Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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i k i frl if. 11 Jt i qit" ' * J jj ii
Wednesday Morningt August 12
There were ono hundred and five entrlu
tnvio for Iho Omaha fair at Secretary Wheel-
t't office yeiterday.
A telegram was received from S. A. Me-
Whortor Monday announcing the death of
his Infant daughter Sunday morning at the
home of his wife's parents at Decatur , III. ,
whsroMr. and Mrs. MoWhortor are now
flitting. The body will bj buried to-dnyand
Mr . MoWhorter who Is prostrated by the
hock will ba taken to the north In the hope
that a change of scenery ra y roatoro her to
At a meeting of the directors of the board
of trade Monday the resignation of Secre
tary TbomM Gibson wfti rocslved and laid
over. Mr. Glbaon Is now In Now York at a
grnltsrlum and wilt not ba able to return for
some time , nnd his eon George Gibson , who
has been acting a ! secretary for some time
will not bo able to continue his duties longer.
The secretary's resignation was not acted
upon immediately nnd Mr. Fred IJ. Lowe
was appointed secretary pro tern.
For Trado. Nanco county lands for
stock of goner * ! merchandise or hard
ware. Addreas John Llndoiholm , Cen
tral Oily , Nob.
A. GM O of Kidnapping.
List Friday , a 11 year-old boy , named
James Homndks , waa kldauppod from
this city. The boy was the only support
of his mother who Is In falling health
and lives In n shanty on Nineteenth and
Mason atrcota. The circumstances of
the boy'a disappearance ara the following :
Towards the evening of last Friday ho was
playing about the store of Holmrod &
Co. , G02 and GOO Thirteenth street , with
his younger brother , eight yoara old. A
farmer , aomawhat under the Influence of
liquor , Induced the boy to go with him ,
promising that ho would have nothing
oleo to do but ride n horao and sell cigars
and that ho would earn aavon dollars a
week , which ho could take homo
to his mother every Sunday. The
boy lisa a liking for horses and
hastened to accept the generous offer.
Ho got into the wagon and was driven of
by the farmer np Thirteenth street , out
of toirn. Who the farmer was and where
ho lives , could not bo ascertained by tbo
dlshasted mother. The only clno nho
has is , tint the farmer loaded n barrel of
ailtnt Heimpod'a. Upon Inquiry there
she was Informed that on that day Mr.
II. M. Eby , whoso postoflico Is Bellevue ,
had bought a barrel of suit there
Another boy who wai present said
that the name of the farmer was Hill.
The mother , who Is tickly , uuablo to
work , and dependent on her oldest boy
for support , la wollnlgh crazy. She has
applied to the police for help but has
been Informed , it Id understood , that
nothing can bo donn for her.
llecelver's Salo.
Sealed proposals will bo received up to
Friday , August 14th , at 10 a. m. , by the
undersigned at 1307 Fnrnam street , for
the purchase In bulk or In parcels of the
stock of goods formerly owned by L L.
Smith , and now In the store rooms , 1307
end 1300 Farnam street , Omaha. Terms ,
cash or part cash , and the balance on
tlmo on approved security.
O. D. WOOLWOKTH , Receiver.
A IVlfo Ucmer.
Monday evening about G o clock , pee n
"pie in the vicinity of Ninth and Farnam
streets were startled by a succession of a
woman's screams , Issuing from the house
of John Fox , next to the Oanfield. It
was discovered that the lord of the honap
hold , Fox , had coma homo -half full oni
had beaten his wlfo severely , knocking
her down and cutting her with some in
strument. The police were sent for , but
when they arrived the bravo man wi\s OB
nowJicro to bo found. His house vsi In
thoroughly searched from top to bottom lu
and at length the search was about to bo
abandoned , when Fox was discovered
crouching In a dark corner in his collar.
Ho was Ukon np to jail and this morning -
ing , as his wlfo would not appear against ty
him , ho was roloaaad upon payment of aCne
Cno of $5 and costs for being drunk. lot
The police eay that this man Fox is a la
nto. Ho has boon known to beat his
fo tlmo nnd again , and only a few
eks ago was sentenced to pay a Cno of 000.
$25 and costs and to bo Imprisoned for
thirty days , having boon found guilty of
boating bis mother. His parents have
pleaded pltoouoly for his rcloisa and
Judge Stonborg freed him tbo other day
npon the payment , by his father of the
$25 line , remitting fifteen days of hia
sentence. ever
Konl Estnto Tranalora. Mr.
Tbo following transfers were filed Au to
gust 10 , with the county clerkand reported
for the BEE by Amos' Heal Eata to agency :
Lcnnder Oummlngs to Sam Road Its 8
and 0 blk 20 Waterloo , Douglas Co. , w d
Wilson Reynolds and wifa to Samuel seph
llhodea Us 8 and ' 9 blkSO Waterloo.Doug-
lea Co. , q o$10. The
Oriaton U Van Orman r.nd wlfo to
Arthur G Kilos w of U 4 blk Q Lowea
lat add to Omaha , w d $100. have
Evert V Smith and wife to Mary
jEitborBnrnalta blk 18 E V Smlth'a
add to Omaha w d $800. and
Preston L , Hooves and wife to Daniel will
F. S , Rogers and wife , lot 2 blk 8 ,
Kounlze'n 4th add to Omaha , w d , 81,100 , ing
LorenzD Y. Morse and wlfo to Mra. the
Frauds B. Gilmore , B A of lot 22 , Roes'
piece add to Omaha , w d , $800. lenge
Daxtor L. Thomas and wlfo to Niels
IP. Faber , lot 25 , Nelson'n add to Omaha ,
rwd , 150.
Army AfCn\ra.
Captain Fredetlsk U. E , Ebateln ,
Infantry , la detailed IB a could
member of .tho general court-martial ap
( pointed to rroet at Fort Sidney , Neb , by the
par&Qrafh 7 special orders No. 117 ,
eerles < 1884 , department of the Platto. and
FJitfc Lieutenant Daniel Oornman , ad
juUut Tvventy-/i t Infantry , la rolfcved
from duty as jadga advocate of the gen noir
eral coart-marlUl appointed to moot at will
Fort Sldnfy , Neb. , by pwagrapu 7 ,
special orders Kb. 117 , aeries 114 , de
partment of the Platto.
