Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1885, Image 6

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"Wednesday Morning , August 12 ,
Id . . . . . . . 10 nota pot week
. . . . .
. i . M M tlo.CO pet yen
Roller , merchant tailor , for fine goods
A constable's sale takes place at 10
n. m. to-day at 512 Main street ,
At 10 o'clock this morning constable
Wesley will loll at auction the atcck of
G. II. Gllmorc.
The county board of supervisors moot
tbls morning to open the bids for the
building of the now conrt house.
To-morrow morning on application will
bo made to Jndgo Ilocd , of the supreme
conrt , to admit Arch Ooflman to ball.
Anyone who has lost a knight templar
badga should apply to the chief of police ,
as ho has ono for which an owner is
AB soon as my loss by the recent fire la
adjusted by the Insurance companies I
shall reopen my millinery and notion
business at the old stand , No. 321 Broad
way. H. Friedman.
The pansy party to bo given last evenIng -
Ing by the young folku of the Congre
gational church , at the residence of Gen.
Dodge , was postponed , on account of the
weather , nntll this evening.
A fishing party , consisting of John ,
George and Robert Oliver , Elward Mar
tin , Victory Bayard , William Rodgers
and other members of the athletic club ,
loft yesterday for Honey creek.
J. R. Snyder , who has embarked In
the fruit and commission business with
Mr. Lsaman , has sold his grocery store
to J. P. Filbert , who for so long a tlmo
has been In that business hero , and who
recently aold ont to hi a brother.
Mr. n. Fciodman returned from Dos
Molnes yesterday morning. lie wlslioi
to return thanks through THE BEE to
the fire department for their efficient
work at the fire In his store , No. 321
Broadway , on Sunday night last.
The city marshal was yesterday punch
ing up the common carriers , and trying
to Induce them to pay the license re
quited under the now ordinance , which
was passed in accordance with their own
desire , but which they seem slow to com
ply with.
The democratic county convention , for
the selection of thirteen delegates to the
state convention , meets In this city this
morning at 10 o'clock. The local squab
ble may break out afresh , or In some now
spot , and make the gathering anything
but a love-feast.
About twenty-four saloon men have
paid the license , required under the pop
ordinance. The delinquents are being
called npon by the city officers , and
urged to p y , but In view of the suits be ,
gun against thorn by private parlies , they
seem Inclined to hold on to the money
and use It for fighting the cases.
Yesterday afternoon some boya playing
about the Indian creek ditch , In the
vicinity of the Eight avenue bridge , dis
covered the body of an Infant wrapped In
a piece of cloth. The authorities vrero
notified , and the coroner given possession
of the little body , of whoso history
nothing could bo learned. There wore
no marks of violence discoinlblo , and the
supposition Is that the little ono came to
Its death naturally , but was heartlessly
disposed of.
The habeas corpus case in which Mr ,
ETalney seeks to get poesoislon of the
three children , now In Mrs. Holnoy's
keeping , still occupied the attention of
Jndgo Aylesworlh yesterday. The ab
sence of some witnesses necessitated the
contlnnanco until this morning , Halnoy
claiming that he will bo atto to show by
these wllnestcs that Mrs. Hainev was
too intimate with Pete Hlnokley , and
that she kept a disorderly house , and
was , In other respects , on unfit person to
have the custody of the children.
Yesterday afternoon a company of
about a dozen tramps were taken ont of
jail to work on the streets , under the su
perintendence of Dick Itlcketts , who has
BO far recovered from his recent accident
as to be able to bo about , but with a
limp. The fellows took advantage of
this limp , and Rickotta' Inability to run ,
and when In the vicinity of the North
western depot they all brokointo a travel
and escaped , leaving only ono of their
number to comfort the guard. Rlokotta
came back to the station and got throe
more and started out to work thorn , and
at this rate ho will aoon have the town
cleared of tramps , as the last seen of the
fellows they were dashing for Slonx City.
