THIS DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , ATJGTUSr 15 , 1885. NEBRASKA 1 OMAHA , NEBRASKA , PAID UP CAPITAL 82EO CC < SURPLUS MAY1,1885 S5.C8 OHIOEBS : B. W , YATKJ , A. B. TODZAUR , President Vice President. W.V.MonsE , Jno.8. COLLINS , Lewis 8. lint W , IL 8. Hugho , Cashier. BANKING orncc : The Iron Bank , OOE , 12th AND FAENAM STS , A General Banking Busi ness Transacted. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , Nmt YOBS , August liMONEY On call easy at 1 } per cent. PniMK PAPER-4@5 per cent. EXCHANGE BiLLa-Quiot nud firmnt1.85J ; demand $1.87. GOVERNMENTS Dull but firm , except a de- L./ clineof Joln-l's , while currency C's rallied ; 1 per cent bid. STOCKS Were active nnd dull by turns , In early dealings the market exhibited n good deal of foveriahnoia nnl irregularity , but thia WAS followed later by greater attention to the whole , which exhibited considerable strength , with only n very slow advance , The market continued strong , however , with only A slight reaction throughout the afternoon , and closed strong , generally at or within a small fraction of the best prices of the day. BTOOKS ON WALL STREET. fl'fl 10 ° ' ' ' " " IVa'Conpo'iis' . .V.V.V.V.V.V. . . . . . ! ! ! . . .113 U. S. 4'a 122J Pacific G's of ' 33 125 Central Poclfio 3UJ Chicago & Alton 130 $ do do preferred IGO Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy ISO } Delaware , Lackawnna & Western 99j Denver & Rio Grande Hi Erie 1G < J do preferred 34 Illinois Central 1VOJ Indiana , Bloomiugton & Western 12J Kansas & Texas 2I& Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 719 Louisville & Nashville 4i ( { Michigan Central 63k Missouri Pacific 9l | Northern Pacific 23f do do preferred 49 § Northwestern . „ . 102g do preferred 1384 Now York Central 98 $ Oregon Transcontinental 20 Pacifis Moil 49 I'ooria , Ducntur & Evansville 14 Pullman Palace Our Company 12G Hock Island 119J St. Louia & San Franciic 19 do do prof erred 33i Chicago , Milwankoe & St. Pan 1 79 * do do .do preferred..112 | St. Paul & Omaha 27i do do preferred 81 Texas Pacific 16J Union Pacific 488 Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific 9J do do do preferred. . . 14 Western Union Telegraph G9 | Oregon Railroad & Navigation 79 FKODUUtO. OHIOAOO. OHIOAQO , III , August 11. Flour Steady and unchanged ; winter wheat , south ern , S4 60595.23 ; Wisconsin nnd Mich igan , $4 50@5 00 ; soft spring , $3 5u@ 4.25 ; Minnesota bakers' , $3.50@4.50 : patents , $4.76@5.60 ; low grades , § 2.003 3.00. Wheat Weak and lower but act\e ! ; opened about steady i.t yeetorday'd close , declined St , improved | o , toll off Ic , improved fi@ic , broke Ic , fluctuated slightly and finally closed lie under yesteiday ; 83c , cash aua August ; Sal@8G3c , September ; 883@8'Jj ' October ; \ No. 2 red , 91@9tic. \ Corn Moderately active , lower and weak ; cash and futures , except October , closed i@ic under yesterday ; October closea lo higher ; 45Jc , cash , August and September ; 41 0 , October , Oats Dull ; trifle higher early , later weakened , and cloi d i'fiJic under yesterday ; 2512CJc , cash ; 25Jc , August ; 2i c , Septem ber and October. Rye 5i jc , Barley-Quiet at 70o. Timothy Weak ; prime , 81 Go , I'laiBOod Kiklur ; No , 1 , SL 23. Pork Fairly active and irreeular , ruled 5@ lOo lower early , rallied , ssttled back to me dium iUurea and cloned firm ; $915 @ 'J.20 , caih ; 5'J.174@9.20 , August nnd Sep tember ; $9.22i@9.25 , October. Lard Quiet , aud about unchanged ; $6.20@ti.2 , cash , August and September ; 6.27i@li30 , Ost ber. Bulk Meatfi-Shouldort , 8U034.SO ; short cloar. ? 5 85gC { 00 ; short ribs , 86.41)5.42i. ) Whisky-Steady at 51.1-i. Butter Quiet and steady ; good to fmo oraamery , lC@21c ; peed to choice dairy , 10 © IGc. Oheojo-Quiet and steady : choica full croain cbjdilum. Gi@7c ; flats , 7@74e ; young Americas. 8i/'g9j / ; ; lumu lglc. ( Kffii-Q Hat at l@4o. llldea- Steady and unchanged ; heavy Ifreon ealted , fully cured , 74c ; light , Bva8ii ! ; doiimged , tic ; bull hides , Gc ; dry salted , 11 Tallow Steady and unchanged ; No. 1 country , Dio. Ueoaipti , rJhlpts. Flour , bbl . „ 6,000 2,000 Wheat , bushels . 31,0(59 ( 81.000 Corn , bushels . 195.000 111,000 O t , bushels . 107,000 21,000 P.yo , bushels. . . . 0.000 1,000 IHrler , bushels . 2,000 1,000 UILWADKEX. MttWADKKD , Wl8. . August 11. Wheat- Quiet and weak ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 5Jc ; beptembor , 8Gc ) ; October , 88Jc. Oorn-Stosdy ; No. 2 , 464o. Oata Steady ; No. 2 25ic. Ilyo-DullNo. ; 1 , CSa. Harley Nothing done , Provisions Dull ; mesa pork , cosh and September , $9.15 ; October , § 9.20. KEW1OKK rUODUCK. Nnw YonK , August 14. Wheat Ilofplpts , 143,000 but 'exports , G5.000 bu ; unaradod red , 93ic@lOOB , No. 3 red , OJJcs No. 2 rod , 98jo ( elevator ; October closing * 1 OOJ. Corn Lower , closing weak ; receipts , 127- 0:0 : bu ; exports. 