Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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N W YotlK OntCB , llOO Co TaiBONK BUILD-
ViiVWiM every morning , ewcpt Sunday. The
only Monday morning < Wljr published In the tUto.
One Tear . ? IO-0 < > I Thrco Month * . $2BO
SIxMtmthi . 6.00 I Ono Month . 1.00
The Weekly lleo , Published every Wednesday
TERVU , rOSTPAtt ) .
One Year , with premium . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CO
Oiw 'car , utthftnt premium . . l * g
Blx Months , without premium . . . Jjj
On * Month , in trUt . 10
. .
All Communication J relating to News and Editorial
tnatterj tlioiilil bo addressed to the hoiron or TIIS
All rttniic ! 3 'Letters and ItcmHUnccs HipuM ho
vMrcswUo Tint HUB 1'um.isiiivcj COMPAST , OMAHA.
Jrilts.Chetkq nnd Voit ofllcoorders to bo made p y-
* blo tottio ordir of tha companj- .
i : . ROSKWATWl , KniTOit.
A.H. Vitcli , Manager Daily Circulation ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
OKAHA Bolt line stock haa advanced
novcral pointe.
THE failure of the Chicago Current
Dhows that you can't ran B rnagizlno
nrithoat currency.
THE fnlluro o Mr. Roaoh waj n pretty
respectable affair nftor nlL Ho can pay
two dollora for everyone that ho owes.
Thnt'a the proper way to fail.
" ADULTERATED liquors must go" Uono of
the plunks of the democratic platform -ovor In
'Iowa ' , Ucpxld.
The domocrata of Iowa could moro for-
clbly have oxpreeiod their dealro 'by Bay
ing , "Giro uj whhky ; straight. "
Tnc Chicago Ncive Is authority for
the statement that "for the last two
years the licpubUcan ( of Oracba ) 1ms
boon edited by a procession of Inebriates
passing through the offioa. " Wo nlwaya
thought thnfc there must bo oomo good
roison for the dizzy atylo of editing that
haa prevailed in the Republican office.
SUICIDE la becoming fashionable nmoag
dofanltlng bank officials. Not long ago
two thieving bank ofliocrs In New Jorooy
killed themselves ; another ended his own
existence in Texas. ; and norr a Massachu
setts' snviugis bank treasurer has out his
ownthrjftt. Oannda Is evidently losing
Ita atiHtcttnna fur the crooked financiers
of thld coon ry.
TIIEUK cro tyro domocrata to ono re
publican in the bjird of county comrnis-
rnioaionow. Tha appointment of a demo
crat aa the autceasor to County Clerk
Lsavltt is therefore no narprlso. Mr.
Bonolco , ox-police judge , is the lucky
mau. Ho will no dcubi endeavor to
conduct the oflico In a manner satisfactory
to the public.
AN associated press telegram his bean
cent out from St. Paul , Minnesota ,
assuring the people of the country tha ?
there need ba no further fear of frost la
that Dootloa for the proaaat cold wave la
now broken. It Is suspected that thin
comforting piece of news haa boon epraad
broadcast In tha interest of the proprie
tors cf Minnoiots health retorts , Their
harvest aocmi to have como to a very
sudden and unexpected end.
Si'AiN , although paralyzed with
cholera , has llfo enough loft to aesart
Hi Indignant protest against Germany's
high-handed attempt to uglED the Caroline
line islanda. It was evidently a surprise
to Bismarck who has cocclu'dod to back
down as gracefully as possible. Ho not
only makes nn oxcnao , although a rather
thin ono , but he also virtually apologias } .
Blemarck well knotrs that Germany Is lu
tha vrroatr , but ha haa not the decency to
aiy-so in language that is plain. Ho sug
gests-that the difficulty bo referred to a
commission for amicable adjustment.
We observe In the Denver papers the
nnmo of Tabor as a candidate for tha
supreme bench of Colorado ? Can there bo
moro than ono Tabor in that state , or Is
it the iDjjnvor opera-houao Tabor , who
once represented Colorado In the United
States cenito ? Whoever this Tuber maybe
bo , ho eoomi to bo meeting with eomo
opposition fcom tha Denver News , hence
TTO infer that ho ii tlio ox-United Stitoj
senator. It atrlkoi .us that n man who
wan contidorcd capable of representing
the state In the United Statoa senate , al
though it W3B only for thirty days , ought
to bo regarded equally capable of filling
a plsco on tbo auprem o bench of that
commonwealth for a term of equal length.
THE city c uucil , sittliujaaa hoard of
equalization , has very appropriately de
cided to satisfy Itaelf as to the number of
lots and tracts of land that are wrong ,
fully exempted from fnnvtio.n under the
protonoo of a railroad r'ght o f way. The
inquiry is baaed upon the oharges that
the BRE has from tlmo to time m&do that
hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth
of lota wore thus exempted. Iv will bo
remembered that the BEE pub Hihod a
detailed Hat of tuoh loti , taken from the
records , and nrgad that atops bo ti kaa to
have them put on the osoesimont rolls U
and bo made to contribute ta the re.