The claims of the mayor of the city to
having secured so many doloyatos from
this city to the county convention la not
culy laoghed at by the leaders of the op
posing faction , bat by some of those
whom ho names as being favorable to him.
It matters little , however , to those who
do cot train in the democratic rAuks , for
UioroaeeiiiB little chancn for htm to co-
cure a majority of the delegates front
this oity , a still lees obanco for htm to get
a majority of the delegates from the conn
ty , a still less ohauco for him to gat any
hold on tha drinocratlo nomination for
governor , n still lets chunco for him to
get elected if nominated , This whittles
it dow u eo ( uia that there h nothing In
the future to f tt excited about.
Col. Keatley , whose mine has been
inautlontd by the papers all oror the
jstato , In connect ! jn with the postiblo
nomination for governor , by the demo-
critr , and who has rtcalved many m > ro
favorable notiosa than lomo of thosa who
hire been wrliiug up their awn pull'a ,
and piflog for thorn at double tales , has
too ranch modesty to decline anything
whlsh hat not been tenderid him , but
through his friends he makes public dec
laration that he cannot allow his name
to bo niod io any such connection , for ho
Is not looking for any such honors , ant
Is not waiting to be struck by lightning
cither. Lightning might find a worst
rod , but ho says ho is no lightning rod al
Workers with motala generating oleo
rl city escaped the cholera of ' 40. Thcr
aa our electric belts. Jndd & Smith ,
Council Bluffs. Agents wanted.
The I'ollco Instructed to Gloim Up th <
There have of late boon a good man }
crooks , capper * , and tin horn gamblon
gathering hero and causing much trouble ,
Some of the gambling houses have themselves
solves bcon bothered , and decent cltlzoni
have boon surc'y ao. This gang o :
follows have got to the end of the ropi
now , and last evening the chief of police
gave Instructions to his mon that If then
loafers did not leave the city forthwitl
they should bo arrested on sight. Ohio !
Skinner says he has tired of publishing
notices in the papers , and as thosi
follows know as well as ho dooi
that they have no business here
ho proposes to have them arrested with
out any moro talk. Ho yesterday se
cured from the keepers of gambling
houses the names of those- regularly em
ployed In these places , and these who an
found hanging about such places ant
whoso names are not on the payrolls ,
will bo arrested as vagrants , Every fan
months this house cleaning become
necessary , and the tlmo seems to have
como again. Chief Skinner has therefore
given the order , and there will either b (
a lively emigration or some intosestinf
cases will be opened In the police court ,
Dr. Wlloa , Eye , Ear and Throat
poclalist , room 5 Everett block.
The City Han 1(8 Full Sunroof. Suits ,
The b r docket h now out for the
August term of the circuit court of this
county , which opens on next Monday.
The total number of cases on the docket
la three hundred and savon. Of those ,
fourteen are divorce ciues. The city has
a goodly number of suits to defend , the
following being the list of plaintiffs : S.
B. Rohor , Sarah Dunn , Mary Murphy ,
Samuel Weston , Joshna Clinton , N.
Weston , Martin Hughes , Thomas Smith ,
Kansis City & St. Joseph railway , Ellz-
absth Stlne , C. E. Stone , J. W. Rode-
fer. J. T. Stewart , J. W. Squire , 0. K.
Hetse , George Wooliver , P. H. Wind ,
Mason Wise , W. C. James , J. H. Jenkins -
kins , Motcalf Brothers.
The following is the petit jury as
drawn : Warren Hough , Orescent town
ship ; F. Britton , Kane ; W. H. Kuhn ,
Sarnerj G. O , Hitchcock , Kane ; A. S.
Bohham , Kane ; F. Dalton , Kane ; James
McKeown , Boomer ; James A. Taylcr ,
SVashlngton ; Richard Haynes , Kane ;
Alfred Taylor , Hardln ; John Kennedy ,
Mlndln ; Wm. Hatch , York ; John E.
Hill , Kane ; F. S. Gray , Kane ; John
Sklnkle , Kane ; D. Bolts , Kane ; Z. Brown ,
Noola ; Fritz Voes , Kane ; L.
