Combining 1KOX with Pt'llK VEOCTAIII , TOXICS , qnltkljr nnd ( ornplcltlr CI.KASSE ind KSmCIlia THK m.OOD. quicken the action of the Liter ami Kidney * . Clears th complexionmakeslh < - kln raootli. Hdocano Injaro the Icelh , raao lieailiene , orproclnee tor fitlpatlon-AU , OTIIKU IIIOS JIEIHCIXrS DC Phrnkluu anil DrnggicU erorpthoio recommend | i Dn. N , R. noaotTJi. of Mirlm. M M. r r : ' . ' recommend lrown' Iron Dillon m a Tuliubto ton fornnrlchlnK th blool.anil rmnrlnff nil drsjwpti Kjmptonu. Itdo-MnotUurtthatoelli. " In R. M. DFMEELTJ. IlrroliK In < l. wr ! " UATO preserilmt llrann' * Iron Ulttera In canes t nnirmU anil bl.Kxl illwwi. ehu when a tnnlo w nowltvl , and It bus proven ! thoronglilr * thf clory. JInW I. IlTTlNfl , 2rt St. Marf St. , New Orleans. Ij > Mint "Bnnm'n Iron lilltor ) relloTPd mo In acaf nt Wood nodonlnK. and I beartlly com > end It t tliow nccdlnit a purtflrr. " The Qennlno bafl Trade M&rk and crofisoiA rod line onwtapper , Tnlinniintlicr. Madoonlrby KO\V > CIIIMIJ.VI. : pp. , n.u/rntoiti : , MI I , Dnn' ItADD nooK n cful and attractlre. cor talnlnirltst nf prlros for rorlpos. Information K\HK \ coin * , etc. , clvtn ftvfiiy hj all ilnalen In modlclno , t mailed to anr mlilro on receipt cf 2o. etamp. , orwi' * y. ttt ItRPflP UK At\ ! \VrninKi ( In plain envelopes ) two Ktnmpi. * * .H.CUJUffi. M. D,18S 80. CllKKST. CKIUQO. For thobcncQtof eudcrlDR humanity , I Jtcm II o&lymy duty to give thla unsolicited testimony In l vor < I Stvllt's Specific. JJy wife his bocn aflllctod wlthEezomifromlofanoy. We tried ocry known remedy , but to no avail. She was aKoaflllctod with a periodical ncn ous headache , sometimes followed by an IntormltUnt fever , so that her life Locarno a burden to her. Finally I determined to try Swift's Siiofifla She oimmcnccd BCVOD noeka ago. After taking the first largo bottle the dlgoaso scorned to Increase ; the burnln ? , Itching and InlUmation bo- cnmo unbearable. She , however , perseuored In the use of tbo medicine. After taking the ecoornl bottle the InlUmation began to subside. After ( he third bottle the Inflamatlon disappeared , and gore spots dried up and tnrroil white and eaily. and Qnally she brushed thtmoQln an Impalpable white powder resembling pure silt She la now taking the sixth bottle ; ovcry appcaraeco of the dlacaso is gone , and bcr flesh Is soft and whlto aa a child's. JJer head aches have dliappoarcd and ehs enjoys the only good health eho hat known In 40 j oira. No wonder the dcemi every bottle of S. 8. S. Is worth a thou sand times Ita weight In gold. Any further Information cinccrnln ; her case will be cheerfully given by herself at her residence , 135 Uullett Street , or by mo. JUUN F. BRADLEY , 41 drhwold St. Detroit , Uicb. , Miy 10 , 23SS. For sale by all drugglit ] , JLlIE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. P * W' H V115 ; St. k Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Qa , = s TMKI,7 ; ; = S".ss = 3gBg j j ? i fSpraiai JlH.Onnil Onni-l am uslnir your Vluid titmct Bed Oloret BoMom and wet Cora press for Cancer on tbe breuS. . naamwelL 1 m uCUBod It U tbo beit remedyTot Canerr known. You are wrlcomo to iu tM for thm . Ite pcctlully , MU3. L. A. JOHKSOH. - - . " - . ; - . .jno IIM for omotlmo b mnmirtel wltn Bomctblng Ilkea tcrof nloua at riue. ind found tvl fUet until .be gm o jour totrvt of Jtw/ClOTir wi3C 1 iim nappy to > ay aba ha < experienced crrcat relict. th ] i ImUilljhiTtottmonlalor mr appmUtlon a l offoru In behalf of uuraonli/ your uuraonlirJOch you SreloojuetonsefortnolrbcnfUt. . . lnir yonr Eit II d OIoTtr , ° , e ° i , * ° r Pry lpt\a \ . and hT not bocn lnoo. HlalienxiiUry wltsmek Thlak you wn. W. M. BEIBEnt. t n. fljTOan , of Orand It Plil , Mich. , tayt-lfttr two Ioct nadrlwd Win to use laage't Kit. lied Clorer T r bed cua of Kcipmo , or i'orer Bore on tha lea. Only u > * d two poundi of your Solid Extract lied d Jun now welL Bprlaif UedlclnaTonlaand general Dlood Part t-Avictim of youthfullmprudenco r.u.lng J'remnture Decay , Nonroui Debility , lout Wanbood , Ao.haTlnc trfed In vain everr known I'ri-mutnrf TIcoI > no fromcrrorscrcxressps , I.OHtl'cmc ? Jicaei of the KliIni TB. Iliad- a r. and J > roiiiitu ninnd ClIJMiO tvlthoat fetainui'h Medicines liy the tlareton llolus. Vn- rlrncvlucu red wliliout surgery. Treatise nnd lc - ttnionlal irfi' . Allcorreiiiionncnroconndpntlal. JKAJISTON REMEDY 00M or DR. II. TRESKOW , Y FOR Man and Beastw. / -w. , Mustang Liniment Is older than most men , and tused more and ' wore every year. CKANK9 OP TUB CLOTH. Eccentric and Implona Preacher Bringing the Profession into DIsrcpntc. A crazy preacher of the Sam Jone stripe , but with far loss eonao nnd do coney , 1 nt present holding forth in th back-woods of Ohio. His name U O , II Manger , and his notions and bl&tphomj ontltlo him to n front teat In a lun&tl asjlum. In a speech at VYashlngtoi court homo In that ttato , August 15th ho announced that ho was once the gtoat eat slnnor In the state and on trro differ cnt occasions cimo within an ECS of kill log n man , being provonlod only by thi Intervention of other parties. Ilo Bay that ho one tlmo contemplated taking hi own life , but that God Bared him to en gigd In the work