1 SIHB DAILY BEE-TUES DAT ; AUGUST 25 , 1885- THE DAILY BEE. CKMJA OmcKNo. OU AND DIG FAHXAM ST. NEW YORK Oi rice , Jtooa CO TniBcm : Buiu > - i.sa. fuVUlinl every mornlnp , ereept Sumhy. Th cnlMono * / morning d ily published In th slate. One Tcir . JI0.01 1 TlircoMonlhi , . . . $ 2 t ( Six Month ? . 6 09 | One Month . 1.00 The Weekly Bee , Published every Wednesday truMS rosmiu. One Year , with premium . * J M One re r , without premium . . . jj BiKMnnth , without Jircmmm . } ; One Month , in trial . . . 10 AU Communication * relating to Ncns&ncl Editorial Inalters should ba addressed to the hoirott o ? m * His. H7SI1KM MTTMSi All Bmlnesi Utters find llemltUnce * thould be vldrojBo 1 to TIIK Bui ! I'untwiiixB CovrAXT , OMAIU. . ) r ft , Chetki and Pant olfico orders to bo made pay. .ible to the order of the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING GO , , Prm ] : . IlOSliWATHIl , Kniroit. A. n. Vitcli , Manager Daily Circulation , Qmslia , Nebraska. TDBUK la a strong probability of OVCP- jirodoctian in the monument business. IT li about tlmo to have another round up of tha members of the board o ( trade The organization la not dead ; It la only nsloop. _ is , j ? POSSESSION is nlno points of the law. This explains the Sunday track-laying by the B. & M. on the bottoms. There's nothing llko strategy. JACK FIIOST has nlppod the Mlnnesot Bummer resorts In iho bad. The torn poraturo is below 30 degrees , nnd th gucsla arc taking the Crat trains for home IT la sild that Gladstone , who la ro ouporating la Norway , la recovering MB volco. If that la the case It la liable to bo hoard throughout the land of the Briton once more. | | > * PRAIIUE chicken am said to bo getting ratbor wild in tbs central parts of St. Paul , JJinntapolit Tnbunt , The grammamn of the MInnoapoll Tribune "are" evidently wilder than "lhat prairie ohlokoas. " LATE advices by the underground wire from Atbsr Ldgo ara to the oilaat tha J. Sterling Morton hai been summoned to the Atllcondaoks by Grover Cleveland If Mr. Moitou pu'a the right kind o bait oil lib hook ho may catch on. IT Istnnoancsd that the Chicago Cur rent lj about to suspend publication This ia another evidence that Chicago doca not appreciate literary talent. I baa more USD for hoga than it has for lit- cn.uuo. Tun "Etruria , " which his baen named the Maud 8. of tha ocean by the New York Herald , haa just lowered her recen record , which waa the beat over made She reached Now York on Saturday , hav Ing crossed the Atlantic In six days am two houra. This la railroad apeod. WOLSKLEY emphatically siys that nc reward waa over offered by the Brltlal for the head of Olivier Pain , and thane no British officer in the Soudan wonli have given five shillings for Paln'n ' head on er off his shoulders , The eonaationa Roohcfort oan put that In his pipe am Bmoko it. TUB town of Papllllon la looming up ai a railway oonter. It has been taken Inti an Important railway combination , thi "Omaha , Oouacil Blnfh and Papllllon pool. " It will aoon ba netting Itself u ] as a rival to Omaha. Thla city mna watch with a vigilant eye the encroach moats of Paplllion. It la only a question of time , however , when it will bo incor porated in the city limits of Omaha. Inn democrats of Iowa have virtual ! ] declared In favor of license. Thol platform urges the adoption of a llconsi law la place of a prohibitory law , making the liquor license § 200 , with the option of Increasing It to $1,000. Thi ] wll hardly provo satisfactory to the people o lowe , the majority of whom , if prohlbl tlon ii shelved , want high license , thi ' , same aa In Nebraska , where the HCODBI In oltlca over 10,000 population la § 1,000 a year. The probability H that the re publicans of Iowa will declare In favor o anch a high licenao. SUKVEYOU-QENEIUL GARDNER Is a man of eobrlety and integrity , but hla r a core as a bourbon doss not ooruo up to the standard of the wonld-bo demoorati boas. Ilonoo the spltoful attaoka of Dr. Mtllor upon Mr. Gardner. Those as saults are In atrango contrast with the Herald's silonca in regard to Postmaster Morgan , of Kearney , who la charged with Incompotonoy , habitual drinking , n short' ' ago In his accounts , and the appointment o : rascally deputy , who has skipped after having stolen fifteen roglsterad letters Mr. Morgan must ba a model office holder , The Herald's alienee cannot bo accounted for In any other way. LADIES and nervous persona who ore frightened during a 1'ghtclng ' storm might perhaps diminish their timidity it they would only calculate the ohancea of a person being struck by lightning. : > , During a recent storm In Philadelphia a city containing 000,000 people there wore three peraona struck lightning , one being killed. The chances of death by lightning during that storm in Phila delphia were 000,000 to ono that a porton would not bo killed , and 300,000 to ono that a person wonld cot oven ba Injured. Statistics of eleotrloil storms compiled for nuny yosaj In l < Vanio hi'loit3 ] tlm1. the chano < o ! ! u- jury U much less oven than this about 1,200,000 to ono during the hit Gfly yean. A wayfarer on ths ttraota stands in far creator danger of being run over by n pisulng vehicle than