Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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nff rcncwf 1 fttrcncth * nr who # uficr from
InflrmlttcN peculiar to their aci , riiouM iry
Thin modMnn corablnps Iron with pnro irgftab's
mien. Mid l Inyalnalile for Dinou * * pecullM-
> yninen , ml all who lend iw1jintiiryll i It Jn- {
rlrJirnVnd I'lirlflr * the Illoocl , Mlimilntrii
tlio Appclllr , * lreiiRilirn ; Uie niunrliH end
Hrrrrn ln fact , thoroughly Intlanrntra.
I'Amm Uie eompleilon , and rnakm inn run tmnoth.
It doc * rot Llackon the tenth , canM lioadnclio , or
produce constipation nlt filter Iron ntdlrtnn do.
Wnfl rrtZAnrTn lUinn. 74rarwcll AmMilwau
kee , Win , nnyn nmlfr date nt Dee , srtli 18841
"I hfcto uwd IJrown's Iron Hitters , and It baft lxen
troro than n doctor to mn. having cured ma of the
woaknpMladlefih&Taln life. Al o cnrpd rne of Mr-
or Complaint , and now my cotnplcilon l clear and
good , Has been beneficial to mj children. "
GnnnlnoliuMioTetradenmk and crowwdrn 1 lines
on wrapper TnUo no otlirr. Madoonljbr
imo\\N OIIKSIIOAT , > . , II\I.T1MOHI1..M1 > .
TAt > VB' HAND HOOK uwful and attractho , con-
UlnkiR lint nf prltes fnr n > clpe . Information about
coins , ntc. , frirfn away by all dealers In medlctno , or
mailed to any addrens on receipt of So gtamp.
IB2A I written guarantee of euro ( riven In every
case undertaken. US-All consultations ! " ana
ftncrcd. lr. Clarke's Celebrated Book anil
ilaln envelopes ) tno Ktampn.
, D.,190 Ba. ClAnK ST. CnlCAQO , tlL.
Fdgliiful Case of a Colored Man ,
I contracted ft fearful case of blood poison In 1333
was treated u aoreo of the boit phjeicUns In At-
Unta. The ) uncd the old remedies of meicnry ani
potneb , which btought on rheumatism , and Impair
ed my dlgestUo otjn . JUery Jo'nt ' In mo w
swollen and lull otpilu. When 1 M given up to
dlo my iihjtlcbna thought It would bo a food tlmo
to test the vlituea of Suilt'a Specific. .When I cam-
tnonccd taking S 8. 8 , tliohjsci ! n Bald I could
not live tno cekB under the ordinary trcatmoct.
Ho commenced to ghomi the medicine Btrlctly eo-
ooidlng to directions , which I continued for Federal
months. I lock nothing olao and continued to Im
prove from the very Drat Soon the rbcumatlem
Icltruc , my appstlto became all right , and tlio uloarj
which the doctor slid wcro tbo most ( rightful bo
bid overseen , begat to heal , and by the 1st of Oc
tober , 1884 , 1 was a vtcll man again. I am stronger
cow thin I over was before , nn J weigh more. 8. S. S.
bos eared mo from ui early gra\
iKim SfcOIcnlion hasboan In the oaiploy of the
Chcfs3C iley company for aomo acard , and I know
the above statements to bo true. At the tlmo he
began taklnz Hwtlti Bpcclllo ho WCB In a hoilblo con.
dltion. I regard hla euro almost miraculous.
W. U. CROSBY , Manager.
Cbesi-CatloyCo. , Atlanta Division.
Admits , da. , April 18th. IKSS. _
The Great Blood Purifier ,
MATISM , and all blood and ekm disaosoa ,
OOSE'fl UED CLOVER PILtS , Cura Sick Head.
J ache , Djfpepalu , Indigoatlcn , and Constipation.
ei of 25 pills 2S cents ; 6 boxes 81. Looaitg HBO
CLOVER I'ILX HEUKDY , auro cure , too per box. For
sale by all drugplats , 01 address J M , LOOSE & CO. ,
Honroe , Mloh. Htuj for tojtlinonlals.
