Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday Morning , August 13 ,
CT OirrlU - 10 cectj pti week
--.t . . - 110.00 per year
Roltor , morohtmt tailor , for Onogooda
John Thompson and John Whitney
were yoaterday fined for fighting.
The olx-months-old daughter of Mr.
and Mra. J. J. Aohtor died Taosday.
J. K. Ooopor'a babe was yoatorday very
111 , and was thought to be In a dying
Work haa commenced on the founda
tions of the Scandinavian Baptist church ,
Mattln Hughes having the contract.
The Union 1'aclfio company has a
mower at work cutting down all the
wocda about their grounds near the
The application for bill in the c&so of
Arch Ooffman will bo hoard by Judge
Iloed on Friday morning Instead of thla
The young man Foot , who waa hurt
In a game of ball laat Sunday , la atill on
the retired Hat , and will not bo able to
resume work for some days.
Sneak thlovos entered the rn&ldonco of
Col. Doobo , agent of the American ex
press company , on Tuesday afternoon ,
whllo hla daughter wns vlsltlnp some neigh-
bora , and atolo jewelry to the amount
of § 35.
Supervisor Illahton , of Koola , haa lost
about twelve hogs and fifty plga by a
sort of cholera accompanied by ung
fever , and J. Flynn , ono of hla nolgh-
borg , has also lost about a hundred with
the same disease.
The prado la being ralsad near the
Wabaah track on Eleventh , Twelfth and
Thirteenth avenues , and when finished a
side-track will bo put In by the Wabaah
to connect with the warehouses of Kcollno
& Felt , Raymond & Campbell and Sack-
ott & Preston. Koollno it Felt are
shortly to build another warehouse In
thla locality.
A cowboy from Cheyenne yesterday
arrived hi the city with a broken arm. It
eomo the cowboy fell from his pony In
Wyoming , and his cowboy friends put the
arm In a plaster parla cast and ho In on
hla way back homo near Chicago. Ho
could go no farther cast , having no
money , and supervisor of the poor , Mart
Hardin , made arrangements to aond the
boy on his journey , after having Dr.
Macroa examine the surgery of the cow
boys and seeing It was correct.
Workers with metals generating oloo-
rlcity escaped the cholera of ' 40. Then
so our electric belts. Jndd & Smith ,
Council Bluffs. Agents wanted.
"Wlctlmm Bros , Glvoii tbo Contiact.
The county board met yoatorday to
open the bids for the construction of the
now connty court house. There wore
about ton blda , bat Wlckham Bros. , of
this city , were the lowest , had different
kind of stono. their bids were 03 fol
io we :
For Bedford stone $141.273
for Rockville stone 136,800
10 * Carroll Co. stone 139,900
For LaGrand stone 138,000
The board was not qnlto ready to do-
cldo which stone to select , but uoomod
favorable to the Rockvillo. It was con
cluded to adjourn for ono week and to
decide at that tlmo , and to then lot the
contract formally. It waa also decided
to advertise for blda for building the
boiler IIOUBO and furnishing the steam ap
paratus for the jail and court house.
Bids for the purchase of the old court
homo cro also to bo advertised fur.
Dr. Wiles , Eye , Ear and Throat
peclaliat , room 5 Everett block.
A Card ,
If the statement appearing In the
Herald of July 18th , resprs to mo or my
family , it la false , and if those reports
are not stopped the oflondora will bo
prosecuted to the full extent of the law ,
and fnrther that I do not want any ot
them to over enter my honso , or my wlfo
to have any correspondence with them.
Miss Nellie Mulqucen is visiting friends in
Auburn , Nebraska ,
W. II. Carton , proprietor of the Oatarak
house , of Sioux Falls , is at tbo Ogden.
T. F , Coberdnle , of tbo Perkins house , 1'latts-
mouth , Nebraska , wai yoatorday in the city.
Frank M. Northrup , an attorney , cf
Wayne , Nebraska , was in the city yesterday ,
and leaves this morning on tbo Hook Island
on business.
