Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1885, Page 3, Image 3
ji THE DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY , ATJGKJSr J2,1885. NEBRASKA OMAIIA. NEBRASKA. PAID TJP CAPITAL . . . . 8350001 BUKPLTJS MAY1,1885 . 25.CO ornozna : H , W. YATW , A. E. Tonmin , President Vleo President , W.V.MoBaB , JNO.S.COLLIHS , LBWIS S , R st W. II. B. Uufihee , Coahior. EAKKINQ ornoz : TIio Iron Bank , OOE,12tliAN FAEiNAM STS _ A General Banking Busi ness Transacted. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Krw YOBS , August llMoNEt Easy ni 1 per cent. I'niMK PAPKn l@5por cent. 1C.XOHA.NOK BILLS Dull and unchanged. GovKiiNHRHTS Ilavo been strong for nil xcept ! & , which are ho vy. STOCKS The stock market was weak at the opening { exchange this morning , led by Western Union , which broke on the state ment pubhshod by the president of the Baltimore - timoro & Ohio , to the effect that there waa nothing In the reported negotiations for a working arrangement a consolidation bo- twcou that company and tha Western Union , This was soon followed , however , by a reac tion , In whluh Western Union , Lake Shore and Grangers took the lend , Tha highest prices of the day wore , with a few exceptions made In the forenoon , but gains over yester day's boat figures were for only small frac tious , In some eraser , and nothing in other * 1'ricoa bognn to yield shortly before midday , nnd tha market continued moderately active and weak throughout the afternoon. So mo stocks yielded slowly , but without reaction , until the last hour when they became com paratively steady , and continued so until near tha close , while others were persiitoiitly weak to the end. Western Union wui es pecially weak In the afternoon and closed with a net loss of 2Je. STOCKS ON WALL STREET , S's . 1C2 , 4 Vfl Coupons . 112 , U. H. 4'n . 122 Pacific 6's of ' 95 . 120 * Central 1'aclfio . 3J Chicago & Alton . 13GJ ; do do preferred . 150 Chicago , Burlington & Qnlncy . 129 Delaware , Lackawana & Western . 93 J Denver &llio Grande . 12 Erie . 15.1 do preferred . 3t Illinois Central . 12 ! ) Indiana , Bloomington & Western . 12 Kanoas & Texas . 22 < j Lake Shore & Michigan Southern . 70 $ Louisville & Noshvlllo . 42 * I Michigan Central . G3J , Missouri Pacific . 01 r Northern Pacific . 223 do do preferred . 47a Northwestern . 101J do preferred . 137 Now York Central . 96 J Oregon Transcontinental . 10l Paclfio Mail . 40 Poorla , Decatur & Evansville . 12J Pullman Palace Oar Company . 123J Rock Island . 110) ) St. Louis & San Francta . 10 do do ' preferred . 32 ? Chicago , Mllwaukoo & St Pnvl . 79i ? do do do preferred. . Ill A St. Pnul & Omaha . 203 do do preferred . S'.li Texas Paclfio . 14 § Union Paclfio . 48 * Wobash , St. Louis & Pacific . 6g do do do preferred , , . Ill Western Union Telegraph . G9J Oregon Ilallroad & Navigation . 73 j 1 FUOUUOh ) . CU10AGO , OniOAQO , III , August 11. Flour Qalot and unchanged ; winter wheat , south ern , SJ60@5.'Jj ; Wisconsin nnd Mich igan , SI5Jg500 ( ; ooft ppring , S3.5U ® 4.25 ; Minnesota bakers , § 3 , CO ® 150 : patents , § l.75@5.r.O ; low grades , § 2.00 © 11.00. 11.00.Wheat Wheat Dull , opened at nbout yesterday's cloio ; ruled quiet and steady , at the near close declined rapidly and closed a under yesterday - day ; 8S'S87io cnshj 87Jo August ; S')3bid ) for September ; Oljc bid lor October ; No. 2 red , 93@'Jlc. Corn Stronger , recovered most of yester day's decline ; opened steady and higher , ad vanced ic ; closed jc over yesterday ; 46J < j2l4G o cash , August aud September ; 45i@l5o Octo ber. ber.Oats Oats Quiet and easy , but about unchnngod , closing within Jo of yca'.creiay ; 253' 25iocash ; 25J@25Jo August ; 2 1 J@25o September ; 2jio ' , October , Kyo KiunatCSJc. Uarlcy Quiet and unchanged. Timothy Firm ; prime , § 1 74. ) KUxssod-tiuiat and UtmjNo. I , 81.23 Pork Only moderately active , ruled ir regular within a small range , closed ' 0@15o lower ; SO 15@0 00 wish ; SO 40@.42J ! ) August ; 80. UJ@945 September ; § 0.474@9.5Ji Oto- ber. A Lird Quiet and uasy , declined 2io , closed ' * tame at SU.H2A@tl.3i cash , August and Son- tombor ; SO : t74(3G ( 10 October. Bulk Mtau Whoulderf , ? 4,10ffl4.EO ; short cloir , § 0 UU 4tf.Cr ; short ribj , 85.60@5,55 , Whisky Steady at 81. Id. Butter Fair demand and firm ; good to fine creamery , 16@20o ; good to choice dairy , 10 @ 15c. Oheoso Moro active and steady : choice full cream chaddan. ( > l@Tc ; Hats , 7@74c ; young Amerlcaa. 8jf@3j ; tkims l@lo. KgRB-Slow at 10J(5illc. ( Hides -Steady and unchanged ; heavy green salted , fully cured , 74o ; light , 8C 8io ; damaged , tic ; bull hides , ( ic ; dry inltcd , 11 Tallow Steady and unchanged ; No. 1 country , 61c. _ , . . . Kiiesipti , Hhlpts. u flour , bU . 