Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Tueslay Morning , August 18 ,
BfWMl n ? Otnlti - _ . . . . S3 110.00 teals pet pel ttetk yell
Pay your poll tax and save costs.
Reltcr , merchant Ullor , for fine goods
The thermometer was up In thenine -
tics all day yesterday ,
Balance ol parasol stock nt ono thlrt
less than value , at Hatkncts Brothers' ,
The matrimonial market is having
lull. Not a license hsued for over n
Lemons arc now soiling for $7 per box
Loss than a week ago they sold for $1 !
per box.
Extensive Improvements are- bolus ;
made In the rear ofCooko > fc Morgan's
dry goods cetnbllsbnunt.
The council Trill probably meet In
few days to open the bids for paring , the
tlmo for receiving which ends to-morrow ,
In the paving improvements this year
Pearl street should bo Included. The
property along this street is valuable , nnd
can well afford the expense.
To-morrow will bo a day of conven
tions. The republicans will hold tholi
county convention hero , while the domo-
crate are holding 'their ' atato convention
In Oedarltiplds.
A boy , aged about ten years , Is having
his case Investigated by the police , h
claiming that his father and mother have
pounded and nbuccd him until Hfo ha
become a burden , and ho Is afraid to go
homo any more.
The Rev. J. I"iak performed the
fnnoral services , Sunday , at 11 o'clock a
in , , of the only child of Mr. and Mrs
"Who Payne , of Htrootuvlllo , allttloboy
about 5 years old , who died with thi
cholera Infantnm ,
Henry Hoynolds , who was arrested fo :
trading tv lot of worthless notes to a boy
for a horjo , was discharged yesterday , II
appearing that there was not cause for
criminal action , and that the only relic
for the 'boy Is to got roiroas by a civi
action , If at all.
One of the McOlurg Cracker company' ;
trogono wan yesterday dashed to plecoa
cautnd by tlio team running away from
the rear of the BEE oflico about G o'cloc !
In the morning. The remnants of the
wagon , nnd the horses , badly bruloed
wcro found near the transfer.
.The circuit court waa to have openoc
Its August term hero yesterday , bu
Judge Conner could not reach hero
being-detained by the celebrated wil
case at .Donlson. In accordance will
his direction , the clerk , therefore , ad
journed court until Wednesday.
Bill Davis as before the police cour
yesterday on the charge of assault , grow
ing ont of a1 row which ho had with , hi
wifoat < Kato Hurlbert's place. The cas
was patched up and dismissed , it being
understood that Davis will consent to
his wlfo having a divorce and the fnrnl
The report of the suicide of Mrs. Kooa ,
in Orescent township , appears to have
arlocnfrom the tact that she tried to
frighten her husband by telling him the
hud taken araenlc. She succeeded , am
ho wont poll-moll after a doctor , only to
find that ho had been fooled. Such
now the reported explanation.
In filling orders for printed posta
cardo , Pryor's BEG job oflico has ontirol ]
exhausted the supply on hand at the
Council Blnff postoffico , and to enable 1
to fill an order for David Bradley & Co.
Pcctmaoter Armour had to send to Dei
MolneB'for ' a lot. Ho ordered 300,000
from 'Washington some tlmo ago , but they
have not arrived yet ,
County Surveyor Toatovin , who IB wol
np In such matters , has been Inspecting
the court house in Omaha , and declares
that-tho - now court house hero will bo
more Imposing looking and B far better
building. Others irho have studied over
and figured the plans of both express the
eamo opinion. 1C this bo so , Councl
Bluffs will have n building of which aho
may well fool proud.
The now will be all ready for occupancy
as socn as the palntorj got through
which willbo this weak , probably. The
now place wlll-bo a great Improvement
over the old , end Is a novel jill _ , on ac
count of Its-being a receiving ono. The
quarterc providad for the female prison
ers have 'boon complained ofbecause
there have been no provisions made for
any exerclso roon for thorn , but this can
.easily . bo icmcdlo-i by putting In another
Iron door , thus shutting oil the ball Into
which their .colls open , and maklnc the
ceedcd room out of that. This addition
will probably be .made , as It can ba dene
with a merely nominal expeme.
