% K = THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , AUGUST 10,1885. NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL 8250,00 GTJRPLUB MAY1,1885 SC.W orjioina : H , W , YATM , A. E. TOUZAMH , President Vlco President. W.V.Monar , jNO.S.CotLiNs , Li win 3. Run W , 11. B. Uughos , Oaahlor. The Iron Bank , OOE , 12th ANDJTABtf AM STS A General Banking Bttsi- ness Transacted. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. N w VOEK , August 7 , - MONEY Eaay al 1 per cent PBIHK PAPER 1@5 per cent. EXCHANGE HILLS Dull and steady nl -J4.85 ; detcand $4 80J. GovEnNMENTS Qulot and unchanged. STOOKB The fonturo of to-day's market was the remarkable strength developed this after noon In the Gould Blocks. The market thia forenoon was very dull , and In the first hour very weak , the decline in that time as com pared with the closing prices of last evening ranging from i to g per cant. It was a littln after mid-day that new lifo was Infused into the dealings in Western Union , The street was liberally supplied with rumors , all tend ing to show that an understanding had been reached between the Western Union and Baltimore & Ohio telefraph companies by which they were to operate either in harmony JB two separate companies or under ono con- colldatod management ; or In other word ; , that the Western Union bad eocurod control of the Baltimore & Ohio. It is known that the Baltimore & Ohio lines wore altered to the Western Union some sixty days ago , and that tha terms were not accepted. It is now sug gested that negotiations have since led to bettor results. The Western Union rose In the afternoon from C9i to 72 , ] and closed J lower. The strength in the afternoon was accompanied by increased activity in the active stosks , but the rest of the list was very dull and practically featureless. As tomorrow row will bo observed as a legal holiday , the week on exchange closes this evening , Prices now as compared with thn closing quotations lost Saturday are - \ \ per cent blghor for New Jersey Central , 3 ? for Western Union , 1\ for Heading , and 2 for Louisville & Nashville and Missouri Pacific each , while Lnckuwanna Is down -i per cent. STOCKS ON WALL STREET. S'a . 1G2J 4 Va Coupons . II 2 4 U. S. 4's . 122i Pacific C's of ' 05 . 12Gji Central Pacific . 32j OhioaRo & Alton . 137 do do preferred . 150 Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy . 1291 Delaware , Lackawana & Western . . iaj ) Denver & Rio Grande . IPS > Krio . 1C do preferred . 31 Illinois Central . 132 Indiana , Bloomington & Western . 11 Xansaa& Texas . 22 S Lake Shore & Michigan Southern . 70 JiouUvIlle& Nashville . 41 Michigan Central . Gl Missouri Pacific . 93 Northern Pacific . 22 do do preferred . 47 Northwestern . 100 do preferred . 13 Now York Central . 97 ; Oregon Transcontinental . 20 Pacific Mail . 474 1'oorla , Deoatur & Evanavillo . 12 3 Pullman Palace Cor Company . 127 | Hook Island . 119 1 Bt , Louis & San JVanciic . 18 di > do preferred . 32 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Poi-l . 781 do do do preferred. . 11H St. Paul & Omaha . 27 do do preferred . 811 J Texas Pacific . 14. Union Pacific . 48 Wabosh , St. Louia & Pacific . tj. do do do preferred. . . 10. Western Union Telegraph . 71 : Oregon Railroad & Navigation . 78 j OII10AOO. CHICAGO , III , August 7. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheat Firmer , n Httlo more active , open ed at yesterday's close , rallied , with alight fluctuations , go , ruled easier nn'l closed ic over yeitorday ; SSlc cash ; 88jjc August : 903 © OOJo September ; 923@ ! > 2Jo October. Corn Active , strong and higher , opened a ehado higher , eased off Jc , rallied jjc , fluc tuated sr me and closed cash and August Jc , Sep tember jjc , October } c , ever yesterday : 47 @ 17Jo cosh , August and September ; 4G-16go October , Oats Slow and a trifla higher curly , reacted and closed Jo under yesterday ; 20& & ' < z28o cash ; 2Gjjo August ; 25 Jo September ami October. Rye Quiet nnd unchanged ; C8Jf. Barley ( Jniet and unchanged , Timothy Firm ; prime , 31 73. Flaxseud Quiet and iteady ; No. 1 , 81,21 , Pork Only f iirly active , and ruled steady at ? 9 50@9,65 cash ; S'J 50@9.f > 21 August ; J9 52i@9 65 SepUmber ; § 9.674@9 tifl October. Lard-Quiet and steady ; SG 115(20 ( 371 cash and August ; SO 371@0.40 September ; G.421@G 45 October. Bultt Meats-Shouldora-S1.10(24EOj ( ! short clo r. 85.90(35 ( 9D ; abort ribs , 55,60@5B5. Whisky-Steady at 81. IS. Butter Firm and in fair demand ; good to fine creamery , 15@20o : peed to choice dairy , lOffllSo. OhcodQ-Qulet anil rather easy ; choice full cream chedclam. G&7c & ; fiata , 7@7ic ; young Americas. 