Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Smoke GE , Mack & Go's
Cleveland Celcbrfltcd
, 0. ,
Finest 8 for SScclw In America , and Cxcclsloi bo
Clgir I'ro ctnlnentubove til others ,
Our Cat Does Not Scratch
Co Clgir ahovo all comctltloc , for * lo a nil
controlled l > y
D. W. SAXE and J. W. BELL ,
Kcnnnr 1 A. UlffjR , Druj , Vnooln , Neb.
O. U. Chauniau , " ' "
Kvatis & Jurtson , I ) u ? § , Hasting , Neb.
Dowty&Ohlnn , Vtufi , Oclumiim , Kib.
J. Cl [ ( oilmen , Drill , ' ! , C.iuncl lUudi ,
DollO Mdrifvn.VCo , Druitn Council Iowa.
Uus9ctira ( , ' , llooki , tU. , 1'fcinont Neb.
w. It. Turner , Books , oto. , I'liinK
] f. U. Whlltljjiy.Druga Cfrcti
C. A. Henderson , Urud : ItUnd ,
Tha Union Pacific Hallway Compnny will rccelv
tcndin up to August 3l8t,1835. for SOO.COO hard wood
crow tloa and 800,003 aM wood cross tlo ? , moio or
lets In lota &a ma } tie igroed up < n , ivt fuloivlut ;
point * .
lOO.OCOcnk and lOO.COOccdir crots tics at Kansai
CliViMo.or I.o.ivcnor h , Kan" .
100 000 oak and ItO.OOH oedtr croji ties at Council
111 u ( Is , In ; St. Joneph , Ml ) . ; Omiba , Pajipllllon ,
Grand I'lun.l , N'ob.
100,000 broad Kau/o and 100 , COO n rrow gnu o , na
the wood rruiHtlea at Denver , or at Station * on line
of Union I'idllo Itnllway , la vicinity ol Denver.
KO.O O eoltvooJcioii lloa it Huntlngton , Oregon
or Stntlons on Oregon Short line , or Utnli ud.Noith
orn.1CO.COO n tUo wood crors ties , nt Stations f n main
line o' Union l'allla rallwaj , between Clicjcnne ,
> Y \ o , , nnd Ondun , Utah.
T > bo d hvtro 1 not liter thtn April TO'h , 1P80
Addrcai prupcBal and aptly for B < cclflcttluns and
other pirtcularstoJ. J. Buuu , Coniral btorebcipcr ,
Omaha , Neb
Omaha , Ni h , July 25 Ih , 1835.
H. K. OAtLAY ,
nng2tc4w Qetural llannccr.
Tnw department of Drake Unlvcnltr , Dos Moinea
loua .Send for Catalogue. AddrcEH A. 1) ) . Mc\Vy ,
Dean or J. S. Cluk , Secretary , care Coo McVoy i ,
O rk , DesMoinos , low * uiio 4wk8
Plattsmouth , Neb.
Brco u of thoroughbred and high grade
Hereto d and Jersey Cattle ,
And Pnroc nud .Toreoy Rod Swirie.
A Michigan Concern Enjolnod
( From tbo Rcchosttr Horning Hettll ]
The fnltowins injunction has been obtainoc
by tha Hop lilttera Compnny , of Hochp ter
N , Y. , nRainst Oollatlnns 1) . Warner of Kpftd
inif , Michigan , prohib tins him fro.n manufac
tutlDR or idling "German Hop Bitten. "
The President of the United SUlce of America
to Collatmua D. Wnrner.ol llcndinff , Mich
his setvnnU , wotkmen , naltemen and agents
and each and every of them :
, It has bcon rfprcientcd unto ths
the Jtj lice o [ our Circuit Court , Iho linn
StMiley MnUhewg , end the Hon. Hfury li
Brown , at Detroit , witUn nnd for said Dis
trict , eittlrB ns n Couttof Chnncny tbnt jou
Ccillatinu.i D Warner , are mannUcturlng am
( oiling a modiclnonnmcJ German Hop lilttora
in fraudulent imitation of the Hop Bitten
made nnd sold by complainant ; yoursMil mod
iclno being devised , circulated and intended to
mi lend the public into pnrchatlng such coun
terfeit goods M tha manufacture of the com
Wn therefore , In consideration of the prom
ttoa , do atrictlv enjoin you , thotaid ( Jollntinus
1) , Warner , nnd all and every ths parcona be
fore unmed , from using the words "Hop Bit *
tera" on any lluids contained In bottles to na
to induce the belief that such fluids nro made
by comnlainnnt ; and further , from miir.ut.tct-
"rlng , nellmi ; or nlForinp for silo any bitUra or
other fluids in the hnttlea nnd with the labels.