Hirst Lieutenant /Solomon / E. Sparrow ,
Twenty- first Infantry , la detailed ai judge
tdvocatu of the geuetal court-martial ap
pointed to meet at Foit Sidney , Neb ,
by paragraph 7 , tpeclal orders No. 117 ,
1881 , department of the Platte ,
u..n , Atlantic , Iowa , Aumiit fitb , to
Mr. nd Mfi. A J. Oaughoy. boy , weight
eight pound * , Mr. Caughey ii in the .Uur-
Jlrjpton & Mlnourl freight oliicu. , .
JutlRO Dnndy Orflors ttio Smith Stock
Into the Hunils ot Receiver
AVoolworlh ,
Ycalordsy another Important atop waa
taken In the Smith caao , which haa for
the paat two or throowoekaboon pending
In the U. S. tribunal.
Court convened In ihe morning , Judge
Dandy In the chair , and after an exami
nation of the report of the fin
ancial condition of the euro-
tloa on Cole and Lowy'a bond ,
Mexra. Woodworth , Mllja and Hanlon ,
United Statea Marshal Blorbowor deci
ded to accept the bond , T.'ao aUachlng
creditors , seeing that farther fight waa
naolB5 , decided to accept the aecorlty ,
nnd ao notified the judge.
After reviewing the clrcnmatancca of
the case briefly , Judge Dandy lasuedtho
following order , for the marahal to turn
the gooda over to the plaintiffs , Mcssrj.
Oolo and Lowy :
This ciueo comiug on to bo hoard npon
tlio oicoptlon of the defondanta to the
anfficlenoy of the aurotloa on the delivery
bond taken and approved by the marahal ,
it la ordered that the aaid bond and the
sureties thereon bo approved , and that
the nursbal deliver the property in ques
tion to the plaintiff. And It la ordered
and adjudged that the plaintiff have and
recover from aald defendants the coat of
thla action from the filing of the cxcop-
lions to tills data , to bo taxed by the
clerk. ELMEK S. DUNDY , Judge.
Continuing ho aiid : "Thero
1) a farther atop which I have
decided lo tako. That la to order the
receiver to take the gooda from the
plalntlffi , aoll them , and turn too cash
over Into the handa of the United States
clerk , ao that It may bo allowed to draw
ntorcat during the subsequent litigation.
Then the money will bo turned over to
be proper party or parties , BO aoon aa
, ho case la finally decided ono woy or
ho other. " The following order waa
made by the judge :
Thla day tbia caneo came onto bo hoard
upon the order made by the court in , the
Ivll action of Lowla Cole , plalntlfl , va.
) avid W. Miller , pending in this court ,
or the delivery of the property , which ia
ho aamo property for which n receiver
us boon appointed heroin , to said Lends
jolo , the roapondent abava nimod. It
a therefore ordered that npon the dellv-
ry of aaid property by aald marahal to
aid Cole , the receiver , 0. D. Woolworth ,
ppointed herein , in pnrtuinco of the
erms of hla appointment , immediately
; ako possession of ( aid property and all
loroof , and hold the aamo anbject to the
rder of the court.
Said receiver la horaby ordered to nd-
ertlao for bids for aatd property oltho
n balk or parcel , for caah or on approvec
ocarity , and submit the earao to the
ourt or judge thereof for farther orders
aid receiver la further ordered to make 1
full and complete inventory of al
iroperty coming into hla possession anc
ilo n copy thereof In thla court. Ho la
arthor ordered to take all nocosaary
cpj to guard , protect and care for the
amo until farther ardor , by Insurance
nd otherwise.
Mr. 0. D. Woolworth , the receiver ,
111 Immediately take atcpa to secure the
ook , and win follow out Jndgo Dandy'a
rdor. It haa not been decided yob
bother the Bale will be a public or a
irlvato ono , whether caali payments only
III bo allowed , or whether tlmo oalea \
ill bo mado. The money which will bo
allzed , Judge Dandy ordered dopoaltod
the Omaha National or the First
atlonal bank.
The result of the examination Into the
worldly wealth of Herman Lowy shows nell
that ho waa the possessor of aoraothlng j
llko $300,000 , In bonda and real estate. ness
The probable wealth of Mr. Geo. S. at
Mills , ono of the bondsmen , waa ostlma- n
nt 8125,000. 0. D. Woolworth'a
nealth waa estimated at $50,000. Ho at
hid no Indebtedness to apeak of. this
Frauk P. Hanlon estimated hla wealth such
followc ; ed
Citir jns' Bank of Stanton . § 23,000 on
National Bank , of Norfolk . 10,000
Total . $33,000 pro
Adjoining the town site of Madison ho of my
owna 320 acrea of land ; In Stanton coun I
320 acrea , ono-quirtar section of which each
adjolna the town of Stanton ; a houao and
In Omaha. On the first tract of land build
a mortgage of $240 , not duo until next
April. Thla real estate , with the bank
atock , nmkoj Hanlon'a wealth ever $50- W
000.Jndgo Dandy , In commenting upon the
bond , remarked that ho considered it
good for at least $300,000 , and had no The for
hesitation In Baying that It would furnish
ample security for $110,000 , the amount
required. At 2:30 : yeaterday afternoon
Marshal Blorbower turned the property
to Cole , and simultaneously Cole
transferred it to Racolvor Woolworth.
. Wooworth will Immediately proceed
take the inventory of the gooda aa Wi
ordered by Judge Dandy.
Tips quire
Manager Kay , of the Athletic park , IB
corresponding with the olubs of St. Jo w
and Leaven worthwith a view to co- "
curing them for a series of gamca hero. VV
St' Joseph team wants to oomo hero
Saturday and Sunday , but want a guar W
antee of $175 for throe Eamea. Toiiin
been telegraphed them , to which no
anawor haa yet bean made. The Loavan-
worth club want to como hero onlhe ] 22d
23d , and It la probable that the series
bo arranged.
