THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , AUGUSF 91 , 1885. NEBRASKA OMAHA. NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL . 3BO HUUPLU8 1IAY1 , 1885 M. H. W , Yfirra , A. E. TOCZAIW , President Vlco President. W.V.Monss , JN0.8.CoLtiNS , Lewis S. RBID W. II. S. Uughoa , Oanhlor. DANKIRO orriOK : Tko Iron Bank , ( JOB , 12th AND FARM AM STB , A General Banking Busi ness Transacted. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Nun YORK , August 18.MoNEr On call easy at 1 } per cent PntMB PAPKH l@5por cent. KXOIIAKQK BILLS Quiet and unchanged. QOVEIINMENTS Dull , heavy and strong. STOCKS There was heavy realizing 'at the opening of the stock exchange this morning , accompanied by very largo trans actions , Bales in the first fifteen minutes amounting to about 80,000 eharos , During the first hour Bales were over 1)0,03D ! ) sharoj or two-thirds of an average day 'a business of late. At tbo same time the muket was very fever ish , irregular , nnd generally ncalc. Alter oloron o'clock the maikat became more quiet , and in the next two hours only losses were In many CV8G3 recovered , nnd eoma thing more , the highest price * of the day bain ? frequently made. Fiml dealings were accompanied by renewed fovcrithnese , the difference In some casoa being as much as i pr cant between the cales of active stocks. Cloied weak with net lojsod of 1@2 § per cent. BTOOK3 ON WALL STREET. S' * . 103J 4i' Coupons . 113 U. 8. 4'a . > 22J PacidoG's of ' 35 . 127 Central 1'aclfio . 87 Chicago & Alton . 13Ui do do preferred . 151) ) Chicago , Burlington k Qulncy . * 1L 9 Dataware , Lacknwnnti k Weucern . 10 1 } Danvor &R ! Granda . 1'Jf Kris . 1 01 do preform ! . . . 08 Illinois Cnutrnl . 13'J j Indiana , Blaomington & Western . 14 } Kansas & TOXO.I . 21j Lake Shore k Michigan Bouthorn . 7.1 } Louisville k JST.v < uvllo ! . 40J Michigan Central . G8 MUsouri Pacific . 93 Northern PaclBo . 23 ] do do preferred . 50 North WIM torn . 10. ' do preferred . 137 Now York Contra ! . 09J ' I Oregon Transcontinental . 5-li PacTfia Mail . 40 $ u Peorla , Decatur k Evan ville . 14 Pullman Palace Car Company . 125 Rock Inland . 121J St , Loula & San ITrnnciic . 20 do do prof erred. . . . . 34 } Chicaso , Milwaufcoa k St. Pa-'l . 70J do do do preferred. . 112 * St. Panl&Omaha . 29J do do preferred . 85 Texas Paddo . 10 Union Paoitio . 51) ) Wobash , St. Louis & Pacific . 8 do do do preferred. . . 1G Western Union Telegraph . C'j Offleon U-vllroad & Navigation . SO * Kx.dividond. VIIOJJUOB. CIIIOAOO. OniOAQO , 111. , AuRust 18. Klonr Dull and unchanged ; winter wheat , eoutli- ern , SI 50S45.25 ; Wisconsin and Mich igan , S-l D'J@5 ( K ) ; soft spring. S3.5'J@ 4.25 ; Minnesota balcora' , i3.COq ( ) 1 51) ) : patents , § I75@5.tO ; low graden , S2.00M 3.00. 3.00.Wheat Wheat Actl\o , unsettled and decidedly lower ; opened unsettled J@lo'un dor icster- day'd close , declined lo more , rallied lo , sold elf ? c , quickly advanced , nnil finally closed Ijo under yesterday ; 80i@80i'c , caah80io ; , August ; Sljo , September ; 84tfc , October ; No. 2 red , 8lc. Corn -Activo , uueettKd and very iiregular ; Iliictuntbil frequently ; "pencil lower , rallied J@lc , later dudincd S@'c ' , closed September Jc , October Jo , longer futures Jgfic over yesterday ; 458e , c -155(44520 ; , August ; 45gi- , September ; 41Jc , October. Oats - Firm nnd tmdy ; J@ 3 better ; 25c , cush ; l5gc ! , August ; 24ic , September ; 21ic , October , Kjro Ua y at CGJc , eiih. Barley-QiiotntTlo. Timothy 3 5c better , prime , S1.G5@1.70. Flaxsoed43 easier ; No. 1 , S1.22i. Pork Moaerately nctlvn and irregular ; opened Cu hieher , fell off 20@2De ; latHr advanced 10r'lc , nud closed steady ; § 9.1 ! ) @ 'J25 , cusb ; Sl .20@9.221 , August nnd tictiteuibfr , Lard Active and unsettled ; open d 2i@Bc hlghnr ; weakened ; declined t > ii74c ; later ,27i@3Uo , ruled liialicr , closed stead v ; § 0 27& © 0,30. cnab , August and September ; SO. 324 © 0 35. Oit ber. Bulk MpntaShoulders , $1.15@4FO ; short clear , $59065593 ; shorv ribs , $ & .44550 , cash „ WhI ky-Stca3y at 51. 10. Butter Quiet nnd unchanged ; good to fine creamery , 10&21c ; peed to chulco dairy , 10 @ 15c Oheese Firm and in fair demand ; choice full cream cheddnra , OJ@7c : 1UU , 7@71c ; young American , 8j@9o ; skims , l@4c , K gs ModHratodemind at lO ll o. Hides Steady nnd In fair denmiid ; heavy gieen silted , fullv cured , 7io ; light , SfaJSJc ; damsKed , C- ; bull ludep , Go ; dry raited , lie. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 country , 6io , UeceipU , 0 hip to. lonr , bbl . 0.000 4,000 Wbeot , bushel * . 20.008 9.000 Oorn , bushels. . . . 275.COO 14iiOO ( , ( Oat , bushel . lC7Pf"i 102.f > 10 buibele. . . (1,000 ( 2,000 buibeli . , , . 2.COO nonu. MtwnKKa. ( WIs. , Ausust 18. Wheat Qaiet nnd stu\illor ; Nu. 2 Milwaukee , OjSc ; beptembflr. 823c : October , Oorn KJim ; No. 2 , 45Jo. Oat Firmer ; No 2 V Rye Tarao ; No 1. 5CJo. Harley Steady nnd unchanged. Provision * Hleber ; mest pork , cub and Sepiomber , § 9.22i ; October , ea.3i ) . UINOINNATI , CINCINNATI , O. . August 18. Wheat- Weak and lower : No. 2 red , 924@Mo. Corn-Unsettled aud loner ; No. 2 mixed , 451c.Oats Oats In fMr demand and lower ; No , mixed , 25@JOo Kyu Dull ; No. 2 , 60s. Buley-Firm ; No , 2 f ll , DOj. Pork Dull at $9 70. Lnni Firm at 8a.l0. ! Whisky-Quiet and firm at $1,13 , NIW YORK 1'ltODDCE , -H Niw YnBK. August 18. Wh t Lower re eloU. 803,000 but expiru , none ; unarrailoii red. 75 ? 