THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , MONDAY AUGUST 17 , 1885. OOUEKGIIi BLUFFS M nlay Morning , August 17. ISUDSORirTlON IUTE3. BT Omltl - - - - - - -JO wnta p i week JJK n - ' - - - - 110.00 pel yew MINOR MENTION , See Oooko & Morgan's GOe nhlrts. Rcltcr , morchnnt tailor , for fine goods Fire tale at H , Friedman's this wook. Lawns thirty per cent discount nt Hatknesi Bros. The best unl&undrlod shirk over shown lor GOo at Oocko & Morgan's. Entire ttock damaged by fire will bo Bold at fire prices at II. Friedman's. The report of the sulcldo of Mrs. Koos , near Orescent city , lacks confirmation. The circuit court for this county opens to-dsy with Judge Connor on the bench. Going out of children's nndmltsoa' hoao nt fifty per cent discount at Harknojs Broe. Broe.My My damaged stock must bo closed ont nt ones to mike room for my now fall otock , H. Friedman , Fifty dozen reinforced linen boaom "Dtright Anchor" cotton COc cash , worth 85 : , at Oocko & Morgan's. A lawn party Is to bo given by Mrs. F. Cooley and other ladles , at Mrs. Morgan's homo next Thursday evening. Ono hundred pieces ribbons , north from lOo to 25c per yard , all at Do per yard , at Oocko & Morgan's. There was a largo crowd at the plcnlo given by the Dnilds yesterday. A num ber of the Omaha grove participated. The fire WAS slight and goods mostly damaged by smoke , but must be sold , Gall and got first pick at H. Friedman's. The congregational church was so crowded yesterday morning that chairs had to bo brought In to accommodate tho'o who could gut no sittings in the pews. The young people of the Presbyterian church are to glvo a lawn party next Thursday evening nt the residence of Judge J. P. Gaaadny , on Washington avonuo. Marshal Guimella has dosldod to atop the street dross parade of the sailed dovoa. If the resolution Is only carried Into effect the reform will bo hailed with delight. Ladles' and children's underwear , em broidery , coreeta , worsteds , etc. , regard- lots of coat or value , as they are slightly damaged by fire , water or smoke , at H. Friedman's , Dick Hoist , of Kiel's hotel , Is now happy In the possession of an elegant gold watch , the gift of the Spotmanu , who bought It for him during their visit to the old country. Charges have been brought against JSokompor Bros , for selling liquor to minors , and for keeping open on Sunday. The case will be hoard by Judge Ay lea- worth next Thursday. John Nicholson has received a tele gram stating that his horse , Boecher , had boon stolen from the stable at the race track at Blair , the attendants having boon chloroformed. Bill Grlflia , from whom Nicholson bought the horse Is said to have taken it. Saturday night burglars wore prowling about the house of E. J. Abbott , and wore forcing open a window when the dog made such a nolso as to arouse the family and frighten the intruders off. They loft their heel marks , and the evi dences of work on the window. Lewis and Boeorofi , two well-known oxprosimcn , had a row Saturday over the hauling of some baggage , In which Boe- croft got several sharp raps over the head with the butt end of a whip. Both wore arrested for disturbing the peace , and their cases postponed for a week. On Saturday the bill bond of ยง 10,000 In the Coffman case was filed with the clerk of courts , and Mr. Ooflnnn wns re leased from custody. His daughter , Mrs. Harlow , of Avoca , was In the city Situr- day , and accompanied him to Omaha , vrhoro ho had aomo little businces to at tend to , and ho will return to his homo to-day. The signers of his bond are J. W. and E. L. Davis , S. 0. Harlow , 0. B. Nelson , F. Benjamin , Ed. Garaoly , and Charles Uhdeu. Over a month ago Mrs. Wallace , wife of an expressman , suddenly loft homo for parts unknown , deserting her husband and tovoral small children. "Wallace got Information that she had centered her nf- fectlons upon Nelson Hcston , who lived near Orescent City , and that she had gone with him. Ho filed an Inform ation before Jnstloa tiohurz , and has had them arrested In Sioux Olty. They will bo brought Into court Tuesday for a hearIng - Ing on the charge of lowdncsj. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Tlbblts celebrated their tenth wed- dlug anniversary in a very happy manner nor , the occuilon being shared In by about seventy-five couples of their friends. A largo platform for dancing was erected , and the grounds about their residence on Seventh street wore brilliantly lighted , and the guests were cared for with lavish hospitality. A largo number of gifts appropriate to such an anniversary were bestowed upon the worthy couple. Pat Vlllisca , who has gained a good deal of notoriety by his peculiar acti as a hackman , and bit treatment of thoao who were not used to the ways of the city , was egiln brought to the front S tard y , for a breach of trust. It secmi that William Luitrop gave Vllllioi six dollars to pay George Feigason for a pilr of prafrlo dcgi , which Liutrop had bar gained for , and for which ho sent Vil- liica. The meotetigor went after the dog > , and got them , but failed to pay over the cath. The matter did not seem to fcavo enough of a criminal tlngo to It ID como under the criminal law , and Pat was set free. Ho ought to make use of his freedom now in putting a goodly dis tance between hts heels and the city limit ! , for the city Is gottlnt ? tired of him. Some unruly bo/a are causing great an- no/anco and trouble by using the Baptist chiroa as a Inrgot for stones and other m'sillos ' , and a number of the windows have been broken. The chApel Is used for a music room during the week , and some of the ladies have been badly frightened , ni well as having their pa- tlonco tried to the utmost. The boys , after throwing these missiles , rnn and hldo behind a neighboring fence , but they have not oicapod recognition , and the next offense will cause them to bo rocog- nlzid In the polloo court. A bnggy In which were seated two young men , ono of them being young Klrscht , were thrown ont on Broadway yesterday , near the Ogden house , a loose nut loitlng ono of the wheels off , and starting the horse Into a run. The buggy was somewhat damaged , but neither of the young men were hurt. That block on Broadway seems to have a peculiar effect on the nuts of buggies which pasj over It. Within a week four wheels have como off , and throe of those accidents Gccnrroi within a distance of fifty foot. Workers with metals ROD era ting oleo- rlclty escaped the cholera of ' 49. Then 8) our electric bolts. Judd & Smith , Oonncll Bluffs. Agents wanted. A MISSING- MAN , Ho Games to Council Blufid AVitli Money to BUT Goods anil A ahoomakcr , named Oarpontcr , loft his homo In Pacific Junction lant Monday to como to this city on business , and has not yat rotutnod nor been hoard from by his family. Ho lias n vfifo and two children , and they are naturally anlTarlng greatly from anxiety and suspense. Shor- iiT Dan Fdrroll was hero yesterday hunt ing for the jniseiaR man , and learned thit ho arrived hero Monday and called at Larson's leather store , where ho had Intended to bny nemo stock , and to pay a bill of about $54 , the money for which ho had with him. Ho did not settle the bill , and made no purchase , but aaid ho would bo In again. Ho tcld some other patty that ho was going over to Omaha , to BOO if ho could not do bettor there , and it was learned that ho really did go thtre , and that ho was noon going to the