of bolng injured .durlog the fiercest flashing ! of lightning , j THE OMAHA. EXPOSITION , The Indications are that the Omaha exposition position , to be hold September 4th to lllh Inclusive , will not only bo a Riant ] success in every particular , but that it will bo the biggest fair over hold In Ne braska. All the arrangements for ac commodatlng the exhibitors , OB well as the imtvenso crowds that will b3 In at * tendance , have been perfected , and the grounds are now in splendid condition , There will bo a very largo attendance from all sections of the state , and also from Western Iowa where there ii no largo fair to bo held this year. Reduced rates faavo been secured , not only upon all Nebraska roads , but also upon Iowa roads , a thing never boforooocompHshoJ. The entries up to date are great deal larger than they have over boon at this time at state fairs , two weeks before the opening. The amount of money ottered In premiums la double the sum over given at any Nebraska state fair , and there will bo no scaling. Every premium will bo paid in full. The tota" amount of money for cash prizes Is $22 , 880 , of the sum of 810,000 Is for speed purposes. The races will bo a great fca turo of the exposition , Borne of .tho bos horses having been secured. The entric of cattle , hogs , implements , machinery etc. , are very numerous , and every department partmont will bo very oomploto. In ad dltlon to other features of the amusement mont programme there will bo a balloon atcanslon aa tbreo days of the exposition and also a dlsplsy of .fireworks. No fal haa over offered so miny attractlona a the Oainha exposition. THAT NORTHERN ROAD. Omaha needs and must have a railroai of her own to northern and northwestern Nebraska. That la the only solution o the railway problem with reference t the northern half of the state. So long aa wo are without auch a railroad wo shal bo at the mercy of the Chicago & North western and Its Nebraska allies , which will contlnuo to discriminate ogalnat u and turn a deaf ear to all camplalnta Such a railroad aa wo have suggested i the key to the situation. It should bo built and controlled by Omaha capitalists but If that can't bo done wo would urge a3 the next best thing , that res sonablo assistance bo given to any railroad com pany that will construct and operate the line In the Interest of Omaha , which must bo the terminus. The people of Northwestern iTsbraska who are compelled by reason of the un just discriminations against Omaha to ship tholr live stock and other products to Chicago and to purchase tholr gooda In that city , are really In sympathy with Omaha , and would send their shipment to this market if they had a direct rail road communication. They want the proposed road as much as Omaha does Aa an evidence of the deslro of the pco pie of Northern Nebraska to secure the building of this road wo publish the fol lowing letter , which spcaka foritaelf : NIOBBUIA , Neb , August 20,1885. J. A. CnBiOHio.v , Eq. , Omaha : Star Sir Our people are very desirous o getting a direct Hue to Omaha. At a recent public meeting here the universal feeling was that a bonus in the Bhapo of bonds , light o way , depot grounds , &c , could bo had in this county for such a lino. At such meeting the undersigned were appointed a committee to correspond with your people in regard to th matter. Knowing that yon are Interested in the progress and welfare of Omaha as welt as that of Northern Nebraska , wctako the liber ty of addresting you. Will you kindly eeo yonr people who would interest themselves In auch a project and advise. AVouldn'fc It ad- vancp the Interests of the B , & M. and stiik a blow at the Northwestern ? Respectfully , T. F. POWERS , ) 8. DitAi'KH , J-Committee. J.W. PERKINS , J The eamo feeling , as expressed lu this letter , exists throughout northern Ne braska. If the proposed road la started at an early day there will bo no trouble In securing tha right-of-way , together with substantial aid from the various towns nnd counties through which the line will run. The BEE Is opposed on general principles to the voting of bonds to rail frays , as tha people have been swindled too often In this way , but wo bavo reason to believe that the voting c : a reasonable amount of bonds for this Omaha and northern Nebraska enterprise would provo a profitable in vestment to all the counties , Including Douglas o ; course , through which the line will bo built. Bub the projectors , whoever - over they may bo , must glvo oyldonca oi good faith and convince the people thai the road Is to ba pushed to a rapid comple tion when it ii once started. It mutt be no stock-jobbing affitr , gotten up merely for the purpoio of securing a lot of bonds and then selling out. Ic must bo a bona fide business enterprise. When thn people plo are convinced that the projectors mean business they will no doubt render aid to a reasonable extent. The importance of the enterprise can not bo overestimated. Now Is the time to agitate the matter , and take advantage of the present and Ppresiing demand for auch a railroad , Wo would suggest that a mooting of the loading business men and capitalists , together with the board of trade , bo held at