G , B. Pray , clerk of the supreme court , Is
in tbo city , accompanied by J , M. 11 ice , ol
Amtla , Illinois , who is a largo contractor. Mr ,
lllco has erected a largo number of govern
ment buildings and laid the foundation of the
now court house and postofllco In this city.
Tbo denial rooms of Drj. Woodbuty &
Son will bo re-opened to-day.
A Biionro nillo of FIleH ,
Portsmouth Letter to London Telegraph ,
The village of Emaworth has been vis
ited by a remarkable plague of flies.
which simultaneously covered an area ol
ono mllo. At Boms places it waa linpos-
elblo to move without cloeing'.tho oyea and
mouth. Around every lamp'In the town
the spocUolo was most curious. Attracted
by tbo light thick swarms aluuaded , and
their buzz roiemblod that of a hlvo of
bees. At the postoflloe , where the upper
portion of the door la open for venlllatlcn ,
and wboro necessarily the light la kept
burning till the early morning , the In-
mutes covered ( he sorting boards , letters
nud baga , and had to be continually
swept off with brushes. At one lamp
they simply hnug down In cluster * . In
the window cf the office they ore now to
bo seen In thick bunches. Bicyclists
coming from Jlavant were In sevenl instances -
stances compelled to alight , so thick was
the sirarm , and at the auction mart , at
the bottom of the town , the tray In which
UIR money was taken wns covered an lech
thick ,
The Demccralio Aspirant for Qoyernor
Terribly Downed ,
His Grit Holds Oat , But the Votes
Don't. '
The Liveliest Time Ever Seen in
the Ueinooratio Damp ,
The Doings In Detail.
Although the democratic county con
vention hold yesterday was , on the Bar-
face , for thopurposo ot selecting delegates
, o the state convention , yet there waa
nnnsunl Interest felt in it because nf the
} Iltor local fight between the Vaaghan
and Bowman factions. The details of
.ho Fourth ward ciucus , and the second
caucus hold by Fralney , Fatten , Galvin ,
and othora of the Vanghan crowd , have
already boon made public. The declara-
, hat the fight would bo carried
nto the connty convention , excited
much more than ordinary Interest. Van-
; han ia doaporntely bent on having at
east some complimentary votes In the
ntato convention , no that ho may hnvo
, ho aatlsfaotlon In after years of oaytng
ho waa "talked of" for governor , and
; ottlng what free advertising his candl-
laoy can glvo. Not to bo able to have a
'avorablo dolcRrttlon from his own city
and county , would make his candidacy
appear Kko a farce , and ospoclallyl
when there Is no ether democratic riva.
lore , looking for any such honors
Qonco the Yanghnn band had on all their
feathers and war paint.
The convention mot In the Masonic
iall , which was crowded , there bolng
more spectators than delegates.
waa In the hands of Yaughan's enemies.
Tom Bowman was chairman of the connty
committee , and on calling to order ,
named ad chairman W. n. Ware ,
who was ono of Iho anil-Vanghan fourth
ward delegates , and the caucus at which
10 waa chcssn was the ono with which
ETralnoy , Patton , ot al. , were dissatisfied ,
aud against which they presented a con-
, oatlng delegation.
Mr. Ware in taking the chair thanked
ilia mooting , and stated the purpose
of the convention , and urged the demo
crats not to forgot the Importance of the
coming h&.no , as it was not merely a local
one but atlocted the whole nation.
The speech was Interspersed with ap
plause by the convention , and at Its close
on motion of Col. Koatloy , R. W , Briggs ,
of Carson , was chosen secretary.
T. N. Harvey , of Neola , moved that a
committee on credentials bo appointed by
call of townships. The motion was car
When the roll call reached the Fourth
ward , Robert Perclval'a name was pre
sented. W. A. Mynster called attention
to the fact that there were two sots of
delegates present from that ward , and
that In view of tha contest , neither dele
gation should bo represented on the com
Col. Keatloy narrated the circum
stances , and insisted on the rule that no
contest could bo recognized unless a pro
test was filed with the connty committee
before the convention met , and no such
protest had been Clod.
