Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1885, Image 1

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Vtry Rapidly Throngliont
Southern EnroBG ,
Seven Hundred Deaths Reported
from Spain Tuesday.
The Boudnn "War tn the Honao of
Lords A Hatch of Foreign
JlADniD , Auguit J 2. Them were 4,507
new cat 01 and Oi9 deaths of cholera reported
throughout Spain yesterday.
CAIHO , Auguat 12 , A fearful state cf nn
arcby prevails heio , Tha famine Is alto pro
gressing ,
MAiwtittia , August 12. The cholera
panic incrcnpcs dally. The average depart
ures from Marseilles by railway alone are
about two tnouaand per day. As an instance
of laincas with the Marseilles sanitary anther-
Hies to perform tbeir duties , the case of the
captain of an English vensol , lying in this port ,
may bo mentioned. The captain' * daughter
died of cholera aboard the chip , Ho nt once
notified the authorities and rt quested disin
fection of the vessel. Although nt noon to
day tbtrty eight hours had oiaped sinca the
glrl'a death , no official action has ynt boon
taken concerning the event by Marseilles au
MADltlD , Aug. 12. Thirty-five now cases of
cholera nnd nineteen dm tin reported In this
city jc&tcrday , fifteen of tlin now cases in one
street. This discovery ciusod a teneation and
the nuthoritlcs are vigorously dleinfecting the
thoroughfare ,
PARIS , Augnst 12. "Dt Courcoy telegraphs
an followa : LTnve fixed headquirtera nt
UaiphonRluriui | ; thoprevalensonl the cholera ;
there were soventcen deatha from cholera
yesterday in Ilulphong , and sixty-six pcnons
arc down with lho disuaao. Wo have n htriro
number of volunteer nurses to care for the
sick. There is excellent feeling among the
troop ? .
GIBRALTAR , Autr. 12. A British steamship
lies quarantined off Meracl Koblr , in Algeria ,
with four cases of cholera on hoard. One per
son has dlod of the disease ou the same vessel.
MADRID , August 12. The number rf chol
era casea haa greatly increased. In thia city
fifty now caeea nnd eighteen deaths , nud Ia
the province eleven now casoa nnd thirty
elsht deaths nre reported to-day.
PARIS , Aug. 1 ? . A telegram from Odessa ,
Kutein , si ya there nre ten cases of cholera In
the suburbs of that city.
MARSEILLES , Aug. 12. Deaths from cholera
hero to-day numbered twelve. Twenty-two
now cases were admitted to the hospital ,
VIENNA , August 12. Dispatches from
Odotta btatoa several cases of sickness ressm-
bllnc cholera occurred in the Odomn suburbs
and In consequence all arrivals from Mar
seilles boa been prohibited.
LONDON , August 12. The liberals arc ( jot
ting uneasy about GIsdstcno'd intentions ,
Tha L'nily News thla morning exhorts him to
lend the electoral campaign ,
Letters from Suakim say the troops nro dy
ing like flies. The ollhialf , however , will not
eport the trua condition of affaire.
CALCUTTA , August 12. Lord Duilerln is
actively engaged in strengthening the friend
ship of Indian chiefs. Ho will give n grand
dinner In November. All dignitaries of Cen
tral Asia are expected to attend.
The villages and gardens in the environs of
Herat are being demolished so as to prevent
tlitir ute for concealing the movements of
llussian troops in case of hostilities England
will pay for the property destroyed ,
PARIS , August 12 The memorial sent by
the prime minister of China , LI Hung Chang ,
rctpectlng lho treaty of pcaca recently con
cluded between France ard China shows that
ho desires to remain at peace and to profit by
It in opening up to outsida trade the southern
frontier of the empire ,
LONDON , Auguat 13 The Pall Mall Gazette
states that n member of tbo royal commission
appointed to inquire Into tha depression of
trade waa publicly flogged iu this city this
afternoon for the alleged seduction of his na-
( tillant'a daughter.
PARIS , August 12 Ilepnbliquo Francois
uiHinUins that un Auglo-Chmeaa alliance ,
cffunsivo and defcnelva against Itussla , will
bo perfected. The journal contends that If
Knaland concludes a timllar alliance with
Turkey a war with llueaia will bo Imminent.
VIKNNA , August 12.- The minutes of the
orders issued to officials rf the Northern rail
way company concerning their conduct during
the imperial journey to Kremsior , to meet tha
czar of lluaila , have been issued. Among
other precautions ordered for tbo amperor'n
safely la ona commanding a line of guards to
ha posled nlorii ? the entire route at diatancua
of fifty paced from ouo another.
DUBLIN , August 12. The earl of Oarnarvnn
la recovering from hla Illness. He ia now
nblo to leave hla bedroom ,
LONDON , August 12 , In the house of
lords this afternoon , Salisbury in moving a
vote of thanks tn the army and navy for re
cent ei'rvlcua iu Kgypt , paid a strong tribute
to Generals Wolseley , Graham and other oiU-
caw , Roldlen1 , nnd niuriiiea who took paitln
the Khartoum expedition , for the valor ,
perseverance and high spirit ditplatol in tlio
nrdoua work uf the campaign and also dwelt
on the gallantry of the Australian contingent ,
the Indian troops aud the
Canadian voyagers. The prime minis
ter praised in unmeasured tortna the
valor of Generals Goidon , Earle end Stewart ,
and other olllcers and men who lost their
lives in the Soudan wnr , and fittingly ci-
preasod condolence with their relatives aud
friends , liaron Canington , moderate libsral ,
seconded the motion , which was adopted. It
was noteworthy that lint a slrgle liberal lead
er was present during the absvo proceeding ? ,
The absence of thena is considered iia ndcmon-
itratinu against the motion ,
1 Sir Michael Hicka-ISencb , in the houao of
coinmoni , made n similar 'motion and said
the loyalty thown by the Canadians and Au > -
trallans duilng tboBoadin war showed thaex-
liteuoa of a strong bond between the mother
country and the colonies which would serve
Kngland wnll in cno nf emergency.
