Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1885, Page 7, Image 7
THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , AtiGUST 10 1885. THE OHEABEST PLAOE IN OMAHA TO BUY uil&KNMIlT Quo of ho Best and Largest Stocks in the United State * To Select From.1 NO STMSS TO OLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENQEE ELEVATOR To trlHul nwAy tliclr yoiitlifnlKnr \ nml power , -whoar * iniTcrinirrrntti Icrrlhlu DUA1N8 mid JOH.S JiS , Mlio nrciTcnk IMt' < > nNTanil unlit for inarrlnRO. MEN ofallagos. who find tholr POWER nniUltnlliy , nurxo0. ! ! ! ! ! 'SEXUAi bniENOTIl wcnkcncd , to early liiblia or HXCKSSES. ci i . rcchu aioiltlv ana lantln OU It I' , NO nutter < il liow loiit .i.Tiidlnt ; tlio etisonmy bo. or wli lias ijllLit to mro.tiy a fcwwceVs or months n o i * the celebrate Athnrnc-witlioiitoxiiniiira fVIYRTLEAIN , InLHSa TREATMENT time , and for 1.KSS money tlia nny other method Inthownrlil.'c&t \ back , licadaclic , EMISSIONS lAMltnde , loMnf spirits and thoughts , il r o ad u dreams , dofucthu lucrunry , IMPOTKNCU , nist Imiioillmi-nls t niiirrlapn , nuil tunny other synililoins leading to CONUUMITION o INSAMTV , nru promptly rcuiuvcd b ) this trtattuuut , and TlRorou nianliooJ rcsloieil. Married Men , or those w7to intend to marry . perfect scxinl Btremrtli means , licnhli , vljrorons off Eprlnp , long llfo and trie love anil retpect of a r.illlirul niro. Weak inciiiilioiilil bu restored to vlcor . Jmnhond before narrlaRC I'roof.i. trhtlinnnliilH nnd lalimlile I o , ' . ' etiimps. oa8tab.l877QAddrc88 The Climax Medical Co , 5O4 , St. Louis , EVlo aiy DEALERS IN FIRE AND BtTBGLAB PEOOF The New York PIiUMBIMG CO'T. 553 Broadwav ; Council Bluffs , Io wa * SAMITARY ENGINEERSPUB- LIC and PRIVATE SYSTEMS of SEW ERAGE , WATER WORKS and VEN TILATION design ed and constructed. PLUMBING work in all its branches. This eomimnv have one of the best assort ed stocks ot plumb ing goods in the west. Estimates furnish ed. H. Birkinbine > Manao-er. NEW YORK , PLUMBING CO'Y 552 BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS Telephone No , TO * BALI BT S.A. PIERCE,1 100 Main at. , Council UlufTa He tall Iloot and Shoe Btoro where big bargains can Jwayi bo found. T1I03 , omt'Klt. \V , JIM FC-SB Office & Pusev. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC liOKton , MiiDM. , OI.Ii.ST : In .Mnorlcd ] Larct'ot mill lliktliuuliiix'illntliuVOKI.Dluuiiutruit' rn , 11)71 hludeius mi soar , 'lliurutUi IiutnictiouIn A ocul and Iiittruiucntal iliulc , llanu uud Organ 'fun * ln . I'liie Aril , Oratory , 1-ltiralure , frcnrh , Ueroian , mill Ilillati I.iuiil4i'i' . l.ti lUli llrenclici , ( IMIIIKUII 1 , etc , 'lultloti.f&lu tw bujrd und ruoui , i4i tu $ ; i iKTtcriu. riill'lVrmU'uiiiabeuumtKrlo. It * 1. j-or 1 ill ill lutjr. iiInit ; full nil iroiai > m. aii.lreii , ' J. L. No. 607 Brond-iray OonncH Blaffi COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following HO the tlmen of the nrrlvM tad de. ptiture of trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Irilna leave transfer depot tea mln- atag earlier and arrive ten minutes later. DRPART. ARIUVn. IUICAOO and HominnuiTS&a. BUS A u Mall nnd Kiprcsa 0:50'r : M 12:40 : p M Accommodation 4:60 : p H 6SO : r u Express 9:05 : A H CBIOAOO ADD tOCK 1SLAHD. 9:25 : A X Mall and Express 0:63 : r u 7:25 A it Accommodation 6:16 : p H 6:30 : P it Express 8:00 : A B GmOASO , UILWAURSO UD CT. rATJIi. 0:20 : 'A u Mall and Express 6:50 : p u 6:25 : P 11 Express 0:05 : AH crnrjAoo. BUBUnaros AITD QDIXCT. 8:60 : A Mill and Expresj 7:10 : p H 3D r Ao 0001111 odatlon 2:00 : p M 45 P tXprjdj S:50A : M ET. LOUIS ABD FACIKO. 2:15 : F M Local Si. Loula Express Local 1 8:00 : r u Transfer " " Transfer 8:20 : p u 1C er. ; oi AKD ooracii num. lO.O" ) A M Mall and Express 6:40 : F u 8:15 : r u Express 8:55 : A M RODS CITT AND PACIFIC. 7:20 : A H Hall for Sioux City 0:60 : P u 7:80 : p u Express for St Paul 8:25 : A M UNION PA61FIC , 11:00 : A M Dinvor Express 45 : p M 1:05 : p H Lincoln Pats O'a & K V 2:85 : p M 7:55 : p u Overland Jfxpreea 8:20 : A U DUMMY THAI.N3 TO OMAHA. " Leave Council fffiuHa 0:65 : 7:65 : 8:30 : 10:88 11:40 : a. m. lSO : 2:30-8:30 : : 4:28 : 5:26 : 8:25 11:45 : p. m. Learo Omaha 0:25 : 7:25 sEO : 10 11:15 : a. m , 12:60 : 2:00 : 3oo : ioo : 1:65 : 6:65 : NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEN DANTS , To El'ziboth ' Lybrook , Jane Lj brook , William Cunningham , Asbury Cunningham , Charles Cun ningham , Orrln Cumdnghim , Ittbooca Cunningham , John Charles , William Charles. Elizabeth 1'ipcr , Carolioo Cool , James Charles , entries Bobbin : , /I Ha Hobb ns , Ida Hobblns , Kcrchebal Itobbln ; , Urnla C. Uobblne , and Frink Cunningham. Vouarohcr4byriDtlflcdthatonthoSldryofJulyl835 Jamoi Cunningham by hlaattornojs filed his po'l- i tlon In the Uljtrlct Court for DougliB County , Ne braska , sitting at Omahi , In salJ Oil nty and Stito , against you as dcfcnilant.s ; the objcr' , and prayer of eald petition being that certain h'ids shall lie eold and a partition made of the proceeds among tbo persons In interest , said laldi Doing those formerly belonging to kradiaJn Cunn'ngham ' , clccoifod , and tltuitoil In the olty cf Omaha , Donjlas County Nob. , and cophUilog of tlio ftillrnrlog parcels , to wit : 1. The East cne-h : i of lot two (5) ( ) , Block tlnctj- cue ( Jl ) In the ci'ir tOniabn. 2. 