uourcjsof the city. Too olty olork has
compiled a complete list of all
of nxa-tax-piylug property ajad
has presented It to the board
of oqutlizi'.lon ' for Its considera ii
tion. The board has referred the roat- to
lor to a ooincdtteo consisting of the city
attorney , the city engineer and three
members of tha cnuncllj with Initruotloui
to detarmluo whsA property , now upon 1tc
the exemption list , , ih ll ba put upon the tc
assessment roll. Tiu board will thoa fix 1' '
the valuation of the property thus mad Bt
subject to taxi'ion. ' Tliii la i. Mop In the tc
'right direction , and wo hope the work
will be thoroughly done , Wo venture to tl
say ( hat the taxpayers will ba tutuaiihed lo
at the amount of pnporty tha1 will flms fa
bo undo to yield a revenue to tha city th :
tics ur/v
There Is a great deal of truth in the (
Chicago Herald's criticism cf the ilcop-1
'ng car monopoly. Only an
ithloto can disrobe himself under sloop-
ng oar conditions without spraining ono
ir moro limbs. The bunks a better
era than berths are wide enough , for
mo but not for tvro ,
, nd too abort for nearly
iverybody. In winter the cars Arc either
n nffbmbly hot or miserably cold , and
.hoy nro frequently both in ono
ht. At all times they are nlmoat en
tirely without Tontllalion , end the bunks
are moro Uera of boxes open on ono aide.
The aleejjlng car pays nothing for being
hauled -about the country. It occupies
no grou nd and pays precious llttlo taxos.
Concerning the greed cf the sleeping car
monofjolista the 'Herald sayc ;
Eiyjpt ( in gilt and gaudlnoss , the eloopln ?
car hr/a / utterly ftllod to keep pace with tha
tlmarIt is nirarfiy the old bunk oar ro-
palutod. No efforts have been made lo effect
ra Himprovement in it. Ita managers have
baou too preody in the race for wealth to
rrjknsa end RVO ! consideration to the comtoit
ofths public. Plenty of valuable improve
ments hvro boon invented , end cars h vo been
Jovhod with which these now in nso nro not
worthy to be compared , bat this was the work
of tutsldori'-and the monopoly has refused to
oxpondn dollar in tatting advantage thereof.
The modern sleeping car is a fraud on
the railroads va on the public. The railroad *
derive no rovcnua from hauling the big cars
on the contrary , tUoy roust Incur all the rtpalr
ozpcnso , vhlo ! tha sleeping car company gets
all the receipts. The railroads do this under
tha mistaken Idaa that they are thereby at
tracting passengers to their lines , and in many
cases the sleeping car monopolists actually
charfto tha railroads mileage for every car run ,
This sleeping car monopoly is greedy , odious
and unprograsslvo. As long as railway man-
agora depend upon it to servo the public they
as woil aa the public will bo imposed upon.
THE Herald , upon whoso roeom- _
mendatlon Postmaster Morgan , of
Kosrnpy , was appointed , naturally
comes to his defense , and with a refresh
ing audacity asaerta that republicans nro
responsible for the mitraanagamont of
Mr. Morgan's office. Even if trao , this
assertion Is no defence whatever. Dr.
Millar and the democratic administration
are responsible for Mr. Morgan's ap
pointment , and Mr. Morgan Is responsi
ble for the administration of affairs In his
office. Asldo from 'tho theft of regis
tered lottora in the offiso by his rascally
deputy , trhosa character ho well know ,
the matla liavo otherwise boon wretchedly
handled greatly to the annoyance of the
pnoplo of Kearney , who simply demand
that a competent business man bo made
postmaster. The Kearney postoffico iaan
Important office , and its business
should DO conducted in a manner rails-
factory to tha publlo. The Herald
knows that It atatos what la falao whan It
says that "tho Kearney cfiho under his
( Morgan's ) control Ins been faithfully
and ably conducted by him In aplto of
the domocr&tlc-ropubllcin conspiracy to
destroy him and Injure the democratic
party. " It la true that democrats and
republicans alike have denounced the ap
pointment of Morgan , but it has not
been on account of politics , but for
legitimate business roasona , ai the result
shown. So far oa any attempt to injure
the democratic party Is concerned , no
ono is responsible for that exoapt the
democratic boaa who recommended
Morgan for appointment.
THE constant decline of wheat in the
epecuhtlvj markoi Is not at all consistent
with the acknowledged shortage in the
crop. The natural tandoncy for wheat
ihould have boon upward for the last
month , but instead of that it has been
dropping from day to day. The only ex
planation is that the depression ia the
result of a brace gama being played by
ho grain gamblars. It Is an outrage
upon the prodnzors of this country that
the piio53 of their produce chonld be con
trolled by a lot of gambler. ! , whois trans-
ions are all imaginary and simply of a
bsttlug character. It Is aha an outrcga
upon consumers that the main articles
of food should bo niacla the tools
of gamblers who dlotata the
prices , without oven so much
as making an actual purchase , The eys-
em is all wrong , and la ruinous to the
rgltlmato mothodi of business , bsjd
up ] u actual transactions , which are gov-
rned by tha law of supply and domund.