aud In tha funeral fofm in which you were
manufacturing and BoU'ng the bittern called by
you German ilop Hitters , on tbo filling of the
bill : or in any other bottles , or wlto any other
labela contrived or designed to represent or
Ir.ducotliu belief that the bitters or fluids Bolcl
by you nro the goods of tha complainant , until
tbn further order of the Court. * *
Witness ,
The ilonornble M01UIISON 11 WAITB ,
Chief .Justice of the United Stales.
At Detrolt.thls 15th day of July , A. D. 1835.
[ L. S ] Walter 8. llarsha , Clerk.
ProBOcnto the Swindlers.
If when you ctll for Hop Bitters (330 ( fro ? en cluster
othopjon thowhito Hbeltho ) druggist liantls out
&iy etufl called 0 D Warner's German Hop Bitters
or with other h name , rctuao It nnd shun that
druKgUt 9jouvou.dlperjnndlfho hau taken
jour money Icr the ttuff , Indict blm for the fraud
andsuohlm or damatfoii fir the swindle , and v111
reward you llbcrallv lor the conviction ,
„ _ 1S5 nlnl 117ahn"h Av nup ,
LJ L , & O XT 31 O . / 3Gf O
L-i ZUM riCTtUUl O31
Hair Cloih and Wire
Bustles , Hoop Skirts ,
Hair Cloth Skirts ,
cut rcrrc-nit3 Tlie
: , the n.o-t jiojiulur
riinilion or liuitlu mid
> vhlirovermmle. Alixily
I is woiu oao wlllni' rr
v , i * any other ht\lc.
F.i it 11 ftimivd upon the
li ) rntrutinl June " , Isllf
v. . . 110,111. tT.M yoneMll.
'il init uniost-vloof bklrtnul to
'f , MVinn il , ill l)0 ( Icnlt with
. law. Bold by nil
C a. ' ! ir HUB to
f ll l-vrXH > lihoUSCJ
'All ? .
Atthoold ( anJ1417F.un1 > mSt. Orders bytele-
graph solicited and promptly attended to. Telephone
One of he Best and Largest citoe&s in too United St
To Bolect From.
ft' The Eighty-Third Se < sion will Open ou TUESDAY SEP. 8.
C/assics / , Law , Sciences , Mathematics , Music , and a Thorough Com
mercial Course.
nro oTcr ( d InbtinIrntHol the I.A\V . . .
hi' . ji\VAKlM : \ lIALi. , for lia\8iindcr 1U yoirb , U unique In dc l u itnd In the compktuiCM of Hi
' ' K'X' ' ' " < lull | > arllcuUrj ( etnt un
] iKT , K. WAlfiH , 0 S. 0. , President , Notre Dnme , India' n.
" * V
. *
U fTK&f * * vs. P
5. < OUO w-a xiL jria.1 wTfirCT i : .
Pneumonia ,
Dyspepsia 'and
Wasting Diseases !
IM > NOT BE lUJCKIVKD.-Many DrnsgUta and Grocers who do not have DulTy Par *
plait IVlilnUcy In utocU , Attempt to psJm on on customers , whiskey of thelrownbottUnir , vblcli
being of on Inferior RraJe nd adulterafcjJ , pays tbesi o larger profit.
Btid c * year address . .ndv will man bookconUlnlnevaluatle InfonnaUoa. Sample Quart ISottUt
* * * * i mjr addresa U the UnlUxl States ( E&tt of thollocky Mountains ) , tccurtlr pacl.tJ In plain
MM , Kxpreti charge * prtpalJ oa receipt of S3..2Q , or Blr ItotUea cent f or JSC5.OC3i
Y HALT V/HISKEY GO. , Baltimore , Md. , u. s. " A ,
Sellli Apis , Oifc H , T. CLARK DRUG COMPANY.
Gro t Prizes " \VV > n Tills Year l > r
orn and Western OraotCHVlmt
Ic Costs to MruiitAtn a Stnblo.
New York Mail And Etprcts.
