Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE DAILY BEE--M UN DAY , AUGUST 10 , 1885.
Browns Iron
Th * dnnrtlon baa trobaMy been asked thonianc'
* f tlm v''IlrnT can Ilrtnrn's Iron Dittcrs cur * eerj
ihln * ' " well. It do ir * t. Dot It docs cure any dlwwm
In * which a reputable phynlcUn wonM prescribe I no
frhyilelana recognize Iron M the taut TtwtcntlT
ucnt known to the profasslon. and Inquiry of an
EadlnK ehemlenl firm will untwUntUl * lb a MtUo
ihit there are more preparations o ( Iron than ox an
eth r TOt/Btano'i us * < i In medicine This shows eon
elnirfMly that Iran It acknowledged to IK the raw
Important factor In n , ecensf ol medical prattle * . It li
howeTnr. a rmrmkab , f ot , thatprlnr to lha dl oo
fry of IltinWN'S J 11ON IHTTUU.Snopjrf.cj
U satisfactory Iron cc rnblnaUon had ever boon roanc
BROWN'S ' IRC. . N BinERS3K asS ! !
beadaehe , or produce conftlpatlnn-nll other Iroi
cnrcnIndlBcntlnn.nillonnntBB , WcnUncti
Dripepnln , Dlnlnrln , Chill" nnd IToyer *
Tlreill'ccllnK.Omcrnl DebilityPnln In th
Side * TInrkorTjltnb , IIrnilnchn and Nonrnl
ala for all tbeta ailments Iron li pmcribtd daQ ]
. k * all otber thoronish mMlclnM , It t
wlr. When Ukon by m n th * flrtt urmptom o
nefitI/irenimixJen tta. Themnselftsthenbecnra
firmer , th * algmtlon ImprnrM , th * DOITMS i r * aetln
Ja 1 functional dfruncfnidnta become r n
ir , and K a nnnnnt mnthor. abundant anstenikno
j rapplled for th * clilld. Il m mber Brown'a Iroi
illttfTi lathe ONIYY Iron jn dlcln * that Is not In
{ orioua. rAvH an > and nrunitu rtctmmtni it.
> Genuine has Tnde Mark and erotiwd red Una
I JC3-A written jnmrantco of euro Riven In ore
case nnnortakcn. OS-All consultations 1'rco m
< Nncrcfl. JJr. Clarke's Cclcbratfil Itook tu
in envelopes ) tuo ntniups.
JI , D-,180 So. CL.VUKST. tUlClQO.II.
Frightful Case of a Colored Man ,
c. ' , * I contracted ( earul caao of blood poison in 183
f waa treated u yaomo of the bolt physicians In A
lanta. They used the old remedies of moicury an
polash , which bioURht on rhcumatttm , and impal
J1' od my dlRcstivo oigjn' . Kvery Joint In mo wi
Bwollcn and ( nil ol piln. When I wag given up 1
gr die my phyElcUns thought it would bo a court tltr
B to test the vtrtuca of Swllfa Spcclflo. When I core
' menced taking S S. a , the physician nald I coul
5- ' not live two * oeks under tbo ordinary trcatmoc
I , Bo commenced to give m > tbo mtdlcbio strictly n
& ooidlrg | to directions , which I continue 1 for seven
months. I to.k notliloR o'.aa and continued to lir
prove from tbo very lint Soon the rbcumatlei
lit , loft mo , my appetltu liecimo all right , and tbo ulcai
| | k which the doctor Bild wcrd the most frightful h
Bf * bad over seen , bo ai to heal , and by the 1st ol Oo
. tobcr , 1884,1 was A well man again. I am etronge
( ' . ' cow tnsn I ever was before , ami weigh more. 8.S ,
f boa eaved mo from an early crave ,
* LKM J ]
Lorn McOIonkon has been In th > > employ of tb <
Cbc8s3C eIoy company ( or Bomo aoars , and I kno
the above statements to bo true. At the tlmo li
bcgan takinz Swl.'ti Spoollla ho was in a hoiiblo con
dltion. I lefuil hla euro alraoU miraculous.
W. U. CROSST , Mannpor.
Chesa-Carloy Co. , Atlanta Dlvision.