There should certainly be a stringent law
passed in ovary state making It a ponl-
eullary offence to gamble In the articles
if food. Grain and stock speculation , as
now conducted , Is moro ruinous than any
other kind of gambling , It affects the
whole country , and Is the cause of nearly
all the largo defalcations. It baa Bant 1
more men to the penitentiary , has pau 1e 1a
perized moro families , and haa robbed e
more bank depoaltors than all the other
gambling game B put together. It Is tlmo
call a halt ,
A HEPHKW of Iloaooo Oonlllng is re-
orled to have challenged o naval liauton- a
nt to fi ht a dnol because tha latter had
trod to criticise Gon. Grant's character
Th .0 nephew of his undo seems to have re
forgotten that this a country of free rehi
speech. GOD. Grant while living was fu
criticised by men who have tbo same fecc
fight to expresi their Ideas now that ho ccvt
dead , although the propriety of doing vt
during the period of mourning is ac ti ,
TUB Republican cannot reasonably fu
question the fitnesi of Gen. Van Wyck lei
ecrro aa a United SUtoj eonatorbat It we
nes Uons his fitness to servo as a republican
an >
senator. Wo admit that Yon Wyck is ret
totally unfit to boQonia a senator of the OC CO (
rrpublloan-inonopolp ctrlpe. Ho ii not me
that kind of a tain. He 1 * , however , dei
lojal to the trua principle ! of republican- In
tarn end believes In the parlficition o/ ke : ,
ho republican party , which became de- tjl
I by a lot of political haskrland-1 iso
grabboro , jobbers of all kinds , and mo
nopolists , who always join hands with too
party in power In order to promote their
own nefarious schemes. Van Wyok ia a
man of ihe people , nhosa Interests ho
has moat faithfully rcprctontcd In the
national legislature. If the people ol
Nebraska do not want him to represent
tbom a second term It is for them to toy ,
and not for any monopoly organ to decide. .
THE conviction of Bnddenslob , the
contractor o'f " kln" buildings In Norr
York , ii having its effect. Two centric-
tors kavo been pronounced by a coroner
In Hoboken guilty of manslaughter , be
came of the death of two laborers by the
falling of o'wall. ' The accident also In
jured ono cf the contractors , who la yet
in hospital , but will bo sent to jail to join
his puttier as soon na ho is out of danger.
LANE has lesuod a
very useful llttlo pamphlet containing the
complete census returns of Nebraska for
1885. It gives the population of the
cities , towns and counties , and the num
ber of farms and manufacturing indus
tries. Mr. Lane has finished his work ,
which ho has performed very efficiently.
THE Mexican editors who lately vialtod
the United Statoa have boon joyously
welcomed homo. They have traveled
14,000 mlloa in the land of tbo Yankee
without a single accident ; and the trip
coat them about $75 apico , which , aoya
the Now York Commercial Advertiser ,
la about aa monumental a pleco of dcad-
hoidlrjg OB there la on record.
EVERY time the $2,000 secretaries of
the railway commission take anuff , the
Lincoln Journal sneezes.
Evidence la furnished from nearly
every quarter that the ontlro business
situation Ia shaping for a general and
permanent change for the better. Ono
of the immediate causes of this change Is
of course the opening of the fall trade ,
which will soon bo in full bloom. There
re , it ii true , various interests that have
not yet evidenced any noteworthy Im
provement , and In which the signs of
prospective betterment nro not yet clearly
defined ; but the elements of general
bniinojD and industrial recuperation
ar < j abundant and strong. Popu-
ai hopefulness in this re
spect haa not been co widespread
nor apparently eo well grounded for two
years past. The wcok'a failures In the
United States and Canada , number 177 , aa
against 1G8 laat week and 180 In the pre
vious week. The failures continue light
.a most sections of the country , especially
n the southern states. The Pacific states
alone show no decrease.
During the past week there has been
an incroaaod activity In various branches
of trade , notably in wool and Its manu
factures and In cotton goods. The cot
ton markota have declined cent as a re
mit of favorable crop prospects and nn-
.atlefactory trade reports from Liver
pool. Stocks are light , and there Is
rather moro demand from spinners whoso
products are meeting with wider sale ;
but the manufacturers are Indisposed to
anticipate requirements pending the mar
keting of the now crop , which will prob
ably give them an opportunity to stock
up at low prices , Cotton yarns are cell-
Ing moro freely , bub there Is no appreci
able chan o in prices. On many lines
of staple cotton goods , however , prices
have advanced 2& to 5 per cent. , and the
trade generally io moro active , with an
improving outlook. Wool has con-
tinned In brisk demand , and largo
sales have bacn made in all mar-
kets. The I&t3 advance Is well
maintained and /situation favors sel
lers. The fall trade in woolen goods Is I
assuming moro general activity , and
everything points to a a&ttofaotory aea-
con's business. There haa been a batter
business in atool ralla , but largo ordcw
have baon generally taken at unchanged
prices , and the advance talked of in the
trade h , to a great extent , nominal ,
There Is n good deal cf activity ia wrought
pipe , and some improvement ii noted
In the demand for bar , uheot and plato
Iron , but cruio Iroa contlunea dull.
Bulldcw' hardware and building mita-
rials of all kinds are Ia good domtnd at
firm prices. The Philadelphia Record ,
In Ita weekly review cf the grain market ,
eaya :
Wheat prices declined fi cents par bushel
early in tha week , AS a result of the continued
pressure to realize by the overloidod lone : In
terest in the spscnUtiva market. This m ia n
total decline of 8 to 9 cents per bushel within
less than a fortnight , and at this point , after
largo share of the "long" stooki had baen
shifted ! to new hands , tha downward tendency
waj checked. Naturally , after a break in
prices of this character there has baon consid
erable buying , on the theory that n reaction
would shortly take place , and the wlnd-iollerr , In
who have realized enormous profits from the
decline , have grown more cautious , and show
disposition to hold off for later developments ,
Exporters have taken
considerable wheat a
the decline ) and the fact that foreiVn values
have boon comparatively undisturbed by tha
reduction In American prices encourages the
bopa of n largo outward inurement In the near
future , Tha coursaof the market In tha next
few weeks will ba largely determined b y the Ii
conduct of foreign buyers , The belief pre oil
vails that if demand from abroad bacomes Bt
ictive enough to redase the present accumula
tion of wheat at the commercial centers , pros- U !