'lhemlidli'tw.nty-t o(22)teotof ( ) the Sout'n line-half ot lot ouo ( I ) , Block Illty-four (51) ( ) Iu tro city of Omaha , 3. A parcel of ground known for purpoieaoj tax- atlo i as lot twtntj fcur (24)In ( ) the South-west quir- ter o ! thu Soiitb.ojst < | U9itcr i f cctlan sixteen (10) ( ) , lowmhlp fifteen (16) ( ) orth of Huge thirteen (13) ) , ca.t of tbo sixth principal meridliu. Vou are requlrol to epp-ar anl answer said pe tition by the 14th day ol Sept. USS. H. D. KHrAiiBooit .t Wa. S. CCHTH , Ausr-B-10-17. m. id. fhlntltt'o Attorncjs. ririV * JOHN G , JACOBS. At the old aland ] 417 Firnam St. Orders by tele graph solicited an Jjpromptly attended to , Telephone 0. 225. IhaTaapoiltl oreiiieuyri.rtlio . boreill 1 ! iibTlt ; m thimitniliorcaieiul Ilia wont klnilaudo onir JtaaJlnuliavolieeiicutcJ. InJffil , ( uitrmiBli nirfnllS lattnelllc.ry.lhpit I ll , i.nclTM'o ' Horri.tS Htlja tojtetherwltri u V.t I.ITAUI.K fltEAl I8K oil 111 I , dlMMD r. dUueiiiroumid IO.uddr , u . T. > . tiLoaim.m i-e.rtst. , h. y t Plattsmouth , Neb. Brco 11 of thoroughbred and high grade Herelo d and Jersey Oattle , And Dnroc and Jersey Red Bwinn , Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. ErUnger , , . , . . . .liavarla I Culmbachtr IHvarla Pilsner. . , . . , , llohemlan Kaiser , . .Bremen D01IK3TIO. Dudwelscr. . . . , St , Louis I Auhauser St. Louts Best's . . , .lfllwaukee | Sclditi.l1 Isncr.lllKaukoo Krug'i Omaha | Ale , 1'ortcr , Domeatlo and ithliie Wines. ED MAUEEE , 1213 Farnam St , XilM FQODjf s Keep ili Clilldroii In UiKid H ) Hli. ' H jour child has any sjmptoms of iljtcntcri or cc any trublo cf the Inn cU ' ' c , i niiiierico llld.'e' * l'oo.l ai a dia without dclav I nk-sa the truublu bu become ( chronic , requiring mcdlc"laidtt\ corieit Ihodllli cult } ; mid , as a dietetic Iu luknvM , It h [ naluablo. . mum iiiui flnfants Iovalids. A TICKET OF LEAVE , Victoria's Niecs in Bloefl a Confessed Murderess , After Twenty Years' ' Imprison ment She is Released Under Surveillance i Ono of the Most llcninrkuDIo Crimes Ever Recorded. St. Louis Qlobo-Democrftt. A llttlo item of news bronght by cable - blo , revives the memory of ono of the moat remarkable crimes recorded In the history of English trials. The Item ran to the effect that Constance Kent , con victed twenty-five years ago of the llosdo murder , ghad received a ticket of lo vc. The woman thus briefly mention ed was at the time of the commission of the crime n young girl of fifteenor thoio abonts , and the victim was her throe- year-old half-brother , Arthur Kont. The event acquired unusual prominence ow ing to the relationship all the parties Im mediately concerned bore to the queon. William Kent , the father of Constance and of the murdered child , wan n goutlo- mm of private fortune living nt a place called Roadc. Ho was Bald to bo and the statement was never contradicted an Illegitimate son of the dnku of Kent , fourth ( ion ol George III and father of Queen Victoria , and his private fortune was ouppoted to .have como from thla royal source. Mr. Kent was a gentle man of quiet and cultivated tastes , enjoying - joying a life of lettered ease. Hh firot wife , mother of Constance , having died when she , the oldeot of her children , was abont ten 01 eleven years of ago , ho em ployed a lady of education as governess jnd ouperlnteudent of his family. This lady ho married , and by her had n son , young Arthur. All seemed happy in the Kent family , though the eldest daughter , uonstanco , was occasionally subject to fits of moodiness for which eho assigned no reason , Early ono Sunday morning In summer iho nurse girlwhoeo name is not recalled , alarmed the sleeping household with her outcries. She had awakened to find her young charge , little Arthur , who slept In > cot by her bedside , lying dead , hia broat cut from ear to ear. The horror- trlckon [ parents at once cent for assistance. The pallca and the aroner wore promptly on the spot , nd investigations commenced. It nan hen noticed that though there wore TRACES OF BLOOD ON THE BLANKET n which the child lay , there was no aat- uratlon such as would have been the case lad the murder been committed while 10 lay deeping. Further examination ovealcd the fact that the child had boon aken to a water closet In the house , and hat thcro the butchery had been per- ; ormed. A carving kalfo , sharpened al most to a razor odgu , waa alto found with races of blood upon it. O : course , all thess circumstances landed to fasten suspicion on the anfor- nnato uurso glclfor [ who else could have arried the child to the scone of the murder without causing him to make rI rS omo outcry ? At the time of the alarm I icing given It was shown that everyone 0 ileo In the house was sleeping peacefully , Deluding Constance , against whom HUB- C ilclon was not onca directed. An at- , empt waa also made to fasten suspicion n Mr. Koat , the unhappy father and 10 whole of England took sides , ono in aver of this , the other In favor of that leory. Finally the testimony clearly ol xonerated Kent , so there waa nothing loft but the conclusion that the corvine u ) waa the gnilty party. It la line that no motive could be ehown for the deed ; that she wan of a moit amiable disposition and a great favorite with all the children , bat there wore the facts. Tha couclu- ilon was Irresistible , and the poor girl : vena thrown into priion to await her trial. trial.Meantime Meantime ) the Kent household wna broken up , the bereaved parents trying to Book relief from Borrow in travel. rr Oonatinco was aent to a sort of conven tual Bchool at' Brighton , on the couth Boast. Thin Bohool was an attachment to high ritualistic Episcopal chuich , the rector of which had established the con fessional aa a psrt of his church disci pline. The