Ho claimed that it was too late to
bring that question now. There hadbcon
no official notice to the convention that
there was any such contest. The gentle
man to the left ( Mynotor ) wai not oven a
resident of the fourth ward.
Mynator ' 'But ' you ore , and yon ate
an Interested one , bolnc ; a delegate. "
Koatloy "Yes , I am interested inter
ested in the success of democracy. " [ Ap
plause , ]
The chairman gave his vlow as coincid
ing with Ool. Koatloy , that a notlco was
necessary to recognition in preliminary ar
rangements , but that the absence of oald
notice did not cut off the right of appeal
ing to the committee on credentials.
W. Forrest Patton called attention to
the fact that the chairman himself was
ono of the delegates from the fourth
ward , and if Mr. Bowman had wanted to
bo fair ho would not have called such a
man to the chair.
Robert Porclval moved that the roll
call bo proceeded with. W. A. Mynstor ,
Patton , Licy , Bill Gappy , and ono or
two others wore on tholr foot all at once ,
each with a different motion , but after
the confuilon had subsided , Ouppy got
In his llttlo opooch to the effect that none
should go onto the committee from either
delegation. Ool. Keatloy called atten
tion to the effect that not one of the con
testing delegates had boon before the
convention , and two of them did not
want to contest , naming as the two , J. P.
McMahon and E. E , Aylosworth.
VV. A. Mynstor moved that ono dele
gate from each of the Fourth ward dele
gations bo delected. Ruled out of order.
An appeal wa * taken , but the chaliman
rcf asod to entertain the appeal , and there
was another howl.
Patton and Fralnoy and Mynster were
up nt once , urging that an appeal bo en
tertained , but the roll call proceeded , the
chairman Ignoring them , and othori
yelling for thorn to uomo to order , and
quiet being restored with a parting
shot from Patton that "this Is pretty
democracy , " the rest of the towns were
The Fourth ward contest was sprung
again , and Robert Porclval qniotod it by
stating that whllo serving on the com
mittee on credentials ho would take nc
part or vote in deciding the Fourth ward
contest. Patton and Fralnoy said this
was fair , and hushed.
G A. Holmes moved that the committee -
too bo Instructed to take up the contest
the first thing , aud Ouppy objected to
giving the committee any instruction * .
The motion was withdrawn after a
llttlo warm debate.
Judge lames moved that a committee
on permanent organization bo appointed ,
The chairman thought they shcnld
wait until the commltteo on credentials
should report.
Ool. Keatley insisted that It was the
practice to appoint all committees In pre
liminary organization , although Patton
wai shaking his head. Ho ( Patton ) had
never been to a state convention , aud did
not know such waa the practice and the
Pdtton then jnrapod up , and whllo in-
tlstlrg that he had been at a state con
vention , threw out a fling In a sneering
way , that ho bad never sat in a republi
can * t to convention , and that ho had
known of Ool. Keatley taking part In the
most rabid ones ,
Bill Gappy , of Avoca , then sprang
to his feat , and declared that
the democrats thought too much
of Ool. Keatloy to countenance
any such Insult to him , They were unani
mous in wanting to send him to the legis
lature , and republicans wanted him , too ,
Col. Keatloy throw Inn remark that ho
did not want any position at the hands of
the party.
Mr. Cnppy continued to the effect that
anybody who would Insult Ool , Koatloy
on the floor of a democratic convention
nado a great mistake , and ho would find
It out.
The young man , Patton , finding that
no had tackled too big a man , humbly
apologized , saying ho was sorry if his
words had offended the colonel , as ho
meant no harm.
Mr. Mynster trlod to put in hla talk ,
but was shut up by Ool. Koatloy , who
told him the affair between himself and
Patton was a personal ono , and none of
his business.
Whllo a commlttoo on permanent or
ganization was being selected by the
chairman , Alderman Mynster moved to
adjourn. Ho was called to order , but in
sisted on his motion. Orles of "Sit
down ! " "Shut up ! " "Put him ontl"
rrcnt up in confusion , but by a persist
ent uao of his lungs Mynstor , with good
grit , put the motion himself , the chair
man paying no attention to him , but the
"naya"woro so numerous and lusty that ho
admitted with a laugh that the motion
was lost. The chairman then named the
desired committee , and a motion to ad
journ until 1 o'clock p. m , was carried
It was 2 o'clock when the convention
reassembled , the committee on crodon-
.lals having had a busy tlmo in deciding
the contest.
