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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE 1UESDAY , AUGKOST 11 , 1885. BLUFFS Tuesday Morning , August 11 , fBUUSCRirilON RATES. SO eenll p week 110.00 pet yeat MINOR MENTION , HcIUr , mercbiint tailor , for Cnogooda The report of the democratic caucuses kit night will to found on another page. page.Drs. . Woodbury & Son , tbo dcntlsta , have returned from their summer vaca tion , and are on deck again at their old stand. Pajsy patty by the X. Y. 55. society at Qcneial Dodge's residence this evening. All Invited. Refreshments from 7 to 10 o'clock , This evening there will bo a pansy party given by the young folks of the Congregational church at the residence of General Dcdgo. Mrs. J. J. Fratney Is suffering qulto seriously from a wound in her foot , caused by stopping upon a nail , which pierced her shoo and penetrated the floah. floah.A A deposition waa filed In the office of the clerk of the courts yesterday , there being only about thirty pages , and the foes for taking the aamo bolng § 150. It costs to law U. Charles Allen , who has had hii name on the police record rovcn times In the past mouth , was again before the court yesterday morning , acd waa again fined for bolng drnnk. Yesterday afternoon Justice Fralnoy had the honor of officiating at a wedding by which a cool-black man , Harry Hall , wan married to a pearl-white womar , Alice Walton , both of Omaha. Tramps In bolng taken to tha jail ocour the gutters as they walk along , and gath er up every "anipo , " and thus provide thcmeolvcs with smoking material to while away their houra of confinement. Bids for the mason and brick work on the superstructure of the now govern ment court house and postoffico in thla city , were opened In Washington ycatar- day. The Ilaiuoy habeas corpus CMC Is to come up for further hcailngboforo Judge Aylceiforth this morning. Some moro filth ia promised , eomo wlinanaca being summoned who claim to have aoun coino queer acts between Mra. Halnoy and the man Illnckloy. Among the trntupa who wore run In Sunday for nloiplng In freight cars , waa a boy of sixteen , who claimed to bo an orphan , from Lngansport , Ind. , who had been living with a farmer , and working for his board and clothes , Ho said ho was not being treated kindly , end so skipped out , and had succeeded In working his way as far as here , and wanted to got to his nnclo who lives In Nebraska City. Ho was allowed to go on his way. Seventeen tramps wore brought Into court yesterday morning , and their average ago proved to bo 24 years. There Ia evidently something wrong when so many young , able bodied men are roaming about the country Instead of having atcady employment and happy homes. Nearly all these rovers are young men , and if their statements are taken for truth few have families or other responsibilities to take their wages when they earn any. Yesterday morning the quartet of tramps who raised finch a row at the Union Pacific bridge the other day were brought before Judge Aylosworth on a charge of assaulting the watchman , John Ploraon. These tramps attempted to iteal a ride ever on the dummy train , and had to bo put off three times , and then when Ploraon Insisted on their going back to where they started , they attempted to pound him. The fight was a hard one , but they succeeded In forcing their way off the bridge on this aide , and now three or four will otay hero , at least for fifteen days , and will board at the county jail. The fourth ono was discharged , behaving had llltlo to do with the row. The trio are hard looking follows , and have just served two weeks In Omaha on bread and Tflter , being convicted as vagrants. Pat Vllllsca , who