Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1885, Image 1

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So Far as Heart From , There Has
Bcsn No Stole At All ,
The Knights of Labor Seemingly
A rain the Lurch ,
Net Enough of Them on the Wabash -
bash to Mnko a Showing.
The Car Drivers 111 Mcmphta Revolt
Agnlnst a Cut lit Tlielr AVuRtu
Labor Troubles Klaeuvlicrc ,
CIIIOAOO , August 18. It is claimed that
thn stiiko ordered bv the Knights of Labor
on the Wabash road will have very llttlo elfect
on the walking of the road bore. The en
gineers , firemen nnd brakemen belong to
unions of their own , mid it was thought that
the order would not elfcct to exceed ten men
In the ebops here.
Si , Louis , August 18. It Is probable that
an older calling out the men on the Gould
roads will bo Issued shortly.
A meeting of the executive of the board of
tha Knights of Labor , and of the committees
representing the lockud-out men on the
\Vnbrnh road , nnd Kniuhts of Labor em
ployed on the Gould eouthwcst system , was
held this morning. Ketolutionn were adopted
denouncing the action of the Wabash olliciuls
for attempting to break the Knight ) of Labor ,
nnd for causing the arrest of members of tint
organization , Congressman Wnrnerof Kan-
sni City , nnd Gen. J. M Palmer of 9pring-
field , III. , wore requested , per resolution , to
defend the imprisoned KnUhts , to prosecute
the Wnbuh railroad for conspiracy , nnd to
impeach Judges Treat nnd Brower.
Kroker T , J. Hutsoll. of the Gould syrtem
committee , pays that the Wabasb order Issued
yesterday was preliminary to n general order ,
but dec'tned to say when the general order
would bo issued , or glvo nn idea of its extent.
The committee H nwaltlng information from
branch organizations uf the Kulghta of Laboi
throughout the woit before rtsurtiug to extreme -
tremo measures ,
SrANDKURT , Mo , August 18. 2:23 : p. in.
At 12 o'clock noon , to-day , all the men In the
Wabash ehopa went out. K cry thing quiet
nnd no demonstration.
AT MonnntY , MO.
k Moimiti/r , Mo , , Anemt 18. Twenty-five
men emploj oil on thn Wnoaih reid went oul
to-day. No trouble ,
ClUCAiiO , III. , August 18. The Journal' .
Dec&tur (111 ( , ) epecial says the W.T
bash ttilku was Inaugurated here
nt noon to-dny. LSJB tdan ten met
quit work out of three hundred nn-
ployed , which in uccouatcd for by the fact
that nearly eighty knights quit work twc
mcntha ago nnd have remained idle evui
SmiNQFIKLD , 111 , , AugU6t 18 2 p. 01 Nc
signs of netriko here iimong the Wnbash em
ployes , except thnt about four parties left thi
machine shop. Whether theao left on no
count of the order of the lubor union ia nol
oosltively stated. No action was tnbon hen
by the train men , Connltiernblo uneagmesi
wa ) felt until working time after the
dinner hour , as the men were reticent : bul
that has now passed.
MoitEBLY , Mo. , August 18. Therfl has beet
no deinonotintlon hero to-day , an all Knighti
of Labor employed hero on tbe Wabash roat
went out on Juno 1C. except twenty-five , wlu
went out to-dny. The men are fn hopefu
ST. Lou s , August 18. A despatch _ fron
Moberly says tbnt the men there are still at
work. Ileports are coLillcttug , growing oul
of the fact that the hour ordered for tbe etriki
is the regular diuner hour , aud of coureo al
men left the shops at that time , and It wll
not bo known how many struck until after thi
usual hour for tha men to return to work ha ,
FORT WAVNK , Intl , Aunst 18. The em
ployea of the Wubnh railroad did not striki
nor make auy demouatrution whatever nt nooi
today us contemplated and ordered by tin
Knights of Lanor , to which organization abou
two-thirds of the men employed in thn ( hop
nt Fort Wayne belong. The pay car is expected
pected to nrrive to-morrcw and pay the em
ployea for the month of Juno.
TOLEDO , August 18 , The command sen
by the Knights of Labor executive coninilttci
at Sc , Louis yesterday , ordering n genera
ctrika olouir the line of the Wubueh systoui
had lltiJe effect hero , on'y ' about ono-s.xtli o
the employes being memuerd of the order , mi'
they are too much In the minority to aval
anything in a strike. At noon , the hour to
for the strike , all was quiet at the shopr , am
nil roccmaieucod work ut I o'clock. No gouera
ttilku is ixpectod.
NOUIII Sr Louis , August 18 Only nbou
n dozen mini uru empl yed in the Wubisl
ubops here , ad nom of thorn have gone oul
on the BtHke ordered by the executive com
mittea cf the Kuighta of Labcr. There wa
only one man n Kuigbc among them ,
KANHAH Cirv , Augint 18. The Wabns !
men employed here remained at work today
and buslnuas proceeded as uoual ,
FORT WAYKE , Ind. , August 18 Tholooke
for strike uuioug Wnbauli Bhopmeu nS th !
point to-day failed to mntcrialUa.
ET. Loum , Augu t 18 , 3 p , m. A goneri
strike hw just been ordorua on all line * Wii
of the Mlsuaeippl.
Sr I.oum , Aujust 18. The Wnbash roai
lias only two small repair shops and n ema
round hoiiao bore , employing , nil told pcrhaji
fifty men. It therefore cut but a slight figur
in the Btrlko. All thcsa men remained o
work , and there it not likely to be any troubl
nt thts point. The general executive commit
tee of the Knlghta of Labor was In tea
B'on again thin afternoon , nnd to-night fora
ulated nud iamed the following Important 01
der :
Ollioj General Secretary and Treasurer -SI
Louis , Auuurt 18 , 1685. To nil whom it ma
ooncorn Greeting -Owing to the pfislstfi :
finlitof tbe Wnbish company iigainut tb
KulgliU of Lilur , the general exccutlv
board deem Itadvieulla to lesuo
to all a einlle on the Union Pacificrailroa
and Gauld'd louthweit system ;
To ell BS'cmbliaj on above tinea of rnl !
w jiAH Knighti > f Lubor ia the empl.i
of tha Union I'acifia and It * brauchai an
GouldV iuutbwe < t ytem. or any other rail
r Ad , uiuit refuio to repair or handle In nn
inauoer Wnbish rolling ttcck uutil furtui
orders from tbe general execntivn board ; nn
if tbUorderli antagonized by the com pan
through any of Iti cllhiili , your cxecutiv
Domnilt'.ee J hereby ordered to call out a
voights ( , f L bor in the nbovo named systems
without further urder.
