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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1885)
1HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , TUESDAY MOBNING , AUGUfcT 11 , 1885. NO. 45. THE CATTLE CREW. j. . A Prtclamaiioa From Present Cleve land TliGy Woii'l ' Fall in LoyeWith , "Which Orders the Public Domain to Bo Cleared of Those Not Having Actual Titlo. Ulrs. Grunt's Financial Ilcsourccs A , lynalilnjr-IntcrcntliK NOWB From the Wires. OIIOVEU SPEAKS. IN Jl mOCLAJIATIO.V nKKKUniNO TO THE PUDLIO DOMAIN. WASHINGTON , Augmt 10 , The following proclamation by the president was Issued to day : "lly tbo President of the United Stales of Amcric * A Proclamation WhoraaF , 1'ubllo policy demands tbnt the public domain ahull bo reserved for the occu pancy of nctiihl settlers In good faith , and that tbo people who tack homos upon auch domain shall in no wise bo prevented , by any wrongful interference , from tbo sifo and f roe entry thereon to which they may bo on- titlfd ; nnd. Whereas , To secure and maintain this be neficent policy , H statute was passed by the congrus * of the Uoltod States on the 8th day of February In thu year 1S35 , which de clared it to bo unlawful to allow Inclosures of any public lands iu any utato or tonitory to any of which land included within eaid in- cloburca the person , party , association or cor poration making IT contrulllng such incloauro bad no claim or culor of title , inudo or ai quired in good faith , or nn aborted right thereto by or under a claim made in good faith , with n view to entry thereof at tbo proper lard office , and which fttatuto also prohibited any person , by force , thruJte , intimidation , or by any fencing enclo sure , or other unlawful means , from prevent ing or obstructing any person from peaceably entering upon or establishing a settlement or residence on any tract of public land , subject to settlement or entry under the public land laws of the United Scales , and from prevent ing or obetructiag free- passage and transit over or through the punlio lauds ; and Whereas , It is by tbo fifth section of Bald act provided as follows : 'That thu president is hereby authorized to tuko such moans as ehtll bo necessary to remove and destroy any unlawful Inclusure of any of said lands , nnd to employ civil or milita y force as may be necessary for that purpose" ; and Whereas , It has baon brought to my knowledge that unlawful enclosures , niul such as are prohibited by the terms of the aforesaid statute , exist upon the public domain , nnd that actual legal settlement thereon Is pre vented nnd obstructed by such enclosures and by force , throats nnd intimidation , now , therefore , I , Grover Cleveland , president of the United States , do her * by order and direct that any mid every unlawful enclosure of pub lie lands , maintained by any persun , association or corporation , bo Immedi ately removed , and I do hereby forbid any person , ass ciation or corporation from preventing or obstructing , by means of such iuclosures , or by force , threats , or intim idation , any person entitled thereto from peaceably entering ; upon and establishing a settlement or residence ) on any part of such public land , which is subject to entry and eotlletnent under the laws of the United States. And I command and require that each and every ollicer of the United States upon duty , who is legally developed , to cause this order to be obeyed , and all provisions of the act of congress to bo faithfully enforced. In testimony whereof I hava hereunto set my band , and earned the seal of the United States to ba aflixod. Done at Washington this 7th day of August , 1885 , and of tbo Inde pendence of the United States of America the hundrod-and-tenth. one - - . T , 1 ? . BAVAHD , Guovaa OLKVELAND , Sac'y of State President. THE GHA.NT FAMILY. THEin FINANCIAL IIRHOUHCE3 AND FUTURE MOVEMENTS , Special Telegram to The BEE. -New YoiUf , August 10. The Commercial AdvertisefCiis afternoon Bays : The financial resources available to Mrs. Grant at the pres ent are not exactly accertainable , since they nro dependent eomewhat on the action of con- grosi as to the balance of the general's pay for the current year. The profits from the gen- orftl'd book will bo hers. Intimating the re ceipts at seventy-five cents per volume for an edition of 3t 0,010 copies , she will receive $225,000 , or an annual mcomo of 0,001 at 4 per cent. To this will bo probably added $5,000 a year as the WIDOW OF AN KX-l-nKSIIJENT , and the not rental of the Sixty-sixth street houao , which , outside of interest and taxes , may amount to ? - ' COO ; so that in all probabil ity , if as is reported , Mra. Grant has a full llfo intrrest in her husband's property , she will , in the course of twelve mmtlis or en , or joy an income of SIO.OJO or § 10,001) ) . Tnis is all Independent of tint income arising from thu trust fund of $2'O.IOJ. la that turn ot money the general possessed the right of dis position , and until HIS WIL'j 1H MADE I'UULIO It will ba impossible to say whether he has given his wife it life interest or whether he has dUttibuted this money nmonghis heirs , There la a general and growing dissatisfac tion among nuay Grand Army men with the alto selected for Gou , Grant's burial place. Western veterans are opposed , a9 a rule , to Now York as a place ot repose for the illuitrl- 0111 ashes , In regard to his mother's health , Col Grant asid to-day : "My mother is physically very strong and I have uo doubt that in time she will 11KQAIN HSU USUAL HEALTH , She hai been confined unremittingly for a length of time to my fathor'u tick room , If be had not been very strong she would hnvo broken down long ago , I think that with a change of surrounding ; cho will recover rap idly. As to the future plans if the family , I cannot speak very deiinitoly. We shall go bock to Mount McGregor and remain there until fall , when the family must separate , Mrs. Grant will doubtless occupy the house on street. " GEOUGIA. JUSTICE. Ht'XO TO A BAl-THl AND MIDDLED WITH