Sealed prowaaU ) u HI bo rccclv oil by the undersigned -
signed uutllto'clock a in. uflhuteday , too JOthday
ot August 1SS5 , fur caving oUtrlct No. 3 , In the city
of Omaha , with U 1 ra1o B iJ I tone CM aeind bass
of 0 lnhoa In inickncss , eauijlca of eaud to nccom-
i nv 1' ch bid ,
The paving will be done In accordance vlth plans
and Biwdnmtlona on fllo In thu ollico of the board
of I nibl lovorkn. .
Illda to bo occunipanlcd b.v a certified chock In tlio
Bum of me t turns nd dollars , | iavaliu ] to the
city of Omaha , as an idciu-o of good faith , 'Iho
board of put liuvorka risurvcs the right to reject
oil ) or . all . . bids. J IX Ilouus
clim > Boaril „ , puyiuvorka. .
Uy nlfr , Mrr. K'U Caiey , having volnntailly left
my bid nd board , I vslll i.ct be rosiioiulblo for any
debts contacted by hir on m } actouut.
Omahl , Atlf. S , 1631. JcilxClBKT.
Man and Beast.
Mustang Liniment is older than
most men , and used more and
more every year.
Published l > y the Nebrnekn Btat
FArmcra' Alliance ,
JUNIATA , NFn. , 1885 J
To the Farmers of the SUto of Nebrnskn :
The railroad corporations still main
tain their Iron rule in this etato. I3j
thtir unrcatrAinod exorcise of the powo
of fixing rates they Impose a burden o
taxation which Is more onerous than tha
of any clvlllzjd government. No con
Burner of any product occipca , Producer
sustain alio the loss of their product
ctusod by high rates , na well as pay thol
full quota of the tax upon consumers.
The unjust transportation tax tha
part alone which arises from charges in
OXCCBS of just rates , and to pay dividend
upon watered securities oxcoeda by far
all taxes Imposed by local , state and federal
oral authority.
Ignoring the juit principle of a fair
compensation for aervlco rendered , they
have adopted the piratical method of ex
acting "all the traftia will bear. "
Their classifications are nude on th
basis of commercial vlno alone , and are
designed to defraud.
Their local rates are seven times great
er than through rates. By this onormou
discrimination against the short haul they
are building up great commercial centred
and Impoverishing the rnral districts
They are preventing the establishment o
manufactories in your midst , compelling
you to Import everything yon consume
while nt the snmo tlmo , by destroylrjj
homo markets , confining yon to the pro
ductlon of a abort line of bulky products
nhlch will bear long transportation.
The price of these products have fallen
until they wl'l ' ecarcaly pay the bare cos
of prosecution. But freights have no
fallen. And , under the stock-watering
system , they must inevitably moro thai
keep pace with the increasing business o
the country.
Added to those evils , by n system oi
free pisjcu , by ( special rates and by hlrec
cappers , they control a largo portion o ;
the press of the otato. They clso main
tain a literary bureau , and furnish fabo
ututcmonta and canning figures , to delude
and mislead the people , and prevent them
from making this queetlon a leading po
litical italic , and securing healthy legisla
tion in favor of right nnd justice.
Thus these corporations rob you on
what you buy , and rob you on what you
soil , and then by their paid tools grasp
the political power which belong i to yon
under the constitution , and rot ) yon oi
the most sacred birthright of an Ameri
can citizen , the ballot. For when they
grasp the law making power and turn It
against you , they nro neutralizing your
votes , end turning Into an engine of op
pression the very machinery provided for
The hlsto-y of the last legislature Is before -
fore yon. Almost every man elected to
bhat legislature was pledged to aid in se
curing eomo just laws regulating and ro-
ntrictlng rates. The republican party ,
under thojo circumstanced , aoonrod fonr-
iftha of the members. What lias been
the result ? That legislature was taken
poEsaeslon of by an organized band of
allroad cappera , and was moulded like
wax to their street will. Not an act glv-
ng promise of a shadow of relief vras
mseod. But instead of each laws asvero
iem&uded , a fraudulent commission waa
raised by a pitiful evasion of the conatl-
ution a commission only in name ,
laving no powers and no duties which
will bo of the least value to the people
> ut for the expense of which you will bo
axed about § 20,000 per year 0,3 long as
ho continuance of the fraud can bo so
ured. Thus yon are robbed by taxation
o pay the oxpemo of a fraudulent scheme
encoded by railroad cappers , and only
ntendcd to begnllo and deceive yon.