nt rotas will bj sustained without trouble ; Um i
il tha grata in stock * goes on as before , a m
Bate ;
'urther decline is anticipated , un- to
speculation Intervenes to suspend the toph
corkiuj of the natural laws of trade , tCJl ,
rhero ia no reliable crop news panting to
ny material different from tha national bn-
eau ultimata cf the probable yield of 337,030 , . i
buihoh , T.'io corn trada has continued In ;
noderatoly active on home and foreign or-
lera. At present everything paint ) to a crop Nt
6x0333 of that of an ? proviom year. There hoi
bean little changa hi prices , but tha mar- .
it generally a shab'e lower , partly from Ul
jinpathy with wheat and pwing to the prom- lab
of au enormous crop ,
Oass county haa 221 old coldim ,
I'lmblniv town lins 7C3inhabitants.
Grind Fotlts claims a population of GG65. ,
A tevonty-fivo-barrcl roller m :11 : will ba put
up In Dunseitb.
Grand Folks people have subscribed $15-
OCO for a eaw mill.
The asiCHad valuation of Caster county Is
returned at $331,521.
The corn crop about Tiorro will yield from
40 to TO bushels per acio.
The assessment of personal property In
Fatgo is placed at $ lrOOOSO.
The prospective grasshopper Invasion frorn
Montana Is the caueo of considerable specu
lation ,
Yanbton estimates Its building improve *
wonts as reaching S100.COO in valno by the
close of the building season.
The Sioux Falls L adcr says nn eastern
syndicate ia preparing to invest $300,000 in
that county the coming your.
Ralni hove delayed the harvest in the lied
river valley. The Hessian fly la said to have
appeared In n few Isolated places.
The Dendwood Times reports lightning and
rattlesnakes as unusually active nntl danger
ous in that locnllty tha present season.
The territorial census returns a popula
tion of 413,10 ! ) , n litlla more ttun one-third
being north of the forty-sixth parallel.
The maidens' drum corps , of Canton , com
posed of n dozen young laetea , It i * said , will
attend the militia encampment at Fnrgo ,
Now wheat being received at Woonsoolcot
is i aid to ba ref used by buyers on account of
its beingeott and damp , not having been given
time to properly euro.
Tbo I'rcnbjtorlnns of northern Dakota de
cided to rntap a fund of $50,009 at an early
date , to aid in the erection of the Presbyter
ian college at the town uamod.
The harvest of unall grain ia now well
under way lu the country surrounding the
Black llllls and the repotts coma In from bll
sections of the valleys that it ia above expec
The annual reunion of the O. A. Ii. will
bo hold at Aberdeen September 1C , 10 and 17 ,
Preparations are being made for the enter
tainment of 1DGO voterana and fully 5UOl )
visitors are expected.
Kartell owners along the proposed route of
the Northwestern extension , butwoen Buffalo
Gap and Cheyenna river , rofusa to Bell tbo
tight of way at a reasonable prlco and canoo-
quently retard grading opcrAtiona.
Tha coal projecting company on the
Jencks farm at Yunkton continues to meet
with promising indications , tha last drilling
showing three and a half feat of coal at
about the same depth of tha former sink-
Forty acres of wheat near Kellogg , which
was acknowledged to be among tha best in
the town before the hail , only yielded 225
bushels , FJax only yielded live bushels to
the acre , barley live , nndoats f torn ten to thir
ty-five .
Tbo ambitious town of Napoleon will not
bo found on any map. but it la the county
Boat and only town visible in Lofrau couutv.
A store has been orotod and the county offi
cials are quartered in that , using empty bar
rels and boxes for seats and desks , A sur
vey or Is Jajinfr out the future city.
At Yankton Thursday evening W. 0.
Dickey , a saloonkeeper , and Thomas O'Brien
quarrnlled about som money tha former had
loaned to O'Brien. O'Brien ' , who WAS under
the influence of liquor , drew a revolver and
shot Dickey in thn mouth , killing him In a
few minutes. O'Brien was arrested.
A petition ia baing circulated in Deadwood
for the pardon of Josepn Card , recently sen-
tencjd to the penitentiary for a term of ten
years , The convlct'a wife , ainca hia incarcer
ation a fdw months ago , haa become insane ,
end while ho occupies a felon'a cell the wife
and mother is an inmate of tha Yankton ho > -
pitsl and tbo children are waifa on thowoild' . )
charity ,
Harry DnTToj , supposed to ba a cousin of
Governor Dawes , ot Nebraska , residing about
seven miles northwest of Tyndall , is mysteri
ously missing. Ho went to the stable at
night and took out his boreo , which was sub
sequently found two miles from homo Ho
had complained of toothache during the day ,
and it is thought he started to have it out. He
bad about S2UO on his person and the cjenoral
Imn'flBsioa ia that ho was waylaid and mur
Tne territorial grand jury for Lawrenca
county reported the debt of the county to bo
about S900 COO and presented elxty-twq indict' '
ments among which areindictments against the
members ot the board of county commission
ers and the nssesuor , charging them with
malfeasance in nsseaiment and equalization
of the taxes ot the county by whion upwards
of $200OUOm taxes has been lost to the treas
ury of tha county In the last two yeara. The
interest bearing debt of the county is reported
at about $7kO,0.0. (
The Laramie club has purchased ground
and will erect a $20,00 J club house.
