Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1885, Image 8

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    Bnm HiW Mi n
Wednoslav Morning , August 19i
A warrant h been sworn out for the ar
rest of William Hike , who is charged with
wilful assault upon John Anderson ,
John Rooney nnd Thorn M Carroll ,
charged with breakinp ; into WsldemanV store ,
hare been bound over to the district court , In
the sum of S3CO.
The brazen an oak who stole a meerschaum
ctoar holder from a desk In the city editor's
room in this office Is warned to return It
within twenty-four hours and avoid prosecu
-On Thursday evening of this week a do
nation party will bo held at the Bcward street
M , E , church. A fmo musical and literary
entertainment is In preparation and every
body and their friends nro cordially Invited
to attend. Uy the steward.
John T , Schminke , of Rood's Real Es
tate agency , now sports a broad and tender
smile. Ho Is the father of twins , who ar
rived Monday. Everybody doint ? well ,
and John la sottlm ? up the "clear smoke" In
celebration of the event.
Genial "Doo" Schroeder is feeling very
much worried because some of his acquaint
ance are confounding him with the Fred
Schrooclor who was fined yoitorday in police
court. The "Doo" wants it distinctly under
stood that ho wasn't the man ,
The liapMst church and Sunday school
will hold their annual picnic at Hanscom's
dark on Thursday evening of this week. If it
should bo stormy It will take place on Friday.
Refreshments sent to the church before 10 a.
m. will bo carried free to the park. All
friends of the church and school are cordially
Thomas Haley , a man formerly a clerk in
Omaha , h.ii died in Illinois leaving a fortune
of many thousands of dollars. It is believed
that his heir , a brother or siitor , tr perhaps
both , are living somewhere in this city or
state. A gentleman well known in this city
says that he ia possessed of Information which
would lead to the securing of the fortune for
the proper heirs if they would m&ka them
selves known.
Mr. Hans WesBtobergo , traveling repre
sentative of the Gorman Tribune , was assail
ed on Doug'as ' , near Fourteenth street , about
10 o'clock Monday night , by a stranger , who
protcnted n pletolond threatened to open Mr ,
W.'a ' person to the moonlight. The assailant ,
however , eoamed suddenly to discover that he
had the wrong man , and with an apology , dis
appeared ,
A mooting of socialists holdMonday night
in California hull and the chief feature of the
evening waa a debate upon the relative nttl-
tudea of capital and labor , in which sidea were
taken by lot. The defense of capital fell to
Mr , Frederick Hchnake , editor of the German
Tribune of this city , who made the beat of an
argument against hla convictions. Mr. Aug
ust Spies , editor of a Chicago socialistic paper ,
opposed Mr. Schaake , and in the fullness of
soul painted anarchy and communism In
words of fire. It is needless to say that Mr ,
Spies was unanimously given the merits of
both question and debate. a'8l
The Contract Hlcnod by the City mid CId
Hcliool Bunrd for Its Erection. n
Yesterday morning a copy of the con- 01
triot between the oily and achool board , bihi
ralatlvo to the propoioi city hall build- hi
lop , was filed in the office of the city 1PI
clerk. The document , an important and PItl
interesting cne , reads as folio wo ! IDm
That , whereas , the city qf Omaha re IDal
quires a city hall building to contain the alat
city tllicop , end the said boaid of educa ata
tion need offices for the officers and atw
agents of the laid beard. w
Now , therefore , it Is agreed by and be P
tween the parties hereto that the said 18fe
clly shall erect a city hall building on feVS
Farnam street , upon lots 5 and G , block VSa
11C , in eald city VSvc
Said building to bo erected npon plans vc
and ( pacifications accepted by certain vcm
committees , appointed by said city and m
said board. The eaid building to ba lo
built at an estimated coat of $200,000. to ;
The said boird of education agree to e ?
pay towards the erection of said building cr :
a sum equal to one-eight of the cost of
said bnlldlig , such one-elghth part not
to ezcoed the sum of $25,000.
At the completion of said bnildlug , do
which shall contain suitable rooms for kl
the ofHcara and employes of both the
parlies hereto , as shown by the plans epee
to bo adoptoi by the joint com- oe
mitteea , the aatd board of education shall oey
bo and become the owner in fee of suoh then
part of said building as the nnnoy they
have paid shall boar to the coat of the on
whole building. That Is to cay , If It pays anmi
ono-eluht part of the coat , It oh all own mi
one-eighth of eaid building and so on In
proportion. "
The document is signed by Mayor J ,
E. Boy d-for the city , J. J. Poluta and
Oharloa Oouoyer for the school board and or
K. Hill , J. J. Points , Wm. Oobnrn , orb
business committee. tei
Grading on the proposed city ball elte , wi
on Farumn between Seventeenth and rot
Eighteenth Is progrois'ng ripltlly , and In
the lots will soon bo ready for the work SOI
of putting ia the foundations.
A i'uli.lul Jijury ]
A lottorjuat rcoeivod in this oily by the Mi
bookkeeper of the firm of Cos & Carter , eul
ays that Mr. Iinao Ooo , who Is now in the
Idaho on a plermire ( rip mot with a Bavero llv
nccldrnt wiilla out hunting last week near lefi
Bollovlow. Hla gun boiet and hla arm pni
wan badly torn , wbllo the thumb of hla P I
.tJ > ht hand w a taken off. His Injnrlei , of :
while net painful ara dangerous , He '
will probably return In a week or BO.
( For Trade. N nce county lands for
etock of gtmertl tnorohandleo or hard
ware. Address John Llndetholtn , Oen-
tral Oily , Neb.
JNew York Sun. a
A elmplo euro of cleepleeonees has been
, advlst-d by a l' r'siiii pbyeldan ( or an
Americin traveling tbrdugh Europe who A
nfib'edroui / wakeful nights , Tbo
remedy war complete eetsatiou of mental
rzerliun in the evening And the formatiou
of a habit of retltinp at the taito tlmo
ach evening Nu lortcr writing , no TI
icadlrg of ijoRnblii hock * HIB tllowtd ,
and thu nilnd vrta placed la as pajsivo a
* tatoas j > oi lblo Tno AniBrlcnu , who
had liicn a victim of eletp'ejincjj for
ytuta , returned roaiu cured.
Try Ed , Kuppig'0 new me t market ,
SOI N. ICth etr-'ut Liwest ptlce > .