The rapid advance of < h 3 America1
Rscicg association in wealth nnd publi
importance is a subject which has novo
boon fully dls cmsou in n newspaper. Ai
adequate Idea can bo clvon only b ;
stating the number o ! races ran thi
year , the number of horauj in training
the immense ntnount of money gtvei
away In prizis and the fortaucs invoitcc
In thoroughbred racing otock. Proa
January 1 up to snd Including July 15
the enormous amount of $360,825 wa
given nw y in purses nnd stakes. Thi
money waa racad for by over 1CO (
hortoj , whose combined valno is estlirm
ted at $0,000,000. But their valno doc
not by any means roproiont the capita
Invested in the turf. There nro man ]
horeoa in training which have not stattet
whoso valno la estimated at $250,000 ,
In addition the stock of yearlings nl
ever the country is worth $1,000,000 ,
or nn amount very near tint
figure , nnd the stock farm I ani
the horseflesh thereon aroJJ wortl
govern ! moro. Moro than 20,000 person
earn n livelihood , either as jockcyo , train
era , owners , breeders or attaches of thi
racing associations and other interest !
connected with tha tutf. The railroad :
benefit largely , not only from the genera
public , bat fcotn the owners ot large
atnblos who go to the various race track *
with their employes and tholr blooiod
stock. The scaildo places nnd the Inlanc
racing centers whore the big tnrf aisocla
lion moot also benefit materially. Offii-
era spend tholr money lavishly , and tin
big bottlntr men pay high prices for wha
they get when they are in luck. Next t (
the railroads the hotels make mono }
largely from the Influx of visitors fron
nil sections , nnd , moro or loss , every fern
of trade is bonefitted. The interest fi
the turJ is extending every yoar. Nev
racing associations are being formed , am
the high prices paid for yearlings at the
sales has nttncted capital to the stoclt
farms. The Increase In the number o )
paraons who witness tha races la ojor
molts. An many as 20,000 persons nov
go to the racoa in ono d ty , and it la enu
there wai moro than th's number at several
oral of the woatorn race tracks during th <
present year.
Not a few of the horioa earn mori
money for tholr owners than nlnoteer
out of twenty men make in any legit !
rnato bnalnoes la a yea- . The eoason li
not yet Inlf over and the eutns of monoj
won by aomo of the horses up to July li
will glvo aomo idea of what a prafitabl
buolneea horeo racing ia to fortunst
ownoro :
Namn. Owner. Money won
Wanda P. Lorillatd S2J.O&
Pontiac P. Lorillard 8,22
Volanta K J. Baldwin 14,38
Miss Woodford..IJwyer Bros 7b' ! '
Portland Uwjer Bros 10,82i
Tyrant B. A. Hsegm 10,28i ,
Hidalgo B. A. HaKgin 7,00
Beraun . . .Green Morris 13,41i
Knvor Groan Morris 7,30 ,
Modesty K Corrisan 1 , OGI
Lizzie Uwyer K. CorrJRan 8,251
Ida llopo U Corriiaa
Bankrupt Milton Youn ? . . . . I'M ' 5 !
JooCotton J. T. Williams. . . , 19951
Ban Fox flhinn & Morgan. . 0,401
St. Augtiatino..G. L , Lorillanl. . . 8,70 (
Electric G. L. Loiillard. . .
Col. Spr.iU9 ; ? N. P. Burch 5,131
Tocumaeh C. Litchtiold 4,83 !
Total 5190,35 ;
It will bo soon that thla largo nmonn
has been won by twelve ownors. It doei
not by any means represent all the win
nioga of their ctnblea , but simply thi
prlzca captured by ono or two horses Ir
each stable. Sinea the loth of July Bin
Fox , Electric , Poutia : , Ida Hope , Mies
Woodford and Joe Cotton hava added
moro money to tholr totals. Mr. Leonard
has won $33-145 with two of hla s'rlng ,
and has won moro than $30,000 in all
so far this season. Green Morris hat
pocketed $20,5'JO by the vlctorlcB of
Beisan and Favor alone , and hag earned
In nil ever $40,000 in prlzs. The three-
ear old colt , Volanto , has won $14,380
for Lucky Baldwin , nnd the remainder
of his string hava earned about $15,000
for him. In addition ho won $20,000
over Grlsmor'a victory In the heat raca at
Chicago. That lucky colt , Joe Cotton ,
who captured $19,930 for Mr. Willlama ,
! a not the only bread winner of the
stable. Modest" , L'n/.lo ' Dwyer and Ida
Bopo furnished $2tG15 to Mr. Cbrrlgan ,
ind Irish Pat , who won the Iroquols
i.ako at Saratoga on ThnrsJay , haa alee
idded' $5,000 to Mr. Gorrlgsn'a bnnk
iccount. His chestnut colt Haz\ras hns
ivou eovon racen , nnd In nil Mr. Cotrlgtm
ias won $40,000. Mr. B. A. Haggin
iarned $17,882 by the victories of Ty.