The loc l baacbill enthusiasts are await
anxiously that $1,000 challenge from VV
Hastings team which waa to have ap
peared in the "Ollppor. " If the chal
la ever made It will ba promptly W
A Painful Accident , W
Yesterday moraliig Mra. Bobotkcr met qulrea ind
a moat painful accident by running .
noodle ao deeply Into her hand that it ' '
not even bo traced to the point
where U rested. Lockjiw waa feared aa
suffering waa Intense. Dr. Hanche-U
dowa npon the needle , finding It Im V >
bedded in the small bonoa of tbo hand ,
successfully extracted it. Mra. Ho-
botkor was under the Influence of an on-
esthetic during the operation. She M
doing well , and it IB hoped her hand
bn roitord to ui < >
Uidn M
tdi mid
Id by
Tli's ' ponder never yarlei , A marvel of
ftrenith and wbolesomened. More economical thwi
the ordinary klndt.and cannot be toU tn eomintl
lion with the multitude of low test , hori wolgbl
nf physokato powders. Bold only In cant
nor r , nAkiNo POWDBII co. . 108 wail BI : n , v
" Use nothing but Natural Mineral
Water , such as APOLLJNARIS ,
free from all vegetable poisons"
Boston Journal ,
Of all Grtvcrt , Dmszistl , & Min. H'at. Dcaltrs-
All adv crtisementt in the special columns uilt
be charged at the rate cf 10 cent ! per lint or the
first itisertion , and 7 cent ! per line for each ubse-
lucnt insertion : A'o advertifcmtnt will be inserted
for lest than 15 centi for the first timcl
MONKV TO LOAN- Loans made on roil citato land
oantr&ct ? , chattel ) , collaterals or Rood securi
ties ot any hind at the Omaba Financial cxehange ,
1603 Farnam St. , up-ttalre ; low rates ; eisy tcriip.
To LOAN Jl,000 for 3 or 6 Joirs , on good real cS
L tale. Inquire 008 N. 13th street. 810.12
$500 eu peed real estate secutltv. Ad
JL drees A. K. , Dee offlco. 831 lip
OSBT to loan on flrit-dass real estate nccurity.
Dr. Paul , Williams b'oclr. 777-tf
n.rocAauitmiOTiiRiiB.Imostrncnt Iljnkcrs , cpposlto
iVl post olllco , Omaha , negotiate mortjrtge kalis on
first class security at rullln ? rates ol Interest , Par
ties dctlrlnc : to borrow money on Improved city or
country real estate , for from one to Iho years , can bo
accommodated promptly. McCaguo Brotheis , bank-
ere , opposite post office , G82-H
LOANS Jfade on real estate security lu amounts of
$600 and up ; call lor terms. Frank L. Everett ,
.03 Fui nun. . 103-Aug 16
fONEY To loan ou chattels , Woolloy & Uarrljon ,
I Room 0 , Omaha National bank building
, TONKYTOLOAN On real estate and chattels
M. D. L. Thomas. 722tf.
itfONKY Loaned on chattels , cut rata , R. R
YJi tlokets Doughtand sold. A. Fornian.ZlS S , 13th Bt
ayroHKY TO LOAM In enma ol JIGOrjid upward.
iVjl 0. F. Duvls aud Co. , C l EdUts ind Loan
Lztnts,15S6 FarcaiaSt. 724-tf
nf ONJT toloan Ineums 8200 and npwardb on
IVlnrst-clasa real estate security. Potter & Cobb ,
1516 Farnam et 71S-U
\yf ONEY LOANED t O. F. Hood ACo's. Loan office
lu. on furniture , pianos , horses , iraeone , pcroonal
property of all kinds and all otho rsrtlclos of value ,
irlthout romrvaU Over let National Bank.oornerlSth
tad Farnam. All business strictly oocfidantlal720tf
MOSBT ! MOXBT ! ! MOXEvlll Money in lioan On
chattel security by W. II Croft , room 4 , Wlth-
bulling , N. E. corner 16th and Uainey. After
ears of experience and a careful study of the busi
of loaning money on psrsonal property , I have
last potfectol a system whereby the publicity
usual In such cases is done awy withand I am now IT
a position to neet the demands of all who become JP
temporarily cmbarntisod and deslio to raise meney
without delay and la a quiet manner. IJousekeop.
; , professional gentlemen , mechanics and otbors m
city can obtain advances from ? 10 to 41,000 on J
security as houscnold furniture , planop , mi-
cblnory , horse' , wagons , warehousa receipts , secur
notesof hand , etc. , without removing same from
owners reldonco or place at business. Als }
fine Watchoi and Diamonds , One of the
advantages I odor la that any part of any loin can
paid at any tlmo which will reduce tbo Intcrett
rata and all loins rene red at the original rates
Interest I have no brokers In connection with
offlco , but personally superintend al my loans ,
have prUato nfflcon connected with ray general C.
olllco so tint customers do not como In con'act with
other , cweequentlf making all transactions
strictly private. W. tt. Croft , room 4 , Withnell
log , N. E cor. 15th and Ilarnoy. E48-tf
IANTUD A good nlil lit general bou'o work ,
llrp. It , H. Wlbur , 31 Pleasant St. 871-tf
WAMFD By first elisifamlllcs.sood gl 11 lor con-
rral houio work tlrst and second worko.'so glr'a
dlalng room , hotels kitchen and laundry work.
Omaha Employment Durenu lias alnayj gold
places on hauJ. Call and see for yo'mohep , 1120 ruy
Karnam St. 872-tf
WAMKD A Drat dm ( flrl ai cjok and liuadres1) ) , JL ?
Z20S Farnam St. ifrs. J. M. Thu-ston. S72-.f
WANtBU-Olrl for hou'o work , 1001 Farinm St.
