Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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ChisIerB. Davis Awarded the Conlracl
for Siwerage Plans ,
A Large Sized Eat Said to be
Concealed in that Meal Tub ,
Ilio Stnto Fnlr Supreme Court
"WctltllnR tiocal Notes nncl
Stto Personals.
At the lost mooting of the city council ,
Gjnnollman Brook read n Ict'or ' from
Mayor Boyd , of Omaha , In which the
latter eta ton that Chester B. Davle , the
engineer who la In Lincoln for the pur-
poao of securing the work of surveying a
system of eoworogo , la a competent nun
and fully qualified for the work ho do-
slrca to nndtrloko. In his letter to Mr.
Brock ho doen not deny that there are
dofecta In the Omnha water works system ,
as engineered \ Davis , bat ho charges
the fault to tha city coun
cil nt Omaha in not letting
Divli hive his way. Any ono at nil fa-
mlliir with tha water works at Omaha ,
knows perfectly well thnt the company is
9 , private Institution , atd that the works
ore constructed nndor the supervision
of Nathan Shelton , the manager , ana
that the city council hsd no more to dt
with my defective work than if they had
lived in Australia during thtir construe-
tion. Mayor Boyd , of Om ba , ought to
know this important fact. The water
works were accepted by the city council
after iholr final completion , na they will
fall into the bauds of the city after twen
ty-five yoarp , but of their immediate con
strue'ion the city had nothing to do.
Therefore Mr. Davla wai free lo not and
plan M ho wanted to. Ho did plun , as
heretofore fitted In tbo BEIwith n ditoat
Joss tn the water worka company of over
Tim Lincoln olty council hai nscaptcd
Mr. Divla * bid , presumably on the good
character given him by Mayor Boyd of
Omaha. The city council of Lincoln
will , In all human probability , find before -
fore tluy got through , that Mayor Boyd
of Onuba , la not rn expert in sanitary
engineering. The action of the city
council hero does not moot the approba
tion of the most prominent citlzsus of
Lincoln. The city la just now throwing
oil' lia swaddling clothes to assume a met
ropolitan garb. Water works are already
in , end so far have proved a BUCSBCB , but
sewerage Is a more complex pleco of en
gineering , and requires that thb hlghent
intelligence bo used. In order to gain
flomo Idea of the fooling in the city , a
BEE reporter Interviewed several promi
nent clllzans.
Gen. McBtido , the poatmaator , thought
that the council had been too hanty In its
action. Such matters require time to
consider before Intelligent action can bo
taKon. Davis id unknown hero. His
qua'itioa have not boon brought before
the people. The Hon. 0. \Vliodon
thought it should first bo learned whether
Davia ia a competent man for the work.
In his opinion thla Important fact had
not yut been ascertained. The action of
the city council was hurried and without
proper caution
Hot ) . II. E. Moore , ox-mayor of Lin
coln , wan seen , but ho had B delicacy
abont expressing his sentiments for prl-
yato rosoons. Ho had very decided vloKS
In the matter which hereafter ho m'ght '
give publicity to. At present , as an ex-
mayor of the city , ho thought boat not to
say anything. T. P. Qaiok said Davis
should be niado to give proper references
and a BolHclent bond for the faithful per-
fortnanca of his woik. There was no nao
in bjlry In tuch a terrible hurry ; the
city could alFord to wait until the work
could bo done satisfactorily and well. Ho
know nothing about the man Davis or
his former reputation.
Judge 0. F. Mason said it was a bad
policy to go abroad and pick up a tramp
when wo have competent men at homo
'who would bo glad to do tbo work. The
A whole matter la a nilotako. The man
who dovlaes a .eowera u ( schema should bo
hero to suporvleo the work. T ho present
plan Is like paying for a plctura niulu to
plough a corn field with. There ia a job
in the matter oomowhcre , but juat whore
wo cannot ba told. It m y developo
itself hereafter. The judge was very
pronounced iii the matter , and ho thinks
that proforonca should have been given
local engineers
Another gentleman said that D. J.
'Whitman , a very omnipotent engineer of
St. Lanl. ' , had euomltted plans fur * otor-
wcrks on a basis of § 1,200 fer the work ,
His nsrylcsa could have ben obtained
for the Bowcrago at a far leaa price than
$2,000 , and &a his reputation waa well
known tlurj would hay a been no question
as to the quality of bit work. Another
gontlainsn who had hoard something cf
Davis' former work and methods do-
nouncfd him openly and roundly. The
mayor's action and that of the city coun
cil , is condemned on all tides. Ono gen *
tleman of prominence c.nd integrity told
the reporter that ono of the city council'
men wan there to ruako money ; ho had
openly declared that to be kit Intention
oven before his election. Ho has been
nn enthusiastic advocito of Davis * em
M t'.ern at the fair grounds are pro-
Rreeelog nicely , end long before the data
Axed for the opening everything will bo
in good eider for the recaption of visit
ors. At the B. & M. crossing switches
have been put in for the accommodation
of shippers and patsengen to the
grounds. The main building , horticul
tural hall , art hall , power hill and stock
stalls have been repaired and built anew ,
so that ample room la provided for al ) ,
The amplthoatro hm been entirely 10-
conitruoted and Is 28cli)2 ) foot , giving a
seating capiclty much larger than hereto ,
foro. Tiio officers' headquarters , for.
morly occupied as a private dwelling , has
boon remodeled to suit the gentlemen
having the fair in charge.