once to fully dlicuis tbo project. Lot there bo no delay , SKORETAUY KNDIOOTT'S order No , 85 , which ordered officers on detached duty o return to their regiments , la not likely after all to bo a ) much of a "roiurreotlon o ! the trmy" aa waa predicted. The rltlcal eye has discovered a loop-holo In ho ordor. It la the following proviso ; 'Unless assigned to special duty by the far department. " Already an assign- lent hai been made by virtue of this rovlio , the favored officer beln Lieut , jynuu , of the Fifth infantry , Ho has uot teen his company or regiment for nlno years , Daring that long period ho has beoa on detached daty and basking In the Bunahlno of Washington society. Instead of tearing him away from his Washington friendships and asioclfttlons and sending him to the frontier of the rowdy west , Secretary Endlcott has kindly assigned him to daty In the office of the publication of the re bellion records , for the work upon which ho hss no special qualifications , This favoritism oan only bo accounted for by the fact that Lieutenant Lyra on la an Intimate friend of Secretary Eadlcott , and a brother-ia-law of Senator Ed munds. This is reform and "rosurroo- tlon" of the army with a vengeance , Indeed , It will bo oomo tlmo before Secretary Endlcolt will boar the end ol the criticisms that will ba made upon his partiality in this instance , CANALS AND RIVERS , The recent Now York canal conference which recently mot at Utlca , waa ono of the most Important conventions over held in that sUto , The delegate * were nearly all influontla men , and the result of their deliberations liberations will no doubt provo boncficln to the canal lyatom of that state , which haa became an Important factor in the transportation problem of the country a largo. That the canals are of the groat- ojt importance aa regulatora of frolgh was the unanlmoua sentiment of the con vontlon , and the general feeling wa in favor of tholr immediate- improve mcnt. It waa virtually decided not to look to congrotu for aid , bat to cove the expense of the contemplated Improve ments by atato appropriations. Both po lltical parties in the coming etato cam paign will no doubt ondorao the sctiou o the canal convention , and with such an endorsement the next legislature ough to have no hesitancy In making llbora appropriations. What the canals are Now York the Mississippi and the Mis souri and their navigable tributaries ante to the northwest , and tholr Improvomon Is urged by the people of the great grain producing regions of the Mississippi am Missouri valleys. Prom the nature o the water routes of the northwest womui look to congress for the money to pay the expense cf , improvement This Is the object of the northwestern waterways convention to bo held at St. Paul next month. That convention , which will ba largely attended by dele gates from Minnesota , Iowa , Illinois ; Missouri , Kansas , Nebraska , Dakota am Montana , will thoroughly dlscnts the subject joct and formulate a petition to congress which cannot very consistently Ignore the claims and demands of the states and tonitoiies that produce the groa bulk of the grain and live stock of this country. SOMEBODY has taken the trouble o counting up the executions , legal and Il legal , which have occurred in this conn try la the first six months of the cuiran year , and comparing them with the fig ures of 188-1. It appears that in 1881 there were 193 lynchlngs , on Increase o nearly a hundred over 1883. Bat In hai of 1885 the number was 99 , of which 75 were in the southern states and 24 in the north. Texas has nearly a third of th whole numbar. In the northern states cast of the Mleahslppl there were bu three Instances in which a mob "took thi law Into their own bauds , " anc all of lho 0 in Obio. The popu lar fooling about horso-stcallng in tome parts of the country is shown by th fact that that ciimo ranks next to mur der is a provocative to mob violence. On the other hand , there haa been a market decrease of legal executions , only forty two persons having been hang by the sheriff in the above six monthr , against a total of 123 hat yew. The proposal o oomo philanthropists to put an end to capital punishment sounds fanny in view of the jxolblt of public feeling on the question. The oxlstenco of that penalty and the belief In an adequate enforce- forcomont of the law probably aaves as many lives from mob violence aa are taken In duo course of the law. ' IT la a little singular , but nevcrthsles true , that the "rasoala" that are being discovered just now are mostly among the recent democratia appolntoaa. Turn the rascals out. TUB rumor that Dan Manning pro poses to resign from the cabinet Is again revived. Posilbly Daniel wants to ran for the governorship of New York. I TIIEIIE are too many qaaok doctors in Omaha. If there la any law for the pun lahmont of the frauds , they ought to bo glvon a liberal doso. THE English Wolff is at the door of the sultan of Turkey , and the Ruislan Bear is keeping his weather eye on his movements. IT la rumored that Cleveland will soon visit Ohio. la ho going fishing for votes for Hoadly ? SEPTEMBER MAGAZINES. JIarpir'i presents an unusually interesting table of contents