Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1885, Image 1

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The Loyal Legislators of Brilaiu End
Their Labors.
Zing Oholera Continues the Enl-
ing Monarch in Southern
Europo. .
Gorinnnj'rt OlalniB Kccngnl/.cd In
r A. Varlnty of For
eign Cables.
LONDON , August II. The queen In the
course of her speech proroguing parliament ,
said : "When you atsembled in October , I in
formed you that an expedition waa advancing
up tha valley of the Nile to relieve Khartoum ,
Thrco mouths later , with deep sorrow , which
was shared by all my people , I learned that
Iho expedition arrived too late. The heroic
Gordon with companions had fallen and
my troops were ultimately with ,
drawn from whole eastern Soudan except
Suakim , nnd from western Soudan down to
Alashyart. Although the objects of thla expedition -
pedition were uuattained , I have great reason
to ba proud of the bravery and endurance
displayed by tha soldiers aud Bailers , ncd tha
skill wherewith they have been commanded. "
Referring to the present situation In Kgypt
her majesty s y : "Tha death uf El Muhdl
will probably f liable mo to perform with lest
difficulty the duties toward the ruler and people
ple of Egypt , which ovonta Imposed upon mo ,
I eholl not relax ( llorta to place the government
and Rood order In that couutry upon a firm
foundation. " Continuing , eho says :
"My'relations with other oowera are of a
friendly .nature. Difficulties which wore atone
ono time of au anxiou * character , arose be
tween my government and Ilusaia , concarn-
Ingtho limits of the territory of my ally , the
ameer cf Afghanistan. Tlio negatiatlnna for
their adjustment continue , and vlll , I trust ,
load , at an early period , to a satisfactory set
tlement. Tha progress of events in South
Africa compelled mo , In tha interests of the
native raced , to toke under my protection
Ucchmnal and certain adjacent territories I
am taking the necotsary stops to place the
northwcatarn frontier of my Indian empire In
a condition uf adequate defento In the absence
of which the property nnd tranquillty of _ my
Indian subjfeta nro liable from time to time
to bo intemipiodnnd disturbed , " In closing ,
her majesty says : "I pray the blessing of
God may rest upon the people's
extended liberties and that numbers who am
called upon to exercise new powers will use
themwitb sobriety and discernment , which
have so lone marked the history oE thla na
tion. "
LoNPON , AuRuat 14. In the house of com
mons to-day , b f ro prorogation , Churchill ,
reply Icp ; to a question , said the Dutch Afghan
boundary ccmmltsion had not yet been com
pleted , nnd the government did not intend to
withdraw the commission. Col , Ridgway ,
chief of the commission , and others connected
with him were doing useful work. The dis
pute with Russia about Znlficar pass , the
secretary said , waa not trivial , but tha gov
ernment was not altogether without hope to
arrive before long at a satisfactory eettloment
of the point In dispute.
TAK UNO us incoTEi ) FIELD.
MADRID , Aug. 14 , Iu Granada tha chol
era la increasing fearfully. In tbo province
outside of the city there h.tvo boon reported
to-day 218 deaths and 4S5 now cases , and in
the city 213 deaths and 150 cases , Tha popu
lar agitation aguinat saaitary intelligence has
been renewed In Seville. Tno local authori
ties all resigned. Shops are closed and no
business is done , and the scourge has an un
obstructed field.
LONDON , August 14. The English govern
ment issued an order prohibiting the impor
tation of rags from France.
MADRID , August 14-Incomplete cholera
returns for yesterday ehow 3035 new cases ;
189 deaths throughout the country.
BERLIN , August 14. The Krttiz Zeitung ,
referring to tbo Xinzbar question , says :
"Tho moment baa come to end the intrigues
nf Sir John Kirk , British consul general at
Zanzibar , well known for his anti-German
sentiments. The friendly relations between
England and Germany will undergo the first
and perhaps decisive test in cast Africa ,
England must remember that Kirk's attitude
may prevent a satisfactory understanding. ' '
BERLIN , Aug 14 , Admiral Paschon tele
graphs to-day that the sultan of Zanzibar haa
eivon unconditional atsont to Germany1 !
claim to protection over nil territory ocuplec
iu Zanzibar by German subjects. The sultan
ordered his subject * to' keep peace with Ger
many , and he has withdrawn nil troops from
the now recognized German tenitory.
LONDON , August 11 Official advices con
firm the repnita that the sultan of Zanzibar
recognized the claims ol the German subjects
In Zanzibar.
LONDON , August 14 Lord Vane Tempesl
isoead. He served with distinction in the
federal army during the late war in America ,
CAIRO , Auguat II The Egyptian cotton
crop la expected to ba very abundant.
CoNHTANTiKOi'iE , August 14. The popu
lace of Kretnrutchooy , a Ruaeian city on the
Dnelpsr , In I'altava , to-day attacked the
Turkish residents of the town and at
tempted to dilva thorn out. The military restored
stored order with much difficulty. During
the not n great nunibar were wounded Thirty
of the native leaders have been arrested. This
has angered the populace and it is feared they
will In revergo again riee against the Turks
and the authorities also.
PARIS , August H. An excursion boa
upset to-day at the town of JliWAn at the
mouth of the Gironde , and eight passengora
were drowned. ,
iK , Aug. U. The Central Trail !
association , which ia composed ol all railroat
lines bound east from Chicago , met at Com
missioner Flnka cfficn this afternoon. In tb
language of one of the gentlemen present
"Things were vary lively , " The result of th
meeting was a decliion to form a grots money
pool , all settlement * to date from August 1
The quebtion of percentages will be decidei
later on. A board of tflicen waj elected am
given power to confer with the trunk llnea
LOUISVILLE , Ky , , Aug. 14. The Lonisvill
it Nashville gem ml freight agent denies tha
hia load hat made complaint to Pool Commit
iloner Power * , charging the Cincinnati South
ern with cutting the grain rate from Indian
spoilt to Atlanta , and says there me no
grounds for the statement tent from Atlanta
yetterday ,
CHICAGO , Augutt 14. The Grand Trunk
railway to-day notified all its connections at
Detroit , Port Huron , aud throughout ths
wf et that it la now prepared to deliver to thu
Weit Shore road all ahirnnenta consigned to
that route. This ia au official announcement
of conciliatory arrangements : between the two
ends , which , ai heretofore reported , have
baon in process of formation for several days
last. To-day eatt bound freight rates are
lollovod to have touched the bottom. A
urther reduction on grain and provi lon to
onrteon and reventcn and one-half cants
respectively to New York was made , which
unounta to a total cut ot lix cents on the
ormor and eovon and one-half on the latter
rom the tegular tariff.
