Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1885, Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , AUGUST 11 , 1885. BROWNS * IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS AND FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN IN THE BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALK JSy ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Ked Unes on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. I'NQ FEE ! JQSrA written guarantee of euro plvcn In every case undertaken. IHj-Allconsiiltallonsrroo unil > i crocl. Ur. Clarke's Celebrated Uoofc uuU AVWtlDga { In plain envelopes ) tnc * ; , JI , C.,180 Eo.CLJItK ST. UI11AGO , IU < Frightful Case of a Colored Man , I contracted < k fearful cosa of blood poison InlSSS wna treated uaortioof the bo > t phyalclina In At- Unta. They uecd the old romodlea of mercury and polosh , which biought on rheumatUm , and Impair ed my dlgesthooigdip. K\ory Joint In mo w s swollen and fnil otjmln. Whoa I waa given up to dlo my phjelolana thought it wouli bo a gaud time to test the vlituea ot Hwitt'a Srcclllo. When I com menced talting a 8. S. , the phys'cun ' Bald I could not llvotwo oceka under the ordlnnry treatment. Ho commenced to glvoine llio mcdlcino strictly BO- 001 ding to direction j , which I contlnuotl for several months. I tok nothing olao and continued to Im prove from the t cry flrst Soon the rheumatism loft mo , rar appotlto became all right , and tha utcara which the doctor B lid wera tha moeti frightful ho had 01 er see ? , bcgau to heal , and by the 1st of Oo- tobor , 1684,1 wae a well man o 'aln. 1 am Btronger now tntn I over was before , nnd neigh more. 8.S. S. haa saved mo from an early grat o , LEM JIoCLKSDON. Lorn McClonkon h > 3 been In the employ of tbo Cboss3C iley company for sorao acaru , and I know the bo\e ttitemcnta to Iw true. At the tlma ho began.takln ? Hwllti Spoclllc ho waa In a hortble con dition. I regard his euro nliicHt miraculous. W. 1) . CROSIIT , Ifamcor. Chess-Carloy Co. , Atlanta Dltisbn. Atlants , Go. , April 18th , 1885. ; * . M. M.OKKTSI nin uifnir your 'Fluid Extract Bed Clort * DIe < < aoin anil X\ t Compress for Cancer on the breast rind urn well. 1 am satisfied It 1 the beat rnnedrfot . . . N-Mr wire haa for nome tlmo own aflllrtnl with Bomctrdau llkoa scrof ulou al.-k-ft c. nnd f oonJ ai : ' Iiun uapnj to ay the haa oxprrltnceo . ' to f l | ! 1itriln'.0S'al ' ' of rn jrour efforts ID of . belialf humanity. ' lch you an weloojne to u o for their licncilt , I am , very rctpectf ally , IL JUUUL , . . o. . Uurm-i commenewl tatlntr roar Exu tied Clover , . "iT" * 1 ° , for Kryalpfloa. end b e nat heeri trwibimi unco. It la herMiltarr wito nu. lulckyou bM UM at blooa meolcln * knowS Voan truly. W. II. BEIBEHT. t. n. ItTman , of Grand Haplis , Jtlch. . nayi-e wo Uacton advlncd him 10 use laote't Kxt hi-d Clover Jiir bad cou of llczemo , or Korcr Kore on the JCR. jot * o iwuiidj or your Solid litroct Itod ClOTea .A 8pnnirM lldneTonloftndKenpraI Wood Port Imported Beer n elG ' IN BOTTLES. 01 01II KrUnger llavarla I Cuimbacher B v rl IIk Hlsucr IJohemlan | Kaiser . . . . .llremea IIa Badirclser. . , . . St. LouU I Anhaueer Bt , Louis a Bo'tf . . . .llllw ukee | Schllti-l-Isner.Ullwaukee ni Krug'a Ouasha | Ale , Porter , Domeclloaud nifc Rhine Wines. ED MAUEEE , 1213 Farnam St , feat 0 ] FA VINO 2'KOPOSALS. at t Healed projKibaU will be revived by the under , atm digued until do'ilock | i. in. ufTnuuday , toe iOtli day m ol Aujiibt 1SS5 , for uavliif clitrlct tta , 3 , In the city of Omaha , with ll ! iraiiminJ itonecn a Bind bane ai ol 0 inhc In iBIcknitJd , Bauijlej ol BUM 1 to accom- aini puiV each hid , 7hopa\lng will liadon * In accordance \Utli plan tfc and KIHH Mentions on filu In thu oiUa ) uf tliu board tl uliniUlaorks , 13Idd to bu accompanied liy accrtineJ check In thu orB Bum of Clio thous ml dullorri , pajablo to thu B dtj ol Omaha , as an oideiuxi uf guild falih. 