888-3 tion
ANTBD Machine hands. Omalu Shirt Factory ,
SOSN. ICthSt. 832-U
'BNTiD-Aflil to do znneral housework In ( am- JD
. llyof twononeli3t ; first class need apple. In
1U23 Ihsa street. Si7-12 [ >
'ANTED A good nurse girl Aptly 1039 Fan am ,
"IT7"ANTKD A woman for genenl houiework ; must
bo at lo to n ilk a cow ; good * ngos tt a good -
woman. Mrs , Geo. II. Watt ? , 609 Pleasant St ,
847-12 Ft
AMin-Uood Ueiman girl for genertl house
work In small family , N. W. corucr 17th and
Douglas St. 70M1p
WAATIIU A Luuibur u ( llrtt-.Uaj girl woo mo
capable of MOID ) ; good work , and rccolio good
waetaatthe Omiha emiloimrnt oflico , 217 north ?
16thstreetolllceun-itilrs Mis J , W , Morrison , pro
piletor. 801-tf
ITITAMBD A girl to hiln In kitchen , Doran llou o.
013 Farnam street. 7S8-tf
WANTiD-Agocd girl for general house uork at
ANTKD A cook and olulnf room gii ) attnu On ] F
Ifornia house , 1024 DiVKlaa St. 7Z&-11P
WANTED- good dining room girls ; oliaglili for ?
lie cral housework , flretauil eecond work city
couctry. Will pay good W4ea. Ca I nil In-
outplatiaat IliO Farinm Bt. OD3tt
.j 1017 ChIcagaStaKoodacrinau gill
( or general hoiii oork. 0i3-tf
TI7AK1BD 26m n far HfpuWican Oltyj apply to 1j
F K. Irwln & Co. ICia llarnoy etttct _
Ipou 1
-Boy at ffilkloi Piper Box Factory , Kfl
. 14th d I. B5S-U KflF1
D A bsy to do homo woik 133 J Hhcrmiu
ve. 885-18 F1F
W4KTID An cxperleccai c rpet saleeman. AJ-
drc i gltlng exptrlcuco aiii eahry wanted , J ,
Miller , Lincoln , Nob. 879.11 T7V
* cj > fa iwmoii * JM ( It i r. Kartlo , 3fl | 8. 15tb at r
St. 87tf
TJ7ANTID-A firil-ilaMadveit elnj man. Apply at JJ
once , 10J Satitti Uto. 677-llp
WAkTEU A good cut'er and praitlcil tailor Fu
uaiits togot ] > oihlona t'encril cutler ; ulll
reidy ti ac-cpt Digcuu.ut | about September lit ; - . ,
lio/iteady bab.t > , aDdnpeaksSlAc jigci. AJdreai F
Meslc. care ol Jto. J , UltcliU Cu , 30 Ilioad-
No * Vor * . M0-15p 17(0 (
WAnriD Tbli we V , B more JOII'K men to tn
gtgt la the t leiraihio nerrJct , Adt'rei * , la. ? )
' .W.T.K. , 11 : e office. HM6 1
TIO Two Crst-cUw retail ibos
WA nenefdappty but those having tb * , * 1 , o1
reference and Meaar tempo ute men. A. P Morse .
"A child can buy ai thtap an man S33-15
flAintoi * SKBRAIKA , lor "usio.i-ms-
VMfU-lWMON. " Three decades tf ed-
tral Initiation , 15Ht9l85. rcnonil ani ! historical
memories ol ( vents preceding. durlrft , and since the
Atrcilcan CHI1 War , Inching slavery and siotsilcn.
manclpttlon and rtosruttncilon , wllh ketch of
prominent acton durltR lhe d r lods , ry HON.
SAUUKtjS. COX , mtmbcrolcocRrtes for twenty-
lour year * , now U. 8. MlnUtertolTirkey. Author o (
Buckeye Abroad , " "Why W Laugh , " 'Winter
Sunbcnii. " . .Arctic Sunbeam * , " "Orient"
Eta. IMiUrnttd.Vm. . V. O'Neill , StaUi rn-nancr ,
P , O , box 99 Omaha Neb , 7BO-tl
A cook , man or woman at Europein ho
WANTKO south 10th St ? M-U
WJISTKD Ten cooper * to m le Urd tiercel at
Sioux City. J s. E IHoge&CO. 439iU8llp
A ORNTSWASTXO. Address St. Loula Electrlo Ump
/SlCo. , St fjouls for circular , cuts and terms of the
( ttdlepower Much Xlectilo Ump. Bll-JIylZ .
- - -
ANtlfD FiTuYlToruwrplnUrTsye'ars experience ;
bicn In business lot self 3 } ears , n. W. Jaqiies ,
St. Joe , Neb. 868-Ilp
-A situation to do lowing In jirlvato
family or to do tccond work by an Kncllih ( rlrl.
Inquire ' . boufr ! > , ISth mid Davenport St. SM3p
T17ASTiiD-ClerVhlp. as druggltt , by a young man
\V with 4 jeanctpoMcniej peed recommenda
tions. Addicss DiUggltt , Bee olllco. t3Mlp
TTTANTED Position as book keeper , accoutant , or
T ? olllco clerlr , by an experienced beok-lcepfr.
First-class references. Aildros Chas. J. Mojcr , 1013
Cflpltola\c. 81P-15p
WAKTKD Situation by a thoroughly clrrpctcnt
woman lth boy 10 jcnrs eld us house loepir.
No objection tolculcf ; tonn. Inqulroatll ? N.
14th at. 82M1
TSrASTitD-Sltuitlon Dy n competent Oernun Rlr
VV la a prn to Inuiliy. Apply at Ne 317 C s st
\-7AMr.D-S.tuatlon . , 8 trarclln ? m nforwhiskey
V > house ; his cstabllsbcd tndo In DakoU , Nclir. ,
nod Innn. Address " / . " box 305 , Yankton.
W Waco for bay bViv 20 months cl ; good
family. Addtces " 0. O. " lice office. fcOJ-lTp
WANTBD From S'pt. 1st , bv two young gantle-
men , furnished room with pleasant family ;
must hate gas.batb andattnoln n inter. State turns.
