Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1885, Image 1

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President Cleveland DmnlislHS the
Barriers to Sememe in the
Far West ,
And the Cattle Kings Must Im
mediately Vamoose the
Pnblio Domain.
Views or Sonntora Teller mill Man-
tlerfloii With , a Siirlnttlo of
i'ulltlcs ,
A Washington special to the Chicago Times
says ; Tbo president' * proclamation regarding
the unlawful fencing of the public domain Is
n much eovercr blow to the great cattle farms
than the action taken In regard to the Cliey-
enno and Arapahoe strike. It alTccta the oc
cupation of the public domain In almost every
portion of it. A year or two ago a mail con
tractor In Nebraska reported as follows :
"In the Loup river valley of Ouster county ,
Nob. , are largo cattle ranger , inclosing hun
dreds of acres of government lands with
barbed wire , regardless of section or oven
township lines , and I must diivo through such
gates as they choose to put up in order to got
to the postofliceH , having often to leave unruly
horses to open nnd shut their so-called gaits
iu all sorts of weather. What I wish tn know
is , can I compel those parties , through yonr
aid , to open section lines nnd let mo through
without going teveral miles out of my way I"
An investigation was thereupon made ,
which fully confirmed the fact * reported by
the postoflico department. The luclosure par
ticularly referred to was found to bs of the
Brighton ranch , whoso fences ware admitted
to curround l'Jj.030 acrpc , a largo portion of
which is public land , The land waa also as
certained by tha nRont to bo good farming
land. Other cases of the fencing In nf public
lauds in Nebraska have been reported from
Butte , Custcr , Chase , Keith , Dundy , Lincoln
and Uitchcock counties , Among the cases
xpecially reported ,
in Nebraska , are those nf the Arkansas Val
ley catllo company , in Colorado , whose IncIoB-
urca embrace upward of 1COO,000 ncres ; the
Pr Irio Cattle company ( Scotch ) , in
Colorado , upward of 100,000 ncres ;
H. H. Metcalf , Hlver Bond , Col. , 200.00U
acres ; John W. Prowers , Colorado , 200,000
acres ; MoUnniel & Davis , Colorado , 75,000
ncrec ; Boutchler & Lamb , Colorado , 4i,000
ncroi ; J. W. Frank , Colorado , ' 10,000 ncres ;
Gar -ett itLancford , Colorado , 30,000 acres ;
] I. C. Taue , Colorado , 50,000 acres ; Loiveov
Bros. , Colorado , 150,000 ncres ; Vrooman &
Me Fife , Colorado , EO.OOO Acres ; Oeatty Bros. ,
Colorado , 40,000 acres ; Chick , Brown & Co. ,
Colorado , oO.O.O .icroa ; Haynolda Oattlo com
pany , Colorado , 50,000 ncres. Thcro are sav-
ernl other casts in Colorado embracing from
10f 00 to 30,000 aero * .
In Nnbr.i ka , Coo & Carter have 50 mi'oa of
fence ; J. W. Wilson , 40 miles ; J. W. Bosior ,
" 0 milon : William Humphrey , Nevada , 3J
miles ; Nebon & Son , Nevada , 22 miles ; Ken-
unbeck ranch , Nebraska , from 20,003 to 50-
OCO acres.
In Kansas , entire counties nro reported as
fenced. In Wyoming , 125 largo cattle com
panies nro reported having fencing on the
public lands.
Ainonp- the companies and persons reported
ns haying "immeiiao" or
inclosed , but specific quantities not mentioned
nro the Dubuqae , Uiinarron , and Jlenello
cattle companies , of Now Mexico ; the Carlisle
CaUIo company ( English ) in Colorado , the
Marquis do Morales in Dakota , the Wyoming
Cattle company ( Scotch ) in Wyoming , and
the Rankln Live Stock company in Nebras
ka. Several companies aud persons In Mon
tana and elsewhere are mentioned aa having
inclosuros , with no data as to areas. ( A lar e
number of cases in the several states nnd ter
ritories wi'jt of the ono hundredth
meridian are repotted , where tbe in-
closure ranges from 1,000 to 5.0CO
acres and upward. Hitherto the land
oflico could only Investigate these cases and
report tbe facts to the department of justice ,
whoso duty it wai to order district attorneys
to prosecute parsons guilty of unlawful
fencing. A fowcasoa have been investigated ,
nud cult was commenced against the Brighton
company , Thn new law , passed mainly
through the effort * of Congressman Payaon ,
of Illinois , abbreviates proceedings very much ,
nnd allows the president to use the army If
necessary to eject the trespassers , without
carrying on several years' litigation as a pre
Tha Chicago Times of yesterday publithos
the following : United States Senator II. M.
Teller , of Colorado , ox-FOcretary of the in
terior , was at the Grand Pacific hotel yester
day , Ho is on Ills way homo from the Grant
funeral. His opinion waa asked on the order
of President Cleveland requiring the cattle
men to abandon the lands that they lenso
from the Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians
within forty ditys. Ho replied that tlio presi
dent probably knew what was best In that
matter , and ho would not criticise his action
in that regard. It has been reported that
the lea > t's first cranted by those tribes ,
in 1E 3 , had boeu sanctioned by htm
while secretary .of the interior , but he dn-
niod this statement most emphatically. He
maintained that ho specifically stated at the
tlmo In his report of 1683-4 that all rights
ware reserved by the government to remove
the cattlemen whenever and in any manner
tint it saw fit , either on complaint of the In.
dians or nt its own option , lie did announce
to the cattlemen , however , that if their occu
pation ot the lands was agreeable to the In
dians tha government would not interfere.
The cattlemen had occupied tha land for two
years , ha said , without lha ( lightest trouble
or objection. He bo ieved that the present
trouble was due entirely to the men who had
formerly occupied tha laud without rental ,
and that tney haJ become ugly when they
saw their olJ pastures being occupied by
others. Tha Indians , ho believed , had been
greatly benefited by coming In contact
with whlto men. They had been taught how
to farm and herd cattle , and were given an
Insight into the traniactiou of ovory-Uay busi
ness. llo was of ths opinion that the order
related only to tbe reservations of the Arapa-
hoes and Clieyennea.