has had rather n son- latlonal career as a haokman , and for an innocent man has boon extremely unfor tunate In bolng charged with queer trans- aotlona , was In court again yesterday on the charge of overcharging two passen gers whom ho took from the 0 , B. & Q , depot to the transfer. The two were an old Gorman woman and her young ton , neither of whom were able to talk En glish. Yllllica charged them three dollars lars , when the allowed charge would only have been fifty cants apiece. His only defouso was tho. claim , that ho had made contract with the two , said contract , according to hia statement , balng that ho told them ho would got them to the depot In tlmo to take the train for three dollars , and that the boy said all right , and they got in. It soeinod quits evident that neither of the two understood English enough to know their rights or to uudoratand the contract. The judge gave a sharp Ice- ( uro about the trloks of hackmon , and fined Villleca ton dollen , and gave duo warning that another offuuaa would causa the license to bo revoked. Tbo doutal rooms of DM. Woodbury & Son will bo ro opened to-day. * * * Workers with inotals generating elec tricity escaped the cholera of ' 49 , Then UBS our elootrlo belts. Judd & Smith , Council Bluff * , Agents wanted. Dr. Wlloi , Eye , Ear and Throat peolaliat , room D Everett block. Substantial abstract of title and real mUte Icons. J. W. and E. L. Squires , 102 Pearl street. Dr.i Weat , dentist , over BEE office. GREAT EXPECTATIONS. to Cany Off Boxes , Tin Boilers ana Store Pipe , Sewer SlRtita Boon in a Short Skip Through the Streets. "Thcro Is a good deal of Ulk hoard about the sewer not bolng largo enough , and Rotting stopped np too easy , and all that. You've hoard folks talk that wayne no doubt. Now I want to show you something , " and Oily Engineer Brodbock motlonod to the BEE man to jump Into his boggy. It was but a drive of a few rnlnutos to roach Glen nvonuo , where the first halt was made about a block from Broadway. "Look there , and see If any eort of sowcrago wonld allow of sach stud to pass through It. " Snro enough , there was a largo grating protecting a big wooden drain , and this was in danger of bolng stopped up , largo as it was , for around It was an accumulation of rubbish which wonld almost choke a tunnel , to say nothing of a sowor. There wcro the cuttings of brash , where some citlzon had boon trimming up the follago , and Instead of burning it had thrown it In thostroot to bo swept along by the first heavy rain and landed at the mouth of the drain. There were tin cans , boxes , corn husks , In fact all sorts of stuff thrown out by honsakoopors. "That's ' nothing , though ; lot's go to Willow ave- uuo , right where there are aomo of the fluent residences. " Sure enough thcro was something to see at the head of Willow avouuo. The Incline is very atocp and the soli Is such that It Is easily washed by heavy raine , and the tower has to carry < IF a good deal of dirt anyway , there being no paving , but In addition to this there was a largo accumulation of rubbish which should have boon burned or otherwise disposed of Instead of being thrown into the street to bo swept along by the rush of waters end finally landed ' by the grates at the entrance to the sowers. At tbo corner of Bluff street there Is on each side of the street on Inlet fully six feet In cir cumference , largo enough to tnko care of an Immonno volume of water , and a seemingly absolute protection against flood , but if each inlet was three times &s largo , It could not carry off the atulT which It la apparently expected by these people vrho throw it into the streets. At that corner was found be * aides brush , vcgeUblua , hay and straw , ouch things as old tin pails , cans , wash basins , and o\vn on old wash boiler. These are swept along until they reach the grate , and there pile up , while the waahlngs of dirt gather about end cling to thorn , and thus a ccmploto dam IB uiado. "That's the way they kdo it , and then they commence to howl about the sewers not being largo enough , and that the system Is a failure. Why the sewer system , as planned , is largo enough for a city of 100,000 paoplo , and It could ba built still larger if the people wanted to pay tne extra expense , but it can't carry off all such stuff as that , not if it trao three times as large. " At the corner of Fourth street ono of the Iron gratings wan completely lost to alght , though to memory dear. It wai covered with mad , and the water , not being able to get through the grate , had flooded the adjacent walks. It looked ss If the sewer had been completely stopped np , but the assurance was given that by digging away the dirt , lifting the grate and using the shovel a little In the mouih of the sewer It could easily be flushed ont and bo all right again. "It Is diffi cult enough to keep the dirt from both ering , ouch floods of water roll down the street , and the soil washes so freely , but this will bo done away with largely when the street is paved , and when paved , Willow avenue will be ono of the finest streets in the city , and property there will go jumping np In price. But when paved it will bo Im possible to provide sewerage snfliciont to carry off old wash tuba , barrels and stove pipe. Following down the otreot , and taking a hurried drlvo over some of the resident streets where the grade is so nearly level , the trouble caused by the Indiscriminate throwing of truck Into the streets be comes even more apparent. Right in front of a beautiful residence , irhoto owner evidently takes great prldo In his lawn , it appeared that ho had recently mowed it , and all about the promises looked closn and attractive , but the with ered grass thus cut had boon carelessly thrown over the curbing , and thtro lay in the gutter , stopping the flow of water , and then the wonder Is expressed that the streets are not drained better. Woreo than grass was to bo econ in many a gutter - tor , and bosldo the matter of drainage , it wonld seem that the question of health and cleanliness would deter people from throwing such offal into the streets as is to bo scon In many places , while the al leys are still worse. "Only a short time ago , " remarked the city engineer , "I saw where someone had emptied n mattress of husks rlfat In the gutter. Why can't folks just as well strike a match and bum np such stuff ? " Why can't they ? They can. THE MISSING M'OABE ' , Found by n ISeo Man Ho Tolls Ills Slilo of tlio Story About Ilia J. W. McO bo , wto was for a long tlmo ono of the loltor carriers here , end who a abort tlmo ago left Council Binds rather euddenly and qalotly , was seen by a BEE man the other day lu Omaha. Ho felt that ho had been placed before iho public In a wrong light , the papers hav ing rot forth the fact that ho.bad left hia family In a dcatlluto condition , and had avoided the paving of hia bllli here. He aava that when tha public IB fully informed - formed of all the circumstances cauelng him to leave hia wife , ho will not bo blamed BO much , and that ho will noon prepare a statement with the proofs , which will show how the happineia of hia homo waa broken into by the interference of others , and the Infidel- Hy of his wife. IIo reporta that ho ia doing well financially now , and that ho will soon ba able to begin paying hia creditors here , and eipects not to rest until ho has paid every debt. UA BITS that hia family trouble