Swearlngor , Kane ; J. G. Jones , RockFord -
Ford ; 0. W. Mitchell , Kane ; W. 0. Un-
thank , Kane ; Benj. Meglnnes : , Hardln ;
Frank Lidouskl , Kane.
II. W. Olark , of Tabor , was in tha city yea-
James Murphy , of Sidney , was In the city
yesterday ,
Misa Mary Phillips has returned from
Spirit Lake.
Dr. P , P. Bellinger Is going to DOJ Molnes
in a short business trip.
Col. Sapp is atttendlag court at Ilarlan and
Mrs. Sapp is at Colfax Springs.
W. W. Wilson , of Lincoln , who formerly
Ivod hero , was In the city yesterday.
A. llershey and wife , of Malvorn , were
imonf ? yoatoiday'a visitors in the Bluffs.
A. C. Burnbnm , of Champaign , Illinois , of
.ho firm of Burnham , Tulloya & Co. , la in the
: Jty.
II. Friedman returned yesterday from Doa
Vlolnea , and waa accompanied by his elstcr-
n-Iaw , Mrs. L. Kuttncr.
Bllsa Ada BoIIn , ono of the graduates of the
3ounil Bluffs hieh school , has been engaged
; o tench in the Macedonia schools.
Moses Folsom , editor of the Le Mars Son-
inol , formerly connected with the Institution
or the deaf and dumb , is in the city.
Oapt. Wilson and family , who moved to
jondn lust winter , expect hortly to return
, nd make Council Bluila their home ,
A. T , FJickinaer and eister returned from
heir old homo In Independence , Iowa , yos-
erday. Mrs. Pllckingor will remain there for
i few weeks.
Mrs. Smullen , wife of Oflicor Smullen ,
3aycB to-day for her old homo in Fennsylva-
IA , expecting to be absent for BIZ weeks or
wo months.
Sheriff Johnson , of Page county , was in the
Ity yesterday aa a witness in the Halnoy
labeaa corpus case , as waa also C. II , ] ) yer ,
f Glenwood.
Mrs , D , P , Wright and her daughters , Mist
jlzzla Wilgbtand Mils Jennie Wiight , ro
amed'yesterday to their homo in Sallnn ,
Causas , having had an enjoyable visit with
rith Mra. J , D. Uennatt , wholi also adaugh-
er of Mrs. Wright.
William D. Cjcke , of the dry goodi firm of
Jocko & Morgan , left IaU evening for tha
a t on a trip of four weeks or more , lie goes
irect to Now York city and will return via
'hlladelphla , Washington , and his old homo
a Virginia , where , report has it , he will take
nether partner in addition to Mr , W , 0 ,
forgau , tha new one to be for life ,
Itcnubllcau Primaries ,
The republic in prlmarloi of Kane
ownskip to select delegates to the county
onventlou will bo hold on Saturday
veiling , the 15th day of August , 1885 ,
t 8 o'clock p. m , , at the following
laces ;
First precinct at Wels & Clausen's
tore , and tolect tic delegates.
Second precinct at the city building ,
nd select ulna delegates.
Third precinct at John Llndt'a office ,
nd select seven delegates.
Fourth precinct at the skatiag tlnk ,
nd soleot ten delegates.
E. J , AIIDOTT , 1st precinct ,
J. 0. RHODEUECK , iM product ,
JOHN LINDT , 3d precinct ,
WALTEH I. SMITH , 4th precinct ,
Committee ,
They Spfl the Night in Prowling
Ahont Main Street ,
Berne Plunder Sccnrctl by Thorn.
On the opening of business yesterday
morning It was discovered that burglars
had been the rounds during the night ,
Ono of the places visited was the crock *
ory store of W. S. Homer &Oo. , No. 23
Main street. Entrance wai gained by
pulling off the rear shutters , and then
the windows were easily raised. The
follows did not disturb the silverware , of
which there was quite a largo stock , but
spent their energies and tlmo by going
through the desk , leaving the books and
papers scattered about , and succeeding in
finding in ono of the drawers about $75 ,
which of course they took with them.
