Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1885, Image 1

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HisKtteflomCoiiYiilSEjlOTer the Seiz-
nrc onto Caroline Island ,
Spanish Cruisers Hurriedly Or
dered to the Fiont.
His .Greatest Fear in the Crisis
H\B Own Subjects ,
The Frightful Oliolern Sonnreo iloba
Him of 1,000 ol Tliotu Day
IntolllKcncc ,
MADIIID , Auguit 21-Count Yan Solras
Sonenwnldo , German minister to Spain ,
protested against tha dispatch oi Spanish
cruisers nod troops from Manila to Yapa , the
largest of the Carolina Islands. Ho is re
ceived with marked cooloosi in court and
social circles ntLtGrangn. The government
organs declare Spanish public opinion may
compel the severing of relations with Ger
many , nnd an appeal to tbo powers ,
Germany' * reply to Spaiu'a protest against
Germany' * astumUion of control of the Caroline
line Islands has been received by the govern
ment hero. It is couched in friendly terms
and in it the German government olfera to
submit the claims of Spain to the Carolines to
n commission. It Is reported hero that two
Spanish war ibips occupied Ynpa , the chief
island of the Carolina group. The feeling in
Madrid against Germany Is BO bitter na to
cause alarm. Fears are entertained that hos
tile demonstrations will be made against the
German embassy and in conecquonco a guard
of police guard the building.
A patriotic demonstration against Germany
because of her action in connection with the
Caroline islands will , it is expected , bo held
hero next Sunday.
The Irritation against Germany increases
hourly. The official press nro mure indignant
over tha seizure of the Caroline islands than
the opposition press. Tue neivspipem gen
erally alvocato reprisals , Too German em-
baisador to Spain avoids all publicity. It ia
eemi-officlally Btatcd that tha goviimment in
tends a lupturo of commercial and diplomatic
relations with Gdrmuuy , unlesi Germany
abandons the claim to tha Caroline Islands.
Bismarck's reply to the Spauuh protest is
onsidorod ovnalva aud unaatUfaitcry , al
though he profeeses n willingness to submit
Spain's claim Co nn ex iminitiun by arbitrat
King Alfonso hai iuitructotl the Spanish
ambassador nt. London to proceed to Berlin
and entreat Umparor William to delay occcu-
patlon of the Citrohco islands. lie fears that
he will be deposed by his subjects.
SIMLA , August 21Gen , MncGregnr
has startoJ for IJuHta to nasht , in fortifying
the northwestern boundary ,
LONDON. August 21. A dispatch from
Meshed , Persia , near the Afghan frontier ,
states that n collision between Ilus ian
and Afghan posts nearly occurred on the Kith
Inet , at ICaratepe , eighteen tuiles from Cham-
anibaid. Soao : Russian troop ? , so thu dis
patches stute , approached Kiratepa and tha
Afghan troops there Btoad to their anna. The
Russian oulcor , when he ttuv this , ordered tha
troopers to uaellDg their carbines , and he was
shot and severely wounded by the ncctdentn'
discharge of one of those weapons , Btforo th
exact nature of this accident i as oscortaii-ei
there was considerable excitement nnd con
fusion which , however , snbsldml tin teen m
the truth was made known. Thu Afghans
then detained the Russians until they teo.ivoc"
an order to let them go. During thi
detention the A'phana troatud th
wounded Rinaian ofiicer with great kind
nees , bandaged the wound , aud sen
him back to thu Russian linos. A hunied in
vestlgnllon was made on both nldoti Th
Russian commander exonerated the Afgan
and prom sad his t.oopers should not ng < tl
advance bejond Chamambaid. Four
Hah oilicerd supervise the repairing
strongtiienicg of the forts nt Herat.
BurniKssiNO VICE.
LONDON , August 21. A meeting of the Nn
tioual Couferuuco for the protection of youut
girls was held In St. Jumoi hall today. Gco
William KrsMaa Russell , son of Lord Charlo
James Fox und n radical member of parlia
ment for Aylestury , preoided , The cjnfer >
uuca resolved to form vigilanca societies ovuy
where throughout tha country to onforcn tli
exlstiog laivu iv aiasc immorality and to labu
for the lmporeinout of t > ll legislation to re
press vice.
BLsiiAncK'u TELKanAni rnorosAL HODIFIKI
AND ADOl'IBl ) .
BERLIN , Augmt 21. The international
telegruph uonlerouca hui approved of the pro
posal embodying a mM'JIIio&ticni of Bismurck'
nroposat which wni rijected tbo other day
The hitter called far it uniform rate of foui
or live cents a worii for u telegraph me.'eas
uent to and from places within Kurope. Tn
proposition uow approved in far n uniform
tirllf on talograms between terminal
points which nro In Europe , and on telegrams
iutranaitla Hump's to and from pointa out
side , but nt rutts considerably higher tuan
K those aJvocaUid by tbu German chancellor
Gernuny'd elfo.ts , however , to hov cable
tariffs to and from countries bayond Europe ,
ospeciallv to India , China mid Australia ,
materially reduced from the prune n
high i a UP , are likely to prove successful.
Tha modified tariff Is 10 centimes per word in
large states nnd GJ Cintiinoj per word in minor
BEIILIN , August 21. The report of the
wreck of the German corvette August * is
oouliimed. Her craw of 238 L f Heard aud
pallors were lust. Her valno w n S1,7WCOO , ,
Sha was lout in n cyclone in tha Rud sea.
MAUSEILLIB , Au UBt 21. The Si , Loup
quarter is bco miug tha centre of tbo cbolsra
epldon.10. The furnmllty uhserved In ad mil-
tic patients tu tba Pharo hoipital rusults , It
is thought , in m ny danxhi through delay.
Theie weiu twenty-live deaths from cholera
here during lout night.
MAIMHLLIH , August 21 The total number
of deaths from cholera In this city for the past
twenty-four hours U sixty-bine , Them worn
ten deuthi in Pdaro bbspiUl , Total deaths
tince the outbreak of tha opidemio is M ) ,
Tno scourge shows no sign of abiteinont.