The oils crop around Lander will yield
thirty bushvla to the acre , and the few fields
of wneat planted will gj thirty-five bushels.
Desperado Smith , a notorious stock thief ,
has been recaptured and jelled at Lander ,
Ilia lait attempt to escapa by burning the
building failed.
Mrs , H. N. Benjimin was the victim of a
hngjy , collision at Ohoyonn' % lait week. One
of the shafts cf tbo colliding buggy struck her
In the aids and severely injured her ,
A freight train , enst-bound , was smashed up
four miles west of Cheyoune , on the -Oth inst
IVevcn cars were ditched and two men in
jured. Three men riding aa tramps are mia
ing and supposed to bo under the wreck ,
Damagn to rolling Block and contents , § ? 5- ,
000. The track was'torn up for 230 feet.
llePorts from the oil region continuo to bo of
the most favorable character , and recent de
velopments tend to give the greatest of en
couragement. Tha Denver company are
down on their prospect a distance of 1,100
fcot and have a good showing , but propose to $
sink 600 feat further. The Twin Creek oil
company , near Kvanston , etruk a flowing
Btream uf lubricating oil at a depth of 120
Gunnison county is in the hplo $189,000.
Denver claims to wuk fourth as a Chinese
center in this country ,
Tha Jjovslnnd artesian well has reached n
depth ol 2 , ICO and uo water.
SQTho Colorado output of the precious matah
will bo larger this year than last by several
millions ,
lied 0110 la CDJoyicR a substantial mining
revival. Some rich strikes have been made in
the vicinity.
Fred McGloy , a theatrical agent who was
denounced as a fruuJ , ameak and a liar , by
the Denver Nowr , has sued that papur for
820,000 ,
Tha council of Denver has doaiJed to wall-
Oherry creek and prevent disasters from
oveifljwa. A slag wall with stone facing It
proposed ,
Three Salvation Army deacons have been cict
arreited ia Denver fur whipping a colored ctp ]
child and its mother , becansa they sought p
front seats at the meeting , 0 (
Frank Reed , the murderer of City Marshal a
BtlnjiUy at Salida , on October 23 , 1883 , wan (
captured recently at Birmingham , Ala , , and \ \
returned to the scene of hit crime.
Colorado la prosperous at this moment. She E
enjoylntr a healthy , steady , permanent lit
growth , The mushroom clement has been
eliminated , and the lasting teaources of the ea
itato are In process of development. [ >
The bismuth mines in tha vicinity of Lovo- 01
nd will jleld , according to competent as- va
yers , ninety per cent pure metallic b ! < - vawi
nuth About eeventy-fire men nro now cn-
ag .d in theuo mines. One shipment ot eight
oiis of ore has already been cent to Philalel- J3 [
jfala for which the shippers received $100 per
JUallOR NOTK3 , in
Shoemakers and tailors report work itnprov-
a little. 11D
Bricklayers are still In ( treat dimand in Gi
York at SJ and 91. EO a diy of nine
our ? . lo :
Fining poor working glrli and posing a a we
baritablo uabob ultli tbo money thus ob-
tlned U tha latest ecliemo that bothers the wemi
bar reformers. mi
The condition of tba working1 people In he
Franca his steadily Improved during tha past
seven ycnn. In that tlmo wages have in
creased from 10 to 40 cents a day.
In tha building trade * of New York city
tha union wages and hours are n follows :
Bricklayers , $1 per day of nine hours ; framern ,
S3 per day of nine hours ) carpenters , S3.50
per day ) nmnterr , 53.53 ; plattcrerr , 54 ; housO'
laborers , $2 CO per day of nine hours ; plumb-
on , $3.00.
An Indianapolis manufacturer Is turning
out log wagons for servlca in the rrmhoginy
woods of South Amoricj. Kaoh weighs 2,503
pounds and Is up to a ten-ton load on a rouqli
road ; the wheels have tires four inches wide
and an inch thick , and the motive will bo ox
teama of from eight to twenty yoke.
The demand for labor in the south , Is at
tracting n moderates immigration in that direc
tion , nud most of thoto going and succeeding
nrn experienced and eolf-rsliabla mechanics
with n small cipital. There are , of coursa n
few largo establishment ? , but the bulk is
small , where tha employer with n few work
man do the work , Negro labor \ being util
ized for osmuion work , Earneet efforts are
being made to attract foreign labor , The
latest reports ot tint effort t > ro encouraging
to the promoters.
The carpenter * , stonemasons , plasterers nnd
painters throughout Pennsylvania , Now York
end New .loreov have had n remarkably good
season of it , which promito < i to bo extended
far into the winter. The expenditure for
stone and Rranito I hla yonr will foot up 81,350 , *
OCO ; for brickraaking. $2,700,000 , ; for homo
painting , 83,160,000. The wall paper interests
como in for $900,000 , The wages of stone
masons , bricklayers and house building car
penters , -1,600 in nil , amount this year to $3 , *
100,0,0. Philadelphia takes thn lead in the
number of houses built , but Now York stands
at the head lu amount of money invented.