Mr. O randy , whoso drag store is next
door , and who sloops In tha store , heard
some peculiar nolsea about half past
eleven o'clock , and a dog barking loudly ,
but did not think nbant oarglara being
Another place visited was the merchant
tailoring establishment of Norotio &
Laudstrom , No. 205 Main street. The
entrance hera was Rained by the front
door , which was apparently opened with
n key , as there were no murks to bo
soon. When Mr. Landstrom came to
the atoro about 8 o'clock yesterday mornIng -
Ing ho found the door a very little ajar ,
the spring having evidently brought the
door nearly shut when the fellows went
out. The whole pieces of cloth were un
disturbed , but everything that was made
np was taken , including five coats , ono
vest and three pairs of pantaloons , and
a second-hand pair , loft there for
repairs. The total valno of the
clothing taken amounts to about $120.
There has been a man sleeping every
night in the store , with a revolver In a
sheath , hanging right over his couch , but
this man had gene to Avoca , and was ex
pected back to-day. The revolver was
banging there In plain sight , but was not
takon. Next to this tailoring establish
ment Is n dressmaking shop , and some of
the ladles there hoard nolaa about 2
o'clock , a dog barking , and some ono
talking and walking in the tailor shop ,
and a nolso DS If thcro waa scullling , bu
supposing there was a man sleeping In
the shop , they paid llttlo attention t
these sounds , except to go to the door ,
and try to quiet the dog.
The dental rooms of Dw. Woodbury
Son will bo ro-oponed to-day.
Substantial abstract of title and roa
estate loans. J. W. and E. L , Squire :
102 Pearl street.
Dr.s Wont , dentist , over BEE office.
A now cittlo dlaoiso is raging In Da
buquo county.
Mr. Whlpplo of Waterloo waa kllloi
by lightning on Saturday.
A § 500 atoam yacht , owned by J. J
Jackson , was launched at Das Molnos
Tie Iowa DaraocratloNownpaper ) atso
elation la called to moot at Cedar Rapids
Tuesday , Aug. 18.
Ira Rlcord la In jail at Cedar Rapids ,
charged with outraging Addle Stogg
aged foniteen years.
Prohibition prohiblta In Humbold
county. Tha last two gentlemen who at
tempted violation of the law in that lo
callty were fined § 000 each and costs.
Mich ( L-1 Devaney , ono of the oldea
residents of Allamakea county , fell from
his wagon at Waukon Friday evening
and broke his neck. The old gentleman
was nluoty-fonr years of ago.
A locomotive and thirteen cars of
freight train were ditched and badlj
wracked by a washont on the Chicago
Burlington & Qutncy railway , nca :
French Colony station , on Thureday
Two largo doable arches were credo :
in the capital city of Des Molnes us par
of the public decoration for Grant memo
rial day. The capltol building waa also
handsomely and elaborately diaped.
The 6-poar-old son of James Maglll ,
whllo playing at the mill race near Cedar
Rapids , Thursday evening , fell into the
water and was drowned.
Mrs Lincoln Baker , of Kansas City ,
arrived in Des Moinoa Wednesday nlghl
on a visit , and died in the hack whllo on
route from the depot to her friend's
The county convention met at Davenport
port Saturday and elected thirteen dele
gates to the state convention to bo held
tt Cedar Rapids , August 10. A reeolu-
: lon of condolence over Gen. Grant's
leath was adopted , a ? was one opposing
taalon with the Greenback patty in the
itato campaign.