8j@9c ; xkims , l@4s , Kttga-Qulet at 10i@llc. Hides Unchanged ; heavy green ( alted , fully cured , 74c ; light , 8SX8ic ; damaged , Oo ; bull hides , Gc ; dry mltrd , ll@114o. Tallow Unchanged ; No , 1 country , 6io. Keoeipu , onlpU. Flora , Ibli . 0,000 9,000 Wheat , bushel * . 89.00S 48,00o Oem , bwheU . 115,000 105,000 Oati , buihela . 27,000 43,000 Rye , buihela. . , . 4,000 none Uuler , buiheli . 4,000 none M1LWADKKB , MlLWADRU , Wla. , Augutt 7. Wheat- Stronger ; No , 'J Milwaukee , 68jc | ; September. ! > 03c ; October. 92o. Cora -Steady ; No. 2 , 471o. OaU SteadyNo ; , 2 , 2Gc. Rye-JuIft ( ; No. 1 , 58is. Barley Nominal and unchanged. Provisions Steady ; mesa pork , cub and August , § G.30j September , g'J.35. UINNKArOUS. MiNNEAroiiB , Minn , , Auguit 7. Wheat- Dull and lower ; No. 1 hard , 91o catb ; SiOo August ; aellers Bpptember , 92Jc ; October , Ulc ; No , 2 hard , seller * . 8S e : No , 1 northern , offered at STifo October ; no buy r . I r Flour-Q ief , patents , f 5,00@5,20 ; baken , 53 80(24.01) ( ) . ReoeiptWhaat , 4G.OCO bu. Shipment- Wheat , 8,000 bu ; flour. 5,000 bis , Adjourned unlit Monday , NIW YOBK I'KODCCK , NBW YoE8AuRu t7. Wheat Film and igher ; Recelpta ,31.000 bu ; ezporta , 80,000 ungraded red 92@92o ; No , 3 red , 9 ( j 51.01J delivered ; October rlosins t S1.04J. Corn Firm ; recoiptn. 03 0..0 . bu ! . eiporti 172.C01 bu { ungraded , r > 21@6f > Cj Mo 54Jc In oldvator , 5t@55io afloat , October closin at 5lgc. Oats Lowers receipts , ISI.fOObu ; erporta 125,000 bu ; mixed western , 36@38c ) white S3@43e. Petroleum Steady ; united closed at OS o Eifgs Firm , fair inquiry , Pork-Quiet and steadily held ; ( pot , $11.01 @ 11.25. Lard Modelrtely aclire ; wo tern stoan spot , S6.CO/2G. / ( 5 ; October , SC.75. Butter Quie anaationgtr. Cheesa Klrra , fair inquiry ; western at , 4@Cic. KANSAS CITT , KANSAS OITT , Mo. , AuRust ? Whoat- Stpady ; E080jc | , cssh ; 8igc , September ! 853c , October. Corn Firmer ) 3GJe , cash ; 3Go bid , S7 ( asked September. Oita-Nominalat SO o bid , 51 } : asked. sr. LODIS. ST. Lou,8 , Mo. . AuRi t7. Wheat-Slow ! J@loover yesterday : UDio , August ; SLOOg , September ; $1 02 ? , Octobor. Oorn Firm at 42Jc , , cash ; 42je | , August ! \lc \ , September , Uata-Eaiier ; 2ll@2IJt' , caih ; 28o , An- gust ; ! 39c , September. Rye-Quiet at C4ic. Whisky Steady at 81.13. Butter Firm for top grades ; creamery , 1C @ 20c ; dairy , 12@17c , Af ternoon Board Wheat -Fitmer. Corn Quiet. Oata-No sales. LIVEUrOOL. Livanroot , Augiut 7. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 wiutor , Gi lid ; No. 2 spring , G ) Kid. Oorn Steady to firm atli 7JJ , spot and Augutt ; 8d September OJ October , IilVU BIOOK , caioAoo. CniOAao , August 8. The Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle Receipts , 1,009 head ; shipping steers , SJ.EO@4.90 ; butchers' , S2.00@423 ; stackers and fcedere , $2.CO@4.15 ; western rangers , none received. Hogs Receipts , 0,000 head ; active and firmer ; rough and mlrml , S1.IO@-1.SO ; pack ing and shipping , 84.30@4.GO ; aklps , § 300 @ 420. Sheep Recelpti , 100 lioad ; inferior to good 82.00@3.2fi ; ohoico , Sl'Jj. KANSAS CUT. KANSAS CUT , Mo , , August" . Cattle Re ceipts , 9000 ; shipments , 1,400 ; best quality 10 @lCo hlffhor ; common and medium steady ; exporters. $5.2)5.40 ) ; common to choice , ? 1.50@5758tockera ; and feeders , S3 3D@4.SO ; caws , S2.50@3.30. Hogs Ueceipts , O.orO ; shipments , G.G01 ; strong ; light and riRsirted , $ l.3j@-lCO ; heavy and mixed , $1.15@4.30. Sheep Receipts , 100ehlpmentti ; , 100 ; quiet ; common to good muttons , $1 OQ@2.90 , ST. LOUIS. Hi , LODia , Mo. , August 7.-OnttIC"Roeptv ! 350 ; ehipments , 1,010 ; pcaico nrd firm natlvo eteeri , 8125g5.75 ( ; butchera' steers , § 3.20@4,25 ; mixed lot * , S2.25@3.2j. Sheep-Recelpta , 1,800 ; shlpmonrv. 1.9CO ; bent erodes atrongor ; common to choice , $1,50 OMAHA WHOtiEHA-rjE MARKETS. OrnoE or THE OMAHA BIB , 1 Friday Evening , August 7. J SOUTH OMAHA STOCK YAKDS. Recelpta Cattle . 520 " Hoga . . 500 SHIPPED OUT CABS , Cattle . 1G Iloga . 3 BALES , No Wt. Pilco. Hoga . 120" 210 § 410 ' . EG 230 4 05 . 71 243 4 10 . 13G 239 410 Co tlo . 190 1,271 475 cowa . 20 1,100 385 " . 20 920 325 " . 