10,000 6,000 Whost , bushels . 54.00J 105000 Com , buiheli. . 107,000 120000 Oata , bethels . 73.000 38,000 Rye. buiholi . . . . 4,000 10.10 Uwiluy , buahelc , , . . . 2,000 1,000 UILWAUKKK. MILWACSM. WIs. , August 11. Whont IUjhor ( No , 2 Milwaukee , 87ge ; September , > S'Jjc ; jOctober , HI Jo. Corn Druopirg ; No. 2 , Kiifl , Oats Dull ] No 3 , 28Jo. Itye Steady ; No. 1. 62 * . llarloy Nomlntl ; No. ' _ > , C3Jo. Provisions Dull ; mess uork , cash and August , 30.55 ; September , $9.52. UVKRPOOL. LiVKnrooL , Augwt 11. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 winter , 7 * id ; No. 2 spring , Gi Hid , Oorn-Stenfly and in fair demand ; 4i 7jd , ipot and Augutt ; 84 September ; ! ) d Octo ber. BT. LOUIS. .ST. LODIH , Mu. , Augmt 11. Whe t-A > tivn and lower , closing J lounderyesterday ; ' Ii8i@983o O4h 98 aikea Au uit ; 99 ] Septem' ber ; 31 01 October. Corn About te dy , but slow ; SI2i(243 ( ra h ; 432 bid Auguit ; 42 | September ; 41 J bid October. -Very quiet ; 21g2 cash ; 23 ] Sep- Hve Firmer at CliJffl 55. Whiiky-Bteady at S ,13. CINOirlNATT. _ . . . 0. , August 19-Wheftt- Weakerj No. 2 red , 9JJ n tMo < Corn He vy : No , 2 mixed , 47@48c. * Onts-Unsattlsd ; No. 2. mixed , 2G@28ii Kyo Dull ; No. 2 GO@Clc. Barley Firm nt 703. 1'ork Dull nt 511 00. Lard-Quiet and firm nt $6.30. Whisky-Better demund At 81.13 , NEW YORK rnonccE , NBW YOBI , August 11. Wheat Raotpta : 175,000 In ; eiports , 93,000 tnj tpot low er with more doing for .exports ; options depressed pressed lower ; ungraded red , 80eA03e ) r o 3 red , 07 ; No. 2 red , S1.00J@1.01 elevator October closing 81.02J Corn Lower , closing heavy ; rccsipts 213000) ) bu : . exports 150.COJ bu ; ungraded 52@64Jc ; Me. 26l@511o > n elavator ; 6t } @ 55c nflont ; October closing nt 63ic. Oata-0 ( h n trifle lower , closing ( toadier roceipta , 97 , ' 00 buj eiports , 1,300 buj mixo western. 83@35e ; white do , 38@J2c. Petroleum-Firm { united closed at 08o. Eggs Easier nnd quiet ; western ll@14.jj. Pork Damand steady and light ; tries potv 611.00311.23 ; family mos § , 611.50 ® Lard Bhado easier nnd dull , closing stead ler ; contract grade spot , Sfl.G7SG.72. Butter Steady demand nnd moderate woitorn , 1SH91UJ. Cheoeo-Dull nnd easy ; western flat , KANSAS CITT KANSAH CITY , Mo. , August 11. Lower ; cash , SOJc ; September , 23Jc ; Octo ber. 331c. Com Wrnker ; cash SCJ bill , 30 | naked September 3GJ@3Gjoi year 2GJ bid. Oils- Steady nt 22c. MINNEAPOLISMinn. , August 11. Wheat- Dull , lower to sell and little doinsfjNo.l hard OOo cash nnd August ; 93io October. Othe gmdea neplccted. Flour-Dull and lower ; patents , ? UX ) @ 5.00bakerf ; , S3 75S3.9I ) . Kocelpts Whont , 52,000 bu. Shipments-Wheat , 13,000 bu ; flour. 4,500 CUI0AOO , CIIIOAQO , August 11. The Drovers'Journa reports : Cattle Roeipts , P.60H head ; ntivo nnc strong ; [ hipping Btoor3184.50@5.958tockerpand ; | feeders , 511.50-,00 ! ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.CO@4.40 , western rangers , firmer ) natives and half-breoda , SI 50@5.15 ; cowa , 83.CO ® 4 00 ; wintered Texnnp , § 3,754GO. Sales , Montana , S3.80@i 03 ; Nebraska , 31.CO ; Ida- hr , 65.15 , Hogs Receipts , 10,000 head ; strong onrly , closes weak ; rough und rnlxml , S54.10@J.40 ; packing nnd shipping , 81.40@4.75 ; skip ; , S3 00 © 100. Sheen Kocelptu , 2,000 head ; steady ; nn < tiyea , 82.00@4.35 ; wontern , § J.tO@4.00lambs ; , per head , 61 85@3.35. KANSAS 01IT. KAHOAH OITT. Mo , August 11. OatHo Re ceipts , 2,000 ; Bhipmontc , 1,500 ; firm nnd ac tive ; exporters , $5.23@5.40 ; common to choice ahipplog , § 1.50@515 ; stockora and foerJors , 63 33@4 23 ; POWB , 82.50@3.40. Iloga Uecelpta , 8.0.0j ahipmonta , 2QQ ; opened atrong , n ahado higher ; clsaod weak with advance lost ; light nnd assorted , 8I,304.55 ; heavy nnU mixed , § 1.20 ® 1.40. Sheep Receipts. 700 ; no shipments ; quiet ; common to good , 81.50@3.00. ST. Lorjia. Hr. LocaMo.AuKust -Oattle-Roielpts , 2,000 ; nhipmonta , 500 ; actlvo and nil good gradea Crin ; nntivo shipping etecr * , 81 75 © 5.75 ; native butchers' Bteorn , Si.30fS4.75 ; mixed lota of butcherine Block , ' 52.53 ® 1.00 ; rraw native' , 81 00 ® I CO. Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 230 ; boot grades firm nnd common dull ; common to fancy muttons , $2.004,00 ; native lamba 52 60@4 00. Butter Firm and higher ; crcamery,15@21 ; Jairv , H@I8c Afternoon banrd. Wheat J@lc bettor. Com aud oats unchanged. TUAIHU TOPICS. E , II. Slomtm , of Slomin Bros. , is in Boa- ,011. This firm has added saddlery hard- varo and a now line of horse collars , and will rat three more men on the road this fall. The market In Hour and millstuflj remains r'cry quiet , sales light. Tha fall trade in dry goods is opening brisk ivith an upper tendency of prices. A heavy lull trade is predicted. Thn quotations in spirits remain unchanged. To-dity'a reports show u decline in lineecd il. OMAHA IVnOIjtUbadE MARKETS. OFFIOK or THE OiiAni BEX , I Tuesday Evening , August 11 , J Grain WhnaOHjh No. 2 , 71o. Bftiley 45@60c. Kya Cash No. S , 61s. " Corn No. S , 83o. Oats-No. 2 , SOo , Steady ; green butchers' 7c ; preen cured , 5s ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llci dam. igod hidoa two-thirds pnco , Tallow 415c. Qreaao Prime white , 3@lc , BhooD Pelta 25c75. j Floor ana SELLINQ Winter Wheat Firmboat ; quality patent at 3.00@3.SO. Second quality S3.7C@3.00. Spring Wheat Best quality patent at 82.80 § 3.00. Second nuolity-82.40@3.00. Bran 55o per cwt. ) Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 85o. , ' Corn Meal 61 00@1.10 per cwt. Bcrconlng No. 1 , 75o par owt ; No 2 , CCc , llominy ? 1.50 per owt. Bhortn GJO per cwt. Qrahnm $2.00 per cwt. Ilay 87.009.00 per ton. ! > Qnnor l Fro Tiico Butter Receipt ! ) of good qnalitea arc light nil prices more firm , No quotations above ) o for strictly fresh tabto butter , nnd prices ! arjlng from 08o for lower gradei , while aeking stock will only go at 4@9c , Kgga The highest price now attainable Is o ; [ o , the bulk of sales being mndo nt 80. Thoio uotatioua tire for fresh , cloaely rccnndled tock , Poultrjr The extremely low prices on prlug chickens havu caused receipt * to fall off ontidernblo ; however , the market has not suf- ciently recovered to warrant an advance , ncd air to good il70 * are only quotable at Si.OOitf 50 per dozen. Old chickena ara iu fair do- > uaud at § 3.2.5(33 ( 50. Potatoes Good homa-grown stock plentiful ( t 2' Onions Per barrel , ? 2,50. Beana Moving ilowly at ? 1.001.25 per muli1 ! . Applcs-2.50@3.CO. Grncori' litar Dnt FJICITS No 1 , quarter npplw. bbls ) N O aliced , boxes , Co : nvaporntod , boxes , [ > ioj blackborrlei , boica lOc ; peachca , boxes , tone in tbo market ; Dovinai.nvaporatod.nona . the market ) rospbcrrica , 'J7o. HCOAHH-Powdered , 8Jo ; cut loaf , 7jo [ ; rranu a ted , 7a3 ! oontuutloneia1 A , Gjo ; Jtand-ird extra , Bio ; extra 0 , GJ } : | medium ollow , 5J | dark illoir , L OANNtL ) GOODS. Oyswifl ; ( Btaudard ) per > mo. S 90 ; ttrawberriea , 2 Ib jwr CASO , a GO ; jupborrlM , 2 Ib , per ease , 2 2P ; 60@o b ears per case , C 80 ; apricots , per case , C 00 ; to eacbea per case , 5 70 ; white cherries per ase , 6 (0 ; plums per csae , 4 25 ; whortleber- en per case , S 00 ; ozg plums , 2 Ib , per case , BO ; greoa gages , 21bper case , 2 4K ) | pine pies , 2 Ib , per c&se , S 20@5 6tt ! CANDT Mixed , Bj ; stick , g 9J : ; twist tick , Ojfo p VINKOAB New York pple , I6o | Obioap- le , 15c ; crab apple , Ib'o BtABon Pearl , 4c ; Silver Olosa , 8ci Corn arch , EC ; Excelsior Glow , 7o ; Corn. 74c. Uopii-Hisal. i inch nod larger , ejs g och , jo ; 4 Inch , 9o , S ditT Drty loads , per bbl , 1 65j Ashton , [ a sacks , 3 60 ; 1 < acki Aahtou , 1 00 ; bbls dairy : C0@3 75 Bpjow-Pepper , J0j | iplce , llo ; cloves , 20o Bila , 16o. BIBOT Standard O 281 , bbltj BUwdard o 4 gallon kegs , 2 85 , BOBA In Ib paper * S 25 a ease ) keg per f arrel , OAMDLIS Boxes , 401b . IfU , 12io , 81. 13lc , oxers 40 Ibj , 16 oz , 6 < , 124e ; half box , 20 lt , MAioara Per caddie , 85oj round , rl , OMB , ! 5 : iquare , eosei , 1 70 ; Oahkosh. caaea gr 1.2j T -Gunpowder , good < 5@55c | choice 6 ® I6o ; good Imperial , 40@lSo | choice , 60@ 70c ; Young Hyson , good , EC @ 50c | choice , 06 © 70 ; Japan , natural lent , 75c ; Japan uhotca 10 ( 75c ; Oolonr good , 85 ® tOei Oolong choice. 40@55aj Souchong , good , SOS40c ; cholco , 86 @ o. Corrrsa Lower on nearly all grades ; ordlnarj gradoi , lOci lair , 12 ; good , 11(2128 ( ; prime , 12@13oj eholcs. I6@17c ; fancy green and yellow , 16@16ic ; old government Jnv * , , 20@26c : Arbuckle's roost ed , ISJo ; MeLftturhlin'i XXXX routed , 13oi JAVB , 16 @ 18rc ; Dllwortb. 13c , CRACKERS Garnoau'e soda , butter and pic nic. 5 $ croamv , 8 ; ginger maps , 8 ; City toda , 7J PICKLES Medium in barrels , 6 25j do In alf barroli , 8 25 ; Btnall , in barrels , G OOt do In alf barrel ) ! , 3 50 ; gherkin ! in barreli , 7 00 o in half barrels , 4 00. RICE Louisiana , prime to chole * . 