Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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i S
Knltr the y trnx from iinUnotvn
tnuit , nl nil ( .cn oin.
Shatten the NtrrM , Impnlrii lilgcstlon , ana
Fnfecliloi tUo 31a lfs.
Onlcklj and complrtftrciirf lInlnrliMncl Chill *
and I'rrrrn. iVltilrrmlltent KcvrrN , 1n
hllHdr , I.nrk o1"I.'ncrKjlt IIM no cqn l. It
onrlche * nd pnrtlini Ihn blood , t tlranlntes the p-
wtltfl. unrt Btrcnithcnnth inniclcs and ncTTM.
It does not Icinra the teeth , canso boadachn. or
co con tlpMlon alt nth'r iron mrdlrinH
I'ATmtn T , .J. the pMriotla and echolirtj
O tholloDlvin , of Arxnn
"I IIATO nrod Irown' ! Iron Hitters with lh mil' '
t atm cnoti for M1 rK. and IM n rfTrntifS of
and nil ! always keep It on
bund as a reaAy friend.1
Ocnulna bai nhnrotradamirk and rnwmxi rod lines l
nn wrunp'r. Tnl < o no otl Mmlnnnlrlir
liuvS' < 'IIIMICAII : . , iiAi.iiMoin. : , Sin.
I mm' HAND HOOK nw > fal nd attractlro , con
taining llftt r > f priKett fnr ntcltK . Infonnfttlnn about
oolnT tc. , Rtvcn nwaf ball un1oni In mcthcJce.or
rnaHedVianraiMm ! onmcelptnf in tamn
I ,
VSx * " * ?
= *
v v - - m
r , , . , „ FEE ! UNTIU CURED !
18SA 1 written piaranteo of euro riven In every
case undertaken. Oo'AIl consultations i'rro and
fkucrcil. ir. Clarke's Celebrated IJoofe onti
Vntlapj ( In plain envelopes ) two tampi.
.p.CtaJUt. C. D,18 S .CtlBKST.CHlCAaO.IIX.
For the benefit of euffeilnff humanity , I docm It
only my duty to giro this uaaollcitcd testimony tn
fivorcf Swltt'8 Specific My unfa his been nllllotcd
wltliEozomi/romloIancy. Wo trlod orory known
remedy , but to no avail. Showaa ale ( nictoj ! with
a periodical nonous headache , sometimes followed
by anlntornilttant fever , 80 that her life became a
burden to her. Finally 1 determined to try Stvllt's B
BpoclSa. She cimtncncc J sen en weeks ago. After
Uklns tbo first Urge bottle the dlaoaeo Beamed ta
locrcaeo : the burning , Itching and inllimatiDa became -
came unbearable. She , ho verer , pcrscucrcJ In the D
uao ot the modlclno. After taking iho eccond bottle K
the Inltamatlon Icjan to subside. Alter the third
bottle the Inflamatlon d'sippcnrcJ ' , and sore spots
dried up And tnrccd whlto and saaly. and finally she St
briuhcd them off In an impalpable whlto ponder
resembling pure Bil4. She la notr taking tha sixth
bottle ; every nppcarsece of tbo dlecaso 13 gone , and
her flesh la soft and whlto as a child's. Ucr hcad-
lohea have disappeared and sha cojoya the only
good health she lia ? known In < 0 jaare. No wonder
iho deenu mery bottle of S , 8. S , la north a thou
sand times Its weight In gold. R
" Any further Information concerning her case will CoHi
bo cheerfully given by herself at her residence , 135 Hi
Unllett Street , or by me. W
JOHN F. BRADLEY , 11 Grlswold St. Su
Detroit , Mlcb. , Uay IB , 835. IB
For Bale by all drugging ,
| i Y. . , 167 St. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa , AlA
The Great Blood Purifier ,
IIATISU , and all blood and sUin disoatea.
T | OOSK'8 RED OLOVBIl WttS , Cure Sick Hood- clc
J-J Mho , D > Bnepala , Indication , and Constipation. kr
U < nca of 15 pills 25 cents ; S boxra 61. tooans HRD
CLOVER 1'il.n HiUEor , euro cure , 6Co per box. For and
4 h3 by M drucgUta. or addroea 3 II. LOOSE & CO. , tLi
ilomoe , Mlob. Send ( or tettlmonUl * .
AtDr gists. Trido ( applied by J. A. Fuller b Oo P'
ol dii
Decay. Nenoui
tried Iu Gr
tba ;
1'roni n I u rt U erTiiie from errors or cirf sps.
.ont Jl'ou-i-r xliipaieiclllio Hlilnrm. Iliad. MX
er. and rro tiUo ( ! lmid : | 1HII > wlstinut Fit
eoniniiU Mixlielnei ly thoiliiratnn llolus. Vu. Phe
( cocu cured wltboutsiuscry.Trcatlsa and te * .
ItnmnljiM Irrii. All rorrf-ajwinlcn conlliloiitJ l. 45
XAR810N KEllEDY 00 or Bit II. TRESUOW , -1i ! !
WORK. cba
aw i
ced ;
gra ;
FOR ' Lin
* . , LinL
Man and BeasO oral rhich
Mustang Liniment is older than 5:0. :
most men , and used more and
more every year,1
Me Union Pacifies Dawn Si , Joe wilt
Ritalons Ease ,
The Fire Laddias' ' Tournament a
Grand Island ,
Track EvcnlH ilanlon Oiitrows J
The Yacht 1'iirltan Bents tlio
rrlsollln Sporting Notco.
RED * .
Yitlerdsy'sRamo between the St. Josep
Beds and the Union Pacifies was A complet
Burpruo to tha 2,000 people present. Th
viiitora bad coma form Hunting ? , flushc
with three straight victories over the Adam
county men. Everybody expected that the
would { jive the home toim osevere "thskin
up" poesibly whitewash them. It was n
agreeable disappointment , therefore , that th
tcoronttho end of nlno innings stood G to
in favor of Omaha.