IIULLKTS. Special Telegram to the Chicago Tribune. CUTIIUIIIT , Ga. , August 0 At 4 o'chck this morning 100 innkedmen appeared before the jail at this place and demanded that the jailer surrender Henry Davis , a negro , aged 19 , charced with an outrage. The jtllor re fused , to comply , and tha crowd battered Its way into the j ( l andeecuied Davis in his tell , lie made an effort to rmlit , but several revolvers vers pointed at his head quieted him. Ho was then led to a railroad bridge near by and hanged to a rafter and riddled with bullets before strangulation had ended his life. Friday , Sylvia Knight , aged ulna year * , and her brother , aged ueven loft home with their lunch-basket and books to attend ichooL The father U the Rev. John S. Knight of the Baptist church at Outbbarts uud 11 VIM two miles from the city in tbo coun try. Three-quarters of a mile from homo a nude negro leaped from the buihes by the oadiido and confronted tbo children. With t parley ha leuad tha girl and carried her ntothowo.di , losing her brother standing n the road paralyzed with fear. Havinir ae- complUhod his object the negro fled. The children , both neatly crazed by fear nnd the Ittlo girl covered with bruise * , ran homo and related their experiences to their parent ! . Both testified that the naked negro hatlascaronhis right hip. A body of armed men icoutod the woods nnd eventually captured. Davis , Toe children identified him at sight , and an exam- nation of his body revealed the scar reported jy the little ones. A hundred men surrounded the captive and threatened to tear him limb 'ram limb. The pastor an ! father begged that the law ba allowed to take Its coutse , and as a result of his entreaties Davis was taken .o jail. Last night , however , the indignation lad so Increased that its culmination in this morning's tragedy could not be prevented , THREE HUNCHED LASHES VILLA IKiCA , Ga. , August 0.-Utchard lilmlman , colored , Who WAS guilty of insulting a white woman , wai given 100 lashes by in dignant white citizens. WASHINGTON WAIFS. ' 0 CHANGES IN THK THKA3Unr DirAIlTSIBNT. WASHINGTON , Aug. 10. It is said at the roasury department that there will bo no changes of any consequence in that depart- nent during Secretary Mannitg.s absoncs , Jo is said to have left instructions In regard to filling certain vacancies , including one or , wo chiefs of divisions , nnd making a few minor appointments , but nothing beyond A report that Supervising Architect Boll Is ; o bo nuapcndud In n fuw days ii contradicted in peed authority. Candidates for his place lave all gone home disappointed. CLOSED TO VWITOIW , The White House is now closed tn visitors , and will not be re opened uutil the prosl- lont's return in September , In the incnn- , imo the building is to be overhauled and nade as clean and comfortable as passible. jonsidcrable repairing will have to bo douo , and several improvements in the internal nr- aDgemonts are to be made , The clerical 'orce will remain nn duty during the turn- ner. Assistant Private Secretary Pruden .s in charge. The president will always bo vitliiu telegraphic communication with the White Houie , and will iu that way attend to all matters requiring attention on his part. THE HISUI1BKCTIOO Ol'THK ARMY , WASHINGTON , Aucust 10. The reo mt gen eral order sending officers back to their regi ments after a period of four years on de tached duty , nrovokwi much discussion among ollicors hero. The officers who favor the order eav favoritism is now ended , nnd that officers will not be allowed to remain away fiom their commands ten or fifteen years , that captains who have never seen their companies will now lave nn ooportunity to look at them , and that men who have been on the frontier for almost a score of years will now be permitted to taeto the sweets ol aiiny Ufa. "That1 ; said on officer to-day , "means the resurrection of the army , " TUB GRANT FUMERAti. COMMENTS OP THK LONDON TOEhS , LONDON , August 10. All morning papers to-day publish copious accounts of the funeral of Gen. Grant , All agree that the outpouring of people on the occasion and their deep grief as indicated by the dispatches was something wonderful , The Times has a special dis patch three columns long detailing the scenes rind incidents of the funeral and prints a lead- in ? editorial praising and recalling many per sonal traits of the dead general. It expressed unbounded admiration for the conduct of the American peopld concerning the burial of Gen , Grant and pronouucos tbo funeral a spontaneous outburst of national admiration and gratitude which , although it can do nothing for its actual object , is not therefore lean to be commended. In conclusion the Times says : "No other nation and no former period could have afforded materials for such a procession as that of _ Saturday , or oven the physical conditions which enabled its mem bers to come together , " A. Presidential Pardon. CINCINNATI , August 10. Police Lieutenant Michael Mullln was to-day released from the county jail , a full pardon having arrived from Washington , signed by President Cleveland. Mullln had charge of tha Hammond street police district at tbo presidential election last November , nnd was convicted of having locked up in the station house over one hundred colored men the night be fore the election. They wore de tained until after 6 o'clock p. m , of the following day , when all were released. No charge was entered against any of thpm , Mullen was convicted in the United States court for violation of the federal election laws , and sentenced to ono year's imprisonment , which began January 3 , The pirdon gave as grounds for the action of the president , the general good reputation of the prisoner , the fact that the application was signed by so many first-class citizens , and that Mullen probably misapprehended his duties , and various other reasons. Alilllnora. CIIICACO , III * . , August 10. William 0. Garretion is a milliner of Knoxville , Iowa , and his sister , Llllle P , Garretson , is a milli ner here. Kich