Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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p Tuesday Morning , August 26 (
Office . , . . . IJfrcarl St.
Delivered by carrier to nny part ol the city
' - Tot twenty cents n week.
It W. TILTON. Editor and Leaaeo.
Roller , merchant tailor , for fine goods
Now 'goods ' dalljr arriving at Occko &
Morgan's. '
- White and rctl flannels at prices novcr
t before quoted at Oocko & Morgan's.
Koollno & Felt will ehortly open npa
branch cflico of their Council Bluffs hemet
t on Fourteenth street , Omslia.
| Specially low prices In Canton lUnnols
at Oocko & Morgan's.
; D.I A. Benedict has opened np his now
' sign painting shop at No. 10 Pcarljstroat ,
ever Bushnoll's. ' I
[ [ The Knights and Ladles of Honor are I
to moot by moonlight in Falrmonnt park
ft this evening , if there is a moon.
Judge Aylesworth will probably render
hf a decision to-day In the contest ever the
chieftainship of the fire department.
The Strootnvlllo and Orescent Olty
clubs' hasp ball game Sunday was won by
a score of 32 to 12 In favor of Strootsvillo.
Officer Jack Onslck has laid off the star
and Is again n citizen. Ouslck has been
a good officer , bntono falling has at times
floored him.
Rompmbcr those DOc nnlanndrlcd shlrta
at Cocko & Morgan's.
The game of ball between the House-
Movers and Expressmen's nlnoa on
Sunday resulted In a victory for the Ex-
prca nine. Score , 3 to 2.
St. John Bros , are receiving carload
after carload of Mnacatlno Island water
melons , and are distributing them road-
_ . lly , the melons being unusually fine.
§ II. Ltddell , ono of the old residents of
Washington township , died at his homo
i there on Saturday , at the rlpo ago of 85
j * r yoara. The funeral took place yester
The best whlto shirt over sold for 50o
at Oocko & Morgan's.
A printer who left the Nonpareil about
the first of June , on a western trip , ar
rived hero again ycsterJay , and reports
his time from Portland , Oregon , hero as
tirolvo days , riding on brakorods a good pro
deal of the way , at that , and stopping whi
three days along the route. turr
Joxry Collyor , of Lay ton township , Is was >
had time with and
reported as having a lively Bat
a horao tm'of the other night. Ho was
aroused from sloop by hearing the follow bam
working at the barn , and going out ho $29.i
gave him chase , they exchanging five
afoi ,
shots. The follow got away , and Collier
found , on entering the house , that ho had mnc
two ballet holes through his clothing , but run
had luckily escaped a scratch.
The whereabouts of Joise Baldwin , the that
travelling man who Is said to bo short in had
his accounts , are not known yet , but it Is I fine
claimed that ho was seen and recognized how
working his way west on the Union howFi
Pacific road , and that in company with drun
several others was stealing a ride on the DAW >
trucks of freight trains. If so it must bo not
quite a change for the young man , who tneli
waa a good deal of a society pot. It
seems as if it must bo a case of mistaken pleat
idontity. fight
There seems a strange streak of cir
cumstances preventing the opening of the Ingi
August term of the circuit court here. with.Be
For a week past there have been dally
postponements owing to the jndgo being body ig
detained by oualness olaowhoro , and It tlnuc
was certain that the court would open Th
yesterday morning , but the Northwestern the
train on which the judge was to arrive anty
w&a detained by a wash-out , and he owns
could not got hero. Again it Is confi some
dently assorted that the circuit court will tried
bo in session .