The Muiquia of Harrington seconded Bii
Michael's motion , and In his addreis eion
orited Woleloy from all blame for tha munj
thortcomim-j of the Soudan campulgo , be
cause the circumstances attending or cam-
ing them were beyond hit control. The mo
tion was then Adopted ,
Mrs. Mark Patten , eQance of Sir Charle
Dllko , is In InJIi on a pleasure tour , Ot
learnlmr of the scandal with which tha nam
of her intended husband was connected , thi
Immediately telegraphed Sir Charles ti an-
nouDca their engigemout publicly ,
LONDON , August 12 , A dlipatch receivci
this afternoon from Shanghai confirms the re
cent report * to the effect that the KuisUn
occupied the liland of Qnelpiert at tbo en
trance to the Yellow sea , south of the Core *
penln ul , aud couto forty miles to the north
east of Fort Hamilton , recently riportd
occupied by Kngland. The Husnau troop
are erecting iormldibla fort * oil tha islaou
and otherwise adding to the defensive arrargi
monti. The news caused little or no exciti
meat here. Quelpaert hai not a single harbo
Its coaita ara expoted to tba full b'a ts cf tt
monsoon , and , being high and rocky , are ex
ceedingly dangerous to navigation ,
VIENNA , Auguat ! 12. Wolf , special British
envoy to K ypt , arrived hero and will lonvo
jr ( Jonitnutinople Friday to confer with the
ultan ,
DUBLIN , Aug 12 , At the conclusion to-day
of tbn binktuptcy examination In the caao of
Mr , Da Lane , who was connected with the
Munator bank , the judge snld thnt the pro-
eedings had bien both instructive nnd sug
gestive , and had shown that the persons con-
icct d In tha management of the Munster
jaiik nad carried on commercial ttanimctions
finch ought to bo publicly investigated ,
BARATOQA. N. Y , , Auguat 12. Weather
no nnd track in good condition ,
First race Three-quarters mile : Santa
inltn Belle won , Col. Cowan second , Pat
hiedy third. Time , 1:17J :
Secondraco Mile nnd n quarter : Mattie B.
won , Jim Douglas second , Farewell third.
Time. 2:11. :
Third race Mile nnd a futlons : Vole won ,
Gen. Black second , Una B. third , Time ,
:081 :
Fourth race Three-quarters mile : _ Jim
: enwick was , Mngglo J. second , Mission
Belle third. Time , 1:1G. :
Fifth race Onnrnlla nnd seventy ; yards :
anana won , Nindo second , Brail third.
Thno , 1:481. :
BRIGHTON BKACH , Auguat 12. Weather
nn , track fast , lUtonJancn largo
Three quarters of o milo : Granite won ,
Annie L second , Bay Ilobol third , Time ,
Three quarters of a milo : Miller won , Ti -
unBch Bceond , Mary Hamilton third ,
'imn , l:17i. :
Mile nnd ono eighth : Barney Aaron won ,
Cmg B cecond , Arsenic thitd. Tune , lu".t. :
Sovun-olghta of n mile All ages : Tattler
nd Periclos ran dead heat ; stakes divided ;
Executor third. Time , 1:30. :
Mile Maidens of all rges : Briton won ,
Loystorcr second , Viper third. Time , 1:48J. :
Mile nnd a quarter Over five hurdlea :
'allyraml won , founder saond , Boualratta
bird. Time , 2:2CJ. :
At Now York : Metropolitan , 4j Brook-
ru 5.
At Philadelphia : Athletic , 12 ; Baltimore ,
At Detroit : DoSroit , 7 ; Chicago. 9.
At Buffalo : Buffalo , 10 ; St. Louis 3.
At Bjfton : Ivew York 3 , Boalou 2.
At Providence : Philadelphlo , 2 ; Provl-
ouco 0.
ThoBny Oily Strike
BAY Crrr , Mich. , Augmt 12. This mori-
air about 0 o'clock , n telephone message was
eceived by Sheiiff Brennan stating thnt
le strikers had forcibly shut down Carrier ,
[ eath & Co."a aaltblock , and asking asalst-
nce. He responded with a number of depu-
es , and reached the scone as the strikers
were leavinf. He ordered tkem lo disperse ,
t which Ihey yelled and heeled at him , Ha
iroceodcd to talk to them , but they refused to
isperao , whereupon he undertook to arrest
na who seemed to be tha le.vlor. The strik-
ra Interfered , and for ncma lima disorder
cignod , Clubs and edgings wore drawn and
eed ou the officers , who drew revolvers ,
hariff Brennau was ohot in the forehead by
n unknown man In the back of tha crowd ,
t proved , however , to be only a akin deep
'ound. He also received a blow on tbo left
do of the head with a club. Ho fired two
lots from a revolver , and a few other1 shots
iruro exchanged by thn officers and rioters ,
/hen blood betrauto How , the rioters began to
ieperee in all directions. The deputies nr-
eated nine and now hnvo them in jail. Three
rfour rioters are wounded. This Is tl'O first
loodahed clnco tbe third day of the strike.
The InsurRiico Fraud ,
NlwYoiiK , Auguat 12. Tha Peat has a
erica of interviews upon tha action of cortai n
fo insurance companies yesterday , In causing
10 body of Mrs , Lewis Bauer to be exhumed ,
tie charge being that a large amount of in-
uranca had boon fraudulently secured on her
ife oy her hue baud. Bauer's attorney
nd friends eay that his action
liroughout has been perfectly honorable ,
'hat the action on the part of comuatSeals
bo result of a pressure on Bauer's part to
scare a settlement of his just claims , and
lioy intimate further that investigation into
oma of the assessment insurance companies
would show largo turns In claims fraudulently
ritbheld. Bauer Is vouched for by the vico-
'resident ' of tbo Equitable Life , which com-
. any haa laid the policy on Mrs. Bauer's life ,
iauer has not been arrested.
Jovcrnnionc Troops VIctorloiiB Tin-
morality In Iilnm.
