Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Une of ho Best and Largest dtocka in the United Statet
To SelectFrom ;
Knabe and Behr Bros ,
Shoninger and Clough and Warren
Instruments Eented , Exchanged & Sold
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Before Buying Elsewhere Examine Our
Stock and Prices.
Corner JLJLflt ind JTurnain Streets.
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Dormer Windows , Window Caps , Motnllc Sky Lights , &o. Tin , lion Slate roofers ,
DIG S , 12th St. , Omaha. Neb , Work done in any pait of the country ,
1301 AND 1 < 503 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,
lowers of Live Stock and Others.
It In the beet and chonpent food for stock of any kind. One pound la oqnul to
three poanda o corn. Stock fed vlth Ground Oil Qako in the Fall and Winter
Instead of running down , will Increase In weight and bo In good marketable condi
tion In the spring. Dairymen , na well as othcrn , who nee It , can toatlfy to Its nior-
Ita. Try It and judge for yoarsolvos. Prlco $24.00 per ton. No charge for naoks.
( Willjpay customers ] Draft with' Bill of LadingJaUachoJ for 'two-thirds valuo'of stok. )
a'it Fannor'a Bank David CityNeb , , Omaha ,
Kearney National Bank. Kinrnoy , Neb , ,
Oohimbiia S'ntoBan * , Columbus , Nob.
MoUormld'H Bank , North 1'latto , Noh ,
Omaha National Bank , Omaha , Neb.
Double and Smglo Acting Power ana hana
g Engine Trimmings , Mining Mnoblnerf , Bolting , Hoje , Brans and Iron
at wholesale or retail. HALLAJOAY WIND-MILLS. OHORCB
Corner 10th and Farnara St. , Omaha Hob.
A. J. TDLttOOK , Sag , & BUpt. 0. T. N. BADLBn , Asst , Eng II. W. DIAUOND , Aast. 89C
Man'/g'a / and Builders cl
froneM Iron , Steel , Howa
Truss and Combination
For Itallroada and Illghwnyi
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Roc
TiujBOf , I'lers and Sub
los'ey ' , Stiife & Tulloc'f '
A. McLouih , Agent.
PUaiatctd us uctlcelol all brldja wotlitolet. Comtrosd < nee ecllclted from egglnceri and bi dg
comiiilsilcnuH ,
OO ,
TUSVfr H B f ? SrtV/f ffftf fa/fttf VV &RlA > KA.l
HO/iAB / o jl © cl/ilCI / ifiOOr
! , ETC ,
Author of "Called BacK'and ' "Dark Days. '
\V ncn niouo w catnco nnvaj u
behaved prettily. She was very fond of hlni ,
althougli the remcmbronco of the tears , tbo
text , the distracted vows , when contrasted
with Ills second man-logo for nothing but
good looks , inndo bcr look upon him with a
UtUo contempt. Bho illd not know that man
Is so gregarious a creature tlmt it is not meet
tor him to llvo alono. Eho Lcanl bis i-eninrks
In sflcu , then gave him ber opinion on the
"Idon't wnnt to bo n nuisance to you ,
papa. I nm eighteen now too old to go back
to school. It's nonsense , of course , to say I
should llko to earn iny own living , bccauso
when I conio of ngo I shall bavo souio money.
May I go and llvo at Falrhobnor1
Fnirhohno was Sir Malngay'a seldom-used
scat in ono of the southern counties.
" But you can't llvo tbero alone1 bo said.
"Yes , I could. Mrs. Williams could toke
care of mo. I shall bo bappy enough. "
"My dear girl , why not bo reasonable and
niako friends with Lady Clauson ? Then wo
could nil go abroad together. "
Lady Clauson , who was by no means o fool ,
had by tlds time found out that Bho needed
something moro than mcro good looks to go
down , or go up , in the society her heart longed
for. She bad , therefore , made up her mind to
becoino a traveled woman , and bed arranged
that Sir Malngay should take bcr to n variety
of foreign countries. The proposed tour waste
to bo on affair of years , and bcr ladyship bad
a dun idea , ofu king , or of getting sonio on
clso to write a book , describing the well-worn
pathways sbo meant to tread. She hoped to
take the w orld by storm as n literary woman.