of tliam began a suit for $10,009 , damages against Schwjitzer & lieer , State street dealers , to-day , in the su preme court. They claim that on June 23d , 1879 , the defendants caused a levy to be made on jewelry stock , worth $3,000 , and millinery dock , worth $5,100 , to satisfy n judgment for $2 8 and costs. The plaintilfd claim they were damaged by the succeeding sale of their floods , by being deprived of their stores for three weeks , and by soraa alleged injurious statements reflecting on their Integrity. TrontilPA Labor. EAMT SAOINAW , MICH. , August 10. Four mills which suspended operations recently on account of tha strike , started up this morning - ing at eleven hours , with full crews , A. W. Wright's mill started up at ton hours and thirteen per cent reduction of wages. D , S. Chapln'a shingle mill started , but all the men went out agim at ten o'clock. John G , Owen started at cloven hours with part of a crow. Sanbarn & Dill started up Thursday at eleven noun , but this morning the men , on the way to work , were Intercepted by about one hundred strikers , who frightened them off , and the mill did not start , One or two mills will etart to-morrow at eleven hours. Enough to Quarrel About. SAN FBANCISCO , August 10 , A sellout mis understanding Is reported to exist between the outgoing and incoming administration ol the United States tub-treasury in this city regarding the count of money In the vaults , Mr. .Reynolds , the newly-ap pointed Bub.trejturer , ls willing to ac cept a count by weight , but Mr , Spaulding , tha present Incumbent , insists on every piece being counted before the transfer is mado. There are 903,000,10 } In the vaults. To count it all over would take from six to eight months. A decUion from Wash ington on tbo subject is looked for , Th Heathen Uungloo , CHICAGO , August 10 The party of four Chinamen who were arrested last eight and locked up charged with gambling , were all released to-day on payment of a fine of 5 each. U heir attorney said they played bung , lee as a sort of religious diversion and the jui'ga thought ai they probably only played umnng themselves and a imall line would suffice , Failed , NEW YOBK , August 10 , Edward W , San der , dealer m yarns , aisigned to-day , Riving preferences to tha amount of STOR SJFSTUFF. | To Feed the Hniigry anil Satisfy the Apuotite , The Oattle Market Shows AnUp" Ward Turu No Material Ohango iu Grain , The Amount of Grain In SlRht .V Ilovlcw of Marker , XUE STKI3U STOUY , COMING IN SLOW , HOT MEETING A HTEADT MARKET. Special Telegram to The UEK , CHICAGO , August 10. Native fat cattle were rather slow , yet stronger than on either Friday or Saturday , Owing to the light offerings of Texans , low grade natives , cspcc- ally good cow stock , sold substantially bettor , him at any time last week. Texaus wore scarce nnd wore again quoted higher ; there were not over thirty loads on the market. There wore three consignments of western rangers on the market , including a drove shipped by Carpenter & Robinson , ono by Huston & Smith , nnd ono by Clark ISros' The irst were from Montana and the others from Oregon. Feeder trade was dull. Speculators opened lie market with n sharp upward turn of lOc ind thereabouts on mixed and packer ? , but light sort * were only about fie higher. Kougli md common sold nt S110&1.30 , nnd /air to good 84,10@4 00 , with best heavy at $ l.fiO@l7 < > . Hough | > ndl common nkips sold at 81 23 34 40 , nnd good to choice , closely aeaorted , light , of 200 head down , nt S1.GO@4.80. Shipping steers , 1,330 to 1.5U ) Ibj , S35U@5.00j 1,200 to 1,33' ' ) Ibs , S" .lU < a5.50 ; 950 to lUM Ibs , Sl5i@OtO. ) Through Texas cattle 10is.25o higher ; 010 Iba , Sl.00@4.23 : 7t"0 to 000 Ibj , SJ 25@8 'JO ; CCO to 'UO Ibs , § , ) .00@y.CO. Western rangers firmer ; mtlvps and half breeds , SI 25 5'Ji ; cows , S3.5 @ 4.00. Sale ! , 118 Oregon. 1,245 lb * . S490 ; 127 Oregon , 1132 Ibs , $485 : 242 Oregon , 1,144 lbSI9J ; 100 Oregon , 1,117 Ibs. $190 ; 92 MunUna , 1,173 Ibi , SJ75 ; Gl Montana cow * , 1,013 Ibs , $375. Pnsking and diipplnp , 230 to 330 Ibs , $435 4.70 ; light ivelKhts , 13 i ti 170Ibs , Sl.70@i.9J ; 180 to 210 ba , SUOg-l.C3. ( DVltli AND DUEaUV. FITFDL SI'ASSIS AND LIFELESS MAItKETS IN CHICAGO. Special Telegram to The BEE , CUIOAQO , August 10 , There was not much ifo in to day's markotc , all fluctuations being confined to narrow limits through scarcity of outside orders and the non-receipt of any news of a disturbing character , Receipts were moderate ; tha last half hour was the weakest of the session. Wheat opened weak and lower under lusher quotations on British consols , fine weather and the encouraging outlook for crops. There wore almost no buying orders from the out side , and trading was very lilit. Prices re mained at about the < pjninz figure to a frac tion above , there being so little business doing that prices were povernod almost exclusively by tha sale of privileges. Foreign cables were firm , but seemed to have no effect on the market. The whole range was but go. Dispatches to Armour from his northwestern agents reported the general crop outlook decidedly improved and harvest ing operations about three-quarters over with. Through the lightness of outside orders trading was confined largely to the local crowd , none of whom distinguished them selves. No. 2 spring sold at 87c. The chol era scare came in during the last hour , induc ing liberal selling and the breaking of values down to the lowest points of the morning ees- elon. elon.Corn Corn attracted about the usual attention , and in sympathy with other grains during the bulk of the morning session ruled steady at a shade under Friday's closin ? prices. No , 2 oath sold at 17J@47ic. Oats are quiet and Inclined to he slow at a decline of J@jjc from Friday' * quotations. Provisions showed a little more life than on Friday , but wore still quiet. Receipts con tinue heavy , while shipments as a rule in the hog product are light. Durintr the early part of the morning session there was a