to which ho Is now devoting voting himself. Ho wont to Hnntlng ton , W. Vn. , after first receiving tbi special orders from God to preach , ant there engaged In a aaccetsful rovlva meeting. Ho then came to his old home where ho had reveled In aln and Iniquity and organized a Sunday school and prayoi meeting at his residence. It was abon thla tlmo that ; the zealous yonng evan gellat whipped n 13-ycsr-old glr named Gortlo Wilson , who lived with thi family , because aho would not pray loud enough to ault him. Ho got her dowi on her knee * , and aho aald aho did no know heir to pray. Ho waa determined to tench her , however , and , securing BOV oral sticks as thick as a man's finger , hi dealt her a number of blows until ho screams aronnod the neighbors. Ho wai arrcatod by the S. P. 0. A. , and , rofci Ing to give ball lor hto appearance thi next day , ho waa sent to jail. Ho sale ho wanted to "go to jail for Jeans. " Hi naa released from custody in a few mlu nto , however. In ono of hla normons recently contly Mnngor eald : "IIcll la full of bet tec people than you professing cbrla tlana aro. You nro nlco follower ! of Ohrlat. You are followers of the devil. . That's what you nro. But yon alnnon need neb think that I am Blighting you for yon are a sight worao thui the ] aro. You young women speed two-third ) of your tlmo before the glaaa , paddlcj yonr broaata , putting on falao backs bang yonr hair , and powdering you ; facoa ao that you will look attractive t < the young men , and then go out upon thi streets and try in ovcry way to seduce them. Yon are worao than the men sro and If you don't quit all thla foollahnoaa and take off this iinory yon will go to hell where you belong. " How Horses Are Irnlnod. Detroit Free Press. "How do you go to work toj traln r horaol" asked the loportcr. "I aoloet my horao , and I try to gel the must intelligent ono I cm find. You know there la aa much dlfforonco between the Intelligence of horses aa between men. " "la that BO ? " "Sol Of conrae , It is. I'vo ooonhoraca and men that couldn't learn anything , and I'vo met plenty of men leaa Intelli gent than my horecn. " "What ia the firat leeaonl" "To impreaa on the horaes the fact that rro are to bo regular churns. Yon can teach an Intellfganfc horse in a vary nhort imo that you wunt to bo hia friend , and mco you gain hla confidence and friend- hip , yonr next care must bo never to bake that confidence or diaaopolnt ilm. " "How do you teach them to undor- tandword * of command ] " "How does a horao learn the meaning il 'whoa , ' and the cluck of the tongue ? " "Th&ts universal horse talk. They : now these signals by nature. " "Thoro you are wrong. The Arab , the taasack , the American Inalan , the Hrcaaalan , each have signals entirely ifferont for those commands. You could try easily teach a horse that the won biscuit' waa the signal to go ahead an hat 'kottlo , ' or any other word , wan th Ignal to atop. All there ia to training torao la to know at firat what yon wonl ave them learn , and to know every do ail of the method you hive formulate 0 teach thorn theao things. Then abac iito kindness , yet firmness and patience rill bring the desired result. Ask an ; lan who loves horses and ho Trill tell yo bo aamo thing. " "Do you enjoy it ? " "Well , rather. I have moro goo illd sport with these horsea than yo m Imagine , and they oojoy It , too , Of m I pats thorn without noticing thorn ad yon ought to sea tbom. They h&v oen slighted , and will ahow their Indlg. ntlon or grief , just aa the mood Is , In arlety of ways. They will snort hlnny , etimp their hoofa and do every ting bnt talk. And I never neglect to low that I hare noticed their demon ration. I generally go back and 'muki ? ' with thorn unleis I want to puniah to of them for soma oversight or failure discipline. " "Do they know that they arn bolng inlahod m euoh a way ? " "Indeed they do , nnd will at aa though amo was oppressing them. They're oat animal and ought to bo counted In ono of the fmtnrea of the hereafter. " "Porhapa they aro. " "Sometimes 1 fool certain that they a. Yon know there ia every ovldonco at our mental existence Is Immortal , fact , wo bellovo that that la what wo II our soul. Now I verily believe ese horaea have mental funotlone , if ao , ly should they not live In the hereafter well na ourselves ? " "It Boema plausible. " "It dooa truly , and I toll yon frankly I n'c Dellpvo I conld bo happy anywhere tor leaving thla life if I should fail to bo eotod by my horses. My wlfo and lldron of oourao come first , bnt after em I love my horeos. " "What do you propose doing with om when they become old and decro- t ? ' "My locson cloaca in Omaha next scember , and then I alt all go to my imo in Oakland , Gal. Then I aball ro 'o from the ahow business and my horaes tire with mo. I shall keep them all as og ns they lire. I'vo got u good homer r them and I'm tired of traveling , " "Do yon tuppoao the horaoa will con at to retlro from public life ? " "They'll go anywhera where I nuy bo. 1 atop there they will atay with mo atentodly. " "Won't yon get restlesa youraelf ? " "Possibly , bnt I think not. Wo can vo plenty of life and excitement in and 3imd Oakland , for ita the greatest