To the national aspects of this question ,
ho officers of the State Alliance have on
nther occasions Invitad your attention ,
riirough iho power which a concontra-
lon tf corporate interests give , and
hrough the Inherent weakness of the
looplo arising from lack of common ob-
cots and organization , as well as from a
o-ordlnato legal jurisdiction divided and
isdpated betweou thirty-eight states and
ho nation , a few men are usurping com-
norclal and political supremacy over the
irholo country. Observers who are cato-
ully watching the tendency of events
mow that this Is no Idle vagary of a
reamer , but that it h absolutely and
oarfnlly true. The determination of
, heao men to avail thcmsolvoj of the
weakness and confusion arising from from
ho conflicting jurisdiction of the states
and the nation , is made apparent by late
lovolopmcnts. Two charters have ro-
ontly been taken out nndor which the
luntlngton tystom of railroads will bo
operated under which 5,775 mlles of
oad , worth § 200,000,000 , and carrying
locks and bonds to the amount of $400-
100,000 , will bo virtually controlled by
ivro men. A pregnant fact In this con
nection Is that the charters ere taken in
Estates in which none of the road a BO con
trolled Ho. Ono , Incorporated in Con
necticut , Is to operate tbo lines cait of
-ho Mississippi , nnd cno in Kentucky , to
operate those wott of that river. This
Elant ; combination , controlled by two
mlndo , employe moro men nnd disburses
moro money than the government of the
Jnltod States. Bat moro than that , It
mposoa at will a tax fixed by Itself npon
ho whole 50,000,000 of the wealth of the
nation ! And under the present system of
our laws it may , as wealth and business
ncco&so , arbitrarily reappraise the value
of its properties , issuing itself additional
took ana bonds representing inch leap-
iraisomont , and by ita arbitrary adjust
ment of rates , iccroaso this tax exactly
n the ratio that "tho traffic will boar. "
fhoro is no law now to prevent this ,
L'hcse eccurlUes ara baud upon labor ,
ind nothing bnt l b r ; and they have no
Imit except the greed ot the mou hailing
hem and the natural bounds of the
creaUh-produccrj of the country. Thus
bis system has created , and Is constantly
reatlug , a coutinally Increasing irredeem
able national debt , the Interest upon
nhloh as truly constitutes a tax as any
ovy made by the government itself. But
t Is a tax not for any public purpose , but
} gratify an icsatlablo private grcoi.
Is this a system under -which any free
tooplo , who claim to make their own
tfffl aud impoie their own taxes , will
eng couasnt to live ?
Can freedom itself long survive uador
uch a system ?
Any intelligent man , looking at the
; rowth of this tjatem for the put twenty-
ivo ycarj , cannot fall to eoa thut it cin-
lot long go forward without absorbing to
ttolf the supreme control of the material
vroiltli and politioil powo ; of the nation
Farmers of Nebraska ! As you nro pc-
ullarly the victims of this state of jilhirp ,
o are you peculiarly Interested in chaag-
You can control thfsl whoo subject in
hltet&.o If you will ,
You cast Boreu out of every ton votes ,
You otn elect , outside of two cities ,
very member of the next lghlatcroand
very county officer next fall.
You can , by withdrawing your pairo-
n go , destroy font ont ot every flvo of the
corporation papers of ( his state.
The cnly method which offers yon re
lief is to meet organization by organiza
tion. "When thievoa conspire ) good men
mnat combiuc. "
The way to occaro men who will faith-
folly represent you , la to elect them on
th's ' Issno alor.r.
Yon have nil the thno elected men as
republicans or ns democrat * ; and whou
elected they have eorved their parties nnd
neglected your Interests.
Both those pirlleunra nllko controlled
by managing politicians both nllko nro
dominated by the money power nnd the
Let this henceforth bo your watchword
To vote for your own interests nnd to
organize , BO ns tonnltodnnd intelligently
1138 the political power you possess to
conserve these inleroiti.
A few Inlolligont men in cnch county ,
acting together , can no Inform and odn-
cato the people ns to eecnro the election
cf public officers and members of the leg
islature who will faithfully represent the
great interest of Nebraska on thoao im
portant qncstlons.
A conspiracy of national bankers nnd
Wall street sbylocks has been formed to
destroy the people's money to demon
etize tilvor , nnd make gold nlono the
standard of value.
The very inception of this schema hap ,
by stopping investments in now enter
prises nnd thus contracting the volume
of money In circulation , cansod a decline
In the price of farm product ] almost ba-
low the coet of production.