6J7io- OoAra Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 001 KlrK'a satinet , 315 | Kirk's , 3 CO ; Kirks White Russian , 4 CO. WOODBNWABJS Two hoop p&lh , 185 ; three boon pails , 2 10. Tub. ' , No. 1 , 8 50) ) pioneer washboard * , 1 75) ) Donbla Crown , I 90 ; well , buckets , 8 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 onna in ease 3 35 Babbitt's ball , 2 doe. in case , 1 90) ) An tnor ball , 2 doz. in CSBO , 150 , lry Goods Dnois ( Gr y ) West Polnt,8 or. , lOjotWest Point , 10 oz , , 121cj Point Boar , 8 oz. , Ho. TICKINGS Amoakonft , 12)o ) Continental Fancy , 9fot Oordh 13c | 1'earl Klvor , 21o ; York , 124c ! Uamloton Awnings , 12ic. llauTfri tJncirriKaB Atlnntlo A , 7ic | Atlnn > Lla P , Co ; Atlantic LL , CJc ; Brunawlek , 7tc ; Beaver Dnm LL , 5ci Ijawrenca LL 51c ; Pa cific U , 7Jc ; Koyal Standard CJo ; Indian "end A , 7o | Wnnchusott A , GJ , F. INE BnowN SUKTINQB Argyle , Coj Pep- poroll R , G aS j R , 60. BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , 6c | Bnl- Ion , 7-8 5 ; Cumberland , 4-4,71o ; Davoll DD , Bioj Falrmount , 4oj Fruit of tfce Loom 4-4 Ho ; Glory o' tha West , 8io ; Golden Oato,8c ; Uill 7-8 , 7c { Uill 4-4 , 74c ; Lonedalo , J ? ) ; Now York Milla. lOo ; Wnmanttn , 10c. DUCKH ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llio ; Boa ton. 10 oz , lOloiBoaton , fl oz. . 12Jc. DJNIMS Amoskosg , 13o ; Beaver Crook AA lie ; Beaver Creek BB , 10c ; Beaver Creek CO , 9c ; llaymakoro , Bo ; Jnflroy D & T , 12f o ; Jeffrey XXX , 12ic | Pearl Rlvor. 18o ; Warren - ren AXA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) , He : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAMEnicaFifth nvonao glova finish , 4Jc ; Keystone glove finish , Co. OORS JBAKS Amory , Tcj Hsncoct , 8c ; Koarsargo 7o ; Rockport , 6o. PniNiaAliens , 6ic ; American , 5Joj Arn- old'a 60 ; Oochoco , Cc ; llarmony , 4 o ; Indigo. 7o ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc : Indigo 4-4 , 14id Steel River , 5Jc ; Charter Onk , 4ic. PRINTQ SHiBTiNaa Amorioan , 4Joj Oocheco , 4io Glonccator , 4Jc ; Sonthbiilge , 4io ; Wcvcr- ' loya 41cj Koeedale , 4 Jo. Spirits COLOGNE SpmiTa 188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101 proof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 1 19 : do , 188 proof. 1 18. ALOOUOL 188 proof alcohol 3 SO per vrino gallon. WmSKiE8-r-Redlstillod vrhlskio : , 1 00521 50 ; Flno blended , 1 f > 0@2 00 ; Kentucky bourbons bens 200@600 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva nia ryoa , 2 00@G 50. BnANBiEg Imported , G 001G 00 ; domes tic , 1 50&3 00. GINS Imported , 450(3600 ( ; domestic , ICO ® 300. RUMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; New England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00. CHAiirAONEa Imported , per case , 28 00 © Si 00 ; American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00. OnsMiOAts Acid , carbolic , 44o id , tartaric , 5a ; baldain copaiba , per Ib. GOc ; berk , B.isafra ? , per Ib , 12o ; c lomtl , per Ib , 90a ; cinchonidia , per oz , , 80 50 ; chloro form , per Ib , $1 00 ; Dovers powders , per Ib , 25 ; oosom 8tiUn ( per Ib , Sicj glycerine pare , per Ib , 35o ; load acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil oistor , No , 1 per gal. , 81 GO ; oil castor , pura par gal , , 81 G ) ; oil , olive , per gal , , 81 40 ; oil origanum , 5lc ( ; opium , # 4 2) ; quinine , P , & W , , and R , & S , , par oz. , OOo ; potassium : Iodide , per Ib , , S3 50 ; aalicin , per oz. , 40c ; ul hate morphine , per oz. , (3 50 ; culphur , per Ib , 4oj Btrychnlne , per oz , , 81 EO P P Dry Faint * 1 White lend So ; French Xlno , 12c ; Pails whiting , 24c ; whiting gilders , IJo ; whiting com'l ' , IJc ; lampblnck , Germantown , lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55o antramarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4o ; elonna , burnt 4c 5 eionna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25c ) Paris greencommon.20c ; chromogroon , N. Y. J SOc ; chroma green , K. , 12o ; vermilllon , Eng- ) 7Co ; vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , rod , lOo ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , rod , Oookson'E , Ma ; Venetian , red , American , l c ; red lead , 740 ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle.3c ; ochre , French 29c ; ochre , American. 2c : Winters mineral , 240 ; Lohigh brown , " 4c ; Spanish brown , 2 o ; > 'rinco'a mineral , So , VABNI3I1K8 Barrels , per gallon : Furniture , oztrn , 81 10 ; furnituru , No , 1 , 01 ; coach , ex trn , 81 40 ; coach , No , 1 , $1 20 ; Damar , extra , SI 75 ; Japan , 70o ; asphaltum , extra , 85o , abeUac , 83 60 ; hard oil finish 81 50 , PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. 9 ! whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 7fi ; Mareeil loa green , 1 to 6 Ib cane , 20c ; French zlno ; jroen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie , frranch zinc , In v&rnish asst. , SOc ; French zinc , In oil asst , 15c ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 'b ' banj , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna 10cvaudyko ; brown , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black , IGo ; drop black , 16c ; Piunsian blue , 40o : nltramarino blue , 18c : jliromo green , L , M & D , . 