A , Auftuttll. Three-quarters of a
mile : Gleaner won , Tartar aecocd , Mono
bird. Time , 1:18 : .
Throe-ipMartera of a mile two-year-olds :
Quito won , Rock and Rye second , Lfattlo
Carlisle third Time , 1:101 : ,
Mile and three-quarters ages : Rob
Stiles won , Euclid atcind , Van Guard third.
Time , 3:13g. :
Mile : Carrie Stewart won , Minnia Meteor
econd , Leroy third. Time , 1.S.
Steeple chase about a inlio and a half : At
ho first fence Wish I May thiew bis jockey ,
nd at the next fence Abram fell . At tbo first
wall in tha watt field Driftwood fell breaking
Moany's right arm. Repeater won , Mytllc
ccond , lolantho third. Time 3:03 : J. Pope ,
who rode Abram , had his nose broken.
BRIOIITON BEACH , August 11. Attendance
oed ; track heavy.
Three-quarters of a railn Maldoca , two-
car olda : Ben Pryor won. Petticoat second ,
Vertigo third. Time , 1:221 :
Seven-eighths of a mile llolbox wrn , .TffT
Harrington second , Hoata third. Time , 1:37. :
Milo Maty Hamilton won. Ollvotio sec-
nd , Ulucbell third Tuna , 1:181.
Mlle nnd ouo-olgh'h Regret won , Executor
econd , Bonnie Australian third. Time. 2:04 :
Miln and a quarter All ntr.cs : Dutch Roller
on. Kansas second , King Fan third , Time ,
Stcoplo chase Short course : Shortcake
von , Jack second , Ecuador third , Time ,
:20. :
At Detroit : Detroit , 3 ; Chicago , 5.
At New York : Metropolitans , 7 ; Baltimoio ,
; ten innings.
At Buffalo : Buffalo. 0 ; St. Louia 0.
Ot Impnrtniico r Insurance
CINCINNATI , Aug. 14 A decision of inter-
at to insurance companies wai rendered in
bo United Statea court by Justice Matthowa
in suit the fire nssocia-
o-day , a brought by -
ion of Philadelphia against John H. Law &
Co. , Insurance agents of the city , for money
ue. In the answer and croaa petition of
jaw & Co , it Ia stated that they wcro until
ecently general agents for the Philadelphia
nrnpany for the states of ChioIndiana , West
Virginia nnd a portion of Kentusky , nnd in
hat position they had establi > had a valuable
business in this toiritoiy , which the fire a so-
iation now threatened to destroy. They
herefore raised a question na to whether they
could be disturbed in the possession of the
; oed will nivi business represented by sub-
agencies they had established , by the recent
action of the association in requesting sub-
igonciea to deal directly with the homo firm
ostead of through the Cincinnati house aa
prmorly. Justice Matthews decided that
' . .aw & Co , could recover damages against the
ire association.
The Heavens Opened.
READING , Pa. , Aug. 13. List night a tro-
mendoua water cloud burst over Greenwich
townsbip , this county. It fell with terrific
'orco , washing out fields and swelling streams.
The Schuylki'l river to-day is four feet higher
; han yesterday. The storm waa confined tea
a small section of the county , and lasted only
an hour.
NEW YORK , Aug. 14. The storm last night
on Long Inland caused great damage. Barns
were blown down , dwellings unroofed , trees
uprooted , and many small crafts driven ashore
on the coast.
NORTH CONCORD , N. H. , August 14 , The
worst storm for yeara visited this placs yester
day , greatly damaging highways and parts of
.ho Ogdensburg railroad. The storm also did
considerable damage at Plymouth and other
places In the state.
Cnvington Disowns Him.
CINCINNATI , August 14 A Washington
special having stated tnat William B. Flem
ing , of Covington , Ky , , about whoso recom
mendations for appointment President Cleveland -
land wrote a caustic letter to a Cincinnati man ,
it bai been ascertained that there ia no Wll- B. Fleming in Covington. General W.
Finnel diya Mr. Fleming , who was appointed
late in July to a judgeship In New Mexico , ia
a resident of Louisville. Ky , , and he adds that
he ia surprised that any one should regret
buvlng recommended him ,
AU Qulot ftt Knit SaRlnaw.
EAST SAOINAW , Mich. , Auguat 14. Repre1
asntative 'l , B. Barry was arrested in Saglnaw
City just before noon on arrival of the Jack
son train , At last ascounts ho had not sue
ceeded in obtaining bill. The charge ta incit
ing conspiracy.
All quiet hero. 0. L. Grant & Co , 'A roll !
to-day decided to take ton hours anil reduced
pay , and eleven hours ; lnd proportionate pay ,
Nineteen mills are nowlrunnlng eleven hours ,
and seven on ten hour/ .
'A Bulletin from UIMI. JInncnclr ,
NEW YOHK , Auguat 11. General Winfield
3. Hancock , having completed the duties Im
posed npon him In connection with the repul-
chre of Gen , Grant , issues a bulletin thank
ingln detail all organizations and comnmnd-
c , military , naval , veteran * , civic , munlci
pal , etc. , that assisted. His obligations to
the members of hia staff nn acknowledged by
came , and thepresanco of Gen , Gordon , ol
Georgia , und Gen , Lee , uf Virginia , is spoken
bf as especially gratifying.