BO weighed on hia mind that It almost crazed him , and that the last day he oarried mall hero ho hardly know what ho waa dolog , and made moro m'atakea than he had ever undo before , the whole of the tlmo put together. After having hero ho wont to different placer , and waa in ono town t ken up by the police , ho acting BO strangely , although ho bad not boon drinking. Hla head appears to hara got cleared np now , and ho declirea that ho will now bond hia euerglea to ilRhtlrp hli iropulfttlon by proving the falsity of the reports concerning the treatment cf hit family , and to earning money to pay his blll0. THE JOKE "BNDS WELL , The Presentation of n Silver Lantern to Conductor Blrclinrd , or tha Rock Island , Ono of the blggctt-hoarted and moat popular Rock Island conductors Is S. U. Blrchnid , and ho Is as much thought of by the employes located hero is at any place along the lino. Bolng full of fun , the boys Hko to joke and chat with him , and some weeks ago , in ono cf tbeso fes tive and brief reliefs from duty , ono of the bors picked np the top of an old and dilapidated tin lantern , and , with the others crowding about him , approached BIrchard , and with mock solemnity pre sented him with "a silver lantern , as an oxprcsilon of the good will of the donors. " The llttlo joke would hare ended there had not some rather fresh roportot boon told by someone that Conductor Blrchard had been presented with a silver lantern , and taking the item in all sotiousncas , gave to the read ers of his paper a glowing account of the event , with no intimation that thcro was any joke back of It , Blrchard Is known all along the line , having boon on the road for seven years or moro , and the country papers on the rood copying the Item , most of his frlonds were soon in formed of his good fortune. At every station ho w&s mot with a query about that lantern , and many wanted to BOO It , end poor Blrchard has been about worn out tqnarlng himself. The boys thought that ho had suffered enough , and that ho deserved a lantern anyway , so last week they clubbed together ana bought ona of the handsomest silver lanterns which ever was made , n perfect beauty , and ono which trill make the oycs of all the other conductors dance with envy. A delegation from hero on Sunday wont to Stuart , where ha lives ' , and there captur ing him , presented'him with the gift , and expressed tha best wishes of the employes of the Council Bluffs station , the c&shlor , Jo RofT , making tha presentation speech , It bolog this tlmo In earnest. The recip ient WHS truly surprised , and ho could not but forgive the boys for the old tin lantern joke , and brought ont the beat the house afforded and served thorn royally. Now when Conductor Blrchard is asked to show up his now lantern ho don't ' hnvo to oltp behind some box car , but can flash In the f ice of the inquirer , as bright a llttlo beauty as was over swucg in signal. Ho deserves U , too. No Intomlunn.1 Neglect. COUNCIL BLUFFS , August 10 To the Editor of the BEE. An article placed In yonr valuable paper as to a place In ranks on the 10th lust , says "That Commander Llndt of the G. A , R. post informed the colored citizens that as soon as the civic crders were placed In their order of march they wonld be given a place in lino. " Now this statement is all right. But whoso was the fault that our colored friends were not In lino. Not the G. A. R. , neither the votcrcna nor citizens. The adjutant failed to Eiad the worthy organization in ranks , and sorry to cay In a scattered condition , and was unable to ascertain its com mander. The G. A. R. always have and do welcome all organizations and civic societies to join them on apodal occasions. And expect them