THE PAIL1 BEE. Tuosilav Morning , August 25 , LOOAL BBEVITJEB , Block Swan , the noted western cattleman puicd through Omaha Sunday night on liii way to Cheyenne. the boulevard and patk committee will hold A mooting Wednesday night at tha city hall , to which all the citizens are invited. Iloory Voss is engaged In unporlntendlng tha erection of two 2- tory fr mo homos in Waterloo and Elkhorn precincts to cost 80.000 each , Rabbi Benton , of Owensbnrg , Ky. , will arrive htro , Friday , and enter upon his duties as leader of the Hebrew congregation , lie will deliver htsinaugural addrets Friday evening - ing at the gynagogus. - Olbcer Burdiih had a lively chaaa down Farnam street yesterday after Ed. Carroll , a vagrant. Tholvictim wat finally captured In au alley on Twelfth street. M. Parr , the Tenth and Howard druggist is jubilant over bis Grit born. Its A boy , weighs ten pounds and came Sunday. The havanas ore circulating freely in that locality. There Is a movement on foot U secure Canon Farrar to lecture hero in November for the benefit of tbo Cbilds' hospital , Nothing definite in the matter , however , has bean nc- complisheo , Coroner Drcxcl ( Lipped to Wavcrly , Now York , yesterday the trunks containing the letters - tors nnd personal effects of the unfortunate girl Jeannctto Schnfer who committed aulcido hero Eomo tbroo or four weeks ago. Yestord y being the last day allowed in the court's order , It was supposed that the Bolt Line attorneys would file their motion for a rehearing , but Mr. Woolworth had gone to New York and Mr. I'rltchott was also out of town and nothing wnj dona. Mr. nnJ Mrs , McClure , of Norwalk , Conn. , wish to thank their Omaha friends for the many tokens of sympathy and hindness extended to thorn in their great bereavement on account of the death of their only son , Thomas L , McOlurc , lately a clerk in the B , & M. freight and ticket auditor's office horo. " The "opening" given In the 1'axton hotel bar in honor of the lately completed decora tlona of the room was a most pleasant occa sion , A largo number of ponllcmcn were present during the evening and were served to an excellent spread prepared and sot quito in banquet form. Messrs. Frank Duiieux and Ch&t > . Leonie attended to the ca'l for refresh mcnts with a skill and courtesy which mot all demands and pleased every guest. The bar room of the Ponton is a perfect parlor and rntut rank among the handsomest of similar establishments throughout tha country. It will prove of interest to tbo speculative to learn that the prevailing weather of yester day BO accurately prognosticated by the signal service bareau twenty-four hour hours prior , was months ago predicted and put on record in- print , A reference to Vennor's almanac for this year will reveal the following noted for the week beginning August 23d : "Entry of week warm Sudden change , probably cool and perhaps frosty Windy , warm and rainy Week is likely to end cool and fino. " So far the prediction ii verified , and if the re mainder of the week bears it out , the new eci enco of astrometeorology will have scored a big point in popular credit. Draining Swamp Lunds. Among the business dhcnaacd yesterday by the county commissioners was the matter of draining 30,000 acres ol Platte valley swamp land In Waterloo precinct. It will bo remembered that about four years ago the county commissioners undertook the task of draining some of tbeso bad lands and did accomplish the digging of some nine miles of ditching in the swampy Platte valley region. The dirt excavated was used In the making of roads , The work was dropped on account of scarcity of funds , but the commissioners propose now to resume it , and yesterday afternoon decided upon digging throe ditches , four miles in length altogether , In this section of the Platte valley. "Tho land is tbo richest In America , " said County Commissioner Corliss , to day , "and when we finish this work it will bo thoroughly available for agri cultural purposes. The cost will be berne partly by the county and partly by the benefited property owners. " 1'ollco JJockor. Judge Stonberg disposed of the follow ing cases In pollca court yesterday morn ing : J. J. O'Brien , Pete Pighnnd J. Browl , drunk and disorderly , 5 and coats. O'Brien ' paid end was released. Pigh and Browl committed in default. Tom Carl , disturbance of the peace , § 5 and cost. Jack Pnkoro , fighting , $20 and coats , committed In default. Pofer.Bomgat , fighting , $10 and costs. John Caldirell , disturbance of the peace , $5 and coats. Fred Saunders and Chris Siundors , fighting. $5 and costs. Sam Baswalt , keeping gambling house , and costs. "Slim" Ryan , suspicious charaoterd la- charged. L. Vnruky , vagrant , discharged. George Washington and Mrs. Will Dnvcnpcrt , fighting , $5 and ccsis. Fourteen vags were arraigned and or dered out of town. Knelling Fair Entries , Business la rushing at the office of Secretary - rotary Wheeler of the Omaha fair and exposition , necessitating the employment of additional force to take care of , the enormous number of entries that are ar riving every day. The work of classifi