Address "A. 0 " lloo offlco. 857-17p
WA Agoitleman wlshfs board Inapthato
Address "F."lhliclllcf. SEO-ISp
W K nit to buy a well Imp ro ed farm of G or 800
acres In Doughs or SirpyCo. Call so'in. C. G
ilaj nn & Co. , 15th aud Faruam. 852-12
body to call on W. A. MotrUon foi
liret class Job printing , 1613 Douglas St
WANTBD 6oO people to bring tbolr watches to
Kdholm li Erlckson's to be repaired. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 13141
HITANTED Every ady In need ot sewing ma-
YV ohlne , to eoo the now Improved Amjrlcan No ,
. K. Flodman & Co. agenta 220 K 10th. SSOtl
Fan BK.NT New IIOUFO four roomiporch , cast front
br'ck cellar , c'ltern , well and out h uics on
Saunilers t$14peruiontb. J , U. Ulloy &Co. , 210
South ISth street.
For rent Two now six. room houses , nast front on
Saundersstreetpo ; < cb , hay window , hallway , closet ,
outhouses , cittern , well , wilke , otcrjthlng eom-
modlous and complete , $18 per month. J. K Rlloy
Cn.,21S South ISthSt.
For rent Eleuaatslx room hoii33 on 24th slroet ,
nor'h of Capitol avo. Itrstiionco and locitlon cry
desirable. J. E. KILE f & CO. , 215 South nth St.
Tor. HKXT Good barn near 1623 DoJge.
onnT IIouso B rfous on Lcivcnworth and
Colfax , b.ilf block from fat. Oar line $ ! 0 00 per
month. C. K Jlajno & Co , 15th and Farnam.
Fit REXT To ba completed In September , two ten
ro m house' ; all irolern Improvements ; good
cellar and elject" , tear the cars. Inquire 710 10th
St. 7722p
FOR RENT 10 room house 816 ; lust repair ; hard
and soft wu'cr. Inquire 619 Pleasant St. 840-lp
FOR RB.VTHouses ol fl and o ronma In No 1 loca
tion. Apply at oincd of 0. T. Ta > lor , S W. cor.
lith and Douzlas. 819-11
iOB RBKT New brick dwelling of stven ro mj 1010
Baul. Inquire at 10 > 3 Douglas , S03-llp JL1
roR RKST TIouso of 7 rooms , bath room , bird and
soft water 1108south lith S . 782-lSp JL1
F on RK.NT Cottage r > rooms on Charles St. , $15.
Dr. Paul , Williams block. 778-tf
< OR RK.M A seven room houss corner Leaven-
worth and South are. inquire at Western Cor-
nlco works. 77S-1S
lOB KENT House i rooms 1410 Jackson.
? 6-lOp W. tloj
IOB BBVTCottnsa f > rooms with pantry and out
houios. Inquire 10J1 18th St. , Hluth ol Maion.
74Mlp JU
FOR HF.XT Cottage 6 rooms near Hanscom Park ,
? 10 60.
Brick houss 8 rooms Sb'nn'ii add. , $ ! 2. Jt ?
IIoU'o D room ] Pavcnpoit nnd Klti $10.
Itousi 8 roonn LeavonwcrCi and OroyeSt' . , $15.
E. JIajne & Co. , 16th nnd Farium. 7COU
FS RBM-Sflcndld brick lieu o of 10 rooms , wo'l for
cistern , city water , C e. luingco , Urn barn nnd the
other out houses ; In tact oil iiiaJcrc cor vcnleno B on
Chicago ; St. , bet rcfldtncB portion ; $09 per mouth.
'jg Mavne& Co. , ISIh and Futnim.
For rent Store room 1122 Hherman avenue , ? 26.
E , iltyno & Co. , IB'h ' > nd Farnnni. 721-tl
TTloii IIF.NT OR I.KABK On 4 or S years time ; af&im ol
! 4U acres : W acres under cultivation and balance
pa'tuio aod hiv lind all fenced , two liousca , barns ,
Bheda , good water and other Imfrovemoats to a roe-
ponflblt rartr Call onornddrw U. Fox , 34 inilei
north of blair Neb. Post olfl-e , Blair. Will aH > seIl
stock and projwrty If wanted. au < S 2p :
iOR RENT Store with four ro mi In rear. Kent ? 2B
a mouth. Impjlro 1318 DJiiglii. 4iO-Aug 14
FORRKNT Beautiful suburban residence property ,
4 acres of ground , Ur o bouse 7 room ) , line loca
, pplendld view , etc. , or will rcI ! Imnrotocient ]
with & > oiralea > o of greund at a sacrifice. C. V. 3
Mayne h Co. , 15th and fanum. 313tt j
oit RENT A building2s81. Inquireat Bottou $2.tCO
dry goods store , S. 10th st , BJStf
FORBKNT Cottage B rooms , house 10 room ] , J ,
Pblppi Roe , Seward and Campbell. S31-tf .
TJ'OR RUM Tbreo beautlfi'l unfurnlsliol rooms at
07 north 17th tlrctt. Mrs. Clara Uroannan i
FOR RINT titrgihandsomely furnished roomalso ; or
ono small room ; modem conveniences , 17 < U Cap.
Itolato. 88M2p /
TORRENT Nlcjlylurnlihcd Ircntrojm 10 3 l >
FOR BUST Two rooms adjoining with board ; front
room toath-eiBt , 10U Wtbstorbt VM-U
FOR RBM Tnreo nicely furnlsbeil front rooms at
110 South 17tb St. 858-13
IUR.MSUKD rooms aim board 81.60 K wculr.
jfciTiuvr Furnlshol frrnt rtwm ; terms rosonablo
S. W. ccrjor ISta and Jackton Nt ] 813-15 i
FOK Rtsr Nicely furnished rooms 1711 rallfornU
Ht. 810-12
FOB BKM Hanilsoraely furnUbed double or elu-
llo looms ; la'b ' board , 17)8 ) Dodge. EMtf noiith
< ORRK\r-Nt ly fjnilihed rcoas at file Pierce rhascrs
829-16P erty
J. K.
HK.M FurnUhcd roomi 1MB H rn y Rt
T Nculv furnlsbed unite of rooms ; hot
andcold water natb , gat , 1015 Capital avniur. r
812-15p 2
OR RKXT NIeeJy furnished room , 1817 Chicago 81 ,
) RKvr-1 will furnlihed loom tjr gpn
I60) > 'arnainitreet , opu ltoOon Ho tl.pply J , K. i , oral tiMt < uaii & lloinctt. Z18 18th bt. We
745 tf llBt ;
> R RKSTUeIiabl room with modern ooutcn.
leiiccs , 1724 Capitol are. 737 tf FOR
RKST 2 plenant south front rooms R. W , for Two
comer 19th aod Davenport 70i > ,
roR BUT Uaudiontly larnished rooms 1701 Cip' Hou
itclaire , f8J-tf
, BIXT Front room furulihed or UBfurnlthcd 2
tit It
i KLST Boom with board , 1013 Q-pltol are. britia.