B Ahiluctlon Case ,
CHICAGO , III. , August Ii. In the case of
Bertha Lehman , tbo young girl whote abduc
tion and subsequent recovery wore mentionet
in theao dispatches , the court to-day decldec
that in view of the important interests a
gtako in a OMB of thli hint ] , even thougt
evidence had beeu furnished indicating tha
the girl was not an unwilling victim , the two
men aud women implicated should ba held to
the grand jury In 81 , COO each for the men
and § 5CO for the wcman.
Stint Wlitlo Trying to Xiaoaiio. !
LANCASTER , Pa. , Auguat 14 , The sheriff o
York county , accompanied by a detective , ar
rested Hiram Frantz , a notorious character
Subsequently Frantz eecaped from hia captor
and started on a tun , The therlff fired a
bin ) , shooting him in the groin , inflicting a
fatal wound , The ( hooting greatly enraged
the rolling mill men , who threatened to lyncl
the officer ? . The latter hurriedly left town.
A Two Year's Sentence ,
ST Louis , Anguit 14 , J . Beauchlclgh
alias "Johnny the Snake , " a national notorl
ous confidence man , and wanted In near ) ;
every Btato in the Union , waa found guilty
this moroing of swindling a man two yearn
airo , uctl sent for two yeara to tba poulten
tiary. It Ii laid crooks in all parti of the
o t smd Canada ent money hero to asiist fn
hia defense * .
Failures anil Bad Oil ore ,
NEW YORK , Auguat It Henry Brine as
signed to day , giving preferences ol § 20,722.
Dr , Edion to-day seized 7000 pounds of de
cayed full and nix tona of bid fruit in th
Hebrew market. The stuff was dumped &
the offal dock.
The Secretary of War and Adjutant
General on Army Changes ,
Alaskan Seaa a Grave for Twenty-
Two American Soauien ,
Ocncrtl Washington Dispatches
Knllroiul Nowa Kftstcrn Wasti-
outfl Sporting Events.
NEW YORK , August 14 , The Army und
Tavy Journal , In addition to the list of army
officers who will bo ordered back to their rcgU
mentr , having boon on detached service moro
bnn four years , sent In these dispatches last
night , publishej the following list of officers
who will bo exempted from the operation of
ho order , having been put on detached ser
vice by the secretary of war : Col. John 0.
? ibba' ' , Firjt artillery echool , eleven years ,
hrromontha ; Lt. Col. Kibt. W. ScottThlrdnr-
illery , war record , seven years , eight months ;
Major llichaid Loder , nrllllcrv echool , six
ears ; Capt. A , B , Blunt , military prison ,
ijjht yearn , three months ; Capt.F. V. Grceno ,
nllltnrv academy , thirteen yea's , two months ;
/ipt. Ktchnrd II. Pratt , tenth cavalry , Indian
chool , ten years , four mouth ? .
Tha same paper adds : The conclusions of
he secretary of war ad to army administration
ro further indicated by his reply to friends of
n officer who wrote aaklng that his apsisn-
nent to a station mipht be changed. This
equest the secretary declined to grant , and
n answer to one ef the letters he had ro-
: eived , announced hia determination to en-
orco the order , saying , "You will pardon mo
f I say a single jvord , I find it
when nn officer ia relieved for proper reasons ,
ndoed for necosaary reaons , for him and Ins
riends to remonstrate as if ho had a peculiar
ight to perform a particular duty , and his
riends are very apt to think that because ho
loea not like removal , that Eomo personal in-
nry Is cast upon his character or his services ,
iuito the contrary. Kemovala nnd appoint
ments so far as I know anything about them
or have anything to do with them , are made
imply bec.vjBO the good of the service required
hem and this is one of thoio cases , and in
volves no discredit to the officers. "
The Journal also publishes a letter from
Adjutant General Drum to a congressman ,
uppreealng the name , in which the congress
man's rrquest that n young lieutenant , just
out from West Point , who had been assigned
.0 a command in a colored regiment , be
and cent to a white regiment , ia denied , The
general eays tbo war department knowa no
difference between the status of white and
colored soldiers ; thit they are on a perfect
equality before the law ; that they are equally
entrusted with the keeping of the flag and
with the honor of the country , nnd it ii aa
mportant that the colored regiments thould
M well officered nnd well led on all occasions
as other regiments. While under the law
; hey are maintained as a part of the army of
; ho United States , the eecretary of war can
know no inequality and it ia his duty ( p assign
officers to tntin upon the same principles
which govern assignments of all officers. The
good of the so : vice , the provision of the law ,
: ho discipline of theaimy ! , and the unhesita
ting obedience to orders , demand that officers
shtuld acquiesce when assigned to such a
regiment. ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. The acting
secretary of the treasury baa received
report from Capt. Healy , command
ing the revenue steamer Corwin , in regard to
is cruise in Alaskan waters. The report is
dated Port Clarence , A. T. , July 10. Lieut.
Benham and two men were left on Otter
eland early In the crulao for the protection of
seal ? , relieving Lieut , Cintwell from that
duty. No evidence of illicit trade wax found
among any of tha whaling vessels. Informa
tion was received of the loss on iho ice of the
aarks Napoleon and Gazelle in latitude 30
north nnd longitude 177.
All tha boats wore manned by their respect
ive crew ? , and an endeavor made to reach a
place of safety over the Ice. Two of the
boats were lost , and all on board , numbering
eighteen persons , perlahod. Fout of the men
in tbo other boats were frozen to death. The
steamers Balaona and Thrasher nnd
the barks Atlantic , Arnold , Dawn ,
Young Phtunix and Klfzi , were also
badly damaged by the Ice. The agents at St.
George and St. Paul report that nn maraud
ing vessels bavn been aeon BO fur this season.