cation has just been begun , and is being pushed as rapidly as possible. Already there have been 2,230 , entries from abioad , end they tro still arriving at rate of 275 dally. In addition to the entiles from abroad applications have been received for space from Inrno manufacturers for nearly 2,000 exhibits. This will crowd the space provldid to almost its utmoit oiptclty , and tboro are still eovcral fair atsoclatlocs which have nude applications to exhibit their onliro display , which they will bring to Omiha nficr their own fairs close. The entiy books will not bo closed until August 31st , and It la expected that at tbo Utt ) ininuio there will bo moro applications for space than can bo accommodated. Drowned lu * Tab , A child of a Mr. Browstor , living on the Papllllon road near living ton , thin , VJ / county , Sunday fell into a tub of tlei EOS water and wai drowned , A llttlo brother of ( ho child was ths first to discover the 150V hocking accident. The oisa has been V reported ( a the coroner , , L SOHOOL BUILDINGS , The Cftstellnr and Far-nun Strool Structures Going np Rapidly Getting Hcftdy for OpenIng - Ing of School. 11 Work on the Castellftr street eohool ( " remarked Soore- a progressing rapidly , - taryOonoyer to areportoryoBtcrday. "The work was suspended for a wo ok on nc- oount ot the failaro of the council to grade the adjoining slroots as they had agreed to do , but the ordinance was passed last week , and work on the build ing has boon rosnmod. It will bo ready for occnpancy abont November nnd will bo a handsoms two-story brick atrnctnro with a basomont. The Fatnam street school ( on Twontyolghth ) , Is now en closed and under roof. It will bo ready to bo moved into In October. " In addition , the school board are hav ing extensive repairs made In some of the buildings throughout the city , prepara tory to the opening of school In a few weeks. In the Long nnd Lcavouworth sjhools , now blackboards are being put in nil the rooms , in place of the old ones which are very badly worn , Besides this other necessary repairs nro being made throughout those buildings. The Hartman school has received two additional rooms in the basement , one under the old frame structure and one under the now brick building. The basement waa excavated without moving the building and the rooms fitted up in comfortable stylowith but llttlo expense. This will servo to relieve somewhat the crowded condition of thla building , the capacity of which was too greatly tested last year. Some Improvements will also bo made In the Izird school thla month , the nature - turo of which has not yet been detorm Inod. The committee on bulldlngi and property will hold a meeting to-morrow to discuss in a general way the matter of making further rep&lrn before school opens. In the Central school the merry mnaio of the satr and hammer can bo heard ringing through tbo empty rooms. Prof. Bumann is busied superintending the work of preparing the apparatus , benches , etc. , etc. , to bo used in the manual train ing department which will bo opened for the first tlmo this year. The rooms for this department are situated in the base ment and are forgo and airy. Secretary Conoyor said to-day that ho thought the school board would have to have two or three extra rooms in the central tral put of the city to relieve some of the crowded schools. Nothing in that direction has as yet been determined upon , however. They Disobeyed tbo Imw. "Throo saloon men to look after to-day" , raid Captain Sullivan yesterday morning to a reporter , holding np three warrants , "Hlgglno kept his curtains down ss usual after midnight last night , and it was nearly 2 o'clcck before John Brandt , of Turner hall , closed up this morning. John Hoffman , of Bohemian hall , on South Thirteenth street , sold liquor over bis bar until ouo o'clock Sunday morn- Ing. " With a few exceptions , most of the saloon men ara obeying the mayor's order strictly. It was noticeable , however - ever , yesterday , that some of the saloons did not have closed duors. OLSEN In this city , August 24th , the adopted BOB of Mr. and Mrs , Theo , Olsan , aged two weeks. Funeral will take place to-day at 10 a , m. , from tlio residence , 1710 Mason street , HUITT-Inthia city August 23d , Robert Huitt , ORod 45 years. Funeral will take place August 25 from McCarthy , Donnelly & Co , Interment at Sr. Mary's comotery. DORSET ! In this city August 24 , at one o'clock p. m. , Willie L. , eon of Henry and Mary E. Dorsett. aged 2 yeara. Funeral will take place to-day at 10 o'clock a m , from the residence , Fourth street near Walnut street. dom mice co In ba on \ 18 At This powder never varies. A marvel of purity , strtnjftn and wholaicrnenoM. More economic * ! than the ordlnvy klrdi , and cannot boiold In competi tion with tbeimuHitude ol low test , ebott weight Al tail ( ( phosphite po drri Bold nr > lv In cans. ROYAI. BAKING BOWDEIt CO. 109 Wall staoet , N Y Or Apollinaris JIas received at the INTERNATIONAL HEALTH EXHIBITION , LONDON , 1884 , the HIGHEST AWARD 819 819V OVER ALL other V ter MINERAL WATERS , NA TURA L or AR T1FICIAL. Of all Greet n , Druffiili , & Min , Wai. Draterr , [ Tf BEWARE OF JMITATVONS. [ V SPECIAL NOTICES. cTec TT Tec Tecv A.U ( bit ) trtilemcntt in tin tpttial column ! mill v\ \ > ckaryei ! at the rate cflO centi pet line or the imtrtioi > , and 7 ctntt J > < : r Una for tack ulit- litent insertion : Ko advertiiemcnt will 6 itucrttct trlui Han ti centi for tht tint time * TO LOAN MONET , V/fosBT to WAN L'ans made on reil eitate Unl rV oontrooto , chatteli , collator l or good eccurl * sot any kind at tbe On aba Fin\nclal exehaoge , Faroam BU , up-iUlu ; low ratee ; eajy terns. 