"I think tha prtbident' * order requiring tha
cattlemen to leave Indian territory is a move
in the tight direction , " ld United States
Senator Mamloreou , of Nebraska , to a repor
ter for the Times at the Grand Pacific hotel
yesterday , "It may be , " he added , "that
forty days ii u rather > hort time for them to
move In , but I think if they show a diipoii-
tlon to obiy the order they will be Riven BOIIIO
day * Brace. "
"Will not th'i ' tction deprive the Indians of
quite a nice Income ? ' '
"Ytu ; but then I do not know as tha money
they receive in this way does them any good ,
It U divided tip ainoog them , aud they iquan-
derit in dlsnpation. Tha Indians , ym know ,
are the greatest gamblers In tha world , I be
lieve Cleveland la sincere in this matter , and
will see the thing through , "
Changing tha subject to politics , the senator
laid thera wa llttln news in Nebraska. Tun
democrats tliero were very much dlitatiified
with Cleveland , as he did not turn tha repub
licans out fast onounh for them , Itnra had
twn no changes of importance In tha political
oflicea in Nebraska , although he thought iu
time they would be all filled with democrats.
At jo the preildent'4 civil service policy Sen-
6tor ManJertou said ;
"J don't know how to take Cleveland Ia
that respect. Sometimes I believe the man is
sincere , and then something comes up that
makes bellevo it Ii n moro sham.t Take , for
instance , the postmaster .casa in Chicgo.
Hnro Mr. Pointer was dismissed for befog an
' Mr. Juild wai
cffemlve partisan'nnd ap
pointed in his place at ft time when there
was A great political excitement at Springfield ,
Judd was no sooner appointed than It waa
reported that he was down at Springfield ,
nnd Morrison , ono of the lending candidates
foi Iho United States eenatorshtp , was in
Washington. It looks to me as though
Cleveland , saying he 'would nb'or consent ,
consented. ' No , I do not know how to take
filr. Cleveland iu thoie matters. "
The nonatior Is on his way homo from
Now York , being ono of the senate committee
appointed to attend the Grant funeral , Ho
pronounced It the crandest spectacle ha ever
witnessed , nnd ventured the opinion that It
was the largest crowd ever gathered together
on one occasion.
T1113 Ij.VNI ) ait.tlHIKltS.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , August 11 , 1885.
The following inn lilt of "tho illegal onclos-
IUIM of public Und , of which the general land
office 1ms specific knowledge , w&Ich nre af
fected by tha preiident's proclamation of
yuatorda ; :
Acres ,
Lsvleny Broi. , Pusblo Co. , Col 02,70) )
John Ross , Pueblo Co. , Col 14,720
John Ueraponger , Pueblo Co. , Col 40)00 ! )
Linkford Bros. , Pueblo Co. , Uol 11'JJf )
U. 0. Tolo , PuobloCo..Col 35.2CO
JohnG. Haas. Pueblo Co. , Col 40,3fO ,
Daniel KCCF , Bsnt Co. . Col I'oOO
J. C. Jones , Bent Co. , Col 1 DOG
Polk & Andcrron. Bent Co , Col 7,500 ,
DAVIC ! DiGrolf , Klpaso Co. , Col 10,800
Robert Douglas , JClp.vjo Co. , Col 1.720
Allen nnd Link , Pnrk Co. , Col 13 500
B. F.Hpinnoy , Park Co , , Col 0'JOO
Jas. Mnlloy , LnitYnimaa Co. , Col 2,920
Poindextor and Oin , Bcaverhead Co ,
Mont 90880
Chas. Rsanbln , Silver , Bow Co , , Mont. 4.000
Solomon Jennings , Silver , Bow Co. ,
Mont 7,800
.Tomes A. Campbell , Caster Co. , Mont. 2.503
C U. Hutt-m , Albany Co.Wyo D.OOO
Win. Dunpby , Landenandliurcka Co. ,
Neb 11.5CO
Rifael & Hladloy. Innden Co. , Nob. . . 1,300
Crum & Xarriep , Lauden Co. , Neb 3.9CO
Andrew Benson , Kuroka Co , Neb 3,800
C. F. ClutTen & Co , Sioux C ) , , Neb. . . 0.000
Circle Bar Co. , Sioux Co , , NOD 2,330
War Bonnet Live Stock Co. Sioux Co. ,
Neb 5,272
Dakota Stock Co , Sioux Co , , Nob. . . .61,008
Ofdon & Arcs , Sioux Co. , Utah UJJ
Thns lUy , Sioux Co , , Utah 1,200
Patrick Lnrgy , Sioux Co. , Mont 700
Northwestern Cattle Co. , Sioux Co ,
Mont 11,000
Martin Stevens , Bent Co. , Col 9,000
A.S Polk , Bent Co. , Col 5,100 ,
M. Hopkins , Bout Co. , Col 20.3JO
Columbia Cattle Co. , Bout Co. , Col. . . . 3(00 , (
H. L. Holly. Bent Co. , Col. . . 12,00) )
McLoan Broi. , .Bout C.i , Col SlOO ? (
Joaoph Graham , Bent Co. . Col 1J203
fnmea Beatty , Bput Co. , Col 2,103
A. J. Andewon. Bent Co. , Col 1,000 ,
Humphrey Best. Bant Co. , Col 2,000
G. AV Swink , Bent Co. . Cl 9.0CO
J. W. Pottor. Bant Co. Col 4,000
MoDaniels .t Davis , Pueblo Co. Col..37,000
Nancredo & Knmsay , Pueblo Co. Col. . . fi,50l (
Frank blo.m , Las Animas Co. Col. . . . 3,203
W. T. Barns , Ld3 Animas Co. Col. . . . SCO
B. K. Kimberly , AiapahoaCj. Col 3,200
Schafer , Arapahoe Co , Col ! ) ,000
Suits have been Instituted or recommended
In the following cases : Arkansas Valley
Lind and Cattle company , Colorado , 1,00'- )
000 ; Prairie Cattle company 'Colorado , 1,000-
000 Hall & Barclny , Colorado , tb.OOO ; Joshua
Hendoraon , Colorado. 3.000 ; Jones & Hoi ? ,
Colorado , 83.000 ; John Prowers , Colorado ,
20,000 , Brighton Hinche , Nebraska ,
123.0.10 : Benj. Heishy Nebraska , E91 ;
I > a Nichols , Nebraska , 1,033 ; Morroll C.