Tbo oost of extra building Is Bald to bo
20,000 , and thti money has all been
carefully expended. Boildea those build
ings mentioned , many private slructurcs
will be pat up. The Women's Christian
Temporauoa union , the Whltabrcast Goal
company , wind mill companies , and
other manufacturers will bo represented.
A car lead of water plpo has been
hauled to the grounds and the city main
will bo tapped at Sixteenth street.
Miny attractions will be brought to the
fslr , among which may be mentioned the
Bartholdi statue , which created such &
furore In Now Orleans during the exposi
Applications for exhibiting spsco have
been received from a number of western
coau'foi , and thcro have alto bsen sev
eral ! quitita undo by northern Kansis
Other letters h vo been and ara dally
llMiflllllll .
I L -
being received by the officers concerning
the coming fa'r. '
A prominent sowing machine company
will put np a building and have fifteen
female operatives at work on all kinds of
fancy article ; .
The speed department will bo made an
oipeclal feature , and dally entries ara be
ing made.
The m ny frlonds of Mr. Oorlam F.
Bolts o' this city , will bo Interested to
learn of his marriage at Woonaockct , Di-
kola , to Mica Alida M. Bennott. Mits
Bennett has many friends in this city , as
also Mr. Bolts , who irill bo pleased to
learn that their future homo will be here.
The wedding , which took phco at the
rotldenco of the bride's parents , waa a
quiet ono , no cards being issued , Mr.
and Mrs. Batts will ba plowed to receive
tholr frlonds at their future homo , corner
of P and Fourteenth street ] after Sep
tember 1st.
At the trl&l of Capt. Bax and his wlfo
yesterday before Justice Ooehran , on a
charge of assault and battery upon the
person of A. W. Johnson , the defendant
was discharged , the judge holding that
the prosecuting witness wa > a trespasser
on Bax's promises ! ,
There ia a largo number of attorneys in
the city from all over tha state In at
tendance on the sapromo court ,
The rain vhch ! fell In Lincoln yoiter-
day morning wan the heaviest f Ji a long
time.Tho funeral of Mra. Hannah Smith ,
mother-in-law of Mayor Burrs , occurred
The now coster of Ohio soldiers and
nailora In Nebraska is being completed
by E. P. Rognon , secretary and treasurer
of the Ohio SoldiorV Association in No-
bra ko , and will ho ready for distribution
about September 1st. The old roster
contains abont 1,000 names , which
together with the many now names to bo
addtil will make the now roster very
complete ; all old Ohio soldiers and
eaUora will find very much In it of In
The state board of educational lands
and fands met yesterday.
The dome of the capital In being rapid
ly pushed to completion , which will bo
about September 1. It Booms to bo n
good , substantial job. The sides o ! tbo
middle wiug are also up to the second
Tne revision of the census ratnini will
bo fully completed and copies made and
sent to Waahington within two weeks.
Hustings is about to make application
to tbo governor to declare it a city of the
second class. Beatrice and Grand Inland
made their applications icvoral weeks
The town clock in the Masonic temple
has been turned over to the city author
ities on condition that it shall not bo re
moved from its present location.
The supreme court of the state con
vened yesterday , a largo number ot law
yers being proitn > . There was but little
business transacted. G. AV. Taylor , of
Noraaha county , was admitted to practice.
The call of cases for the first district waa
made. Marlon vs. The State was contin
ued. The cases of Robinson vs. Ohony
and Robert vs. Chony were submitted on
the part of the appellant. The case of
Davison va. Djw < on was argned and sub-
mittcd. The Burlington & fillssonrl vi.
Webb -eras argued and submitted and the
caenof Parrish vs. The Ssato waa als-i ar
gued and submitted.
Alfred Hazlott , L. W. OiUoy , E.
Burke , L. M. Pcmborton , E. 0. Kret-
singer , Beatiico ; R. S. NOWJ ! , Seward ;
Lyman Perln , jr. , Orote ; G. P. Dietz ,
Omaha ; L F. Brltt , Nebraska City ; W.
0. Aehby , Wymore.
rkley haa gene to Chicago.
H , Hostetter , Blair , is at the Paxton.
J. Neuman , Wymore , ia n Paxton guost.
C. AY. Thomas , Grand Island , ts a Paxton
L. L. Dowd , of Norwalk , ia a Millard
E. B , Jones and wlto , Kearney , are a1 the
S. E. Blunt , U. S. A. , is quartered at the
J. II , Carrel ] , TJnionvillo , Mo , , is at the
Paxton ,
* A. C. McCorclo , of Saparior , la stopping at
the Millard.
D. S. MoFatland , of Lincoln , Is quartered
at the Millard ,
Patrick Enn , of Lincoln , was in the cliy
to-day , stopping at the Millard ,
N , P. Iljckwood , representing a prominent
cigar iirm of Milwaukee , is in the city.
, T. T. Davu , Blair ; J. It , Armstrong , Ei-
ex , Iowa ; Joseph I'ltts , St , Joseph , are at
the Arcido ,
W. E. Annin , who has been visiting In
Omaha for n few days , returned to Fcrt Hob-
inson on Sunday last.
Mrs. John Guild , accompanied by Mrs. T.