Atlanta , Go , , April 18th , 1885.
. S'SFffi'iil sSSf23 ;
RVfaTjaa - aj-s.-
c : * ; ;
The Great Blood Purifier.
OANOEKI , Hoiious , SOUKS , Utctiia ,
MATlHtf , and all blood nud skin disonses.
1 OOSK'SnEDCtOVEIl P1LM , Cure Sick Head.
-L/acho , Djiucpsla , ludlr | stlon , and Constipation.
Boiesofzs llljsaaiits ; Sbojtoafil. Looan'a HHD
CuVKB ) 1'iu : KCURDT , uro euro , 6Co per box. KOI
eatobyalldrufvleta , ortuldret J M ,
Monroe , Mien. Ben J ( .atostlrajnlali.
Thla Invftluabla gp 9lflo ri < lly i&j permanent ) '
cures all kinds oAttbm . TI J moot obstluto an
long ( lauding casoailaUi promptly ta Us wondertu
ourlng pronortles. It U keown throujtout the worl
for Ita unrivaled efllcao/ ,
J. L. OAtDWELL. olty Llnco'o , Nob. ; writes , Jan
S , 183L Hluoo using Ut. Halr'a Asthrai uro , fo
ore th n ono year , uiy wllalus txcn enUtely w ll
nduot oven a lympUm ol the dluuohuappsaitKl ,
WlbUAlI BENNETT , nichlanJ , Iowa , writes Nor
dilBSS. 1 have been aflllotod with Uay r < * r am
Aithmj Blnco 1853. I followed your dlrectlooa aoi
am bappr to nay that I naver alopi b Uer In uiy life ,
I am glad that t am among the many who cm apeak
so fa > orably o ( your remedies.
A valuable 61 page treaU eoontalnlnr lmllarwoof
{ 'om very Btata In the U. S , C naia end flr .
Viltalnj will bo mailed upon apphcaUon.
Auv JruitgUl not h vin j It In stock win proouid.
toorJir. Atlc ( or Ir. llalr Asthma ( iiro.
UltU. W UAIU&80N. I'rou'aClu'tl 0.
Tli OrlKiniilmil Only Ui'milnt * .
' " "Il-wnublj la LAfVlE S. A.L ) ur llruciil.t Lt
< ii ui > - la ui " , .r'15/u . ul " / > , ; < lttr " \ > j rrfuru' iuull'
NAME PAPER. riilcb * ( r < "b inlrnl Cu-
tf ffl I UuJl.oi. Muuurc. J'liiue _ , ! ,
A Df jUfj. Tia4 ( upplltd by J. A. VuUtr f& >
The L&wis ana ( Me Explorers Gl
Down the ColmnMalo iboM ,
The "Wonderful Results Following t
Explorations of the Northwest
The Frnlt of JiiTcraoii'a
Wtlltcn for the BEE.
NO. tx ,
When Liwli and Clark rosehed {
country of the Mandans late In the I
of 1804 , they built a fort and nomoc
Fort Mandan. Thcro they passed (
long and dreary winter , In April , 181
they eont their barga back to St. Lot
with ton men and dltpatohoa. The pai
had been out cloven months and no ti
iogs had been received from them. Th
then started on tholr forward journoyj
to the wildornoBD , and on the 18th
August arrived at the oxttomo nnvlgal
point of the Mluonrl , 3,000 miles ftc
its month , having nvornged twenty
twontyfiva miles a day. Crossing t
dividing range of mountains they fen ;
themselves among the Nea Porcos ,
stated In my last. Those Indiana tro.
cd them with marked kindness. Afl
upending oomo time with thorn and i
croitlug their otrangth and resting thi
animals , they descended the wcste
slope of the Ilooky mountains and fou
themselves among the Flatnoad Indiat
who also treated thorn In a friendly mo
nor. There they atrnckn largo branch
the Oolnmbla river. Giving modah to tl
chiefs , the latter famished them wl
canoea , and In thorn the explorara floati
down the branch of the Columbia , sov (
hundred miles Into the main Golnml
river , and pinning the Cascade mountal
entered the Iny into which the Oolumi
empties , on the 15th of November.