' C2H < P
OR 8RNT Furnished room 1621 Capitol ve.
IJVjumtNT At 1610 F rn m street , two nicely
JP furnished fiont rooms with use of b tb rooms.
170R niiyr Funilibui rooms 180 > Ftinsm St.
J1 50S-llp
FOR R NT A rjjo newly fuinliheil front room ,
with b v window , clfSit , g s Mid b lh ; f20 per
month 8610 Pouglia ttrcet. WOtl
FOR RUNT Two nicely furnished rooau , NW cor ,
J 2tit : tnd St. U r's Are. IflCtf
IT'OR RUNT Two tlegtnt o men ib Lvitdjin'ibloo
JL1 801-tf
I HORRENT I Handsome fumisheil toin , 1SIO Dodge
ROOMS Wllb bo rddcilr ! bliloi enmmer. Apply
tt 01. Chkilcs Hotel 010-tt
TPOR RRNT For munuUo'urlnp pnrnMos Of hall ,
JD i rgo room 4U75 , 3d floor , tfo. 110 S. lith it.
enquire t 1409 DodgB tt. A. J , Simpson.
ORRRNT- Centrally located furnished rooms '
Jfl 113 south 15th St. 009-tl
K ° RUNT I.irk-o front room on flrst floor with of
' without board ; inquire > t 1601 Fartmrn St.
I70RBALH A houao and 3 lot ! In Lono's l t nld ,
X $1,21,0 bUoo. . I * . Iltmls , corner l&U and loug- )
to. & 7e-ltp
FOR BUR 2 lots on best ptrt Vlrirlnta are. ? I,510 ,
will bay botli , Cunningham & Ilicnntn , 1511
CotlgeSt. 531-11
TT'OR BALK A 6 room house an1 ! lot on 2M street
-L1 atd Mount I lomntavt ; cm ImlM 2 more hoints
on lot ; 111 hi sold \cryohtap or will trade for out-
Bldo propeit ) . Cunningham & Brcnnan , 1511 Dodge
street. 68011
FOR SAI.K In excellent lonttlon , flno residence In
pciftct repair. Price , 53,760. City lots nlll bo
cots'dorcd In cxhango Ainc. , 1507 Firncm.
Taon , , SAI. OR RR. T-Oood hotelln flrst-slmitoan In
IJ South ( Western part of State. Apply to K I' . DaM -
M- : Novelty Iron Works , 14th St. 791-tl
FOR San Lot 10 , li 16 , Hanjcom place , 89CO.
Lot 0. b S , Jt. T. Pa'rlck'a \ roposol dd. $750.
Lots 1 nnd 1. b 1C , Sblnn's 1st mid. , $2,500.
Ixita In All carts of the city at bargains.
No 200 Hoil'o 7 roims 1'arkavo. , ? 1OCO.
No 167 llrlsk liotiso 0 rooms Shlnn'a 2d ajd.
No. 1S8 New house 6 rooms Georgia nvo ,53,003
N ( > . 170 House 3 roiim lUrtlotf * add. ? 800.
0. E. Majnc A ; Co. , 16th Farnam. 748-tl
\ , OR SAI.R A ono story frame bullJIni : In
J1 condltljn. Inquire of Gco. llcjn ,
street. SIStf
FOR BAI.K A baroln on lEtb strcrt ; n pcoil bouio
and lot 09x132. Cunnlogbaui & Urcunan , 1511
Dodge street. 812-10
II OR BALK House and lot aud thrto shares in the
JT ( old ) Omahrk 1 can Association ; clou tltlo and all
paid up. Sl.COO north much mote mono } ' . C. K.
lliuno & Co. , S.Y corner 15th and 1'aniatn.
ITVm SALK A grocery bit'InsM In n good locality
JD stock 01 th from § 1,500 to ? 2,00o ; rent \eryrca
sotmblc. Iniiulro Of llejcr & liaipkchrleealc gro
cctp. 742-tf
rpo RtciiANOK $8,000 stock of hardware nnd faim
JL machinery for good NubrasVi land.
S0c(0 botci lu Coloitulo , icnls for SIOO per ni.nlh
to tradoforuclmcumbercd farm , cr will land.
? ( OCO ttcck of general rnurchandlso ( o excbacge
for Iain. $
A One farm of 040 aero ? In Phcrman Co. , Neb. v
IniM-cnod near rallioaj , prlco $ ' ,000 ; ulll sell'or hall
cath , bilinco on tlmo or exchange lor stooU of hard
wareftoves and tlnuarc.
.0,009 acres of Nebraska land at JO per are hi cx-
clanKO for merchandiic. CHAS. R. WOULEY , room
20 , Omaha National Btnlc , Omaha , Neb. 47S-18
FDRSALR 'inonlco llttlo property at Sat
5 hSt. , will sail entire 100 feet and Improve
meats or part. Call on premises. 035-i
TT'OR SALE b' rty lots for ealo on Hurt aud Ciimlnr.8
Jp between IWtli aiid 31st cheap , IcclJo property
cdford & Souer. (14 tf
F' ORBULargo ' Elzod , Kadlent Homo Poublo
llcattr. Mra. Call , 22.0 faillornla St. iiblflAt
K , at hlj n Ioa.
OJ hea-1 of S year old stow.
300 bad 20'r oMtiteers.
100 hea I 1 j ear old steers.
AH choice ultra hea\y ottlo and wo now qunto
feeders at 93.05 per cut. Ohapm llrcs. S21-s iitO
TlOR 1 SALE A Irardiuir house dotocr a pcod bus'nos
colling on acjunt of 111 health , Address "S. II.