MAIISIELLIS , August 21. Thn situation
here in gruwiog worse. Between 8 a in. end
6 p. in. today 10J dfaths ware reDortcJ , of
which fifty were from cholera. There are
over 100 patients in I ha Pba.-o hojpital ,
MADmu , August 21. The excitement
among tna psopla on the Canary iilauda ,
caused by fear nt cholera amount * to a pmio.
They now refute to puintt any one f om
Seam to land They mad a na rxceptlou In
the oiso of the new governor , Lut received
him with riotous demonstration * , knd utoced
him. The looil authorities resigned pud
mtny people fled to thu Intetior. To-day
loldlers occupy the ttrrats aud tbe public
building * . Tnrougbout Sptio yntterdttv wore
B.lOl uuw oiiwof cholna unj 1C44 iloatlu ,
Darlig tbe twelve hours eudod ut mid uight
it ulgbt thfre irtra 14 now ciica ci J
thi teported In thtt ( ity , nnd 117 nsw
CMC8 and -11 deaths in the proviaco outsid
the city.
uinnALTAn August 21. Tno saven death
from chelera which occurred hero were al
within the Spanish lines. Thogovernmon
of Gibraltar are about to impose two days
quarantine sgainst all arrivals from tha
country. It is repotted tha Spaniard * wll re
taliate by cutting Gibraltar off from nil sup
TOULON , August [ 21. Two new catoi o
cholera were reported hero to-day.
ToutON , August 21. Two deaths fron
cholern were reported in this city to-day
Gen. Cnmpenon , mlciitor of war , has orderei
that the troops in the gairison heto bo dia
persed , nnd that the recently equipped men'
ot-war leave the harbor , making the bos
point of departure for China or Madagascar
WASHINGTON , ' August 21. United Statei
Consul U. M. Brent , at C.xUao , bn ? inado hi
tnnual icport to tha department of state oi
the condition cf affairs in Peru , Mr. Broni
says : "I am unable to chronicle any Improve-
mint in the financial nnd commercial con
dillon of Peru. Armed opposition ta thi
government of Gen. Iglosias still continue. !
The principal cities in the south and north urn
the center of the mercantile and ngrhultura
Interests In those rectlons nro in possession o
n rebellious faction obeying the orders of Gen
Thi'so ports nro closed to commerce. Thi
Immense nnd fruitful interior back nf Lima
whonca n great and eteady demand for sup
plies reached the capital in normal times , ii
uow , and has bacn almost uninterruptedly
since the departure of the Chilunu iu IS-I !
the scene of conflict nnd disorder. Roam
from these sections ventures to send hu
beovo , wool , ores and other tnorchandlz
tp the coaflt for fear of selziro and oniilica-
lion on the way , nnd tha storehouses rf Lima
filled with fronds , vainly nwnit the advout ol
pufcbnsers. Lima merchants have counter
manded their orders cent abroad ; the loca
demand is comparatively intignlficant nnd thi
exports uro dscroaunjr ,
Consul liront then rpeaka of thi
decrease in government rovenui
consequent upon this stagontbn of business.
and numerous burdensome duties imposed oi
imports still further restricting trade , nnd ni
nn exampla nf tha tncreancd co < 3t , say a thai
tubacco , which in the United States ccs
fifty cunts , is raised iu valua Sl.f.11 par pound. .
[ NESS. H. "in , _ j ,
AUBURN , N. Y. , Auguit 21F nz Josel
Ptemekey this morning Buffered the extreme
penalty of the law fjr the murder of Mrs ,
Paulina Froitzbeim on June 1 , 18S3. He wai
oiiginally sentence ! to lung March 21 , 1SS1 ,
but the Uw'd delay Idngthsnad his lease oi
life until to-day. His defense was that h (
did tha killing in self-defense , stating thai
Mrs Froitzhefm Bought nn interview , hep-gee
him to olopa with her , nnd findiog that he
was already married , fliw Into n passion and
drew n ravolvor , threatening to kill him. He
defended himself with n hatchet , hittimg
her ou the head twouty timoj with the blunt
end of the hatchet 'J In fact that ho rifled
thn house of nil valuable ) baforo hollar ] was
auth'ciont evidence that thn crime wai com
mitted solely for the purpoao of robbery.
in his cell nt 10 o'clock , nnd shortly after
ward the person stood tenenth the gallows ,
lie appeared unmoved When asked if ho
had anything to Eay , Frtther Ulrica replied ,
laying lha prisoner wUhcd to confess that ho
vas justly punished for tha crime committed.
So a-ked forgiveness of nil whom ho bad
candazlied , or earned pain , and died willlng-
y in hope of salvation. Tno noasa and black
! p were then adjusted , nud nt 1023 ; the
veight fell. _ His neck was dislocated , and at
0lj : , physicians pronounced him dead
Mmokey Itft injtruc.ions ns to the disposal
if bis body , nnd the burial took place in the
J > tbolic cemetery this afternoon. About
' 00 persons witnessed the execution.
WASHINGTON , August 20 T. V. Powdorly ,
Tand master workman , of the Knights cf
j tor , arrived here to-day , nnd this evening
md n conference with n number of loading
Cnlghts of Libor hero in reference to the
Vnbath strike. Nolhini Definite was detr
ained upon and a further conference will bo
leld to-morrow , nt which a committen of the
rdor from St. Louis will be present , and It
i thought a plan of ntlou will bo decided
ST. LptJia , August 21. No devolopim ents
n the Kofghta of Labor trouble in tha way
'f ' demonstration occurred tj-day , The men
t the Missouri Pacific bhopi any they will
lot handle the W bash' < * big engines. Ono
raployo last night rafiufd to handle a Wa
nth eoglns and waj dumhaod , Toe inaito
f tin ehopa wai notified that Hcgin mus
reinstated ' . and pud for lost time or a
tnke would ens an. Under order of the su
eriutendent Hogan wns reinstated to-da
nd paid for Test time , Both tides are actin
ery cautiously.
mull iroa on the incrcaio at Mon
MONTREAL , August 31. Thirty-five freil
isoa if small pox wera reported to-day ,
[ undrods of people nio fl jolting to tin pub ic
; ation , to ba vaco inted. Tao Great-North -
estern telegraph company liad all their era
loyes vaccinated today , and have their
ffica disinfected with thermo cresol o > ory
lornlng. Difficulty is being experienced Ii
rocurlug nuraea , The elstera of St. Miirg rot
'roteitant ) and Catholic sisterhoods havi
ouutooiod. Oity ] uesen er railway stocUn
It ono nnd n fourth per cent yesterday , and
* ° .JPe.r ceat nlo' to day Tha f Mlag off iu
allioUconeiierablB. The companies have
rdered nil their employes nnd their families
be v cclunted. Nelghbitiorr iuuniipalltlfs
r-St. Jean Baptiet aud St Henri are badly
Dieted. Too draianpH la both Ia ehocklt'g.