They had nolved the problem of
northwest pa's ago to the northwe
coast. They loft St. Lonls on the 14
e May , 18C4 , and on the 15th of iN
vembr , 1805 , they camped on the ahor
of the Pacific ouean , near tha Brltli
poseeeslons , and In the land of whii
Bryant wrote :
"Where rolls the Oregon ,
And knows no Bound ,
Save its own dasliioffa , "
It waa a long , tollaomo , venturson
journey , full of hardships and danger
and which required jtat eighteen moull
and a day to accomplish. The dream <
Jefferson was realized , and ho was enabled
abled to obtain aomo information na t
that portion of the territory embrace
within the Louisiana purchase , whlc
waa one of the conspicuous measures o
hla administration. If the ( spirits of th
Separtod nro endowed with conacloue
ness of what transpires on this earth
that of Jefloraon must bo filled wit !
latlafaction at what It to-day beholds
Eighty years have worked wondrou
esnlla. The journey which Lewis am
Jlarko wore juat cichtoon months and i
lay in making , Is now effected Infivi
lays. Such are the results of progros
ind development in this land. For
nerly there van some apprehension tha
ho ncrthweet coast being separated bj
uch a vast distance from the natlona
apltal , and frcm the great body of thi
inlon , there might bo loss attachment
hero for the union' than east of thi
locky Mountains. But how groundless
'hero are on that coast as strong but
rarks In the hearts of the people for the
ofenso of the nation In Its entirety ni
a any othsr portion of the union. Little
Id John 0. Brockenrldge , whoso tern
f vlca president had expired on the 4th
f March previously , know of the people
f the Pacific coast , when ho aald , In the
enato to which ho had just been elected ,
t the special EOEslon of congress called
y Mr. Llnoaln In July , 1861 : "Nay ,
lore , air ; you will eeo further separation ,
hope It ia not 'tho annret of life gives
10 mystical lore , ' bat In my mlnd'a eye
plainly ueo 'coming events cast their
ladowa before.1 The PaciGo slope now ,
cubtleau , la devoted to the ucion
E atates. Lat thla war go on
11 they find the burdens
E taxation greater than the burdens of
separate condition , and they will assent
) It ( a ( separate condition ) . Lot tha
ar go on until they BOO the beautiful
atures of the old confederacy beaten
it of ehapoand comeliness by the brutal-
Ing hand of war , nnd they will turn
ildo in disgust from the sickening spec-
, clo and become a sjparato nation. "
rfaat vain and foolish prophecy ! The
irchaio of the Louisiana territory roach-
g round to the northwest cuaat , and the
iqulsltlon ol California as a rosolt of the
urban war , formed a vast bulwark of
rongth for this nation , and proved its
ck of defunao In the west during the
nl war.
The party pissed the winter of 1805-6
quarters built by them on the banks
the Columbia , , living mostly on elk and
h. In March , 18CC , they ataitod on
olr return voyace , bat were loss fortu-
to than tho/ were on their advance
arnoy , Having several encounters with
stllo Indians , They , however , reacho
elr boats without Joeing any of thol
rty , and floated down the Yellowston
io the Missouri , and then down th
ier , stopping again to have a conncL
th the Omahas , but again nnsuccosa
! , as they were absent on the warpati
a hunt. They touched Bt Louis on
3 27th of September , 180C , having boor
sontabonttwoyoaraand four months. . /
> at geographic * ! and geological problem
1 been solved.
The territory proper of Louisiana wa
in organized , nnd Capt. Lawla wade
do 1U governor. He , however , In a fi
doapoadenoy .committed snlcldo no
K afterirards.
Chrop fears after their return , John
job Astor organised two expeditions
the northwest coast , ono around > Capi
rn , and the other np iho Missouri
owing the route of Lewla and Okrke
I engaged ztennlvely In the fur trade ,
whtoh ho accumulated his coloual
IKAND ISLAND , Ajjgtut 8.