If you bey lumber anywhere without
I t Rutting Jlqnrjlsnd'fl prUe ) > , you will
9 money ,
A Balloon Expert Tells How il is
Done ,
The Dancers of a Balloonist * Life
Sonio Interesting Facts on Etho-
"YoB , " s ! tl the billoonlat Hunt to a
reporter Just nlflht , "It requires nn InGnito
amount of skill to urn a balloon saccost-
Inlly. Erory tlmo that I mafeo an nscen-
clonl loam something that I didn't know
before with regard to the matter. A dif
ficult thing to learn la to fill the balloon
properly , n3 well as how to adjust the rope
correctly. Anotnor part of the operation
which rcqulroa judgment is the throwing
oat of ballast , In changing the balloon
from ono current of air to another. No ,
there ( a no such thing ns guiding a bal
loon you have got to lot It drift where
It will. Of courao , by throwing out Band
yon can lighten the balloon and send the
balloon from ono stratum of air to an
other. "
'What ' do balloons coat I"
"Yon can qot a good balloon for $300.
The best oneo , I think , are made In St.
Louis. There IB an erroneous Impres
sion that the fmost and moat costly bal
loons are made of silk. I hare noticed n
great many people examine my balloon
and then go nwny and talk obout it'a beIng -
Ing made of allk. The fact of the mat
ter la that the material Is not nllk at all ,
bat the finest kind of canvas very cloaoly
woven. What kind of gas do wo u oJ
Well , It don't make much difference , BO
It Is pnro. Good hydrogen gas made out
of hard coal la very gocd , find the qas
made oat of zinc and chemicals diasolrod
In water will also anwsor the purpose.
The great essential in filling a balloon ia
that the gas fhall ba pure. "
"How far can a balloonist navigate on
ono trlpl"
"Well , that depends npon all condi
tions. Thrco or four hundred mlles is a
good trip. Ono of the longest on record ,
I believe , is that of Prof. Wlac , who
traversed the distance between St. Loots
and Golambaa , aomo TOO miles , at uno
voyeRO. "
"The great danger of a balloon voy
age , " continued Prof. Hunt , ia In alight-
lag. When a balloon onca commences to
go down in gocd earnest , there Is no
stopping her. Occasionally the balloon
ist dropa into some great lake , and fa
obliged to float a day or two
before being rotcacd. I remember ono
of my voyages that was tuidonly
terminated by the fall cf my balloon into
Lake Erlo. I floated for sixteen hours
before I waa picked up by a pissing
boat. I w s passed by n number of (
steamers in the night aomo of them so
near mo that I could distinctly hear the
operation of their machinery but
I could not bhout load enough to make
myeolf heard.
"Ono of the most dangerous places In
America to land In , Is the swamp land
territory of Michigan , where Prof. Wise :
and ' Prof. Donaldson perished.
Here the balloon generally becomes
stuck fait in Eomo tree , while
the voyager Is compelled to climb to the of
ground. Ho finds that the swamps are
covered with water from two to five feat [
dcop , all the way through. Ho can BOOne ;
no way out , dooa not know in which di
rection < to turn , and becomes hopelessly
entangled In the growth of trees and
busho. . If ho doesn't die of fatigue and
hunger , ho ia certain to bo literally oaten
up 1 by the moeqaltoes. You see It ii Im
possible to travel fister than two ur
three miles a day through theto swamp
lands. Another peril which attends the
man who aspires to navigate the T
air ara the telegraph wires which
ire encountered In largo cities. When V
balloon passes swiftly through a network - '
work of these , It it liable to bo cut all to
pieces > , while the balloonist ia lucky If ho T
isn't Instantly killed. There ia ono poor
Fellow now selling peanuts In Foil
Wayne , Ind. , who had two arms and
log cut off by telegraph wires , on the
ery first ascension ho made.
"I could go on and toll you
nero of the dangers of a bal- [
oonlst'a life , but I am afraid I have I
old yon enough already to prevent your V
sver desiring to become a member of the
raft. "
More Burglaries , a.
Burglars entered Colonel Henry's rcai-
lonce Monday night. They went In by the
iltchen window , which WOB open , pried [
jpsn the b ck hall door , thence Into the
En :
lellar and out. They put Colonel Hen- J
y'a boots outside , where tluy wore found
his morning , and took from the house Oit
mly a box of honey leaving same beer 217
nd wlno untouched In the colhr. They [
dust have baon old soldiers , and their
onaldoratlon Is appreciated this time.
Later the I hieveo attempted to enter for
Jyron Ilted'n office but failed. Thi
Thieves also oaten d the realdenco of
r. F. D. Wihon , 2123 Doogo street ,
bout ( 3 o'clock yetter ay morqlog , by
etnavingtho window screen ot the room In
rhlch they slept In the morning n iett
Qcking chair and clothes wore foucd pile
the front yard. The thieves took
aventy centa buc left a valuable baby.
Supposed to Huvo Aliecomled. \ r \
Messrs. Geo. Welnort and Michael Ion ) C9 i
lullon have commenced an attachment
lit In Jostles Seldeu's court , to attach
goods of Mrs. Alice Phelps , a lady )
vlnjj In Oa ah , who It It alleged , hua par 121U
the city and fled to Iowa , for the
nrpof o of defrauding her croditois The VV
iperj have been served and the goods couc
the i ralsalrjg woman attached to utla- cren
tbo claim nf the oomplt'nantB '
V ,
Apollinaris W
" / / has steadily secured increasing VP [
popular and ft of essional favour , as Sect ;
pure and agreeable Table Water. "
British Medical Journal , A :
O/atlGrtctrs , Drugelttt & Mta. H'at.Dtattrt ,
IN USE. Cllllwj
lot Itlcllux Vehlrlo itinde.
w * * -
Absolutely Pure.
Mhls powder ne\er Mtlcp. A manel of puttty ,
strength and whcleitmencrs. More economical than
the ordlnuy klnls , and cannot be told In competi
tion with thejmullltudo of low test , short weight
and rf phosphate poxlrrs Bold onlr In cans.
ROYAL n UCINO I10WDEB CO. 108 Will sUcot , N Y
All adt ertitemenlt in the tpectal column * unit
charged at the rate ef 10 tenti per line or the
trttintertionand7ctntiper line for each vise-
juent insertion : ffo advertttement trill ba inserted
'or lest than tS eenti for the firtt time !