to join organized with us as they would the G. A. R. with their societies. And a thankful ' 'God bless yon" goes out In response from every veteran soldier and loyal heart in the last tribute we could bestow to our now departed com mander. The G. A. R. and veterans have not forgotten the days when the colored citizens north end south joined us In the spirit of fidelity and loyalty , The eoldlors have not forgotten this , and If our many colored friends will remember - ber Remember yonr frlonds The boys In blue. Most respectfully , EX-SOLDIEK. PERSONAL. A , A , Kendall , an attorney of Clarinda , was In the city yesterday. Miss Carrie Loubort , of Sioux City , Is vlalt- icg her sUtor , Mrs. Grotzer. Dr. II. A. Woodbury has returned from lia trip to Spirit and Minnotonka lakoa. Harry Ilemcrs , manager o ! the Broadway aundry. baa returned from hia recent trip to 3hicato , A. T. Flickinger , of the firm of Fllckirwr Bros. , atidhia bitter , nro expected home to-day from their visit to tbeir bid homo in Inde pendence. Dr. Macrae was called to Atlantic last night to attend to Mr. Ilulftt , who was formerly connected with the transfer hero , and who is now lying very 111 at Atlantic. E. A. Booker end B , T. Connor returned Sunday evening from Konoahn , whither tley took the remains of Mr. liecker'a brother , who died here from tbo effects of a eunstrok- , Services at Oakland. The memorial services at Oakland wore entered into BO generally and tbo arrange * ments so vrleoly planned and snccecsfully carried out as to bo very creditable to that llvo and public spirited town , The procession was , In numbers and make-up , one which would have done credit to a larger city. There is a post of the Grand Army of the Republic , which , of course , took a prominent part In the day's doings. The Masons , Odd Fellows , and others joined , ard one of the most pleating features of the parade was the pretence In line of over forty ladles , a coodly number of whom are in attendance at the teachers'Institute being hold there. The town was lavishly dec orated , and the exercises were of a pecu liarly Interesting nature. Col. Dally , of Council Blull'i , was the principal orator of the day , and gave a grand address. W , T. Wilcox also made an excellent speech , and Mr , Roberts , who wai presi dent of the diy , gave an interesting bio graphical sketcn. The vocal mnsto was very good , and the programme through- nut was worthy of the town and of the day. Fried in * u'a Flro. Thoio was little now to bo learned yesterday morning concerning the fire at Friedman's store beyond what was given in yo Urdsy's BEE. Mr. Friedman was ( a Dta Molnec , and hcnco there wis nothing done In regard to getting at a closer estimate of the lots than wai given In the BEE. No clno has been gained ss to who the thlovca iroro who went through the store , and whether the fire was started by them accidentally or Intentionally Is still a mystery. Tbo Insurance Is abundant to cover the loss by fire , the following being the amounts and compinles : Niagara $1,010 Herman , of Kocliestor 1,200 Ptucnlx , of London 1,500 , Glens Falli 750 Commercial Union. 1,000 Union , of Pennsylvania 760 Homo , of California COO SG.5CO . The New York PLUMBING CO'Y. 552 Broadwav ; Council Bluffs , Iowa SANITARY HYDRAULIC ENG-INEERSPUB- LIC and PRIVATE SYSTEMS of SEW ERAGE , WATER : WORKS and VEN TILATION design ed and constructed ! PLUMBING work in all its branches. This conroanv have one of the best assort ed stocks oi plumb ing goods in the west. Estimates furnish ed. H. Birkinbine * Manager. PLUMBING CO'Y 552 BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS Tele-phone No , 27. FOR BALI BY S.A. PIERCE ; 100 Main at. , Council Bluffs Retail lioot and Shoo etoro * heio big bargains can alwayabo found. nios. OKHCB n. w. H M. TCHE Office & Pusev. Council Bluffe , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Ho. 60 ? Pioaawdf C , anoll BlnHs , Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 3Th loUowluf lee times ol the isirlv l i-jd da > parture of tralnt by ocntrU etandard time O the local depot ) . Tftloi loivo transfer depot l > .1 rain atoi eamor ind aril re ten zoloutei later , DITABT. ABUTS. iiociaoand KORTirwrjsTrEfi. 