Yellow Kcvurlu l'/.II ( UIplii * .
PHILADELPHIA. Pa , , August 21-Tha etllor
ho came here from New York and was eud.
: nly taken nick with yellow faver , was ojred
r in the Philadelphia hospital , The
lynclans oay it it a mild oasa nud no caute
r alarm ,
WASHINQTON , Augmt 21 , Upper Mlssiss-
l > i valley Warmer generally fair weather ,
riable winds ,
MUsouri vulley-Warmor , generally fair
ather , becoming southerly.
Thn K okuk , Iowa , Constitution epecUl
mi DIM Riomes : The dry goods store of G.
cols & San was ImrgUrizad last night.
Us * worth ? 300 and jawelry worth 8 OJ
i/o stolen.
U htniog itruck thn rcsldenca of Samnel
lambeHiu SUnloy , Pa. , klllipg Mrs. Cham ,
rs and seriously burning hur 030 year old
lid ,
En St. Chailcs pftihh , near New Orltanp ,
t rd y afternoon , a lot of colored field
ndi took refuge under n tree duriap a
irm. J/ghtcIng utruck tte tree , killing
o of them.
A bold tllaf helped himself ti S3.(00 (
irth of jowalry at a MloneftPolU ttire y < s-
day , aud ecind.
Sick in UG Woo3s ,
Enjoying Exoellont Health and
Feeding on Oamp Paroi
Valiant Warriors to Meet in Chicago
cage Next Monthi
InvcBtlK tlonotci
From tlio National Cnpltnl nna
Other Placcfl ,
Special Telegram to The BEE.
SARATOGA , August 21. There are reports
hero of the Illness of President Cleveland in
hii retirement in his camp in the Adiron-
dacks. Night before last Dr , Conant Sawyer ,
of Au Sable Forks , who has boon hero for a
vacation , received a dispatch from Dr , Ward ,
the president's only companion. The die-
patch said : "Come on at once. I want to
consult you about n patient. Answer nt
onca. " The doctor replied ha would so. lie
is n great friend of Dr , Ward , nnd hai often
been called In consultation by him. Al
though the name of tha patient is apparently
with purpose omitted from the dispatch , Dr.
Sawyer had no doubt It referred to the presi
dent , as Dr. Ward has no one else with him
The president has been growing stout with
great rapidity since his inauguration , nnd bni
pained forty pounds , Th ! * rapid inc'easa of
Mesh baa worried the proaidnntnndhlsfrionda ,
In addition to this , uovvcomors to Washing
ton are very subject to malarial attacks.
These attacks nro generally developed as soon
as the unacclimitol Irave Washington for n
pure climate. Pure ntmosphere will bticg
out seeds of malarial dUensa already BJWII
with alarming rapidity.
Dr. Siwjer ha * not raturned to Saratoga
since he was summoned to join the presiden
tial party In the Adirondack woods. Ills
continued nbjonce is argued by his friends
hero to mean something serious , ns the doctir
expressed hi intention before lotvlng to re
turn to Saratoga .t soon as pjetlblo. It has
boon found impracticable to communicate
with him at his liomiia Au Sab'e Forks , but
ho may possibly have gene there before com
ing bask.
PLATisnutto , N. Y , August 21. The re
port that Pcealdcnt Cleveland la ill , and that
Dr. Ward summoned Dr. Sawyer of Au
Sable Forks for consul tation is false. President
Cleveland aud Dr Ward htwe been in camp
since Monday at Wil ii1 pond , nine mile * from
Prospect liomo. The president is enjoying
excellent health.
OF TUB XV < in.
Spacial Telegram to The BEI.
CHICAGO , III , , August 21 , Preliminary ar
rangements have beau about completed for the
eighteenth annual meeting of tha society of
the Army of the Tannesaeo , which ia to be
held in this city Saptember 0 and 10 next.
The meeting will probably ba an unusually
largo one , only to bs compared with that of
1879 , when the society held its meeting bore
and when Gen. Grant , who had thsn just re
turned from his tour around the world , waa
Many distinguished generals who partici
pated in the battles of the Tennessee will be
present. Among thoao will ba Gen. W. T.
Shorm&n , president of the society , Gen.
Phil Sheridan , Gen. BelUnap , Gon. G. M.
Djdge , Gen. Marshall , of Minnesota , Gen.
nnd ex-Governor Fletcher , of Missouri
Gen. aud Judga Force of Cincinnati , Gen
and f > x-Presidunt Hayes , Gen. and cx-Mlnl
tfr Nciyes , Gen. l.eirijatt , Gen. ana .luJg
Glreshatn , Col , and Postmaster-General Vila
jim. nud Governor Oglesby , Gen , nnd Gov
? ruor Kusk. Major and Governor Sherman
Glen , nnd Governor Hubbard , Col nud Guv
; rnor Pierce. Tha five last mentioned nre tl
[ uescnt governors of Illinois , Wiecontin
Iowa , Minnesota nnd Dakota respectively
iml nro nil members of the society.
The annual meeting will convene on th
ivening of September Dili The annual nd
ires i will ba delivered by Gen. Sanboru of S
Paul , after which Gau. ijherman will dellve
i eulogy ou Gen. Grant. Septcmbar 10th
wrjquet will b ? held.