'Hie or Iwardof imblio vurksrc&unes thu rkht to reject orwl wl any or all bidi. j. 11luv \ * HUK-8-7-10-11 Chin , lloar.1 of 1'ublloVorks no th PENNYROYAL PILLS th - "CHICHESTCR'S ENGLISH. " fa < Tlio Original unit Only ( iciiiilnc. fami f ifti > tilat ; f l it * ' i n * wurerrf wurtlil < * ImltntloDr. mi ludltnrniaUu to LAPIER A l. . ' it llrbKuI.t for an l < Milic lrr'i > Ruen > li > wltak no. iircrH j l . anai < ( tui > ) l4 > Ui f r r.rih 'a'l ' in t < tt" * I'/nltirn mull. ai NAME PAPER. < M * tr riirnilj-iil C'o. , I'lilUiiM. ' Bi UVIU UudUuu Nliurv , ! > AtDr gii' Tudo luppllelby 1 , A. Qi noel THE SNOW-CftPPED HIGHWAY. A Rifle on ibe R-ciy - Banks of the Arkansas , And RnumlliiK Snow Ilftlls ou tlio Summit of Mount Blnnco A Mound of Klcsti null n Vnstncss ofDralns. Correspondence cf tbo BEE , Canon City , Colorado , may bo n place of considerable importance , bat neither it or the penitentiary beyond , where the convicts are busily engaged ctutiog nnd quarrying clone , liavo much interest for us. Just now expectation "atanda on tiptoe , " for wo know that the grand canon of the Arkansas lieu just ahead only six miles , ( hey say. The excitable fat man , who has bocn til wonderment and exclamation point a elnco ho loft Denver with lohn , " "nhe , " "sublime views , " "grand sights , " "hot place , " etc. , growa more excited and wants every ono to "look out , " There ia nothing remarkable to bo seen nnlota It to an awkward , struggling stream forcing ita way through clayey banks. The Arkannaa. eomo ono says , The smooth , open country , with its dis tant ranges and lower , nearer hills Is passed. The banks of the roaring , white Jltckcd river grows steep , rugged and moro lofty. Euro , closets to the water's edge , wo glide under a solid granlto wall , bosldo whoso Immeasurable , awful heights the train dwindles to a moro speck. The roar cf the angry river and the shtieka of the engine echo and reecho - echo from wall to wall , frompoak to peak. Deeper , narrower , grows the gorge. Far Into the tender depths of the sky , close by the twinkling stars the mighty crags roar their lofty heads thousands of foot above us. In the "Rojal Gorge" the awful grandeur of the Arkansas is most sublime , but the canon extends for miles and miles , terminating at Sellda a plc- turaequo mountain city of about 0,000 Inhabitants , surrounded on every side by diatint enow capped ranges. A mining and railroad center this , where coke ia manufactured quite extensively. Hero pisaengera change cars for Leadvlllo , and our train of seven coaches is divided into two division ? , and each , with two en gine ; , boginj the ascent of Marshall Pass. The fat , talkative nun is silent as wo rush over our zigzic road , sway ing to and fro as wo wind np the giddy heights. Perhaps ho la won dering what would become of him If the train should sweep off ono of these abrupt cnrvoo , or the ovortowering boulders should lone their equilibrium and hurl us downward Into the black chatiiu , whence the voice of no calling , the cry of no love could over recall. Here the oldest nhabltant , a Colorado editor and a county treasurer , step on board. Slorra Blanco , the highest mountain In Colorado , Mt. Ouray , the Sin Louis , and the dls- tant source of four great , widely separated rivers , the Colorado. 1'latto , Arkansas , and Rio Grande , are pointed out to us. The sun sinks behind the western hills , and the dark plno forests balow are wrapped in gathering gloom as wo reach tha summit of the Rockies. The air grows chilly. Around us He j the everlasting hills tipped with snow , which reflect the rosy light of the setting ann , while the green sky above is crowned with a halo of amethyst , in whose tender depths shines the evening star. The train stopa hero about five minutes and every ono hurries our , anxious to gather a little snow this last day ot July. Some ono shouts "all aboard" just as wo reach the coveted bank. Rushing , stumbling , puffing wo roach our berths and ir lit fully ton minutes foe the train to move