nntry you over aaw. " E. W. S , The only proprlotory mod- no on earth that over received gold idala and awarda at World's Faira and : poitlona Is 8r , Jacobs Oil. They ra glron to it for being the belt pain- ro. /IBtint tileivolljn , usas City Journal. igent W. H. fl. Llewellyn , of the acaleroa Apachoi , baa resigned , or ; teu out of the way aa "an offensive : tls n. " Just what Mr. Llewellyn's mbllcanlam should have bad to do with uiuiagomeat of the Apiohea we can not understandbnt ho ha * been ft roarkei man over since-the proient admlnlatmtloi came in. Hla management of the Mea caloroa Apaches haa been moat creditable marvelous. They were aa refractory n lo of Indiana ns there were on the otntinon when ho took charge of them , just at thi time when Victoria wai raiding am murdering through through New Moxl co. Mr. Llowollyn reduced the Indiam to tubjectlon and baa kept them tract able and peaceable nil during thi times , the many times , the Sai Oarloa Apaches have boon out and trlei to poranado them to an outbreak. He Llewellyn , la n cool , determined am moat courageous man , nnd haa had a ro nmkablo career. For a long tlmo hi waa cmoloyod In the secret service bnroai of the United States , having his head quartora in Omaha , and whllo there woi much renown for breaking up the Do Mlddolton gang of horao and cattl thieves , who depredated tnrough weatori Nebraska , Wyoming nnd the Niobran country. The accounts of the oxtcrmlt ; to which Llowollyn went , joopardlzlni and risking hia life in hli efforts to brcnl up thia murderous gang of doiperadooa la ono of the most thrilling atorlen eve written of frontier llfo. Many cosmetics for the comploxloi have from tlmo to tlma boon put upoi the market. But none have atoo d th teat as haa Pozzonl's medicated comatloll a If In powder. It ii on absolute euro fo all blotches , dlacolorattons , frocklosotc For sale by drngelats. Bit Moses Montcfloro's AVIII. London Jewish Chronicle. Wo are enabled to glvo a brief ontlim of the will of Sir Moses. It wai execute ! in January , 1882 , and la of great length occupying about twenty largo folli sheets. The valno of the personalty 1 between 350,000 and 380,000. Semi of the Invoatmonts have Increased in val no during the laat few years , nnd it li provided in the Trill that the bulk of thi investments shall bo kept Intact , but may under exceptional circumstances , bi transferred to consols. The toatamen commences with a touching and charac teristic expression of thankfulness to Got for having preserved him with unclondec mind and cheerful aplrits to hla 08tl year. Ho pralaos God for the more ] vouchsafed to him , and prays thai the bonoficlont works which hi waa permitted to further may oontlmn aflor hla death. Ho directs that hie funeral shall bo conducted with almpltc Uy , and a careful avoidance of pomp , The executors are Lord Rothschild , Mr , Joseph Sobag , Mr. Arthur Cohen , Q 0. , M. P. , and Dr. L. Loowo , each of whom la to receive 1,000 , beeidcu other specific gifts. Mr. Joaoph Sebig la the residuary legatee , and to him ia bequeathed East Ollff Lodge , Runagate , with ita appurten ances , grounds and estate attached , con sisting of about thirty acids , which are practically entaileda proviso being added that if Mrs. Sobag should survive her husband aho is not to bo dispossessed. Falling direct helra male to Mr. Sobag , the property is to paaa to Mr. Arthur Cohen , Q , 0. , M. P. , or hia sons. The lease of the house in Park lane , with ita luralturo , is IcfttoMr.ArthnrOohen , but the bulk of the pictures are reserved for the Judith Theological college , Ramjgato. To Mr. and Mra. H. Gnodalla Is ba- ineathod the life Interest in about 35- , )00 ) ; after their death half reverts to the istato and half toward endowing the Samsgate synagogue. The Judith The- iloglcal college adjoining ia alao largely mdowed. Upward of 30,000 la bo- [ uoathed to the Congregational and tharltablo institutions in Jerusalem nnd ho Holy Land , and about 15- 100 to charitable Institutions in Jondon" and Ramsgato , aa well a some gifts to the churches of Rams- ate and neighborhood. To the Spanish nd Portugese Jewa' congregation ( the harltlea of which are largely benefited ) a bequeathed 500 , and to the United ynagogue 1,000. About 20,000 are baorbod In various personal legacies , the ! at of which Is very long. Few , if any , f thoao to whom Sir Mose vinced affection or esteem during hi fetlmo are forgotten , bnt many hav led alnco the will waa made though only broo years have olapaed. Among th eraonal bequests are 5,000 to his nlec MiesNellie Montefioro , daughter of Mr. Icratlo Montofiore ) , 1,000 to Mr. one" Ira. leadoro Spielman ( son-in-law an aughtor of Mr. Sebaft ) , 100 each to h ! tany granduiecea and graadnephowa ad 500 to the chief rabbi andMrs. , Ad ir. The names of Lord and Lady Ham iond and of several clergymen also figure t the long list. Al | the bequests ari ft free of legacy duty. Hla horaes and irrlagoa are loft to hla coachman , and al Is devoted , faithful servants recoivi inultleo or legacies. TlioKeglon ot the Congo. Tbo exploration of this part of Africa > ena up a vast field for American com1 orce. The chief drawback la malaria , blch attacks atrangors and prostrates ad- mturors. The bent antldoto to malaria Brown's Iron Bitters. There are not any drug stores in the Congo region , it all lojpcctablo drugglata and dealers medicines In thia country are supplied th Brown's Iron Blttors , and apnak [ ? hly of It. Xlio Way To Anchor that Button. n Franciscan. He drifted Into a sample saloon the her day. wiped his forehead , felt around hli pockets , and said , with a pleasant illo : "Well , aa It aaemi , I hive jutt one 10- nt plcco loft today , I'll take a drink. " When the four fingers of Antiooh , rve-tangler had boon secreted in his molest recoBsoj , the customer fumbled long his keys and laid something on 0 counter. As he did ao ho said. "Great Seottl Just look at that now ! " "I BOO it , " said the barkeeper , acorn- Uy regarding the alleged dime. "It's a auapendor button. What of ill" "Why , I didn't look nt it , you know. inat felt In my pocket , and I'm blamed 1 didn't think It was a dime. Ahem I mppoBQ you'll ' have to put it on the ice ill tomorrow. I'll drop In and fix it. " "Oh , of course you will. Take thla d fix It now. " And the oocktall-dla- user handed over a needle and thread. "What's that for ? " ' Why , for yon to saw that button on tb , right now. You may make the no mistake somewhere else ; now her on eng , " But the party with the button waavory ich Insulted , and went out swearing it prominent pioneers didn't have any 3w In this community any more , btn 3Ut > j wa * alck , vt garc liar Cutoris , lien the irai a Child , the crleii for Cfutorla , ita iko became Ulaa , the clunjj to Of itorla , lan alit bad Children , ill * gat * UteU-Cu toria MINES AND MINING , Recent DUoovorloa Some Rich Find The Mineral Ilcsourccs ot the West. The Mormon Find. EL PASO , Tex , , August 10. The in nartant announcamcnt comoafrom Com lltos , Mexico , to-day that the Mormo colony which recently located there hav dltcoverod n silver bonanza In sever ; old mlnoa which they pumped out. Th colony was located as an ogrlcnltun colony , and the colonists were selccto with thia vlow ; but it few odd mlnoi among them took poorly to agrlcnltnr and bought five abandoned mines , tha were worked over a century ago. Afte clearing away the debria In the large ; mine , and following the dip of the vein they claim to h&vouncovcrod an Immona lodpo of very rich oro. Following thl vein they oatlinita nearly five mllllona c silver already In sight. Word hai boo eent to Utah and a great Influx of Moi mon minors h anticipated. Firat Discovery or Gold In the Rook Mountains. Park County ( Col ) Bulletin. A good deal of Interest has always boo attached to the question where the fin gold waa discovered In the Rocky moan tain i , Two or thrco placca claim th honor , and nt the risk of tearing them n with dissension , wo shall advance n noi competitor. In 1857 , tlr columns c United Statoi treopa were sent fror bioux City , la. , to rolnforco Gen , Alber Sydney Johnson , who , with nsmall foica waa encamped on the Wasatoh range Ii Utah , and preparing himself for an nt tack , aa the Mormons were very throat' onlng. The mounted troops hurried t the front , bnt on reaching Lodgopol Crook , In Wyoming , tholr horeca were si tlrod that they were forced to halt. Dur Ing thfn halt Lieut. J. Alexander and i soldier named Slater loft camp for an antelope tolopo hunt. They were on the bank o a creek n few mllea from camp , when 01 stooping to got n drink , Slater Ecoopec up some pebbles among which were parti cloa resembling gold , Ho called the lieu tenant's attention to It and both agceoc that It waa gold , but on going back t < camp the men pooh-poohed the idea o finding gold osst of California , and thi matter dropped. Whllo returning oaa the next year the lieutenant mot multl tudoa of people in search of the prcolou metal. The lieutenant was too busy ti look the matter up , and at the broaklnc out of the war he joined n rebel regiment from Georgia. In the moantlmo the sol dier , Slater , died. A short tlmo alnci the writer met the lieutenant , who wa : visiting Colorado for the first tlmo slnci 1857 , and ho then related the .facta vri have narrated. His story Is ontlrelj craditablo. Deadwood Mlnon. Redding Independent. Tha five-stamp mill at the McDonald nine is kept running day and night , and It Is crushing nine to ton tona per day , Fhe depth of the shaft ia 125 feet , wltb 100 foot of bacha. The ledge ia twenty nchcs In width , and the ere runa from ? 