The British workman ara takinst extraor
dinary interest in the coming parliamentary
election. To hotter prosecute the campaign
the London Trivics Council , representing
25,000 trades-unionists , haa organized a dis
trict labor party , and an address haa boon
issued to thn trades. The Industrial lloprp-
Bcbtatlvos' Lopguo has been formed. This
leagun declares that it ia useless to expect any
beneficial change in the laborers' condition
from any existing partsea. 'To maintain
future crnvernmont by men imbued with old
Ideas based on existing systems ia impossible. "
The Knights of Labor are pushing the work
of crgnniz ttion with great energy. The repu
tation of tha order , the character of its chief
oflicera , their sincerity and capacity , all help
ta expHnd tha organization into uaw field ? .
It is now older tlmn any other organization
of national Itnportanca except the iioa-work-
ers nnd ono or two other unions. The Crii
pins once felt themselves alt powerful , but
they wont to pieces. The molders , once pow-
erflil , have wonkoneJ greatly. The machin
ists once held the reins , but now organization
omonst them ia almost impossible. The
minern under John elney were pswcrful , but
they fell to pieces in two or three year * . The
Amalgamated association of Iron-workers
has had phenomenal SUCCCSK. The knights
have reason to bo proud of their history and
TIio Industrial College of the Univer
sity of Nebraska ,
During the past few months many Im
portant changes have boon tinado la the ollego in the ondonvor to
make It all that Its founder. ] contem
plated. Thoaa may bo samnurlsad as
follows :
1. Course of Study These have been
very carefully rovlsod , that in agriculture
being almost entirely rosonatrnctod so as
to Bccnro a hotter order of studies , and n
greater economy of time. A short two-
year cDurso In elementary agriculture has
been framed to meet the wants of those
who cannot take the full course.
2 Equipment The now equipment in
chemlctry coating $10,000 ; in botany
cooling § 5,000 ; besides thcao in geology
and zoology and the § 5,000 expended fur
additions to the library are the most im
portant parts cf the now equipment.
3. Now Libratory AB chemistry is
tie moat important of tha silences re
lated to agriculture end the mechanic
arfe , a large chnraic * ! laboratory is now
building and will bo ready for use by
midwinter , lu add. t Ion tj supplying
rooms for chemistry It will temporarily
accommodiUo the department of botany
and , horticulture.
4. Botanic Garden A beginning hai
been made upon a botinlc garden nnd
about 100 varieties have been planted ,
This Is to be increased and extended up-
tll all the hardy trees , shrubs and herbs
which will endaro thla climate are repre
C. Iho Experimental Farm The farm
la to bo used for experiments exclusively ,
and etopi have been taken to put the
ground la order for each uso. It la to
bo freed from woado ss far as possible ;
the hedges , fences and gates have been
pat into good order , the barn his been
ro-modulerf , the cattle ysrda re-built , the
dwellings repaired and painted , and
good walks have been ordered laid down
loading to all the buildings. The herds
haveboan carefully sifted , the purpcss
being to retain only the best animals. It
'a tbo intention of the authorities of the
college that the experimental farm shall
noon bo ono of its moot efficient adjuncts ,
and that it ahall become a source of
pride and profit to iho state.
Dean of the College.
The monument Craze ,
Chicago la $10,000 in the lead of New
York in the raoe for a Oraut monument.
Central City , Neb , tna raised $500
for a Grant memorial.
The Noiv York fund haa not touched
$50,000 yot.
Lincoln , Neb , will dram the state for
fund a fur u Grant monument ,
Gen. Sborman heads the St. Lonb
monument association.
The Grand Army memorial will bo
erected In Washington. Thirty to fifty
thousand dollars can ba easily raised
among tbo veterans ,
At Alt. Munafield , Vt. , a monument to
General Grant haa bton starred In the
shape of a simple pile of stones. Ejch
visitor is atkcd to tcld ono rook to tha
W. W. Astor Ins t-ivon $1,000 toward
the national monument to Gocoral Gran * .
Is it not disgraceful to the city and tbo
state that In the first two weeks of the
ezhtenco of the monument committee ,
when the death and baml cf the nnlon
commander were likely to open men's
hearts and purges , if they over are to bo
cpaned , a paltry $37,000 , haa only been
collected ? And this in a city vrbore people
ple build residences at a cost of § 2,000 ,
000 or $3,000,000 and piy $100,000 for
yacht I Is iherono purlottam or publlo
iplrlt amonc the wealthy ? [ New York
World. si
A correspondent of the Now York re
Evening T'oet suggests as ono of tbo moat in
littint ; memorUIa to Gen , Grant , the ol
Bstublithmeiit of an anuox to the MetroOj
olitin Museum of Art , to ba devoted OjP'
Dxclujively to the acquisition and preeer- P'T '
ratlon of annals aud histories of the late P'ni
war , ni
Nine mouumenta are at present pro- niol
acted In this country. olat
Ex'Onv. Cornell , ol Now York , taya tl
5,000 , COO can bo raised for the Giant tlw
nonumeut fund In that olty , "with proper w
illbrt. "
San Franclaoo will plant a Grant inon-
itnotit on ono of the high clld's of the
olden Gito.
A little ever $5,000 have been ool-
oated for the monument it Fort Leaven ,
Council Bluffs talks of erecting a ma
norial fountain in IJsylto park , ia the
ieart of the city.
ProsDBCllvc IraproTcmcnls of the
Oiaba Fire Decarlmeiit ,
Company No , 5 Tlio Ono'a Now
Homo A Talk With the Chief
The Tournament.