temporary spasm of weakness induced by like conditions in grains , but a few sizeable purchases soon reacted the market to its former firmness. In the afternoon there was afirm feeling , caused by a good local and southern demand. TKADEll'rt 1-OINTS. TH3 VI6IDLS SDPPLV OF GUAIN. CHICAGO , III. , August 10. Tha following figures are taken from an official statement of the board of trade to be posted on 'change to morrow , showing the amount of grain in nil/lit in the United States and Canada on Satur day , August 8 , and the umount of increase or decrease over the preceding week ; Wheat , 40,779,40'Jj increase , nl7li2 Corn , 42 ; 0,713 ; decroHto , 2(0,250. ( , Oatu , 1,837,480 ; decrease , 22.r.170 Kye , 140,511 : increase , 13,715. Bar- ley. 113,472 ; incraase , 4,599. The amount of grain in store in Chicago on the date nnmed was : Wheat , J4,770.921 ; oorn , 77 , C7 ; oats , 272,611 ; rye , 20,111 ; bar ley , 489 , INQI.IHH CROPS AND MARKETS. LONDON , August 10. The Mark Lane Kx press review of the British gram trade during the past week nays : The average tempera ture has bsen equal to that of the preceding week. There have been thunderstorms In a great part of the Kingdom , and the nights have been cold , these conditions checking a premature ripening of crops. Harvesting' , therefore , hat been slower , Sales of Knglish wheat during the week were 38,170 * quarters at 33a Cd , against 29 TfiS quarters at 378 GJ durinc ; the corresponding week of last year. The trade iu foreign wheat is colorlois. Sellers nro firm , and buyers are few and restricted in their purchases. The demand * for cargoes off the coast have been trival. Nine cargoes arrived. Two cargoes were sold , four wore withdrawn , and five remained , including one California , Thirtyseven cargoes are duo , The market to-day was very quiet. Values of wheat were steady : flour and corn were firm ; barley was quiet ; oats were 3d cheaper ; beans and pens wore Gd cheaper , KLQIN IJUTTBB MARKET , CHICAGO , 111 , , August 10 , Inter-Ocean's FJgin , Illinois , special : On the board of trade to-day butter advanced le over last week's price. Regular sales of 2),720 pounds were made at 21@21jjc , Cheese was dull , the regular sales being (0 boxea of full creams at < ! ; . GENERAL POUE1QN NEWS. RUSSIA iionimNa A BAILROAD , LONDON , August 10 , Russia is hurriedly building a strategical railway to the Austrian frontier. THE CHOLERA. TOULON , August 10 , The sanitary condi tion of this city is excellent , It is not be lieved tha cholera will prevail. MADRID , August 10. There were 4171 new cises of cholera and Gil deatns reported yesterday throughout Spain , PARIS , August 10. Reports from Toulon state that two death ) from cholera occurred there. Several new cases are reported. MADRID , Awuit 10. Granada ii to-day in the meat deplorable condition from ibe result of the ravsgs : of cholera , Tha state of affairs there ii worse than in Naples lust year during the cholnta epidemic theio No doctors are now in Granada Mid the dead bodies of ohol- cra victims lie unburled , , COLLISION of smrs , LONDON , Auaust 10 , At Liverpool list evening thn British bark Cumbrian , from Portland , Oregon , collided with Ilia BrltMi ship Elizabeth Nicholson , from Manito. Both vessels are badly damaged. A RAID ON MISSIONARIES. PAHIS , Augu > t 10. The minister of marina received an official dispatch from Tonquln stating that the Blacklists raided five mis sionary stations , and completely destroyed them , killing many Christians , i'.ight thou sand of the followers of tha missionaries have taken refuge with the French troops , THK QLOOMV. CONDITION OF MARSEILLES , Reports from Manelllos to-day state tha weather is again very warm , and that the cholera In increasing to such an extent that the hospitals have opened for the reception of patients tuffoting from the disease. ENGLISH LEGISLATION , LONDON , August l"i. " The houseoflords agreed to the amendment ) to the criminal bill adopted by tbo house of commons , The housing of the poor bill paused the second reading iu the commons to-night. Sir Charloi pllko spoke in debate , and wasre _ ceived with cheers , Tbo house wont into committee on the land purchase bill , MARSEILLES , August 10 , Thirty-five deaths from Cholera iu this city to-day , LONDON , August 10. The situation in Xan- zibar is ono of gravity. Sir John Kirk , Brit ish consul general at Xanzibar , telegraphs that the Sultan bos appealed to the Knglish fleet for protection , Adimrnl Paschon , com manding the German eq'iadron , presented an ultimatum Saturday , threatening , that his squadron would begin active operations unless the cultan withdrew his forces , who nro levy ing tribute In regions which Germany claims , It is stated tint Lord Salisbury's communica tion will bo hold in aboynnco until England lias time to consider the sultan's appeal , uroiiT aNi > PtEASUun THK TRACK. SARATOGA , N. Y. , August 10. Five fur longs : Red Girl woe , Bella of Louisville second , Mlsa Bowler third. Time , 1:01. Mile and n furlong : Bostio won , Una B second , Valet third , Time , 1:58. : Mile and ICO yards : Arotino won , Farewell second , Fiivor third. Time , 2:15 , Three quarters of n mile : Jim Renwlck won , Strathspey second , Avery third. Time , 1:10. 1:10.Mile Mile and n quarter , over five hurdles : Far- quin won , Ciuy second , Syr&cuso thiid , Time , 2:21. : BRIGHTON BKACH , AuRust 10. Weather delightful. Track excellent. Attendance 3.000. 