George R. Beard Is now nicely located envoi
in his now store , No , 502 Broadway , hims
next to Officer & Pusoy'a bank , whore ho ihat
has as attractive and well stocked a wall. and
paper housa and art storeys can bo found justll
in this part of the country. The store blmi
hut been very finely decorated , and the procc
effect ai a whole Is as pleasing as It is
possible for art to make ono. Most excellent - glarl
collont taste has boon shotrn , and with Qv
10 attractive quarters , and with on established The
" You
tablished reputation and business , Beard
by IT
trill doubtless contlnno to please the pub good
lic and bolter himself. in
The Democratic Eagle made Its first least
hero last . It Is
appearance evening. a '
email but sprightly evening paper , which the
expects of courao to fill a long felt want. great
It modestly refrains from declaring who waa
is the publisher or the odltor , but It is being
of hi
understood that it is the onterprlso of been
the "Garter Harrison of the Missouri forfil
alopo , " and will be helped out by the hlstr
oblo . of Ool. case
pen. Whlttlosoy , who Is a
veteran journalist. It Is understood that
the paper Is only to bo run during the To
campaign , and that it will bo the organ follov
oftheimtl.prohlbltIonls.tB. " 'Wol ' ( ) i
Prof. Slattery , who for so long had n
charge of St. Joseph academy hero , returned Ohaec
turned yesterday from St. Louis , his oil i "
homo , where ha Is In the habit of spend West
ing his vacations. Ho will not continue Oil
with the academy hero , however , having pany
accepted a better position in Orolghton | > wa
college , In Omsha. Ho will ntlll be Sal
within easy communication with bis estate
Ooucll Bluffij friends , howoror , which it 102 P
a cansofor congtAtuhtlon. It Ia uudcr- Wo
tocd that Mr. J. B , Ooggshsll Is to take trlcltj
charge of St. Joseph academy here , and USD Ol
that hU daughter wl'l bo hla atslitant. Ooun
Henry Knemeyor , the proprietor of
( ho Coy home , the burning cf which The
via recorded In yesterday's DUE , was in pany
Fort MadUon nfc the tltno of the fire , j Jorj 1
vhltliJg his parents. Ho held insar- ( Evcrj
of § 2,000 on tha furniture , It being ] street ,
| In the Commercial Union , of London ,
Gacs ifc Gaboon being the local agents.
The building was the property of Ool ,
CocbriD , and , M bo is at Little Sioux ,
the exact insurance Is not known , but It
in pretty j fairly covered probably. There
are no new revelations concerning the
origin of the fire , and of course In the
absence | of anything else , the theory of.
Incendiarism ' Is sot np ,
The grey-haired attorney still protests
against the attentions being paid to his
daughter , and created another street
scone near the Baptist church Sunday
night. The young couple wore walking
peacefully along when the old gentleman
slipped up behind , and grabbing an um
brella from under the yonng man's arm
began belaboring him with It. There was
nl brief and lively tussle , accompanied by
feminine screams , and then the parties
scattered. It Is about time that the irate
sire learned that whore there Is a will
there is a way , and ho ought not to got
In , the way , Ho is canting a great deal
of notoriety to attach to his family mat
ters , and does not seem to bo bettering
matters thereby. I '
Stationery , the finest nnd most complete
line ever brought to the city now at
Invitations , Programs , Regrats , Calling
Cards , etc. ,
and in quantities to nult.
Also u boautifal line of
Call and BOO them. All orders filled
promptly , and the work will bo guaran
teed to cqnnl the stock.
Next ] Sunday , Auguat 23 , the saloon
keepers < are to glvo a picnic at the park
on Graham avonuo. Extoneivo prepara
tions : are being made , and good music and
other needfuls for a good time will bo
provided. All are cordially invited.
Motley Gathering of Cases in
Court ,
Yottorday morning there were two
peculiarities to the Monday morning
police court , ono being the amount of
fruit gathered In from the saloon men's I
picnic , and the number of local prisoners ,
there : not being as many non-residents as
Charles Roy or was charged with ro-
jlstlng an officer. It seems that ho had
two beer glasses at the picnic , and was are
preparing ] to defend himself with these
while the fighting was going on , but
Deputy : Marshal Bates disarmed him , and the
.urnlng on Bates he defied arrest. He tO ;
placed In the ambulance , however ,
on the way to the station ho and as
3stc3 ; had another sat-to in which Bates nest
iscd his billy. Besides getting throe thai ;
inmps on the head lloyer got fined ists
529."Well the
"Well , Judge , I guess I'll have to stay ploy
few days tilth you. " the
"All right , and perhaps if you are so npls
auch smarter than the officers you can him
the jail. " hal
"I : could rnn it as well as those follows telli
are thero. " Sum
Before the day was out though , Royor and
changed his mind , and settled his men
, rather than board it out. Ho fools the
more ways than ono about the way and
was used. advo
Frank K , Barr was charged with being be
runk , and with assaulting a man named letat
jvwson with a beer glass. He could thee
remember i anything about It , except show
ho wont to the picnic , and took powc
words for It. His bill was $14. air
Charles Leo was also at the picnic , and they
leaded guilty to disturbing the peace by llcen
ghtlng ; § 9.60. the
Will Davis , ditto. fit.To
Ladd Clark was fined $2 less , ho hav-
indulged in getting drunk merely , those
ithout . taking the extra of a fight. see
Ben Long denied that he was disturb- devil
the peace , or that he assaulted any- seem
at the picnic , His cnso was con- kottl
nued for the securing of evidence. posit
The throe men arrested for disturbing wise
peace in lower Main street , Dal-
; , Potera and Ramsey , wore dis-
larged. It seems that Ed Ford , who
several houses , did not like the way A.