WASHINGTON , August 21. The recant orde
il tha commissioner of internal revenue fo
, iioleaeo of spirits shipped from Peorla t
? hiladelphio , and there seized for ro-examina
ion , applies also to spirits from the a :
ity seized in Nnw York and Bait !
aorc , where similar examinations wer
mda. Gyneral Sawnll , chief of revenu.
gent . who conducted the invottigation in
'hiladn'phia has just returned to Wusthlug
on. He nys to-day thut the govornmnnt of
cora had cuccesifuljy accomplished nil they
at out to do. Them wera chargei that Po
na. distillers were defrauding thu gavernmeu
y fraudulent gauging. Tha miitltr waa in-
est'Kated ' and it was found that moans bar
eun reported to to prutent the Gauging roc
rom recording the actual contents of the bar
While this fast was established , Gen , Setv-
II Bald ha it not prepared to say it waa douo
y the distillers with fraudulent intent. The
XCOKB fuucd averaged about oao gallon per
irrel out ot tlxty-ieven in every hundred ex
mired. In view of ihe lack o
ositlvo evidence of nn inten
j defraud on the part of the distillori , the
nvernmeut agreed to a compromije whereby
IB spirits ecized wrrn to barxluosed nu i y
iort of the cxcoeu fuUDtl. Gen bew ! l aau
irthor that It wua not likely the
ovcrnmont would Institute legal proceedings
i this cuna , but steps would bu ttkeu to uro-
sat similar ovation * cf Jaw in the future ,
id ii cnse nf detection nud cinvietlon the
itrorno penalty tf the law would boisited
son the oifundera
WASHINQTON , Auguit 21. Oommissloner
koman cays that tdivard Howe , utslitant
tpralter , hai been ap ] > olntel a member of
o local board of exain'nera ' of ths New York
ttorni district , vic 0. A. Stevens , resigned.
e says that Mr. Howe has bsen for U enty
ari u member of the board of education for
0 city of Brooklyn. He U a gentleman cf
s-h character and fine attainments , Hit sa-
; tlon waa made in n manner moat tatufac-
ry to the ctimmistion i > nd highly creditable
nppraleer MoMllleu. Ho will enter upon
1 duties as ciiinlnt-r upon the completion of
o pending examloattous in the customs eer
ie , during which time Mr. Stevens will con-
ma to serve.
Theuiuat leml-weekly purchase of tllvor
r coinage into standard tllver dollar j W H
utted to-d y. Severn ! off ra were tecalvfd
the tremnry department , but All were re-
jectoJ ai being oxccsiive. An cfilclsl nali
ihat while the price of silver has dfcliued
th re WAS no corresponding reduction In an ]
offers received.
Secretary Bayard Ins received from th ,
consul-general at Montreal n statement of th
number of dosths I rom small-pox In that cit j
Inoo April 1 , as follows : April , 0 ; May , IB
June , 4G ; tha tint two weeks In Augu t , 45 ,
On May 13 , eighteen houies In Montreal con
tained smnll-pox placards ,
MIL\VAUK B , August 21-Tho opening ECS
slon of the first convention of German-Amer
ican juurntlists over held , was conducted ic
the city ouncit chamber to-day , and the ob
ject for which tha event was arrangoJ.tllmt ol
forming n national organization , was nttatnod ,
b. A. Wollenwober , n veteran Goniun editor
of Reading , Pn , served ns temporary chair
man , nnd the forenoon was given to the to <
lection of committees on organization , consti
tution nud Gnanco , In the afternoon the fol <
toning officers were chosen for the permanent
organization : Chairman , Dr , Krnil Pmtorloup ,
fat. Louis ; vico-ptosidont , George Koppon ,
Milwaukee ; second vics-prrtidont , Carl Kus-
mectii , Cincinnati ) iccrotary , Kmil Klaosslg ,
Ynrijus ma tiers of Interest to the fraternity
were difcusjcd , nftor which the visitors , 100
In number , took carriages which were fut-
i Ishad by ono of the largest brewing compa
nies in the city , to whoso brewery the odltore
were driven , and there entertained for the
remainder of the ntternoon , To night n
grand banquet is in progress , having boon or-
tanged In honor of the visitors by representa
tive German merchants of Milwaukee.
After n business session to-morrow forenoon
the visitors will nttsnd at the volksfoit at
Schultz park , and In the evening participate
in n bill to ba given in their honor.
Fort AVovtli'8 Hiihcally Banker.
GAI.VESTOH , T x. , August 21. A special to
the News from Fort Worth says : The City
National bank remained closed to-day In
purtuunco of vtatorxlay'a order from the
comptroller of currency. The bank examiner
Is expected to. morrow. No statement of the
bank's affairs can ba obtained until
the examiner reports. Major 1C. M.
Vanzandt , president of the Kort Wrrtb
National bank , has boon appointed
city treasurer , and is making n thorough ex
amination of the affairs of the late defaulting
treasurer , Nichols. The last will of Nichols
was submitted for probate to-day. It ia
dated January 2f , 18S5 , nnd bequeaths to his
wife and children equally all property he
might be possessed of at nis demieo. It was
duveloped to-day that Nichols purchased n
bpttlo of strvchulno only half nn hour before
his death , thus confirming the sucicldo theory.
Believe tc to Coon a
ALBANY , N. Y. , August 21.-Considerable
excitemout has bcn caused in Cohoes by n
strange sight nt the residence of Mra. Thomas
Woods , -whoEO infant child died on Wednes
day Wlun the undertaker was preparing
thubody for bmittl , one party present sud
denly dcclareJ figures of a cross and a ch-Jico
could ba teen on the white cloth that cov
ered the child' * face. Others looked nnd saw
tha figure. Word went out nnd people
flocked to tbe house , until it became necsesary
t > call on the police to keep back tha crowd.
The cloth was f'tquontly wet wth | water , but
the figures remained. Spots where the cross
and choice were outlined were ot n glistening
whiter shade than the remainder of the cloth
when it was wet. About 12 o'clock yesterday
the shadow disappeared. Many bdievo it to
have been a miracle.
A. Scheiio to Pnotugrapli Mongolian
Mnfjs Killed ,
SAN FRANCISCO , August 21 , Judge Hoff
man , of the United States district court , eug-
psted some time ago that to batter restrict
: raud in Chinese certiScatei , photographs'
; he Chinamen ba attached to the certificate ,
solicitor of the Treasury McCue. In a letter
: o the collecior of this port , says that as the
eatnctioa net provides that certificates ehall
) a furnished free of coat , tha Chinese cannot
) o required to furnish photographs of
Nowa Prom Our blfltor Rpplmullc.
