Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1885, Image 6

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    tj l
'Wednoslay Morning , Aguiist 19
at UterlM - - - - - - -to tnti | * f week
tr viti . - . . . - - - lio.oo p r year
I > * y your poll tax and save coats.
Roller , morchunt tailor , for fine goods
Two drunks In the police court
The bids for Uying two miles moro of
pa vine must bo-In before noon to day.
The funeral of Henry Klihton , nr. , is
to bo hold this afternoon at 1JO : ! o'clock.
Juitlco Sohurz yesterday tied the knot ,
and ttod It tight , uniting Christian T ,
Bock and Hanslna J. Pedersen , both of
Deputy Marshal Bites yesterday or
rested Robert Stook for assaulting Tom
Brown. The case Is to bs hoard on Fri
day next ,
Abe atyer was arroitcd yesterday by
Dapuly Marshal Batoi for bitting Gna
Bollock over the head with a billy. A
hearing will bo had Friday.
Tlio ongigamont book of Dohany's
opera hoasa already has forty-three com
panics enrolled for the coming season ,
and others are being rapidly added.
Halter , the tailor , has just reoilvod his
now stock of fall goods and would bo
ploisod to BOO his old friends and patrons
at the old stand , Ho. 310 Broadway.
Tin repabllcin county contention is
to moot ii the court room at 11 o'clock
this imralag for the purposa of chsoslng
twenty-throe delegate ! to the state con
The saloon keepers are to give a picnic
at the park on Graham avenue August
24th. Every body-s ! invited , and a good
time is promised. Music will bo furnished
by Holt'jian'a bamltfroni Omaha.
Permits to wed have been granted to
Frank Prophott and Miss Dora Smith ,
both of Loveland ; Thomas McKoy and
Maggie Jadga , both of this city ; H , C ,
Henael , of Wai ford , Nob. , and Clara N.
Rathbnrn , of Fairmont , Nob.
The Swede boy , for beating whom J.
P. Janon and Christina Peterson have
baen mrottod , has disappeared , and it is
thought that ho has xun away. Not
biinj here to testify against them the
ciaoa will have to bo dlsmlstod.
Mr. and Mm. Halnoy , who lately at
tracted so much attention by their legal
contest over the possession of their
children , have not had enough of notoriety
riety to satisfy them yet , aud at Pacific
Junction , the other day , had another
aaarrol , as the result of which Halnoy
lies in the Glcnwood jail on a charge of
assaulting and beating his wife.
Nelson Heston , who was brought back
from Sioux City , on a charge of lewdness
with Mrs. Walltca , the -wife of the ex-
pressman , has boon discharged. Ho de
nies that ho wont off with this woman ,
aud It Booms that her reputation ( a not of
the best , anyway , Hoston has been
steadily at work In Sioux City , and seems
to have been more sinned against than
Binning in the matter.
The telegraphic news of a contemplated
stiiko on tha Wabasb. has not excited any
particular apprehension of trouble
among the oiticlals hero , as this divi
sion is not In condition to bo affected
particularly by any such strike , the union
men having gone out on the previous
strike , and those who took their places
being so far as known non-union men.
There are no Indications of any trouble
hero , and tha ofllolali predict that there
will ba none.
Bartholomew Donahoo has commenced :
an action In the district court , to ro-
'straln Raymond & Campbell from con
structing a side track , running from the
Wabash track to no r'lots 17 , 18 , 19 In
blook 17 , WillUmi1 addition , of whioi
lots ho claims to ba the owner. Tae
plaintlfl claims that this firm have grided
a strip for the track , and are about to
lay the rails , and that they Intend to use
It for conveying their bridge material
over it , and that this will Injure his prop
erly , and spoil the enjoyment of hla
homo. Judge Aylosworth issued a tern. '
pcrary writ of Injunction , on the filing of
$300 bonds bythe plaintiff.
The serving of notices by the poll-tax
collector , to appear at the city building ,
and report to the superintendent to work a
on the streote or to pay the needed
amouat in cash , ilxlngs a few to the city
building , but the complaint is made that
no superintendent appears to put them
to work. Yesterday morning one young
man with his shovel put in an appearance
and watted through the entire day , but
there was no one to tell him where to go
to work. When the day closed ho picked
up hla shovel and walked home , charging
up one day to the city , and having only
one more day in which
to work. It was
rather a refreshing eight t > see a young
mtn silting asleep ia a chair working out
his poll-tax.