57,101 bu ; ungraded , 62@ 64cjNo. 3 , 63J51j afloat ; October cloning at Kile. Oats A shade lower ; receipts , 41fOO bu ; exports , 910 bu ; mixed western. 83@35c ; white w ns tern. S7@4''c. Petroleum-Firm ; united closed at $1.003 ® LOO } . Pork Dull , eomowhat nominal ; mesi spot , Lard Lower and less active ; contract grade pot , 50 57 * : October. $0 G1@G G3 , llntter i'iriner with fair demand ; western , J'ggs rjrm , demand fair. Cheese Steady but cuiot. ] OIMOIHK4.TI. CINCINNATI , 0. . August 14 , Vheat Dull and lower ; No. 2 red , 039lo. Corn F lr demand ; No 2 mixed , 47c. Oata liarely ateady ; Na. 2 , mixed , 20 © 27o. 27o.Jtya Dull and lower ; No , 2 , F8@t'Jc. lUrley Good dernind ; No. 2 fall , 85s. 1'ork Dull at 59 b7i. Lard-Dull and lower at $6.1536.2) . Whisky-Steady at $1.13. BT. LODI8. ST , Louis , Mo , , Augnit 14 , Wheat - Active , uniettled and loner , doting } o under yesterday : 05Jo cash' and Auguit ; 96Jo Sep tombcr ; 9SJc Octobor. Corn-Higher ; 42iS4ZJa ( ca i { 42Jo Au cuit ; 4'2Jc' Septembsr ; 41o October. Oats-Steady but slow ; 24g25iocash ; 23Jc September. Kyo- Quiet ; GDJa bid. Whisky-Steady at 51.13. Butter-Steadj ; dairy , 1213c ; creamery , lG@22c. Afternoon board , Wheat closed firm Jc bettor. Corn ® } higher , Oats Nominal. KANSAS OITT. KANSAS CUT , Mo. , August 14. Wheat Lower ; cash , 78o ; September , 8ffc ; October , Corn Steadv } ca h 85@35e ; September Sic bid , Snjo asked ! Oetober.33a , asked. Oita-Nominnlj 21 Jc bid. TOLEDO. TOLEDO , August 14. Wheat Qolet ) No. 2 cash and August , 92o bid. Corn Dull ; No. 2 cash and August , 47o bid. tOats Neglected ; cash and Aupust , 20ic ] id. LIVERFOOL , LivKnpooL , August 14. Wheat Ktsy ; Vo. 2 winter 74 id ; new No. 2 spring Ojlljd. Corn Kasy ; rpot Auiuit , 4a 7d ; Sen- tembor , 4s 7id ; October , 4s 8 j. MINNEAPOLIS , MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , August 11. Wheat Jowor ; No. 1 hard , offered , 881o cash and August ; 8c September ; 89j October ; no buyer * ; No. 2 hard , sale , 8J2 ( , ca h ; No , 1 northern , October 85c bid , 85Jo asked ; other grades and futures nrfleeted , tour-Quiet ; patents , Sl.85S5.OOj bakers , 3 75 ' 23,90 , Keceipts Wheat , 47,000 bu , ' Shipments Wheat , 5,000 bu ; flour. 9,400 irla OHIOAOO , CntOAQO , August 11. The Drovers'Journal eports : Oattlo Koolpt , 5.BOO head ; strong ; shlp- n'ue staoro , fj4.40@5.95 : stockers and feedern , i275-420 ! ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.75 @ 4,2.j ; woi-torn rangow. scarce and firm ; nave - vo hulf.brcoda , S4.2."ig5.10 ; cows , ? 3.50@ .00 : wintered Tex.ina , 81.0lJ@4,3J. Sale 152 Montanas at Si GO. Hogs Receipts , 13,000 head ; slow nnd weak ; rough and mixed , $3 90 4,2) ; packing and shipping , 84 20a > 4 CO ; skip ; , § 3 00@3.90 SheoD Kocolnta , 1,100 head ; Btosdy ; na tives , S2.00@4.23 ; lambs , per head , 51.76 ® 3.75. XAMHAtl OIII. KAMHAOOITT.MO , Angust II. Oftltlo Ko- coipta , 2,700 ; Bhipmonta , 2,000 ; etrcrg , active and 5s higher ; exporter * , S5.20@5.40 common to choice nhipplng , S4.50@5.1'5. stockers and feeders , $3.4Q@4.30 ; cows , $2.50 @ 340. Uogs Kocolpts , 7,2CO ; shipments , 2,800 ; weak nnd 6glOo ) lower ; light nud apsartc S-1.85'ut4.45 ; heavy and mixed , $ i.CO@-1.30. Sheep Kocelpts , ISO ; shlpmeutR , none ; steady ; common to good , $1.50@3.00. BT. LOtrio. Hi , LqnisMo.August -Uattle-Ro-elnts , 700 ; shipmonta , 7,000 ; supply scant ; feeliiif tirtn ; fair to choice native shipping eteera , S175575 ; good native butchers' steers , 84 i5k4.7li ! ; mixed lot bntchorintr stock , 82 5n@3.75 ; Indian stoera , 5330@4.40. Sheep Koceiptd , 1,200 ; shlpmentH , COO ; best demand ; good poor stuff very dull ; com mon to fancy $2.00(34.00. ( OMAHA TVHOLE8AIjE , MAKKETS. OFFICE OF THE OMAHA BID , ) Friday Evening , August 11. f Union Stock Yards SoiiA'U Omnha , All stock is sold by the hundred unleis otherwise agreed upon. Preguant sows are ( locked 40 Iba. and stags 80 lb . Dead hogs weighing 100 Ibs , and upwards lo psr Ib. ; un der 100 Ibs wortblois. For to-day the follow ing pric ° H are quoted : Common rough hogn , S3 C5 e 3 75 ; good rnixnd hogs. S3 SO@3.yO ; choice light hogs. $4.00@4. 10 ; butcher's stock , dull , S275@3.2.j.dres ed beef steere , no na- lives on the market. Thirty-one cars of good cattle anived but forwarded raogo to-day , were warded to Chicigo on owners account , U ° celpt of hogs liberal. Market quiet at.tho above quotations. 