rant and Hidalgo , nndnbout ? 8,000 moro
} y the running of Boa All and others of
il stable. The Dwyer Bros netted up
; o July 15th , $18,770 from the raoea of
Uiaa Woodford and Portland , while
> ergo Kenny , BuU'jlo , Dotootlvo nnd
> therj hava swelled the nmoant to $25-
It will bo seen frjui the forcgolnrr that
lomo ot the principal sUbles cnru a lrgo
imonnt of money In prizas. This , strange
is it may seem , would notboeufliclent to
ny their expensed , and they huvo to rely
ipon succoBsful betting to make their
jink accounts comfortable , nnlets they
iiavo some other moms of livelihood. A
racing stable like any mentioned in the
xbovo winning list costs a fortune to
maintain. Every year Mr. Lorlllard , for
Instance , has an Immense stable of racarr ,
Some of his stock may not win a raoa in
Iho joir , ai , for instance , Oolula , Hou-
latonio , Ktlshna , Wmfrod , Garnet , 0-
olops and others of his string this year.
Theas have to ba taken care of just as
well as the winning horaos. The year
lings must be maintained with great cara
and Bonn ) of them may novorgruduito en
n race course. Than them la the stock
farm and the blooded horses thereonnnd
it Is not going beyond the fao.sto siy that
Mr. P. Lorlllard'H employes aud their
families would find n good rjtd
village small onongh for their
accommodation. There is a great
deal of ill luck attending the
training nud r&i.iugof tortei , and the
total coat of nn establishment like Mr ,
Lorlllard'd amounts ID over $200,000 n
year. Ho haa a largo fortntio , however ,
and when his tnrf winnings and the
money obtatnol In prlzca aru below hit
oxpemcs it dooo not pinch him to draw a
check. Ho often spends a lot ; of money
on a youngster , and after repeated trials
finds htin to be uielcca IIo thcu get )
rid of the yonugstar , only to fini him
turn out a racehorse in other hands ,
This was BO in the citea of Exile , Tupsy
and Inconstant , Thn eipaubea of thu
other lar o tnrf oa'ab iihmont ) ara notes
high j Mr , Ploire Lorlllard'i , but oontly
onongh to rcqoiru more than thopiizai
VTOU to nialo b th ends m ot. Tbh Is
esposUUy the CBBO with Oommodcra Kilt-
ton nnd Mr. Oastatr. The voltarea of
the tnrf who own one , tvro or throe
bora : , often make moro money than the
I'lg etiblos They bring their negj to all
tie race-coU'b's , get thora b at a light
weight and pull off mmof the pnrsei
Thu owners are generally the trainer
and it costs thorn very little to malnlal
the stables.
Up ts July 15 the total number t
races run was 1,020 in which 1,400 horse
participated. Over half this number dli
not win a raca and onequrlor did no
win second or third money. Some c
the horses are not likely to win dutln
the year unless they arc asnt out t
country fairs. Sometlnns a hone who Ivory I
very little thought of wins a raca am
then a big dividend lapald ] Intho mnlnalr
The largest mutual pool over paid In thi
country was on Nlck j ck at Jorom
Park on Ostober 12 , 1882. The amoun
was $1.178 on an investment of $5
There have boon some heavy mutual dlvl
dfinds this year. Juliet paid § t" > 74 for $ i
on Jnne 30 at Chicago. Frollo paid $44i
it Brighton Beach last week and Anrel
Ins paid ever $100 at Monmouth parl
last Tuesday. At Shoopshoad Bay
Waddttl Bryant paid his backers $200.21
and Olivette at Baltimore , § 212,25. Th (
records hive not boon broken this yoir
although there are many fast ones ot
Iho tnrf capable of doing so. Modeatj
can run a m'lo In a mlnoto and fort ]
iconds , and some of the boys in the
D ry or stable maintain that the psorleat
Miss Woodford can go tha distance it
L:38. : The fastest on record is Tec
Uroook'o , 1'39J , Ho has also the rooori
! or two mllci and four miles. Mis :
Woodford can probably break the rooorc
'or any distance , but her owners vorj
nrlaely do not cira to take tha risk oi
Breaking her down.