John Edwards had a rather lively time
with his wifa , on Monday night , and she
.In her anger wont to her father's honso ,
while ho started for up towK. She
.claimed that ho sought consolation in the
company of some other feiuile , and so
had him arrested on the oharg * of lewd-
ness. Judge Ay lea worth had the warring
oonplo before him a good part of yotter
day forenoon , and endeavored to effect a
restoration of the family peace. Ho n
far suco&oded ai to persuade them to go
ihoaio and eat dinner
together , and as
they did not rtappear it Is supposed that
they have ctioiou the wiser part , and do-
.cldei to settle their diffarenoaa between
themselves. The woman who had excited
Hre. Edwards' jaalouiy wai arrested also ,
but her name suppreiied , end she wai
saved unpleaiant notoriety. 6ho Ii said
t ) bo tHe wifa of r&ilwjy man. go
Two Bojs Skip Out to BOO tlio World
lor Themselves ,
Two boys , Floyd Hunt , ton ol 0. W ,
Hunt , nnd William Shlckitasr. , son of
John S. Schlckatanz , at an early hour
Monday morning , hired n team and buggy
at Bonnett'a livery stable , claiming that
young Hunt had to go out In the country
on somu business for his father. CThesa
boys , aged about seventeen , got another
boy , James Baobe , son of Henry 0.
Becbo , to aooompany them , tolling him
that they were They had
several lines and fishing tackle In abnnd-
nnc ? , a box of cigsw , and a supply of
provisions , and from hero they drove to
Pacific Junction , whore the full plan of
thuboys was nude known to the Boobo
boy , It being to leave homo entirely , one
to start out to see the world for them
selves. The Baoba boy brought
the team bick to this city ,
and informed the families cf
of the two others , who proceeded to in-
vestlgato matters. It was no now fioak
for the Schlcatanr boy , ho having been
off before on such wild schemes , but for
young Hunt It la his first cxporlonco in
this line , although it appears that ho has
been drifting into n inthor reckless tys
torn of finano'erlng for one nt his joars ,
Ho has been running bills In town , the
total amount of which will roach about
two hundred dollars , and had oven the
cigars and supplies for this trip charged
to his father. It is said that young Hunt
has already bewitched a dressmaker , who
ought to'know bettor , ana that she has
been urging him to leave homo , secure
work somewhere else , and then she would
join him and marry him. This dream ol
love seems to bo the exciting caueo of hit
boyish Pagination , and has perhaps led
him to start out.
The other boy Is thought to have boon
fired with the ambition to become famous
as a ball player. Ho has done some
pretty good catching for a boy , and it Is
thought that ho has hopes of securing
some place In a club , whore bo can step
from the hum-dram of homo life , into
the glories of the field. The lads will
doubtless soon tire of their attempt to
wrestle with the world , the flesh and the
devil , and will soon reappear In the role
of repentant prodigals , but in the mean
time they cause their families much
anxiety and trouble. The boys have
good homes , and their foolishness will be
come apparent to themselves when a few
years ripen their judgment , and perhaps
Stationery , the finest and mcst complete
line over brought to the city now at
Invitations , Programr , RsgratB , Calling
Cards , etc. ,
and In quantities to suit.
Also a buantifal line of
Call and BOO them. All ciders filled
promptly , and the work will be guaran
teed to equal the stock- .
A Horrible- Sight ; Presented as the
Fruit of Rotten How ,
Ono of the women of the town died a
horrible death on Fierce atroot on Mon
day night Llttlo Is known of her be
yond the fact that aha has been on the
streets and before the police court on
various occasions for seven ! yoara pait ,
she being known by tha name of "Red
headed Maud , " and her nama as glvon
by herself being Maud Thompson , which
ivlng In a little shanty on Fierce street ,
n a locality known as "rotten row , " and
or sovoral'days put hai been canfiued to
ho house by sickness caused by the ez-
of her life of sin. On Monday it
was reported that aho could not live ,
and the * supervisor of the poor , Mr.
