Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1885, Image 2

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Browns Iron
Tin nuf-tlmi has tr ebiMj bwn mkM IhooianS *
ft tlniM.'Ho win Ilrmrn'n Iron Hltteri ear * erwr-
lain * ? " toll. It flow H. lint It do cam n dbmm
fr wnlehairpaUb'ephrrtclMi would prnerilwlKai
Fhrricianii r wnmirt Iron M the t * t rwrtorsUM
uent known to thn tirofwisltm. find Inqnlrr of ny
Kadlns chemical Hnr will unbrtantUto
ihxt there r raore r reparations of Iron than of
r MbBUnOT nsc-d In raecllcln * 1 hta ' ' " " ° ° n :
eleirlTolj tht Iron In acknowledge to b A" * TIT
ImpoTUnt factor In r ccossf al nodical rnctlee , ItU ,
bMdxehs. or rroJnre conftlpMlon nil other Iron
cnreiilnilliie llon lllllnnsiei3 , Wrnkn
Dynpopiiln , .llnlr.rln , Clilll * nnd Forem ,
Tlroil I'cclln r.UnornlJcljIUTrnln | In lh
Bide , Ilncltor I.lm tullrmlnclie nnd NenrmU
Hln forall the ailments Iron l > prctcrlbtd dafl/ .
mlnnlo. Uk all other thortmch tnodlcln * * , It a t *
uowlr , Whan taken by n * tbo flrat Ryrnptota of
benefit Is ronswnd en rjr/ . The mncclM then b * era
fjnn r , the dlff nlon IrnproTos , th * bowitli art attlr * .
la womtn tht erToct Is usually tnftro rapid and marked.
Th eje b Kln At enc to briijhtun ! the iktn cl ar *
op ! b allhi color eomM to ths ebeoksi n rronn < M
lUiappfani f auction al deraneementi btoom * r cu.
lar , and If ftnnnlnc mother , abnndant tns1 nanc *
h inppued for thn child. Itemcmber Brown'l Iron
nittrn U thn ON IVY Iron medlclns that la not la-
lonona.'Ayrtefantanif Vrufffffiti recommtml it.
vb Oennlna baa Trad * Mark and cro i a red llaw
mwrappar TAIUt NO OTHf.lU
.K3-A written guarantco of euro clvcn In every
cara undertaken ir-All consultations rrco nni
Nncrcil. lr. TUrke's Oolubratul lloolt oni
Writings ( In plain cm elopes ! ) two ntniupn.
" * 'D.eLUlKEH. D.,180 So.CI.AHKI ST. CHICAGO , ILL.
Indigestion Cured ,
I Buffered for mere than Dvo Tears with
tlon , fcaicoly nlilo lo retain tfco blmplctt fata on
inyj Btoniich. ThoUir n\ag \ eeneatton was almcst
liucluriljli' , and my unolo intem waa d
ivni wal-olul anilcocM net iltcp , nnd ccnscqucnllv
laoioorlcfli non ol soil the tlmo. I decline la fi'tih
mid Eiidcreil all the usual dcprctslon attendant upon
tblttertlb'udticaie In a word , 1 was mlrcrtblc. At
list fatlUgtollud rillit In tnjtln.'p ilao. I com
menced the ute ol Sv. . Ufa Ppccitc. I lifgni to lin-
IIIOYI ! atcnco. 'Jhom'dirloe Uncd up Uio a otu-
ocli , ltrecKthentd ttodlotetlvo ur arii , Bnileocnoll
tb'at Imrnlcpr ccaBod , acd I could retain food without
( Illllciilly. Now my health Is ; ooi ! , and can o t any
tblnzln thethnco cl food , end dlgeet it without
thonlljheet dillicultT. I moat cheerfully boar tills
letllmcny bocauBj there are hundreds buffering as I
was , and lam mto can bo DB read Iy healed. J'ako
the iireecrtbcd dcso alter oitln ; instead ct before.
JAlIKtmANM , Mo. U Ivy street.
JUlinta , Ca. , Stiy 13,18S5.
Trcatlao on lilooj and iklu disoisoi mailed ( roe.
ThoSnllt&pecIloOo. , Drawer3 , Atlanta , Ua. , or
N , Y. 167 , W.SSdSt.
* "
The Great Blood Purifier ,
iNas , TDMOIUJ , AUCUSSKS , ] ! LOOD 1'oiso.s'iNO ,
MATISM , and all blood nud skin discasca.
TT 003K'3 UEB CLOVKR 1'ILLS , Cure Hlek Head.
JLl aeho , Ij ppopsla , InillpOBtlcii , nnd Constipation ,
lloxod ofV6 rlll ' 'o cents ; 6boxcal. LOOSKS HBU
CLorr.nIMHllFur.DV , euro euro , fiCc per box. For
BalobyalldrugitUts. nr address J if. LOOSE & CO. ,
Monroe , JItoh. Send f jr tojtlrnoubli.
At lr etna. Trade tupplUd by J. A. Fuller & Co
Mudnjc I'reraatura Decay , Norvom IJebilltjr ,
ilanliooil. Ao.having tried In Tain eiory knoiin
rt > m < ly.ha dl coveroii n nlmpla raoani of eelf-mira ,
which bo will vnrl VKKK ta * jllow-nuirurora
* JdrB - .
I'ri'miiliir' llrctiiio rrornerrorsnrcxr < > vip ,
IiHtlu i ! : jitfaie of tint Kliliii'TM. llliuU
dor , mid IM-IINMIIU tiliinil riUMillvlilioiit
rMnnmoh Mfdlclnej by Iho Jlarston Bolus. Vii-
rlriioiiiu cuwcl without Biircc'ry. Trentlsoandtes-
tuuonliilHlrri' . All rorriaiKJlnloncn rnntlcleiitlal.
if > U - liltn Ctvaut "JCUV VOOK.