depot in that city last Tuesday morning with the avowed Intention of returning to thia city. Tula la the last trace had of him. Ho was a very steady man , and waa not given to drink , Delnt ; ao consti tuted that a very little whisky would sot him crazy , ao ho seldom touched any thing in that lino. There sooma to be no other clrcumstaucoa which would caneo him to voluntarily absent himself from hta family , and while ho was not rich , still he was not in any financial distress. Various theories are advanced aa to what has become of him , bnt they are all theories , and there seems thus far no facts developed to substantiate any ono of them. Ho is a man of about thirty-five years of ago , sandy complexion , full board , well sprinkled with gray. Ho Is of average alza and build , and has a Roman noao , which is very noticeable from Its peculiar turning to ono aide , 03 if It had been at some tltno broken. ELEGANT WEDDINO AND STYLISII PABTV Stationary , the finest and moat complete line ever brought to the city now at rayon's BEE JOB OFFICE. Invitations , Programs , Rsgrets , Calling Cards , etc. , THE LATEST STYLES , and in quantities to suit. Also a beautiful line of ENGRAVED FOLDEB.S AND CAKDS. Call and see them. All aiders filled promptly , and the work will ba guaran teed to equal the stock , THE DELEGATES , The City Roiiubllctins Name Their KcprcBontatirca to tlto County Convention. Saturday evening the republican irard oaucnsos were held to select delegates to the county convention which moeta In this city on Wednesday iioxt. The fol lowing was the reaalt. FIUST WAIID. Goo. Caraon , chairman , H. B. Brown , secretary. DeloRatoz Wai McFa-lden , E. B. Gardiner , A. J. Bump , George Caraon , M. B. Brown , E. J. Abbott. SECOND WAIID. Spencer Smith , chairman ; U. K. Hcato , oecrotary. Dalefintes Ed. Mott , T. J. Evans , Jacob Slma , 0 , R. Scott , J. 0 , Rodobock , 0. 8 , Unbbard , Frank Grass , Spencer Smith , F. W. McO rger. Member of committee , J , 0. Rodebeck. THIRD George F , Smith , chairman ; Frank Oook , secretary. Delegates John' Llndt , George F. Smith , Ool. Sapp , John Bennett , W. A. Wood , B. W. flight , J. U. Reed. FOUKTII WAIID. Delegates J. F , Evans , Phil Armour , H. W. Hart , Walter I. Smith , J. D. Edmundson , A. T. FJfcklngor , A. J. Brown , A. B. Walker , E. R. Fonda , 0. S. llazloton. Dr. West , dentist , over BEE office. Dr. Wiles , Eye , Ear aud Throat specialist , room D Everett block. Grand Ii'iourulon. Next Thursday , August 20 , the Chica go , Rock laland & Pacific railway will have a grand excnnlon to Oolfax Spring * , tickets for tbo round trip being pUood at the extraordinary loir prloe of $3,40 , and good to return until September 1. Those who dealro further Information can se cure It by applying to 8 , S. Stevoni , gen eral agent , No. 007 Broadway. Substantial abstract of tltlo and real oatsto Irnns. J. W. and E , L. Squires , 102 Pearl street. Boring for a water eupply at the town of 15UV mat with aucpesiful results at a depth of 12) feet , water raialog to within a few feet of the mrface of the ground. A OHANOE FOE VATJGHAN , Old Citizens Gnther to See Who Can Tell Tlio BlfiKcst lilo , Looking around for sensations a day or Iwo since , a BEE reporter accidentally stumbled In upon an assembly , which ho soon learned was composed of all the biggest liars In the city , oxcapt the Non pareil , who had met by appointment for the purpose ot contesting for the modal , The reporter was lucky enough to citoh the very beginning of the mooting. Said the first champion : "I mod to have a mighty scary team of oxen. Ono day as I was hauling a monstrous load of hay to my barn , them oxen got scared at a ton foot snake In the road , and started on a dead run , making light straight for the barn as tight as they could dig out. All at once , as wo Rot near the barn , I noticed that the load of hay was just as high as the top of the door that wo was colng in , and that there was no chance for mo and the load of bay to go in to gether. If no undertook ( t , I'd got scraped off frith out a donbt , and no tolling what the consequences might bo. Just as the lead was going In , It flashed on mo to jnmp. Being so oxcltod I gave a tremendous jump right up over the top of the barn , and that load of hay was jast coming out at the other sldo of the barn as I came down , and I lit right eqtmo on It whore I had boon setting before I glvo the jnmp , and not a hair of my head was No. J2 was next called. Said ho : "Mine Is a fish story. Keep your asats , gentle men , I bet ; of you. I know fish stories are old , but this will bo different from any yon have over heard yet. " 1'hoy ompoaod thomaolvoa with a bad grace to listen , but wore well topald. "I con cluded ono time to go fishing , "wont on champion iSo. 2 , "and wont over to a email crook , and set down on thobank , and dropped In my line , anil almost before I touched the water with It I got such a fearful bite that It bent the polo double and jerked mo Into the bottom cf the crook. When I opened ray eyes I siw a trout laying alongoldo of mo , and Its head was by my head , and Us tall by my feet , making It just as long as I was. I raised up and then the trout raised up , aud I jumped out on the bink and so did the trout , and blocs my soul If that trout didn't start up that hill through the pas ture field and rnn Into the woods , mo following It , and I hope to dlo If I didn't ' chase that trout a full six miles , clear to Brldgewator. before wo struck water again. It wont Into the river there and that was the Inst I sow of it. " Champion No. 3 carna on the stand with a happy expression which seemed to say , "That story will bo nowhere when I tell mine. " "When I was a young fel low , " ho began , "I used to do a good deal of trading in pelts , furs , otc. Onetime time I had been ont buying , and trot a terrible big stock on hand , and was bring ing them homo in a wagon. It took six horses to pull that wagon , and as wo got to the top of the last hill ono of them gave ont and fell just as If dead. I jampedout of the wagon , took ont my pook- ot knlfo , skinned him , threw his pelt into the wagon , and drove on , for It was get ting late and I wanted to get home. When wo had got about a mile further I heard a familiar nolcjh , and looking back , saw that horse that I had just oklnnod and left for dead coming at full gallop. He como right up to the wagon , and I took some of the beat aheap ppJts I had and wrapped around him , and may my right arm wither and drop off , If them sheep pelts didn't grow fast to that horse , and every year after that for ten years I sheared 1,000 pounds of the finest wool oft from that animal , and so mhde my fortune. " There seemed to bo ageneral oplnlcn In the assembly , judging from their looks and blank expressions , that no ono would volunteer to beat that one , but to the astonishment of all concerned , Champion No. 4 walked ont without the least trepidation , and began as follows : "There is every reason to bellevo that Mayor Yaughan stands a good chance to receive the candidacy for governor of this state , - " He was Intending to go on , but cud- donly found himself without an audience. His first sentence had won him the modal , and ho stood alone victor of the field and monarch of all ho surveyed. PEKSONAJj. | IDoc.'II. Mills , of Omaha , was in the city yesterday. W. G. Coller , of Racine , wna a Sunday Rueat at Bechtele's , Attorney William Sears left yesterday