on. The oldest inhabitant waxen eloquent. Ho has played a very important part In the development of the country , and in the most confidential matter-of-fact tones tells us of incredible hair-breadth escapes wonderful exploits. The old man sincerely bellevea lite stories himself repeating thorn so often , always with Berne slight addition , during these years : has made him forget where truth ceases and fiction begins. LEVEL. ' A SeiiHtblo Alan ; Would use Kempa | Balaam for the Throat and Luoga. It ia curing more cases ot Couphs , Guide , Asthma , Bronclnti ? , Croup , and all Throat and Lung Troubles , than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized 3chroter & Conrad , druggists , No. 211 i 'if- teentli street , to refund your money if , after akinR throe-fourths of a bottle , relief h not jbtained. Price 00 cents and SI. Trial iic rrtc , Itcal anil lioptlNiuni Names , : ew York Cotnmarcial Advertiser , The discussion with respect to General 3rant's real name is bringing to the nut- ice nn amount of Ignorance and mlacon- leption which Is interesting , aa popular CO rrors of tenacious hold always nro. there are those who contend that Geu- ral Grant's name was Hiram Ulytacs ; SIi hero are those who Insist that la waa Jlyeses Hiram ; and there la a deal of ihattor on the subject , just ns there was Si Trhllo ago concerning the question fhothor tbo present president of the ou [ Jnltcd States ia named Grover Cleveland sp ir Stephen Grover Cleveland. In those ah lUcneaiona wo are bombarded with ovi- ho lence as to the baptismal name and nil toi hat. In the case of General Grant a at t lotol register has been published In fac- In Imllo to ahow that In boyhood ho signed pa ilmselt "U. H. Grant. " tic The whole thing rests upon a mltoon- th soptlon. The laws of thla country know at t lothlng whatever of baptism or bsptls- 10 nal names. Baptism baa no moro legal fa ! 'fleet with ns thin circumclelon or con- wl irmatlon or coramunlbn , or any other rh irdlnanco of occleslastlcalladmlnlatratlon. dr f baptism had aught to do with a man's ca egal name , a very Ur o part of the pop- n i ilatlon ! of thla country would be wnolly piUi lamolesj. The children of the Baptists , Ui , or example , who are not baptised In In- of 1 ancy , would have no names until In go dnlt life they submit themselves to that at ; rdlnance. The Quak'ers do not baptize pe nil , and many others are like minded , stth ! Yet all these persona have names. A , nau'a name la that which he calls hlmtelf set nd la called. When Bret Hart habit- Si ally wrote hlmtelf Fumls Bret Harto , bi : , bat was hii name , but when ho droppo'j wo he Francis It ceuted to be a part of his UK amo. The tame thing happened with 82i ! liyard Taylor , aud Brauder MnUhuwa , tat nd certain persona have thought It pol Itty to Insist that Mr. Whltelaw Ksld's amo In really Jasob Whltelaw Held , ieir contentionrcatlng [ upon thoasaertlou s as -trua or false that ho was b p > .lz.d by Co : lat nsmo The Uw recognizes no encb ret ict. Jtlr. Reid aud tha other gentlemen tentloned may have botn biptleed with iy conceivable number of namoa , hat In w their names are now Whltelaw K ld , B raudor Matthews , Bayard Taylor , rover Cleveland , etc. , because they by those name * , So In General Grant's caao his mme was Ulysses Simpson Grant , whottier he wns baptised by that or any other name. The whole miscon ception growa out of the two errors , first that baptism has a legal character , and second that it requires a legislative net to make a change in a man's name. Both are errors of a tenacious character. 