tiniu came nigh for the trial : of the Imprisoned nurse girl. Controver sy waxed warmer and higher an the day sot came nearer. When it arrived the papers were full of correspondence on the aubjoct , and all sorts of theories were broached to account for the deed without the intervention of the accused. Vfuloua arrctts wore made , but always without result. Finally the girl was tried and convicted. But the public was not satisfied , and the hems secretary was M peranadod to grant a respite pending turther examination. The case aeemod hopeless , however , nntll ono morning Conatinca Kent , ac companied by ono of the sletera of a > convent school , called on the rector of the church above spoken of , and the two aokci a private audience , Oomtanco HAD COME TO CONFESS , She had evidently already told her ) story to the sister. She then , calmly and lucidly , as the clergyman afterward said , told the whole ttory of the crime. She had deeply resented her father's ' second marriage ; though she had given no outward sign of her resentment. Her anger was still moro heightened when her young half-brother was born. She had studiously concealed thia feeling. But her jealous hate graif .In intonatty as ho grew from infancy into laughing childhood. Gradually hate matured Into ' . design , and she determined to destroy the llttlo fellow. Providing herself with the sharpened knife , shortly after dawn she had slipped Into the nursery bed room. Stooping over the cot eho awoke the child with a kits , and , wrapping him ' in the blanket , carried him with her to tbo closet. Hero the knife was need in such a way that the flowing blood wont down the pipe. When llfo was extinct and the blood had ceased to How Bho gehtly returned to the nursery , replaced o the little corpse In its cot wiped and restored the knife to js place In the kitchen , and tboa went to bed and to sleep. Ono can Iin- glno the horror and esoUement this wfol confaaeion created. Thousands re used to believe It , saying the girl was emented , and pointing to a supposed hereditary trait of Insanity which had otno to her from hergrandfatherQeorgo II , , as an argument. She was , howev- r , tried , and not only maintained the ruth of her confession , but painted out orrobor&tlng cliouuistanoja which had scaped the attention of the police. Of , o onrso aho w a convicted , and the other poor girl pardoned for the crlma she hail never committed. Then Ooustanca waa entenced to death , but Interest was made In f vor of a commutation. Her outh and boonty pleaded strongly for er , BO did a certain feeling that , while confession was cloar'y proven not to have resulted from Inherent Insanity , the deed Ittolf might have dono. 11 or sentence WBB commuted to penal servitude for life , and good behavior brought the ticket of lenvo mentioned In yesterday's paper. A niece in blood , though not by marriage , of the queen , she has spent all the best years of her llfo In a convict prison. Pat such n story in n novel , and what critic would not tcont it ns too abinrd for any thing ? . ' When St , Jacobs Oil is applied It dee not blister. When Rod Star Cough Cote Is taken it does not nauseate , The flrtt medicine will not lujuro the tendorost akin nor the second the most delicate stomach. _ _ _ _ _ _ 10AVA ITEMS. The Page county fair will bo hold at Olarkda , Sept. 1 to 0. The lumber trade in Davenport is only fairly aotlvo for the season , A band of thieves burglarized moro than a dozan residences m Dos Molnos on Tuetday night. Rowland Blonnarhassott , a young man of Forrest Ulty , accidentally shot himself - self with a shotgun , and will probablydif. The Davenport waterworks furnished the citizens of that town an average of 3,4Q2 gallons to each Inhabitant during the month of July. The railway brldgo at Kolthsburg la to bo completed by December 1 , and will cost $000,000. There are to bo ton piers , and the total length la 2,200 feet. Portions of Louisa county have boon so denuded of grass by the myriads of grasshoppers as to compel the removal of the cattle to other feeding grounds. The storm of Monday night blow a trala of eighteen gravel cars from the track al Long Point , on the line of the Chicago and Northwestern railway. The Third regiment of the Iowa Na tional Guard vrlll hold tholr annual on- campmout at Newton , commencing Mon day next and continuing until Friday. A 10-year-old lad of Thayer , named \VhIttmoro , while playing about the rail way trucks lii that town , was run over by the cars , on Wednesday morning , and killed. The Burlington has recently opened tb.3 stations ot Bridgewater , Massona and Cumberland , Iowa , on the Western low.i railroad , aa roguhr billing and reporting station ? . Suits , the brnto who mntcored hia wife nenr Anainoea , was taken from the county jiil and placed in the state psn- Ittntlary to prevent lynching by tha ex cited popu'aca. Gcorgo Strathcra , a 13-year-old colored ) lad of Dca Moines , hna been arrested and bound over In bonds of $100 , charged with attempted manslaughter In trying i to carve out the vitals of a youth of like go. The railway contractors on the now ) Dubuque NorthROjtora line of railway , t is aald , refuse employment to the Idle son of Dubnquo , whllu they Import train 18 oada of Swedes from Minneapolis and pri St. Paul. Col. H. H. Rood , secretary of the ' Crocker brigade aiooclatlon , eaya that at east GOO members of the old brigade will tttond the coming reunion nt Iowa City Mdro than 1,000 members of the old ccm- naud still survlvo. r Marshal Healy , of Oodar iljplds , has ilready put