05a ; No. 3 red. DOe ; No. 2 red 1)3 < % 93lo , , lu e'flvator ' ; 95o dellrered ; October cloting at 5Jo. Corn On * | K > t icirc * , but firm ; optloni opened wnak , ro ctod and cloied steady ; re caipti , 09.0.0 but exports O'J.CO ) but un grodeil. 52@C4ict No 2 , MJ'.olSIa in eleva tor ; (5@55c ( dollvcrtdj October doting ut U'JJc. Oat * Lower nd fairly active ; receipt * 241 , < 00 but exports , 0 ' ,000 bu ; mixed western 32 35c ; white wpftarn. S7@42c , Petroleum Fitmj united closed nt 'JSgc. ' KUK Steady aud demand fair ; western 13jr 5l4e. Pork Dull ; BIOS' , on spot , SU.OO. Lard Modcmtn nd trade steady ; contracl grade spot , 50074 ; October. SG.C@O.GJ. Butter-Firm with fair inquiry ; western . . , _ Cheoso-Dnll and easy ; wtstorn fl , 4 ® c. KANSAS CITY , KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Antttub 18. Wheat iwnr ; cash , 71io bid , 71c asked } Beptem- bor , 73c. October , 75i ( 703. Corn Lownrt cMh , S3s bid , 333 asked Sentember , 33jjc ; October , 30o asked. OAts-Ulghcr nt23c. 8T. LOOtB. ST. Loms , Mo. , ' AuRu t is. Whjftt- Activc , but unsettled nnd lower ; closed gSS' ' under Tostn-dar : 911'g02ic , cwh ; Olgc , Au- guat ; 9250. October. Oorn Cash lower ; options bolter ; 42i@4lc , caih ; 42 0 , Augmt ; 424 , Septembar ; 40io , October. 0 ts Lower ; 23 a23je cash bid for August 22c bid for Sxptunbar , Rye - 55o bid , Whlsky-StondyatS'.ia. Butter Steady ; creamery , l"22o ; dairy . Afternoon baard. Wheat excited and hieh prj Aufrn't cloiod 921e ; September , 93. } . Corn Uigher ; Octobar , 403ebid ; the year , Oata Dull but firm. TOLEDO. TOLEDO , August 18. Wheat Quiet and steady ; No. 2 ctsh and August , 88c , Corn Neglected ; No. 2 cash , 40Je. Oats Stead ; ; cash , 2G c. LIVEDFOOL. LIVERPOOL , August 19. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 winter , Gj lid ; No. 2 spring , Gj lOjd. Corn-Dull ; Hpot , 4s Old ; Augiut , 4s Od ; September , 4i G d. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , 111. , August 18 The Drovers' Journal ronortf : Oitlle-ltecelpti , 8,500 : slow ; 10@15c lower ; shippine stnorB. S1.30@5.15 ; dtockera nnd feeders. S2.70@3.90 : cows , bulls nnd mixed , S2 COS4.00 ; western raogeN , 10@15o ewer ; nativon nnd half breeds , § 4,2935.00 ; cows , S3 10@4.00 ; wintered Texins , SJ.70 © 185. Hogs-lUcelpts , 9.GCO ; strong ; 5c hiRh r ; rou h nnd mixed , S4.COtf4.30 ; packing and shipping , S4.35@4.G5 ; ulrips , S3.00@3.90. SboopRaceintn , 3 OGO ; Blow ; native * , S3 00 © l.OOj Texantr , 2.03@3.tO. ST. LOUIS ST. Lons. ISfo , August 18- Cattle Re ceipts , 2 800 ; shipment ? , OfO ; generally easier , especially for low nod medium grades ; ship- ) ln ? stoern , SI G55 75 ; native butcher stf er , S5.25@G.2S ; mixed lots butchering stuff , S2 50 < 3 75 ; Indian stsera. S.23@4.40. : ! Sheep -Receipts , 2,100 ; shipments , none ; > 03t muttons wanted ; puor dull ; ' omtnon to ancy , 52.20 © 1.00 ; lamb , 52.50@4.23. KANBAB OITI. KARO B Crrir , Mo , August 18G ttlo Ko- oipta , 0,500 ; shipraenta , 2,000 ; Texas weak and 10@153 lower ; natives weak ; ex- lorterj , S5'J5,40 ) ; common to choice ship- ) inor , S4.50@5 15 ; stookora and foe'lors. S3 30 © .30 ; rows. $2.50@3,40 ; grass Texas steers , ? 3.00@3.83. Iloga Kooolpts , 50rO ; shipments , 1,40" ; jooJ , stronger and 5c higher ; gr.isserK weak nd slow ; light aud assorted , SI.1534. . E5 ; heavy and mixed , S4 10@4.40. Sheep Receipts , 700 ; shipment ? , none ; tpady ; common to good mutton ? , SI 50@ 3.00. _ _ O.HAM * J IVrt HTOCIC UNION STOCK YAIIDS , S. OJIAHA , l Tuesday Evening , August 18. J Business at the South Omihi stock yards was more lively than yesterday nnd piices a ttlo stronger at the following quotations : > otnmon rough hogs , $3 70a ( 3.80 ; road inixBU hoB-s , $3 85@3.9j ; choice light 10RB. S4.00@4.10 ; butcher's stock , dull , S3 75 Choice mixed and heavy hoga nre 5c The following may be taken as representa- ivn rales made at tlio yarda todav : GG hogs , 58 Ibj , S 5 85 ; 73 hotzs , 231 Ibs , 53 90 ; 62 hogs , 71 lb ? , S3.93 ; G9 boira. 20L Iba , $4 03 : G5 logo , 205 Ibs § 1 00 ; Go hog8 , 2Gt Ibs , 81 05 ; 3 owe , 1,1'3'J ' Iba , 83.90 ; 4 bteera. 1,22 Ibs , 520. The receipts of cattle were very light and hero wai a noticeable absence of drp * ed beef toars. The receipts of hogg were 725. There ia still a demand for a few goad beep. Note : All stock issoldby the hundred unless tberwiin agreed upon. Pregnant sows are ocked 40 Ibs , and Btags 8) Ibs. Dead hogs weighing 100 Ibs. and upwards lo par lb. ; un- er 100 Ibs worthless , _ Block Yard Itoms. T. J. Taylor of Shelton , had 187 hogi and 0 steern in the yards today , and Moianer & 'aylor 138 hogs , Stewart k Son of St. Paul , had 54 hogs on lie market to-dny. C. Phil pot of Weeping Water , sold 05 Og3. Og3.A. A. W. Blngham , nn extensive stock ship- lerfrom Cortlaud , was at the yards to-day. C. E. Welch of Papllllon. had G5 bogs in lie yards to-day , Morse , Rofeis k Co. , of forth Bend. 8J ; W. H. Foren , of Ccrtland , fi ; Toogood Broa. , of Crete , Gl , n Lobman of Saward , disposed of 39 head f cattlo. Fiva cnra of hogs wore chipped over the Missouri PaoUie , OJIVHi AVUOIj KisAliK MAIUCETS Frui tu Lemons Tim qnality of lemon ? ia very fine or tbU tlmo of year , and they continue in ; oed demand. The market had declined , but s firm now , end with hot weather is very apt o ndvanca gaio ; Now Verdelll , fancy , per box. S9. 