"T can't go abioad withyou"snld Beatrice
"I shall bo miserable myself and make yo
miserable. "
"But If you stay in England you must ba
presented and como out and all that sort oi
thing. "
"If over I do get married , " raid Beatrice
drily , "I will bo presented us Lady Clauson
was , on my mnrrintjc. "
Sir laingay' ; ) cbcclc reddened. Ho was
much hurt by the sarcasm. Poor old Kinj
Lear fouwl a fitting simllo for an ungrateful
child , but tbo sharpness of n. sarcastic child
is moro painful than n , whole jawful of ! ser
pent's teeth. IIo did not reply ; but the
worthy baronet was nt his wik' cud. AVhat
could ho do w it h this girl 1 Ho bad very tow
relations bo cared for uono of them. Ohi"
Mr. Tnlbcrt , oE Hazlowood House , was a con-
finned invalid ; Horace and Herbert were
men without homes or wives. SirMaingny
was willing enough that Beatrice should re
main in England. Ho bad suffenil much
during the last few months from tbo dissen
sions of Ills wife and daughter. But where
to bestow Beatrice ?
At last bo remembered an aunt of bis own
who lived in quiet retirement in 0110 of the
suburbs of London. It was of course absurd
for Bcatrico to think oC living nt Ifairholmo ,
in a half-closed bouse with n housekeeper and
ono or two sen-nuts. So it was arranged tbat
tier great-aunt should take her while Sir
Maingay nud Lady Clauson were on tbo Con
tinent. So to Mi. . Erekiuo'a she went , and ,
as that lady was very old , very deaf , and saw
no company , it may bo presumed tbat Miss
Clauson had scarcely a merry time of it dur
ing bcr father's absence an absence which
Crom ono reason or another lasted quite four
After n while Sir Haingay almost forgot
ho had n daughter. The Clausons settled
down to continental lifo for an indefinite
timo. Lady Clausou know she was improv
ing herself , and moreover , tliat Sir Maingay
was raving enough money to refurnish the
town house from top to bottom whenever
they did retuni to England. In the course of
the four years fpent abroad , Lady Clnuson
rectified her predecessor's bins of omission ,
nndgavo her devoted husband two flno boy-
babiea In the revived delights of paternity
a paternity which is t.o especially dear to
middle age Sir Mniugoy thought little of
the troublesome , obstinate girl ho liad left in
England. His wife and his boys nil but
turned her out of his heart. Bo hero was
Bcatrico in the extraordinary position of
being a , bsronet's daughter with scarcely a
a friend in the world.
At last the Clausons returned to England.
TVTiethcr her ladyship wrote her book or not
is n matter of uncertainty ; anyway , it was
never published. Beatrice made no objection
to rejoining the family circle. Her father
and his wife found her greatly changed. She
was quieter , moro reserved , moro amenable
to reason. It seemed to Sir Maingay that hho
bad passed her time at Mrs. Erskhio's in study.
The learning she liad acquired almost fright
ened the baronet ; but ho was glad to ECO she
had grown into ft beautiful woman , nnd BO
ho felt quito proud of his neglected daughter ,
and hoped that things would for the future
run smoothly.
His hopes wcro vain. This time there was
no doubt as to with whom the fuult lay. A
beauty llko Lady Clauson could not eiidmo
the constant presence of n younger , fresher
and oven moro beautiful beauty. She was
also jealous nt the way in which her own chil
dren took to Beatrice. Bcddcs , she hud never
forgiven the girl. Relations soon grow
strained , nnd towards the end of Iho year
Bentrico wrote to her uncles , and asked if
they would give her a homo.
She was now nearly twenty-three. Having
whcnsho cninoof ngo succeeded to herlato
mother's third of old Talbcrt's possessions , bho
was independent both b3' ago and by income.
Bho was u illlng to II vo at Hazlowood House , if
bcr uncles would take her. If not , she resolved -
solved to Mart ail establishment of her own.
Bho was still in her former anomalous jwsi-
tion a baronet's daughter who had never
made a projxjr entrance into society. As Lady
Clauson said , bho must have been a wrong-
uiindcd young woman , ns this omission
seemed to t rouble her very littlo.