3.000.Mile Mile Harry MorrU won , Bonnie Leo second end , llotbox third. Time , 1:40. : Three-quarters of a mile For maidens , three-year-olds : Tom Kerns won , Tecumseh second , Niobe third. Time , 1:18 , Sevou-oichths of a mile Weasel won , Whisperine eecand , Montauk third. Time , 1:30. : 1:30.Mile Mile nnd three > eifiths Four-year-olds and upwards : Olivette won , Tattler second , Top- sy third. Time 2:20 : , Mile All ages : Ilighfllght won , Frolic second , Kmcr Fun third. Time ] :42J , Mile and one-eighth : Blue Bell won. Jo- quita second. Jucgo * Griffith third. Time 2:00. : 2:00.MON.MODTH MON.MODTH PARK , August 10. Weather fine , Attendance large. The great event of the day was the defeat with the greatest ease of Mils Woodford , by the western horse , Freeland. He demonstrated his superiority in such a definite way an to leave tbo admirers of the ox-queen of the turf nothing to urge in extenuation. Western man also cairiod oQ the champion stallion stakei with their horse linn-Box , who proved bimcclf incontestably the best two-year-old of the season. Both victories were greeted with the greatest ap plause , Appleby & Johnston were credited with paying 317,00a for Ban-Box after bis vic tory. tory.M.le three-year-olds : Lennox won : La Sylphyde , second , Uazaraa , third. Time , 1:45. : Champion stallion stakes Three-quarters mile for colts nnd filles , two-year-olds : Ben Fox won , Bigonnets second , Precosa third , Time. 1:15 , Mile and half : Freeland won , Miss Wood- ford second , Loulsetto third. Time. 2:26 , Mile and furlong ; Heel and Toe won , Miss Brewster third. Time , lf : > 8 $ . Three-quarters mile ; Slasher won , Exec utor second , Petersburg third. Time , 1:18. Mile and furlong Three year-olds and up wards : Detective won , lleva second , Joe Mitchell third. Time , 2:00 : , Steeplechase Full course : Dunstan won , Jim McGowan tecoud , Auroliau third. Time , 5:17. : 11ASE BALL , NEW YORK , August 10. Chicago , 0 ; Now York , 12 , PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , August 10 , Buffalo , 0 ; PMIaaelphU , ? . I'HILADKLPHIA , Pa , , August 10. Athletics , 9 ; Brooklyns , 10. Failure of an Iron House , NEW YOUK , August 10. 'ihe firm of Km- moua & Roche , iron merchants , assigned to day for the benefit of creditors without ; preferences , A representative of the assignees slated the failure was due tj general depre ciation iu tha iron trade ; that creditors have been pressing the firm and that an attach ment had been placed on tbeir mills In Penn sylvania , It was also slid n junior member of the firm was a grandson of John Ruacb , the ship builder , whose failure had greatly excited the firm'ii creditors. The assets and liabilities are not yet known , Plymouth' * Kami IMn iio , WILKHBARRE , Pa , , August 10. No eoouer had the epidemic ceased raving in the unfor tunate town of Plymouth than it is succeeded by another plague scarcely less terrible , A severe form of dysentery is now prevailent in Plymouth , Kingston nnd vicinity to an alarming - ing extent and is oven moro deadly than the fever. It has always been frequent In Ply mouth nnd neighboring towns during the summer , but never to such an extent , nor in euch fatal a violent form. Over 150 cases are no ir under treatment. A TraROily and Funeral , KEOKDK , Iowa , August 10. A special to the Constitution from Bogard , Mo. , reports a tragedy near that town Saturday evening , The divorced wife of David Marplo was stepping into a buggy with another man who had escorted her to church. Msrple ehot and killed her Instantly and made his etcape to his home , three mllea away. Arriving there and finding no means of escaping further he placed a pistol to his forehead , killing himself instantly. The double funeral occurred San- day Both parties were well known in the county , Onnforunco o BEBLIN , August 10 , The International tele graph conference opened Its sessions to-day. Dr , Stephen , German imperial minister of posts and telegraphs , was chosen president. Toe mass of business which has been placed before tha conference for diicuision will neces sitate a session of from four to six weeks. Tha voting on Bismarck's proposition , to es tablish a uniform tariff for all Kurope on all messages passing from country to country , of four or five cents a word , will be vety close , Canned Salmon Caused DAV2NPORT , la. , August 10. The wife and three children of Joseph IloHam were poi soned this morning by eating canned salmon , Ills Duty Dnno , WASHINGTON , August 10. Major William P , Gould , of the department of th army , has bcoa placed ou the retired (1st. ( SOUTHERN SEAS. And liic OprlnDily For AMICSD Commerce Reports of tlio Commission to Visit Southern and Uon- tral America. No OlinnRcs to Bo Made During Secre tary Manning's Abienco Gen eral Washington Now * , TDK COMMISSION'S KEI'OIIT. OV THEIR LADOR IN THU IKTKUKST 01' AMERICAN COM1IKRCK. WASHINGTON , August 10. The commission appointed to visit Central and Southern America in the interest of commerce between tboso countries and the United States , has made a report on their ritit to.l ouador , Ven ezuela and Guateintla , No reports on the visit to Brazil and Argentina Kepublic have been submitted , and it is understood that none will bo made , The early return of the commisfiion to Washington was made nt tele graphic request of Sscrutnry Uayard , who nskod the members to be nt homo by July 1st last. TUB COMMISSION'SAYS it found the president of Ecuador rather dis inclined to a reciprocity treaty , because- his government needed revenues from imports , and because other countries buy moro goods from Kcuador than the United State ; , which In that respect stands fifth. The tariff of Ecuador was to bo rovlicd soon , however , and ho would suggest a reduction in the duly on keroseno. _ In regard to the adoption of com mon silver coin for the Central and South American States and the United Ktetep , ho said his country win not working in its silver mines and had no silver to coin. Ho favored n commercial congress of the countries men tioned , and went to siy that ono nf the great obstacles to commerce with the United States .a mail I'limaiiT CHAUQES , the carrying trade being prac'.ically a monopoly , and intimated that it the United States would establish n line of coasters with equitable charges , no other coast vessels would be allowed to trade al the potts of Euador. The cainmisoion found that a treaty with Spain , Ecuador's largoa cuitomer , was being negotiated. The commission believes that by the exercise of proper methods the United States can gain a practical control of the trade of this country. The commission