of his tenants were acting , and he rink
to stop the free and easy way with Goc
hlch beer was being brought into ono of with
houses , and women and men were
waiting about , and so he took It upon Cue
imself to clear out the crowd , It seems whoa
all those throe did was to pick thorn- Ray
up when ho knocked them down , bring
that I his Indignation waa probably
istlfiablo , there being little comfort for
In appealing to the tangled tedious turnet
rocoascs of the law. Mia
Wright , who was arrested on BUS- three
of being concerned In the bur- threeMn
arizing : of the paint car of the 0. , B. & of we
was discharged for lack of evidence ,
judge gave him a parting shot G.
are 25 years old , and have not laid agent
twenty-five cents. You are not much Mn
to any community , so go , and try A.S. i
the next twenty-five years to got at ttip
twenty-five cents together. " ttipMr
Mike Stoker Mrs.
, ai predicted In yestor-
BEE , was promptly discharged from Sledei
charge of picking pockets , It was a Siedei
mistake , the follow whose pocket it R9V
claimed ho was about to empty , from
an old friend and former employe. who
his. The alleged victim , who had
acquainted Intimately with Stoker
fifteen years , laughed at the idea of cation
trying to prck hla pooket , and the at his
was i dropped. Squir
ituau. whoso
close out the old stock wo make the depsr
Ilowlng low offer on Pianos and Organs : rived
| upright piano , style 1 § 290
ri ii , t 2 345
.1 n n 3 _ 375 Note
" " " B 225
' F 250 to gay
"rquaro grand" " 250 fifth
'estern Cottage organ , " 4 50 unty
or address Mueller Mntlo Com- than
103 Mala street Council Bluffs
, , , , of the i
Substantial abstract of title and real neotlc
loans. J. W. and E. L. Squire , erclse
Pearl street. woat
Workers with metals generating elco- vast c
escaped the cholera of ' 49. Then patsoi
our eltatrle bolts. Jndd & Smith , by ev
Bluffs. Act na wanted. of Fr
Ahead a. Usual ,
Now Home Machine
Sewing com- North
gives | a free exhibition of the fines * It I
oorativo work over thotrn In the city. are bi
done on their sowing machines , great
erybody Invited , No. 34 Pearl of th
. fright ; !
The Opposition Honied to FreeU In
The Sunday plcalo given by the saloon
men of the city has called forth much
' Indignation , and many sharp criticisms
. are heard on all sides. The prohlbl <
ttonists ' and church folks are of course
Indignant , but this was to bo expected ,
but the Indignation is not confined to
these by any maanv. Some of thosa who
have favored a judicious license , and who
have advocated the proper regulation of
saloons ore among these who are disgusted
with the way the saloon men are con
ducting themselves and their baslnoes.
Some of the saloon men themselves can *
not endorse the policy being pursued by
the majority , and realize that it is need
lessly arousing much opposition to the
The saloon men made a very foolish
move by tholr holding of a picnic in the
city on Snnd&y. The affair would have
created enough opposition had it boon
an orderly and quiet ono , but the effect
has been increased by the drunkenness
and [ dlsordorllncts which characterized
the actions of many who wcro in attend
ance. The saloon men are situated pe
culiarly ! ( n this city at the present time.
