Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1885, Image 1

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Iowa Dcnrcrats in Annnal Stssion at
Cedar Rapids ,
A Fusion Ticket Nominated With
Whiting at the HeacL
The Platform Lauds the Nation's '
Kuler to tbo Bides ,
llondley's Ilopoo In Ohio Political
In Vjirioirn 1'arta
or the Ouuntry ,
CEDAH ItAnns , la , , August 18 , The dem
ocratic state convention waa called to order
by Chairman Kinno at 11 o'clock this morning ,
with'prayor by Hov. KingolJ , and an addre'a
of welcome by lion. C. II , Picaton of Cedar
Hspidii , The temporary chairman is Col.
Keatley , editor of the Council Blufft Globe.
After naming committoaa , etc. , tha conven-
lion adjourned to 2 p. m. The probabilities
are fusion with the Breenbackeru.
The democratlo state convention roaieom-
bled at 2 o'clock , and , after a nharp dobata on
an amendment to increase liquor licenses to n
5500 minimum , ptsaod tha lollowiog resolu
tion :
The democratic party of Iowa announces
the following
I'LATi'onM or rniKcirwa :
1 Wo approve of and adopt the principles
of the late democratic national convention.
2 Wo declare In favor of the repeal
of the prohibitory liquor law of the
state of Iowa aa unjust and hostile to tom-
3 Wo pledge ourselves to favor and use
our bent efforts for the enactment of a license
law of $250 , with power to increase the same
from 8H50 to § 1,000 , aa may bo decmed beat
for tbo public interest In tba various localities
of the state , as expressed by the legal con
stituted authorities of euch location ,
4 We pledge onrseUo to favor and use
our belt efforts for the enactment of a law
which Bimll punish aa criminal tha manu
facture and sate of all adulterated liquor * * ,
such adulteration bo'mg the direct causa uf in-
tomperauce and destructive to the health ol
the people ,
5 Wet condemn as dlcgracefnl and tyran
nical the action ot the republican executive
committee of the date in driving out with
muekota and fixed bavonota a one-armod
ooldior , elected by the people in time of pro
found pence , before any judgment of a clvi !
court had be n rendered against him. tlmf
making the c'Vil power i f tha state subjective
to the military pwer.Vo denounce suet
acts aa truly destructive of civil liberty andui
iiiBiilt to the people.
0 Wo urgn upon cengrosa tbo prcmpl
enactment uf appropriatu le ithiUon to oper
to settlement the forfeited railroad lands it
the state ,
7 We approve the action of the democratic
senators of the twentieth general assembly IE
voting unanimously in favor of tlm prompl
consideration of the bl'l ' known as the Cussal
mining bill , and condemn the action of the
republicans in promising the minera of this
state adequate legislation , and then denying
them oven a fair hearing.
8 That while wooppojo all monopolies , we
recognize- right and duty of the government
mont ta give the grotett possible liberty tc
every citizen consistent with the rights ol
every other citlzin , and we believe In and an
nounce it m one of tha fundamental principle *
of the democratic party that labor ia the foun
dation of wealth , and Hint the laborer ehould
be the special object of the care of the govern
9 Tnat in President CUveland , the coun
try has found a man of solid judgment , con-
scjemiuua integrity , unawarvinx fidelity , pa
triotism and courBge equal to that of Andrew
Jackson , and hia efforts for economy , for tin
exposure tf criminal act * of the rrpubllcar
party andita ollicers , for hiauDflinchiug firm-
uean in dealing with the cittlo kings , for hii
zeal in behulf of reform , for his rllorts to re
store tha public lands to the eoUlars , for hi :
cilorts to ouforco the law aralnut polygnmy.
and for his constant watchluluees for tha pub
lie welfare , In euch a way aa to receive tht
hearty thanks of tbo democracy of Iowa auc
its unswerving tuppjrt
10 With thojo principles wo go before thi
people of Iowa , calling upon all who believe i
ch&ugo la domnnded , that the bookj uhiill bt
opened nnd exiinlnoj , that 11 who are tlrot
of fanaticism and folly , whether democrat
Rreenbiclinr cr republican , to unite with us Ii
bringing about thu result to which wo an
hereby pledged.
Tha roHoliuion endorsing the admtniitratioi
waa received with enthusiasm.
Tha presentation of candidates occupiai
much of the nfterr.oon. The fint forml bal
lot resulted in the nomination of Hon. Charle
K , Whiting , of Monroe county , a farmer , ex
judge and n membar of the laat senate , llju
\V , F , Briinnmi , iif Mnscitlno county , wa
nominated for justice ol the supreme cjurt
A tplritod do In to on fu ion resulted in thi
nomiu&tion of Hon. K. II. Gillette , of Dei
M < iuoa , greenback , candidate for lieutenan
governor ml ox-congru suinti train thi
nove'nth district , and V. M , Moore , of Davii
couuty , greenback candidate for tuperluten
dent of public instruction.
Too ojnventlon udjournid at 7 p. m ,
xnNOll Of OHIO.
COLUMUUB , August 1'J. The delegates ti
the Ohio state convention began to arrive to
day from dillerent parts of the stat. ' . Thi
indications point to a largo convention am
the probability of ihort work , resulting In thi
nomination of the old ticket , so far as th
incumbents who dcoire places. There in m
organized opposition to Governor Ho.iilley
and the cxp tHfloua of the m jorlty of th
ile'fgiitei are that ha will be nominated ui
the tiriit ballot. Judge Tmirman rolusoil t1
allow the u < auf his nuna for governnr ant
thi opposition to Uoodley is not likely t
combine on any ether , The contention con
vened to-moiro > v morninp.