The Tulberts who liked the little they had
seen of their iiioco went into toletnn conclave
on the i equest. Thuy decided , in the event of
Sir Maluguy giving his consent on that [ what
Lhoycro most exacting she might como to
them. Sir Mnlngny raised 110 objections , so
Beatrice Clausou cnino to Hazlowood House ,
tvhcro since her arrival , about u week ago ,
iho had lived iu a htato of amused wonder as
the fuuiablu poculiaiitios of Iho "Tabbies"
gradually rorralul themselves to her ,
She liad , of cotuv > , intended to make herself
useful to her uncles. It may have been the
want of some occupation other than study
which made her turn her eves to Huzlowood
House and the two bachelors. She was no
longer a schoolgirl , to at once broadly hinted
that bho was willing to regulate their houso-
liold matters. The bllenl horror with which
the proposal was received told her at ouco that
bcr place was to bo a bhiocuro. She taw that
her undes would on no account dream of intrusting -
trusting their researches into domestic econ
omy to any hands Kjvo.thcirown , and the BUT-
passing capability of. those handj wns dceplj
impressed upon bcr , the day after bei
arrival , sbo found Unc o Horace bending ovoi
the maid who did tbo p in sewing , and 'n the
patlentcst and gravest way teaching ber ths
most approved fashion of handling a needle
and thread.
After having lived nt Hnzlowood House f oi
n week Miss Clauson must bavo been , ready to
welcome any event of interest. It is n o won
der that when Horace Talbort , at Mr. Mor-
dlo's suggestion , walked into the drawing
room and told his nlcco what had happened ,
ber curiosity and excitement rose to a high
"Is it a pretty childf sbo asked.
"Wonderfully so. Mordlo and Herbert are
petting It like a coupleof women. "
Bcatrico tlid not run nt once to see for bor
sch' . "What do you mean to do nbout It ,
uncle Horacef she asked.
"I don't know. I suppose wo must keep it
till to-morrow and pee if tbo mystery is ex
plained. You had better como out and give
us your advice. "
rj Beatrice walked into the ball. Tbo child
had inado great progress during Horace' *
absence Thonirato was tickling him and
making him laugh. Herbert was stroking
bis bright hair in quite n paternal way.
Even the respectable Whlttaker was smiling
"What n dear little manl" exclaimed
Beatrice , as sbo walked to the table and
looked at the sturdy urchin.
She was the first woman the child liad scor
since ho loft bis friends at the refreshment
room. Moid servants , with the curiosity oi
their sex and kind , had peeped surreptitiously
over the balustrade , but had not attracted
notice. At such n tender ago 03 bis , woman
i is a child's natural protector. Ho at once
' quitted his stalwart friends and ran across
the tnblo to the fair girl , who smiled and
I opened bcr arms. The little man darted into
them , and with a chirrup of delight laid his
bead on the girl's shoulder and seemed per
fectly happy nnd at rest. Ho was so pretty
that no woman could have refrained from ca
ressing lilni. Miss Clauson Idsscd him again
and again , then , llko every ono who came
near him , fell to stroking his golden locks
and twining them round her fingers. The
child's eyes l > cgan to close under her soft anil
soothing touches.
"Ho must g6to bed , " said Beatrice , de
"Certainly , " said uncle Horace. "When
bad bo bolter deep ! "
"Jane has n. most comfortable bed , " said
Jane was the parlor-maid , but Herbert hi
his housewifely capacity knew the quality of
over } ' bed iu the house ; oven the amount of
bedding on each. Mr. Mordlo turned away
Ho was afraid of disgracing himself by c
burjt of ill-timed mirth.
" .No , no , " exclaimed Bcatrico ; "ho shal
sleep with me. Look nt him , undo Horace
isn't ho a perfect cherub ? "
"IIo'.j a pretty little boy ; but wo don't
know where ho comes from , my dear. I hardly
think you ought to take n btrango infant to
sleep with you. "
"Oh , nonsense , undo Horacol See what a
clean , beautiful boy it is. Wulttaker , scud a
largo can of hot water to my room. Come ,
my pet ; I will ECO how I con act the part of a
nursemaid. "
Singing and crooning1 and carrying the
child in the most approved fashion , Miss
Clauson proceeded to bear her prize awaj- .