Into practice hia system of nformlng parents of the conduct and sompany ot their lets-hour daughters. The system appears to roelvo the hearty ! ndorsomont of the citizens. The jail delivery at Oikaloosa last reck was effected by Introdnolng to ono f the Inmates Imitation 10 on cigar , In vhlch was concealed a full set of eawj , " tc. ) The Quaker olgar waa found on the leer of tbo cell after the delivery. On Wednesday last a blind girl was de- icrtcd In the depot by her male escort , fho robbed her of $55 cash , leaving her [ ennilens. The sightless one was taken us o the jail and cared for until word could 30 sent to the helpless one's friends. The Oreston Advertiser tolls of an iu- Irm old man and an aged woman with a ooden leg , who had occaped from the Idams county poor house , as trying to also $2 at the railway depot In that town ho other day to enable them to got mar- Ml lod. IJU lod.Tha Tha nlnety-.vro kegs and half barrels of 3cor involved In tha Creston Snndeker BBO waa decided at Af ton a few days ago , md the beer was banlodout of town to in appropriate spot , near the peat-house , ho heads knocked out of the kegs and the bamtng booze spilled and tho' koga de- meAn itroyed. eui Gov. Sherman hai appointed Hon. J. 1"SA 3. Grlnnoll , W. T. Smi h , E. 0. Wheeler fouII md D. M. Moinger to represent the SU II itato at the national cattle growers' oon- Et rentlon nt Chicago , November 17 , and P. S. Coflin and Ed. Campbell at the intlonal her so nnd cattle convention at 5t. Louis , November 23. The city marshal of Cedar Raplda has Icn sancd orclorn for the arrest of all women Ba f the town fitting on the streets or niak- coi C3I ng "breaks to attract attention. " JJofatu era : ilno directed the pollca to notify him of Co. ill young girls known to keep bad com- iany , keep late houra or go to qucatlana- lo places , that the minhal may report [ horn to their parents for correction. Malaria's Mlshty Host ! \Vhat a host of unpleasant symptoms 1 3 'ndigestion ; limo back ; aching joints ; maCe ikoplosaneiBj vertigo ; weariness ; no ap atite ; cold foot ; pains in breast ; night r : vrests ; chllh and fover. Malaria brings ill these. Brown's Iron Bitters drives ihem all out. M . F. A. Glenn , Wa- ! aoovlllo , S. 0. , nays , "I had a serious tttack of malarial fever , and Brown's ' 'ron Bitters restored me to good health. " A Better Thau Quinine. Jotrolt Free Press , His plpo being out , the doctor arose to ih foot , and bowing deferentially said , 'I hope you'll oxoasa mo now , a h , for I IBB to go an' aoo old Aunt Jinny. She St km very sick , eah. " , "What Is the matter with good old I iunt Jinny ! " I inquired. She was an ild friend of mlno and I felt Interested n her welfare , both temporal and aplr- tnal. tnal."Well , " ho replied , Boratchlnghls head Aa S. n a reflective manner , "I cells hit anti- ilpld deuteronotny , a bad csso , too , tab ; \ [ iho had fever when I fujt need her , but 1 lui loan wh upped dat outen her , I dos gib icr a cup of equal p rts hosa radish on1 whisky an' dat put her blood away up V tbove fever heat , an1 dat ole fever touldn't climb up tn it. " Slttliiff on the Bora 3uu"alo Commercial , P * Why , Mr. Do Thompson , you seem ur ba very fidgety. " "I am , Miss Jink * , very I am uer- ' rous , I auppoeo. Do you know I never mow what to do with my hands. " "They go to waste , then ? " t "That's abont it , and If you have no bjection , Mlia Jlnka , I'll let them go to } realat again. " ' SPECIAL NOTICES. All adt ertitementi in the ijirvtnt column * uili ke eharyed at the rate tf 10 tenti fer line or the lint insertion , and } tenti Jin for 'raeA vbte- yuent ( ntertion ! Ko advertisement trill be interttd 'or Itft than IS cent ! fat the flrtt ttinej TO LOAN MONEY , A teMirloloan onflrt-l s toil csUto security. l > Jlr Paul , Williams b'otk. 777-lf Afc CAOCR HROTim sIn\ctrrcnt Duikers , opposite HI poet ofllce , Omaha , negotiate mortgtgo Uatu on tint c ! ss Eocutlty > t lulling rates ol Interest. Par- tics deilrlng to borrow mcnej on Improtcd city or country n l estate , ( or fiomcno to Hiecats , cm bo accommodated promptly. MoCaguo llrothttR , bink- erf , opposite post otllco. C82-1 ! MOMIT TO WAS At once ami without doUron rc relate , In large or email amounts , on time to tult. Loans made also on cell tf rtls. chattel ) or any good security , rromt , > lly , qulttly and it the owc t possible ratt . Apply it the Omaha Finan cial Exchange , 1EU3 Fatnam tt. , uptUlra 76411 MOSKT TO LOAN In sxim3 f$10 000 Anil upward , on first clos business city property , ( or 0 per i I No commissions ol ny kind charged. 0. F. Dm Is , Spcc'al ' LoautgcntN. W. M. Llfo In . Co , , 1603 FatnaruStrcst B88 uglO LOANS Made on real estate security in Amounts o ( jlOJMidrjujcillfor terms , innk L. Everett , 1609 Furnitn. 03-Aug 16 vt uNKV lo loan on chattel * , Woulloy & Ilartlgon , Y-L Room 0 , Omiha National tituk building 721-tf ONEYlOLOAN-On real eetato and chtttfllt D. L. Thomas. 