20 to $150 to the ton. In the past ihroo months the owners of this bonanza lave taken out. $112,000. The ton- it amp mill of the Wart mlno la running lay nnd night. The ere is low-grade , unnlng from $8 to $15 per ton , bnt they lave ere enough in eight to keep tholr nlll running for throe years. The owners if the Ground Hog have just recently ' In their 200-foot tunnel , four-foot'ledgo - , rhich gooa from $ G to § 10 a ton. The Vermont mine is looming np fine. The reln ( s over four feet wide , nnd located > n tha ridge that divides French Gulch nd Doadwood. A. F. Minear pur- haaed this mine the firat of the week , nd intends pushing developments na eon as possible. Ho has ordered a Inntlngton mill , which will be shipped 0 the mill Immediately , The Kline illl hau been bonded by Mr. Shadlck nd Tom Simons haa baon placed in hargo as auparlntondcnt. Considerable rork is being done at thla mlno in the ray of cross-cutting and drifting. At the v"m. T. Ooleman mlno , located east of taadwood , the 10-atamp mill la crushing rat-class ere at a lively rate , and la folding largo returns. In connection 1th the Scorpion tharo are numerous ther prospects which are daily panning nt largo sums of gold bullion , which 'oadwood ' and French Gulch districts ar otedfor. Outside of the McDonald ono'of the mfnes have reached a dept slow the bad of the gulch. What tha istrlct sadly needs is men with capita ho can afford to prospect the mines to a aopor depth. roeodlnjtly Rich Deposits Found In the Caves ol iSnttlo Mountain , Colorado. RED CnjT , Col. , August 15. Lia renlng it was reported in Rid Ollff tha 1 oxtonalvo cave had baon encountered the working of the Percy Chester Ino on Bittlo Mountain. At first i as thought to bo a gigantic hoax. The ory as it waa told sounded llko a menu cntal fish yarn , and nobody believed It. j-day , however , It has boon explored , id the account of this trip ta marvelons doed. Two men were nearly three mra in visiting and examining the dlf- rent portions of the strange cavern. 10 Percy Oheetar In In'quartzlto , a rook rmatlon where largo caves are not comA - A little over a month n , o a cave was at with near the tfurface , the floor of ilch was covered with a muddy talc , ilch ran high Ia gold and silver. Il vo a boom to property In thia locality , d In the brio ! tlmo ainoo then $10,000 treasons have baon taken out and mar ited. The first civo was thought to be a mdor , but it is an infant in comparison th the present one. About 150 fcot > ra the surface the workings broke Into empty apace , and on exploring the vo it was found to bo 400 feet In length d the width Ia unknown , but from 30 100 foot , At one point there appears bo a running stream , and near tbo cm- ' thera ia a lake , or rather a email nd. Further experiments were madowhich eve that the dimensions are far moro tensive than tho'preiont fignrea ; but w for the commercial point of Interest , te floor of the cave hoovered with talc , allar to the ere that was first found ar the surface. It had n thlcknets va Ing from a few Inches to moro than two it , and small nuggets of bright gold have en discovered. Many tons of bonanza neral are hero broken ready to bo avelod up and shipped to market. Quito furors haa been created by thla dlecov- r , and moro startling details are prom- d. It la anppoeed that thla cave cuts roaa the Golden Wonder and Parrgund nes , that jcin iho Percy Cheater , and i ownera feel proportionately mora althy in consequence. Concerning the Percy Chester , It may worth whllo to atato that a few weeks ) Manager U. E. Armita o , of tbo Bel- i mine , aold it for $2,000 when it was iply a prospect , It hu paid for Itself several times already , and now the noi owners belle o themselves millionaire * . Hero la another apt Hluitratlon ot thi peculiar nnd atrango nnonnlles of the so called sucooislul minor. DltcnvorlcH In Oregon. Baker City ( Ore. ) Sagebrush. The last stage from Pine Crook bring in the nowa that prior to the dopaitnr of the stage from Cornucopia partlc were arriving In camp , bring with then the specimens of ere from now dlscovoi lea made a few miles distant. The rlcl eat find , perhaps , la the ono made b ; Frank lies , John Loguo and Sid Merrill about five or atx miles northeast of Cor nncopln , on whn1. la called Ollff rivci The vein ia exceedingly largo , and prc aontsn well-defined ledge of froo-mlllln ore , from which the most handsome pro ; poets have been obtained. Their dlsco\ ory la probably an extension of what i called the Slmmona ' mlno , which I claimed to bo ono of the richest dlaoov orlea In the whole district. Prospector are scouring the country in every dlroc raotlon , and hardly n day passes but noi finds are reported. The mineral nrca I not limited to only a few miles In oxtonl but stretching far north , east and woa Into the high grinlto mountains the ruin eral bolt can bo traced , and rich proa psota have bron found , Jamoa W. Virtue rotnrnod laat Sania ] from a trip to Malhonr. Whllo at Mai henr ho paid n visit to the rocout dlecav cries attuitod at the head of what I called Quattz Gulch , and prospected th or * . Mr. Ylrtuo says the formation i not of quartz formation , but of docom poiod bsdrock , and in an Immense qnan tlty , the width of the dopoeit being between twoon twelve and fourteen foot , am prospecting aa high $200 and $300 ii gold per ton. The owners nro down to i depth of ton or twelve feet and no sign of the deposit giving out. The enl ; qnoation aa to the valno of the find la ti what extent in depth it extends. Thi owners intend pushing the work of development velopmont aa fast ai possible , and , if jus tided , will Inaugurate aoma prooeis foi working the ore , whioh is free milling. An Oregon Camp Wo clip the following from the Boisi Statesman of July 28 : Mr. Kelley , at old-tlmo minor , returned from the nowlj discovered Pine Creek mines , situated It Union county. Ore. , about northeast o : Baker City. He