Man and Beast.
r Mustang Liniment is older thnn
most men , and used more and
more every year.
Stories ( fTOern Miners Who Believe
That Ghosls Go Prowling Aliinl ,
Carious Gold Discoveries Qnalnt
Stories About the Mines The
Tnlo Told hy a Forty-Nlner.
Salt Lake Tribune.
"Well , " said nn old miner , "I hare
never mot with cither Ooball , Gctull or
other such spirits in the Oomstock mines ,
but the boys have stories of the ghosts of
dead mon being teen In the old workings ,
Even now they toll cf the ghost of a man
aeon In the old npper levels of the uhol-
lar. A story Is going that not long since
a Ohollar minor wont wandering out into
an unfrequented part of the old works
where he mot n man wearing an old black
coat , a red s'llrt , gray pantaloons and a
soft whltp hat , As 119 minor would bo
dressed in this way the Ohollar man
thought some outsider had in some way
found his way into the mine through
tome old tunnel or drift , so ho sung out
to htm : 'Hollo , old follow , nhat are yon
doing in here ? "
" 'Hush , ' said the man of the rod
shirt ; 'don't glvo mo nwayl'
" 'Glvo you away , ' said Iho minor ;
'you'll have to bo given away in order to
bo hoisted to the surface. '
" 'But I don't want te go the surfucs.
I'm well fixed down hero plenty of all
kinds of liquors. '
"Tho miner now began to think EOUIO
thief had found a way into the old upper
works and made his den and storehouse
in some forgotten chamber.
" 'flow did you got in here with your
liquors ? ' asked tbo miner ,
' 'Curlonsly enough , ' caid the rod-
shlrlcd man , 'You remember the tlmo
the big cave occnrrod that swallowed up
Wood & Goa'a otord ? '
" 'Yes , but that wai nearly twenty
years ago. '
surrosEn HE WAS DEAD.
" 'Wall , no matter. Too ovonlng Ihtvt
Wood & Goo'a stora onddeuly dropped
cnn hundred nud fifty feet into the
buwcls of the earth I was lying drunk In
the back room where they kept thptr
liquor ; . I bad slipped In there , found o
barrel on tap and helped myself co often
that I vas unable to got ont , eo I crawled
into a corner nud want to sloop. When
the big cave ciim and the store dropped
nearly two hundred feet Into the ground
I went with It and have boon down her
over nluco. '
" 'Why , ' imu the miner , 'when th
store went down It tock fire ; the lire ecu :
panics poured ocoata of watar into th
ground had you been there sa yon sa ;
you mutt bavo bcon cither roasted o
drowned. '
"Well"said the rod-shirtod "
, - man ,
do recollect of burning and suppose
am dead , but that needn't prevent you
from taking a dring with mo. '
"Tho minor stll thought scmo tramper
or thief had by BOIUO means found 111
way into the mine and WAS getting off
joke about having gene down with the
old store , therefore when the rod-shlrt-
cd man produced a bottle from the tal
pocket ho was about to accept it. Ba
iust then the man of the red-shirt said ,
As you will EOUII be a neighbor to ns , I'l
est call McLaughlln , who is near where
[ amand wo'Jl both drink to your better
iCqnatntanco. ' He then cried : 'Gomo
town ont of your hole , Mac , hero is
man who will conn bo our neighbor. '
"A queer , ohullllug Bound was beard ,
and a moment aftur a grinning skeleton
Apparently only hold together by a bun-
llo of old clothes , came shufillng for
anosrs IK COMPANY.
" 'Why did you come In that shape ? "
rled ho of the red shirt , 'didn't I tei :
ou that I had compan } ? ' and hlmsoll
changing into a skeleton the rod-shlrtsd
> host grasped the neck of the bottle in
ils bony hand and hurling Itat the
other skeleton shape it was dashed to
pieces against the rocks.
"Tho miner who had this ghostly ox
terlonca was found lying insensible on
ho floor of an old drift by his compan-
ons and did not recover un'il ' after ho
was carried to the surface. Ho then told
lis story and declared that fie two skel
etons hid chisad him about In the old
! rifts for an hour find n hr.lf , much of the
hue ono of thorn riding on his back.
"Tho minors lanched ; at this story , it
> alng their opinion that the m < m had
; ono into a roruoto part of the mine
where there were decaying tlmbaro and
varions kinds of lungas , thu gasjcs and
omenations from which had reiidorcdbirn
inconscloua aud temporarily disordered
lie brain ,
"However , when within a week the
man was o&vad on and instantly killed In
a part of tbo mlno adjacent to whera tbo-
itoro had gene down some of the minors
> egan to think moraeorionalyof the mat
or. Old miners remembered that many
years ago n miner named Mclaughlin
vas lost in a cave In the aaruo vicinity ,
whoso remains were never recovered.
"Of late aovornl Ohollar miner * have
sicrtcd that when olonu iu distant drifts
.hoy have Been a man approaching them
weiring a red shirt and holding n battle
xpnndcd In his right hand , but no one ,
lowovor thirsty , has romatnod to take a
'nip" with the ghost that revels In the
aclioi stock cf the old atoro. Others
latm that when near the epot where the
Id Btoro lies burled they have heard the
link of glasses , wild laughter and
notches of aong the red shirt and his
orapanlons at their revels in tbo old IIq-
or room. "
Said an old-timer sitting near at hand :
'I never saw a ghost under grouud or on
ho surface , but 1 once made a pretty
; oed ralso whuro I at first thought 1 had
found a dead man. I was prosposting
low n in Arnador county , California , and
Before I found anything th&t would pay
I was taken sick. I found shelter with
mrno rcincrs who were working oouio
ihallow but very rich cnrfaco minor , and
though thosa men attended to all my
irants as faithfully as if I hud been a
Brother , it was two weeks before 1 WSB
kblo to get about the cabin , then for a
iveok nil I was able to do wan to cook the
neals of the men who had given me
ihtHer. This they all said was fmo and
leclarad I could stay with them for all
, lmo if I would do the cooking , a kind of
ivotk none of them liked. They called
no their old woman and aworo there was
lot such another cook in all California.