722H. lONKV Loaned on rnittels , out rate , K. H Ltlqkets DOURhtand sold. A. Forman.SIS 3,13th St _ . . : Iv ijUbJi Iu tains ol tsvuaiul _ 0. V. Davis aad CO. , Ural ICsttlo anil Loin . ItOS Farnam St. 724 II M ON r to loau In rjum coo and upward ! , on first-clasj real estate security. Potter & Cobb , 1615 Farnam St. 710-tt v * UKKY 1AIAMCU at U. f. Heed auo g. Loan ofllce iTi. on furniture , pianos , homes , wagons , personal property ot all klntU and all otho mtlolea of value , rlibout remrral. Over l t National Bank.oornorlEtb ind Farnam , All business ttrlotly confidential720lf 720-lf MOXRTH MUMiYllI Money to ujati-On no MOXKTI chattel security by W H Crolt , room t , Wlth- tic ntll baMJInc , N. E. corner Uth and Unrnoy. After years of experience and a cateful r-tudy of the business - Foil ness ot leaning money on pamnal propcrt ) , I ha\o \t last poifectcl a salternwhereby the publicity oil ' usual In such east s Is Jono aw y withMill I am now Ch n a poilnon to niouttho demands of nil who become 0. temporarily ctnbatrisso I and desire to ralsa menoy 0.C. nlthout dtlaj and In , C. n qulot manner Housckcop- tip , professional Kantlorccn , mechanics and others in Ihliclty can obtain ultancea f.ora 810 to Jl.OOO on iuch eccutlty aa hiugcnolJ furniture , piano ; , ma chinery , Loreo > , nagi os , warehouse receipts , occur- pa1 . 9d notc'sof hand , etc. , without removing sitno from Bh miters rcslilonco or | Uca of business. Ala ) poi 311 Duo Watchoj and Dlnvnrnja , Ono cf the noi idAMitngos I o3or Is that any part of nn > lo'.n can my bo paid at any lime which lll reduce the Interest myF fro rata nnd all loins rcuotcd at the original rates F jllnterfEt I have nn brokers In connection with Im my aincn , but personally cuperlntcnil al my loan3 , lia\o pm.ito officer connected with my ( cccrtl F illlco eo thut customers do not C3rno In con actwllh nch other , CDnsequciitlv leaking all transactions FF itrlctlvprhato. W. H. Crolt , room 4 , Wlthnell F " " c , N. E cor. 15h ! and Ilarncy. Mfl tf tlO WANTED FEMALE HELP. Wit Maw \T7"AM ID A irocd girl to go wcstwlth famllyiffood V > wngef.etcady p'nco , Address " \V. II. M , " Dee 7 ' III co. . 7010p Ht rT7A\TD-Ayoungladyto R > with n ( amlly to Wyoming , oao wbolsnilllng to hi useful ; ale | compnalon to lady ; good wa uj. 'W. ' IF. W. " liee iffice. 7B5-10p Fat r\7"AMKD Oood Oerman Rlrl for general houne- V work In suiall family , N. W. corner 17th and FF ougla3-St. 702-llji lX7'A Tl n A mubcr of llrtt-.liss gtrlnvno are Ff V capable of noingfjood work , and rcceho good ngisattho Onuba oiiifl)7inent ofhcc , 217 north etb8'roetofliceup-st3lrs ! Mia J. W , Morilsin , i ro. rietor. f nr7"A5TKD Dlnlnp room girl at Paclllo House , Uth VV and Davenport St. (00 Sp F J 1'axton. Apply toj. B. Kltchtn. 708-10 F AXTF.D A girl to do general houja work at 2COD California street. S02-10p TiMCD A girl to hklp In kitchen. Bornn Homo. F 1 W Ois Fsrnam etreet. 7 S-tf "AMr.D F'lr u small hotel , n first-dies cook ; F ' " pay'SOO per month forone uho on 1111 tqo 111 Call on Mr. lllnkcon at tbo Bech'.el house , ouncil llluffs , Sunday between 1 ard 4 ] > , m. , or id- F rcs3 Ul.nttood BouseOlennood : la. at 787-8 nrTAXiBD A nurse to tender to a sick lady , Ap- VV ily at C01 S. 10th street to-day lietn eon 9 end F 1 a m. 785-3 1"1TANIKU Good liunJry woman and ono good F VV kttcben girl U Aiude hotel , 1210 Uouglae. F 1 IT7AXTBD A cccd girl for general house work nt W 10 17 GIBS St. 751-tf F 1 TTAMSD This weak , 12 young ladloa to earn tcl- VV tgrsphyn.iJ tike positlorjs in commercial of. oca AdJrcs > , nol03lng ftauiJ. ] ! G. K. , lieo otilco. F 7SO-8P Sit -A cook and dining room gltl nttbo Cab nor w\ Ifornla \ house , 1021 Dauglaa St. 725-llp norF F i A girl for general work at Emmet house. norF tJOMOp F . -4 good dfiilun room girls ; aUoglila for _ t | > o f I homework , first and second work city nd country. Will pay good wi ea. Call an1 lu- F ii ulio at out places at 1120 Fartum St. C95tf FF \7AMBD-.At 1017 Chicago St. , a gooi German gill P < ' " ' F Vfor ( tencral hou3o work. BJS-U' 1 .WANTEETTviALli TS WAVtyOIN hKBKAfeKA , for "tiMo.v nts- \OK KKbMos. " Three doeades if fed- ml lcBhlitlonlS66 t3l88B. 1'crjonil aat ! historical F iomoilea ot e\onts prcco'lln ? , durlr ) , ' , and eluco the o lean War , lmo'.iln aUveiv auuBco.Nilcn. iinntlpjtlon and reconstruction , wi'h ' Bketcbni of tomlnoLt actors durlcir tlicsi i crloJ , ty HON. .V5IUr.i3 [ COX , member nfraiRMra for tuenly- iur } car , now U. S. Jllnitter to'lurkey , Author of IJucieyo Abtoad , " "Why Wo Laugh , " 'Winter F imbcatEB , " , , Arctic Sunbrini ? , " "OrlentSuobo ma" to : II lutrated. Wm. 1' . O'Neill , State m > nafer ) , 0. ba < 4)9 Onialu hVb 700-tI > F B A cctitlonnn cf Intcll'genco nnd good M bueloe'8 addrccs to represent "tho Hand JIc.Vol- EtnnJard Atln of the World" en the roil ; one do- irallotiw.nklnto ailianocd marled poiltlon , or mrn the butlnces ulth s lovr to takluir charge ot .inch hoaee rrelcrrtd ; liberal torrca andguiranteoJ F ntratt to bealn wl It. 'lit R position nifanvan In- mo of from81,100 to $ lf > rO > f ar to willing work- enq a. AJilrcB with relcience * , the Oontiuental 1'ub. enqF . , Chlcogo , 111. 771-10 F HANTKD A coolc , man or woman at Eur | iu n ho- rV to1 , Oli south 10th St 7fi3-tf I X7A ! < THD-Thll woak.JB jourgmen to liain tel IT tgiaphy , and take | nsltlonn In railroad olllccs idrear , mcloalng etarnp , It , Q. 1C , , this otllC3.735-8p ' 3ED DUO JXIKRMINATOR ; li ut known , and Btlcky fly pipjr : rec'pfa for making , 26 rU ; good wsgua mde mtklngand trlllnir to lamilles. fctar Supply , . , Omaha , Mill. , Box 312. C33 tj1 F { 1 \7ANTED ft. boy about 10 years old who can T epeak Qetman , at 1110 Dodge at. 6:0tf tii 7 ANTBB Thr.o fliBt-cltsi birlota at 1201 Kurnam tiiF r Street , must furnlih tool reference , ClOSp F TAMED Ten coorerj to iuako lard tlcrcoiat Cue \ Sioux O.ty. Jas. K Dogo&Co. 3auKllp CueF JV OXNT8WANTKD. A ( Id f 098 Ht. LOUla HliCtHo Lamp F 1 .i-Co. , St Louis for circular , cuta and term * of the Itut dtelkpower Marsh Zlectrlo Ijamp. 