing ol blood.
CHRONIC -DISEASES , o"u k"ld" "Peculty
O cr thirty jcar pr ctlc kipeil no . COM o
J , 1'ra'l btrcot , Council Hulls
General ARCDt at targe
Life and Annuity Ins.Co
BRANCH WKsrcim Dtpor , 22 rK
rO lit ! IT |
100 Mum bt. , Council Uluffa
Re tall Boot n < 18boostoro' hero big bargains caa
ornoa OYEB AunrucAH
In Cooncll Wuffs hiving
And all modern Improvement ! , call bolls , 670
alarm bolls , etc. , in the
Nos. 310 , 217 and 210 , Main Street.