"Alttoagh I bated cooking , I was glad
.0 . do that work for these boy * , for all
vero kind and blg-hoartcd , though their
pa'u ' and jukca wcrn of ten such uu to ro-
nlnd ouo of eo inar-y cunts , In the
lulliugi ccd buffelings they gave ono
i'oilier they wrra like grizzly boars at
day , yet whllo I was sick they lifted inn
nto and ont of my bed as tenderly as if I
tad been n cow-burn infant. Often ono
r another cf them after a hard day's
rcrk tni tramped to the noarcit town ,
wo mlles away , to net roe medlclno or
oxo llttlo article of food that they
thought I would relish. Their diggings
paid them over $5 a day to the man and
my prayer was that they might never
'peter out. '
"Although I still continued to cook for
the bo ] i after I was able to travel about
n little , I managed to do some wotk with
a pan and c.'aviclng spoon. The cabins
of my friends stood on the banks of a
small creek , though tholr diggings were
in a flat nearly half a roito distant. The
crock hid once been very rich , but had
been worko I out years beforo. All along
It stood baltered and dilapidated old
thako cablut. In aomo places where In
the early days there had boon hamlets of
ten or a d zaa cabins , saloons or stores ,
little remained except the crumbling
stone and stick chimneys.
"In panning and crovlclng I not gained
apootito and strength , but also some
money , as I frequently made from $2 to
$3 per day and did the cooking for the
"Ono day after dinner I wcnb np the
crack about a mile and seated myself on
a rock to i at. Across the stream on the
opposlta tunk were the remains of tbreo
or four eld cabins. Some of these had
almost tumbled into tbo crook from the
wearing away of the ground on that sldo.
Whllo musing in regard to the probable
fate and present whereabouts of those
who had formerly occupied the cabins , I
observed that part of tno firo-plao of a
near cabin had tumbled down the bank
toward the crcok and that the foot of an
old gum boot WAS sticking out of the dirt.
"For a time my thoughts ran upon
other parts of the scene before me , but
presently the old boot again caught my
cyo. It aoomod to project from bono it a
the utonos forming the hearth of the old
chimney. I thought it was strange that
any man eltonld have laid his hearth ever
au old gum bot. Then It occurred tome
mo that some man might have boon mur
dered and burled under tbo hearth.
"Crossing the crook to the old ohlm-
ncy , I found that tha foot oE the old
baotprojsctod from nndes K largo iht
ctono tuat was still in plaao. I lifted
the stone aud found that there wai only
ouo bjot there , and no sign of n human
skeleton , nor bones of any kind. I
kicked the old boot down the bank and
than took a pan of tllrt and asheo out of
the old firaplnca , ai I had in in
stances tnaela pretty fair -.rikao in old
heartho , for it is well known that the old
minors were often careless and loft a
good deal of fmo cjold in ratortlngit
burn ing out the quicksilver it contained
on shovels. As I was passing down the
bank 1 came to Iho old boat and , in passIng -
Ing , gave it another kick , sending It al
most into the urcok. It landed log down
hill and from the and poured a golden
shower of nuggets and dust.
"In a moment I throw the dirt out of
my pan and reversed tha boot over it ,
when out tumbled two largo buckskin
bigs filled with gold dust. So long had
the treasure lain concealed under the
hearth that the strings with which the
bags were tied had rotted , and ono gave
way under the kicks that I had baatowcd
upon the old boot. Whoa all the gold
was gathered up I found that I had
nearly § 2,000. "
AHtontshcel tbo Household.
Mr. Guy West , 010 Shelby street ,
Louisville , Ky. , cays : "My wifa suffer
ed for uino months with inflammatory
rheumatism in her sides and face. The
first application of St. Jacobs Oil gave
her relief. . In a week she astonished the
iiousohold by getting breakfast. "
Us Present Appoarnco Not Unlllca
Dcfoo'a Porir.iyal VUltetl Dy
Many People.
aJenia of the Chicago Intor-Oooan ,
Opposite tbo harbor of Valparaiso
jtano's the Island of Juan Fernandez ,
lacrcd tothomnmory of RoblnconOrusoo ,
"and bis man Friday , who kept thing i
tidy and listened to the tales his mastur
told. " There isn't a boy whera the Eng
lish tongao is spoken , who hum't road a
ioEcrlption of this island hotter told than
L am able to glva it , and it it only nooa-
iary to ssy that Daniel Dofoc , or who
ever wrota the book , mast have studied
the place with great attention or had Iho
aland created ta suit the picture ho gave
) fit.
The little harbnr is thora , with Its
recks and oovos , jtnt as it was when
[ loblnsan wont ashore ; tbo cave is In
; oed order still , aud thu cliff t up whlcn
10 and Friday used to chass the moun-
.aln . goati. The goats are there and tha
; rmadillog , the birds of wonderful plum-
go and the cr.twfuh amon. ; the recks.
2very boy In the United States who haa
ead the story recently could go all over
bo place without R guide acd find every-
hlng except Robinson himself and the
ilthfnl Friday.