16a ; blind ana ihutV groou , L. M. & D , , 16o ; Paris green , I8o ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tna- mn red , 32c ; Amorloan vermillion , L , & D. )3c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L , M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ; 'ellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent Iryor , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , rnlnut , chestnut nnd ash. ICa Toljncco. Smoking tobacco O , S. , 22oi Meerschaum , 0o ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwell's Durham , 1G z. , 51c ; 8 oz , , 55o ; 4 oz , , 57c ; 2 oz. , GOo. joal of North Carolina , 10 or. , wood. 42o ; 8 oz. , vooj , 45c ; 4 oz. . cloth 4Sc ; 3 oz. , 50a , Navy 3lippinK3 , 2Gc. Kllllkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 8o. 8o.1'ino 1'ino cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the iVebt , GOc ; Fountain , 70o ; Golden Thread , i7o ; Favorite , GOc ; Budu , 50c ; Rocky Moun- ain , 50at Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , -10c. Plug tobacco Climax , 44o per Ib , ; Ilorne- hoe , 4Gc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Go ; Our tope , 50c ; Piper Ileidalck , GUs ; Punch , 40o , Olid unit VnrniBhoi , a 110 carbon , per gallon , llci 159 leadllght , per frnllon , 1G : ; 175 ° be&dllgbt ? er gallon , It'C ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; lln- oed raw , per gallon , 47o ; linseed boiled , per allou , f)0c ; Lard , v/lntor otr'd , per gallon , 70o ; o. 1 , GOo ; No. 2 , CO ; castor XXX. per gal. on , 1 50c ; No. S , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00 ; iperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W , B , , jer gallon , G5 ; nentsfoot extra , per gullon , OOo ; STo , 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; lummer , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per galen - on , S5c ; No , 3 , 28o ; sperm , cignal , per gallon lOo ; turpentine par gallon , GOo ; naptba , 74o , er gallon , ICe , Hoary HArdwra Iilot , if lion , rstea , 2 15 ; plow stool , special east , 4c ; . srnciblo steel , Go ; e.vt tools do , 12@18s ; wagon i ipokei , per set , 2 25a3 00 ; bubs per set , 35 ; telloei tawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , sch , 76a ; axlfvi , easb , 75c ; square nuts per , 7allc ; wathors , per Ib , 8aI8o ; rivets , per , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , Eal2o ; malleable , ) Iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , fiai barrow icetb , 4c ; spring fctoel , 7a8c ; Burden's borne iboea , 4 23 ; Burden's mnle hoe , 5 25. BABBED Wint In car lota , 4 00 per 100. NAILU Rattu , 10 to CO ; iron , 2,60 ; steel , .C5. W .C5.SHOT SHOT Shot , 1 50 ; buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental jjwdtr , krgB , 3 50a4 00 ; do , half kega , 200 ; do luartor kega , 1 50 blftitlcg , keg , 8 35 ; fuse let 100 feet , 60c. LGAI > Bar , 1 6. COAL Cumberland blMkjujlth , 10 GO ; Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whttebreast lump , 00 ; Whltebreast nut , 00 ; IOWA lump , 5 00 ; ova nut , G 00 1 Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthro- Ke 11 iSall 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 per tin , 'I > rylmmljor. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha , > DIMENBIO.Na AND TIHBIRa. nil. lilt I ft. 13 . 20 It 122II. Si ( I Ill 10.0)19 ) CO 10 00 1T.OO 18.00 19 00 20.00 ilfl 1500 15.00 16.00 10.00 17,00 19.60 19.M x8 10.00 10.00 10 ( X 17.00 t8CO10.00 ; ! 20.00 ixlO 1600 16.00 15.0 } 10.00 17.00120 00 21.00 ExlS 10001B0010.CO 17.00 18.002000 21.00 18601B.K IB 60 17.60 18.wl IB M in M BOABD3. No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft ? 16 75 No. 2 boards , 12,14 and 10 ft 14 75 No. 3 boards , 12,14 nnd 1C ft 12 75 No. 4 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 1075 SHIP LAT. No. 1 , Plainj 8 or 10 Inch 817 50 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch 15 51 Nc.l , O , G IS 00 rKNCINO , No. 1,4 , t 6 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. .817 60 No. 1 , 4 & 6 inch , 16 feet , rough 1750 No. 2 , 4 &G Inch , 12nnd 14 feet , rough. 14 50 No. 2 , 4 & 6 inch , 16 feet , rough. . . . . . . 15 50 CEILING. 1st Com. finch , Norway 15 10 3d Com , I Inch , Norway 14 CO FINISHING. 