Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1885, Image 5

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The Valuable Servicss of Lancaster
Gflniity's ' Commissioners ,
They are Well Paid nnd Fully
Appreciated ,
A The Supreme Court \ Uhlniiiey
Kweon'.4 Trluls txical News
8t.\tc IVrsormU , Etc ,
The commisslonois ot Lancaster county
probably are tnoro pleasantly situated than
nny other similar functionaries tn Nebraska ,
Tliaro la not a multiplicity of duties attached
to the oflics , and the accompanying train of
labois is not such ns to whiten the htlr prn-
maturely , Filling la a little dirt and putting
nn extra phnk on a cjuuty bridge once In a
while coTiatltutos tin most onerous require
ments of n comminionorBUip. For nil thin
the law provides njper dlotn of $3 on days cf
meeting and ten cents mlloaRo ono wny for
thono inombara living out in the country. The
proiunt boanl Ii inado up as filluwt : W , J.
Wellor ; chairman , nndV K. O. Onldwcll
and II. C. IMler. From January 1 , 1833 , to
Mny 7 , 1885 theno tlmn gontlcinen con ] lintly
have drnwn S8)0.)0 ! ) ! ) from the treasury ot Ijin-
CAitor couuty. Of this amount , W. K. G.
Onldwell ling bud the Itou'rt nlmro , having
drawn during thn tlmo mentioned $323 23 ;
Mr Holler got 827 < i 60 , whllo Mr. Wellcr was
content to pnckot ? 20L. 15. Tha statuta pro
vides that commiseioner shall receive
S3 00 per day fur tlie titnu necessarily em
ployed in the busincsi of tha county IJurlt K
tha month of January Ihbrn _ were twelve
inootings of the board , for which each com-
miMslonor , at f > 3 CO per day , would be pntd
? 'tlj 00 , nnd two of the gantlemen , Mo.'srs.
HfllleraudVellor , were alia entitled to milu-
ago. For January Mr. Cold well drew S"8 ,
whirh would mitlto twenty six workinir * days
at 83 per d.iy , while uccurdinc to tholr own
utatomeat thsre WITO onlv twelve dnys spent
in buMiiesB. Mr. Uader diow 70 ,
while Mr. Wellar cimp in for S5UO !
In February there were eight meet'.DRa of the
board , which , at 23 per day , would give each
memborSil. Mr. OtldwoUdrowS7G.23 , Mr.
Keller S 7.-n , wliild Mr. iVeller tailed up
with 501 , (50 ( as his share.
During March there were seven meetings
which would give each geuMemau S'Jl fur hU
orvic9i. Mr Caldwell drew S88.60 , Mr.
Ksllor SOr. and Mr. Woller S83 GO.
Iu April there were nlno BPVUD meotluRs It
took S81.50 to s-itisfy Mr. Oaldwell , ? 72 for
Keller , and 0 * 60 fur Mr. We'lar. ' It will bo
apparent to every one that Mr. Caldwell ns a
drawer Is the greatest success ot nny of tha
members. Mr. Caldweh licii his homo in the
city , ncd therefore Is entitled to no nillongo.
Messrs. Keller and Wtll-r live fourteen tntiea
out in the country , to they are entitled to the
ten cont3 milougo. People will hardly under
stand how , wi'ii thcso perqutait-'H , tha two
flontlomou etill fall behind Mr. Oaldwell Iu
tha matter of compensation.
The county records icvcal the sccrer ,
The clalma for tha couiniisuionota for Jan
uary are as follows :
LINCOLN , Neb , 3eb.1th - , 1883 ,
The county of Lancaster in account with
W. E. Oaldwell , Dr. January to It
days session of board . $3G 00
To 14 daja otllco and ( .flics butiacsg . . . . 42 00
Total . 7SCO
With Mr W. J. Waller. For the month
of January , 1:85 , days in session on
board. 18 . 3000
Other days nocesary , 8 . 2100
Mileage , 102 . 900
Total . CO 00
With Mr. II. C. Ualler. January to 12
days in Bmalon on board . . . . . . 30 00
And 8 dnyB on roads and bridges . L'100
MtleagolO dollars . 1000
Total . O.CO
What the oflico dutlca of Mr. Cftldwell were
dou.3 not appear. In other counties tha coun
ty cleric rec ive compensation for waiting on
the coinniiiftiunurs , attending to their want * ,
writing down the icinulos , keeping nil rec
ords , and In fact tloiug nil kinds of clailcil
work. 1'o eibly Mr. MoOlay , tbe present In U
cumbent of the clorkehip la unuolo to attend
the mmy : meetiops and do tha work , und Mr.
O Hwolt has liiudly conBonted to assist litm tvm
at thn modebt prlcn of 83 fiO per day for eah m
day of suasion. AUo thu roads and bridges of
Jjincattor county mint have boeii in misera
ble shape when the present board tool : hold , tli
and if expemo * U any ctiturin they ought tliG
now to tie in excellent form from the amount
of attention Moarrs. R Her and Woller have G
given them muca January last. A promi
nent lawyer , ot LlLColn trunks there N
ill altogether tco inucU expeiiso connected with
lU commlseiouora , ncd yesterday entered n nn
protest with thn proper authorities against co
the payment of thn July claims of the board. It
The amounts nm up hluli , with Air. Ualdvell
etill in thn lend wittnllice and otlico bminesrj
' nxlra , The law > tr hulds Hint the oominls- G
kiaieiH under the law entitled
are only to S3 te
per day for tuna ao'.nally and necessarily em
ployed Iu tha eervico of ( ho couuty , au
Another gentlt'inan uaserta tha : tlig wife nf _ '
Oommlsttouor Caldnell recently disposed of n
cow to the county poor farm for the neat sum
of 91120. Bo far aa can ba ascertained there
ore no points about the cow that are ahead of
any other bovine. Oo\v ? , that is ordi-
imry milch cowa , sell iu Lincoln for from $3 }
to 500.