The Omaha fire department which
from the early days has boon the com
munity'o ' great element of prldo b ad *
vanclng at cqnal pace with the progress
of the city. Recent transactions of
municipal business have offered the op-
portunliy and by the grace of Iho com
mon council , seine tuch improvotnanta ns
the following will bo nude :
Not long slnco the city purchased , at a
cost ol $3,000 from Mr. Jos. Boll , n
property lot 00x140 feet on
Sheridan ntrcot near the head o
St. Mary'a avonuo. At the tame tlmo ,
In the general transfer which attended
the recent deal between the city , thg
county and Mr. Paxton , a finely condi
tioned barn npon the lattor'a lot at the
corner of Eighteenth and Farnam atroor ,
fell into the possession of the city. This
structure will bo removed to the ground
purchased of Mr. Boll nnd remodeled
into a thorough fire tUUon. It will ba
equipped with a hoto cirt and atcamor ,
tb.io3 horsea will bo purchased for Its
aervico and three mon will bo atatlonod
Chief Butler consider ! this a good de
parture , ai the beautiful residence quar
ter which Is springing up about that portion
tion of the city li.-u protection from fire ,
at this time , nlono lu that afforded by the
companies far down In town.
Company No. 1 ia to bo roacuod from
the old tits' neat on Cumminga otroet ,
which it now occupies , and will ba given
now qturtcra In a fiao building
to bo erected at the corner of
Oammtcgs and Sanudors. The alto ,
00x12" foot , was bought of M&j.
Armstrong at a cost cf $2,000. A hand-
sonic , capacious brick structure will bo
put up cjpblo of accommodating the
four men of the company , the lioso cart ,
atoamor nnd n hook nnd ladder truck
which the fntnro will doubtless require
added to the apparatus. The building
will bo two oioriea high with a ball tower
and all the ornamentations deemed rea
sonable to properly grace the thriving ,
foot-growing portion of the city where it
"What IB to become of the Throa's ? '
was oslicd of Chief Butler yesterday
Thin company occupies the alto at the
corner of Sixteenth and Farnam , pur
chased by the Beard of Trade for a now
chamber of commerce.
The chief greeted the question with a
ehrng of his shoulders and aald briefly ,
"I glvo it up. I was talking with n mem
ber of the Board of Trade yesterday and
ho told mo that wo might expect notice
to vacate any day. It probably behoove *
the council to find a new location. "
"What do fire department horsen cost1 ?
wai asked of the chief an the conversation
"All the way from $200 to $250. Wo
select always tbo best animals vro can
find. A fire horse , you ECO. must com
bine fair opoed frith good draft capacity.
You have doubtless observed that In all
propsrljr conducted departments , the
horaea nro large , handsome followa.
They must be strong for a team of them
to drag the heavy apparjtna at a gillop.
If you ever rode on the cart or truck ,
you have rrlthout donbt appreciated the
dizzy speed nude on a inn. "
Chief Butler is warm In hi ] comments
npon the courtesy ehown to both the
Omaha delegation and himself at Grand
Island during the atato tournament there
last week. Ho seys that the people of
Grand Island left nothing undone to
complete a moat generous reception for
all the city's guests. The Darants con
fined themselves to o part in the parido ,
but the Pomplera went in to win laurels ,
The company consisted of Captain Fisher ,
Chief Butler , Henry Logos , Fred
Schmidt and Aug. Uhtof. The exhibi
tions wcro given npon a five story mill ,
and Omaha easily won the prize.
The procaedhiga in the Bastions of the
board of control were cmlcahlo and
baslncoo like , much to the cseociatlona's
revival of credit. Only ono llttla nn-
pleusintncoj occurred and that was of nn
individual character. Chief Loderman Is
a member of the Grand Island boso tasm ,
md won the modal for fast coupling. On
iho next diy hla team wan beaten ia the
rsco nnd s ranga to cay aomo personages
iccusod Mi * . Ledcrman of oelling out
Io was iufurlnto and at the banquet that
light created a tcntalional scene
> y a burst cf denunciations. Ho
corned dolorloua with rage and
> roduolog a hatchotchopped and battered
ila handeomo gold coupling modal to
gcncntp , upon the table. Mr. Lcdor-
non , although grievously wronged , la bo-
Hoved to have been ex ( remain hla wrath ,
especially upon Iho fental occasion ho
selected to display It.
_ The location of next year's tournament
will bo determined at a business meeting
of the executive committee ) to bo hold
within the month , subject to the call of
the chairman.
Tlio Boaril of Equalization Decides to
Look Up iho UiiBssesBcd 1'rop-
erty or Iho oity ,
The olty council mot as a board cf
equillzation Monday night fcr import *
ant buslnesi.
The city clerk , by deputy W. J. Halm
submitted a report , in accordance with a
resolution passed at the aat meotlngthow-
Ing all the unaaaesied real estate in tbo
olty , inolu ding railroad propoity outside
right of way limits , church , and city
property , Incluilve of school grounds , etc.