Its final success would ntlll further do-
pro citxto the value of your products fifty
per cent.
It will not decrease your dobta , but it
will decrease by one-half the \a1uo of the
products with which you buy the money ,
to cay them.
If this schcmo succeeds It will tnko
double the labor to pay your dobta as
But by It the value of the Interest-
boning securities will bo doubled.
The bondholder * ' dollar would buy
twice as much of your labor represented
by wheat , corn , etc. , c.s U now will buy.
llomotnbor , farmers , it is not only by
agitation nnd united action , that you cm
exert yam1 legitimate Influence to defeat
this nefarious conspiracy.
liow to Organizer ,
The Farmers' Alllanco offers a nucleus
around which the faimors of this state
can rally. It has n compact nnd efficient
stale organization a machinery through
which communication with ecch other
and an easy concentration of our efforts
upon common objects can bo had. By
forming subordinate alliances you will
contribute a trifle for the use of the state
alliance in currying forward its work , and
will ba enlarging n corloty which em-
bracea tbo trholo state , and which yon
can mike efficient and nsoful.
Seven farmers can organlza a subor
dinate alllanco , nnd three subordinate al
liances can by delegates form a county
Apply by mall for charter and consti
tution to L. Dirllng , Juuiata , Nob.
Charter fee twonty-hvo cents per mom
But it ia not your money that the slate
nlllanco Is r.&klng for. It Is only that
you should efficiently organize ; where
you do riot wish to form alliances form
clnbs. All classes of citizens can ba ad
mitted to the clubs.
To rally these organizations around
ono common center , the stale alllanco
will Invlto nil farmers' clubs to send dele
gates to Us meetings , and participate in
all proceedings except voting npon ques
lions solely relating to the alliance.
If you will secure the next legislature
[ u your intoret , and eloot a United States
senator ( and It ia our opinion that Sena
tor Van Wyck ehonld bo re-elected ) who
trill faithfully represent thepaoplo of this
itato , it ia nut ono moment too soon to
All secretaries of farmers' club ] are in
cited to send their name and pojt office
iddrees , and the location and history of
; helr clubs , to the secretary of the state
J. Buimows , Pros. Stale Alliance.
L. DAnr-iNO , Soo'y and Troas. Stite
H. 0. BIGELOW , Chairman Executive
Uomm'.tteo. '
State ContUitution.
Sec. 1. This organization ehall bo known as
be Nebraska State Farmers' Alllanco.
Sec 2. The members of this alliance shall
onsiet of delegates from the different Bub-
rdinato alliances of tbo state of Nebraska.
Sec. 3 , Each tubordinato nlliapco shall be
utitled to roproacntutatinn in this ctato alh-
nce an follows , \ > z : To ono dalegato fur
ich Eubordiiiate alliance , aod to one addi-
onal delegate for each twenty-five members
! such eubordinate alliance.
Sec. 1. County alliances may be organized
y the assembling of duly attested delegates
f the subordinate nlllanccj of the county ,
vho ehnll at each meeting elect a president
nd secretary from their number. Tlio BOG-
otary BO elected shall hold hla ollico until tha
acceeding meeting and it shall Ua hla duty to
otify the subordinate alliances of such meet-
ng In tuna for Iho election of delegates to the
amo. The ratio of representation shall bane
no delegate for each alliance , and ono for
ach alliance , nnd ono for each ton members
r major fraction of ten of the same.
The first meeting of the county nlllnnco
nder these provisions may bo convened upon
lie call of the president and secretary of three
r more subordinate alliances.
Meetings cf the county alliances shall be
eld oncu ia throe mouths , and of toner If
ecmed expedient ,
Sec. 1. This allianca shall have jurisdic-
ion over all the subordinate alliances now or-
anlzed , or which may hereafter be chartered
y this State Alliance of the state of Nobraa-
raelta. It shall have the solo right and
lower to grant , suspend or revise charters ,
rlfinftto and regulate the means of its own
upport , and to receive _ and decide appeale ,
ud determine all fiuefltiona of law and usage ,
ubject to the National Alliance.