for Wisconsin on legal business. Hon. f. M , 0 , Logan , of the town bearing hia own name , Sundayed in the ISluffs. Mrs. 0,1C. Hceao has gene to Beatrice , Neb , , on a visit to her father and mother. Jim McMnhon , who is cow located In 1're mont , Nob. , spent Sunday here with his rela tives , James Craig has accepted tha position of bookkeeper in Judd & Smith's electric belt factory. H , Merrlam , editor of the Sundty Nowa Omaha , last evening took a trip to Atlantic , and will return this ovenlnp. Mr. aad Mrs , T , B. Ettep , of Cincinnati , are m the city , visiting their eon , W , C , Es top , of the firm of Field & Kstep , J , Ballinger , who Is with Stewart Bros , , is the happy father of a little maiden , who ar rived In tbo city Saturday morning , A. Sobleutor , of Scliloutor & Bowley , of Kiel'd barn , leaves to-day with n carload of bortes and mules for West Point , Neb. L , n , Josalyn , of JnnesvIIlo , Wts , , arrived in the city S&turday on a visit to his daugh ters , MM. II. W. Tllton and Mrs. P. M. Pry or , John Temploton has returned from Ne braska City. Ills nephew , Jlmmle Gregg , accompanied him home , and will remain here a few days , Mr. Simon IJisetnan returned Saturday from the east , where he has been purchasing new goods in large enough ciuantitles to fill his enlarged store. Her. T. J , Mackey , the rector of St. Paul's cburcb , who Is In Europe , nails for this coun try this week , nnd expects to reach homo by the let of S apt ember. Conductor Charlie Mack , of the Dummy train , it off on a three weeks' leave of absence. Hewlll vliit Wliconain aud the eait. His placa is being filled by Chris Durr. Among the arrivals at the Ogdeo yesterday were : 0. Woolcott , of Detroit ; V , II , Beck- with , of Cleveland ; 0. M , Kendall , of Mil waukee ; A. J , McDonald , of Kansas City , Among those at the Pacific house yesterday were Olitf Lewis , of 1'aribault , Mian ; II. 0 Williams , of Ionia , la. ; Wm. Conradl , of San Francisco ; and 1' . II. Hasie , cf Los Angeles William Gronoweg , of the firm of Grono- ECIED hTT CW"KT \ TIX AND "THE ENGLISH" KITGHEN. HeRtilnr Dinner 11:3O : to 1 : O , JIB cents. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only nil night house In the city. Evt'tylhlrf ' ? tcrvwl In firet clan etylo and on shot notice. Hot nnd cold lunches nlwnys ready. Norene & Landstrom , Merchant SuiU to order In latest styles nt cheapest possible [ prices , No. 205 Main St. , Council Blnff N. J. SWANSOH. 0. E , SWAKSON 8WAWS&N MUSIC CO. , Dealers in PIANOS AND ORGANS And all kinds ol tnuslcnl luftrumcuts. Plinoa tnd orjrans sola on Iho ItBtallimnt plan. Unitcil nstru- mentsot o\crr description tuned mid repaired. HMliiRoxr II ycnrs on ] > otlcnco In the business wo too confident of giving the best ot tatUtactlon. llcmembcr ttoplaco. Sign ot the gilt orgin 329 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which no will aoll In retail or carload Iota All Stock Warranted as Represented \VholeealoandrotMldcalorsln drain end Baled Uay. I'rlccs ro - tenable Sitttfactlon Uiuraotcod. SCHLVTER A VOWLEY Cor. 5th Av. nnd 4th St. , Council Bluffs. wog & Shoentgen , who has been spending several months in Europe , has arrived in Now York , and will reach homo In a day or two , BOGUS PAPER. A Fellow Arrcatod for Buying a Ilorso of a Boy and Hi 111 WortnlcsB Notes. Yesterday a boyish looking fellow made complaint at police headquarters that ho had boon swindled out of a horse by n man named Henry Reynolds. Accord ing to the boy's story ho sold a horse to Reynolds , who was a Dtranger , and who was dealing in hones , and Reynolds paid him two dollars in cash and two notes , guar anteeing that the notes were good , and that all ho would have to do would