'JL'aiu ' light hugs are almost unsalable , as well as thti course rough touted sows. Good smooth light hogs weighing from 170 to 210 Ibi are the most desirable. Competition was lively in the hog market owing to the presence of both Hammond & Go's buyers and Chicago buyers. There is a demand for a few good nheep , but no demand for thin or light eheop. Good cows and heifers ara ready sale at 3 ® 3i , Old shelly cows and thin heifers are not wanted. Good dressed beef steers are in strong demand , A total absence of feeders and atockers was noticeable to-day , while there was considerable inquiry for both these grades , Zio thcr. ; No 1 Pittsburg J. 0. L. fc Som , 35c ; No. 1 Pittsburg K &S 35c ; No 1 Cincinnati , 33c ; No 1 lace leather , GOc ; prime slaughter sole leather , 27c ; prime vale sole leather , 37c. ' Grain Market fairly active at following quota tions : Corn Scarce ot 31@35c. New Oata Plenty at 18@22c , Old Oato-Scarce at 2S@30c. General I'roflnoo Eggs Kemain steady at 8c , and as receipts continue fair and equal to the demand there is uochanca for any immediate advance. The trade is more particular now as a good many stale eggs put in an appearance and close re- candling is requested. Shipper. ) would find it to their advautage to candle before ship ping , Instead of paying freight on rotten eggj. The easiest and only reliable way of candling egRB is by band before a common candle ; it must be done , though , in n per fectly dark room , na only there you can look through them and detect the least little spot , Uutter Unchanged , and a scarcity of choice grades notable , which , on arrival are picked up quickly at 12@llo. Very tine and in coat packages 15@lGo , Lower grades range fran 10o downward to 63. Poultry -Thero has been quito a glut of chickens , both old and young , and prices are decidedly weak , The best price obtainable for largo-sued spring chickens Is $2 50 , with fair DC Si. CO and small below that. Old chickens are moving slowly at S3 CO Potatoes Home grown ire offered freely at R0@35o for choice stock , and also onions at 75o per baihel , and shipments of either are not advisable at present. Beans Hand-picked navy , $ l.40@l CO ; hand-picked medium , 81,201 , 11,40 ; good , clean cjunsry , 90s@Sl.10 ; Inferior country , 60 @ 75i. Obcess Prospects favor an early advance ; present prices are lower than has ever been known at thlt season of the year. Full cream cheddar per Ib. . 8Jc : full cream 11it 2 in box , DC ; full cieain Young American , lOo. i Hum Sugar cured , lli@llie ; breakfast bacon , OiftllOc ; shouldera smoked. 6geci ( clear tida bioon , 74oi dry salted sides , 7c. Fruits. Lemons New Verdelli , per box$10OJ@ 11.00. Oranges None In market. Apples In poor request by country merchant - chant ! . Local demand from commission houiea lUbt , trade boiue inoatly supplied by farmers , Choice eating , S3,00@3.60 ; choice cooking 82.60@3.00. Bananas There it very little doing In this line at present. Quotable per bunch , $1.00 ® 350. 350.Ulickberrles Ulickberrles Fair sale ; per 10 quart case. 53.00@3 25 , Blueberries In light receipt ; per cas , Peaches -Very lew southern or eastora ar riving. Dilllcult to quote. Grapes A few conuightnonti of Ivoi have ben in market lately , which void at 80o@ 1.00 for 8 Ib baikets. I'nursIllinois Baitletti , per bushel box. Si 50.Watermelons Watermelons -Per 110 S25 00. Muik Melons Per dozen , Sl,60@200. CnllfjrnU FrullH. Demand brisk , receipt liberal. Peara- Quotable Mountain BartletU , $3 50 , Ducheisa Kaster Beurre , Bturru Ilanly , Dovenna and other varieties $275 . Peaches Lats Crawford' * lied Clings 5J.OO. Plums Per box , S1.70@2 00 , Prone -31.76@2.oO. Orapes Per crate , S2.CO. Nccwrlnoi Per box , 8l.75@2.00. Quinces Per box Flonr And Mlllatuffs. BKLL1NO FBIOE3. Winter Wheat Firmjbost qnalltr patent < $3.00g3.SO. ( Second qnality 83.70@3.00. Spring Wheat Best quality patent nt. 2.c ( @ 3.00. Second quality 82.40@3.00. Bran Coo per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Iba. , S5o , Corn Meal 81.00@1.10 per cwt. Screening No. 1 , 75o per owt ; No 2 , 50o , Hominy S1.50 per owt , Shorts C5s per cwt. Graham $3.00 per cwt. Hay 87.00@9.00 per ton. Fauntf OUR And VnrnlBhoj. Ores 110 carbon , par gallon , Hot 169 headlight , per gallon , IGe ; 175 ° headlight per Rollon , 16c ; 150 ° water white. 15e > lin seed raw , per gallon , 47o ) linseed boiled , per gallon , COc ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , G5c | No. 1 , 55o ; No. 2 , 60 ; castor XXX. per gal. Ion , 1 50c ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 ; ( iporm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. , per gallon , C5 : noatsfoot extra , per gallon , BOo ; No. 1 , ? 