states that the camj. consists of ono small store and two 01 three companies who own from fiftouu tc twenty-four locations each ; of this num ber bub two show any promise 3omt pretty f too gold and eulphurola of allvci ora. No work of development of anj couacqaonca has yet been dono. James Virtue offered to put In n ten-stamp mill for one-eighth Interest for six loading lodges , provided the campinlca would pay him for milling , but the offer was re fused. On the other hand , $10,000 waa paid by another party for a llko Interest in the same mines. The odcoa are at an elevation of 5,500 fcot above the oca ; the country la well watered and timbered , but very rough to travel over. A good wagon road runa within ono mlle ol the camp. Mr. Kelley advises all persons to keep away , aa the country has boon pretty well prospected , and the showing thus far made ia not such as to induce poor men to waste any time in the fruit less task of hunting a "gold mine , " The Case of Marshal. 3 Q Francisco Call. Several eastern papers have referred to the fast that the state of California did lot provide for the alleged discoverer of ; old in his latter years aa in a nogatlvo lonao an act of Ingratitude. It will bo ilfticult to establish the fact that Mr. Vlarahall performed any especial service 'or the state. Admitting that ho waa ; ho first to discover gold in paving quan- itlos , ho did ao In the pursuit of other > ccupations. Ho devoted neither time sr money to the prosecution of work to lemonatrato the existence of gold. Ho vas ono of the party who dug n channel or water to servo a purpoao of tholr own tnd ono day when the water waa turned iff , particles of gold was found in the hannol. He had simply struck a gravel pad without purpose and without stcrl- iso on hla part. Mr. Marshal is not : nown to have devoted either tlma or nonoy to the benefit of the people who ashed to thla caaat when the discovery i gold was confirmed. Ho looked eater or hla own interact as closely as other ion in the state at the timo. Ho waa lever subjected to much expanse aa a onsquenco of hla discovery. A Dreadful Disease , Head , ponder and profit thereby. Kemp's lilsatn for the Throat and Lungs is conceded y all who have used it to excel any prepara- ion in the market as a complete ) Throat and iunp Healer. All persons afflicted with the readful disease Consumption will find ? eedy relief and in a majority of cages a ermnaent cure. The proprietor has nuthor- ; ed Schrotor & Conrad , Druggists , No , 211 > th street , to refund the money to any party ho has taken tlireo-fourtha of a bottle wlth- it relief. Price GO cents and SI , Trial site ts NEBRASKA. vvy FAR OFF ? . Blue-Eyed Beauty from Germany GocaAVettto ilo Married. ow York Journal , 10th. "Ia Nobrnika very far oil ? " asked Elsla ! cck , a blue-eyed , fair-haired German alden of Mr. Van Duzar , aa aho landed ; Oaatlo pardon yoiterday. His reply staggered her. "Must 1 wait days before I meet him ? " IB aakod. Three montta ago her bothrothcd , olnrlch Horn , loft her in Germany to ako a homo in America. Ho went to Nebraska City , and after aklng all arrangements for her recaption nt for her to come to him and redeem jr promise to be his wlfo , Elala started immediately , and every > Iay seemed to Imply a new dro&d that to would miss him. One of the evening trains bora the uihlng maiden to her sweetheart in the ostern conntry , where aha taya should uld live happily oa almost nothing "Jf olnrlch was there. " Nervous Debilitated Mon , DU are allowed a tree trial Jor thirty dayi of 0 ute of Dr , Dye'd Celebrated Voltaic Belt th Ulectrio Suspensory Appliances , for the eody relief nnd permanent cure of Nervous jbihty , loss of Vitality and Manhood , and kindred troubles. Also for many other dls > sea. Complete restoration to health' , vigor d manhood. No rlik ia incurred. Illuatra- 1 pamphlet with full information , terms , etc , tiled free byodclreaeinK Voltaic Belt Co. , arehall , Mich. "Whoro filcDonough HtundB STill Tribune. Politicians doatring to know the course it the Tribune will tike in the icuato- 1 campaign , if the contest narrows wn to a Van Wyok ar anti-Van Wyok no , may rest assured that wo will be ind ou the eldo of Von Wyok and the Jf lo , every tlmo. AIinnCHA , wont cases relieved nnd eU by DtnrFX'fl 1'raie MALT WUIBKBT. commended by leading Physicians , ( Sold Drugguti and Grocers , "Imto It Is n very common practice for a ma starting in business to announce hla self on hla alga and business cards r "Into with" so and so , his former on ployor. lias n person any rlijht to d this ? Can ho bo provonlod by legi moans from so uilog the name of his foi mot employes ? An opinion on this novel and intei ostlng question has jast boon rendered b Judge Woatbrook , of the Snprom Court In this Stnto. A jowellor who lia been employed In n jewelry store opcno n shop of hi ? own in the same town Oa hli sign and business card ho mod tuo words "late wit' ' Jamoa P. Van Wyck. " The lattt complained that the effect of this nn nouncomont would bo to tnko nwny hi customers and Injure his bnslncaj. Thor was no allegation of fraud , Judg Wealbrook holds that the defendant hat no right to roako such use of the nam of hla