TO LOAN Loins made on rcil citato land
contracts , chattel ) , collaterals or Rood securi
ties of uny kind at the Oraaba Financial exchange ,
IC03 Farnam St. , up-ttatri ; low rates ; easy tern ? .
8 l-tf
\/fo / CAOUII imoTUBRS.Imcstmcnt Uinkcrs , oppoElto
1V1 past oOloo Omaha , negotiate. mortgigo Uans on
Orit class tecurlty at lulling rates ot Interest , Par
ties desiring to borrow money on Improved city or
country real estate , for from one to five jcate , can bo
oommodatcd promptly. MoCaguo Brothers , bank-
err , opposite post oinco. C32-tf
-10 loan on cnattola , Woolloy d Uarnion ,
1 Room 0 , Omaha National bank building
. < ONEYTOLOAN Oa real eatato and chattels
iVl D. L. Thomaa. 6B2 . 9
i ONKY Loaned on chattels , cut ral , R. n
1 tickets nought and sold. A. Forman,218 8.1Sth Bt
Vfl OtfET TO trOAH In ouma of (390 and upward.
1.VJL 0. F. Divto and 09. , H U Eslit3 find Loan
& ; onta. lias Farnam St. 051 il
Vf ONHT to loan In sums cf $200 and upard on
iVlOrBt-clasa real cetatoeoouilty. Potter is Cobb ,
1616 Fftinam et 019-tf
\yf ONE Y LO ANKI ) at C. F. Reed & Oo's. Loan offl co s'
iVi. on furniture , pianos , horses , waeona , personal s'So
property of all Undo and all otbo r rticlo3 of > aluo , Soon
vlthont remcral. 13tb on
Over 1st National IIankcorncr onDl
tad Farnam. All buslnosa strictly coafldentUl Dl
050 f t
MONKT ! uoxBTll MOMttlll Money to Loan On
chattel security by W R Croft , room 4 , Wlth-
ncll Iju'lllng ' , N. K. corner Hlh and Harney. After ,
cars of experience and a ciro'ul ntudy of the busi
ness cf loaning money on pursonal propsrtj , I ha\o T
it last roifectol n flyetemwhcrohy the publicity ) 1
usual In such cases Is done awiy wltli.anJ I am now I ec
n a pothlon to trcet the demand ) of all who become bt.
temporarily embnrrjssoj and dcslio to ralso money \
without delaj and In a quiet manner. Ilousekeep-
iif , profoislonal pentloincn , mechanics and others in
this city can obtain advances tiom $10 to JI.OOO on otCt
iuch security as ho lacnoH furniture , pianos , ma. Ct
blnery , borije * , wagjcs , warehouse receipts , secur 0.
ed notcsof band , etc. , without rcmivlng simo from 0.C.
jnucn rerldenco or jlaco ot bujlnesa. Als ? C. ;
3D Ono Watcho ] and Diamond ? , Ono of the
idxanKgos I offer Is that any part of anylotn can
bo paid at acy tlrao which will reduce tno Interest
pro . rata and all loins rcno "cd at the original rates
interest I have no brokers In connection with
my offlco , but personally superintend al my loans ,
have prl\ate ofllcei connected with my goncrtl tic
slllco so thit customers do not omo In con'act with wl
ach other , c-jasoquently making all transactions M
itrictly private. W. U. Croft , room t , Withnell
K , N. E cor. 16th and Ilarncy. E48 tl
W > At once , S No. 1 dining room elr s at
the Cai geld bouEo , Omaha. 117-10
w ASTRO A good Gorman girl for general house
work ; 1B15 Capitol ove. HJ-21p
njANrED At 2110 California street , a good gltl ;
T must bo eiperlenced. 143 20
nrr Min Aospibletru tworthy woman todogen- UE
V cral house wirk ; a small family. Cill alter six
'clock,28J8 Charles St. 142 2Cp E
rTTANTin A girl fnrgeneral houseworks. W.
V coiner ilst and Webster St. Mrs. if. W. Clea
ner , HO-SOp
-A gooi nurse girl. Apply a 1909 For-
nam Sroot. 133 ? o
nCT A good cook where another glil is Kept , L1
VV 22i5 Dodge SL 110 tf
TTANTBii Olrl twelve to fourteen jona old for J
VV light hous ) work , 635 Pleasant St. 12.-18p Fai
n Oood Qcrman girl for general hnusa.
work at 810 Ilauiey. 10.10 '
IYoun ; ladles wintcd to learn telegraphy ; p
H'cm secured. Addreas cncloilog s'amp , "
K. " Eeo office. 10o-20p :
. '
fAvmn A good girl to do kitchen work , Occi
dental Hotl. DM-If
TlTANTisD SoffiB Qrst-cUsi cooks , anl Uundrors
TV with gocd wigea at the old rohljb Omaha .
mplo > mo t offlco , 217 N. ISth St. , up-6tilr . Mrr. J
W. llcrilson , Projiilotor. 8 > 7-tf
n LiJIH In want ol goal dorocBtla girls , 1
will to supplied on application to tbo eld relltblo ,
maha llnplojment Bureau. Mrs. J. W. Morrison ,
N. 18th St. , up stairs. 83jtf
X7 ANTED iroid gltl fir general hou o work ,
T Mn > . It. H. Wilbur , 631 Pleasant St. 874-tf
D By first cUssfamllles.eood gl Ii for iron-
irUhou e work flrst tndsecosd woika'soglra ! '
dining room , hotels kitchen and laundry work.
heOmaht Employment Bureau has clnaya govi
laces on hand. Callatdeco for yo'irteltei , 1120
arnam St 872-tt
A itmlcr of HrBt-'Usi glrla wto aio
cap.Me of olng good work , and receHo good
'Sattlio ' Omiha emilotmtnt nOicc , 217 north
iths'rett , office up-bt lrs Mm J , W , Mori la n. rro-
letor. Bui-tf
irASTrii "At LireIn" 15 good store misins
V wltnotit a UOJB delay. None but good mecban- 1
need ! apj ly. ork at corner llth and 0 , , and a
; ittady Jjhat best cf w gcr. AntlyttW. B ,
Jgher. 1
VASTBD An experienced drygocdw and carpet <
H < Usm\npolyaa ; > st cliw man rnol apply. For 1 i
rtlru ati Inquire at Ecbleinlg'o's Clothing ttoro.