The report was presented by J. H.
The report of the fourth ward was
watched for with Interest , The delegates
choeen at tno regular caucus were re
ported , the commlttoo not favoring the
claims of the Vaughan contestants.
On motion of Mr. Cuppy the report
was adopted. The only towns not repre
sented were Belknap , James , Wright ,
Waveland , Lincoln and Norwnlk.
The commlttoo on permanent organizi-
; ton reportoi In favor of making the tem
porary officers the permanent ones.
Mr. Ouppy moved that a commltteo of
Ivo bo appointed by the chair to name
.hlrtcon delegates to the state convention.
Carried without n dissenting voto. The
chair named Sylvester Dye , of Macedonia ,
W. W. Gardner , of Knox , F. MoWil-
lams , of Ncola , R. Perclval and G. A.
Holmes , of this city.
The committee reported the following
delegates :
W. H. M. Pusoy , J. H. Keatloy , W.
0. James , O > vou Wlckam , John Llnder ,
J. T. Brodbeck , Robert Porclval , W. W.
Gardner of Knox. S. F. Harvey , Noola ,
0. M. Hartman , Valley , J. W. Lilrd ,
Oarson , Pole Call , Lincoln , W. S. Galla
gher , Garner.
Up to this time the afternoon session
bad been very quiet aud apparently har
As soon as the list was road , Vaughan
sprang to his feet , and commenced a
speech , which could not bo better de
scribed than by the word "howl. "
Vanghan can sometimes glvo a good off
hand speech , but this was not one of
these times. Ho was not In good condi
tion for speaking , at least no It seemed to
the hearers , but ho seemed to think ho
was. Ho rolled up his slcovos , tied his
handkerchief around his nock , and away
ho flew , with no apparent connection or
care. Ho opened by calling attention to
tl'o fact that throe of the committee had
chosen themselves as delegates. Ho could
see no reason for this. It was all "bosh. "
The convention had all been run on
bosh. " A chairman had been tolccted
who was not a delegate.
Then Vaughan went on. Interrupted
for a moment by Chairman Ware , ho
turned about aud told him to keep still
and stop hla talking , ana declared that
being a Ux-piyer , and had a right to
make a speech. Ho said that if the
commltteo had selected good representa
tive democrats ho would not have said a
word , but for men to put themselves on
the Hat was beneath any gentleman.
They were a miserable sot of
No ether man In the county had tha
nerve to try to get the nomination for
governor except mo , and now these men
fight me. They say they don't want it.
Why they would take anything from
coroner up , but they haven't the ncrvo
like mo to stand by their Interests ,
For a commlttoo to get together , end
then say T , Bob Pcrclvil , will elect
Bob Porclval to go to Cedar
Rapid ] as a delegate , Is an
Insult to democracy. Why didn't they
select such men as Judge Casady. He
signed the prohibition petition , This Is
a prohibition convention. That is , U Is
In favor of $1,000 license , which la the
same thing. Hero la Mr. Ware , as chair
man , when ho Isn't a real delegate to this
convention , a bard-Waro , who has no
standing in this community except that
ho Is Ware , and when ho tells yon to do
something yon all do it. There will be
another delegate sent. Now Bob Per-
cival la a good old democrat , That IB , he
was ono a hundred years or so ago , He
ia a good old man , but there's nothing
to him. The Idea of his reprimanding
mo to Mynstor as ho did this morning- '
mo , a man who has the nerve
'o ' stand by the party. Yo
keep on in this way and the party won't
amount to anything In this country.