O , Bruner , left Monday for a visit to friends
in Grand Island , Neb ,
O. V , Benjamin , manager of trio Ithaca
Journ M , one of the liveliest sheets In central
New York , U shaking Lands with old friends
in this city ,
The family of Jacob Kopalil , of this city ,
consisting of hia wife and hve children , ar
rived In 0 in aba Monday evening fiotn Ham
burg , Germany.
MUa Graoa Boyd , ol Wheeling , Wait Vir
ginia , who has bean vliitiug Mr. and Mrs , A ,
1\ HOES , on upper Iodgo street , returned
home yesterday , much pleased with her visit
to tha metropolis of Nebraska ,
Thomas J. Walker , of the Unitid States
railroad commission , ariived in the city yes
terday on Ills return from an Inspection of the
Union Pacific road , 1" , B , Pickerel is nleo
expected In Otnabn this mornlntr ,
Mra. J. U , Millard , Will Millard end wife ,
and MrBBarrow , Mr8.J.II , Millard's mother ,
arrived In Omaha yesterday afternoon In the
Union Pacific epecUl car 05. They came
from Davenpoit , Iowa.
N A Perslnger , Central City ; A 0. Virfin ,
Utici ; J 8 Yeoman , 11 Howard , Willow
Springs : J A Anderson , J A Williams , Chicago
cage ; Jas Banter , Marysvillo ; TII. Hill. To
ledo ; J W Fornor , Poitvllle , lov/a ; O II
Guthtb , Des Moines ; T II Martin , PaciBo
Junction ; 8 W Binder ; , J Walters , Ltuamle ,
are atthaOanfield ,
At the Metropolitan W. 1) . MoK y ,
Platiimoutu. Andrew lUnard , Oakland ; A
II. Bryan , llherton ; T. B Lsighton , Lin
coln , W , Lamb and wife , Columbus ; J. B ,
Mooio , wife and child , Kmereon ; C , M. Copp
and wife , Wohoo ; M P. George , J , F , Bux-
ton , II. 3 , Baton , Paolo , Kan , ; J , L , La
Crone , llcrren , Mich ; F , M. Kllenburg ,
Chicago ; Mits L. Beck , Miss T. ApORt , Mis
souri V lley ; T. D , Peters , Bradfotd , Pa. ;
William II. Vorce , D ndwood ; Harry Whlt-
cey , Denver ; U. I ) , Dwight , Marcai , Ia.W.
II. Martin , Chicago ; C , H , 1'raue , Kontas
City , Mo.
Some of tbe Bores Win Hanz Alien
a Newspaper Offlce ,
A Brief Sketch rf Several Vrlctlci
'Tho Man AVlth n rolntcr. "
Theio are a great many people whc
imagine that the llfo of a newspaper mac
Is ono of rollicking case and comfort
the softest and most desirable sort of at
oxlstonco possible. To the sophisticated ,
who know of the dally lifo of the mw
"born to Ink and misery , " an Impression
of this kind savors of the awfully ridica <
Ono painful potato of a nowtspapei
mati'a troubles la the manner In which he
Is besieged by heartless boros. A brio !
write-up of some of these people ( in o
general way ) may servo to diminish the
number about this cflico at least , provi
ded those whoso portraltnro is liorain
made , will recognlzo their pictures and
take a broad hint.
Ono cf the greatest banes of a nows-
piper uiau'a lifo ia the Individual who has
tho"onlot pointer" "who knows It all. "
This nun will coma into the cilice with a
quiet and stealthy tread , dating furlivo
glances nt every quarter of the floor and
ceiling , and will prciccod In a nihilistic
whupcr to tell the scrlbo of saae awful
mystery that ought to bo written up , aud
which would prove the "greatest sensa
tion on earth. " If there is a fire , this
man always knows that it Is Incendiary ,
anil knows just about who ia the fiend.
In fact tloro is no matter on which ho in
not posseesad of a quiet but strictly reli
able "pointer. " His information in al-
waya imported to the victim with a mys-
totious ' "B'S-h" aud a "don't you men
tion rny name. " Howllltell yon of eomo
man or aorno woman who ought to bo
savagely "toostea" in the columns of the
paper will pour into your oar full par
ticulars but will Invariably couple his
information with the cujoinder "Now
don't tell anybody whora you got your
pointer. "
Then there are the people who wan
the pspor to write up this and wiike up
that. They expect the paper to corrost
every abuse that exists on the face of the
earth. This clats of people uoneralJy
operate through mall communication.
They Invariably forgot to tion their
iiamea , and hide behind such nom deplumes
plumes as "Curious , " "Inquultlvo , " and
the old threadbare "Constant Reader. "
The following is an extract from a letter -
tor which Is a fair simple :
"To the Editor of Tue BKE :
Will you explain why it is that certain per
sons In Omaha are allowed to rent honsea for
the purpose of prostitution in thflery _ midst
of respectable communities ? Why is il that
tha law is not dealt out to all alike. " * *
"CcniocH. "
The writer , lashed to a fury , by the
solemn echo of hla own question , raves
and tears hia hair for five or ton minutes
longer , propounding a sarlos ot questions
to answer which would take the bettor
portion of a man's natural life.
Another anonymous correspondent
wants to know why it is that a certain
youcg man on the corner of Blank street
and Blr.ukoty avenue "la allowed to be
continually drumming on hla piano , at
all hours of the day aud night. "Won't yon
please put a pleco in the paper so that
ho will BOO it and take the hint ? "
Now the writer forgets thnt the editor
of this paper Is not omniscient. Ho can
not for the llfo of him tell why this
young man is allowed to practice in the
manner described , and if ho did know ,
wouldn't impart the information for
nothing. And bo it understood this paper
can't ' undortakothe took of pltchlr g into all
the orabiyo Beothoveus and Mozirts It
hasn't got tbe time or space.