In tbo pohcn court yesterday Audy liayllss ,
n local colored celebrity , wai finc > d $10 and
coatd for disturbance of the peace. Amiug
other thlrg Andy ewocpi Llncjln's chlm- da
110 } s. William Koefe ilia ) Ohlc.tgo 131)1 ) , in-
vncJod the city n day or two uiaco with n"pst-
unt chiuinoy proceea ' ' and has been doing n
largo buiinunn. Andy took soverul drinks aad Ci
when the full sonsu of Chicago Uill'ii ' injustice CiF
and monopoly dawned uuon his quickened F [
mind , ha wont tip on t.ip of u building where Cli
Chicago 1S11I was oradlculng eoDt from a CliM
chlnmpy , and trlod to throw him nlT , thUH
croutiug a topuUtion for bravery and at the ira
time dolcg away with competition.
Help arrived and the foreign ewecp was Sli (
caved. Nippers manlinilnted by Policemen
of (
Kulley ncoeloratsd Andy 'a motions toward )
the jiil , whuroho yet llngors In liquidation let
of the fine Chicago 1)111 n still applying hU AI
patent procB to tha the chimney a of all clt- to
zcns who doilro it.
A LANDED I.OItt ) , toW
David IbjBorinan. of D. BoBsorman it Co , , W
and J. 0. Adam * , of thu Adarna Oattlo company M
iSuporior. Xab. in the biui-
pany , , ate city on - 1) I
ueea. The first uamcil firm own SOJ ho id and 1)Kd
the lust 700 of c title which grazs In KdHi
NuckolU county. They lotto it tract ofI , COO Hi
notes at a nominal rent from Lord William Cil
Scully , of Kaglaud. Lord ticully located the
land some fnvenUoa yeard ago , aad at the
tlmo only paid ( i ) u-nU an acru for it , Its Or'
value is no.v put at 8) per acre , which would Or'V
maUo $35,0 0 for the "irnct. Ilia lordship is V
vnry prouJ of tha property and refuses all Tli
clferi for It. TliWl
In the supreme court yeitorday there wore
a nunioorrf important citea argued nnd sub. Vaw
inttted. Tha w
onlycAte of Int-rmt was ono
from F1U City , cntltloil McKsy L
Warrall. In It tto question of the liability of Iln
grown cblldrun to contribute to the support of
indigent parent ) came up. It Is ttattd tha A
children refined t maintain their parents , ul f o J
though able to do to , and allowed thrm to pe- I'o
coma a burden to the county. Hint was
brought to tottlo the queatlou. The cato has
not yet been decided , Cei
Jitdgei Maxwell and Ileeee , of the supreme tro
court , uro stopping ut tha Wludior.
W. L May , tupeilatonddnt of the Ne
braska ii h OHniuiiuIon , Fremont , U In the
cltv and is at the \Vindior.
Jr Kvlley. < if Omaka , nrilvej in Lincoln ute
ye terd y with Wylie Clegg , tha youog
Ouiaha man who was tiled norno time since
for embezzling money from the American en- 13 !
press company , aud adjudged iasan , Ho bo
WAI taken out to the nejlum , where he will int
remain until cured.
A letter hu been received from Superin
tendent Thompson , dated at Vfeun , In which
Ii9 y th t holi on hU way ti 1'ailj. lie
will lin hnitm the middle of September.
T. M. Matquett U contiucd to liU homo by ' Su
a rather dangerous character , ttr
jnk ! arrested Monday fp ; Ur
movinz a building through the street * , waj
tried yesterday In the poiice court nod dis
Walter Hogo , business rnnBOgcr of The
Evening News , ia In Omaha for a day or
Chariot UnnkK , editor of the Omaha Post
and Telegraph , has been In ths city for a day
or two ou bmlneis
.T. L. Mitchell , Nebranka City ; V. O ,
llnmor , Keatney ; J. tl , Gwin , Uewnrd ; L.
H. Adam" , JMtpetlors K. 1' , D vls , Omaha ;
Col H W , Snbtn , Beatrice ; J. C. Cornell , J.
W , Forbes , Beatrice ; W. L. Liper , J. 8.
Young. Palmyra ; It , S , Finley , Beatrice ; L.
A. UrofT , Omaha ,
Special Telegram to The BKK.
Wbnt carne near being a murder occurred nt
the engine house on Eleventh street nt 7:3) :
o'clock lust nleht. Tno tncu named Jnrues
Kills anil Martin Senrlos , cmplojod by
Stoughtnn , the painter , quarrelled over their
work , They came to blow ? , when Soules
picked up nu ftxu and struck Kills. The latter
WAS severely cut upon the right rum anil hand ,
which he put up to protect hi * head. The
blow WAI A vicions ono , nnd only n lucky acci
dent suved Kilts from being murdered
While the patients nt the In'ano asylum
were f > xorcl lii ( { upon the grounds last evening ,
W. F. Wagner , n lunatic from Fremont ,
Neb. , eluded tha keepers , and trotting over the
enclosure e caned into iiincoln. He is about
33 years old , heavy set , with rather light com-
plnxion , Ana speaks with n German accent.
Herman Glaeser , a greenhorn bannd for
Arapahoe , was confidonced out of $30 last
night by two sharpers , The men with the
money got away.
M Klgutter liaa gene east ,
IIJ Davenport wont east yesterday.
0 F Wlilto , Lincoln , is at tha Paxton.
John A. McSliino went west last evening ,
Scott Keith , North Platte , is Paxton
Guy D.uton loft fo : Milwaukee yesterday
U Baldwin , North PlaHe.U etapplng at the
Paxton ,
W. A Langwortby , of Ojcooln , Nebraska , is
in tha city.
J. P. Hartmnn , jr. , o Kearney , is quar
tered at the Paxton.
Win Paxton , Jr. , left yesterday afternoon
for Montgomery , Mo.
Mr and Mrs S D Barknlow returned last
night from the cast ,
J. W. Warner , of Tampa , Florida , Is regis
tered at the Millard.
Mis3 Alc3 ! Wilkius goes east to-day on an
extended vacation tour.
J , B , Kimbill , of Concord Now Hampshire ,
is in the city , stopping at tha Millard.
Mrs L W Gimtes , of L'ncoln ' , Is visitinghor
brother , 13 M Bartlbtt , Ksq. at 2110 Fjrnam.