) Farnim St. I45-19P
7AST D Agcudprt tlsjloultor and tailor who
ciiilako onargB cf a talorlcg department In
mectlni with a clothlnir atorr. AJdieai wl'h rtf.
intes , Wm a QrartB A , n , Central citj , Nob. '
* \ ) -Te male cooks at onie. Apply at 1120 uat
FuruamSL 1SD18
1-Three gro I Illinois makerr ; none bat
nmt oils * mechanloj need apply , biommi Bros ,
ner ISth aod Dodge St. 125-1 ! ) enqu
TINTED -ITen tl so out with nurvejiif piitt OR
$35 a month and b > aid. Inqulro of Orf e
, 631 Main lit , Council Bluffa. 1SM8
iusrKUi\T -For fho Rhamplon Ink K.aser ,
HOI u 12 cts. lor simple. Chamrlun Norelty Co. ,
aha , Neb. 121.ltpt-10
ii A * ec-md 1 alar t the I'axton Hotel ;
must be utetdy and Induitrlouf. bteadv em
iment ; iL'e 9U | cr month. JS8 Itp
t ,
7ANTIU 0 mm for U II , Work ; wajes $1,7S ritr
iaj. free tianipoitatlon ; will thin \Vednerday.
UWJFornimBt. U7 tf
-Age IP. Address Electric Lamp anil jy
Suite Co. , fct Loult , Mi > , , far circular , im mil B
if 0 onl'o pjwer Ebctrlo Lamp K
O-At Haiburln Dyn norkr , 104 * O itlcet , a
Uuc lu , Nib , to gooJ repairing tallg , i
903 13
o A < ok , tn tr wumau at Eur i iu lu-
JiflJUth ,0th , ht 7Mtf 3ou
o inpttent ptHoi man dwlio r7V ) a I
u&tluii. < ! ft 0 ble Hilary. flgrf f ab
fflc * . ) JJ5ip Apply ,
WAXTID By n jounjf Sctndlnkvun , a > ltn tlon
In aprlTat farntlytottte cue ( f hones , two
Teari ciperle&ce. Qocd nferences. Address "K. "
ny al 'y , | ( u tlon In office or whole-
WAumn . Addresi "B. O. " Hit offlj- .
TT7AMID Sliuttton KI stenographer In an oTlc (
VV Kefertnceifurn'shcd. Addrcn "Stcnoffr rhei'
Bee oflloo. 108 23
ktfpsr with exper-
icnco and bnslneM ability with nntxceptlonat
refirencei. freaking and writing both Encllsh and
Oerratn Moderate salary. Address "A "lto office
093 t2p
WAVTIID TO trade ago"dnecond hand piano for
a hiria act ! borgy. Icnulro at&iholm& Erlck-
ion. BtS-tfS
WAMtD Toln\tst ; a man ctjcari otexpotlenco
and abllltr , dtsltot ape < lllon m ? bonk keeper In
lome mercanlllobuine ' wltha ilew cf purcba < lrg
an Interest. ANo. 1 rcfircnco. Addless"A , " Dee
efflcc.WAT D HT JOUDK Wy iluilyln music , a
homo. Will n ado herto'f uicful for liMrducf-
trcnce itlrcn. Address Anna U. H.,321 JJadUonRt ,
Council llluffl , Iowa. 070-16p
WANTKD Room and bc&rJ for nltrio number ot
students In pi Irate families during the coming
alltnd ulctir. Ica > oaddrcss at Omaha Bus n
College , N. W. corner Douglas and 13th S ) . CBi tt
tnfro atidlso In oxchnc to
farms and landi ; aljo I mil Improved ami un-
Impro-cd for merchanHIss H von w ant to bu ) , teller
or trade anjthlnj , wrllo lj E. F. Murphr , nimoio ,
Neb. 925 lip
WANTitn-Kvoiyhody to call on W. A. Moirlton foi
Diet class Jab printing ) 1MB Douglas isto5tr
WANTun tOOpooplo to bring tholr watches to
Ed I elm b Erlckion'stoboropalrod. SUIifactlon
guarantied 181-tf
rANTED Every ady In need ot a sewing ma.
chine , to see the new Improved Am ) rlean No.
. K. Flndman k Co. agents 220 N 10th. B30tt
uouaKa AKO
Tjfoa'itiNT IJouVeTs. li corner 10th aiid'l'aci floS t"J
X onolilcck fiomD&U. Depot. Ot\cn Wlial-n.
1SD 27p
Foil IIRST Cottipn of d rooma 5403 Ctas St'cet In-
qulro of P. 0. MUl-y. . lSl-20p
i on HINT September 1't Cattafro 1711 Jacicon
street. Inquire at 1B23 Jtehioniht. UOtt
roa IIEVT Ono store. Inquire nt Edho'ni & Eitck-
eon. UOl-lf
Fit RUNT -Homo 722 south ICth street. It quire
\\lthlo. OS3-18
RK.ST New store building 20x12 at 022 Cum-
0.0. Held.
T/OR RHNT taitrs double hou'o ' ftlth store benoalh
JU nowoccupladljf Co trtl UospItal.No.710ond712
Hth ( trcol , The Iiousa contains tnon'y ' roonn and
Is will suited for n l-tge boardlcR house. Inquire
at Dr. Poabodj's , No. 14'7 Jones Bt. 938lBp :
foil ItKST-Ssrnnll f tores on St. Mat/aavf. If. Q.
1 CUlk , 131S Doug 03 Street. 903-19
F oa RUNTG room hcus ) 2Uh and Pierce St Ap
ply en premises 8 0-18p
FOR BK\T New house four roonw.porcu , cast front
br'ck cellar , c'stcrn , well and out h U'cs on
,011 per ir.ontb. J. K. Riley & Co. , 215
South ' 13th strict.
For rent Tno no v six room houses , eisl front on
3aundcrsntrccipo ; > ch , bay window , hnlUay , elo et ,
uthtiuss cistern , well , jlkc , o\crytliiDK com-
noilloiu and complete , 18 per mouth. J. K lUloy
CD. , 215 South 18th St.
For rent Honant six room housj on 21th etroEl1
lor hot Capitol a\c Ursldcnco and loculoncry
leslrablc. J. K RILE t & CO. , 215 South 13th St.