LIMA , ( via Galveston ) , Auguat 12. Trujlllo
waa occupied by thi government troopa with-
ut resistance , tha Montenoroa having retired
0 tbo interior. A fight took placa ut Barco ,
n the .Hhiuat. , between a body of govern
ment troopa numbering fifty , and a party of
unteneroa. Th3 latter were defeated and
lf > lit of their officers taken prisoners.
The paper Cnmpeon lias Icon producing nr-
icles from tha Pall Mall Gazette , nud , in
ommenting thoraon , says seine immoral
irncticea are carried on m Limn , The matter
ma been liken up by the government. The
causation ia , however , ridiculed by the rest of
ho press , .
Honda's Ship Yard.
CHESTED , Pa , , Augnit 12. R. W. Steele ,
irosidont , and John B , Hoover , of the naval
loard appointed to examine and take an In
ventory of the three ciuisors , Chicago , At-
anta and Boston , arrived at Roach's ship
ard to-day for the purposes
1 thtir appointment. Nothing
a to bo dona until the other members of the
> oard have reported for duty , They are ex-
lected to-inorrow.
A lorco of SCO men are at preaent employed
n the yard completing the work upon the
ast steamer under Itoach'n contract with the
Miilloy line. It ia expected that the vessel
vill be ready for delivery to the owners a
week from to-day , at which time the yard will
> o closed.
Tlio New York Monument Committee.
EW YORK , Auguat 1 ? , The executive
commitleoof the Grant monument fund met
to-dny. Charles Cornell waa authorized to
designate agentt for the reception of subscrip
tions In the different Btatoa. A. Fox , cashier
of the Metropolitan National bank at Deadwood -
wood , Dakotn , was appointed agent there. It
was resolved la establlih a branch at Rlver-
tide park , and , if possible , to erect a place
near Gen. Grant' * tomb to plica photographs
on sale. The total amount received up to
date Is $38,619 ,
A JiulKinont ito-entercd.
NEW YORK , Aug. 13. Judgment was reentered -
entered tc-day in .favor of Klmer K. Whit-
taker against tha insolvent firm of Grant &
Ward , for $31,338 , In proceeding ! brought in
the aupri'ine court , to which no defense wac
Interpuitd , Judgment WAS recovered upon
promittory notes cf tha firm of Grant &
\Vaid made to the order of James 1) . Fish ,
which came into the hands of Mr. Whittaker ,
but were never paid.
On the Qiound of Insanity ,
HEADING , Pa. , Aug. 1' ' , Daniel Nell , wbc
eeveral months ago set tire to the out-buildlDf
on Augustus Wentpel'i farm iu this county
welch resulted in the burning of four p raonr
WM acquitted hero thia afUrnooD , on thi
Trouod of insanity ,
The Rapid Delivery SrslGi Explained
in Detail ,
A Brooklyn Youth Murders His
Step Father ,
Cleveland Lumber Flics In Flnmca
A Bond Thief Washington
Notes , Etc.
WASHINGTON , Aug , 12. A circular relating
; o tlio immediate delivery ( ystein , which Is to
30 put in opomtion on October 1 , ha * been
iroparod and wilt be cent to postmasters nt
once. After quoting eoctlon 3 of the postof *
ice appropriation bill , which provide * the
.errr.s under which Immediatn deliveries can
> o made , the Jlrculnr says : It hna according-
y been decided to introiiuco the special deliv
ery eye tern on October 1 , 1880 , nt all postof-
\cai \ at which it Is permitted by law ,
viz : These at which the free delivery lystom
9 In operation and at thoio cities ttud
towns havli'g ' n population of ' 1,000 or over , ns
hewn by the lost federal census. Suitable
Supplies of these
will be sent to any peat office in the country
vhich majj make requisitions for them , and
when received they rn to bo taken up by
he postmaster tn hta account current ,
and accounted for quarterly in the name mnn-
lor as ordinary postage stamps. They are to
10 sold by postmasters in nny rt quired
tmount , nud to any person [ who may apply
or thoiD , but they CAU bo used only for thn
mrposeof securing the immediate delivery of
otters addressed to and received in the mails
it ono ot the cilices designated as special de-
ivery offices. Under no clrcumtancea nro
hey to ba used in the payment of
> "Btagos of rxnv description , or of registry fee ;
lor can nny other stamps bo employed to
except the special delivery stamp. The
pedal delivery stamp mutt ba la addition to
awful postage , and Jotters not prepaid with
at loost one full rate of postage , in accordance
vith the lawa and regulations , inuat bo
> roatrd as held for post&ge , even
hough bearing a special delivery stamp in
addition to the full postage and registry fee
equired by the lawa and regulations. Special
lolivery stamps must be effectually cancelled
, t the oflico of mailing in the same way as or-
linary postage stamps. Letters bearing
pecial delivery stamps in addition to lawful
> 03tago may be mailed at any postoflice
u the country , but it will not
10 entitled to an immediiito
delivery by messenger when addressed to a
) oatoffico to which tba special delivery syatara
iaa not been extended.
will bo delivered by menBengera within the
carrier limits of a free delivery office , and
vttbin n radius of one nula from the
> oBtoIHce at all other special
delivery offices. } Postmasters at fourth-class
offices are not entitled to commissions on
pecial delivery stamps In nny case. No cf-
ort will bo spared to expedite the mailing of
ettcra bearing special delivery stamps ad
dressed to special delivery offices.
Postmasters are urged to use all available
means for furnishing the public with informi-
iou with regard to the special delivery sye-
; em. A list of special delivery offices wall be
urnished to postmaster ? , and must be con
spicuously posted on the poatoffico where It
vill readily attract public attention.
Postmaster General ,
> y the postmaster general embodies technical
nstructiona to postmasters concerning the
above system , It directs postmasters to
employ the rrquisito number of mos-
itngor boys to ensure prompt de-
ivery , and provides that substitute letter
carriers may be employed as measengers , and
receive the came compensation as other mes
sengers , but in no case shall the compensation
laid to any ono person exceed thirty dollars
) er month. "rwoobjecta"saya the postmaster
general , "mu't be particularly and strenuous-
y Bought ; iiret a moat efficient delivery
service and second to bring tbo service up tea
a revenue yielding condition.