Keith , Nebraska , 1,484 ; Burke & Sone , Ne
braska , 352.
It is estimator ! that not less than 10,000COO
acres , in addition to the lands mentioned in
the above list , are illegally encloied , of which
ipocial agents of the department have not had
time to inako an examination and specific
report ,
ST. PAUL , Aug. 11. The state river com
mission has formulated n letter to the editors
of the leading journals of St. Louis , Memphi8
and New Orleans , explaining the call for a
convention of thouppjr river states and terri
tories ludependentot the lower river interests.
They protest against tbe Imputation made in
southern journals that the call was meant as
tiostlle or antagonistic to the south , but was nn
exercise of tha of independence. The
letter says tbo policy has been to slight the
producing centers like the now northwest , in
bestowing the bulk of appropriations on other
sections. Figures ara cited , und it ia argued
that nine statoa and territories of tha north
west IKUftiis , Wisconsin , Iowa , Minnesota ,
Missouri , "Kansas , Nebraska , Dakota and
Montana having ever 7,000 miles of naviga
ble waterway , nnd producing the bulk of nil
received an aggregate of $1,500.000
in the river and harbor bill ,
which gives § 1,027,000 to paints on the
MissUsijpi below Cairo nlone. The amount
needed for Improving waterways reaching the
Northwest territory is insignificant when
compared with the benefit ) to 03 secured by
thcert improvement ? , Six feet of water on
the Mississippi river above St. Louii , and on
tbo Missouri river to Bismarck , means
to the producers of the northwest every year.
To illustrate this lot us call yoiu attention to
Hit ) present tituition betwon St Louis and
St. Paul , The regular railroad freight rate ,
when the river Is closed , is fortj cents but on
the opening of navigation , the steamers majo
a rate of 2u cenU , and the rates on merclian-
Jiso nro now , between the t o citle * , as low
as five to ton cants , which the railroad cannot
neot , this on a partially improved rlvir. But
'or ' this regulator , the rate would still ba
forty cents , and wo would do
na business with St. Louis.
Wo hope to see the tlmo when we will have n
rate of
on wheat from St. Paul to Belle Isle , and
loat our crop via St. Louis. This we can 10-
cure , when our river improvement ! ere com'
[ tinted , at an expense ot $2,000,0 0 or $3,010-
)00 at tha utmost Such considerations as
these have led the friends of the
river improvement of the northwest
to consider the propriety of an
organized effort to convince congress that onu
dollar spent In river improvements ia the
statrs named will accomplih moro toward the
relief of both producer ) and comuuiera than
ten dollars can ou that charmed
outer circle which has from the beginning nb-
toruoJ the bulk of all apuioprlntloni.
Anil-junction AfiUctl.
BOSTON , Mass. , August 11. Assistant At
torney General Shepard presented to Judge
Holme ? , of the lupreme court , to-day , at tha
relation of Insurance Commissioner Tarbox ,
bills in ciiulty , praying for an injunction to
restrain tha American Benefit Society and
American Benefit Association from doing
buiiness la flotation , of law. Orders of notice
weio made , returnable Tuesday next , for
respondents to show cause why an injunction
should not issue.
Ttio Contrc.l Amorloaii Exposition ,
OTTAWA , Auguit 11. Alphoaze Leduo ,
special commisiloner to Canada from North ,
South and Central American exposition , to be
opened la New Orleans , has arrived here , la
an interview h stated that tbe expiiition
promises to be great ruccesi. Brazil ,
Mexico , nnd all South and Central American
states have promised to tend exhibits , and all
the itotea of tha Ainericiu Union will be
represented. Lid no Is here to urge tbe gov
ernment to tend a Canadian exhibit.
An Excellent Choice of Sonnl and
Comprising Spioy News of Rail ,
River and Telegraphi
City DchiKCd
KetCH A Uatoli of ForolRn
WASIIINOTO.V , August 11. The following
naval board has ben appointed to meet al
the Below are Iron Works , Choiter , Pa , to
morrow , to make an examination and take nn
inventory of the three ciutserr , Chicago , At-
lantn nnd Boston , which were Being construct
ed by Mr. John Koach : Assistant Naval
Constructors J. 1' . llonscom , J. B , Poavor ,
Itlchnrd Gatewood and Lewis Nixon ,
An appropriation of $100,000 was made at
th3 last so'eion of congress for the trans
portation of about $10,000,000 in gold coin
from the sub-treasury at San 1'rnncieco to
the sub-treasury at Now York. Owing to
the high rates asked by the express compalcs ,
the secretary of tha treasury decided to eend
Ilia com by registered mail. So far about
SIO.OCO.COO Imi boon transferred In this way.
The money was mailed in 8100,000 packages.
In view , however , of tha publicity whlcn has
been given the method of transportation , it
has been deemed best to suspend further
shipments of precious melallfor the present.
Gen. Frank Armstrong , who recently in
vestigated the Clioj enno und Arapahoe In
dian agencies , anil whoso report thereon has
much to do with the issuance of the proclama
tion ordering the cattlemen oft those reserva
tion ? , will soon proceed to the Apache agency
for the purpose o making an enrollment of
the Indian ? , and nf inquiring into nnd report
ing on the condition of affairs among the
Apaches ,
The state department is informed that the
civil g vornor has officially dec'arod that not
one. case of cholera has thus far ocured in
Malaga ,
LONDON , August 11. The Wabash com
mittee was issued an elaborate echoina qf re
organization for the approvnl of shareholders ,
The committee expresses regrets at the ina
bility to present a moro satisfactory report ,
but says that unless a unltsd elfor : 13 made to
rave the property it will fall to the heirs.
PARIS , August 11. A London .dispilcli to
the Tornps says : Walll , British special envoy
to Turkey , Is instructed to offer th porto
facilities for occupying and governing the
Soudan , and , temporarily , some points in
JCj-ypt , but no shore in the governing of
Kgyp t , in return for an alliance against
BFRLIN. August 11 It 1 announced to
day that Uuperor William aad the czar will
meet shortly , but at what place has not yet
been stated.