Roswell L. lliley waa killed In a row
) vor a disputed land grant at Arlington ,
Woodbury county , Saturday. They row
itar'od between the Adklna and Swltzer
iquattors on the Slonz City & Pacific
mid grant. lliley took sides with the
'onnor , and was shot by ono of the
Mayor Rice'of Oakaloota , employed a
fotectlvo to locate aud Identify the
gambling rooms and gamblers in that
own , mid made a descent with the po-
Ice , capturing ten of the representative
roung mon of the town , moat of whom
.ho rlghtooui mayor fined $100 each and
The child of Elmer
two-yrar-old Young ,
it Washington , fell into a stock well forty
'eot deep and seven feet acrois. The
rantlc but bravo mother Inttantly went
iown to reccno it , she does not know
low , and came np with It safe and well ,
> nt aha hia no Idea how It waa done ,
Cho child was uninjured.
Mr , MoMahon , who lives three miles
lontheast of Woit Liberty , waa 102 yours
jld last Chriatiuas Ho came to Atalleta
; w nty years ago , and hai never been
further away from Muscat ! n a alnce. The
old gentleman aatorla that ho had never
iad it physician treat him , never wore
; laaaea , hears and scos well , and can read
: oarsa print with OIBO. Mr , MoMahon
a a No , 1 harvest band , is now driving a
reaper regularly , and la as anxious to
) ueh the work along as his sou , who is 45
> r 50 yeari of ago.
The rain storm at Sioux City , Satur-
lay morning , was the "blcgest on
ecord. " The Journal lajs : "Old sot-
lers gay that they never saw anything
ike the rain storm of yesterday morning.
feiy llkeiy they never did. Beginning
. lltila after 1 o'clock and lasting until
leatl ; 4 a. m. the water was spilled ont
if a botto'aloti tea overhead. It did not
tin In the usual lento of that word. It
loured. Daring most of this tlmo , no.
iceably about 2 o'clock , the thunder and .
lightning wcra simply terrible. A great
many folks were up and around to curb
the damage being done by the flood , or to
await the destruction by lightning that
seemed imminent. It was a wild , wet
Four masked men turprisod , bound
and blindfolded the watchman at Dr.
Joyce's lumber office , Clinton. They
spent throe hours blowing the vault open
with dynamite , but did not succeed in
getting to the Intotlor , and finally de
parted without booty. Tha watchman
renuincd nearly on hour before help
camo. Another gang blow open the tafo
of Chamberlain it ; Stiatton , grocers , at
Camancho , and got a few dollars In
change. Tuesday night six masked men
intimidated the clerk at Do Roy's double
store at Fulton , ill. , and tried to open
the safe , but were uusnccestfnl ,
The New York
553 Broadwav
Council Bluffs , Iowa
TILATION [ "design
ed and constructed.
in all its branches
This coxtrDanv liav
one of thebest assort
ed stocks oi plumb
ing goods in the west
Estimates furnish
H. Birkinbine
Felenhone No. .
01) Maiii tit. , Council BluSs
lie tail Doot and Shoe store "hero big bargilna can
: ways bo touud.
1103. OFFJCEIt W. II 31 , 1'fSD
Office & , Pusev.
Oounoll Bluffs ,
Established , - 1865
Ho. 607 Broadway Council Blade.
Tim © Table ,
Ths loUowlnsr are tbo litnia ol thu arrival and < 1
irtaroof trains by central standard ttmo , at the
cat depots. Trains leave transfer depot tea mln
la cirlloi and arrive Un mlcutea later ,
1:25 : A II Mall and Eipresi 8:50'r :
: : IO p u Accommodation 4tO : r
: 0 r M Express 9:05 : A
25 A U Mall and Express B:63 : r
25 A M Accommodation 5:15 : r
SO r u Kx.iroes . P:00 : A II
20 Au Mall and Express BCO : r 11
25 r u Kxprea 0:05 : A H
oncAco , SDBLuorox AHD qunoT.
M ) A Mill and Express 7:10 : r
r Ao ootiui odatloa 2:00 : V M
r ticprdtfi 6tOA : M
WAiun , or. LOOIS AJIU rinno-
:15 : r u Local Bt. Louis Express Local
:00 : r u Transfer " " Tran f r 8:20 : r u
uuiiAa our , ar , ; oi AHD ootracu iLtnm.