The natives at Cape Prlnca of Wales , and on
tha Diomeda idinda wcro found peaceful and
thriving , At Hathan inlet , Lieut. Oaldwell
and three men were dispatched with a steam
launch to txploro the Kowok river , and II
possible reach its headwaters. Another ex
pedition waa dispatched under Second As
sistant Haglneer McLeuagan to explore the
Noyatag river , Surcesatul results are ex
pected trom both , Up to July 3rd nothing
had been hoard at Hathan inletof theschooaqr
Kicking , having on board tba naval cxpedi
tion u ider Lieut. G. M. Htorey. The Corwin
will extend her crulee to Kotzjbue sound ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 14. liobert N , Sims ,
of Greenville , Mies , , bai been appointed cus
todian of the abandoned Tliornburg mllitar
reservation of Utah , with a salary of SCO per
Col. Wright , commissioner of the labor
ireau , today revoked the appointment ol
0. P , Judd as special agent of the bureau ,
because of hla recent arreat in Colorado on
the charge of horse stealing , and his admitting
his guilt , and also that ha had eerved two
terms in the penitentiary for the same offense.
An officer of the marine hospital service has
been ordered to visit the cities ol Tamplco
and Bigard , Mexico , near the Teiau fron
tier , to investigata the report that yellow
fever pievalla in thoio cities.
"Counsel iu the Ontonngon land cases ol
Michigan to-day finished their argument' ,
baRun befora the secretary of the interior day
oofore yesterday , and were given fifteen days
within which to tile hrlefe.
Flnt Comptroller Durham eays he is not
exactly patUfitd with Mr , Loriug'a explana
tion of big ncoounta as commissioner of agti
culture , and that unless ha can offer better
reasons for the expenditures for seed , etc. ,
than have yet beeu submitted , he , the comp
troller , will have to refer the cast ) to the solic
itor ol the treasury for the Institution of legal
ActingCommiisioner Walker , of thegonera
land cilice , declined to iiaue any moro patents
to the Northern 1'aclfio railroad , pending a
decision fixing the legal statin of the road.
Thi question at iitue la that the reid waa not
completed within the time required by law ,
and that until congress takes definite action
iu one way or other , ho aaya no itepa will be
taken to plae It beyond the power of the ley
Ulative brunches of the government to protect
public rlfjhtt.
It is understood that the newly amnintet
aulstant treasurer at San Francisco has beeu
instructed by Acting Secretary Fdlrchlld to
take pcsteaslon of the aub-tretisury there , aoc
o continue the count of moneys and socurl-
Ics in such a manner i may be deemed to bo
hi best Interests of the service.
The acting secretary of the treasury to-day
ppointod William K. Grubb to bo niperln-
endont of public buildings lit Frankfort , Ky , ,
ice Mr. Murphy suspended.
The acting secretary of the treasury has re
ceived n report from the tuperintendent cf
lublio buildings In New York to the cfloot
hat the custom house , postolfica and ap-
iratter's office are each in a very bad condi-
ion nnd In gicut need of Immediate and ex-
enelve repairs ,
Flrat Comptroller has given a deciaion un-
ler the Act of March 3rd , 1SS5 , making an
appropriation for the collection of internal
revenue. Agents of that bureau are only en
, itled to a per diem of throe dollars in lieu of
substance while travelling and away from
ionic on duty , and are not entitled to that
whnn nt homn.
United States Consul Mason at Marseille ? ,
n a cablegram to the secretary of state , to
day , says the cholera in that place is Asiatic ,
and very fatal , Deaths number forty dally.
Dha disease is spreading to the Interior.
WASHINGTON , August 14. An order timilar
o that recently issued by Secretary Kndlcott
will shortly bo sent out from the ttavv ile-
lartmont. The uavy regulations require that
mval officers shall servo three years at sea and
hreo on chore , returning at
ho end of the latter period
o sea duty. Complaint has bean
made by some officers that they did not re
ceive full time on shoro. To remedy any such
ivil that may exist , two officer" , one from the
ino and one from the staff , will probably bo
lotalled nt an early date , to keep a record ,
bowing what kind of work offcera are em-
iloyed at , and thn length of time they have
joen engaged , When three yoara of share
iuty have elapsed , officers will be sent to sea ,
It Is announced unofficially that Gen ,
iuUior M , Meiley , of Limn , Ohio , bai been
appointed a'sistant commissioner of the gen-
ral land office aud will a > sumo the duties of
he position on September 1st , the date when
.ho resignation of Luther llarriiou taken of-
tct. Gen , Meiley ia a native of Ohio , and
orvod in the nrmy on Gen. Vnndovpr's staff.
Yt the cloaa of the war ho practiced law until
.878 , when ho was appointed ndjut nt-gen-
orul of his state under Gov , Bishop , '
It Is contemplated to appoint an army
officer to perform the duties of Indian agent
ipou the San Carlos reset va tion , Homo time
ago Secretary Lumar expressed a conviction
that au army officer should ba designated to
represent both the Interior nnd war depart-
nouts , and tbo secretary of war recommended
to the president that Capt. F. E. Plerco be
issignnd the position. The president ha > not
ret eigniiied his purposes In regard to the
Gen. Newton , chief of engineers , in hla nn-
lual report on the removal of obstructions at
: Iell Gatr , iu Now York harbor , spaaka of
.ho tunnelling In the reef and the drilling of
loles for the great blast. The charging of the
loles waa commenced during the month of
July , and it Is expected will be completed
about October , at which time the blast will
be fired. The explosion will be about 225,000
lounda of rock powder and about 0,000
xmnda of dynamite No. 1. About 50,000
: opper cartridges will bo used ranging from
fifteen to twenty-four inches long and two
and one-half inches thick.
A Kentucky
LOUISVILLE , August 14. Henry Frees ,
colored , waj hanged at Cittlotsbur to-day
n the presence of 3.0CO persons , for the mur
der of Charter Hbnnkor , last May. He
neither confessed nor denied his Ruilt , merely
saying on the scaffold"Frionda , I bid you
all good bye. I hops to meet you all in a
better world. Good bye " Ilia neck waa not
broken , and ho died from strangulation , Lasl
May Ilonnker and a party of men atttemptd
to pain admission to a house of evil repute
at Cattletsburg , and were denied entrance.