801-tf ins fONET To loan on chattel * , Tfoolley & Harrison , care Room 19 , Omaha NatlooAl bank bulldlnj m r C51-U Add VCccAocm ri tmriiislnv ! jtncnj Binkcri , oppodU iU post office , Omaha , rcgotlata mortgage Uani ot Jrtt-clara cecnrlty at railing rates ol Interect , Par ties detlrlnr to borrow money on Improved city or xrantry real eitale , for from one to five yean , cinrx oornmodated promptly. UoCague Brothers , bank- en , opposite post offloe. C8-tf ifONETTOLOAN-Oo real esute and chattel ! t l D. L. Thoma * . 85211. \flTONET Loaned on nhatlels , rot rail , It. R .Utickets conght and ( old. A. Form nS13 S , ISth St 1 rOHET TO LOAN la mm ] of 800 and npwarfl. M. O. r. DavU and Co. , B.M ! EtUla and Loir l ents,1505 Farnam 81. 651-tf tyTOKir to loan In Burnt ef (200 and upward * on iTAfirst-claw real estate iccurlty , Potter & Cobb , :616 : Farnam It. C49-U \JONET LOANED at 0. F. Rted 4 Go's. Loan office jJL on furnltnre , pianos , horssi , wagoni , personal property of all kinds and all otha raitlclei of value , ttthont remrval. Over 1st National Bankcorner ISib vnd farnam. AU buslnesu itrtctly conOdectlalB60 B60 f ; \TOoiTl MO-dill woxRtlll Money to Loan-On itl chattel Btcnrlty by W. n Croft , room 4 , Wlth- odl tiuilllng , N. E. corner ICth and ilatney. After ycars of experience and a caieful study of the busi ness ef loaning money on personal property , I have at last poifectoi R tvttem whereby the publicity usual In mich casts 19 dona away wlthtnd I are now na petition to meet tbe demands ot all whe become temporarily embarrissed and deslto to ralso money without dclaj and In & quiet manner. Ilouickccp- err , professional gentlemen , mechanics and others in thlsdty can obtain ndvaneca f.'om (10 to JI.OOO on tuch iccurlty a ) housenold furniture , planoi , ma chinery , bone * , wagons , warthouso rcoelpta , secur ed notesof hand , etc. , without removing same from OWHCM residence or place ot bulno3 , . Also on Ono Watchoi and Diamonds , Ono of the advantages I offer Is that any part of nny loan can be paid at any time which will reduce tbo Intcmt pro rata and all loans rene * < d at the original rates of Interest. I have no brokers In connection with my office , hut personally superintend al my loans. IliAveprHato offices connected with my gonotil office FO that customers do not carne In con'aot with each other , consequently making all transactions itrlctly private. W. R. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell building , N. E cor. 16th and llarnoy. 648-tf WANTED FEMALE HELP. . - that can inlt.chioctet or do fancy WJ.MBU-Liuiicji cy work , to make goods for our Undo at their homes la clt of country ; $ ) to 810 weekly eatll made at our hutltcis ; coeds cent by mall , t end lee silver or stamps for eairp.o and toatnge , llu'l'on M'fg. Co.,2fl5Cthae.N. Y. 23t-23p w IAMTII A ( rood gltl for general housework at 221 North iSthstreet. 188-tf W Avrin Young girl to do light ( col ; ored preferred ) . Inquire 2J18 Charles street. 313-24 p W PAvrr.D-Oood girl Bar general housowor * In small family. Apply 2513 DciUo St. 811 > 25p TTTjiNTSD A gia 1 competent German girl. In- W qulrn ot Mrs. 1' . llclnil-h , No. Oil cortn 2UtSt. between Ctlllornla and Webster St. 3QO-25P w NXTKD Airoolglrl for general house work In quire at 1713 Douglif. 2)125 ) W AS , TBD-TAO competent servants , cook and second end girl Apply at nortn.oast corner 22d and Daxcrjport streets. D102lp TT7AXTED Agood girl for general hcuEOWOrk , one W tint can cook and Is not atiild otuork. Call at 331 South Twenty-fourth St. 2)3-f ) ( W ANT1CD A girl to do light hou'owork. Apply at once , 1710 } Cumlng St. MRS. MULCAV. 270-21' TT17AXTD A respectable mtddlo-Dgcd woman to ilc VV general housoflei'kfor a small private fam'ly In tto country. A good homo for tbo ildit ( arty. Ual'roid fate wilt to piid. Apply Sunday between 10 and 12 a. m. . to John J , Vandomocr , 1'ixtcn Hotel. 231-22p WANTKD A girl for general housework at 308 N. 2fd street. Must l > o a good laundrcs and plain cook. 05-28 TTTANBBD By 18 of the flret faml'ij' , glili for gen- f T eral housework .and gold nooks ; best ol wajif. Also Kill ) for holds and dicing rojm work ; don't fcrgct tha number , 1120 Farn'm 8t , up stairs. Ai wa ) a will find good places. Call and Inquire. ? 