Workers with motaln generating oloc
rloity escaped tlio cholera of ' 4Q , Then
so cur electric bolls. Judd & Smith ,
CoDcoll Bluff * . Agents wonted.
Dr. West , dentUt , over BEE office ,
Dr.Wiles , Eye , Ear and
i , room G Ecerott block.
.Grand K.iourslon ,
Next Thcradoy , August 20. the Ohisi.
go , Rock IsUnd & Pacific railway will
have n Rr nd jxonralon to Golfer Springs ,
tickets for the .round trip being placed at
the ixtraordiniuy loir ptioe ef $3 40 , and
good to return Stftil September 1 , Those
who desire furthrv
Information can se
cure it by applying to S , S. Stevonr , gen-
tral fgCLt , No. 507 Broadway.
Substantial sb traot of title and real
e ttH loans. J. W. and E. L. Squires ,
102 Pearl street.
liorlnp for a water the town of
Htfr met with sucaf siful result * ut a de th
of 1L > ) feet , water ratalrg to withlu A few ( ett
of ( lie turfuco of tbe ground ,
Mayor YanElian Formulates His Claims
For a Contest ,
The Frotcat to bo Offered In the
Btato Convention ,
COUNCII , BLUFFS , la , , August 17,1885
To the Delegates duly assembled In
Democratic State Convention , at Cedar
llaplds , Iowa , August 10,1885 Gentlemen
tlomen : The right of the delegate
claiming to hold regular appointment
from Pottawattamlo county , to occupy
seats In your convention , Is contested for
the following reasons :
Because said delegates , to-wlt : W. D
M. Pusey , John H. Koatley , W. 0 ,
James , 0. P. Wickham , John Llndor
J. 1" . Brodbeck , Robert Porolval , W. W
Gardiner , S. N. Harvey , 0. M. Hart
man , II. S. Gallagher , J. W. L Ird and
Peter Kail , do not represent the senti
ment and wishes of the democratic party
of said connty ,
Because the convention which nnmot
said delegates ( or appeared to do so ) to
represent s ! d county , was Improperly ant
Illegally organized by the appointment o
a chairman , nominated nnd protsod upon
the convention by the chairman of thi
county central committees ( in such hasti
as to leave no time forreilectlon ) who wa
not a delegate to said convention , bn
simply ono of the contostpd delegation
and who used the prerogative thus 1m
properly thrust upon him , in an arbitrary
unbecoming and indecent manner , so ate
to defeat the wishes nnd will of the pee
pie , and for the furtherance of the dolngi
of a self constituted clique , who seek ti
control the domocratio party of said
connty of Pattowattamio county , for selfish
fish purposes and personal aggrandize
ment. The arbitrary , unbecoming and
indecent action of said chairman con
elated :
In the appointment of a member ol
the committee on credentials frotn the
contested precinct , belonging to his own
delegation , and a refusal to make a slml
lar appointment ftom the contesting del
In the refusal to permit an appeal to
bo taken from his arbitrary rulings , and
when such an appeal was made and seconded
ended , falling and refusing to put the
same to the house.
In the refusal to put to a vote of the
house a motion to r.djonrn , when made li
a properly and orderly manner by a del
cgato whoso seat waa not in dispute.
In declaring the sat of delegates abovi
named to huvu boon duly and fairly elect
oil , when a member of the convention
whose seat was not In dispute , was In oc
cupancy of the floor , having been dub
recognized by tbe chair , and wasaddreas
ing the convention at the tlmo the mo
tlon to elect said delegates waa mad
and declared adopted.
In hearing , entertaining and putting
to vote a motion for adjournment wlthou
day , while a delegate whoso scat was no1
In debate was occupying the floor , sale
member having first been dnly recog
hizod ,
In declaring said convention ad
journcd without day under the clrcum
stances obovo set forth , In violation o
every recognized principle of parliament
ary law. In fact , no orderly and proper
adjournment has yet been taken.