Bardln , looked Into the caio , and en
gaged another woman , of auoh reputa-
lon as to glvo her the name of "Hog In-
the-corn , " the only name by which the
s known , to take care of the sick one
This nurse was poor enough at the boat , [
but during the evening BOIUJ masculine
pot of hers cimo along and the nurse
went oil with him , leaving the poor
woman to lay there and niffer alone ,
without a comfort or a friend. Some
time daring the night thu poor unfor
tunate crawled from nor bed and got Into
the kitchen , and yesterday morning aho
was found lying dead on the floor. The
rumor spread that It was a cage of sui
cide , but Coroner Oonnell , who took
charge of the body , found no ovldonca
that eho had died from any but natural
causes , and the reanlt of tbo dlooaao con
tracted by her in her dtsilpation. .
The woman wai destitute of even euf-
Cclopt clothing for a decent burial , and
without a dollar or a friend she will bo
bnrlod in the pottar'a fidld to-day. Snuh
death and such a corpir , fall of cor
ruption and covered with vermin , is a ;
cad comment on the boastoi civllleitlon
which can produce finch a spectacle , and :
should provo a terrible .warning to thono
who are treading the aaino patha but
who have not got so far along on the
journey. _ _ at
Workers with motala generating elec
tricity eacaped the cholera of19. . Then
usa our electric bolts. Judd & Smith , ed
Council Bluffs , Agents wanted.
Dr. Wiles , Eye , Ear and Throat
specialist , room 5 Everntt block.
Substantial abstract of title nnd real
citato loans. J. W. and E , L. Squire ,
102 Pearl street.
Too Muuii liimormlllc , c
Yesterday afternoon , Richard Grim- h
melman and Barney Parrel ) , who is a jjj
fresh bartender in Hike Nolan's aaloon , In
jot Into a quarrel over a game of cards , ITw
and Fnrroll struck'Grimmalman , cutting w
till loft ear badly , tha wound roquliing aldi alA
some stltchoi and a surgeon. Fdrrull di
was arrested , and on being brought be die ;
fore Justice Schniz gave $160 btmdi to
appoiron Thunday for trial. Considerable -
able ludignatlou waa excited over the
bartender , who Is a young huakv fellow ,
striking such an old man us Grlmrael-
mm , and with so appircntly little cause ,
ud It was all that b/atanders could do to le
prevent the Grlmmelmaa bo/s taking th
aw Into their own hand * , and thumping
revengefully their father's assailant.
Grand hxcumlon ,
N.xt Thunday , August 20 , the Ohioa- Ol
, Rock Wind & Pacifio railway will po
htm > B grand excaralon to Oolfix Springs ,
tickets for tbo round trip being placed at
the t cxtrnotdlnaiy loir ptlco of § 3 40 , and
good to return until September 1. Those
who desire further Information oan BD-
care It by applying to 8. S. Steven * , general -
| oral j agent , No. G07 Broadway.
Dr. West , dentist , ovsr BEE oflleo.
Pat Lacy lus gene to Nebraika'a firemen's
Major McAuley , of DCS Moln s , arrived In
the city yesterday.
Frank Shinn , tha Carson attorney ) was In
the city yesterday ,
James O. McBenn , of Chicago , IB hero look-
in ? after the proposed paving contracts ,
J , 0. Ileagnn , the paving contractor , is ex
pected to arrive from Des Moinoa to-day.
Misses Ida nnd May Bryant , who hav
boon visiting in this city , left for Chart ton.
lloraco Newman , ol the truffle departmcn
of the Union Pacific railroad , was In the city
Conny lirown , tbo driver of No , i huio cart
Is l , luIToiIng from orisypelfts la the head , on
Is \ , off duty ,
W. D. Potter , agent for n female mlnstro
troupe , was In the city yestordny arranging
dates horo.
II. D , Smith , the pavinc ; contractor from
Chicago , is in the city , looking alter torn
more contracts.
Col , J , W , Chapman , who hai been con
fined to his homo for some time by illness , wa
yesterday out for n short buggy ride.