Canada's "nu a fo Kntn. "
Imlllus Irving , Q. 0.ormerly mom-
of Parliament for Hamilton , laid the
or dap : "I leo the Toronto Glebe
? oata that the Northwest Province la
ly to become the Ireland of Canada ,
ny opinion the state gf this countiy is
! serious , much more to tbau the
ernment will admit or your friends In
r York have any Idea of , Wo have
t two laiga HUES of railroad which cm
Jrpay. The cost of the Canadian
: Bo has been 8120,000,000 and the re-
s by no possibility at prerent con-
sblo can over cover the running ex-
ea Thla money hai baon birrowcd
y , too oatlly I think. Had our
it stood lower our present difficulties
wonld bo lese. Wo hare squandered t
ranch became wo have been able to bi
row too easily , and It has landed ns
In thla position : Wo ewe about $00 {
head for every man , woman , and child
the country. The Canadian Pacific rrj
from the heart of the conntry , where pi
plo have no pjrjat desire to travel ,
Columbia , where there are tome 20,0
white men who have not the means
travel. For aomo 400 miles the reruns
runs through a conntry unable to snppi
a population of fifty to the cquaro ml
The ayndlcsto who have built the 11
have reaped an immense profit at the c <
of the Dominion. This I do not thi
they will c ro to lone by continuing
run the line at a loss. They will siy
the Dominion Government : 'No
gentlemen , here la your railroad ;
can't afford to run It , so ran it yo
solves. '
"Now look at the financial position ;
this year's accounts were fairly stat
they wonld show a deficit. There sect
no chance of an Increase of revenue , ai
next year wo shall have to face two ml
Ions at least on the wrong sldo. In a
ditton , the subsides promised to Low
Canada must shortly bo paid. Lot
then anticipate the moment when Canai
arrives at the Inovlttblo end of that rci
to ruin on which she has entered.
The KitBsInu OIHocr.
Contemporary Keviow.
The aristocratic youth of Ratals con
menco tholr military career in gymnas
( schools ) , where they receive a liberal o
ncatlon at the ago of 10. Ilsligion , lat
gtinRcs , history , mathematics , etc' , for
part of the course , which lasts for sevc
years ; bat drill , fencing , gymnastics , at
swimming are subjects to which contii
erablo prominence , is given , and oac
Bcjiool Ins a nniform In which the schola
Invariably appear. At the end of tt
year they are medically examined , an
only thoeo who are physically lit are po
milled to be examined for cadotehlp
Those who are rejected may be appolutc
to different offices nndor thogovernmon
The corps d'olltu are hold ont as Induci
meats to those who pats the hlghei
standard of examination. Thcro at
eighteen or twenty of thoeo at the diffoi
ont portions of the empire. They fee
the eight cadet schools which provide th
higher class of officers. Of these th
imperial corps of pages is the arrii
tocratlc , and supplies most i
the oflicora of the guard. Th
remainder are at St. Petersburg , wit
the exception of the Alexander school r
Moscow , and the Finland cadet corf
at Holslnfora , the latter bolng exclusive
for natives of the duchy of Finland
The Michael artillery and Nicholas on
glnoer cjdot schools furnish , as thol
titles Imply , the higher class of artlller ;
and engineer officers. The progymnaMn
at which there are eight , receive boys o
my class , 10 yean of age , a small per
: entago of whom join the army dlrec
is non-commissioned officert ; the ro
nalnder oupply the Junker echools , afto
t seven years' course. The Janko :
ichools provide the bcdy of officers. Thi
! ourao lists for two yoara , and enl ]
hose cadets who obtain a certain figure
if morlt are appointed to commissions ,
! ? ho cadets , In addltku to theoretlca
notrnctlon , have a moat practical course
i study In sketching and outpost duty
hey also go Into camp for four month :
a the year , and take part In all drllh
nd exorcises. Batteries , eqadrons , and
lattaliona are formed , all manned bj
adets. These schools ara In the dlflor-
nt military districts , and under the atafi
f those districts , and the Instructors ore
akon from the best officers in the dia-
The Railroad Whistling Nuisance ,
Tew York Sun ,
The Massachusetts railroad commission
ave made their first recommendation
nder the now law of that state with ro-
ard to locomotive whistling. H. F.