Your delegation won't bo admitted to
the state convention. You arc mltorablo
cowards to stand by a few monlod men ,
and you will come back from tbo state
convention with tears rolling down your
cheoke , for you won't got in , If you are
going to sit down on Cleveland and the
administration in this way , I will sit
down on you. "
There was an uproar of laughter , cheering
and cries of " " ' '
ing , "question , 'ques-
tlon. "
Vanghan joined ia the yelling of "ques
tion , " but still keeping his place on the
platform , and when the uproar ceased a
little Vaughan tnrned to Chairman Ware ,
who had remarked , "That Is right ; lot us
have the question , " Vaughan told him
to shut up , and started towards him , ani
for a minute It looked as if "the palo air
was to be streaked with blood. "
Ool , Keatloy arose and addressed the
chair , but Vaughan yelled , "He len't the
chairman. He Isn't even a delegate. I
am doing the talking. ' *
Koatley "Yon cannot terrify me , sir.
I propose to be hoard , " and heard ho
was. Ho spoke about ten minutes ,
Vaughan still holding his place on the
platform. The colonel gave a calm his
torical rovlow of the contest In the Fourth
ward , and the action of the oommttteo on
cndentiiU , and explained that he was not
personally opposed to any of theio gen
tlemen , and did not care whether ho was
himself chosen a delegate or not , but if
choien he did not propoio to bo dictated
to or intimidated by any man , whether ho
coinos from the north or the couth ,
Whllo CoJ. Keatloy wns talking , Mr.
Da Haven quietly tried to get Vaughan
to leave tno platform , but Vanghan
would not listen even to the advlco of
his friends.
Vanghan started in again but the con
vention had tired of his tirade and com
menced yelling "question , " drowning
bis voice , whllo ho kept yelling back ,
and wildly gesticulating. When his
volco had got husky , the chairman put
the question on the adoption tf the re
port of the names of delegates , and this
wag carried whllo Vaoghan kept right on
talking. A vote to adjourn was then
pnt and carried , Vaughan still attempt
ing to talk.
After the hall had been pretty well
cleared , Vaughan gave to the reporters
the following list of delegates , whom he
said had been chosen at llio recent con
vention hold In the little room at the
tlmo referred towhilo the commlttoo was
out :
G. W. Van Soavors , J. MoNoally ,
William Mynstor. Chris Elslor , J. J.
Fratney , William Patton , J. L , Foreman ,
0. Gotso , William Woldnor , John Dunn ,
William G. Galvln , J. P. McMahon , E.
E. Aylosworth ,
The Information was given that at ( his
private convention , to which the proas
were not invited , Wm. Mynster rras
chairman and Tom French secretary.
Madsmo Aimee , the renowned clair
voyant , has arrived in the city , and can
bo consulted at her roomi , 815 Main
street : The madame tolls concerning the
past , present and fnturo. Consultation ,
$1,00. Will remain but ono week ,
Substantial abstract of tltlo and real
estate loans. J. W. and E. L. Squires ,
102 Pearl street.
gDr.o West , dentist , over BEE office.
Tlie New York
5552 Broaclwav. '
Council Bluffs , Iowa
ed andconstrnctedo
in all its branches.
This comnanv have
one of the best assort
ed stocks ot plumb
ing goods in the west.
Estimates furnish
H. Birkinbine
Telephone Ho ,
Office & Pusev.
(9 *
Council Bluff ? , Iowa.
Established , - 1865
TLB following are tiio times of the arrival * id de-
pailaro ol trains by ocLtnl ttandard time it the
fowl depots. Tralui leave transfer depot t mln
etas earlier and arrive teu inlnutoa Utor.
DEPART , AraiV .
cmoAooand KOBTawtautu ,
835 A M Mall and Eiprcea f < i r V
12:40 : r u Aouomtuodailou 4 0 r 11
6SO : p u Kxprusi S.uS A u
0:25 : A u ilall and Express 8M : r u
7:25 : A M Accommodation 6:13 : r M
6so : r u Eiprois vtx : > A M
0:20 : "A u Mail and Kxpreu B0 : ' r u
f.'a f u Kxpreti B.US A H
cmoAoo , BUauKoros AID qniiirr.