Th Yotins Vht \ \ tried to Put Ulir
OlT the "Si. in , anil Dlilu't Bo It.
Joseph C-batu , the pugillat , was it
Paddy Ryan's Boadw y ewe yootordB }
afternoon , nays the Now York World o
July 28 , receiving the result of each raci
at Manmouth park and Brighton beach
They cleaned mo out of $190 on Mon
day at Brighton , " said Coburu , "and . '
tell yon it is a good ono who cm boa
liorse-raclng , "
"How about the trouble yon got inti
at Coney Islind lait week ? " ho wa
asked. Turning to P.iddy Ryan , who I
nho one of the heroes of Fistlana , Coburi
exclaimed : "Paddy , you and I are oftei
put down for what wo are not. In thi
eyes of aomo people tvo must bo loafers
jaat because we have tought ia the ring
That Coney island affair has been groaal ;
nilsrcprdsonted. If it hnd happuned I
ariyono else who haa no reputation as i
boxer , nothing would have been hoatd o
It. Juit en occoQiit of Jco Coburi ) bo
lug in the parly and resenting an instil
from strcngorH , a mountain was made o
a trifling little Qflalr.
"Ifc oscurrod , " cntinned the ex-con
vlct , "on last Friday night at the Ssi
Baach dspot at Conty island. Mytol
and nevcral friends wora in the roar sea
of a car waiting for the train to atart
Two young women and two young felloe
lee got into the next Boat. The womoi
were ra'lur lively. Ono of them reFerred
Forrod to the odor of our cigars. 'Guass ,
sold ehe , 'they must hwo thrown base
balls at the nigger's Inad for Ihoj :
weeda. ' I laughed at the remark. He :
mala companion said aoinothing abou
our party which was not in the line o
social etiquette. "
"Social whM ? "
"Well , thut is kinder h gh for you,1
int in Paddy lljan.
"Anyhow , " oontlnnod Ooburn , "the
tallows and girls were 'froah. ' Wo tool
; hlngs easy , however , and kept wlthlr.
jonnde. In fact , I kept laughing at thi
wordy shoto that were fired at na
Fiaolly ouo of the young fullers goi
mnssy , and said ho would throw me ou !
of the car. I laughed nt this , knowing
; hat ho did not know who I was. He
struck at me , and I put up my hands Ir
defense. This caused aoma excitement ,
and people in the front scats jumped up ,
expecting a big row. An oilicor canio up ,
and s-iin ono took away his club and
throw it on the other sldo of the track.
"I didn't leave my seat or hit anyone ,
ana the train started. Next day it bo
oamo known that I was in the party , nnd
t was given out that I had assaulted the
officer , which was a Ho. It waa alao
barged that I placed a lighted cigar to
ho check of ono of thu women and
) urnod it. That's a great big llo. I tell
'ou I did not got np from my seat. Joe
Dobara , Joe Ooburu , Joe Coburn 1 It's
.ho . name ; that's all. "
"You were arraeted on a warrant
harnlugyou wi.h having assaulted Ofli-
er Cook ? "
' I was notified Sunday night that
lioro was a warrant out for me , and for
TIO to appear before Jndgo Newton at
aravesond yesterday at noon. I pnt in
n appsarauco. The oilicor tald ho
enow my face , but could not identify mo
a 1h < ) man who took his club fruu him.
waa hald under $300 bond , whioh was
trnijhtd by my friend , J. H. Batteraby ,
vho is well known ou the turf. The ox-
initiation haa been sot down for Friday
vcek. I am entirely innocent of the
jargo against mo , and I c-iii provo it by
ny number of witnesses. "
"Ara you going to dec nnatl to spar
3ob Farrell ? '
"I leave to-night , and the match takco
lace Saturday. "
"How about tbo trouble between you
nd George Low ? "
"Thtt'd another lie manufactured by
omo enemy. It hai been published that
ow and myself had had a row. Why ,
0 ate the best of friends. I have no
otter friend living. I have known him
uce ha was a boy , and a bettor fellow
ever lived. Ho ia out of the city at
resent. "
"How is your liquor busincta up on
Ixth avenue ? '
' Pretty good ; built a follow follows
orae-iaclng it will eat up the profits
1 a corner store. I keep a respectable
Uco and am trying to earn an honeit liv-
ng. That' * all ; and I wish people would
eave mo alone "
Thrao bg-bliouldored ! men entered
Lyan'it saloon and exclaimed : "Hollo ,
eel Hello , Paddy 1" and the wine began
3 ilow.