[ Ills and other cltlneus of Lawrence po-
tloned for the regulation or prevention
E whistling by the engines of the Boston
; Malno railroad and the Boston &
owell railroad within 5,000 feet from
10 Intersection of the two roads with
arkor street. A hearing was had , at
hlch no ono appeared for the railroads ,
ho commission have slnco reported that
ley have heretofore raised the question
hother tbo use of the whistles as a dan-
ir signal has not douo moro harm than
> od , "tho accidents that It saves being ,
srhaps , overbalanced by the acoldema
tat It causes by the frightening of
irsc a and by the deaths resulting from
SB of sloop. "
They SL-J of tbo opinion that the free
id indiscriminate nie of the whlstlo has
asoned its value as a danger signal , and
sorts at ordinary crossings In compact
ilghborhoods it may bo forbidden with
balance of advautago to the public ,
icy report that the Boston & Albany
llroad , an long ago as 1875 , at the ro-
lost of residents along the road , dla-
ntinned the use of the whlstlo except
a dangar signal without experiencing
y evil consequences. The board
anted the petition , and added that as
signals by whistling from one employe
another , the board could pas ? no err -
r , but believes much of anch whistling
needless , is an Inexcusable annoyance
the public , an Infringement on their
; hts , and Is , in many cases , Indictable.
Told by tno i-nor.
itrolt Free Press.
"Yoi , the artificial banks along this
or , made capital breastworks ( or the
federates , " said the pilot as wo steam-
down the Mississippi. "Safely ehol-
ed by the heavy walla of earth. I've
1 roor'n cno crack at a Yankee gun-
it myself. "
'Then you were In the service. "
"Must have baen. I belonged to a
t o1 Independent troop , and moat of
r fighting was from these , 'era banke.
you sec that giova away up there ? "
'Yos. "
'Well , In war times a big house stood
re. Fifty of us were eating dinner
ro ono day , when somebody saw a
akoo gunboat along about here. Wo
rushed for the bank , and when the
to along wo opened with our mas-
s. By and by nho replied with a shall
n a big gun. It struck the bauk near
top and jltt lifted about ten wagon
Is of dirt np In a heap and lot It tall
our captain. "
'Kill ' him ? "
'No ' , 1 reckon not , but it burled him
ir out of sight- "
Flow did ho feel when you got him
We dld'nt filt him out. "
Yon didn't ? Why not. "
Too busy holding an election for some
to take hla place. We couldn't
k of every thing at onoo , yon know ,
then It vraa each a cheap and easy
of bntylti g a man. They might have
him out si'nco the war , but I reckon
rat no good. Been there too long. "
NTo business of importance was trantacted
IB police court Saturday inorniuR , Several
uera accused of intoxication were ro
il. JacV Uannott , charged with disorder-
iduct , went up to th i county jail , in de-
of aglOaadcoets fine.
I'roml to Bo Ono of General Ornn
Pall Bearers 'atonoAVull" Jack-
BOH na n Lnjndcr ,
Chicago Herald ,
General Joseph Johnston , the we
known Confederate leader , who at M :
Grant's special request was selected as
pall-bearer by the President , arrived
the Palmer Homo Thursday from Poi
land , Ore. , on hla way to Now Yoi
General Johnston , thoogh now well ale
In years , stands erect and looka eve
inch a soldier. Ho Is about five feet t
inches In height , and hla closely cropp
board and mustache are snow whit
What remains of his hair i ) alao whit
but the locks are scanty now , althooj
the eyes are bright and the volca plcc
ant."Wero you pleased at being Invited
bo a pill-bearer at the funeral , General
the sorlbo Inquired.
"YcB , I was very much gratified i
having the opportunity to pay my rcspcc
to the memory of General Grant , " tl
General replied ; "and I Ihlnk that bol
North and South should do honor to h
memory. The South has , and , what
moro , the General had almost aa mat
friends in the South as in the North. 1
the tlmo It was proposed to reinsta
General Grant the Southern represent !