NEW YOBK , August 12.An evening paper
tales that Thomas J. Armstrong confessed to
laving killed his stop-father , A. 11 , Derrick ,
n Brooklyn , last Monday night.
Tba murder of Albert Horrlck in Brooklyn
still continues to attract attention. The
statements of his stop-eon , Thomas Arm
strong , who la in custody on suspicion of
committing tbo crime , in regard to
bia movements on the day of the
murJor have been found to ba untrue ,
and when taxed about it bo admitted
they were. Detectives talked with him last
night and this morning , aud it was currently
reported that Armstrong had
md that the work of detectives was ended.
Later Armstrong was arraigned in court , and
affidavits read to him in connection with the
crime. Then followed a itatcmentma-iobythe
prisoner to the detectives in his cell last
night , It cet forth that when the
deceased returned to hit ) homo in lircok'yn
on Monday afternoon bo found the priiourr
.heronnd upbraided him , Horrlck chased
tihn down into the cellar , and the prisoner
drew a pistol and
When ho left the house altar the shooting , ho
carried the pistol with him , and threw tc into
the Kast river , lie went to bis
nun fa .in Iloboken , where ha was arroited ,
This statement caused n tensation in the
court ream. The accused , through bia coun
sel , pleaded not guilty. The prisoner was
then remanded to tba earn cf tbo po
lice to await the action of
the grand jury. The coroner has
empanelled n jury , but has not fixed a time
for holdicg an Inquest , This prisoner , in
speaking ; of the ir.att r to the police , raid be
only acted ID eolf-defenee ; that he was writIng -
Ing a Utter to his mother when hij stop-father
catna in and quarrelled with bun ,
WASHINGTON , Acgust 12 , The recent ac
tion of the treasury department in reducing
the forca of epecial inspectors of foreign steam
vessels to half the present number Is due to
he fact that the inspector service has dimin
ished in about that ratio alnco it was origi
nally organized by Ifo'gcr. ' This explanation
11 made BO that the fact that the number o
officer * dismissed may ba properly understood
and not considered as reflecting in any way
upon their ability and integrity ,
Three ofDceri of tha signal lervlce Licul
A.V. . Greeley , Fifth cavalry ; Fitit Lieut.
Uobert Craig , I'nurth artillery , and Firs' '
l.itut. II. II , 0. Dunwoody are Included in
the provisions of the recent order direct
lug line officers who bare been on detatchtc
duty for four yea's , back to their regimenti ,
Exception , however , will probably be made la
the case of Lieut. Greoley , in order to allow
bim to finish hla repot t on the Arctic expe
ditlon ,
A hcarinir , lasting eoven houri , was BC
ended by Secretary Limar to-day to tie
counsel in what nro known as the Onto
URROU land cases in Michigan , Thr >
parties in interest ore the original
pre-cmptors on cno hand , and on the other
certain caih purchaser ? , who held that the
land was not open to settlement under the
pro emptirm law , end that the entries were
illegal , The hearing la to continue to-mor
row. Ex-Senator McDonald and several em
inent lawyers arc amocg the counsel.
AtfcrlotiB VI ro t ClovclMtd.
CLEVELAND , August 12. About 1-.HO a , in. ,
a Cro broke out In the planing mill of the
Sturlevnut Lumber company , on the flats.
Three steamers responded to the alarm , nnd
i > y tITectlvo worksuojcedod in partially sub
duing the flames , The fire broke out afresh B
lew minutes ago , however , and Is now
burning furiously , and eproading rapidly ,
The dry house and many lumber
piles are in flames , nnd although four more
steamers have been calif d , it is not probable
the fire will soon bo subdued , It will bo
impossible to get any details about the lots
nd Insurance for sonro time , as all ia conlus-
on about the econo of the fire , but tha lops
will ba very great. It Is supposed the mill
was struck by lightning , a tuundet shower
jeing now in progress here
2,45 a. m , Twelve streams nro now pouring
vnter on the flamcB , which Imvo since tproad
.o an adjoining lumber yard. Their effort ? ,
together with a heavy fall of rain , are , how
ever , rapidly provlnp ( llectivo , and It is now
thought tha loss will be kept within $100.0:0. :
A Heavy Haul.
NEW YORK , AugusljlS.-HubertB. Urooks
vaa nrraigaed in court this afternoon , charged
vith having abstracted SI , COO In bonds of the
'lint & I'iero Marqunttu rallwav company ;
> 4,00)in bonds of the Milwaukee , Like Shore
is Western railroad company ; § 8,000 In
> ocda of tbo New York , Chicago &
5t , Louis railroad company ; § 1,000
n bonds of the Delaware , Lackawannn &
iVeatcrn railway company , and $ .10 in bonds
of the Burlington , Cedar JUpids & Northern
allroad company from his aunt. Mis. Sarah
M , Cogswell , of Plalnfield , New Jersey.
Jroiks canm to this city with the bonds nnd
lied to dlspase of them , Thn police were
lottfied ana young Brooks arrested , The
> ends wore found intact nt his hotel , JSrooka
VM remnnded , uud will ba taknn to Pluiu-
teld , Naw Jersey , to answer for hia ciime ,
Ono of GlfVtland' ) | AllHtakos.
DENVER , Col. , Auguat 12. C. P. Judd ,
ppointed by the president on May ICth last
o bo special rgeni of the national labor
rareau for Nevada and the territories , was
nought hero from Alamosa to day on a war-
ant cbargiog him with stealing. Judd drew
ip and signed a statement to-day , admitting hia
; uilc , and that ho has served a term iu the
> enitantiary at Lonyenworth , Kansas , nnd
wo terms in the penitentiary nt Colorado for
\ similar otlenso. Judd claims his applica-
ion for n government position was signed by
overal well known democrats of Colorado , to
vhich tata his nppolntireut is accredited ,
A CuHtuniH Order.