, W A u Mall and Express 0:40 : r n
; 15 r u Exprets 0:25 : A
iioox cm AHD rinrio ,
! 0 A u Mall ( or Sioux City 8:10 : r M
10 ru Express ( or Bt Paul 8:26 : A v
CMOS rA irio.
:00 : A u Danver Express 4:15 : r M
05 r u Uacoln I'us 0' to R V S:35 : r M
:55 : r M Overland ExprtM 8:30 : A u
It 8:65 : 7:55 9:80 : 10SO
15 p.m. Leave Omaha i ) . 5 7:28 'cSO'lO
11:15 : a. m
NOT10B. Special it vertteemenli , ivo M Loil
found , To Low , For Bile , To Hen , Wants , Board-
IOR , Me. , will bo Inserted la thli column at the low
ut of TKN CENTS PKH LINE tot His flnl InMttlcn
ind riVK CENTS PKU LINE foi each be qn nt In-
serilon. LcaTcadvertlsemtnti kl oat otOot , Wo. 19
1'cail Mront m r moadwav
W > * " " > A first-clan plumber by the New York
, riiimblne Co. , No. 852 Ilroadway Council
CluHs. None but flrst-clasa hand netJ
17011 HRST-llio double onicson Broadway recently
JU oc.-upled by Dr. Sphtit. lltraco Krerttt
FORRBxr A six. loom house , ten mlnntoi walk
from builnotfi , city water , well and cutern. Tor
rent cncsji.
FOR Harrison street , three rooml.
< 1'ciil etttct.
17011 * 8AT..K An elegant Wlfoon ln summer rciort ,
JL1 250 acres , It 0 tillable , railway nation amUtoim-
boat andlnjrj frame house ( or hcmrstoad ; pavllllon ,
wine cellars , restaurant , Ice house , tenement IIQUSO.
four cottigoj , barn , SCO fruit treoj,3 acics ( irapts
cow , horses , 13 boat * , etc. A flno rwort , Jco feet
abo\n Wl'contta rhcr , anil 120 feet abo\o Jlarahoo.
It 11 pay 5 000 n year. Address W. k S. , Bui !
olfiee , Council Blufli.
FOH SALE LandsImproved aad unimproved.
If you want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , lotuj hoar from yon.
cfOK SALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J
J ? Pteptionion , MS First avenue.
rpo KXCAAXO-B 0 , b P , b 10 , b 13 nto liotcls In did-
JL crontlocatlcns ( or sale or ( or trade.
BUS , special bargain ; 400 a tmrrovod firm worth
$18,000 , prli o tor a short tlmo $16,000 , will trade
for low ptlccd Western lands. Swan & Walker.
0t , saddlery Uanlnsro manufacturing estab
lishment dock and machinery , value $7.000 , ( or
western land Swan & Waik r , Council BluHs.
"IJ 203 , stock rf dry Roods , groceries anj h rdwaro ,
JD value , SJ.OOO , In an goodcAstorn Nebraska town
or land. Swan 4 Walker.
BSOI , stock of general merchandise In a good
western Iowa town , value 4,000 , wants an Im
proved farm In western Iowa.von A ; Walker.
T ) 205 , stock of hardware In Etuboi Co. . Indiana ,
JJ for lanil , > aluo about $ i.00a Swan & Walker.
BSOO , nowstock cf ban ware In a llvo Nebraska
town ( or land , value $3,000. Swan it Walker.
B 207 , Block of sgrlooltural Implements and shell
hardware , value about 8,00u. wants a good 1m
pro\od farm. Bwan & Walker.
T > 03 , a $10,000 stock of clothing In a good WIs
JD cousin city , I In lands and balance oanh or Im
proved security. Beautiful otoro room at low root.
Hwnn Walter.
B210 , itook o ( mixed hardware In a live western
Iowa town for cheap lands , value $0,003. Swa
& Walker.
B2U , llnolirlck block , rents well , In a llvo ccntr
la.toun one room occupied with general stock
goods , wants an Improved ( arm , value ; bulldln
13,000 , goods $7,003. Swan & alker.