It la f ntrher represented that persons
were placed by said pretondoa chairman
upon said committee on credentials from
precincts which had no rctrnlar repro
sentatlon In said convention , for the pur
pose of awaidlng seats to a contested del
egatlon , illegally and Improperly np
It is further represented that a motion
waa made and adopted by eald conven
tlon providing for the appointment of
committee of five persons to recommem
thirteen delegates to the state convert
tlon , but that in violation of every princi
pie of parliamentary law and courtcs ;
said pretended chairman failed and no
glooted to name the mover of said resolu
tion as chairman of said committee o
appointment , and Indeed did not name
said mover of said resolution as a mombo
of said committee at all , for the Insuffi
cient reason that said mover was not in
sympathy with the harsh , arbitrary anc
undemocratic conduct of uald pretendoc
It Is further represented that said
committee of appointment ( Improper
designated as before explained ) retiree
and reported the foregoing Hat of dele
gates , making themselves a portion c :
the delegation to this state convention in
violation of every rule of courtesy , du
csncy and honor ; and when the indecency
cency of such appointment was exposed
u cheer of approval and gratification be
causa of 'the outrage , was sot np by i
large'body of republicans and prohlbl
tlonlaw , who occupied the lobbies of the
hall wherein the convention was astern
The report of the committee naming
delegated to this state convention re
quired the vato of Pottawattamio connty
to bo cast as a unit. Attention is calloc
to the fact that the unit rule was abro
gated by the national democratic conven
tion at Chicago , which nominated Cleveland -
land and Heudrlcks , as being unfair anc
undemocratic. Its revival In Pottawatt
amlo .county has been sought lu order to
atlfio Individual oontlment among the
regularly.designated delegates , nho have
declared a purpose to obey the voice ol
the people they were selected to repro
W&orcrforo , certain delegates to talc
convention In Pottnwattarala county , con
ceiving < the .voice of the people to have
been outraged by the arbitrary and Inde
cent conduct of Bald pretended chairman
and his supporters , have withdrawn
therefrom and recommend the recogni
tion of a delegation in the state convcn
tion fro si Pottawattamle county , com
posed of tbe following named ruuoxcep
tloiublo democrats and estimable citi
zen * , to-nit :
'X. W. VanSeevers , J. McNeoley , W.
A. .Mynster , Chris Elaleo , J. J. Fralney ,
Wlli'lam F. Patton , J. L. For man , Con
rad Oelso , William Wefdner , John Dunn ,
William fltlvln , P. J. McMahon and
J.udge E. E. Ayieswortb , or such proxies
ts they nay designate to represent them ,
To 111 uatruto the loose character of the
said PotUwattamio count/ convention It
Is suZicie.ut to state that at no tlmo dur
ing tbe proceedings of said convention ,
either for the appointment of delegates ,
or in tlie transaction of routine buslnesi ,
vvia thete a vote taken by townships and
iroclncta Uiafc would show the strength
) ( opposing elements In a fair and proper
mannar. All vo' swereorderodvivvooe ,
: hus enabling the largo lobby , composed
> f republican * and a inlicelUueoua data ,
o vote with Impunity and control the
action of an Important democratlo con
vention , which { bey weto not slow to do.
hi conclusion tlu > contestants call at-
ontion to the fact that Dr. S , N. liar-
'oy ' , one bf the commltteemen appointed
o select delegates for Pottawattamlo
: onnty to state convention , and who
himself a delegate by virtue of bis so-
eotlon of himself aa tucb delegate , it pott-
master at NcoU , in said county of Potta
wnHsmlo , appointed by Postmaster Gen. .
oral Vila * .
Ills action In eald connty convention
furnishes an ovldonca of the most offen
sive pattlsanshlp which is under the ban
of President Cleveland's administration ,
aid Is moreover in open violation of the
rnlea of the civil service which were en-
doracd by the last domocratio national
convention , and have also been endorsed
by the president of the United Statee
and his cabinet , as the rnlo of conduct ol
the present national administration.