NEW YORK , August 12. The Sun to-mor-
ow will say : The United States treasury
leparlment has authorized the American ex-
iress company to receive the baggage of nas-
engers from Kuropo upon arrival in Now
York , to bo forwarded immediately in bond ,
without examination , to the principal ports
of entry in the United States and Canada ,
where dutiop , if nny , will ba assessed , This
vill relieve traveller from the delay and an
noyance attending the present system of ex
amination at New York. The express com-
iiny gives a bond of $1,009,000.
The QrcatPstyFripcdl of Mexico.
CITY OF MEXICO ( via Gnlveaton ) , Aug. 12.
At a reception accorded by Minister of
foreign Affairs Marucil to the committee
Appointed by the American colony , President
Jiaz stated that ho was very happy to be
able to c flicially and personally sbow hia ru-
pect for the great American soldier , states
man and citizen , and wbilo recognizing his
uperior eminence QJ such ho did not forget
.hat Grant was the greatest friend Mexico
over had , _ _ _
No Irish Need Apply ,
OTTAWA , Ont. , August 12-Tho attention
of the state department having been called to
ho appointment of the fenian , Jas , Whalen ,
if Buffalo , to the consulship of the United
5 tales at Fort Kiie , it is announced that
nothing can bo done in the matter as nt pres
ent , as the dominion government has not
jeen officially notified of his appointment. It
s understood that Whalens oxequaturo will
is refused ,
An Oratlnii That W B Not Suppressed.
ian Francisco Correspondence Sacramento
Iu 1874 Sntro , as well as Sharon , was B
candidate for the United States Senator-
shlp. The Hon. Tom Fitch arrived in
Virginia , and took Editor Djggott , cf the
SatarprUe , tinea Congressman and Min
ster to Hawaii , to hia rooms at tbo
lotol , "Llo down there aud smoke a
cigar , Dag. , " slid the orator of the silver
ongao. "I rrBut to load you somothlug. "
Ana ho pulled out a manuscript and reader
: or an hour. It was a fearful scorcher ,
devoted to Sharon , a fire of ridicule ,
abuse and soirlng clcqaenco of the xuo > t
virtnons and defamatory kind. Daggott ,
who was doing hla best to elect Sharon ,
cot enjoyed the oration immensely In his
ibnractor of a literary man. "What do
ton mean to do with th&t thing , Tom ? "
10 inquired , when the grand Broadside
of a peroration had boon fired. "Deliver
, t from balcony of the International
lotol a week from to-night. I'm having
.ho pojtora printed for billing the ton a
a-momw. " "But why should yon go
'or ' Sharon ? It'a none of your fight , yon
{ now. " ' 'True , my friend , but It would
a great calamity to the country to
mvo such a nun an William Sharon In
, ho United States senate. I've ' como all
; ho way from San Frauclsoa to prevent
t. " 'Could nothing Induce you to fore
go your Intention ? " "Wi-11 , " raid Mr.
L < 'itcfc thoughtfully "I auppoeo I might
30 coaxed not to deliver this speech , "
Tiio manuscript vraa carried in Mr.
Shaion. Ho eat down to r a d It before
the fire In hia room behind the Bank of
California. At the second page he
jumped up. At the third ho sir ore , and
ut down again , At the fourth
ho vras with difficulty prevented
from throwing the whole thing Into tbo
fire. "Fitch nor no win living
will over got up in public and say such in
famous things us these about me I" cried
Mr. Sharon furiously when ho hid fin
ished. "Here , " ho shouted , seizing hla
book and writing out n check for $10-
000 , "take that to the villain and choke
him with it. Stay , " ho added aa the
lawyer who was acting aa Intermediary
reached the door , "just wait a minute. "
The millionaire wrote a eooond check for
$500 and pi ! ted it over. "Pleate lund
that to Mr. Fitch , with my cnmpll-
menti/'aald Mr. Sharon , courteously ,
"and say to Lira for mo that hla arraign
ment of Sutro Is capitally done moat
elcquentand truthful. Tbo public inter-
eat will bo served by KB delivery. " And
on the eventful night when the urbough'
populace tutflcd out before the Iuterna <
tlonal to eujoy the expected fliylue ci
Shiron they were given Sutro for t
rlBthu Instead. It vsa tha lama speech ,
word for word , that had been road tc
* Di ggett. Out ; the n&mea vrero charged
The Gallic Pens Filled With a Heavy
Day's ' Receipts ,
Corn the Duly Ooreal that Met
With a Steady Market ,
The NM Ion's Oh lei IM KlBtr to Bate
From the ilun ry Horde or
Olllco Seekers ,
Special Telegram to the BKE ,
CHICAGO , Aucust 12. llocclpts werohtm-y ,
yet out of the 8,000 to 9,000 on sale there was
, COO to1,000 Texnnn and northwestern rang
ers , which would louva tha number of rcnlly
irltno to choice nntlvcs not n % all cxcostivo ,
! c t natives sold equally as high as ycsteiday.
) ther prime to choice natlvoi sold nt 55.CO tn
' 5.80 and along there , nod tiecoad-claes cattle
nt 90.00 to.r.COwithirrAeaurant S1 25 to ? 1 UO ,
L'oxans dropped lf > (31"c. ( ! Shipping steers ,
1.35U to 1,500 Ibj , § . " 20@5.)3 ! ) ; 1.20U to 1,330
bn , gl.70@5C5 , 930 to 500 Ibs , SUO@
) .CO. Wtstern ranpors lOe lower ;
ales CO Wycmins , l.OG'J pounds , 81 50j
2'J ' Wyoming , 1,110 ibs , Si 75j 1.2'JO Wyo-
ning and Texni , UM Ibs , Sl.SO ; 118 Wyomlner
and Texiw , 007 Ibs , 5.1.90:83 Colorado , 1,070
hi , SI.00 ; 12J Colorado. 1,013 Ibs , Sl.V5j ; 107
MonUua , 1170 Ihi , ? l SO1'J Montana cowa ,
S31hs , S3.7G.