4Ctl W AMID A good girl for general hnu'o woiU In private family. Aply at 2520 Douclai St. 2IO-2Jp W ANTKU A cook for a countr hotel , must be ft Bt- cja , robor ; best of'wAge" paid. C.ll on Ur. , Center Uottl , Council Bluttj , la. 33 2p W 'AMID A flrit cUsi dining loom girl , female cook ; anil chambermaid at City Hotel. lBl-24p W PASTED Girl Icr dining room on general home work , Qanl Hoto' , 1010 Hasan ht. 222 22p w FAJiTRD A good girl who can sjeak German , for general kitchen work , at 216 South 12th St. 218-2Jp 'A ! < TD A gill to do general houo work 2010 Curt St. JDr. Paul. 110 21 W AM n A girl to co general home work. Mrs. D. II. Ooodilch , 1017 Partt ive. 103-tf WANTKD A good hotel 050k and dining ro rnclrl to leave the city ; best of wages paid. Inquire it Omaba Employment bureau , 217 N 10th St. Mrs. J. Vf. Morrison , Proprietor. 102-tf IAsrr.D A gocd csok where another girl is sept , 2225 Dodge St. 110-tf TT7ANTED Ladies In want { good domestic ) girls , W will bo supplied on application to tbo old reliable Omaha Employment Bureau. Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 217 N. 16tb St. , up stairs. 89 ] tf WANTED A number of flrst-clasj gtrlj who are captbloof Being good work , and receive good wogts at the Omaha employment office , 217 north 18th streetofflcoup-stairs Mrs. J. W. lIorrlsDn , pro prietor. 801-tf WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Agents for the beautifully illustrated book , "Picturesque Washington. " Trice S3 (0 , 15 00 and $10 00. K. S. Butler , Omaha. 3..2-2D p TT/'ANTBD Immediately , young mm In dry goods , boots and shoo 8foro ; must boa goodsalcsm n , good stock keeper and able to handle country trade. Good wages ; give references , Leo Grossman , Har vard , he b. 3.820 WACTFD Draughtsman , roim 23 , Crelznton block 15th and Douglaa S > . 2 6 tf WANTJD Between now , September ISth , n nnm- bsronoialesman , one who ran come well ui- Joreud ai to character and atllltv ai to a silesman ; a aianied : man nnferred. Oord eltuatlon for the right man. M. F. Martin , 310 south 15lh 5t. S07-tf WANTED StrotttDoa , auitloncera and poddleis to s 11 cew notlois , Jonelry , etc , at fairs and o3ntrytownsctcapcetbc ; s } In theU. 8. ; catal cue Iran. AgoMsiupply C , Chicago , III. ! 35-25p ? WANTED Agents to sell our addingmaihines.mudo In brass and nickel ; no toy ; eclli rapidly to janVerj , merchants , book keepers , etc. Addresi at co , F. F. Oakley & Co , Ballca , Kan. 283-27p TXTANTED Younif , active men , who can talk E"Kll8n , anl ueiwau , to act as ascents. Apply 1010 Jackeon St. , bttwten B a. IB. and 12 ID. ID.274S6' at AOEKTS WANTED ? or the flntit little article to soil at falls ; biz money , brand now , Simple 10 Us. iddrms Champion Novelty Co. , Omaha , Nob. lll-iept.lo WANTED-A first class clar drummer /or Omaha and surroundings. I'cst of references required , addrns Cigar , Hee tdlco. 287.i5 TITANTED A white barber to .tike charge and tun TT a baibcnhop , or ll ! eell shcp. J , d. Ualne Jrand Idind , Neb. 2:1.25 ' WANTJU An experienced man to sell custom made ehliU on tba road. Omaba Sblit r" ctnry. 239-26 T WAKTBD An A 1 man who wants tlmako bl ? Tj wageb fair wcik. Cal ! nt onceat 15C9 Farnatu 21521 en cook lo work a reitaurant on T t roi ; everything In running order. Aptly 198. llth St. 181-25p J nrjANTiD-Agents. Addroes Electric Lamp and T stove Co. , St. Louli , Wo. , for circular , cut tnd ermt tf (6 ondle power Marsh Electric- Lamp lC8toct-10p SITUATIONS WANTED. L' S7ANTKD By a joung Tano , Ituatlon as a coicli- I'll man , Address 8. P. lice olllco. 233-25 p etr \7AXTin-A situation tending bar by R roun man of three yars expcilenoe In an caster \y ; can give Qret-class references. Addiejj B under , lleo oltloe. 252-I4p _ , rXTAiiTED Situation by a young nan n shipping all ; V cleric or etokirat > . Address A. P , U./flco Ece. | ) i Up -Sltuatloi at abstractor of titles to real ( state , by exrcrlecced abjtitctor. a. J , roi ' No , J2J ( outn Uth tr eil"CbuuUiBliiBi ) S78-25 „ TTAKTED SMuithn ly experienced bookkeeper 81 J , S. A. No. (03 First me. , Ccunill Bluff ; 81we 27025 VANTED A Bltuatton on a faim to take ca > e weF CAttlohy a minol etp rlenoe and rooramfn'- L , who ha < i some cattle of hi * own ha wfsbes t3 A for at tbe tarn * time. Ii an experienced trlra- leg : , and will at same time attend to an orchard , per idles * "P , J , Be offlc * . 197-Zlp Hens keoperi ( UuUlon , experUnetd nd Rood relettnces. Addrrsi Mr * . A. n. O j da TUtvORArnsRftija c > mp tei.l olQca man delie . situation. Roisonable salary. Aodresi "Hart" BM offlee. lS5-J4p WANTin By ala'y.dtuallon In office or whole- Bali houie Addresi "B. Q. " Bee offie . WAvriD-BUuatlon as sum gr | itiot m an otnc * Refeicnzei furnished. Addren "Storoeraphei' Bee office. 