00010,03. Apples Commission men are receiving argo lots of tha very finest of apples continually. Winter apples are goin ; o bo _ very 'scaro ' , Miieonri reports only nne-third of a crop ; Michigan and Canaan will have none. There will bo a full upply from New Yoik state nnd CinmU and ultbough prices may be n little high , the fruit rom thoee rectioua Is so tar superior that dealers generally will find more profit and atisfaction In handling this stock than tin western apples in vtars of full rropg ; ( ancy rating , SJ,00@H.25 ; cooking , $2 75@3 00. Cranberriei Ow rg to heavy frosts in tha epriog the crop of cranberries will bo quite short , particularly of the cheaper grades , bit them will be a fiur supply of Boll aud Bugles and Ball and Chorrits , Cocoanuts Per hundred , 85.51. Bananas Demand very luht ; toino very f od stock couilci ; in fur this time of tha year ; , -ellow , per bunch as to size , 8,00@3 ! CO. Peachet ABSODU a California peacbes will ret too ripe to ( hip quantities of Delaware and Michigan peaches will b ) on the market. At present they tire difficult to quote. Gropes Grapes are raised la largo quanti ties In this vicinity and thgre la u prospect of an abundant yield with correspondingly low > rices. n P/ultH. This delicmm fiult ia now at its bett , and very ruatonfcblo in price. moctitiR with randy silo everywhere ut good profits to the retail- em. PearaMountain BirtletU. § 3 25@3.50 ; Winter Nellif , Bcurre Die ) , White Duvenne , 12 Bturr , Lawrence , Dutchetse , eto , ' . ? - 75 © J 01. 01.Peaches Peaches Lata CrawfordV , Lemon nnd Red l\nf \ S..tO Plums Per box , 81.75. Pruoos 81.73 , Grapes Per crate , Muscats , Rose of Peru , aud Tokay , $2.00 , fSonftrnl ivoriiice , Cheese Prices are lower than they have ever been ut this time of the year , nn-1 u abarp ndvanco ! expected very soon ; The recent cool weather helps to make an excep tionally fine quality ol cheese , as erocd as In generallv mirio In September. Fancy full cream Cheddar * , 81 ; fancy full cream ttttr , two in hoop , 9s ; Uncy full cream Young Americas , four in hoop , lOiQllcs brick cheeio , 1'JJe : Limburg khteiu , lOc ; Kwisj cbeete , Iigl7e. ( I'/oyliioni-Tlu market ia steadily advanc ing , nd will omtinua to do to fur eevdr l moolhi , asprlcai are vorv low yet. Lard , 40 lb c ns , perlb , 7ic ; do. 20-lh c n , 1\y \ dried bsef bamr , 14c ; dried beef , 12c ; corned bef , per bW , G CO ; mos * potk , per bbl , 13 OOl h m 11 jc ; breakfast bncin , 10s ; clear ride bacon 7gr ; dry salt tides , 7c ; fhoulders , Ga Beana-Airreat m ny bean * are beinc raited in this state now , almost enough toitipply the demand were they put In proper shups and cleaned well. Heretotoi * ft gient many bo ns have gene to waste or temainpd unsalable in hands of grower , country meichant or com mission houses on account of their kinds siz9 * . split bsans and dirt mixed together and no way to topnrMo them. 11. P. Navy beans Sl,40C al BO : II. P. medium , 81 20@1 85 } good do n , 90@t.OO } Inferior , r ' @ 75o. Eggs The market is improving , and bat ter prices re expected before lone. Shippers should carefully candle all rggs before ship ping ; no use to p y express charges on rotten eggs , as commiislon men have to candle thorn ntjaln on arrival nnd throw out nil bad ones. KiM , fresh , ondled , 8J@c. ! ) Butter A Httlo firmer nnd better feeling exists It. t Mn line , and choice table butter is In fair don. and. Low grades still have to ba Bold to packers nt low prices. Choice table , lS@ir o. good. lOc ; foirG(883. ( Poultry Chickens in fair demand at quo' Mtlons : Chicken * , spring , per doz , 2 OU@2 0 } chickens , old , per doz. 3 10(83 ( 50. Game 'I ha season for p-airlo chickens will begin beptembor 1st ; for quail , October 1st. It la advisable to ( hip all amo as poultry. Grain. Market active , with downward tendency , at f olio r/iog quotations : OornScarce at 31@3oc. New OUa-Plenty nt 18a72s. Old Oats-Scnrcn nt28@30c. Wheat 45C5c. llyo JOe. OUe and Vnrnlohos. OILS HO ea-bon , per gallon , llct 158 headlight , per Rnllon , IGcj 175 ° headlight per gallon , 16o ; 160 ° water white. 15c ; lin- Bood raw , per gallon , 45s ; lineoed boiled , per gallon , 48o ; Lord , winter str'd , per gallon. GOcj No. 1 , D5s ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX , per gal. Ion , 1 60c ; No , 8 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00 | srwrm HW.tfB. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish Av. B. , par gallon , 65 : neatsfoot extrn.por gallon , 75' } No. 1 , 70s ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 80c ; Rummer , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per pal- Ion , 85o ; No. 2 , 23o ; tporm , signal , per gallon 0 to ; turpentine per gallon. 50o ; napthn , 74c , ii , IGo , MlllntnCfB , BBLLINO FBIOES. Winter Wheat JTirmjbost quality patent at 83.00@3.30. Second qnality 83.7C@3. 00 , Spring Wheat Beat quality patent ot.C2.80 @ 3.00. Second quality-82.403.00 , Bran55a per owt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs , , 860. Oorn Meal 8LOO11.10 ( per owt. Screening No. 1 , 75o per owt ; No 2 , COo , Hominy Sl.BO per om , Short ? G3a per cwt , Grabnm $2.00 per cwt. Hay S7.00@9.00 per toa. lrr Goods , PIUNIS - Steel River. 