1'uor AVomnn , Weak back ; tremulous nerves ; rhcit- mMic muscles ; dyspeptic stomach ; torpid liver. Bad combination , Isn't U ? Well , vltaliza your blocd with Brown's Icon Bitters. Tone your narvcs ; banish rhon- matlem ; drive out dyspepsia , Then you are a new woman , Mrs. W. A. Crawford , Tullahowa , Tenn. , had nervousness and neuralgia , She derived great benefit from the use of Brown's Iron Bitten. A Ht3A.Vy VEUDlOr. A Crippled llralcoiiiftti Uecclvos Fif ty TliousMitl l > jllnr from the Sanui Fo Itallrond for Injnr lc BiiHtalucd Through A Cureless Conductor , Kansas City Journal August 9. The ciso of Jarad Oono against tlio Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fo _ railroad company , for damages for injuries 10- colved by him , which has boon on trial for the last eight days In the district court of Wyandotte county , resulted yes terday morning In a verdict in favor of Oono for the sum of $50,000 , being the full amount claimed by him. Tula Is the second trial of the oaso. It waa first tried last winter when the jury hung , ton standing for plaintiff and two for the company. This time the jury wcro a unit from the start. Cone waa the rear brakeman on a passenger train coming east on the night of December 5 , 1883. The train stopped at Newton for supper , where a car was put into the train. The night was rainy and dark , and BS Cone was on the railing between the sleeper and coach east of U , fixlug the b3ll cord , Corcoran , the conductor without waiting tu know whether the train was la condi tion to go , and without warning to Oono , signaled tbo trim to pull out. Cone waa thrown between the cars and was carried or dragged under the train 800 or 1,000 feet , and was found lying by tha track a low moments after in an insensible condition , his coat badly torn , his pants and draw ers torn to tlireds , his skull fractured , hla right arm broken at the wrist , the palm of his right hand torn out , the back of it scarred and mutiliatcd so that a portion had to bo amputated , his right leg crushed so that It had to ba taken off below the knee , and tha fltnh torn off hla left side. There was a car load cf wltnoflroa cximlnod , and the ex- pensQ of those two trials to the company , alone , cannot bo much short of § 3,000 or § 1,000. Every exertion has bjcn put forth by each sdo in this controveny , and it has been tried with all the in genuity , skill and nblllry the partloi could bring to boar on. The part of the plaintiff , Thomas P. Fonlon and Joseph G. Waters have bean hia principal coun sel , assisted by George S. Chaco and Joaoph S. Enswlngor , while on the part of the railway company , 0. N. Sterry , J , B. Scroggs , A. A. Hurd and W. 0. Campbell have been the attorneys. Ooo hundred and thlrly-alx questions of fact were propounded to the jury by the rail road company , and which they struggled \tth ; until they answered them. The jury would have been out for a short tlmo had they not been delayed by making answer to these questions. It is said that this is tha biggest verdict over returned in the United States in a personal damage - ago case. An Knocli Arcleu Case. A Parkersburg ( W. Va. ) correspondent ont says : "Mrs. Lucy Colllna , of Caldwell - well , O , , was Mrs. Gearing only five years ago. At the beginning of the war a she was Mrs. John Aaklason , John was her first husband and ho changed her oatno from Abbott In 1800. When the war came on , In 18G1 , John enlisted and went off Into the Army of the Potomac. He wrote homo often , but at last ceaaad to write , and all his wlfo could learn from the regiment was that John turned t > up missing ono night at roll-call and bad 3 been given np for dead , His widow amo here and met and married John Soaring. Finally ho died and loft her ? with tnree children , the oldest being : 'ourtoon years old. The widow Gearing hen moved to Oaldwoll , O. , where eho narrled John Collins , A month ago aho received a letter from John Adkleson , ler hnsband. He says be was cap- urod and held a long time , and when iberatod wrote repeatedly to his wife , mt got no answer , and concluded aho van dead , He then enlisted in the rega- ar army , where ho has been over sinco. 