be to present them nnd got the cash on them. The boy , after trying In vain to collect the notes , learned on Inquiring that the signers were not worth any property , and that their paper _ _ had no valne in the money mwkot. no also dlscDVorod that Reynolds had endorsed the notes "without recourse , " and hunt ing np Reynolds ho demanded back his horse , balioving tbat such was the under standing and agreement when the trade was made. Reynolds refuged to do any thing about It , and so ho was arrested. The case will ba hoard bcforo Judge Aylesworth this morning , The Dubuque & Northwestern railway company bought about fifty acres of land In the northern pirt of Dubuque for ma chine shops , transfer grounds , and other nseo. The final course of the road has been decided upon nud it will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. The Mat ion conn'y ' fair Is to bo hold August 25 to 28 inclmlvo , nt the new grounds of the associithn , near the town of Knoxvlllo. The race track Is said to ono of the very host In the Etito. S.A , 100 Main St. , Council Bluffa Retail Boot and Shoe etoro " 'hero big bargains can always be found. GIVEN ON THE Piano and Organ , By Mien Fannia Wcstcott , Organist ; at the Presbyterian church. Ilosidence COG Wash ington Ave. Office & Pusev * CA > - . ? l Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 jr. L. No. 507 Brcsdwey Oor.ccll Blaffa. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Th following tiio Iho tlmoa ot Iho arrival irii dt > utrtaiocl tnltu by central ( standard tlmo , . < the locil depots. Trains leava transfer depot icr nlc aici enllcr and arrive ton mlnutot later. DIPABT. ARUIVH , rmcioo tud noannnnugi , 0.-25 A u Uall and Eipresi fl'P : P M 12 : 0 r M Aocomtuoditlou 4M > r M 6 ISO r u KxpicM 6:05 : A u CBICiGOABD BOOKIOLUID , 025 ; A H Mall aud E > pres 8:63 : - tl 7:26 : A M Accommodation 6:16 : r M 6:30 : r 11 EiprefB P:00 : A u Knucio , utivAuaii AHD St. riUL. 0:20 : A K Mall and Xxnreu 0:50 P u 6:26 : r u Kxpresi 9:06 : A H OHIOAOO , totuvaroi AKD quiKor , 0:66 : A MA ! ) and Kxpreii 7:10 : f u Sir AM ooaiui odatlan 2:00 : f u r atptui 8:601 : u at. u > ma AXD rActne , J:15 : r u Local St. Loula Kipresa Local - 8:00 : p 11 Tranifer " " Tranuf r 8:20 : m LAMIAl CITTi BT. 10 * AHB OOUBWl JLUrM. 10:0' : ' ) A li Mall * nU Kxpreu BMQ r u 6:16 : r u Kipreea OM A u BIODX OITI AMD rACIFlO , 7:20 : A u Mall for Sioux City 0:10 : r tt 7:80 : r u Egrets lor Ut l'ul BS6 A u CNION rAuirio , 11:00 : A K Djnter Kiprcu 4:35 : t M 1.-06 f u Lluooln I'm * 0' & R V 2:35 : r u 7:66 : r Overland rUpribU 6sg : A u DtniHT raiisa TO OIIAUA. I vo 'Council BluB * 8:557:55SO10SO : : : : 11:10 : . m. lSO 2SO-BBO : :28-66-o.-J6 : Ili5 : p. m. Leave Ouiaha 9S5 : 7S : e:60 : 10 -iiu : , m. SPECIAL NOTICES HOIICB. Cpccltl ik reitlscmetiU itto ti Lett found , To Loan , Foi Silo , To ROL'Wants , UoiiJ. toff , eto. , will bo Inserted la thla column at the ton rtU oi TEN CENTO PER LINK for the Drat Insertion ted riVK CENTS PER LINE ( or lach silbsoqcon ! IB- Bcrtloti. Lcarcajvarllsomenii at onioEM , Ho , 1 ! 1'oail etroet ncnr Broidnav WANTH REST Tha ilouMo olllcaon Drovl ay recently Eon ociuplod by Dr. Sojboit , Horace Krorett FOR RUNT - A BX ! room house , ten minutes wnlk from bualncjd , city w tcr , well and cistern. For rent cheap. FOR HUM No. 180 Ilarrlson street , three roomr. McUAliox&Co. 1 Pciil street. FOR SALE An o'efrant Wisconsin Bummer retort , 260 acres , ICO tillable , ralU ay station anil Btoim- boat nndltii ; ; frame bouse for ImncstcnJ ; payllllon , wine ccllirs , restaurant , Ice house , tenement liouso , four cotttBec , barn , SCO fruit trcce,3 acica pnipcs , cow , horses , ISboatp , cto. A Ono resort , SCO feet above Wi'co&Ein