By order of the general executive board.
Secretary and Treasurer.
It develops that It was the intention of the
oard to Issno the order before the one sent
vet thn Wnb.wh r.ii ) , as the actual wonkne > s
f the Knights on that rend was known lo the
xtcutivo committee , nnd tlifro was good
ea on to believe thftt the tffort of to-day
would bo unfavorable , but for some uncx >
> UIned cause it was held back , The order
ri , however , tologrepliwl nil over the tpecl-
led roads thin evenW , nndnssembly moGtings
, ro called at every point to receive it , nnd It
i oxuccted that to-morrow
In this connection the Glubi-Democrat will
ay to-morrow : Under this order nil Knight *
f Labor must refute to in any way handle
Vnbath railroad stock , nnd should nny yard
nailer , master mechnnic , distil t or division
uperintacdcnt , or any other clliaial of any
oad endeavor to forci the men to handle such
art , then n district itriko is ordered. The
ituation Is about this : Oa the Wabath road
he Knifhti ; of Labor nro all , or nearly all ,
ut , nud have been for come time , but on the
tlistouri Pacific , Iron MonnUiu , Union Pa-
I lie , end other roads , the Knights nro said to
ill the shops nnd yards. Thus ia the last
irder n guaraLtso of the revolution of Inbor ,
* t will at any rate onforcs n public test of
and their fealty to the principles which each
ins sworn to uphold. In facr , the fate of
he organization seems to bs in isMiq. nnd It
emalns to bo seen whether 80,000 Knights , at
are claimed tn bo employed on tha rnliwayp
west nf the Mississippi river , will nboy the
: all of the executive board , whom they have
cated with absolute power.
Uiipatchcs from Council Bluffi , In. ; An
drews , Ind. ; Decatur , III. , nnd In fact from
ill thop points on the Wabash road , oxcopt-
ng Stanberry , Mo. , received by the official !
and by the props here , are to the eject thai
he men remained nt work , and that no doin
lustration was anywhere madn. So far , the
trlko In its relation to the Wnbash rend nl
east , is regarded nil n complete fizzle ,
MEMPHIS , Tenu. , August 18. The driven
on the several lines of the Memphis Streel
Railway company , struck this morning and
ravel has been greatly interrupted. The
cause of the diisatisfaction is due to isunnc
an order by tha company reducing the pay ol
all dtivers who hnvo not been in the cmploj
of the company for a period of six rtontlu
rom 12J cnts per hour to 10 cents per hour.
The strike is general , nnd commenced nt six
, his morning. The ompany managed tt
'end ' out n few cars on each line ,
nit nt teven the strikers began tc
"ntoirupt trnvol by throwing the can
'rom the track. The police were called upor
rat the rnejgor force waj unable to givu the
ncccEsiry protection and stranded uus were
to ba seen in nil directions. Throa or four n-
reUa were nude nud twch car it now running
; u4rded by n police officer. _ Three of the non
Irivera who began \vorlt this morning bavt
jecu u 3aultod but no serious Injuiy was done <
: o anyone.
At 1:30 p. m. cars on the several lines wen
unumg with some degree of regularity , bcinj
manntrt by now drivers who are pr t ctod bj
.hopolice. The striking diivera held n meet
ng nt the Knight ) of Labor hall , which ha
jat adjourned. A committee of five was ap
pointed to confer with tha street railway
: ompany with n view to compromising mat
, nrs and restoring wages to the old rates
Tbo cornmiiteo will report back to a meotinj
nt toven to-nicht ,
ofVascR ,
POTTSTOWN , Pa. , August 18. Ellis & Less
ng notified tbo heaters , helpers , rollers am
others working about the rolls in their mills
.hat wages will bo increased with the pros
pects of tbe mill coiner on double time am
plenty of work.
Alabama Minors Threaten
BIHMI.IOHAM , Ala. , August 18. The latea
news I rom the Warrior mines strike make
.ho situation very coiious. The strikers hav <
! iud twenty-three nf the new Italian miner
arrested on the charge of carrying concealei
weapons. The company say they will start t
work tomorrow with new men , The striker *
who number 200 , declare that thev will reels
jy violence , if necessary , nnybody'ri working ii
the mines but tlioraeclvee , until n satiafactor ;
adjustment Is made of their troubles. , _ _
DnU nnd Nut Mem Out at Detroit. '
DETROIT , August 18. About 150 employe
of tha Michigan bolt nnd nut works strucl
against n reduction of ten per cent in wagre
demanding that tbo committee snt to confe
with tha employers be reinstated , nnd tha
the former wngos ba paid.
MAiinii ) , August 18 The return ? ihov
that in the whole of Spain yesterday thcr
were -1.830 new cases of cholera and 1,71
MABSHILLES , Auguat 18. The clnlern i
spreading In tha suburban villages , A whol
family died of cholera nt St. Loup.
lOMff , August IS A commission has booi
appointed tu examine the liosmtala nf Ham
nud to take precaution ! ) against pos ible epidemic
domic of cholera.
MAIMEILLIB , August 10. IVanty-snvai
deaths from cholera were reported here today
LONDON , Aueutt 18. The Standard refer
ilng to Lord Carnarvon' * tour uayn that th
result of the visit has justified the motive tha
his exneriencs is encouraging , but that h
owes ills advantages ha has gained to Ku
Spencer's rule.
RtisUiu enjoyed n full night' , ! rest , nm
there in n decided improvement in his conti
tiou thin morning ,
aniiMAN ixrLontm KILLED.
BERLIN , August -Advices from Xin/.i
bar nUto lint Dr. Hichard , Bole survivor c
the Germnu international exploring expedition
tion , Is reported to hate been killed whl
fiehllng natives during tha progress of th
Ugogo expedition.