for September. Perhaps tbe neat attractlvo article it certainly it in Ulna- rations is that upon Antonio Louts Barye he famous French artist and animal sculptor. Charlea Dudley Warner'a "Impressions of the South , " is a timely paper , and will attract wide attention Gen. Porter's Grant reinin- icencea will no doubt bo road with Interest. "Grant1 * memorial ; what shall It b ? ? " is liicueeed in tha North American JUvicto by a ympoeium of tculptora , palate , architects , and art crltiw , "Shall our national banking yitotn be abolished ? " ia diicuajod. from vari- U8 standpoints , "Keminlacancea of 1'nmous Arnerlcani , " by Mr. French , ex-sargeant f uruij of the United Statoa aanate , vhllo Interesting in many re- I > ecti , ia open to criticism In several partic ulars , Mr. French ia considerably of a "gush- t" ia relating his auocJotea , and he I ) alto ia uuratoin aomo of his utatementa , Ho la writing a book of hla reminiscenccr , but wo qnfstion tha statement which haa been made that "if it equals this forcstallmont of the Rt- w , It will be ono of the mo fit famous wet ! of modern lilurnturo. " That Is predicting al ogethor too ranch for Mr. French's forthcom ing book , if his article In the Hcricw u to b nkcn aa a criterion of his ttyle. The Quirer for September cornea well fil'.ei with cliolco reading for Sunday as well as fo week day. For weekdays ihoro is an unusua amount of fiction , Iho continuation of tha In foresting serials , betidea a number of nhorto serials and poetry , There are plenty of illui trntions , and take it for all In all , the ntimbtr is exceptionally attractive , "Tho rotations of railway managers and em ployes" In the September Popular Scitnc MonlMy deserves a careful reading. "Slborl and tha Exiles" is nn article possessing many Interesting features. Anything about Siberi is generally interesting , "How spilling dam ages the mind" is nu Ingenious paper , the con elusions ol which may cxcito aomo little dis cussion and differouco of opinion. There ara various other instructive papora , Tha num bar Is unusually rich in valuable matter. Castttt't Family May mint oamos la-Ion - will the usual amount of popular road in ; , anc the draughtsmen and oogrnver ha\o con tributad their skill to render it attractive The papers describing ' ' 1'ho Postmen the World" are continued and are Tory enter taining reading , and tbe Illustrations ar very amusing. General Grant's article on "Vlcksburg" Is t appear m the September Century , George V Cable's reply to thocritlcaof the "Frcodmen1 Cftao in Equity , " will also appear andor th title "Tho Silent South. " Mr. Alma Tadoma contributes the fron tlipleca to the September number of the Mag mint of Art Tha picture is taken from th original In the Grosvonor Gallery , nndi [ called "Who Is It. " . Another paso pictur is "Uimorsal Liberty. " "Tha Secret" occu pica another full page. The poem "Oalai Sands" is accompanied by a very oxproseiv sketch. The other features , both illustration and descriptive papars , are equally iutor eating. Oulinp continue ! to grow in popular favor In Its particular field It has no rival , nnd it I a welcome monthly visitor especially to th lovers of outdoor spot ts and recreation , Th illustrations are equal to those of any of th bait illustrate J magazines. The table of con tents for September presents a splendid vari ety of subjects. Captain John G. JBourko , s well known in Omaha , furnishes his Bocon. paper on ' 'General Crook in the Siorrn Madro. " which Is full of advonturo. AI/D SOKTS. Never strike a man when ho ia down. Si on him and choke him. Madame Adeline Pntti , it Is stated , has volume of personal memories in preparation Mrp. Custor hai been cngngod by the Chi cngo Tribune as a correspondent from New York City. "Nervous Girl" wants to know how to cnr a tickling aensation about the face. Get him to shave oil his moustache. The Indians of the western frontier hav given Gen. Sheridan the uamo of " The chnnky-man-nho-maans-butiness. Miss Lulu Hurst , of Georgia , has lost ho magnetic power , bat she still retains n firm grip on that 59,000 she made out of her ex hibitions. Ed Stokea is surprising New Yorkers by his rapid rlso from hu temporary obscurity in the Tombs and Sing Sing. He has nsoi from a bar proprietorship to the presidency o a telegraph organization , and is getting rich fast. fast."Yes "Yes , " said a western tragedian , "I'vo ' been on the stage a good many years. " "Have you ever played 'Hamlet ? ' ho was naked " 'Homlet ' h9 " "Played ! exclaimed. "Why 'Ivo ' played 'Hamlet * so rnamy timesand have so thoroughly identified myself with the char ccter that all my friends and acquaintance speak of mo as 'Ham , ' " The Knnuaa City Times saya ; In tht bio grxphy of Gen. Howard , which has just been published , ho tella how to quit the UBO o tobacco , and what led him to cease nltogethe the ueo of intoikanta. His betrothed refuse ; to sco him ono Oay because r.nothor young man , drunk , had been mistaken for him Many weary months paised before the blun der was corrected. Ho saw that the only safe way waa to have the reputation of not drink- mac at oil , Col. Hoe , the Inventor of tha calebratcd Hoe printing rreeses , although seventy-five years of oge , attends dally to the business affairs of his great establishment in New York , Ho is of a jovial disposition , anc walks through the workshops whistlin ? tha latest operatic airs and chatting pleasantly to his employee , many o ! whom liavo spent the best years of their lives In hla service. Ho is a very liberal employer , tbe pay-roll of his im mcnso establishment amounting In tbo busy season to over ? 