W N Bibcock , general western agent of the
Northwestern railroad , returned from the oaat
K , K. Soger and wife and Miss Belle
Soger , of Qutncy , Illinois , are registered at
the Paxton.
of 1510 II : > wart St. ,
left yesterday for o summer trip , visiting
with friends In Minneapolis ,
J D Evan ? , Sutton ; J A Hayden , York ;
George 13 Cheney , Creighton ; W B Bill , Be
atrice , are at tha Arcade ,
Gen , Lowhai returned from England where
ho hag beua for the past four months , lie ia
greatly improved in health.
n Hardy has just returned from Is'ew ' York
and Boston , where ha purchased an extensive
line of goods for tha GUu storo.
Clement Chase left last evening for Lincoln , °
where ho contemplatoa starting n "society
bureau" for tbo Omaha Excelsior.
Walter Hoge , of Hyde , Hogs & Ilyde , pub
lishers of the Lincoln Evening News , is In
the city , and called at this office yesterday.
Jlr W J Oinnell will leave shortly fora
two week ) bujlnoss trip to Ohloago , Baltimore -
more , Now York , and other eastern cities. of
Senator Charles F , Mandorson anived in
tbo city yesterday on his return from N < iw
York , where he attended tbo funeral of Gen ,
Mr. E Ilo30water leaves this morning for Tl
New York , to attend the reunion i-f the
national society of the military telegraph
cor pi , which takes place in that city August
ID. ) Heill be absent about two wtoks.
J. T. Clark , general euperintoLdent ; N. J. F
Gull and A. J. Karlfag , assistant superin fo
tendents ; W , N. 1) . Wlnne , aasisUnt general fobli
auditor , all of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. bli
l'AUl road of Milwaukee , are at the Millard ,
Nothing sniill about Thoo. Iln oaiaun , the bo
jeueral salesman nt Payka Bros. , but ha lei
loams up blggsr thin over yesterday , Ho tic ;
jays tbo baby Is a boy , nnd weighs more as 00 ]
welvo pounds. ar
lion Wm Pitt Kellogg , ox senator , of Louis an
iana , nnd II in Cbrka CUrr , of of
Gialosburg , IlllnoU , arrived ia the city yostor- 00 )
lay mornini ; from the east , to look after thur
3xten9lvo land interests hero.
H K Dorau. Fremont ; G 1 Kincaid. Sioux th
CitjE ; Filley , Filloy ; 0 A Foster , Itid o
'nun ; T It AndroiVF , Clinton ; H Parkins ,
Jhlcago ; John Stall , , T II filusijr , London ; C thi
Ciupp , Wahoo , D Anderson , Columbus , po
at the Oanfield , pome
A telegram Ins been received from Mrs. air
3ioaiB , Atlantic , Iowa , announcing the death Fc
htr brother , John P Hulett. O. 0. Uu-
ott , a nephew of the debased , went over to cot
iVtlantlc yo jtor Jay , and the body will bo taken chi
Adrian. Mill ) , to'day for burial , roc
Scott I Keith , North Platte ; II Baldwin , bn
lVeepiDgWnterWFIllngland ; , Hastings ; II of
Rollins , Neligh ; J M Klngery , Alnsworth ; yel
0 llond , Kim Cieek ; David Fitzgerald , op
ICdwin II Hallam , L Wessel , jr , Liccoln ; B till
tiohards , Ohadron ; S H C.Uhoun , Nebraska bo
jlly , are nt the Paiton , ns
JDThayor , Gand Island ; I ? A Orthman , are
ete ; F A Uatei , Lincoln ; J II Clumbert ,
rocoma ; K 0 Jones , St Paul ; James Chase , to
lattsmouth ; W F Morri , Lincoln ; W J
Vlldman , York ; J D Fuller , Hastings : Mils
ilattip Young , Grand Island ; J U Osvens ,
Valentine ; OB Utynokh , Kiyinondi Mrs J the
Voolrich < nnd children , 1-31 LowU , Fiomont ; las
li : Adam * , Superior ; F M Kenderdine ,
lastiags ; W A Liognatty , Ojcoola , Ne'j ; M out
Collier i , Stratton , Mo ; 0 B Billing * , Chica- Thi '
0 Vf Colt , Ioi Moines ; 0 J Smith , St tlm
'nut , Minn ; K'l Androwi , Auitln , Minn ; U the
ohnson , Cheyenne ; John Watson , Austin , gni
; 8 G Pareous , Glendluc , Ohio , and ouc
ruire Young , of Dallas , Ttix , are at tin Me- wh
ropolltau. Thi '
BtO' ;
The Smltli Stuotc. flfhe f
The Smith stock has been turned over ( ley
tha hands Itaoslver 0. D. Wool- B'v ' 1
rorth , nud to-day he hulds the fort ct eut
307 Farnam. Soalfd propoaale are to as i
received up to 10 o'cLck Frid y her
nutnlng for the calu of thu goods iu cite
att or iu balk. aoj
Dr. Hamilton Warren has
. , Thjeicin and
, DID N. 10th ttrrot , ne r Web
Diy ul ht c lla prpiwptly at- 1
ended iu , lav
Opinions br Btookmon anil Others
Touching the Tool lf clilon In
llegard to Uhlpplng No-
biro Stock.
The publication In last night's BEE o ,
the decision of Commissioner Falthorn
of Chicago , relative to the through-bill
ing of Nebraska live stock on the Union
Pacific road to Chicago , caused no little
excitement in business circles , The
older was substantially ai follows :
"Tho Union Pacific Is not allowed to
nee local rates , and all llvo stock of the
clisi indicated must bo oanslgnod
throughout to Chicago , but Itwill bo
allowed to atop consignments at Omaha ,
and in event of tholr sale the Iowa linos'
proportion will bo deducted in the busi
ness reported to the pool. It will bo
allowed to do this because Omaha is the
terminus of the Union Pacific or on its
direct lino. The privilege , however , is
donltd to the Burlington & Missouri and
Sioux City & Pacific roida fcr the reason
that In older to roach Omaha they would
divert traffic from tholr through lines
which cross the river at Plattsmouth and
Blair. "
The change 1 generally regarded as a
most unfortunate ono for Omaba in many
recpects ; it Is feared , in fact , by these
conversant with the facts of the cage ,
that it will give a black eye to the stock
interests of the city. Of n number of
gentleman who conversed upon the matter -
tor with a BEE reporter yesterday there
was not ona but expressed hlmaolf as of
the opinion that the now order would
work evil to the stock interaata of Omaha
If allowed to remain In force very long.