A third Judlvidnal , who writes with
red Ink and forgets to dot his " 1'a" and
cross his "t's , " poms forth hii soul's an
guish in a half column letter about a soap
factory in a certain locality , whoce odor
is grievously offensive to the good citi
zens of that qnartor of town. He asks
the editor to inform him why this la thus
why such terrlblo stanch mills are al
lowed to waft tholr baneful cflluvla over
the olty , and winds up with a tearful ap
peal , the theme of which Is , "Abolish the
tosp factory I"
Columns could bo taken up in the do-
ecrlption of this claaa of people who want
to air any and every grievance , no matter
how disgustingly trivial it may bo , In the
The nun who Is naturally born to
journalistic work Is to bo found in all
sizec , colors and species nronnd a news
paper office. Ho is a genius , and can
jump into the editorial chair , or the
roportorlal chair , and fill It with the most
glorlona cas ? , provided Ib doesn't ewe in
under the weight of BO much Holld wis
dom and talent One of these dcllght-
fol creatures ia frequently abaut the BKE
olllco. Ho Is ono of yonr lah-do-dah
young men , baamifully dressed , and tony
in every respect. A whistle Is contin
ually gurgling from hla mouth. When ho
mounts the otalrs to the editorial roomi
the whistle continues to gurgle more and
moro rapidly and loudly. It in
creases to a furious pitch , and
ho bursts Into the room with a
2x7 mile , and asks , "Got lint pcsi-
tion ready foe ma yet ? " When Informed
that thoto Isno opening at press nt and that
time may pceslbly bo a vacancy within
the next two or three months for which
there are already 7,201 applicants , the
' lad-de-dah" grsoetnlly bows himself
out , after filing a modott request that ho
ba allowed first chance. It ia noteworthy
that the geniiu known nothing of news
paper work iras a teacher and didn't
rise to brilliant distinction in that vccs-
tlan but Is nevertheless a full fhdged
j jurnalist of brilliant pirts. Rare man ,
that "iah-de-dali. "
The natural born poet or poetets Is an
other mnch-tO'be-droaded apparition
haunting the newspaper oflioa. Ho or she
generally floats upon the scoup with a
tiugo roll of manuscript , containing some
long winded effusion which Is of about as
much Interest to the public as the nebular
hypothesis is toaHottantotJust at pres
ent theto embyro Byrons and Hemiusaio
putlcnlarly pressing In their desires to
nolp out the editorial forces of the nowa
piper * hero. Tbny ferret that tbo sons-
ou for paper-kindled fires U not yet at
hand by the epnco of two or throe
mouths ,
Ono torment of the local scribe's life
Is the men who comes Into the oiiico with
a whlno and a tear , end tells how he his
gotten Into Bmo eerioni scrape , which he
dofsn't want mentioned In the piper.
Ha InvarUbly winds up his [ plea { with a
"Now yon'Jl suppress this for me , I know ,
won't you ? " Sometimes ho Is "ono cf
the bon-ton" a globalo la the cremo do
la cremo , as It were who has become
Involved lu an ad&Ir concerning which
I the public demand full Information 01
perhaps Lo Is a laboring man , who bai
been turning the tonn icsldo out paint
ing the vllligo n deep crimson hno , ant
h a wound up by facing Judge Stenberg ,
and paying a § 5 and costs fine. Boil :
" rant to keep out tf the paper. " One
man Is afraid the publication will hurl
his business and social interests the
other tolls you pUintivoly that ho Is em
ployed In the Union Pacific shops , and II
"they got onto ltdown'thera he'll lose hit
job "
The poor reporter who hates to lose
an item , bo It little or big , Is In n quan
dary. Ho is allvo to the beauty of ac
commodating everybody on the faca of
tbo oirth , but ho Is also loth to cheat the
public cut of the news. Whatever maybe
bo the outcome of the "suppresslonlsts1 "
plea , ( which , thank a merciful fate , Is but
rarely a auccoitfal one ) , the scrlbo Ron-
orally lapses into a spell of silent pro
fanity over the man who "wants It kept
out. " And a just public won't blame
him. If everything Is to be suppressed
whkt would become cf the newspopei ?
The man who was robbed , and comes
to loll you all abont It , "so yon won't
mnko any mistakes , yon know , " la qnlto
numerous. Ho was robbed while In a re-
( pectablo place , and "for goodncsi stko
don't say 1 was drunk , " ho says. "I was
so tired I fell asleep and when I woke up
my money was all gono. " And If fotty
witnesses swear that ho wai dead dtunk
and lying In the gutter , ho will got mai
ml call you a liar If yon publish the
.ruth. Ho usually hangs around tbo ra-
jcrtor for two hour' , wants to see what
lit ) has written about hla case , and olfurs
; o "tot 'cm up" two or thrao times.
"Tell the editor that I request Its pub-
iatlon , and it will ba all right , " siys
the man who brhizi in n long article
which Is of no qonoral interest to the pub-
i" "Why , hn nlffays luncrtn what I
n k him ti . I he Ipcd to put him on his
' ot when hi first started the paper.