r'.Acr , and 120 feet above Barahoo It wll pay es.oodajcar. Address W. & a , BKB olllce , Council DlulU. FOK SALE Landa Improved aad unimproved. If you want a farm In western Iowa , Kan a Nobiaoka or Dakota , let us heir from you. SWAN & WALKHR. R SALE Houses. Lota and Land. A. J Ptclicn | < Kin , CC3 First avenue. rpo KXCAANO li 6 , b 9 , b 10,1) 13 are hotels In utff. JL ercntlocatkns fcr sale or fortrado. Bl3 , special bargain ; 400 a Imcrovcd Urm worth $18,000 , prliolur a ebort timeSIC.OOO , will trade for low piiccd Western lands. Swan & Walker. , eaddlery Hardware manufacturing cstab- BEOt etock and machinery , value S7.CCO , for western land Swan & Wallc r , Council IIluffs , T ) 203 , Block ft dry geode , groceries and hardware , 13 value , $3,000 , la an good eastern Nebraska town or land. Swan b Walker. T > 201 , stock of general merchandise In a good 13 western lena town , value 4,000 , wants an 1m irovrd farm in western Iowa , awun Si Walker. SOS , Block of hardwire In Stubon Co. . Indiana , for land , value about Sl.OCO. Scran & Walker. 100 , iicwetock of bar ware In a lire Nebraska town forlind , v lue 83,000. Sican & Walker. 2)7. stock of rloultural Implements end shell hardware , \alue about 8,000. wants a good 1m proved farm. Sivan & Walker. T > 203 , & 810,003 stock of o'otlilng In a good Wla JL > conslu city , \ In lands and bilanco cash or Im proved security. Beautiful store room at low rent tiwan k Walker. 210 , Etoclc of mixed hardware In a Ihe western B lOAatonn for cheap lands , value $3,003. Snan & Walker. , line Urlck olook , rents well , In a Hvo central B211 Ain ono rcom occupied with gcaeral stock of goods , wants an Improved farm , value ; building 13,000 , goods $7,003. Suan & jsalltcr. stork of boots , shoeH hats , caps and clothing B212 $3,000 , In ono of tha best towns In Nob. , valued 83,000 for , andg. Swan & W lkcr. , a 33.0CO stock of clothing , wants land In North Western Iowa , for $0,000 , and will pay difference 8 an & Walker. , an $8,000 stock of drugs In central fowa for B214 . Swan & Walerr. , stock o ! drugs v luo fromf500 to 8700 B2lfitmother building and lot value gSOO In a good > cbraua town wants partly Improved land. Swan & Walker. full particulars , write to or call upon Swan & FOR . If you want to sell , buy , or trade any thing , tell S. & W. about It. bwan & Walker , Coun ell Blufls Iowa. COUNCIL DLnn s , WA. TnOS , OFFICKK W. It M TUBE In Council Bluffa ba\lng And all modern improvements , call bolte , 6ro alarm belle , etc. , in the ORESTON HOUSE Nos. 215 , 217 nnd Jlfl , Main Street. MAX inHIf , - PROPJIIETOR U , Who for the past ID ycatsbaB bccnrroctlslng In Jan Francisco U now located ut No is M. Ctb Strict , opiioalto now Opera IIouso. Madame llilcoar guaraincea to rcBtoro HAIR OR WHISKERS , Or to glvo anyone a liughmuelacbe or brin ? out n ne growth cf b lr orbonrJIn from four toelxweeks. ileus reasonable anil eatltlftlon guaranteed , 0 tncoip , dcalnciB OMiitiHcUHj ihtumitlim and chrr.D/o / Llnnib cuita ly uuttuitl gilt ol be circle , . jE7. JT. JBaJcetir , Council BlufTs , la. S. SOETJEZ. Tuolipfi nf 111 ijlibliuo 111 111 orriui6 oven AHKJUOAH E. Eice M. D. orothef lumors reraovol without the j knlfeor ilranlng ol blood. CHRONIC -DISEASES , Over thirty > earnpr ftie * le p ileno . Office No 11,1'diilbtreet , Council UuOtf fier , WELLS COOK. General Aitent at targe " SAFETV FUND SYSTEM , " life and Annuity InsCo BBANCH WBETKUS DEPOT , 22 OOUNOIL BLUFF8.U . V. WKSTCOTT , Manufacturer of Trunks , Satchels , Sample Cases , otc. Trunks Repaired. Ho. M Pearl St. , corner ef Flnt ATenne. S3IU300UD /owl jw iiT [ ) | lmU 5,03 T3l CWli- E. C. SMITH , tJcncral Agent N.Y , Life Ins , Oo Assets , - - $00,000,000 Surplus , - [ 10OOC,0.'o No. tOO Broadway. Up Malta. tr- J. I * . FOKMAN , CLOTHING , Bint's Farnlthlng Ooodi , HATS , CAPS , loots , Shoos , otc. No. 1M Broadway , Opposite the Ogdcn House A. 3. StOTonson , Real Estate Dealer , 10. 