Said Mayor Boyd to a reporter who
asked him his opinion of the matter :
' 'So far n.i I can see , thin change wilt
work Injury to the Omaha stock yards ,
provided the B. & M. folks will bj
prevented from shipping utock Into the
city , and I suppose they will.
Of course the Sioux City
& Pacific will likewise bo prac
tically debarred from shipping any
stock through Omaha , but this will not
make a pattlclo of difference. Why ?
Becauao Omaha receives very llttlo stock
over the lines of the Northwestern syo-
torn. To bo sure , wo got some from the
the St. Paul branch , but from the Elkhorn -
horn Valley extension little or nothing.
From the Barilngton & Missouri , how
ever , Omaha receives considerable stock ,
and to have that supply cut off by the
operation of tMi order will be a bid
thing for the city , certainly. If the order
could bo made to apply to all Nebraska
roade , no as to allow them to do through
billing from western points to Chicago ,
with atop-over privileges In Omaha ,
then certainly the change would prove a
great banefit to our city. But so far as I
can see now the Union Pacific will secure
all the advantages to bo reaped from the
chance. "
A number of other stockmen expressed
themselves as being of similar views.
General Manager floldrodgo , of the
Burlington & Missouri , upan being
shown the order yesterday , said that as
at present adviapd , ho thought the change
would prove Injurious to both Omaha
ncd the Burlington & Mlscontl road. It
would prevent hla road ? , undoubtedly ,
from sending livestock through Omaha
ai similar rates as through Plutlamouth.
aiD General Freight Agent Shelby , of the
Union Pacific , esil that he didn't care to
express an extended opinion upon the
subject of Commissioner Faltorn'u
order until that gentleman notified him
officially of the change. Ho said , how
ever , that he was Inclined to think It
would work a serious Injury to tbo stock II
Interests of this city. The Union Pacific ,
ho ramarked , would not ba at all pleased
with , the chaugo because it wanted to do
all it could to build up the otock Interest
I'no Tmprovoinonts at Fort Nlobrnra tlr
-Tlio Ilosebua Agency 'Jronblo
Other MnttorH. tn
Gon. Dandy rolumod yesterday from toH
B'ort.Niobrurd < where ho has been the past af
few days superintending the opening o * °
bids for the construction of the now quarters
pa :
ters at that post. The bid of Gaorga H. su
Jowett of Sidney , § 29,000 , was found to foi
the lovrcst and tha contract will doubt- So
leas bo awarded to him. The approprls-
lon of congress for the work was * § 30- ,
00 and the improvements contemplrtod
tro tho" building of throe double sots of ad
jflicara quarters , throe cvvilry b rraki
ind thrue civnlry atiblon. The balance
8" ;
the approprlatluu , something like CI-
)00 , will bo devoted tD topairlug fences , ap Cli
| n
Wiion thcso Improvomonto are made fra
.his poit will bo QUO of the largest In hi
ho dopartmout , and certainly will bo wh
lecond to none Iu point cf cavalry ac- whHi
lommodation ! ? , aa t is intoudcd that die
here ahull bo clx companies of cavalry diem
lurmanenUy ntatlonod tbore. The rogl- Del
uontal hcadquatters of the iSlnth cav- ofli
Iry , of ooano , will ba removed from all
Tort McKinney to Fort Niobran. I
The department forces uro being con- cot
ontra'.od on this ono point to keep in thi
hock the 10 000 restless , roving cut
edsklns who are located ia the
orritory surrounding Fort Nio- 1
irara. While there are no anticipations
Immediate trouble with the Indiins ,
the department officers are of the ant
pinion ! thst it would ba best to have
holr forces BO positioned that they could
brought to boar redskin
upon a uprls- G
with the greatest speed and effect As
Jen. Dandy expressed U , "There ton
no present signs of trouble Iu that full
uattor of the department- , bat it is boat In
bo " InOui
prepared , Oui '
Speaking of the excitement caused by thaI
of sohool-teacnor In- I
raping a - by an -
, 11 oar Valentino , some days ego , mil
Ion. Dandy sad | that all fears of a con- San
between the whites and Indians had Lie
iibiided. The casa is sominhatcurlouj. Lie
white settlers near Valen- Ben
, 100 ia all , went to Prii
Roeobud agency , where tha S r ,
ailly Indian was stopping and demanded Llei
of the young bucki. "Lino WoU" Sar {
was supposed to ba the guilty ono. Serf
'holndiaus rufuaed to give him up and Her (
outly rnnintalned that ho was Innocent Sen
thu crime. The Indlsni said that
preferred to go to battle rather than
up L-JUO Wolf ,
Tha woman who had been raped wai fttt :
jbieqnenlly brought to thu apouoy , aud
she declared that Love Wolf was not etrc
assailant , ha was released. The tr- bou
foment haa tinea died out , and so f tr us j cho
reports received at the lee l he d- re
uartersare concerned , the ttull-y Indian ! , *
not been detected end punUbed. imp
c | I (
Troopi A. and G. of the Ninth cavalry An ;
already bjen transferred frau Ujtld r p
wall , Ktnias , where they luyo been eta *
tiouci during iho recent Indiin pinto , to
prats in the Department of the PJatto.
This morning Troop " 1" of thn s mo
company , passed through Faplllton en
route for Fort Niobrara , which will bo
toschcd about to-day or ts-morror.
The emergency requiring the sorvtoss
of Acting AatisUnt Surgeon Ohnrlcs II.
Field , U. S. A , on tomporiry duly at
Fort Sidney , Nebraska , having patsod ,
hit contract is hereby annulled , to take
effect on the receipt of thh ardor at
Fort Sidney , Nebraska.
Leave of nboonca for ono month has
bnon granted Captain Francis Moore ,
Ninth cavalry , to take effect in Stptctn-
bor , next.
The Bricklayers Decide to Finish
AVorlc on the It , & M. BuildIIIR.
The members of the Bricklayers Union
mat Tuesday night in K. of L. hall to
discuss the matter of resuming work on
the B. & M. headquarters addition. It
will bo remembered that labor on this
structure came to an end last week when
the bricklayers discovered that the stone
which ws being put into the building
had been cut by convict labor , having
come from Jollot.