former employer. Ho soys "Nothing in moro completely the prop erty of A man than his name. No per son can use it without the owner's con sent. The nso of the plaintiff's name ti make conspicuous the rival business nnc name of the defendant is a clear vlolatloi of the propotty rights of the plalntlfT. ' Judge Woatbrook dooa not clto any an thorlty or precedent In support of thl vlow. IIo roaches his conclusion b' ' reasoning. Wo think the conclusion wrong and the reasoning unsound. Who : a person has boon fur a lonj or a considerable tlmo In the sorvlca of ; business honso or firm . widely am favorably known , that fact raises i presumption of hla capability to oarrj on the same bnslnoao for himself. It Is i fact which , in the absence of fraud o ; unfair dealing , ho has n right to announce to the public. In music or art It wouh seem rodlcnlons to deny to a person thi rlghttruthfully to represent hlnuolf 01 herself as the pupil of n well knowi teacher or artist. The principle la thi same In business. This vlow of the law has been taken by onr oinrt of nppealo. A firm ol dentists dissolved partnership. Ono con tinned business In the same placp , the other opened another office. The court of appeals hold that the former had no right to represent himself as sucoeasoi to the Into firm , since such wzs not the caso. "But , " said the court , "ho maj lawfully doscrlbo himself no formerly 01 late of that firm. Ho would state slmplj a fact belonging to his own life , na mud ; at if he wore to state the tlmo cr place ol his blrtb , the name of hii father or In structor or the college from which he graduated. All this might bo done in good faith. _ The Voice of the I'ooplo. The people , as a whole , seldom make mistakes , and the unanimous voles of praise which comes from those who have used Hood's Sarsaparllla fully juatiGos the claims of the proprietors of thla great medicine. Indeed , theao very claims are based entirely on what the people say Hood's Sars&parilla has done. Send to 0. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. , for book containing statements of many Jnros. _ _ _ _ _ Advancing Civilization in India. 3t. Louis Globe-Democrat. A sign of advancing civilization in lu- ; lla , reported by the Bombay Times , is that the custom of wear shooa has been idoptpi by all , oven the very poorest , Inhabitants of the prealdoncy. Thirty rears ago hardly a pair of shoos could bo found on the foot of Hindoos , except those of the nppor caatea ; now everybody ivoara them , and the manufacture of shoes ias grown In India b ) a position > f considerable importance. This s all very Interesting , but hero Is an obverse to the medal which Islet lot qulto so comforting to Americans. Dhiny years ago American-made boots , nd shoes were sold In England and .ell ivor the western part of the continent of Snropo at lower prices and to greater ad- rantngo to the users than thoto produced in the soil upon which the wearers stood. Phis was all thoreaultof the greater In- ; ennlty of Americans in Inventing labor- avlng machinery , and its effects were EO narked , at the time , that tbo thoemakora if Northampton and Norwich , which were hen the chief shoe-manufacturing centers f England , wcro brought to the direst istresa. Bat the war came and Its con. cquont necessary legislation , and the boo Industry , oxcoptjf r homo conanmp- Ion , was destroyed. To-day , in splto of 11 our mechanical genius and our ao- uowledgcd financial skill , tboro Is , prac- Ically , no foreign trade In American boots nd shoos. Why this 10 , or why this can- Itlon of affairs chould continue , Is a tub- act which would repay the closest In. ulry. It not only affects boots and shoos nt manufactured cottons which thirty. vo years ago successfully Invaded the larkotsof Manchester and n good many thor Industrial products. Perhaps the resent administration , in the few short ours of rast between discussing appllca- ons for the country poatmaatorahlps , light put in some good work in Inquir- ig into ttla matter and suggesting a iracdy. 'ILESI ' ! PILES ! ! PILES ! ! ! A aura cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching id Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by r. 'Williams , ( an Indian remedy } , called Dr. rillama' ! Indian Pile Ointment. A tingle > z has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or I years standing. No one need suffer five Inutua after applying this wonderful sooth- g medicine. Lotions and instruments deere ore harm than good. Williams' Indian ilo Ointment absorb ] the tumors , allays tlio touso itching , ( particularly at night niter ittlng warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , gives slant relief , and is prepared only for 1'IIes , ; hiuff of private parts , and for nothing else , SKIN DISEASES CURED Dr. Frazlcr'n Megio Ointment. Cures oa by mnglc. l'implosBIaclc Heads or HGrubi o lotcbes and Eruptions on the face , leaving iltskin clear and beautiful. Also euros Itch , 3 , Rbumo , Sore Nipples , Bore Lips , and batmata Ulcore. Bold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of cents. Retailed by Kuhn & Co , , anil Schrooter & jcht. At wholesale by 0 , E" . Goodman , Sneak Tlilevog. A member of the genus t noak thief on- red the clothing atora of J. P. Lund , Fifteenth street , near tbo opera houto , turday afternoon and tided the cou nts of the cash drawer , taking $20. 