2D,000 n week. AFFAIRS IN THE MAOIO CITY. Correspondence of The BEE , HouniEQE , Nob. , Augnat24. Phtlps county has harvested a wonderfol crop ol emsll grain. The gronnd was getting dry for earn , bnt last night a oplendid rain oamo and the corn crop will bo the largest by 25 par cent over harvested. Hold- RO Is now , building thrco more now brick blocks which are to bo completed this fall. E. W. Roberts Is the con tractor. IIo also haa the contract for a very fine schocl building to bo erected immediately , bat the enterprise which ia now receiving the moat attention Ia the county fair , which is to take phoo at HoldregeJOotober 7 , 8 , and O. A quar ter section of land baj baen pur chased by the society within a half ml la of the city limits , which will bo fenced and a race track prepared. Ar rangements are being made for the intro duction of many now featured , and if Providence favor * , it will be the boat paying enterprise In the long run that iloldrego haa yet taken hold of. Politic ! are getting very much warmed op. No party It yet named bnt the re publican , but wo hero whisperings of a convention by the autl-monopj , combined with the temperance clement , also of a lemocratlo outbreak , which is uncommon In this county , although several hundred votoi were polled in the county last fall. The prominent candidates outao far. are : For clerk.JP. . O.Hedlund and Rolf John- i ; register , Pater Pderaon ; treasurer , F. Ilollgrou , Asa Lowelling and A. G. [ arson ; sheriff , W , H. Frank and E , Erlckson ; county judge , 0 , J. Backmau ; superintendent , Ulna Hopwood. OCCASIONALLY. HO 18 Still AIIVC. "I am still in tha land of the living , " said Marshal Cummings yetterdny , "not- withstanding that threatening letter which cnna in my mall the other night. " The hour for the marshal's death of imtyrdom was fixed at 12:10 : Saturday afloruoon. That It brought no fatality o the chief of "tbe finest" all except the evil-doers will doubtless rejoice. Angostura Ultteru , the world renowned ppotlzorand iuvigorator. Used now over ha whole civilized world. Try It , but beware f imitation * . Ak your grocer or druggist for he gonuina article , manufactured by Dr. J G 13 , Sie ert & Sous "NO THOEOUGHFABE , " The KutUvny Crossing on Tenth Strco ftmlSomo oMho Excltlnr * Scenes Occurring there Kvcry Dny. In all the busy bustle of this proudly thriving oily there ia no scene of anlma tlon , from skirt to skirt of the bnelnoa contro , to compare frith that dally afforded od at the Tenth street Union PaclG crossing. A tcoro of parallel tracko , interlaced torlacod with frcgs , tpur * , snitches am ovcry contrivance of rill possible to conceive coivo , afford facilities of movement t the Immense traffio of the road whic ! centers at the freight and passenger depot hard by. Over this mesh of Iron paisc the highway which ia virtually the chlo thoroughfare between the two quarters o the city known aa the north and the soul and communicating with the turnpike loading into the farm laud of southern Douglas and northern Sarpy counties , If it were not for the fact that full , half the local public la unacquainted wit ! this portion of the town , except porhap through ono or two journoyn to the train in all year 'round , there would bo no op opportunity to elicit Interest in a picture o Its OOOUCB , and the reporter who conceive the notion to "wrlto them up , " as ho recovered covered hla mutilated hat from under locomotive's wheels whore it had droppe an ho dodged danger , would hive n warrant for his tsk. A broad expanse of wooden iborln covers the crosiing for the purposa of ro duclng the obstruction which the rail offer to wagon travel. Thla end , how ever , la but feebly attained and the pia- sago of the crossing in any conveyance 1 not remindful of an asphalt drive-way otherwise than by violent contrast. An electric gong , operated by the occu pant of a sentry-box affair haa been pro vided by the thoughtful railroad com pany to warn the public of on-comic ] trains , but ita rattling alarm haa a vagu slgnlGcsnco to the untutored and it ring so much and S3 long thot to ono not pru- vlously advised it might mean clear trad aa well as danger. In the midst of babel of clamoring gonga , whist 1 ahrleka , ceaseless steam [ snott ) rapid hoof beats and rattling vehicles , heightened by the urgin ; yells of the driver ? , the initial operation of a great railway and the local traffic o : a big , busy city are In & dally struggle for the right of way to a few feet of the thoroughfare. The struggle Is of course unequal as the motor power of tbo rail way holds such an advantage as the sacond will not dare to dispute. Whoever over heard , cxcapt aa an accidents casualty , of a team and wagon facing a locomotive oven