311-lyl2. ] and Vie Call 8ITUAT1OJSB WANTED. cha IXTjhTnu-Hltuitlon by llrs'-clau dreaamakcr In chaF VVprhate family or In ( hop , Addr.fsAllN 18th ' F 1 ,17A\7Bi ttntlcii.i s travelinK imn.for w hlskey T houio ; lits f statlUhed tnde In Dahuta , Nebr , nd Iowa. Address "A. " box 305 , Yankton. 787-11 , ntTANiBD Situation i by Ibrco jouag Qormin VV girl tndo houHDWorkoriake utro of children. c. i k8i per woik. German Haiplayicout ollko , 6t7 if 10th St atl-8p f 1 S/iMBfr Situation by a ml ( dig ajoil woman with nar. > Vi boy 10 jcarueilj ; nu objection to leaving town. nar.F aqulie tt 117 ncrth 14lh F hoi ri/AMisi ) Ily a ) ounK man , SondlmUan , a iltua- I t Icn in a kt re , hive bumu experience , geol rt.1- rtnruglvn. A Ureas "K. K" llou offlcu. 7'88p $ MISOELLANKODS rT7A.\TH > A ptrtti'r vltli bmocaital | to go Into Vi the llvo stock businen with a man (7caraex- ( < rlencr' Itelurtno'sfurnlsliedaiu requlrro , AdH resa "L. 8" liesclllo . 760-Sp . , , [ M > I proiocals lor clo in | ' timber o9 ' the utroitl and allays oo Maruli'n Adllfmn to ijiiln.on iS'htnj LcateiwortbBtrtoi- ; biro ' , tltcJ till Monday , Auuutt lOili. l'iat cm l > 8 BMII F our utllcD. O. If. UaUi & . Co , 1606 Fantin St. hai haiF ll7' > NTri'K > ery body to cill onV. . A. UoirUon loj F } flrit clues Job priutlof , I'M UoiiL-bn St eos-tf 'AUTID MO pop1 to brlnR tbelr watcbw to Krfholra ft Ktlckeon'ato be repaired. 8ttl < factlon lotted. istf CANTED Kvery Wy In n td ot wwlnc ma. II chine , to see the new Improved Arujrlcin No , P , K. Flodmin 4 Uo. agents 20 N 18lh. 3011 FOR AENT HOUHKS AND LOTS. F JV > RRFST New brick duelling of \en rosmj 1916 ItMil. Inquire at 182SDoug1 , EOJ-Hp I7\OK \ imr A liouso ol S rooms In Rood rtp > lr , SSil 1 Mid Sewanl St. 8l2-p Xfoa RMT Uousocf 7 rooms , bith room , li nl anJ 1 olt atcr UOSsMilli lllhSt. 7b-lSp IPOR RUNT House of 6 good * l e rooms In good or- tier. 101 blil. cittern , god colltr , shade tic' . , rcf- jioeUtlo location 24th and 1'lcico St. AppU en promise ; , 772-10,1 1710B RRNT To bo oomplotccl In September , two ten . ' rocm hou e ; til trndcrn Impru\ements ; peed collar and iloEct * , tear the cars. Imiulro71o 10th Bt. 77t-10p F ORHK\T rolUgo 5 rooms on Charles St , SIB. Dr. 1'ftul , Williams blosk. 778-tf FORRKXT A seven roofii hotua coiner Leatcn- north nrd S uth > e. Inquire At Weitcra Cor- 7S-13 F OTL nv.\T Homo 4 rooms 1110 Jackson. 8-10p Ipon HUNT-Cjttiga B room * with ptntry niul out P homes , luqulto ion 18th SI. , Hnilh ( ( UMO.L 741.lip F'OR m-NT-Cottago 6 routes mar Hinscom Park , 810 50. Itrlckliousj 0 rooms Shlrm'a nd < ! . , ? ! 2. Hcu'ofi room ? In\cnport rind li..tli $16. irou < ufl rnoini I.ciuonworth nml ( IroicSt ? . , SIC. X K. > Iano & Co. , Utli ami Fiunvn. 760 tt TICK it > -New ( our room tunioe , cellar , clsto'n ' nml out hotuts ; two blocki ( rom trcit cur , f 10 itr month. J. K. llil-y , S15 acutli lEth HI. For nut Now hoitto ( our rooms , poich , caU ( rent irlck cellar , c'sloin ' well ntiJ out liouiof , on Snttn- Icra eticet , $14 ] cr month , J K. t lley , 216 S. ISth For rent TBOIIOW six room hou'e , eastlrontcn liundl > 'i'Cb , biv wlnilow , liall ny , closotB , rt hcu < o ? , citterncll , nilkeurjthlnj : commo- IOUH ami complete ; SIS r cr mouth. J. K , Kllcy , 'J15 out It 13th street. Fcr lent Wcgant fix room house on 2Uh ttrcct , lorth of Uapltol UNODUO ; rodilcnco andlcatlon very cslratU. ; J. K. lllloy , SID ! 8.13th St. 7S7 t ( Fen RKNT-Splcndld brick liouso of 10 rocnie , well : cistern , .It ) % tatercaf < , fuinncc , IIuo barn r.nj ( her outhotitos ; In ( act all modern con\cnUncc on 'bluafro St. , beet rcslddicoiirrtlon ; $01 per month. K Ma > no & Co. , 15th ami Fnrn&m For rent Store roam 1122 Sherman rucnuo. ? 26. K. Mane & Co. , 16th tnd f artmm. 72l t ( Tion RUNT ORLIHSX On 4 orf > y * M time ; atnnnot 1 f40 ncrcKj 60 acrca under cultivation nnd balance .vtulo and liav hnd itll funceil , two houses , burns , KdH ( , pooil water nml olhir Improroincnts to n n < 8- ii'ibl * party. Call oil ortddrrM .M. Fox , 31 mllofl rth o ( Blilr Neb. font otll'c , Blair. Will alu sell iy nlok nml property H wanted. tuu 5 g.'p ' 7 < oii BKXT Chol'o brick realJcnce , jus' computed , 10 room ? , turnaco ani all m"dcrn ImproMiicnts l iqulto ; at United Btntos National Hank. 627tt 7ort RKNT Btoro with lout ro mi In rear. Kent $26 a month. Inquire 131S Douglas. HO-AUK It T Ort RENT Beautiful suburban rcaldcnto property , 4 ocriB o ( ground , brjjo bouse 7 rooms , line loe.i- on ! , pplftidldlcwotc. . , or will Bell Improvements Ith [ i jeirdle.i'o ol creund at B sacrlflce. C. K. ajno & & ) . , 15lh and Fariiam. SIStf > OR RKNT - Houses of 0 and 0 rooms In No 1 loca- f tlon. Apply at office of C. I. Tnlor , SW. cor. 1th and Dntu'la" . 176K T'OR ur.NT A building S'J.vOl. Inquire at Do > ton dry goods store , S. 10th 6t , B38H T Cottasto 6 room" , bouse 10 rooms. J. Phlpp i Itoo , Sowurd and Campbell. SSl-tf fo ItOOAlS ifOH ICJ INT. CO T Newly furnUbod suite of rooms ; hot and cold water hate , ga ? . 1615 Cipllnl ovriun. 812IBp rion KRST Ntw seven room hens' , bath , &c. , on Capitol fill1. App'y to 2J27 Davenport. 80l-cp OR JtBsr Nicely ( urnlehcd teem , 1817 Chicago St. pen > BAT Nicely lurnlehcdrooncs with board and house comfoit , a. K corner Itth and Cas § . BO 774-10 (01 chen T'OR HEM-A furnished front room 803 Hiinoy St. on 765.80 J. T'OR REST Micly furnished rooms with or with' outboird No IKOFarnauibt. 784-7p POR IIKNT 1 w ll furnished room for 2 grntUrncn , 1D03 Fnrnani ttrcet , ojipotIto OonHo el. Apply room i I , or at Wasseircau & Burnett. 