The island belongs to Ohlll and is
eased to a cattle company , who have 20-
100 or 30,000 head of cattle and an many
mra sheep graz'ng ' over the hills. There
ire about fifty or alxty inhabitant.1rinch-
non vrlth their families , under the charge
> f a Frenchman natno-1 C rarer , and bo-
ides the stock they r.x'uo n quantity of
loultry and uhlp chlckuns and eggs , with
omo vegetables to the Valparaiso mark-
it. The timber ou the Island Is rstii to
> o cf an excellent quality bat is not
auch used. No oao ever goes there
rithout bringing away a omo or two as a
aomouto , and the brush from whiah
hese canes are made ia of very beautiful
tbro and polishes well. Excursions go
iver frequently from Valparaiso and the
utorctt in Robinson Otuaoo'a experience
s much stimulated by those who come
bis .
woret caeca rolloved nnd
lecommepded by leading Physicians. Sold
iy Druggists aud Grocera.
Ilirco ICliida of Xoothftoho.
"opultir Science Monthly.
For ordinary norvona toothache , which
i mused by tbo notvona Bpstom being
ut of order , or by excessive fatigue , n
ery hot bath Trill BO aootho the nerves
bat oloep will naturally follow , and ,
pen getting up , the patient nil ! fool
inch refrothed , and the toothache will
u n thing of the paor. For what ia
norm as "jaraplng" toothache , hot , dry
aniiol applied to the faca and neck la
ery eiTectlro. For common toothache ,
'huh is c&uactd by indlgoUlori , or by
trong , awoet rtold , or anything very hot
r cold , in a decayed tooth , a little plcoa
f cotton Htosped in strong camphor or
il of clovea la the host remedy. o
Don't ho Hard
n Iho car drivers and condnotorr. Don't
rder thorn about , or epealc harshly to
icm. They are overworked and under-
aid men , exposed to all aorta of weuthor
ad to everything ctlcalat&d to rob them
E their health. Th < y auiTsr from rhea-
uthm , neuralgia , liver complaint , and
imotlmoj from gonor&l prcalratloa.
lown'a Iron Bitten In tha very thing
ir thorn. Dr. G. N. Robcrtaon of Elm
rove , N. 0. , Bays , ' I prcaoiibo Brown's
ron IMttera , and find it all it la rooom-
tended to bo , " It cures djapepiia ,
eabruaj snd malaria.
Speedy Disposition for tlioDny c.f the
Belt I.Ino nnd Smith Cases in
the United Htiuua Court.
Judge Dandy convened court in chsm-
bin at 10 o'clock yesterday nioiniug.
The Injunction ult of the Union Pa-
cifio BRaJnst the Belt railway was firat
taken to the cDart's consideration and
the casa put fairly under way. Mr.
Poppleton , ilia legal ropreeontatlvo of
the plaintiff , blocked proceedings , how-
tvcr , by aubmUtlag sorotal nQidnvlts nnd
the defendants nnablo , or nnwllllng to
roprota their cariosity to tea the papers ,
asked and obtained a stay of proceed
ings until to-morrorr morning at 10
These nflidnvlta are eight in number ,
and are undo by the folio wing gentlemen ;
A , J. 1'oppletoD , Attorney of Union Pacific.
J. M. Tlmrston , nsBiatnnt attorney of
Union 1'aciflo ,
3. H. Cnllawny , general manager of Union.
F. U. Brown , cashier of Union Pacific.
Kraitus Young' , auditor of Union Pacific.
Leavltt Buinhnin , land commissioner of
Union Pacific.
P. J. Nichols , formerly superintendent
Nebraska division Union Pacific.
Guy U , llorton , pronident of the Omaha nnd
Grant Smelting and JleGnlncj company.
The allidavits filed are tor the purpose
of supporting the allegations of the bill of
complaint to the cflioat that In the organ
ization of the Belt Hallway company , S.
II. H. Olark and ataoclatca acted , for the
benefit of andlntho Interest of the Union
Pacific , end that the nubscrlptlon to the
capital stock by Fred Li. Amos , of Bos
ton , was for the benefit of the Union Pa-
el fla company and was paid out of the ,
Union Pacific treasury.
Judge Dandy then turned to the cele
brated "Smith case , " aa it la best known ,
and the interested spocUtora who filled
the roar of the room edged forward as
far as they might dnro and stood on at
tentive tip-toe. Mr. Frank , the clerk ,
aroao nnd road n letter from William
Wollaco of the Omaha National bank ,
endorsing A. II. Leonard cs a r-jeponai-
bio party and recommending the accept *
atica of Laonard'a § 77,000 cisti bid. E.
Tilton wna announced aa withdrawing hU
bid of S85.5GG. The court then announced
that 0. DJVoolworth , the receiver , hod
filed hU inventory , appraising the stock
at § 117,000. Jndg3 Dundy concluded
thta nunouncomout by declaring to th
various bidders the privilege of ozamln-
lug the details of the inventory and the
withdrawal of all or snbmis&lon of now
bida by 10 a. in. to-day , as they
choB3. Furthermore , if the attorneys
falloii to agroa by tlut tlmo upon tome
bid p.s the snccetsftil one , the court
would order Mawhal Biorbawor to dis
posa of tiu ! contested stock at public
auction , under the hammer , with a red
flag , a boy and a bell and an " 0 , yes1'
which will catch the oars of Couucl !
Then court was adjourned for the day. .
albeit it was only 11 o'clock.
HOP inrrEiis
Hon. John L. Webster , as rcprescnta
tlvo of the Hop Bitters company , ol
Rochester , N. Y. , altered action
yecterday against the H. T. Clarke
Drug company , of this city , to
restrain the firm from the further sale of
a prepared mcaiciiio Iccown as German
Bop Bitter. ! , and made and bottled in
Imitation of the platntlfl'd proprietary
patent. The latter nostrum la manufac
tured by ono Collotlnus D. Warner , of
Detroit , and Mr. Webster in hi ) present
suit is supported by the decisions of Chief
Tustico Stanley Matthotre , and Judges
arcs am and Woods in eimllur actions
Qroaght at Datiolt , Chicago and Indiau-
ipoll ; .