LONDON , August 11. The Daily News this
morning prints two columns of matter from
iti ParU correspondent about General Grant ,
all of winch is credltab'o to the general ,
MADRID , August 11. There were 3,519
new cases and 1,342 deaths from cholera re
ported throughout Spain yesterday. Those
figures , howevo' , nro compiled from incom
plete reports. Cholera made Its way into
Barcelona , Bilbow , San Sebastian , San Au-
dro , Huesca and Tnlsa ,
MADRID , August It , Relatives of cholera
patients in many of the Spanish provinces as
sault the doctors , believing they poison their
patients , The archbishop of Seville died of
cholera yesterday ,
TEHERAN , August 11. Cholera and dysentery -
tory are causing great mortality among
Hussions on tbe Afghan frontier , especially at
Penjdoh ; 28,000 infantry and 10.000 cavalry
are now in the Trans-C.tsplan territory ,
MARSEILLES , August 11 The chamber of
commerce has petitioned tha government to
urge foreign governments to relax the unwar
rantable quarantine against Marseilles ,
LONDON , August 11. The Times publishes
n letter from Meshed , Persia , Invhicli It is
stated that the Afghans are acting in such a
way an to give the Russians no possible ex
cuse to rnako any attack. The writer says
the ameer's troops do not pass the frontier ,
which Kutsia admits h Afghan , 1 hat they re-
frainfrommoving towards theKusalan position
and from strengthening their own outposts
The trouble among th < ) Turcomans recently ,
attributed to the alleged brutality of the
Kuisian soldiers toward n.tivo women , Is
really duo to tbo warlike preparations which
KussU Is making throughout Turcoman terri
LONDON , August 11. The Irish homo rule
members of parliament agreed to give a grand
Lunquat t9 Parnell in London ou August 24th ,
to colebrata the recent parliamentary
triumphs of the Irish party.
MARSEILLES , August 11.-There were
thlrty-iiinn dtatha from cholera In this city
to-day. Fourteen now ptients were ad
mitted to the Pharo hospital.
Several catoj of cholera are reported from
the Basses Alps.
LONDON , Aug 11.-Sir Richard A. Cros ,
home secretary , In aiuwor to an inquiry mada
by tbe Rt. Hon. Gee , A. Bentlnck , conserva
tive member for Wbitehaven , concerning the
13-year-old daughter of Mrs. Eliza Ann-
itrong , alleged to have been decoyed from
borne by an ugent of the Salvation Army , and
then held In duress by Gen , Bocth for the
purpose of exhibiting her as a minor saved by
the army from n wicked life , e ld the govern
ment had submitted the evidence BO far ob
tained In the casa to Attorney General Web
ster. This statement was cheered ,
PARIS , August 11 , Further advices from
Too < | ulu ci > y that the DUliop of Quenlion
reports tbat over 10,000 Christians buva been
massacred iu the province ! of Biendihand
Phy'yen. Murders and incendiary fires are of
daily oicurronie , The vicaiiite has been
Knnsno Oily Deluged ,
KANSAS CITV , Aug. II. A heavy rain and
thunder storm \iiited thi ! city before day
break this morning , causing the flooding of
cellars aud streets in all parts cf the city nnd
doingleriouidamage. Twobrick buildinga two
ttoiies high , on Grand avenue , collapeod
during llu storm , and were totally wrecked ,
owing to undermining and their defective con
struction. Ten penons lodced in the build-
luge at the time. All escaped uninjured.
Another rainstoi in occured between 6 and
S o'clock this evening. The storm hai been
the heaviest kuowa here In years , The ralu
fall including tbii a. in , , w s over five inches ,
All streami in the vicinity are much swollen ,
and the Miiipuri river h&a riicn orer a foot
The damage ia the city and suburbs will reach
ii3py ! thousands of dolian. In a number of
itrects the pavements were wn hod out ant !
sewers broken , while cellars and basements
were filled with water.
NEW YORK , Aug. 11. Dr. Norvln Green ,
president of tha Western Union telegraph
company , makes public this evening the re
mainder of the correspondence ) , chiefly ciblo
dispatches , in regard to the negotiations for
the puichasa of the Baltimore & Ohio lines by
the Western Union , or tha restoration of tele
graph tolls by the two compinies. Dr. Green
gives ns n reason for the publication his desire
"to correct an impression made by Mr. Robert
Garrett's cabla card , " which was sent
In Uisso dispatches lait night. The
first dispatch la from Dr. Green to
John Pendor , of London , nnd appears to bo
in toply to n dupatch from the latter poatla-
man. It says that the "same form of deal"
wai had with the Baltimore & Ohio hero ( New
York ) ; that nn figures were proposed , and
asks whettor the Baltimore & Ohio can give
an order to admit of an examination of its
revenues and expense. } . This ii dated July
5. On July M Mr. Ponder re
plies that Mr. Garrctt was not prepared
but suggested that the mlloapo of his lines
was greater than thnt of tbo Atlantic & Pa
cific and the American Union together when
absorbed by the Western Union , and seemed
to think this might eerve ni ajbasis of nego
tiation , July 18th Dr. Green replies that
thU basis is not satisfactory , and says ho
could not go beyond the cost of the property
as a basis. July 31st Mr , Ponder asked
Dr. Green If the rumors of a settlement be
tween the companies are true , nud is answered
the same day that they are not. August 4th
Mr. rentier telegraphs Dr , Green thnt ho
In Hamburg , and present the dactor'd views.
August IJth Dr. Green replies that ho does
not think it best to press Mr. Garrett with
any urgency ; that he is paliafied that they are
far apatt iu terms ; tint Mr. Garrett wauts a
largo profit , and that there must
be "an end to taking In a profit. "
Then follows Mr. Pemler'n telegram of
August 10 , about the rise in value of Western
Union stock , sent in those dispatches last
night. Under date of August 11 Dr. Green
replies at considerable length , In thocourto of
which ho says. ' I think you have been im
posed upon , and muat have acted under
No one in this company has represented that
tha deal with the Baltimore & Ohio has been
made. I have steadily aud uniformly denied
that there was any approximation to an agree
ment. Special interviewo with me to that
UIect have been published. Garrett'd card
and your cablegram mitkca it appear that we
were pressing a negotiation , whereas , your
letter of June 22 shows that the liret overture
came from Garrott. "
with a series of dlspatchts between Cyrui W.