"You bad better look nt his linen ,
Beatrice , " said Horace. "It may bo marked
with his name. "
After this the three men went back to the
nnd talked the curious
dining-room occur
rence over nnd over.
In about half on hour's time Beatrice reap
peared with the intclb'gcnco that the boy's
clothing bore no mark of any kind. Indeed ,
it all seemed brand new. She was apparently
much delighted with her new toy. fcjho kept
running up and down stairs , to ascertain that
her protege was sleeping the sleep of innocent
babyhood. At last sbo went away alto
"Beatrice is moro demonstrative than I be
lieved bcr to be , " sold Hornco , regretfully.
Herbert echoed the regret , hut Mr. Mordle
said nothing. Ho thought tbo instinctive
kindness she showed towards this mysteri
ously sent child added an other charm to the
many ho bau alrcadydiscovcredin Miss Clau
The three men sat together until it was too
late to hope tlmt matters would bo cleared up
that night. No mother , no telegram came.
The curate bade Ills friends good night and
walked back to his lodgings in the village ,
thinking what a charming picture Miss Clau
son with tbo child in her arms made. Poor
Mr. Mordlo I Ho had only known Bcatrico a
week , and was already beginning to dream a.
foolish dream.
The brothers continued sitting ono on cither
side of the fire. They were neb carly-to-bed
people. Kbw that they wcro alone they said
little moro nbout the arrival. For three hours
they had been discussing every possible the
ory which might account for the child's np-
icaranco among them , so the subject was
: hrcadbarc , and they wit in silence trying to
nvent fresh cau'ies. Suddenly a most curious
md startling suspicion entered Hoinco Tal-
jert's mind a suspicion which now and again
nado lihn glance nt his brother. Could Her
bert by any chance know nil about the mnt-
: er ? Ho had certainly seemed greatly taken
with the little boy. Horace raucmbcrcdhow
much at homo the child had made himself
with Lcibcrt. How , when be , Horace , cam i
out of the di owing-room with Beatrice , ho
iad found Herbert stroking and palling the
ittlo bead. Could there bo romantic jiass-
nges in Herbert's life about which lie know
nothing 1 Ho pooh-poohed the thought ; but
t came ngain and again.
Just after 1 o'clock , and when the brothers
tvero thinking of retiring , to their great sur-
niso Beatrice reappeared , She was hi dainty
iressmg gown and slippers. After waiting
antil Mr. Mordlo must certainly have gone she
aod como down of course to hear if any news
jad arrived. Uncle Horace , with his eyes
Ixcd on Herbert , expressed his conviction that
ao news was meant to arrive. Bcatrico looked
nusingly into the lire. Her head was bent
orward , her hands clasped round one of ber
moos. She made a pretty , almost classical-
ooking picture , no doubtdulynpproved of by
boso men of taste , ber uncles
"Then what will you doi" she asked , at
ast ,
"Wo will wait until to-morrow , or the day
Lfter ; then put the matter into tbo bands of
bo police , " said Horace decisively.
HcrlicrL bald nothing , so his brother's sus-
> idonsiuci eased. Beatrice rose us if to say
rood night. She btood for awhile on the rug ,
ppurcutly Intently interested inn series of
Iny circles which bho was describing with the
x > lnt of one sllpi > or. Presently bho looked up
vlth n Hushed cheek and spoke in u quick bur
ied way.
"If nobody comes for the boy would you
nlnil iny keeping himi"
'If nobody comes for the ban would yon
mind j y ktepinyMmf"
"My ilcarl" cried Undo Horace , oshast.
'Heio ? "
Bho clnspwl her luuids. "Oil , Undo
Ilorncol1' pho said , ' 'I tavo had sudi n tlrc-wy
mlsorahlo llfo ever slnco I wns seventeen. I
Imvo nothing to do nothitif ; to llvo or cn-o
tor. I could IKS so happy with tlmt dear child to
look after. Como up nnd sco him sleeping.