under the moat favorabl terms of encounlot ? It Is not to b thought of , anyway as long as the caw- catcher , which ia just ai efTuctivo agalns horses , people , omnibuses , street cars and all such things m it la cgaintt cowo , Ii ruled In. "Ding , ding , ding , etc , , " peal the gonga together and the farmer lolsnrcl ] jogging up street , starts wildly to his fee to see the black outlines of a big box ca : bearing down upon him on a rnnnlnf switch. "LookoutHi ! , there , youolt bloke , you'll got killed 1" Is chorused by a half hundred voices , and the granger give a wild shout to his hones and deals on the laah with a vigor ho thought to have long nlnce lost. The old plugs leap from their sleepy pace In veritable surprls and take up a galloping flight. Bumpoty bump , away they go , bounding over thi rails at the expense of a showering ecat- teratlon of the old man's markotabli produce , Bnt what'o the leas of a bnahe or so of potatoes , apples , tomatoes , or al the "garden eass" In the township , foi that matter , the old gentleman oecapci Injury. Roar and plunge , a spirited horjo in light buggy has taken fright at an op preaching engine. No ono can blame thi baaat the Iron monster as It comes will hissing exhausts clouding Iteolf in Btoam , through whlon it gives successive slgna blaats ( enough to frighten anything sua ceptiblo of otnolions. Still the horsa stands transfixed in the center of the track , speaking Iti terror in its quivering flank ? , dilating nostrils end unruly ro fusel to budgo. The gentleman driver in alatm piles the whip cruelly bt to no ond. The engineer cannot check thai heavy freight behind him In season anc the tragedy seems almost at hand , when an active figure darts from the crowd to the horse's head and literally drags the animal from the rails. A pissengor train has &t thla momcnl pulled in and the airivala ere pouring across the tracks to the street cars , or be ing taken at a hazardous daih by the foarhsi cabmeR. Goodness , what a mad racel Wonder'tis that those flviog ve hicles don't collide or run down aome ono ; they are qnlto as dangoroua aa the cara. cara.A long freight train draws by half Ita length ncd stopj. Back it ruin n quar ter , then forward , and BO it Bec-aawa lorn quarter of an hoar. On bath sldoj the wcgona have moved upawaiting passage1 , and BO cloao that the hones' heads can almost touch the moving cara. At last the train pulls out and ; ha Ecamper which ensues almost checks the breath. Tao race ii for the airiftandat a dizzy run some four or ivo take the hill southward or the street u tha oppoaito direction , so close to gather that the most dextrous driving ilono saves a smash. Thus it goes the whole day long , such scones with endless variations recurring day by day. Yes , Indeed , the railway company will ba held responsible for loss of llfo or personal iojuries and that Is tha reason doubtless , that Mr , Oallaway said the ether day that ho wonld llko to nit a big union depot on the site of t costing or was willing to negotiate with ha committee of citizens for a viaduct. SIDEWALK OBSERVATIONS. GOOD amusements at popular prices will bo ho programme in Omaha this reason. IN ono window of a Douglas street rostau- ont a show-bill representing a galaxy of fe male beautlas in tights Jus been hung just above the restaurateur' clgn "frog leg * , " while in the other window a somewhat aim * lar picture of a lot of tow-beadsd damsels has icon placed above the u'gn "Spring chickens. " Business ought to ba brisk at that eatabliih- meat. THE new sidewalk around the Wabtsh xirner Ii a big improvement , and will bo ap- irociatod by tha sidewalk conventions during iie fall canpaign , cent restaurants , where every article on order coaU you a nickel , are becoming uite popular in Omaha. JIM SmniBNSON continues to give evidence f hlj enterprising spirit , lsldui ! : patting A pnblio drinking fountain for horse ] on the sidewalk in front of hla livery stable , bo has jtut added to his Hansom cab line an elegant baggjgo wagon , drawn b ? a beautiful horse. Wo rirogUJ to hear Ibat Jim's cabs are n pay- lug institution. OWINCI to the rivalry botwooa tha artificial stone mon anil lha natural utono contractors to secure contrasts for work , Omaha Is fast getting tome good sidewalks. I,3t the good work go on. TUB B , fc. M , hoatlquartora , with tie | now addition and a fourth storv , will ba a very largo building , It la to bo neatly painted and will present n hixtvlsomo and Imposing appear * nnce. The frontage on 1'arnam street will bo 88 feet , while that on Tenth n 132. It Is an open secret that the enlargement is being made to accommodate the B , k M. offices at Lincoln , which are to ba moved to Omatm as coon ai the building is completed , Lincoln , however , gets a b'g freight depot. KTKHY day furnishes additional evidence that the Omabn exposition is to bo a grand SUCCOBS in ovcry particular , ST. MART'S avenue , since it has baon paved , has bccomo ono of the liveliest business thor oughfares in Omaha. THE A. L. Hiring company has secured the contract for putting In a system of water- worfca at West Point for 515,000. Several ether towns in Nebraska are figuring with this company