. " Bo ofDcc. " ! 3-14p
I70R SILK \ Imrbcrtliop outfit nt S. W Rlley's ,
210 N. 10th St. 705 tf
Y/OK BAtB Flno totter p ir > 7 months oU. Win'
Kimer.I , room 5'ltedlck block. 7S3t (
FOR SALE Job printing at prices I jwcr tcan any
other boueo In the city. W. A. Morrlrrn , 1513
Douglas St. 039 tf
FOR BALK-IOO lots , Sprlntr Hill ; will eel on easy
terms ; ttalo for improved property and pay dif
ference in tallies lu cash or ajsumo mortgage" . Far-
cau Qnd cheap homes and advantiKeouj tranca.
II. Green , over let Natl. Dank , io-i ] agt. 4C8tl
n B Two lots In Pellum PUcc , ono block
Irrrn street car track. Inquire 218 B 13th St.
'OR ' BALB Or would trala or a good borso and
bugcy ; 80 acres In diaper oouaty. Apply to 218
South ISih S'rcot. 240tf
FOR sAi/K Boiler and engine , SO horse power boiler
nd engine , In good running order ; want to Bell
the reason that tliey are not largo enough for
new machinery which o will put Into our now
building on Ilarnoy St. Clarke Eros. & Co. , 1403
DouglaaSt. C10I
ALWAT8 on hand at a bargain. No 1 second band
carriage phaeton and side bar buggies ; also am'
brcllan and eunebadeSi at 1409-1411 I > edge St.
FORSIMC Brick bougo ml largo lot on N. ICIh
bt , ? 4oOO ,
New bou > u , 0 rooms , lot,21tt Sttieir ClarkSIDQO.
Lot on 2'2d , near Clnrk , 3UU.
Lot on Jlontma 8t , { 1.20U.
Mivern rcaldcncu In flaest location , on Cum'n ' ; St
Lola on California St , between 4th asd 2Cth St. ,
ll-l SCO
hou en and lots on 13thSt. , near Ch'cigo. ' 87,000. FOR
lot and homo \Vubstorcu\rl6thSt , $1,10) . involc
No * h mso 0x18 , stable , on Dlvltiaii nsur Oth St. , ] ' 4rna
Lot rn Spruoa ncir 13ib St , $ t,15i. FOR
tcio with hou e , on 10th ntnr Castollii' . ? 3.fOD.
Kino lo ! oa 10th Mt. , noir Dtaa , lta IIOIMC ,
Ccrncrlot 15lh and Center , 7Cxl49 , flfOO. Fff
Co-ncrtoton 18th and Doicau , lions J and stable ,
2-3 lot on 12th ct , noir Casltllar , J700.
Lot en 17tli fct , noir Center , 2 huueeg , 81 AGO.
let on Cun'or ' bet. IS'li ' and 10th St. . 8500
Lots III -addltloES , 159,000 acica 0 & M. lind , .
) aril school land , leasts In all counties , for sale
trade by Vcilloka & Qtantner , 50 U. IStli Bt.
SAIK 81'KciAijimtOAi.N llilf &cio improod ,
ou'.CoIifornU aud 20th St. , ? 1 450. it
Half aero lmprb\oii on Hurt near Urown 8t.2,600 Ing ;
full let and nice cottage 19th near Leavcnworth 'Mtcs
Nice cottage i lot 10th and S'lerman street , $1,5CO. '
lUautlfiil cottage 17tb , near Wtluter , $3,000.
o hoiisoi aim full lot uar Sauadcis ttito : , rent
Twift rybrme , 10 rooms , city water , 3cisterns ,
South tOth ttrcet , 5tOO.
Nicecottaguou 13th LtarKt. U ry'aa\c. , $2,800.
8J1M1 W. 0. falUtlVKH , oj.p. 1'oet olllce. O
lIsst uaooouplod ground lu the ty for
narebouso house , 87 feet front on Laavunworth ,
bet 10th and llth.wlU eajofot 99 years , lied'
& Souer 020-tf
SAII Sixteen lots oa Vlnton ind 17th fits , 1
very deelriblo property and on easy term' . Foi
One hundred forty feet Karnam street property r&dp.
t'o t. near new Court house , 1100 | > r frout ttend
; will ntll In ! 2 loot lots to tin rlght < Mud cf pur-
; tM < U a r ra cbauco to iccuie binlneai prop
thtt will doutle Inalue Inilde oJ three yean.
. It ley & Co , 216 8. 13th Et.
For sale Four loti on Ouargla a\enur , desirable
retldeucj property reiBODarJj.
Fjr al < Seven Inlson Virginia * \r. , cast front
ai.'nablo prlcca and ttrog euey. J , K , Ittley k Up
68. 18tb. <
For u > U 131 feet mi IStb , 93 lecc deep ; builneel .
prnpertr. ' "t'1'
For u le Oood house and lot oa 2 < th street tear
ate. , (2,700 ; a La-gain.
For S'lo llu i'i < Biloticii South IStb St. , cheap.
. Itlley li Co. , 815 S " ' " .
ln\liocur pitrons tocAll inlueootir property ,
is wo tiavepoiltlte bargain * . 7Z8-U
BALK House and 2 lot * at a bargain 3toO
B. 15tn Stieutiriomto bulidfjar iauu hoauoa
elegant lots Sblnni Additions , 2fX ( > .
Large huuse and two lota Ilanscom Placi , 0000.
House an 1 lot noith 18th 8t , 600.
eandhtIl > gan'iAdd , 1209. Ion
Houre andKt 8. Wh St , HCO. J f I
Houie and lot Paclflo St. , nr r Pepct. 980 ? . In paid
houies and lot on Cats tit. , tear icih. palM
Hoateana lotH. ISlbSt ,86CO our
Farm land In neaily e\ery county In northern Ne- I U
. 0. F , Dsvli & Co. , JW5 tVinam Bt.
< JU ) tl
1119 ! 11119
Pull in Your Heads \
Don't buy poor clothing when the MISFIT
CLOTHING PARLORS , 1119 Farnam street , will
sell you fjinetailor made garments for about the
same price you will have to pay for common
work. .