IfAUDUita , August 18 A congress for c id
fying und reforming InteniHtloiml law unfen :
bled litre to-dny. Judge Peabody , of Nei
York Sir Trovers Twins , Dr , Weu-Jt , of Lnn
don , Dr , Meyer , of Bremen , and Dr , Wolf !
ton , of Hamburg , were elected vice prct :
Bonn A v , August IK.A man , evidently
O.thoiio prieit. who recently anived hei
from Cochin , Chlnu , wts arrested on euap
ciunofbtlcgn Ituuim spy. It is now lit
lleved that he la O Iver Paine , although b
denies it. Before bii arrtst be visited th
prlctipal towns In southern and western Ii
dia ,
PARIS , August 18. In consequence t
anarchlit threats against the British embati
hero , policemen have been guarding tt
t-mbatty all day , and the doora were ke [
cl ted until evening , Threats nro made t
hold n meeting cf sympathy with O.lrt
1'alno to morrow
5 ANI OItIUINaij9.
Sr. Louis , Ant-nit 18. A letter Is put
liihed bore to-diy , dated Sunny Bank , Hydi
Obeshiie , Kngland , July 13ih , 1885 , aigne
' Samuel M. Brook ? , " which tpeaki of bis to
II , M , Brookr , haUcg left homo Ja t Jem
nry on n business ttlp to Ireland , nnd thnt no
word has been received from him tinea. It
mi been learned , however , that he had the
curate of an n3 joining parish for n companion ,
nnd that they had indulged In various extrnv-
iganccs , nnd that Brooks had gotten mixed up
n the St. Louis trunk murder , and nlso
ind cotton mixed up with Dr. Maxwell ,
The letter showj great distress on tha part of
.ho writer , nnd makes ftu urgent appeal for
nformation in regard to the person concerned
n the murder. A part of this letter was
shown to Maxwell , aid ho recognized the
signature na that of his father , and desired
rasscpelon ot the letter , to write his father ,
nnd toll him thnt ho ( Mnxwellwas ) Innocent
of the mutdcr of Proller , nnd
.hat ho had n perfectly good defense ,
[ n the course of the conversation
S rax well , or , ns ho is now pratty definitely
dentified , Brooks , said that Preltcr wai
troubled with Insomnia , nnd thnt ha had pro
scribed chloroform for him on several occn-
lions nnd with benefit. Preller , however , had
lenrl dlseato. lie said nud intimated that he
iad either taken or had bad ndininittered to
lim on this occasion nn ovcrdosa with fatal
results. This wU be Brooks' dcfdi'O when ho
comes to trial.
SAN FRANCISCO , August 18. Tha Pacific
Moll refused to-day to receive mall on the
atcamor liio Janeiro , which started this alter
noon for Yokohoma and UongKong. Mer
chants nntlcipating the action , cent their lot
lets aboard the steamer in government
stamped envelopes.
The city was et irtled this af toruoon by
nowa that the Norweginu bark Yorsnlfurcn ,
from Acipulca ti British [ Columbia bad put
in hue with P.xnama yellow fever nboard ,
The iaptaiu reports that one sailor died wltb
the fever on the trip up. Several others nre
down with the tame disease. The bark put
into this port for mgdiaal naslsUnco. Tac
vessel baa boon quarantined nnd oflhers nre
now investigating I ha disease.
Colonel Dot by , United States Minister te
China , sailed to-day , via steamer Rio Janeiro ,
for his post. He was escorted to the eteamei
by Colonel Bee , Chlneso consul , nnd several
utficlnls of the Chinese consulate general. The
latter were banrers of many hundioina 11 ) ral
gifr.3 of various deign3.
Ciltegarding the statistic ! of Chinesa arrivals
furnished bun by iurveyor uf port Morton
Culonel Djnby remarked that tiy ! diffdred
from these furniahod by tha Chiaoao consul
by Buveral thousand.
NKW YORK , Aupust IS. A communication ,
under date of July 2' ' , was to-dny receivet
by the Muritimo Exchange from itsjAucklnm
carreapondent , Ho statoj thnt within n week
current with thid date , n debate would occui
iu tbo houbd of representatives ns to the con-
tinu uca of Jtha jireoent Callforniiin mail ser
vice from New Xsaland. Tha writer stnto :
that the government intends to npply for i
sum o ! thirty thoueauel pound * pci
annum ns n subsidy on n nan
coutract lo be made in Novembsr. Opposi
tion wr s expected from legislatora iiUcieatet
in tbo London service , to which cbannol the ]
were working to have the m mey diverted
The Maritime exchange ) coiieupoudent ex
pressed n belief lint dmericau trudo intereoti
m Ndiv Xialand hinged upon the issue of thi
contest ,
The number of immigrants landed nt Castl
Garden tinea the first of January is nbou
30,000 less than during tha corresponding per
iod last year. The decrease was most market
during the first four months of this year
There was quite a marked Increase In th
numbjr of ticandinavmu immigrants.
Tbo New York i'oit'd AVushiuxton specia
say t : The report of Engineer Menscal is ver
unfavorable to the Panama canal , both In re
spect to finances end tbe engineering problem
Niw YOBK , August 18 The Tribune tbi
morning says John McCullough , in Bloom
ingdalo asylum , Is gradually losing nil ro
msmbrancos of his old dnys on the stage
Capt. Conner , his old business manager , gee
regularly to the o ylum to see him. Th
captain thiuka thei old actor is losing groune
physically , ai well ns mentally , lie ha
coma to think that the B'.oomingdalo ' aeylun
bslongs to him as n gift from his friends , whi interested In seeing him happy in his oil
ago , lie no longer alludes in any way to tbi
s n o , na ho used to. When Capt. Couno
cnlled last he found McCullough almost In
different to bis presence , so much so that i
wm difficult 10 datermtno whether or not hi
recognized him Ho may die in n month , nm
may live n year or two , The physician * di
not think he will live more than n year ,
Tcrriulu Accident.
NEW'ORLEANS , August 18. A terrible nc
cident is reported in Llttlo Cnlllcn , Tcrro
benne parish. A few days ago , while Emll
Llretto was engaged in molding bullet ? , pre
paratory to joining n number of friends in i
turret shooting , he nsked hu wife to fill tin
I . .viler horn fur him She was ten orj twelv
IB at fromtho _ b'rephtce , were n few coals wur
emoulderiug , The task was but half cjm
pletcd when a gust of wind blowing througl
thn open door sent a spark of the powde
which ignited , and n terrific explosion fol
luwaa. Tha roof of tha dwelling was blowi
off. Taruo children were Instantly killed
and the mother received suuh injuriea tha
bofoi-d many hours she too was dead , while th
hnilmml nud father nud two children wor
badly wounded ,
Arrival tit Senator KdinumtH.