reports that it was received by the TREHIDKNT AT VENK/DELA and hfa cabinet , and its suggestions wore re ceived as matters of much importance ) but that the Vcnczullau congress was soon to convene , and ho desired not to ba hampered by promises : but he paid ho would soon com municate with the United States government on the subjects refflrred to. In addition Gen. Blauci was In KuropQ for the purpose of negotiating treaties. In the report on results of the VISIT TOaACTHJULA is embodied a communication from the minister of foreign relations , in relation to memoran dum of the points for consideration fubmitted by commission It conncludes as follows : "The the government of Guatemala is thoroughlycon- vinced of the necessity of a more intimate re lation between the United States and it , and accepts gladly the manifestation made to it of tbe ( ledM of the United States to lend its moral influence , in case of necessity , to pre vent European interference in American of- fairs and considers that such influence and at titude will be very important and beneficial , " The government of Guatemala is disposed to arrange , and it has already taken some steps towards it , a treatyof reciprocity , drawn so as to produce the OHEATEST PO.SinLE BENEFIT to the greater possible number of inhabitants of both countries , according to the terms pro posed in the memoranda , but reserves the privilege of hereafter stating in detail the nrticloj to ba Included on both sides , provided that among those articles produced by Guate mala , to be received into tbo United States , sugar shall be included. The letter adds that Guatemala favors n common silver coin of tbe value of n gold dollar ; that tbe nation would gladly join an international congress , and con cludes by saving that a consolidation of thefivo Central American states would prove of great commercial advantage all arcund. BRITISH TRADE ; . THE INQUIRY INTO THE CACHE OP ITS DEPRES SION. LONDON , August 10. Lord Iddoslcigb , first lord of the treasury , moved in the house of lore's this afternoon that the peers approve the proposed appointment of a commission to innuira into the rauees of the present depres sion in British trade. Ho said the proposed commission Intended to ascertain , if possible , what were tbo actual facts roepectlng the depression , and to Inquire into the causes of it , and report its findings to parlia ment without formulating a trade policy , The commission would be com- posoa of men the best able to make the desired Inquiries , There has been preat com plaint concerning the depression in British trade in recent years , and ho hoped the lords would sanction the appointment ot a commis- tlon , Earl GranvIIla opposed the appointment of the proposed commission , reiterating bin ut.Utt ment that by appointing it the Rovernmeu f would encourage the public into n false belie- that , parliament could by leg islation , remedy the evil com plained of. The personnel of the commission on depression In trade indicates beforehand that the inquiry would bo a failure , Tbo only members veraod inthonubjeots of Inquiry are Prof. Price , and Mr , Uicks-Gibbs , of the Hank of Eugland , Goechon , Childors , Sir Thomas Drasaey , and a number of the renre seutatlvo bankers of London , and every emi nent economist in England was naked to sit on the cammiaiton but refused The result is a group of no-bodioa , the majority of whom are conservatives. AN ABUNDANT YIELD. BO HAY THE HTATI8TICIANB Of THE AGRICUL TURAL DKl'ARTilENT , WASHINOION , August 10 , The returns nf the department of agriculture make a slight improvement of the condition of cotton on the firit of August , the general average being 'JCJ , a point only once exceeded In Augujt re turns of the ton years , Iu 1880 and then only , South Carolina and Alabama oicoeded the present figures. COBN , This crop has mode an improvement since the last report , The average stands four points lower than tha standard of fall condi tion , and indicates a yield , with seasonable moisture and favoring temperature hereafter , of twenty-ilx to twenty-seven bushels per acre , The average for August of 18 U was the came , but fell three points during the sixty days following , when the yield was twenty-six buiheli. In 1870 tlio average for August was 90 , and the ultimate yield , as re ported by the census , was 28 bushels. Tbe baa been " points in New York , 3 In Virginia , North Carolina 1 , Georgia 2 , Ala bama 1 , Michigan 5 , IllinoisI , Missouri 2 , Kansas 7 , Nebraska 3 , and Iowa ! ) , There has been a slight decline In Penn sylvania , South Carolina , Tennessee , Texas , Kentucky , Ohio , and Indiana , la corn sur plus states the averages are : Ohio 'M , Indi ana 95 , Illinois 01 , Iowa 101 , Nebra.ka 100 , Missouri Ml , Kansas 03. Correspondent * report drouth In iom9l lilacs * , fin PXCSIS of rain In others , but well Iralncd and deeply uiHiv t 'l ' land hai suf fered little from driuth. The prospect li s nut been exceeded ilnce 1SSO , WHEAT. The molit and hot wrathcr following the 15th of July has cauicd some damage to spring wheat In the northwest , mainly In Wisconsin nnd Minnesota. While generally noticed , its t fleets are variously repotted , prominent counties returning from ICO down to 85 , and Iu few ctaes down to CO , nnd to 48 In the caio of Pierce county Witconsin. Most of the great wbrat counties in Minneso- ft report the average frdiu 75 to 00 , though Dodge returns only 69 , some of loss impor- nnco make an average of 100. The re duction ia prospective yield is greatest In Minnesota , amounting to ! ) points , The de cline it C In Wisconsin Iu Iowa and 1 in D.ikotx There is nn increase In other terri tories and in Now England. The average de cline isI poinU , and indicates a reduction of > > , CCO,0U0 bushels from expectations on the first of July , No reports concerning the result of the threshing of winter whnat are received , ex cept In the south. In Texas tko outcjrao is greater thnn was expected , aud higher rated of yield nro reported. OTHER cuor.x. Tim