FOR RKVT To 1)0 ) completed in Pcptombcr , two ton
] lounhnuso ; all mo lorn Improvements ; jzojil
ollar tnd cbect" , tear the cars. Innulio71i ) 10th
it. 776-22p
FOR HUNT Sf lendld brick bouse of 10 rooms , well
cistern , tkj wnter , eas , lutnaco , flno barn and
ithcr outbou-u ? ; In fact oil moJcr- ; coti\enlerC'8on
hlcago St. , htst resldincap'rtlon ; $00 per mouth.
. r Majne & Co. , 15 > h ard Farnim. S3
For rent Store roim 1122 Sherman avenue , 826.
. E. Majno & Co. , I&ih tnd Farnata. 721-tf
POB HKNT Store with four ro ms In rear. Rent 825
I a month. Inquire 1318 Douglas. 4iO-\ug 21
FOR HEXT Beautiful suburban rcsldcnra property ,
4 acres of house 7 room ) , fine loca-
lon , eplendld Mew , etc. , ar will sell Imorovomonts I
vlth & > oarslea < o of ground at a sacrlficu. C. E.
Injno & Co. , ISthacd Faruam. 813tf
FOR RENT A building 72x61. Inquire nt Botton
dry gocxla store , H. 10th Bt. SJ
FORBiurr Cottaze 6 roonn , house 10 rooms. J.
Phlppi Roe , So ward and Campbell. S31-tt C.
'OR RK\T Furnished room 1110South 13th St.
itrsr Front furnished room , UatiiKy , near
FOR st , $12. C. E. Majno & CV. , 16th and Farnam.
28-22 Im
FOR IIKST Mcily furniih'd room for one gentle woi
man , breakfast tf ccccjsary ; 813 S. IStb St. worti
1340p rti ;
FOR REST Near St Car , house 3 rooms $ : ; house
7 rooms 818. O. K. Thompson , 8 , W. corner llth
nd Ilarney. 110 If
rTiOK iirsr Nice room furnUhoJ , 1613 Chicago 11
100 isp
70RRi\T TwolurnlEhid trmme fixed for small
bouse Keeping at a email price , 20th , between
arnam and Douglas. 101-19p
7oa nrsT-A p'oasintf ' ont room with Urge closit ; me
moicra ImproveaientP , on JOtli street mar ft.
' Apply S. W , corner 10 ih and DcdioSt-i.
070 tf Cri
7oRRKST-Lago furnlstodroom. InciulroN. W. CriS '
corner IStn and Faraara 971-13 S )
7on RUN r Four rooms , oistRdo 18 hSt , 2d house
i orthuf Fiercest. 978 IBp 11F
OR RK.Yr-Furnl > bol : rooms , 10 ! North 18th. bor
PSMOpJ woi
7011 imST Kooin with biiril , 1013 Capitol a\o. T7
021 22p I1
_ . bir
Room. laquirj Drugstore , 10th and
DuijltH. C43-II F
Koom wltn b.ard ,
914 tf F
rou unsr T\\o roiina adjoining with board ; front lOC
roam touth-ajdt , 1DU Wtbjtcr bt 853 tt lOCC
OR Rrj > T Handsomely furnished double or sin-
klo looms ; la ! b board , 1 | 8 Dodge. 60tf
7OK RKNT 1 w II furnished loom lor 2 gftutlonnen fCCll
lf > 03 Farnamttrtet , o pvltoOo'x Ho el , Apply
rjom i , oral rVaesetican ic Uurnett. 218 iSlli dt.
740 tf
on 2 pltmant south front rooms R. W.
corner 10th oed Dtivouport. 700.11 F '
POR RENT TJandaootelf furnished rooms 1701 Cap- fore
itclave. t8Mf tlo < i
POR RKNT-Kroni room furnished or uofcfrnlihod
1212 Howard bt. 6i3 tf I
iVm BKAT-lTuroItli.d room 1S21 Capitol \e.
LOO aug29p
ORRK.NT At 1010 Farnam street , t o nicely F
furnished front toonm with uio of hath rooms. Soul
on HKSTTwo nlcsly fnrnl shed rooms , Nw air.
21ut > nd Rt. Uan' A\ . 40 ! tf
'OKBIINT Tnoclojont olt.dtiL 1-Uil niu'iblco
iCOirs With bcMd.dcUrablefor summer. Apply
Ut. Chattel Hotel. OlO-il A1
IOB BUNT For manufao'urlng purposes or hall ,
fcrgo room 44x76 , Sd floor , do. 110 8. 14th It ,
lulra at 1409 Dodze it. A. J. Slmpeon.
Hit.NT Centrally located furulshtd rooma a
tiZ south 18th ot. 6l)5-tl
onniMT Urge front loom on first door with o
without board ; Inquire t 1B01 f rn uj No.
No ,
CUKIiiivi Ihohouie n1 lot 010 Wheaton
etrctt * ill bus Hat a birsim ; 6ronin , newwel No.
) u ( 8 XI87 ( a t fr.MiT , within one h'oak rf K' .
1' . OIUDJ , U5J1 ntanaSt. ISi 19ji No. :
W8Ut ( ! > * 132fo't , Iiius 4roro8 , clo-et , r No ,
, uell , barn , bolii 1 Inrtca mid tug j ; fruit
landHhrubheiy , onrda ti.foi ) on very may
; iht < In a birgiln. U. e. Mijno&Uo , , Itiih No. i
rn ir. 127-tf
No. -
UAI.HCheap , twj new cottigea and lots rn p jinenid AddrcuL. i' , J'mjn , 1S74
118th bt , 077-lBp
No. i
-At ibarg 'nht ullh S houies , Sinl 7 No.
i , well , clitorn , b rn , 4c. , { ( to tud lUruey ,
iprrvtd tiroj eit > Ukun > | i rl jny. Win. i/ , . 4
) , OSQ cd Douglas. 03ft
No. 40
Btu-A tvro itcrr 22iB ] frame liu Ulng lult- No. tt
iblifira ttori dear lOtb nJ f r. , 'n street. No 41
"IIEL-LO-Wm yon please ring up 11105"
"HEL-LO-Is this 1119 ? "
11 YM. sir. "
" Well , this is the Omaha Bee. Mr. Tztchuok wishes to speak to you , "
" Ilello , Hello Who is this at the telephone ? "
11 It's I , the manager of the MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS. "
Ileo " I am too busy to come and wo youj will wo chance your add , to-morrow { "
Misfit Parlors | "Yet. "
Dee " llaye you rour chnngo ready ? "
Misfit Parlors- " Yes , sir. "
15eo "Can you repeat It over the wire ? If so , I will note it. "
Misfit Pftflors-"Ye , sir. "
Doe _ Well , let me have it , please ? "
hay TO DAY.