tlvcs supported It quite as strongly ,
not moro so , than the Northern , and
am a nro the South mourns hla loaa. "
"Would it bo fair to ask your oplnlo
of General Grant as a general , yon belt
an old foe ? "
"No , I should not doom it right to tal
on that subject ; but 1 will say this : j
the close ol the year 1801 thlnga wet
aDout equal between the two armies. Th
Federal troopa were stretched ont in sue
a long line , so that when an attack wt
made on the Southern armies , who wet
DU the defensive , a sufficient force coul
always bo collected to atop the advance c
part of that line , and such bolng the case
the rest of It could not advance wlthon
their communication being broken. Whe
General Grant took command ho masse
Ills forces Into great aimler , cno undc
ilmaolf and the ether under Sherman
ind by this moans completely crnshe
.ho armies opposing him. I do not sa
; ho result would have been different i
.ha end , but I am onro of this thn
jtonoral Grant hastened the conclusion c
ho war in a remarkable manner. "
"Then you glvo no opinions ? "
"No. I have had a bad experience o
iplnious. When I was commanding 01
ho Mississippi during the war an Engliel
ifficer came to me with a strong letter o
ntroduction from Mr. Mason ( at tha
imo Commissioner to Englnnd ) , askin ;
no to show him all the civility I could
) f course I welcomed him to the camp
t least , if such it could bo called , aa hi
lad no tents , but only some cooklnr.
itouslls , ana during the time ho wai
hero ho had frequent talks over the cimj
re. In ono cf those , in speaking of the
cspotivo merits of Longstrcot and
'Stonewall" Jackson , I said that the
irmcr was the better General from c
tratcglcal point of vlow than Jackson ,
Ix months afterward I received a book
i which the whole conversation was
rintod. Now , as Jackson was a perfect
lol among the Preabytorlans of the
outb , you can iimgino that I becirno
cacti/ the opposite. "
"Then you do not consider Jackson a
: eat General ? "
"Not as a strategist , but as a division
> mmander and fighter , yes. The action
T which ho got most praise was really a
ifeat , and that was the battle of Cross
! OJB. Jackson and Ewell'a Corps were
ipoatd to Fremont and Shield's and
icksou was in command. Shield's was
tvanclug on the opposlto side of the
ver from Fremont , and had a compara-
rely weak corps. Fremont had a stroug
ic. Jackson's corps WRB the stronger
the Confederates. Jackson detailed
troll to attack Fremont , whllo ho
itched Shields and prevented htm croae-
g the river. E well defeated Ficmont ,
id then Jackson crossed the river and
lacked Shields , but ho was beaten un-
1 En ell came to his aeelstance. Yet
, ckson for this received the thanka of
mgiois. The Idea of a man with
perlor force watching an Inferior whll' '
dispatches a weaker force against
porlor is scarcely strategy , "
The General left for New York by th
) 'clook train. A gentleman who trav
id with General Johnston said that thi
moral told him it was ono of the proud
; moments of his life when ho recolvcc
a request to bo one of the pall-buarora
d that ho had ridden aovonty-fiv/ /
lea and driven 200 by ntugo befora h
aid got at the train. Thn old Genera1
) ko In the highest tormj of the general
p of tha latn General.
Insane I'atlome ,
3n Saturdaye'a B. & M. train from
icoln Dr. McFarland , of Jacksonville
s. , came In with eleven Insane patient
m Wyoming who have been for eomo
IQ past at the State Insane Asylum a
icoln. The proaont crowded condition
the cay him , has necessitated a trans
of the Wyoming patient ? . They will
taken to Jacksonville by Dr , MoFar
id , there to bo treated in his private
tltntlon. The names of the nnfortu-
0 people are , James Oastollo , Thoo-
o Palchow , Thomas Llndsoy , Henry
etz , and Llns , Robertson , of Albany
nty , Mary Baker , Carbon county ,
rlstlan W.Frodoricks , Andrew Jensen ,
L Sarah Anderson , Swoetwater county ,
1 Alice Unssoll , of Liramlo county ,
) r. McFarland is a genial gentleman
1 a man of great experience in every
iso of treatment cf lunatics , The
tents who have boon iranaferred to
care will receive the boat of troat-
it and have every chance of recovery ,
> ro recovery la at all possible. The
tor spoke very kindly of Dr. Mathow-
, of the Insane atylam at Lincoln , and
1 that ho had received the best of
tmont at hla hands ,
ho party left In the attarnoon on the
i Wabash train for Jacksonville.