B212 stock ol boots , thoos bats , caps and clothln
valued $3,000 , In eno o ( the beet towns In Neb
\ au l $3,000 for , ands. Swan & Wtlkcr.
B213 , a $3OCO block of clothing , wants land i
North Western Iowa , ( or $0,000 , and will pa
dlflcrcnco. Swan k Walker.
B214 , an $8,000 stock of drugs In Central Iowa ( i
land. Snan & Walcir.
T)215anothcr stock nf drugs value ( romfSOO to$70
JD with ntoro building ard lot value $600 In a goo
1 * cbmka town wants partly Improved land. Swan
Fort full particulars , wrlto to or call upon Swan
Walker. If jou wantto Bell , buy , or tradaan )
thing , tell 8. k W. about It t > wan & Walker , Coun
ell Bluffs Iowa.
F. II. OliCUTT , S. T. 1'RF.SCI :
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
) il Cloths ,
lattings ,
ilugs ,
Etc. , Etc-
'tyfice fc Store Shades
to Order.
in short notice , Write for prices
and Samples.
. H.
09 Broadway , - - Council Bluffa
nnr GOOD ? .
j-nidi mint . . . . . I 1
' tmblai ! uliifliam . , . 1
" Kooj clniibam . 1 00
" btlloalr chcvolts . - . 100
" good wheeling . . . 100
" euflolk jean . . . . 1 00
cet Jeanv til wool , SOj per yard ,
30tB and enoct at prlcca M 1 jw 11 any house In the
poundi oxO suiir _ . . . 9 1
! jiounda granulated iuar . . . 1
I noundi confectionary A sugar. . . . 1
I'.irs white HuBtian Bvau. Kirka . Ill
iharsllue Imllaaoap , KliKs . . . 1 I'ilma soap , Lauti Uro'd . 1
boicu matchca
callon .
lit KoglUli currants , It pounds . 1
i boxes genuine Lents lye . 1
2-pound cans itrawbmles In ujnip , . , . , , 1
8-pound csuiipeaches , Inujrup . . . . 1
3-pound emu tomatoes . 1 00
pounds Ulchlgandrlod apples . . . . 1 00
pouD | > < evaporated afp'es ' . 1 00
irllard cllmix tobacco per pound . , . . . 46
i > y plug tobacco , per pourd . 10
ttuullotttobiooc , per pound . 00
our , all brands Irom 92.10 to $359 per cwt.
ewer Than Any Other House
Ittorney - ai-Law !
At the Now rloans Exposition ,
1. Th Jury of awards critically examined the various writing machlno' , anj iltcidod by a t
thlrda vote to glva the highest award to the HKMUOTOX.
. The decision t ( Jury WM Ignored by the eommlttco o ( awudd , ami other Jurors wetoaJdo
constituting anew ury.
5. Tills lecoml Jury tire crltlc lly eiamlncd the various wtltlrg michlma , and made the w ra of a
Orst clisa gold modal , the highest owanJ , to the IUJH.NOTOX StamUrJT/po Wlltor , ( or " .Implleity , dur * .
blllty , etso o ( manipulation and speed. "
4. Tjon.portothlsJuryw ( am&ded llvcroJtoanarcfl3lptod ( or by the foumlttso of w rJson
May 20.
6. Tlie members o ( this Jury were n m discharged.
0. N cthir Jury c jammed llio Rmimoios Standard T ) po-Wrltcr at New Oile ns.
7. Iho ligdcrs of tb.s award arc honoralls and well known gentlemen. Thtlr nMrataoi ara Ch
A. Morganrst ] , ictithein maniger of 1 . 0. Dunn & Co. , Now Oiltruis , ta. ; Kx-Ooiemor Vranfc B.IO
U. S. commltslonor o ( Ktntas , ana prcsldontof the U. tf. bmrdof fommlailonoK , Chtnutc , Km ; dec. A.
Beaten , Eiq. , stcncgrtpher mil stmtajjol tholoard oU. S. commlnsoncrr , Columbu , Ohio.