rnirAniNo KOU THE KIIAV. fff\ \
Sovornl dUtrjct delegit a to the
demoerutlo state convention met n
U p. in , according to prrgrumme
tboivh m uy of them came togtthrr mucl
later than that hour. Some delegations an
ttlll in tetaluu at 11 p. m , , eng gcc :
In onteiitd over the selection o
the state central oommittecmen and mombari
of the Ci'liunittao ' en resolutions. Second dis
trict part of Hamilton couiity required a loiij
time to deeide the matter of credentials
The committee on rules decided that thn pUt
form shall bo submitted lirtt , and nomina
tions nltanvaida. Ilia other order of bumneii
will bo the same as ulretdy announced ant
the convention will convene At ten tu-murrow
morn In if. The committee ou permanent or
gaulzitlin , which met aflnr tlm district rifle-
gations to night , selected lion John F. Fulet
of Cincinnati , tu > periunnout cSairmau of thi
convention , and Hun George Hull , of Lima
permanent secretary. M. 11. liartei
w .i tha other candidate fu
permanent chairman , but WAI
collated for Ms free trade idffts. What )
known u * "kid deiuot-raoy" captured every
thing In the dlitriut meetings. nd in the per
mtnent orgtcizitlon , onunltteo on reaolu
tious and stata central omuiittee , more thai
two to cno
The comiiutteo on resolution ! met at n Ut
hour to uixht. .It it txpeute-l It will be Ii
A considerable time , for ( ba rcanoi
tbat Warner and others will want to oipron
views. Tha Indications are that tbo conven
tion will be a very tame affair ,
and that the old ticket wilt bo renominatcd
throughout No opposition to Gov. lloadlcy
or the other candidates standing for renoml-
iktlon has developed tit any district meeting
JACKSON , Miss. , August 19. The state
demoratlc convention , to nominate n state
ticket , met to-day nt 12 o'clock ' , n foil delega
tion being present. Gov. Lowrey was com
inatcd on tha firnt ballot over lardea , by a
vote of 190 to12 , Licut.-Govcrnor Shands
was nominated over Inge by a vota of 1(0 ta
90. No other nomination * , Too following
resolutlois ifferod by W. H. Ilardy , of
Meridian , worn adopted by n rising vote :
Kojolvod , That the democratic patty or
Mltsisilppi , in convention assembled , hereby
exprec.a their appreciation of the honor con
ferred by Proaldont Cleveland upon the pa.ty
nd upon the state by appointment to a cab
inet position that Illustrious patriot ,
honoredjand beloved by [ Mississippi , lion. L
O. hauiar , and
Ke olved , That in the policy of Pr sldent
ClevtUnd , so far SB disclosed , wo sea not only
nothing to condemn , but everything to in-
spite confidence In hia wisdom , integrity and
statesmanship , and wo hereby express our
unqualified endorsement of the same.
The convention adjourned at 8:3 : ] o clock
until to-morrow ,
UttbtHiuo Couiu-yUeimblottiu.
DunuejOE , la. , August 19 The republican
county convention hero to-day appointed
delegates to their state convention , nnd in
structed them to support Larrnbeo for gov
ernor ,
I'rolilnitlonlsts In
SiiREVEronT , La. , August 19. The stat <
prohibition convention met to-day , elected r
state executive committee , adopted a length ]
pUtform of principles and working ruloi , anc
then adjournad ,
HAHTFOUD , Conn , , August 19. Ilalnj
weather , CUss 2:33 : unfinished from yojter-
da ) : Katie luhler first , Maj .r eecaud , ifotc
D tSird.r Time , 2:231. :
All of the ten horeea entered for thfl greal
810 000 special stake race , except De Biury ,
came on the track unfinished : < Tpe D vii
won first and second heat , Adelaide third ,
Kenilworth fou-th boat. Best ttmp , 2:18i. :
Olas 2:23-Unfini : lu1 : Nobby _ won second
and third heati > , lirnczi Medium fourth and
fifth. Butter Scotch first heat. Best time ,
2.2 J
2:18 : Pacing race ; not ca'.led.
BIUGHTON BEACH , Auutt 19. Vary large
Mile : King George won , Cn'ch Cart cc :
end , Marie third Time. 1:15. :
Mile and ono eighth : Windsail won , Til
ford second , Barney Aaron , third. Time ,
1:571. :
1:571.Mile nnd onn eighth : Kingfan won , Wick
ham second. Dutch Ilollor third. Time , 1:542 :
Sevriu-iilghths of a mile : MUs Goodrict
won , Miller aecocd. Time , 1:29J.
Tnree-quartera of a mile : Strabismus won ,
Cornmandor second , Winston third. Time
Steeplechase declared off owing to dark
At Pittsburg : PittsburR , 4 ; St. Louis , 6.
At Baltimore : Baltimore , Brooklyn , 1
At Philadelphit : Philadelphia , 4 ; Nov
Ymk , 8.
At Chiccgo : Chicago , G ; St. Louis , 3 ,
At Dutroit : Detroit , 2i Buffalo , 3.
At New York : Metropolitan , 3 ; Athletic ,
0. Fl ve innings o wine to rain.
At Louisville : Louinvilln , Cincinnati , 0
At Boston : Boston , 4 ; Providence , 10.
VITA I. , ,
NEW YoitK , August 18 A dispatch fron
Health Commissioner Koymond , of Brooklyn
warned thn sanitary authorities to-day to bi
on tha outlook for Henry Ryucre , 22 year
old , a sailor on the schooner J ohn Gibson , whi
had left the vessel , now lying at Brooklyi
dock , tick with symptoms suspiciously lik
these of yellow fovor. The John Gibson cam
into port from Cleuf uegcs on August Ctb , am
and waa detained at quarantine till Au
gust 15 tb , when , all being wel
on baartl , she was allowed ti
coma up to her dock. It la reported nov
that her ciptain lud died on tha voyage fron
fovor. Another report hai it that thorn wai
no favor on board. Which Is true cannot bi
nicurtainod at the prosnnt stage. Bynera let
therhipyo teruny , and it waa found that hi
bad crossed to New York. Search was a (
tncamada for him. Before It was bigun i
citizen bad
In Battorypark , nnd had helped him to No
2rStato atrfot , whore ho fell in the hallway un
able to go further. Hero Dr , Connnt , sanitary
inspect ur , found him and had him at ouco r.i
moved to Rivmide hospital. During the nigh
he developed well known tigna of the ilroa'Jei
di eoso , Tola morning he waa remoycd ti
quarantine. The premises In State stree
were dlblnOctod. Brooklyn health official
nro looking after tbo ship and its partly die
charged cargo. The health oflieers say the ;
do not believe v llow fever could become r pi
demioin New York In its present excelleu
snnltary condition ,
CllAUTACquA , N. Y. , August 19. Exer
clses of recognition on commencement da ;
connected with the graduation of the class o
1885 of Chautauqua university , were hell
here to-day. Tha procession was formed a
10 o'clock this rooming , and embraced th
Guild of the Seven Seals , Leagu
of the Konnd Table , the sovera
CluuUuqua literary acd scientific classes o
eoviril year * , gradiutet and undor-groduatos
with others , about 1,000 strong , Two hun
died of the 1,000 members of tbo clan t
1880 were present , und were allowed to cnte :
the golden fate and under the nrchea iuti
the hall of philoiopuy , tha center o :
the O , L. S. C fraterbicy. Here they wer <
greeted and formally recognized at intinb-ri
uf the Bocnty of thu hall , in the grove , bj
Chancellor John H. Vlnstnt , D. D. Sub.e
queut exerciaoa In the cmphltheatri
included retpunser , readirgi and sing
Ing , Fraternal greetings wore cnt ti
President Lnwls Mll'er ' , of Akron , Ohio , whc
had tilt graphed regrets bt his Inability to bi
present. Tha new chancellor of Cnautauqui
University , Itev. Jvlward Everett Halo , < v4i
then Introduced and delivered the commence
a ont oration.