NEW YORK , August 18. Senator Edmund
and family ntrived from Europe yesterday
In nn interview last night the tonator , in re
eponee to a question about the proient condi
tion uf trade in Entdaud , said , "It ia depressed
pressed very much. 1 mode { ermines where
ever I went on tnat point and the reply everywhere
whore was the sumo , Thn cauee i unduibt
edly over-production , England ha * gen <
manufacturing until she ban glutted all he
market ; , There id ulready u wielo feelini
there that England cm nuiy save herself an :
prevent utanvitllon or emigration aninng he
working people by fii'lowtug the extinplo n
tliln country and u1oitiog | n protrctico tarii
policy , Indeed I think she will bo compollti
to do so. "
Another Oliolcra "ourr Burned t (
DCKtll ,
DETROIT , August 18. ToU morning Polic
Officer Guynianvni taken eick with symp
toms uf cholera. lie It still u'ive. A gren
diversity of opinion in regard to the cast
eorno Icln'miug It bo n gnnulne cate o
Aaiatlo choleru while otherj bollovo it himpl ;
an attack of cholera morhus.
A 'llkonsha dlspntcb st&tes about 0 o'clcc' '
last night n fire in the Interior of J O. Km ]
ing's residence burned tha father , mother am
two sleeping children so severely tint ono u
tha children died , nnd the parents aie not ex
pecttd to live. _ _
Killing oil' iiiu APiieiliFf ,
Fo TBo\\iE \ , Tex. , August 18. Oapt. Da
vis , Fourth cavalry , reports that Lieut , Da
struck Gtronimo'd caaip northwest of Na
kavi , Anguit 7 , nnd killed three bucks ,
iqunw , and ( Jeronlmo'd ton , oged 13 , und ca [
tured fifteen women uud children , amen
thorn tha three wives and five children c
Geronimo. Grronimo was wounded , Be
tides him only two other bucks and ona squai
eacapsd , Everything in the oamp was cap
tured , Oa the 2 Jth ult Lieut. Day nmbuthei
a party of four Chiricihuas , killed two , am
captured all the hones aud
Of Spicy Polilical Poiflls ffom Sev
eral Sisior States.
Arkansas Kickers Objoot to Im
proved Mail Service ,
Tha Ooinage of Silver Dollara
Washington Wa'fs ' ,
A Western Ilnrso Wins nt Monmoutti
Park Sport and Pleasure
The Whisky Solzurea ,
Cm\n liArins , IOWA , Angus1. 18. Dola-
; ates to the democratic state convention to be
: ield horu to morrow nro arriving in large
numbers , The indications point to nearly an
equal division of BtrouRth between Merrill
and Whitney for trovornor , with Klnno hold-
lot ; the balance of power. A good deal cf
tiisscnt to the fusion propOBod by the greon-
utctera is manifested , with the probabilities
that Gllletto will not ba endorsed for lieuten
ant governor. A conference Is to bo hold to
night to consider this matter.
CZDAR lUi-iDf , la. . August 18 The dem
ocratic stnto convention moots to-inorronr.
The city is full of del-Rites and visiting clubs
to-night. Buildings are decorated , and band *
of music wera playing Into toio the nieht.
Neatly all prominent democrats In the etato
ore bore. A. public conference was held thia
evening to diasuss fusion with the gree-nbackera
A Btrotjr ; pontluiant in the interior for fusion ,
trad n fully Btront * Bontimont In the river
counties , and D.tllas , Brcmer , anil a few In
terior ) counties ngnlnst acseptitiK Gillett
greenback , na the nominee for lieutenant gov
ernor liecstHO of his prohibition record.
Mayor Vau < han , of Council Bluild , la here
with a contesting delceatlon. threatening n
third ticket if Gillett Is endorsed , and he
thrown overboard. Morril , Wliitirjrj end
Klnno are mnst prominently mentioned foi
governor. A predominates of fuslonists
In tha conference , bit Dnbuiiuu r.ncl otbei
river city deleeattir.R are not thero. A vig
orous debate is miticipitcd.
JACKSON , Mlaj , , August 18. The ijemc-
cratto ptat convention will meet hyre lo-mor
row. The greater portion of the delegate :
liavo already arrived. It U Renerallj
believed Gov. lowry's strength can
not bs overcome. Ilcmlngway foi
treasurer H closely pushed by Duke , but will
the chances in favor of the former. Westor
is developing great strength in bid race for tin
auditorahip , and George M Goran is push
ing very strongly for the oflice of secretary ol
8t te. Candidates are plentiful for all olhei
offices. _ _
WASHINGTON , August 18 Sactjad Asalstan
Postmaster General Kuott has ihlDRcd thi
mail service that has been perforoieU by boal
om Torreaoto AtkaamC.tjr , orSthaMiisia-
eippi river , a distance of nome tiffc ? milot t <
the railroad , otnblnad with star iwvic ? , thui
effectiog n yearly oaving of over 85,000 on thai
onu route. Tha citizens in that locality have
protested against the change , nnd a del'
egation is now in the city for the purpose
of securing a return to boat service , Mr
Kuott stated to a Star reporter that the ser
vice hat been in operation since August 1
and they had received no information of auj
failure to deliver malls , and rn for as hi
know the service was as good as the old. Hi
hud no idea of making any change- unless tin
transmission f mall was delayed. It. ig tin
intention to introduce the f.iino kind of ser
vlca at other points ttloncr the Miasissipp
liver , and alto the Ohio , where it is practis-
The state dspartment to-day eent to thi
secretary of the treasury a coumunlcatio :
Jrom the governor of Michigan , saying tha' '
small-pox Is prevailing to on alarming ex'.en' '
at Montreal. The governor tuggosta tha' '
measures be taken immediately to prevent it ,
introduction into the Unltfd States.