For the sake of pollclcal consistency it It
due to the president , and to the declared
policy of the domocratio party made In
the national convention , that Dr. S. N.
Harvey and those acting with him shall
bo excluded from participation In this
state convention.
This protest has already received a
number of signatures , and the prediction
Is made that many others will bo added
before it is presented to the state dome
cratio convention at Cedar lliplds to
Snch Seems ihe Ganse of a Shortage in
a TrayeM Man's ' Accounts ,
Bo Disappear * , HnilliCKVco Numerous
Mourning CrctlltoiB ,
The many acquaintanceof ! Jesse Bald
win , who has been travelling tor Wirth
Duquette , the wholesale fruit and con
fectionery house , will bo surprised to
learn that the young man has been departing
parting from the straight and narrow
path , and has got himself Involved In
troubles which plaoo him nndor a cloud ,
which his mysterious disappearance only
tends to thicken. It has been dlscovoroc
that ho has not boon reporting monies
collectedfrom customers on the road
and it Is said that an investigation of his
territory uhowa the amount to bo about
$240. The crookedness seems to have
been in small amounts , the
largest collection retained by him
being between thirty and forty dollars.
The amount of all Is not largo enough to
affect the house ho has represented , bnl
the amount and character of the alleged
shortage or defalcation Is enough to
make a big , bad blot upon his. reputa
tion. The details of his wandering from
the path of rectitude are not fully
known , but report has it that ho be
came Infatuated with the Idea that ho
could play "poker , and , always hay
Ing considerable of the firm's money on
hand , ho wonld use it in bluffing lighter
weights , with whom ho played In some ol
the smaller towns , and that for a while
ho made some winning ; , but that the
loeors coon discovered the peculiarities ol
bis piny , and prepared themselves ac
cordfngly , so that on recent trips , in
stead of allowing themselves to
bo blnflod out of their money ,
they had on hand aa big a
pile aa he had , and soon got not only his
money , but some of that belonging to hia
The earliest Item found wrong in his
accounts was early In Jnno , and most of
the amounts collected by him , and not
reported , are alnca the 1st of July , In
one Instance it Is said that ho collected a
small bill of ono house , and kept It until
ho collected u second bill from the same
house , when ho reported and remitted
the first amount , hoping thus to cover his
tracks , and the theory is that he still
clung to the hope that ho wonld make
aomo big winnings so as to bo able to re
store all the amounts before disco very
was made. In this ho was not successful ,
and a short time ago ho mot with an acci
dent in jumping from a train , and was
temporarily disabled , and another man
was sent over his ronte , thus loading to
the discovery of the shortage and of his
Baldwin has not boon hoard from by
the firm for two weeks , and it seems that
ho has skipped for good. It Is said that
ho baa a largo number of nnpald personal
bills here , including borrowed money ,
clothing bills , etc. , amounting in all to
about $450. Baldwin has boon hero for
some time , and has berne an oxcelltnt
reputation so far as known , tie was with
Smith & Crlttondon for three years , and
entered the employ of Wlrt & Duquette
last January.
Several Bliota Fired At Him , But Ho
In tlio Darkness.
The residents along Bancroft and Main
streets , near Broadway , were aroused
yesterday morning about 1 o'clock by
the hearing of several thole fired , nnd
the sound of running foot. It was only
wltn considerable difficulty that nn ex
planation could be learned to the dfoct
that Olllo Wileon , the night operator In
the telephone oflico had heard corao mya-
torloua noleea , as If some ono wes trying
to bnrglnrlEo some otoro , and ho called
Oflicer O'Brloa'n attention to it. The officer -
ficor , In company with Charlie Lleboldlo
cated the sounds In the alley
In the rear of J3nr horn's jaweliy
atoio on Broadway , and going
there , a man In the dark jumped over
the fence and started on the rnn up a
crois alley for Bancroft atreet. Ho was
called on to halt , but kept going , and
thioo shots were fired at him."but in
vain. Ho turned couth on Bancroft
street , and leaving the sidewalk , ran
down the mlddlo of the street , whore bis
footiteps would not sound so clearly , and
dltappenred In tbo darkness. It h
thought that ho waa planning to burglar
ize omo onu of the stores on Main street ,
bat this Is simply a guess , there being no
marks d ( covered of any attempted break
Ing In , If ho waa bent on securing plun
der his plans were spoiled before ho had
an opportunity to start in on them very
Henry Rlahton , st. , who has been ly
ing at the point of death for several days ,
i\'led about 7 o'clock last evening at his
rtxudonco on the outskirts of the city.