The game was not very interesting up t
the sixth Inning. In the first , Omaha and S
Joesph both scored and In the second , th
homo team by sharp playing and several liar
errors on the part of the visitors managed t
coio two runs , The two clubs then ploye
an oven game up to the sixth Inning ; thor
goose eggs being exchanged.
In tbe sixth inning the Unl'n Pacifies mad
two tallies in this wise : McKolvoy made
safe 'hit and wns followed by Canliold , wh
popped up an easy fly , which waa murted i
short field. E'lck ' then gained hrst on save
balls. This filled the biees. Doughert
struck out and Rockwell reached first o
balls , sending McKelvoy over the homo plato
Canfield then ( tola in , while the umpire an
St. Joe pitcher were parleying together , an
gave the second run oi the inning to thi horn
score. The visitors wont out in one , two
thrco order.
In the seventh inning Iho U. P.'a went oi
in straight order. Suck , for the visitors , h :
a beautiful fly to long center , which , howove :
was promptly handled by Brandt , and ylelde
but eno baco. In attempting to steal secon
ho was promptly cut off by Bandlo. Isaacso
fanning out , IfJynn whirled an oasv ball I
short loft , which gave him first base. B
failed to score , however , as Alexander died a
first , making thrco outs for the apostles.
The eighth Inning opened withn thrco bagge
to long right , by JMclColvoy , who scored on
passed ball , Three outs wcro made In rapl
succession , and the visitors went to bit bu
failed to inako a tally ,
Tbo feature of the ninth inning waa a Ion
fly of Rockwell' * , which , however , waa neatl
gathered in at right field. Salisbury poppe
an eauy boll over the pitcher's bond , whlcl
being fumbled at second gave himn life. Stroc
and Brandt struck out , The inning was close
by Herding , Warden nnd Suck , of the SI
Joseph team , fanning out.
The Union Pacifies played strong an
steady Rains throughout , only three error
being charged against thtm.Sillsbury pitched
splendid game , completely fuddling the visit
ors by his puzzling curvoi. Rockwell , fo
two innings , occupied the box , and struck ou
2vo men ,
The visitors were in hard luck , mnkin
costly errors at critical periods. They nr
good ball player ? , however , nnd took the bitter
tor dose like gentlemen. Holland umpirci
fairly well , though he certainly made aovera
very questionable decisions , against both th
homo and visiting teams.
The score :
AB n IB TB ro A E
Bandle : , c 4 0 0 0 15 a
McKelvy , 2b 4 3 1 3 3 1 0
Canfield , rf
JJHIck , 3d
Dougherty ( , ss. . . . 4 0 0 0 0 0
Rockwell < , p 2 0 0 0 4 7
Salisbury , Ib 4
Strock , If
Brandt , cf
Totals 33 G B 7 27 22 3
AB n IB TB ro A E
Redmond , 2b
Corcoran , 3b 4 0 0 0 2 0
Harding , cf 4 0 1 1 0 0 0
Wordon , If
Suck , c 4 0 0 0 10 4 '
Isaacson ; , Ib 3 0 0 0 10 1
riynn.rf .
Alexander , SB. . . . 3 0 1 1 0 2 0
Atkinson < , p 3 0 0 0 2 11
: >
Totals Si 1 4 4 27 21 7
Omaha 1 0 0
St. Josephs. . . . ! 0-1
Struck ont By Rockwell B , Salisbury 7
Atkinson 10.
Kirst base on errors St. Joe 4 , Omaha 5 ,
First base on balls Omaha 3.
Lsft on bases St. Joe 4 , Omaha 3. J
Three-base hit MclCelvey.
Double play Atkinson. Suck and Isaacson. . :
Wild pitch Atkinson 1. ,
Pasted ball Bandlo 2.
Given biso by hitting batsmen Rockwel
, Atkinson 1 ,
Time of game 1 hour 40 mlnutos.
Umpire James Holland.
Rain prevented the completion of Satur
day's game , the score at the end of the thlrc
Inning boicg 5 to 2 In favor of Omaha.
At Chicago : Chicago , 5 ; St Louis. 1 ,
At Cincinnati : Cincinnati , G ; St. Louis , 8
At Detroit : Detroit , 0 ; Buffalo , 4.
At Philadelphia : Athletic , 7 ; Metropoli
tan , 4
At Plttsburg : Pittsburg , 3 ; Louisville , 2.
Twelve innings.
At Boston : Boston , 7 ; Providonco. 0.
At New York : New York , 8 ; Philadel
phia , 0.
At Brooklyn : Brooklyn , C ; Baltimore , 3.
Special Telegram to Tbe BEE.
GnAND ISLAND , August 22 , The state
dromon's tournament and annual meeting
closed with a banquet and ball at Liedcr-
krnuz hall last night. The hall win crowded
old and young enjoyed the festivities to mine
nnd , no
The i meeting tins year and the rivalry for
prizes have been comparatively free from tbo hli
displays of feeling nnd-bitterncea which have hit
marked i former tournaments. The belt of
feeling prevailed throughout and the winners
losers in the several competitions dis
played commendable .manliness.