$ G 00 Pair Merchant Tailor Made Pantaloons to bo sold for $ 3 10
8 00 " " " ' . 3 00
-1000 " " " " . 470
12 00 " " " " . 5 CO
1500 " " " ' . 075
1800 " " " "
. 8 SO
Cut in , iiid from nil the prevniliug styles of cut and pnttorn will be sold nt thn following pri'ces-
$25 00 Merchant Tailor Made suit , to bo sold for 812 00
A few lio-lit weight or Spring ; Overcoats which will be sold
for less than half the original value , also separate coats , sepa
rate vests ? and coats and vests , which will be sold regardless of
value. Let all pav a visit and satisfv anv curiositv thev niav
hold over
' Alurcaln ; good house 7 room ; , barn ,
I' well , cistern and other Improvements with in
ere rl ( jround on Lta\enwoith St. , near city limits ,
! ,50 , > , uasy terms C. E. llnjrno & GJ. , 16th and
OR 8it.i OR HP-IT Good hoto in flMt-sIaistown in
J South Western pirt of State. Aj ily to E P. Da-
1' , Novelty Iron Works , 14tb St 781-tf
ii Lot 10 , h 16 , Hanjcoin pt&cc , S9.0
LjtB. 1 > 8 , M T. Pa'rlok'jpropose ! add. 8760.
Lot ! 1 and y. b 16 , Shlon's 1st aid , Si.600.
Lots In all ports of tbo city at bargilns.
No 206 Hou'o 7 rooms Park are. , J4.0CO.
No 197 Brl.k huuso 0 rooms Shlnn'a 2d aid.
1,100.No. ,
No. 108 Now house 6 rooms Georgia a\o , $3,603
Ni * . 176 House 3 room * Btrtlott's add. $900.
E. Mayne & Co. , 16th Farnam. 748 tf
ro K.\cilASOK S8oo Block of barJwaro and faim
machinery for K < Netrasti \ land.
S0 , 0 hotel InColoitdo , rents for $100 rcr tninth
> trade for unimcumborcd farm , cr wild land.
Si OCO itcck of general merchandise to exchange
A Ono farm of 640 acres In Fherman Ca , Neb. well
nproved near ralltoa ) , price 83,000 , ; will stll lor hall
h , bihnce on tlmsor exchange ( or etock of hard-
are , itores and tinware.
10,000 i acres ot Ntbriska land at JO per a-ro to ex-
ango for mcrchandifc. CHAS. R. WOOLEY , room
) , , Omaha National Hank , Omaha , Neb. 475-18
70R BALI Forty lots for sale on Hurt and Cumings
? between 29th and 81st cheap , Inside property
edf ord & Souor. 611 tf
71 OR SALE nisUuunt and bikorj In the city ot
I.lnoolo , at 1235 0 street , a two yeari lease on a
iid i tttostorvbilek huilli g with nlno furuhticd
on s U-st | : lr3 , A complete bakery and pbUu-
nt , a good route and wagon rml a flrst-clasi res
uiaat trade. Good reasons for sol ing. J. E.
ook , 1S35 O street , Lined 1 , Web. 153-J4
1 I fw 11 bur a good mare , liariura and bugy.
JuU IrqudoN. tiijil ? , Sherman n\o , between
u aid Center , after 6 o'o'ock. t718p
roil HIK Furniture , carpet * fcnt a on * o'nn
huiisf , Eoparatoly or an wh U. N > w last Oeio-
r. Inquire at 721 8. 17th St. Clip bltu LntVin-
uth School Home. 981-ISp
ros CALK A light bufgy , toy ph eton , ( Slmpions
make ) with cnllda seat in front. Inqui o U ue
rn , on 16th tt 07018
rok SALF.Three good mlicli-rcowB , ORO 4 :
0. B Smith , Irv ngtui. Nth. OS7-21p
> ORBAIR Cheip. four sidalo ponies. Apply tif.
MoDtgcmerj , ciro I ) , lliglunls , cDroor 14th and
dge. 8 = 918p
JA11LR KOR HAM. at Sl n OAa
50) heal ota jcar old stmrs.
SOOhodd 2 joir iiHs'pcrs.
100 heal 1 year old steers.
All cho'co aitra heavy ( i.ttla and wo now quote
ders a ! { 3.05 per cat. Chapm Urcs
ORSALR-FIno tetter iun7m ths old. Win-
Elmer. I , room fi , ftedlck block. 7S3tf
'on : BALK 100 lo's. Sprlnr Hlllj will sol on oisy
terms ; tiaie for Imuroved property and pay illl-
enco Inalues lu osh or assume rae > tgao < . I'ar-
can tlnd cheap homes an I advantt ouui traiea.
II. Green , over lit Katl. Dink , tola agt. 4B8tf
OR BALK Two lots In I'elham Dice , on a block
frrrn street car track. Inquire 213 U 13th HI.
IORHALK Or would tralo ur a good horao and
! bULvy ; 80 acres In QiBucr county. Apply to 21H
ith ISch S rcet. 216tf
OR SILK Boiler and enitlne , 20 horse power boiler
ndcntclne , < n good running order ; want to eel
the reoBon that they are not larco euougb for
now machinery which wo will put Into our new
IdlngoullarneySt. Clarke Bros. & Co. , 1403
jghuSt. ; fiiett
LWATS uu baud t a titigttu , Mi 1 ootund naud
carriage phaeton and side bar buggies ; also urn-
llM and tunehadoe , al 14M-11U Podgo Bt.
103-83 feet on Jones street , a corner , an excel
eat local Ion fur warehouse- Jobbltvr
hou'o an I remartab'y clioip at J7,5 < c.
120 ; House lot Six l 2 , on pivcd ttrett , $2,650
812-3 ; ? feet on ISthutr/tt corner of alley , near
Howard ttrcet , splendid builneis prapert ) ,
850CC. '
ISO : Several flno builnots lots on 10th street , I
each 83iMO
110 Best butluiBi corner 03 Ilarney itreet , 03 -
feet front , rnlv 814,0(0.