0:25 : A M Matt and Kipreaj f-ifU 12:10 : r M Accommodation t 0 r it f > :80 : r M Kxprcsj V.vfi A u CHICAGO AMD KOOg IILA3P. 9:25 : A M Mill and Knpresj 8M : r M F5 : A H Accommodation 6 : ] 5 r u i:80 : r u Excreta BxO A u C31CA80 , UILWAOKII AND n , ttOI * S:20'A : u Mall and Expresa B : " ) r M > : " 6 r 11 KxprcaB 9.05 A n ignotBOi u unoro AVD quuoT. 9:50 : A Utll and Express 7ilO r u ijr Aa o'juia odatlon 2ou : r u 4 $ r aturi > H 8:5l > A M WABUU , IT , LOUH AID rAcine , J:1B : r M Local St. toul ) Hxpreea Local JOOrM : Tjantlcr " > f Transfer 8:20 : r x KA ia OUT , ST. jos itro couxcui num. 100fi ; A u Mall and Kxpreea 0:40 : r u 8:15 : r u Ki | > ri83 tM A u I1UUX C1TT AKD rACIIIO. 720 ; A M Mall for Sioux City CM r M rtO : t u Kxpresa for St Paul 9:26 : u OMON rAeirio. 11:00 : A u Dtnver Kxpreta * ' 'f > f u 1:05 : F M Uncoln E'aii O'a ii II Y : S6 r M IS6 : r u Overland i.xprcsa 8SO : A u PUKUT TXAI.SB TO OMini. * IpeaTO 'Council 'BluBi 8.65 7:56 : 8:80 : V > M 11:10 : a. in. 1:80 : 8 0-8.80 4:28 : 86 : :44 11:19 p. m. Ia > e Omaha 8.25 7:26 clO 10 11U5 a. tn. l W2:00gooco466B5 : : : : SPECIAL NOTICES KOTJCt SrweUi a Terlltemcott , me i tx found , To Loan , Pol Sale , To R nt , Wanti , Board In ; , eia. , trill ba Inserted In th ! eptmna at Ibs low tate ot TEN CENTS PER LINE roi'the flrit loicrtlon nd FIVE OKNT8 PER LINK for each rab * qn n | In strllon. ticavctilrnrtlsemtnii O oai olflo * , Ho. I'cail sir oat WAMRD-Aflr t-c : ! | 'lUnl ! > erty ) the New York riumblni OJ. . No. 6M Droadnay found ItlutTg. NODO Init flrst-tltM hand next rplj ° - A tlx room home , ten mlnnlci walk from Irasl&Cifi , clt ; ntttr , welUml cUtcrn. Fo rent cheap , -No. ISOUsrtlson street , thrco roomr ItcMAiioN A Co. 4 Toil Btttct. FOR SU.K An c'cRftnt Wltcontln tummer rnoit 2(0 acres , 1 ( 0 tillable , railway nation and to m boat andin * ! frame house lor hrnicftoad ! pavilion wine cellars , rettaurant , Ice house , tenement house tour cotttRo * , r > i n , Sto fruit tries , ! Mies prnp < cow , horses , 13 boats , cto A fine resort , SCO Uo bovyWl'oontlnrtcr , ami 120 feet nboie Daulioo Hull pay 5,000njcar. Address W. A a , BRK oHIoo , Council IlluiU , FOR 8M.B Lamlt Improved Had unimproved II you want * farm In western Iowa , Kansu Nebraika or Dakota , lotus hear from you , SWAN i WALKIIB. _ jjiOIl HALE llousoi. Lota and Land. A. , JC1 Stcpl cnKin , SOS First avenue. rpo KXCAANO D C , b 9 , b 10 , b 13 lire hotels In UlU JL croDtloctttliiu Icr palo or tor trade. T > 158 , special bargain ; 400 n ImrroveJ farm worth JDglS.OOO , price for a short tlmoSlG.oco , will trade for low pilccd Western lands. Swan & Walker , HJ01 , eaddlcry Hardnaro itmmfacturlnj ; cstab llihrccnt etock and machinery , \nluo $7CCO , lot western land Svran & Waikvr , Council llluOa. BS03 , i-tock f f dry Roode , urooerlos and hardware \aluo , 95,000 , In an ROOU eastern Nebraska town or land. Swan n Walker. B201 , stock of general merchandise In a good western lawn to tialtio 4,000 , wants an Im men ed farm In western Ion a. iswan & Walker. T ) SOS , stock of hardware In Etuboi ) Co , Indiana , JO lor land , \aluo about ? 