CITY OF MEXICO , ( via Galveeton ) , Auga
It A large number of students nro in priso
A P-ichuca awaiting trial for coditioua utte
The national newspaper announces th
fern Cruz railway company will next month
educe freight rates. Tha object la to com
)3ts ) with thu Gnatral on iti thiough business
The state of Yern uruz has reduced taxo
n importations of foreign goods , nnd th
nerch mts of tliat port claim that they ex
aalntain their commercial supromacy.
Uvor Improvement Delegates Ap
ST. Louis , August 21. In the nbjonco o
iDvernor Marmaduke , LlonUnant Governo
ilorehouso to-a\yappointed Javea dslogates
or the Btate at large , and three delegate
rom each congressional district , to tha north-
rest ru waterways convention to ba hold i
it. Paul , September 3d. T&o congressiona
nlo > ; ation Includes the member of canprcta ii
ach distilct.
Irtonllfloa am Aurdfinorto.
NEW ORLEANS , August 21. Deputy Unitoi
tates Marshal Parker has Identified the per
on tirreatsd in Montcrt-y ns Aufdcmorte , de-
ulting Bub-traasury clerk , The deputy war
ml telegraphs that a demand from tha prea
lent of tiio Uoited State * on IVetldenl
lodes wilt b9 nocessaiy before the prisoner
in bj extradited. '
Atlcavy HiiKnr lotlntii { > Company ,
ST. Louis , Mo. , August 2L The St. Loui
urar Refining company , with n capital stock
t S760.COO , was organizsd here this afternoon ,
'hn ' company has grown out of tbe old
elcblcr Sugar Uelinim ? company , and will
nnmeucd opsrations in the immento refinery
' the old lltlohlur company about Decein-
= r 1 ,
In the 1'rloo ot tiitmbor.
ET , PAUL , August 20. The northwastern
mber doslera' nssoolution , with reprosonta-
vos from Iowa. Illloolc , Minnesota , nnd
'leconsln , met hero to-d y. ' Investigation
vealed tbe fact that lera Iumbr was loft
er this toason than last , nnd n resolution
aeed mlvnncinfr rates 51 per thouaand on all
The trial of John J. Martlu , who was ar-
sted for patting counterfeit mocoy , was
atpontd In United States Commissioner
udcrson'd court until this morning at 10
dock ,
-Tbo plat of Phillips' addition to Omaha
u filed in tha cilice of tbe county clerk yes-
dayj also tha plat of the addition of Patter-
i & Dlckeon , and the plat of IIImebauRh &
.tlerson' . * sub-division ,
-John Regau , n stranger In the city1 , wai
md last nifht ? by the polios in the alloy
: k cf the Burllwton ticket olbca where he
s lying dead drunk. He was eecorttd to
) police station end given lodging for tbo
; ht. When found he had on bis person n
D gold watch and chain acd $755 In
ney ,
-Hd. Knotp , a ewitchman In the Union
cifio yatd , w i cleaaicg hit revolver last
mingr , when the weapon MM accidentally
charged , and Ed , ia now mnu ! ons of hi *
SixErMonarciisoniliBSfa Bnjneflti
ihG Water's ' Edge ,
Going Down to the Bottom Witl
Hisses and Gurgles.
The Oarious Find of Some Louis
ville Fishermen !
Criminal Calendar and Sporting
Dny Oouarronuo ,
Pour WASHINGTON , L , I , August 21.
A Cro , causing tbe loss of over 8100,000 , broke
out on board tka steamer Colorado , lying oft
Plum Boacb , near bore , this evening. The
flamoa spread from tlio Colorado to tka fol
lowing shipn , nil ot which burned to the
water's edge and sunk : Minnesota , Susqno-
hnnna , Congress South Carolina , Iowa , Lotto ,
Grant and Fnirplny , All , with tbo exception
of tha latt two , belonged to the United States
navy. They had been condemnad , nnd were
bought from the government by Stannard &
Co. , who wcro to break thorn up for the old
Iron and plank they could gat out of them.
The fire broke out on tha forward deck of the
Colorado , where men were at work burning
up planks to get iron splkoa. On the tight of
the Celorado was the Smquehonnn , to which
ihe llim.03 spread rapidly , and before either it
or tin Ojlorado could bo towed out , the ( limes
bad eprend to the other boats.
and the sky was rod for miles around. The
heat waa ao intense that it waj impossible to
go any nhcro near the burning ship ? , while the
crackling of ( he flames sounded like a sharp
crack of musketry. The tlimes crept alonu
the decks and bulwarks of the ships , and oat
their way up the ahroudi into the tigging ,
The picture uow presented of eight burning
vessels , outlined against a bank of inky clouds ,
wa one loog to bs remembered.
The fire burned BO fiercely that within
three hours nothing wns loft of the once
defenders of the United States but a few
charred planks and Ibating timbers. The
hulls tunk ot onca to the bottom , going down
with hisses and gurgles , amid a cloud
of Btoain from the water as it
swept over the burning wrecks. The Colora
do was tlia firat to sink , and as tha waters
closed over her , a mast from the Minnesota
tnppled over on the Congress and together
The Suequehnuna burst loose from her moorIngs -
Ings , ana at one time the vaiioui furling craft
anchored nloncr the there appeared to be in
danger. She floated about litty yards from
shore , aud after trembling for a moment ,
keeled over and ennk. Tha South Carolina
and Iowa followed her to the bottom in nhoit
order , but before going down tha flames
puread from the Iowa to the Lotta Grant aud
Pairpby , two schooners lying near the shorn ,
and they too sank. Who
tbo owners of _ Mio schooners are
could not bo ascertained , as tbo crows became
BO mixed up in the crowd ot spectators , that
they could not bo found.
Mr. Stannard. in c.raverjation with a re
porter , said : The Iocs to me is not leas than
Sit 0,000 , as it was only for the iron in them
that I bought them , Hud the boats been
serviceable , the loss would have footed up
into the millions. " The Iocs on tbe schooners ,
it is said , will not bo leas than 625,030.
rns cuaious ram or BOMB LOUISVILLE
LOUISVILLE. Ky. , August 20. At 3 o'clock
ibis afternoon fishermen saw the body of a
? irl floating in the river at Six Mils island.