Sec. 1. The officers of this Alllanco shall
onsist of a president , ono vice-president for
ach congressional district of tha state , a see-
ctary and treasurer , who shall bo elected by
jallot at the annual meeting , and an execu-
Ivo committee of nine , who ehall ba elected
lueo for one year , three for two years , and
hreo for tinea yuarn , and throe thereafter
nnnally who slnll eervs three yoira. 'Iha
ominlttoo ehall have power to fill vacancies
nd oil special meotinf.B.
Sec. 2. The prtBident , vice-president , POC-
otny and troaturcr , i hall perform tbo duties
ireecrihed in CaehiuK'ii Manual ,
Sfc. 1. There ilmll be a charter fee of
wontyflve centa for each chiitor member of
Hubaidlanta Alliance payable to the utato
tcrctary at the time of application for
See J Kach Subordinate Alllano ? eha'l '
pport for the number of ita rocmboia and pay
vtentycecU for each member of euch Sub.
rdinate A 111 mica to the secretary of tlm state
Mliancu ou the first day of January of each
Sec , 1 , There thai ) , bs a fmanco coimnlt-
aa coupoBed of fi\e named bv the president
lU ruhject to the oppjovftl of tha Alliance ,
which rliu'l ' audit all bills before they aru paid
tiftll examine the hooka and accounts of tbti
orttary and treasurer and report an to their
ondltlonou the day o.- night of every meet-
Sec , 1 , NJ psreon eh ll ba admitted a ) a
namberof j.ny iu'jotdiurto ' allianca lu this
ctata unless ho tha'l be a practical operative
farmer ,
* Hoc. 2 , After the aiiopllon of this constitu
tion no person ilmll ba entitled tj a % oto In or
tike put m the deliberations of tli9 State Al <
linnco without hkvinir credential from A char
tercd subordinate alliance , duly tignod by it ;
president mid secretary ,
Sec , 1. This constitution may bo amended
nt any annual meeting of tha alliaccj by t
two-thuds vote of the members present.
Bee. 2 , By-laws may bo made not conflict ]
Ing with the constitution ,
AVhjvt the FArmers Can Do.
They can organlza a farm en' alliance
in every precinct In the state , They can
put votoa and an honest patriotic pur
pose ngalnat money.
They can combine those who boltovo in
public moral ; , raid In the principles upon
which our government wts founded ,
ogalnst thoao who think these principles
are obsolete , and that money is king ,
They can disregard party lines , and
"in every district and at all times"
throw a Boltd vote against candidates who
will not pledge themselves to protect
public interest against the encroach
ments of corporations.
Wo boltovo that these encroachments
were never contemplated by our fore
fathers. Wo bollovo that the men who
abolished the laws of primogeniture and
entail in order to secure a moro equal
distribution of wealth , would not natlfy
a system of freobootlng nndor the cgnlta
of law , which places the production and
commerce of a continent at the mercy of
a few men who roeogn'za no principle of
action but personal or corporate nggran-
Form of Application for Snbortiiimto
To L Darling , Jnnlata , Nebraska.
SirVo : the undersigned , prictl-
cal operative formers , hereby apply for a
charter under which or organize a Farm-
era * Alliance , at . in
. county , paid Alliancu
to ba cillcd . Alliance , JSo .
Send charter to . secretary
at .
Charter Member. ] .
( at least toven names. )
, worst cases relieved and
Recommended by leaiiicg Phjsiciang. Sold
by Druggists 1.111 ! Grocers.
Tlio Proper Monument , for General
To the ] ; . liter of the liua ,
Our llttlo city to-day united with the
clvlllzad world in piylng tribute to the
chief of dead br-tvaa. 1 luvo read and
ro-road all that I cm find of the life of
.his ohhftaln , this prlnc ; of men , that I
might find its defects , I find him tender ,
und loyal , and loving , nnd true , "Ho
never looks back ; ho does not care maoh
or himself ; ho ia ready to lend a hand ;
s not afraid to dlo. " Wo on nay of him
as of Sir Ester of the great kalght of the
round tabld : "Thou wort the head of all
mights ; thou wort never matched of any
cnlght'a hind ; and thou wort the court-
lea t knight that ever bore shield ; and
; hou wert the kindliest man that ever
atrako with nword ; and thou wert tha
joodlicst person that over carao in the
) rars of knights ; and then wort the
nookcst and the gentlest that ever eato
n hall among Indies , and thou wort the
sternest knight to thy mortal fee that
aver pnt spear In rest. " O&n the mem
ory of rmcn a man find adequate oxprea-
slon in carved marble or moulded brass ?