The programmo yesterday opened with ex mi
hibitions of the Pompier corps. Omaha and mio
Grand Island ware the competitors. Tha prize yon
wet by the former , who descended from
Schaut'd-five-story elevator in three seconds. mea
exhibition of the workings cf the clnm-
ongmo was given by tbo homo company. a
state championship hook and ladder race nt
the feature of the day. It was won by ntff
Kearney team In 47 seconds , ttiiero were
entries In tbe championship hose trace , The
Fitzgerald * of Lincoln won m 43 { cecondi , ;
tlmo of the other five was : Nortli lieud. f. I
154-C ; Graid Island , 45 ; I'wmont , [ 'ho
Columbui , no time ; and the .Mer hre
chants of Lincoln , 45 4-5. Several protest !
filed against tbo I'ltzgcralds being er
twardoJ tbo prize , but It was generally cou- ol
odod that the raca was fairly woo. The pro * 10
rammo ended with the race for chiefs , ex- 10ai
and assistants , with .eleven entries , No
prizes were won by lieikenberger and
loivoll , of Grand Island , and Hoinan , of roro
Dispatches from Kearney state that the re-
of the vlctorloui team was made inem-
table by a grand reception and banquet. In
the eutlro populace participated , The
was greeted with unbounded enthusi-
. The prizes the tn
won by turn amount to
. vn
BmaiiTO.v BEACH , August 22. The attend-
was Bins1 ! and the weather wrm. '
One mile-Fellow won , King B tecond ,
Thunderbolt third. Time , 1:40J :
Seven-elfehtha of a mlle Major \v won ,
Hotchiml second. Tom Koarna third. Time ,
Seven-eighths of ft mllo-Valley Forga won ,
Bella B tecond , Joe S third , Time , 1:291- :
Mile and n qnarter-Joo Sullivan won ,
Th o Cheers tccond , Taigatherer thltd.
Mife'and eighth All ftgos ? King Pn won ,
MIts Goodrich Bccond , Strabismus third.
Time , 1:54. : . , , .
Threo-qti rters of a milo alnldena , iwo-
yoar-old ! RMtlcss won , Climax tecond , Bon-
loirthltd. Time , 1:171.
MossiouTi ! TAWC , AuquitSZ. The weather
waa bliitermgly hot and Ilia rncaa woio do-
elded. It proved to bo o red letter day for
the Dwyers. They won five rncos and ran
second In another r co. Thia was a great no-
compllshmont for the alablo to receive with
cjw starters only. The big r co of the day
was the Post sweepstakes , for two-yoar-old ,
It which Portland defeated the mighty Bon
Mlle and ono-sixteenlh PAniqao won. Bar
nnm tecond , Lennox third. Time , 1:50 : $ ,
Throe-quarters of a mlle Electric wor
Lantdowno second , Salisbury third Time ,
1:151. :
Mlio nnd a half-Richmond won , Lou-
laetto second , War Englo third. Time , S.SSJ.
Threo-fonrths of n milo , two-year-olds
Lulu won , Juliet second , Mystery third ,
Time , 1:18. :
Thrco-fourtha of ft milo two-year-olds
Portland won , Ben Fox second , 1'rcclosa ,
third. Time , 1:13 ? .
Ono milo Jtalroa won. Tornado sccnd ,
Enlist third. Time , 1:44 ,
One milo , three year-olds and upwards
Queen Esther won , Detective second , Beliah
third. Tlmo. l-lsj. :
Steeple chase , full course Jim McGowan
won , Itory O'Mooro second , Amelian third
Time , 5OSi. ;
NEW YORK , August 2J , Tharo was an
immense crowd at Rockaway Beach to-day to
eee Edward Hnnlan and George W. Lee row
a match of thrco miles on Jamaica bay , al
though there was o suspicion that the raca waste
to ba litttlo more than an exhibition for the
benefit of the railroads and hotels , which gave
the purse of $1,003 for which the men rowed ,
The caurso was threo-quartera of n mile ,
from a point off the Seaside house to the
buoya off the big hotel , and to row throe
miles the men had to go over the course four
times , The raca was started at 5:30 : p , m ,
Hanlnu waa the first to take to ( ho water ,
rowing twenty-threo strokra to the minute.
Lee rowed a quicker etroko , making thirty-five
to the minute , but Hanlan gradually forged
ohead , after playing with hia opponent , lie
won easily by two lengths.
Wlitls llnulan and Leo were dressing Wal
lace Rosa and John Teenier held n consulta
tion and the result waa a challenge for o , racn
in double eculla between Hanlan and Leo on
ono side and Tcemer nnd Ross on the other ,
The challenge waa at once accepted and the
terms of the racoVrill bo arranged next week.
NEW YORK , August 22. The sscond of thn
series of three ocean races between the yachts
Putitan , of Boston , and Priccilla , of New
York , to decide which should be put forward
aa the reprcscntativo of America to compete
with the Engllah yacht , Geueet , for the
queen's cup , won some years ago from the
British yacht fleet by the yacht America , aad
since known aa the America' * cup , was tailed
to-day. The < irst trial race between the Pu
ritan and.Prlscilla . was tailed yesterday ,
twenty mil03 dead to windward and return ,
ind the Puritan boat her rival by ton minutes.
The race to-day was tbo same distanca , forty
miles over a triangular course , one-third to
windward and one-third to the wind nbuatn ,
The result wai rather surprising , ab the Pris-
cllla reversed yeaterdny'd verdict , winning by
iix and ouo-ha'f minutes , actual time. The
breeza waa light and fairly steady and water
comparatively smooth ,
CINCINNATI , August 22. A telegram re
ceived from John L. Sullivan to-day definitely
consents to change the date of the contest with
McCaffrey from tha 31st to the 29th. Me-
3affroywill arrive hero to-morrow morning
and will repair immediately to bis training
quarters near Chester park. Sullivan is ex-
octRd on Monday
ROCKAWAT BEACH , L. I. , August 2 ? . A
Forfeit of S20D was put up this evening ba-
iween Paul Boynton and Wallace Ross for a
live milo raC3 in rubber suits. A three mile
race , has been arranged between Hanlan and
loss , the wticlea to be signed In Now York ,
September 5. a
Angostura Bitters we re prepared bv Dr.
, G. B. Siegort for his private uso. Their
reputation Ja such to-day that they Imvo bo-
omo generally known as the best appetizing
onio. Beware of counterfeits. Ask your
rocer or druggist for the genuine article manufactured
ufacturod by l > r. J. G. B. Siogort & Sons.
For the Now Life.