The market opened steady r.ntl firm on
iscliiuR nnd mixed Eorts , hut closed weak and
unsettled , and 5@10o lower. The
auso of tbe decline \vna a weak and unsettled
ondition of ihn provision market , Tacking
nd fhippiDg , 'J'O to 300 Ibf , 54.85f4403 ; Hjzhc
neichts , 130 tn 170 Iba , SI.OO@1.U5 ; 18J to 210
ba. § I23@1CJ.
THtl GftAlN PIT.
Special Telegram to The BKK.
CHICAGO , Aut ? , 12. On 'chanRo to-day the
rain list was unsettled nnd Irregular , and
ewer to the extent of nearly lo in wheat ,
'irly In the dav pretty much nil factions
woio haainpting tha market , but toward the
IOBO of thu morning session the bulU turned
round and resumed their usual tactics of
rying to hold the market. Rsceipts were
ighter. Wheat was quito unsettled , contrary
, o the expectations of the bulls. It opened at
about yesterday 'B closing prices , and Instead of
nactiup from the low prices which prevailed
hen , sold lower. Advices from the norihweit
how that threshing has already commenced
n Boue localities , and tha hears confidently
assort that there will be plenty of now wheat
n Uuluth before the end of next week. The
opening on Soptomhar was at 89ie , but by
0:30 : it bad sold down to SSie , whtro heavy
myiog against puts stopped U for awhile , hut
ater It Bold d iwn toSS c. Prom tlih paint it
made spasmodic recoveries of J Jis but the tone wan weak , with quite free sellers
or all futures.
vias relatively steadier , A heavy feeling
n the wheat pit caused very light trading in
his grain during the greater part of the sea-
Ion. But the feeling grew firmer toward the
loan from natural cawcs. September corn
ptmtd atICgo , sold up &c , then down to 46c ,
nd then bacfc reaularly to 4GJ2. Light re-
eits of corn together with the fact that the
logs now coming m are grass fed show a
mall stock of earn in the country , were the
irimary cautcs of firrnnesB.
a moderate trade , and fluctuated only io in
auy future. Depression elsewhere affected
hla grain unfavorably , calling off a good
many traders.
elt weaker than for a week past , and broke
off 16@25c in pork , tha outside bamg for Sep-
, ember delivery , Early In tha day tbe
narket waa held on light receipts at the
yards , but a Weak feeling in other markets
eon sold it down within the limits named.
Special Telegram to the BEE ,
ALDANY , N. Y , . August 12. These who un
derstand President Cleveland's pluo , ray he
vill be in no hurry to return to Washington
before the first of October , though he may find
t necessary to get back sooner. He has pur-
posolyaought a secluded , out-of-the-way region
n which to rpand his vacation , in order to
oecapo oflico-tceltlng nnnoyanco , the
ocality being distant ; from railroads , and
accessible by only one line of telegraph. His
ecretary has instructions to send him none of
lis mall matter from Washington , and not to
communicate with him at all unless in tha
ivent of an extraordinary emergency.
are to ba entirely ignored for the time being ,
and will receive but little attention betwren
now and after the mteting of congress in De
cember. Advices from the Adirondacks tins
morning report that the president and hia
rlend , Dr. Ward , of Albany , have reached
heir destination in the north woods , and have
commenced their toason of rest and recreation.
The fact Is , the president greatly feels the
need of a rest. He haa been overworked and
worried during the past five month , to such a
Icgreo that he li not only tired out but much
diPRUsted by the hungry and Importu
nate politicians. When he left Al-
> any Monday , ho said ho frit that
le had "escaped an experience worse
han that cf n prisoner of war , " and was very
ltd for an opportunity to got rest and a little
un on bis own account.
A petition la being circulated throughput
tha Btate bv Cochituuta , Mass. , parties ,
appealing to Secretary Bayard to use his in-
luenca In behalf of Louis Kiel , as ho Is an
American citizen.
At Voungstown , Ohio , to-day , Frank nnd
John Dcn&huo were buried beneath a fall of
earth in n stone quarry , Tha fprmar wag
disemboweled , and lived only a ehort time.
Tha injuries to the latter are believed to bo
The family of Dankl Ashbough , Jr. , near
New Philadelphia , Ohio , wore poisoned yes
terday by eating toad-etoola. One boy died
to-day and the mother and n ycung child are
not expected to live until morning. Two
pirls oarnvd Itichardion , from the Dayton
Orphans Homo , who were visiting the family ,
are iu a critical condition.
The Greenwood Iron Work * , operated by
the 1'arrott Iron company , at Greenwood , K.
Y , ( hut down last night. It Is utatod that the
eainpany is financially embarrassed , but no
alignment has been made , Tha liabilities
are said to bn from S1CP.OOO to 82C0.030 , will
assets of $500,000 ; 85,000 or $0,000 > e duo
tbo employe ! .
TteGrcenbaelc-Lab < r patty of Penniyl-
vanU held their state convention uOIrlo yes
terday ,
At Chautauqus , N. Y , , yeitord&y , thelUp-
tUta , GonpregatKjnalUU , Methoditt Kpiico
oallaua , 1'roteituots , Kptgcoiialians , the
lUformcd Kpiiojpnlltni , the Proi-
byterians , the United Brethren
the Cumberland , PreabyteiUni , and the V.un
ll h Lutherani , each hbld a Buaday nchoo
congreia on tbe ground * .
A cyclone in Korwood , St. Lawrence conn
ty , N. Y. | ye terd y d stipyed tavwal houtei
and buildings In Oidensbnrg , nad the Luke
CtumplMn rallrond bridge. Several persons
were killed , T legr ph communication has
been interrupted ,
It Is now believed by the proprietors that
the burning of the Moutrzuum hotel latt Sat
urday nt Las Vrgaj was the work of an In-
ccndiarr. Tha m nagement will bring the
inspected perpetrator to jiutlce if posilble.
Tha rogattn of the Nntionnl Amateur oars-
racn began at Boston yostorday.
A cloud burst Inundated HolTmaa'R Terry ,
N. Y. , y ester , y.
Tha Amalgamated Iron Association nd.
journrd yesterday , nt Wheeling , after elect
ing olliccrs.
Charlea Wright , of Wetherafield. Conn. '
ngod Bovonty-four , waa found dead iu his
barn last night.