22 960 250 " . Gt5 l.OOG 350 General I'rortnoo Butter Receipts of good qualitea are light and prices more firm. No quotations above lOo for strictly fresh table butter , and prices varying from G@8o for lower grades , while packing stock will only go at 4@5c. Eggs The highest price now attainable Is 9&c & , the bulk of salea being made at 9c. These quotations are for fresh , closely recandled stock , Poultry The extremely low prices on spring chickens have cauaod receipts to fall off considerable ; however , tbo market haa cot suf ficiently recovered to warrant an advance , and fair to good sboa are only quotable at S3. 00 ® 2.EO per dozen. Old chickens are in fair de mand at 83,25@3.50. Potatoes Good home-grown atock plentiful at 40@50c. Onions Per barrel , 84,00@4 55. Beans Moving alowly at S1.00@1.25 per bushel. Gram Wheat Cash No , 2 , 71o , Barley 45@50o. Rye Cash No. 3 , 51o. Corn No. 3 , 33o. . OftU-No. 2 , SCO , DaOOB A ! D UoiuiOALa Aold , o rbollo , 4to id , tartario , 553) ) balsam oopalba , per 1 . o ; bark , sassafras , par Ib , 12g ; calomel , per , 90o ; cinchonidla , per oz , , 80 50 ; chloro- rm , per Ib , 81 00 ; Covers powdora , per Ib , 1 35 ; ODsora salts/ per Ib , Slcj glycerine pure , per ib , 25o ; lead acetate , per Ib , 20c ; o easter , No. 1 per gal. , 81 GO ; oil castor , N per gal. , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81 40 ; o origanum , 50o ; opium , 84 25 ; quinine , P. & W. , and It. & S. , per oz. , 90o ; potaaalnrc ; Iodide , per Ib , . $3 50 ; aalicm , per oz. , 40c ; ml hate morphine , per oz , , 83 50 ; inlpbur , po b , 4o ; atrychnlne , per oz , , 81 80 , Flour ana MlUottUru , BELLING ) riUOES. "Winter Wheat Firmjbost quality patent at S3.00@3.30 , Second finality 83.70@3.00. Spring Wheat Beat quality patent al { 2.80 @ 3.0) . Second quality S2.40@3. 00. Bran D5o per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibi. , 85o. Corn Meal 8LOO@ll,10 per owt. Boreonlng No. 1 , 75o per owtj No' 2 , BOe , Hominy $1,60 per owt , Bhorta G5o per cwt. Graham 82.00 per owt. Hay 87.00@9.00 par ton. nirto . Steady ; green bntchera' 7c ; green cured , 8 : ; dry Hint , 12@14o , dry salt , 10@Uci dam. attod hides two-thirds price. Tallow 4t@5c. Grease Prime white , 3@4o , Sheep Pelts 25c@75 , Grocuro' jtilet DDT FBDITS No , 1 , quarter apples , bbla Co ; N O sliced , boxes , Cos evaporated , boxes , 8o | blackberries , boxea ISjo ; peaches , boxes , none in the market ; peaone5nvaporAtednona in the market ; raspberries , 27c. Boo ABS- Powdered , 7ioi cut loaf , 7gc ; granuated , 7o ( confectioners' A , Gjo ; Standard extra 0 , CJo ; extra 0 , G oj medium yellow , 51 1 dark yellow , 5go. OANNXO GOODS. Oyste a ' ( Standard ) per o&ao. S 90) ) strawberries , 2 Ib per caao , 3 GO ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25 ; California peara per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 5 00 ; peaches per cose , 5 70 ; white cherries per case , 6 (0 ; plums per case , 4 25 ; whortleber ries per case , S 00 ; era plums , 2 Ib , per caao , 3 90) ) green gagea , 2 Ib , per case , 2 U0 | pine aplei , 2 Ib , per caw , 8 20 < g5 50 , OANDT Mixed , SJJ ; stick , JOJoi twist stick , 9a VINIQAU Now York apple , I6c | Ohio ap pie , 16cj crab apple , 18c BTABCII Pearl , 4oj Silver Gloia , 8ci Corn B arch , 8ot Excelsior Gloss , 7o ; Corn. 74 c. KOFI SUal , t iiioh and larger , SI 3 g oeh , 8c ; i Inch , 9Jc. SALT Iray loads , per bbl , 1 C5t Athton , In sacks , 3 60 | i lacki Aabton , 1 00 ; bbla dairy 260@3 75 BPIOES Pepper , 10j iplce , 14oj elovet , 20o aula , 15o. STBUF Standard O 2SJo , bbls ; Standard do 4 gallon kegtf , 2.35. Son * . In Ib papers' 826 a ease ] kegpei f barrel. , 40 lb , 160 , 12io , 81 , 131c , boxers 40 Iba , 16 or , Ga , 12Jcj half box , SO Ibe 12c. MATCHES Per caddie , 85o ) round , rl. csso 45 ; square , caaes , 170Oahkogh. caaos gr 1,3 | TEAS Ounpowder , good 456Sc ) oboloc 7576c ) good Imperial , 40@4So : choice , GO < S 70c ; Young Hyson , good , 8 ( @ 60o | choice , q ( @ 70 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75o ) Japan choice tO$75c ; Oolonjr good , 8540c | Oolong choice , OOFTEE3 Lower on nearly all grades ordinary grade * , lOot fair , 12 good , 11(9120) ( prime , 1213c | ohoico , 16@17o { fancy green and yellow , 16@16&c ) old goTommont Java , 20@2Cc ; Arbuckle'a roast ed , ISle ) McLauehlin'e XXXX roasted , 13o ; Java , lGf < ai8Jc ) Dllworth , 13c. CRACKERS-Oarneau'a eoda , butter Tand pic nic. 5 : creams , 8 ; ginger snaps , 8 ; Citj loda , 71. PIOKLES Medium In barrel ! , 6 001 do ID alf barrels , S 00 ; small , in barrels , 6 00) ) do In alt barrola , 3 50 ; ghorkina in barrel * , 7 00 o in half barrola , 4 00. RIOH Louisiana , prime to ohoico , G7a. RnApa Kirk's Baron Imperial ) 3 001 KirK'i eatinet , 3 15 ; Kirk'i standard , 8 0) ) Kirk s White Runslan , 4 GO , 40@B5o ) Houehong , good , 3040o ; ohoico , Sb © 45o. WOODENWARE Two hoop palla , 1 85 ; three boon pail * , 2 10. Tube , No. 1 , 8 50) ) pioneer washboards , 1 75) ) Donblo Crown , 190) ) well- buckets , 8 75. I'oiAsn I'onnsylvnnis oant , 4 cans in oaao 3 35 Babbitt's bail , 2 doz. tn caao , 190) ) An tnor ball , 2 dot. in CSBO , 1 50. Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Ohorm of the West. GOc : Fountain , 70o : Golden Thread , G7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 50c ; Rocky Moun tain , 50ct Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c. Plug tobacco Climax , 44o per Ib , ; Horae- shoo , 4Cc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our Rope , 50c ) Piper Ueidalck , GOc ; Punch , 40o. Gooda r&y ) West Polnt,8or , , lOJojWoat Point , 10 oz. , 12cj Point Boar , 8 oz. , llo. TICK INOB Amoskoag , 13a Continental Fancy , 9Sot Oordta , 13o | Pearl River , 21c ; York , 13 01 Hamloton Awnings , 12c. BKOCTH HUEKINOB Atlantic A , Vic ; Atlan tic P , Be | Atlantic LL , 6o ; Brjinawick , 74c ; Beaver lamLL,6Jc ) ) Lawrence LL 51p ; Pa cific U , 7jfc ) Royal Standard CJcj Indjan Head A. 7c ; Wanchusott A , Gj . FINE BROWN SHEETINGS Argyle , Co ; Pop- porellR , 6Joalitbutyll , Co , BLIAO-HK ciroNS Ballon. 4-4 , Clci Bsl Ion , 7-u c Cnmborland , 4-4 , 7c : Davoll DD , 8o ; rtr vnt , 4o ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 7jo ; Glory . . ' the Weat , 8Joj Golden Gate.SSo ; Hill 7-8 , 7c | Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonsdalo , 7io ; Now York Mills , lOo ; Wamsutta , lOo. DCCKB ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz , lljoi Bos ton , 10 oz , lOloi Boston , 9 o : . , 12Joi Fall River Jc. DENIMS Amoskog , ISoi Beaver Creek AA. lie ; Beaver Creek BB , 10c ; Beaver Creek CO , 9c ; Haymakers , 80 ; Jaffrey D & T , 12Jo ; Jaffroy XXX , 12io ; Pearl River , 13o ; Warren - ron AXA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) , llo : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAMBBICBFifth avenue glove finish , 4 Keystone glove finish , 60 , Cona JEANS Amory , 7c | Hancock , 8c ; Kearsa go 7c ; Kockport , 6o. PniNfaAliens , 6jo ; American , 64pj Arn old's Gc ; Oochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4o ; Indigo. 7o ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4 , 144o ) Stool River , 5Jc ; Charter Oak , 4 Jo. PBINTS SHIBTINQB American , 4ioj Oochoco , 4Jo Glouceoter , 4io ; Southbr'dgo , 4io ; Waver- loya 44cj Roseuale , 4 Jo. Spirits COLOGNE Srmrra 188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101 roof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , ? 9 : do , 188 proof , 1 18. ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol 2 SO per wine gallon , WHiSElEB-Redlstilloa whiskies , 1 001 50 ; Fine blended , 150&300 ; Kentucky bour bona 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky and Penneylva Dla ryes , 2 00(20 ( (0. BRANDIES Imported , 6 00@1G 00 ; domes tie , 1 50&3 00. GINB Imported , 450@600 ; domestic , 150 @ 300. ROMS Imported , 4 60@8 00 ; Now England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00. CHAMPAQNES Imported , per case , 28 00 ® 34 00 ; American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00. Paint * Oils and Vnrnlahcs. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lie ) 150 beadlight , per gallon , jlGa ; 175 ° headlight per gallon , IGc ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; lin seed raw , per gallon , 61o ; linseed boiled , per gallon , 54c ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon. 70o ; No , 1 , GOo : No. 2 , 60 ; castor XXX. per gal- Ion , 1 60c ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 ; sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. , F > er gallon , 05 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; rammer , 15o ; golden machine , No , 1 , per col on , 35o ; No. 3 , "So ; operm , signal , per gallon )0c ) ; turpentine per gallon , 50o ; naptha , 74c , ? er gallon , IGo. Dry Paints White lead 880 ; French nc , Oo ) Foils vhiting , 2&c ; whiting gildero , lie ; whiting : om'l ' , lie ; lampblack , Germautown , 145 ampblack , ordinary , 10o | Prussian blue , c5 intramarlne , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; um be ramt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; oionna , burn 4ctr ilenna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 35o ? aiia greencommon,20c ; chrome green , N. Y lOc ; chrome green , K. , 12o ; vermllllon , Eng TCo ; vormilllon , American , 18 c ; Indian , red LOo ; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian , red , Oookson'a lo ; Venetian , red , American , IJc ; red load ' { oj chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chromo yel- ow , K. , 12c : ochre rochello.Sc ; ochre , Frenh ! Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral , ijo ; lehigb brown , 2icj Spanish brown , 2Jo ; ? rlnce'a mineral , 3o. ' VABNISHES Barrels , par gallont Furniture , ixtra , 81 10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex ; ra,81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , ! 1 75 ; Japan , 70o ; aenhaltum , extra , 860 , ihollao , 83 50 ; hard oil finish 81 50. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. ifo ; whlto lead , St , Louia , pure , G 50 ; Mareeil oa green , 1 to 5 Ib cana , 20o ; French zlno ; jroen eeal , 12o ; French zinc , red seal , llo , frepch zlno , In v&rniah oast. , 20c ; French zinc , n oil aast , 15o ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b mnj , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke ; rown , 13o ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach > Iack and Ivory black , IGo ; drop black , l\p ( \ ; ? rusBiau blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; sbromo green , L , M & D. , 16c ; blind and hutV ( rreen , L. M. & D , , IGc ; P.tria frroen , .80) ) Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tua- lan red , 32c ; American vermillion , I. & P.- I yellow ochre , 9c ; L , M , , O. & IX 0. , 18o ; rellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent Iryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , valnut , chestnut and aah , IBo Hoary Hardware Iilnt. Iron , rates , 2 15 ; plow steel , npeclal east , 4cj iracible steel , Go ; caat.toola do , 12@18 : ; wagon pokes , per eat , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per sot , . 35 ; ielloee sawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguoj , ach , 7 o ; axled , cash , 7Bc ; square nuta per b , 7allc ; woabora , per Ib , 8al8c ; rlveta , per b , llo ; coil chain , per Ib , Gal2o ; malleable , io ; Iron wodgoa , Go ; crowbars , Got harrow oeth , 4oi spring atoel , 7a8o ; Burden a horse hoes , 4 25 ; Burden's muleshoes , 0 25 , BABBEO WIDE In car lota , 4 00 per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to 60 ; iron , 2 , CO ; steel , ! .G5. SHOT Shot , 1 60) ) bnokahot , 1 85 ; oriental owder , kegs , 3 50a4 00 ; do , half koga , 200 ; do luartor kegs , 1 50 blasting , kegi , 8 35 ; fuse icr 100 feet , 50c. LEAD Bar , 165. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 1000 ; Mor is run Blosaburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump , i 00 ; Whitebreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ; [ owa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- det , 11 ISkll 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 per on. Tobacco. Smoking tobacco O , B. , 22ci Meeracbanm , ! 0o ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwell'a Durham , 16 > z , , Clc ; 8 or. , 55c ; 4 oz , , 67c ; 3 oz. . 60o , Seal of North Carolina , lCoz.wood , 42c ; 8 oz. , wood , 45c ; 4 oz. . o'.oth 48c ; 3 or , , 50o , Navy 31ippingi , 2Cc , Kllllkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , ! 8o. ' i DryLiumTjor. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha , DIMENSIONS AND TIUBEBS , BOABDS. No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 16 It ? 16 75 No. 2 boards , 13,14 ana 16 ft 14 75 No. 3 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft. . , 12 75 No , 4 boards , 12,14 and 1C ft. . . . 1075 SHIP LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch $18 00 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch 1610 Wo.l , 0. G , 18 00 [ < J. No. 1 , ! , t 6 inch , 13 and 14 feet , rough. .517 61 No. 1I & 6 inch , 16 foot , rough . 17 51 No. 2 , 4 & 6 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. 14 Ci No. 2 , 4 & 6 inch , 16 feet , rough . 15 ft OElLtNO , lat Oom. | inch , Norway . 16 6 ( 3d Oem , 9 Inch , Norway . 14 6 ( FINISHING ! . 1st , 2d and 8d Clear , 1J Inch , , 2a . $60 Of l&t , 2d , and 3d Clear , li and 2 inch , a. 2a 50 OC B Select , 1J. U and 2 inch , a. 2 . 86 00 1st , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , g , 3 . 45 00 A Select , 1 inch , a. 2 . , . 40 00 B Select , linen , a. 2s . . . SO 00 BIDING , 1st Com. , 12 , 14 and 16 feet . $22 00 2d Oom. . 