Thousands of weary women cro long-
og for now life. They are : vorn oat
and about half dead. With hearty inter
est lot thorn read what Mrs. Jenny
wiites from North Charleston , N. H. , is
"Tho fnmo of Brown's Iron Bitters has
teachod from Maryland to our qnlotjittlo
village , and I can recommend It for the
now life it Imparts whan feeling tired
and worn ont. It gives me now strength
and energy. " The records of tfood ac
compllshad in this direction by Brown's of
Iron Blttora would fill volumes.
"JBIj lujuii" on a Spree.
"Ughl tighl Big Injun no drink. "
granted John Ohrlat , a redskin arraigned
befora Jndgo Stonborg for drunkenness tab
Saturday morning. tunl
John explained that ho was an Indian frc
tcout from Iho Wlnnobago rosarvution do
and had coma to Omaha to draw his pen Iu
sion money. Ho had filled np with too Iuw
much "firo-watet" purchased In a aaloon
near the poatoflice.
Stenborg concluded to roleaae
ilm and John wrapped his blanket about f re
able form and atolo silently away. So
Praotlcliif ; Economy , "
Young housekeeper ( looking over the lire
ourkot reports ) Bridget , I shall want was
: to go to market tbla morning.
Bridget ] Yls , mum. Wot'll I get ,
nnm ? I
Young Housekeeper I SDO that baof 'rom
mush cheaper on the hoof , and I pro- dei
lume H'a jatt as good. Get a nlco roast of
the hoof. sup
tire ; !
A llphtnlng bolt struck the roaldonoo
A. Pa e , at Waterloo , on the 17th.
local chronicler avers that "a ball of
as large as a parson's two fiats on gas ;
ed the homo by n screen door , and Me
oiling ! across the floor exploded nnder a Io
hair in which ono oPage' * daughters
sitting only a few moments before. ingL
damage wao done , but sovoial parties L
considerably stunned. " win
TTtan Uby iru lick , wa j vo her Cutorla , ter !
VTlten iIiO wu ChllJ , the cried far Cutorla , the
VThen aha bocama HUa , iha clang to (7 ( ttorla ,
Vktn ibt hi4 ChlldrfB , * orl
gtln. ]
bb' '
Terrific "Explosim tf a Nalnral Qa
Cave in Re&My. &
A Stoiy with the Ear Marks of a
Truth Loving Mulhattoii ,
Cincinnati Posed AVltli n l > olugo o
of Rain A San Francisco Shark
Story Noxvsy Notes
CHICAGO , August 22. The Dally News
speclal.from Unrdlnsburg.Ky , , dated Aug21 | ,
says ; Twenty-two mlloa.from this place thor
exists what is known as the natural gas wel
from the fact that a strong flow of natural [ p
has for many years past been etcaping fror
it. It is In the same bolt M that of the ta
ural gas well nt Bradonsburg , and teems to b
n great natural vent for the great vein o
natural storehouse cf this great phenomena
cf nature. At times the flow of gas is tremendous
mendous nnd the temperature so great that tt
cnvo falrlyt vibratos nnd loose rocks tumb'
Into seemingly bottomless pits. Ito
persons have over \ cnturcd into the cnva a
such times , as the gas Is almost overpoweiln ;
To enter with n lighted torch would bo slmpl
suicidal. A party of tourists from Graysu
and Jeffereon counties came hero yesterdn
U explore the "Diamond" nnd "Tnlloor"cave
In this vicinity. While hero , they heard fo
[ the j first time of the natural gai cave , and do
termmed to visitit. They scarcely had eutere
with lighted torches when there waa n terrib !
explosion , extending through the crust fo
miles , Explosions wcro followed by oxplo
slons , There were violent upheavals c
the earth's crust and new domes or vents t
the cave were at once created , while proa
musses of rock nnd fragments of what wor
once great trees strewn in nil directions. Ft
shock was felt at Olovcrpjrt.tou miles distant
Iho entire party of six were bailed in the do
brls of the cavo. So great Is tha mnis upo
them that many days must olnpso before th
bodies will bo recovered. Tbo names of th
victims of the unfortunate accident ore a
follows :
Jno. Alexander , oped 22 , Burkeville , Ky.
J. L. Reed , ngod15 , resided near Orlean
Thos. Luoney , aged 27 , of Jefferson county
11. 0. Wllo ? , nged 30 , nnd Mrs. T. Pcyso
both of Grayson county.
Miss Ollle Allison , Muhlenburg couatyKy
Great excitement provalls. A largo fore
of workmen , headed by Col. Horace Scot
are endeavoring to effect nn entrance to ih
cavo. . Their task seems hopeless. Tbo g.i
la overpowering , and the w.ik is carried o
wjth great difficulty , ni no lights can ba usot
Citizens of Cloverport nud surrounding conn
_ try are flocking here In great numbers , an
will lend all aid In their power. It is twouty
six miles to the nearest telegraph cfiico. Th'
was sent to Cloverpoit by mail.
LOUISVILLE , August 22. The story of th
cna explosion m n cave near Hardinburg
Ky. , is pronounced a cannard. Joe Mulhat
tan told n newspaper man hero n week ag
that bo was going to write just such a stor
for the press.
CINCINNATI , August 22. The most violen
storm that ever occurred hero pateed over th
the city about 0 o'clock this evening. Ha !
came down in torrents , flooding basements al
aver the city and temporarily suspended strco
traffic , The maximum velocity of the win
was thirty-eight miles per hour and this , wit !
the unusual rain , cawed n great daal of dam.
age. The Lyon brewery nnd the Eurek
Foundry -nera unroofed and several emnl
houses were wrecked. The damage to privnt
dwellings Is severe. No persons wera known
to have been killed , although several build
Ings were struck by lightning. The Marin.
railway and dry docks suffered severely
Throe steamboats on the docks were torn
loose and floated down the river some dls
tanco , but wera finally caught and towei
DoYourod uy Sharks.