With a prohibitory law hanging ever
their heads , and with many urging that
their places bo shut ap tight , In compli
ance with this law , they are only permit
ted to run on account of the sentiment
of many who claim that a prohibitory
law Is Impracticable , and that it Is bettor
to have the saloons rnn under polled
regulation. The business just now needs
all the friends It can got , and yet the men
who are in the business scorn to forgot
this fact , and to conceive the idea that
they can do as they please in all respect ? .
By thus doing they are pursuing a suici
dal policy , to cay the least. They aio
furnishing tholr prohibitionist opponents
with proofs that the business cannot be
regulated , and that the high license men
are mistaken in claiming that it can bo
thus regulated.
The giving cf the Sunday picnic , and
Bnnh a picnic as this proved to bo , was
virtually a nlap in the face to a largo portion
tloi of the community , and a defiant
declaration that no regard is felt for these
nhohavo honest scruples against such
doings. This has aroused afresh the
fooling of opposition , and needlessly so ,
and the saloon men can blame none but
themselves. The picnic perhaps would
not of itself have caused so much Indignant
talk , had It not been one of a series of
events , all of the came character. The
attempt of the police to got the saloon
mon to close at a rbasonablo hour at night ,
and to keep closed on Sundays has been a
failure , and it seems that there is not a
single police regulation whlcn tko saloon
men will unanimously abide by. There
a few who want to run the business
quietly and orderly , but there are so in
many who Insist on doing in all things as
they ; please , that the whole business has
suffer aliko.
Such utter disregard for law and order
ii shown by some of these In the bust- ed
is doing more cgalcot the traffic
all that the out and out prohibition-
can do. When saloons throw open
heir ! front doors and have brass bands
riaylng on Sunday night , and then defy
police to stop the hilarity ; when a
lolsy bartender with a noloy crowd about
receives warning from the city mar-
to keep more qulot , and responds by
elllng the officer to go to eheol ; when
Sunday picnics are given , and fighting
bolaterouaness prevail , the saloon
must expect that the opposition tn
business will got more followers
ndAfresh vigor. While license men ore
dvdcating tne idea that the business can
regulated , and while the prohibition- ?
are denying that it can bo regulated ,
saloon mon are seemingly trying to
that the bnalnets is beyond the
ewer of regulation , and they put on an
of defiance , at the very time when
are being aliened to run under a
cento ordinance , which Is an evasion of
state law , and created for their bane-
To the credit of the brains of some of
In the businoaa it is true that they
and feel the foolishness of this sort of
ovil-may-caro policy , but still there
enough of the others to keep the
stirred , and to drive into the op-
Dsltlon camp many who would other-
bo more friendly to them.
F. : Schanck , Into manager of the roller
is : in the city. Ban
George Wooliver , tha contractor , is very ill
malarial ) fover.
Lotts is the happy father of a little ono
arrived in town yesterday.
Blxby has returned from Spirit Lake ,
Inging ! a fine stepper with him , rder
Misses Anna and Clara Squire have ro- oed
from a visit to Spirit Lake ,
Nettle Roblnion has returned from a
weeks' trip through Colorado.
. George P. Moore ban gene for a couple
weeka < rncroation at Spirit Lake ,
N. ] Clayton , the northwestern passenger
of the Wabish , was hero yesterday. WHO
. 0 , P. Shepard and her mother , Mrs ,
Hunt , have returned from a two weeks |
through < Nebraska ,
. EUz * Barhap , mother-in-law of Aid
adeatopf , expects to start to-day with Mr. . .
edentopf'd son , for a western trip , 114-
. Joseph Knotta returned yesterday
Mexico , accompanied by Mr. Dunn , |
also has Urge mining interests there.
] } , Aitchinson has returned from bis vft-
spent at Spirit Lake and Is now buay
old place with J. W. and 35. L.