Field in London , and Jny Gould in New
York , running from Juno 17 to August 4 , in
which lleld euys ho has been invited to meet
M * . Garrctt , who says ha cnu arrange with
Muckcy so as to settle the tariff for cables as
well ns for land lines , and that
ho thinks Gnrrett and Macksy are
sick of their investments , and would like to
come to noina arrangement. Mr. Gould res
plies that the lialtin ore & Ohio , as nearly a-
he can leari , "Aro looslug ever 550,000 per
month in their telegraph businnfs , and it is
only a question of time when it will carry
down the Baltimore & Ohio company. "
He suggests that if the BjHmoro & Ohio
will let the auditor of the Western Ution
ho is prepared to "go through the figures with
a view tu a deal ou the actual couditton of
business. " August 4 Mr. Field's private sec
retary telegraphed him that "Ruisell Sao
thinks it desirable to obtain his ( Garrett's )
best offer of n settlement on the sale , "
At Cincinnati : Louisville , 12 ; Cincinnati , ? .
At New York : Brooklyn , 4 ; Metropol
itan , 1.
At Boston Corcorlan made his first appear
ance In the pitchers box for the New Yorks In
this city today. He was nervous and wild in
the first innlncr , giving two bases on balls and
nmking a wild pitch , but after that steadied
down to his former coolness , and pitched ef
fectively. His support was poor throughout
Boston 8 ; New York 4
At Buffalo : Chicagos , 7 ; Buffalo , 2.
At Philadelphia : Athletic , 4 ; Baltimore. 4.
Thirteen inning ; , game called on account of
At Providence : Philadelphia , 5 ; Provi
dence , 1.
At At , Louie : St. Louis , 3 ; Pittsburg 1 ,
Fourteen innings.
SARATOGA , N. Y. , August 11. Mile : Kd-
itorwon , Mona second , Rapido third. Time ,
1:43. : The California horse , Jim Dough B ,
among the starters , did not got u place
Throa quarters of a mile : Mnmlo Hunt
won , Scottish Lass second , Tartar third ,
rime , 1:17.
Milo and n half : Favor first , Irish Pat
second , Tontine third. Time , 2:45. :
Mile and five hundred yards , all ages :
linrch woo , Monogram second , Wallflower
third. Time , 2:14.
Throa quarter of a mile : Pat Danms won ,
3harler Marks second , Red izirl third.
Time , 1:1CJ.
Monumental Talk.
GETTYSBURG , Pa. , August 11 , The Battle-
Held Memorial association held an unusually
lull mooting to-day , spending the entire day
on tlio field and in session. Permission was
readily granted the Secoid Maryland coufoJ-
erato regiment to erect a monument
on Culp's hill , on the grounds of the asspcla-
: ion , A resolution was adoptad providing
.hat nil monuments erected on the grounds of
.lie astociation must have historical inscrip
tions , approved , by the board , and the flanks
of the regiment Indicated , The 110th Penn
sylvania regl-jiont dedicated the monument
m WhcatQeld to-day.
Rival Telegraph Companies.
NEW YORK , Auguit 11. Correspondence
i published here to day between Cyrus W ,
Field and 1'rejldent Garrett , of thoBaltiinoro
and Ohio telegraph company. Field requeit-
ed Garrett to fir the price for which.he would
cell his telegraph Hues to the Western Union ,
or , In case of refuial , that a pooling arrange
ment be made and telegraph tolls be ad
vanced. Garrett replied to this that the
lines controlled by him were not for sale at
any price , and refusing to advance the tolls
now charged ,
Cleveland's Wlioroauouta.
AVSADLB FORKS , Y , Y. , August 11 Presi
dent Cleveland , accompanied by Di. Ward ,
of Albany , pasted through hero this morning ,
enrouto for the Adirondacks , They were wei
at the depot by the Hon , D. H. Graves and
woie driven to hit residence where a short re-
csptlou was given , alter which the patty were
met by Paul ISrcitb , who will take them by
stage to Prospect bouie where tin president
will spend a few weeka.
PLATTSIIDBG , Me. . August 21. Presldsnt
Cleveland and Dr. Ward reached the Pros
pect house , upper Saranao lake , their destina
tion , at " o'clock this afternoon. They had
a pleasant and uneventful buckboard ride of
forty-se\en miles from the railway terminui
at Au ablc.
A Monument to Grant.
8r. Louis , Auguit 11 , At a meeting held
at the office of Mayor Francis thia morning ,
lha Missouri monumental Grant association
wai organized to raise fnnds to erect a monument
ment tu General Grunt in thii city ,
in the Shane of a Brnta
Tennesses Mnrfer ,
With a Georgia Ontrnga Thrown
In--0rooked Whisky Moiii
A. I'onnsjlvunla MIne Horror A Few
Failures Eleven elicits Urntcu
Newsy Notes.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
NASHVILLE , Tcnn. , Auguit H. Ono of tlio
moat horrlblo Crimea over perpetrated in Ten
nessee was committed liuro lust ninht by n
negroes mined Anna Davenport. She had
had n fight with another woman ntmsd Millie
Plummer about a weuk ago , and had tinea
boon beard to threaten to kill her. Millie be
came frightened , nnd mo\cd to another part
nf the city. Early lust evening Millie left
at home , and wont to n ball. About 1C
o'clock a pollcorrma passing her homo heard
the Infant screaming , and broke in the
door. Anna Davenport was standing over
the child which was half covered , 'Iho po
liceman throw back the covering nnd found
thnt tha head , face and neck of the child were
The ehin was pealed of ! in great blotches , and
half of Its lip was eaten , The woman was ar
rested nnd a physician called , Annn Daven
port had forced the baby to swallow concen
trated Ivo , and had poured the stuff over iti
body. The can in which the lye was carried
waa found under tha bad. The woman was
hurried to jail , as threats to lynch her wore
ftequcnt , The child is dying ,
Special Telegram to The BEE.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Aug , 11 Thopolico yester
day discovered in the suburbs of the city an
Insane woman , named Jnno Wheeler , living
in a hut with six negro men , whom elm siid
were her husbands. The woman lived in n
squalid hut , was only half clad and showed
signs of beatings ou her back and arms.