SAN FBANCISCO , August 22. The rteamt
'Marlposa" ' arrived from Honolulu , Sandwic !
Islands , to-day. She bringe news that th
schooner 'O'ohoiki1 during a sudden equal !
capsized off the coast of Hawaii , near the Kan
district , and all on bnarr' thrown into tin
water , Two of tho-j & a managed to get iatc
boat which bad hoen towed astern thi
schooner , and retcuad two other Bailers , bu
the captain , his wife and child and two mem
bers of the crew were chased by sharks and
drawn under water before reecue could road
North Dakota's Population ,
Sr. PAUL , August 22. Major Edwards
superintendent of censia for North Dakota
gives the population of that portion of the
territory at 152,109. The six largest cltle' '
have the following population : Fargo 8,201 ,
Grand Perks 1,692 , Bismarck 3,007 , James
town 2.JS2 , Mandan 2,263 , Graf ton 2,225
The total number of farms in North Dakota
32,503 ; manufacturing Institutions 012.
The Sheet Iron Trade.
PiTTSDUBO , Pa. , August 22. At the meet
ing this afternoon of the shoot iron manufac
turers and men it is probable that the scale
wages will bo signed. This is the last day
allowed by the workmen's association , al
though the price asked baa been paid , the
mill owners have until now refused to sign the in
Bonnd , GnuKcdniifl Murdered.
CHICAGO , August 22. Mrs. Agnes Kladz-
, 27 years old , wlfo of a laborer , was to
night | found by her husband , on hia return
from his day 'a work , gagged nnd bound , evl HU
dontly murdered , them being n long dee ] HUy
gash behind ono ear. The house was in con < y
lunon and the few valuables It contained
were missing. 81
Freight Train Wrecked. miW
LOUISVILLE , August 22. A special aayc A
freight train on the Chesapeake , Ohio &
Southwestern road , going west , was wrecked
' AdamS Switch , Ky , , to-night , and En- .
glneer Tom Sherrlll , with his fireman and a
urakoman , wore killed. Conductor Goodman a
badly Injured. ei
Aa AVe Expected iroin Kentucky , ei
LOUISVILLE , Ky. ( August 22. Returns
: all tbe counties in the state givfl Tatp , P °
lemocratlo candidate for treasurer , a majority w' '
67,697 over Vex , prohibition candidate , wait
lupported by the republicans , The tenth
me Tate has been elected.
An Old Trick. >
"Noln , ineln gott , I did not blow dot ly
end a loodlo bid , " explained Henry
Heestor , a German guest from Walnut ,
ovra , at tha Gooa hotel Saturday tnora- roa
. in
About five o'clock Divld Nordllnger , sal'
rooms next to room 21 In the Gooa ions
, heard groans In thtt opirtment.
got up and trlod to force his w y in "
was unabloto doso. | Detecting tha the
of gas ho called the porter , and on- Sat
erlng found Holster etratohed out on rom
bed , last lapsing Into a state of as- own.
uyxUtlon , Vigorous remedies were ro- drj
orted to and Meistor iras Boon all right had
. Ue protested that ho h. d not let
lown out the gas had cnly turned It off J
ps the gaa apparatus in the plti '
room la not ont of order , ho mnst lo mis
tiI By n curious coincidence , almost ono
year , two Germans , also from Walnut ,
I own , had n narrow osoipa from
asphyxiation at the GODS hotel ,
having blown ont the gaa , Here
after , when a man registers from Walnut ,
Iowa , at this hotel , a double gturd
will bo plic'd upon him da ting the night ,
to 100 that ho don't attempt the gas-
blowing triok.
Army Kotos ,
Lieut. Park , of the Twenty-first infan
try ! has boon relieved from dnty on the
recently selected department toitn , on
account of failing oycs'fiht. ' Ilia place
will bo supplied by Lieut , Toggurt of the
Sixth infantry , stationed at Salt Lake.
The team ts now compDtod , has seven
men cf the Sixth infantry , five of the
Seventh , one of the Fourth and ono of
the { Ninth. From this it will bo seen
that ono-lulf of the members of Iho team
are of the Sixth infantry , stationed at
Salt Lake.
From all accounts ao far received of the
annual rifle contcste , it is evident that
none of the departments of the Division
of the Missouri are ahead of the Depart
ment of the Platte , In point of title average -
ago ; . "I think that this Is duo , " said
Ool. Henry today , "to the liberal prlsaa
slvcn by the cltlzjns of Omaha , which
gtimnlatcd the enlisted men to greater
cffoita. "
Several of tie colored soldiers of the
Ninth cavalry stationed at Fort McKln-
ncy under Col. Eat oh , wore in the city
Saturday , to drorr their pty , their time
aa onliitod men being up.
Foul ) IMny Snepoctoil ,
W. A. Carpantor , a shoemaker of
Pacific Junction , cams np to Omaha on
August 10th , for the purpose , as ho
said , of buying some lotthor. Ho was
last scon by a Burlington & Missouri
conductor , standing on the corner of
Tenth and Jones streets , and since that
tlmo nothing hai boenhoard of him , IIU
folks are greatly worried about htm , and
are inclined to suspect foul play. Car
penter waa a man of good habits , and
there h no reason to ballove that ho went
away with the intention of deserting his
family. The case it In the hands of
George E. Cole , of Pacific Junction , whole
lo on the lookout for Information con-
carnlng the whoroaboutc of Carpenter.
The mleslng man ia described as about
50 years of ago , five feet nlno Inches In
height , with sandy whiskers mixed with
gray , wcorlng a suit of dark clothes , with
soft black hat.
J. P. Loedom , Esq. , Sergeant-at-
Arma of the Houeo of lloprctontitlves ,
says of Rid Star Cough Cure that by its
purity and freedom from opiate ; , it snt-
pliints cough mixtures which contain
narcotics or minerals.