. J. A. Laselle , of Now York City , | ftE
hatband bo taken charge of the cloak initial
partment ofJKIeeman Kodda & Co'a , ai tutloti
hero from the uetwcc
east yesteiday , Is also
East , ,
Ho-unluu at Windsor. Vf. | lilts The
more beautiful grounds , wo venture Ouarar ;
could have baen chosen I T
, for tbo j > ' [ | *
annual ro-nnlon of the Windsor r > rrcct
veterans of the war for the union and thi
the shady and tills reUnion
grove ample meadows Union '
Hon. Horace Everett just east of luiurle : The
village and on the banks of the Gon- Peorla. fhUon
ctlcut river , The stand where the ex- Istored
were hold was erected just south Corn , . ll
of i the Everett houie , among the eaten. are also
elms and maples that shade it. A Thi
crowd attended a happy Is the
, day was Mlnnen
, and when the day closed it was by In "
every soldier joining in the battle cry Trains '
Freedom. < Vermont Journal. orti ' .l , p
niandoriou'd Cattle Scheme. . , Btl11
kaUe ,
PJatte Telegraph. atioIU i
Is astonishing ; what strange things lor
brooded In the minds of men , even of Olltcea
mon , Senator Mandercon has ono drexln
R. R.
these wonderful schemes , If he Is Vttft
reported by a BEE Interviewer.
BI of the differences between the
ns administration nnd the ttook-
men , ho Is reported thus :
" 'Ho wai of the opinion that national leaiu
lal 1 Ion ouqht to allow tha lands of each wcil-
orn : state and territory to He under supervision
of A commission which should determine the
lands ! which were fit for settling up , and
throw them open for immigration , Those
| lands ' ' not immediately available for arable
purposes oiuld be used for ranch purposes on
such terms that the Icasa could ba cancelled
on in months' notice.
Ineffeot : The settler Is notacnpiblo
judge of the quality of the land ho nooks
to make his homo upon ; ho has passed
his life , BO far , In agricultural pmsulls ,
but Is to abide the
by decision of n gov
ernment commission as to irhcro ho may
settle and where ho shall neil Does
Senator Mandorson suppose that any
would-bo Bottler will bo aldod or in any
way bonefitted by the rullnga of such n
commission 1 It is easy to see how the
homo-sookor can bo hindered by it ; and
how unanimously Iho Btockmon would
favor the creation of n commission with
such powers as Senator Mandorson OUK-
The New York
552 Broadwav ;
Council Bluffs , Iowa
110 and PRIVATE
TILATION design- If ?
ed and constructed.
ii all its branches.
iiT r.
Tliis : conroanv have
one of thebest assort
ed stocks oi plumb
ing goods in tiie west.
Estimates mrnisli-
. BirMnbine ;
ielei > hone No.
Waves ,
Switches , Etc.
And C ltt nf. .
laiigs Cut Pompadour , Langtry or
other styles.
All kinds of Hair Goo Is made to
ab the old staud of Mrs. J. J.
, who is now
Sirs C7/JC. Gillette.
29 Ma 'n St. Council Bluffs. On
% * * ° > iif - r ( S
cT "V °
runfos lEJtliM | f > s
-vftTlrf l <
. - . . . - _ . . . , liat syet in of thfouVli'trV tr"or- l
wh c i Invites and facllluten tnwland .illlo WART.
cities of the Atlantic end I'wlflo Cons i It
the favorite and best route to and from points
N".rtll"St s"d Boulheast , ana comsuoi.aifll 0:25 1
Went , NortlmcBt and Southwest. * 12io : r
, Croat Rock Island Route 6BO e
JIiirAith.pltroWitlit en ? of personal ceca
iSSSlh ' ,"dl horoU8hly lialUdcd rnad- o5 S A
ilJilnJ'1MrjS ! ? ot and jontlnuous undtres , rolling nfeel rail stock eul as i tan- ear T.IS I A
on a human km , can maieVt , the"arety 6 SO r
lpl no which the
: " " 020 ; ) A
uii ! .K Tffl1'ft " ' " " conbVcUnr"iToIni ) la 6,25 ! r
'i3..HfftJ'pf.nlJ tl' ° ' . " " .urpaised tomrorts and
of Its 1 avenger t. < jul | > mcnt ,
Fast Finre t Trains -
iM-twetn Chlcairo and
. Cuuntll Ululfs , Kansas City. liavenworth nnd 845 S A
are conjio | ed or well rtntllated , finely ' un. 0.80 > r
Day Cowhes Maifnlflcent fullmairi'aUet 6.15 i r
epersof the latest design , ntl sumptuous Dining
which elaborately cooked mnals are lel uit-lr
/tetweenChlcaBo and Kansas city and Atcl.l.mi .
S:1B : r
run the Celebrated .
HucUnlog CnaU Cars.