Their efforts to break in caused the woman to
leave the house by the back door , nd go in
search nf an officer. Meeting Freenp , eho
aeked him to go for the marshal. Ho re
sponded that ho was marshal enough for thai
party , and went with tha woman to the
house , entering through the rear door. Once
Inside he fired through the door , killing
Honnker and wounding two of his com
panions. Ho was promptly arrested , indicted ,
tried and convicted within a few days. Tina
was the only legal execution over occurring in
Bc > d county.
ABnnilof Indian Blnrauilorn Annihi
BILLINGS , M. T , Aug. 14. Ud Gouldlng
with two associate cattleman on MusseUhell ,
yesterday met a marauding band of Pregars
between Razor and Half Breed creeks. The
Pregare numbered twenty , accompanied by
seventy-five stolen horeea. Gouldlng and _
party fired , killing one Indian , but being
greatly outnumbered , were compelled to re
treat for reinforcements , which they obtained
and overtaking the Prrcrais , killed the entire
p rty , ami recovered the stolen horses , What
effect this battle may have on the neighboring
bands Is unknown , but no trouble is antici
Another Crookea Barrel Sol/.nro ,
PHILADELPHIA , Auguat 11. Another car
load of Peorla whisky In the crooked barrels
WIIB detained to-duy by Internal revenue
officials. It was consigned to a firm here
Kach day more of the whisky Is found , am
It is asserted that nearly every rectifier In the
clly has some of it.
Rolliol a ItoHtaurnnt.
Special Telegram to The BEE ,
SIDNEY , Nob. , August It. Sheriff George
Clarke , of Dowea county , arrived to-day with
two prisoners named Jtihn bailey and William
Walker charged with robbing a restaurant
proprietor at Chadron of tlxty dollars , They
were bound over to tbo district court.
Tiiolloucli Failure ,
NEW YORK , August 14 , The schedule o
assets and liabilities of John Koach , is ex
pected to ba filed this afternoon. It shows
the liabilities of lloech to ba 82 223,000 ; nom
nal aaeets § 5.108,0.0 ; actual usaeta Si 481,000
At a meeting of tbo creditors of the Valley
wjrated mill at Providence , H I , , this morn
jog , a committee was appointed to examine
the statement 'preiented by the mill corpora
tion. Also tha swnrn statement mudo in
January laat. Liabilities , $212,000.
Assistant G auger a Warring end Martineg
whose names were dropped from the custom
hjuae rolls at New York by Surveyor Beattlo
after eix months' probation , have sent an
appeal against tha surveyor's action to the
civil service commission at Washington ,
A Cincinnati dispatch eayi ; The society ; o
American florists spent to-day in an excuraion
co the national home at Dayton. They belt
their election and chose John Thorpe for prea
ident ; M. A. liuat , treasurer ; and Kli Hill
A man who has inspected tha dutrlct In
GUnvillo , N. Y. , damaged by the recen
itorin , says the farmers have loit § 290,000
On some farms heavy deposits of rocks am
gravel have forever ruined the fertile fields.
The condition of Senator Vest , who ha
been suffering acutely horn a neuralgic mala
dy the pan few days at Helena , Montana , i
iinpnned , and tha patient , at 2 o'clock yester
day , waiftble to lit up in bed ,
Sixty-one mllei of ( be Denver Mi myhls & A
lautlo railway were euD-let t Belle PJaiue
Kaa. , yesterday , to ba completed and ready
for operation by December 1 , This ii a portion
tion ol tin new road to be built from Deuve
to Memphis , direct , Fitzgerald & Mallory
have the coutrcct to complete 325 miUt.
Of Two Trains ToiDg ( o Pass on the
Same Tract
A Eumored Oaso of Cholera at
Oauidon , N , J ,
V Snno "Woman Confined Thirty Ycnrfl
In an Asylnm Tlio Paolllo IMall
TWO or KonKPAuan'a cincns TRAIXH COLLIDE.
OnumvA , la. , August. 11. A very bad
accident occurred near Kddyvlllo , loiva , to
day , by a tail end collision between two sec-
.ions of Adam Forepiuch'ii great circus trait-
Che section which was run into was known as
he baigago train , and was made up from tha
car as folio we : Caboose , two box cars , and
hen tha sleeper * , Baltimore , Buffalo , Wash-
ngton and Detroit , in the order named.
Ahead of the Detroit were long Hat cara , on
which were loaded the wagons containing the
ents , seats , etc , The bjx or next to the
leopcrs toloacoped the Baltimore , This
leeper was occupied by canvaaa men and
others. The following men wore seriously
njurod : Frank Boyd , of Philadelphia , candy
mtchor , lug and arm broken and injured
n the head ; Waxey , the portsr on the Haiti-
more , log broken near the hip ; August Smith ,
rain louder , leg broken ; Mike Welch , car
repilrer , hond seriously Injured , t'ovcral
others on the samn car were seriously injured.
Che sleepers ButTalo and Washington had
, heir platforms stove up , and their occupants
vere badly shaken up , but nona inuih In
ured. The Detroit was thrown from the
iack and turned upsidodown. It was occu-
ried by sixty men , nearly all of whom are
mown in show parlance aa "privilego poo-
) lo. " Sid Kdeon , a cone and dance artist ,
ras the only one eerioualy injured in this car ;
10 received a eovoro cut in the head , and
ukull probably fractured. A great many
others sustained severe bruises , The flat car
ahead of the Detroit had two cages on it
which were demolished , One of tticse con
fined a troop of performing dogs und oue of
; hem was killed. Swung under ( ho wagons
on this car were hammocks occupied by mon ,
and several of them were injured , but noun
3anirerously. Some other cars were damaged.
The menagerie of animals is not hurt , Physi
cians from Eldyvllla and Ottumwa are on
the ground attendjng to the injuiod. IToro-
paugh did everything possible to relieve the
injured , Ho savs that it is the most serious
accident that over happened him , and Mr. O.