K. A. Tftft , of Davenport , the western ngcn
of the American fire hose manufacturing com
pany , was m the city yesterday , ou route fo
the Nebraska firemen's tournament.
0. A , Hough and family , accompanied b ;
Miss Ella Delllnger , of lied Oak , were iu th
city yesterday , and at the Ogden , ou the !
way homo from a sojourn at Spirit Lake ,
Judge Aylesworth left last evening fo
Cedar Rapids , to attend the state democratic
convention , and Justice Shurz will sit on the
bench cf the superior court during his absence
Mrs. J. S. Cocko leaves to-day on a five o
six months trip to Virginia , Dr. K Darrow
who goes to Virginia for his wife who has
spent l the summer there , will accompany Mrs
Among those who are figuring on the con
tract for steam fixture ] for the court house
and jail , are U. F. Blair , of Chicago ; D. O
McUwan , of Omaha ; Mr. Lane , of Lane .
McGorriBk , Des Moinee ,
Mayor A'aughan lelt yesterday morning foi
Cedar Kaplds , so as to bo ou hand at the dem
ocratic state convention , In which ho expect
to take an active part , oven if ho was so rude
ly Ignored by his Council Bluffs fellow-demo
Charlie Nicholson and Jesse Walters have
pone to the state firemen's tournament at
Grand Inland , nnd will try to win honors as
champion couplers. During Nicholson's ab
senca Marion Stevens will pull the lines over
No. I'd team , and will send them flying as
only ho can ,
J. E. Scotland W. C. Scott , of Gettysburg ,
Penn. , who are visiting their sister , Mrs. C.
Wesley , seem delishte d with this part of tbo
west , and one of them declares Iiis intention
nf doting up his matters east and settling
here. They say they thought that it was a
sort of wilderness out hero , but have conclud
ed that the west is just about a hundred
years ahead of the east.
Officer Smullen seems to ba having his cup
of grief filled to overflowing. Yesterday he
received a telegram from Now Bethlehem ,
Penn. , containing the startling and sad an
nouncement of the death of his mother at that
place , ho not knowing even that she was ill.
This makes the fourth death in the family in
side of a month , they being victims of a sort
of typhoid-malaria which has bean sweeping
through the country with terrlblo fatality.
Mrs , Smullon is on her way cast , and could
not be reached by telegraph yesterday , and
Mr. Smullon can not Rot there In time for his
mother's funeral , which Is to ba held tomorrow
row morning ,
Grasshoppers are doing considerable
damage around Davenport.
Hog cholera la emptying the pens
around Glenwood.
Mrs , Mary Arp Is the name of a Cedar
liplds woman who wai arrested on
Thursday for unmercifully boating her
ittle olgbt-yeir-old stepdaughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvard langtvorthy ,
ho first white people over mauled In
Dabuqao , celebrated their golden
wedding In that city Thursday evening.
Superintendent Hull , nf the Dubuqno
ron work , IMS bson suffering temporary
naanity , caused by sunstroke several
fears ug3 , inflicted probibly fatal injur-
ns upon himself with a pocket-knife on
John 0. Steinbrcnner , a young man
.wonty-threo years of age , was thrown 3
rom a tteam thrasher bo was driving
near Iowa City on Thursday. The
wheels of tha heavy maohluo pissed over
tbo unlucky m n , killing him Instantly.
A daughter of Joseph Glance , of Union
ovrnsbip , Monroe county , Is anxiously
ooklng for her husband , J , 0 Burton ,
a whom aho was recently married on
ahort acquaintance , only to find herself a
number two.
Two dare-devil tramps were arrested
Now Wine , Duboquo county , on the
14th. They entered a field whtra Henry
Langbam was at work , pointed two loaded
pistol * at bii hrad , bade him accom
pany them to the homo , whcra they ntn
meal prepared by the terrified wife , and
took 815 , all the money they had in the
bouse. Sherlif McOinn and Constable
Qlnokley started in pnrault and nailed
aim near the the town. They were
lodged in jalj.