FAN FKANOIBOO , Oil , August 18. [ Ohicagi
Tribune Special ] -William Smith , alias O. P
Wtlbuich , who waa convicted of titling Well *
Fargo & Cj.'j treasure box aboard a Ettei
from Milton to Sonoro , Dtcsmbor 19 , 1S81
and wi eenteactd ta five years at f t
( juentln , wat released Saturday , having com
pleted h' sentence , leou allowance for gcoc
b'havior. Ho wet irnuiedlatoly reorrested b ]
the United States mu-dial on a wairar
charging him with havipg rotbod IhemuUnr
th eauie tuge. Oa being krrtfgaod in tin
United Sutei dlttrtct court to d y hi
pleaded not guilty , Soil'h la one cf the jnost
notorious ntngo-robbera on the Pnclfio slope ,
His greatest exploit was the single-
handed robbery of Wells , F rgo A ; Co. 'a ex-
preta on the aUca from Sierra Valley to
Truckee , Juno 29 , 1881. WUIa he waa waiting
in ntnbuth fer the stage n light wagon con
taining seven men appsaicd. The robber
captured the conveyance- and stood ths oc
cupants up for nn hour and a half until
the Sierr * Valley stage rmlvcd , Ttiis
contained four passengers , all of whom were
compelled to got down except the driver ,
who w a obliged to open Wella , Farsn & Go.'s
box and hand out the contents. While this
wai going nn two other vehicles approached ,
and the driver in each was compelled tJ get
down and mingle with the other prisoners ,
At the close ol the af tcrnoon'a performance
Smith had thirteen mon , sixteen horses and
Four vehicles under control of bis double-
barreled shotgun. This story , from official
recordi , shows tbo dangeroui character cf the
man. who will doubtless soon bo returned to n
cell In the penitentiary ,
WAEHIXOTON , August 19. A prominent
official of the treasury department to-day said
n regard to the complaints of the bankers
and mining men of Salt LaVe City
Lho recent order regulating tbo distribution of
silver dollars , that tha order In question was
made teceeaary by the great expense
attending the transportation of that coin from
ono point to another. Aa an illustration ho
said that it would cost over S3 to ship 1,00)
silver dollars from San Francisco to SaltLako
City , and as much moro to ship it back ,
which expense would deprive the government
of the entire profit realized from coinage. The
difficulty at salt Lake City would , In the
official's opinion , ba averted if tbo bankers
were willing to accppt fractional silver coin
Instead of standard dollars , The former
would be delivered to them at their places of
bminesa without delay , and without ox-
penaa to them , and would answer
all the purposes of standard dollars.
Ho said farther that tha * fforti of the present
administration to promote the circulation uf
silver coin are meetine with grea eucjc ip ,
especially in the case of subsidiary coin , which
until the pi esont movement began waa wholly
unavailable and a dead weight.
NEW YOUK , August 19. The Old-Time.
Tolfgrr.phora' Association and society of
United Stntcs military telegraph corps , held
their annual reuulon at Manhattan Beach hotel
to-night. Aboat 203 percocs were presant ,
among thorn many veteran telegraphers of
tha war of the rebellion. The object of the
association ii to bring before the government
the claims rf men who served in the wnr ,
The meeting to-night waa purely social.
David II. MoAlpine and Thomas P. Row-
laud , cf thU city , became sureties in the euro
of 8200 000 to-day for Mfsars Quintntd nnd
Weed , ccsfgneos of John Iloach.
Tlm Siato Toiirnnmoiir.
Special Telegram to the Bar.
GRAND INLAND , Neb. , August 19. The an-
nuil tournament of thu etato firemon'a asso
ciation Is in full blast and well represented ,
In the hosa tsam contest , the Fitzgerald ? , of
Lincoln , won , making the run nnd coup'.ing in
G:12J. : The distance run ia 950 feet , ech
company being started by nn electric etartcr ,
which communicates direct with the judges
stand , and indicates the moment tbo
team starts from a given point.
Each IIOEQ company is required to Iny 3CC
feet o ! honn , break a coupling and attach a
nozzl * . The hook and ladder compiuUa run
the 900 feet. Thn hooks made time ai fol-
lowfi : Wahoo , 6:5 : % Kearney , 0:40 : $ ; York ,
G:49J ; Fremont , ( i47i ; Grand Iland , G.58.
Seward , 0:51J. : Kearney secured the first
piizo of $75 for the most uniformed men ,
The city is beautifully decorated and hotel :
are crowded ,
Corilorrlns Holy Ordere ,
BALTIMORE , Md , August 19.On the 27th
Inst , Archbishop Gibbons , assisted very Kav ,
Koboit Fulton , provl of the order of Jesuit ; ,
will ordsin as cub deacons , deacons and
priestr , the following at Woodstock college :
Patrick Guill , Nicholas Davi ? , Patrick Dooley ,
John C. K lly , William P. Brett , Edward J.
Leqjon , Ferdinaid A , Mcullor , Herman
Meiners Simon A. BlacVmore , Michsul 0 ,
Dolan , Joseph G. Richards , Micbiul G , Shall ? ,
John P. O'Connor , Henry L. Turr , A. F.