The Favorite Washing Compound of
, hn day is unquestionably JAMKS PYLK'S
L'KAKLINK. It dispenses with theneceaei
, y for teatlcg or rubbing the clothes , and
iocs not injure the fabric.
1UU Notes.
The Union Pacific pay car wont ont
'eateriay , Assistant Superintendent
Savons In cbargo.
Assistant Freight .Agent McMillan , of
ho Union Pacific , delayed his health
onrney to Colorado until this morning.
Mr. PJckcrlll is otlll visiting in lota
, nd the work upon the Union Pao fie ac-
icconntu is prosecuted by Meiers. Walker
, nd Miok.
Saporlntondent Dorranco , of tbo
Jnion Pacific , leaves shortly for the
The boya at the Lcadqnartcrs bold that
Jleutcnant Woodo , of the telegraphic
lepartincnt will not return alone from
The charter for a railroad styled "Tho
ansas , Nebraska & Dakota lliilwoy
Jompsny" hai been filed at Topeka ,
umi. The estimated length of the road
11,000 mlle > , running from Fort Scott ,
Cans. , through Topeka , Kaua. , and Lin-
oln , Neb , to Blimarck , D. T. , and tbo
apltal stock Is $5,000,000. The special
eleqram upon the matter concludes :
The prospect of the road being built is
tow bettor than at any tlmo In the pint ,
onncotlng , &s it would , the coal fields of
gnthesstora Kansas and the grain tioldo
if Northwoitern Kansas and Nebraska ,
living tbo latter a market south over the
ilemphls system nud catt over the Mia
ouI Pacifio , while along its line would
lo mtny of the best cities of Kant as.
? heeo are all f rciblo arguments , which
iavo made the scheme a favorite ono
.morg . capitalists , and It is believed that
ho present organization means basinets , "
The Missouri PaolGo offer ] special
ates to all members of the fraternity in
Tobraska who dotira to attend the Beta
'beta Pi convention to be hold at S : .
/onto on the 20th icst.
The Northwestern finds its latest &d-
ortlslng schema in blanketing express
orncs with decorated banners unnoano-
ig the location os the road's local oilico
b No. 1411 Farnam street.
cfl'jrta of the pollco to enforce tha
iayor' < latctt order commanding the
losing of stloons at midnight and th
ipoalcd arrest of 0 , 8. Iligglns have
irakenod pnblio Intere&t to tbo ma'ter ,
[ | ggiue > , from his apparent tt'.itudo
; alnst the law , naturally gets the woret
'It In public opinion and a atatemou
om his sldo for what U Is worth , la only
tr.In conversation with a reporter
r these columns , JaiJIga Uatres , who Is
le of the attorneys for Jlr. C. 6. Hig-
ns In the controversy with the marshal
Mr pending In the p/lico court , said :
" 1 dojiro , If it is potBlblo , nnuspfmloa
pnb'.lo opinion upon the merits of thli
, so until suoa time na It dhall be auju >
cjtoi by the proper tribunal , Mr.
Higeins lug connsollod not only with me
but with other attorneys , nnd Is informed
that he has not violated cither municipal
or state law. Ho has no dcslro to ap
pear in the attitude of mi obstructionist
or tJ defiantly nrr y himself against at ;
legal authority. Whenever the courts
shall Interpret the aci under which those
arroata bavo been made , ho will not only
willingly but most cheerfully comply
with the decision. Mr. Hlggliu ,
when ho was arrested yesterday
morning demanded an Immcdla'o '
trial , but Mr. Oonnoll , the city sttoruoy ,
requested before bo loft that the ctses
against Ulgglns should not bo tried until
his return. Judge Like , who Is acting
city attorney , upon tha application of
Judge Ilawcs to appear and prosecute
thcso cases , declined to do so unless ho
was requested by the mayor or pollca
judge. The courtesy existing between
attornrya necaesarlly delays any trial
until the return , which will bo about tha
first of next month. "
Board of Kiu ll/.atton ,
The board of equalization hold a moot
ing Monday night. Among other bnslnots
transacted , the assessment on ICO acres
on Sherman avenue known as the
Kountzo tract was raised $50 an acre , and
the asioetmont on the Iladlckmansion on
Saunders was doubled.
The question of raising inonoy for the
general fund in order to prosecute the
wotk of grading this year TVUS also dis-
cusiod n , qaltn a length. It socmod to
bo the general nonsa of the board th&t the
assessment on all city property ought to
ba ralsod from 20 to 25 per coat this year ,
In order to throw into the general fund
the $20,000 the city ought to expend -
pond this ycsr in doing necessary grad
ing. The money raised for tbii assess
ment would bu divided , in duo proportion
tion among tbo different funds , and iiuxt
year thoru would bo a snrplua in all the
dilfarout funds , so that the arssaauiont of
188G would bo correspondingly avuallcr.
That is to say , although the property
owners would bo required to stand an
extra amount of taxation Uls year , they
would dimply bo making payments fir
next year , in advance.
A committee oomsistlr.g of Mo a art' .
Balloy , Boohel and Goodrich has bcon
appointed to dlicnss the matter and re
port to the boatd at its next sotslon ,
Thursday evening. It is understood that
their report will bo In favor of the gen
cral increase of as-iessmant already Indi-
citod. Ono of the members of the com
mlttoo in conversation with a reporter
to-day eald that the board could not undertake -
dortako the task of systematically equal
izing taxes , raising hero and lowering
there It would require too muh tiino
and labor.
JUIldcDrnnd 1'jml ,
Quito a romantic msrjlago occurred at
the corner of Twenty-second and Suward
streets Sunday afternoon at 12:30 : o'clock.