3o accidentally learned that hia wife was Iviug and had nmrlod Gearing , but ho ept silent till ho hoard of Gearlng'n oath , and then wrote to her. The letter , fter niuoh delay , reached her , She s lien wrote to him , elating iho situation , rhtch was one of perplexity to all con- ornetl. " 1'lncer Ml now In Idaho. B lioshono Idaho Journal. te Considerably interest prevails at Sho- rn lone , Salmon Falls and elsewhere on rnas naka river on account of the opinion ex- th roascd by Sir llobt. Furqucroon , the ah olnont English geologist , who has boon 8' pending several days at tbo Great Sho- to aone Falls , twontvtwo miles south of ore. Ho la confident that hundreds of ins of fine gold duat has found lodgment Yc the foot and below the grjat fall ) , hav- thi ig , been washed down tbo river for agoa thiwi aat. An associated press dlsuatch men- gpi ons this fact and states that the question gpiDt lat now agitates the world ia how to get all oai the gold , as the water Is upwards of an 00 feet la the grand canyon below the tec ills , The theory looks plausible as the tecme meMi hole country through which the Snake MiLo vor runs ia rich with gold color , hun- reds of miles above and beloir these itarao'.e ; and by the action of the waters Lobe channel has been ground ont in eoino l&cos a thousand feet deep. This entire be v formation , together with tha sands lit tbo desert contain moro or less fine nil Did , It ia aald the lava beds themselves At some points will aitay at least $2 00 Br er ton , and a report Is made of finding fla piece cf laVA in eastern Idaho , whloh an towed free gold , probably a deposit of fai idiment or a wash of Hour gold. At BtC ilmon Falls norr plicer ground has juat ve : cu opened in a clay deposit whloh la tin onderfnlly rich and verifies the Inves- Yo atlon of Sir Uobt Farqueraon , From alt fl to $100 per day la nowactually belug blr ken out to each Burlap machlno at thla It tint. Aid or man Charles Brooke , Sr , , of Kan- City , Missouri , writes that Hud Star High Care Is the oulyuudlclna that ever moved his cough , Tlio Ohlciijo Grant Club. Briu.sun ELD , 111 , , August 10. A special to Chicago Uilly News sayi : The secretary stats to-dar imued R csrlificato of incorpo- tion to tha Grant club of Chicago. It i > ited the object is to maintain the principles tha republican party. A TAliK WITH KOBElir ItONNKR , \Vlmt the Mnro Slur l > f > Hereafter The Effect of Kunnlne Blood , Now York T/ibwne. The bnsiesi day In the week for Robott Bonner is Fxiday , for on that day the Now York Lsdgcr goes to press. Ho spared few minutes yesterday , however , to talk with n Tribune reporter about the great performance of Maud S , at Cleve land. 'ThoculUnc down of her record ono- hiilf a occond , " said ho , "was not a eur- prUo to 1113. I expected it , for I had had telegrams dialing that oho was all right. Yon know I told you about n week ngo that eho WAS forty pounds overweight , but the weather has boon favorable feu overcoming that dlfllcnlty , and I have no doubt she has bocn ieduced In wo'ght. It was really the first fast mile sha has had this saason , My brother Divld , and my Bon Frederick have boon with her for about two weeks and had full charge of my jlntorosta. The Tribune printed a dispatch cent mo from my son. Frede rick Is very careful , and always weighs every thing ho says , and his statement as to the condition of the track can bo relied npon. "It was indeed a romnrkablo porform- ano ? , even leaving oat the condition of the track , which WAS admittedly some what alow. First quarter In 32 ; ? , a 2:11 : RftU. The second quarter was trotted in 3U seconds , a 2:00 : gait. That made the J " mile I 01 j That was fast onongh to "ako the life out of n horeo yet she made the next quarter , around the turn , in 31 aoconds , a 2:04 : gait. Around the curve in not tha plaoo to show the highest rate of apood , ns everybody know * , but as she was probably right within horsslf , of course Blair did not check hor. As an ovldonco of her ctpiclty , the fait that under the circumstances of a alow track and the first fast mile aha had had this a cnson , she trotted the last half railo a quarter of n second faster thin aho did the