4OCO. Swan & Walker. , new etock of bar ware In a Iho Nebraska BSOO for Itnd , vulue $3,000. Snan & Walker. , stock of agricultural Implements and ehelt B207 hardware.nluo about 8,000. wants a good Ini ftm od farm. B an & Walker. T > 203 , a $10,000 stock of clothing In a Rood Wla JL > consln city , 3 In lands and biUnco cash or im proved eecurlt ) . Beautiful Btoro room at low "rent. Swan & Walker. 210 , dock of mixed hardware In a Il\e western B Io a town for cheap lands , \aluo $0,000. .Swan & Walker. B211 , flno brick block , rents well , In a\o central la.t wn ono rcora occupied with general stock ol coeds , wants an Improtcd farm , \aluoj building 18,000 , poods $7,000. Huanis Duiker. S12 stork of boots , shoos hats , en pa and clothing \aluo. ) $3 000 , Incne ofthobeet towns In Neb. , valued 83,000 for iftncls. Swan & Wtlkir. B213 , a$3OCO tlock of clotMne , wants land In North Western Iowa , for $0,000 , and will pay dlflcrcnco Swan 4. Wtlker. B214 , an $8,000 stock of drugs In central Iowa for land. .Swan & Wnlcrr. l. > 21tiaiiotlicr etock nf drugs viluo frnm500 tn$700 JJ w ith itoro bnlldlng ard lot > aluo8SOO In a gooJ * cbraika town wants partly Improved land , Swan & Wlker. full particulars , write to or call upon Sn an & ITiOR . If 5 ou want to tell , buy. or tradoany- thlng , tell S. & W. about It. Swan & Walker , Coun cil BluHs Iowa. F. II. ORCUTT , S. T. FRENCH , I. M. TIIKYNOB , 540 BROADWAY. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Rugs , Etc , , Etc- Office & Store Shades Made to Order. On short notice. Write for prices and Samples. fir. jar. Council Bluffij 209 Broadway , - - DRY OOOD9. yards print , . .f 1 " drees goods , . , ' nublan gingham , , . . " good glnyham , " Lelloalr cliovoltj. . . . , . , 0 good sheeting , . , , lv Suffolk Juans. . * . . . . * , , . . . . . . Bent Jeann all wool , SOo per yard. Uootn and ehot.ii at prices as 1 jw as any house In the city , IdpoundiexO sugar , 18 pounds granulated luiar , , , , . , 13 poundi ooi factional ) ' A sugar , in Lara white Kustlau Boap. Kirks [ 0 bars I lue India soap , Kliks . . . 2 tiral'ilau soap , Lautt lro'j. . . 18 boxes natch on llC8te > iun , porgillon . , . Pent Bort'l , fir gallon Beit Engllnh currents li pounds 10 boxea genulnu Lewis lye 2-pound cans itrawbcrrles In ejrup 2-pound canipcachen , In syrup 1 8-pound cms tomatoes 00 10 pounds lllcblgandrled apples . . . . . . . . . no 10 ' evaporated apples 00 LofiTarTclFuuVtobacco'pe' pound. . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Na > y plug tobacco , per pout'd JO Na'unlloil tobtcoo , per pound. . . . . Uv flour , all brands Ir3m 12.10 to ? 3 60 per cwt. GOODS FOU CASH ONLY Lower Than Any Other House IN THE CIIV. S.H. FILBERT , 8IW8 , -a Raw WA , THE Standard Typewriter At the Now rleana Exposition. 1. Tin Jaryol awards critically examined the various wtltlaff nacl.lncan . ! dmdod by a t thirds vote to Rho tbo highest award to the DKMIVOTOX. . The decision cl J ? WM Ignored byth . committee olaw.rdf , and other Juron ore aid. constltutlcganow ury. 8. Thlsiecond Jury .lio Cflllcillyoiamlncd tbo various . . W.llrRrn.chDM | | , and nwdo the aw rdol % Drat chij gold modal , the hlfrho.t * ar < J , to the IUVINOWN SUndmlT. , | , Wiltor. for " .ImplloHy , darn- blllty , c so of manipulation and tpefd. " 4. Too report of this Jury WM made , dtlltcroj to and rccjlptcl far by the coutnlttja of avwdj on May 20. 