The post cfiica department has been in
formed that n shortage bai been discovered ii
tbe accounts of the postmaster at Chico. Oil
It has been made foo-i by tha postmaster , bu
bo has been suspended , and his sureties havi
been nijuuated to doiiguate somebody to tahi
cbargo of the office until a new postmaster I
C W. Mooingtin was to-day appointee
chltf clerk as Mare Island navy yurJica G
W. Simonton.
Acting Secretary Fail-child decided the
additions to the invoice value of inerchandini
made by importers cu entry are cor.chnivi
xgainet them , at under section ' .1.0 , lUv ,
Btat. , duty cannot bo asses ed on nil amoun
Jena than tuch euierod valu' ,
The treatuty department to-day pur
chased 100,00 ! ) ounces of silver , for dehverj
a ; the 1'hiUdnlphia mint , for coinage inti
ttaudard dollars. Ic is learned n
tha department that there Is non
quite ii brisk movement /or ( ilvci
uollars 1I over the cuuotry. The itauo aver
vprs nbiut 5100,000 per week mom thai
during tin sumo periud last your , and Ii
elighlly in exco-H of the regular monthly ojin
age of S2.00OCO. (
An fcvenlng puper say a that over 200 roplle :
luvo betn received at the treasury depirtman
to tha circular letter calling fur expressions o
opinion f om manufacturers and importers ni
tha subject ol taillf reviilon. A * n rule tin
contributions have contained moro complaint
of the ad valorem system than suggestions fo
its improvement ,
At Chicago ; Chicago , 9j St. Louis s.
At rittibiug ; Pittsburg , Ij St. Louis , II
At Detroit : Detroit , -Ji Buffalo , C ,
At Loniiville : Louisville , Oj Oinclonttl , 7
At Nuw York ! Now York , 7 ; Phi'a '
delphta. 4 ,
At Pluladelphii : Athletic , 21 ; Metropoli
tan , 10.
At Brooklyn ! Brooklyn , 8 ; B ltimore , 3.
At riovidencd : Providence , if ; Boston , 7 ,
Mosiiocra PARK , Augu t IS. Attend/me /
largest of tbo season , except that of July Its
KsprestnUtiyo gathoriug of oastoro ant
western turfites had congregated to witnei
tha decision of thh question m to who uwnei
the bjbt horse of 18S > , und ths decitlcn wes ii
fa or of tha wcet. However , the ] ) * yer'
were not eatlsfied , and a match at n uiila aw
a quarter for § - ' 500 a eido , with & -,50 1 added
will be run off between Mi Woodfoid am
1'reelond to-morrow.
Threeuaners | of a mile ; Avalon won ,
Nora M. , eecond , Jnlletta Colt , tulrd. Time
Tbree-quarteri of mils
a Two-year-olds
Florence Konso wnn , Kolulu , eucoud , Laun
Garrison , third. Tune , 1:10J :
Milaiud a hult-tliroe-year-olds : It'ch'
moral won , Wnnda , second , LougvUw , third
Time , 2:10 :
Milo aud a qiurtor : Siinlirown ) won , T.I
gin. lecoud , Biraoa , third. Time , 211 ; } ,
Milo and a quarter all tger. Puntiai
went to the front at imco , leadlui ; oil dowi
the back Btretch , Mus Woodford loppin )
itesUnd. So they ran till tha ttretch , when
Puntiac foil bjck and tha other * closed , and i
niu d up the
5 KC
i'rcelsnd won by ahead , IVmliac being twelve
engths behind , Time , 2:0 : ! ) ,
% Seven furlongi Three year old * nnd up-
wirtli : Little Mlnch woo , Queen Esther
ojnnd , Torpedo third , Time. 1:29 } .
Mile nnd n half Over nix hurdles : Tally-
rnnd never headed , winning with great case ,
Tims , 2:50J :
PHILADELPHIA , August 18. In regard to
ho recent seizure of n largo quantity ot
whisky , shipped to this city from Pcorin , 111 ,
which wna Alleged to hnvo been in fraudu-
cntly constructed barrels , with nn iotcnticn
> o defraud the governmenf , it is learned nu
order was rccaivcd from Wnthington hero to-
dny directing tha relensa of all whisky con
signed by Motars , Woolner Brother , nud nlio
, hnt I ha conilgnmenta of the Manhattan Dis
tillery company bad been released by n o > m-
: > roinleo , whereby the distllliijg company urn
io pay \ ho tax upan ono gallon nf whisky in
enrli eighty-tlirto b.inols out of n hundred
shipped by them with the understanding that
they would fito n claiu. in the Un t d States
courts to recover thn extra tax paid. Ship
ments of the Grfat Western Distilling com
pany and /ill , Scnuubachor k Co. , nro still
detained pending nu. investigation by revenue
It is understood there are upwardn ofl.OCC
barrels of whisliy which will be affected b >
the action of the government nud it it
thought the matter will ba compromised anil
then taken into tha courts. The wholoi&le
liquor men ot Philadelphia , representing c
capital of $20,0 : 0,100 , have addressed n lottei
to the revenno collector cf this district cou
earning alleged fraudulently-constructed bar'
role , claiming ttint tbo packages nro regular ) ;
mndo , nnd informing him that unless they me
permitted tu pursue their business wlthou !
further interruption they will brincr nctioi
against the government for damages em-
_ _
DURUQDE , Iowa , August 18. II. A. Tiolr
absconding agent of tha American Express
Co. , nnd of tha Chicago , Milwaukee & SI
Paul railway at New Albion , Iowa , haa beet
aptured , and yesterday was placed in j.i
at Waukon in Allatnakea county. Ho wai
held under § 3,100 bond , but being unable t (
procure bail , ha was lodged in jail to awn !
the action of the grand jury , Tiotz robbci
the companies by whom ho was employed , r.nt
( led on Juno 10 tli. lie struck out for Brillsl
America , and eiuce ho Iff C hai traveled ovti
four thousand miles. He wont lo Winnipeg
uud thence wont on the Suskatchewan river
Ho bought n tcttn of ponies and drove ncroa
the country to Dawaan , Dakota , whore ho WA
caught working in a wheat held. Ho wa
puthuod and captured by John 1'lynn , rout
nrout of the express company , who travclei
over two thousand miles nlono in the Britis !
itmnucrB Dlnpnrucel ,
WASHINGTON , Auguit IS. A distinguishei
msmbor of congrass from tha northwest , bs
written to tha secretary of the interior tha
ho is informed that tlo eottlcra ( Oklahom
boomcrt ) havj in good fnith disptrsod an
will no longer remain in camp. This nctio
on their part is largely duo to tha action c
tha administration concerning tile issue c
JoaHOf , nnd the occupancy of cattle syndicate
iu tlii Indian territory. Ho states that th
proclamation of the president moots with uni
veraal favor among the people nud has inspire
the greatest confidence , nnd thnt it is evidec
tbn administration intends to dcnl with equi
fairnojs with nil claseca of people , and ho feel
nssnred that then will be no further troubl
on the border of the Indinu territory ,
The Ttcbcln Hcciitc a Victory.