Ho is the sweetest baby 1"
"Such nonsense , Beatrice ! " Undo Hornco
settled himself Into hla chnlr nnd thowcxl by
the notion thnt a legion of sleeping bnblcs
would not iiuluco him to go mid look nt their
ilumbering f onns. ,
"Then yeti tvnie. Ihiclo Herbert. IIo l
i. prettier right than nny cf * your old mna-
Vrs. "
Herbert gave his qulot snillo. Howas oC
iCS3 stoni stult than Homco thnt is , If either
> f the Tnlberis could bo called stern. IIo
miToml Bentrico to lend him to her roc n ,
inly ndmircd the little stronger , then , with
his niece , rctilnieil to Horace. After this
iianlfestntloii of weakness Horace's unworthy
mspiciou wns nil but ccrtninty.
"You will let mo keep hhnr plcade < l Ben-
a-ico. ' 'I nin sure you wUL"
Horaoo inado no reply to her unreasonable
request. In their usual dignified nmniicr the
two gentlemen made their preparations for
shutting up. Beatrlco went back to her room
. "Slio grows vorj- , very Impulsive , " sighed
Horace. This time Herbert wild nothing. As
lie got Into bed Homoo Tnlbert told himself
thnt Herbert know all nbout the boy ; ho nlso
told himself that no power on earth should
induce him to tax Herbert with thU knowl
edge. A man's private olTolrs wera his owi ;
propcrtj'J ho himself hail laid down this
dogma nud must now stick to it ; the moro so
bccniiFo on a former occasion ho hail brokei
with Herbert for six years because the latter
had infringed on this rule.
The next morning the Tnlbcrta did nil tin
usual thing ; they broke ono of their rulas bj
opening their letters before breakfast. Thej
had a time nnd n place for everything , nm
their time for reading their corrcspondenci
was with their second cups of ten. Butt-o
anxious wcro they to sco if their letters con
tallied anything explanatory of lost night's
occurrence , thnt the seals wcro broken nt
onco. They f omul n couploof Invitations ( o
dinner , receipts for payments made two
posts ngo , the usual amount of circulars
tradesmen's lists nud npjxjals for charity ; bul
not a w ord nbout the cliild. Then the kcttlo
was brought , nud Herbert set nbout making
the tea. Under some unwritten cede of di
vision of labor or honor , the younger brother
always presided at the brcalcfast tnblc.
Presently Miss Clausou inado her nppenr-
oiico with the child on her arm. She hai !
Miss Clauian made her appearance with
the child on her arm.
washed him nnd dressed him , combed his hair
Into n wavy mass of burnished gold , nud so
brought him to the hrcnkfast tnblo fresh nnd
sweet as n i os-o in June. She placed him on n ,
chair bcsido her , by the nld of sundry cushions
raising him up to a proper level. Having ad
justed him to her satisfaction , she ordered
bread and milk to bo prepared.
The Talbcrta made no objection to Beatrice's
proceedings , although they fancied the child
would have been sent to breakfast with the
servants. Being anxious to ECO him by day
light , they bcrovrcd their oyc-glasses In place ,
nud ouco moro minutely inspected their
sturdy little visitor. Kven , Undo Horace
nodded approval of his bonny looks and fear
less bearing , whilst Herbert joined Bcatrico
In potting him ,
The boy seeded happy enough hi his now
quarters. It in indeed a sad thing to remark
how soon a cliild forgets its mother. Ho
cries bccauso ho misses warmth , food or com
fort not on account of the absence of the
being iho has lavished oceans of love upon
him.This particular baby , having been f.o cruel
ly deserted , may jwrhaps bo excused for
making the boat of Ins changed circumstances
nnd laughing merrily when called upon FO to
do ; but other babies cannot bo nhsolvcd from
the sin of callous imlhTcrcnco and Jiou-recip-
rocation of lovo.
Bcatrico having ascertained that no news
liad arrival , said nothing that l > ere upon her
startling suggestion of last night. Perhaps
elio taw that the bright , saucy child Interested
nud amused her uncles ; so , with tlio diplo
matic gifts natural to her BOS , judged itbetter
to let the matter rest for n while. As soon as
breakfast was over , the led the child awuy ,
and spent the remainder of the day playing
with nnd pettinghim lo her heart's content.