John Nospor , a farmer living three
miles north of Oxford Junction , in Jones
onnty < , committed snlcldo by shooting
hlmitlf through the heart with a shotgun ,
the 10th. When found ho lay about
iifioen lees from the door of hla houeo
his poket woio dlscoviroi letterj to
hla children , tolling them where his ) a i
will would bo found , wbnh dittrlbuted
about $8,000 ia property between them.
neighborhood quarrel , In which the
deceated bad become Involved , Is thought
have rendered him temporarily Insane.
Iniprnvo ( ho Stock.
Although by no means an enthusiast on
he very important thuuie fiuo B'OI * '
ret I am prone to sty thtt the ortttut
jetweon the condition of the horie , i , ,
, sheep and swlco of a former Hay ano
hue of to-day is truly gr at Even th >
contrast furnished by the aggregate of tin
ook just at tha present time , Is plainlt
vmlble to the meat cstual observer. Thp
diFcr nce ia the market value of the twoj
eses Is keenly felt by tbo unfortunatt
c0ior of the torab stock. Tio'O i > t
great room for improvement yof , and it
is very probable tbat the field will remain
open for a long tlmo to como ere tbo anj thlog tlko completion.
Everywhere farmers and others ate
awakening In regard to the Improvement
of stock. Many have already realized
the Rood results produced thereby , whilst
others nro making efforts In the same
direction , disposing tf the inferior an
imals and replacing with Improved stock
as rapidly aa their limited moans will per
mlt. But the number who still cling t
old customs and methods , and bollev
tbat It doc a not pay to expend money an
labor In order to supersede the soru
it tok , Is cotUlnly not small. They soon
to adhere to these unreasonable as well a
expensive Ideas mainly because sac !
Ideas are traditional ,
I bollovo It will pay any man to 1m
provo his stock to that extent which J
justly consistent with his meats , bo the
creat , or small , If great , the results an
returns , of course , will bo earlier realfztt
Bet if small , as is the cato with many
the good remits will eventually mak
thomsolvon manifest In various ways. I
will not pay at all for a man to invest beyond
yond hla moans ( as many oftan do ) , fo
such a course csmlly proves ruinous t
him who tries the venture.
Several years ago , when nearly every
farmer in ttii suction of the countr
owned a flock of common native sheep
quito n number of fine wool sheep wer
brought hero. The owners soon dlecov
ored that thera was a wldo dlfToronc
between the natives and fiuo wpoh am
there wai a greater profit in raising fin
wool sheep. So they very wisely con
eluded that an improvement of stoc
was absolutely necessary. The results a
seen to-day are a docldod Improvement
In fact , there are some as fine sheep her
as can bo found anywhoro. The woo
has a higher market valno than the woo
produced by the former Ilockp , and th
yield of wool Is moro pounds per sheep
Ohariton , lowo.
Diving tor X100.00O.
Divera and apparatus have gene ou
from Liverpool to Grand Canary to mak
on attempt to recover the largo autn o
100,000 In specie , which went down
with the Spanish steamer AlphonooXIItl
c IF the above island. The diving party
which . . IB under the inpervltion and dlrcc
tion of Cupt. R , T. Stephens , aorvoyo
at Lloyd's , went out in the African Steam
ship company's steamer Niger. The
Alphoneo. Xllth was a Spanish mal
steamer going to Caba with pagsonpora
aud a valuable cargo. She put Into LIB
Paining harbor la February lastbn
when leaving the Island struck Gando
Point , a rldgo cf dangerous shoal recks
extending sonic distance out to sea. Shu
remainnd on the rd&o ! n few moment *
juat auiliclent to oeoble tha crew and pas
songcrs to leave in their boats then she
went bodily over thu rldgo Into deep
water. The treasure , which the Eoglleh
divers are going out to try to recover , la
eald to bo In five dollar gold pieces , anc
Is . . in ten casts of 10,000 each. Opera
tions wilt bo carried on In nearly t nitty
fathoms of water , at which depth the
divers and apparatus wcra tested bcforo
leaving England. The specie is In the
magazine of the vesul In the lower hold.
The treasure \vjs insured at Lloyd's , and
when the nteninor tank the Insurance
money wns paid. Whatever Cape.
Stephens and hla dive is eau now recover
will be the proparly of the underwriters.