Sumo years ago she escaped from the state
niylum , nnd was found by thosn negroes , who
mada her n prisoner nnd forced her to do their
cooking and washing , and subjected her to
various indignities. The discovery wai quite
accidental. The woman's relatives are quite
wealthy nnd live in southern Georgia.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , Aug. 11. It is stated that some
Peoria distillers have been using barrels con-
structed'with thick etavo opposite the bung ,
uid tha bung stave , r.lso wai mndo thick ,
3omo of the barrels , instead of being three-
quarters of nn inch in thickness , were only
naif an inch. These barrels hold from a
gallon to a gallon and a half morn than the
{ auger's rod and callipers show. Some time
igo , as the report goes , some whisky belong
ing to the Manhattan distillery was detained
in the cast for alleged sharp practice in the
barrels. They hold more than they were
Bulged , nnd if all reports are true the Man
hattan is not the only distillery that Is
on the ragged edge , List week Revenue
Agent Summerville came quietly here ,
> ud spent most ot his time with the Manhat
tan and Great Western distilleries. It is
itronstly suspected that when Maddox , Ho-
jart & Co , , of Cincinnati , were cellared thus ,
; hey
Upon hla airival in _ Peoria , Summerville
summoned from Pehin a coopnr named
Eadc , who is said to have mada curtain bar
rels to order last Fiiday and Saturday , The
cooper in question was hero , nnd was inter
viewed bv Summerville. All day yesterday
all the L'ooria dletillere wore llko a swarm
of bees. Congressman Worthington left last
evening for WashinctoD , ootenolbly on pri
vate business , but doubtless to interview the
department on the subject of detention of the
WILKESDARUE , Pa. , August 11. Informa-
> ion has just reached hero of a terrible ox-
ilosion of gas on tha west end of the Coal
iompany's mines this morning at Nocanun ,
itteen miles from nero. As far as can be
earned ten miners wcra instantly killed , nnd
several others dangerously injured.
Further iiitelliRencu of thodlsaator shows that
ho fan engine which supplies fresh air to the
iVost End mlno at Mocatiaque broke , thus
depriving the inino of air. Pour men have
> oen brought to tha surfac9 dead and four or
ivo moro are yet in the mine nnd cannot be
cached owing to impure air.
Ju t before the night shift went off duty
ho fan broko. Tha boss and men of the day
shift knew of this hut took the risk and wont
nto the mine. There wore about thirty men in
ill who were provided with safety lamps cs it
was well known that the pas would nccumu-
ate. About seventy-five men were in the
ill no at work repairing the fan. They were
he first who succumbed , nnd about an hour
uter many moro were overcome ,
ioforo the men fairly realized the danger
ibout twenty wore unconscious. Those who
jould then eicape did so. Superintendent
Fno. Teaidalo and several of his
men became unconscious and wore
with difficulty , rescued , Others
went down , and In the face of immense dlfli-
: ultles got ; out all button men , Ttirco of
hosu who were brought out were dead , and
bo other IK are bsyond doubt dead ,
le notified the men before they entered the
mine that the fan bad stopped and It was not
iafa for them to enter as tbo mine was filling
with gaa. This Is denied by tha miners and
aborers , who on the contrary say that bo told
hem to yo to work. that the
fan was broken , bat would bo repaired
a ad put in working order in an hour. When
hy entered the mlno everything appeared to
30 all right until they began to smell fatal air
and sulphur fumes. Before they could got
out , many were overcome nnd sulfocatfd.
The disaster U considered horrible in its
mature and stands alone end unprecedented
ia the history of mining , It could have ensi-
y been foieseen nnd prevented , but being
"no of those tlngular oversights , the causa of
the ( Meatier escaped notice.
and ai now fully ajcortalnoJ are as follower
James Whelan , 51. miner , widower , six ( mall
children ; Hiram O Mead , 40. married , two
children ) William /lentz , 2j , laborer , single :
L'eter Bordaski , > 7 , miner , tingle ; JohnBilby ,
40 , miner , married ; live children ; Win. Price ,
2 , laborer ; Janus Fry , 32 , minor , married ;
two children ; Nicholas Birtelu , 80 , miner , fivu
children ; Wilson Jlynier , 28 , laborer , married ,
two childieu ; Anthony Boratki , 21 , miner ,
single ; John Brofoionkl , miner , married ,
; lueo children ; Sabin Ujurskofiki , 26 , miner ,
Those who weie overcome with gas and
wrought lenseleis trom Hie mine ara now do
ing well cod out of dacger ,
PROVIDING * , H. I , , August 11. It was
rumored on the street to-day that ( lie Valley
Worsted mills suspended payment nnd ( hul
down. At tha company's office It WAS Icnrnoi'
thnt a note of n canstdorablo'amount had boot
protested in New York , nnd that yestordaj
the company had suspended payment of the
amount involved , Investigation into the
company'd affairs' are iu progress. The
amount protested is not seriously' large ,
but other no ten are coming In nnd probably
will bo protested. Most of the creditors are
Boston and 1'rovlJcnce people , and the future
of the mills will depend largely upon theli
decision ,
DETROIT August 11. Vincent J. Scott , n
private banker , assigned this morning. Hie
businces WAS falling bshlcd , nnd nbout n week
ago a run was be un on the bank , during
which tima ovtr 500.000 was drawn out. The
assets nto raid to ba from 8130,000 to 9140.000 ,
nnd will cover the liabilities-
NEW YORK , August 11. John It. Lewis &
Co , chnndltrs , nsaignpd to-day with prefer
onccs amounting to SG.3CO.
A Circus Outrage.
HUNTINGTON , Pa. Aufjust 11 , Ten white
mon nud a negro , belonging to n circuj , last
night committed a brutal outrage upon Flora
Morrison , a prolty country pirl of Center
Union , this county. J. K , McCahn , In try
ing to reicuo the girl , was severely clubbed by
the negro. The negro was captured and con
signed to jail.