i n Baby tru lck , we gave tier Cutorla ,
icn olio WM a Child , elie cried fur Ciutorla ,
len elie became Ulta , elio clung to Cagtoria ,
i n iboliad Ckildna , lit * gar * Uicm Caalcrla
Change * Wroimnt bjr Time.
moro American.
y Gonld might visit London now
pleasure. Cyrus W. Field was act-
' received vrJth loud choera yesterday
10 very directors of the oiblo com-
who , ftt the last meeting , denounced
ai a stock jobber , and demanded bii
sineut from tbo board. Tlmo and
public dlncoia wrk mavrelous
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica
Lumbago , Dackacho , Headache. Toothache ,
Kot-c Tliron.s < rrllliiH .Spriilii .Ilrtil ci
liiirtiv.NrnliU , rcfiu llllc * .
. * * AI. ' . OTiiim itnmi.T rms AND * nit3 > .
inn l A. VOOILtn * COJ BilUaoro , d.f..T. JL.
U city I r
Ntnnut Crnsirtitlni. Dctilt | ( , M r.i- . ; * *
Phslcnl ) : weakness , Mcrciirhl diio ctin. , ' v <
hunt nl Ihtoal.SHr odonn , 'Slnoi' ' po.w.lii- ! ' ,
M SoniS tint' . UlCCfi , ri - . - . . .1.5,1 - v 5inir % .
ra.nri.ry , rtjtj.J |
f IJ <
r tlerfnv Mrr * ) C. imprauor or nnhtnpji r
iifcifl tnrelcpo , fr < * nir nr H.Veti. CoiffnititfT i *
-V PositivV wV/ttufiVunrarile / :
Chartered by thcStateofllll
'Jnoia for1 thccxprcsapurpos
If of Blvinc Immediate rcliclli
i-nil chronic , urinary and prl
Csvato diseases. Gonorrhcco
' f Gleet ondSy philis in nil tliel
complicated forms , also ai
diseases of the Skin nn <
Blood promptly relieved nm
permanentlycured by rcmc
, dicstcstedlnaJorlViri
\l > j > rrl < ilJ'rarticr. Semlna
. „ iRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples or
he ! ace.Lost Manhood , iiaalttvrlyciirrd. T/irri
snacjriicrtiiicnllnii , The appropriate remcdj
s at once used In each case. Consultations , per-
onal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
clnes sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on
iackage to Indicate contents or bender. Address
m.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon ai.Chlcagolll ,
r1. ! CHT.I DjiTvpi1. * UUrlh < 3 , lcrer .oil Air
> rtb l c A fcwdrortbnp.rtaiMI
to tt li.t ftfch.r > ip. ] ir , .nil t .11 lumintr OrloUi. * ! > / It , PIL !
orrouauife'.ti. A.It VCITcrnMr r > r OrvrDtrt for tld r'-i
br DILJ.G. U. iaiCCld'iEO.VS.
; . > \vuppKnMA M , BOLE AOE T
Dt lIllOAjmi ? If.
i Avlctlm of youthful imprudence
eauBinR Premature Decay , NenouBDobillty , Lost
lanliood , Ac. , tiavinij tried In vain every known
reniedy.hasdlscoveredneimplonieansofBelf-curo ,
which he will tend FREE toT" illow-sutrcrors ,
AJdress J.ll-lUiKVl'.s.lsli Ji atJLJlsB'fcajt
I'ri'nininr' Dcclino fromrrrorHorPxrosspi.
est I'OMCdiseases of the Kldni-yw. Illnd-
; r. nr.rt I'mstnto filnnil OI'K HI ) ivltlinut
tomncli Medicines by the Jlnrston llolua. Va-
nneDUiCtircNlxvlihout nursery. Treatlsonndtcs-
iioniiiis tro. All norrpsponnpnro conliilentlal.
str < > t- HEW VORK.
irmry Rubber Roots
aya wear out first on
ball. Tlio ( ! A.Mii ) : :
ila are double thick
tbo ball , and gtvo
lUllLT ! WEAK.
't ' economical Rubber
it in the market ,
ts longer than any
cr boot and the
ICE KO mount.
and Beast.
'ustang Liniment is older than
t men , and used more and
3 every year.
rtp f '