Murray In Trouble Again ,
A complaint vras filed SaturdiyaRainot
the irrepressible Tom Murray , who la
charged with obstructing Barney atreot
near Eighteenth. Some day3 ORO ho vroi
nrrodtod on the came charge , and was
fined $5 and coats. Ho promised at that
to sac to it that the obstructions which
existed in the shape of hoops of lumber ,
vvood plleK , old bests and n variety of
rubbish , vrcro speedily removed. Thin
rubbish hai been blocking the otreot now
Lor more than two months , Murray prom
ising every d y to have U carted off.
Judge Stonberg la now determined , as he
oxpresaed : it thla morning , to "make Tom
Murray hum. "
advertlecd under false names. Beware
of the Ogre thua disguised. If sick , put
your trust in tha vauquiahor of all dle-
INE. 81.50 , nt Druggists. Wholesale by
0. F. Goodman.
Police Dockor.
Judge Stenberg disposed of the follow
ing casoa in police court Saturday :
Goo. Ittnor , assault and battery , § 5
and eojta.
Joalo Smith and JohnOolambli , drank
and disorderly , So and costs.
William Shamol and Tom [ Hardley ,
drunk and disorderly , $5 and costs ; com
mitted In default.
W. H. Madden , John Dee , John
Christ , dtunk and dlaorpsrlydischarged.
Bonry Gilbert , Giorgo Williams and
Sam Kelly , vagrants , committed to coun
ty jiil for tan days. Ei Stone , vagrant ,
United Stntca | Court.
Cjurt rraa not convened Saturdiy
morning , and after completing some
minor basinets , Judge Dandy otdotcd an C9
adjournment until Saptombor 15th. WlA
The formal order of the court Instruct th
ing the deposit of the proccois of the dr
Smith stock sale by
tvaa filed. fui
Decree was made for the complainant tijmr
the csto of Schallonbergor vs. mr
Olizotreld , n salt between St. Paul , Nob. , clu
parties ever hotel property valued at coi
I > 9)
Judge Dundy appointed Thomas S. tb
Trlpp.'of Hay Springs , Neb , at United em
States commissioner an condition that no ofmn
such ofllco already existed within twen mn
mlos ! of the appointee's locality. thi
8UBIA1EU COMPLAINT cureu nnd im
mediately relieved by DUFFY'S Puns MALT and
WHISKEY. Recommended by leading Physi In '
cians. Hold by Druggists and Grocers , it's
Arrested take
"Hlgqins plico same as uiaol , " was nud
lie report turned into Marshal Oaramlnga ap
Saturday morning. Biggins vraa again ar > scii
eated and vent through the dally pro- as lly
ess of giving bond and being released. Taj
"I wleh , " said Mr. Higglna to a re- frie
ortor , "that the city would harry up ired
rlth the trial of those cases. I agreed to pg
until Oily Attorney Council got
lomo , but if I had my ovrn way about U , Ia
would go to trial at once. If I am di for
wrong , I want to know It as soon as rem
otalblo. I am perfectly willing to com. ItS
with the law. " to
reparation , cdvortlasd elsowliero , it 60o
oally an excellent article for eaving labor
washing , It takes the place of soap ,
al-rodi , and other chemical preparu- ro'o
, rero
llOBt lilt "JU8t. " the
"Judge , " eald John Djol , aa ho faotd ball
presiding genlas of tbo police court nan
Saturday morning , "I am a poor stranger Knl [
Iowa and cime to Omaha to tee the Ku (
. I fell into B hard crowd got wy
rank and waa robbed of all the money 1 tbo
, § 46. Bo easy on wo , judge , and ( ill
mo elf. " illT
Juiga Slonbarg couldn't ' roilab his hav
'Itoous plcidlug , and DjoJ wai 7
JittlRO McCullocH Decides Hint Lilnilo
the Alleged Dcsortor , Mnst
Si ADI ! Court Martini
TrUl ,
Judge McCulloch , of the oaunty court , was
engaged Saturday in tin trial of a very inter
esting CASO the habeas corpus proccodinga to
wrest the alleged deserter , Theodore Lindo ,
fromtho military authoritloj , It will ba renumbered -
numbered that Linda was arrested some davs
ago by Officer Crawford , for desertion , and
turned over to the military authorities at Fort
Omaha. It is alleged thtt ho deserted the
United States navy some fiva years ago , hav
ing enlisted shortly alter ht airlval in this
country < from Copenhagen , Denmark , E5CH3
The court room was crowded with an Inter
ested ! number of spectators , most of them
filends of the young man Lindo , who for two
years has lived in Omaha. Gen. Carlln wns
present , with his aide , and was represented in
the trial by Amstnnt U.S. District Attorney
Bartlett , Judge Anderson and Gco. Shields.
10if | . , represented Lindo , After the evidence
was all in , nnd the speeches had been made ,
Judge McCulluch remnrked that ho did not
see ( how ho could allow the prisoner to betaken
taken from tha military authorities by writ
of habeas corpus , lie must , therefore , order
that Lindo ba taken back to the military
prison at Fort Omaha , there to await trial ,
tn regular court-martial proceedings. There
was some doubt la his mind
ns to whether ho ought to reloaeo Linda on
bail until a writ of error could ho obtained
from the district court , Ho finally decided ,
however , that the best course tn pursue waste
to remand him back to the military prison.
'Step up and get your inan"uaid Mr. Bartlett -
lett to Gen. Carlm , who wa ) standing near ,
The general immediately ordered Lindo Into
the custody of his aide , and the prisoner wai
placed in a van nnd whirled off to tha post ,
Ho appeared to take the mat
ter complacently , even smilingly , and
bide his friends good-by unaffectedly. IIo
will bo tried at Fort Omaha , in regular court-
martial , when the testimony of the defense
will ba fully brought out.