You'll find my name on the tubacrlption
jooks for a good many years I am a
constant reader' of your \alnablo jour-
isl. " And If the reporter sufrgeatj that
ho article referred to is not likely to in-
orott the loader ? , ho gaz ° s upon him
with n look of eupcriority and says :
'Refer it to the editor ; ho is u corapo *
; ent judgo. "
The subject of the bocs of nowapipcr
ifo has not boon by any means ex-
isuated. It could bo dwelt upon to ul-
noit unlimited length. But enough per-
laps haa been eaid at present , and the
matter id hereby referred to the consider
ation of a thoughtful public.
Mr. Albert Metslahn , Jr. , who came
hero from Now York to ring the now
chimes lu Trinity cathulra' ' , rang
a farewell programme of muelc ,
commencing at noon yeatorday. Ho
eft for Now York last night. Follow-
ng is the prcgramm : :
Hinging the chimes on eight bolls.
Evening Balls.
Tha Little Wanderer.
jMr by Uo Beriot.
Blue Bells of Scotland.
Child of the Ko-iiment.
Scotch Melody ( from Guy Mannoring. )
Old Folks at Ilomn.
Kiss Me , Mother , Good Night.
Home Sweet Home.
Sow to Ascertain U Von are A t
While the thermometer wns bursting
ihrough its limits nt noon. , on Tuesday July
Hh , down south , in Notv Orleans , La. ,
Gen'U G , T. Boauregard of La. , and Jubal
A. Karly , of Va , ( as is their usual custom )
lupervised in pereon and conducted solely by
liomEclvcs the 182d Grand Monthly drawing
of tha Louisiana State Lottery , and scattered
nil over tno world § 205 500 , thus : No. S 930
drew the Ifirst Priza of 875,000. It was sold
n fifths at 81 teach , held , ono by O. L. Ho
mer , of Brookaton. Texas ; one by J , T. Wales ,
of Bridgeport , Conn , ; one by S. M. Simpson ,
272 Sixteenth strost , Denver , Col. , collected
hrourfh tha Fret National bank of Denver ;
ono to ] ? H , Kshenroth , 321 Montgomery St. ,
33U 1'rancisco , Cai. , ollected through First
rational bank of San Francisco. Tba Second
Prize , [ of 82'OCO , drawn by No.18 031. nleo
old in fifths ono ras held by J. D. Jink ? ,
kooklnnd , Ailnnsas , collected through
he Germin National hank of Mem-
) h'i , Tenneesoo ; one by J ,
Jameron of Wichita Foils , Texas , through
ho Exchange Bank of Dallas , Toxus ; another
collected through the Bowery National Bank
ot Now York. The third prize of § 10,000 ,
drawn by No. 12,580 , sold in fifths ; two of
hem were collecttd through Messrs. Britton
& Kountze , Bankers , Natchez , Miss ; the bal.
anas went hither and yon. Nos. 71.C50 aud
05,1-49 drew the fourth two prizes ol 50,000 ,
each sold in fifths , to parties in Philadelphia ,
Pa , Atlanta , Gn. . North Vernon , led , , Har-
'odsbuw ' , Kv. , Louisville , Ky. , and Waco ,
Tfxai , etc , The generals , tbe commissioners
of Tbo La. S. L , , to superintend nil the
nonthly grand drawings , will repeat this per
formance nt noon , on Tuesday , September 8 ,
; Lo 181th Grniid Monthly Drawing , and any
nformatioa will bo eiven on application , to
M. A. Dauphin , Now Orleans , La , Now
you can lenm for yourself how you uro fav
ored by fortune. Are you not n Miscol ?
A Serious Kumuvivy Accident.
List evening abont 10 o'clock a span
of coal black hurdoa dashed wildly up
Dopitol avenue , dragging after them a
carriage which had evidently been badly
wrecked. Near the corner of Sixteenth
street they ran into and knocked down
.wo men who wcro crossing the street ,
leodlesj of danger , severely Injuring
.hem. The two unfortunates were picked
up in a nemi-unconscloua condition , acd
removed to the oflico of Dr. Search , near
at hand. There their wounds were
droeeod. 0/ie of them waa found to have
sustained a severe rut over the eye , while
he other was badly bruised about tha
noio and forehead , It Is not believed
hat the injuries of cither nro fatal ,
They gave tbo names of Henry Prlco and
3eoig > i Snow , and sa'il tint they had
ust came from Oburchville , Ohio ,
n search of work. They are penniless
md have no friends hero in the city.
They will probably bo removed to the
loepital for treatment.
A to the ownership of the team , no
positive Information was obtained last
light. The team had evidently started
rorn somewhere near the foot of Capitol
avonuo. At a late hour they had not
boon captured ,
The te tn was the property of the Olub
stables , and at the ttmo cf the accident
were being driven by ono of the stable
ttUchea. They were captured late In
bo evening on Sherman avenue , whtro
hey had landed astride of a fence.
Neither of the hortes wore badly injured.
About two months ago a mm giving the
nauio of John Grager went to tha store of
JuTgatrorn & Olson and purchased a suit of
othes , mikinj a partial ptymsnt for
he same. He reprosentsd hlmielf a > era.
iloyed in the Union Paolfio foundry , and
upon this representation he was allowed to
take the clothei. Investigation , however ,
dltclosed that there was no euch person en
gaged at the foundry ana no trace of the man
cm'd ba found , Yesterday afternoon ho
again entered Bnrgatrom & Olson'd store and
ried t ) work the name game , but he wai rec-
ogulzad and an cllictr sent for Before h
irrlved , however , Gr&ger m&dahU eicape and
las not yet been captured.