51 ; American , 5J ; Arnold's , OJ : Manchester , G ; Lyman , 5 ; Gloucester , bj ; DunnellJacquard , G : Uunnell , 5J ; Ilmnpa , 4 ; Windsor. G ; Pacific. G , Har mony , -1J ; Anchor Shillings , 45 ; Merrimack Shirtingf , 4J. GINGHAMS -Renfrew , 9@10i ; Amoskeag , dresf , 9 ; Amo < lwajr. staple , 7J ; Ivauhoe , 9J ; Womsutto , SJ. Nubian , 8J ; Warwick , 9 ; Whittendon. 'JB.ites ; , dro'a , 8 : Bates , staple , GJ ; Randolph , staple , C } ; Lanedown ? , 7. OIUVIOTS Amo'kaag , chocks. 9i ; Amoa- tenp , stripes , 8\ ; Slater , stripes , 8 ; Kdinburg , J4 , WbittendoiT , stnpos , 8 ; Glanroac , 0 ; Otis , checks , 9 ; 0 is , stripes , ! > , Iliynl , GJ ; Amna- jeag , napped , 11 J , Lnray , book fold , 12 ; Obaron , book told , llijEadurance , book fold , 12. DENIMS Beaver Creek AA , 11 ; Beaver Crock 1513 10 Bonvpr Creek CO , 9 Jeffrny , : ; X,1. . T. 1C _ . \ ' \ " ' \ ' 1 lt. T ir.n 11 Xr T * jrown , 7i DOCK ( Unbleached ) oz Magnolia , 10 ; 10 oz M Knolla , 11 ; 8 oz West Point , 10J ; 10 oz West Point , 12J. DUCKS ( ColoradBoston ) 9 oz brown nnd Irab , 13J ; Boston O H brown nnd drab. ! > : ioston XX brown and drab , 10 ; Boston XXX ; Boston O P blue , Hi ; Warren Tricot , 15. BBOWN COTTONS Lawrencs LL , D ; Shaw- mut LL , 5 ; Beaver Dim LL , 5 ; Atlantic LL , > ; Indian Head , 7 : Wouchtnett , GJ ; Crown XXX , GJ : Clifton CCC , GJ ; Utica C. 4 ; At- untioP , 5) ) . BLKACRKO COTTONS -Farmers' Choice. Gl ; C eec Gi : Hope 7 ; Hill 4 4 , 7J ; Hill i , ( & Lonadale. 7J ; Fruit 8 ; Wamsutia , 10 FINE BROWN COTTONS Pepperell R , G } , 'epperell O , 5J ; Atlae , 6 } ; Statute of Liberty ; ij ; Sarunac R , ( > i. TICKINGSAmoskoapr AC A. 12fc ; Thorn- dike O O 0. 73 ; Thorndika fancy , 9J- York A , OJ ; York fancy ; 12J | Mlllbury , 12J ; Pearl liver , 11J ; Hamilton , 12 ; Swift River , GJ ; Suetucket S , 8i ; Shotuckee S S , 9i : Montault A , 12 ; Montauk B , lOJ ; Omega A C A , 13J. ConsEC JKA S ICenrsargo , 7 ; Armory 7 ; 'epperell , 7i ; Indian Orchard , G : Naum- Leng , 7 , GIIAIM BAGS American A , 817 50 ; H r- nony A , 817.60. Stark A , 821 51) ) ; Albany A , S19.50. OAIII-JT WABMBibb , whitp , 19Ji nibb , : olorno , 22 : Peerless , \vhitov 4 ply , 18 ; Peeress - ess , colored boaida , 21 } . Steady ; green butchers' 7c ; green cured , c ; dry flint , 12 153 , dry salt , 10@llc : dam- agad bides two-thlrdd prioo , Tallow 4Jc. Grease Prime whlto , 3@la , 13hoep Palts 25c75. GroccrH' Liar. DRY Fnuns No. 1 , quarter npplcj , bble. , ic ; N 0 sliced , brxee , lie ; evaporated , boxen , 8c ; blackberrien. boxes , lOc ; peaches , boxes tone in the market ; poaches , ev < porateduono n the market ; raspberries , 27c. ijuoAimPowdered , SJc ; cut loaf , 7Jc ; gran- ulited. 7jc ; ; confectlonera' A , ( > c ; ritandnid extra 0. GJc ; eitra C , Cj | ; medium yellow , 5go ; lark yellow , 5gc. OANNKD GOODS -pyatars ( Stondard ) per cise. 3 90 ; Btriiwbeirios. L'-lli. p r case 2 GO ; aipbarrlea , 2-lb , per cae , 2 23 ; California tear ? , per case , 5 81) ; npricots , per case , 5 CO ; leaohea. per ca e , 5 70 ; white che > rle , per cato , G 60 ; plums , per case , 4 25 ; whortleber- les , per case , 3 00 ; ega plump , 2-lb , p ° r case , 290 ; green gages , 2-lb , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2-lb , per ci o , 3 2 r < g5 5U. OAHLYMixed , 91c ; stick , 9Jc ; tv/Ist stick , 9Jj. 9Jj.VINEQ VINEQ AUNow York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap. lie. 15c ; crab apple , 18 j. STAUCH Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , EC ; Corn Strch , 8 ; Kxceleior Gloss , 7o ; Corn , ? ic. 1'oi'K Siml. & Inch and larger , 8.e { ; g inch , ijc ; i inch , 9Js. SALT Dr/ty loads , per bbl , 1 55 ; Athlon , In acks , 3 50 ; J sacks Aihton , 1 OU ; buls dairy , 2GQ@276. SPICKS - Pepper , 1'Jc ' ; alspice , M : ; cloyea , JV ; castia , Ito. bYBDP - Standard O , 23Jc , bblo ; Standard do , 4-galIon kegc , 2 5 SODA In lb impart , 3 25 a case ; keg per- ? jnrrel , OANDLBS Boxoc , 40 lb , ICj. 12Jo ; 8' , 12ic ; boxes 4Ulb < , 1G LZ , Si , 12ic ; half box , L'O Ibs , ; IVjfoMATCIUS MATCIUS Per ci'Jdio. 35o ; round , rl. 0)8P. 45c ; tquaro , caeee , 170 ; Odhkouli , cases , gr , 1 20. TKASGunpowder , good , 4"i@55 ; ; choice , 7'7Gcgood ; Imperial , 40-3c ; cholco , G0@ 'On ; Young llyeun , good , 3 l@50c ; choice , 6G 170c ; Japan , natural loaf. 75c ; Jupin , choice , GJia ? ; Oolunggood,33@liiOjlong ) ; , choice. 411(25 ( , ' ) : ; Souchong , goad , SO. iOc ; choice , 85 @ ! 5c. CoffEES Lower ou ntarly all grade * ; or dinary grades , lOc ; fair , 12e ; good , ll@12c ; prime , 12 ( 13 ; choice , ! GJjl7c ; fancy green and vellow , ICglGJc ; old Kuverntoauc Java , 20@13 c ; Arhucklu'd roa ted , 131) ; Mcfjauah lin's XXXX roasted , IScj Java , lGf@184.cj DilwortnV , 13o. CliACKiriis - Garneau'a eoJa , butter and pic nic , 6c : creams , 80 ; ulnger snapn , 8a ; City eoda , 71o PiCKLia-M dium in birreln , 525 ; do in iialf barrels , 3 25 ; f mall , in tarrels , G liO ; do in tialf barreU , 3 50 ; uherkini lu birrub. 7 00 : do ia half buralf , 4 00. RICK Louisiana , pjime to choice , GJ lo. SoAM-Kiik'a Savon Imperial , 300 ; JCIrn'i atinet , 3 15 ; Klrk'n standard , 3 50 ; Kirk's White Human , 4 GO , WoonieNWAHK Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three hoop p il , 2 10. Tub , No 1,860 ; pioneer wanhboarH * . 