This case i ) a peculiar one , and it Is said
that it is the first ono cf the kind over tried in
thltclty or state , involving as it does , a ques
tion cf the jurisdiction of state courts over
the military authorities. Mr , Barttett cited
a number of authorities to show that the state
courts could not interfere with caso& of
federal or military jurisdiction. Ono
opinion cited waa that of
Chief Justice Tanoy , in 188 ! , inthecasoof the
United Htntea vs. Booth , ia which the defen
dant was convicted ia the federal caart and
cent ta prison for attempting to liberate a fu
gitive slnvo. His frlondi tried to secure his
release by procaedings in the state court , but
the supreme court readers 1 11 decision that
such process was illegal and void. Another
citation was that of the Tarbo ! decision.
Young Tarblo enlisted in the United States
army AS a minor , and his father tried to se
cure his release , on the grouuds that ho was
under . age. The tuptomo court decided
that the state court could not Inquire Into the
reason why the young man waa held by the
military authorities , as It had uo jurisdiction
in such cases. Mr. Battlctt'a speech was a
very able ono throughout , au3 full of con
vincing logic.
Gen , Carlln hai been informed by Mr.
Bartlett that , In the event of a similar case
resenting itself , no writ of hnbe.ii corpus
'rom n stale court need bo honored. Here
after , therefore , tJJcn. Carlin will pursue thi
How a T/ilof / lias Twleo Invaded tbo
Sleoporoiin "Q" Train.
Mr. Geo. L. Woolaey ia tbo president of tbo
Nebruaba Uistllliag compiny at Nebraska
City. Friday at 11:30 : p , in , , ha took ths
0 , 13. & Q. train at Chicago , ticketed for
Omaha , and at the same time engaged a Pull
man berth. On retiring ha lolt his hand lug
gage , a largo valiao , upon a seat In the stateroom -
room , wlioro ha spent the evening chatting
with several gentlemen acquaintances.
When ho awcke Saturday morning ,
shortly after savon o'clock ho
was speeding through the tall corn of western
Iowa where the soil takes Its fertility from
neighboring contact with tbo great connuon-
wc&lth which lies jtut beyond the muddy
stream. In brief Mr. Woolsoy awoke to find
that his biggags v/as gone and that eoarch
hlpb and low through the train
failed to discover it. He wna.
aneered as he lost with the valieo a quantity
of clothing and some paporg and documents
moat valuable to him. Arriving hero some
two hours Inter lie quartered at the Paxton
nnd called at the B. & BI , and Pullman ollicos.
Tracers were eent back over the route and
elforta at once instituted to recover the stolen
Thursday night a pilferer who might have
tha Bumowho on tha next night robbed
Mr , Wooleley , went in to take from a travel
ing man a well filled wallot. The traveler
took tbe 10:30 p , m. ' Q" train out of Chicago
bound west and among other effects carried a
pur BO which contained money tha amount of
which although unknown waa much
larger than than that usually borne about
oa one's -person. lie , too , secure J Pullman
acoomodations , a choice lower berth in the
csntor of tbo car. At the depot he bad
noticsd a young man who seemed to eye him
very closely , and when during tbo afternoon
diecavcred the suspicious person on the
train , ho took a fanciful alarm ,
At laat , however , ho quieted himself by rea
soning that the coneciousneea of tba possible
losu ol his treasure fed his suspicions ucduly ,
and ho bszuiled the afternoon ia the pleasant
company of a young femalu fellow-traveller ,
whoso acquaintance ho casually made ,
! the night approached nndtlio | occupants of
sleeper began to epsak of retiring , the
drummer dlecovored that bis fair friend bad
late chaico been forced to on upper berth
forward -tho most disagreeable loca
tion posiiblo , Gallintly , the gentle
man 'insisted upon nnd obtained o ono
clmugo of berths with the young lady. This
courtesy saved him Ins money and probably tive
Ufa. In the middle of the night , while the
) ;
light slumber by
her curtains and the stealthy intrusion of a
masked visage. She started to a silting poa-
, but nt ibis mon.ont a hand was quickly
thrust into the berth nnd a powerful blow up
her forehead drove her down senaeless.
sroamed elmultaneouil ? with the assault
the paisengera sprang to thi altlo
a ; fever of excitement : ' God , I'm fooled ,
a woman , " ejaculated tlio masked man. ;
( with a sudden leap bo pulled tbe bell
, Before the excittd occupants cculd
In the alluition , the tram had checked
tha robber had sprung to the ground , disappearing
appearing , iu the darknojs.
The unfortunate luiy was restored to on-
iciouine.o , but her features will ba temporar-
disfigured by a bruie above her eye such
a : slung-shot would nmko , The drummer
dismayed at tha sad mliadventuro of hit ban
rlend and making u tour of the train diacov- tick
the suspicious character ho had seen dur *
the d y was gone.
A Great SurprlRO.
in ntoro for all who uia Kemps' Balsam Will
the throat and lungs , the grent guaranteed ens
emody. Would you bellevothat it is sold on nil I
merits ] and that each diugplttl * authored
refund your money by iho Proprietor of
( 'real wondeiful remedy if It fails to euro
Hchoetor & liecht , druggists , No. 211
st. , have necurod the agency for H , Price uic't
and 91 , Tria I lite free , } O1I
Al Dysnrt , on the 17th , four ladfoa
struck by the electric current acd
all more or less Injured by the
hook. Tnro stores were act on firv , but
Ihmea weroextingnUhed before lha W
nlldlaga wera totally doatroyed. The
For I
amos of the ladles are Mies Mattla
Tartin nnd her sislor Belle. Mia. Jola
utmor , and Mrs. Willis Urmoy. Mtr.
was bidly shocked. Mn , Ur > CO
waa hurt more than all the othm , Hoe
lightning having torn her shoes frcra on and , ]
let feet and paraljzlag both limbi , Voca
g ,
TJio hailstorm of Tuesday night wrough- etc. id *
ahiiK the line of tin ) W&bjah railt
la Uf ncook county. ,
° u
Rhoumalism , Houralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , flackachc , llcndacho. Toothache ,
Sore Tli t-onl.Sirrl tin go. Vfirn InnMruliicvi
lluri > . Nrill < H. lTo t IHIcn.