The report was very full and exhaustive
and bora out the statement of the BEE ,
February 20tb , regarding the vait
amount of untaxed railroad property In PC
this city , which ought to bo assessed. It
was referred to n committee , consisting of
President Bechol , Conncllmou Loa and
City Engineer Roeowa'or. '
ntd the olty attorney. Mr. Rise f
water will examine the property listed In en i
report , and sea tbut It is oarreotly 0 <
recorded , while the city attorney will do- 0on
term'uo heir mtih of Item ba legally
Uxtid. The bonid of cquillzitlon vlll ?
then determine thnrato ot taxatiin to ba
applied. A meeting of the board ( f
will bo held next Monday , KOI
when the subject trill bo further die-
ousiod ,
"What wo want to do , " ( aid Pro ldont
Bechol ton reporter yesterday. "Is toGnd
just to what extent these railroads are
beating the olty out of taxes. Then wo
shall aseota the prcpasty not used for
right 1 of way aud iniko thorn como to
1I tlmo. I "
Another councilman expressed himself
to the effect that while he did not Ihmk
the city asioitmont could bo legally
raited 25 per cent , this year for the
benefit of the general fund , ho did be-
llovo that a considerable amount of
money could ba raised by forcing the
Union PaciOo and the Burllnglon < fc
Mlstouti railroads to pay a just amount
of taxation on Iho property not exempt
under right ci way privileges. The rail
roads had been "beating" the city long
enough ho thought , and should ba forced
to boar a share of tha municipal bur-
It is snld that there la also a consider
able amount of church property hold for
speculative purposes , now lying untaxed ,
which is Included In the report of the
city clerk as worthy of balug assessed.
Settling tin Old OAHO ,
Messrs. W. N , Robortion , an attorney
of Madison , Nob. , and C. E. Bibcccr ,
general agent of the Underwriters In
surance company , at Lincoln , wore occu
pied at the clerk's oflico : u the United
States court , making up the details of the
settlement of a judgment for § 0,000
allowed 0. Neidlg , of Mudlton , against
the insurance company. Thin case , with
its flavor of crime , from -rhlch Mr. Nol-
dig was vindicated , was once celebrated.
Short Snaps.
Do yon think that the best way ta
teach your baby to walk Tronld ba to
glvo it in charge of a stop-mother ?
UvDocs il neceesatily follow that all
blacksmiths must bo wlokod menbacauao
they are much given to vlco ?
Is it a fact Unit those people who only
"sing to please themselves" are not
often difficult to pioaeet
When a photographer , In the oxorcieo
of hla business , uses a black cloth , does
ho do so in order to make his camera
obscura ?
Mutt your kitchen fire bo of a dissi
pated disposition becanao it gooa out every
night ?
O.\n it bo roilly true that a too quiet
oermon often proves to ba a movlnn dis
course ?
Does it coocssatilv follow that acrobats
nro unprincipled mon because they poiao
on each other ?
Everything that is Purifying aud
Beautifying Cuticurawill do.
FOR C'cnsing the SMu and Scalp o ! birth Humors ,
for alUjlDK Itching , Burning and Inflammation ,
for curlog tlio fl ret simjtoms ct Eczema , rjerlasis ,
Milk Crust , Scall Head , Scrofula and otlior Inherited
tkln and blood dl3ca8caCut euro , the gicat Skin Cure
and CutUura Soap , an exquisite Skin Boiutlfler , ex
ternally , and Cutlcura lUaohcnt.tho now lilooJ 1'ur-
Iflcr , Internally , are Infallible.
We hare been selling jour Cutmira Kotnodlos for
the pstt three or foursonis , and have netor heard
tught but goo 1 words in their lacr. . Your Cutlca-
ra eonp Is dtcidoJly the best Belling medicinal soap
wo handle , and l < highly prized hcio for Us soothing
and softening effect upon the ekin.
Drujgiet , Winchester , Va.
Our eales cf Cutlcura are a ? briro If not largerth n
oJanymodlclno wo eolltnd ; o arsuro you that we
Imoutivsr had & tlngls Imtincoin which the our-
chiser wfk Jlsiallnfied. As to rour Soap , wo can soil
no othtr , evorjb-dy warns Cutlcura.
UILkEtt & CUAl'iliN , Druggists.
LouUla a , Mo.
Tisocftho worstcnsosot Silt I'.heum lour caw
wire cured by jour Cut'cura Remedies , and their
Btlet exceed thoio ot all other like romodleti. I Bell
\ ery llttlo o any other medicinal Ro u than Cuticun ,
onOHQD A. AN1IIOKV , Druggist.
Kcwanco , 111.
Sold everywhere. Cutlcura , CO cents ; eol/
vent , 91 ; Soap , 25ccntaI'orrxu Dana ADD Cuiui.
n n 1 1 Q O Pimple * , Skin Hlomlshes nnl Baby Hu
ll till Du inora cured by Cutlcura f-'oap.
ani repeated request ] cf physicians , pharmacists
and other ) lt h tt horn the Cutieum llemrdlcs have
be omo Ilia cynommo of all that Is clllclent , leliable
and f [ ( ganl In ( 'omtBtlo irculclnal pre-
, parttlonp , wi tare compounded and now
"offer to tno publlo tbu Cutlcura I' . Bter ,
'oontalolrg tbo Ortien'.iil properllpj of
iCmlcura , oomblncd with the choicest
oaatefetissioisinco' , extracts , gama and bileams of
reo.uc puarraacy and ISIblo hUtliy. At druggljtl ,
25c ; Qvo f.r Sl.Uo , intiHd frco
Potter Jrug & Chemical Co. Boston.
l Westefii
TIDBouthCtb Bl. , Cmiba ,
Telephone C02. CcjreirouJeiico salilt d
All I)1J must bo on ill In the Secretary' * office ,
before Aug. It , The light U reserved to r -
aitdl blj .
1'maoa and other prtmluma offered , $ -0-
AIR HELD KEPT. 4lh ( o lltfi.
AAltew , I > iK , 1) ,
ioom 1 , Crilifliton II ooi , Cmahi.