1st , 2d nnd 3d Clear , IJInch , s , 2a.JJ50 00 1st , 2d , nnd 3d Clear , 14 nnd 2 inch , s. 2a 50 00 B Select , 11,1 } nnd 2 inch , B , 2s 86 00 1st , 2d nnd 3d , Clear , 1 inch , 8 , 2 45 CO A Select , linch , i. 2s 40 00 B Select , 1 Inch , i. 2 SO 00 BIDING , iBtOom. , 12,14 nnd 1C feet 822 00 2dCom. . 14 and 1C foot iO 00 3d Com. , 14 and 10 feet 1500 Fence , 14 and 1C foot 11 00 POSTS. While Cedar , 6 inch , hnlvoa 13 o White Cedar , 51 Inch , halve 11 o White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 11 s White Cedar , 4 Inch , round 14 o I-LOOBINO. 1st Com , G Inch , white pine 838 00 2d Com. 6 inch , whlto pine 35 00 3d Com. Cinch , white pinn _ . . 28 00 Sol. Fence Clueh , whlto pine 19 50 Island 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch. Si 50 STOCK BOAIID3. BATTENS , WKLLTCBINO , PICKETS. O.G. Bftts , SInch 8 ,85 0. G. Bat' , ajlnch 75 i inch Bats , s. 1 B 40 3 Inch well tubing , D. & M 23 00 3 inch well tubing , Bov 23 00 Pickets : D. & H. Flat , $22 00 ; D & U. Square 21 00 _ ' LATH. 10 inch , Clear $3 00 * AStnndnrd 2 75 5inch , Clear 1 CO No. 1 120 Lath 2 40 LIME , ETC. Qninoy white lime ( beat ) 90c Cement 51.85 Plaster ( Michigan ) 2.50 Tarred felt , per cwt 1.85 Straw board , per cwt 1,70 DENVER MAKKET. Fr.OUB Colorado , 100 Ibs , 2 15@2 20) ) pat ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 763 00 ; Kanaaa , 100 Iba , 'i 75 © 8 00 ; graham , 103 Iba , 1 GO ] rye , 1 Ibi , 225. 225.GnAiN GnAiN , FBKD , Era Wheat 100 Ibf , 81 35 com , 100 Iba , 115(21 ( 20ioMa , Nebraska mlxod.lRO Ibal 60(3165 ( ; Nebraska oats white , I G5@l 70 ! bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100 ba , 1 20S12576 ; : chop rcixod , 100 Ibo , 1 50 @ 1 CO ; corn meal. 100 Ibu. 14056150 , HAY Loose , per ton , 10 C012 CO ; baled , second bottom , 10 50@11 00 ; baled , upland , 12 00@14 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00 © 15 00) ) itrow. tou , G 007 00. BnrrEJi Creamery , fineit , Ib. 27@2So ; creamery pro Ib , 2J25c ; Illinois and Iowa dairi Ib 18@29c ; Kansas nnd Ne- braakn dairy , Ib , 15@lJc ; common , lbC@8c ; butterino creamery , Ib , 2022e ; butterina ialry , Ib , 16@lSc. OIIEEOE Full cream. Ib. 18@15o ; half Broom , Ib , 10@llcj nkim , Ib , 9c ; Swfea , Ira- portad , ! I2o } Swiaa , domeatlo , Ib , 0@22 ; Llm- burger , 20c. Eaos State , fronh candled , doz , 1415c ; Fresh ranch , doz , 15lGc. PODLTBY Hvo old chiokene , doz , 5 50@G 00 ; iressed chickens , Ib , 1516c ; dressed turkayB , b. , 20@22c1 9 POTATOES ion Ibr. I Of @ 185 ; Salt Lake , LOO Iba , 2 00 ; now California , 103 Iba , 2 ? 5S ) JOO. VEGETABLES-Onions , 100 Ibn , 400@125j turnips , 100 Ibn. 1 7fi ; cabbage , now Califor nia , 100 Ibr , 3 C0@3 iB ; Icttuco , do , 50c ; raddiflhcs , doz , 40c ; young juioiis , doz , 20c ; parsley , doz , 40c ; pie iilant , doz , 20e ; oyster plant , doz , 60o ; spinach , doz , Sc ; asparagus , Ib ! , tOa. raliflowor , Ib , 18c ; cucumbers , doz , L50@175. GREEN FBTJITB Apples , bbl , 850 ; Messina lornona , extra , box , 5 00@G 00 ; cranborrian , bbl , 12 00 ; Messina oranges , box , 5 75COO ; California osauges , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananaa , bunch , 2 00@4 00 ; pine opplea , doz , 4 00 © 50 ; Strawberries , California , 15c qt , 8 00 us 25 box ; atrawbenies , eastern , crate , 5J@ ( CO ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 ® 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots box 3 25 CUBED MEATS Hams , angar cured , lo , 10i LOJc ; bncon , breakfast , Ib , 10i114c ; salt ildea , i b , 7i@7 oj Itrd in palla , n tlerce88o. VBiCSH MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per LOO Ita , 7 Oo37 25 ; hoira , dressed , 100 Ibs , 256 75 : mutton , 100 Ibs , G 10G CO. Lira STOCK Beef gram cattle , 11X ) Ibs , 4 00 34 60 ; hogs , 100 Iba , 4 504 75 ; ehoep , 100 bs , sheared , 2 75@3 50. Hldee. l > ry H'llnt No. 1 , pot Ib , llJOUo ; STo , 2 , Ib , 0@10o ; prccn iteora nnd cows , b , 4(3t5o ( ; Rroon calf , Ib , G@8c ; preen kip , b , CSS6c ; branded calf , Ib , Go : ahoarlings , Ib , L0&15ci aheop akluo , dry , Ib , 6&Codoor ekina b , 12@lGo : nntelopn pkins , lo. 1215t oik ikins , Ib , 9@10c ; tallow Ib , 4JJo , Wooi > Oolorodo choice , per Ib. 14lDcl ( : ieavy , 12@lScJ ; New Mextoau , nverac-o , 7 f)10o , Fian Mackerel , No. 1. 