Crat half , speaks for Itself. It was the four mile running blood that Is In her that stayed her up for eush a perform anoe , without It such a feat would ba im possible. The whole experience in breading trottera proves it Thorough bred bleed la Indispensable if you would combine staying qualities with speed. Both Maud S. and Jay-Eyc-Seo , the two oitest performers on the trotting turf that the world over saw , have the four- mlle running blood coutalng throngh their veins. Ono traces through its dam to Lexington and the other to Boston. "I own Dexter and Karen , each of whom rolgned as king in the course of his trotting career. Dexter is old and in the sere nnd yellow loaf , llarua is still frisky and fast. Neither of these , how ever , la to compared to Maud S. I do not n y that within a year or two a horse may ba brought out that will oollpso any thing the may bo able to do , for in the advanced state of breeding at the present day wo do not know what to expect. I , for one , would welcome a trotter that could do it , for I have devoted a great deal of time and money toward finding oat the limit of speed. "How fast do I think Maud S. will trot ? That Is something I do not llko to talk about , for it ia unpleasant to inako predictions that may not bo justified in the future. I will say this , however : Her present record is not the limit of her ability , and to say she can trot In 2:08 : is not saying too much. My brother David , who is a careful horseman , thinks she can easily accomplish a milo between 2:07 : and 2:08. : " In regard to the Cleveland track and the climatic conditions being favorable to the highest speed of the great muro , Mr. Bonner eald : "I can best cover that point by giving a statement of Maud S.'s former manager made to a reporter of woatern paper before this trial. 'I be lieve. ' ho said , 'that Maud 8. would stand a better chance of boating her ro- uord over the Rochester , Chicago or Pro- vldenco track than she would over the Cleveland track. ' Tnat I think is the general Impression. " In regard to further efforts to bo made y Maud S. thla season to beat the re- rJ Mr , Banner said : "I shall undoubt edly give further exhibitions with her , 3tit just where or when I have not , as ot , made up my mind , nor have I de- idod as to whether I will harness her leublo with ono of my other horses and IBS how fast a taam can trot , though it is nora than possible that I may do so. rhla I am determined upon , however , hat everybody shall have an opportun- ty of seeing her before she In perman ently rotirod. As to her condition af tor tor effort at Cleveland , I have only to how you a dispatch from her driver fhloh I have jait received. The dispatch read : > July Ml , 1885 Robert Banner.Vi \ - l.-un and Spruce streets , Now York City : have driven Maud S. ibis morning. She SB fine as silk. W. W. BAIK. Mr. Banner received the folio wing con- ratnUtory dispatch from Willutu H , Ab in fanderbllt : la SAUATOOA , July 31 , 1885. Robert 10 ionnor , Now York Ledgir , Now York : I 4 elegraphod answer to VY. Edwards this Ire Ur lornlng , Maud S. ii a wonderful mare , UrJ I always said. I believe she can boat to i lie world with perfect ease. Besides , 1 iio is BO handsome and goutlo , I con- ratnlsto yen , and hope she may oontlnuo pleaeo you. W. H. VANDEHUILT. Nervous Debilitated Mori , "ou nro allowed a tree inuijor thirty dat/s of 10 usa of Dr. Dyes Celebrated Voltaic Jielt ith Electric Suspensory Appliances , for the leejly relief and permanent euro of Nervoua lebihty , loss of Vitality and Manhood , and kindred troubles Also for many other dls- leea. Complete restoration to health , vigor ad manhood , No risk jg Incurred , Illustra- pamphlet with full information , terms , etc , tailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Co , , larshall , Mich. Of HUOllll 1''A1110. eng Branch Letter in Chicago Tribune , I BOO Uelmbold hero ono of the hat- Dons of Long Branch. Ho has a short ttlo body accl a big , swelled , inharmo- lous head , with coarse hair over it. bout the time Flak arrived at Lang ranch , Holtnbold arrived and owned a iih drug store , and had a four-in-hand , id next he had nothing , not oven his .rally , while bis brother has his druc ; ere , while the newspapers who had ad- jrti.oj him io the extent of tens of lousands of dollars had his duo bllla , on see him now aomuwhat qulolod and tored , and when his wlfa walks with in along the street she takes hts arm , is a question of forgive and forget. me me trhen I ! liy ITM lcfcno s vo her Cwtorla , When alia vra a Child , elie cried /or Ciwtoria , Vflea eliebecame ilies , elio cltinf to Cantoris , IVTuii ati liad Children , alio gar * tU o Cutoria i Free from Ophite * , J.'mefJr.t nnd 1'otsons. A PRdMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE far Couch * , Pore T hronl , HonruFnCK , lnflnonirc IVlilA , Hrotichlll * . O'rmip , XVlitinplne Cough , A ft 1mm , < luln r , t'uln * In Clirnt , nnJothtr Vrlcc (1(1 ( ( ccnlan tottlc Sold by Drncclnis urnl DcM- cri > iwtlutinaWeto Imluct Ifttlr ttealer in f iromptly jetttfort/itmieinrefelrelieat > ottlett'jetirtiitAareil Ultit , lv tcnttlnff one dollar ( j TUB ruuitis A.vonrLrn ronnar , l Uwcem anil AttnufjlclaTrr * Bllllnort. JUrjIlrJ , r. 8.1 , . . luotpi- - ' . i > ' IirtJIP v'.eipWrutC'U" ! KM J-H.C- ! ' 1 Sti t1 itumt it i.rj jiir. . I'tji'e ' lair et.ifB- ; M 'It ; rre * ( > > * * n i i ' ' -r ( Jw1t % lt.l * Hiostrfitiiii. , Ol-bNU ) M n- ' aknef. > Mfcf iiflal rtiiri stn < - . , fc Drift nl thiual , Sklr > Qstpn , B'cn-i ' f'n- ! V J S res anil Dlcon , r .r-its vnivin'i. . > ( OTsr e p-'B r - tcrflrfM' ' t- c1 j s cfl4 * jiatt ' ct > "i-np i iv ! , rti'itti iw.r , % nnlco to lit toclilj "crai'tt = iHi' . of 13m , i \ , t orb. . M. . \ Positive Wrlttun fiuorantes f\r \ t In ill conDIc ! ! - V M-lt itcttcF/nf > i7 mphet ! , AnKliili * r H'rjoan :1 PWit , t'l * -rlblnc i)0f ! n rli > aii'i , . ici .v. or fsin Jt. , > Jj.'fcji GUIDE ; ; i : tr . ' " K > 'tt f < vi t r James Helical Institute f Chartered by tlicStatcofllll- ynois for thccxpress purpose ( of givlnnimmcdiate relielin . .nil chronic , urinary and pri- svate diseases. Gonorrhcca , , Gleet andSyphilis In all tliclr complicated forms , also all diseases of the Sliln and Bloodpromptly rclievednnd permoncntlycurcd by rcmc- . diestcstcdln n Forty Years . - . f > ] > cfti I J'racl Ice. Seminal weakness , Night Lasses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , jiusUlvtIuctircil.Tficre Isnutrjicriiiicnlinti , The appropriate remedy is at once used in each case. ConsuItatUns , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mail and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address Dn.JAlYiESNo.204WashinntonSl.Chicagolll. _ _ _ /.few--- , . cfch mp gn , nadta til iununer < Trf II , jini , mm of counterfeit. . Atiyoarcroctf rr drwrp'6 ' f ° * - " - - -iii f. lmeltyD .Ja,3iBItCrKlm.SO.NS. ' . W. WCfPEHMAMM , REMEDYI'liEU. Avictimof loathfulliuncudonco ausing Premature DecBy , NonrousDebility , Lost flunliood , Aa. , hucinc tried in vain every known remedyhas discovered a simple means of self-euro , which ho will Rend FRKI2 to * TM' I'ri'niiiliir' lcclino fromorrorjorcxrcssei , IiHt L'ovvi'l Diseases ot the H idticyn , llliiil- tlcr , nnd I'roNtnto Olnnil C'I'll Hl > without hlnmiicli Meilicinea by tlio Jlarston lloliis. Va- rlroci-menredwithoutsurecry.'J'reatl enndte - ttmonlnlMrri * . AlloorrcsporiilPiirooniilidcntlftl. HAH8TON REMEDY 00 or DR. H. TRESKOW. an v MtKr c. - I have n poaltlvo rouiotly for tlio aborndisease { by Ita IBO tnnasanilsof caueaot the worat Unit unUof fonff Candtnclia\o been cured. InUcoit.hOMtrniiRlfl rnvfaltti nltsolllcncr Hint I u. I BcmlTUO 1OV1F.3 ! HtHH , ogethcr ith n V A lu IItl.iTiliATISi ; ; on this dticiua 7auy BUITerer ( ilvooihreftaulid 1 * O ntldr. ce. int. r. A. bLoc'uM. ' 1811'earlSt. , .Now Yat J&JR. This Invaluable specific readily end porminently urea all kinds o ( Asthma. The most obstinate and mt ; standing caacu i leld procij.tly to Its wonderful iilni ; properties. It la keown throughcut the world r Its unrivaled efllcacy. J U OAtiDWELIj , city rincoln , Neb ; writes , Jan , 1831. Since using Dr. Htlr ri Asthnn euro , for ere thin ono year , ny wlfo IIM been entirely well , nil not oven a symptom ol the dlsoieohaa appeared. BENNETT , lllchlanil , I iwa , write ) Nov. 1. 