They towed the body ashore and sent for thi
serener , who held an inquest to-night. Th
mso promises much work for the police an
eporten. Anoxamlnatlonshowcd the corps' '
10 bo that of a beautiful girl not more thai
welvo years old. She was dressed
vhito mull drees , trimmed at neck and arm
vith rich lace , and at tier thioat was piunoi
i ujral brooch Bet with pearls. On tbe thin
iuger of her right hand was n beautiful dia
nond ring of odd design , liar uudorcloth
ng was of the finest linen , and be :
tnckings of rich sill. Her curling brjw
lair was dona up in a knot high on tier heai
, na tied with blue nbbon. Her cheeks wen
ound nod fair and her eyes largo and dot
irpwn. Kverytbing indicated that she wai
ha child of a perscu of wealth and high Bocia
tandiog. Her foot were very dainty ant'
mall , nnd her hands in keeping. Then
rere no marks to indicate violence excep
hat a towel was bound around her bead and
.old together with a pin. The ends wen
Irawn through her teeth And Btuflod into he :
louth. aud the probability is that she wai
egged in this manner and thrown into thi
Ivor , There were no marks at all by which
be could bo identified , and tbo police bavi
Mind no clue to night. It neems n case o
uitder , nnd the victim was of high degree.
'LOUISVILLE ' , August 21. Tha body ofth
enutlful young girl which was caught in th
iver yesterday still remains in u city under-
iker's estnbl thmont. There is still no clue
s to her identity or as to whether she com
littrd suicide or was murdered , though th
> wel which was tied around her head and
toutb Indicates the latter. Several parties
ho have misting daughters called , but failed
) idoatifiy the body ,
On I Alt ! ANO OUIMI4ArjS.
iiunoHiiocsfonre w A POLK
EAST SAOINAW , Moh ( , , Auguit 21 , At
reland loat night , Benjamin Badgloy , and n
ole named Henry Beintky , both farmers ,
Barreled. Tha Pole drew a knife , and
ashed Badgley to death , Ono cut extended
iross Bndgley'd breast , and penetrated the
Dgs , Another laid the right arm open to
10 bonu from shoulder tu wrist. Another
ai itcroBi tbe back , cutting both kidneys ,
here were sixteen cuts in nil. The Tula is
ill at large , The tragedy grew out of an nl-
ged slander by Airs Badgley , but of which
is had just been acquitted In court.
ST. Louia , Augutt 21. Maxwell , the ol-
? ed murdoter of 1'ollcr , appeared before
ting Judee Fauntleroy in the court of cilm-
alcortectlon to-day. IIo was not aiked to
eod , as Judge Fauntleroy , temporarily fill-
? .ludga Nornan'a place in Una court Is one
Maxwell' * coutiteli. ThHcarn ia eet fjr
elimlnary heating Beptunbir I'- ,
NKW YOBK Aujwit 21 , The first eriei of
tua trial races between the center-board
op yachts Puritan end Pil cill , to decide
itch will be thu defender of the America
p ia tbo September iac s with Sir II chard
tton'd English cutter Genesta , wn sailed
day , resulting in a flattering victory for tbe
iiton yaobt Puritan. No tett race was ever
led under more favorable conditions to the
npetilon. The course WM twenty
Its dead to windward , roeaiuted
leg , and return. A stiff bretza , that com-
lled both coatcilanu to home their tsp.
mtsti , but which wai itcady from start to fin
ish , made the contest an extremely sniisfas
tory one. The windward work covered fulb
thirty miles , making fifty mllea In nil sailed
br tha contestants , The Puritan's actun
tlmo , 4 hours , 58 minutes and 19 second * , it
it Is said , tha fattest limo over mnJo by i
Bailing Tcstol under ilmtlhr conditions , avrr-
rglng as It docs , ovtr ton miles an hour , The
I'liullla'a time WAS 10 minutes longer.
IlAniKonn , Conn , Augnit 21 TMs wni
the closing d.ty of the grntid citoait trottlnf
meeting at Charter OAK patk.
Class 2:1 : C : Pbylli * won Olemmlo O sec
nnd , Mnjollov third , Mnud Messcngor fourth.
Best time , 2:17J. :
Class 2:23 : : Jiutler Scotch won , Ttlnrc
Mltldlotcn second , Dick Organ third , W. 1C ,
fourth. Best time , 2:22 : .
Clan 2:33 : : Kltofoot won , William Krar-
ney second , Maggie Knos third , Eddlo Wilkot
fourth. Best time , 2:21. :
At Dtlroit : Detroit , 3j Huffalo , 5.
At Philadelphia : Athletic , 3 ; Metropoli
tan , 0.
At Now York : New York , 7j Philadel
phia , 1.
At Brooklyn : Brooklyln , 1C ; Baltimore , 1 ,
Cutting the IViol Prlco on Wlilnlcy.
CINCINNATI , August 21 An oroninp ; papei
tays It was reported on 'change to-day that
Vooria dealers had Bold whisky In Chicago nl
$1,03 , whereas the pool prlca Is $1,37 , In cent <
t equenco tbo Millock distillery of this city Ia
BUud n brinf circular , announcing they would
eoll nt a $1.0G rate until September 1. A
break at this time is all the more unfortunate ,
ns the market has been uuusutlly firm , with
not too great a supply and a good demand ,
Ttio Fire Itccnrd.
NEW ORLEANS , Ln , August 21 , A fire at
Texukaua , Ark. , this morning destroyed the
Arlington hotel , telephone cilice , poatoflice ,
1'arifio & Southern txprcai olHcen , and the
Western Unlcn to'egiaphofflco. Twocquaroi
on the AtkBDsas side wcra alro destroyed ,
Loss estimated nt $150,000. Insurance not
yet known.
Oattlng ftlincrn'
Pirrsnuno , PA , August 20. Work was ro-
umtd at Walton & Co. "a ininei tc-day nt a
reduction of one-fourth of n cent per buthel in
tha prica of mining. In the fourth pool n
number of pits nro working at IJc , and many
miners eay it is dilFiunt to support their
families on this sum. Thi price for mining
has not ben BO low along the Moconguhsla
for years.
Adnra Httil to Pay Up.