average for oats declined from 07 to 03 wheat Is four points higher than iu Augast of last } ear. Rye avoragba Ot , showing continued im provements since tbe first of Juno. Barley stands as In lust report nt 02 , which indicates about uu average crop for any series of live or ton years. There i ) an Increase in the area of buck wheat , aud it * condition averages ! )5. ) A medium crop of hay is assured by an av erage of 03. Tobaccos mnko n general average of 01. The average of potatoes is 05 against 07 last month. ' .A ho Wonllicr. WASHINGTON , August 10. For the upper Mississippi valley , generally fair weather , except In the extreme northern portion , Local rains and poutherly winds becoming variable , ( light rite , followed by slight fall iu imperative , Kor thu Missouri valley , local raina in uorthery portions , fnlr wt-ttther in southern [ lortion , southerly winds , becoming variable , lower temperature , 7110 Nebraska I'lnii. MADISON , Ms. , August 10. The row high icouso law of Wisconsin , increasing thu min imum rate of saloon license from $75 to $ 200 , las now baou in force throe months , and re turns from 100 towns in the state thow that the aggregate number of saloons has been diminished by7C ; thit the aggregate amount of annual revenue is $2LJ,000 ! greater than last year ; and that saloons generally are under jettor regulation. A. Big UfulurtnklnR' , Auerust 10. Rev. W. I { . Coo- vert , of this city , paitor of the church of God , will leave for Now York on Thursday for the purpose of commencing proceedings looking to tbo recovery of the Harlem commons in that city. Ho rays that he has discovered Facts which enow that the Coovort family urn the rightful heirs , and he is sanguine that tbo claims will bo established. CHICAGO , August 10. A Daily News Shel- jyville special says : To-day a bridge over N bio's creek gave way under the weight of i farm engine drawn by n pair of horses. The machine , horses and driver , Noah Kriea- uer , and his companion. John Selferth. were precipitated tn the creek-bed below , the men falling benexth thomachinery , lioth-mon and horses were killed. Tlio Jury Disagreed. Special Telegram to The BEI. COLKIIIDGK , Neb. , August 10. The trial of the Coleridge rioter * ended yesterday. The jury disagreed , five for the defendants , ono for the compluinnnts. The court dismissed the case for want ol proper causu , Suits for malicious prosecution are to ba commenced forthwith. Tim Grant Family. NEW YORK , August 10. Members of the Grant family left the Fifth Avenno hotel this morning and went to the Grand Central de pot and took the train for Mt. McGregor , Hog Cholera In Ganntla. WINDSOR , Ont. , August 10. Tha herds of swine in South Eisox are being decimated by hog cholera. The disease is resisting all at tempts to arrest its ravages , TRUlSUKAfH NOIE3. A stock of hfinp ju'a and cordogo in the upper floors of 35 and I'O , Lewis warf , Boston , waa burned this afternoon. Lose heavy. Mrs. Frankia Morrip , who was yesterday found cuilty of the murder of her mother , at Erie , Kansas , was married last ovcnlnc to Harvey D. Copeland , of Wichita. Memorial eervlcp , attended by members of the various colored churches of the city , wore held to-night in Mount Olivett Baptist church on west Fifty-third street , Now York. The edifice wax crowded , and icsolutiona were pushed. Reverend T , McCourts Steward of Liberia college , West Africa , delivered an tulogistio add ) ess , CIDAR RAPIDS , Iowa , August 10. The First Iowa regiment hold their second reunion hero to-day , Ono hundred veterans wore present , A great time WAI had , O dicers were elected M follows : President , A. Y , McDonald : vice-president , G , U. Ballou ; treasurer , Gen. Stone. The next reunion will bo hold in Davenport. Tlio Growth of Cities , Cleveland Leader. It U a great mlfltako to anppoao that the rapid growth of cltloa IB confined to the newer portions of the United States. The conaua-tftking In Wiicoiisln end New Jersey , for example , shown that .tho . Increase - crease In population in cities of the 1 alter State has boon nearly as great slnco 1880 aa in the fnninr. Milwaukee has moved up from 115,000 , but Joruey Olty , now the largest city in Now Joraey , has risen from 120,722 to 153,203. , Oahkoth , the second city ia Wisconsin , counted 15- , 748 people In 1880 and now haa 21,947 , a gain of over 40 per cent. , hat Fond du Lia bad 13,004 people in 1880 and finds only 12 081 now. lltclno shows a gIn of about 22 per cent , Madison of 17 per cent , , and Eiu Clalro tha phenomenal in cream of 114 per cant. These ate fair representatives of Wisconsin cities. The much larger cities of Now Joraey ehow fine galnt. Patoraon has increased 11- , 200 on a former population of 51,000 , or about 22 per cent , , and Oimdon has 52 , 887 inhaditanta agalnit 41,05 ! ) five years BKO. a gain of more than ono fourth. Hobaken olio has added 25 per coot , and Passalc moro than that proportion. Atlantic City's ' gain is over 45 per cent , and tno old city of Perth Amboy , wlicse charter antedates that of New York by a day , has fonnd new life and risen from 4.808 to 0,311 , n gain of about SO per cent. It ianot in thu cities but ia the hamlets and farmltg districts that the West is outstripping the Eiat , Now York city is adding moro poiplo each year than any city in tbe country , and Boston la donbtloia steadily tunning away from St , Louis. TheGita Olty Ileatinrant gives the I best meals for the money in the city. PRELLER'S BUTCHER Arrives in San Francisco in Chaw of OflMrs , So Eefuses to Speak of His Orimo A Leav < mworth Blnzo , HE IS RK1CRNED TO ANSWER fOR HIS CRIMt , SAN FRANCISCO. August 10. The steamer /.elandia is reported four miles out , nnd will 10 In at 11 o'clock. Maxwell , the alleged St , Ijouts murderer , ii supposed to bo on board , Later The steamer Xs.tlandl arrived in at LI a. m. with Mwoll aboard In charge of officers. Maxxvoll positively rcfmns to maka any itatement respecting the crime with which bo s charged , cajlng no had been strenuously idvlsod