Mr. 0. W. nildobrmd , a salounui at
M&rtln'a Installment atoro anxiously
awaited the arrival of the eastern trains
at the Transfer in Council Bluffs , in the
morning. The train came in on time
and Mica Emma PJU ! alighted , having
made the long trip alone from Blairsville ,
Penn.tomoet bar lever , Mr. Hlldc-
brand. The couple Immediately re
paired to the newly fornlsncd house on
Twoniy-secaDd and Seward street , Ihelr
prospective homo , where Mr. and Mrs.
M. F. Marlia , Mr. Wm. Kelley and the
pastjr of the Seward street Mothudist
church , Rov. Mr. Marjh , were lu watt-
Ing. Tbo csrcmooy was performed
without further delay.
Mr. fliidebrand is to bo congratulated
upon securing such a plucky little lady.
The BEG wlahea the couple a happy life
The "West 1'oint Creamery.
Mr. Clinton Powell , representing A.
S. Potter , the rocelvarof tha West Point
Creamery asioclatlon , mulj aa applica
tion to Judge Dandy yesterday , fur an
order directing the transfer of certain
monies placed In special funds to ba used
In running the croamory. It soomi that
jjmoof tbo mortgigod property belong
ing to thu association has been converted
ind placad Into a special fund which is
now belog litigated over. This money
Judge Dandy ordered to the nso of the
isioalation. Ho also authorize ! the re
viver to borrow § 2,000.
It is aild that tao cream ry ii now
lolng well , but that from present pros
pects it will ratnaiusDinotima yet in tbo
iaude of thu receiver.
Clio Boat EnUorHorn uru ltanlc Tlicru-
An endorsement of the high reuu'e which
t deservedly er joyn at liana ( whete It follows
he even toner ot its way ) , u etiown bv the
nctjjoldly advertised ay the world famed
ouialona State Lottery , that The New Or-
eana National Bank. Louisiana National
Jauk , State National Bank or Cermaala
National IJauk , all leading Banks of Now
Jrleanr , La. , will receive any registered let-
PIS or postal orders acconiDanyini ; oidcrs ,
Cho nexe drawing ( the ISItb ) , will occur on
Tuesday , SepteirJjsrS , for any information of
yhich ndJrtE3 ( M. A. Dauphin , New Ot-
flans , La.
Disobeyed tlio Order.
Mr. 0. S. niggioa wont through the
ally operation of being arroatad yesterday
loriiing un ascaunt ot having bis wln-
owa obicurod nltar midnight. Ho
poedily gave bDnd and wan rckasod.
Frank Kaspar and Sholrleck , two
aloon mon on South Thirteenth street ,
croarrested ycatordavou a chargoof sell
: ig liquor after 12 o'clock Monday
Jght. They were released on bill.
Marsbnl Ouuicaings and his men ro-
ior ( that with thoia few oxooptlons , the
mayor's order was obeyed by every ailoon
lan in the city la it night. The mirahal
iys that ho is datormlned to puah the
gnt if it takes him all Hammer to bring
ijo iloon mon to au uaderiUndlug of
tiu fact that strict obedience to tbo law
; ill be required of thorn.
Colored TlilovcH ,
The police say the town la jutt now
olng invaded bjr a gang of small colored
blevea from Kantaj Oity , Si. Joe and
jfavciiivorth , who are already getting In
lielr wicked work ,
Bud Smith , a young bodb'ack ' who
tolo n suit of clothes from Motz , the
uootd band dealer on Douglas street ,
lontlrty night , wa * arrested yoiterday.
Vlll Kennedy , Sam Wilson , Will Wells
obn Jaclcton , four other obon-hued
jsinps , were jailed /or snatching a purge
ontaiuing $25 , from nu old lady near tbo
cpot)09tuuUy morning ,
TThcn H bj naa elci , we are her Castorla ,
'VTlieo ( lie wu a Child , ebe criotl fur Castorla , l
WLen aba became llba , alia clung to Castor ! * ,
Ono of tiin Most
Hvcr Known for ( ho Sin Inn of
RU Coin Dlianrcrod Near
GorinniiUm'n A WnRon
Load ot Costly Ma
Philadelphia News.
John DnlTy , alias Dnfliold , alias
Snyder , ono of the moat i xpeil counter
feiters in the ouulry. who ha ) elcoaily
served two terms , was arrested lastnlght ,
and a complete counterfeiting mill , the
largest over found In Philadelphia , wni
discovered at his homo In Sumuorvllle ,
noarGcrmautown. William n. Saruaman ,
who la alleged to have been Duffy's no-
compllco aud financial bicker , wai also
For the past ton months Duffy has
bson living lu n amall two-story houao nt
the corner of Wisner and Qodfroy streets
Four months after ho wont to live there
the United Slntoa authorities recnvoi
Information that Duffy , und torrcd by
tbo punishment already sulTdred , was
carrying on his old tricks on n larger
scale than ever before. Tha Information
also pointed to Satsaman as an accom
plice. Acoordiogly thiir movements
were watched , with the results that yoi-
terday afternoon bath mon were placed
nndcr arrest. United Statis Da'ootlvo '
Scanlan and Oblnf of Polios Kelly , no
oonipanlod by United Statns Deputy
Marshall Iloutcr and Ditoolivo Peter
Miller , sot out for Gormtntown , armed
with warrants Isiuod by n Uuited States
commlsinnor. They waited until DutFp
came ont of the houto and then placed
him under arrest on the charge of coun
Ho fcleaod aurprlec Mid brgan to thaw
fight when a motion was made to search
him , attempting to got rid of thu coin in
Ills posscesiou. It was no DEO , hnwo.ver ,
and when nis pockets were gnno through
a number of first clars counterfoil half
doll&ra manufactured from Gorman silver
were discovered. Ho wts taken Inside
whllo a search win made of ibo houso.