108-M MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANT n To hire a horse and llglit IitrncM liy the month. Call on or address "J. D. H , " 1812 Capitol \e. 8W-24 tTtrANTRD To rrgaslrs groupi for the International yy worklngmen asioclatlon , laboring men or olh- tn f itinair to the cause of labor , Please call on or ad dress J. Allen Evini , 111 North llth St. 248-SCp riTANTED OcnUornan doslrcs comfortable room , ry Rood p'alaboard ' , dinner only Sundayt , rrl- vate family or widow lady. Address V J D. Bee office. S75 24 * WAKTKD Fora ctstoioo- rerldonco rropeity on Sherman A\o or 18th fit. ; also on Park Avo. or Qtorglt Avo. C. E. Uajne & , Co. , 16th & Fainam. ScO-SO WAXTBD To lady teaohen can get a hornet Bquuo Ncrth of St. Marv'a Ae.un Convent 1st of Sept.AilJnss Sirs. 0. , Ute Offlee 26224 WANTKD Will pay casli for cheap work toimfrom It ) to 11CO weight ; tool marcs proftrrcd. "R. D. jr."llec. , 29-2lp riTANTED To f ntor as active putnor In some payIng - ' * Ing bu lnf s ; can pay InCO. / . Address "r. C. IT. " Council liluBs P.O. , Iowa. 186-8 < p WANTitD To trade a goid second hand piano for a hjrso and biggy. Icqutre at Edbolm & Krlck- son. t3-tf WAMin To Invest ; a man cf yean ofoxperioDco and ability , detlroi npoiltlon ai book keeper In Bomo mercantile butmesi with alow of purchasing an Interest. A No. 1 rcftrenoo. Address "A. " Dee Office. D90-22p WASTKD Itoom and board for & Urio number ot Btudents Inpilvato families during the coming allandwlntfr. Lca oaddross at Omaha Bus'mss ' College , N. W. corner Douglas and 13th 8 > . C04 tt WAsntD-Kvery body to call on W. A. Moirleon foi flrst class Job printing , 1613 Douglas St. 085-tf WAKTxn 600 people to bring their watches to EdI elm & Erickcon's to bo repaired. Sttlifaction guaiantud. 134-tf nT ANTED Every ady In nocd ot a sawinp ; m * If chine , to see tha new Improved American No. K Flodman & Co. agents 20 N 18th. SSOtt ifOli A\ENT UOUBKS AWO LOTS. FOR Rm Near 8 } . car , 7 room home , goa-1 well , cUtcrn , $18 per month Inqniro of 0. E. Ttiomp ton. S W , coiner llth and Haruey St. S35-U F on. HEM-Sept 1st , two nowten room bouses on IBthbtrost , caitrjlly located , city and cistern \\at r ; hot and ooldwater in bouse nnd bitb room , gas throughout the house , ard colhr.out houses and cvcrjtbltg complete , cno cist front , ono caet and routn front ; rent ItO and > 5i per mcnth. J. E. Rtley & Co. , 216 south 18th Bt. For rent 5 room bouso Dearly new , Davenport near in h St , f 18 pomonth. J. E. llllay & Co. , 215 sjuthiathSt. For rent 5room hou > n on Oillfarnta St. , between ! 3d and 24th ; lent $15 per month. J , E. llllev & Co , , 215 south 1Mb St. For rent Now B room house , well , cistern , out houses , Wilks , cvoij thing cotnp'otc. 22d and nraco , 312 per trontli. J. E. Rtlcy Jt O . , 215 south 13th St. For rent Ononowtlx room house on SaundersSt. cast frmt , cistern , well , bay window , va'ks ' , ovcty- thing complete , 818 per month J. E. RILEV & CO. , 215 eouth 13th St. 213-tf F OR HHST- Ono store. Inquire at Cdhohn & Eilck- too. 901-tf TjioR RRST Store with four roims In roar. Rent $ ! 5 JD a month. Inquire 1318 Douglas. 419-Aug 24 FOR RIOT A building ? 2xfli. Inquire at Boston dry goods store , U. 10th st , DSStf TJj OR RUST Cottage 8 rooms , boaoolO rooms. J. J ? Fhlppi Roc , Eewnrd and Campbell. SSl-tt ROOMS IfOU FOR HINT Nicely furnished room in pilvato family for lady or gcntlcmin. breakfast If nece-xnry , 813 S 10th. 31l-20p RK.NT--Dcsirablo loom 1121 Capitol ate. FOR ate.250tf JOR REST An elegant largo room with hoard for ono or tno gentlemen innrivatc family ; bo utfltil location. * pply 91" I'odge street , lower door or room 1,1302 bongos street. 310-20-p F an UiNr Fainl-lieJ roouis ; Boutti-Hujt coiner Thlrtc nth and Howard Sts. 283-29p FOR n M Ti\o handsomclv furnished rooms , modern conxcnicnccs. 17iO C'jiiltol avenue. 240 24p Fi : OR nrvTFurnished looms for llpht house keep. leg ; $15 a montn. 221B California St. 20I-:5p TI'OB RJST Kooresfurnished or unfutnshd ! and tj suitable for light bcusokccplnt ; . Inquire at 22 } N ISth Street S63 20 > J70R RBKT Furnished rooms with bo H for two or thrco gcntlamcn. Acdress W. M. , Boo office. 250-tCp TT70II RENT Largo furnished front room suitable JD fortiro , or one smaUor room , 710 North 19th St. 105-IOp l OOD rooms and board f 4. per week , 1420 Jacktoa street. 2J024p FURNISHED room ? in cltf , well llghte 1 and airy ; well furnlihed. $12,50. Applat Omaha Carpet Co. , 1511 Douglas St. 217.21 FOR BEST Two olrgint toomi with board for gen tlemen in private family , bjautlful ! cation. Ap- p'y 1910 Dodje street lower door or room 1 , 1212 Douglas street. 212-22p BIST Furnished roams 1012 BurtSt Foa BurtSt17626p TJlOR RKVT Two nicely fumlshed front rooms 1714 i1 Callfurnla St. 10l-25p Foa RKXT-New furnlihed roomq suite or tlnjlo , bah , gas , prloo reasonable : 1015 Capitol avo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 160-25p I UK HUNT-A p'eis.ntf ' out rimm wtthlirguclostt ; ' rcojcrn Improvemant' , on 20th street near fit. Mary'd ave. Apply 8.V. . corner lO'.h anil Dod o Stc. D70-K FK BS.M Hoom nlthbour , 1013 Uipltol avo. 021-2 ) FOR RUNT-lloaru. Inquire Drugstore , 10th and Dcujlis. Wf-tf C. FRBKNT Koom with bcaru , IBIS Dodge St. 014-tf TT'oaBEKT TRO rooms sdlfili ngwith board ; front JL1 room eoath-east , 1014 Wdxtor Bt 858 tf T7V > R REvr-1 Wtll f urnlibcd om for 2 gentlemen I1 1503 F rnam street , opporl u Oon Ho el. Apply rom I , or at WnEaeirean & 'larnett. 