B 53 A Uill aud Express 7:10 : p II
33 P Ao ooaam odatlon 2.0U p II
46 p bcpreu B.60A U
ZiI5 P M Local St Louli Bsprera Local
8:00 : p H Transfer " " Tran8f r 8:20 : p M
LAVIAS air , ST. oi ASD oooaoa ( Lum.
10,0' ' A U Mall Mid ExpreM 0:40 : P M
8:16 : P U Expreia 0.2i A M
7 ; ° 0 A u Hall lor Bloux City 8 to r n
7:80 : p M Kxpreaa lor Bt l' ul 9.29 A u
11:00 : A u DtnverKxpret * 4:35 : r M
l06 ; F M Lincoln I'UB O'a t U V 2.55 P U
7:66 : P u 0erlind Kxprcea 8 0 A M
"teave rCouncll 'ItluBi 0 5-7:65-8SO-JO : : : C
11UO a. m. 1:80 2.80 8.80 i 3 0:26 : 9.26
Jl:45 : p.m. Leave Omahi e26 7:26 : of0 : 10
-11:15 : . in. :00-8.00-4CO-4:65-6.55 :
NOTICE. Sp d l a rartlMBtntt , rue ti toil
found , To totn , For S le , To Rent , Wanti , BondIng -
Ing , do. , will ba Interted In Ihlt column at Ih * Ion
r t ol TEN CENTS fER LINK tot the nnt Insertion
led nra CENTS PKR LINK foi oh robeeqnenl In *
erllon. LeavexlvattlMmtnli tl oni offlo * . No. 12
1'eail Mrott nt r IKcudvtuv
T70RRRXT lh double olllc on Broadway recently
JD ociupled bj Dr. Siybeit. mrace Kvorett
TT'OR RRJ.T A slv room hou o , ten mlnntci walk
-L1 from Imilnoes , city water , well and cittern. For
FOR Il\r-No. IBOIUrtlson trtot , thrco room * .
ItClUllOV ft Co.
4 1'OJll Btrtot ,
Foil 8AIiK An ctojrftnt Wisconsin Bummer rnort ,
260 tcres , UO tillablerailway station nd8to m-
boat anillnBrj frame house fur homestead ; riavllllorj ,
wine cellar * , rettaurant , Ice house , tcnctntnt house ,
lour COU KC , batn , 810 fruit lrtc , S Mies ptnptB ,
cow , boms , 13 boatf , tto A flno resort , SCO feel
boWl'coiitln rhcr , anil ISO feet al > o\o Ihrahno
Itwll pay f5,000 nj ear. Address W. & a , lit !
oHIcc , Council Blullj.
F OR SALE LandsImproved id unimproved.
If YOU want a farm In western Io a , Kanut
Ntbralka or Dakota , lot us hear from you.
tiiOIl SALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J
f Rtopli orison , 803 First avenuo.
rpo FXCAA.vo n 0 , b 9 , b 10 , b IS , nro hotels In did-
JL orentlocatlcni fcr silo or for trade.
B1SS , special barRalnl 400 a Improved hrm worth
$18,000. ptlro for ft short time 810,000 , will trade
lor low priced Western lands. Swan & Walker.
BS01 , saddlery Hardware manufacturing eslab-
Ilihrocnt ( tock and machinery , \aluo 87,000 , for
western land Swan & Walker , Council DluUa.
B203 , stock cf dry Roods , groceries and hardware ,
\aluo , $5,000 , In an good custom Nebraska tonn
or land. H an k Walker.
BSOI , stock of general merchandise In a good
western Iowa town , \altio 4,000. wonts an 1m
yrocd farm In western Iowa , hw n A Walker.
I ) 05 , stock of hardware In Stubon Co . Indiana ,
JD for land , value about $4,000. Swan & Walker ,
, now stock of bar. u are In & ll\o Nebraska
BIOO for land , \aluo { 3,000. Swan & Walker.
207 , stock of igrtanUural Implomenta and shell
B hardware , value about 8,000. wants a good Irn
tinned farm. Swan & Walker.
TJ 209 , a $10,000 stock of olothtng In n good Wla
JJ consln clti , J In lands and bilinoo cabh or Im
proved eocurit } . Itoautlful store room at low rent.