PEOHIA , 111 , , August 21. To-day Forn-
pau h's show pitched tents in this cicv. N >
sooner had they done so than the P , D. & E.
railroad company had the whole concaru at
tached for debts of last year in damaging earn ,
To-day tba sheriff gobbled up everything
Adam had , and held it until the debt and
costs were paid.
There nro in England 187 ragged schools
which nro nUtindod by 09,000 children.
The number of children of school nge en
rolled iu the United States is estimated at
liss Adelaide Kudolph , of Clovolnnd , a
niece cf Mra. Garfield , has been chosen pro-
lessor of Latin in tha Kansas gtuto university ,
Tbo Georgia leglelature has uador consider
ation n bill ' 'to pinco the benefits of a liberal
education within roach of nil young Georgians
who are unable to pay their own expenses. "
Last week the graduating exercisoa of 1835
o ! the United States Indian Training echoo' ' ,
near Salem. Ore. , were held. Tbo pupils are
commended for their progress. The graduat
ing numbered twenty-five boys nnd girls.
There nro in the world 397 institutions for
the education of donf mutes. Germany ban
90 of th BO , Franco 07 , Great Britain 4G , nnd
the United States 33. Ilajcnt c.retul estim
ates placs tha number OE thssa unfortunates
ut 800,010.
Uf the 15,363 rnon thnt have taken degrees
t Harvard , 1 < 7 bore the name of Smith ; 113
that of Williams ; the Browns and Browneu
numbered 111 ; the Adamses , 103 ; tbo Clarks
incl Clnrkes , 93 ; the Porkere , 79 , and the
Tonesea only OS ,
A record of tha birth , parentage and real-
lenco of John Harvard , for whom Harvard
: ollcRO was named , has just been found in the
parish church of St , Saviour , England. This
ecoid ehowa that the Harvard family was
jrokcn up during thn great plaque of 1825.
The Wisconsin etatj legislature hai appro
niated SS.OOO to the stn'.o university to I
ised In holding "farmers' institutes" in var
ins places for tie instruction of tha people i
ericultmo during thu months of November
Jocember. January , Febnury , March an
Professor Chapman , of Bowdoin cillegi
ays brain and brawn go together nt BJH
loin. He saya the Gjodwin pnzo , for th
icst part , nt the 168J commencement w&a wo
> y the third biaoican of the colloga nine ; i
881 it was won by the second baseman of th
ollege nine : In 1885 it waa won by the boi
ar of the collo.iri ) crow. These n on were a
'oration ' men , " nnd the second baseman wa
bo nalutatorlan of his class.
In Franco there nro 131 communes v/ithou
shools anJ 2,1 M commune * ef EDO populatlo
nd oyor not prouded with schools tor grrli.
If primary schools , public and free , there ar
9,4'16 The numlur of tenohera la 133,580
'ho ' number of pupils of shool aie (6 ( to 13
Qiolladin all primary pchnola pnd in the ma
irnal schools is r.-ported at1 5S7 545. O
IB Bchojla known ns hamlet tcho > li a 403 nro
jported , with nn enrollment of 7Uf 03 pupils
clnml savings bank * have been o.tabliohecl n
3,222 school ? , nnd 483,021 uchool-hoyH nro do
osltors in tha earns to the amount of S2 257 ,
39 20. '
i ? DROPS.
The reign of the cattle barona is a relic o ;
"I'm struck on your shops , " as the
ild to the boy.
My ton , it anybody smokes the filthy wood
m't fhow.-Chicago [ Sun ,
A "sixty-day veteran" unually tells th. .
lUghoit war Btorlos.-f Will Visscuer ,
"Utttz' , MojtM rkot"nnd "Fenst-r'u 3tos
urant" are two signs ou ThlrJ avenue , Nuw
ork ,
"Mai is that '
why darkey equWa'ent to n
nundrum ? " "I'm turn I don't know my
" "Became he'd "
n a-nlg-raa.
The remark by the Worcester Gaz > ' .tn that
joef-tonzne nnd ox-tall toup make both onda
eat" Is Worcester shear a uco ,
The world owes every won a living , it is
[ ie , but Itisn mao'd builn on to collect tbe
: bt. [ Manchester ( N , U. ) Union.
A prominent Mormon older , who is I ho
ther of twenty-seven growo-uu boys , tnya
it in the "wholesale genta furnishing buii
In the Congo elate there is only one doctor
n country 'MO by COD miles in oxtent. That
plains why It ia BO exceedingly healthy
Uulchera cover read the newapapew. Beef
a fallin nearly sixty per cent in the west ,
d not u butcher In thu city knows anything
out it.
The man at tha tolpbone eay "Hello ! " but
9 man who cits cloivj on a pin-point eny
it the r versa -IJjUon [ Saturday Evening
\Vell \ behaved ODnvIcts In Slbera are now al.
ved to piny bastball as a toward ot merit ,
ruiirj by , lontea'J ct kpoutlcg n
u have to umpire the game ,
-Hon. D. U. Wheeler received word yoa-
d y that hii fither , Hon. William Wheeler
Gleawood , Iowa , was seriously ill. Mr.
heeler ii eeveuty-iix yean old ,
What powder will I nso this warm
athei ? Why , Pozzml'a Complexion
ndcr JastB louger end i ) not sticky. '
FbcMarkeisiadiicago feat , and on
IhG Verge of DDlincss.
A Now West-Bound Passenger
Soliodulo ArrangotL _
Klattoro of Moment Transpiring , of
Interest to the Business
AVorltf ,
\ViBAT ,
Tolojram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , August 21 , The wheat market
was quiet to the very verge of dullness to-day ,
but tbo market rultd firmer throughout , nnd
lha Intent trading prices were go in ndvnnco of
tha close last night. Foreign advices were
moro encouraging. Iteccipts contlnua light ,
aud there appears to bo n moro active shipping
demand. Under the influences "shorts" were
moro Inclined to cover , and there \ras tome
purchasing for "long" account. Vessel en
gagements were ropoitoj for 163,000 bushels ,
while receipts were only 27,009 bushels ,
against 148,000 buihols the tame day ono
year ag ? , The boar eontiment , however , con
tinues \cry stroncr among room traders , and
it is estimated that the "short" interest
is a largo one , Tha market opened ft shade
firmer , fell back agaio , than row to a paint
Johigher than yesterday , fluctuated , and
closed on regular board Jo higher than yes
terday , and advanced an additional Jo on the
afternoon board. The market received most
of iti early firmr.naa from report ] from tha
northwest , where threshing was in progress ,
stating that the yield was much smaller than
last year , nnd lost thin had boou expected ,
The market openo J firmer , _ influenced by
an onrly hriuueis in whpat , prices advancing
ISic , but largo ostimttod receipts for tomorrow
row brought out freu olferings , and pricas ro-
cpdoJ ; J , § * - , ruled stronger on frott predic
tions tur to-night , nnd cloaud 1 .3 : higher
thin yesterday.