for waterworks. THE contract for building the St. Paul ex tension of tbo Chicago , Burlington & Quincy haa been let to'ono man for $9,000,000. Hero la o good opportunity for sub-contractors , of whom thera are quito a number In and around Omaha , to catch on to some good jobs , SATUIIDAY evening n spirited saddlo-horso , tied to a hltching-stono opposite the Paxton hotel , became frightened and dragged the stone , weighing over 125 pounds , into the middle of the street and on to the street car track. Such hitching stones should not bo allowed , as horses frequently thus drag them away , and the result will bo a serious icctdont sooner or later. TUB Trinity boll-ringer is knocked com pletely out of time when playing n tune upon the chimes if another boll rinpa during the performance. On the other hand the choir- singers in other churches are equally disturbed by the Trinity chlmoa. Thus hag there a dis cord bosn created among church musical circles. HORSE-THIEVES IN" ECO , r BIH ! WclnberR Arrested in n Lincoln Hotel by Deputy Sheriff GrowoII , Mention was made in the BEG of Sat urday , of the fact that Mr , J. A. McShano had rosoverad the two horses stolen on Thursday by Kerr and Weln- borg , the two young sports from the oast. They were discovered in a B. & M. oar , having been shipped from Ashland , Nob. Deputy Shoiilt Ed. Orowoll , who had been keeping prolty close track of the two young men , both by telegraph ana telephone , discovered that they were heading for Lincoln. IJo took the eve ning train for that city , arriving there late at night. Ho made no search for them that evening , but the next day started out to too if ho could locate them. Chancing to drop in at the Metropolitan hotn ) , ho saw on the register the names of Jim Morrlsoy and Frank Martin , of Wichita , Kansas. Suspecting that those might bo the as sumed names of Kerr and Wolnberg , ho made inquiry and found that they bad oomo in without any money , and had boon given lodging for "a wool charity's ' Bake. " Crowell then went up to the rooms oc- by Messrs. "Morrlsoy" nnd "Martin , " end found the two would-bd toughs , Kerr and Woinber ? . They wore both armed but attempted no resistance , and are now in thi county jail awaiting trial , Mr. McShano will not ba homo for a day or two , snd in all probability the two young men will not be brought into court until Wednesday. Kerr and Woinberg'ssy that they left town for the purpoto of having a little quiet time in the suburbs. They became t intoxicated , and fearing to coma bask to Omaha , wont to Ashland. When In that city they road the BEE , and taw that the county authorities were looking for them. They became frightened and shipped the horses back to Omaha. GOUNTY'MHEBS , TUoAVcclsIy Meotlnj ; of the Board of County Commissioners , SATUKDAY , Auguat 22,1885. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Pretont Commissioner ! O'Keclfj , Oor- ' llss and Tlmmo. , The followlngrojolntiona were adopted : ; In compliance with the statute In inch caeo undo and provided , it is hereby ordered that ( tbo city of Omaha bo , nnd the enme is hereby divided into three districts , lor the purpose of .ho election of justices of the peace , num- ( > ered respectively , One , Two and Throe ; that District No. Ono tliall bo composoJ of the ( I'irst and Second wards of said city ; that Hstrlct Nn. Two shall be composed of the Third and Fifth wards of said city , and Dig. rict No. Three shall bo compOBod of the Fourth and Sixth wards of said city. i Ititohtd , That the county treasurer be and 10 la hereby directed to receive personal tax of ? Tame * Wlnapear for the year 1870 without ' ntereat , The following aoaounta wore allowed : ItOAD FUND , IW Douela * , work on road , ? 48 00 F Keneley , hauling , grading , &o > . . IB 00 K Timine , on account grading 1C 00 J 1 Knight , grading. 100 00 Fohn Itoiacker , work on road 30 00 iVm Harrier , work on road. , 24 00 ; II11 Averjr , 1 scraper 1400 OENEIIAL FUND , Al. Slgwart , wltnoas fee 5 2 00 Vm. ocirborough. witness foes , June , 1885 , 0 CO J. J , Points , eervicei AS examiner , county roadi . . , . , . . . . 10 ! 00 tamei Winepoar , petit juror , Juno term , 188s. . . 9100 Adjourned to Wednesday , August ZO. 1883 , II. T. LKAVIJT , County Cleric. Uy Wif. n. MOIIAN. Deputy. A Suburban BIio , News was received by the flro depart ment yesterday that the house of a Mr. ' lowltzer , D wight & Ljman'a addition , onlh of Uanscom park , was bnrnod to be gronnd Sunday night , Ho alarm WBB ; lvon and no attempt was nude to oxtln- alsh the flamoi , as the family were ab- ant , and before they returned the stiuc- wi ure waa it. cshts , The house was a two * tor/ frame , The amount of Insurance 9 unknown. It is supposed that tbo honeo w&s truck by lightning , no other thory icing at hand , . it HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm is a seirot aid to beauty. Many a lacty owes her fresh ness to it , who would rather not tell ; andjiw * caiit tell. H.I1 CfROTTE Jeneral Western 719 South Oth St. , Omaha , Telephone 002. CorrcepondcnoosoIlflUnl POOL BIRTH AND OTHER , PRIVI LEGK3 FOR SALE ON THE GROUNDS OF THE OMAHA , NEBRASKA , FAIR. Allblds must bo otiflalntho