Try Ed. Kuppig'n now moat market ,
801 N , ICth a'.riot. Lowest prlcoi.
A Long HEcliDir anflLotst'fBnsiies ' !
The Committee to Confer AVlth tin
Mayor on Appointments Kcport
A Compromise ) Impossible
Now Ordinances
Adopted ,
At the regular mooting of the city
council laet evening , there were present
President Bochol and all the members oi
the council.
A communication waa received from
the mayor approving certain ordinances ,
and also atatlcg that ho had signed the
contract with the board of education for
the erection of the city hall. Recorded
and filed.
The nomination of Djmtol MoBrido as
special pdicoman on Gumlng street was
The appraisers of damages caused by
: ho opening of Bnrt street west , reported
n favor of allowing only nominal dam
ages , except in the case of the heirs of
Jflthcrlno Authan , who was awarded
? 400. Report accepted and city treasurer
ordered to tender the amounts.
City Attorney Council waa granted a
cave of absence for two wooks.
Chairman House of the board of public
works reported that only cue bid had
> eon received for erecting the market
IOUBO on Capitol r.venuo , aad that no
contract had boon awarded ; ho alsotrans-
ulttod bids for constructing sewers ,
laforrod back as rfguds market honno.
The contract bond of the Atnlmlt pw-
ng company for piving Twelfth sircot
waa approved ,
The contract and boul of John F. Sol-
Ivan & Co. for laying sawor mains was
i'lio contract andbcndof. Hugh Murphy
or constructing u sewer on Sovcntosutn
treat was approved.
The mortality report of the citr physic-
an for tha past month doathu 02 , births
[ 0 was placed on file.
The report of the rtppraieora on the
value of No , 1 engine house , placad it at
§ 4 500. Filed.
The request of L. U. Stewart for an
con tank at 1017 Jones street for stor-
ng carbon oil was referred to xho com
mittee an police.
A petition from Boggj & Bill to increate -
create the appropriation for grading
etroeta In Omaha View was referred to
the committee on paving and grading.
A communication was read from the
president of the national association of
ire engineers , urging the attendance of
ho chief of the Omaha fire department at
ho national convention which la to bo
icld at Long Branch. Liid on the table.
The contract and bond of Jarnoi Fox
'or curbing and guttering south Thlr-
eanth street Tras submitted. A warm
lobato ensued. Mr. Fa rny aiscrtod that
t nhould not bo done booausa it wonld
lave to bo followed by pacing this soi-
scn , or oho the czponsa would fall en
tirely on the property owners. Ho also
claimed that there waa not enough money
to accomplish this and at the uamo tlmo
pave the streets around the exposition
building. Mr. Bshm said that money
had boon diverted to pave Gaming street ,
and there waa not enough loft to pivo
Capitol avenue. ZTo moved to take $3-
5UO out of the general fund to pave both
streets. Mr. Fa ray said that the paving
contemplated on Thirteenth street would
leave a gap , and ho was in favor of mak
ing the gap wider and pavir < ; around the
exposition building lint , ana then begin
on Thirteenth whtra the old paving ends.
Ho then moved that the matter bo re
ferred back to the board of public works
for the purpose of ascertaining the funds
available for paving both around the ex
position building and on Thirteenth
Chairman Houeo stated that no gap
was contemplated in the ordlnanca for
the paving on Thirteenth street.
Mr. Fnriy'a motion was lost , and the
Fox contract and bond were approved ,
The board of public works was In
structed to advertise two troika longer
For bids to erect the market house on
Capitol avenue.
The city physician recommended that
owing to the complaints nmao against tbo
city scavenger , ho ba cb'lged ' to llvo np
to his contract or h.'s contract ba
forfeited. Referred to committee on
A petition rpqncttlng the removal of a
notorious hcusa ( f prostitution at 1513
Capitol nvcnuu was referred to the city
marshal with instructtona to act.
A proposition of Henry Stcuben for
fnraiahlug hay to the lire department iras
referred ,
A communication protesting against
the proposed opening of Twentieth street ,
between Grace and Spruce , was referred
to commlttoo on grades and priding ,
A conrmanlcation was received fri-m 0.
A. Baldwin stating that a stranger named
E F. Green , of California , full lu a hole
on a defective oldoivalk in tbii city , nnd
wa ) robbed , whllo Insensible , of $280.
Ho asked thet a committee bo appointed
to meet him and ascertain the facts In
the caeo and make a jast ecttlomont. The
communication wai referred to the city
A claim for damifjos by the grading of
Tenth atrcnt WAS received from R , Mc
Donald. Referred.
A communication was received from
citizens praying fcrtho appointment of a
commission to draft maps and locate
parka and boulevards in accordaoca with
the request of the citizens' ' meeting hold
last week. The prayer was granted and
the cotrmistiouor cf public works and
city engineer were appointed as such com-
The claim of A. J , Diniolson for dam
ages by falling on a defective eidowalk
was referred to tha committee on claims.
The BKK Publishing company were
granted the right to move tholr wooden
building t ) the next lot east on Farnatn
street nhi o tholr now brick building wai
being erected.
A petition to charge ( ho grade of Dav
enport street botwoou Twenty-third and
Tvrontv-fourth was referred.