Nothing particular was found on the
Tint 11 ior , but on going up stalls and on-
terinu a eecond-stury hack room the mill
was discovered. At fust eight the room
presented the appsarauco of n mnchino
shop There wai a complete outtit for the
nanukcturo ol counterfeit coin , couslst-
ng of screw prtssea , foot Itthoa , milling
mi chinos , burnisher * , steel dies for half
dollars , aud every other appliance neces
sary for clothing.
There were also fcuud ovar 2,000
plaucbcttca of half-dollars , consisting of
; ho plain coin cut frjm the metal and
milted , but yet unstamped. No plating
wag required , owing to the inotal used
being Gorman silver. A lot of partly
finlahcd coin was found In the buroa1
drawers , nnd there was n largo quantlt ;
of Gorinsu silver in sheets. A larg
wagon woa procured to convey the ma
chinery ti the Twenty-second Dlstrio
station house , where the prisoner wa
taken. Dull ? made no statement. Th
evidence against him Is conclusive.
After the arrest of Duffy the dstective
proceeded to where Saaaaman is octen
slvoly engaged in the tobacco business a
2204 Illdge avcnno.
A watch was put on the promises
Sasaaman was scon to outer his placa o
business a1. G o'clock , and the detectives
followed him and arrested htm , firs
reading the warrant and explaining the
char o , Ho was searched , bat no coun
tcifuit money was found on him.
There was a paper found in his pea
sotsion , however , which the detootiven
balievo will provo Lin to havu been nol
only an nccompltca of Duffy , but the
financial backer of the enterprise. This
paper is nn agreement with Purvlc , the
machinist , Forty-second street and Elm
avenue , for a largo press costing noarlv
$300. .Tha ( Ijcatneat was in the hand
writing of SasaamitJ , and ho did not deny
that bo had drawn it up.
"For what purpose wea that press in
tended ? " he waa atked.
"It was to ba used for the purpcsa cf
striking oil Grant medals , " ho replied.
' Was it not used In counterfeiting ? "
"If It wai uszd for such a purpose I
have no knowledge of It"
Ho was then aekcd If ho know John
Da fly , and replied In the negative , but
said ho know John Snydor.
Ha weuld not say to whom the ms-
chlno was delivered from Iho * m&cblno
ihop , but tbo detotlvcs know that It did
not work properly nud wan eont to an
other shop for alteration. It WHS not
found among thn machinery in Doily's
house , but tbo tfficers helidvo tin y will
have no difficulty in locating i1- .
SasBsman waa taken to the county pris
on and will have a hearing with Dully
bt fjro a United Sratas ccmojiflalonar on
As already stated , Daftia an old of
fender , and served two terms in the cast-
am penitentiary for counterfeiting. Ho
wns arrested first in 1873 , on the chargu
} f engraving a fifty cunt curroicy plato ,
md on bsing convlc od was oautouced t )
; hroo Jews' imprisonment.
Scarcely waa ho out of the prison than
10 startart a counterfeit mill at Myrtle
ivenuo , West Philadelphia , nearly ns ox-
.enslvo its that now broken np. When
10 was arrcstod at that tlmo thu machln-
ry captured weighed throe or four tons.
! t consiatod of hthr.i , dies and other ap-
) li < incos of the boat kind. His conviction
ollowud hia arrest nnd ho served a term
> f five years in the Eastern penitentiary ,
ilnoj his release , np to six months eg } ,
lathing is known of him. Ho then slur -
id into the mint business again more ox-
onalvely than over before. Hi > nudaei-
y did not carry him through , however ,
md bo bids fair to spend several years
uoro of bis life within the prison walh ,
A Grout Surprint ) .
Is in r > fore for all who we Kemps' Bulsam
or tbe throat and IUDRS , thereat guaranteed
eiuedy. Would you believe that It ia sold on
ta merits and that each diinrpUtli nuthoruad
o refund your money hy the Proprietor of
his front wundeiful remedy if it fails to cure
our Hchoeter & llecht , drugRists , No. 211
oth at. , have Rccured tlie agency for it. 1'nca
OcandSl , Trial tizejrtc.
Five-Dollar Hill Can Do.
few York Times.
The possible profits of an Investment of
five-dollar bill correctly were beautifully
llastrated In the reinltnof the racing at
ifonmciith Park Saturday. Uunpose ,
or instance , a man had made up his mind
Saturday to put $5 in the books on a
.orso in the first race , and , in the event
f winning , to plaoa the aggregate earn
n a choice ) In the second race und BM on
hrough the romttniag five raccH , such an
xhUmlou of pluck and luck would have
iolded H tremendous fortune. For In-
tanco , Panlqua in the first race would
ave , at ndiia of two to one , returned the
wcstor 815 In the aggregate , This turn
n Preoluea , in the second race , at odds
f thrco to ono , would have brought hick
GO , mil tbo latter sum on Richmond , at
no and n half to one , would nave > loldod
310. Rica won the fourth raso , and
onld bdvc , at six to on * , run the to al
nlcningb" up to 81,470. To p UDJJO
irihcr sni ploco ihU amuint ua ttio
iono Btur ttabb's Bill Htorritt at odds of
fteen'o o r , a total tf § 23,020 , would be
at Iho command of thobot'nr ' , Mid should
ho have gnno ahead , pursuing the eamo
policy and placed his money , in the sixth
MOP , on Sister , agninut whom the odds
were fifteen to one , $370.320 would bnro
been the ronlt.
And nor , if the bDokmakors wtw not
til broken , and their oneruy content to
quit , his agRregatn gains on Gonfalon , nt
tix to ono , would have run up n craud
total of $2,034,240. But it ! well enough
such mid Individual did not go to Monmouth -
mouth Park Saturday , for his success
would have broken the bookmakora , a
calamity not at all doiirod by thn ' "rdes
who nro vainly solving to got oven buforo
the season closes , Yes , it is jus1. AH well
that the same five-dollar bill Intended for
the races was lost on the Ohlciuo Biso
B H Club.