by his counsel before leaving Auck- mid not tn open his mouth except to put food nto It Ho looks well and cheerful , and says 10 never felt bolter in his Ufa , Tiio ulliccrs are equally reticent , nnd declined tn discuss .ho subject of tlio crimn or Maxwell'ii rup- > oeod connection therewith. Ho will betaken last to-morrow , HK RKKCSKS TO Ht'KAK. On thopaabage fioin Auckland , Mavwell was mtnaclod nt night , acd two detectives kept FIX hour watcbes over him both day and night , Uu maintained perfect ease during , lie entire trip of twonty-ono days , never giving the dutectlyes the shghtrst trouble , fwo carriages were in waiting at the stonier luidinp , and the detectives , with Maxwell , were driven to the city prison , where the irleor.erlll ramaiu uutil hi * departure to morrow afternoon. When accosted in parson ho caid bis name was Dauguior ; tint HK WAS A KRNCHMAN , i unlive of P.irU , nged thirty-four. Ho nc- : nowlediod having known Prellor , but beyond - yond this refused to say more , repeating what 10 bad movioinly stld , that his attorneys in Now Zealand cautioned him about say- ng anything of the crime with wlrcli lie was charged. l'x-1'ollco Surgeon Clarke , who came up at that moment , naked him him if ho ppoku French , lie replied ho spoke the patcis of northern Prancii. Dr. CUrka said he WM familiar nltb that patoin , whereupon Maxwell sud denly checked him iclf and refused to further continue the conversutirn , Capt , Lees , chief of the city detective * , nnd who mainly worked ip the evidence againnt Maxwell , when the .utter passed through this city last April , ( ays the prisoner is a Scotchman with an astumed accent. The detectives , at the suggestion of 3apt. Les , provided Maxwell with clean clothing preparatory to HAVING HIM 1'HOTOanAriIED. When bo had finished his toilet ho looked moro like the description published thnn ho did when ho came over the ehip'rf Hide. The city prison is surrounded by a crowd eager to glance nt the notorious piisoner. AN OAT ME Ah BIjA'/E CACSKS HHIUOUM DAMAGE AND LOSS Or LIl'E. LKAVENWOBTH , Kan , August 10. A fire jroko out at half past G o'clock this evening in ho North & Co. large oatmeal mill , corner of Main and Delaware street ? , and the entire uuilding and its contents were destroyed Lois $75,000 , fully insured , Catlin & Knox'a wholesale boot and shoe etora adjoining waa partially bilned , ! and Mjadly damage ! by water. Their loea la about 5580,000 ; insured. The Daily Times building was in- jurcd by having its roof partially burned oil nud by water. LOBS to payer , typ , etc. , about $2,009 ; insured. During the lira the Main street wall of the oatmeal mill was blown outward by n loud explosion , and eovtral persons were injured. Among them were Aug. Metier , head nnd arirH bidly cut ; Foran , a fireman , leg broken ; John Mc- D inald , head cut nnd badly bruleed ; J. O'Donncll , shoulder-blade broken ; Willis Scbroeder , foot crushed ; B. Springer , wrist cut and badly burned ; Henry Miller , leg broken. It is thought there are others under the debris , but at 10 o'clock no bodies have boon f ouud , It is thought the fire was caused by an explosion of dust In the mills. The fire department from Fort Leavenworth volunteered assistance , nnd made the run of three miles In ten minutes. Col. Campbell , chief quartermaster of tbo department of the Missouri , rode on the machine. The firemen did excellent work. The body of a man about twenty-one years of age was found shortly b < fore midnight , and taken tn police headquarters for identifica tion. It Is feared thus thoru nro yet others in the ruins. The contents of the postolfico , ad joining tha Times building , were removed during the fire , but have since been returned. A SninnloVldoriuaa of St Louis Globe-Democrat. Oalcigohas jask boon hnvin. ? a little row over the attempted removal of ono of ita pollco juitioua , n ganilomau niraod Fonto. It would appear that the uldar- inen of that delect able city entertained the belief that the principal function of a pollco juttlco was to show leniency to any friends whom they might regard as fit subjects for judicial clemency. Mr. Footo objected to this view of hla func tions and kicked against any aldcnnaulo dictation. Thereupon the question of bin removal wna taken up , and It Beamed that ho is doomed to vacate his Boat to make roam for a moro uubservlout tool. In re taliation Mr. Footo has caused to be pub- liibcd copies of a ecoro or moro lottont rocolvcd from aldurmen dotnnudlng fa vors , nt tbo game time IntlmaUng that thcro are many morv such ready to bo produced when required. Thn letters era Icstrnctiye In two WAVB first aa ahowlcg tlio kind of inllannco that works upon Chicago jnatico , and , aeoond , as curving to indicate the degree of education con sidered requisite for election to a Chicago aldernunstilp. The following are fair examples of many : CHICAGO , May 0 , 188J His oner , pster Foote : Dear > I ug , There Has lielngs a young liny of Thn Name of george nndorsan Fined ! To Day $30 lie came llore A few Days ago and Did No know The penlltry for filing of a Itevo.ver , Could Do anney Thing for him & . oblige Mo , ALI > r , HANDKICH. CHICAGO , August 20 , 1881. .Tudpe Foot : Sir The Bearer Mr , John MoWiro Was ar rested on A Warrant lly Some Jewea Ho Sayea He only called Him Christ Killer Ho was selling Hoots & shoes for 40 Cents A Pair Ho said Ho Could Not Sell 1 hem for Shat except Tha Stole Them iu fn Do What you Cau in The Matter Yours Truly P. SANDEHH. Struck a Hook , LOUISVILLE , Ky , , August 10 , Tha tow boat Albert S , Willis eunk this morning In the Ohio river about one mile below Stevens- port , She struck on a sunken rock und could not bo saved , The Willis was owdcd. by Oapt. Pink Vurble , of this city. Try Ed. Kupplg'u now meat market , 80-1 N , 10th straot. Lowest prlcoa. Wanted. Two fust class retail ehoo salosmtn. None need apply but thoio haying the beet of references and steady , temperate men. A. D , MOUSE. "A child cm buy as cheap as a man , " In tnio In the Homo Fire of Omaha