It really f eined as if Hiss Clauson had found
a jiow interest in life.
And , ( o tell the truth , she was n j-oung
uomnu who appeared to want something to
: irouso her. She was now , nt the ago of
twenty-two , very different from llio girl who
30 hastily throw down the glove to her step
mother. Her emietuots and uuderaomtnitlvo
manner , of which the Tnlberts BO much n ] > -
proved , seemed scarcely natural to a girl with
lcauty , rank and riches , For , Indeed , she
iva < 5 beautiful , If her fnco showed no color ,
ts healthy pallor was moro attractive to a
-ight-mlndod imm Hum all the rosy chocks
: hat over existed. Her brown hair grow In
; rent masses , and low down on her well-shaped
forehead. Her eyes wcro gray a strange ,
ivonderf ul gray so deep iu hhado that most
looplo would have called her dark-eyed. Her
'eaturcswero jwrfoctly straight. Her face
ivas oval. Her lips wcro just full enough to
iiako her apathetic demeanor seem inconsibt-
: nt with the doginaaof physiognomy.
Bcatrico Clauson was , in fact , n feminine ,
xmed-down edition of the Talherts. The char-
icteristics vthich wcro with them exaggerated ,
ivlth her were reproduced in exactly the right
proportions , Their faces were elongated
avals her face was a proper oval. Their noses
ivcro ( straight , but too long her nose was
straight , and just long enough. ' They were ,
If anything , too tall-sbo was only tall enough
to ba called n flno girl. Nks Clau&on'a per
sonal appearance was a living proof of how
fitting had been the olliunro between Sli
Moliigay Clauson nnd old Tulbert's daughter.
The Hi-fit I xdy Clauson had been the counter
part of her lirothers. Sir Maingay vt as short ,
i ound f aced and i other round bodied. Witli
Beatrice , the blcmiihcs which had detracted
from her parents' tjood looks i-capj-cared a *
Moreover , eho had that nlr of distinction
upon thopoesBlou of which the TulbcrU nol
nujustly prided thumsclvos. They vero glad
to think it tame to her from their tjda of the
laniily her father , the baronet , Inilng Ilk
most baronets cud cither titled ] M. roirnge : * , c
very ordinary-looking man. Ten to oue , il
you go to the charity l-all in-other mixed as
bcmbly , upon jisking ths names of the most
dbtinguifchcd-lookiiig man you will llud then
uobodleb. I never inquire now it is UK
painful to bo told that the noble-presence/
ro&u who bijiilia BO condescendingly is Mr
inithwlilfot that other InsisnlfbanWooking
clng is Lord This or the Duke of Tliut. It
p us ano'd cherished Ideal ud to what the
ristocraey should bo.
Bentrico Clauson , then- , was very fair to ECO ,
ad had wlwt silly people call u thorough-1
hrcxl look. Fond ns thfoi atninblo men , Iicr
uncles , wore of the girl , she tvns doubly < lcnr
to them l xau. ? o tlmt look Trai indubiloWy
owing to the Tnlbort strain of Wootl in her
This morning she throw l > ook , music , | > aint-
Ins , everything tislilo , nnd played with her
now toy. It u ns Saturday. Tlio "Tabbies , "
who invariably went shopping together , were
bound lo Blackiown to buy groceries. Bcforo
Btai ting , Herbert found his way to Beatrice ,
and asked her if she had nny commissions to
bo executed In the city. Ho discovered her
with flushed face nnd rumpled Imir romping
with lliochlld. Ho watched them with amuse
ment ; then , going up Plains , found after n little
search In ona of the attics , some nntlmiatcd ,
battered toys , which llvo and thirty years
ago hml l ecii dear to Horace nnd himself.
Ho can led them down stairs , nnd Beatrice
thanked htm for the kindly thought and net.