Rheumatism Neuralniaj
, Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache. Toothache ,
. .
, .Si-iililH , K'roil llllrw ,
* " IITIln' IIIIIIII.Y rms * MI Aims.
i .n.l . I > ( . lm t , rr lii.tN Uny CeuU butt
TIID ciiAiii.r. A. vouii.iu : : co.
. , ri la A. \ OOlirjl ft C0. UalUmorr , ! . , t. 3. A.
I 7 "I . Inirn k > Si 'i'i"
JOMHI.O ; " ' .clulgcni * ti.ebi t.-oi . . . -j.
n t < -I1-at - 0'ei".o ' ' " -liHy , c'imu. ' . .
j 't'cl.nnrr. . > ; . ; , j ra , - n. fcueli Ot.n's l
I'-in h'f ' < if'ltj t st'tatua i of -
* iitlin , / M rr - iijiraodr o nt AI
; -.ur.i fyruo-J ivs1 : ' M ruei'-.i .a. , tl
" " ' ' " " " ' ' " " " " ! > ' "
V" 'V'.Vi ' . - $ ?
, . . . 111 .
\ PQuiii ; p Vritteii7un / 'inl -
M * t- * ta * > Ol < M * . B"llui Jfffr * * , ' JWC
.if i <
i .
f | Chartered by thcStateof Illi-
'tnols for thecxptcss purpose
'of ' giving Immediate relielin
jail chronicurinary and prl-
jvatu diseases. Gonorrhcca ,
nplicmed forms , also all
diseases of Che Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
reriranentlycurcd by rcme-
. dics.tcstcdlnaFortifl'rars
. -bnciitll'r < ictre , Seminal
weakness , iNiijht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , i > 'jslllt'ililcur > 'itTticro
ixno cjciicriiiiriitliKi , The appropriate remedy
is at once used in each case. Consultatljns , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
Of en , tbluires leuvoi tlio Ht.lo cUM In i.oh occn-
litlon that It cannel asalmilato toIy < I .oda Such a
; no should t once commrnco tl o I.BO ff RlJ o'a
7ooJ R a ilally licit. It u ill lorn restore ttiodlirts-
Ivo organs to tbelr condition , nudU11 ( ; lvo
ill needed tt'onRtli A'l ' tin tiiltts Boll It , and loire
; rocera. Put up In I ut size' , Jfio. , audupwurdg.
Crlangor Bavaria I Cu'mbachcr ' Bavarl *
llener Bobemlan | Knlucr . . . . .IJromon
2nilwelser .St. Loula I Anliauscr Bt.I.ouls
Jcut'a jUUwaukon | Bohlltz.lMener.&llltraulica
Irug'e. . , . Omnh | Ale , Porter , Domoptlcand
Rhino Wluea.
3D MAUEER , 121 3 Parnain St ,
TIi Original mill Only ( ' iiuliir.
lfontf Alwn > ) i KrlUMf ! ' . < arc of worl Illirn Inittfttlont.
In li.MH-nnl.lo In L/\nEO. | A t. i r Ilril | ; l t tit
"t'hU-liei'tiT'itlTiiBll'li ' " " ' I"1" " h ' 'iuito ' < o.
litHtniii' ) tn ii f' > r ii.iriK nliir- lit frlter t > v rrttirn nilllu
. < lililici'lrr Hicinli-nl Co
" " " ' '
UiftbWiiilliHiiiMiiiuri- . l'liltai-l'n.
At the olil elan 17 Funam St. Orders \ > J telo.
rapli solicited and | | > romplly attended to. Telephone
Ibo Union Pielflo Hallway Corrpany will receive
t.dtrH up to Aututt . ' (1 t , 1835 , lor iOO.COU lurd
aid treks tiiB ind OJO.COO HJI ! Hood crii's ilen.nioia
: los ) , In tuts i.b may LO leicid upon , at lolluwiriir.
ICO OCOoalc And 100.0W crdar rro'H tloj at KaiEai
Ity , Jlo. , or I ftvun worth , Klin.
H'n.OOJ ' cak atcl IDO.COu cudar crcai lien ot Council
lullB , la ; Kt Jo > oh , Slo. ; Ouiaht , I'plil.ri , errand
rand I linil , NOB.
1CCOO ( ' broad fuu 'o aril KO 000 na'row tauu , ua.
Vi wood trees iitu a < Convur or at itiuli.moii
, or ( Union Piolfle Hallway , In vicinity if I ) ' liter.
llO.COiBoit wn"0 tlidftt llnctlruton , Oiu on , or
atl nucnUrcgoi Ilboit Lliu , ur U.tli ml Mo < th-
100,00) niMvo wool crcfu tlc , at BUtlocg on
aln Ilnoot Union I'atlflo Hallfuv.b.twctriCtiojtnao
jo. , end Ok'dou , I't.h.
To lioiUUo.ul not later than Ap It COth , 1 = 88 ,
Addroiii piriMiinU andufpy fir ( .
licrjartl iitiru toj. J , Uurii' , Oditr.lHt.Keliofiier . ,
Maha , Kth. B. It. C'AUrVnY ,
_ , . Cuainl Maasirer.
Omtlu , Nob. , AUjf. ICth , | f85. auf.l7.St I
Law dtiaitmeoo | | Dralo Unlvfriltr , Ue Molooa
jwa. Send for Ulo u . AddreiB A. II. JIoV y ,
Cl or J. B. Clirk , BmolMy , c r * Cue MeVoy il
nrk , UcjMuInvs low * . rulaiwks