1 75 ; Double Crown , 2 9 ; woll- buckeu , 375. PorAsii-Peunirlvama cans , 4 c a In ca e. 3 35 ; Btbbltt'a ball , 2 doz lu case , 1 90 ; An- ohor b\ll , 2 doz in cue , 1 50. Saddlery Ilatdware , X 0 combination loop hames $5 25 , X . L O. T. hamo , ? 1 75 ! v r I. O , F , lurries S3.50 ; perfection pads , S1.75 ; 47 ring bits , G5c Birbonrs No. 10 thread , 7Ec ; j p breast strap slide , .tOc ! X C brcnit etrap lidp , 40c ; 1J X C 3 loop chnmp T buckle' , SI 03 ; 1 } jap 3 loop clump T buoVlos 95s ; IS X 0 3 loop chnmi T buckles $139:1J : j p 3 loop champ buckles $1.20 : copper rivets No. 9 , 20c ; Bristol unapt \ \ at S5.GO. IJ at $1 60,1 at S3 60 , J at S3 60 J at $3.EOj German BUMIS , li at $4.00 , 1J at $2.60 , 1 at S1.-15 , 3 ftt 81.40,1f ftt " ' ' " No 1 Plttshurg .T. C. L. k Spni , 33c ; No. 1 Pittuburg K &S 35c ; No I Cincinnati , 33o' No 1 lace leather , OOc ; prime slaughter solo leather , 7c ; prlmo oak tolo leather , 37c UttlCf , Dnons Ann OniMioAta Acid , carbollo , 44a acid , tartario , 55o | bnUam oopalba , per lb. COcj bark , RMsafrns , per lb , 12o ; calomel , per lb , flOe ; cincbonidta , per oz. , SO B0 | ohloro * form , per lb , 93c ; Dovora powders , per Hi , 1 25 ; ocaom salt * ) per lb , Sio ; glycorlno pure , per lb , 25o ; load noctnto , per lb , 20c : oil castor No. 1 per sal. , 81 63 ; oil ca tor , pure per Ral. , 81 65 ; oil , olive , per gal. . 81 40t oil origanum , COo ; opium , 84 2 > ; qulnlno , P. & W. , and R. k S. , nor oz. , 85o ) potassium ; Iodide , per lb. . 83 25 ; salicia , per oz. , 40c ; ralphnto morphine , per oz. , 83 50 ; lulphnr , per lb. 4oj strychnine , per oz. , 61 GO , Coal , The coal trndo hai Improved tome of Into. The market is firm nt the following quota tions : Anthracite fg < , $3.2. ) ; anlhracito nut , 88.50 ; anthracltnrango. § S BO ; Iowa , § 3.23) ) Walnut BlncV , S3 23. Illinois. § 1,50 ; Indiana Work , S3.75 ; Fort Scott , Sl.tiG ; Rich Hill , 5375. BtiUdlriKlUntorlnf Tbo following prices ara quoted for to-day : Lime ( In bnlh ) per brl G5o : lime ( In brl ) 9Do : Louuvillo comcnt , $1.55 : Utica , Akron and Milwaukee cement , gl 5(1 ( ; Portland camont English , $1.00 ; etucoi , Michigan , $2.00 ; hair iu paper sacks per bu , 30c. Spirits COLOGNE Srinrra 188 proof , 110 ; do , 101 proof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 1 19 : do , 188 proof. 118. ALCOHOL IBS proof alcohol 2 SO per wlno gallon , WiusniKS-Redtstillod whiskies , 1 OOJftl 50 ; Fine blended , 150S)3 ! ) 00 ; Kentucky bour- bong 2 00@G 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva nia ryes , 2 00@0 60. BRANDIES Imported , 6 001G 00 ; domoa- tie , 1 60&3 00. GiNa Imported , 450600 ; domostlo , ICO @ 300. RHMS Imported , 4 60@8 00 ; Now England , 2 00@4 00 } domestic , 1 50@3 00. CIIAMPA.ONB ! Imported , per caao , 28 00@ 81 00 ; American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00. Dry Paint * Whlto lead 80 : French Ztno. 12c ; Pails whiting , 2io ; whiting Rildors , lc ; whiting oom'l , IJc ; lampblack , Germantowu , 12s ; lampblnck , ordinary , 10c | Prussian blue , C5a uutramnrine , ISc ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; umber burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 'ic ; elennn , burnt 4c elanna , raw , 4o : Pans green , genuine , 25o Paris greancommon.2lc ) ; chromo green , N. Y. SOc ; chromo green , K. , 12o ; vprmllllon , Eng- 75o ; vormilllon , American , ISc ; Indian , red , lOo ; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian , rod , Oookoon' * , 2Sc ; Venetian , rod. American , IJo ; red load , 7jo ; chrome yellow , geiiuiuo , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , 12o : ochre rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French "So ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral , 2jc ; Lehiqh brown , 2iej Spanish brown , 2Jc ; Prince's mineral , 3c. VABHisHEa Barrels , per gallons , ortrn , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 31 ; coach , ox trn , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 31 20 ; Damnr , extra , 81 75 ; .Tispan , 70c ; Rsphaltam , extra , SBo , Dhellac , 63 CO : hard oil finish 01 50. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omnhn , P. P. Gs ; whlto lead , St. Louto , pure , fi 76 ; Marsail loa trreen , 1 to C It ) cans , 20c ; French zinc ; green seal , 12o ; French zinc , rod eeal , llo , Pranch zino , in varnich asst. , 20o ; Frenchzino , In oil tuat , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b hau i , lOc ; row end burnt Sienna lOc ; vandyke trovvn , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12nt coach black and ivccy black , IGc ; drop black , 16c : Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine blue , 18o ; chromo green , L , M k D. . ICc ; blind and Bhntt > - ( rrocn , L. M. & D , , 16o ; Paris green , 18o ; Ind.'onrod , 15c ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tns- mn rod , 22c ; Amorlcrm vunnillion , L. & D , 20o ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L , M. , 0. & D. O. , 18o ; yellow ochre. 9c ; golden ochre , 16c ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , duk oak , walnut , chestnut tnd ash , Ibo Tob&cco. Smoking , tobacco O. 0. , 22o : Blocrachanm. SOc ; Long Tom 30o. Blackwell's Durham , 16 oz. , file : 8 oz. , 55c ; 4 oz , , 57c ; 3 oz. . 