The trial of Jco Ooburn for the brutal
saault on Officer Cook , of the Sea Beach
ailroad , at Coney island , was postponed
torn yesterday until August 7th.
3oburn was at Osney Uland Monday
light , and though ho w a said to 'havu
ubibed freely he made 1m way ta thu
opot wlthcutaoy trouble. Mr. J. H ,
Jatterby , of the Brighton Beach track ,
la boudiman , it was stated yesterday ,
ad expressed his intention of surrandtr-
13 Oobarn. Dp to 10 o'clock last night ,
owover , ho had not done to.
witness who do not live in
York have been summoned to ap.
ear , and It is in order that other charges
nay bn inado sgiilnst Ooburu that the
aso has bcon put of ( until nuxt week
AiiRostura Hlttcrd are endoraed by
10 hndin ? jibyfIcIaiiB and chimUtu for ttui
urlty and wholoiomeuoes. lieware of conn
orfelta and aak your grocer aud drupglst for
IB genuine article , prepwed by Dr , J. G , B
it'gcrt ' A yoiu
Washing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Wntcr.
iinlvBr a8itl ! lictlon. No family rich or iioor tbouli
bo without It.
SoKl by All grocer * . BIHTARR of Imitations well dc
ilftno ] to mlM vl. I'tiARLivx Is the ONI.T BArx lube
iftvluji compounil and alwnje bcara the bo\o [ jm
btl uj name el
Ho Hnmiuots on YOIIIIR Sheep ni
Fletolior , lit. , KIU ! Flics About the
Country to the Great
of the
A correspondent writing from Blue
Mound , 111 , , to aBloomlogton piper tolli
his remarkable story : Jnmes Vincent ,
Jr. , a farmer of Flotchor. waa atartlud
bo ether day by the nnuauil bloolings ol
ila huiba , nud on goiug to the epot he
taw a hugo nptilo ralao hb head many
eel abovu the ground. Ho at onca hur-
'led to Fletcher nnd got the assistance of
tlenda , among whom were John N.
3lngau , W. H. Llcr , A. II , Conger nnd
J. S. Scott , all well-known citizens of the
ilaco. They nccorapanlod Mr. Vincent
o hla farm , and mounting a fence , saw
ho aheop on the opposite side of the
enco running In n circuit. They ro-
nalnod until the ahoap csiua nronud to
their side , when they found that they
were noi in tha preaeuce of the ona nion-
s'ronlty ' only , but thrco smaller one ? ,
each of which , the men claim , nioasnred
: rom eighteen to twenty fact. The throe
Ittlo suakea then got hold of ono of the
amba aud started for the monater snake.
While they were atrunrRlIng with the llt-
tlo fellow John C. Cllngan throw a fence
rail at them. Tho/ then rolinqutchcc
; heir hold snd undo an attack on the
men , but were benton back and agtir
started for the lambs. Seizing ono. the
ilttta blotter was hurried through lha nil
to the big snake , aud no moro wna aeci :
of it after it reached the j\vra of the do <
vtu-or. At this point thu mtu fired BBV
oral ohoti at the old ftllo\7. It ectecj
atrnngaly and adv nctd no further , beIng -
Ing struck , no doubt by torao of the bul-
lots. It lay still for aotoial miuntea anc
the Email Bunkes ran into its mouth. It
unfolded iti wings and started , but ifc wai
aomo time baforo it could got out of thi
Hold for it wao surrounded by a big
liodga fence. It finally rose high enough
and started away eastward , p.velng over
William L mater's house. Ilia olatci
Inty , who waa lu the yard , waa ao torrl
3ly frightened that it ia fenrod she will
lever recover. It then passed Mr. Zv
jfo'd hopae ; hii daughter Miouio aaw it ,
and aho haa ainco been warcod by an
ovcrtulltig power to stay in. Thence il
aaased over Cooksvillo. It waa high when
.t reached tint placo. Dr. Shattlor and
3ol. John Wells eaw it , but they thought
t waa fowls flying In a row. Benign
Brigham says his attention was
drawn by a atranga nolsa in the air , and
m looking up it waa too high to tell whal
t waa. Ho gave it very little attention ,
ihiuklng that It was something blown ii [
) y a storm and that the nolto waa made
iy something on the ground. When he
saw it it waa three miles northciat of the
Arm where it waa firat teen. At least
twenly persons siw it and it cannot be
lonbtod. Great excitement prevails ovei
' strange vlalt. William Smith and the
lav. 0. D. Belleville were on tha ground
a few mlnnteu afterward and caw several
if the lamb ; , still bleeding , The Rav.