Httnn & Walker.
T ) 210 , stock of mixed hardware In a ll\e western
Jj Iowa town for cheap lands , \aluo $0,00) . Swan
& Walker.
, flno brick block , rents well. In a Iho central
B211 n ono room occupied with general Etock of
goods , wants an improved farm , \ lue ; building
13,000goods $7,000. S an& fcalkcr.
' stork of boots , sboon hats , cons and clothing
BSl'2 $3,000 , In cno of the beet iotvna In Neb. ,
\ aluod 83,000 for lands. Sn an & Wtlkcr.
, a $3,000 stock of clothing , wants land In
North Western Town , for $8,000 , anil will pay
dlflcrcnco. Snan & Walker.
, an $3,000 stock of drugs In central Iowa for
B214 . Swan & Walcrr.
U 216imothcr stock of drugs v .luo from (500 to $700
JD with store building anil lot raluo 8SOO 111 a good
J'cbranka tonn wants partly Improved land. Swan &
full particulars , wrlto to or call upon Swan &
FOH . irjou antto6cll , buy , ortradoany-
thlng , tell S. & W. about It. Hwan & Walker , Coun
cil Bluds Iowa.
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Mattings ,
Rugs ,
Etc. , Etc-
Office & Store Shades
jtfade to Order.
On short notice , Write for prices
and Samoles ,
209 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs
jarda print , , 9 I
drota goods
nublan gingham I
good gingham 100
EtlleMr chevolU 1 00
good sheeting 109
Suffolk jeans - 1 00
Host Jeani all wool , BOc per yard.
Boota and shoes at prli.cs as I jw ai any house In the
ISpcundiexO suiiar. , . . , , 9 I
18 pounds granulated lujar. . . 1
15 pounds ooifoctlooaiy A e"K > r. . . . . . . . . . . . 1
20 Ura white Itusilan soap. Kirks ' . .I
40 baia Hue India soap , Klika , 1
22birsl'lm Boap , Lauti llro'd 1
18 boxes matches . . .
Heat oyruii , purgillon
Fesl sorffiitra , ptr gallon. . , .
Ite.t Kngllnh currants U pound 1
10 boxed genuine Lewis Ije 1
2-pound caca itrawlxrrlea In sjrup , 1
8-pound canspeachea , in eyrup - . 1
1 8-pound OUIB tomatoes 100
16 pounds Ulchlgandrledapplea , . , 1 00
10 pounp evaporated nrplc 1 00
Lorllard cllmtx tobacco per pound 46
Navy plug tobacco , per pourd to
Na'ur ' lle l tobtcoo , per pound 00
Flour , all brands from 82.10 to S3 60 per cut.
Lower Than Any Other House
Attorney - -
Standard Typewriter
At the New Orleans Exposition.
I. Th Jury of awards critically examined the various wilting reachlnej , and dmded l.y a t
thirds Vote to gl o the hlghut award to th Itrsii\oto .
. The declilon cf Jury was Ignored byth commtt ! o of w nl , ami other Jiitors eio dde
constituting anew ury.
5. Tlils second Jury ilio crlllcilly examined the various machines
illlrB , and mode Iho award of a
Drst cltsi gold medal , the highest award , to the nMmiro.N SUmliraT/.s | Wjltcr , for "simplicity , dura
bility , case of manipulation and speed. "
4. Tflon. port of this Jury was made , delivered to and r c ! ptea for by the sommltteo of kwufe on
May 20.
6. The mcmbcrsof this Jury were n urdischarged.
0. Noothir Jury mmlnod Iho nmiiKotON Standard Tjpe.Wrllor at New Oilcans.
T. Iho signers of tb.t award are honorabls and well known genllemon. Their nIdroMM are Clia
A. Morgan , Feq , tculhein roantger of n. 0. Dunn&Co.lfowOiltruis , La.j Kx-Oorcrnor l'r nk Baej
V. a commlMloncr of Ktiisas , and pnsldontol tie U. S. Ixvxrdof lointulvloncM , Chinuto , KM ; Gea A.
Beaten , E q. , Btcncgraphcr iid stcrtlarjof theboard of U. a coromljtsoncri , Columbuj , Ohio. .