Mr. Illahton was 75 yoara of ago. He
was t n Englishman by birth and o.nno to
this country in 18-14 , and six years .later
settled in thii county wl'era ho has resided -
sided since. Ho leaves a wlfo and eight
children , six of whom wore projent dtir-
ng his hit lllnesi and death , The fa-
neral will t'a held Fednosdny afternoon
at 130. ;
A. L. Chasa And MIis Mary Williams ,
ioth o [ Omaha , were married lait oven-
ng by the Ilsr. Mr. Craft * of U | ? Con-
regitloual church ,
AVork for the Boy § .
A boys' work has boon started in con
nection with the Yonng Men's Christian
Association. The object li to train the
boys , and make them practical and mat
tjr-of-fact in nil things that they have to
do. An unusual amount of interest will
bo kept up , this making It ploasint as
well as Instructive for the boys. Ono
ovonlng will bo devoted to sketches ol
hlttory on some live subject , another to
the study of'n Blblo lesson , another to n
literary meeting , another to an evening
of song , oto . etc. The meetings will b <
hold on Friday evening at precisely 7
A largo number of the bays became
Interested at the Tnotday eronlng liter
ary nnd social , and wore enthusiastic
when they wore told that n work wonlc
bo started for them. It is ono of the
most promising fields for work in the
whole city , nntl wo may expect to hoar
moro from It iu the future.
Stationery , the finest and most complete
line ever brought ta the city now nt
Invitation ; , Prograinr , Il3gratt > , Oallinj
Cards , etc. ,
and in quantities to unit.
Also a buantifnl line of
Call and ooo them. All oidora fillcc
promptly , and the work will bo guaran
tcod to equal tboetoc'f. '
The New York
55S Broadwav ?
Council Bluffs , Iowa
ed and constructed.
in all its branches.
This com panv have
one of the best assort
ed stocks of plumb
ing goods in the west.
Estimates furnish
H. Birkinbine >
Telephone No , 37.
100 Minn St. , Council bluffs
Iletall Hoot nndSLoa etON "hero big bargnloacan
luaya be found.
j. r , .
No. 507 Broadway Oonnoll BloCs.
Railway TiMe Table ,
Tbe following are the times ot the arrival and do-
farturo of tralna by central standard time , at the
local depots. Trains lenvo transfer depot tin mlii.
ates canler and arrive ten minutes later.
tuiciaoand MOtTmr Tiui.
9:25 : A u Mall and Express 1:10 : r M
13:10 : r u Accommodation 4tO : r u
6:80 : r u Kxpreus ; 05 A
0:28 : A u Uall anil Express 0:53 : r
7:26 : A M Accommodation 6:16 : p u
C:80 : p > < Kxnreta 8:00 : A M
B:20i : ii Ha ! | and Express 0:60 : r u
6:116 : r u Exprcsi 9:06 : A H
8:68 : A Utll and Kirpress 7:10 p II
3)i- Ao comin odaUon 1:00 p M
45 p b < pro < l EOA : M
iua , IT , LOUU ii'D ricine.
2:15 : p H Local St. Louis Kipieea Local
8:00 : p U Tiantfcr " ' < Vrauefer B:20 : p u
10.0A A U lln.ll and KxpreM B:40 : P U
8:14 : p M Express 0:26 : A
iocx CITT AHD rAcina.