0j ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; Rummer , 16o ; golden macbins , No , 1 , per gal * Ion , 35c ; No , 3 , 28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon 90o ; turpentine per gallon , COo ; naptbn , 74c , per gallon , IGo. UtUE'i Dncas AND CnKinoALs Acid , oirbollo , 44e nold , tnrtaric , 55o | balsam copaiba , per Ib. GOc ; bark , naanafraa. per Ib , 13o ; calomel , per 'b , 90o ; cinchonidln , per oz , , 80 50 ; chloro form , per Ib , 9Jc ; Dovors powders , per Ib , 1 35 ; epsom salts ) per Ib , Slo ; glycerine pure , per Ib , 25c ; load acetate , per Ib , 20c : oil castor No. 1 per gal. . 81 50) ) oil oa'tor , pure per gal. , 81 GO ; oil , olive , per gal. . 81 40) ) ell origanum , 50c ; opium , 84 25 ; quinine , P. & W. , and K. & S. , per oz. . 85o ; potassium ; lodldo , per Ib. . 83 25 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c | snlphato morphine , per oz. , 83 50 ; inlphnr , per Ib , 4o ; strychnine , per oz , , 81 GO , Conl. Tha coal trade has Improved some of Into , The market is firm at the following quota tions : Anthracite eg ? , S8.2j ; anthracite nut , S8.50 ; anthrocitn range , S8.50 ; Iowa , S3 25 ; Walnut Block , S3 23 , Illinois. $4,50 : Indiana block , S3. 75 ; Fort Scott , SJ.25 ; Rich III11 53.75. Matorinl. The following prices ara quoted for to-day : Lime ( In butt ) per brl C3c : llmo ( in bh ) 93c : l.ouisvillo cement , $1.65 : Utica , Akron and Milwaukee cement , gl CO ; Portland cement. English , 81.00 ; stucoi , Michigan , § 2.00 ; hair in paper sacks per bu , SOc. Qrocora' DBT Fonits No 1 , quarter apploa , bbls 5a ; N O sliced , boxes , Go : evaporated , boxes , So ; blackberries , boxes lOo ; peaches , boxes , none in the market ; poacuosnvaporatoduono in the markut : rnapberriea , 27c. BnoABB-Powdorod , SJoj cut loaf , 7c ; granu atod , 7is ) contectioners1 A , Cjo ; Standarii extra U , CJo ; extra 0 , G o ; medium yellow. 5J ; dark yellow , Ego. CANNED GOODS. Oyatoia Standard ) per o.tBO. 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case , 3 GO ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 23 ; California pears per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per casa , G 00 ; peaches per case , 5 70 ; white cherries per Base , 6 tO ; plums per case , 4 25 ; whortleber ries per case , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per caaa , 1 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 KO ; pine iplen , 2 Ib , per case , 3 205 50. GAMUT Mixed , UJ ; stick , 9&oj & twist stick , OJo VINEQAB New York apple , I6oj Ohio np pie , 15e ; crab apple , ISc. STABCH Pearl , 4o ; Silver Gloss , 801 Corn 3 arch , 8c ; Excelsior Glees , 7o ; Corn. 7ic , Kora Sisal. 4 inch and larger , ? ia Q neb , 3Jc ; J Inch. 91o. SALT Dray loada , per bbl , 1 55) ) Ashton , n sacko , 8 50 ; 1 sacks Ashton , 1 00 ; fabla dairy JCO2 75 SiCEa Pepper , 19jj spice , 14o ; olovea , 20o issia , 15o. STBUF Standard O 23 9 , bbls ; Standard lo 4 gallon togs , 2.35. SODA In Ib papers 3 25 n eaao ; keg per f Barrel. OANDLK3 Boxes , 40 Ibs. 16s. 12io , 8s. ISJc , laxcrs 40 Iba , 16 oz , 6s , 12Jc ; half box , 20 Ibs , L2Jo. MATCHES Per caddie , 55c | round , rl , case , I5sqnaro , cases , 170 ; Oshkosh , cases gr 1.2o TKAB Gunpowder , good 45@55c ; choice ' 337Go ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO ® 'Oc ; Young Hyson , good , 81 @ 50o ; choice , gS g0 ; Japan , natural leaf , 7Ec ; Japan choice .0i)75c ; Oolon ? good , 85@40ct Oolong oholco. 10@55o ; Souchong , good , S040c ; choice , 35 COFFSBS Lower on nearly all grades ; irdinary grades , 10o : fair , 12 ; rood , Ilrai2o ; prime , 12@13o ; choice , .6@17o ; fancy green and yellow , 16@16c } ; old tovornmont Java , 20@2Gc ; Arbucklo's roast- id , 131o ; MoLauehlin'a TCTnCTt roasted , 13c ; fava , 16S@18Jc ; Dllworth , 13o. CBAOKEBS Garnoau'a soda , butter and pic- lie , 5 ; creams , 8 ; ginger snaps , 8 ; City < oda , 7& . PIOKLES Medium in barrels , 5 25 j do In ilf barrels , S 25 ; small , in barrels , 6 00 ; do In tlf barrels , 3 50 ; gherkins in barrels , 7 00 i in ball barrels , 4 00. Bios Louisiana , prime to choice , 67Jo. BOAFS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 00 1 KirK's atinot , 3 15 ; Kirk'a standard , 3 CO ) Kirk s iVhite Russian , 4 60 , WOODCNWABB Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; throe loon pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 CO ; pioneer vaehboarda , 1 75 ; Donbla Crown , S 90 ; well- tuckets , 3 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 conn in case I 35 Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In caas , 1 90 } An .nor ball , 3 dor. in case , 1 CO. Dry Goods , PHINTH- Steel Klver , CJ ; American , Oi ; Arnold's , 5J ; Manchester , CJ ; Lymau , fjj ; ilouccster , tj ; Dunnell Jncquard , 6 : Uunnell , J ; Htmtpo , 4 ; Windsor , G ; Pacific , 6 , Hnr- uony1J ; Anchor Shirtings , 5 ; Merrimack GINOHAJIS Renfrew , 9@10J ; Amoskeag , to f , 9 ; Amonkoag , ataplo , 7i ; Ivanboo , 9i ; Vamsutta , 8J , Nubian , 8i ; Warwick , 9 ; Vhlttendon. 