The sotslon was a long and heated ono ,
nearly every union bricklayer iu the city
balng present. Tbo mooting die ! not ad
journ until after midnight. It was by a
very close vote decided that the bricklay
er. ] employe on the B. & M. building
should finish tlio work on the structure ,
inasmuch as tlu contractors , Bailey &
Olsenlind not ordered the cut ntono , and
know nothing of its having been brought
from the Joliet penitentiary. It was
further decided that a notice should nt
once ho Issued for the benefit of the con
tractors and architects of this city tint
hereafter no union bricklayers would
work on a building into which material
wes being put which had been furnished
by convict labor. The quontlon of con
vict labor was thoroughly discussed and
the union decided that every moans avail
able should bo nsedto deal with the evils
of the system.
The bricklayers will go to vrork upon
thn building to-day.
It is said that whan work
is resumed , still other complica
tions are apt to arise. The stone which
is to go into the building will hive to bo °
trimmed , and the men balongiog to the
stonecutters nnion vriil not bo alloued to
do the work , as tholr constitution strict
ly forbids their working ou atone furn
ished by convict labor. If mon are then
procured to do the necstsiry trimmingtho
union threatens to declare them scabs and
again otdor the bricklayers to quit work.
The brickliyors will then bo obliged to
yield , as the stonecutters' and bricklay
ers' unions have a compact to stand by
each other in all cisej. The bricklayers' Y
union has no convict labor clause In its
constitution , and hones the willingness
of the men to return to work.
Tin object in again calttcg the men
out of the building la stated by the stonecutter - Jt
cutter a to bo for the purpose of forcing
the Burlington & Missouri company to
reject the stone already secured irom Of
Jollot and replace it with now stone
which has not been handled by convict Otw
hbor. st
Ho Visits Omaha nnd Given n Ftw
Facts lit Kclntlon to the Fcelliij : f
Bstweoit I'resiaont Olov and
and the Bouth coW
Hon. William Pitt Kellogg , ex-gov b
ernor of Louiniana , who is in Omaha Wl
looking after the interests of his landed
property here , was sjen by a representa th
tive of the BEE yastorc'ay , and the hami
conversation turned on the political situ- mi
itian. Governor Kollog has just re BC
turned from the east , and has vlsitad ex ho
tensively in Naw York and Ohio.
Eo gives U as his opinion ,
ifior looking over the situation , that
Dblo ' will certainly bo carried by the re
publicans this fill. In New York the re- H
ublcan3 ( party managers are confident of las
iucceB3 , The most available candidates a ,
the governorship are considered to bo "d
Secretary of SUta Oarr or Mr. Drcxel , "dWi
yhllo a few are urging Ssnator Evarts to Wi
tccopt the nomination.- sot
la regard to President Cleveland's ofli
idmlnUtrfttlon Mr. sild
, Kellogg : kic
"The president has injured himself
roitly in Louisiana on account of his otl
ippDlntrnoutn. ; Tha party ia divided and Wf
Jtuvolsnd has not h sliatcd to take sides blr
the matter. He has thus alienated gie
rotu him that part of the party which pla
; control of tao state patronage , and for
chlcli is controhd by the stito oflioara. rloi
lis civil sirrica rules hive ciuiad tiroat she
ilesitlsfacllon throughout the south , the giv
inluion of all -l mucrnta iu that section tim
icing that a c'otu awoop of the bo
llicaa should ba made tha republicans tur
turned out aud democrats substituted. the
believe t that if a national democratic v/h'
onvontlon was to bo hold ia the next Jut
birty days , Mr. Cleveland could not so-
uro one-tenth of the delegates from the
outh. " J
Mr. Kellogg has not visited Omana for dla
Dmo eight or nlnu years , and ho cxprocs-
surprise and ploasaro at the growth Ha [
proepsrlty of the city. Thi
bklrmlHh Stiote.
The competitors at the rlfla range yes- , .
irday moraing were engaged iu skirmlth pro
ting at 200 , 300 , and COO yards rango. the
the afternoon the match for the the
'msha press prlza was shot , Sergt. Hays , and tat
the Twenty-first Infantry , carrying off slot
"ticker. "
. oft :
Following are the scores of the sklr- oftA
ilthshontlng : ty <
argt. Week * , Birth Infantry 178 yo
leut Goodlo , Sarenth " 170 Joli
lout Terry , Blxth Infantry. Ill
srgt. LyoniBlxth Infantry ISO ISD
flvate Jtszeudiseb , Twinty-sixth inf'try 133 trat
rivote Manning , Sixth inUntry 131 csai
irgt. L wla , Twenty-fixth infantry 130 am'
leut. Porkt , Twenty-first 127 '
jrgc. Mayo , Seventh " 120 ,
leut. Taggart , Seventh infantry 1-1
irgt. Pddcnen , Seventh Infantry 121
srgt. Uoker Pourth infuutry 119 A
irgt. Slovene , Ninth Infantry 110 CC.11
Parks rid IJuuluvurdH. of 1 n
Anithor meeting was held last evening ot ;
the corner of Cumlng aud Nineteenth uati
reels fjr the purpose of pushing the
ovird scheme. Col , 0. 8 , Cnaso was Oha
tosen chairman and T. 0. Britner soc- tnlt
rettny. As the ccrtrnltletn appointe repi
erotiot ready to report , no bualnezo of to
3pottano3 was tranuotcd. The meeting the ,
adjourned to meet at the city coun- the
chamber two weeka from last night , aa a
ngust 2G , fcr the of hearing full ncr
pjit ) from the varloaa committees. J Cote
Senator Mnmlcreon Described Homo
Attending Incidents tt'liRt llo
Thinks of. ( ho New < ; ttlo
Order ,
A reporter for the Ben met Samto
Manderson hit night and engaged him in
an intoioitlng conversation upon his trip
cast. Ho left hero last vrcok , it may bo
romomboiol , going to Philadelphia ,
and thence to Now York , where ho at
tended the Grant obsequies as a member
of the smto committee appointed by
Vice President Hcndrlcka.