7:20 A if Uall for Sioux City 0:50 : r H
70 ; p 11 Express for Bt Paul B:25 : A u
I-XIO.M rAGiric.
11:00 : A u Denver Kiprcsa < : S5 p M
16 r M Uncoil Pols 0' & R y 2S6 : p u
7:66 : p OverU "d tF M BSO : A M
CrjllUT T84I OUAI1A ,
Leave [ Council Bluffs * 5 7:65 9JO IOJO :
11:10 : a : m. lM-:80-- : ( ! a4:2&Z80:25 : : : -
Ui5 : p.m. Leaio Omaha- * ; ? ? - W5.l0 . . ; -
11:15 : a. m
NOTICE. Special a Teriliemenl IKO as t/ott
FoundTo Loan , Pot Sale , To Ret'l Wants , Board' '
eg , Mo. , will be Insetted In this column at the low
le of TKN CENTS TEH LINK for tbe first Insertion
nd nVK CKNT8 PER LINK lot OAOh robseqtlint In
sertion. LcnTOilvertlsomenls at oniottc * , Ho. IS
Poail strott mar liroadnav
VX7A.VTKn OooJ c nta er for city work : Rood pay
if to right mm. Inquire at 823 Ilroadiray. 1
A. Powers , manager ,
FOR SKXT The double office on Broadnay rrccntlj
ocnipled by Dr. Sejbtit. Horace Krerctt
FORRWT A slv room house , ten mlnntol walk
from ImslnctR , city water , well and cittern. For
rent cheap.
FOR. RUM No. 180 Harrison itreot , three roomt
JIcMAIiox ft Co.
4 1'cnl street.
FOR SALK An elegant Wisconsin summer retort
250 acres , 1(0 tillable , rail way station andetetm
boat anding ; frame house ( or homestead ; pavllllon
wlno cellars , rcttaurant , Ice house , tenement house
lour cotWgo * . barn , SCO fruit trtce,3 acics prapfs
cow , horses , 13 boat * , etc. A Dno report , (00 fee
above W'cooiln rcr , and ICO feet abo\o Baralioo
Uwll pay $5.000 n year. Addrcaj W. k B. , HE *
ollloe , Council UluiU.
FOH BALK Lands Improved aad unimproved
If v ° u want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , lotus bear from you.
i nOll HALE Houses. Lots and Land. A.
JU Stepr cn ° on , 603 First avenue.
rpo KXCAAXO n 0 , b 9 , b 10 , b 13 nro hotels In did
JL crontlocatttns for SAO or for trade.
, special bargain ; 400 a Imrrovcd ( arm worth
B1SS , prlro for A short time S16.0CO , Kill trade
lor low priced Western lands. Swan & Walker.
01 , saddlery tlardnaro manufacturing cstab
B llehmcnt itnk nnd machinery , \aluo S/.OCO , for
western land Swan & Wnlktr , Council Illufla.
BS03 , flock rf dry Roods , groceries andhtrdwaro ,
Miluo , 33,000 , In an good eastern Nebraska town
or land. Swan fe Walker.
BSOt , stock of general merchandise In a gooc
western Iowa town , value 4,003 , wantn an Im
proved ( aim In western Iowa. tjwan& Walker.
T ) 105 , stock o ( hardware In Stubon Co . Indiana ,
13 for land , \aluo about W OCO. Swan k Walker.
, new stock of hanwaro In a live Nebraska
BIOC for land , value $3,000. Swan & Walker.
207. stock of aprlctjlturaHmplements and shell
B hardware , value about 8,000. wants a good Im
proved farm. Sunn & Walker.
T > 203 , a $10,000 stock of clothing In a good WIs
JD consln city , J In lands and balance oaah or tm <
proved security , lioautitul store room at low rent.
Swan & Walker.
, stock of mixed hardware In a lire western
Iowa town ( or cheap lands , value $0,003. Snnn
& Walker.
B211 , flno brick block , rents well , In n Hvb central
la. town one room occupied with general stock ol
Roods , wants an Improved farm , \alue ; building
)3,000 , goods 87,009. Swan & jc alker.