. Xru )
Famous Albert Lee Route riK
direct i and favorite Kne between Chicago and
ineapollsandHt I'aul , where connw tlonsar made 10:10 : [ A
1h"1.IJn ? ? J < " ' "J ! polnt. " ln " ' " Territories nU .
| 8.05
" ° r
.l rovlncf" vur u' , ' rout * "t J-ipress
> " to the
r ' watering places , suminir re-
picturesque localities , and liuntloe and ilshlnK
_ ' il t o . It Is also tbo most 7:20 I A 1
'inferior Dakota" " " " ' " * 1 < U 7:89 : I r
auotlier IJlltEOT tINE , Tla Beneca and Kan.
has keen opened between .
Clnrlnnatl. Indian-
and LafaretVe , and Couacl llutr ! , KanVai City , - U:00 : A
ineapolls and 81 Paul aad Interincdlate polnu 1:05 T
detailed . Inforinatiua tea tla | > s and folders , T.65 r well ai tickets , at all principal Ticket
lu tbo Uultea BUtss and Caoadai cr by a *
CADLE , E. ST. JOHM , 11:40 :
& Oca'l M'gT , Oeo'l T'kt 4 fan. Aet , U'ts i
-11:16 :
KOTICS. UpeelM rerllMmen no M t > 3tl
ronod , To Lo n , Fet Bile , To Iton Wants , Hoard *
leg , ( le. ( will b * Inserted In Ihll colnmn at Ibe Ion
ra | of TEN CENTO PER LINK foi tha first Insertion
un ) FIFE CENTS PKR LINK for neb labtcquen ) Ia <
ertlon. Ltaroadrertliemenli ! ont offioi , Ho. 12
Foatl BtrOJt near liiosdwar
OR SALS IlntiBca , lots and land. A , J. Stophcn-
eon , COS First Avenue , Council niuffs.
rxTAxntD-altl far cone' * ! houiotrcrk ; apiily t
Council V T CA. niufls J. Crlt tendon a rosldcnco , telojihona No.,55 ,
WANTED uood convnsoof for city work : R0a < l pay
to right mm , Knqulro at 323 Broaliray. J.
A. Powers , manager.
n > OR RRVT A tlv room house , ten mlnntoi w Tk
"nt ' y WUr > WeU and Clllorn' For
FOR HUNT No. 1BO Harrison Mreet , thrco room' .
1CJtAMON ! * t'0.
4 Pearl ttrtot.
fj O'l ' 9ALK An clcRnnt Wlpoondn eummct retort ,
JD 2EO acres , ICO tillable , railway station and etora-
boat anilln ; ; Irano homo for homestead ; payllllOD ,
wine ccllats , rcctaurant , lea house , tenement house ,
four cottcRC ? . burn , 800 fruit trees,3 acics prnprfl ,
cow , horses , 13 boats , cto A flno resort , SCO ieot
nbo > Wl'condn r.\cr , nml 120 feet abe > o narahoo
It nil imy $5,000iicar , AJdtcsj W. & B. , BBS
office , Council IluiT&
WANTED UnorKCtla r > > tty with Binill capital to
take charge of Imlncs.i la lli'a o'tv ' , for a
first-class caaton mnnulncturln ? oomimiij ; trade
already cstibllthed ; business could ho manigod with
some other liar. Addrosl nltb ful particulars ,
Gon'l Ast , Odgen bouioclty
A MAN ot oipotlcnco wants to purchase an Inter'
cat tn a paying hardware bus'ncss. Address
A , B. , B , ofllco , Council lllullj. ;
NO. 63 For sale or rent , on very liberal terms.
The Couii-Il Bluffs Paper Mill , complete , with
the largo boarding house and thrco acres of ground.
No. 20Alba IntBsJtircpetty lu Cherokee , Cncrokca
ccuntv , lows , will tiailo for western lanap. Value
about $ ICOO.
Mo. CD A bcuitltnl homo In the town of Hail Ings ,
Mills ! count } , lena , for Nebraska laud. Value , { 3,600.
Mo. 41 A ( 'ocd business property and also RooJ
rcsldonco ! property In the tonnof Chcnvo , MoLoin
county , III , low down f sr cisa or will excuange lor
western lands.