Mandalor , Joseph J. Simms , Vinwnt Ti > sta-
inento , and Francis Srdlier of the Holy Crcsc
college , Worceiter , leaven of them sre ol
tha provinca cf Maryland and Now York , five
Missouri , threa Now Orleans , tvto New
Mexico , and ono California. Minor orders
will be conferred ou fcr y candidates.
Sons nt Vctnrstiis In Convention.
WASHINGTON , Augaat 19. At the session ol
the ccnventlon of the second grand division ol
the Sons of Veterans to day , a resolution was
adopted making the Sona of Veterans' Advo
cate , published at Bloomlngtou , Illinois , the
official organ. Tha following ( ilicort
for the ensuirg year were tnen elected
Walter S. Payne , of Foatoria , Ohio
f-mmanderj CUrenca E. Holmes , tit Now
1'ork , lieutenant c.mmanderj W. C Fargbar ,
uf thia city , vlco lieutenant commander ; cninl
of stalf , inlea W. R a , of ] 5'tt"n ; judge ad-
vccate , Martin Lawler , of Shenaudoah , Pa :
chief musteringolliuar , W. K. Dixon , ol
Phlladolphioj ilmalaiu , K. 0. White , ol
Newark , N , J. Too conyoneion then ad
journed ,
A Centcnnlnl Celebration ,
ErRiNOKiELD , Mass , August 19. The littli
mountain town of Heathway , back in the
hills of Franklin county , to day celebrated It !
ICOth anniversary , Ttio town waa incorpor
ated February Mill , 1585 , hut tbo centennial
exorcises wore dtforrcd until a more suitable
season. The exercisea began nt 10 o'clock ,
and uill continue all day. An historical ad
dress was given by J , U , Tnompion , Chicago ,
Rev. C. K Dickinson made an address on
the development and itlluenco cf the Nan
England ideas. Other uddronseB were given ,
nong them one by Rsv , S , D , Dlckinaon , ol
Now ton , Iowa ,
A Pluckf Boy L'rintoiH HU lntlior ,
LOUIHVILLE , Ky , , Augvut 19. The steamer
B'ua Wing , from Kentucky liver , reports
i hot an old man namad William R > che > , hav
ing money on hid person , wta attnolipd by
four unknown man on Monday ,
neur Frankfort , Ky. A youi/i ; son
uf Itocbii cainn to his father's nssirtuoce , acd
with a pistol thot nnd billed two men , fatally
woundln ? tha thud ; the fourth made his es
cape. Thi bjfct'a crew gleaned thia meagre
information from inhabitants along the river ,
A"fncllne > < l lt IIroad Kills Four Men.
OHARLIBTON , W. Va. , August 19-ThIs
afternoon while cars nero aicjndiccr and do-
scendiug an inclined railroad at Cabin Creek
coal mines , a short distance above this city ,
the loaded cam broke looio and collided with
a car in which were Layton O kfurd , presi
dent of thn road , Thomas l'eacck , AIIICH
Mitchell , Joseph Hall and a man named
Thoman , killing the four first named , fcnd
eerluualy wouuJlii ? Thornan. Toe Cabin
Cresk road is seven inilei lung , Bed la used
for the transportation nf coal from the mines
to the Chtaapeako & Ohio track ,
Dr , Farrnr Comlnjj Over.
NE\V YORK , August 10-Ojrus W. Field
this morning received a cable dispatch from
Rev. Dr. Farrar , arch deacon of Westminster ,
in which that prelate contents to deliver three
lectures in New York.the tuna and place to ba
named later. Furrar arrives lu thU ccuctry
u the cc-urio of a few
The Watub Mint Fails to Material
ize to Any Extent ,
The Bartholdi Pedestal Fund Cre
ates Seine Dissatisfaction. .
A Boston Preacher in Trouble-
Other 0/iminal News ,
A Utulgct or Interesting Foreign
Cablet Notes From the
Nation's Capital.
Til 13 WAUA.SU
ST. Louis , Aujuat 19. The action of the
nation tl executive commit too of tin Knights
of Lntur in inning n general order to the
knights engaged upon roads woit of the Mie >
siitippl , prohibiting handling or repairing of
Wabash rolling Block , has bean fol.otvod by
no serious results to-day. Membcra of the
Wabash commttteo in session hero nro of the
opinion that the full t the order will
not be felt by the railroads for oovoral days
yet. Tplcgrams have been received by them
from different parts of the stata from branch
assemblies of the national organization en
dorsing thoissuanca of the general order , and
Indicating iheir Intention to stand by it.
Meetings of the knights all over the west will
be held as soon as tbo order is received by
them and It is expected that concerted action
will be taken by them by the 21st at leait.
T. J. Russell , of the committee , savs that
the resolutions calling for the impeachment
of United States Judges Treat and Jteokel
will bo carried out If possible. Congressman
Warner nnd Gen. Palmer will draw up the
articles of impeachment , which will bo intro
duced into congress , nnd pushed with all the
influence which the Knights can command.
Trouble is expected lu Kansas City shortly.
A number of yard nnd tr inmen at that point
uro Knights , and in obedience to yosterdiy'a
order it is thought they will refuse to handle
Wabash carp , lu cjnseouencs of which all Wabash -
bash freight will bo sidetracked.
Nothing bai yet been received from any
point in ttils stats of any trnubla growing out
of yeiterdny'd order to the Knights of Labor ,
nnd in nil likelihood milling uill ocsur for n
day or two , or until the order shall have
reached at least the principal points on the
rpadu named In theoraor , the national execu
tive committee- having turned the whole mat
ter over to trio district committees with power
to act. They will issue no more
orders , and start for the cnst
to-day. Members of the committo ? , repre
senting the knights for tbo southwest system ,
left for their homes last night and will more
lolly explain the order to the various assem
blies. Tbo Wabash committee will remain
hero and transact noceaary business ,
There haa been no delay 4o passenger
trair s so far , and none seems > to be appre
hended immediately , although Itjie understood
the order applies to passenger coaches as well
as freight cars and other rolling stock , nor ha !
there been any detention to freight. The
movement of trains in the union depot yards
has In no way beou disturbed ta yet ,
Up to alata hour to-night there was actually
no fctrika news , either local or from outside
points. The order of yesterday , it appear- ; ,
was not mailed until to-d y , and , therefore , it
will be a couple of days before any action can
ba taken by tha various assembled
at points on roads involved. The Wabash
executive comrrittco is still hrrr > , but it di-
nothing to day of public intr-rutt , nor did it
receive any art vices from outside places. Sevi
eral assemblies of Ktiights of Labor held
meetings ton I ? lit at which tha order
( if the national executive committee
wai presented auddiicuesed. The order will
be posted in conspicuous places in the railroad
shopi and yards to-morrow , and all knights
nil ! hold themselves In readiness for anything
that may turn up ,
DENVER , Col , , August in. No action thus
far has been taken by thn Knight * of Labai
employed by the Union Pacifin railroad upon
the order Itsued from St. Louia , Wabasli
freight being handled as usual , tha railroad
officials claim tha order to bo ignored by the
Union Pacific knights.