"There was ono thin ; ; remarkable about
the funoril , " remarked Senator Mandor *
eon In the course of an Interesting talk
upon thu subject , "that was the wonder
ful stillness whieh pervaded the vast con-
canrsaof people who witnessed the funeral -
oral of Gen. Grant. There- wen at least
1,500,000 people on the Directs , including
the spcctatora aud the 50,000
men in line. In all the throng , the most
death-like tilciico was observed. Evi
dences of profound respect aud honor for
the memory of the dead soldier there
wore , but no demonstration of violent
grief. Twenty years ago I had thn sad
prlvliega of witnessing the funeral pa
geant of Abraham Lincoln , The crowd
then was vastly smaller than on the occa
sion of Gan. Grant's funeral , but the ex
pression of bitterest sorrow was very
noticeable. Of course the violent manner -
ner of Lincoln's doith wan the occasion .
of n bitter grief , hardly to bo caused by
the demise of Gen. Grant. "
"It in wondiirfnl to note Into what close
relations the funeral brought old aoidioH
of the blue and the gray , " continued the
general , musingly. "I myself rose with
Wade Hampton , of South Carolina. All
war difloroQces seemad to bo wiped out ,
and Incidents of the rebellion wore re
vived and cHncusncd with great interest. "
Speaking of the order of President I
Cleveland , ordering tha taking down of \
fences from the public lands , Senator
Mandurson said that ho dldnot think that
the cattle Interests of this alato would bo
seriously Bli'jctad thereby. Tno now or
der > ho would undoubtedly give Ne
braska ttockmcn a chuico to buy cattle at
very Ion pricoa from the Ohorokoo strip
VIol land. Ho was of the opinion that
national legislation ought to allow the
lands of each western state and territory to
llo under supervision of a commission
which should determine the lands which
were fit for settling up , and tbi'JW them
open I for Immigration. These lands not
immediately available for arable purposes
CE , could bo uted for ranch purposes on
such tenns that the lesco could bo cancelled -
celled upon six months notice. Such a
state of atl'ilrs , ho thought , would bo ben-
eficlrxl not only to Nubraska , but to other
cattle grazing states and territories in the
Senator Manderspn loaves to-day on a
four weeks somi-otiiclal visit of inspection
to Utah , Montana and Idaho , and to the
Yellowstone park , as a member of the
senate commlitaa on territories.
Last evening Officar Turnbnll arrested
John Harris , whltu , and William WI1-
Bon , colored , for tha burglary of the store
R. Kalish , the Thirteenth street tailor ,
Ot Monday night. Wilson was arrested
while ! trying to disposeof some of the 08C
stolen goods. Ho stated that ho had re
ceived the goods from Harris
and did not know they were nemi
ttolon. When Harris wes arrested , mi
though , ho gave thu whole thing away.
He said that ho effected the entrance to re
the store and secured more goods than ho
could take away , Ho , therefore , went to In
Wihon acd zccnred his sosvlceo to help n
cm :
carry off the goods , the understanding ba
being that the proceeds of the robbery vll
were to bo divided equally between them.
Both men were confined in the city jail ,
3rid ] will before
appear ujdgo Stonborg Lu
this morning for examination. Harris
iad only been released from jail Monday trl
nornlng , whcro ho had been eorvlng a
lentenco : for the robbery of tha Mlllard
lotel about two months ego.
Celebrating JIls "Wedding. it t ,
young mm , giving the name o cat
lonry ( Waters , was arrested by the police ad'
nst ovonlng and confined In the city jail , Ca !
charge i being entered against him of sat
'drunk and disorderly. " It seems that agi
Vutcra was arrested at the instance of up
oruoothb naijhbora , who infornnd the lof inp
flioara that ho camu homo drunk and hoi .
ickoil in tin door of the houao , and es
thorwlso : octjd iu a disorderly manner. fioi
Valors' wife bad the night before given int
Irth to a child , and his nolay aotlous
really endangered her lifo. When exj
laced in a call , Waters confidentially in-
jrmod the jttllor that In had been marled Mo '
led on the preceding evening , that
aortly after the cortm > ny his wife had up
ivon birth ID a child , im t that nt theme lit !
mo of hid arrest ho was only celabratiug Will
h events. He wag very anxious to ro-
jrn home to his brldo , but It vns uni
louglit best to detain hlmuntll murntug , the
hen ho will have stic
' an intervlurr with
adgo Stenber . thr
< j.
A petition In eqally wai filed In the oth :
la'rlot court yesterday by David M. MCI [
averly , against Margaret J. Elliott whi
petition alleges that the parties in ho plat
case are copartners and have been
inducting a business in Omaha ; that off
defendant has failed to make a mot
roper accounting of moneys rccaivod by
firm. Tbo plaintiff therefore prays
court .to order an accounting
appoint a receiver , and
the sheriff taka pssca-
of the property pnding the decision
the court.
transcript if appeal from the conn-
court was filed In the district court
utcrday In the matter of the estate of
oha G Jacobs , deceased. The appaal
made by Charles H , Brown , admlnla-
ator cf the estate of Henry Gray , do.
d , to recover $10,000 , which h the
nount of a claim by the heirs of Gray
'alnst tbo estate of Jacob ] ,
The NuwKiiuliio Homo ,
resolution was adopted by the city \
uncll Tuesday evening for the purchase
lot in Jaoab'd oddithn , on which to
; an englno house. This lot is sit-
ited on Tironty-slxth street , between
eavenwotth and St. Mary's avenue ,
lialrman Gnodricb , af the council com-
itteo on pobllo property , informed a BKB
porter tint it ii the Intention of the olty
rcmjvd thd ntructuro known as
Pax ton barn from the city haU lot tn
nuwly purchased property to bo used '
an QDglno houso. Owing to the flis-
, it was imposilbJa to ajcuro n inf-
licnt piosnro from the water works ia
case of fire , and a steam fira engine Is to
bo stationed there to secure additional
protection to propett/ that p.irt of the
city. This Is a step that haa long been
desired by property owners in that vi
cinity , and they are highly gratified at
the prospect of scenting the much needed
Volleo Docker.
The following cases wcro disposed of
by Ju go Stonborg In pol'co ' court yes'
terday morning :
Charles Castou , vagrant , thirty days
In county jsil , fifteen on bread aud
John Murray , James Doyle , Charles
Potoralsky , Jamoi P. Moore , drank and
disorderly $5 and costo.