Us proper monument aomo would say
will ba in the hearts of lhapaoplo. With-
Dut undervaluing thii beautiful resting
) lace , it is often n very cheap grave , and
lot seldom becomes emothered in weeds.
? ho hero of Appomattox ia deeorv-
ng oomothing oven better than. this.
n the centre of the great noisy
: ity of Manchester them la a placn where
[ nlot always rclgne. It Includes a noble
Ibrary cf books frco to the world , and a
jasoment whsro annually fifty bays are
iduoatod and fitted for life. Over two
mndrod years ago there died in Man-
hester a rich maa , ono Humphrey
Chatham , and ho left his money to
onnd this school and library. Through
11 the changes that have conio during
00 years to England this great work his
'one on , and to-day there are gocd and
seful men all ever our earth who can
olnt to Manchester aud say because
lonry Chatham lived I live olao , but for
im I would have been but a waif and
tray on the world's highway.
Nebraska la tlio contro of the stngo on
rhlch Amerlca'a future millions will act
: io play of life , Tno future groatnosa
f Om&ha as a great commercial centre
u assured and it remains for the citlzem
1 say whether her religions and cduci-
! onal projurais ahall keep atop with her
rado. The tlmo to strike the iron la
ot. The hearta of our people now are
a tender as the voice of n harp. Now
fork and Chicago will vlo with each for
10 erection of a ccsvly monument of
larble. That is right , that li iittini ? ,
et thcao inouumonts rleo. Bnt
rhat a glorious thing it would
o for Omaha and the poor
nd deserving young men and women of
ils growing state , If such u monument
s the Cooper Union of Now York city
hould ba created by a generous people
o tbo great and good American citlgjn ,
rho has left our shore rich , ( and to bin
onor bo it said ) In everything but gold.
Jannot wo supply this , and BO make the
rent life pcrlost In symmetry ? I have
cad how tbo celebrated Charles Llraaon
f Cambridge kept a portrait of Henry
lartyn hanging over his firo-place.
Imeonsatd that the avroot faca always
oemed to sty , bo eoriouj ! bo earnest !
on't trifle 1 and Simeon would answer
aok , " 1 won't I won't I won't triflal"
tould not Omaha hang on every wall In
great academy , a portrait of General
5iant looking down on happy , otgjr
outho and maidens , to whom the dead
aca would seem to Bay , "imitate my ex-
mplo , yen may reap my reward. "
lalo pitter liaptUt church , Tokamah ,
TEKAMAII , NJJH , Auo , 8 , 1885.
Senator Cockrell * * Dummodo tit
ivos , birbarm ip o placet.yftrrensburg
ilo. ) Journal.
The filrl who yearns to ba stylish is now
oxioualy inrjulring how to cultivate freckles ,
-Boston Globs.
It Is said divorces are multiplyluR , It can-
ot ba tiua , however , as u divorca from its
ery natura la divldiog [ Biughamton lle-
Georgia , boasts of twenty-pound canta-
oapes ,
When H by waa tick , wo s vo JicrCastorla ,
( Then aha iriu a Child , elic trle > l for Castor ) * ,
Vhcu alie became Mlas , eho clung to Cautorli ,
PTi a ibo had Chlldra , ih gftt Uitm Cutoda
Rheumatism , Neuralgia. Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Kore Tliront. Swell In gv.tiprnlttH.MruIcc * ,
llitrni , Sriilil * . I'l-dM Jllir ,
AMI AH , imtrn iiiiDiir ruvs .on Atiirs.
Bold \ij UrujiHU ml Dmlcri nf rrwlif re. I inCenu > U > ltl ,
Iilrrctloniln 1 1 Moitu * * ? ! ! .
TUT. CHAUUS A. > 01:1:1.1:11 : : : co.
( tmtfnon lo A. TOOtttB * CO J lUlllmorr , Ud. , I. " . i.