218 18th tit 745 tf * FOB RRNT 2 pleasant soul' , front rooms S. Vf corner 19tb and Davenport 17IOR RENT Ht.udsou.clr turn s-od rooms 1704 Cap- ltd are. j82-tf FOR BE.TT Front room furnlaUed or unfurnished 1211 Howard St. 020 tf ffo BEM Furnldhed room Ii 21 Oapitql nv'e. WO aug29p Two nicely farotauod rooms , NW cor. \ 21 t tnd St. Mary's Ave. JOCtf BO' > OOMS WHhhbard.detliaWofarBumD ' . Apply yeU ! Jtiat tiL Ohiilet ITctcL 010-11 U u nn j OR BINT Pot manufao urlupf purpose 'ir ' hall , tbOa JDl rgeroom44x76 , Sdlloor , Wo. 110 H 'th it , Oa inquire at 1409 Dodge et. A. J. Clmnson. OaI I J7ott RENT-Centrally located furnished < oma at vii * 023 south JOth Bt. 6 3-tf Foa ! T Lirpo front room on first floor with or L ? without board ; tuqulra t 1901 f arnam ii- ; 187-tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTH. fpon , BALK An elegant cottigo in good i > c < Iity , y Btfnduigonlot luoxlb" ; barn , fruit tri-n , etc. 'ilco f3WJ. Cunningham & Brcnnan , 1611 Dodge trcet. tiiO-2l r1 FIND Improved farms , will trade for improii cdclty ln i property , W. II , Green , over lit National Bank. F POR gtLx 40 acres of land one mile ( rcm the nil 12 ISO ( biirackigood ; nouio and oKce > , 43500 for eaiy tcrrni or will trada for city profcrtj. run- liigham & Urcnuan , 1611 Dedgo at. 8 6-21 F BALKOK RENT in Wallnut hi I add. One homo , ui tarn , well , 4 lo i fenced , suitable for military flu uiF month. Inquire. Chilitlauien. , Chic g Lumber F 'ard. 287.2p for Hits Two good loti rant front on Virginia roe FOR ava fSOOeacb , esjeisb , $15 per mouth O-lUt ran scuthTwemy.lcurthetruet , for particul ra to- tau veenfl na7 r , m. Cra CraC > 8 t > i < peo'albarga'n In a lot In Klrkwood , C must bo Bildfoon ; pilca $126 ifll tf J AkTKD-Fram 80)0 ti 6MW tcrea ef cholca graz- gand fniclnz land , In Nebraska , from 13 tog * acre for epot otlh. IL 0 , I'Attcison , ISth and arnam. Wtl f e < i i i ) VI TO TBCOS33 think of THIS WEEK Will realize a clear saving of 76 per cent and se cure the best , at the Only 1119 Farnam Street , 1119 ; if u TJVm HALK-U3. ) Two ocro l&ls fronting on 13th jL' street 8 blocks toutli of Ilnsc.ll'd , SI,300 , each monthly payments. CO footlot3 are eclltng at SI ,000 each , two Weeks nc rtli of thla. (10R ( ) Lois In frinklln street In Shlnn'a odd. $700 each , monthly payments. Lots In every part of the city low prices and easy tonna. C. II llayno & Cu. , s. W. corner IBth and Farnam. 267-25 Ii-o * BALK NTunnocotrajroa wicnlu half l.locu . of JL1 elreet cars ? 300 cash , ralaneo In montlll pay- monte. W. II. Green , over 1st National bank. 233 tf Foil HAI.E No 3-Cottao 0 rooms , full lot , 19th st no rLcixcnnorth. $3,0 0. 01 Thrco lots , house5rooms , Lca > cmvorth street. $2,000. Easy terms. 183 Cott go 0 rooms , beautiful location , fine \iew , full I lot , city water , nojr street cirsSblnri'u addition. 3.OOJ S Very rosy terms. J95 Cott go 6rooms , comer lot , Charles street , noir Siunders , > cry nice and cheap $3COO. 197 Brick house , 6 rooms , corner lot.tno locatl'n , near street cars , Shlnn'a addition , monthly I > - nicnts. $1OCO 201 I'ull lot , new t o Btory house , 7 rooms , atcry nlco piico. $ IWO. llasy terms. 20u Full lot , noit cottaRO 8 ro mssouth 15th st near Center. ? l,7fO. Monthly pajincnta. 215 Meo 8 room house , full lot , near N. W. C3 Hanecom 1'ark. $3,000. K sy tcnns. 218 Full lot , Erlck house 7 rooms , lUmo y Btro near ! 3d st. $5,200. Easy terms. 240 Half lot , corner , ono Hock from Saunders. Cott tge Brooms , new , gooihirn. ? 200. Monthly payments. 1 'HI Full lot. now cottage 4 rooms , north ISthst $2,030. Monthly pi } mcnts. C. E. ilayno & Co , S. W. cor. 15th and F.rimm. 53-20 FoasilB Che > p , n lot 60x110 ou 10th street hot. Illckor ] and Center strode. Inquire 8. Vf. cor , 7th and Marcy. Also nicely furnished front reom for root. 239 29 IjViR SALR No , 263 One ace only J } ruilaa from JL1 P. O ; 2 houses , nno now , 7 rooms ; fruit and fhade trees ; good nelijliliorhcod , $5OfO , or will cell half aero with nn ll nouao for { 1.357 , oisv terms. C. F. Uayne& Co. 10(3-25 ( Anacrn will huy fomo ch fen land neir the cltyllmlts. Cunnlniham ft Br anan 1511 Dodge St. 0421 jort HALB-Cboip , gcod horse , top buir/y and bar. 'ness. ' Addresi 1' . O. box 444 City. 243-25p FOR 8 LK Necr head of St. Mart's aye. Largo lit houioflrooros ; furnace , grstcs , hot and cold bath ; over } thing complete , $5.uoo easy terms O. J ! . Uajno & Co. , 16th and Farnam. 18) tf FOR SALS-03il32 feet , house 4 rioms , clo-ot , pri- try , well , barn , hold 4 hoiccs and tuggy ; fruit trees and shrubbeiy , on trade 82too onory easy terns ; this Is a bargain. C. K. Ml J no Co. , IDlh and Farnam. 127-tf FOR BAM-No. 2 < ? . ) Full lot ncit cttag 5 rooms good barn , fouthave. , J3.WO , very caty terms. . G , Ma > no & Co , IBth and Firiam. 2EO-25 TJ OV SALB OR TitADB 0 roomeil houic , two lots and JL1 barn Apply 818 S. llth SI. 163-sept Ip F OR8ALK Several clifnp lot * nn deorglt and Vir ginia a\os , CuunlnghauKt Bronnan,151l Dodge street. S032 ( 70RBAIK-At a barga'n , lot nllh 2 houses , 3 and 7 roaii B , well , cittern , barn , ic. , tCth and Ilirucy , Unimproved property taken as put pay. Win. It , SIcnroo , 6tn and Dougla ; . 03MI TOK BALK A two etory 22x80 frame building sult- E able or a etore near 10th and Farnam street , Apply at this otllo ! . 017-tf FOR sAMi-Ono acre , buildings , fruit , and cbado , Lcaon worth and Hoiaaut , Bt. , Wuit Omaba. ! 