B212 stookof boots , shoos bats , caps and clothing
valued ? 3,000 , In ono of tbe beet tonns lu Mob. ,
valued $3,000 for lands. Swan& Wtlltcr.
B213 , a $3.000 block of clothing , wants land In
North Western Iowa , for $6,000 , and will pay
dlflercnco. S an & Walker.
B214 , an $8,000 stock of drugs In central ( ana ( or
land. Swan & Walerr.
O 216another stock of drugs value fromfSOO tn$70C
JD with ntoro building and lot value $ 00 In a good
> cbrama town wants partly Improved land. Swan &
FOR dill particulars , write to or call upon Swan &
Walker , Hou want to mil , buy , or trade any
thing , tell S. & W. about It. hwan & Walker , Ccun
'SfMS ,
I. M. TnKTNon.
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths ,
Mattings ,
Eugs ,
i , ,
Office cfc Store Shades
JVFatJe to Order.
On short notice. Write for prices
and Samoles.
S. XI.
209 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs
jardu r irlnt 8 J
" di rei9 goods ,
nubUn gingham
go < xl glDKbum 00
Ulleiir chovoltl 00
good 00
iufTolk Jdrttig - i. . . . ' . , . 00
cat Jeant lluuol , SOo per yard ,
Coota aud shoes at privet aa 1 jw ai any houao la tbe
C T'
18 pounill ex 0 euRir. , , . f 1
18 jiouncla granulated iuar. 1
ISuoundJ ooufsctlormty A tugtr. , . , . , . . . . . . 1
21 Lara white Kustlan aoau , Kirkg . , . . . . ' 'I
iO Kira Muo India eoap , Kirks 1
22 LiriPilmaBoap , Lautz liro'd 1
18 boxesinatchui.
Best lyruii , per gillon. . . ,
H sl sorKiitni , per gallon.
Iloit Knglith curr nt , 14 pounds. . ,
10 boxoi ftuulDO Lewis Ijo
2-rtmtiJ cans ttrawbmies In ejrup l
8-pouml Mnjpeachea , lu njrup l
1 8-pound o us tomatoes , 100
10 pounds Mlcblgandiledapplcs. . . , , , 1 DO
10 pounp evaporated otplvs ( H )
Norllant climax tobacco per pound 45
jiacy plug tobacco , per pourd CO
tfu.uralluaf tob oou , per pound 00
( loui , allbiandalrom 92.10 to ? 3 60 per cwt.
Lower Than Any Other House
Standard Typewriter
At the New Orleans Exposition ,
1. The Jury of awardl critically cxanlntd the arlous writing machines , nJ iltciJeJ ty a t
thlrJsvcto to gho the hlghttt a rd to the RR.MIXOTOX.
. The decision cf Jury\\ailgiioiodbythecommlttfro of w rJ , ml other Jurors wcrcaiJo
conitilullDgaiiow ury ,
8. Thli Mtond Jury slio ciltlcally exnmlncd the arlous wiltltg machines , nJ tnado the awird of
first clist gold medal , the hljhest award , to the HRMi.votoNStandirdType Wiltor , for "jlmpllclty , dura-
klllty , CRBO ol manipulation and speed. "
4. Tno rt port of this Jnry made dc'.U crcd
WM , to and receipted for by the commlttoo of awAtils on
May 20. *
E. The members of this Jury wcro \crdlschargcd. .
0. No other Jury examined the HIMIXOTO.N Standard Tjpo-Wrltcr rtt New Oilcans.
7. Iho lgncrs of tb.s awaril are honorable and well known gentlemen. Tholr rUdrosscs are Cha
A. Morgan , Ksq , , totithein manager of B. 0. Dunn b CO. , Row Oilcans , La. ; Ex-Oovcrnor Prink Ones
V. S. commissioner of K n aj , and president of the U. S. board of uuimlsiloncrs , Chtnuto , Ki > 9 | Oco. A.
Dcatcn , Etq. , stenographer ( ltd mrctarrot the board of U. S. comnilit oiior , Columbus , Ohio.