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> , tf Svri s mi' ' Uicef > ri . > - 111 -tn-
i .lOM.ff " ' ' "Itl'lCIILC ' - > b - o a '
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\ Positive VU
M7 m lr I. * * M-Ml * & i , A. \ iii * i\m ' rt- - /
RtiplOatft fc IM la1 * J * -lcio 'I v K * * t
i ( j i - i f j'l 3 i
* > i -v , l - V ,
- i-f t * * J ; , ' u > - i
i. ' -I i r 7- : „ t
.Chartered by thcStatcof Illl-
/noisfortl cevprcsd purpose
J ormvingimmcdiatc rcllclln
> AJVf < , all chronic , urinary and pri-
( WjtSf.vats diseases. Qonorrhcca ,
complitated forms , also nil
disc ocs of fie Skin and
Blood promptly rehcx cd and
permnncntlyci.rcd by rcms-
diestested ! n n FIJI //l"r j j
_ _ . . .Sj > < ri < if.t > / cfcr. . Seminal
Weakners , IfiRht Losses by Dreams , I'implcs on
Ihc FaceLost Manhood , 7 > o.viVii < /yri/if/.77ir(5
fa no fjtiicrimentlnii * The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by tetter , sacredly confidential , med
icines sent by Mall and Ei'ress. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
poHuaiuuMwtii uwwicuwntyi s
JlEMt DV1 IU.E. A victim of 5 outlifnl Imtirudenco
causing Premature Decnr , JiorvousUobilit ! , Lost
Manhood , Ac.liavlnn tried In vniu cvnry known
1'rrmatnr' ,
inHtl'nwrr diseases of tlio Kidnr N , Hind-
tier , and J'rosmtc ( Jliuid ri'KUJ ) M Itliout
tMoninch Mfdicintsbytho llnrstnn Holui. Va-
rlrnci iDCiindwIihoutstirKcrv. ' ] rcntlseandtc *
tiinonlnl npp. Alloorresponilpiicoconllclpntlal.
1 bavo a posttlvo roinody f or tlio ftboro tllsea e , by Its
oof casLsot tlio worst klnilnnUof font ;
u been cured Imlpe l
InllaelUeaci.tlintlulil neml fHO HOIULS 1 KEZ ,
together with ft \ A I.U VET l.THK VI ItK on this dlioa
faanysuiTeror. ( ] lonxprrBSHntll' O HdOr p
1)K T. A bLUUUM.lSU'carlSt. . Now Vo *
This Invalimblo epeolflo readily mid permanently
: utessl ] kinds olAothiim. The most cbstlnato n.l
on ? standing cases' leld promptly to Its wouderful
mrlng proportloa. It U known throughout tha world
'or ' ito unrivaled cfllcacy.
J. L. OALDWELTj. o'ty llncoln , Neb ; wrltoj , J n
, 183L S nee ujlug Dr. lUlr'a Asthma cure , for
ere than ono year , my wife hi9 been entlitly well ,
ndnot u\cn asjmptcm of the dUtsuehasapp'ared.
WIU.IAH BENNETT , Klohlan.l . , Iowa , writes Nov.
d. 1833 Ihavobecn Bfillctod with Hay Fe\or and
Isthmt since 1859 I followed jour directions and
, m happy to say that I never slept better lu my life.
am glad that I am among the many who can speak
o fnvorably of your remedies.
A valuable C4 page treatise oonUlnlngel-nllar proof
rom every Stile In the U , S , Ci\n .l and Great
Iritaln ; will bo mailed upon application.
Any dm/gist not tmhit ; it In stock will procured ,
o ordor. Ask for Dr Ilalr a Asthma Cure.
DH. B XV IIAIll & SON. I'ro , > 'd Olu'tl O.
si in
lloslnil , JMllHS , , ( ) r.iST : In Mncrlca , I.arKi'it
ir , 1U71 MinkMU Unt vinr. 'ilinroiich Inslnailoii hi
local nnil ItiitruniFiitil luslc , 1'iinu unit Oifin Jim-
ng , 1 hie Ails , Urilorj , J.llcriliire , 1 reneli , tieriiinn ,
mil II illun l.aiisii itr-s. r.inlisli llninclici , ( iviiinistlcii ,
tc. 'lullloii , $5to $ JO , buard nnd iumn , $ n lo $7 >
irterra I'uUTcriubi'KitiHhciiUuibcrlU , I8SJ , lor
LIuHr.itciK jilciul in klvlni ; full Infu in itlnn million
1 , . 'lOLKJI.K.JJIr. . 1 r.inUIn b'l , WJ-jlu.S
At thli seaeon of the j ear , tht hlltrity ot the chll-
ren Is often stopped by omo iDdUcrctlnn on the
lartof tvo tar Ml ortbl'd , and asarebult , dyecn-
ury , cholera Infantum , or otcer eompliluts ol btotn-
ch or bowel ) ensues. In all auoh oiscs , llldgo's
'ooil In tto befct dlctotlo It IspufectU s fe , btlug
cutrtl In Its action upon llii Inicb , < ad in no way
atetferca with action ut mcdlclnoj.