218 13th St. P POR RKNT Dcslrnblo room with modern oonvcn- knees , 1724 Capitol nve. 737-tf . roR EBNT Furnlihcd roomi J5C9 ll rn y Kt. Its 032-S ? [ POK BK\T 2 plowant s uth front rooms 8. W. t cnrncr 10th and Da\onport. foi fott RKST Handsomely ( urnlahed rooms 1701 Cjp- ItoUve. 682-t ( roR RKNT lloom with bay window on parlor , floor newly furnished ; S3 per week. Alia rooica from to 82.10 , hoard 14 ; bath room nc mmod > tinne,809 rth 17th St. 600 8p iVm RE.NT Front room furnished or unfurnished bn 1212 Ilow&rJ St. 029 tf .IOR BKM Hoorn with board , 1013 Cjpltol a\o. OB. SENT Furnlehtd room 1621 Capitol ave. EOO nug29p OR. HEXT At 1010 Fsirnarn street , two nicely furnlahed fiont rooms with u'O of bit ! ) rooms. V 430-tf bd 111 \ POR RBKT Furnlahed rooms 1803 Farnam St. II ! DOS-lip fORRBNT-A nrge newly ( unilalied ( rent room , ' with Inv window , clfait , fe'ssntid bath ; 520 per Mo mth 251U Douuba ttrcet , 49Ctf OR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms , NW cor. 21st and St. JIir > ' 8 Avo. 401 tf . 'OB BKM Two elegant o Ilimm J.uit rxiu'tbloc BOl-tf OB RKNT Handsome furn'slicd ' rooms , 1816 Dodge J OOM3YHIi br rJ.deilriboIr ) summer. Apply riv Hi St. Clinics Hotel. 010-tf tte . ion HUNT For manufao'urlni ; purno oa or hall , 1 / argo room 44x76 , Sd floor , tin. 110 S. Uth ot. , rmiro at U09 Dodgu tt. A. J , liapuon. Lit 008-il "OR ! BUNT-Centrally located furnUlitd rooma at 6 3 south 1 Bill Bt. 003-tf OR RKNT Ltrgo ( rent room on llret floor with or r without board ; mquiio t 1SOI fftrnam St.S87M S87-M FOR SALE TIQUSBS LOTS. HAI , nn REIT Good hotel In flrst-ilasatown In * - South Western part o ( State. Apply to E 1' . Ua- tS 19 ! Novelty Iron Works , 14th St. 79i-tf AOK BALK A boueo and lot In very alulrtble lo- cation ; liouro 7 rooms. lot 03x183 ; will bo Bold for ,7CO. lunnlDghain & 13ronn n , 1011 Uodi0 tit. " 810-3 . . Ha rimTRADK Or will Bfll an exco'lent R < oem liouto Deed In the test locality ; will trrio ( or city prnporty , tnnlpgbam i ircnnan , nil Dodge at. 810-8 f . > R BAH- Cheap letu In R. V. Smith'e , I.OUU'D , ed Htcd's , Daitlott'a , Hartnuii'8 , Kountze'j and ith'n , Ilojd's , Improvement Aiisoclatlon , Glee's Klrknoods additions , and in Burr Oik , Grand on , Jllllard I'Jac ; , Kl'by ' 1'Jaco and Jtrono 1'ark. nt and see our list Kvery lalll y glten to pur- ascr. CuLnlngham i lirennan , 1S1I Doiige St. 810-8 i'o&eiiK-Lot 10 , h 10 , lltnsoom place , 89CO. Iiot 0. b 8 , U , T. Pa'rlck'd propoea'l add. (760 , Lot ! 1 and 1. b IB , Shlnn's lit add , 8iMO. Lots In all ptrts of the tlty at bargtlna. No 20U-II u e 7 ro > m fail- ave , f I COO. No 11)7-11:1 ) kh.miefl rj'd3 ' ahlnn'a 2d aid. ,100 , No. 1f3Now house B ta- Q o-U ( ; nvo ,53 60) N tro-Urn BO 3 ro m Il.itluHeAd ' 8'00 . fc , UajnuiCo , Utn K iaair. 7i8-.f ) rion BALK Home uplondld lets t from i'UO t > ( (500 ( ; monthly pajments taken , Cunnluijtura k liren- , 1611 Dodge U. 810-8 - OR HAtr.At B bargain , eeotlon ot rood land In T l HowkrU Co. , Nib. Addrem "O. N. H. " I' . O i W , Ouiaha , 7(0-8p ( Will buy a house of 0 roomi and lot L 60x141 on which there U a ' $500 , jiayabb In 4i years. House : rents at nth Uunnlogham is Ilrennan , Dodge St. \ 810-8 7011 BWK House and lot andahreo Bharo ) to trm ( old ) 'maha ' I can A 4oclatlon ; cloir title and all id up. 81,100 worth much moic money. C. 11 or gjiiu t Co. , S. W corusrlSth asd Karnan.70otf * 70o-tf OR HtLK A lot In Lowe's addlilo ? . Tha n > w Unult\nd ulll run liy It , iirkii ? 25J. Cunnlni- im & . Ilremiao , 1611 U > lge t > t. UlU-8 T I 70R8ALE A grocery b'i < lnM In a good locality etock worth from 81MO to ? ! ,000 ; rent very rca innble. luquUe ol Mcjcr & ltaatv , whole t1e fro ill. 742-tf , well.elstern , laWefruil J1 Ac. Apply S blockl wt t of llfd Cur Line on Uccatur ttrcet OjU-Sp n'c ' ' u e nd lot in r.-ool ( locRlIt . CtinolcKhtm fc Ureonin , Ull Do l o St. 810 SIren Iron tALR-A oorner lot tn t3 > l nd Orao &ts.\ \ wli . . . . .V"Ji0lllJrycneI'Cunningham Si ilrtnnan , 1611 Volga St. , ll11 , ' * r PV ' t Bi\ South will i ell cutlro lee feet and Improve ments or part. 011 on premises. oss-1 'po nxcimoH TS.OTo MOCK ol hiMwaro and f im m Jl machinery for cord Xefcrasli land. < { 0'tO botcl In Colflttdo , rents for $100 f cr minth to ttaile for iinlmcumlicrcil farm , cr wiU land. ? lOCOitckol general iiiercbamlt o to txcbanee for liuii. A fine farm of ( HO acre ] In Sherman Cj. , Nob. well Improiml near rallroal , price S',000 ; will sell lor hall cft'h , biUiieo on time or exchange for tojk ol hard , warestoves ami tlnivato. 10,000 acres of Nebraska Urn ! at $0 per airs ( o exchange - change for incrchandllc. CIIAS. \\OOLKV , room 20 , Omaha NatlnulUtnk , Onuha , Nth , 475-13 Ipon RAM-rYrtv lots for ao ! on Hurt ar.d Cumln a ' bttweenMthandSlet cheap , Insldo property edford & Soucr. Ml tf mm SALE MISCELLANEOUS TTtOR MLBA bcaidlnxhomo dolnir < v good bun'iiim I1 spiling fn couat ol 111 health. Aitdrm "S. M. It. ' II e nllleo. 7t9-14f IY > ORBALK A good mllh cow N. I : corner Nicholas C and 15th St. 80i-0p \ barter tlop outfit at 3. W Hlloy > , 1S16N. IBthSt. 76SII FORBALE SK hundred tonnnlco clear lee delivered on board cars. Address W. IX Opclt , Itroumllle , Neb. 7M-5p il > OR BAts Kino fetter pup 7 months oU.Vm - 1 Sluior lroDm 6'ltedlck block. 