8. ThoafBdavllsoMhtfogenilcmtnamlthohldotyoJ the Mutest , \\hlch wo are
pamphlet foiin , wo will bo plciBcd to ( uinlih 0" appicatlcn. :
The fellow Ing Is the icport :
The World's Induftilil andCotlcnCtntcnnUl Kxpcsillon , Now Oilcans. Jury repsrt.
No. 8I5J group 0 ; tints 014. Competition.
The undersigned Jurors In Iho aboio entitled class , having cjtcfully cximlnoj the oxhlblj tuado
K. Remln ton & Ecu ? , Him , Niw Tori , snd all ccrnttlrg | exhibit ? , concur In recommending tha a
oUllist cbtsincd the Standoid Tjpc-Wrllcr , ( or simplicity , iluub lily , OMOO ( manipulation a
Date. ! t SOth dsy of May , ISS5. OK0.115A.TOV , \
UIUR A. MOIKHN , VJuiors ;
v lKOJT.S AMANS h BENEDICT , 3SO Broadway , New York.
Chicago , $8 Madison St ,
O. H. SHOLES , Agent ,
Council Binds. Iowa.
Merchant Tailors
7 and 9 Main St. ,
Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand.
Norene & Landstrom ,
Suita to order In latest etylos at cheapest possible [ prices.No.
No. 205 Main St. , Council BIt.ff
Tli ncaouMCM "
11:3O : to 1 : O , 25 cents.
SOS Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs.
the only all night house in the city. Everything served in first clzsa etyloand on shoe
notice. Hot and cold lunclioa always ready.
And nil Unda of musical Inttrumcuts. Pianos ind orpnnaeola on the Irstallmcnt rlan. Muilol netru-
nentsot oxcry description tuned and repaired. liming over 14 jcnrs experience In the Imsincaa wo fco
: onfldcntof glilng the best ol satisfaction. Ilemeulicr tbo placo. Sign of the gilt org n
Keep Horsea imd Muloa constantly on hand which
wo will cell In retail or carload lots
I ! Stock Warranted as Reoresented
holoealo and retail dealers In Grain and Baled tiny. Prices reft ,
sonablo Satisfaction Guaranteed.
t SGHLUTER , t B 0V \ L K Y
Cor. 6th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs.
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizzesSwitch
is , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
heaperthan ever. Call and see for yourself ,
Formerlv MRS. J. J. GOOBE.
29 Main Street , Council Bluffs
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved nnd nntlsfaction guarantoad , Frame bout
loved on Little Ulant trucks , the boat In the world ,
j iiirn
1010 Miith'streot , Council. "
In Council lilulta huln
V.nd all modern Improvement * , call balls , Ore
alarm bells , etc. , u the
Noa , 210 , 217 and liH' ' , Main Street.
t , J , Elalcear ,
Who lor the r&U 10 years has been practicing la
in francltco Is now located at Ko i8 N. Cttl Utn tt ,
ppnelte new Opera llouuu
ladamo Ilalcoar guarantees to ro tore
r to git o anyone a l.ugh inuetach * orung \ out a
10 growth ctbalrurboard In ( rum ( our totlx cels.
Icoj reas unable and satisfaction yuorontccJ ,
lancerr. diafntia ui.dttricltl'j ' ibeuroalliui ind
rliiiblo Uuiuecmia ly atttuul flit of bt
cticif.JDr. . J57. .7. JBirtccnr ,
.Council BluiFa , Is ,
Piano and Organ ,
Uy Misa JVinnls Wcatcott , OrK&niet ; at the
Presbyterian church. Residence COG Wasli-
inp.toa Ave ,
E , Eice M. D.
f A UfPDfl or other tumois removed wltbout the
kntfoor diaulng uf Mood ,
Over thirty yean prirtlca lexptrtenoo , CBlco No
11 , I'tailetitet , Council blulTd
QencrM A cnt at Largo
, txj tSa9J aJL tSuir ili iMif
life and Annuity Ins.Co