ilnfantslInvalidH ,
Irlanger . . . .lUvatln , I Cufmbochci Ba\arla
Itohcmlan Kulacr . .llrcmcu
iudwcUct. . Bt Louis I Aiihuuser fit Louli
' BchHti-l'huor.blilnnuktu
Ictt'a illlwiukco I -
Iruir'a OniAUk i Ale , 1'urtot , Doincstloand
Khlus Wlu a
3D J/IAUREE / , 12)3 ) Farnam St ,
sfrStffiLreiL :
( .uioi'-lt ? u "f r'llrli * i i { "j1" rt' " ' , " , " ' ( ' ' " "
it I'r ' glit . Toile eupplltd by J. & Fuller & Ct >
i el
213 South 14th Street ,
Have a large list of inside business and resi i :
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
"Wo hnve business property ou Capitol Aveuuo , Dodge ,
Douglas , Faruam , Ilnrney , Howard , 9th , 10th , 13th nnd
IGtli sreots.
Wo hnvo fine residence property ou Farnnm , Douglas ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cnss , California streets , Sher
man , St .llnrys and Pnrk Avenueg , in fnct on nil the beat
residence sheets. i , Wo have property in the followiug'nd-
Mfflard&'Caldweirs ' Ruth's ,
ILalkes , Smpr'mt Association
Elisabeth Place ] Wilcos ,
E. V. Smith's , ' Burr Oak ,
Isaac &L Soldsra.'s
Patrick's ? Mansoom's
Parker's , West Omaha ,
Shiim's , G-raad View ,
Credit Fancier ,
Melson's , 2 ountz' First
Komitz' Second ,
Z onntz' Third ,
Kcmnts9 Fouirth .
Svadicate Mill ,
Park Place ,
Clark Place ,
Meed's First ,
And all the other Additions to the
City :
We nave the ageucy fo tne syndicate lauds in South Omahn. These
lots sell from $225 upwards , and are very desirable property. The
development of the packing house and othnr interests there , are ] , rapidly
building up thdt portion of. the city.
Wo have n few lota left in Kirkwood addition , which wo offer at lovr
[ .rices , terms # 25 down balance $10 permoulb. Thebo lots are on high
level ground and me detirablo.
This addition is more centrally located tuan any other now addition
ienr the best Schools in the city. All the sheets are being put to grade
, he grades have oeen established by the city council , and is Very desira
ble residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower than
idjoiniuc additions for a home or investment. These lots cannot be
FOB BALE HOUBO and lot on 21at St. I FOB SALS Houia an'l lot , 25tii and Ublo
.orma , go atrootsplendid corner , 93,600.
FOB SALE 22 foot on Fainam St. , near FOBSALB First clang business block , CIS ,
Llth St. , 88,000. 000
FOB SALE Lot In Walnut hill , 8200 , 000FOB SALE 1 lot on Wheaton St. ; ROD
FOB SALE Lota on 20th , 85CO each , house , 81,500.
FOB BALK Fine lot in Shlnn nddl
, corner a
FOB SALK 22 acres with elegant residence .
rood batn , fine trees , Bhrubery , fruit , hot and tlon , S7BO.
; old water and all conveniences ) first clan FOB SALE Lot in Millar-1 PJaco , specla
property in every respect. bargain.
FOB HALH- feet on Farnam strftet , near FOB LEASE Fine business property on 16tb
18th. Good bueinoea property cheap. St. , and St. Mary'n Avnntio.
Fen Kmr Room 11x76 , , 3d Uoor , on Uth FOB SALU i lot on Chicago St , between
treat , 13th and 14 , wlthgood houae , 83,000 ,
IFe will jfurnisH conveyance free to any
t ojf the city to show property to our friends
iistoniers , and cheerfully { jive infornm-
lion reyurilinyjOmaha Property.
Those who have barf/ains to ojjer o
property at a Itart/ain , tire invited to see -us.
Real Efjtate Agents
2I3S , ! 4tlSt. ) bet. Farnam