If you think of buying Clothing , either a Vest , a Coat
and Vest , a Suit , light "Weight Overcoat , or a pair of
Pantaloons , don't forget that THE ONLY MISFIT
CLOTHINGPAELORS , 1119 Farnam St , can provide
you with raal genuine bargains.
2.GO for a Tailor Made Suit , n'ot-tJi $2&JM >
JLS.OOjfor a Tailor Made Suit , ivortJt 3StOO
84jOOfor a Tailor Made fifwiY , worth 4O.OO
26.80 for a Tailor Made Suit , worth SS.OO
30.00 for a Tai7or Made Suit , worth GS.OQ
A.tid inany ofhers in the same proportion.
Farnam Street , for tha" $14 40 Tailor Made auit , worth
$30.00 , andfone for $2260 Tailor Hide Suir , worth
To see that elegant satin lined Prince Albert su'U , Tai
lor made , for $30 00worth $70.00 ; only to be seen at the
Only Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1119 Fainam St.
"Hello ! "
At the Only Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1119 Farnam Street
arhen you are in the neighborhood , ami inspect the stock.
All are invited , all are walcome , all raceive the sanm at
tention. You are received courteously and parted with
with the same fee'ing , if you purchase or not , at the
ST , , 111
on BALK A lumber yarl at CbojonrioV > o.
Montr ( ly sales about $1,1 00 t good mirgins ; will
Dice about $10,009. O. U .Majns & Co. , 16tliand
nam , umaba , Neb. 8i5. IS
onsiut Hotel flxlures and hotel to rent. Ap
ply : to K. 11. l > 3W,210.Sjuth 10th St , OinabaNob.
IOR HJLit A splendidImpllmcntaridhardwarehusi
Inces m South western mwa ; rersona for selling
id. Address . B. , caio life Publliblng Co.
iiABuiN A newfpiricr In ono cf the best towns
In Nebrtsha ; alue $1,5 0 [ reason for selling ,
nt & rest. Addreis Nebraska , Box 1)72 ) , Hew Voik.
(30 Up
OR HALX Stock nnd fixtun s cf a complete bttory
Ice cream parlor and rettaiirant In ouu of the
lo-atloos In the city , 17 mintbs loiso on biilld-
jicisous for selling , other business. Addreia
cstaurant , " care Uteolllco. 7CM1
'OR sii.B Stock ef zencnl mercliindlsa at low
prices n > l on ca y tormj. AilJrtsjJ. T. | ) a\ls ,
nagtr , lai ucne , lo a. HO-llp
IORHALJ A gnil pulnj haslnesi cmrlosing but
llttlo c iitil ! for ci"h. For lurtlculan ad
, Itx 1167Omaha , Neb. 722-tf
on SALR Atabugiln , Vfetropol'tui ' hotel , Ken-
AdJiuis Weedham Brcs. , Keneiaw ,
OR n ALB-A restaurant ; big btrgaln , In a fins lo
cution ; lease nf bulldlug fur ten mrnthe ; good
. llsasons for felling , hive other bualudtm to
to. Addresi S P. , Ecu olllco. 450tf
IOR TRADR Nano county lands for etork of gen
eral merchandlg or hardware. Addrtui John
idcrhclm , Centra City , Neb. SS2aug21
nsgriatCl ifa\olnt of Chlo't'iilmi jutt arrived
and li now located on the louth-eut corner of
aud Davenport , liouis from 8 to 11 , and 1 to C
nou Vor ladles during conCjicment.
Corre poiidcncjCnQdtntlal. Audresj U > ck Box
Lincoln , Neb. W3-Au < 12p
t A bunch lew. Owner can have by
calling at Ills olllce aud raying lor thli notice.
OST A pocfctt tok bct" en 1216 and H. W. cor-
ilarnoy and 11th ilreet. A liberal rcw rj Hill
by leaving at latter [ lice. 878-llp
If pirty who found book la water closet at
Ml'ltnl ' Hotel Augiut bill , will return book and
eiito the otllcethey cao money ard no
utlons will le bked. 818-llp
f OHT-DOJ Jack , English Jfaitlff , ( Blick nrd Tan )
JU leather cell ar. & > reward , leturned tu642 Picas
ar.t at. 721-7p
VR. WABU , room 0 , Withnell Clock , Ifitboml Har-
uoy. Ml-tf
No eperalion , or usiless trusses Dr. M. M. Moore ,
24jWabwliavo.Unlca < o , Ills. , at Omaha c\ery
UOdoja , tieud stamp for clr.uUr. 7C8-iopt2
In book \ ecjilog , day and tven'pg. ' J.
B. Smith , 1222 Farnam Si. SS2 jSp
PRIVY vaults and coi 'pools cleaned In an odorlrss
way by F. O Abel , P. O. Uux , 378. 625 aug-2ii | >
Miuwirx Mrs. C P.Anipaoatr , jolS Lcavcnwoith.
ii ) and 1'Ulto. T. Uurr-y.
on binjo given by O K Oellcn
JL bock , at 1119 Capitol avo. iSO-tt
PRIVY VAUtTS and oes'poo'u cleaned in an odirlota
way. A. Etans. 120J OiiUo et OlSiug'Jp
NoticeNotice ! ttoti
To all who are diseased or afflicted , no matter bow
long the standing ; ojmo and b ) healed , Feamalo dl -
castdwheru incuiclnes liavu fullud to glvu icllif ,
a specialty ; como one , oomo all and uo healed by tha
Magnolia bealer , the only sure escape fioin any dl .
case. For cxamlnatlou , our eiha-geiaroil. for tach
treatment , or Mtltatlond fl ; ternm i-lrlctly cabb.
North StaU St. , ocotnllo wist of Fair Qrcunds
Car California Tears , 1'eacbej ,
I'Juiin , rnmes anil O rapes , due
Thursday , Aug. 13 ,
Car California Penrr , 1'eacbeB ,
1'lutci , Prunes and Qraper , due
Monday , AUK , 17.
Send ortlera cailv as fruit is closed
out on arrival.