Ninety young ladles took the veil nt the
Wllkeabarro , Pa. , convent yostorday.
The Chicago health department pronounce
the reported cato of lenro > v to bo violent
scrofuU nnd syphilla , A Chlnnmnn ia the
" .At Cedar KnpidV , Iowa , yesterday , the
.inn county democratic convention cho o
thirteen fusion-Whiting dolcgatos to tha state
convention ,
SAN FKANCISCO , August 12 , The Central
? ncfic ! railroad laud ollicc , while maklntr up
a map of railroad lands in Idaho nnd Utah ,
nmdo the strnngo discovery that Idnho
claimed cno boundary line nnd Utah nuothcr ,
and thatitatrip of land two nnd n half miles
ciJo , extending across the northern part of
Jtah wjs left , which by survey does not be-
eng to cither territory. The surveys nre
boao iilod at Salt Lake and Boise City.
1 lie Wcntlior.
WASHINOTON , August 12. For the upper
Miesiisippi valleys Geuernlly fair weather ,
nriablo winds , slight fall in temperature.
For the MlaBourl valley : Fair weather ,
variable winds , nearly stationary temperature ,
vctcluiin , the Broker Ned Stokcn
UavitlHUD , of the Tweed King
( jiiiuiun , thu SMictltiionionB
Flsli and Ward ,
New York Loiter.
The ndmleglon of Banker Flab hero
this week brings to the mind of an od !
jrlaon olliciai many other prominent
Saw Yotkora who have entered Slug
Ling and Auburn prieoco during the last
.weiity ycaia and on joyed npeclal prlvi-
PROP. Thora was Ivotchnm , the Now
York Wall street , broker , who defrauded
the street out of millions. Ho was the
lno of prisoners. Ho had a neparato
&blo ia the hopita1 , bed two poor con-
vista to wait on bim , and that he ralgh *
mvo Bufliclont inilaonco ia the cstima-
ion of the inspectors ho bought up a pac
if the nhoo cantract. Ho had na cilice
milt for hlmsalf , received hla fiienda in
a legal manner , nnd every holiday rpcnt
rom $1,000 to $1 500 for the benefit of
ho poor unfortunates -nho had not hla
vealth , or depended on the etato to fur
nish them with something outside the
asual gingerbread and appltsa always aup-
illod on ititEo occasions.
There was StokeB , who killed Flak. Ho
waa an atistocrat of the first water. Ho
lined ia the hospital in company with
form Simmons , the wealthy policy player
ou Liberty otreor. They had a eeparto
nble , and a colored couvlct to wait on
hem , and every day the grocery wogon
rom the village drove Into the yard , and
heir orders wore taken for even wine and
i.ata. Sack a thing na restraint where
hose men were concerned was unknown.
Tluro was Davidson , ono of the Tweed
Ing. Ho was transferred from Sing Singe
o Auburn. Ho was a blood of the first
vrater. As soon ns ho arrived in Aubnrn
10 was given sumptuous quarters in the
loppllnl , had his own cook and waiter ,
ana lived like a price j , Ho was very geode
o the aick.
Oilman , the sanctimonious owlndler ,
who defrauded Christian aosoclatlonn and
mutual benbfit ntooclallona to the tnno of
two or three hundred thousand dollars ,
was immediately transferred to Aubuin
) rleon , was made a special clerk of the
irlsou association , with an elegantly fitted
ip office , and dined at his own oiponao
n the hospital.
Fish , the banker , has a host of friends ,
and vrlll have absolutely nothing to do
) rovlding ho can pay hla way. Already
10 has been imigned u bed in the hospi-
at , n moat elegantly famished floor iu
; ho upper part of the center building.
L'ho moment Fish arrived ho was trca'od
Ike a truest instead of a convict. His
own bad and bedding woio expressed
o him , ho bad everything ho required
or bodily comforts on hand , Rtid the
only thing ho will hnvo to worry him
rill bo his confinement and disgrace. A
rala conductor who vis talking to Fish ,
and who know him many years , says Fish
said : "They will never convict Ward.
L'hoy will bo afraid to. Ho know too
imriy secret ) , and ho Is just ono of these
ollovrs who , if driven to tbo wnll , will
ell all ho knows. Why , while I was in
[ judlo w street jail ho had 001110 of the
nott prominent men visit him , politicians
and others holding local oflicca. Ho is
the smartest confidocca man In thin
country , but If ovir ho comes where I
am I will kill him ! I toll yon , " the con
ductor said , who repeated this to mo ,
"Fish baj beou inndo a catspanr of , and
Ward has been Instrumental la getting
ilm out uf the way. "
Kxufllont Interest KnlCH.
Montreal Herald ,
Tbo Biistfor in each casa being in centr ,
Deparato the two light-hand iigures ol
tbe anjwcr to express in dollars ant
Four per cent. Multiply the prlncipa
by the number of dayu to inn. Separate
right-hand figure frot/i the product one
divide by nine.
Flvo per coat. Itlulilply number c
days and divide by seventy-two.
Sic per cent.--Multiply number o
deya , separate liguro and dl
vide by sir ,
Eight per cen't. Multiply by nnmbc
of days and dif Ida by forty-five.
Nine per ctf nt , Multiply by nnmbe
of days , tcpvrato rlght-haud ligaro au <
divide by fo'ur ,
Ton per cent. Multiply by number o
dsya and divide by thirty five.
Twc4 > f per cent. Multiply by numbe
of days , separata jiht-haud figure uni
divide 'oy three.