Trading in oats wni less active , end nftor a
firm opening , prices rccdJod slightly , nnd the
market closed quiet.
Moss pork advanced 20@25c , settled back
Ti' lOj , nnd clossd atcady. Lsrdruled 2J3Gc
Spacial Teoram to The BEE.
OnicAGO , August 21 , The few loads of
primu solid corn fed natives among the fresh
receipts sold at S3.70@C CO , which is equally
ns high ns Euch would cell for any day this
week. Anything in natives below first-class , '
nnd anything that had tbo appearance of being -
ing grassy , hnJ to eell for whatever the sales
men could net. Bent northern grass fed
rangoro arc outselling native grauers , and
dressed bsof men claim they are weight for
weight and quality for quality , moro profita-
ble. _ The supply of northern cattle was
limited to about ) & cars , nnd euch ns suited
dressed beef dealers and shop trade sold a ihado
higher. There was nu immense number of
Tezans on sale , probably 5.00J to 0,003. and
canning sorts Bold lower , btoera , 1,350 to
1.500 lua. , SO 5 ( o < ! l j ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs. ,
S5.00@5.SD ; 950 to 1,200 Ibs. , S120@490.
Torough Texas cattle , lOc lower ou low
grades ; SlIO to 1 05fl Ibs , S3 50@4 10 : 750 tp
% 01ba. . ? 3.00@3COj8'Oto 700 Ibs. , S2.7D ®
3 00. Western ranges slow ; nntiva aud half
breeds , S4.25s3-J,7G. ( DJWS , S300@3.75.
Wintered Texans , ? 3 COg-1 40. Sales-107
wintered Texans , 997 Ibs , , $4.40 : 4 3 Indian
Texans , l.COO Ibj. ,
Trade slow , with little or no chaago in
prices , the market * c'.oticg wenk , with a largo
uurnbor left umold , Kiunh and common ,
? 3 9D@4 10 ; fair to good packern , $4.1B@4.35 ,
vith choice heavy atS140@4.GO ; packing
md ihipping , 250 to 300 Ibs , $ I.10@1.GO :
ight weights , 130 to 170 Ibs , ? 1.CO@4.80 ;
.80 to 210 Ibi , SI 1D@4.40.
NEW YOHK , Augmt 21. i.-assenger agents
' } the trunk lines , except the Pennsylvania ,
aet iMo this afternoon and agreed to advance
lasBencfor rates to Chicago nnd proportion-
itcly to all other western points. Tha Erie ,
jnckawanna nnd West Shore in nil OJBOS
, dept rates of Beoond-claBs faio as agreed upon ,
mt will be allowed to make dltferantial of
no dollar on each fint-clats ticket Bold ,
he following latea nro uamed In the schedule
rhich Koea into tlfect to-morrow :
First-class. Socond'dass.
'hlcago 811.00 511.00
' ' Lcuia J7. 0 1151
Sincinnati 13 OQ 10.00
LanBaaCity 2500 21.CO
Council Bluffs 2059 23 5J
t. I'aul J > OBO 2000
lllwuukoe 10.75 13.50
BOHTON , August 21. The Trnuscript says :
L corporation In tbeiutertst tf the WI'BCOO-
> u ( Jential railway IIBB been formed to cnn-
ect that roud with Chlcagn. All the money
as been subscribe d , Lut who nro the * ul -
jrlbera , or whether the Baltlmorn & Ohio
ikes any interest in the matter cannot bo
lamed , ai tha Wisconsin Central ollicsra nro
sry reticent.
MIUVAUKEE , August 21. The Wucontin rallrond to-day extracted for tha eon-
; ructiou of 1 0 miles nf road , which will take
le line to Chlcogo. Wtrk is to bo completed
ijcember Ut. and will form another through
ae beUosn Chicago and at Paul , us wtllns
itweeh Chicago nnd Lake Superior.
f/ooct's Sarsaparilla
Jomblnes , In a manner peculiar to Itself , the
icst blood-purifying and
strengthening reino-
lea of the cgctablo kingdom. You will fin-i
his wonderful remedy effective where other
medicines have failed. Try It now. It will
urify your blood , regulate the digestion ,
nd give new life nnd vigor to the entire body ,
"Hood's Barsaparllla did mo great good ,
waa tired out from overwork , nnd It toned
10 up. " Mas. ( ! . J { . BIMMONB , Cohoes , N. Y.
" I suffered three years from blood poison ,
took Hood's Barsaparllla tmd think I am
urcuV' Hits. Ji. J. MAVIS , Urockport , N. Y ,
'I'urijlcs tHc Jilood
Hood's fiarsaparllla is charactcrl/cd Jfy
irce peculiarities ; Jst , thn combination nt
: iiiudlal agents j 2d , the pioportloni 3d , t1 f
roccss pf Bccurlng the active mcdlclur
jalltlcs. The result Is a medicine of uniisuf
rcnetli , effecting cures hitherto unknown
3ud for book containing additional evidence *
"Hood's Baraanarllla tones up my gysteni ,
nines my Mood , tliarpeus my anirlliriiiui
ciiis to wiko : mo over. " J. } ' . Tuwu-How
cgistur of Uccda , Lowell , Mass.
v..0.1.8 ' B : " ; aprllla ! | lieatii all other * , ami
worth Its
wclulit In mld. i. lUuuimnoj/ ,
0 JUuk Btrctt , Hew York City ,
Mood's SarsaparilJa
aid by all druggists. ? 1. Bll for < 5 Mu |
ilybyai.HOOD tt CO. , Lowell , MMX
DoMaf- ,