When , Iu n few hours' time , the brothers
drove Ivick with n wngonctto full of ten ,
coffee , sugar , yellow sonp , liouso ilnnncl ,
Bntb stone ? , emery paper , or whatever clso
was needful to make the wheels of house
hold management nm smoothly , they found
Beatrice still engrossed by her clmrgo. They
did not say much to her. Saturday was too
busy a day to think of anything save tlio nt-
fairs of the house , and as many precious min
utes Imd been wasted iu making inquiries at
Blacktown station , the brothers were hardly
pressed for time so hardly pressed that
when , nbout four o'clock , the curate called ,
they sent their npologies by Whlttaker , nnd
left their visitor to IKI entertained by Miss
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1560 000 hna s'.nco been added.
By ac ovcrwhclmliiK popular Tote Its Iranchlst
was made n part of the proeont Bta'.J conatltutlor
adopted Doocmbcr 2J. A. U. 1879.
The only lottery over voted on and endorsed bj
tbo people ot nuy state ,
It never ecalcs or inatponoa.
Its prand elngle number drawings take placi
th Grand Drawing , Class I. in the Academy
of Music , New Orleans , Tuisdny , Sept. StL
1885 , 184thMonthly Driwin ? .
Application for mtea to claba shonld bo tnadoonlf
to thoolllco of the Company In New Orleans
For further Information wrlto clearly Riving fnll
address. POSTAL NOTES , Express Money Orders , oi
New York Exchange In ordinary letter , Currencj
by Exproea ( all sums of ? 5 and upwards at our ex
pense ) addreasod ,
01 M. A. DAUrniN , New Orleans , La.
007 Seventh St. , Washington D. O.
llako P 0. Money Orders payable and addreei
I'.CKletoiod Letters to
flaw Orleanr , la.
Kcw Orleans , Li. ,
New Orleans , Li. ,
New Orleans , La
I bare a positive remedy fur tlioaboredlseiiiio ; by Its
nao ttiou9an < lnof CAHeaol the worst kliiiliLntlof font ;
tnQdlntliavo been cured. I hilcftd.fUBtrniiRUtayrRUti
Inltiomciicr.tlnttlwlll imndTUO HDTfl.K.S 1 HUE ,
toRctherwIllilv VAI.l'AIt.iTUiATI3Kcmthll ! : < Jllcno
' 9AuyauIT rer. UlinDxprpiSHndl' D.addrtiR ,
IJlt. T. JL. . SLOCUM.U11'earlSt. , NewYo *
II *
Horses , Cattle , Sheep
DOQS , noas , POULTBY ,
In no for over 20 yonra by FnnuorS ,
Stockbreeders , Horse It. It. , & &
Usoti by U. S. Government.
Mounted on Rollers & Gook Mailed Frco.
llnrnplirc > i'McJ. Co. , 109 I'lilton 81. , N. Y. '
Humphreys Homeopathic
InfinsoaOjwirn. ThoenlTmKWMfulremod/for
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
nd I'roVrMInn , from' orer-trnrV or other cnuiirK.
* lp rtl l.or5Tl ) i nd l rc l l powil r , forW.
.Sou ) i ! T nm ; < inisTiior > nt imnttnlit on receipt of
rnce AiMrr , Ilmnlihi-ry ' ll < nii < > i > imtltlo
o. . luu Vulloii. SI. . 'NcivVorlt.
AMmvoric iloitro ) the Reims cf nil conU-
glens uUcAim ,
ANII/TMOTIC " 111 ( Icxtfovn'l ' olrr nod keep the
Ir of your > lcoiln | < rjoini ccrl nul ticsh.
U wltlrtit colnr or rdn * , aid li
hirm cjo ti clotlilaff or lloili. it In Itunliullc In the
elck roim.
If persons wll u > o Allzrmnlla In Iho w tcr In
wliljli they lulli. ' , they will lln.l . K'tnt idlet It loft-
cnstlm uattr , nnJilnHuot ilty tlu Ilisa Ilku fttii-
Docs the tlr 'n ' > ourhnua tmcll nrujty or Im-
] nuc' . ' Arc } on iiii"ji'il "I li tlio ccorot' ? DD
i on \ \ nt to > tiipltv Ant rymttlo iiulnkled about
Mill Iruhoj : ILJJ jniilfy It uv.iy time.
Witlier's Antizniotic Solution
For Sato by Ku'iu i Co. , Agents , Oaahft , Mob.