ICO A fln > lot 6tfill2. corner of alley , Hth
ttreetnear Famim , asp'oadtdlnvtttaiouc
it 816 OCO. L1
428 Afplen-ld loteiUSZ , on Firnam etrcct
oppoilte the ojurt hou o , 910(00 (
4SO A mlindldea t front aiidvne a corner
muth trout , rich C6\I40 , on Gicrirta ave , ,
It blocks If urn Laivcnworlh Hiuet , Meet J
I'lice , Bee ihado trees , iarhl(0u. .
462 A flno corner on Georgia avenue ci st front ,
< EO-8 extra choice Icti 2 bkcks f'om Firnam [ 1
i.d near 3id ! reets. frjm 1800 to | 900. Lu
UO-2 choice lots Codgo street , loutti ftcnt.oto
corner , rricei for the two 11,2(0 (
01 ( To choice lota on Farm m ititet , I'.HO ' 1
6ltacd lf60
lor A moo ctire ( | and fuN\ lot near Talk I.TC , .
W.3CC ,
No 448 A larzaln10room ; new house , full lot.nca
Oeorg'a afcnuo , 83,160.
No. 432 An elegant let on lojrslaaienue , $330.
No. 4531 Two lots In lllnuluugh FUco , SI.030
No. 400 I each.
tots , aero proncrtv and farms forsileln location
and Mloa to suit all. 1IOHSK & BKUNNblt ,
927-24 1'axton Building , Cor. 15th tnl F.rcam.
T ouS.UK Hcstanr ntthoroujhlr estarllehed am
JU cll pijlrg , celling on account of slcku tF , S'OO
Farm of 0 acres , 12 n.Ues from Omaha , highly Im
proved , SICO" .
Lots In Urooklliio , $225.
Lots In II mcom pi too , SSiO.
Iloute , stphlsand lot 03x103 In south Oaitlii , for
81 000 , } rasb.
6 arres in Uvdo Park , S5CO.
6 BCIO * In Florence , $ ] UO. Ilamlln b Brnnn , 311
South Eloon th ht. Oi5-20
FOR SILK Itrlolc houeo and largo lei on N. 1 a
St , $4 EOO.
Now bou'c , S rooms , lot , 91st St.near Clark1,000
Lot on 22d , near Clark , 8760.
Lot on Moniana St , ? l,20u.
Itorcrn residence Inflaest location , on Cumlnj St
Lots on California St , between 24th and 25th St. ,
8 homes and lots on ISth St , near Ch'cigo. ? 7OflO.
i lot and homo on Webster ce\t 16th St , $2t03.
No * hrnso 20x18 , stable , on Division near flth St. ,
Lot en Spruce ncsr 13Ui St , 81,150.
1 acre niihhau c , on 10th nuir Castellar. J3.COO.
Fine lot on 10th St , , near Dorcas , with house ,
? 1BCO
Ucrnorlot 16Ui and Center , 76x140. Sl.fOO.
Co-ncr lot on 16th and Dorcas , houie and stable ,
2-3 lot onWIhtt. ne r Cas'ellar , 8700.
Lot on 17th St. neat Center , 2 houses , 81 , ? 00.
i let on Center bet. IS'h and 10th St. ? 500
Lots 111 all additions , 15V ° C acres B & M. Urd ,
farms atd school land , leases In all counties , for ssle
or trade bj Vcdloka & Otantner , 620 H. 13th St.
' 'OR Liusx Best unoccupied ground In the ty for
X1 warenouso house,87 feet front on Loaveawjrth ,
north hat 10h and llth.wlll ease for 99 years. Bed
ford & Bauer C20 tf
"IT'on BAIX Sixteen Iot on Vlnton and 17th Sts
A1 ery deslr blo property nd on easy tcim .
One hundred tony feet Farnam street property
south fie t , near cow Court hitse , (1Q9 p r trout
foot ; will sell In 22 foot lots to the right kind cf pur-
chaeort ; ttiils a rare chancoto fccuiobiitlnoss prop
erty thitwlll double In > aluo Intldo ot thr o ve re.
J. E. U lev & Co. 216 3. 13th ft.
Forsate Fourloticn Heorgn avenue , dcsliaLla
rcildcucci pr > pcrtv ro Bicat b.
For eal' Sevtn lots on Virginia avr , , cast front
rtaa nableprkosand ttrugeasy. J , t. Klley & Oo
J BS. 18th. !
Formic 132 Jcoton 13tb , 03 feet deou ; budnesi j.
pmprrti. j"
For s lo Qrod houo and lot on 21th street tear ; ,
Capitol ate , 82,700 ; a la-gain I h
For s lo Hu-1'iini Ut i n South 13th St , cheap.
J. K. Itlley A. Co. , 215 8 13th H ! EWe
Wo Imtioiur p.troni ) tocall andsoe our prop'ity I
list ! as HO h > vopo < itl obarriilii' ( . 7 > 0-lf iH
FOR BALK Ilruso and 2 lots at a birgtln 83,10 ,
B. 16th Streetroom ; to build four inoro house
for rent.
Two ilrgant lota Shlnns Addition : , 2FQO.
Largo houfo ondtwuluts Ilanscoin 1'lacj , 0000.
Houeo tin bt north 10th 8r , Ouu.
House and 1 it Rigan's Add , 1200.
Houioandl t 0. )8t'i ) ' fit , hro
Jlouio and lot PacllloSt. , near Pepot , 88 \
2 hduses and lot on i asa dt , near ICth.
HOIISO an I lots. 18th St ,81fO
Farm lanil In neuly e\cry county In northern Ke (
braska. O. K. Ua > Is & Co. , 1605 FArnam St.
(00 Aug 23
FoiiHlLK Ahot l on cosy term or nllllrado f )
reul tBtato In Onulia or Uud In'fbiaU . to
furttorpirllculirr , Inquire OIL. P. I'.uur , 1674 N
ISthetreel. .
HUB on BxtntsuK-A1 ! a hir aln , itcck dr
Fun ( jnodnud curpets In one ol thu he.ttouus c [
Jcntitl Iowa , Address Lock P , O. box 4 , lUrtlog
ton hub , 132-74
TT'cn HU8-A barter ihop nd liath room , llu
JT oldiHte-tabtliced trade In Onuluull ; Hill fui N
ush ur renl cttatt. Adiiices "A. U. ' lite ulllce.