Tfce New Tort
552 Broadwav ?
Council Bluffs , Iowa
TILATION designed -
ed and constructed.
in : all its branches.
This comoanv have
one of thebest assort
ed stocks oi plumb
ing goods in the-west.
Estimates furnish
H. Birkinbine ,
Telephone No , ,
orrios oven AUKIUOAS urneu
Attorney - at-Law
uoa orriotR w , HM -
NOTICE. SpeeUl ft verttstmen no M Loul
found , To Lonn , For Bale , To Kea I Wtnti , Board-
Jig , tto. , will b l&Mrted In Ihli column M th * low
r t ot TEN CENTS PER IJNK ( or the flrit InBMlloo
tnd CIVK CKNTfl t'KR LINK ( ot e oh robmtpint In.
tcrtlon. I/faveidvutbomenli ti onr offie * , Mo 12
I'oail etroit nt r Brp dw > v
WAMKiOlrl lor Rentnl houiowcrkj * pp1y at
( A. J , Cnt cnden'a residence , tclqilioiu No.'f > 5 ,
Caunal Illans
WMrn ao < xl caiiiaesor for cltv work : ROW ! | y
to right mm. Knqulro ( it 823 Uro jdj- . J.
A , Powetg , mtnagcr.
rj Tlio double ofllct on Dtoidw * } rrccntly
JD ocjupled bj Dr. So ; belt , lloraco Krorctt
TTtORRiuT A sU loom houte , ten mlnn'cs walk
J.1 from butlncec , city water , well ami clitein. For
lent cbcap.
-No. 180n rrlson trcet , thrco roomt.
McSUno-i ft Co.
t 1'OlllBtHct.
FOR SAT K An c'egivnt Wisconsin mmmer retort ,
260 acres , 1(0 ( tilliblcrall ay station anjstoini-
bott ntidlnj ; frame liuiiso ( or htnicototili pavllllon ,
nine oclUis , rtttturant , lee hcuio , tenement home ,
four eottiRcf , b tn,8tO fru'.t lnt ,3 , actcs prniits ,
cow , hotac , 13 bo.Tf , do A flno report , icO feet
> bo\t Wl com In rer , mill ISO feet above Uanlioo
It ll pa ) SooOivjc r. AilJicsi Vf , k S. BUR
olllw , Council Dlulli. *
FOR SALE Lands liuprotecl aaU uulmnrorcHl ,
II vou vnntu farm In western Iowa , Kangte
Kebraika or Dakota , lotus ho r from sou.
, , iOH SALE UouBCfl , Lota and Land. A. J
JU Ptcpbcnwn , (03 Flrat a > cnuc.
qno itxcAANo B e , b P , b 10 , b 13 MO hotels India.
JL crcntlocatlcni fcrsaloor for trade.
Bl > 8 , epoclal bnrcnln ; 400 n lim roved tarn worth
218,000. rrUo for n ehoro tlmo 81CnoO , will trndo
lor low priced Western l.inds. Swan A. Walker.
B201 , Biddlery Ilartlnaro manufacturlr catnb'
llshrrcnt Itock nnd miohlneryaluo S7.0CO , for
western land Swan A. Wniker , Uouacll Jlluffs.
B203 , flock ( dry good * , groceries and hardware ,
\aluo , $3,000 , In an ( 'ooa eastern Nebraska town
or land. 8 an fc Walker.
B OI , stock of general merchandise In n good
western Iowa tonnMtlno 4,000 , wants an Im
proved farm In western Iowa. h in .V Walker.
BS05 , stock of hardware In Etubon Co < Indiana ,
for land , value about Si.OCO. Swan & Walker.
BJOO , nowstockof bar are In a Iho Nebraska
town ( or land , \ lue 23,000. Svan & Walker
B 2a7. stock of igrlcultural Implcmenta anil shell
hardware , \aluo about 8,00J. wants n good 1m
proved farm. Swan & Walker.
T > 203 , a 810,000 stock of clothing In a good WIs
JL _ > consln clt3 Inlands and bilince cash or im
proved security. Beautiful store room at low rent ,
tivran & Walker.