Mntterfl Moving Smoothly c Esel
EAST SAQINAW , Mich , , August 19. Grad
ually the mills at Una end of the river an
starting up. There are now forty milli
that have resumed , twenty-o'ght of them nl
ths old terms and the remainder at ten hour *
per day.
Special Telegram to Tha BBS.
NEW Yomc , Aug. 10. Complaints have
been made tint euarciiberstothe fund for th <
pedestal of Dartholdi'a Etatuo of Libert ]
never have been furnished with a eattatactorj
detailed statement showing the manner it
which their money had been expended , Bev
oral pcrions in this city make serious cbargei
of incompeUncy and extravagance rgainal
Gen. Charles II. Stone , who has had control
of the work on Bodice's itland. Gen , ' Stone
( aid to-day ; "I am going to give tha ex <
ecutlve committee of the fund u detaihd
etatement of receipts and expenditures
within a few dayn. The pedestal proper is
two-thirds done. We have money enough lu
the treasury to complete It , and uuleaj tin ,
forsetn dtlaya occuc we can finish within two
mouths. Too cost of putting up the itatua
cannot bo foretold , The teol work for the
anchoring of the statua coat about $14,000.
ought to tike , according to Bartholdl'ii esti
mate , three month , Ai to tha exact time
that all this wnrlc will take , no ono can tell.
Wobavemet with delays without end , In-
creating the east beyond nil expectation.
Tha cost of hating to stop work when the
money gave out last year was treinfndouo ,
We could no ! nbandon our work on BadlooV
island to the elements or discharge the titan
of competent men. AH these thing * make
ino careful about estimating for thn public the
coat and time needed to complete tha entire
work , I see no reuion at present why the
work ot putting up the statute cannot bo done
in the wlnler , notwithstanding the high
wind * , an the statue will be entirely Inclosed
in scalfolditg. "
BOSTON , Mass. , August 18.-ChlMgc [
Trlbuno Special.Tha ] Rev. WV , Downs ,
pastor of the Bwdoin Square Baptist church ,
of Boston , It in trouble. Last winter there
was an attempt to oust Line , but ho won the
font , though at the cost to hu unctuary ol
many of the oldiat anj richest uiunbsie ,
This afternoon ho appeared in the municipal
court , whote application WAS made foi
warrants Against him atd a Mrs , Tabor , n
member of hii cnuicb , on the charge of adul
tery. Mr * . Tnbor separated from her hus
band , who is also A member of the Downs
church , some time ngo , and over since then
Mr. T bor has been suspicions of the rela
tions between hia wife and the pastor , Lnit
night , with two other men , ho wont to
the room which Mrs. Tabor occupier , and ,
niter satisfying himself that thn had ( .omp.iny ,
broke open tha door and found her wltfi
Mr , Downs under BU h circumstances , ha
claims , as fully establlthod their guilt. Ha
sent for n policeman , nnd the pair epent cover-
al hours in the station homo before they w&ro
bailed. The judge without hearing the evi
dence postponed the cato until Wednesday ,
Mr. Downs declare ? that ho is innocent : that
it is n part of the old church fight ; nud that
lie was In Mrs. Tabor's room to help her pack
tier trunk , Ho has n wife and eight children ,
routtoaiAitisu A OONVIOT.
IN rmsoN.
WINNIPEG , Man , August 18. [ Chicago
Tribuna Special ] 1'oundinakor , chief of the
Indians who fought Col. Otter's Hying column
at Cut-Knifa creek , and afterwards attacked
and captured n rmpply train of thirty-one
wagona in thn E lo hills , was convicted nt
Ueglna of maklnz war against the
queen , and sentenced to three years in
tbo penitentiary. The chief , when ho
heard the sentence , naked that ha bo hanced
right away rather than ba imprisoned. Bo-
toro sentence was passed on him ho said : "I
was good all Bummer. 1'eoplo told lioj. I
saved n lot of bloodshed , I can't understand
how it is that after saving f o many lives I am
brought hero , Fcould hnvo bsen on the prai-
rion still If I would. " Thsn wavjng hln baud
majestically he said , with n smile "lama
roan. Do at you llko. I am in your power.
I nova myself up. You did not catch me. "
A Croolc lirlvoii Dcuporato by the
Girl Hois Said to linvo Betrayed ,
YOUNQSTOWN , O. , August -Chicago [
Tribune Special.Jak ] Lowls , the notorious
crook who was arrested in Jndianapolis last
week , waa given n hearing to-day and bound
over to the common pleas court in the cum ot
§ 1,000. Lewis is n well-known clrctu fakir ,
and has served two terms In tha penitentiary
There are fifteen indictments reeling against
him in Columbians county , and if convicted
he will get at lecst fifteen year ? . On the
hearicg Lewis' guilt wan well established , A
girl who waa ruined by Lewis testitied ae.lust
him in the hearing , and the deepenitn mar
created quite a scene by attempting to throt
tie her in the court.