LurA , ( via Galvejton , ) August 18 Oa th
15th iust. , government troops occupying Carte
to , consisting of 350 infantry nnd 10
cavalry , were surprised by the rebt
forces , numbering from 1,800 to 2,000 met
nnd snid to be under command of Gee. C :
ceres or Col. Mornlea Bermudez , The battl
lasted five hours. When the goyornuien
troops hud exhausted their ammunition nni
their mitrailleuse bad ben disabled , a bayc
net charge was attempted , but without sue
cess , and they retreated in confusion , Lieul
Oul. Bustromote , seeing that all was lost , she
himself. Lisses ot both sides were very con
eiderablo. Two hundred fugitives of tha gov
ernmcut forces have arrived at Lima and KS
Yostorday'H Kv < ! iulsen at
CHATAUQDA , N. Y. , August 18. Thia nfl
ornoon Ildv. T. P. Fitzgarnld , of Nnshville
Tann , , delivered a lecture on nmujomontf
Reunions of several C. L S C. classes wer
held nt4 o'clocV. This ovcnlog Prof. W. 1' '
Sherman , of Boston , g.wo n cmcart with th
Cbntauqua choir , iianlsted by the Sctnibar
quiwtutio nnd Mr Itutchina , the cornetlsto
Chicago , with Mias Hall , of Boston , and Mis
Belle McClintock , of Mead villa , Perm , , a
soloists ,
FoiTiocti Sk ) < : ionH Exliiiincd.
BOSTON , AugusS 18. Workmen nt th
Boston gns company's works on Commercia
Point , Dorchester , exhumed skeletons of uin
ndulti and live children while mnkinp ; nu rx
cavntion in Commerciitl street to-day. Tb
bodies nppear tu have been thrown in n
together , a < they were nil found iu n huai
It ia thought they are tha remains of Indians
us clam shell ? were found nround tha bodies
ns if a feast had tu'ion ' plasa at the time c
lit Session , '
CHIOAQO , August 18.-The annual meetln
of the Illinois Brigade of uniformed Knight
of Pythias began to-dny. This afternoon th
knights will parade , and to-night there wi
bo a bill , nnd to-morrow afternoon unothe
parade and competitive drill , and in the over
ing n reception , Delegations of Knight ? , ii
ehowy uniforms , from Galesbarg , Blooming
ton , Jollot nnd ether important Illinois town
are present.
AVorkoI n lilnclc itruto.
CHICAGO , August 18 , James Woodlnud ,
colored laborer , cut his wife's throat fret
ear to ear this morning. Finding tha di
not die quick enough , ho took a brick nn
beat her over the h ad with it. llor screnui
brought in the neighbors , und she was ret
cued in time to enable u physician to stltc
up the gaping wound * , 'fin woman is no
expected to live , Woodland WAS nrreatod
Jealousy ,
A Church Diuiluatlon ,
. KEOBUK , Iowa , August 18 The Constltu
tion states this evening that the new and elc
gant fifty thousand dollar St. Peter'a liotnai
Catholio church will ba drdicttod Bundaj
September 27 , Bishop Coigrove of JHvnnporl
olfictating. Bi > hop Hcutiimy of Dabiique
will preach in tha moruing- , and Bliho
Spauldlng In thj nflornoun.
A Noted Now Yotie 1'ollilclan 17o (1
ALIIANV , N. Y. , August Ii. Deputy Stat
Treauirer EJgar K. Apgar , died tins after
noon , He w tlotely unsoclatod in n politi
oil way with Daniel Manning , nud wan ono c
the first to push the candidacy of Clevelan
far both governor and pretldent.
An Old f It in Oono Under ,
CHICAGO , August 18. The tuspension c
A Mockie & Co , was announod on 'chnng
tc-day , Tbe firm ii an old one , It ha
transferred all ltd tradei , and the
locsatloned nu flurry.
IiOA' 5 LiBtrKUS FOH A DOMj.Ilt ,
A. Smart Woman With n Kcon Insight
Into lltiniiui Nature.
, Y , Mail nnd nnd Exprcis.
Letters Confidentially Written :
Lectures nnd Sermons -I'utnished nt
Short Notico.
The nbovo ucntly patatod was a In ok
upon tlio basement door of n house iu
VoitThhty-fifthBtrcot. The door was
iromptly opened by n handsome , gray-
lalrod woman , who was showing out n
jrotty , rcBj-cluokud nintd , who carried
letter newly written In her hand. The
> arlor was on tlio loft of the basement
mil. A couple of inatblo top tables ,
vllh Inkntdnds , p per nud writing pens
icattorcd on thum were the first objects
Eoon. The room vras well furnla'hod nnd
argc. Several rcckiog chalra were
placed near the tablet.
"Oan I aeo the pjrson who writes the
: ette ? '
"JTiu can. I am oho , " coldly ro-
mnrliod the handtomo woman ,
"Will you wrlto ono for ma ? "
"Yep , If you pay mo ono dollar. "
That is high , la it nol ? I only want a
short ono written , and I imagined CO
csuta would bo aullio'ent. "
"JNo ; ono dollar ia my prlco for confi
dential lettorr , It makes no difference
whether they nro ono Itno or ton psgca.
I am not a Parisian otroat ecrlbblor to
charge a few ooiu for a lottor. "
The womau WBB dlstraatfnl. Finally
she s\ld : "Yon do not want a latter
written. You have coma hero to DUO my
methods and then you intend to start a
btninesa of jonr own. I am bothered
every day by young 111311 of that class. I
hnvo no Information to glvo. "
After an explanation tbo letter writer
became tulkr.tivo and told all nbnut the
buBlncs ? .