9 ; Bates , Hrens , H ; Bates , staple , } ; Handolph , staple , GJ ; Lansdown ? , 7. CHKVIOTS Amoskoag , checks , 9i ; Amos- : eng , stripes , 8J ; Slater , stripes , 8 ; Ediuburg , \ , whlttondou , stripes , 8 ; Glenrosn , 9 ; Otis , hecks , 9 ; Otis , stripas , 9 , Hoyal , Gj ; Amos- : eag , napped. 11J , Luray , book fold , 12 ; Iberon , book fold , lUjEndurance , book fold , 2. DENIMS Bosver Creek AA , 11 ; Beaver Jroek UU , 10 : Benv r Orpok CO , 9 ; JsiTrny CX , 11 J ; J tfrey XXX , 12J : .Tailrey D & T , 2J ; Columbian , 2J ; York , 12 ; York , fancy , 3 ; Everett , 12& & ; llaymakor'n blue and irown , 7. DDOK ( Unbleached ) oz Magnolia , 10 ; 0 oz Magnolia , 11 ; 8 oz West Point , 10 ; 10 z West Point , 111. DUCKS ( Colored ) -Boston 9 oz brown nnd Irab , 13 : Boiton O II brown nnd drab 9 ; Joston XX brown and drab , 10 ; Boston XXX irown and drab , 11 ; Boston 0 P blue , 114 ; Varren Tricot , first , 18 ; Wunon Tricot , B3o- md , 16 , BROWN COTTONS Lawronca LL , 5 ; Shaw- nut LL , 5 ; Beaver 1) JIM LL , 5 ; Atlantic Lb , iilmliau Head , 74 : Wauchmott , 7 ; Orowu * iXX , G } ; Clifton OCO , Gi ; Utioa O. 4J ; Au- or 0 , 44 ; Natchez H , ( U ; Atlantic P , Qj. ] iLEAO > iK COTTONS -Fanners' ChoicB , 01 ; 3aboc Ofr Hope 7 ; Hill 4 4 , 7 $ ; Hill I , 74 ; [ jonsdala. 7J ; Fruit 8 ; Wamsntia , 10J ; Tuu- : arora' 10i : Milton Falls , 5J ; Our 0ul , 54 ; Uarker , 7 ; Gold Medal , 4 ; Farwell , 7J. FINE BBOWN COTIO.SH Pflpperell 11 , 64 ; L'epperell O , 5 | ; Atlnntlo O , OJ ; Salisbury It , i ; Forest D , Gl Atlantic LL , 6. TICIIINGS - Amoekeag A 0 A. 12J ; Thorn- Jiks A , Ci : Thorndika fancy , SJ. ) York A , IOJ ; York fancy ; 12J ; Millbmy , 12J ; Pearl lliver , 114 ; Hamilton , 12 , CoiWBr JKAH Kearsarge , 7i ; Armory 7 ; L'epperell , 7i ; Indian Orchard , G : Naum- teag , 7i , CHAIN BAGS American A , 81750 ; Hir- nony A , S17.60. Stark A , 821 50 ; Albany A , 519. 50. OAnrcr WABPS-BIbb , whit ? , 10J ; Hibb , : oloMa , 22 : Peerless , white , Lply , 18 ; Peer less , colored beards , 21i. Hidoi. Steady ; green butchers' 7oj irreen cured , 5 : ; dry ttiut , 12@1D3 , dry salt , 10@llc | dam- hidaa two-thlrdi price , Tallow 416c , Grt4ua Prlma white , 34e. Sheep PdU 25c75. Bplrlta OoLoaNB BPIBIT8-188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101 proof , 1 20 ; spirits , eooond quality , 101 proof 1 19 ; do , 188 proof , 118 , ALCOHOL 188 proof alcohol 1 SO per wine gallon , WniSRiES-Redlitillod whiskies , 100 < ? 1 f/0 ; Fine blended , 1 f-0 3 00 ; Kentucky bonr bens 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva' nla ryw , 3 00(36 ( W. BnANDits Imported , G 00@1G 00 ; domes' tie , 1609,3 CO. GINB Imported , 460GOO | domestic , 150 © SOO. ROMS Imported , 4 C0@8 00 ; New England , 3 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 C0@3 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00 ® 84 00 ; American , per CMO , 10 CO@1G 00 , Dry Fulnta Whlto leid 801 French Xlno , J2c ; I' tls whiting , 2Jc ; whiting Ri'lders , l o | whiting oorn'l , ljc | lampblack , Germantown , lampblack , ordinary , 10c | Prussian blue , 55o nntramarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; umber burnt , 4o ; umber , rawr 4o ; sienna , burnt 4o sienna , raw , 4c : Paris green , genuine , 25o Paris groencommon,20c ; chrome green , N. Y , 30c ; chromo green , 1C. , 12c ; vcrmllllon , Eng- 75o ; vormilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , red , lOo ; rose pink , 1 to ; Venetian , rod , Cookaou'e , 2fo ; Venetian , red , American. Ifc ; rod lead , 7jc ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel low , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle , Sc ; ochre , French 2Jc ; ochre , American , 3c ; Winters mineral , 2jc ; Lehigh brown , 2Jc | Spanish brown 2Jc ; Prince's mineral , 80 , VABNISHES Barrel ) , per gallon ! Fnrnlttuo , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra tra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70o ; asphaltum , extra , 85c , shellac , 83 CO ; hard oil finish 81 CO. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha , P. P. g ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 76 ; Marscil os RTcon , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zino ; groan seal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , llo , Frtcoh zinc , in varnish Mut , , SOo ; French zinc , In oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt nmber , 1 'b ban ; , 10c ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; vandyk fcrown , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coacl black and Ivory black , IGo ; drop black , IGc Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarlna blue , 18o chromo green , L. M & D , , IGc ; blind and ihutt > ( rreeu , L. M. & D. , IGo ; Paris green , .8c ; Indi'anred , 15o ; Venetian rod , Ho ; TUB can red , 32c ; American vermillion , L , & D 20c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L , M. , O. & D. 0. , ISo yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; paten dryer , 80 ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut nnd ash. ICa Xobkoco. Smoking tobncco O. S. , 22o [ Meerschaum , SOo ; Long Tom SOo , Blackwcll's Durham , 16 oz , , Clo ; 8 oz. , 55o ; 4 oz. , 57o ; 3 oz. . GOa. Seal of North Carolina , 16oz.wood , 42c ; 8 oz. , wood , 45c ; 4 oz. , cloth 48o ; 3 oz , , COo , Navy Clipping * , 2Cc. Klllikiulck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28o. 28o.Kino cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Chann of the West. GOc : Fountain , 70o ; Goldou Thread , G7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , COc ; Rocky Moun tain , 50ci Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c. Plug tobacco Climax. 4 lo nor Ib , ; Horseshoe - shoo , 4Gc : Star , 4Gc ; Spoarliead , 4Gc ; Our Rope , 50c ; Piper Heidsick , GO : ; Punch , 40c. Heavy Hardware Iilst. Iron , ratoa , 2 15 ; plow stool , special oaot , 4c crucible Btool , Go ; do , 12@18c | wagon spokes , per set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per ect , 135 ; felloes Bawed dry , 140 ; tongnoo , each , 7(5e ( ; axlcn , cash , 75c ; square nuts per Ib , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8o ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2c ; malleable , 80 ; Iron wedges , Go : crowbara , 6c : barrow teeth , 4ei spring stool , 7a8c ; Burden's horee shoos , 4 "r. Burden's muleohoos , 5 23 , BABBED WIBB In car lots , 4 00 par 100. NAILB Rates , 10 to GO ; iron , 2.50 ; steel , 2.G5. 2.G5.SHOT Shot , 1 CO ; buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 8 50a4 00 ; do , half kegs , 200 ; do HUftrtor kegs , 1 CO blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse per 100 feet , COc. BEAD Bar , IGC. Dryliumbcr. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha , DIMENSIONS AND TIMBERS , Market active nnd prices lower than for pears past , at the following quotations : 12t. ( lilt. 1 It. 18 . 20It. 2211. 24 It ! x4 IB.OJ 10 00 IB 00 17.00 18.00 10 00 20.00 Zxfl 15 00 16.00 1603 10.00 17,00 19.60 19.60 1x8 10.00 16.00 180 17.CO I8CO : 19.00 20.00 1x10 1600 16.00 16.03 16.00 17.00 20 00 21.00 ! x2 16.00 10 00 16.CO 17.00 18.00 20 ( X 21.00 1x1 8x8. 10 60 1B.6C 1060 17.60 18.50 19 60 20.60 BOABDS No. Iboards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 816 75 No.2boards , 12 , Hand 16 ft . 14 75 No. 3 boards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 12 75 No. 4 boards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 10 75 SHIP LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch . 817 50 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch . ICC ) No.1 , O. G . 18 00 TEN01NQ. tf o. 1 , 4 & 6 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough . . 817 CO So. 1 , 4 & 6 inch , 16 feet , rough . 17 50 tfo. 2 , 4 & 6 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. 14 50 tf o. 2 , 4 & G inch , 16 feet , rough . 15 50 CEILING. .at Com , flinch , Norway . 16 50 ! d Com , f Inch , Norway . 14 CO FINISHING. .st , 2d and 3d Clear , 1 | Inch , s , 2s . $50 00 st , 2d , and 3d Clear , 1J and 2 inch , B. 2s CO 00 3 Select , 1J , li and 2 inch , B. 2s . 36 00 .st , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , 8. 2 . 45 00 \ . Select , 1 inch , a. 2s . 40 00 3 Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . SO 00 BIDING , .st Com. , 12 , 14 and 16 feet . 822 GO Id Cora. . 14 and 16 feet . "M 00 Id Com. , 14 and 16 feet . 16 00 ? ence , 14 and 16 feet . 11 00 F03TS. rVhllo Oadar , 6 inch , halves . 13 o iVhlto Cedar , 5 jj Inch , halves . 11 o rVhito Cedar , 8 inches , quarters . 11 o .Vhite . Cedar , 4 inch , round . 14 o FLOOB1NO. .at Com. Cinch , white pine . 538 00 Id Com. 6 inch , white pins . 3j 00 Id Com. 6 inch , white pine . 2800 > ol. Fence G Inch , white pine . 