10 act TTRB not noticed , as all were out nit looking at the Daiant procession. Clio Favorite Washing Compound of tbo y is JAMKS PYMJ'S 1'EAHLINK. It annas fabrics without injury , and , without i laborious scrubbing necessary with ordl- y eoap , For ealo by grocers. A Mlsilni : JUg , Dr. Lolaonrlng's horse which was stand- ; In front of hla office on Sixteenth and ! pltol uvenuo , Saturday , was stolen by no one and his not uluco been found , search hai been made for It in try direction. There Is absolutely nee e to the miscreant who is responsible I { ! the theft. I i 1,1 , * . * * ! , ; Abfotittft'i - * * * - Free front Opiates , Emtllrt Hint 1'otions. A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE t * r Couali , Pnro Tlironl , IIonr cnrs Inflafnti , Cold * . HrvnrtillK Croup , \Vhooplnc ConaV Aktlimn , Qnln.j , 1'ntnntn Client , tndclhir ITMIonirflheTtiroat odljune * . Price no cents n I'otllc. Fold by Drncclst * * n1 Uf l- f r . IMrtlei vnaMe to l < ttiee IMr dmler la promptly etl .t for them \rlll \ rccrirf lira boltltfKfvrtHcAoreu tlUit > ytcnaini ; one dollar to IIIK A. onn.rn ronrlKT , f ) uwaeriAnil AtunnrACturcm , lUUInorr. Birj llnd , C. S. JU II rltr r > r" < ' ! * < txldmtl tmo . Ncrvaut Pfosir tlon , Debllllr. Mcn'rJ n.n , Phr < lcal Weakness ; MercurMI and : Ui < r t < < ? t'nns ot Throat , Skin or Bonc , Blood IMltbiildg , oM Sores and Ulcers , r trttui ' .lit nr n i eeiiinlti iti i uiat > rlaeli > lM. r r lr , I. OUiiaie * Silslng Jto-n IndUcrellon , E e ti-e V-.ipnsuro et Ir.dulcjentc , whi nndeet f t > i > tlcnlf elrctil DMtoriieil , dtMlllf , fllracm f m rj. fmpltioa lb M , pbileil < Kv ; , werilon to lit ,0-1,17 a r fenilii , eoalnii.V f ll > , , , t . rendering Mitrrln e itatirocer or untitvirr. to A Positive Written Guaranta ® ly In all tcnbl . VMIcl trt ie < ren rr jhlet , XntlBh or Osrnnnay JtcylWne aborB di 4 > a , In a * < e or f u lt , C5UIDEI . . . , . , S0 .picner rr > 0i ! mef p ( - . > i.\ , tilt , entatai a' tje Mint , dmtutl er lu lilUr > WTO i , X. Iliosl i : CM i JTMW tr 7 o ti E-saKv lwj - ' Jamss Medical Instilulo Chartered by thcStnteof Illi nois fop thccxprcca purpose 'of ' ElvlnEimmedlate rclielln Jail chronlc.unnary and pri- avatc diseases. Gor.orthcea , iQleetandSyphillsln all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Bloodpromptly relieved and pcrmancntlycured by rcme- , , - Special I'rartIce. Seminal sfr Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , Jtosltltf If/cured , Uicro isnocxiicrliiicntliHi. The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per- Bonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mail nnd Express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMESNo.204WashInfllnnSChicaflOlll. ! SDOOE3SOBS TO JOIIN G. JACOBS , At IhooldetnnilHlT FirnatnSt. Orders bytclo- traph solicited ondipromplly attended to. Telephono- 0.226. Arrr UaitapetltnctonlerrezaQiIUrtT ! r. Downni errr ( I * iali worlil. tmrei njiT ptt. . jjtarrjuak , P tet tn& Acn. , ftnj ILK . K Cl ' . ' ud C U nilluafr ctrlEjfB.1 Try ft , | j. Ei otCTnTrtofal we. or drareta for Ud rciulu ' .suiiniiiEo.vs. WUFPERKAtW , s , Plnttsraouth , Wob. Brro c i of thorottRhbrod and high grain lereio d and Jersey CattleB And Puree end Jersey Kerf Swino. SAIBUEfi-AIEBICAI PACKET COMPANY. lirect Line for England , Fxtmcfr and Germany. The neimahlpa ol this well known Una u Iron , In water-tight compartments , and art far shed with every requisite to ratko tbo partsig > th eato and igrceablo , They carry tbo Unlto ; itos and European malls , and leave Now Tor taodayasnd 8atuid ya for Ph mouth ( LONDON lerboufr.U'AKIS and HAlfBUUF ) Rates , First CablnfCO-glOO. Steer ago ( o nnd am Hamburg J10. Q. I ) , IllCHAUU & CO. , Ocu- al Pass. AROnt , 01 Broadway , New York anj ashlngton and La Lello streets , Chicago or Henry undt Mark Hiiiaou , r % E. Moore ? , Harry r. Ioul uaha ; Orouewlr &Solioono'er I Country. imoke G , H , Mack & Go's 1 ; Cleveland , O. , Celebrated icstS for 25o ck'ar In Amcrlci , and Excelsior tc Cigar 1'ro eminent above all others. Our Cat Doca Not Scratch Co Clfjiraboro all competition , for gala and controlled by D. W. SAXE and J. W. BELL , Omaha. : cnnard & Rlggg. Drilgf , L'uoolaNcb ' , . a Chapman , " " vani & Juduon , D use , Hastings , Neb. OHty&Chlmi , Drugs , Ctlumbiis , Neb , , O. DoIIuveu , DrufD , Counol Iliuffn , U Q. Morgan & Co , Druni'ouudl Jowa. uiEcbragc , liooks , eto. , I'remont Neb. r , II. IXirncr , Bookd , ctcb'iemt | { : . If. Wblttlessy.Druss , Crete a poiltlvo roiucdr I or th atom dln t I brtti thoaia df0tcfti icitlia wor > t kliiUttuUof lonff .dlnirliATul'Ofu . ' cured. ludeed.feuitronRltiDyfalia J nlc > cr.thatlwlll nIT\VO HOTII.MJ1BB. . tUer with a VA I.UAIII.lSTItliAriBU cii tiili dli u9 uytufftirer. ( llvaoiprulliiDdr U.addr-li. ' Ull. T , JL. HUlOUM.let J'.atlB ! . , Ne < Yoife IOWA COLLiOK : OF LAW. iw depattraeut of Driko Unlv irtlty , Dei Xlolntl i. Hood for CatUoirue. AdJrits A. II. McVejr , 4 or J. B. fink , Hccrctiry , cue Cole MoVey tt Iowa tntsiwkj