60o , Seal of North Oaroliiia , 16oz.wood , 42o ; 8 oz , , wood , 45o ; 4 oz. , cloth 48o ; 3 oz , , 60o , Navy Clippings , 2Gc. Killikinick , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28o. 28o.Kino cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Chirm of the West. GOc : Fountain , 70o : Golden Thread , G7c ; Favorite , COc ; Buds , 5io ; Rocky Moun tain , 50ot Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c. Plug tobacco Climax , 44o per lb , ; Horuo- shoo , 4Gc : Star , 4Go ; Spaarhead , 4Gc ; Our Rope , SOc ; Pipsr lieidcick , GOe ; Punch , 40c. Hoaiy Hardware JUlst. Iron , rst03 , 215 ; plow stool , special east , 4o crucible steel , Go ; do , 12@18o | wagon spokes , per set , 2 25o3 00 ; hubs per not , 125 ; tellopn uawed dry , 140 ; tonguaa , each , 75o ; axles , cash , 75c ; square nuts per lb , 7allc ; wnshera , per lb , 8ol8o | rivets , per lb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , 6al2o ; mnllonblo , 80 ; Iron wedges , Go ; crowb&rB , 6ci hnrrovy teeth , 4o ; spring Btcol , 7a8c ; BurdBn's horoo ahuoa , 4 25 ; Burden's muleihooa , 5 25 , . DAltnsso WIBE In cnr lota , 4 00 per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to 60 ; iron , 2.50 ; steel , 2.G5. 2.G5.HIIOT Shot , 1 CO ; buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 3 60a4 00do | , hnlf kpgn , 200 ; do quarter keg , 1 50 blasting , ko n , U &b ; faoa per 100 feet , POo. LEAD Bar , 1 G5. { Dryliumbcr. Wholeealo On Board Cars at Omaha , DIMENSIONS AND IIMDEB3 , Market active anil prices lower than for yeara past , at the following- quotations : IS ft. lift. 1 ft. IS . 20 It. 22ft. 21 fb it 10 CO Iff 00 17.0C 18.00 10 00 20.00 xO nee 1S.O' . 10.00 17,00 10,60 10.60 xOHO 1U.OO 10,00 100 I7.CO isioo lo.oo moo HO 1600 16.00 16.0 } 10.00 17.CO 20 00 21.00 1000 1800 10,00 17.00 18.00120 Ot 21.00 x4 8x8 . 1060 16.60 1060 17.60 I8.60ll9.60 20.69 MAUDS. No. 1 boards , 12,14 nnd 10 ft ? 10 7C No. 2 boards , 12,14 ana 10 ft 14 75 No. 3 boards , 12 , 14 nd 10 It 12 75 No. 4 boards , 12 , 11 and 10 It 10 70 SHIP LAP. fo. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch 817 50 No , 2 , Plain , lOiuch 16 51 No.l , O , G 18 00 riiNOINQ. 7o , 1,4 , & 6 inch , 13 and 14 feet , rough. .817 50 No , 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 feet , rouf-h. . . . . . . 17 50 Xo , 2 , 4 kO Inch , 12and 14 feat , rough. 14 50 Nu. 2 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 fust , rough 15 CO CEILING. ' st Com , B inch , Norway 15 EO SdOom , 8 Inch , Norway 14 CO riNIBUINO , it , 2d nnd 3d Clear , Hindi , , 2s 650 00 et 2d , nnd 3d Clear. 11 and 'J inch , a. 2n 50 00 J Selact , 1J , 14 nnd 2 inch , B , 2a 80 00 st , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , a. 2 45 00 ABelect , linch , B. 2s 40 00 B Belect , llnch , a. 2a 30 00 BIDING , BtOom. , 12,14 and 16 foot 522 00 d Com. . 14 and 10 feet KO 00 3d Com. , 14 and 16 feet 15 00 Fence , 14 and 16 foot 1100 POSTS , Whita Cedar , 6 inch , lialvoa , . . . . . . . . . . . 13 o White Cedar , G\ \ Inch , halves 11 o Vhito Cedar , 8 inches , quarter 11 o White Cedar , 4 Inch , round 14 o rLOOBINO , it Com , 0 inchwhite pine . . . . .533 00 2d Com. 6 inch , white pine 3500 3d Com. 6 inch , white pina 28 00 Sol , Fence C Inch , white pine 19 00 1st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-0 inch. 31 60 BTOCB EOABD3 , BATrtNBmiTUBINO , PIOK1CTB. OG. B t ,3lnch 8 ,85 ) .0. atSilnch 75 I inch Bats , a. 1 a 40 i Inch well tubing , D , & M 23 00 3 inch well tubing , Bov 23 00 Picket * : D. & II. Flat , 822 00 ; D & II. Square 21 00 BIllNOtM AND LATH , 10 Inch , Clonr. . . . . . . . . , , , . . , .03 00 A Standard . 2 75 5 inch , Clear. . , . , 1 63 No.l . 1 20 Lath . 2 40 L1UK , ETC. Qulnoy whlto llmo ( best ) . . . . DOe Cement , ? U5 Plaster ( Michigan ) . 2.60 Tarred felt , per cwt . 1.85 Straw board , twr Cwt . 1.70 FRED W. GRAY , ( ScooKsson TO ) FOSTER & aiiAY. WHITE I'INE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FORNIA REDWOOD ASH , OA1C , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH CEDAR. Bear Creek Lime , Louisville Cement Portland Cotnont , Iowa nnd Micliifr\n [ | Pln > > ler , Hnlr , Etc. Etc , SI W , F. JOHNSON. EDW , 1IAM1IKTI , F. J. SOIlUYLEIt. W. F. Johnson & Co. , Commission Merchants , 218 LA Sallo Street , Chlcngo. Rocoivora of prnln nnd pcodn. Futures joiiRhtnnd Bold , Sjiocial attention to Bales Roprcsontod by EDWARD BARTON , Lincoln , Neb THE AND RAILWAY. THE BEST KOUTK AND LUSTED The 011 to take for Da Molnoi. lltrahall own , Cedar Raplda , Clinton , Dlxto , Chicago , Mil w.iukco and all points east. To the poopla o ! No iraika , Oolorado , Wyonilnu , Utah , Idaho , Nevada Oregon , Washington and Calllorula It odcra euparloi advautngca not poonlblo by any other lino. Among a low of the numerous points of Baporlor- : y CDjoicd by the patrons of this toid between imaha and Chicago , are Its two trains a day of DAY COACHK3 which are thofliiost that human att and njcnulty can create ; Its l'AIi4CE SLEE1MNQ OAUS which nro models of comfort and clcganae ; Its PAH LOR DUAWINQ IIOOJI OAKS , unsurpusged by any nd Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHH bo equal of which cannot bo fourd elaewhore. At Council Bluflo the tralua of the Unlou 1'rclOo Sy. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chlca ; o&Nortlmcotorn lly In Chicago the trains of this no make close connection with those of all oaaloin noj. For Detroit , Columbuo , Indlanitpolh , Clocinniil , Tlizara Kills , Diidftlo , Ptlteburg , Toronto , Montrunl Boston , New York , Philadelphia. Baltimore , Waeh- nton and all points In the East , Bale the ticket agant for tlckcta via the -NCaTH-WESTERH , ' [ von wlsn tbo l > et accomnioJatloca. All tick t agents sell tickets vi thla line. U. nUOHITT. K. S HAIR , General MannRci. Oea. I'/ES. AgtnL OniCAGOW. . N. DABCOCK , Oen 1412 FarnamSt. , Omaha , Neb. TV70 TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee it. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenport Clinton , Dubuqne , Rookford , Jock Island , Freeport Jnncsv ille , Clf ln , Madisou , LA Crasuo , k'lolt. Winonn , And all other Important points Kut : , North- oaat nnd Southoact. Ticket Olf.oo at HOI Farniui street ( In Paxtou Heel el ) , and ftt Union Paclflo Depot. Pullrasn Sleepers and tbo Finest Dining Cars In he World are run on tnomain lines ol the ClilCAao IILWAUKKX ( L ST. PAUbll'Tand every attention la paid o nasacngcrs hy couitooua employe of the company. . B. MEllllILL , A. V. II. OAIU'JiNTGR , General Manager , Qen'l Pansonirer Agent. R. M1LLEU , OEO. K. IIEAl'FORD , ' ' . Aes't Qen'I Pua Aeg't Orn'l Manigor. Agent J. T. OLAUK , Ocu'l Sunerlutenditnt ' Eailway Tims Table , TnKKaoi April Clh , 1855. tbt Uouil = D ol iha M7ellns ! poblb In cf.llid to be f art that tul Is th only o-mplct : > tnil tibinlniii ? orroct tlroa table [ inhHtliccl In the city , AlltTiIaa r.rrhe et nod fioci Om > h iij outral HUndfird Tlmo. Trains of ths 0. fit. P. U. * 0. urtlvo at ivJ dc art from thalr depot , corner of Htb and Yi'obot i ueoti ; tralnj 01 tha B. Ji M. , 0. B. & Q. , nd K , 0 It. J. ft C. B. from the B. b X , cl pot | all oibero frcn he Union PacLlo dspol. a , DsUyjb , oncepf Satarday ) o , oioepl xccpl uondty. _ fiass ; Afifonte preicription cf & noted ipedilltt ( aoirro- trod.J Bru El.l.c.iiflltlt. Addrui OR. WARD & CO , . ULTmjU 'A. 11O. JOBBER : COMMISSION , ETC. BRANCH k CO. , Wlioles'eFriiits.Produce.Oysters . 1121 rnniiun St. , Omaha. Ainilci Our own packing I'l.itt Jk Go's. Tiger Brand Ojstcrs. Duller , KSK * , name , Poultry , 1'otatocs. THOXELL & WILLIVMS , Storage and Comniission Mcht's , Fruttt , Flour , App > . Stoneware , Clilcr , Vinegar , QttBS Seeds , Unit ) ' , VfK' . B13 tnd 315 South IStb street , On aha , Nebraska. E. MOKONY , General Coniniission Merchant nuttcrKfn ; , Clic < " > o and rountrj Produce gcucrallj 3W . iSlliSt , IIOHSr k RIDD12LL , General ComniissiDii Merchants. SmiAlTtrs llultcr , < > , rnrrlfni nnil Domestic Krultg. ir2H.14lliSt.uiialiaI < cb. Telephone No.33."i. PEYOKE BU03. Coniniission Merchants , Fruits , I'rodu'oand I'm 111 in , Omihi , Nob. A. P. S01IAOEC , Wholesale Commission Merchant Seeds mid 1'rodiH'C. No. 213 S. lith Street Umaha , Nehraskn J01IN F. FLACK , General Coniniission Merchant , Produce , I toWim , I'rults , Hour ami Feed. 103 S. Hth St. , nialio , tfob. itirConsilgmneiits KolUltcd , ItcturiH madepromnt' ) . 4i.1V 011,4X1.14 k UUJL.VVX.1JLS.1.JJV , Buyers of Butter and Eggs , HcfrlKcratornnd Packing Hou ellth , t Lea\cn ortli Sis. , on f. I' . II. It , Track , Omaha , WIEDEMAN k CO. , Produce Commission Merchants Poultr } , Hutter , Oainc , Trulls , lUc. 1023 S. 14th St. ( Omaha , Nebraska. LOUIS HELLER , Jobber & Commission Merchant Cliccsc , Sausages , 1'niits , Dtitchcra' Tool * ami Sup plies lilfi Junes St. , omaha , Acb. CUAL , LIME , ETC. Uro. C. Tottt.n , Pros , < 1ii.lMT ) iifto.\SxvtTreas , ( NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 214 S. 13th St Omaha , Neb. J. II. lln.UEUT , 1' . A. Proprietor. Manager. Nebraska Coal Mine Company OMAHA , M'.DUASKA. OIllco , 2U S. 13th St. Telephone 40. COUTANT & SQUIRES , Jealers in Hard and Soft Coal Best \arictiei. Olllre , S13S 13th S ) . Telephone No 14S > , Omaha , Neb. KO. P. l.viitun , Pici. C. I' , ( lomni.vs , V Prcs. J. A. Si MIHILIMI , See. & Tieaa. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Co , ulibuis of hard and floft coil , 20J .S. KHh Kt ,0iualia , JEFF W. BEDFORD , Coal , Coke. Lime and Stone , ) IIlee , 213 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. ranlg , Oth ami Da\cnpnrt , St. WINES and LIQUORS. " ' ' "GEO''W. DUNCAN Successor to McVAMtni fc UUNCIX , Importer * amiliolcn.ile Dealers In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 211 and 218 S. 14th St. , Omaha , N'ch. R. R. GROTl'B , Wines and Liquors , Vc-tcrn Agent Jo * . Schllt ? Rionln rCo. "JUS. Oth Street , Omaha. FRANK DELLONE & CO. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 10 ! and 1204 Douglas St. , Omaha , > cb. "actories r os. 4 and30 , Sd List. N. y. L. P. LARSON k CO. , ( Vliolesale Dealer in Whiskies. And Cifiam , and Ocn'l Afcnts for the riil'lp Bests' Celebrated Mllnaukeo ! * < ' < * , Omaha , Jscb ILER & Co , Distillers and Importers of Wines And I.lrmors. Solo Manufacturers of Kennedy's Kast India bitters. 1112 Ilarnej St. , Omaha , Nub. HENRY IIOUXBKRGEH , Wholesale Wines , Liquors , Cigars 13il DoiiKlas St. , Oniulia , Neb. CIGARS and TOBACCO /id / INTIII-OCIAV : : CIOAII r\crour WEsr k j-iUTsqiiEit , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And wholesale dojlers In Leaf Tobicc n. No. lOSand 110 N. J4ta S . , Omaha , Nth. MAX MEYER & CO. , T Jobbers of Cigars. Tobaccos , Qunj and Ammnnitlnn Hlfl taSf.TS. lltli St. 1020 to 101 rainani St.,0mnlm , Nub , IRON FIFE , ETC. Pumps , Pipe , and Engines , Steam , Water , Hallway and Milling biipi'lli-f , cte. ,110 , ! l2 ! , ' . > 4 1'arnaii St , iniaha , M b. COWING & CO. Hydraulic &Mechan'l ' Engineers. JnbbcrH In Iron I'K ! | > , Iron rittlnn , Irun and Itrass goodrt. Kni-liicerii silpjilliM , 14th and Dodgu SIM. , Uinaha , Neb. HARDWARE. Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , A. Wa on Stuck , Harduond lnml > cr , etc. 1209 and 1211 llarnvy tt. , Omaha , Neb. EDNEY & GIBBON Wholesale Iron , Steed Wagon And t'arcl't" ) Wood Flock , Heavy Hardware , Etc. , 1217 mid 1119 LetTonwotth lit , Omaha , Nob. MILTON ROGERS & SONS , Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mintlea , Or&teg , lr. ) a * ( laid * . 1321 and 1333 Far. mm Street. LEE , FRIED & CO , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Blunt Iron , Etc. Agcnta f ; r Ilowo Sc Ici > Powder Co. Omlhs , Nib. REG TOR & WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Jdlersuu Sited NalU Cor Uth and Harncj StcctH Omaha , Neb , FirK Packing. JAMES E. BO YD , Pork Packer anil Shipper , Omaha , Nebraska. Drugs Etc. II. T. OLAUKK DRUG COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , Jutberu d 1'alnti , Oil * , Wludou liluuj , etc.,1111 Hai Ht. , Omaha , jvb. | NOTIONS , ETO. , T. b. BRANDBIS SON. Wholesale Jo ! ) Lots , Dry Goods , Notlonf , Oint ' K < irnlft.l-eOo ln , OnoJd from Now Toik. TruilaSiltj U lly j too and MS South Uth at , , Uraaht. J , I Robinson Notion Company 40.1 ami 40.1 R 10th St. . Cnnh.i , NoK TMiolc ale dealers In Notion * luul ( IciitV rn OomK 0. S. (500DRIOII k CO. , French and German Fancy Goods 1 nnd .StAtloncrV Sundries 141.1 I'amam St. , Cmilin , cl. FURNITURE. DEWIY : & Wholesale Dealers in Furniture 1'fttii.MnSt , , Onnlm , Kcli , Wa-pu3 | nua ' ' . . . " . it' I'.lTlllt.lsllKI ) 1S.S. A. , T. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , 140 ! ) mid 14,1 Do.l . o Kt , l.m.lllfi , Nob. QUOOERIES , K. B , OIIAPMAN k CO. Wholesale FancyGrocers , Cigars , Tolnco and Smokcra A tl Jc , 1S17 HiwArd St. MKYKll k 11AAPKK , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , S.l(8 , Clprs ntul Tnlncco > . 1117 nil St. , Omohi , Ncbrtska. MoCOUD , UttADV k COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Jornur 10th ami rnrimn Strocti , Oumlia , Nclimsln. PAX TON , GALLAGHER k. CO. , Wholesale Groceries & Provisons No ? . 705 , 707.70D and 711 S , 10th St. , Onuln , Nob. HARNESS , ETO , VrELTY k LANDROCK , .Mnnufactiuers nnil Jobbers of Harness Saddles , , Saddleiy Hardware , Turf Roods , Ill.iiilvcts nnil llobos. Mli r.irnani Struct ( l.inia , NOD. Loatlior , H dn , i tc. SLOSIAN BROS. , Leather , Saddlery Hardware , mid Shoo findings , lllilci , Wool Tiirs , relt" , Orcaso , Talliinetc. . Omaha , Nch. DRY GOODS , J. J. BROWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods & Motions in. ! ! Douglas Street , Omaha , 1 ch. AGRICULTURAL IMPLBIEHTS. LfNTNGBlT k MKTOALF a ' ttnoLrs\tn Dealers in / gricul'l hiipleinents OlliLvCor. Gh ; anil i au k Sts. , Omaha , Neb. PARLIN , ORU.XDOUFF , "k " MARTIN. Pcileri In Agricultural Implements , V/agons / and I , Onuha , Neb. FLOUR , ETC , L. A. STEWART k CO. , Wholesale Flour Dealers , And tnnnufaclururs cf Illuminating and Lubricating OIN. L. A. STEWART k CO. , Manufacturers and Jobbers of Humiliating and lubricating Oils Wholesale 1 lour and Oils. Omaha , Nub. BRUNO T/SOIIUCK , Jr , A ( , ' < - ' t for J. C. Hoffmayr itCo. , Manf'rs Highest Grades of Flour ly Hollcru anil Hungarian Troicss. Warchouso 1213 Jones Street , C malm , Neb. LUMBER , ETO , LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , iv-li , Doors , etc. YanN Cor. 7tli nnd Dnugla.s , Cor Uth and LoiijUs. BOIIN MAMJFAOTURING CO. , lyianufacturers of Sash , Doors , ! llml , Motildln H , SUiirVorU nnd Interior Hard Wood rinisb. Jut ; iviicil. N. K. Cor. 8th and I.ciunnvorth Sts. , Omaha , Neb. ' O. LYMAN ! , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blintls , ninldlngs , Bulldliiif I'micr , 1U < - . South 13th Street , OnialmAeb. FRED W. GItAY , Lumber lime Cement Etc. Etc , , , . . , Cor. Otb and Dou lmSt. , Omaha , Nfii. GEO. A. HOA.GLAND , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber. Omaha , Nubraika. j. A. WAKBFIULD , Wholesale Luniher.iath.Shineles liliiij , ' I'JIIOIK , Hash , DIIOI-H , llllmU , MiiuMlntrs IKUtH , I'o.its , l.lmo , Ilastor , Hair , Ccniont , Ninth and Jimei , Umaha , Nub. CARPETS , S , A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , liittlnx-s , Curtain CIoodH , etc. , 143 ? 1'aniain Strict , Oinalm , Nub. Boots and Dhoss. W. V. MORSK k CO. , Jobbers of Boots nnd Shoes , 1310 KurnamStreet , Omalia , Neb , Manufactory , 118 Hummer St , Ucmton. Coil'ao and f plcos , OLARKK BROX k CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills ImiKirtcrH and uholcxalu dealerH in Teas , Colleen hjik-gs and C'luarMMaiaifactiirern of llaklnt ; I'uu- der , JUtractH , liliiln , Ink , Ktc. 1403 Doiilaa Kt. , Omaha , tvebraHko. Crockery. W. L. WRIGHT , A 'int fur tlio Manufacturers and liniwrteru f Crockery , Glassware ; I.ttiiipn , Clilinuoji , ttc % Olllce317H. 13thHt.Omaha , MlBcelUneouB , P. BOYKH & CO , Agents for Halls Sate & lock Go's | ru nnd Hurglar Proof Hales , 'llmo Liickn , Yunltti an.I Jail Work. 102J ritrimiu tit. , Linalm , Nib. L. 0. UUNTINGION & SON. Dealers in Hides , Wool , Tallow ; 11H J ; li80n Etrcet , Omaha , Nub. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , UawlineJlleik Axle UreoiM ) , etc. A , II. Ultlicji , ilaii , ( -ir , Omaha , cbr ka ,