19 CO .at and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch. 31 GO BTOCK BOABDS. BATTENS , WELLIDBINQ , PICKETS. ) .G. Bnts , Slnch . 8 ,85 ) . G. Bat ? , 2J inch . . .75 i inch Bats , B. Is . 40 I Inch well tubing , D. & M . 23 00 I inch well tubing , Bov . 23 00 ? iokets : D. & H. Flat , $22 00 ; D & H. Square . 24 00 BHINQLES AND LATH , B Inch , Clear . S3 00 AStandard . 2 75 i inch , Clear . 1 GO fo. 1. . 1 20 jath . 2 40 LIUE , ETC. Julncy white lime ( best ) . OOo y'eraent . Sl.85 Master ( Michigan ) . 2.50 barred felt , per cwt . 1.85 Itraw board , per cwt . 1.70 DKNVEH MAIIKET. FtOtJB Colorado , 100 Ibs , 2 1C@2 20 ] pat- ant , ICO Ibs. , 2 7C5 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75 5)3 ) 00 } graham , 100 Iba , 1 GO ) rye , 1 Ibi. ! 35. 35.GRAIN GRAIN , FIKD , ETC. Wheat1 100 Iba , $1 35 orn , 100 lb , 1 15(31 ( 20oats ; , Nebraska nixed , 100 Ibs 1 G0@l G5 ; Nebraska oata white , 701 bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100 bs , 1 200126:75 : ; chop mixed , 100 I bo , 1 60 31 60 ; corn raaai , 100 lb > . \ 4001 CO. HAT Loose , per ton , 10 00gl2 ( 00 ; baled , looond bottom , 10 5011 CO ; baled , upland , .2 U0@14 00 ; alfalfa , loose , too , 12 U015 00 ; itraw , ton , 0 007 00. BDTTKB Creamery , finest , Ib , 27@28o ; creamery pee Ib , 2426c ; Illinois and [ owa dair Ib 18@29c ; Kansas and No- irasVn dairy , Ib , 15@ljc ; common , lb,6@8c ; jutterina creamery , Ib , 20ia2Sc ; butterlne lalry , Ib , IGraigc. CilEEau Full cream , Ib. lS@Bo ; half iream , Ib , 10llc ; skim , Ib , Do : Swis * , Im- sorted , B2o | Swiss , domoatlo , Ib , 20@22 ; Llm- lurger , 20c. Eoos State , fresh candled , doz , 1415o ; 'rBsh ' ranch , doz , IfiOlRn. _ > Y , K , JOHNSON , EI1W. 1IAMMET1 , V , 3 , BOHUYLKH. W. F. Johnson & Go , , Oommission Merchants , 218 La Salle Street , Chicago , lUeelvera of gram and seeds. Futures bougnt and sold. Special attention to sales by samplei. Represented by EDWARD BARTON , Lincoln , Neb E CHICAGO RAILWAY. THE BEST ROUTS AND Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. The on to lake for DM Molnoi. Marshall town , Cedar RapUs , Clinton , Dixie , Ghfoaito , HI ] wknkee and all points c it. To the people ot Ne nnk , Colorado , Wyoming , Uiah , Idaho , Nevada Oregon , Washington and CaillornU It offers sapeiloi odvknUgcs not possible by any other line. Among a low ol the numerous points ot superior ty eojoiod by the patrons ol this ro d between ) maha and Chicago , kralts twottklns k day of DAT COACHES which are thoflncst that human ait knd n ( tenuity can create ; Its PALACE SLEEPING CARS which kro models of comfort and elegance ; Its 1'AK LOU DRAWING ROOM OAUS , unsurpassed by any knd Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS ho equal ol which cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council Binds the trains ol the Union Ptclflo Ry. connect In Union Depot with those ol the Chle ro & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains ot tbl Ino make cloao connection with these ot MI ekstern Inoj. For Detroit , Colnmbnj , Indianapolis , Cincinnati. Nligkra Fklla. Buffalo , Plltaburg , Toronto , Montreal Boston , Now York , PhlladelphU , Balllmaro , Wksh- ngton and Ml points In the East , uk the ticket kgcnt for tlcketa % la tlio "NOUTH-WESTEUN , ' II von wish the b ? t nccoramodatloni. All tlok t agents sell tickets via this line. M. uuaniTT. n. s. HAIR , Qenerkl llaonjor. OOM. Pics. Agcut. 01IICAOOW.N.DABCOOK , Oon 1(13 FutnamSt. , Omahk , Neb , CMZCA.GO , THE SHOET LINE Aad BEST ROtTTSS. rllOM OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO TRAINS DAILY IIKTWEEN 01IAITA AND Ohic&go , Minneapolis , Milwaukee St , Paul , Cedar Rapids , D.i von port Clinton , Duburjite , Kockford , Rock Island , Free | > ort Jauesv illo , Elgin , Madison , Li Ore BOB , Bololt , Winona , And all other Important points East , Northeast - east and Southeast. Ticket office at 101 Ftrnim street ( In far ton llo : cl ) . and at Union Pacific Depot. Pullman Sleepers and tto Finest Dining Cars In the World are run on tnomain lines ol the Cntcxoo UILWAUEKH & ST. PAUL R'r and every attention la pkld lo poBscuccra by couttoous omployof ol thocompany. 3. S. MEHIIILL. A. V. II. CAHPfiNTEH , General Manager , Gcn'l Paesonzor A ont. It MILLER , QEO. K. UEAPF01U ) , Aea't Gcn'l Manager. Aes't Oen'l Piaa Agent J. T. CLARK. Oen'l Suuerlntondent Eailway Time InEffooi April 5th. 1885 , tChi ll ntlon ol tha travelling public Is ca'Jod lo ibe fact that this Is the only complete and abiolntelj rcrroci tlmo-tabie pnbllehed In tha city , Alltr&lns irrlio at and depart from Omaha bj Jentrnl SUniUrd Time. Tr luo ol the C. St. P. M. tt 0. tnlv at aad de nil Irom tholr depot , corner ol tith aad Websloi itreots ; trains 01 the B. Ail. , 0. B. * Q. , nd K , 0 it. J. & 0. 