A. Davis , press agent , informs us that Mr ,
Forepauuh is unable , as yet , to approximate
liis damage. No damage was dona to the col
liding section , save that to the locomotive ,
which'lost its smoekstack and was otherwise
badly demolished ,
OTTUMWA , la. , August 14. Later news inc -
c eases the number of those dangeroualy urt
In the p llision of Forepaugh'a show train at
Eddyville , Iowa , this morning. The full list
of those dangerously hurt .ire : August
Schmitt , Frank Unyd , Sid Euston , Lewis
Huter , J. O. Coops , Frank Holland , Frank
Baker , nnd Lewis LaGrand. They are now
on a sleeper , being transferred to the hospital
at Davenport , Iowa ,
PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 14. The people of
Camden , N. J. , are considerably excited over
what appears to have been a ddath from chol
era , The coroner of Cnmden , who alao is a
phjsic'an ' , was notified yesterday morning that
Margaret Kealy , a young Irish domestic on
the farm of Edward P. Hunt , at Wbitehorse ,
had died suddenly on Wedneeday evening.
Arriving there at noon , the coroner found
the body In an advanced utogo of de
composition. So offensive was it
that it had become necessary to remove it to
an open shod. Investigating the case Coroner
ner Beal found that tha the dead girl came
from Ireland two weeks ago. Her brother ,
Michael Kealy , of Philadelphia , obtained a
place for her with Farmer Hunt , ten days before -
fore she died. On Wednesday evening , at a
quarter of six , Miss Kealey wai taken bud-
denly and violently ill , nnd vomited contin
uously until she died , an hour and a half af
terwards. The coroner gave a'certiGcate of
death from congestion of the brain
due to cholera morbus , and the
body was taken to an undertaker in Phila
delphia , and was to bo burled at orco. The
house and corpse were thoroughly dinlofectpd.
Coroner Beals afterwards continued his investigations -
vestigations , and found that the symptoms In
the cuao were identical with those of Asiatic
cholera. Dr. Boman Shivers , of Haddon-
field , who wai called ia to attend the Kir ) , did
not arrive until after her death , but ho is alao
of thn opinion that it ia a case of true cholera.
A rigid investigation h being made by Dr.
Beal to determine the character of the
_ _ _ _
ov aiisrcuY.
PHILADELPHIA , August 14 , Mias Adrian !
Phyaick Brinckle has just been released from
the state lunatic asylum , where she has been
confined for twenty-seven years | on an
extraordinary charge of "extravagance and
eccentricity. " She H the daughter of the
late Dr. William Draper Brinckle , n physl-
ctrnn who enjoyed a largo practice , and moved
tn the highest circles of society hero twenty
years ago. Miaa Brinckle was an acknowl
edged belle , a woman of great beauty and ac
complishments , and a popular favorite. She
was extremely extravagant , bat an uofortu-
natadrop in the financial standing of her
father made It Impoatlblo for him to pay her
bills OB he bad always done ,
Adrlana was unable to overcome her ex
travagant tastes , and without knowing any
thing of the law In such casei , ordered a
piano and a set of furniture , which eho sold
before paying for them This proceeding
scandalized the set to which the Brinckles
belonged , and aa it was stated at the time ,
Miis Brincklo was sent to nn aaylum.enterlnp
tbo institution in July , 1858. When the
twelfth national conference of charities and
conection mat In Waibington last June , one
of the delegates made the following state
ment ; "A beautiful young lady , used to
wealth is extravagant , and her father re
duced in circumatancei , finds himself unable
to restrain her habit of ipsndiog , con
cludes she requires a custodian , places
her In a boipltal heedless of her earnott pro
test : be dies and leaves her there ; there ahe
has been tor nearly thirty years und Is now
nearly aixty jeara old , and tttll begging to be
released ; but the cuutodUa still thinks the
needs a custodian end care , and she remains
to this date under tha restraint of her per
sonal liberty. This led to an Investigation ,
and Mial Brincklo was vlelted at the atato
lunatic asylum at Ilarrlsburg , and tbo com
mittee reported that there was
In her case , but still no releafo came , andjtho |
still unfortunate woman almoit abandoned
hope , llepretentatives of the etata committee
on lunacy visited her , however , and than n
older c tine and ebe was sent out a free wo
man , Upon her arrival in thla city the was
sent to a coiivaleicent retreat near Glenn
I Mllt < , where the U being tenderly cared fur
Miss Brincklo Is nn aged woman of 07 , in
full poiteuion of all her faculties and in good
bodily health.
Tlio Paclllo Mail Muddle.
SAN FBANCISCO , August 14 Hon. Richard
C , Baker , ox-mlnlstor of justice of South
Australia , who arrived hero via the last Aus
tralian ttoamor , en route to London , WAS In
terviewed by the Kxamlner on tha probabili
ties ol the withdrawal of the Pacific Mall
steamers , and ( aid ; "It Is precisely upon the
matter relating to this that I nm niw going to
London , I have been cnnmlssloncd by tin
Austiallan colonies to po and consult with the
homo government relative to an agreement
which has been drawn up , by
which the IKndlah-American mail
service c. n bo let to any steamship com *
pany. The agreement ralorrcd to has been
signed by North Australia , Norr South Wales
and Victoria , and I have roinnn to believe
TaMiianis , Quecnstown and West Australia
will tign it. Whether Now Zealand will dote
to is doubtful Tha proposal it to pay the
steamship company so much per pound for
mall matter. The contract will call for a
weekly mall of twenty-nine , thirty or thirty-
ono days , from London to Adelaide. The
English companies taking the mails via Suez
rocalvo a subsidy of ? l000,000 a year. Tho'r
contracts expire in September , 18S7. The
now KRrcement would cotmnocea on that
date. "
Mr , Baker added thn Canadian Pacific had
offered to provide weekly Enqlleh-Auatralian ,
thirty-day mail service , via Vancouver Island ,
for 1100,000 per year , and aa the colonloa
wore nou paying twice that sum it waa possi
ble the Canadian Pacific would secure it , The
probabilltioi of their doing so would , ho f aid ,
ba increased if the Cmadiau government sub
sidized a line of steamers between British
Columbia and Australia , which , ho under
stood , was intended to do.