Two Years
The "CANDCE" KcBBEr. Co. give n better Itub-
) cr than cnn bo obtained clae hero for the earno
noncy , with their preat Improvement of the
DOUIIIX T1IIOK HALL. Tlio extra thickness ot
rabbcr right under the tread , gives UOUIILU WKAIt.
Ask to een the 'CA > 'nEE Donblo Thick Bull
ICubbcrs In Boots , Arctics , Overshoes , Alaskas , &c.
A Common § ense
1512 Douglas Street.
! UEfi-4I EBICiN
Direct Line for England , France
and Germany.
The aieamihlpa ol thin well known line (
) f Iron , In w > ter-ttght compattmonta , cd ar ( or
ilihod with c\ery requisite to mike the puts j ;
jithufo * nd i reoahlo. They carry the Undo
ititoa and European mallrf , and love Now Yor
Cansd y ncl Satjtdir ( or I'lymouth ( LONDON
JherbnariPARIH | ami HAJfGUilF )
Ilatc , First Cablo$0' > -$100 StocriRO to fnJ
rom Harabure $10. U U UIOdAKUAi CO , , Oen-
iral Pas-t. Agent , 01 uro&dway , Now York and
'VashliiRtun and Lt I/cIlo strcrti , Chicago cr Uenry
tlndt irirlt Hanson , F. K. Mo'ilcs , Hurry 1' . l > cul
Klnvator to all floors. 1203 , 1203 "and 1310 Ifarnam St.
Wlioliayo timed away their youtlifiillKor and power , wlioar *
Tprlim rrniri t < irrllili , JiKAINS ami LOhiiKtj , who aroiveali ,
irOTKNTuiul until lor iiia-rluiu
MEN off all ages , who find tholr POWER
anil vitality , IILT u Bnmi SKXl'A' ' bl'KUNtiTH veakencd , bp )
early iLiljiiV or "lIXf'K-Jsr.sV'c--orulvTniMiKUIvVriuid" . „
UU KJ ; , NOlimtU'r ul how Ion. .uuiillng the cusunmy be , < ir whu
liasUllud In cunMiv a fu\v wi-pki nr months IIBU r tdn celebrated
Atlinmr JibS than
wliliuiilitxiiosiiru , II money
nny tinier IIICIMUII Intlioworln . SVcnU buck . lioadaclio , KMlbBlO.N'U ,
latslluilu ,' ) m7 Iliouglits , d r o H U I 111
ilruiimi. duferllvu nicmory. lAH'OTICNCi : , nts. limicdlincnla too
marriage , uui ) many oilier symptoms lejdliiK to CONbOMPTION or
JNelAhTlT , lire prooiiitly muovcd by this treatuivut , and Ylgoroui
lii.MihooJ restorej.
Married Men , orihosaivho intend to marrt/ ,
ltrMr.MIFIt. ) pcrfi't't FPXiinl Blrcntttli means , lioalili , vigorous olf.
. . . . . ' , lonRllfo and tlio love and ri'iftt | orn ralllilulht. \ . \Vi < ak incniiliuiilil bu reetorcd lolvot A
Manhood ticfnrc marriage 1'roofK. tvhtliiiiinlnlH nm ! ralnililu trunllnu U tliiinns.
3istab.l8770AUdres8 : The Climax Medical Co. 5O4 , St. Louis , Mo.
O. F ,
T , CLIKKB.i'rest , and Treat , A VLA.RKRVic 1'rtiidt
JOUH T. OLAHKK , Secretary ,
r ABOBTE Jobbing Drujf bouw between Chloago and flaa Franclioo. CAPITAL HTOCK , $200,000. Wi
IJ abillba at the bottom ol tae imtkct at all tlawi. Will duplicate Chicago and bt , Louli priMi with
rclgbt added , Our ipeojalty will be
Paints , OiJaantl Whitlow Gtlasv
. 'J'athc o about to embuk la tliedrujr bailncss will do well locorsul
silt Intero't by cillluL' 04 us. or tend ( oi our price lliwblcli will apt otr about J uu y Mb Mill order
iromp'ly mieu. U IHUNKY