13. from the B. t ) K , depot ] all ethers lioa a , Dillyjb , except Satarday ; B , excapl ircept llcndc/ . OW1AMA BRIDGE TKAIN8 Dummv Trains ITO omahk at a : c,7 22 CO , 10 DO , 11 Ib inlS60 , 2 00 , 8 00 , i 00 , 1 IB , SCO 113pra. On Sundays the 7E9 and 10 00 a m and CO and 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive it trui- : r depot U mluatea liter : Dioadway depot S3 tnla > toil Uteri Lekra Council BlaOl ( Ilrckdw&y depot ) at 8 65,7 55. 80,10 SO , 1110 m ; 1 S3 , 8 W , B 3. I 23 , B2I , ad 1145 p m. On Uandays Ibe 9 to and 11 40 a m ud 3 80 and 6 25 p m trilnj trill not run. Arrive kl rkniler 7 mlnntog Uter , Omaha to minutes Uter. TransforTralna I * ve0mkhk6t8ti , Bll m , 13 SB , 2 20 , 4 S0,8 ! I/O and 1 00 n m , dklly. Arrlra at 9 SO ind 11 00 fc o , 1 05 , B SO , T 20 tud 65 p. u. SUNDAY TRAINS 'o ' and bom CulCkRO via the Tr.partlto AJllanoa Llnti BPSDAT MORKISO. | BATUUPAT M71. Mil. | tt-l. | N-W | H-W I U.I I til cairnlntrtlaj art i ixrtunl 1 { il . 0. B. h < J. trtla s run or lay. UTOCK YARDS TRAINS. Lt ve Union Paclflo depot at 8 40 a m and 5 2S a. ( SuooEseon TO ) FOSTER & an AY. W JBCO3C.33 1 jfiLXCEJ LUM , VniTE PINE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FORNIA REDWOOD ASH , OAK , BLACK WALNUT , BPANISU OEDAR. ] ear Cieek Lime , Louisville Cement Portland Oomont , Iowa and Michigan Plas ter , Hair , Kto. Etc. Cor. WJt & Doutjlas St Nervout . _ „ , . . . UcMlllr * Maufaaod and lle ar Afaronu i rfncrlplioa of a uoted ipodalut ( now re * " : ) Dru/jBl.uoanailll. / Addr.ii DR. WARD & CO , , LOUISIANA , MO. CHAS. SHIVERXCK NITTJR.E UPUOL3TSRY AND DHAPBKIE3 , Paeicnger Eleyator to All floon. 1203 , 1208 , and UlOj JffcrriAm St. OMAUA NEBRASKA JUOJLTJE , Manufacturers ot Ornamental Dormer Windows , Window Caps , Motntlo Sky Lights , &o. Tin , Iron Slate roofers. C1G 3,12th St. , Oraalm , Neb , Work done in nny putt of the country , MAX MEYER & CO. -ESTABLISHED , 18G5 - Importers anil WjiolcsaJc JDcaters in Just Received , a full line of Meerschaum Goods , prime cmaiitv. which were spe- eialXv selected bv our Mr.Max Mever in Europe for our own trade. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SEIOTD Waoc Meyer & Co. , Otn ihaNeb HE & . t. 8TMANG COMPANY Soubto and Single Acting Power ana hano If ? LilJ AIM * i i ; Eogtns Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , Braea and Iron Fit tinea at wholocalo ot rotall. HALLADAY WINDMILLS , OHUROtt AND SOHOOL BELLS. Gorner IQfcli and Fsrnam St. , Omalia Hob. A. J. TULLLOCK , Kng. & Sllpt. O. F. N. BADLSIi , Aiat. Eng II. W. DIAMOND , ASSt. BOO MISSOURI VALLEY BEIDGE AND IRON WORKS OFFICE AXD WORKS LEAVRXWORTS , KANSAS. ilan'/g'n and Builders ct Wrought Iron , Steel , HOWB Truss and Combination BRIDGES For Railroads and Highway * Turn Tables , Draw Spam , Boo i , Plcra , 'ana Sub structures. Insley , Shire &Tullock PROP1UETORS A. McLouth , Agent Please ec d us notice ol all bridge worUJto lot. Corrcsposdenco collolted frcm ooglnccra and brdgo commls-lcneiB. DEALBRSIN FIEE MD BUEGLAR PBOOF SPECIAL NOTICE TO of Idv © Stock and . " " ' * * ' WE OALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It la I ho boat and cheapest food foe stock of any kind. Ono pound la equal to three ponnda o corn , Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In tbo Fall end Wlntei Inatoad of rnuning down , will incrcoso in weight and bo in good marketable condi tion In the sprlup ; . Dairymen , as well as others , who aoo it , can tostify'to Its mor > Its. Try It end iadgo for yonrselvoo. Price 824.00 per ton. No charge for sacks. Address . . . , Ji WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Neb. 5n. GRKEN. OEO , BURK ( Willjpay customerelDraft with ] Bill/of Ladin ] tttachod.for two-thirda vftluejol stock. ) GREEN & BURKE. UNION STOGK TARBS1 Merclmnta'ct Vannor'a H1IFEI1EKCH8 Bank ! David CityN8b , Omaha , Neb. Kearney National U nk Kanrnoy , Neb.r Dolumbun S atoBan * , ColuinbuB , Nob. NtoUoDnUl's ] } ank , North 1'latto , Neb , Dmaba National BnnU , Omaha , Neb. mggists AND DEALER ; IN 0 OMAHA , NEB. H. T. CLARKE BRXTG COMPANY. SUCCEEDINO LEIGHTON & CLARKE , Jobbing Drag boat * between Ohlokzo and Saa Francisco. OAPITAIi STOCK , 1200.000. Wa 1 J eh.11 boat ths bottom nl t raitket at til Umei ) . Will dapllcatoChlaao and lit. Louti urlcos with . toli'tt added. Ourtpoollliy vtlll tw Pure Dniya , Faints , Oils and HVintloiv Glasx \ EjtlmileiKUtnoa | Utgl ii. Ta those a'lvit toemUuk In thodrubninf i will do well to oniu lyDur Interest by calllnj oa w , ot boaJlor oai ji < ie Il which willippoitabjut Januuy 6tb. Mtllordo