PITTSUPHO , August 11. The trades organi
zations throughout the United Statoa will
issue a petition tomorrow requesting President
Cleveland to call an extra session of congress
to bo devoted exclusively to the consideration
of moasure.1 for the relief of the industrial
classes ef the country and the revival of busi
ness. The petition , after cillin ? the attenttou
of the president to tha stagnation of business
saw The consequences of this depression
ore especially Revere upon laboring people ,
small manufacturers and farmers , who are
ivlthout any reserve moans upon which tt
live or pay their dobta anc
Have their homes and small propertlei
from forced rales. Employers and employee
ire involved In common disaster , cud bellevec
t is in the power of contgresiand the executive
; o greatly rnliovo this depression by wite
legislation , It aaka that tha extra session be
: onvened on or before the last Monday ol
September , 1885.
Tlio Eastern AVaHliouts DclajltiR the
CHICAGO , August 14. Owing to the wash
out on the New York Central railroad , a
Hoffman's Ferry , N. Y , , eastern trains whicl
should have arrived hero nt 12:35 : today are
delayed over twelve hour ? . The postcffici
officials hero expect to be awamped with mai
matter owing to the delay , and exprota the
belief that better management in the eas
would have prevented this delay nnd acumu
latlon of matter , by taking it back to Now
York and forwarding It over some other road
The eastern mail received hero amounts to
thirty tons daily.
Tlio Uolchcr Siifjnr Oninpnny.
ST. LODIS , August 14. William Kent
Foster , of Now York , to-day filed a petition
in the circuit ciurt of this city praying for on
order dissolving the Belcher Su ar ReCnine
company. The trustees of the company have
advertised the property to be sold on the 18tl
inst , but Foster asks the court to declare th
bonds of the company null and void , and to
order their cancellation ; also to dissolve the
corpoitaion ; to enjoin the directors from dis
posing of any part of the property , and to
appoint a receiver to take charge thereof
The matter will be given a hearing next week
For Suffering motherland ,
CHICAGO , Aug. 14. The managers of th
Irish national demonstration , to be given
here to-morrow , announce positively tha
Senator Klddleberger will bo one of the apeak
era , Mr , RIddloberger waa expected to-night
but it is now learned that lie cannot arrlv
until to-morrow morning. Prominent Irisl
nationalists here anticipate one of the largest
demonstrations over held in Chicago , am
hope to receive a cable dispatch from Parnel
in honor and pertinent to the occasion ,
Accldcnc to a Liatco Stuamor.
MILWAUKEE , Auguat 14. The steamer City
of Milwaukee , waa damaged § 2),000 , by th
breaking ot bar walking-beam while in mid
lake between hero and Grand Haven earl ;
this morning. The ehocl : of tb
accident awakened eighty or more ot th
passengers , who rushed fraoticilly from the !
btato rooms and were with difficulty prevent
ed from inaugurating a serious panla ,
' ho Went her ,
WASAINQTON , Aug. 14. Upper Mlasissipp
valley Fair weather , followed by local raina
variable winds , shifting to southerly , blghe
Missouri valley-Loral rains , southerly
winds , becoming variable , Blight rise in tern
The Teachers' Inutltato.
The Douglas county teachers still con
tinuo to flock in to attoud the Inotltato
now In Boslon In the High school. Al
ready there are sixty-five ) toncherj prot
cnt , a larger number than these cnrollcc
nt the entire ncsjfoa of last year. Tlio
programme ia being faithfully carried
the toaohera scorning to show a deep
intoroit In tholr work. The follotvin ]
are the uow an i vole ;
Oarrlo M. Pound , Emma E. Dlxon
Louis RichardnoD , Jnme Kills , jr. , Mia
Ray D. Packer , ChailiB W. Packer , Her
tha Oompton.
To-day botwcon twenty and thirty
toichoro will bo examined for certificate
at the superintendent. office in the oour
houeo. There will bo no regular tojslon
of the Imtltuta during tno day. Oi
Monday a nuw department will bo adde <
to the regular institute. Leseons In book
keeping will bo given oich day , to all
who dealro to take them , at Prof. Rath
bnn'a college , on the corner ot Thirteenth
toonth and Douglas etroala , The in
struction iu thla branch will commence u
1:30 : in tba afternoon and continue for au
hoar and a half.
James O. JCerr , a rather dudiahly dreisei
young man , waa arrested yesterday alternoon
on complaint of Joseph Sewold , a Thirteen ! )
street tailor , for obtaining a suit of clothe
under false pretonies. He had on the do'.he
when aireitcd. Ho will appear befoti JuuV
Stenberg thla morning ,
Articles of Incorporation of. the Worlc
Publishing company were filtd In the count
clerk's cilice yesterday. lucorporator
are Frank J. BurkleyVlllIam F. Gurley
William V. Hooker , Gilbert M. Hltchcoc
and A'frod Mlllard. TLo authorized capita
lock is § 16.000 , r'.tvtfed Into 100 shares c
$100 each ,
The Wheat Market Gave Way , Grins
Down Wilh a Crash ,
A Day of Disaster t ) a Largo
Number of Persons
V Stoncly Market anil Goo l Prices
In tlio Other Articles of Com
merce nml XrAtlo.
Special Telegram to Tha BKE.