14 and 16 feet . SO 00 3d Com. , 14 and 16 feet . 16 00 Fence , 14 and 16 feet . 1100 rLOoniNo. lit Com , G Inch , white pine . $33 00 2d Com. 6 Inch , white pi no . 85 00 3d Oom. 6 Inch , white pine . . . . . 28 00 Sol. Fence G Inch , white pine . , 19 50 lat and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch. 31 50 BTOOK BOARDS , BATTENS , TVELt TUBING , TICKETS. O.O. Bata , SInch . 8 ,65 O. G. Bat , SJInch . . . 76 J Inch Bats , B. la . 40 3 Inch well tubing , D. & M . 23 00 3 inch well tubing , Bov . 23 00 Pickets : D. & U. Flat , $22 00 ; D & U. Square . 24 00 BUNdLM AND LATH , 16 Inch , Clear. . . . $3 00 A'Standard . 2 75 6 inch , Olear . 1 60 No.l. . 1 20 Lath . 2 40 POSTS. While Oedar , 6 inch , halves . 13 o White Cedar , 5J Inch , halves . llo Whlto Cedar , 8 inches , quarters . . 11 o White Cedar , 4 Inch , round . 14 c LIME , ETC , Qulncy white llmo ( best ) . 90o Cement . $1.85 Plaster ( Michlcon ) . 2,50 Tarrodfolt , per cwt . 1.85 Straw board , per cwt . 1,70 DENVEU lIAKltKT. FLOCE Colorado. 100 Ibs , 2 15@2 20) ) pat ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 76@3 00) ) Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 © 3 CO ; graham , 100 Iba , 1 CO ) rye , 1 00 Ibi , 1225. 1225.GBAIN GBAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat 100 Iba , $135 corn , 100 Iba , 11C@1 20oats [ , Nebraska mlxod.100 Iba 1 G0@l 65 ; Nebraska oats white , L G5@l ( 70 ! bran , ton , 17 00) ) chop , corn , 100 ha , 1 2012575 ; : chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 150 @ 1 GO ; corn meal. 10U Ib * . 1 40(31 ( 50. HAT Loose , per ton , 10 C012 00 ; baled , locond bottom , 10 50(311 ( 00 ; baled , upland , 12 00@14 00 ; alfalfa , looao , ton , 12 00@15 00) ) itraw ton , G 007 00. Btrrms Creamery , finest , Ib. 2728c : srenmory pco Ib , 2425o ) Illinois and [ owa dairv Ib 18@29c ; Kansas and No- jraalin dairy , Ib , 15@ljo ; common , ib,6@8o ; butteriuo creamery , Ib , 2022o ; buttcrino Jalry , Ib , 16@l8o. CHEESE Full cream , Ib. 13@16c ) halt : reaiD , Ib , 10@llcj skim , Ib , 9o ) Swlsa , Im ported , 32o ) Swiss , domestic , Ib , 20@22 ; Lim- burpor , 20c. Eaaa State , fresh candled , doz , 14@15o ; fresh ranch , doz , 15@10c. POCLTBT Live old chickens , doz , 6 60@G 00 ; irosaed chickens , Ib , 15@lCo ; drowed tnrkeya , b. , 2022c J POTATOES- Ibr. 1 G5@l 95 ; Salt Lake , LOO Iba , 2 00 ; now California , 100 Ibe , 2 75 ® too. too.VEGETABLES VEGETABLES -Onions , 100 Iba , 4 00 ® 1 25 ; .nrnlps. 100 Ibs , 1 75 ; cabbage , now Callfor- iia , 100t \ , 3 00@3 25 ; Icttuco , do50c ; addlshoa , doz. 40c ; young inions , doz , 20o ; larsley , doz , 40c ; pie plant , doz , 20c ; oyater ilant , doz , EOc ; spinach , doz , 8c ; asparagus , b , tOa. cnHfloKOr , Ib , 18c ; cucumbers , doz , GUEKN FBDITS Apples , hbl , 850 ; Meaiitna omens , extra , box , 5 00@G 00 ; cranberrion , ) bl,1200 ; Messina oranRoa , bor , 5 75@COO ; j lifomia osaages , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananas , much , 2 00@t UO ; pine apples , doz , 4 00 @ i 50 ; Strawberries , California , lee qt , 3 00 & 1 25 box ; strawbenioa , eastern , crate , Bt © i 60 ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 ® 1 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots box 3 25 OOBED MEATB Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 101 OVc ; bacon , breakfast , Ib , 10 (35110) ( ) salt idea , ib , 7l7 c ; lud In palls , 9 @ 9a ) lard n tierces , 80. I'Biaii MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , nor 00 Its , 7 Co37 25) ) bocrs. dressed , 100 Ibs , 1 25(36 ( 75) ) mutton , 100 Iba , 6 10@6 50. LIVE STOCK Beef grass cattle , 10(1 ( Ibp , 4 00 34 50 ; hoga , 100 Ibs , 4 50@4 75 ; sheep , 100 be , sheared , 2 75@3 50. Hldea. Dry iflint No. 1 , per Ib , UlOlJc ) o. 2. Ib , 9@10o ; green steers and cows , bb 4@5o ; green calf , Ib , G@8c ) green kip , b , 5Gc ; branded calf , Ib. Gc ; ahearlings , Ib , OJJ15ot sheep skins , dry , Ib , CgGo ; deer skins b , 12@lGo : antelope skins , Io. 1215 ; oik kins , Ib , S@10c ; tallow Ib , 4@4Jo WOOL Colorado choice , per Ib , 1415ct lOavy , 12@lScl ; New Mexican , average , 7 o. FISH Mackerel , No. 1. 1 40 , kit , 1 15 ® 35 ; tne . 