18 ° 3. I have boon allllctoj with Hay Fuvcr and 6thmi since 1859 I folloival your directions and hippy to oay that I never elept hotter in ray life , am glad that I am among the rainy who can sjicak favorably of your remedies. A M > luiblo : 04 page treatise containing el < nllar proof om every .State In tha U , H , Caniji and Qreat rltaln ; will bo mailed upon application , Any druzglat not having It In stock will procured , order. Ask for Ur. Ilalr a Asthma Cure. UIl 0 XV IIAIK&SUK. Trap's Cin'tl O. > ( THE ONLY KXOEiUfalVB TN OMAHA NJ n , TOR Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is older than est men , and used more and ore every year. ouer 213 South 14th Street , Have a large lis * of inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city. Wo have business property 011 Capitol Avouuo , Dodge , Douglas , Farnam , Hnriioy , Howard , 9th , 10th , 18th and 16th srcets. Wo haVe fine residence property on Fariiam/.Douglas , Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher man , St .Marys niid Park Avenues , in fact on all the bast residence streets. Wo have property in the followmg'ad- ditious. Hawtlioriie- JLalkes , Elizabeth Placol E. 17" . Smith's , ! Hoj/bacli's , Patrick's * Parker's , Gise's , kelson's , Lowe's. Park Place , ' WalnntiffilL West End , Reed's First , % * - BtaCormick's , Kountz & Ruth's , Impr'nt Association Wilcox , Burr Oak , JLsaao & / SeldoH's < Manscoxn's West Omaha , Csraad View , Credit Foncier , founts' First Komrfcz' Second , ; Kounts' Third , ; Kounta' Fourth .i ' Syndicate Hill , rj 9 ls Kevsors Clark Place , Mvers § 5 Bicharda. I And all the other Additions to the City. We nave the agency fo tne syndicate lands in South Omaha. Thes& lots sell from $225 upivarda , and are very desirable property. The Jevelopment of the packing house and othnr interests there , are'l rapidly buildiucj up that portion of the city. Kirkwood. We have a few lots left in Kirkwood addition , which we offer nh low > rices , terms 25 down balance $10 per mouth. These lots are on high level ground and arc detirablo. Hawthorne , This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition icar the best Schools in the city. All the streets 'are boiug put to grade he grades have neon established by the city council , and is very desira- le residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower than idjoinine : additions for a home or investment. These lota cannot bs > eaten. Fen SALE llouso and lot on 21st St. arms. FOR SALE 22 foot on Faruam St. . near 1th St. , $8,000 , Fen SALE Lot InWalaut hill , S200. FOB SALK Lota on 20th , $550 cnch , Fen SALE 22 acres with elegant residence , oed barn , fine trees , elirubery , fruit , hot nnd old water and all conveniences ! fust class roporty in oyory respect. Fou HALK CO foot on Farnam itrnet , near 8th , Good business property cheap , FOB KtNT Koom 41i7Ci 3d floor , on llth reot. FOB SALE House anil lot , 25th and Ohio BO streetsplendid corner , $3,600. FOB SALB-First class business block , 945 , Fen SALE i lot on Whaaton St.i goo house , 81,500. Fen HALK Fine corner lot in Shlnn a addl tlon , $760. FOB SAtK-Lot in MillarPlaoo , pecla barpain. Fen LEASE Finn business property on 10th St. and Ht , Mary'a Avenuo. FOB SALK i lot on Chicago St. , between 13th and 14 , vtflhgood house , $3,000 , - We will furnish conveyance free to any tart of flie city to show property to our friends mdjcnstomers , ami clieerjully f/ive1 informa- ion refartlintOnwlia JProperty , Those who have fatryains to offer o property at a haryain , are invited to see its. Real Estate Agents I13S. 14ilSt. } bet. Farnam Mouirlas