By Btbni That the cllv engineer re.
port au estimate on building brick or
wooden sewer across Williams etreot. Re >
By Bohm To allow the board of edu
cation $000 to urido around the echuol
alto at E'gbtoenih ' and OiatolUr streets.
Adopted ,
By Latdor To accept the proposal of
Gooji'o Armstrong to sell lot 13 , tilook 1 ,
Armstrong's addition , for § 2,000 , pro
vided the city "ells lot on Izird s'r/ot to
the beard tf oduoitijn fir § 1,500.
By Loder To purchase lot 7 In
Jacob's fd-Jitlou for an engine hausu at
not to exceed $2,000 , Adopted.
By Scbroeder That c'.ty ' clerk furnish
the viaduct committee all paptra rela'iog '
to right of w y granted the linrllngtoi
it Missoari railroad from Tenth ttroe
wost. Adopted.
By Dsiloy To suspend the operatloi
of the pound ordinance as regards mild
cows In charge of owners or herdsmen
Referred to committee on police.
By Dallcy That the board of pnblli
works bo instructed to advoetleo for th (
construction of a sewer lu Thittecntl
street to connect the sewer In the alle ;
between Farnam and Douglas ntrooUwi t
storm water sewer on F. rnam street.
By Balloy That the city engineer ba
Instructed to prepare n description ol
land on which stagnant pools oxtat , th l
the nccoisiry fiction can bo taken to h&vc
said pools filled. Adopted.
By Goodrich That the contractor for
grading West Farnam street bo instructed
10 replace the sidewalks on the south side
of the street. Adopted.
By Goodrich For the refunding of the
money paid by Totor Cuslck for Impound-
"ng his cons wrongfully. Adopted.
By L e That the etroot commissioner
) e directed to put South avenue , from
St. Mary's avenue to Howard street , In a
passable condition. Adopted.
By Leo To appropriate 5150 ( o pay
expenses of the fire chief to the national
convention of Gro engineers at Long
3rauch. Adopted.
The committee on cUluis reported that
ho clnicn of Emma L. Van Elton was ox *
lorbltant and her damages imaginary ,
nnd recommended that It bo not allowed.
The commlttoo to whom was referred
ho "annual roporl of ojtinutoi" of the
> oard of education recommended tint it
> o filed. Adopted.
The cDinuiittoo on grading ropor'od '
avor.vbly that the plat of Idlowlld addi-
Ion to the city ba accepted. Adopted.
The commlttoo ou paving toportod in
aver of establishing an ordinance for the
grade on Georgii avenue , from Lavon-
worth ntreet eoulh to the city limits.
The committee on novrowgo rccim-
mends the plans of the city onijlucor for
ho construction of a newer on Thirteenth
treot , to connect the Wariry sewer iu
lie alloy between Douglaj aud Farnum
troots with tlo stoiui oowur on Farnam
treat. Adopted.
The commlttoo ou aowcrago , to whom
was referred the petition of too taxpayera
n sewer district .No. 21 , recommend the
eduction of the tax $500 In favor of the
.jxpayors . whoeo property abut on the
aterals. Adopted.
The committee on onrbintr and gnttor-
ng recommend that the cent of curbing
md guttering Ctimtng nnd Howard streets
lotweun Eighth and Ninth , bo provided
or by the isuilng of bonds at the request
of the proparty owners ; that the curbing
on Farnam street bo paid for out of the
urbing and guttering fund. Adopted.
The committee appointed to confer
with Mayor Boyd in regard to the ap-
lOintment of city oflicirs made the fol-
owing report :
? o the Members of the Oily Council :
Your committee appointed under the
esolutlon cf Mr. Furay to confer with
, he mayor , with a view to harmonizing
md adjusting existing difl'eroncoa , bogs
eave to report Hut at a conference hold
with the rasyor August 7 ho was In-
ormod that any proposition he might be
pleased to submit would bo hoaul and
onsidered with bosoming respect and In
11 fairnois ,
Yonr committee was informed that he
lad no proposition whatever to make ,
iut that any propositions the committee
hose to make and tubmlt to him In
writing wonld have hla candid considera-
lon , and that hla conclusions would like
wise ba submitted in writing. Whllo ,
lerhaps , the stipulation or condition pre-
odenc to rodnca any eubjoot matter to
rritlng waa the most dignified procedure ,
; involved unnecessary circumlocution ,
ind manifested an Indisposition to treat
n a spirit of rnutuil confidence and con-
eBulou. Though frankly Informing the
mayor that the committee had no spo-
Ifie proposition to make , no particular
ourao of action outlined , yet they were
quite willing to dlccins the situation ,
nd expressed the hope that It might lead
; o a harmonious adjustment or agree
ment ,
Your comrai tee was further Informed
hat any proposition which did not con-
emplato his nppointoos for city attorney ,
; lty marshal and street commissioner , or
hat looked to the roappolntment of any
f the present incumbents , would not bo
The conditions now imposed , and the
olatlon heretofore advanced , notably :
hat which aimed at the confirmation of
) is particular candidates , and the roton-
lon in oflico of the remainder by oufTar-
iuco only , are regarded too onerous , too
llsingonunus , and unworthy of serious
bought by men of spirit , character and
ndopondonco. Nor do wo baliovo any
compromise poaslblo which does not pro-
uppoto upon our part and abject &ur-
onder. The boasted willingness to con-
ode and compromlBO is manifestly super-
id al and Insincere.