ilr. Belleville is ono of the moat reliable
men in this county. Ha ia a minister of
ho Methodist Epiacopnl church at
Fletcher , aud ho says there is no donbt
hat the men are tolling the truth. Ho
au't help bat ballovo them as tha mon
were almost frightened to death. John
T. Cllngin fell prostrate and was cmied
o Mr. Vlncent'a houco , where medical
Id was summoned , nnd It waa aorno tlmo
eforu ho cama to. The snake coma hora
bout 3 p. in. nnd atald fully an hour and
A Canonoliuc lioninnco.
pringBeld H-'publican ,
This noted hocao of the Rhode I l nd
progues hai been thu ecuuo of mstuy
omijutlo and exciting indicia's , and Inn
Dock's nowa of the nccroi ninrtfoao of
Wllllo" Sprague and Miaa Avis Weed ,
10 younger slater of ux-Gjv Spracjue's
OQond wife , i ] quite in line with the his-
ory of that nmuion. The young man
ocomes tbo brother ill-law of his own
< tber , and , azcordicc ; to the divorce
icords of hia parents , ho h uot legally
IB BOM of hla own mother , but hla atop-
nether i } his eilater-ln-law. When ex-
jov Spragua aud Mra Kto Chasu Sprjguo
opiratod , the throe little d ugtitord ro-
nalned In the ere of tlo mother ; but
Wllllo , the oldest boy , and a follow of
omo energy and intelligence , elected to
amain with his father. The division of
10 children marked a sharp turning-
olnt in their education. The brilliant
id accomplished daughter of Chief JUS-
CD Salmon P. Chajo took her children
o Franco aud thonca to Germany , where
10 now la perfecting their education.
( Villio Chase , who remained nt Canouchut ,
as allowed to roam frao and even secured
ocket money by selling newspaper * on
IB streets. After the marriage of the
x-govtrnor with a divorced woman from
Vest Virginia Willlo did not go about
arofooted and co&tlesa so much ai ho
id done , and the roaidonca in the family
: thu beautiful staler of the a top-mother
ipjDM to have worked a grand ruvolu-
on. At any rate William Spragae , Jr ,
'ho ' is not yet old enough to vote ,
omonatratea hla title to hia name by
urtlng hia career in anyth'Ing but n
ommonplaoa manner. The youig couple
111 live a Cannoi'ohet.
A Fatal Kail ,
GIIAND lUrins , MIOII , , Anjuit ? 10 Two
nen , named John Fox anil Kred Bchumer ,
ngftged in painting the dial of a clock in the
ewer of the Second Stmet MothoOlst church
in ! mornln ? , toll to the ground , n dittauce of
J font. Uutli mBii were killed.
Magnolia Balm
is a secret aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh
ness to it , who would rather
not tell/ and you can't tell ,
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth , Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future.l l Several dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eigh t hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployiuent there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value [ more ra
pidly than any other by reason of the pro ?
imity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds will Hud ifc to their advantage
to inspect thin property ; good location , level grounds , trade
facilities end plenty of good pure water furnished by the
South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select prnp-jrty now , nq n year or
two hence with a population ol ! 5000 to 10,000 people ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lota bought now , can be had at very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years ,
Kich or poor , will find it profitable to make n/ostraents
in this property. Free conveyance at all time * wiH bo furnished - "
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful new
town and learn of its advantages. We have entire charge
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all this
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from S225
We have desirable business nnd ro'ntJence""prop9rtyoor ' ] ] 83le\in\'aU
larts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. Wo plicit bi yrs -
rs and sellers to call on us. We will give them all posstbloiinfonnatiou
reo , and keep conveyance free .to show property ! ! any.part of'utho city ,