K 179 A splendid farm , well Improved ) 610 acres
In Dickinson county , Iowa , joining the town oi Spirit
LstN . Price , for n short time , 935 per acre.
No 184 to 137 Are four ImprorcJ farms In Phillips
county , Kansas , c c1 with a small Incumbranco
The ociultas will bo exchanged for ualncumbcrcd
Mile landln Nebraska.
No. 1 3 480 ncrco In Holt county , Neb , , parti }
Improved , at a big bargain flouts to exchange far
netN . E4 A flno two story brick rieUonco , ono ot
the belt locations In Council limits , will trade for
zaod unlncumbercd KansuorNobrasga lands. Va'uo
'f ' 100.
No , 66 auil 11 Are two other beautiful hcmce In
Council Bluffs , which cash payment will buy at a
brri'N '
No. , 9 A baautltul Biiburbin location In lena
citv , Iowa , will exchange for westera buds , Value
Tbo ' above are only a few of our special targalns.
V OU'AO git anything to trade I or eoll , or wantto
sell au > real estate or merchandise , write ui Wo
* ! good stocks of ( roods to trade for lands ,
Council liluds , Iowa.
. H , Onourr , S , 0 ? . FKCNOH ,
Jurtains ,
Window Shades ,
il Cloths ,
Sffattings ,
.lugs ,
/Store Shades
ItJCade to Order.
short notice. Write for nrices
and Samnles.
He. 607 Brosdrrsj Oounoll Blnffis.
lollowlng ate the timed of tha ar'lval and do-
ol trains by oentral Bt&ndarA time , xl the
jJdspota. Trains leave transfer repot tin tola-
earlier aud arrive ten ralautoa Ii ter. By M
. ARBITI. Presbj
enoAox ) and HOBTUwvnaJf.
u Mall and ipreei B:5or : M Ing ton
11 Accommodation i 60 r
u Eiproea 8.05 A M
U : Mall and Eirtcsn fl 53 r tl
tl l AoooinmodiUou 5. IS F u
tl i Eijuctu 1 9.00 A u
u ! Mall and ExpreM 0 60 r u
tl i Kxprcet D.05 A u CHRO ]
emoAoo , JCBUKdros AKD qunor.
n 1 Uall And Express 7:10 : r u ,
11 P
, < a >
u Accommodation 2.00 r M
M i Eiprcus B.60 A u
H Local St. Louts Bxnresa Local
Transfer " * ' Tramfur 8.20m
II Mall and Express 7:25 p ii
u Express 0.15 A 11
BOUX cm AMD rAoiric
H MM ! for Sioux City fl.t.0 r 11
tl Express lor fcft l'ul B.25 A II
CHIOS FAcmc. ,
u Denver Kxpreea 4:85 : r u
H IJucoln I'ita Om & B V S86 ru
tl Overland Kjprtua 8.80 A U
'Council Bluff a B -7:65-t.80-iOSO- : -
. . . . . UHANCI
V in. 1.30-2.SO-8.JO-4 28-6.S6-fl.25
p , m. Leave Omaha fl.25 7:25 : t:6C : 10
M ' " ' 00
a. m.
Standard Typewriter
At the Now Orleans Exposition.
1 , The Jury of award ) critically examined
writing machine ! , and decided by a
thirds vole to glto the highest award to the ItuuNarov.
i The decision tl Jury WMIgnoied bythe committee of atmd , and other Jurors * erea3da
constllutln new ury.
S , Thli second jury ilfo critically examined the various wrltlrp machines , and made the award ot a
first cliss gold modal , the hlehoit award , to the RxuivaroN Standard T/p Writer , ( or "simplicity , dura-
bllltj. ciso ol manipulation and speed. "
i , Toe ti port of thU Jarjwas made '
was , de'lrcrol to and receipted for by the oommltteo ol wrJi on
May SO.
E. Tlie members of thli Jury were n vcr discharged.
0. No ether Jury examined the nsMWoros Standard Typo-Writer at New Orleans.
7. Iho tlgnerg of tb.i award tire honorable and well known gentle-men. Their alJrosRoa are Cha
A. llor gari , Keq , touthoin manager of R. 0. Dunn & Co , Now Oilcans , La. ; Ex-Governor Frank B 03
V. B. commissioner of Katitas , and presldcntof the U , S. board of commttulonora , Chtnuto , KM ; flea A.
Beaten , Etq , stenographer tud secretary of tbo boat J of U. S. commliisoncri , Columbui , Ohio.