Jack Lyons , intoxication , committed
for five dnya.
Joe Mlllatd , larceny , committed for
ton days ,
One of the Indy oxcurjlonitts to Weeping
WateryesUrdnj * was robbed of a vallto nnd
umbrella while on Iho picnio grounds The
thief ( WAS captured just ai the traia was nbout
to start for Ojinlm , but denied his cuilt , A
Weeping Wntor olllcer took him in charge ,
when n friend of the prisoner interfered nnd
endeavored to f QIC 3 his rnloose. The olllcer
WAS obliged to USD his club freely in order to
keep his man , knocking him senseless. The
maa'd namocould not ba learned , although ho
claimed to live in Omnlin , Ho did not re
turn with the excursion , but is still iu custody
of the Weeping Watr ? authorities.
The excursion to Weeping Water yesterday -
day of the Sunday school of the First M. E
church was highly successful. There wai n
largo crowd In attendance , and n most doligh'-
fu day was passed. Speeches were mode n
the picnic grounds by n number of people ,
which wcro greatly cnjoyod , The excursion
ists ! returned to Omaha early in the ovcnlng ,
tlrod but happy.
PILES ! ! PILES ! ! PILES ! ! !
A Mire cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching
nnd Ulcerated Piles baa been diacovorod by
Ir. ) Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr.
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single
box ban cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or
sam years standing. No ono need suffer Qvu
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lotions and instruments do
more harm than good. Williams' Indmu
1'ilo Ointment absorb ? Iho tumors , allays the
intense itching , ( particularly at night altar
gutting warm in bed ) , acts as n poultice , gives
inetant relief , and is prepared only for Piles ,
itching of private parts , and for nothing olee.
B JJr. Frazlor's Mogic Ointment. Cure ? na
by magic. Fimplo'.Blaslt Heads or Grubs
ha lotckos and Kruptioiis on the face , leaving
Saltekm clear aud heautlful. Aha cures Itch ,
old , Uhumc , Sore NipploB , Sere Lips , aad
prSoOhstmnta Ulcers.
Icotld by druggists , or mailed on receipt o
At , 60 cents.
lioch retail by Kuhn & Co , nnd Schrooter Sc ,
Becht At wholeealo by O , P. Goodman ,
At the Fair.
To-morrow wo will have a special sale
of notions and fancy good ] when wo will
sell ono lot of white canvas bolts at Do a
piece which sell everywhere else at 25o.
Another lot at 15j and ono lot at 25e ,
alt worth double. Wo will alsi sell at
reduced rates all our silk mitts , eilk
gloves , Halo thread gloves and cotton
gloves , ringing In pricas from lOc up ,
worth twice the money. Tbia sale lasts
tq-moMowonly. THE FAIR.
A Nnehvlllo klcctric Woman.
Milan ( Term. ) Exchange.
By invitation of Col. Christian , her
jgont and manager , Dr. Henderson ,
Dapt. Moore , V. L. Ware , E q , and the
adltor of the exchange , yesterday wit
nessed a private exhibition of Mrs. Colo-
nan's marvelous power over animate and
Inanimate objects. She is an attractive ,
refined : , amlablo and handsome lady , in
ho prime of lifo , and altrgother a moat
iharmlDg person to meet in the parlor or
public. She was born In Franco , but
onio to Amotic * trhcn an Infsnr , oud
jai lived ten or twelve years in Nash-
rltlo and Atlanta. A little more than
mo year ago she discovered that she poa-
osed the romirkabla powers that Miss
julu Hurst has , and on trial convinced
ho publio that her talent , force of dec-
rlcity , or whalovor the mysterious pos-
cssion is , waa oven greater than that of
H'BJ ' Huist. Dr. Henderson and the
ither gentlemen , who witnessed and
ottod her strength , are unable to explain
but they are fu ly convinced thut she
an and docs perform everything she ns
dvertlsea to do. In our presence nsi
( easily llft ° d a chair on which ( to
apt ; , Moore ( who weighs 224 pounds )
, by merely pressing her handa
.gainst the chair poato. This writer took p
a chair , grasping It firmly , and press-
it Dgalnst hla body , She plac&d her I
3ft hand on the scat of the choir , and
right hand on its buck , when she had
all danciug around In a moment ,
nelly throwing ussprawliog over a trunk
ito another room , completely vanquleh-
. The other gontkmou tried ( ho same
xporlment , but none of them could
Uhstand her strength , end Captain
looro was thrown erjnnd like a child ,
four gentlemen also took the chair
, grasnlng it firm ly , and txerol tholr
tmost ) strength to press it to the iloor ,
lillo she merely placed her hands on it
hold it up in the nlr against their-
nited alrangtn , without fatiguing her in
Joast. Each gentleman took a strong
ick and proeed ono end ou the ibor ,
irjwlng his weight en it and trying to
3ep it tlioio , She merely preetcd her
nds against the sides of tno atlck and
isllv raised it up against the man. An-
her remarkable test was Trhen Captain
core held an umbrella Iu his hands ,
hilo she stood balonojd on ono foot and
acoi her hands against the umbrella ,
pushing i his whole strength and great
clfjht against her , without throwing her
her balance. She will probably ro
sin in Milan several weeks.
W" n
; ifty
Hi i ,
„ id.
25 YE RS IH USE. on Wea i
Hie Oreatast of the Age tocel On
Veil )
P A CAte
TORP&BUVER & „ lltb.