Yonr commlttoo desires neither to
ivado nor conceal the faot that the oilst-
ng dlfl'dronoes have tholr origin In party
lias ; and while the members of the ma-
urity party have no political
mblt'ons cr ends to nubscrvo
r promote , they are zealous
, nd nullinching in tholr party loyalty as
ho mayor In big. Nor do they fur an in-
tant shrink from assuming the fall
noinaro of responsibility for the roten-
ion In oflico of the present Incumbents ,
living unreserved confidence In tholr fitness -
ness , honesty and capability. The report
f the committee was adopted.
The committee on viaducts and rail-
rays reported that an ordinance has been
rafted by the city attorney In reference
o granting the right of way to the Oma-
10 & Southwestern railroid across cor *
alu streets , Adopted.
Oouvcjiog lot D , block 193 , to the
toard cf education ,
Lbvying a special tax and assessment
n certain lota to cover cost of curbing
nd guttering Douglas street. Pataod.
Lovyfpg a special tax to cover the cost
f carbine F romi street Irom E ghth to
Ninth. Passed.
Ejtabllehlng the grade of Georgii an-
ma from L-.ivotiwurth B rajs t- < touch
ina of ci y. Pissed.
Declaring the condition of certain
ots to bo a nuisance and order-
ng the same to bo abated. Patsod.
D < claiing the nosoislty of changlnj ?
ho graao of Leavonworth ntroat from
Twentieth to Jacobs streot. Referred.
0/oitlng tbo offioa i f sidewalk laapos-
or with a salary of $7a per month , who
ihsll devote all his time to the duties of
lis office ; also defining his duties. Reid
and referred to committee on sidewalks
and bridgjr.
Locating now hydrants in various
places in the city. Passed ,
Appropriating for the payment of re-
eervj to the Barber asphalt p&vlng com-
) ny , Mid pcovldlne for their invcetmcnt
n paving bonds , Referred.
Appropriating moneys out of various
Funds to pay for public works. Re
ferred , ,
Granting right of way to the Omaha &
Southwestern tallroad and the Omtlic
Belt railway , between Douglas and Eight
and Chicago nnd Tenth streets at the
foot of the blnfTi Mr. Fnray moved
that It bo rofoired back to allow the com
panies lo file tcccptanccs and to Iniort
the proviso that the roads shall bo bnllt
and operated within ono year. Carried.
Croalif g all y paving dlntrlct No , 20.
Amending thagarbngoordinancc. Re
1'ollco Docket ,
The following cases were disposed of
by Judge Stenbcrg In police court yes
terday morning :
Al. Shophard , atsnultand battery upon
James Wallace , $10 and costs ,
John Boll and John Sheaf , vagrants ,
dlsohargod ,
Dan O'Brien , drunk and disorderly , 5
and cotts.
0. J. Daniels , leaving team unhitched ,
$1 and coatv.
F. M. Stevens , Milton Chapman , Pat
Delany nnd John Foi , drunk and dis
orderly , $5 nnd costs.
Toiopli Rcha , drnnk and disorderly ,
VnnIlnT < * > niniiOtiitiBc > , ric. , flnvorGitton ,
"lonum , IiiililliiuiVc.aii ilrllciilclj-nnil nntx
rnlly IIH Ilic Irtill IVoinlilcli tlic > i\i uuitulo.
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. 8t. Loula , Mo.
L3r. Price's Gream flaking Powder
* MD
Dr. Price's Liipulin Ycnst Gems ,
licit Dry IIfl | > Tvnil.
arcs S.AJLX : 23-2 :
Ceneral Western Agent
710 South Cth St. , Onnha ,
Telephone CO' ' . Ccrrcir.oiiJcmo solicited
Dealer in
Illladr , No I Hottl-tlngr , nuili'l-n ' 1'apcr , & . ; . ,
ran THE 7r.wri EST ov ALL
The largest Medical Jnntltuto Wool of
MIsolBolppI River.
'Ifty room ) for the nccoinodntlon ot r"tl'i' - Tb
: 'tiyelclon and Hur uon in chamo of the luetltuto haa
i a tlitcen ycara' or Burrcssful iiractlir.arxl li nlJud
iv aihlitanta or rare cipcrlinco an | nxlnlltU la
InHr various aopartnicntH.
W KITI ranCIKCOHUOH Deforrnltlct and Hi cei. DiFKia.
* SofVouicif , ] 'llo , Tumorf , Cunem , C'fttarrlt , Uronchl.
li , Inhalation , Fltctrlcllr , raraljruli , I'lillttiijr , ildaey
Ue , f Hr.Bkln and lllood lil , a i Willu fur
on 1'IUHIK. Briciilanil Muropa Ulirait , , h nili)4.
W < akTie8 , , Hpermtlorrliio , Siplillll , Olwit , Mtrlciure , VarU
cocelonTiJ Bll < llie > ortlje Vrlnurr anil htuuil vixtat.
t'icteatojbicoiriip ) tienceorlvroniillj ( lonndeullal.
Uadlclnci 0Dt by mall or iire i without inarka to Indicate
. adritit all Ivttera tn
cate en itenti or render.
UthBlreotCurnofofCan" Avonut , . OIIAIJ4. ' >
Magnolia Balm
is a secret aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh
ness to it , who would rather
not tell , and w ; can't ' tell ,