' I waa once a spaoo writer for news-
" aMd. "I
paptra nnd magazines , she
found that I could nuke moro money by
writing letter : , aetmona and lecturer. It
was a lait roaort , of course. I uaa sur
prised at the number of people anablo tc
compoco a letttr. "
"I suppoao the majority of youi
patrons nro illiterate ? "
On the contnry. In fact , I havs
cuotornorn really illiterate. Noarlj
all read and write. I find , though , thai
very few can compose woll. It is thi
cotupoeitlon thfy piy for and tbo beautl
fal har.darrltlDg. They usually etali
irhat idea they desire to coavoy and 1
put it in beamlfal Icnguago and icid i
to them with doslimacl tUjct. I am :
peed reader. Ilssd a ssniplo dollir lov <
latter to you ? Do you moiii It ? Thin ii
ono I have composed for n pretty t hoi
girl to a clerk in Chicago. It is s'loi
but to the point :
"DEAII WILLIE Yous bat letter ftllad
mo with doubt aud enxloty. You do no bo the same ganUl aud imlcn
Willie that awora when ho hft mo ab
months ego that ho would not forgot me
Perhaps my limgo has faded from ycu
mind and the magic spell cf some othei
girl has won yon. Do you mmrnbor thi
the time wu woct to Coney Itland. am
.what yon said to mo coming back tba
'evening evening on tho'iron boat : * Tha
If wo were ever separated , no matter her
far , no other f.vco , no matter how beau
tiful , conld come between us. ' Have yoi
found nnothoi ? Yet if yea know hov
true 1 ain to yon , nnd how Infaoed thi
attentions on your account , yon woule
not forget mo in wicked Chicago. I thlnl
I will cry my eyes ont if you wrlto ini
cnother letter DO cold and crnel.
Yonr alwayo filthfnl KATE
"P. S. Mr. , the flooi-walkcr
asked ma to go to the Ciaino with him ,
I went , because heaald ho was altravs it
good friend to you. K. "
"Do yon charge ) extra for poatacripis ? '
"No , I nnually luvo a line or two o
poetry in the poatsarlptn to love letters
Tom Moore's poetry la principally uaed
The sbovo letter ia a mcdernto s-trnplo o
a elghlng Ohloo to a falna Strcphon , I'J
write another letter fur Kate In a week 01
ao , cs coon as she heara from Obicigo
and make it very intense. That youn ;
man tncst b ) brought to terms. As i
rule the young men who have letter
written , nud they are few , prefer mon
poetry in their lottora ihnn.girh. "
Tulrty-Uvo Years n Sulelleir.
Now York Times.
" The old Sergeant of Bifclery H. 5tJ
Artillery , Conrad Shroeder , now on dut ;
Ii Hlversldo Prfrk , whooe time JIRJ ex
pi red , and who ia noTir awaiting his die
charge papers , wan dissuaded from parad
ing on Saturday by Capt. Ftsienden , wh
euid ho had marched long enough , H
is ouo of the oldest aoldiera la the army
" 1 fust cnteiod the army , " ho s ld ycalcc
day , "ai Oovernoi'a Island , Juno 5,18-1 ! )
No sooner had I got broken in than
was ? ent to Now Mexico , whore I aervci
for five years in Oounpiny I , Oapt. E. J
OhatelUr. We did a heap of fightinj
with tko Apachu lodlunj , and hid u vcr ;
hot time cf it at the battle of Whit
Mountain , Fur my conduct the Govern
tnent g < wo mo 1GO acres tf lend , which ' .
lecited at Furl Dodge , losvo , then prolt ;
miiuh of a wlldorncor , Tiiia property ]
etlll own. I wtn first discharged Juno G
1854 , but re-enl Utcd right away nt For
Elivmilton , thia time In Battery E , 4il
Artillery , under command of Oapt. Galty
Wo were next cent down to Florida t
wbak away nt the Somlnoles. In 1850
way drafted to Utah , and , afttr eetvloi
tbera in the Mormon eliilicolty , wa
muttered ont at Fort Randall , Neb.
July 25 , 1800. When the war broke ou
I enlisted In the 2d Battalion District o
ColnmbU Volunteers , nod waa it th
battles of Fair Oaks , Manajaas , and a
the aklrmiahes about Washington , whei
Jubal Eirly tried to capture it. I wa
discharged in Ootebjr , 180i , bat h e
been in the service H > lonz 1 could nest
st y out , BO on Jam 22 , 1805 , I enlistee
in this batlory , where I have rctnalnee
ever elnco 1 have never been wounded
but hsvo hsd tlio cholera aud the ycllov
fovir , nnd would rather Lo wounded i
dtzjn tfims thau navu the fever ogiln. '
The old veteran retires on a pennon o
$32 a m inth , cud intends to live at Noir
aik , N. J ,
Bajllsa W. llanna , United States ministe
to the Arguntlue Jtspubllc , tailed for Uuenc
Ayrrs , cccompauitd by his wife and thre
children , on tne steamer Merrlinac.
Tliero it no confirmation of tba ruicota in
dicatiucr PoitmuBter-Genoral Yilas to b
variously ill. lutimatu friends ol Col , Vila
declare these reports to be
ffhcat Rfflcks ibc Lowest Figure
Since April Lat ; ,
A Fovemli Oondition and Lower
Prioos the Rule ,
VclRht A cntH or the IOWA Tool Con
sider O.iimlin Iilvo Btoutc Uasi-
ncss Ury GnnilH Ilcvlcw.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , Augint 18 Piltno locholco coin-
oil natives were r.ithor scarce , tilling about
toady. The supply of such was not heavy ,
ret there was n luflklont number for tbo
vnatB of bujcrs. But gramcrs and part
grass cattle cold at 51:80 : to $5 10 and along
hero , while low grade natives and grnsscrs
old all the way from SI 23 to 81,75. Common
natives , grassora and such ns had to compcta
with the Texaus and westerns were hard to
ell.Thera were about sixty cars of Nobrasltn.
Montana nud Wyoming stock on tnlo , and
uch Bold a strong 10 to 15o lower. The
iwan Land and C.tttlo company had the best
ot oE western cattle among the offerings
during the morning , nnd they only nrough ! ;
il 85. The to were 180 to 193 cars of Texans
among the fresh receipts , and prices were
again quoted 10@lCo lower , Btst canners
nro Boiling at a raugo of S3.SO@3.DO. Onu
uinch of wintered com-fed Texana inado
SI 23.