160@2 00 ; California ralmon , ialr bbl , 9 50r Holland horrinpt , keg , 1 25 ; resh lake trout bbl 15@lCc B ( SCCOESSOB TO ) FOSTER & GRAY. Vf JbCOX S3a3ft. ! . TTilEJ VHITE PINE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FOUNIA REDWOOD ASH , OAK , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH OEDAR. tear Creek Lime , Louisville Cement 'ortland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Plas ter , Hair , Etc. Etc. . . Vor. GtJi fe Douglas BAMBUEG-AMEEIDAH PACKET COMPANY. ) > roct Line for England , Fi-ance and Germany. Tba sioamtblps ot this well known line are I Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are Inr- Ishod with every requisite to uioko tbo passeige > th sate and agreeable , Tboy carry the United titoa and Kuropean malls , and leave New York 'linidayiand ' Saturdays lor Plymouth ( LONDON ) 'hcrboug.d'AIUS ' . and HAMBUttP ) Rates , First CabloCMtaO. Steerage to and com Hamburg $10. O li RIOBARU& CO. , Gcn- rul Past. Aiiei't ' , 01 groadway , New York aiiJ fasblnRtun and La Leila streets , Chicago or Henry 'undt ' Mark lianeon , P , K. Uooros , Harry P. Deul Imalia ; Oronenli ; & 3choonc er , In Country , t < \ F. JOHNSON , ED\V. \ HAMSIETI , F. J , BOHUYLK11. W. P. Johnson & Co , , Commission Merchants , 218 La Snllo Street , Chicago. Receivers of grata and seeds. l < * uturea louftht and sold , Special attention to sales > y samples. Represented by EDWARD BARTON , Lincoln , Neb , A'crvom A I Ix > .t - - UcblUly * * * * Munbaod QJ J tc r Afaroritt ) prucription of a noted hrci Ul ( now re tired. ) DtUKcUlsrin fill II. Ailitrusi DR. WARD & CO. . LUPIBIAXJUMO. PHO'IOGEAPHEB STUDIO ON GROUND FLOOR. 213 North leto THE CHICAGO NORTH H s ? / RAILWAY. THE BEST ROUTE AND OECT : minsnEi Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. The on to take tot Des Molne * . Mi.rsh.Ol toirn , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil waukee and all point ) eaut. To the people ol Ne braska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Id&ho , Netada Oregon , Washington and California It oOeri superior advantages not possible by any other line. Among n tow of the numerous points ol superior * Ity enjorcd by the patrons ol this road between Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trains a day ol DAT COACHES which are tboflncst that human nit and Ingenuity can create ; Its PALACE SLEEPING CAH3 which are models ol comfort and elegance ; Ita PAR LOU DRAWING ROOM OARS , unsurpassed by any and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council niuda the trains of tbo Union Faolflc Ry. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chlca co & Northwestern Ry tn Chicago the trains ol thlt line rnako oloso connection with those ol all oaatcrn line * . For Detroit , Columbni , Indianapolis , Cincinnati , Nligara Falls. Buffalo , Plltsburs , Toronto , Montreal Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash- Inston and all points In the East , ask the tlcSd agent for tlckoto via the NORTH-WESTERN , ' If von wlsn the best accommodations. AH tick t agents sell tlcketa via thli line. M. nUCiniTT. R. S. HAIR , General Manager. de . Fiti. Agent. CIIICAOOW.N. . B&.HCOCH , Don HI5 FiunamSt. . Omaha , No ALL COR. 123 RKSPOND. ENT3 MUST LAS STREET , ENCLOSE STAMP F O R OMAIIA. REPLY. Seventeen years Experience. Header of Diseases of Men and Women. Eclectrlc , Slognetlo and Herbalist FhyaHan. Now located at 1210 Douglas St Omaba , Nob. , up otalis. \ correct diagnosis given without any explanation tram the patient. ConBuUatlon free at oltlco. / Treat the Following Diseases. Catarrh of the Heal. Diseases of the Kyo and Ear. Heart Disease , Liver Complilt.t , Kidney Com- DlalntNer\ou8Dobllltv , Ment&l Depression , Loss of Manhood , Diabetes , lirliiht'a Disease , St Vituo Dance , Rheumatism , Paralysis , White Swellings Scrofula , Fever Soros. C&nccrs and Tumors remove ; d\\lthout the knife , or the drawing of a drop of jlood , Woman , with her dollcato organ ? , Restored to Health , Dropsy Cured W thouk Tapping , Special Attention Given to Prltato and Vcnerc.il Diseases ] ol ill Kinds , Tape Worms Removed In two or three icura or No Pay , Ilommorrhotds or Plies Cured or to Charges Made. Thooo who ajo nfillctod will gave life and nun. Irods of dollars by calling on or using DR. O. > V. PANOLK'S Herblloaedln I . CMZCAG ® , FSB SHQB.T LI I And. BEST ROTTE. tROll OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee It , Paul , Cedar Rapida , Davenport Jllnton , Dubuque , Rookford , lock Island , Frceporfc Janeav ilia , Clgln , Madison , La Ore sse , Jololt. Winona , Ind all other Important points East , Northeast - east and Southeast. Ticket offlce at 1101 Farnam street ( In Paitoa Ho cl ) , and at Union Pacific Depot. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In he World are run on tnemaln lines ol tbo CHICAGO IILWAUERR & ST. PAULK'Yand overyattentlon Is paid o naaseneers bvcouttoous omployei cf thooompanr. . S. MERRILL , A. V. II. CARPENTER , General Manager , Qcn'l Passenger Agent , 1. MILLER , OEO. F. HEAVFORD , Asa't Qen'I Manager. Aes't 0 n'l Pasa Agent J. T. CLARK , Qen'l Superintendent Time In Effect April 5th. 1835. The attention of the travelling pnblla la called to tie fact that this la the onlr oompleto and abiolntely arrect time-table published In tha otty , All trains arrive at and depart from Oman * tj Central Standard Time. Trains of tba O. 81. P. II. H 0. arrive al and dl art from their depot , corner of llth and Webstei Ireets : trains o < the B. & M. , O , B.4Q.and E , 0 t. J. & O. a from the B. b W. depot ) ell otheii from tin Union Pacific depot. a , DtUyi b , except Eatcrdayj o , except Sunday ) d , xo pt Uoaday. OMAHA BRIDGE TKAINtt Dumtnv Tralno I ve Omaha at 8 5,7 22 : DC , 10 00 , 11 16 a tu.lSSO , S 00 , 8 00. i 00 , i 65 , ( CO 110pm. On Sundays the 760 and 10 00 a m and 00 and 00 p m trains do not ran , Arrir at trant er depot II mlnntei later : dioaiway dtpoi SO mln- iteilaten Leave Council BluBa ( Broadway depot ) at 0 E6 J ( I , 160,1080,111C a mi 1 80 , S 80 , &M. 428,621. , nd 11 U p m. On bunO yi the 9 B and 11 40 am ind S SO and 6 26 p m trains will not run. Acilve at hantfer 7 minutes Uteg , Omaha io mlnntoa later. TrnnaforTralna ! * Omaha at a n , s n t n , 1J 85 , 2 20. i 20 , i 00 and 1 M n m , daily. Artlte at 0 80 and 11 00 am , J 03 , 8 CO , T M and res p. erealajail UiaJ > 7 mimlnz trains an nllnj ; orln. 0. U. fc Q. tiataa ' run er STOCKYARDS TRAINS. Leavt Union 1'iclflo depot at 140 a m and. t li u , Uav rom Stoolc S"erdj at 1 U .m. aod.Cp m. CHAS. SHIVEKICK FURRITTJR tTPHOLBTEEY AND DRAPERIES , rjesonffcr Elerator to alt floora. 1JOO , 1203 and mo FatnamSt. OMAIIA NEBRASKA t JtOJLTJE , Manufacturers of Ornamental DorraorWindow * , Window Cupa , Motallo Sky LIRhls , fto. Tin , Iron Slate icofeK , 610 3. 12th St. , Omftlm. Neb. Work tlono in any part of llio caunlry. MAX MEYER & CO -ESTABLISHED , 1865 fan porters and Wholesale Dealers in Just'Received , a fulli'Iine ' of Meerschaum Goods , prime aualitv , whicli were spe oiallv selected bv our Mr .Mas Mever in Europe for our own trade. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jlaoo Meyer & Co. , , HELLMAH & CO , , 1301 ANDJl OS FARNAMgSTRriET.-'OOR.SlSTB - , AND DEALER IN OMAHA , * NEB. L , Ji TULtLOOR , Eng. & Bupt. Q. P. N. SADLER , ABSt. Eng H. W. IlAHOND , _ ,88t. SBO VHSSOTTEI VALLEY BEIDQ-E AND IRON "WOEKS OFFICE AND WORKS LEAVENWORTII , KANSAS. Man'fg'a an d Builders c f ron2btIronSt8elHow&- Truss and. Combination BRIBC4ES Jor Railroad g and lllghwayB Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Ito < r TrusaoB , " Piers and Sub- 81 ructurcs. ! nseySile& ! , ! [ < Tulock ! PROJPRMTORS A. McLout b , Agent. Fleane scrd us notice of all bridge workito let. Correspondence oollcllod from onglntcrs and DmmIsilorierB > SP30IAL NOTICE TO of Live Stock and WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It la ( ho beet and cheapest food for atook of 0117 kind. Ono pound la oqaal to. hroo ponndn o corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the jTall and Winter natoad of running down , will Incroaao In weight and bo In good marketable oondl. Ion tn the eprlnp ; . Dairymen , aa well as others , who uao It , can testify to Ita inor- ta. Try It and jadgo for yonraolvoa. Prloo $24.00 par ton. No charge for aaoku. Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Neb. } , ; D. GREEN. G30. BURE ( Will.pay cuetwmerelDralt with Bill of LadinRiottacliod , Jor two-thirds value of atock. ) ' GREEN & BURKE. LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MEECH'TS .UNION STOCK YARDS. ' ! ilorchants'ct Farmer's HBPKBENOE8 Bank : David CityNeb. Omaha , Neb. Cearney National Bnnk. Kenrney , Neb. , jolumbua S'atoBani , Columbus , Neb. ilcDonald'a Bank , North Platte , Neb. ) tnaha National Bank , Omaha , Neb , THE < * . . . ! . . STBANG COMPANY , Oaublo and Sfnglo Acting Power auajiana Eoglne Trimmings , Mining tlnohlnery , Belting , HOHO , Braaa anrl7 on Flttlnizt at wholesale or roUll. HALLAJ5AY WIND-MJU . onUIlOH LND BOIIOOL BELLS. Oorner 10th and Faraam St. , Omaha X H. T. CH RKB BRtTG CO3K PANY , BUCOKKDINQ LEIGHTON & Drugs , 2 * tint8 , Oils and Window Gltist * Bjllmtes u\\ea \ orj pUte lu . To thow about to mV ark Io the drug business wlll'do wtU to ooniul your lutercit by CUlBlf or.ui , orwnd for our vrlos list r idjwUiappMj bout January Ith , 11.11 ordtri B0llclte4 , , in UAUNE ? UTUKET ,