Secretary's ofllec , on or liuforo Aug. 15. The rlcht 11 roscrtcil to re ject all bills. Pursoa and other premiums offered , $20- 081. FAIR HELD SEPT.lib to llth. Ad2ress , DAN. n , AVIIEISLEK. Room 1 , Crolchton U'ock , Omaha. PROPOSALS FOR SIDEWALK CON STRUCTION. Sealed propcmls will bo received by tbo uncler- elzooil until 11 o'clock lucS'Iiv ' , September 1st , A. D. 1885 , tot tbo construction of all plirik eljawolka or dered by tbo Cltv Council , during the quarter ending January 1st , 1S30. Fuch Bldowilks to bo constructed la iccordinco with plan ) and specification oil fllo In the ofllco ol tbo Board ol I'uLllo works. Bids to bonccorcpicled by the denatures ol pro posed sureties , who In the event of the awarding ot the contract will cuter Into bonds \vlth tbo cltv ol Omaha , lu the sum of eco thousand dollars for the tilthful performance cf such contract. Bids to be made upon printed blanks furnlahcd by cald board. TholiuarJ ct Public Works reserves thor'eht ' tare- ject nnv or all bid' . J. X. IIOUSK aug22 21-29-31 Chairman Board of Public Works U. S. MARSHALS SALE. In the Clicult court ot the Un'tcJ States for tbo District of Nobrisba : Nort * WtBtcrn Natioral Banks W. T. Horn.etaT. In p.irsnunco and by virtue o'an ' execution IssucJ out ol tro Circuit Cojrt of the United State" , for the Dlstt'ct of Ncbr sk , bcirlDtr dito ot August 6tht885 , and tome dlioctcd atd delivered , I will expo.o to sale the fcl'on-lng linils and tenements , titung lev ied ucon ml ttkon all tbo right , title aid IcUrestcf tbe aforesaid dclcnda tiin and to said huJsamltwi- ornents tc-\\lt : All tint put and uarccl ot thi north-vest quirtcr cf ceo Ion twcho In toamhip six teen (10) ( ) , north cf rnugoilx (6)ncst ( ) cf the tint b prin cipal meridian la Nanco County , Nebraska , lying nest of the cut bank of the Cedar river nnd oil that cait and pi reel of tli3 uorth-cajt quarter of section eleven (11) ( ) , In tonnsnlp sixteen ( If ) , north ot range tlx (6) ( ) , west of the Blxtli prill Jpil ujorldUn lj said County and State dcsoilbou ua fo'iOWR ' , tc-vut : Commencing at the government mound at the south eut corner of Slid north cast quarter of section eleven (11) ( ) , tticnci north thirty-one (31) ( ) rod ) , tbcaco woitslxtj ( CO ) rids , thcnco north to the north line of eald section tli\cn ( ll ) , thcnco east to the nortn- eist coiner of oald section cloven ( U ) , thcnco soutii to tbo place of beginning , tbo same cinnttlnlnc one hucdred acres morn or less all fit which I will eel ! to theiiUhtsltndbftt bidder at publlotaloaj thi law directs on the lllh day of September A. I ) . lE8i , at tha hour ot ten o'clock Ia tea forenoon , of sail day at the north dcr of tha United States Court Ilouie , an 1 boat oilicj building , In the city of Omaha , Doug. Its County , Noorasta ; slid ftalo la to an'nfy n judge ment tfiad court , ch'.alncd at the May term , A. D. IbSl , In favor ol the North Western Itatlocal Dink v& W. K. Horn , M H. 1'ndjei ' , liral D. ( Daughter , and Central Nebraska land aril Improvement com pany ; F. A. Llndjoy , A D. Slaujbtur , aud II. 0 ELLIS L. IIIBRDOWBB , U. 8. Marshal. By K. E AtLnv , Deputy. KBAM. MARTIM , Plaintiffs Att'y autr-1 0-17-21-31 icp'-7 GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 0. An ordlnanoioitabllshlnz the grade of Georgia are froai northcurbof Locnorth to south Una city In tbo city of Omiba. Co It ordained b/ the dty council ol the o'ty of Omaha Sect'on 1. Tha grade cf Georgia avo. from north jurb ol Lcavcnwnrth to south line city In the o'ty ' of 'malm , lj hereby established at the following elerk- Ion > , the gn Ic being uulforin straight Ilnoa between So points tpoeiflcd : Elevation of Elevation ot W curb , E turb. forth curb of Learcnworth it. 2IP.6 2100 Jouth turb ol Leavenworth tt. 210.6 219.0 tforihllnuof Mlohlifin st. Jll.O 211.0 Joulh line of Mlchlgin St. 2110 211,0 forth curli of Mt IMeasantet. 221.0 2206 Jouthcuibifllt , 1'leosant et. 221.0 2ZO.fi forth curb of I'oppleton tt , 230 o 239-0 South curb of Poppleton et. 2:0 G i39 ! C forth curb of Wooltroilh et. 2180 2(7.6 louthcurbofWnoluarthit. IM'.O 2i7.6 S'orthcnbof Baltimore st. 2296 mo South curb of Baltimore ' . i. . > ( J 6 22(1 ( 0 point 400 south of touth line of Baltimore at. 220 0 220 0 outh llrao of city 214.0 214 0 Sea 2. Thit this ordinance take effect and be In 'orco from and after th > data of Iti passage. I'aostd Aug. lltb , 1833. Wu. F , UtcnxL , J. B. SouniiBi ) , dty Clerk. 1're tldtnt < Ity Council. pr ovid Aug. 17th , 1831 Jiina V , VOID , Mayor AMIZTWOTIO dettroya tbo germs of all conU- Ious ANTizriiOTio will doitroy a'l odrr and keep tbo Ir of your tlccpln * roouu cor 1 and freth. ANTIZTMOIIO U without color or odor , and It larmleia ta clothing or Uoib. U la invaluable In tb Ick room. If persons wll mo Allzymotlo In the water In 'bhh they b\th ; , they will find great relict Itioft- us the water , and dots riot dry tbo flesh llko m- icch. A.G-AXN8V Does the sir In your liou'e etncll musty or IM- uio'f Are ) ou annoyed wl h the it'orof cooHlnrTDa on want f ) ttop lit Ant zymctU ipilnklcd about ill frevhen ami purify It oviry tlitr. Wither's Aiitizmotio Solution B Io by Kuhu & Co. , Aseatt , Orcohi , NeU