WASHINGTON , August 19. Judge Thomau ,
of the civil service commission , said to-day ,
regnvdi R n dispatch from New York piintuc
in n Philadelphia papar , charging that a rerjui
titionofMr Berry upon the chairman of tht
examining b aid of the New York custon
housB for an immediate certification of twc
persons from who on to . rcake a selection
of gAuger , is for tha purpose of forcing tin
comtniarlon to nccapt Messrs. Berry , Batn
and MoKownu cu members of the board , at
co examination can bo held until the v.v
ciuciea are filled , that the commifltion hac
never received any rpcommen'Jations of Berrj
and Barre , that McKuwan is the only pers t
yet recommended to tha commission ,
"Botidei1 , " added tha comraieeioner , "the
rofigna'.iona of five members of th <
board who propose to retire have not beer
accepted , or rather they do not go Into effccl
until their successors shall have boon ap
pointed. They are etill subject to duty , nnc
tha board is net yet in a mmoiity. Too Jiui
authorizes two membera of the board to not
and if an immediate examination wsi
roilly necopsary , Chairman Conmtock would
hive no dilliculty in calling upon others tc
serve. I feel confident that the vacancies nil !
ba filled very soon nnd do not appiobend any
trouble at all. The examining board of Non
Vork is eo restricted that it could not bo madf
use of ca a partisan machine , oven if the chicl
customs officials so desired , and I don't ha
lievo they do without positive i nd pulpablc
violation of law.
An evening paper.cays Commtationer E.itot
and Coief Kxaminer Lyman have gene ti.
New \ork to repeat requesta to tha collectoi
and Eurveyor for them to nomlnata candi
dates for tna vacancies on the New York clvi
service board. If the officials persist in theii
refusal , the commission will make appoint
Chief * of the money oidfr oflice and tin
finance division , and the chief special ogen
of the poatollica department , has been in
structed to c ll the immedlatj nttcntloi
of the postmaater general and as
Blatant ptBtmaator general to al
casou of delinquency In money _ crdei
matters on the paitof postinaaters which ma ]
coir.u to their notice b/ reports of epecia
agents or otlicrwieo. Special packets of meloi
colored paper is to bo provided for such cases
the color being designed to call attention t <
the enclosure from among the mass of paper
which reach tha dunks of the postmaster gen
eral nud hUaaeletnnts.
Heretofore , case a of this kind have b3en nl
lowed to taka the routine course
going with other correspondence to th
correspondence ) clerk' * olbce , and na a re
cult many postmasters who lir.vo failed t <
keep up thbir rleposiU have been allowed t
retain their cllluea niter their dolinquencle :
had bsen reported upon.
WASHINGTON , August 10. The transf r o
pold cuin from the sub-treasury at Sau Pran
cleco to Ilia cub-troasury at New York
through the niuilc , baa I ecn returned. /
pnckago , containing $390COO , arrived in Nov
York yeitorday. The amount nlroud ;
shipped by mail is about S11.0C0.030. It n
learned that the original intention was to havi
transferred the gold from San Francisco ti
New York on a Unite ! States war vessel bj
way of the Isthmus of L'uuama during the re
cant possession of that territory by Unltoi
States nival forcoo , Tha troops were with
drawn , however , before the plan could bo pu
in operation ,
The resignation of W. H. II. Llewellyn
Indian agent at Meicalero agency , in Nov
Mexico , has bsen accepted , to take effect Oc
tober 10th.
The Central Iowa railway company has Clcc
a suit in the coutt of claims against the Unitoi
States for damages in the sum of § JCOJ , for i
balance alleged to ba duo under a contract foi
carrying the mails from Albla to Northwood ,
luwii , for a period of four yearn , beglnuinf
July 1 , 1875 , _
VIENNA , August 19 - A dispatch fron
Cairo states tha Egyptian war minister ii
compiling a proclamation to Arabia urgicf
the necestlty of recomiuest of Solid in foi
LONDON , August 19 , An interview with i
member of tha international commission con
firms tha [ statement recently published tha' '
fifty per cent of tha Kuropcan emplojea ii
tha Congo region are dead ,
MADifi > , Au i at -Hptuiah ) initatiot
over ( Joruiuriv'u auuaiptiou of { .osieetion o
tha Carolina I laad u increasing. The news
paper * heie expreBiludifjiution at tbo annex
ation. They my tha noi Ignored the ancient
rights of dpalu and declare that
comuls , looif before the annex atloi
was nude , uotlfird Germaoy that the Snanitl
pciveruor of the 1'aillippme Iblanda bad blnci
Ust March been making preparations fo
ilfective occupation of Caroline lelandr
nnd inilat that In view of all
thcso circumstances Uermanf'rf violation
of International law WAS inexcusable.
LONDON , August 19. The yacht Sunbsam ,
on which Gladntono , wifa nnd daughter am the
guests of Hir Thomas Bnssy , reached Bergen ,
Noiwny thia morning. Gladstone h&n already
been pfntly bcnefittcd by the nip. On Mon
day while tha yacht WAI nt anchor ho went
ashore nnd wnltod from Eidford to Noriug-
fir , n distance of clrhtoon without np
patent ffttlguo. Tbo weather throughout the
trip has been delightful ,
MADRID , August 10. There wora1,271
now caica of cholera nnd 1,333 death through
out Spain ycstctday ,
UOMK , August 19It is stated that Veccl
and wifp , nrrtnted with Editor Dodder , of tha
Montteur Da Kemp , for tending to the foreign
powers t > 1aus of the Italian maritime de
fenses , attempted to commit tu'cide. ' The
Haiaegna cays Doridcs intended the plans for
PABIS , Auguit 19. Ilochofort , inhisnapcr ,
the Ititrnn nunnt , continues to demand ven
geance on ICugUnd for the alleged murder of
Oliver I'ain. Ho itill thinks Lord Lyon , the
Biitlsh nmbaiaador , thould ba made thu ob
ject of an attack by the friends of 1'nin , and
advices them to publicly insult that goutle-
mau ,
Si 1'ETKnsnuuo August 19 Thn czar last
evening entertained < ) < , unt Yon Wulkenateln
Trostburg nnd Gen. Von Schwotnltz , Austri
an and Gorman cmbaesadors to the court of
St. Petersburg nt the imperial phlaco in
Krnsnoeeza in honor of the anniversary of the
birthday of Emperor Fratcis Jojejih of
Austria , A banquet wa ? served and ttio czar
drank a toast to the health of tha Austrian
ZAN/.IBAB , August 19. The Gornran cruiser
Blemarck arrived with Admiral Knoor on
TOULOK , Augmt -Thero are eight cases
of cholera In the garnaon here ,
PHILADELPHIA , August 19 The national
association of Union prisoners of war began
its twelfth annual session hero to-day. The
following committee on credentials w&a ap
pointed : Comrades Brltton , Ilipplo nnd
Stark , Before this committee concluded its
labors the reports of the ofTicera were bonded
In. In bin report Preiidont Shankiln said ;
Them liaa been no very mt > rk ° d progress in
tbo advancement of our organization during
the past year , While uur hopes of extending
our oratnnization 20 far as to inclll o nil ex-
priinnera with c impleto state org niztlons ,
baa nut been fully reihzed , muoli practical
work has been accomplished that must pro
duce results In tha immediate future. We
bavo now regular chartered associations ,
either ntnto or local , In fifteen stated. The
treasurer wnt ( ibent and his place wn nncu-
pied by Dr. F , A. Gcaleer , of Fremont , Ohio ,
and his report bhowed that SJll.'G ' had bson
received during the last term. The meeting
then adjourned , and tha members were ct-
corted through the United Stutea mint bj
comrades of tha Putmaylvauia utato associa
_ _ _
Maxwell KcpiiulntrB the Inter-
ST. Louis. Mo. , August 19. Maxwell
published a card hero denying ho had giver
any reporter any outlina or idea of his de
fcnse , as published herd. lie furthermore
denies having acknowledged his nmo in
Brooks , and eaya no matter what is published
he will not talk about hia cate , or RIVO an ]
one any ielet of what his defense will bo. Thi
letter previously referred to is tignod Simue !