140 , kit , 115 © L35 ; ir.BKs. 160@2 00 ; California aalmou , bfal , 0 50r Holland hartinp , keg , 1 25 ; reah lake trout bbl 15lCc tt The Grant "funeral " obsequies" were very mpressivo Many exchanges. ( StJOOKSSOB TO ) FOSTER & GRAY. HITE I'INE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FOJINIA REDWOOD ASH , OAK , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH OEDAR. iear Cieek Lime , Loois'/ille ' / Cement oitland Cement , Iowa and Michigan [ Plas ter , Hair , Etc , Etc. : Cor. 6th & HAIBM4IEEICAN PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , F/ance nnd Germany. The uotmthlpt of thlj well known Hoc kit Irou , In witer-tlght compartments , and ara for' .lined with every requUlto to make tbo pousige tb eafe and agreeable , They cany tbo United titea and Kuropean malls , and leave New York rbnsdayiand Satuidtya for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Jaerbong.l I'AKIS and IIAUBUKF ) Hates , first Cablo$03-9100. Steerage lo and rom Hamburg 810. O , 11 UIOnAUDA CO. , Ceil- ral I'asa. Agent , 01 Broadway , New York anJ Vaahlnct'jc and La Lcllo Btrect9 , Chicago or Henry I urult Mirk Uanwu , V. K. lloorui. Harry I' , Ieul iinaln ; GrouewiR iiSohooncccr , In Country , i i , K , JOHN30N , KD'.V , 1IAIMETI , I F , J. W. P. Johnson & Co , , Commission Merchants , r 218 La Sallo Street , Chicago , Itecelvora of grain and icoda. Futures lougtit and Bold , Special attention to sales y sauiplei , Keprceented by EDWARD BARTON , Lincoln , Ntl > . S . u i ' * . * ? " ' P wlpllon ef a owed ir d lll ( now ro- tlnxi. ) nrunlili caa til It. Addn-t. DR. WARD & co. , LOUISIANAxo. CHICAGO RAILWAY. THE BEST tlOtJTE AND Council Bluffs and Chicago The on to take for lei llolncj. 5t rah i : torn , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dixie , Chloiiro , Mil wMlkee neil Ml points ekst. To the people of No bt k , Colorado , WyomlnR. Utah , Idaho , Nov J Oregon , Washington and Culllornln It odors stipcrlot tdraDUgos not jiosulblo by any other line , Among a few of the numerous points of superior Ity epjoj od by the patrons of this road between Omaha and Chicago , uro Its tire trains R day of DAT COAOI1KS which are the finest that human Mt and Ingenuity can create ; Its PALACK SLKKI'INU CARS which are models of comfort and elegance ; Its PAR LOU DRAWING ROOM OARS , unsurpae'od by any and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS the equal of which cannot bo fount elsewhere. At Council Binds tbo trains of the Union Pacific It ; , connect In Union Depot with these of the Chic * ire & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains of tblt line make close connection with these of all eastern llncj. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati hKara Falla. Buffalo , PUtoburjf , Toronto , Montrca ! Boston , Now York , 1'hllodolphla , Baltimore , Wash ingtonandallnoluta In the East , ulc tbo ticket agent for tickets vU the "NCBTU-WESTEnN ' - , If vou wlon the h 3t ncoommoJatlont , All tlok t acouts sell tlckctj via this line. M.nuaniTT. itsiiAin , General Manager. Oca. Pies. Ajronl. CHICAGOW.N. W.N. BtBCOCK , Gen 1115 KarnnmSt. , Omaha , No ALL COR 12 ) U K 8 P 0 N D EST3 MUST LiS STREET , ENO L O S E OMAIIA. Seventeen years Experience. D&G.W.PANGIiE Reader of Diseases of Men anl Women. Eolcctrlc , Magnetic and Herballet Physician. Now located at 1210 Douglas St Omaha. Neb. , up etalrs. A correct dUcnoBlj given v. Ithout any explanation from the patient. Consultation Ireo at ollice. / Treat the Following Diseases , Catarrh of the Head. Diseases of the Kyo and Ear. Heart Disease , Liver CompUlct , Kidney Com- iilamt , Nervous Debllltv , McntM Depression , Lwiol Manhood , Diabetes , Brlght's Disease , St Vltuo Danco. Khcumat'flro ' , ParalBl , Whlto Swellings Scrofula , Fever Sores. Cancers and Tumors remo\c cd lthnut the knife , or the draw Ing of n drop of blood. Woman , with her dollcato organs , Restored to Health , Dropsy Cured W'thout Tapping , Special Attention Given to Private and Venereal Diseases of all Kinds , Tape Worms llomcncd In two or three nours or No Pay , Ilounnorruol Js or Piles Cured erNe No Charcca Mado. Those who are afflicted will envo life and liun- drcds of dollars by calling on or using DR. 0. W. PANOLE'8 IIcrbMesedlnal . TWO TRAINS DAILY BETCWEEaf OMAHA AND Chlcngo , Sllnnonpolle , Milwaukee St. Paul , OedarKaplda , Davenport Clinton , Dubuque , Rookford , Rock Island , Freeport .Taaeavillo , Elgin , Madison , La Ore sae , Belolt. Winono , And all other Important points East , North east and Southeast. Ticket office at 1101 Farnara street ( in Paxton Ho tcl ) , and at Unlou PadIIa Depot. Pullman Sleepers and tbo Finest Dining Cars In tbo World are run on tnomaln lines of the CHICAGO UILWAUKHS & ST. PADL R'ranJ oicry attention to paid to pasrouccra by courteous cmrlojci of thooompany. 3. B. BIEHIULL , A. V. U. OAUPENTEK , General Manager , Gcn'l Paesoneer Agent. R. ICItLnP. , GEO. F. IIEAFFOKD , Aus't Gcn'l ir&n for. Aes't Gen'l Pass Atfent J. T. CLAREI. Gcn'l Sccerlntoudcnt Tims Ta"blQ0 In Effect April Eth , 1885 , Th attention of the trarelllnfr publlu Is catlad to bo fact that this la tha only complete and Absolutely oRooi time-table pnbllghod la tha oily , Alltrilna arrtte at tnd depart fiom Omaha bj Central Standard Time. Trains of tL-e C. B ) . P. M. A 0. arrive R | Bad di part from tholr depot , corner of Itth aud Wobstci itreoto ; trains o ( thofl. &M. , 0 , B. JiQ. , nd K , 0 it. J. as O. a from the B. ft U , depot ) til oiheis froa ite Union Paclflo depot. a , Dall/i b , oxcopi Satarday ; o , oxaept Sunday ) d , ixccpt Monday. 