The Chicago Times of yesterday says :
Charges have bcon made by the Omnlm
papers and complaints signed by parties doing
business or in sympathy with the wholesale
houses at points along the Missouri river that
the Southwestern Hallway association was
discriminating against that section In the
matter of rates. It is claimed by these mal
contents that the Chicago jobbers are per
mitted to ship goods debtlned to the section
west of tue Missouri river over the
southwestern lines in less car-load lots at the
same rate that is madu on car-loads , and that
changes have lately been mndo in the classifi
cation with this end in view. The subject has
received much attention lately , nnd lias
boon agitated to that extent that the Missouri
audilllinoig railroad commissioners hnvo tnk-
; n up the matter. If tliero is nny discrimina
tion it certainly Is at present against Chicago
and St. Louts , as the system ot classification
gives tbo Missouri river jobbers n
; roat advantage , nnd its workings have
enabled them to build up and hold
the trade against their eastern com
petitors. Buying their goods in Now York ,
; hey ship through to Kansas City , Omaha ,
3t. Joseph , or other points at the through
rate over the southwestern linen , and distrib-
ito their stock throughout the west in small
otH. The Chicago jobber , on the contrary ,
diitrlbuta.3 from this paint , nnd his customer
a Idem b iyn in carlo d quantities , As a con-
sfqusnca , tbe jobber is forced to pay the loss-
cat-load rate , which is PO much greater ns to
iirnctically shut him out of the market. This
d illustrated on Jtlio following articles : On
canned trooJe , coffee , salt lisli , hardware ,
sugar , molasses , paintr , rice , soap , tin plato
nud fonoo wire , the loss-car-load rate from
Chicago to tlib Missouri river is 10 $ per cent ,
moro thaa the car-load rate ; in baking powder ,
dried fruit , wrapping paper , soda , starch nnd
laper bags It Is 43 per cent moro ; on codfish ,
: andles , grass seed , Iron and wagon axles it is
iGj per cent , more ; on salt it is ill per cent
more ; on alcohol , liquors nnd whisky it is DO
ier cent , more ; on brooms , etc , , 177 par cent ,
more ; on cordage nnd twine , 1D9 per cent
more , nnd on window glass 209 per cent ,
nore. In the light of these differentials
t would naturally bo supposed that
, ho Mttsouri river jobbers would be
content to rrmaiu very quiet and silt up the
matter as little as possible , as it gives them a
nonopoly of the territory , does not increaaa
1m tonnage , is of no benefit tj the consumer ,
and entails a loss on the railroads ; far every
merchant who buys at the Missouri river
aves round trip faros ti the eastern cities
and the railroads lose just that much. But
lack of all this is the fact that these com-
iluints have no foundation. Thera has
> 3pn no cbango in rates , and Commissioner
Hidgely persistently denies the charge brought
> y the Omaha papers. The eonthwest-
rn rates are governed and conform to the
oint western classification , which was last
evlsrd during the first week in Juno and has
not been touched tlnce. That claselficatlon
ecognized the differential principal ou car-
oads and less car-loads , and was highly satis-
actory to the western jobbers. Their agita-
Ion over n fancied grievance just now ia a
very injudicious movement , ns It may result
n lirlocinp about a change that now only
axistam their imagination ,
A Foroulous Holstein ,
ST. PAUL , August 11. It is just learned
his evening , that on Sunday evening while
line and Stuwart Pond , brothers , were lead-
ng a Holstori bull to their farm , located
ibout twelve miles from tlili city , the bull
locamo unmanageable and attacked tbo mon.
Both were killed almost Instantly. Both
veto umntrrled , The two are sons of Elder
, 'ond , ex-Indian comirlssionor , one of the
Idcst nud best known men in Minnesota up
o the tlrno of hia death four years ago. Ho
wa.a also a prominent Presbyterian minister.
Slio AVontlicr.
WASHINGTON , August 11. For the upper
ifissinslppi valley , light local rains , variable
wind , nearly stationary temperature.
For the Missouri valley , local rains fol-
owed by fair waather , variable winds , nearly
tatlonary temperature.
Bricklayers VH , Convict Labor.
A mooting of the bricklayers' union
wan hold last over Ing for the pnrpooo of
nvealigating end deciding upon the
ourco to pursue in reference to the BUB.
pension of work on the B. ABI. building ,
, .n account of which appeared in these
Bolnnuia ycatcrday. The mooting was
icld in the hull on the corner of Four *
centh and Douglas atrcott , and lasted
until n Into hour. What court o they
adopted It WUN Impoisiblo to learn
sat n'ght ' , but It la believed
that work will bu returned on the Bar-
iugton & Missouri building this morn-
ng , end tbat the contract will boflniabod.
At the meeting lait night the beet manner -
nor of dealing with corn lot labor waa dla-
casaod , and It was decided that soine-
ihing must bo done nt once to completely
ntamp out the eyttom , aa It la the great
DJIIO of Iho labiring mm. It WJH nlai
resolved that the union ia the faturo
should Imvo nothing to with thoto con-
raotora who used material furnished by
convlot contract Itbsr ,
At HIchmourl , Va. , yestoidav , Thomas W.
Carpenter , charged with Bteallcg Mark
Downey's bonda to the tmount of S3StOO ,
was before the police court , and waived an
examination , Ho WAS committed to jail , und
iis CBB9 was certified to the grand jury ,
The Union Protective liquor dealer's asso
ciation of Mississippi have iisued a circular ,
calling a convention to meet at Jackson on
August 17th , to offiet the action of the pro-
iiibitionisU iu their refuial to tupport candi
dates for the legislature not committed to
prohibition ,
Payne and his colony have abandoned the
Oklahoma country ,
The dysentery Is becoming epidemic In
Bildgeport , Pa Thirty cajos reported and
four deathi BO fur ,
Stock Mests a Ready Sala at
Unchanged Prices ,
Oorn and Provisions Stoady--
Wheat Dull and Lifeless ,
TI o AVorlil fcdCRtnl Puna Interest-
iort TclcKmniB From All
l' r 8 of tlio World.
Special Tolcgratn to The BKK ,
CHICAGO , Aug. 11. At the early opening
salesmen xvcro ntking a slight advance on the
boat fnt cattle , justifying their action on n
light run and the falling off Iu the supply ni
compared with last week. Buyers , however ,
were not willing to follow the advance , nud
salesmen tliau dropped back to about yester
day's price ; , at which tliero was au active bus-
iuoss market , closing strong nnd all were told.