N. Bronhii , and ia genuine hawever. It wai
received hero by John D , Vincol , n huh oili-
cer of the Maionic order. Mr Vincel hui
replied to it , and is dally expecting anothei
latter from tha same person. Maxwell wai
placed in the sheiiff'd custody to-day , and pul
u jail ,
The Fulton Ex
WILJIINQTON , D < jl , August 19 , Capt.
Wiley and Pilot Curry , who have bson over
hauling the piaster and other debris on th (
ateamer Felton this morning , * found a piece ol
metal belongicg to n cibbo , and a bunch ol
bright twisted wire , and a piece of tin be
lloved to have been the lid of the dynamite
canister. Canisters to which such a lid would
belong ere onu inch in dlamator , three inchoe
in length , and it would require several to dc
thn work of the explosion , The finding of tin
cubbe clasp U considered Important aa corrob
orating the statement of n colored passengni
that he saw a mutt whom , he described , un
hook the companion way door , place cabb'i
behind it and rebook the door , Toe boilei
wni examined again this morning , and tb <
I ubos behind the Indention found to bo bsnt
iuward , but were wound nnd uubroken ,
Tlir Car WrlvorH *
MEMfHiB.Tenn. , August 19. The difficuHj
between tha striking etreet car drivers nuc
the oflieers of the Mempliii City Iluilvva ;
comptiny remains ia statu qao , Ouly twc
. C.MIB are running on tha main lino. All can
< on other lines lnwo buu withdrawn. At thi
conference held thli morniui ; the oflisers uf thi
rouipany ncrreed to r atoro the wjges to tin
former price-of 12.J centa per hour , but th1
striking liiivern who are now cnntrollcd bj
the KnlehU of Labor demand 131 cents pe :
hnur. The president of the company says hi
will not pay more than 1 i c ° nta and claim
that tha municipal authorliha are piwerleei
to protect thu propei ty of tha coinpnuj
Thtro have been no demonstrations on the
part of the striker ) and no attempt made tc
injure any of the property of the company.
Dlccl n Uctnultor ,
FOBT WORTH , Tax , August 19. A rumoi
spread throughout the city to day to thi
effect that tha lata John Nichols , vlco presi
dent of tha City National bank , whoao sud
den death occurred last Monday at the bank
was a defaulter to a largo amount , Irnmedi
ntely after Ha demlte the oilicera of the Git ;
National bank called a meeting of rill otbe
bankers in tin city to Investigate the nlfaln
of the bank , The committed report that the ]
find tha lute Vica-Praeident Nichols to hivi
been a defaulter to the amount of abou
S30.COO. Tha body will probably bo ex
humed In order to Bcttlo the question whetho
or not ho tulcidod.
A. Speedy Divorce mill.
CHICAGO , August 19. In two eeparoti
canes here to-day , bills for divorce were filed
the evidence heard , and decrcea granted ii
ju&t thirty minutes ojiioce for each suit. Oni
waa obtiiucd by the \vlfo e > f ex-Ojuuty Com-
mlsdoner Coburo , the ground being his al
leged drunkenness and tha other was by a mac
named Jackson , whose wife was charged will :
adultery. A decree within thirty mlnutei
of Ullnx the bill Ia believed to bs tbo fastest
time ever made , and beat ) all previous recordi
In tins city ,
Till ) ijUilllerH * Mooting.
CHICAGO , Aug. 19.Tho Western Exporl
atSucia'.bn hId a muetlng hero to-dey , abou1
Hsvoaty-fivo reproeent ttvoj of dlttilUrlos It
tha bitrg present. Thequettioi
of admitting Calif iruin to the asiocUtlon wai
dlfuumed and it WAH tiauaimouily decided t <
admit tlm itttte provided ilia organization wai
perfected ,
Druth of HII Actor ,
Nnw YORK , August 19.-Win , Carlton
aged C8 , a welt known actor , nouiinitted i-l
clde this morning by turning on gai and ihut
ting elf all ventiUtion In the nom. The re
malm were remoitd to tha undertaktrs ani
will ba Interred by tha actor * , funu ,
in Grain and Cattle ,
The South Sends Up a Report
From Her Abundant Fields ,
PuiiRcnt I'ArnKrapriB of News nlou
Intctl to Intcroat the Bustncas
World atul Farn.lng
Special Telegram to The BSE.
OIIICAQO , 111 , , August 19. Fat native cat- *
tie were again scarce and sold equally as high
as at any time , the least making $5 flOgG',10 ,
and good second-class natives were making *
55.25@5.oO. A largo number of grass natives
are lolling around about $3,00@C.1C , and
common gratse-r * at $ 1 00@4i)0. ) There were
only a few loads of northwestern rnupcra
among the fresh receipts. Low grade native
butchers' stock ia hard to sell against antip'o
ful supply of cheap Toians. Thsro ia a bet
ter demand for stackers , yet prices are low.
and only good to choice COO to 900 pound
young steers and choice yearlinga nro wanted
at present. Thera Is a brisk demand fcr stock
calvoi. Kcceipta of northwestern cattle to
day included 11 cars from Chadron , Nobroa-
ko , 9 cars from the Western Live
Stock company , nnd 15 cars
From the B II. Cattle company.