6. The ni6mbor of thli Jury wcro n > crill9ohanfd. P. No oth r ) ury examined the III.MUOTO.NStandard TJI o-V.'rllcr at Xcw Oilenns. ' 7. lboclfncrsoftb. | awird arc bonoratle and well known gentlinnti. ThMraldrntsaiaro Ch A. Morgan , FEQ , touthein maniKcr of B. 0 , Dunn &Co.KowOtl-an , In. ; tU-Ootornor rrink BACJ U. a commissioner of Kimas , andiirtsldontof tto U. P. bond of oommuiloiier * , Chitmto , Ka ; Cleo. A. Beaten , Ktq. , stcncgni > hcr Mid Bcrctar ) of the board of U. 8. coromlntciio , Columbui , Ohio. 8. The aradavlls of HIIRO gentlemen and the history ol the cntojf , tthlch wo are preparlns pamphlet form , wo will 1 plctscd to furnish on n > : icatlcn. The fclkmlng la the report : The World's IndmtililaridCotlcnCcntcLnUIKxptBltlon.XowOileani. Jury report. ApplleMb No. 816 ; group Oj cla 014. Competition. Iho nndortlKtiod Jurors In Iho bo > o entitled claw , bating citcfully examined the exhibit made B. Ketnln ton A. fetus , Him , Nnv lork , nndnllccmi illr.Kc . hlbltf , concur In recommending the a of * first clots mcd ( ho StaneaidTjpo.Wrlter , for ' . Birapllc'ty , dur.blltj , oaioof manipulation a speed. Dated t lOlhdjyofM.y.lSM. . OKO.11KATON- , \ UIU8. A. MoruuN , Vjuton ; fHANK BACON , f WIKOIT.S AMANS A BENEDICT , SS9 Urcadnay , New York. Chicago Office , 8 Madison Sr O. H. SHOLES , Agent , Council Rinds , Town. * ' 1 SMITH & TOLLER , ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. , - - - . i Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand. Norene & Landstrom , Suits to order In Ifttoat styles at cheapest possible prices.No. No. 205 Main St. , Council Blt-ff AND "THE ENGLISH1' KITCHEN. Regular Dinner 31:3O to 1HO : , 25 cents. 505 Broadway , Council Bluffs. The only nil night house iu the city. Evorythicg served in first clcM style and on shor notice. Hot and cold lunchoa always ready. N. J. SWANSON. 0. E. SWANSON 8WJLN8ON MUSIC CO. , Dealers in PIANOS AND ORGANS And all kinds of muslool Inttrumcntn. Fiance ind orjrans eolo on the Irstallmtnt [ Ian. Muilcil natru. mentaof o > ery description timed and repaired. IIa\lng o\cr 14 jcaraexpoilcncoln the Luslnoas wo fee confident of gl\Ing the l > cst ol eatlalactlon , Hemonibcr ttc place. Sign uf the gilt organ 329 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Keep Homes and Muloa constantly on hand which wo will sell In retail or carload lotn II Stock Warranted as Renresented holesale undrctMl dotlors to Ornln nd Baled Ilay. Prlccaro - eoniblu Ektletaction Guaranteed. SGIILUTER A BOVLEY \ Cor. Cth Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaperthan ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE. Formerly MRS. J. J. G-OOBE. 29 Main Street , Council Bluffs W. P. AYLSWORTH ssS&- & Biick bulldlDBs of any kind raised or moved and uMlnfaction guaranteed. Frame hou moved on Little Giant trucks , the best In tbu world. SWOHTH 1010 Mnth'Btroet , Council BIufl In Council Ulufta having And all modern improvements , call bolls , Cro alarm belle , etc. , ia the CRESTON HOUSE Nos , 21D , 217 and 210 , Main Street. MAX M-UIN , - PKOl'JUETOU Madame E , J , Bate , Who for tfco rwt 10 yearsbas been prsctlilnsr In Ban KrancUco It now located at No 18 H. Ctli Hlrrot , oppoillo now Opera House , aladame llalccar guarantees to rcttcro HAIR OR WHISKERS , Or tngl o anyone a lugh mustache or bring out a ne growth tf balr or beard lu from four totlxvceka. rlcoi real unable and batltfu tlon guarautted , Cancers , dealncis andiBrrcUIIj jhtumalUm nd riircnlo thuintuuu ly BMtuial gl't ' of be ctrifi , j r. JS. JT. JRalccar , .Council lilulFa , IB. of to Peace. OTKB AVIMIOAB BLUFFd , IOV76- J AJE880N8 GIVJDN * ON11IE Piano and Organ , Ity Mies Fnnnia Westcott , Organitt ; at tha 1'resbyterian church. Kosiclencu GOG Wash- Ave , E , Face M , D. fl * llflDDO or other IHWIOIH remove ! without the lliHuDnij ) | knifoor drawing ol Uood. CHRONIC -DISEASES , < * 0cr thirty jcarapr ctlra Jeirlence. Cdce No 11 , I'm Utivet , Council Llufld Inf. WELLS COOK. General AKtnt at large FOND SYSTEM , " / - Life and Annuitv Ins.Co WKBTKIIN Dtror , 22 PKABL STBEIT OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IA ,