41-26p WAN run To buy bargains la real cstato for capl- taletj If you want t sell for cash and will ell cheap we can occommodato jou atanvtlms. If ou want to sell any bind of real estate oil mid BOO or drop a card , plving description of prororty , lumber of lot , etc. If you want to sell for more ban It Is wonh wo don't want It. 0. K. Mayno It JoSWCor 16lli and Faruam. 269-:5 noRB4i.s nuBKiT-Oooilhote In flrat-clautoiyn In South Weitern part of State. Apply to K P. Da- , Novelty Iron Works , Hth St. 78-t ( ( rrOR * BAH Forty lots for Bale on Burt and Cumlnzs Utweon 20th and 81st cheap , Intlde property I edford & Couer. 14 tf if TOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS P ITIORBALiTwenty head ot milch oowa for sale cheap L. P. Pruyn , 1674 north 18tb St. Snji > TOR BALK Sleek and fixtures of a grocery etore 607 10th street , lthlulldlug attached. Owner other bininess Hill lell ' ' ; cheap , -32-S2p TIOH BALI OH TIADI A flrit-class saddle horse five bu yiais eld ; ptiftclly sound and gentle. Inquire Irene sticot. tf 7'ore BALI -A nice plaoo In rerftct order at a sac rlllou , owlrg to owner leaving tbe city , fall at Capittl ave. 22t-2 < . TtOR SALE RcsUurant and bikery In the city ol llnooln , at 123S O street , a t wo J carl lease on a jidtwoBtorv hilok builllrg with tune furolihcd sup-itilrj , A complete bakery and ritUit. - , a good route and wagon tnd a flrsk clasi res I uraat trade. Qaod reasons for BO ! Ing , J. E. aok , 135 O street , Lincoln , Nob. U3-24 ? "UTTti roa sin , HbUan owj / lot JOJ heal of S jear clil stetrt. 300 haad 2 ) eir old siceru. 100heal 1 year old iteerj. . All choice extra heavy cuttle ani wo Daw quote eUen it 83.05per cat. Obamq Broi. S w I'0"'a ' Rood mare , harnjts and bngiy Irquire V. fcnpls , Sherman > o.hct cc Elm atd Center , after 6 o'o'ock. 872-22p T\R BALU Fine totter pun 7 rasntha old. Wm JP Elmer.l , room B , Iledlok block. 7S3tf FoasALs-100 lots. Sprln ? Hill ; will scl on eu terms ; trade for Improved property nnd pay dl Terence Inalues lu oash or 3sumo mortgage' . Tar ties can flnd cheap homes and advantizootu traces W. P. Qreen. oref UtrNa'l. B nk , tolanz * . < egtf FORSALK-Twoloti tn I'olhara Place , ono bloc frcm street oar track. Inquire 213 H 13th St. 481tf TTlOBBALB Or would tralo or a good horse an C bugn-y ; 80 acres In Gcapor county. Apply to 21 South 13th S'rcot. 24611 FOR BALK Boiler and engine , 20horsopower belle tnd engine , In good running order ; want to so for the reason that tnoy are not large enough fo the now machinery which we will put Into our rev building onIlarney St , Clarke Bros. & Co. , 140 Douglas St. A LWATS oa hand at a bargain , No 1 second h nc xx carriage ph&clon and elde bar buggies ; also cm brellis and sunshade ] , i.t 1403-1411 Dodge St. St.617U REAL ESl'ATlfi. T70tt SALB 1740 acres rolling land In South-oattei JD pattQ etloy Co. , Ncbat0.tO per acre , goo Boll , IK sand 1760 acres land In western part of Madison Count at $11 per acre. 4-0 naojBno valley land at $15 per acra. Gooc bargain. Lots in Ilansjom pltce , S5 0. Lots In Shlnn's First add. $550. Loson ! monthly pa\mi-nts $176 to { 250. Hamll & Bruno , 311 south EloyenthSt. 2J023 F OB SALE-BF MOB3E & BRUNNEIl No. 103 88 feet on Jones street , a corner , an excel oat location fur warehouse or Jobbin ; house and remarkably chop at $7,508. No. 120 House lot 3HIB2 , on paved street , J2.850 No. S12 33 feet on ISth street , corner of alloy , near Howard street , splendid business property $5 OCO * No. ISO-Beicral fine business lots on 16th street each 83,0(0 ( No. 119 Beathu.ini si corner on Harnoy tf rcct , 6 , lect front , only SUOCO. ; No 100 A fin' lot 80x162. corner of alley , ICtl ft reel near Fornun , a Bp'ondlllnvtltmon at 815 OCO. No. 423 Aeplcnald lot C3il32 , on Farnam Etree opposite the court hourc , SIO.COO No. 40 AsIcndld ca't front and ono a corner south front , each COxUO , on Georgia ave , H blocks from I.o venworth ctrcct , Ucoi PUce , fine ibado trees , each 81(00. No. 482 A One corner on Georgia avenue otat front 80CO. No. 4EO-8 extra choice lets 2 blocks from Farnam and near 33rd s'roets , from { 800 to (900. o. 4IC-2 choice lots Dodge street , south ftcnt.ono a corner , price for the tno 1,200. No. 481 fT o choice lots on Farntm ttreot , 81,160 No. 402land $1,260 No. 407 A nlco cottego anil full lot near Park aye. 8/.SOO. No. 440 A I arialnIOroom ; new house , lull lotnca Ueorgla avenue , (3,150. No. 432 An elegant lot on Georgia avenue , $390. No. 4531 Two lota In Ulraebiugh PUce , 1,030 No. 400each. ( lots , acre proDortvasd farms for sale In localbn and | , rlo(9 to suit til. U011SE & BIlUNNtll , 027-24 Paxton Building , Cor. 16th Mid Funain. T OR BAM A good paying buslnes ) cmflojlng but t ? little capital foi cu h. For putlculara address P. O. Box 857 , Omaha , Neb , 722-tf TI OR MAta Best unoccupied grour.d In the ty for 1 : warenouso hoaso,87 feet front oa Ixjavenworlh. north hot 10th and lltb.wlll caiefor Ottyuars , Bed ford & Bauer 020-tl filOR HALE - 1Cal t Dial C. JO Twntoutoson S2J strott. llent fortJ. ) Fu'l ht J2.COO. Full lot , houB7 , Ineomcrt , cistern , ? ! , oo. A re lot , hou < e 0 looms , turn , tic , , V1OCO. T-o houses , full lot , Saunderd St , monthly payraentd , 8 1 , COO 'I wo oorcer lot ? , near 13th and CHrlr , cheap , Full lot , nlso cot 'ago , 10th cor Loiunt/crth St. fl.7CO. Jlnutllul roildonoe west ol lit jh Scboil , $0,500. 