210 , tlock of mixed hardware Inn live western
Iowa town ( or cheap lands , > aluo f0,000. Swan
211 , flno brick block , rents well , In a llvo central
Ia.ta\\n ono room occupied nith general stock of
goods , wants an Improved ( arm , value ; building
18,000 , goods 87,000. Bwan& fenlker.
212 stork of boots , shoes bats , caps and clothing
valued $3 QUO , In ono of tbo beet towns In Mob. ,
valued $3,000 for innds. Swan & Wtlkcr.
213 , a3.0CO stock of clotHng. wants land In
. _ North Western Iowa , ( or $0,000 , nnd will pay
illflorenco. S an & , Walker.
214 , an $8,000 strck of drugs In central Iowa for
land. Snan St Waleir.
1121Sanother stock of drugs aluo fromtSOQ to 8700
-O vvlthstore buildingacdlot > alue 8SOOInn good
cbrama ion n wants partly Improv cd land. Swan &
FOR full particulars , wilto to or call open Swan &
Walker. It jou want to sell , buy , or tradoany-
thlnpr , tell 8. i. W. about It. bwan & Walker , Ccun
F. II. Oucurr , S. T. FJIKSCH ,
I. II. TKEruon.
Curtains ( ,
Window Shades ,
Oil C Cloths ,
Slattings ,
Eugs ,
Etc. , Etc *
tfc Store
jffatle to Order.
On short notice. Write for prices
and Samnles.
J. L , . UBU& V OlDXk.
No. 607 BiondwfcT Oonncil Blcfla.
Eailway Time Table.
The following ara ( be times of the arrival and da.
itrtoro ot trains by central itandard time , al the
ocal depots. Trains leave transfer depot lea mlo-
i eaillei and arrive tea minutes later.
unoloo and ROBTUVVUTIU ,
A M Mall and Express 0.50'
r H Accommodation 4-tO
5:30 : r ii Express P.05
25 A M Mall and Express B 63
:26 A M Accommodation 6'IS
.80 r M Etpretu 9.00 A
,20'A u Mall and Expresa fl 50 r w
:2S r u Kxpresn 0.05 A H
oaioAoo , nau are AUD quocor.
:63 A Utll and Express 7:10 : r u
r Aa ooziui odatlon 2 00 r u
r bprei 6:50A : M
vnisa , ET. LOCIS AK9 rAoino.
S:15 : r M Local St. Louis Express Local K
S.OOrU Transfer " " Transfer 8 20 I'M n
CAXiAl CIT7 , IT , lot AVD OOVICIIj HUrT * . llu >
0W A M Mall and Express 0:40 : r M
8:15 : r " Express B.zS A M
noox cm AID ricirio.
20 A M Mall for Sioux City 0.60 r u
SO r M Expreis ( or 8t Paul P. 26 A II
CMOS pi&iric ,
1.00 A U Dinver Express 4 35 r u
.06 r M Lincoln i'ati O'a & II V 2.85 r w
7:55 : j > Overlacd Kipr" 8.80 A II
Leave ' Council Dluflt 6 66 7:55 : B.SO 10:80 :
1:40 a. m.M 2 0 8 80 4:28 : 6J626 : Pre
:15 p.m. Leave Omaha 926 7:29 : e(0 : 10 ;
-llilO m. 18.60-SW-8.00-4 ; : 0-l,55-t.W
Standard Typewriter
At the New Orleans Exposition ,
1 , The Jury ot ai\ arils critically cxatzlntd the larloui writing mikchlnsl , an ! dtctdeJ by A
thirds veto to Rho the highest nwird to the KPJIINOTO .
. Thodcclilon < ( Jury WM Ignoicdbj the committee of airudi , and other jurors were aJdo
conitllutlDg MIOW nry.
5. This ttcond Jury ilio crlllcilly examined the tarlcus utlllrR machines , and made the award of a
first thsj gold medal , tbo highest award , to the RxMl-taTOi BtandudT/pe Writer , ( or "simplicity , dura
bility , cato of manipulation and speed. "
4. Tno ti port of this Jury wis made , de'.lv crcJ to and receipted ( or by the committee of awards on
May 20.