Stoekera nod feeders trade dull. Hunter
i'lvnus & Co , bad n train of the evicted Texas
cattle from Indian Territory. They were sold
for S3.40. Steers , 1,330 to 1,000 Ibs , § 5 20@5.S5 ;
1,200 to 1,350 lb , § 4.)0@5 ) 40 ; 050 to 1.2 JO Ibs ,
St,30435. , Through Texas cat'lo slow ,
15B20o lower ; 950 Iba , S3.tO@3.95 : 7oO to 9CO
bs , S3.4I ) ; 000 to 700 Ids , $2.70@3.30.
Western rnngerp , 10@ina lawor ; natives nnd
half-breeds , S120@1.25 ; cows , S3.40&3.4J ;
wintered Toxnns , S3.70@4 20. Sales-275
W\oming , 1034 Ibs , S1.30 ; 22 Wyoming ,
1,007 Ibs , $ J 30 ; 418 Wyoming , 1,172 Ibs ,
St 85 ; 231 Montana Texana , 920 Ibs , 53.90 ,
Itocoipts again light. Demand fair and
prices Bucstautiiilly higher , especially on
: lioico light nnd heivy ( elected corn fed stock ,
but packing sorta nnd grasiyetook underwent
little or no change. Grata skips and low
grades griiEsers may bj quoted nt S3 753 83 ;
Eoo.l corn fed tlcipj , iivorAging 190 , sold at
§ 3 7C34 (0 ( ; rough nnd common packers sold
ntS4.00@-l.25. nd fair to good ut SI 35'S4 fO ,
with bibt aehcted hoivy nt S4 G @ 4 75.
ckicg acd shippinc , 23) ) to 300 Ibc , SI 35 ®
o ; light weiphtp , 130 to 170 Ibs , SI GJ@1.'J ! ) ;
180to2l01bjS1.10@ 40.
2I1K Oil UN
Special Telegram to the BBS.
CHICAGO , August 18 Market very fovcr-
iah to day , nnd prices subjected to rapid fluc
tuations. The tone was extremely weak in
eaily deals. The market opened IJc lower ,
OH lug to n largo increase In the yisiblo supply ,
and fell off Ic under heavy offerings , October
options touching 83a , or ten cants lower than
prices current ten days ngo , and cash
won ottered for less than SOc , for the first time
Binca April of tha present year , Tha
first decllno broughs out aomo larcra
blocks of ' 'long" wheat , which helped the
downward tendency. After the market hal
touched 83s , the demand becimo moro pro
nounced and prices rallied Ic , fell off As , fluc
tuated , nud closed on the regular board ijo
undur yesterday. Tlioro was another pharp
rally in tbo afternoon , and thn market finally
closed o under yoaterday , Tha strength ia
the afternoon wts duo to tha report of large
expoiti from New York.
cons ,
Market active : iid uneettlod , prices ruling
very Irregular. The market opened lower , enlarge
largo receipts nnd increase in the visibl ) sup
ply , but , under free bmiog , stimulated by
Irost p edlctione , rallied J@lc , fell back jj@lc ,
nnd finally closed i@8 < 3 higher than yester
ruled firm , aud cloeed a thodo Ligher than
yeetflrdoy. 3 , _ t
were uniettled. Pork opened EC h'ghor ' , fell
back l0@23e ! , rallied l'12Jc , and closed
toady. Lard ckst-d n shade eaiier.
Special Dispatch to tha BEH ,
CHICAGO , August 18. A meeting of the
general freight agents of Ilia llceo mombera of
the > Wcctorn I'Volght ' association , was held
yesterday at the cflie of Commissioner Faith-
orn , The meeting had boon called to consid
er tbe recommendation of the commissioner
rehtivo to the handling of tha live stock traf-
li : o ! Omaha. The session lasted tome five
hours and tha tub ect v-aa discujsud in all its
bearing ; , Tha policy of making n change ,
ou'.eide of tbe justice of the commisiionor's
recommendation , was traversed , and as opin
ions ivero oimwhnt nn'a onittia no conclu.
sion wa.s nritvcd at. This has the effect to
cattinuo the mo of the local nnd through
rates of the combination ai dodroJ b f the
Omaha poopla , According to the Tribune ) it
waatho opinion nt yostordy'd meeting that
Mr. Fuitnorn'd rocammendation was fair and
equitable , and there is no pnod roasoii why
the Union Pacific ehould ba accorded privi
leges that nro not accjrded to other lines v/cst
of tha Miisquri river , or why the roads east of
tha Missouri river uuould hoip tin Union Pa-
clfio in building up the Omaha stock yardn ,
yet owing to tha onorgotio protests made by
the Unlou Pacific nud the howls made by the
Omaha ttockynrds people , some of the roads
were not prepared to vote in favor of Falth-
oru's proposition , and alter n lengthy and an
imated discuiaton the maetiug adjourned
without taking any actiou.
Ne\v York I > ry Goudu
NEW YOIIK , August 18. An Improved de.
maud with jobbers continuca and a good busi
ness is ia progrciB , Agents ore doing n
healthy nnd good trade but chiefly through
dmvaries on old and now orders , which nre
taking n largo quantity of ntutT.
Bleached cottons are in gonrl movement.
Brown cottons nnd centon JUnneU are feel
ing the strain of duplicate nisortmentu ren
dered iioceswy by the distribution effected
nud the demand at hand.
Dress goods , pilnts , soft wool dress fabrics ,
ginghamlUwiel * , blankels , wea't wear ,
woolens , Kentucky jeaus , skirls , tluwli , un
derwear , hosiery and knit gooda relltct evi-
dccco ol bolter tiado in sight.
A DrclBloii uriinpurtanuiito
KALAMAZOO , Mich. , August 18.-Iu the
mutter of D. 0. & II. C. lleod & Co. , pat
entees nf spring tooth harrows , va. Chase ,
Taylor & Co. , et al , for infrlBgcinont of pat
ent , tried In the United Btutea court nt
Grdod Haj-.idB , Juatlco Stanley Matthews
finds for tha pluintilfj. The caio has been
before the courtu loverul yeure , and involves
the entire spring tooth float harrow buiineee
of tha country ( or the patt fifteen yrats. By
It is decision every farmer using , nnd every
concern making , any toil of an Itfrlogtinent ,
will have to p y royalty. The case u one of
the mott important t\cr decided in tbU