3 OMAHA DRIDOIC TRAINS I ava Omaha aifl ! BT 5 GO , 10 00 , 11 16 mlV60 , S W , 8 00. 1 00 , 4 15 , 610 110pm , On Sundayn tbo 7 10 and 10 00 a m and CO and 4 00 p m tralcj do not run. Arrive at tract r depot U rnlantej Uteri Broadway depot IB wlu itci later * Leave Council BlnSi ( Urcadway depot ) at fl C9T 16 , W , 10 80 , 11 U a mi 1 BO , J 13 , t to. 23,62f. Jid 11 45 p ru. On Hnndayi tbo B SO and 11 40 B n lad 8 80 and 6 ! 5 p m tralna will not ran. Arrive it Crtccfer 7 mlnutca later , Omaha io muiutra later. TranoforTrnlnS Leave Omaha at S 11 , 611 im , 18 B6 , ! 20 , 4 SO , 8 CO and 1 OOn m , dally. Aulve at 9 80 and 11 CO * so , 1 05 , 8 to , 1 M and 66 p. K. _ SUNDAY TRAINS Fo kni horn Chicago via the Tr.ptrtlto Alllinoe &lntl I BUMDiT HOKSaa. | BiTPUDiT 171. I Mil. I K-l. I N.W I N.W I K.I I Ul Februiry..I 16 i-n 81 11 " II March . . . . I B-I9 16 1-22 I It 1 ! IIM8 iprll | 19 t-M IS I 4-25 u IE Hay 110-31 IT 8-24 I 10 1-28 O'tC iala { vl Uonl y miralnz trtlni anne no ) ( ii3illai ( oijir. 0.11 ti Q. tiala i raa or day. STOCKYARDS TRAINS. Leave Colon I'aclflo depot at 8 40 a ra and B II D. Leave torn Stock Yard at T16 a.m.Jio J 6p m. CHAS , SHHTERICK N UPBOLSTSEY AND DUAPERIE3 , r , s ngec Kleratoc to M floon. 1206 , 1203 I nil 1210,1'atns.m St. k OMAIIA NK1JUASKA ItOJLTJZ , Manufacturers of Ornamental Dormer Windows , Window Caps , Motnllo Sky Llght , &o. Tin , Iron SIMo roofer * . 610 S. 12th St , Omaha , Neb. Work done in any pott of the country. AT THE New Orleans Exoosition HAS BEEN AWARDEL TO THE For Remarkable Fine Quality of Tone , Excellence of Design Perfection of Workmanship , Call aud see tlieso Pianos , which fake FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER EXHI- MAX MFYER & BEO , , Western Agents. THE & . 3L. STRANG GOMPAHY , Double and Sing/a Acting } Power an Ka/rfno / Trlmtaiacs , lUnlng Machinery , Bolting , Hoao , Braua and Iron K at wiiolocals or retail. EALLADAY WIND-M1LLS , OHT.'RCH A11D 8QHOOL BELLS. CJorner .IGfcli and Faraam Si. , Omaha Hob. A. J. TULIXOCrc , KDg , & Bupt. d. T. N. 3ADLKH , ABSt. Eng H. W , DIAMOND , ABSt. BOO MISSOUEI VALLEY BEED&E AND IEOK WORKS OFFICE AXD WORKS LEAVENWOnTH , KANSAS. Uan'/g's and Builders C f Wrought Iron , Steel , Howe Truss and Combination BRIBGES For Railroads nnd Highways Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Iloo Trusses , Picra and Sub structures. Ins'e ' Stiite&Tullock rilOPRIETORS A. HcLouth , Agent. Please ecnd us notice of all bridge work [ to lot. Correspondence solicited from engineers and bt dga 3ommi9icnor , & CO , 1301 AND 1S03 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , SPJ20IAL NOTIOK2TO lowers of Live Stock and WE OALL YOUR ATTENTION TO fi It la I ho beet and cboapoet food for stock of nay kind. Ono ponnd In oqnttl to three poauda o corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gnke In tbo Fall and Wlntc * Instead of running doivn , will incroono in weight and bo In good marketable ccndl- tloa in thn eprloR. Dairymen , as well as others , who nso It , can testify to ita mor- Itn. Try it and jaJgo for yonraolvou. Price ? 24.00 per ton. No charge- for Backs , Addroea WOODMAN LINbEED OIL WORKS , Omaho , Hob. , K , GREKN. GEO. BURIC ( Will.'prvy customora Draft with1 BUI of Lading attachoJ , ( or two-thirds valuo'of BlocV. ) GREEN & BURKE. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCB7TS ftUNION STOCK TABBS1 Merchnnts'i : Farmer's BKFKRENOKa IJank : David CityNob , Omaha , Neb. Kearney National linnlr. 'Ciarnoy , Neb , . Dolumbna 8'ate ' Ban * , Uolumbus , Neb , McDonald' * Bank. North 1'latto , Nob. Dra.iha National Uauk , Omaha , Neb. AND DEALER IN OMAHA.rNEB. f. QLARKKtl'ittl , anU Treat. OLA.HS&Vin I'rtH'itn JO//.V T. CLARK K , Seerttary , [ . T. CLARKE TOUG COMPANY , SUCCEEDING LEXG-HTON & CLARKE TOT TIO AT IS T AIIOE3T Jobblne Drug hou between Chlo zo and Saa Frandsoo. OAI'ITAfj STOCK , 1200,000 , W * Lj ( ball be at the bottom of tbeiairkot atftJJ thnoj. Will dupllcaU Chicago aod Bt , Louli jirlcoi wltb Irelgbtadded. Our ipoolalty will bo Pure Drugaf JPainta , Oils and Window Olasti Ettlmatei Kivenoa ilita filaea. Tothcee aliout tocnhuk In tbodrujf biilnen will dowel ) to o > niu yiur IntcKBt by calling 03 u , or ttnd for oar jirlce Hit which will apiuti abjut JanuiryMb. llillorJa eollclted. Ill IlAUXEK SI.XCC