R. The affidavits ol these gentlemen lind the history ol the contest , which we are preparing
pamphlet form , wo will bo plcabctl to furnish on app'.lcaUcn.
The fcllonlng Is the report :
The World's InduttiUl and Cotton Centennial Expcsltloii , New Oilcans. Jury rcpJrL Appllcatla
No. SI6j group 0 ; clan 014. Competition.
The undersigned Jurors In the above entitled class , having carefully oxtmlnoil the exhibit m do
K. Herein ton & 8cnifii | | , New Toil' , nd all ccmrttlngexhlbltp , concur In recommending the A
ofnOrst class mod the Standard Tjrc-Wrltcr , for Blmpllclty , ilur blllty , ono of manipulation a
Batcil t 0th U y of May , ISS5. GEO.nKATOW , \
CIIAS. A. JIOR04N , } Jurors ;
W1KOIT.S ASIANS 4 BENEDICT , SSD Drcndway , New York- .
Chicago Office , SS Madison St.
O. H.SHOLES , Agent ,
Council Blnffg. Iowa
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch
es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
cheaperthan ever. Call and see for yourself ,
Formerlv MKS. J. J. GOODE.
29 Main Street , Council Bluffs
KoKtilar Dinner 11:30 to 13O ! , 25 cents.
505 Broadway , - - Council
The only all night house in the city. EvnrytbinR served in first claza style nnd on ehor
notlco. Hot and cold luuchoB always ready.
Norene & Landstrom ,
Suits to order In lateat styles at cheapest possible [ prices.No.
No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluff
And all kinds ol musical Instruments. Pianos BUI ] orpana Bold on the Installment plan. Musical nslru.
mciitsof ocry description tuned and repaired. H \ ing over 14 jears experience In the buainoia wo Ice
conHilcut of giving the best of satisfaction. Remember tie place. Sign of the Kilt organ.
Keep Horse B and Muloa constantly on hand which
wo nil ! cell In retail or carload lota
All Stock Warranted as Reuresented
Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain ind Baled n y. Prices re -
eonnble Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Oor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffa.
Employ no traveling agents , thus enving' their expenses to customers.
Agent for Para Rubber Company. Wiito for prices ,
4I3 Broadway , Council Bfuffsa
liriclc buildiupa of any kind raised or moved and B.Mlsfnctlon guaranteed , Frame bout
o > cd on Little Giant trucks , the best In the world.
1010 Minth Street , Council Blulls
Office & Pusev.
Council Bluffs , lo-wa.
Established , - 1865
Madame [ , J , Balcear ,
Who lor tbo rait 10 years has been practising In
ian FranclBoo la now located at Ho ! 8 M. eth Utri v t ,
> pp09lto now Opera Houeo ,
uadamo llalcoar guarantees to restore
Or to git o anyone a liugh mustache or bring out a
ne growth of balr or board In fromfourtodx : weeks ,
rlcos reasonable and Batlefar.tlon guaranteed ,
0 anc r > . dealnvtsandcepccUlly rhtumatlun and
chrcnlo clmiit cuuu ly auttmal gilt of be
. JE , JT. Balcear ,
.Council Bluffs , la.
o.v THE
Piano and Organ ,
Ily Mita Fannij Westcott , Org&niiti at the
Presbyterian cburcb , lioidcnco OOC Wo b-
Dgton Ave ,
In Council Bluffs having
And all modern Improvements , call belle , Bra
nlarm build , oto. , ia tbo
NOB. L'15 , 217 nod 21 ! > , Alain Street.
Eice M. D.
or other timnia remove ! without the
l.nllaor drawing ol UooJ.
CHRONIC 'DISEASES , < " 8l" " d * ! * * " *
Ovrr thirty } caripr > rtlral xpritnc ! . Ofloa o
II , I'tailuticet , Uouncll I
CiTCoDiuItatlon free.
General Agent it largo
Life and Annuity Ins.Co