100 acres and firm'nK ' utei' ' 1 s , cow , chickens etc. , miles from North 1'Jatto , 81.COO.V \ , O. 8IIKIVER , polite Pcit rfflco 265-26 ! ron BALncm TRAUB-Pbu < 'I ' I farm of 10)amain A Adtu.sU.umy , Iowa , ill fjno < i ) , all under cnltl- atlonjgood beiriug orchard , larjfo house ami all th r iinpro\i > mcnt la piorort'nn ' , cheap at f5 000. iddttmc/r c.llon Fraukltci' ' , flfl north IStn Lt. , . lmahoNcb. _ 2t2n BOSLNEKH aUAJNOEB. ai . iti . BUK A rcetauraut ana counter diliit . . agoodbui'nuw , icaton fur mlllog hive otccr t usluoar. InqulioatOOl Aoith Ttiilhbtron. " 8 725 roR BALB Ono of tbe heit paving eboi s lu tin olty on aoccunt of Ilia uwi ir loiv. igtoHii. forea.oatatargalo. Inquire41U foulh lib. 2J1 28p .J/ANTBD Ti > trmie wbitcrn lind IVr tooi uf goods yy or cattle , Aailresd "L. " Ueo otlcui VIOvTp 7rott.roasjtMiRiJciii.uii , for ro l estite , It Is -I. aSI.COdOttl limviiry KooJ tbape aud locat'on ; yotra lout. AdJieil 2ii2 , llae olllce. 18l-6p 70RBtlJiOR > iciUNOn-At a bargain , itock dry liojdiauil carpets In one of tha txtt towns ti ODtril Iowa. Address Lock P. 0. box 4 , Ilartloir- Neb. ] 3M4 A liuber thop and batli rueiu , the cldiBte tat > 'ltcd ' trade In Omiba ; will stll tcr AddiMi , A , U. ' Iko olHee. FOR BALK A restaurant ; big bargain , In a fine lo cation ; lease of building for ten months ; gotxl rado. KstEons for telling , hue other buslnonsta ttf nd to. Address S. P. , Eco office. 46011 BOARDING. loosi and board $5 per itcsk ; very b H location , L 18141'avcnportSt. 173-ecpt l p BoiRDiva Part'es ' uhhlrg bond acd room for the winter , cin rccUo tto accommodation of homo comforts with Hrp. lUrrell , aadio Intends remaining fthtre 80 Is contrary to the repoit ot her leaving the brio ! : house , S. K corner 15ili and Cass St. 244-21 PHYSICIANS. DR. WARD , room , Wltbnoll Clock , 15th and Hr- ncy. 611'tf iss U. A.DKRBr , will rocdte pupils In piano and volco at 2422 Ilarney St. Circular. ) rent on application. 2 7.fept4p . STOVE REPAIRS. Tim w. c. iisizVBR Steve 1-cpilr Co. , Ill South 14tb St , between Dodge and Douglas. MISCELLANEOUS. TIIK Great Cl irvojant can ho Been on the South- rait corner 12th and Davenport. 312-2Cp THAI ED A jcarand om-uali old blicK colt with _ ' white spot In face- and nn t no hind foot. Llbcr- il reward for any informitlon loading t > > its rocovctr U. IlcrrlDKsen , 4th an i Chestnut. 816-Zap FOR RBNT Two planes. Inquire Edbolm & Erlok- eon. t02. uAiiA BAKITART CO. Privy % aults , ehiksand ocsa- poi la cleani d any time of day in an entirely odorless ay with my Improved pump anJ pittenl harrel apparatus. A. EVANS , olllc 1208 Dodge St. Omalia , Nebraska. 939-acpt-14p i > uiVY M.UI HUUU oat iwolj cleaned in an odorless way by F. Q Abel , P. 0. Box. 378. 625 aug-28p MlDwira Mrs. 0 F.Anipacntr , jolS teavenwortb. 443auz27 ) ASTDR On Qktjorn n Platte. T. Hurray. 740. on banjo given by O E Oollon beck , at 1110 Capitol o. dSO-tf RUPTURE CURED. No rporitlou , or useless trusses Dr. M. M. Moore , 243 Wabuh a p. , Chicago. Illn. . at Omaha Wednesday ant1 Tlmrdday , Aug 28th and 27th. ALL COH- llKSPOND- ENT3 MUST ENOLO 8 El STAMP HEPLV. Seventeen yoara Exporionco. loader of Dlaoasoa of Uin mil Women. Kclcotrlc , Magnetic and Herbalist i'b > i-l Ian Novr located ftk 1210 Douglts i > t Omatia , hob. , up stairs. A correct diagnosis given without any explanation rcm the patient. Conaul'atlja free atoflicxj. / Treat the Following Diseases. Catarrh of thollial. Dlseimoa of the Kyo and Lar. Heart Dlsa o , Liver Complaint , Kidney Com- lalnt , Nervous Debility , Mental Depression , Lnsjol fanhood , Diabet > , Brlght'i Disease. Hi Vituo ) ance. Jthcumat'uin ' , Paralytic , Uhlte Svelllngi crofula , Fovcr Sores. Cancers and Tumors removu J without the knlfa , or the drawing of'a drop of oixl. Woman , with her delicate organ * , Roetored to oalth. Dropsy Cured W thout Tupping , Special ttcntlon Given ta I'dvato and Vcnero&l DlaoMOi ol I Kinds , Tape Worms Removed In two or three oura or No Pay , IlemmorihcldB or Pllsa Cured ere o Charges Made. Those who are afflicted will tave Ufa and linn * , eds ot dollars by calling on or using DU.G. n , PAXOLK'S IUbil 9odnal. ! Vot/cc ! Notice ! Notice TIIK MAGNETIC HEALKH , To all who are diseased or alWctcd , no rnattrje liow 3ng the standing ; come and Ui baaloJ , Feamilt dla. aseii where medicines have failed to glvo relief , 8)H ) > elaty ] ; oomo one , come air and bo healed by the lagnotlo healer , the only fjuo escape from anydls- ase. For examination , o r orwgoj are $1. tor each tutmont , or vtnltatloni ( Jtermj rtrlctlx casi. J H. PAGELAIl , North State St. ocomlla west ot F l < Grounds \VHOLEBALIS i Oar of Califorcu Mountain Uartlet Feari > , Peachof , I'luias , Prunes arc ! Grapes , due Mon day , August 81 , end ordon eailv as fruit is closed upon arrival ,