6. The mcmtariof thlsjurj were \erdischarged. .
0. No other fury examined the niMttoioN Standard Typo-Wilier at Nc Orleans.
7. Iho tlgocrsodb.l anird arc honoralls nd w ell known gentlemen. Their nJdroisol ro Clia
A. Morgan , Esq , ceiithein maniger of R. 0. Dunn & Co , Kcw Orleans , La , ; Kx-Oofcrnor Krank Bac )
U. 8. commissioner of Kintas , and president ot the U. H. boardof lommhiloners , Chtnuto , Kin ; Qeo. A.
Beaten , Ecq , stcncgrsphcr Hid surctarj ot the boaid of U , S. cornmlntonerr , Columbui , Ohio.
8. The affldAtllBol these tTnllcmcn and the hUtotyo ! the ontost , which wo are picpulne
pamphlet form , wo will bo pleibcd tofurtlsh o * arp'lcatloi.
The fcllo lng Is the report :
The World's Induttilil and CotlcnCcntcEiiUlKxrrnHlon , Nen Orleans. Jury report. Appllcixtlo
No. SIC ; groups ; clan OH. Coin ] < clltton.
The undersigned Jurors In the abe > o entitled class , ha > Inj ; c tcfally examlnod the exhibit made
F. Itemln ton AEeiiPlllrii , Kiw 'inrl-.iinU.nll ccroittlrircxhlbltfconcur In recommending tbo a
nlaflrst cUts tried the Standard TJJC-Writer , for slrrpllc'.ty , dunlillt ) , oasoof minlpnUtloii a
Dated t Othd J of May , 1$5. OKO niATON , )
CIUS A. MOU04N , VJurora ;
vlKOFr , 3 AMANS & BENEDICT , S80 Drcadway , New York.
Ctlcngo OlHee , 28 Madison St ,
O. H. SHOLES , Agent ,
Council Bluffs , lown
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch
es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself ,
Formerly MRS. J. J. GOOBE.
29 Main Street , Council Bluffs
KcRular Dinner 11:3O to 1:3O : , 5 cents.
605 Broad-way , - - Council Bluffs.
The only all night house in the city. Everything served in first class style and on ehor
nottco Hot and cold lunches nhvnys ready.
Forene & Landstrom ,
Suits to order In latest styles at cheapest possible prices.No.
No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluff
And : all kinds of musical Instruments. Pianos lnd organs solo on the Irstallment rlan. Mtnlcil nstru.
mentsof e\cry description tuned and repaired. Hating over 14 jcars experience In tbo business no fco
confident of gUing tbo best ot eatlelactlon. llemcrrlicr tto place. Sign of the gilt organ
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will cell in retail or carload lota
Ail Stock Warranted as Rerjresented
Wholeiale and retail dealers In Drain end Baled II y. Prices [ < :
' sonnblo Satisfaction Guiruiteod.
Oor. Cth Av. and 4th St. , Oonnell Blufijj.
Employ no traveling agents , thus pnvinp tlioir cxpeneea to cuatomers.
Agent for JPara Kubbor Company. Write for prices ,
413 Broadway , Goiinci ! Bluffs , a
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and imtief&ctron guarantaod. Prams houi
o\etl on Little Giant truckc , the beat in thu woild.
> awnnTn
1010 Uinth'Stroet , Council Uluffa
Office Pusev.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Established , - 1865
rOt. BAll BT
DO Mum bt. , Council Ulufls
tetalllioot and Shoe ttoie htro big bar iluioin
asite found.
Piano and Organ ,
M ! Kanuio Westcott , Organist ; nt the
esbyterian cliurcli. Itetidenco 000 Waeb-
In Council IIIutTs having
And nil mo lern Improvement * , call bells , Cra
alarm bulls , etc. , ia tbo
NOB. 21D , 217 anil I31P , Main Street.
E. Eice M. D.
P n\Tf > DDJ ( nr othe' timo'B removal without the
UililLDnO ) | knife or draiiluif of Wood.
Ovrr thirty ) car4pr rtlca Inxprileno * . CScu o
II , I'taiUtiecc , Council
42rUoLbuliation tree.
Ueneral Agent at Largo
Life and Annuity InsCo