To 'dad tbo tlmo in which a cum o
mnr.ey will double Itntlf at a certain rat
of 'interest , divide seventy-two by th
rate of iotsreat , and the rosalt will b
tie number of years. For example , at
per cent , money will double la eighteen
yei.ra ; at 8 per cent , it double ! In nln
v ars. The role is correct to within
. friction of a year for all rlw from 3 pe
'cent , upward ,
A Damaging : Decision by lho Railroad
Pcol AgaiDst Omalia ,
The Burliugtou nnd Worihwostoru
Must Ship to Ohiongo
The U. r. Scinl-Anniinl Stntciiiont
The Tolcgrnph TrmiRfor-Tho
Ont t KnngftR Cltj- .
ipecial Telegram to tha UEV ,
ClllOAao , Aug. 12.-Coininis8lonerFnithorn ,
f the Western Freight nesiclntlcn , has issued
decision of much importance to roads intcr-
stcd In cittlo trnllic from Nobrjikn lo Chica-
o , nnd of still greater importnnco to the city
f Omaha. The fact was published some days
tfo that Commissioner Faithorn had made n
rip to Oranhn to examine Into the question ,
egarding through shipment of live stock ,
'ho Union Pacific nelted the privilege of
tiipplng cattle nt local rates nt points on its
otul cast of Plum Creek to Omaha nnd In
vent of the stock not find ! us n
narkot nt tha1 place roahipplng nt the
hrough rates from the point of origin
o CiuciRo. From some stations the local
ntcs to Omnha were higher , and from others
ewer than on through ratea. The Iowa lines
ro entitled to CO par cent , nnd thn Union
'ncifio to 40 per cent. At n recent moating
: io subject wai brought up , aud nf Lor Eomo
iscussion lho commiiisloncr wns requested t < j
xaininu the nuestion nnd submit a report ,
mbodying hla ruling. ItVM pent out ycs-
xrday , and la to the following elfect :
"Tho Union Pacific ia not nllowod to mo
> cal rates , nnd nil live stock cf the class in-
icntcd mint bo connigned throughout to Chi-
ago , but it will 1)3 allowed to ( top conglgn-
pentant Omaha , nud In event of their nla the
own lines' proportion will be deducted
n tha business reported to the pool
t will ho nllowod to rlo tliiabccauso Omaha is
to terminus of tbo Union 1'iiciiio or on its
irect line , The privilege , however Is denied
o the Burlington & Missouri , nnd Sioux City
; Pacific Broads for the reason that In order
o reach Omaha they would divert bminesa
rom their through lines whKh croaa the river
t PlaUamouth nnd Blair. "
The Union Pnsifio will hardly bo satisfied
with the decision as it restrict * lho delay
f stock at Omaha to n reasonable
mo and it caunot avail it-
elf of the through and local
ate ns it might please co chooso. Whether the
iurllngton nnd Northwestern will feel ngl-
oted over fating shut out will ba developed
, tcr. Omaha derives eubstnntml benelu as
10 privilege of stopping give * it a chanca to
asocb nil that the market will take nnd re-
ilp the overflow to Chicago. It ia probable
mt the subject will como up nt another
looting of the general freight agenta of the
Sorul-Annual attttoiuctit of tbo Union
BOSTON , August 11. President Adorns , o
the Union faclQc , submitted to the directors
thia inoruinc- statement of the financial re
sults of the half year as compared with these
of the corresponding half of 1831. The re
port ( hews a total iccomo of S3741.180 ; and n
total expenditure nf $3,781,016 ,
This with the United States-
requirements of S381,2 ! ) ' . ' , makes a total de
ficit for the eix months of $427,121. The do
licit for the corresponding period of 1881 was
$317,240 , Land'sales for the six month * cud- .
ing .lune 30th , wore 313,432 ccrei. sggrogat- |
ing S553.42G. as compared witha,051l'J3 acres , |
aggregating 84,127,42/ the corresponding ' fi
period of last year. ' Jj
Tlio Transfer Completed ,
NEW YORK , August 1L' . Klornau'rf newa
agency says : A deed conveying the Bankers
& Merchants telegraph company to the United
Lines telegraph company was to-day sur
rendered to the president ct tha latter corn *
pany under n scheme of reorganization. The
bonded indebtedness of the Bankers & Mer
chants will bo reduced from $10OCOOiOvta
S1,20UOCO. A largo share of- the now bonds
will bo taken by Mr. mokes and his filonds
Ajiother K llroml.
MILWAUKEE , August 12. The Wisconsin
Central ra 1 way has decided to buildttu road *
from ScheiuingervIIlo , lla present sontbarn
tormimts , thirty miles north of this city , to
Chlcggo. Work will ba comuiencad r.t once ,
and tha road will probably bo completed by
January Inoxt. It will make the lait link
of another through line bitwocn CUc3fp nnd
St. Paul nud Lane SupuiSor ,
Tlio Union PAolllc Ont.
KAKSAB CITV , Ho. , August j'JHie Union
1'ucifio thopmon.hcld a meeting to-night ; but
their deliberations woa kept eacrot. Many
of the men say < they cannot support Ihelr , fami
lies at Iho proposed reductions.
Tha Union Pacific shopmen nt ICnnsas City
ppointed a committee which wlll.enJoavor to
ecuro a msdlficatlon oi the OKor for s roduc-
lonof working hours.
At Milwaukee to-day the qnarterlj meetings
f the western aicociation nt general pas en-
; cr ngtata was hold Tuo only businCBS- ,
.raneactad waa of n routine.naturo. The next
mooting ia to be held la Cincinnati ,
vaiirKfFmaattvauusiifwwiymifpiaaamiBaiatrt- .
Paid up Oopltol , 2200,000
Bnrplua Fimd 50,000
N. W , Oor , Farnam nnd 131I .
Moiil'llY , Pretidr.nt.
BAML 10. Ko Jtag , Vice ? rcaldent
liKM U. WOOD , Cashier.
LUTIIEK DitABE , Au't Caebier.
Accoanti DOllc.Hfilf.nd prompt attcuUan glvou
ill Imslnw cntiustul to our care ,
Paya 5 Per Cent , on Time Dopoaits
B fl B
Sells gooclu cheaper than they have
over botn sold in Omaim before ,
since lie ) ms removed to his own
store where ho piya no rent , wtich
reduces his expenses $150 per
month. IIU goods are the very
best that the market affords , and ho
ia popular for square dealing. Ho
leads the trade iu stoves nnd house
t'urtishing uoods , and keeps a large
stock oi hardware , Howard St hot.
10th and 17th ,