, o n of uppcillc , llowrln coitlTr , 1'uln IB
tue bead , wit1 * n dull sensation In the
tacit purr , J'u In under lUe shoulder-
tluitc , I'ullacia nftcr cntlne , wilUndU *
Inclination to exertion of body ormln > l ,
Irrltubllltr iph-Itit , iTitli
ilcpllnBofhavlnLTCBlectcd nonioduty ,
\Vce.rlucin , DlrzlucBi , 1'luttcrinif nt the
Heart , Dots before tbo oyc ( llcndacba
over the right eye , Heitlcainoi * , ivllh 1 !
atful drenrna , Hluhlr colored Urine , UDI )
TUTT'S I'll A. * are capcclally adapted
to such casoa , ono tlnao clfucta suoli u
They lucrexe dm Ai | > ctltea jd caune tbe
tody to 'i'nlic uu I'lu.h , linn tba ityttciu t
iiaurl hc < laml hjrtnilrToiuo Action ou
tno J tiretl eOrgansIte ntar H eel are
frnduci-il. 1'rl-e ViP.i' . I Murrn v M..IV.Y.
rirrns FMBR WVF
i w H 13 © Ll aba EJVE
tilUT lUnt or ohttiigoa to n U
Gr-ossr IILACK l > y a elnf'lo njirilloatlon ol
tills DIE. It color , net *
InatAiitancouHlx. bold by Drugging , 01 AI
Ns on receipt of 01. ,
Murray St. , Now York ,
CnpturlrtR Sn Vnvltli Muilo ,
Cincinnati Comtnoteint Gazette ,
A party of workmen nt Sptlnpfio'd , 0. ,
engaged In oomtrnctlng the abutment
for a now brtiljo ovar Rl d ilvor , tcarcd
numerous black snakes , from 1 to f > feet
long , from tholr ticsU In the tocka. It
ii stated that n curious-looking colored
man wont down Jo the cllflj iho other
day with the avowol intonllon of captur
ing a lot of snikoj. llo took hla aon
Gcorgo Washington alotjji with him to
help kill tbo roptlloj. When ho arrived
nt the excavations ho
drew from n c pa-
clous pocket n very Bin all rccd pipe , nbent
eix , Inches long , ni h holes llko a fife.
Putting this to hia lips ho commerced to
phy the plpo , which prodncod a thrill
tono. llo ployed n warbling nort of nlr
in a minor key , After n few minutes the
blnck tiiakca began to stick their heads
up through the rocke , with qlhtoulug
eyes and forked tongues. Soon ono
nftor another glided from their holes
toward the origin of the ramie. Soon
the old colored man had n largo number
of reptiles near to him. llo then walked
slowly aross the fields , tha tnakcn elowly
following him. Gradually increasing his
pnco , ho walked nt the head of a pro *
cession of the onakca , who were strung
out in a long line following him. Llo
econ reached a plsos where ho had lofb
his son , who was armed with a club. An
the snakes pitsod along bcforo the latter
ho killed ono after another with n club ,
soon piling up a largo number of the
snakes.Vhon all wcro killed the old
man put thorn , in a big , shouldered it and
took It homo. Ho stn'oi that ho vrai
going to try thn oil out of the onakoa to
sail for a euro for rheumatism.
Tlio Telephone In Montmnn.
Ilolonn Herald.
A. C. YAH Down , superintendent of
the Montana division of the Rocky
Mountain Bell telephone company , In
form * ua that work on the Helena , Townsend -
send and Whlto Sulphur Springs tele
phone line Is rapidly nuarlng completion ,
and that aoon it will ba possible to con
verse tolophoulcally botwcou the three
places. Wo hate long wanted connec
tion with the Springs and after that is
established wo hope to see the BBIUO
tnodo of cominunlculou soon iu neo bo-
twfcti the capltol mid points east of hero
licmman , Living itou aad other rail
road towns.
Wo understand that material la in
transit for tbo now line between Phillips-
burg nnd Drurmnond and that by fall wo
will bo ia communication with that
mining camp.
Work on the Cwit d'Alono telephone
line to connect Murray and ThotupaouVi
Falls has not yet been cammoncod , be
came the road to ba built by the Mis-
aoula company batnroon these two places ,
lisa not yet boon inndc. But as aoon as
the road la completed work on the tele
phone line will bo CDinraencod at
Helena Is now connected by telephone
with Bntto , Anaconda , Deer Ledge and
Miesoula , on the vest aide , boaldo the
Intermediate points on the line and with
Marysvillo , Clancy , J < n" < ! on , Wickao ,
aud Oorbln all outside camps. "With
the rapid erection of lines in progress wo
shall soon bo able to talk by telephone
with all t.o principal towns In the
2 rnnds ndrortlaed. AS abiolntely f nrft
THH TEST : A can t p down on hot storennttl htaUd.tliaa
remove tbucorvrunii tmell. A chemUt will not b * re
quired to delect the pre&onoo of ammonia.
In A million homda for a rjuArt r of * centurj 11 LA
Itocrt the coniumeri' reliable l it ,
_ _
H1KCR3 Off
Br ] , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , I
Tli0 tronfeitnoitdrllc [ oi D < InitDrtlflToriVnofrOiU < i
Ur. Prlca's Lupulln Yeast Gome
Icr Light , Udtltby Ilrrad , Tlia Colt Dry Uop
Vent in tha World.
ron TUB inciTWE.M OP ALL
The Inr/jOBt Medical inotltuto Wout of
Mlnsloolppl River *
; room for tlio nccomoilatlon or rntlenti. Thu
liyeltlan unrt Burgeon Inchnme of the Jn tltute Imi
tUtcen yearnof nucWMful practiceunit li aldt.l
a lilnnt of rare fiwrltnco ua p cUllbU Iu
various dcpnitnirnln.
WHITI ron CIUCOLIII on I'tforralllcs tnd Bncei. Dlfrii.
lofMounN , niti , Tumori , C Dc r , oiarih. IiioncM.
Inhautlon , rUctrlclty , r calj li , Kpliti'iy ' , Kldooy
Itur.Skln and Blood IiUenoi Write for
I'KivitK. Sncui , ncj KCKVODI nlteaiM , humlna.
eaknesi , Bpermttarrbua , Byplillls. ( Jlcui , Klrlcliire , Vtrl-
celumJill dliemo.orihi ! Urlinry and 8 < iu > l i > mnt ,
icilr ate < lbycorreipoDd > nceorrer > onally C'i < nOilciill > l ,
idlcloeiieat ty mill or oiprc without m rVi to luOl.
tontf nil or tender , 4dr < all letten lo
thBlrectCurnero/Cajit-TeDB . ,
- * l . ' {
Brte ( i of thorouglibrod find high grade
foreb d aud Jorsdy Qptlo ,
And Pnroo aud Joreov Jtul
a ; J/coiiq.
3 !
tba oM Btojj uu Fmam Et 0Ji [ by tileno
jh Bollcltcd ttnl vtoinptly uttcnled to. Ti no