603 TOUT AVIt , Council .Mluffe , Iowa. Ed. Wright STENOGRAPHER Type-Writer Office No. S18 Mjnater St. I EVERYBODY'S STORE. Dry Goods , Groceries , Flow , Feed , etc. , ALtTATB AT TUB Lowest Market Price , Oci. cf lllia tci tUBth Aie. , Commonlf known u EVERYBODY'S STORE. Qrandy 2e Oo. , City Dm Store , , Flno Cigars , Toilet Articles , Eto , rlptloDi a Specialty. No , 21 Main Bt ABSTRACTS OF TITLE That yon an rtly on. vomr at Lmit Rales. KeUAEOH * CO. , No. t Fearl Bt. Mandcmakcrs & Van , IECH1TECTS , CONIBiCTOBS AND BD1LDEES. Ho. 101 Vipii Srsilvj ; . TAYLOR & CALEF , Fancy and Btapli GROCERIES , But Uil la til City , ftx S3t Broadway , Omcll Union Iron Worts Bnuitn & Co. , All kind ! ol OuUcn OteMaft li Booting rail Irjfi a ipcdalty. Prompt Attention Glrci Bepalra. Shopa Cor.Sd it JtlSthAr H. S. WEST , DENTIST , No. 12 Pearl St. , Over Bee office Firtlcslu Atteatloa Dire : to tks Freiemtics cf Teeth. C. L. NEUNAS. MEAT MARKET. All Undi of Fresh and Salt Meats , roui/rnY. No. 799 Main Street , LEFIOYI1S No , 101 BIAIN ST. All kinds of Thficheapeit itore and the beit stock of FrulU. ODELL & DAY , No. WPwJBtrMl. Ee J E tatflInrartnoa Dare | iCO,000 U Lou oa T per rant InUrtil. NEUMAYER'S HOTEL , Vit. 858,810 BnUnr. Eltil 11,00 UII,2i W < IT Flnt Olui Bar la ftenntollca Oppoitt * Oplen Ilotua. A , P , Hanchott , MD , Physician & Surgeon , Council Want. Office No 12 I'p.irl Street HOUR * : 10 to 12 a. in. , nJ 2 to 4 p. m. iaiDENCK ! No. 120till ( street , hours , before ! a , in. anil after 7 p. m. Telephone No. 10. JOHN J. KURTZ , PHffiNII Meat Market Cr. tii ! ! 1 Ctorj Cti. D. GOLDSTEIN , PAWN & LOAN OFFICE 223 Broadway. GREAT BARGAINS In Unredeemed Goods TTAICHE3 , JEWELE7 , CLOTHING , Altintrnl Ilifttruiuonth BtnlTKI , OCCI , CtO , J. L. RATEKIN , Fanners' commission store PBALKUIN Qrceelci ui Fralti , Confectioner ? , ltd Totaecc. POOLTttV A SrECULTT. G19 S. Main St. , Ugliest market prlcopolc for farm produce. J. J. BL/ISS , ALL THE Latest Styles of Millinery g Notions Alvaji it Isweit prlcn. No. 328 JlrouUway. Dr. W. L. Capell , Special attention glrcn to of Wcnta and Citcilo Elicitei. CONSULTATION FHEE. Office In Dolmny's ) pera House. niCiQQ UEiT HiEKET JOntl r,7 B3 , Prop. Frosli and Salt , Mcat , EOL0311A OAU3ASI ! , Lard , Dried Beef , etc No. CUS Slnin Street , it C : r 8. cf Ct. Real Jstate ( Leu til ttutuoi Agn -HF roimiisT SSIITII , { 22,000,000 Ni ISOMilnSL. 'J3nll Jlaf i , - tore P , 0 , MILLEB , fall rater ail Dicorallonr r ! cti,0li ! Vmtiin. No. 13 I'cart EL , HLUIT3 , IX 11 ll I. GIMNSICr , Now aud Second Ilsni FURNITURE , liws and BODsetioli Oosli ; At Low oat I'rlcos Cheapest Eton ID Tuwa , No. 53 ! lromlir j , Council lilufft , Iowa , F.lMJollInRer , M.D. Surgeon and Physician Ejo and Ear Snrgerj Specially. 500 Broadway , Cp-staln ilesldeaoe CS7GthAienUi Dor. 7th Si , jf Drs. WOODBURY & SON , DENTISTS , Cor. Pearl SU i lit Aye. , 11 CcBiell Blnfi , ICY * . ) J.J. KOBETICH , fine Boot ail Efioa Hater , ' No 223 Main St , Council Illuffn , low * . T. N. BUAY , Boots and Shoes AT LOW rBICKt. 1O3 TuToln. Btxaot , CnsBU Sluffl , It. STORAGE Warehouse Dobany'aOldHalL J. IV9. Pr SLLlr WUOLK3ALK DKALKH IN Employ no traveling ogentn , thua ravin ) ; their cxponiea to cuslomeiB. Agent lor I'ara Hubber Company. Wiite for prictg , 4(3 ( Broadway , Gouncii Bluffsla , W. P. AYX.SWORTH . Brick bulldlDpa of any Idnd raised or moved and unUslMlioa guaraotsaJ. I movixl on LHtlo Giant tracke , the best la tba world. p ' AYLSW011TU 1010 Mnth'street , Council Dlufl *