Stoprs , 1,350 to 1,500 Ibs , $5 SOtgC.lO ; 1,200 to
1,350 Ibf , $4.90@5 30 ; 950 to 1.2)0 ) Iba , $120 ©
500. Texans , firmorj 950 Ibs , S3.tO@4.00 ;
750 to 9LO Ibs , S3 00@3in ; COO to 70(1 ( Ibs , § 13.76
@S.-10. Western ronoorp , alow ; natives and
half-broods , § 4 30@5 00. Salea-lai Wjora-
ing , 1.222 Ibs , SU5 ; IBS Wyoming , 1,213
Ibs , SI 60 ; 193 Nebraska half-brceda , 1,037
Ibi , 84.35.
Demand about cqiul to the supply , with
values a ehada higher. At the opening , in
come instances , 5 )10o ) adyanco was obtained ,
yet a ) the close prices were easier , and in a
general way tha market closed weak , with
plenty of fresh receipts unsold. Ilough and
common sold at SI 10@4 35 , and fair to good
ftt S410@1 CO , with bjst heavy at 51.7 @t 85.
Packing aid shipping , 25J to 300 Hi ; , SI10 ©
4.8u ; light woighti130 to 170 Ibs , S1.30@4.9J ;
180 to 210 Iba , SI 30 ® 4 70.
Spacial Telegram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , Aug. 19 There was very cctivo
trading In wheat t.i-day , and thn tone waa
considerably stronger early in the accsion , but
prices broke off toward the cloeo of the reg
ular Eersion , and cga'a oa the afternoon board ,
carrying pricaa down tivo centa from the top
prices ot the diy , the market finally doling Ic
under yrstcrday. There wore signs that tha
old bull party waa about ready to take bold
nguin , aa buying was very free and general , atd
prices for a time quite bouyant Tnoannounco-
ment thut a lot uf wheat had been posted In
New York as out of cundition gave the mark
et a severe set back , however , and caused a
weak feeling to the close of trading hours.
An extreme weakness developed In provisions ,
also , and added to the depression in whoat.
Receipts hero continue very light , as com
pared to thosa at the came period last year ,
but shipments llltnwiso continue small , There
waa somewhat a batter export inquiry noted.
The foelirg in corn waa weaker , influenced
Ly fair receipts and aomewhat larger nrrivrls
for to-morrow. Prices declined J@ c for
near futures , and closed i@lo under yester
day. Oils ruled firm , futures closing at an
advance of @jja over jostorday. Pork ruled
active but very weak , prices declining to10
( U45 : and closing tame. Lard declined to 10
@ 15r , and closed easy.
BALTIMORE , Md. , August 19. The Balti
more Manufacturers' Record will publish to.
morrow nearly five pagea of special reports ,
covering tha whole siuth from Virginia to
Texas , show ing that tbo prospectn for cropa
and the outlook for bu'incss In tlat section
are remarkably pood. Not ; only ia the acre
age of tha cotton , corn and tobacco crop the
largest on record , but the reports are almost
unanimous in stuiug tint the yield of these
crop ? , aa well aa the htimllor crops , excepting
wheat , will gro.Uly exceed the best crop ever
before produced ,
It it also shown that crops have bnen made
at a lower cost than in any preceding year ,
and the liens on crops for money advanced to
farmers is much lesj than hereto ! ore. Official
rnpcrts from South Carolina ehonr that while
tint btnto will produca about 009,000 bush-
eis more of corn , and probably SCO.OOO b.iloa
of cotton more than last year , tha aggrcgato
amount of agricultural liens given to obtain
advances upon tha growing crops Is $3.000,000
less than in 1882 , notwithstanding the fact
that thu intervening years of 1 83 and 1881
were unfavorable crop years. In Georgia ,
the agricultural department estimates the
corn crop at 40 , ( 00,100 bushels , against 31-
000,0 0 buthels laU year , nuaiil.G'JJ.OOO ' bnuh-
elH In 1883.
Ilegaidlng corn , ropoita from the whole
south uro of the most flattering character ,
nemo stating that the yield will be the best ;
for year ? , ethers the bent for twaUy yearn ,
and many
It Is thought by tha United Statoa coramia-
Mouer of agriculture that the increased acreage
in corn over last year , and the splendid
yield which is now assured will
give the south uot iesa than 5 ,000OCO buih-
ela of corn more than last year. The Cotton
crop , it la believed , is lafo for much thu larg
est yield ever rnadf , and far at least 1,100,000
to 1,500,000 balea more than laU year. In
tobacco , fruits and vegotabloa the crops uro
the largest ever made In the south , while rice
prnmisBs a splendid yield , and sugar afarmoro
satisfactory and profitable crop thnn in 1681.
Stimulated by unprecedented crops , business
ia already she wing a decided Improvement ,
and the proipects throughout the south for
fall nnd winter trade are reported IB unusu
ally good , lu the organization of railroad and
manufacturing enterprises there Is great ac
tivity , and the outlook for industrial lateral t
in particularly promising.
gQr InOonimloBiiii Firm Suspended , E
TOLEDO , August 19 , Walkorfe' Cs , , grain
communion , luspended to-d y , The alleged
cauie ia the refuial ef the binka to accept
their piper. It ia claimed that they are worth
eoverul times tha amount of tlitlr indebted
ness. They are winding up tllulrs and will
go out of buslnots at onso. Liabilltioa email.
The la one of the oldest In the tradu
HUTCIIIBON , Kan. , Aug. 19 Cattle ( hipped
from thia point t > Bloomington , III , , by
Michael Bros , , said to be dying from Texas
feveraro all native stock , Mined in this county ,
and uuver In any way exposed to tuch fever.
They left bore perfectly healthy , and it sick
aunt have boon i xposed nt tha stock yards or
lu the cars. There never was n case of Texan
or Spanish ( over In thia county.
Tha American liar association assembled nt
Saratoga , N Y , , to-day In eight annual toi-
iion. The annual address WRH rnaiia by thu
president , Hon. John W , Hteveni , of Ken