Low grade native stock , oh account of the
advance in Toxaus. is soiling much bettor
than at this time last weak. Stockars and
feeders remain dull hardly anything wanted
except good yearling ) . Shipping stoorp , 1,850
to 1.EOJ pounds , ? 5 .10@5.05 ; 1,200 to 1,850
pounds , So.lOfi5.00j OiO to 1,200 pounds ,
$1.5'J@0.10. Through Texas cattle strong ;
UdO to 10U5 pounds , SI 00(3-1 ( 23 ; "DO tn 900
pounds , 53 00@1 00 ; COO to 7CO pounds , S2.90
© 3.50. Woitorn rangers , farm natives and
h .Ifbreeds. SI tO@5 15. Cows , $3 00@4.0D.
Wintered Texan ? , S3 75 ® 1 CO.
Sales of IGO Montana. 1,171 Ibs , SI.SH ; .17
Montana cows , 093 Ibs. $ U S0@l 31 ; Nebrnska
wintered Texans , 1,0 8 to 1,041 Ibs , SI.CO ®
3.15 ; Idaho , 1,180 lb ? , S3.1D.
lions ,
Speculators opened tlio market with
nn advance of 5@10c on ordintry run mixed
md packing sorts , but regular buyers , eepec-
ally packers , failed to follow the advance so
; hat at the close the speculators were willing
to take yesterday's prices if they could find
mrchnsors. Packing nnd Bhlppins , 230 to
WO Ibi , S4 IOJ8J.75 ; light weights , 130 to 170
b ? , § 1.70 ® J.90 ; 180 to 210lb. , SUO@4 00 ,
Special Telegram to the BKE.
CHICAGO. III. , August 11. Oa 'chanpo to
day there was no life whatever in the markets
until the lust hour of the morning Eosfion ,
when everybody bcamo a seller , breaking
down values quite rapidly , and closing thorn
n little batter than weak , Larco blocks of
'long" ' wheat were unloaded without any par
ticular occasion , other than that found in the
weight of the load.
wai particularly flat and lifuloes , showing
only a range of } c until well along towards
ho close , whan it weakened rapidly. The
opening alone was tolerably firm ou the chow
ng of outtldo orders , but largo receipt * nnd
au Increase of 517,000 bushels in the visible ,
as figured by Secretary Stone , madb
ho general feeling quiet and easy.
Jew York n.ado ic n little more
io by placing the increase at 741,000 bushels.
The pit here was half empty. The bulk of
lie time No , 2 spring sold at SO c. No news
of any kind was gathered from the crop ro-
> orts , the usual source of political gossip. An
lour before tha close nearly everybody had
wheat to ssll , and dumped it for what it
vould bring. Tlio market broke rapidly ic ,
closing weak at the decline ,
n a'goneral way. was firmer under a decrease
of 24,000 bmlioTs in the visible , as figured
icro , and 1,1'J8C03 bushels , < ns made in New
fork. There was a fair showing of outside
orders , though few of them came from coun-
ry traders. Except for additional firm ? , the
course of the market was about the same as in
wheat. No , 2 cash sold at 4Cjc. The close
vas easy , in sympathy ; with wheat.
Oats were also rather sparingly traded in at
luctuations of only Jo.
were subject to n fair trade. There waa a
ufficiont inquiry from the local crowd and ou
outsldo orders to make the market 7i@10o
ipward , but before ( he expiration of the
nornlng session this gain was entirely lost
and values settled down into a state cf
cthargy , with no orders co.ninp in to move It
mo way or another , and local traders were
disposed to lot It nlone.
The "World's" Pedestal.
NEW YonK , August 11. The World this
naming announces that tbo task which it
undertook a littla loss than five mouths ago
u complete the statue of Liberty dostalpo la
inislitd. The total amount collootod wai
102,000 39 , contributed by over 120 COO per-
ons. The Washington cent was sold to Miss
Helen Dowray for S130.
A. Now Oattlo Ooinpnny.
I'HiLADELi'HiA , PA. , August 11 , Articles
of incorporation for the Union Land and
Grazing company were filed in the ofiico of tbo
Camden county clerk to-day by Bonj&mln V
iutler , of Lowell , Maes , , George M Hobort-
on , of Camden , and Oliver V. Barrett , of
Washington. The paid up capital of the
company Is $2.0,000 , and the object is to go
nto the stock raising business on u very ix-
onfcivn ecaloln New Mexico and Colorado ,
where the company own 400CO ) acres of
and lands.
) rcedlng grazing *
* ! I
Dla.xwoll Cunaldcrod Innane. T
SAN FIIANCIHOO , August 11 , Maxwell , the
suppo ed | St , Louis murderer , was taken east
this afternoon. Ho maintained up to the
time of leaving , the same cool , indifferent air
which ho manifested yesterday , and passed
ho day in smoking cigaretter , chatting and
reading novels. Ho comulted General
J.'unle , of this city , with tha view of ( rotain-
ng him as his attorney , but Olunio declined ,
Maxwell has proved hlmielf such a consistent
oddity , that the police ollicers have begun to
doubt bis sanity.
Tlio Doiiljlo-llcndor Strike.
PjTTBDuna , Pa , August 11 , The tnko on.
.ho Wheeling division of the Baltimore k.
3hio railway against "double headers" is at
aa end , nnd trains are running to-day as
uiual , The diasatl fiod employes have been
discharged nnd paid off , and their placed
Hied . No moro trouble Is anticipated.
Tlio Apaclio Hoc lew ,
HAN FBANCJHOO , August 11. Tha Call'd
Demlng epotial says ! l ort Bowie advices re
ceived hero ttate that Geronimo is now in the
southern pait of Iho Sierra Madrs , 300 rniloa
below the border , with two commauda follow
ing him ,
HAVANA , Aug , 11 , Col , Argel Hodriguez ,
of the party of Luinbano Sanchez , and six
janclits belonging to the putty of Toire Jitni-
nez , have been shot at Matanzas , They
were captured while negotiating for outward
QUBBEC , August 11 , An cflicer of the lake
Miitaeeinnl exploring and surveying eipedi-
tlon report ) IU extreme length to bo only
120 rni'.c'f ' , average breadth only 2) mllcu.