OniCAoo , August 11 When tlio wheat
nmtkot opened thi * morning , there
wes a elight bullish feeling , which
cd few to buy , although Liverpool
vna easier and Id per cental lower , lint after
it vftln attempt to atom tlio downwaid course
I prlcea , tlio whole marltct gave way and
rent down with a crash , September opened
t S < 8c , sold down tj 871c , rallied to EG Jo and
hen broke to SGJc bcfora its prof rcsi could
jo checked. An immonao quantity of loan
vhaat , held by outaldo parties whoso mart-ins
vcro exhausted , came on the market and tlio
inly buyera wcro charts , who covered deals at
t big profit , but Rnvo no Buataminrj power to
ho market by to doing ,
Never worn a lot of bulls more miatnkon
ban those parties who havn boon trying to
sustain prices for the last mouth. The bearsi
iavo steadily pointed to Ilia 15 , ( 00,000 buunols
u ttoro here , nndaaid ihnt ptices could never
idvnnco until Homo of that mass of stuff was
laid and moved away , and events have shown
.lint they reasoned correctly. The unsold
surplus of the uld crop has been the milUtono
around the neck of trade that has sank the
market and lotn of money. It has beeu n day
of disaster to a largo number of _ poraone , al
though the effect of the depression will ulti
mately prove beneficial to the trada. V ; *
Cargoes In London were steady , but there
ivoro large arrivals elf coast und the weather
in England was very iino. Naw York and
3t. Louis are not oppressed with such .1 quan
tity in store , and consequently did not de
cline ao much. It look ) as though the drop
would continue until somebody comes to buy.
ttootl up under the collapse in whsat much
better than would have been possible under
any other circumstances than those which
now exist. It It generally understood that
the amount of old corn in the couutry is lim
ited , and us long as the present demand con
tinues a-.d the present Mipply diminishes , prices
would be maintained if wheat went down out
of sight. Liverpool , however , was o.isior on
corn , and Jc per cental lower , bu * atrlvalu oil
the coast were vsry light. September opened
Jc higher , but gradually fell off ( o 1'j'o , and
then rallied a little , while Oat 'bar remained
quite steady , around -lljc. Koceipts to-day
were coed , but soma still look for "musis In
corn , ' before the crop comes into market.
wore ab a lower range than yesterday , owing
to the largo arrivals , Lut trading wag on a
fairly aelivo ec l > > , aim matnly to fill outstand
ing contracts , No. 15 for August twenty-four
honra ago wan 2 ic. To-day salea were from
23ic down to 25jjc , ard 2 ic was the closing-
figure. September fell jo , and closid at the
lowest figure of the day , which was 21JO.
Trading under this handing was fair , both-
for present and future delivery , and notwith
standing the shrinkage in the values of wheat ,
priced of the hoc ; product ruled tolerably
steady , and closed at the medium figures ol
the day ,
Special Telegram to the BEE ,
CIC.CAOO. 111. , August 14. Under the
light receipts and an active demand , trade
waa active and prices substantially higher
on fat cattle , making an advance of ICc since
Wednesday , and also an advance of lOo over
the corresponding time last week , Texans
are again rather scarce , and sold at an ad
vance of 10@l c , .Including a range of $3.GO
to SI.20 , Sales of shipping steers , 1,350 to
lE001bs. , 55.40S5.65 ; 1,300 to 1,350 Iba. ,
S4K5,2o ! ) ; 050 to 1,200 Iba , S4.-13@G.OO.
Through Texas cattle , actlva and f > @ 10o
higners 030 lb . , 84 00@4,20 ; 750 to ODO lb ) . ,
St50@3.SO : ; 000 to 700 Iba. , S2.30@8.CO.
Western rangers , scarce and firm ; natives nnd' '
half Drooda , St25tf510. ( CDWC , $3.40@4 00.1
Wintered Texana , SI.10@4.i5 : ; sales of 152A ;
Montanas , 1,1330 Ibj. , Sl.OQ. |
lioati ,
After conaldorablo skirmishing on the part
of buyers and sellers , business cot tied down
to a steady and active market. Here und
there a load or BO may have sold higher or
lower than yesterday , but in a general way
there was little or no changa. llaugh'snd '
common packers old at from $4.00 to125 ,
and fair to good at St.30fr4.40 , Sains of packIng -
Ing and Bhiniinir. 250 to 300 Ibj , SI 2'fc)4.GO. ' )
Light weights , 131 to 170 ibs , § 1 COS-1.80 ; 180
to 210 Iba , 34.0u@4 DO.
A Knllrond Wreck.
A collision occurred about G o'clock
last evening between a passenger and. a
freight train , about nix mllea west of the
city , on the Union Pacific road. A Union
Pacific freight twin , No. 2G , had been
sidetracked at Gllraoro'a feeding yard ,
and the brakeman had just turned the
switch to allow it to back up on the main ,
tract , when the Missouri PaciQo paesen-
fjor came along at full speed , and bo-
foio tbo switch could bo turned tt
crashed Into the oibocma of iho
freight. Oonaldcrabla dntnago was
done by the oalllaion , the front of
the paisniger ocgino being bidly broken ,
end the caboose and u Hit car adjoining
It being thrown on top of the untUno.
Engineer J. B , Dawitt , of the piBitnger
train , had his back badly wrenched und
wai Injured Internally. Ben Brawn ,
hla fireman , had ono foot injured and
alio received n number of bruises. An
engine waa cent to the eceno uf the wreck
and brought tbo paetenger train to tlii >
city , und the wrecking car proceeded to
clear tha road. It Is Bald' that the Mis
souri Pacific train was a few minutea
ahead of time , which was the ciuao of
the accident.
A Doul > loTr ue < ly.
August 14 The Hallway Npwg
Aurora , 111 , tpecial sayc Thomas IlaitlKan ,
the city bill poiter , has for some time lived ,
unhappily with his wife , This oveuioK Uort-
Igun Btocd In hla back yard and wag
teen to rtise a revolver und take deliberate
aim and Bend a bullet Into his wlfu'a breast ,
fiho ftll dead , and placing a plitol oRainat liii
teiuplo , killed hlmtelf instantly , Whisky
iud jealousy caused the tragedy ,
Ilravy blilpinuntH of Gold.
SAN PiiXNcisco , Augmt U. The govern
ment continues to ehlp gold from hero eint.
It has shipped thli week , up to to-day , 81,000-
00m fbllown : Tuesday , SUOO.COOj Wcdnoa-
doy , $ 00.0i0j Thutiduy , 'liO.OOuj Friday ,
( to-da ) } , 93 0,000. 8bl ] > iuouti w ro tnado by
mail in leather trucks ,