JOR H\LK Cattle r n'h.
? 120J a-rrs deeded l nd ,
7uihoid utecis Sjeaiu old , ,
son tici'craS .wn B eli > . fHi f
Ifih'r-is > utl uiinji t iuipae , nltua e1 aloul I ! Hi
ollej fium If , & V , I' . K. iliud nter "nl Hi u ff /
ig kt trfi(00ur aehoit tlac , 11 mill i. Jlrovtn ,
ill South K emuli Bt. Hi 21
'j > OKHiLK-f tools ana futures of aorni ) | | cbUiy
l.e cromiarrr rnd reiiuurint In ooe of Iho
ist Ii tttloi In tl o niiy , 17 irio.K'fl liaeo til build
r-ttj remoDS for > e lint ; Hli r builna r , Adsuai
JUu'.aurant" ere lieu i ULe OH 13
fTVia KiLi A splendid loipll uont and liudwiro liu >
luc s ic South winter a mwa ; rers Jin for Belling
oed , Aildreu W. B. , caie Hu 1'ubllfhlnz Co.
OKHILI AgcoJ pavlrn bu 'ncsi ' rni.lojinf but
little capital for cub. Ifai jurtlcularj aldroia
O. IIJX 857 , Omaha , Neb. 722-tf
TViR TRAVI Nano county londi for atock of gtn-
cral nurchuidU or hardware. Addtcsi John
Indcrmlm , Centra City , Web.
TUwBitK A restaurant ; big birgalu , In fine | o-
utluoleateof ; bulldlug for tun ucuthi ; good
.dr. Kaaiansfor ulliriy , hue other builnett to
Hrf ( o , A dreuS P. , Ileo offiw. 455U
7"A\Ttn Tab o hoarders In prli ti family. Tcrtns
rea oaible , at ti. W , coruir IBthaud California.
STimpo OR Broil's From Iho premises of Henry
Hex 2 m leu noith-urnt ot city limits ; 1 spau ot
g'avhomsi amara with asuo'iiing colt ) 4ShaLds
high and 7 ypai sold , wclgot 1060 to 1100 It's. A
Mi tal rcnard wlllbogUeu for their return to said ,
prcmlies orto W. A. Gurdner , 17iO Sherman ave.
-3 cows an Jl bolterwhl'o ' stub horns an
J. D on tight hip , and red cow nltb bell , holfor re
vhiluHtir , couple white epota on the Bides ; south
. Oth street , out cf city limits. 1'eter Korncr.
Da. WARD , room 6 , Wlthnoll Block , 16th and Har-
ne > . 611-tf
yTHAYE ] ) OU STOLEN A b y mare , white faoo
Oand wire fencj loirs on the breast , wcleht about
OlO rounds. Libgrel renard will te fald dr. information
mation leading to her recovery. J. Vf , II stetlcr ,
ilorcnoj , Neb 122-21
FOR BINT Two places. Intpalro Fdholm 4. Erlck-
Eon. 02 tf
OMAHA SAMTARV co T'rlvy vaults , ( Inks and oeis-
pa licleanidauy tlmo of day In au entirely
odorlois ay with iny Improved pump anj pit.ent
rarrcl apparatus A. EVANS , oillco'K8 Dodge St , t
Omaba , Nebraska. OSS-iejit-Up
T > Rl\v utsand | coi-poolj cleaned In an cilorl'SJ
-L way bjr F. Q Abof , I' . 0. Box , 378. 625 aug-2 < Jp
M IDUJFK Mrs. 0 F.Anjpaoner , io3 Loarenwortlu
PABTORK On Klkhorn n llaitc. T. Uurray.
on banjo glveu by Q E Uellcn
1 beck , at 1118 Capitol e. 4 0-tf
_ _
NO rpcrttlon , or ii93lC9StrU33oa Dr. M. M. Moore ,
541 Wabuh nvo. , Ohlcago , lllc. . at , Omah
Wolnesdjy ant" 'lmirjda > , Aug SOtband 27th.
Seventeen years experience ,
iKtdet of DUeisoi of Men an 1 Women. Kclcotrlc ,
ilagnotla and IfortulUt HhyslJan Now located at
1210 Doughs St Omaha. Neb , , up stairs.
oorrui t dlaunosld given without any explanation
rom tbo patient. Consul'atloa free at othoe.
Treat the Following Diseases.
Catarrh nf the Head. Diseases of the Eje and
Jar , Heart Dls-a-o , t.Hor Complilnt , Klilnsy Coni-
| atritNor\or Uebllltv , Mental Depression , L-Miof
Janbood , Dlabeits , Urlght's Distaie , St Vltuo
Jauco , liheuniat i > , I'-rnljuli , Whlto Uwclllog )
lirrofula , Kovur H.icea. Omcois and Tumors reinovo
l lili'iiit the knlfu , nr the drawing of a drop of
loud , \Vum\n , with flcr ile Ica'e ' o-gann , Hostorod to
fealth. Dropay Curid W thoul Tapping , Hpeclal
.trentlori Qivun t > > I'rltato and Vouaroal Dlsoasetof
Kinds , T ro Worms HOOKA oil In two or three
ours or No Pay , Hommorrholdd or Piles Cured ere
o Charvoi Made , ,
Those who are aflllctnd will save llfo and hun.
redd ol dollars by callliig on ur using
UorbUeiedln al .
lotice ! Notice ! Noti
To all who a-e dlju mo 1 or all ) 'ctccl , no matter how
ng thu standing ; ojmo and ba healed , Fetmale din-
r wh ro ni uiclncs have ( alltd to give relief ,
fpio'olty ' ; ciino HUB , oomo all and Do healed by tha
agnotlo licaltr , the ( inly uure escape ( coin any dU-
w. for examination , mrctu goiareJI. for each
eitmont , or visitations $2 ; terms Ktrlctly casu.
j n. PAGBL&R ,
North StaU St. , ona roll a weat of Fair Oioundi
0 ir OilifornU lata Paara , due
Wedacsday , August 19.
Oar California lUrloU I'eari , > v
l' aobes , 1'lums , and Grapes , all
mountain fruit , due Friday , Aug ,
2Hr ,
sncl orders enrlv as fruit is closed
t ) i arrival.