8. The affidavUBcf Ihfeogentlemensnd thohljtory ol tha contest , which wo are preparing
pamphlet form , \\e will be pleased to furnish o" application.
The following la the report :
The World's Induitrlil and Cotton CcntcBnlalExpcsltlonNowOjloani Jury report. Applloatlo
No. 815 ; group 6 ; clars Bit Comjietltlon.
The undersigned Jurors In the abo\o entitled class , haIng caicfnlly oxamlnod the exhibit made
F. Itomln ton AScnslicn ! , N w YorV , and nil cctnrcllrig exhibit * , concur lu recommending the a
epeed. of n first cbtsrncd the Standard Tjpo-Wrltcr , for ilropliolty.durabJIty , case of ma lpnlatlon a
at i d t 0th day of May , 1865. OKO. BEATON , )
OKAS. A. MOItQAN , V Jurors ;
Fit AN K BACON , )
VIKOF ,3 ASIANS ft BENEDICT , BSD Broadway , New Yoik.
Chicago Office , S3 Madison St.
O. H. SHOLES , Agent ,
Council DIuflfc. Iowa
Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned , Dyed and Hepaired , Ladies' Dresses Cleaned nnd Dyed
without rlppicp. riunita Olennod , or Colored any Shade , to Sample. Silks , Vehots , and
Cleaned , Dyed nnd Kofiniabcd , Lace Curtains
Bluffs ' neatly ; 29 Alain St. , Council
, opposite 1'ost office ,
F. Jg. JPAWON , Manager.
_ _
Regular Dinner 11:30 : to 1:30 , 25 cento.
605 Broadway , - - Gounoil Bluffs.
The only nil night LOUEO in tbo city.
Evcrylhicp ; served in first CMI Btylonnd ou alior
notice , Ho t nnd cold lunches always ready.
Employ no traveling agents , thus saving' their ° * Penies to customers ,
Agent for Para Knbber Company. Write for pnces ,
IQ H"nQrliArQu tPniinpi ! PUnicifo
4-iu a
orudUWdy. yOUnCII OsUi IS3
Brick buildings of nny kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed , Frame bout
tied on Little Giant tracks , the best in the world.
1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluflt
Moreno & Landstrom ,
. .
Suits to order In latest styles at cheapest possible fprices ,
No. 205 Main .Council Bluff
Sealers in PIANOS
all kinds ol musical Instruments Pianos tnd orrrans eoln on the Installment plan. Musical nstru *
icntsof ery description tuned and repaired. Having o er 14 jearaexpotlencoln the buslnosa wo fee
mfldcnt of giving the best of eatlaltctlon. Ilemcirbcr U c place Sign of the gilt organ
Keep Hornea end Mules constantly on hand
we trill eoll In retail or carload lota
AH Stock Warranted as Rcuresentcii
holesalo and retail dealers In Grain and Baled Hay , Prices rea
sonable dctlefaction Guaranteed.
Got. 5th Ay. and 4th St. , Council BlufTa.
Sfffice & Pusev
'ounoll Bluffs , Iowa.
'stablished , - 1865
Piano and Organ ,
lies Fannto Weslcott , Organist ; at the
lyterian church. Residence COB tYasli-
B. Eice M. D.
or other tumnts rcniovoJ without the
kolfoor draw Ing of blood ,
NIC 'DISEASES , ° IM Una w" y
thirty 3 cara pnrtlea laxpeilence. CSIco u
'Uticot , Council I31uffa
lonsultatlon lite.
Genera ) Agent at targe
Life and Annuity Ins.Co
WKSTEUN Deror , 22
100 Main t. , Council
Ho till Doot ftiidShoo etora where big bargains can
always be found.
'tipR ' nf the
jlibs 01 llio l
orncn OTca AMKHIOAXT nrrnaat
In Council Illuffa having
Aud all modern improvement * , call bells , Gra
alarm bells , etc. , is the
NOB. 215 , 217 end 21 0 , Alain Street.
JTA.C0X * &IM8 ,
w u M