. , . n AI.I , oTiirii nouit.T ruvi AM ) Adin.
Bold Lj llnijtlil , , n.l I ) , U r c rtr litrf. 11 nOcuU > Iwlllo ,
Iilrfrtiotiiiliiit LtnARM. .
Tim ciiAiti.Ks A. voiniiit : : oo.
( > niion It A. VCOtUJljkVO > E.lllBons Si , V. B. *
It eltj J i .
Ncfiiu ? PKUHflldn pebMltf , Hiintr' * *
' 'H > < ; ! ral Weakness Mercuthluii'isln < r ( '
fMinsnl 'hioal.SUn nj Rjn , Hioilf' ! ( ! . ' 0'i' '
I,1 * Sores > ini' uluc' > < tttv-l vltb ti n
t'i.crlnfjtr' iniifi j iaelM > > c 'i r , Pr1 Mil.
llHea p * tlJlny { < < imllfcretlon , Kve *
- ' ' .
ni-.diilqem < : ,
llo-lrt ' 1 li -o til , C-I'lKf luE f'rljT
itttt Kjre twrm/ , flu ; ft j § i > IJM iitinttO < jt v ,
Tfr .co tal't < o itij of.uial t .c.iram , CIIIM u ,
I6j rjni ! Mur.'njn Improper or i > li ' . i
r T t < iiI7onret , Poph enJl ptrtilraUwro"t f n
IffclfA ratt't f-c 'to ojfctlflrQ dialt5tU64d'
A , PositlvaWritttiP
I .IB * Ua-ablsr.M-9 v Jeln !
" " ' lab c ? HTIVAU , ill pas * * . A.
' ib'"nr".ir'OTo' ' i 3 ei la ti'oor tnn\iSjKl.i \
i. ( ' l 'ni.tai.lrl fc1 t ; : jl ] ] > 'jf ,
- . . u tiucr nu , - . .
s a i > 'kn ii t , e j i ji n r'lWtt v i >
. i t -t , v < tv.wj o ti C.M.V ijit.
a > i * tp 'art. 3 54
Chartered by thcStatccil Ill
inois for thccxprcsdpjrpose
ofglvlni'lmmedlate rcllclln
jK-vate diseases. Gonorrhcca ,
.MJjaieetandSypliilisin nil their
CV complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Dlood promptly relieved nnd
pcrmanejitlycurcd by rcme-
„ _ _ . bpeclaU'ractlcc * bcmlnal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , fnaltti-ctif cured , Tlicra
imo c.Tpcfiinfiittmi , The appropriate remedy
ts nt once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
Iclnea sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
OR. JAMES.No. 204Washfnglon St.ChIcagolll.
Tlic Ori lni'l inul ( Mil.v < ciiulnc.
Aurc anatntrii IMIallc. llt'imronf wwrtltlpM * Imttitlcni.
IjicllirtniiWo to LAD1CS. A'l. four IlrtiintUt for
"Clilcli trrV fnill ! li ' ul t lo no oilier , or { iiUow < .
( rtampn ) to ui fir artlcllla In titter tiy rrhirn mulL
NAME PAPER. 4'lik'lirnter C'Jipmlrul C < >
ljlsAIudl.on-ouarc.l ! > Mli.d-l > o.
? | / \ ff rmg. . fr * .
At the old Etandl < 17 Ftrnam St. Orders by telegraph -
graph solicited aiidipromptly attended to. Telephone-
Ordinary Rubber Boota
always wear ou t first on
the hall. ThoCANllKl !
Boots are double tMck
on the ball , nnd give
Most economleal Rubber
lioot In the market.
Lusts longer than any
other boot and tbo
Call and ex
umlno the
cooda. . .
H SJ w H
1512 Douglas Street ,
Ci ( on. elkneea Icaio i the llttlo clilM In euch a con-
illtlon lli t It canroi BselmlUta l.ouly fooda. Hucho
iboull at once commence tbo IIEO of HIJgo'8
Food M a dally delt. It u 111 locn restore tbo diges
organs to their noriral condition , anil will giro
ullnoodcd it'ongth All drtfc'iiletacell It , cndfomo
roccrj. 1'ut up In ( Jur elzca ZSo. , and upwards.
AMmwona destroys tbo genni of ! ! conti-
lous diaeauu ,
ANlizruOTio ttllldoitroy a'l ' olfr anil keep the
of i juur tlccplnx roonij carl in J foih.
AMinwonc IH w'thnut ' color or cdo' , ndli
iarm'ei3 ta clotblug or lloib. It Ia intalutblo In tba
11 persons wll uio AMzrmotlo In Ihowalerln
lil3hthfylulliB. lioy will llnd ( tieat rtllef Itiolt-
riBthowatir I , andilccsnot dry the dish IILo am-
urih. )
D.-cs Iho sir In your 1'ouru tioill tously or Im-
' Aru you anne ) cd wl h the ' " -'or of fuo.inr ? I >
wiiit tnfctojilt ? Antlzyujctlo ipjlnkled about
friHbcn aad purify It crtr
Witlier's Antizmotic Solution
Bic ! by Hubn & Co , , Agents , Orcaha , Net.
1071 Sluaenuu t y > r. Tborouna Instruction ia
l Dd Instrumental lliute , ntno * nd Orjoa Tun- ,
rim Art . Oratory , Mlfrsturo , rreaeh , Occmui ,
luli a lnni te , Untllih llrancbc * , O/mnutleJ.
TulUoo. $ i to 9201 Lwird And TOOM , $ U to $ j