8. The amdaUls of these fcnllcmcn nd the history ol tbo ontost , which wo are preparing
pamphlet form , wo will 1 pleased to furnUh o app'lcatlon. '
The follow Ing U the report :
The World's Induitilil and CottcnCDntennUlExpcsltlon , New Orleans. Jury repsrt. Appllcatla
No. 816 ; group 6 ; dais 614. Comi > ellllon.
The nndcrelgncd jurors In the above ( ntlttod clas , having citclally examined the exhibit mode
E. Hemln ten A. fcciir.lllrn , Xicrk.srjd all cemrillngcxbll.ltf , concur In recommcmllng the &
of n first elarsmcd the Standard Tjpc.Wrllcr , for
simplicity , ilur Mlty , oasoot inanlixjlatlon a
Dated t SOth d > cf Maj , IPSi. OKO.BBATON ,
Oil AS. A. MOtiaiVN , V Jurors ;
WIKOFF.S ASIANS 4BENEDICT , 330 Drcadaay , New York.
Chicago OiTcc , S8 Madison St.
O. H.SHOLES , Agent ,
Council Bluffs. Town.
Merchant Tailors
7 and 9 Main St. ,
; !
Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand ,
Norene & Landstrom ,
Suita to order In latoat styles at cheapest possible prices.No
No , 20i ! Main St. , Council Bluff
_ " "
BDEBwBDDB IlliiiTinn
JRcffular Dinner 11:3O : to 1 : O , 25 cents.
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. t'\- \
The only all night houBO in the city. Everything nmed in first clnsg style ami on shot
notlco Hot on J cold lunchoa al waya ready.
And all kinds of musical lustrum cuts. Pianos niJ orpanaBoln on the Icetallmcnt tlan. Mmlcil natru.
inetitsof o\ery description tuned nnU repaired. Ua\lngover 14 jtars experience In the Inislnosa wo fee
confident of glilng the best of eatisfactlou. ItcmcaljcrtLo place. Sign of the gilt orgin
Keep Horaca and Mules constantly on hand which
v. vie will soil In retail or carload lota
I ! Stock Warranted as Represented
holeiale and retail dealers In Grain and Baled Day. 1'rlcca rc .
sonalile Satisfaction Quarantcod.
Oor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs.
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch
es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself ,
Formerlv MRS. J. J. GOODE.
29 Main Street , Council Bluffs
Brick buildings of any Icind raised or moved and srttlsfnction guaranteed , ITrnms to-u
moved on Little Ulant trucks , the beat in the world.
1010 INinth Struct , Council BluQa
In Council BIuDa bavin ; , '
And all inodern Improvements , call bolls , Ore
alarm belle , etc. , la tbo
Nos. 210 , 217 and 210 , Main Street.
E , J. . Balcear ,
Who lor tbo pa t 10 jcanuas been practising In
San Francisco la now located at Mo 18 M , 6th Htn ct ,
oppoilto new Opera House
Madame llalooar guarantees to restore
OrtogUeanvoneabughmuttache or bring out a
ne growth ci hair or beard In Iromfourtoilx wocka.
ilcoi reasonable and BatltUMIon guaranteed ,
U encore , dcaliioie anclupicUllj rbcuuiatlim and
rbrcfclo ao tuial gilt ol he
ctu-fi ,
. JD. JT. JBalccar ,
Council DlufTd , Ia.
Piano and Organ ,
By Mies Fonnio Westcott , OrKatiiat ; at the
1'resbyterian church. llesiclcnco GOO Wash
ington Ave ,
E. Bice M. D.
or other ( imom removoi without the
knife or tlranlngof Uuod.
ODRONIC'DISEASES , ° " 11 k"idaa ' 'cclttU > r
Over thirty 3COMprirtlca l ir > renoe. Office No
11,1'tailttieet , Council blulla
jt rCoiuultatiou lice.
General Agent at Largo
Life and Annuity Ins.Co
- ' iiti.M