7S3tf Foa SALR Fifteen milch oonq ami flftcfn booros at li. V. Viun'a 1671 north ISth. 7H..10p . TOR BALE ttobtrlntlognt prices lower than any J ' other house ( n the city. W. A. Horrltnn , 1513 Dcuglos at. OJ8 tf FoRsaE-lOOlo1 ? . Sprint 1IIH ; will soil on o sy terms ; ttnlo for property anil pay dlf- crcnco In tallies In cash or asumo mortgage * . I'ar- lo9 ran find cheap homra and ad > atit > goeus trades. iV. II. Urceo , u\cr lit Natl , lUuk , cole ait. ; 4o3tt Fort BALK -T o lots tn IVIlnni r lice , ono block frcmti'.rcctcar track. Inquire SIS S 13th St. 401tf TjlORSALE Or would traJo or n good horse and JL1 bjgo ; 80 acres In Qcspci cotvity. Apply to 218 South ISihS'rcot. Z40tf FORSALU Holler nnrt engine , 0horae power boiler snd engine , In good running order ; want to cell 'or the reason that they are not largo enough for ihonotr machinery which wowlll put Into our now julldlug onllarnoy St. Clarke Bros. & Co. , 1403 > ouglaaSt. OlOtt A LWATH on hand nt a bargain , No 1 second hand tioarrlnxo phaeton and side bar buggies ; also nui- irellaa and eunsbadcu , at 1109-1411 ledge ) St. G17-U _ REAL ESTATE. HAI.K brrciAt RAROAIN Half acre ImproNcd , Foit Cjllfornii and 29th St. , $1 4EO. Half arro inpru\od en Hurt near Drown Rt.S2,600 , Kull Irt and nlco cottage 19th near Leavcnnorth Nice cottage J lot 19th nnd Sherman street , S1.B50. Two itory noune , c.ty water , ga , Ibtb and Call- srnla etrjete , S3BOD. Keautllul cottage 17lb , nsar Webster , $3,000. T o liruaoi ana full lot mar Sauadors btrcct , rent Dr $25 , 51,1.00. . Two ft' ' ry IK use , 10 rooms , city water , S clsterni , 07 South 20tb street , $5,100. Nice cottage on IStb near St. Marj'flavc. , S2.SCO. S03ll : W. G. SHII1VER , oii. 1'oet otllce. PT'OR ' LHAsit Best unoccupied ground In the ty for L1 warehouse house , 87 feet front on Leavanworth , osth bat 10th and lltb.wlll eajofor 93 years. Hod- d & Souer 620-tf rjiort BALK Sixteen lots on Vlntoii nnd 17th Sta. V very dcslrtblo property and on easy term' . Ono hundred forty feet Farnam street property ou'h ' front , near new Court liausc , 8100 per front int ; will sell In 22 foot Iota In ( ho right kind cf pur- hascrs ; tbU Iu a rare chance to f ccuie business prop- rtv that will double Inaluo In'.ldo ot tbrco jcars. K. II Ijy & Co , 2IB S. 13th St. For sale Four lotion Ouorgla avenue , desirable cMdeuca prrpcrtv roisonatils. For sale Seven lots on Virginia ave. , cast front Easjnable prices and terrm easy. J. K. Kllcy & Oo 168. ISth. For silo-132 tcetou 13tb , 03 fsci deep ; business iroperty. For silo Good house anil lo ! on 21th street near Inpitol avo. , 93,700 ; a bargain. For silo limlocB ) lots on South ISth St. , cheap. K. llllcy .t Co. , 215 S 13th St. Wo Imito cur p trons to call andsco our propity at ; aa wo hate positive bargains. 7iO-tf JiOH BALK House and 2 lota "at a barg ln SWOO ? B. 16tti Sticotjroom to bulldfour moro housoa ir rent. Two elegant lots Shlnns Additions , If00. Lirgo house and twu lota Hanscoin 1'lace , COOO. House on J loc north 19th St , 1000. House and bt lligan'a Add , 1200. HoucoaudUtS. 18th St , HCO. Iloueoandlot I'aclllo St. , near Depot , 380 ? , 2 housoa and lot on Cass tit , near IGtb. Hoans 1 and lots. 18thSt,3sCO Farmland In neulyav cry county In northern No- rajka. O. F. l > iIs & Co. , 1605 Firnam St. 00.AUR 23 BUSINESS CHANGES. K UlHip , kitchen nnd restaurant , furnl- ' turo , la-go i.c. , at 806 South 10th Bt. 701-'p von 8ALKStock and flxturrs cf a compktolnl.cry Ice cream parlor and restaurant In ono of the ret Ioatlon3 in ( ho city , 17 months lease on ImilJ- \ roieona fur Rdllog , other business. Addreta Itcstauraut , " ciro Ucooilicc. 7C2-11 / OB BALK Stock of itdicril morclnndlso at low prices and on caiy torma , AddresjJ. T. Davis , r , Imcgene , Iowa. 760-llp HALI A good paying Imslntsi employing hut roR capital for owb. For particulars addreaa 0. I ) , x E67 , Omaha , Nob. 722-tf Ton BALK Atalnrgaln , Kotropol tin hotel , Ken- esiwNcD. Addroia Mcedhntn lircs , , Kenetatv , D7S-Hp K A rcutaurant ; biff lurgaln , In a flno lo- cation ; lease of building for ten inrnthe ; good i'lo. Hsisonafor nelllng , line other busliiesn to .end to. AilJreBj 8 1' . , Bee office. 45Ct ! /ion TKAPK Nano souuty lanila for utock of gen- cral mcrchandls or hardware , Addresi John ludcrholm , Contra City , Ntl ) . S12 ug21 BOARDING. AMXD A fen table boarders at 20,17 Oaes Bt. 8J7.8p PEHSONAL. QUIRT IIOMB Vor lidlcs during confinement. V Uorrcipondcncec nlldtntlal. Addrcm Lock llox , Lincoln , Neb. 003-Au. 12p LOST AND FOUND. OHr Kid pursjesnta'iilDg ' a cum of money and .Jmral tlokule , between Neb Stean laundry and aus'Hcitiuraut 1'icase return t3 tbo reitiurant , oughs St. , between IDih and IClli. f03-Sp OHT Small tin dog wearing oolltr marked 1' . W , .J Forkien , 5Z3 Uroidway , Kinder will ba reward * by returning to CIS N. 14th St , Omaha. 767-8p L1 our-Do ; JackEnglleh Mastiff , ( Illick and Tun ) 1 losther collar. 5 reward , returned tu 542 Pltua &t. 72i-7p PHYSICIANS. DR. WARD , room C , Wlthncll iJlock , 15th and Uar- noy. Dll-tf RUPTURE CURED. VTo cptrition , or uailebstrusses Dr. M. M. Moore , 24lU'abieb ave. , Chicago. Ills , , at Omah % every da > a , bend uiaiopfor c'ruar. | 708-copt2 MI80ELLANEOUS , osi A lirgo tmclopo mi Tealh street , contaln- _ < IMJ'p PCM valuib eonly to ovucra , Hfturn to 0)Ho. Olhitruct and rcc lvo tewaid. 814-IOp PRIVY Viiiltaand coJHxwlitleaucJ In an cdorlfBi way hy K. Q Abel , I' , 0. llox,378. 626 ug-2op \\o ICB Mrs. U K.Anipacair , mlSLcaveuwoith. rui U. P. Park looked 12 mllsa B. W. on U. P. road , Is now open to the publto and can bo rented ple-nlcj and social githcrlniju. Hpoclal rates for are icien. . For terms , call or kadroull. 0. Bchwenclc iaplUlon , Neb. 932-tt P A8TDEB On EUcborn snd fl te. T. Murray. 7iO- on biujo given by U K Qellen bock , at lllfl Capitol ave. 4SO-tl _ RIYT VAULTS oTid eesipoo'a o'sanwl In an odtrloru way , A. Evans , 1203 Uodgo bt. 915 ug9p